"Wayof Comedian
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THE;:SAy CALIi, STINPAY, \u25a0 JANUARYx3O,vI9IO. 28 FRANCISCO RURAL PLAY IS A AMUSEMENTS Offerings Gossip „ l^&&jrt6JrJr7Mi phones- and TTTt.^. T "WAY OF COMEDIAN New Dramatic « %3ssT McAllister. jpaajt Gs^2lHP far Wjtgk ",jS!L Z*Mtm Mir'**t130 NR. MARKET infntß&*^JßFj Homo 32322 HARD," SAYS FIGMAN RESTFUL COMEDY W^^\k fifJS^ Actor Difficulties of Max Figman's Impersonation in — MATINEE TODAY siv^ Discusses 'V v MR. JOHK CORT PRESENTS '. ~~l "Mary a j J Mummer Who Must Blend Dane's Pa" Is THE IiI¥ THE Pathos and Fun Theatrical Hit hit Clf^il^lltalk mmJk -rIbMAN , Figman OFv OF Max begins the second and . InEdith Ellis* Comedy, Tells of His Early Ventures and last week 'of Jhis prosperous engage- ment in ''Mary Jane's Pa" at' the Savoy THE THE theater with;the usual Sunday matinee i How He Has Finally Come 1 toda^y. This playt and player are th* season 'MARY lAlirQ PA TOWN talk of the town. They came without IflllliiwnUL v in Into His Own any blasts of trumpets and .more than j delivered the goods and San Francisco VIEWS OF THE CRITICS: . has \responded in good old fashioned "A masterful charaeteriiation."— The CalL .\>itWeek it. centers of culture, they style. Everything, about >.-Figman and "Dellclonsly whimsical and fascinating story."— Tbe Chronicle. Diw.«U«J«"lli» In where ' "Must be set down as a treat."—The. Examiner. "Mary, Pa" in; of a RUic JIcITIIIC knew Dickens, we were liked; Jane's' is the nature "Classy^**— BnlleUn. ._ their surprise. one .thought the —The — Curiosity No. that . "Is classic ought to stay a month." The Post. '. vlsewhere we weren't. So 'Old comedian " so many sides to his art had. POPULAR MATINEE THURSDAY—LAST MATINEE SATURDAY lIOT'KIN\u25a0\u25a0»:\u25a0»s •^hop* was shelved, for the time being, and could move to tears or impress PRICES: NIGHT—SI.SO TO 25c. THURSDAY MATINEE—7Bc. 50c. 25c _nyrn. and Iwas to appeaT this season in a with true dramatic force with such ease me, as ho does. In this he shows his qual- nrw play written for when the ityand deserves the reputation in Henry Dixie's with Sav- he holds \u25a0switch tour for versatility. ; Market 300 ase took place, and agrain 1 found my- v :. *.-;' IT/111^3 llKM\ Thonos: "Mary Jane's Pa" as a play is a de- l/'Urakim^ Home Slt^l Fe.lf in a Pixie, rolt:. However, Ihave sex, Bf»lkP*i*T*Jy J Gottlob. Marx & Co., with. role lightfulrest. 'There are.no public •\u25a0\u25a0^ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0IMB \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I!iis to console myself The - * Msrs. Janes Pa* was or moral . questions discussed. It is «>f Hiram in 'Mary simply a chapter from life transferred TONIGHT—L-\ST TIME written for me. by Miss Bdlth Kllis. and MR.6TOCWOH CrTOVIIU for from an Indiana country village to trie GT?ARRSM. 3 would have created the part but stage with truth and: sincerity. There Safest and Most Majmlttecnt Theater In LOUIS JAMES iSK»:. my contract with John Cort. So, after story plot, course, j America. is a love and a - of but AFTERNOON, ull. Icame into mine own when the they along good WEEK BEGINNING THIS came me, and I run i.the channels^ of MATINEE EVERY DAY. play back to have humor and amuse as much as they en- IN HENR.Y VIII never seen Dixie in the play, so no one .; :%;:.',"; ARTISTIC VAUDEVILLE. say copy Miss tertain. One can I his interpretation. Perhaps inviting of Week. Starting Tomorrow (Monday) Night. me honor to the most aspect 3LR. JULIUS STEGEK Kllis has done the send general excel- V; \u25a0 Direction of Mrs. Leslie Carter Co.. lac. original manuscript the play the engagement is the . And His Company me the of lence of the company.. They were all In a New Muslral Dramatic Playlet, •with many lines a«d much business "THE WAY TO THE HEART." evidently chosen for their:. fitness to :-,- MRS. •which heretofore not been intro- By Ruth Comfort Mitchell. \u0084 \. have their roles and* there isn't one disap- r duced. pointment. They are riot stars, "The way of the comedian is hard," all of GUS EDWARDS' course, but In their respective char- ;C sighed Figman. "He is expected to acters they «KOU>TRY KIDS" clown; but he is never deserve tp be so called. In a One Act Truly Rural Musical Comedy, be merely the The attention 1to produc- LESLIE CARTER- until he succeeds in detail in the Entitled :i real comedian tion deserves all the praise j that has "MISS ROSE'S BIRTHDAY." Iias the Honor of rresenttas interpreting a. role In which the cle- been any Written by Gus Edward?. fun are blended; accorded and dramatic critic menta of pathos and can recommend '_ this entertainment to until he can inspire the tear as well his readers in * ARTHUR WHITELAW laugh, and his greatest reward honesty and sincerity. VASTA HERNE as the The usual Thursday and Saturday --mat-, "THE IRISH AMERICAN." Her New Drama of Morals and Emotions, comes when a hushed audience feels at given and inees will be and the last per- The Renowned Aujnist By Edward Peple. his will the catch ia the throat occurs. Saturday night. • Secure individually wipes away the furtive formance next PRATO'S SI3IIAX CIRQUE Seats at Theater or Emportam. tear."' • • • A QUAUTET OF MONKEY— EQUESTRIANS. Dramatic Notes Last Week lmn»<?nse Hit Coming on Monday. Feb. 7th. Enterprise CLAUDE & FANNIEUSHER The .Most Belasco's Slanjr Classic, Talked Of Theatrical Kvent GOERS throughout the Kolb and Dill propose to revive riaylng Their of the .Season "Lonesome Town" soon. "FAGAN'S DECISION." J entire western states will be In- • \u25a0••\u25a0..».\u25a0..'. Bert Leslie, slinger," FOUR BLANCHE WALSH THEATERterested in learning that Belasco & "the slang is READINGS IK booked for appearance at the Orpheum EQUILIBRISTS AND FLYING LEAPS. : flayer are going to revive the "Before- next operations whereby month. • ' • * THE TEST the-Fire" the most \u2666 COOK AND STEVENS By Jules Eckert Goodman. recent eastern successes will be sent An early Van Ness attraction willbe "NO CHECKEE— inO WASHEE." Declared by New York critics to b» the most on tour with the Alcazar touring com- "A Man's a Man," with Robert Edeson sensational hit- produced on the American stajra personal the leading role. in a decade. Seats ready Thursday. pany, under Frederic Belascos in '•\u25a0 ORPHEU.U MOTION PICTURES \u25a0 •• * direction. • . \u2666 . SHOWING LATEST NOVELTIES. their Margaret Anglin will bring her new Plays that demonstrate popu- play, "The- Awakening of Triumph, two, . .Helena Last Week— Great Artistic larity by extended runs of three Richie,", 'to this. season. the•Columbia• * • • ' VILMOS WESTONY nnd four weeks at the Alcazar theater. \u25a0>' -\u25a0 C * trust," THE CELEBRATED HUNGARIAN PIANO- Fan Francisco, will be launched with Klaw .& Erlanger's . "Jaugh FORTE PHENOMENON. all the excellence of cast and produc- Mclntyre and Heath, is headed this way . MARX tion for which the Alcazar company is with the' New.^York production of "In Evening Prices— loc. 25c, 50c. 75c. Box t.OTTLuB. IiCO.. Maaa?er». Hayti." v Seats •noted. • \u25a0 .• '• . fl. .". .\u25a0 Matinee Prices. (Except -Sundays and Holi- For the first time in the country's "My Wife," in whith play Miss Bil- day's). 10c. 25c. sOr>. tonTght Iheatricals New Tork successes may be Ue Burke made her dtbut.to San Fran- PHONE DOUGLAS 70. witnessed In the leading cities and cisco with John Drew,'will be pro- Up to and lneluilins towns all territory west AS A COMEDIENNE duced-shortly at the SE.IT SI'XDAY XIUHT of the of the •*-Alcazar.* Missouri within a few weeks of the Matinees Saturday Onlj. New York opening. Charles Frohman's star, Hattie Wil- liams, is to pay San Francisco her first WillGreenbanm's Attractions This has been brought about by the visit a. few weeks hence. She will recent merger of western and eastern SHE IS CHARMING appear in "Detective Sparks.". interests whereby Frederic Belasco will • \u2666 \u25a0\u25a0*•'\u25a0: *\u25a0 MARIE CAHILL be in a position to offer plays to the Silvio Hem, composer of Marie Ca- FIRST "POP" CONCERT Io the New Musical Play. theatrical clientele of the Pacific states hill's song successes in "The Boy and THIS AFTERNOON" AT 2:30 on a more satisfactory basis than has Marie Cahill Captures the City Betty," has recently supplied De Wolf Kohlrr A Chane Hall. AdmUnlon .*>oc accomplished. Hopper with a musical success and is yet been now at work on another production. first under this • • \u25a0" The attraction new in Her Music Play, "The \u25a0- .. • -THE BOYS AND BETTY regime S« h& tp Prices— l2, fI.ZO. fl.30e. 25e. will bo the recent New York Laura Oakley, who is playing the iha r% Eb *^L success of "St Elmo." , Boys and Betty" role of Herr Barewig's daughter In the travesty on "The Music Master" at NIGHT, 1 the Princess, will be remembered as a MONDAY Feb. 7 DANCING ACT TO BE former member of the old Bostonian company. AMERICAN'S FEATURE Marie Cahill's hit in San Francisco ...» • • been pronounced. CARRENO has instantaneous and Frederic Belasco will go to New early February ROBERT secure WEIL Lola Yberri to Be Seen in Spec* She has captured the city. As Betty York In to plays PIAN'ISTE for the combined stock' theaters of the , tacular Number in "The Boys and Betty" at the new Co- Pacific coast, of which combination the Next Thurs. Eve., Feb. 3 DRAMATICFESTIVAL lumbia she has a role that for coquetry, Alcazar is to be the directing and pro- fi NOTE—Durins the three weeks* stay of Mr.