[1] [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [15] [14] [13] [12] [11] [10] [9] [8] 18–19 centuries, Marxist historiography 1920–1930-ies, political repression in the USSR. the in repression political 1920–1930-ies, historiography Marxist 18–19 centuries, words: Key were sentence established. execution the and him against charges of the nature and in 1937, 1933 the arrests scientist’s the of circumstances and reasons The clarified. is mid-1930s – 1920s the of of the second half of Leningrad historians of Marxist in the community position and his to science the scientist of contribution The Kashin. Nikolaevich Vladimir century the 19th of half first 18the – of history nomic socio-eco the in specialists largest the of workone of scientific and life the of study the to devoted is article The H Historan VladmrNikolaevichKashin(1890–1938) is References: to «What are you doing to me!» As we get a shot. Documents on the life and death of Vladimir Nikolaevich Nikolaevich Vladimir of death and life the on Documents shot. a get we As me!» to doing you are «What Kashin V.N.on the eveKashin ofV.P. the reform Serfs-landowners (presented by academician Volgin) [Krepostny`e (knyaz` B.N. Yusupov)] dekabristov nik // Former [By`loe]. 1926. No. 1(35). L. sverst B.N.Yusupov) [Konservativny`j (Prince Decembrists the of contemporary V.N. Conservative Kashin gub Leningradskogo [Izdatel`stvo subproof prosveta]. 1925,Leningrad vol. 2–3. the of Rossii. house v [Trud Publishing L. collection sbornik]. Historical Istoricheskij Russia. in Labor Yusupovy`x] // knyazej rodom zemel`ny`x bogatstv nakopleniya let [300 Yusupov the princes from came wealth land of accumulation V.N.of years 300 Kashin «Nestor –history».2006. Petersburg, St. sh. R. Ganelina notes intro duction, Compilation, Kashina]. Nikolaevicha Vladimira gibeli i zhizni Dokumenty`o rasstrel. pod podvodili Kak mnoj!». so vy`[«Chtodelaete Kashin Nikolaevich Vladimir of death and life the on Documents shot. a i yousud`ba]ego me?».we [V.N.to / «What are doing get fate As V.N. his Kashin and R.Sh. Kashin Ganelin 2014. manistika], and compiler V.P.nauk]. Rossijskoj Editor-in-chief akademii Biblioteki Leonov. Book 1. [GuSPb., slovar`Humanist sotrudnikov [Biograficheskij ofSciences Academy ofthe staff library ofThe dictionary Biographical idr.]), Nikolaevicha vol.6. Aleksandra Shebunina obvineniyu po [Delo etc. Nikolayevich, ander his D.region of No. the FSB Archive and forPetersburg RF P-19801Leningrad Saint – Alex Shebunina (Charges «Nestor Petersburg, St. sh. R. Vladimi Ganelin tory».2006. gibeli notes i introduction, zhizni Compilation, o Dokumenty` Kashina]. rasstrel. Nikolaevicha pod ra podvodili Kak mnoj!». so delaete vy` [«Chto Kashin ly journal under the General editorship of N. I.Marr. Ogiz.M.-L. 1934.№9–10 (September-October). 1934.№9–10 of N. I.Marr. Ogiz.M.-L. editorship General the under ly journal obshhestv]. A month [Problemy` Problems of societies dokapitalisticheskix the istorii of history pre-capitalist (April). 1934.№4 of N. I.Marr. Ogiz.M.-L. editorship General the under ly journal obshhestv]. A month [Problemy` Problems of societies dokapitalisticheskix the istorii of history pre-capitalist F.nogo universiteta]. 1, D. op.3, No. (V.N. 1346 Kashin). gosudarstven Sankt-Peterburgskogo [Ob``edinenny`j University arxiv state Petersburg St. of archive Joint 1935. M.-L. SSSR]. AN [Izdatel`stvo of Sciences Academy USSR of the house ing instituta]. Volume 16).Publish [Trudy` Institute Istoriko-arxeograficheskogo archaeological and Historical the of v.].19Volume1.poloviny` (Proceedings pervoj – krest`yanskojpromy`shlennosti18 istorii po rialy` [Krest`yanskaya promy`shlennost`century vv. Mate 19 // 19th polovina half pervaya – first 18 – 18th the of industry thepeasant of history the in of century. Materials half 19th 18thof the – first industry Peasant The Star // veka] 19 polovine pervoj 1926. No. v 1. P. journal. public and 169–188; No. P. 2. [Zvezda]. derevni Literary 176–186; No.4. P. krepostnoj 162–182. century differenciaciya the 19th of social`naya half i first by`t the in [E`konomicheskij serf the of differentiation social and life V.N. Economic Kashin 1930. [Priboj]. Surf L., istorii]), Institut akademii. Kommunisticheskoj otdelenie krepostny`x Rossi krest`yan] V.N. [Zemlevladeniya [Krepostnaya of tenure serfs Russia Kashin // Land Serf 1935. reformy`]. [Komintern]. kanune Comintern L. [Krepostny`ena krest`yane-zemlevladel`cyreform the of eve the on landowners of V.N.serfs The Kashin, 1934. SSSR]. AN [Izdatel`stvo of Sciences Academy of USSR house reformy`].kanune Publishing L. [Krepostny`ena krest`yane-zemlevladel`cyreform the of eve the on landowners of V.N.serfs The Kashin, P. No.9. P. 541–590; 655–703. AN SSSR]. [Izvestiya 7th issue. of[Otdelenie Sciences Department obshhestvenny`xsocial nauk]. 1933. No. 8. reformy` V.P.krest`yane-zemlevladel`cy akademikom nakanune (predstavleno Volginy`m)] // NewsUSSR as ya]. Collection of articles (Leningrad branch of ya].the ofAcademy.(Leningrad Communist Collection articles of Institute [Leni history r y an V.N. Kashin, Leningrad University, Leningrad branch of the Institute of history, history of Russia Russia of history history, of Institute the of branch Leningrad University, Leningrad V.N.Kashin, S d Mod UMM erni ty AR oity Societ Y PhD, professor, Saint-Petersburg University, professor,Saint-Petersburg; PhD, Saint-Petersburg & Refe & e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: r ence V.S. Brachev, n gradskoe gradskoe s ------

Summary & References 96 [16] Problems of the history of pre-capitalist societies. Monthly historical journal of The state Academy of history of material culture [Problemy` istorii dokapitalisticheskix obshhestv. Ezhemesyachny`j istoricheskij zhurnal Gosudarstvennoj akademii istorii material`noj kul`tury`]. Based N.I. Marrom. OTV. edited by F. E. Cypress. Ogiz-State socio-economic publishing house [OGIZ – Gosudarstvennoe social`no-e`konomicheskoe izd-vo], M.-L. 1935.№1–2.

Social Phenomena

A.G. Shamrai, PhD candidate, Saint-Petersburg State University; deputy director, State Institution «House of Writer», Saint-Petersburg; e-mail:[email protected] The Use of Social Networks in Regional Socio-cultural Project: Theory of Political Gover- nance and Practice of Information Support of Book-oriented Social Space The article studies the cultural and sociological aspects of the use of modern social networks in the practice of state social planning. The theoretical aspects of the use of modern communication and information tools in the design of public administration and its practical implementation on the example of information support of the St. Petersburg book salon, which is an important element of the state cultural strategy of the region and, in addition to social and economic, can meet the challenges important for the formation of a positive image of the regional government. The possibilities of new forms of information and communication exchange to solve the problem of socio-cultural factors in the region, and the state design of the cultural social environment and the specified book-oriented virtual social «subspace»«on the basis of constant «feedback» of the regional state planning and management with the population. Key words: social network, social engineering, public administration, cultural policy, Saint-Petersburg Interna- tional Book Fair, book industry. References: [1] Benveniste G. Mastering the Politics of Planning [Ovladeie politikoj planirovaniya]. Мoscow, Progress, 1994, 304 p. [2] Berezovskaya I.P. IX International Scientific and Practical Conference «Communicational Strategies of Information Society» [IX Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya «Kommunikativniye strategiyi informatsionnogo obshchestva»] // Scientific-Technical Bulletin of SPbSPU. Humanities and So- cial Sciences [Nauchno-tekhnicheskiye vedomosti SPbGPU. Gumanitarniye I obshchestvenniye nauki]. V. 9. 2018, № 1, pp. 112–115. [3] The Head of Mordovia will personally get in touch [Glava Mordoviyi lichno vyidet na sviyaz’] // Regnum. 12.03.2019. URL: https://regnum.ru/news/258930.html (21.03.2019) [4] State Program «Patriotic education of citizens of Russian Federation for 2015–2020 years» [Gosudarstven- naya programma «Patrioticheskoye vospitaniye grazhdan Rossiyskoy Federatsiyi na 2015–2020 gody». URL: http://static.government.ru/media/files/8qqYUwwzHUxzVkH1jsKAErrx2dE4q0ws.pdf (29.01.2019) [5] Research Poll of RCIPO: 30% of inhabitants of Russia practically do not read books [Issledovaniye VTSIOM: 30% zhiteley Rossii prakticheski ne chitayut knigi] // ProBooks. 20.06.2011. URL: http://pro-books.ru/news/ 3/7465#ixzz4o8I1D83r (31.01.2019) [6] Book Fair [Knizhnyj Salon]. URL: https://www.instagram.com/knigaspb/ (21.03.2019) [7] Losev K.V. The Problem of Present: the Information Abundance Crisis or the «Romantic Personality» Cri- siss? [Problema sovremennosti: krizis informatsionnogo pereizbytka ili krizis «romanticheskoy lichnosti»?] // The Sixth International Scientific and Practical Conference «Philosophy and Culture of the Informational Society. 16–17 November 2018»: the thesis of reports. St. Petersburg, SUAP, 2018, pp. 71–74. [8] The Best All-Russian and Regional Projects of Books and Reading Promotion [Lutshchiye Vserossiyskiye proekti po prodvizheniyu knigi I chteniya] // Book Industries [Knizhnaiya industriya]. URL: http://www. bookind.ru/revizor/2015/reading-xxi-projects.php (31.01.2019) [9] Melent’yeva Yu.P. The concept of «reading culture» in the context of Russian cultural tradition [Pon’yaniye “kultura chteniya” v kontekste russkoy kul’turnoy traditsiyi] // State public library for science and technology. URL: http://www.gpntb.ru/win/inter-events/crimea2007/cd/11.pdf (31/01/2019)

2’2019 [10] National reading support and development programme [Natsional’naya programma podderzhki chneniya].

URL: http://www.mcbs.ru/files/File/nats_programma_podderzhki_chteniya.pdf. (31.01.2019) ¹ [11] Nurgaleeva L.V. Moloch of social construction [Moloh social’nogo konstruirovaniya] // Humanitarian Informat- ics: Coll. scientific. articles [Gumanitarnaya informatika: Sb. nauchn. Statej]. Tomsk, TSU, 2007, pp. 72–86. [12] Saint-Petersburg Book Fair [Sankt-Peterburgskij Knizhnyj Salon]. URL: http://m.facebook.com/pg/knigaspb/ community/ (21.03.2019) [13] Saint-Petersburg Book Fair [Sankt-Peterburgskij Knizhnyj Salon]. URL: http://m.vk.com/knigaspbru/ (21.03.2019) [14] Tishchenko I., Afonkin S. Alexander Beglov ready for contact [Aleksandr Beglov k kontaktu gotov] // Peters- burg diary [Peterburgskij dnevnik]. 12.03.2019. [15] Khaphizov D.M. Stimulation of readers ‘ activity of youth by means of social and psychological mechanisms of fashion in the conditions of library influence [Stimulirovaniye chitatelskoy aktivnosti molodjozhi posred- stvom sotsial’no-psikhologicheskih mekhanizmov modi v usloviyah bibliotechnogo vozdeystviya] // Bulletin of KazGUKI. 2017, № 3, pp. 63–66. Общество. Среда. Развитие Cinema onthefieldofvisualty’stransformat Media capitalsmassoco-economcphenomenon [1] [3] [2] [1] [5] [4] [3] [17] L sociology nomic words: Key considered. is media online in accumulation capital of media audi structure The – analyzed. is “media media spread of online the with consumption triangle media the in relations of analysis of line the up picks media of of analysis direction such This economic on audience. and media placed the social of is emphasis commodification the and users Particular Internet of work capitalism. digital the media as of aspects concept the conceptualize to attempts article The [16] Key words: and humanities. contemporary culture in thinking ofa new visual onit to type possible focus creating make framework, its which within of cinema of phenomenon the actualization the and research the turn of visual to given is attention Much observed. the and observer the between interface the at place the – visual the mentof deploy the for platform a as cinematography of potential the evaluated havedifferently theorists these that sion John Berger.and authorconclu Crary comesthe The to Woolf, Jonathan Virginia as thinkers such to belonging visuality, the sphereof the concerning view of points various of analysis detailed aprovides article The visuality. on the formation of types of observer, vision and perception, and occupies an important place in the influence research of has a significant the reconfiguration, of cinematography,of part the visual the analysis article as integral an 21st century contexts and the political social of the formation of these comeconstructs to the the fore. in According to paradigm; the philosophical or criticism art the of framework the within wereconceptsformed century,these twentieth the of middle and beginning the In observed. the observer, and the perception, vision, of specifics the fordetermining method the in difference by the sphere determined is components and visual forms ofthe of the analysis the approachesto in difference The centuries. 20–21 the of perspective historical the in theory visual of The is article devoted to the research of the representative of possibilities cinema in the context of the development – advertisers”, proposed by D. Smith in the 70s of the last century. The transformation of the paradigm of paradigm the of transformation The century. last the of 70s the in Smith D. by proposed advertisers”, – ence [2] anguages of C References: References: Marx K. The process of capitalist production, taken as a whole [Process kapitalisticheskogo proizvodstva, vz proizvodstva, as a kapitalisticheskogo taken production, whole [Process K. of The process Marx capitalist Kreri D. Techniques of the Observer. On Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century [Tekhniki na [Tekhniki Century Nineteenth the in Modernity and Vision On Observer. the of Techniques D. Kreri 2014. Press, p. 80 Moscow, Marginem Ad V.Vulf [Kinematograf]. Cinema 2012, 184 p. Klaudberri, Petersburg, St. videt’]. D. WaysBerger [Iskusstvo of Seeing Smythe D.W. Communications: blindspot of western Marxism // CTheory. Vol. // CTheory. 1. 1977, Marxism of western D.W. №3, pp. blindspot Smythe 1–27. Communications: Vol. Society. 10. 2012, pp. Information №2, 692–740. Sustainable Global Political Marxist Debate, for a Journal Labour Access Open & Critique. Capitalism Digital // TripleC: Theory Communication, the Economy Critical and Commodity, Audience The – Today Smythe Dallas C. Fuchs V. sociologiya]. 2019, 20. [Ekonomicheskaya ology №1, pp. 72–82. soci / //platform] Transl., byed. Economic M. Dobryakova [Kapitalizm of platforms N. Capitalism Srnichek (02.02.2019) liticheskiy-obzor 2015, № 1 (75), pp.https://cyberleninka.ru/article/v/novye-media-evolyutsiya-ponyatiya-ana 222–225. URL: universiteta]. Omskogo [Vestnik obzor)] Bulletin //University Omsk (analiticheskij ponyatiya evolyuciya dia: 2017, konsul’tirovanie]. [Upravlencheskoe №12, pp.consulting 138–146. Management //salon»] Knizhnyj gosudarst Mezhdunarodnyj funkciya «Sankt-Peterburgskij proekta opyt kak upravleniya: vennogo proektirovanie [Social’noe Fair» Book international «Saint-Petersburg of project experience the the administration: public of function a as projection Social O.I. Trokhanova A.G., Shamray 2007, 170 ...tov] Krasnoyarsk, PhD. p. /Diss. blyudatelya]. Moscow, V-A-C press, 2014, Moscow, press, blyudatelya]. V-A-C p. 256 Chashchina A.A. Socio-philosophical analysis of social projects [Social’no-filosofskij analiz social’nyh proek social’nyh analiz [Social’no-filosofskij projects of social analysis Socio-philosophical A.A. Chashchina Rogaleva O.S., Shkayderova T.V. New media: the evolution of the concept (analytical review) [Novye me [Novye review) (analytical concept the of evolution the T.V. media: Shkayderova New O.S., Rogaleva 3v. economy: in V. 1978, p. of 505 political Moscow, 3. III. B. Politizdat, Criticism vcelom] /Capital. yatyj Ph. D. (Sociology), Professor, St.-Petersburg State University; the executive director of the Russian-Chinese Russian-Chinese of the director executive the University; State Professor, St.-Petersburg Ph. D. (Sociology), visuality, cinema, observer, observed, vision, perception, picture, image, visual turn, representation turn, visual image, picture, perception, vision, observer, observed, cinema, visuality, media capitalism, neo-Marxist political economy of media, media consumption, digital labor, eco labor, digital consumption, media media, of economy political neo-Marxist capitalism, media Center for Comparative Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Department of Sociology, Department of the Studies Political and Economic Social, for Comparative Center ul t ure Postgraduate student, Herzen State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg; University, Petersburg; St. Pedagogical State Herzen student, Postgraduate a student, St. Petersburg State University, Petersburg; St. State Petersburg St. a student, St.-Petersburg State University, Petersburg; St. State St.-Petersburg e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: A. V. Y D u. Zelenina, u. A.V. Petrov, . D anilova, ------

97 Summary & References 98 Cultural Heritage

N.Yu. Trofimova, master, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg; e-mail: [email protected] M.N. Tsvetaeva, Ph. D., associate professor. Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg; e-mail: [email protected] Cultural and historical significance of the noble estates of the XVIII – beginning of XX centuries in the fate of the Kamenny Island The noble estates constitute a centuries-old fund of national culture, being an important element of spiritual and material heritage. The article deals with the heyday of the noble estate of Kamenny island, associated with the revival of national memory, imprinted in the monuments of architecture, landscape art, in the life and leisure of citizens. Unfortunately, at the present stage, many outstanding architectural ensembles, including estates, approached the dilapidated state. The reference to the past concept of «manor» testifies to the role of national consciousness in the system of human values. The relevance of the topic is connected with the need for a holistic consideration of the spiritual and material heritage of the manor culture, containing at its core historical, social, architectural, artistic and natural images, which formed the island character of the urban environment. The cultural space of the island is filled with pages of historical and artistic chronicles, individual images that created spiritual and aesthetic meanings expressed in the harmony of the architectural environment, the skillful use of the rich plastics of the natural landscape. Key words: noble estate, landscape garden, masquerade ball, festivities, Kamenny Island. References: [1] Antonov B.I. Imperial guard in St. Petersburg [Imperatorskaja gvardija v Sankt-Peterburge]. SPb: Firm «Glagol», 2001. – 288 p. [2] Belyaev A.P. Recollections of a Decembrist of his past and experience [Vospominanija dekabrista o pe- rezhitom i perechuvstvovannom] / Foreword. by Yu.E. Kondakov. St. Petersburg, Russian Symphony, 2009, 464 p. [3] Vityazeva V.A. Stone island [Kamennyj ostrov]. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1991, 270 p. [4] Vityazeva V.A. Stone island. Historical and architectural essay XVIII–XXI centuries [Kamennyj ostrov. Istoriko-arhitekturnyj ocherk XVIII–XXI vv.]. Moscow, Zentrpoligraf, 2007, 362 p. [5] Wrangell N.N. The last of the old cottage on Stone island [Poslednjaja staraja dacha na Kamennom ostrove] // Old years [Starye gody]. 1910, pp. 182–185. [6] George I.I. Description of the Russian-Imperial capital city of St. Petersburg and the sights in the vicinity of onago. Part 1] [Opisanie rossijsko-imperatorskago stolichnago goroda Sanktpeterburga i dostopamjatnostej v okrestnostjah onago. Ch. 1]. St. Petersburg, 1794, 272 p. [7] City Herald [Gorodskoj vestnik] // Northern bee [Severnaja pchela]. 1845, № 145, pp. 577–580. [8] Dubyago T.B. Russian regular gardens and parks [Russkie reguljarnye sady i parki»]. Leningrad, Gosstrojiz- dat. Leningr. otd., 1963, 341 p. [9] Kleinmichel M.E. From drowning the world. Memoir [Iz potonuvshago mira. Memuary]. Berlin: Verb [Glagol], 1923, 304 p. [10] Likhachev D.S. About one of the little-studied aspects of art culture [Ob odnom iz maloizuchennyh aspektov hudozhestvennoj kul’tury] / Collection of articles]. Leningrad, Science [Nauka], 1982, 287 p. [11] Lotman Yu.M. Conversations about Russian culture. Life and traditions of the Russian nobility (XVIII – ear- ly XIX century) [Besedy o russkoj kul’ture. Byt i tradicii russkogo dvorjanstva (XVIII – nachalo XIX veka)]. St. Petersburg, Art-SPb [Iskussstvo-SPb], 1994, 758 p. [12] Lukomsky G.K. Ancient theaters of St. Petersburg [Starinnye teatry Sankt-Peterburga] // Capital and estate [Stolica i usad’ba]. 1914, № 59, pp. 13–15. [13] Malinovsky K.V. «Vidovec» of Petersburg [«Vidopisec» Peterburga] // Leningrad panorama [Leningradskaja panorama]. 1984, № 12, pp. 31–34. [14] Ohlabin S.D. Everyday life of Russian manor of the XIX century [Povsednevnaja zhizn’ russkoj usad’by XIX veka]. Moscow, Young guard [Molodaja gvardija], 2006, 347 p. 2’2019 [15] St. Petersburg with surroundings [Peterburg s okrestnostjami] / Comp. by F. Rajewski. St. Petersburg: M.V. ¹

Popov, 1902, 330 p. [16] Guide to St. Petersburg. Description of St. Petersburg and its attractions [Putevoditel’ po Peterburgu. Opisanie S.-Peterburga i ego dostoprimechatel’nostej] / Ed. by R.S. Popov. St. Petersburg, Bookstore of A.F. Zinserling, 1886, 382 p. [17] Pylyaev M.I. The Forgotten past of the environs of St. Petersburg [Zabytoe proshloe okrestnostej Peter- burga]. St. Petersburg, Paritet, 2002, 528 p. [18] Savinova E.N. Rural estates of the Moscow entrepreneurs (the end of XIX – beginning of XX century) [Sel’skie usad’by moskovskih predprinimatelej (konec XIX – nachalo XX v.)] / Abstract of diss. Moscow, 2005, 25 p. [19] Semochkin A.A. Shadow of the Russian branch. Nabokov’s Vyra [Ten’ russkoj vetki. Nabokovskaja Vyra]. St. Petersburg, League Plus, 1999, 127 p. [20] Stolpyansky P.N. Stone island [Kamennyj ostrov] // Capital and the estate [Stolica i usad’ba]. 1914, № 14–15, pp. 6–12. Общество. Среда. Развитие [1] Musical tradtonsofheKomPrluzskydstrct:historyandmodernty [5] [4] [3] [2] [23] [22] [12] [11] [10] [9] [8] [7] [6] Chipsanistki (Chipsan-players of the Chernysh Village)» folklore ensemble. folklore Village)» Chernysh of the (Chipsan-players Chipsanistki «Chyornyshsky animals), domestic of (сalls forms folklore song-precedent folklore, game and song lamentations, Key words: environment, natural the in groups. not folklore heritage but within cultural the of preservation the with connected there which transformation in a area was the also but preservation, of state the only not identify to allow at Recorded materials these important. time, becomes later a materials ethnographic and musical authors’ the of number a inclusion of the object research scientists, the of been already have Komi Despite groups. –Letka the local of these traditions musical the distinguishing that for fact basis the the are contacts ethno-cultural climatic, and by factors predetermined culture socio-economic traditional of features characteristic of complexes whole but language, culture of and elements individual not that state to allowed Komi Luza–Letka the of research linguistic and graphic ethno thein interest 1970Historical, s. momentof the scientific the from of formation the basin Luza–Letka the of culture the musical most coversgroup southern of ofThe the article the traditional in Komi the territory living [21] References: Boyko Y.I. of culture Traditional the (end of XIX – ofXXhalf first [Traditsionnaya centuries) nachala XX v.] // Traditional culture and life of the Komi people [Traditsionnaya kul’tura i byt naroda naroda byt Moscow, komi yazyka]. dialekt Sci i [Luzsko-letskiy of Komi language the dialect kul’tura T.I. Luzskiy-Letskiy Zhilina [Traditsionnaya people Komi the of 1978, Publ., pp. life AN 91–104. Syktyvkar,IYaLI KNAN 20. – komi].№ XIX and kontsa culture komi obryadnost’ Traditional // v.][Svyatochnaya century XX XX nachala early – XIX late Komi rites Yule N.I. Dukart 2007, Publ., pp. 188–198. fol’klora russkogo tsentr i mir]. sovremennyy № kul’tura 10. respublikanskiy Moscow,traditsionnaya [Slavyanskaya Gosudarstvennyy world modern the and culture traditional //Slavic komi] priluzskikh obryadnosti osobennosti pokhoronno-pominal’noy [Nekotorye Komi Priluzsky the of rites memorial and funeral of features T.N. Some Bunchuk рр. 54–55. 2008, Publ., Severe»].na Vol. Syktyvkar, II. UrO RAN nauka i «Molodezh’ konferentsii nauchnoy Vserossiyskoy I molodezhnoy dokladov [Materialy svadebnoy North» the in osobennostyakh nekotorykh [O conference «Youth Komi youth scientific science and of I the all-Russian letsky komi] // Proceedings letskikh obryadnosti rituals wedding the of features Some Y.I. Boyko vv.)]. 2011, XX polovina Sankt–Peterburg, p. –pervaya 42 XIX (konets komi priluzskikh kul’tura 1764–1914. biograficheskaja]. hudozhestv. 2: Chast’ [4],VI,[5]454, p. torskoj Akademii Impera spravochnik [Jubilejnyj Part Academy 2:of of the arts. Imperial biographical directory Anniversary 1984, 240 p. Moscow, Rossija, Sovetskaja irasskazy]. [Povesti A.P.Chekhov stories Novels short and Academy, 2012, p. 304 Humanities iskusstvo: ot russkoe ikony house of Christian do Russian St. avangarda]. Petersburg, Publishing hsae PI Km fl isrmns Km nrdy isrmny. ytva, oi ok ul, 1984, 184 1990, p. Publ., book Syktyvkar,Komi tantsy]. narodnye Publ., [Komi P. dances folk Komi Chistalev book Komi Syktyvkar, instrumenty]. narodnye 104 [Komi p. instruments folk Komi P.I. Chistalev p. 42 Syktyvkar, 2004, sobraniy]. molodezhnykh nichnykh Savel’eva Komi prazd G.S. song of and folklore fol’klor game festive youth[Komi pesenno-igrovoy meetings 320 p. traditsiyakh v Plesovskiy F.V. fol’klor [Russkiy Wedding of the people of the komi]. Komi naroda priluzskikh [Svad’ba Syktyvkar, Komi book Publ., Komi’s 1968, 2015, the p. 48 Sankt–Peterburg, komi]. priluzskikh traditions in folklore Russian The S.S. Musanova 1. Vol. Sysola]. i Vychegda pesni. narodnye 1993, 287 Publ., p. Syktyvkar, Shipas [Komi Sysola and Vychegda songs. folk Komi A.K. Mikushev 1993, 127 Publ., p. book obryady]. Syktyvkar, Komi kalendarnye traditsionnye Komi Konakov [Otrites eve: calendar N.D. Svyatok doto Komi FromChristmas Sochel’nika: traditional Christmas 1982, [Nauka], ence 272 p. Tsvetaeva M.N. Christian view of Russian art: from the icon to the avant-garde [Hristianskij vzgljad na na vzgljad [Hristianskij avant-garde the to icon the from art: Russian of view Christian M.N. Tsvetaeva ethnomusicologist, teacher, the Children’s music school, Obyachevo village (Komi Republic); (Komi village Obyachevo school, music Children’s teacher,Obyachevo the ethnomusicologist, traditional culture of the Komi of the Priluzsky district, tunes on kuima chipsan, wedding songs and and songs wedding chipsan, on kuima tunes district, Priluzsky of Komi the of the culture traditional The Petrozavodsk State Glazunov Conservatoire, Petrozavodsk; Petrozavodsk; Conservatoire, Glazunov State Petrozavodsk The musicologist, Ph.D. in Culturology, Associate Professor, Associate Culturology, Ph.D. in musicologist, e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: A.V. Kalaberda, A.V. T oropova, - - - -

99 Summary & References 100 Axiological Experience

A.M. Bogachev, Head of laboratory for religious studies of the faculty of history and social Sciences, The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg; e-mail: [email protected] A.M. Mezheritskaya, psychologist-consultant, St. Petersburg; e-mail: [email protected] Understanding of religious phenomena and tolerant attitude to representatives of other cultural paradigms in the teenage-youth environment The purpose of this paper is to present the results of the scientific study of the correlation between the under- standing of religious phenomena and tolerant attitude to representatives of other cultural paradigms in the adolescent-youth environment. In the part of the research related to this article, such methods as analysis of literary sources, structured interviews, focus group interviews, interpretation, analysis and synthesis were used. Conclusions are drawn about the contradictory and largely «diffuse» unconscious «existential search» of modern youth; serious «conflict potential» arising «at the junction» of the declared tolerance and the real attitude of the carriers of national culture to the representatives of some religious cultures. On the basis of these conclusions some recommendations are given. Key words: Tolerance, religiosity, identity, confessional identity, culture, Christianity, Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism. References: [1] Artemyeva V.A., Danilova M.V. Analysis of the concept of «tolerance» in modern scientific literature [Analiz ponyatiya «tolerantnost’« v sovremennoj nauchnoj literature] // Young scientist. 2015, № 2, pp. 471–474. URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/82/14888/ (12.05.2019) [2] Balashova N.A. Religious tolerance in the youth environment [Religioznaya tolerantnost’ v molodezhnoj srede] // Dubno-Tedesco deanery. URL http://dubna-blago.ru/media/files/doklad-molodezh-i-religiya.pdf (12.05.2019) [3] Brazhnikova A.N. Attitude of modern youth to religion [Otnoshenie sovremennoj molodezhi k religii] // Sci- entific notes of University named after P. F. Lesgaft. 2011, № 7. URL: http://lesgaft-notes.spb.ru/ru/node/4789 (12.05.2019) [4] Dvoynin A.M. Axiological orientation of the personality in the context of religious faith [Cennostno-smys- lovye orientacii lichnosti v kontekste religioznoj very] / PhD diss. Moscow, 2007, 215 p. URL: https://www. dissercat.com/content/tsennostno-smyslovye-orientatsii-lichnosti-v-kontekste-religioznoi-very (12.05.2019) [5] Dmitriev G.D. Multicultural education [Mnogokul’turnoe obrazovanie]. Moscow, Public education, 2008, 208 p. [6] Durkheim E. Elementary forms of religious life [Elementarnye formy religioznoj zhizni]. Мoscow, Delo, 2018, 726 p. [7] Levi-Strauss K. Primitive thinking. Moscow, Republic, 1994, 384 p. [8] Luchistaya A. Experts: Interethnic tension in Russia will grow, and the geography of conflicts will expand [Eksperty: Mezhetnicheskaya napryazhyonnost’ v Rossii budet rasti, a geografiya konfliktov – rasshiryat’sya] // A New day. URL: https://newdaynews.ru/moskow/493245.html (07.02.2019) [9] Neumann E. Origin and development of consciousness [Proiskhozhdenie i razvitie soznaniya]. Moscow, Refl- book, Kiev: Vakler, 1998, 462 p. [10] Pogontseva D.V., Nasedkina Yu.V. The Influence of religious beliefs of young people on the formation of at- titudes towards representatives of various religious confessions [Vliyanie religioznyh ubezhdenij molodezhi na formirovanie otnosheniya k predstavitelyam razlichnyh religioznyh konfessij] // Humanities research [Gu- manitarnye nauchnye issledovaniya]. 2013, № 5. URL: http://human.snauka.ru/2013/05/3055 (07.02.2019) [11] Savchenko I.A., Ustinkin S.V. Religion in the perception of modern youth: figures and comments [Religiya v vospriyatii sovremennoj molodezhi: cifry i kommentarii] // Modern research of social problems [Sovremen- nye issledovaniya social’nyh problem]. URL: s.org/index.php/sisp/article/view/9369 (07.02.2019)

2’2019 [12] Soldatova S.Yu. Formation of tolerance among adolescents and youth [Formirovanie tolerantnosti sredi po-

drostkov i molodyozhi] // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2017, № 8. URL: http://psychology.snauka. ¹ ru/2017/08/8359 (08.02.2009) [13] Henderson D. Ancient myths and modern man [Drevnie mify i sovremennyj chelovek] // Man and his sym- bols. Moscow, Medkov, 2006, 352 p. [14] Shkuratova I.P. Tolerance as a manifestation of personal maturity [Tolerantnost’ kak proyavlenie zrelosti lichnosti] // Proceedings of the international conference «Tolerance in interpersonal communication Rostov- on-don» [“Tolerantnost’ v mezhlichnostnom obshchenii Rostov-na-Donu”]. Rostov-na-Donu», RGU, 2002. URL: https://irshkuratova.ru/files/pl010.pdf (08.02.2019) [15] Shcherbakova E.V. Attitude to religion among students [Attitude to religion among students] // Discussion. 2015, № 5(57). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/otnoshenie-k-religii-v-srede-studencheskoy-molodezhi (08.02.2019) [16] Eliade M. Myths, dreams, mysteries [Mify, snovideniya, misterii]. Moscow, REFL-book, Кiev, Vakler, 1996, 288 p.

Общество. Среда. Развитие [17] Jung C.G. The Transcendental function. Moscow, University book, AST, 1997, 302 p. [1] Refusal: EthicalAspects [26] [25] [24] [23] [22] [21] [20] [19] [18] [17] [16] [15] [14] [13] [12] [11] [10] [9] [8] [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] Key words: RESULT, METHOD, RELATIONSHIP. MOTIVES, CIRCUMSTANCES, SUBJECT, as OBJECT, ADDRESSAT, characteristics leading such identifying of refusal, situation of the analysis approach to the ethical holistic a the author text, systematic, offers In this of to belongs the science ethics. eration consid this inrole thelast Not of etiquette. sections scientists, andvarious negotiations fielddiplomatic the ofpolitical in psychologists, specialists logicians, scientists, cultural historians, of efforts the by consideration verified methodologically coordinated, holistic, a deserves of course, situation, This content. multi-level a and has multi-vector obviously subject, another to value significant some provide to refuses subject one which in situation, The References: Aristotle. Ethiks to Ethiks Nikomah [Nikomahova etika] works // Collected in Aristotle. // 4 Aristotle. volumes. V. 4 [Sochineni foreign literature [Izd-vo inostrannoy litetatury], 1959, p. 95 litetatury], [Izd-voinostrannoy literature foreign of House Publishing Moscow,pogovorki]. i poslovitsy narodnye [Yaponskie sayings and Proverbs Japanese 2001, p. 669 Moscow, slovar’]. Gardariki, Entsiklopedicheskiy [Etika: dictionary Encyclopedic Ethics: http://www.stihi-rus.ru/1/Cvetaeva/93.htm 573 1992, zhizn’u]. p. pered Moscow, [Blagogovenie Progress, Reverence for life A. Shveitser URL: Chehii]. 1997, 216 Erodios, p. grekov]. Thessaloniki, k [Stihi I.V. Chakalov (trialetskih) i Greeks (trialet) [Poslovitsy pogovorki . Bohemia tsalkinskih Proverbs of and sayings tsalkin to (15.04.2019) Poems M. Tsvetaeva 159 1990, p. cow, [Pedagogika], Pedagogy Mos lyubvi]. prirody lubit’:Issledovanie [Iskusstvo love of nature the love:Exploring of Art the E. Fromm 58 p. 1962, literatury], inostrannoy [Izdatel’stvo literature Proverbs i narodnye poslovitsy and Finnish [Finskie pogovorki].sayings Moscow, house of Publishing foreign 1981, literatury], 182 vostochnoy p. izdatel’stvo [Glavnoe literature ental i pogovorki]. house of poslovitsy Moscow,Ori publishing [Uygurskie Uighur Main the Proverbs and sayings Oriental of Editorship Home Moscow, 1983, p. 284 literatury], pogovorki]. vostochnoy redaktsiya [Glavnaya i literature poslovitsy [Somaliyskie sayings and Proverbs Somali p. 1989, 448 literatury], politicheskoy [Izd-vo literature House of Moscow,political edition. [Slovar’ po Publishing etike]. of Sixth ethics Dictionary 159 1962, p. literatury], inostrannoy []Izd-vo literature of foreign House lishing Moscow,Pub serbov]. luzhitskih pesni i poslovitsy [Skazki, Serbs Lusatian the of Song and Proverbs Tales, Petersburg, St. Japonii]. i Kitaya Mudrost’ kamney: 318 2005, p. [Sad Paritet, Japan and China of Wisdom Stones: of Garden AGU, Suhumi: 74 1994, naroda]. p. abhazskogo [Poslovitsy people Abkhazian of the Proverbs skorogovorki]. Kiev, 1985, Veselka, 173 pogovorki, zagadki, poslovitsy, narodnye p. Ukrainskie zav’yazhe: yak – skazhe [Narod twisters tongue riddles, sayings, Proverbs, folk up: Ukrainian howPeople– say start to Publishing Moscow, p. 86 1962, pogovorki]. literatury], i inostrannoy [Izdatel’stvo literature ofposlovitsy foreign house narodnye [Mongol’skie sayings and Proverbs folk Mongolian Oriental of Editorship Home 1972, p. 456 Moscow, literatury], vostochnoy pogovorki]. redaktsiya [Glavnaya literature i poslovitsy [Kurdskiye sayings and Proverbs Kurdish 350 p. 2003, Moscow, Zentrpoligraf, vyrazheniya]. pogovorki, krylatye poslovitsy, Angliyskie – dusha ostroumiya. [Kratkost’ phrases catch sayings, Proverbs, English of wit. soul the is Brevity Home Moscow, 1982, 359 p. literatury], Russian. vostochnoy redaktsiya and [Glavnaya literature Korean of Oriental In Editorship / izrecheniya] narodnye [Koreyskie sayings people’s Korean The 1987, Zhazushy, p. 84 ipogovorki]. Alma-Ata, poslovitsy [Kazahskie sayings and Proverbs Kazakh p. 96 1966, [Nauka], Moscow, aforizmy]. Science [Drevneindiyskie aphorisms Indian Ancient 141 1992, p. Lenizdat, Petersburg, Domostroy. St. 523 1988, p. Diamant, V.I.Dal’ Proverbs and of sayings the people Russian i [Poslovitsy pogovorki russkogo naroda]. St. Petersburg, (07.06.2019) lenoprekloneniya-shalyapina-8537.html https://rusplt.ru/society/greh-ko URL: Shalyapina]. kolenoprekloneniya [Greh kneeling pogovorki]. Shalyapin’s i of Sin poslovitsy [Angliyskie sayings and Proverbs shkola], 1971, [Vysshaya Moscow, school Higher 77 p. English D.I. Mchedlishvili I.S., Gvardzhaladze 1979, [Nauka], Moscow, folklore]. Science 375 p. [Armyanskiy folklore Armenian T. tomah. 4]. 1983, Moscow, pp.53–293. vchetyryoh ya [Mysl’], Thought refusal, subject, addressee, object, circumstances, motives, method, result, attitude. result, method, motives, circumstances, object, addressee, subject, refusal, doctor of philosophy, Professor, Herzen Russian State University, Petersburg; St. State of philosophy, Russian Professor, Herzen doctor e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: A.E. Zimbuli, A.E. ------

101 Summary & References 102 Pedagogical Experience

E.V. Grebenyuk, PhD, associate professor, the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg; e-mail: [email protected] E.O. Nazarova, PhD, associate professor, the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg; e-mail: [email protected] Realization of the Ideas of Domestic post-war musical Pedagogics in the cultural Field of modern Society At all stages of formation of domestic musical education methodologists and experts teachers looked for ways of formation of creative abilities of children as in the system of the general, and vocational music education. Par- ticipation in reforming of structure and content of training of outstanding cultural figures and education was remarkable feature of this period: M.I. Gnesin, G.G. Neygauz, S.E. Feynberg, A.I. Yampolsky, V.N. Shatskaya, N.L. Grodzenskaya, M.A. Rumer, O.A. Apraksina, G.G. Neygauz, S.I. Savshinsky, etc. And today, in rather dif- ficult and non-uniform sociocultural situation, there are in a new way relevant and perspective ideas about crea- tive training of school students in musical classes of institutions of various type. Generalization of materials and historical documents of the second half of last century can be useful to teachers, students of creative higher educa- tion institutions and also all interested in issues of creative development of young musicians and fans of art. Key words: culture, art, pedagogics, esthetic education, a system of music education, general musical education, piano preparation, traditions and innovations, personal, individual approaches, endowments. References: [1] Abdullin E.B. The theory and practice of musical training at comprehensive school [Teoriya i praktika muzykal’nogo obucheniya v obshcheobrazovatel’noj shkole]. Moscow, Education [Prisveschenie], 1983, 112 p. [2] Apraksina O.A. Sketches on history of art education at the Soviet school [Ocherki po istorii hudozhestven- nogo vospitaniya v sovetskoj shkole]. Moscow, 1948. [3] Questions of piano pedagogics [Voprosy fortepiannoj pedagogiki] / Ed. by V.A. Natanson. Issue 4. Moscow, Music, 1976, 272 p. [4] In piano classes of the Leningrad conservatorye [V fortepiannyh klassah Leningradskoj konservatorii] / Ed. by L.A. Barenboim. Leningrad, Music, 1968, 188 p. [5] Musical education to the USSR: Collections of articles [Muzykal’noe vospitanie v SSSR : Sb. Statej]. Moscow, Soviet composer, 1985, 272 p. [6] Nazarova E.O., Grebenyuk E.V. Strukture and content of domestic musical education and education in 1920- e years [Struktura i soderzhanie otechestvennogo muzykal’nogo vospitaniya i obrazovaniya v 1920-e gody] // EUROPEAN SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL. Moscow, Publishing house «International Research Institute», 2017, № 12–1, pp. 279–285 [7] Neygauz G.G. About art of a piano game. Notes of the teacher [Ob iskusstve fortepiannoj igry. Zapiski peda- goga]. Moscow, Music, 1987, 240 p. [8] Praslova G.A. Interaction of traditions and innovations in evolution of music education of Russia: XI – the beginning of the 21st century [Vzaimodejstvie tradicij i innovacij v evolyucii muzykal’nogo obrazovaniya Rossii : XI – nachalo XXI veka] / Thesis ... doctors of pedagogical sciences. Moscow, 2007, 387 p. [9] Praslova G.A. Interaction of traditions and innovations in evolution of music education of Russia: Collection of articles [Vzaimodejstvie tradicij i innovacij v evolyucii muzykal’nogo obrazovaniya Rossii: Sb. Statej] // Sci- ence and School [Nauka i shkola]. 2006, № , pp. 4–8. [10] Ranenko M.E. General music education as means of socialization of pupils of high school [Obshchee muzykal’noe obrazovanie kak sredstvo socializacii uchashchihsya srednej shkoly] / Thesis ... candidate of pedagogical sciences. St. Petersburg, 1998, 203 p. [11] The theory and a technique of training in a game on a piano [Teoriya i metodika obucheniya igre na forte- piano. Moscow, VLADOS, 203 p. [12] Feynberg S.E. Masterstvo of the pianist [Masterstvo pianista]. Moscow, Music, 1978, 208 p. [13] Feynberg S.E. Pianizm as art [Pianizm kak iskusstvo]. Moscow, Music, 1965, 516 p. 2’2019

¹ Environment

Understanding the Noosphere

V.L. Palii, candidate of geographical Sciences, associate Professor, Pridnestrovian State University. TG Shevchenko, Tiraspol, Moldova (Pridnestrovie); e-mail: [email protected] Organization of the tourist industry of the left-Bank Transnistria and recommendations for its optimization The article deals with the current state of the tourism and recreational sphere in Transnistria in connection with

Общество. Среда. Развитие modern political and socio-economic problems of the region. The territorial distribution of different types of [1] [12] [11] [10] [9] [8] [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [15] [14] [13] nature, water resources, ecological and ecological imperative. ecological and ecological resources, water nature, words: Key revealed. sphere is recreational and tourism the ofMoldova and PMR in cooperation joint role of effective The designated. is Transnistria in activity recreational and developmenttourist of of strategy The discussed. are Transnistria in tourism and recreation of functioning of optimization of Problems ecosystem. its of sustainability environmental on recommendations developmentof river, Dniester the of balance water maintaining of problems 2015–2018 the Stated for countries foreign in citi zens PMR packages completed of cost and number the of statistics Provides indicated. is Transnistria in tourism References: Azar.V.I., Yu.S. M.B.,to Birzhakov the & conceptPutrik oth. Proposals of development tourism [Predlojenya Palii V.L., Palii D.V.,Sevastyanov [Obshestvo. Development Pashuk of S.M. Prospects development in and of tourism Environment. Moldorural ecological Society. // 2016, №3, pp. 102–109. Razvitie]. Sreda. Pridnestrovie] v sferi turistsko-rekreacionnoi razvitya of ustoichivogo osnova developmentkak imperativ sustainable [Ecologo-economicheskii of Transnistria spherein basis recreational a and tourist as imperative economic and D.V.Ecological Sevastyanov V.L., Palii pp.Simpheropol, 28–33. 26–27.04.2018. Alushta, Rossii]. v turizma mejdunarodnogo I vnutrennego razvitya problemi napravlenyai [Prioritetnie Russia in tourism international and developmentdomestic of of problems and directions ority and I // rekreacii turizma] Pri razvitya recreation of development kak region transgranichnogo dlya blagopryatnogo [Pridnestrovie tourism cross-border favorable for region a as Transnistria S.M. Pashuk V.L., Palii SPBgU], ser.7, 2016, Geography. Geology. pp. №2, 98–106. [Vestnik university state Petersburg St. of //Bulletin ispolzovanya] ego perspektivi i Pridnestrovia potencial of its and use [Turistsko-rekreacionnii prospects of V.L.Transnistria potential Palii Tourist and recreational 5–2, № 2016, issledovanya]. pp. 350–356. [Fundamentalnie study lecheb Fundamental i // regiona] deyatelnosti turizma sanatorno-kurortnoi no-ozdorovitelnogo razvitya napravlenya [Osnovnie im region and the medical of and tourism activity resort proving and sanatorium of development of directions Main The A.A. Kleiman pp. 139–141.2000, povish Fund, NevskySt.Issue. factor 20. Petersburg, firmi]. [Turistskie kak // regiona] Tourist [Turizm firm razvitya region enyathe ustoichivosti of sustainability the increasing of factor a as Tourism G.A. Karpova 1991, Chisinau, pp. 38–48. ispolzovania]. ratsionalnogo ih Moldova SSR iproblemi resursi [Recreatsionnie use rational their of problems and SSR Moldavian the of resources V.G. Recreational Efros [Osobennosti 2013,mysl’]. services №5, pp. 113–122. recreational of system the uslug] thought// of nauchnaya rekreacionnih [Sovremennaya Modern sistemi scientific I developmentformirovanya razvitya and formation of Features D.A. Edelev University, 2013. state Petersburg St. Petersburg, /St. prirodopolzovanie] cionnoe rekrea i Rossii severo-zapada [Nasledie resources natural of use recreational and Russia North-Westof the D.V. A.N., T.E.,Sevastianov Isachenko Korostelev E.M., L.A., Paranina of Sautkina Heritage A.A., Grigoriev 2014, p. SCAC, 90 Tiraspol, variant]. nii develop socio-economic the on Report // ment PMR of v PMR 2015g. turizma] in razvitii 2015 vozmojnosti Utochnen Updated version o [Doklad socialno-economichescom antikrizisnie i PMR economiki [Sovremennoe sostoyanye opportunities tourism anti-crisis and PMR of economy the of state Current M.P.The Burla [Turistskie firm Tourist // pp.20–23. 2006, Nevsky Fund, St. Petersburg, 40. Issue turizma] firmi]. razvitie [Regionalnoe development tourism N.Yu.Regional Arbuzova 23–38. 22, № pp. 2000, firmi]. [Turistskie // Tourist firms turizma] razvitya k koncepcii ingradskoi oblasti] // Tourism: law and Economics [Turizm: pravo i economika]. 2003, №1, pp. 2003, pravo 20–27. [Turizm: ieconomika]. // Tourism: Economics and law oblasti] ingradskoi Kalin primere (na uslovyah sovremennih v turizma the regionalnogo of example razvitya [Tendencii region) the (on Kaliningrad conditions modern in tourism regional of development of Tendencies M.A. Tsikel № 24, pp. 49–51. 2001, v // firmi]. Chernomorskom regionah] i [Turistskie TouristSredizemnomorskom turizma firm razvitya [Perspektivi regions Mediterranean and sea black the developmentin tourism of Prospects TumanovO.N. 63–71.22, № pp. 2000, firmi]. [Turistskie // Tourist firm economiki] regionalnoi razvitii v ustoichivom turizma economydevelopment [Rol’ of regional sustainable in Role of The tourism A.M. Rish 26–27.05.2018, pp. 87–92 Astrakhan, GIS-tehnologii]. i innovacii rekreacia: i Pridnestrovie] [Turizm v i technology GIS Moldove and v innovation recreation: turizma Tourismand // selskogo I ecologicheskogo razvitya [Perspektivi Transnistria and va geopolitical position, tourist and recreational attractiveness, tourism infrastructure, transboundary transboundary infrastructure, tourism attractiveness, recreational and tourist position, geopolitical ------103 Summary & References 104 Natural Environment

E.S. Andreeva, Doctor of geographical Sciences, Professor, Don State Technical University (DSTU), Rostov-on-Don; e-mail: [email protected] I.N. Lipovitskaya, Candidate of geographical sciences, Associate Professor, Ivangorod humanitarian and technical Institute (branch) of the Federal state Autonomous educational institution of higher education «St. Petersburg state University of aerospace instrumentation», Saint-Petersburg; e-mail: [email protected] S.S. Andreev, Doctor of geographical Sciences, Professor, Rostov Institute of entrepreneur protection, Rostov-on-Don; e-mail: [email protected] Modern Features of the Weather and climate Regime of the Island of West Spitsbergen and their Contribution to the Dispersion of anthropogenic Impurities The article is devoted to the study of the features and current trends of the weather and climate regime of the island of West Spitsbergen (on the example of the village of Barentsburg). Currently, the Western part of the island is one of the strategic areas of the Russian sector of the Arctic, which has not only an important economic, but also a unique scientific and theoretical significance, which, of course, actualizes the theme of this study. The authors believe that the natural and climatic conditions of the island considered in the article and their current trends play a significant role in the formation of environmental quality, determining the conditions of accumula- tion and dispersion of pollutants of the surface layer of atmospheric air, which is important in the study of aspects of anthropogenic activity in the Arctic. As a result of achieving the goal of the work it was found that the most favorable period of accumulation of pollutants in the air within the Western part of Svalbard (POS. Barents) from 2006 to 2015 is the spring-autumn period. This period is characterized by the predominance in the study area of the Arctic and Greenland anticyclones, resulting in the establishment of windless weather or wind regime of low intensity, accompanied by a lack of precipitation or a small number of them, which, in its entirety, does not contribute to the dispersion of pollutants. Key words: meteorological parameters; dispersion of anthropogenic impurities; air quality; level of air pollution; meteorological potential of dispersion of anthropogenic impurities. References: [1] Andonova A.C., Babin V.A., Vikulina M.A., Vorob E.L., Voyakina E.Y., Garankina E.V., Golubeva E. I., Bi- kinis A.V., Dmitrieva L.E., Efimova L.E., Zengin A., Zuev Yu.A., Zueva N.A., Kashleva L.V., Kislov A.V., Ko- molova S.A., Lukashov A.A., Mikheeva A.I., Petrushenko V.D., Pleskavica J.A. & oth. The Impact of climate change and natural hazards on natural resource management in the European North [Vliyanie izmenenii klimata i opasnykh prirodnykh yavlenii na prirodopol’zovanie Evropeiskogo Severa]. St. Petersburg, RSHU, 2013, 124 p. [2] Andreeva E.S., Andreev S. S. Geography and Genesis of dangerous weather phenomena in the South of Russia [Geografiya i genezis opasnykh yavlenii pogody yuga Rossii]. Rostov-on-don, Russian state hydrom- eteorological branch in Rostov-on-don, 2007, 93 p. [3] Andreeva E.S. Probabilistic-geographical method of forecasting strong winds for the plains of the South of Russia [Veroyatnostno-geograficheskii metod prognoza sil’nykh vetrov dlya ravnin yuga Rossii] // Natural and technical Sciences [Estestvennye i tekhnicheskie nauki]. 2008, № 4 (36), pp. 217–220. [4] Andreev S.S. Popova E. S. Fluctuations in average annual air temperature according to Makhachkala/ Uytash in 1882–2015 [Kolebaniya srednegodovoi temperatury vozdukha po dannym g. Makhachkala/Uitash v 1882–2015 gg.] // Advances in modern natural science [Uspekhi sovremennogo estestvoznaniya]. 2017, № 5, pp. 72–77. [5] Demeshkin A. S. Geoecological assessment of the state of the natural environment in the area of the Russian coal mine Barentsburg on the archipelago Spitsbergen [Geoekologicheskaya otsenka sostoyaniya prirod- noi sredy v raione raspolozheniya Rossiiskogo ugledobyvayushchego rudnika Barentsburg na arkhipelage Shpitsbergen] / Thesis of diss. ... cand. geogr. sciences’. St. Petersburg, 2017, 181 p. 2’2019

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Summary & References 5