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"Wayof Comedian

THE;:SAy CALIi, STINPAY, \u25a0 JANUARYx3O,vI9IO. 28 FRANCISCO RURAL IS A AMUSEMENTS Offerings Gossip „ l^&&jrt6JrJr7Mi phones- and TTTt.^. T "WAY OF New Dramatic « %3ssT McAllister. jpaajt Gs^2lHP far Wjtgk ",jS!L Z*Mtm Mir'**t130 NR. MARKET infntß&*^JßFj Homo 32322 HARD," SAYS FIGMAN RESTFUL W^^\k fifJS^ Difficulties of Max Figman's Impersonation in — MATINEE TODAY siv^ Discusses 'V v MR. JOHK CORT PRESENTS '. ~~l "Mary a j J Mummer Who Must Blend Dane's Pa" Is THE IiI¥ THE Pathos and Fun Theatrical Hit hit Clf^il^lltalk mmJk -rIbMAN , Figman OFv OF Max begins the second and . InEdith Ellis* Comedy, Tells of His Early Ventures and last week 'of Jhis prosperous engage- ment in ''Mary Jane's Pa" at' the Savoy THE THE theater with;the usual Sunday matinee i How He Has Finally Come 1 toda^y. This playt and player are th* season 'MARY lAlirQ PA TOWN talk of the town. They came without IflllliiwnUL v in Into His Own any blasts of trumpets and .more than j delivered the goods and San Francisco VIEWS OF THE CRITICS: . has \responded in good old fashioned "A masterful charaeteriiation."— The CalL .\>itWeek it. centers of culture, they style. Everything, about >.-Figman and "Dellclonsly whimsical and fascinating story."— Tbe Chronicle. Diw.«U«J«"lli» In where ' "Must be set down as a treat."—The. Examiner. "Mary, Pa" in; of a RUic JIcITIIIC knew Dickens, we were liked; Jane's' is the nature "Classy^**— BnlleUn. ._ their surprise. one .thought the —The — Curiosity No. that . "Is classic ought to stay a month." The Post. '. vlsewhere we weren't. So 'Old comedian " so many sides to his art had. POPULAR MATINEE THURSDAY—LAST MATINEE SATURDAY lIOT'KIN\u25a0\u25a0»:\u25a0»s •^hop* was shelved, for the time being, and could move to tears or impress PRICES: NIGHT—SI.SO TO 25c. THURSDAY MATINEE—7Bc. 50c. 25c _nyrn. and Iwas to appeaT this season in a with true dramatic force with such ease me, as ho does. In this he shows his qual- nrw play written for when the ityand deserves the reputation in Henry Dixie's with Sav- he holds \u25a0switch tour for versatility. ; Market 300 ase took place, and agrain 1 found my- v :. *.-;' IT/111^3 llKM\ Thonos: "Mary Jane's Pa" as a play is a de- l/'Urakim^ Home Slt^l Fe.lf in a Pixie, rolt:. However, Ihave sex, Bf»lkP*i*T*Jy J Gottlob. Marx & Co., with. role lightfulrest. 'There are.no public •\u25a0\u25a0^ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0IMB \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I!iis to console myself The - * Msrs. Janes Pa* was or moral . questions discussed. It is «>f Hiram in 'Mary simply a chapter from life transferred TONIGHT—L-\ST TIME written for me. by Miss Bdlth Kllis. and MR.6TOCWOH CrTOVIIU for from an Indiana country village to trie GT?ARRSM. 3 would have created the part but stage with truth and: sincerity. There Safest and Most Majmlttecnt Theater In LOUIS JAMES iSK»:. my contract with John Cort. So, after story plot, course, j America. is a love and a - of but AFTERNOON, ull. Icame into mine own when the they along good WEEK BEGINNING THIS came me, and I run i.the channels^ of MATINEE EVERY DAY. play back to have humor and amuse as much as they en- IN HENR.Y VIII never seen Dixie in the play, so no one .; :%;:.',"; ARTISTIC . say copy Miss tertain. . One can I his interpretation. Perhaps inviting of Week. Starting Tomorrow (Monday) Night. me honor to the most aspect 3LR. JULIUS STEGEK Kllis has done the send general excel- V; \u25a0 Direction of Mrs. Leslie Carter Co.. lac. original manuscript the play the engagement is the . And His Company me the of lence of the company.. They were all In a New Muslral Dramatic Playlet, •with many lines a«d much business "THE WAY TO THE HEART." evidently chosen for their:. fitness to :-,- MRS. •which heretofore not been intro- By Ruth Comfort Mitchell. \u0084 \. have their roles and* there isn't one disap- r duced. pointment. They are riot stars, "The way of the comedian is hard," all of GUS EDWARDS' course, but In their respective char- ;C sighed Figman. "He is expected to acters they «KOU>TRY KIDS" ; but he is never deserve tp be so called. In a One Act Truly Rural Musical Comedy, be merely the The attention 1to produc- LESLIE CARTER- until he succeeds in detail in the Entitled :i real comedian tion deserves all the praise j that has "MISS ROSE'S BIRTHDAY." Iias the Honor of rresenttas interpreting a. role In which the cle- been any Written by Gus Edward?. fun are blended; accorded and dramatic critic menta of pathos and can recommend '_ this to until he can inspire the tear as well his readers in * ARTHUR WHITELAW laugh, and his greatest reward honesty and sincerity. VASTA HERNE as the The usual Thursday and Saturday --mat-, "THE IRISH AMERICAN." Her New Drama of Morals and Emotions, comes when a hushed feels at given and inees will be and the last per- The Renowned Aujnist By Edward Peple. his will the catch ia the throat occurs. Saturday night. • Secure individually wipes away the furtive formance next PRATO'S SI3IIAX CIRQUE Seats at Theater or Emportam. tear."' • • • A QUAUTET OF MONKEY— EQUESTRIANS. Dramatic Notes Last Week lmn»' -\u25a0 C * trust," THE CELEBRATED HUNGARIAN PIANO- Fan Francisco, will be launched with Klaw .& Erlanger's . "Jaugh FORTE PHENOMENON. all the excellence of cast and produc- Mclntyre and Heath, is headed this way . MARX tion for which the Alcazar company is with the' New.^York production of "In Evening Prices— loc. 25c, 50c. 75c. Box t.OTTLuB. IiCO.. Maaa?er». Hayti." v Seats •noted. • \u25a0 .• '• . fl. .". .\u25a0 Matinee Prices. (Except -Sundays and Holi- For the first time in the country's "My Wife," in whith play Miss Bil- day's). 10c. 25c. sOr>. . tonTght Iheatricals New Tork successes may be Ue Burke made her dtbut.to San Fran- PHONE DOUGLAS 70. witnessed In the leading cities and cisco with John Drew,'will be pro- Up to and lneluilins towns all territory west AS A COMEDIENNE duced-shortly at the SE.IT SI'XDAY XIUHT of the of the •*-Alcazar.* Missouri within a few weeks of the Matinees Saturday Onlj. New York opening. Charles Frohman's star, Hattie Wil- liams, is to pay San Francisco her first WillGreenbanm's Attractions This has been brought about by the visit a. few weeks hence. She will recent merger of western and eastern SHE IS CHARMING appear in "Detective Sparks.". interests whereby Frederic Belasco will • \u2666 \u25a0\u25a0*•'\u25a0: *\u25a0 MARIE CAHILL be in a position to offer plays to the Silvio Hem, composer of Marie Ca- FIRST "POP" CONCERT Io the New Musical Play. theatrical clientele of the Pacific states hill's song successes in "The Boy and THIS AFTERNOON" AT 2:30 on a more satisfactory basis than has Marie Cahill Captures the City Betty," has recently supplied De Wolf Kohlrr A Chane Hall. AdmUnlon .*>oc accomplished. Hopper with a musical success and is yet been now at work on another production. first under this • • \u25a0" The attraction new in Her Music Play, "The \u25a0- .. • -THE BOYS AND BETTY regime S« h& tp Prices— l2, fI.ZO. fl.30e. 25e. will bo the recent New York Laura Oakley, who is playing the iha r% Eb *^L success of "St Elmo." , Boys and Betty" role of Herr Barewig's daughter In the travesty on "The Music Master" at NIGHT, 1 the Princess, will be remembered as a MONDAY Feb. 7 DANCING ACT TO BE former member of the old Bostonian company. AMERICAN'S FEATURE Marie Cahill's hit in San Francisco ...» • • been pronounced. CARRENO has instantaneous and Frederic Belasco will go to New early February ROBERT secure WEIL Lola Yberri to Be Seen in Spec* She has captured the city. As Betty York In to plays PIAN'ISTE for the combined stock' theaters of the , tacular Number in "The Boys and Betty" at the new Co- Pacific coast, of which combination the Next Thurs. Eve., Feb. 3 DRAMATICFESTIVAL lumbia she has a role that for coquetry, Alcazar is to be the directing and pro- fi NOTE—Durins the three weeks* stay of Mr. i A dancing act of international fame ducing center. • • Mantell there willbe presented « \u25a0-". 9 trill br the leading feature this after- ingemiousness and comedy could not be • and Sun. Aft.,Feb. 6 noon of the American's new bill when bettered. To say that the little come- S. S. and Lee Shubert, incorporated, REPERTOIRE ofFOURrEEN PUYS recently>opened new Shubert Including Simkespearean classic and romasti? Miss Lola Yberri, assisted by Miss Tay- dienne makes good in the part is to the Sam At GARRICK THEATER works. Repertoire for flr»t week wilt b« an- lor, appears in a terpsichorean presen- state the facts very mildly. She is a theater in with E. >H. Sothern o(*o* Thursday. IS and Julia Marlowe. The playhouse is Seats $1, $1.50, $2. at Sherman, Clay &Co.'a nounced Tuesday. . Seat »ate beautifully EMOTIONAL ACT scream. Every glance, every gesture tation. The act will be by every dedicated the firm to the memory of staged and electrical effects will add and movement on tho stage is its founder, the late Sam S. Shubert. CARHCXO IN OAKLAND scene. keyed in just the proper spirit and .-\u25a0 * — io the brilliance of the Miss $/ •. Next F*ri. Aft.,F«b.4 Ye Liberty •Taylor, who is a soprano of conse- her songs are whistlingdelights. Blanche Walsh is admittedly one of VAVEITV quence, will be heard in conjunction ORPHEUM'S LEAD One of Marie Cahill's principal the leading emotional, actresses of the .. Ererett Piano Used. Irprner OTlfWl and charms comes from her engaging- con- present day. She will shortly be seen ! \.\\J ILtJU X 1 Steiner. Pdao* West with the dancer's evolutions. the Ness tCK). Home S-22W. The Baltrus quartet of acrobats fidences with her auditors. She is like at Van theater in "The Test." MAIL ORDERS NOW FOR 'I will Daily "kidding" propensi- This will be the star's first appearance THE HOME OF SHUBERT .VTTRACTIONS present a novel acrobatic number, and Dan in her in San in eight years. ! Charles F. Gall, Manager. .",-, Trainor in "War Time Julius Steger in "The Way to ties. She addresses- you personally: Francisco ' and Dale Mem- j *>~s~«~«~> www ories" will takes you into her confidence and SCHUMANN-HEINK be seen in one of the pret- Henry W. Savage promises to give < FEB. Sth tiest comedy and singing turns before the Heart" Makes a makes you love her. to San Francisco the same cast in SUN. AFT.Feb. 13: THUUS. EVE. 17) STAUTIXGTUESDAY. The public. The scenery, costumery, stago ef- "The Merry Widow" as presented it and SUNDAYAFTERNOON (20) Matinees Wednesday ami Saturday. fects, properties and of before at the The only Another feature of the forthcoming accessories changes Van Ness. AtGARRICK THEATER SAM S. and SHUBERT, Inc., j provided by Myrtle Dale, the musical play, "The Boys and Betty," in the personnel willbe minor. LEE hill will be — could, Mabel George $2.50. $2, $1.50. $1. Box Seats $3. PRESENT who is the poFsessor of a phenomenal scarcely be improved upon. There Wilber'and Damerel will Pricey nothing be the leading players. Address Will L. Greenbaum. care f'hennan. The Distinsuished Emotional Actress. voice. Itis said that she sings more is tawdry in-sight, nor any- • * Co., money The appearance of Julius Steger at thing cheap or tho .* . Clay & inclosing check or order. than an octave below the range of the soiled. The lines of Mrs. Leslie Carter proposes to Orpheum this afternoon is sure to Hobart book scintillate with ,.and soon — ordinary barytone voice and that her the be seen as Lady Macbeth. Curiously OAKLAND On Fri. Aft.. Feb. IS FLORENCE tones are and beautifully res- attract widespread attention in this Silvio 'HeinV- music sparkles. "The enough she has never witnessed a pro- musical -Doctor, Address "YE LIBERTY PLAYHOUSE." onant. Les Janndtr, acrobats; impersonation in Arab Love Song," "Jt's the duction of the play, preferring to give the city. His "The Fifth Bill," and La," are three own — popular "Whoop La her interpretation of the am- Brown trio in and classical Commandment," gave a Coming MAUD POWELL. Violinist. ROBERTS* tnuslc; Newman De Coursay which he here of the big lyric successes, though there bitious woman.wlthout being Influenced i Supported by and in a many by other portrayals. society art; EBdie Dolan, in an eccen- season ago, is still fresh in the minds are others equally interesting *" • - and catchy. -\u25a0*.\u25a0\u25a0 WHITTLESEY tric comedy number, and two reels of of play goers, and the fact that he Charles Gall, WHITE Individual hits are scored by several F. local" representative In Rupert Hughes' New Play. motion pictures, expressly imported by comes now in a new sketch is of itself of the Shuberts, proposes \u25a0to have the American will of the members of-the cast; notably by a after theater, complete new "10 o'clock club" the New York the bill. an interesting circumstance. His ' Ann Mooney, W. G. Stewart, Sam B. Idea, established at the Novelty thea- playlet is called "The Way to the Hardy, Wallace McCutcheon Jr. and ter for the convenience of local and THE TRANSFORMATION James B. Carson,, the latter being par- visiting theatrical, newspaper and other * ! PRICES: Heart," and it is filled with those deli- professional -;M. < $1. IN CARTER'S ROLE ticularly good AMERICANTHEATER Mat.—soc. 73c. M.30. KOLB AND DILLIN in his German role. men. 4. . ETenlns* and Sat. cate and delightful touches that made Robert Mantell's revival1 Wed Mat.—s10 Mas- stage. The new is Emotional management of Marie phans," which, ifit Is liked, willbe fol- ter" at the Princess German source and adapted by Ruth Cahill and "tho boys." lowed by "The Three Guardsmen," "The Comfort Mitchell, a San Francisco "Vasta Herne" at the Van Jilt," " Assurance," "The Lady A Most Complete Billof Excellent Kolb and Dill's latest offering, a bur- writer who has made fame for herself of Lyons" and other masterpieces of ]<-j=que on MastCß," "STRANGE ARMY" WILL other generations. "The Music has In the- east. Musical numbers will be : • • • caught interpolated during Ness Theater .. .""Vy on at the Princess theater. In the action of. the INVADE THE NATIONAL Perlet, VAUDEVILLE travesty harpist Frank conductor of the Prin- BALTRUS, S. LOVERICI-LMAWA6£» this on Charles Klein's great sketch and the who was here cess orchestra, held his first 4 » play Joseph Herbert has caught the with Steger during his last engagement rehearsal AND, Ellis Street near FUlmore. Class A Tio»t«r. James engage- Unique Act Is Promised in of the . on "The Merry TRAINOR DALE spirit of the original drama re- at the Orpheum will be another mem- Louis will close his Widow"; pieces , Theater Steam Heated with 1 music last week with 25 YBERRI, the Charming Danseuse — markable keenness. His sense of trav- ber of the cast. ment at the Van Ness theater tonight Reno's Soldiers In the orchestra. The instrumental Mat. Today 'Ponlsht. AllXext Week esty Is not cheap nor obvious; he is a Gus Edwards' "Kountry Kids" will in Henry VIII."Ho will appear forces of the musical travesty will be (Assisted by MISS UJUIESE TAYLOR.) sketch, "Kinsr. The National promises .-an- especially* greatly augmented, in order to roal BatiriFt. and many of his lines appear in a lively rural "Miss as Cardinal ,Wolsey and Aphie James dorfull Birthday," attractive vaudeville entertaintnent for justice to the beauties of the Lehar LA BRUN GRAND OPERA TRIO with wit. and music and com- \u25a0 scintillate Rose's as Queen Catherine. the coining- \u25a0week, starting with the score. KOLB & DILL Kolb as the music master, garbed in edy willdivide the attention of the lis- Mrs. Leslie Carter conies to the Van . NEWMAN &*DECOURSAY Present ThemselTes in the Burlesque of matinee today. George B. Reno's army 1 - "Warfleldian fashion and topped by the teners. Arthur Whitelaw, known as Ness-tomorrow night for a week's stay. Under the direction of the Shuberts, . LES JANNDTS American," has captured the best position on -the ; ocrrect Yon Barwig wig, is in the best "the Iri£h will be heard in She will appear* in' "Vasta Ilerno," a bill, Miss Lulu Glaser has recently, made EDDIE DOLAN "THE MUSIC MASTER" jp role of his career. His fun a monologue and Prato's- simian Edward that of neadliner. This is the her first appearance in a new la conJn action with making is new and strenuous play by strangest "army" has ever been musical MOTION PICTURES irresistible and his simulation of War- will be a novelty feature on the new Peple, of'"Prince Chap." The that play. "One of the Boys," the book of author seen upon the stage since the one that which was written by MATINKEDAILY.2:30—10c. 20c. fiold's mannerisms is a perfect charac- bill. drama* deals, with a modern -problem. Rida Johnson! 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY,7:3O. 9:15—10c, 20c, 30c "HIGGLEDY PIGGLEDY"" Falstaff It is a "Misfit Young and the by i ii terisation and broadly humorous. Bill Claude and Fannie Usher, in "Fagan's It concerns \u25a0'.the influences that work assembled. music W." A. Schroe- • Comfort. skirts, Decision"; Army," in fact as well as in name, der, a hitherto unknown composer. The Class Steam Heated. Night and Sunday Matinee Pri<-**—2sc to II- is again in and as Mm Hoistem. the four Readings, Cook and havoc in society,^ through the use of premiere; was given All Seats Reserved. Saturday Matinee Prices— 23c to 73c. boarding Westony. pianist, and is the oddest assembly that has. " in- Schenectady,- - the house keeper, and Vllmos A woman, . \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0- .- h* is a Stevens drugs and narcotics. talented ever been presented a vaudeville N. .Y. . : . scream. His song. "Little Houston will be retained from last week's at- fallinginto the hands of an unscrupu- in Street," of big motion pictures are theater. is one the hits of the tractions. New lous publisher, .becomes the victim ot Another feature will".be Performance. promised. .wickedness! To forget her shame attractive AMUSEMENTS ; . "Higgledy Piggledy" his Charles Doty's one act comedy drama, remains the she takes to the. use of arugs and under Way E R rurtain raiser of performance production "The of the West." The playlet the at In the Alcazar's of "The the Influence of the stuff she finds that tells a western, T » * * ' *m*'*\u25a0£L£J! the Princess and retains its earned Man of the' Hour," which will follow brilliantly, complete story of life 41 A7 A D SutterandSteiner WIGWAMPhone Mission 2SS-1. Alcazar, ethft writes more than she with strong i,and !*\u25a0 r #- • Phone West 1400 ' at the dramatic .situations 1./l* Alll Besinninsr with MATINEE popularity. Both of the halves of the "Alice of OM Vinrenn<»B" did when she .was ;in \u25a0; a normal state. rl\u25a0 ;- Home Phone 54242 TODAY. are dressed elaborately the cast will be particualrly well suited : climaxes and enough humor to.blend it *W'\u25a0 NO HOLDOVEK ACTS. i^3*^^i»Q^'T STCI htug* bill and staged various roles. John Ince as the As an emotional actress Mrs. Carter's to;a nicety. BELASCO & MAYER;Owners and Managers. Direction SITLLIVAJI& CONSIDISE. with careful attention to detail. to the well', to'.requlre Rally Stembler is too well young mayor. R- Walling as gifts "are too known require much CO. Will Har- exploitation, known to vaudeville, to- MATINEE TODAY. ROMANY OPERA MATCHLESS VAUDEVILLE! rlgan and Burt Wesner as Phelan and.it.is said that in In; the way She has 7 Superb Singers in a Magnificent Art. Sunday JO. should make a vigorous male trio, and career : never had a of introduction. TONIGHT—LAST'TIMES. OF Conm»ncinx Aftaraoon. Txnu\-r? all her she-has •\u25a0 GEORGE B. RENO ft CO.. \u2666•Thu NIECE OF MODJESKA TO Evelyn Vaughan as young woman made all America laugh and now she is -Leo JMtrlchßtein's Stellar Mirth Maker* Odd li©t.T ttie play which gives her equal opportunity thing again: la their merry melange. "'The Ml«Qt Army": AT in the case willbe congenially• enrolled. the; display -around doing the^samo' . Vt FREMONT in on* act APPEAR WIGWAM •• with this for of those • THE OPERATOR" AL W. M CO.. th» coo>-*~ Charles anil Maud Dupree, ' Way Went"; . talents that have made her famous. Kmerald Oreatect Sensation, edT drama. "The of tbe SALLY Walter Kelly, "the Virginia judge," stars who twinkled brightly in some of ALL ON ACCOUNf Of ELIZA• YaudeTille's hramatlc' SI'EMBLER. Celsbrated Comedienne. preMntlsr Blanche Walsh •; follows Mrs.. Carter IS ITFUNNY! ASK ANYBODY.^ Played .by LEO COOPER & CO. Tocal offerlnjta: , Rosina Zelaska and Leo Cooper Is onf of the drollest of . He London's best known places of amuse- her late«t EMERALD Sl DU- at the Van Ness in a.new' ,play, "The PREE. the London musfcr hall fsTorites, in "A is booked at the Orpheum early in Feb- ' ment/ will;have" a;prominent place on .;:; Will Present "The Operator" ruary. 7; ~ Test." ;^l:'" the; TOMORROW NIGHT—• ONE WEEK GARDNES, EANKIH & ORITTTN. the Ma- Hot Scotch": OARDNER & GOLDER. "These . new program. .Both members of[the ir/;i> The :Beautiful Colonial :Romance, rital Majors and the Rat Catcher; BAY FERN. Funny Men In BlaekV; PROBST. America's RoEina Zelaeka. a nieoe of the late team are rated highly. Gardner; and Comedian and Singer: ECKEHT and FRANCIS Foremost Whlntler. In a novel ortgination :EX- Mme. ModJ«*ska, is among the players Golder, funny , Inthe comedy, "Wireless. TelesraphT": EDGER CLUSIVE "FIRST RUV NATIO«iKAPHS. . two black men—arti- o^, BEROER, marvelous fqniltbrlst; OTIIER ACTS; who will be seen in the new bill at ficially black— promise an original act ALICE VINCENNES A MAKING BILL Wigwam PRICES— Nii;ht 25c to $1. 25c to 50c. LATEST— MOTION PICTURES. Prices: ETen-— the this afternoon. With Leo full rand laughter; and Probst, i Mats.' ings 10c, 20c, Matinee (except Sun.) Matinee Prices. 10c and 20c. Efeninj Price*. of wit We. \u25a0 \u25a0 Cooper, who Is well known in San This Weeks Attractions .whose fiutelike whistling has won 10c. 2tlc. 30c. MATINEE DAILY. 15c and 25c. . .- A\u25a0•\u25a0;""• In Preparation, as an actor whistler,"; COMING—BOGANNY PANTOMIMISTS and Francleco and student of the title "America's foremost L VTHE MAN;OF THE HOOKJ'. : - ACROBATS. the drama, she will appear in Charles COLUMBIA—Marie in Boys and Betty." doubtless will'prove a worthy feature . Kenyon's Opera- NEW Cahill "The .:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0*;: dramatic sketch. "The of the bill. x \u0084 "•\u25a0--\u25a0-• .- tor." The playlet Is said to be un- RACING usually strong, and Miss Zelaska is VAN NESS— Mrs-. Leslie Carter in "Vasta Herne." credited with having inherited some- — FLORENCE ROBERTS thing SAVOY Max Figman ,in "Mary Pa." CALIFORNIA i^Jii^yv^^>™^ of her illustrious aunt's talent Jane's IS PORTOLA CAFE lP! V-7^' SHUBERTS' STAR LURLINE .18 POWELL STREET, FLOOD JOCKEY CUB WjT p. s an-actress. BUILDING. • Vr4(**-y An act eaid to be one of the greatest ' Oakland Racetrack If J-r O sented Here Is Attractive Bush and Larkln Streets Saturday*. Six races on " . comprising ceven singers. The com- PRINCESS— KoIb and Dillin travesty on "The; Mus c Mas- each o£ these days, rala CJf 4 San goers arc-al- ~ * Highest Class Entertainment V^ . pany "will be heard in "La Fiesta. dl *Francisco theater Swimming and Tub Baths ready evincing, greats interest mV the riRST RACE AT 1:40 F. M. Agosta-'?.; Eckert and Francis in •' : T LA ESTRELLITA fbrthcoming 'engagement of; Florence Salt water direct from --the ocean. -Open Spanish ADMISSION. 12. LADIES. |l.v -Wireless Telegraphs-" and Gardner, ; eTery «l«y «nd eTeulpit. Including Sunday.. > Fa mods Dancer. star, Nov-; K ;>; special Griffin in a musical comedy Roberts.Uho'Shubert at,ithe * " For trains stopplnj at th« track nankin and elty ; iNa tatorlutn rreserTed Tueaday "and Frlda y -ferry, taka "* are first magni- theater,, beginning February 7. . ' f' V EDITH HELENA Southern Pacific foot of Market street:-* act fun^nakers of the ,Tho ,mornings from <& ;o'clock |to noon for women World's Greatest Slnjrer. leare »i 12 m.. thereafter eTery SO promise high % Messrs. Shubert have surrounded only.:, \u0084'•".';" : ,: ' -The Coloratura mtaates uatli ~m tude and to bid for public company, .'- .' ': ROBERT, 1:40 p.«m. v . „ Edgar Berger.. accomplished Miss Roberts. witlva strong iof ... LORA In Sousa Impersonations; - favor. an Ocean Water Plunge" BAROERS, tli» Hungarian No smolslns-ln- the 'last two cars. which «xi equilibrist, Ray Fern, whom White.WhittleseyJs leading man, ILEN Nl»htln- reserved for ladles and their escorts. and an excellent ; -n!c: DARE ami *WELFORD. the "Whtstlinß WILLIAMS, entertainer, are among ncw- and the: play which\will servejtojintrof' Ihe Only Filtration System" of its ;Prima .""Donnas: COUNT ;JONB DE LA THOMAS H. PresUUmt. the other duce i ..: transformation*," FRANCONIA. COUNT t PEBCT W. TREAT. BecreUrj. comerF. The throughout the^ star is'/The Kind in the , FEUX DE LA' SI- v bill will be by^Rupert -Hughes.*?;- "iwill World! ERRA." CAVALIER AUGUSTINCALVE, tbe exceptionally strong. Matinees are Miss \Roberts .' Tub Baths, 2151 Geary Nobleman l.Trio;" r also s appear; in:"Gloria'-.; during hei'en-; 'Branch > st near De-- .Famous « BEßNAßD' JAU- given every • "' ~ 'Tlsadero.-c-'l*:',' : LUS\; Otx-hestra; ~,r \u25a0-• •'-\u25a0;. • day, gaseruent'at : "-..-7*^'- /.' .«- .->" •'•.Vr>l:'i:-^ \u25a0t Famtras i the!Novelty» / flf-- ;%; WEEKLY CALL, $) PER YEAR