NOBUHIRO written by

Aidan Cole

[email protected] 636-459-5118 FADE IN: INT. ROOM - NIGHT Black. NOBUHIRO (V.O.) It was a time of the Sengoku. “A Country at War.” Tsuki no Shizuku (Traditional Japanese music) plays. A CANDLE is lit. ANIMATED images of Japanese paintings flow across the screen, depicting the 1467 Ōnin War. NOBUHIRO (V.O.) The collapse of the feudal military government of Japan, The Ashikaga Shogunate. A painting of the Shugunate, feudal lords, getting killed. NOBUHIRO (V.O.) Various samurai warlords and their clans fought for control in the power vacuum. Swords CLASH, men YELL, horses GALLOP. A painting of samurai armies battling. NOBUHIRO (V.O.) In their struggle for power, a group of anarchists called the Ikkō- ikki, made themselves known. A painting of the Ikkō-ikki, dirty and poor peasant farmers, executing samurai, women, children and burning their villages. Women and children SCREAM. NOBUHIRO (V.O.) Loyal to no one, they fight without conscious or mercy. Without honor. Wishing to destroy the samurai. No clan welcomes them. Not even mine. Paintings show the present. A painting of The family crest: a Black and Golden Flower. The petals rotate. NOBUHIRO (V.O.) The Oda Clan. Below the family crest is the Oda Family, their samurai army behind them. SHUGO HIDÉ sits with his wife and kids. 2.

NOBUHIRO (V.O.) My father, the Shugo, protector of the . He trains me and my three siblings in preparation for the war we will inherit. It’s “us against them” my father says. The final painting is a sunrise with a cherry blossom tree on a small hill, outside the Nagoya Village. NOBUHIRO (V.O.) I dream of an end to our war. But before I can unite our country, I must unite my family. The painting BECOMES REALITY. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. OWARI PROVINCE, NAGOYA VILLAGE - SUNRISE SUPER: Japan, 1550 CHILDREN run up the hill, LAUGHING. NOBUHIRO (V.O.) I hope I’m not too late. The Oda children have wooden katanas. NOBUHIRO (18) runs ahead. NAGA (16) chases him. (14), kind but stern, holds MASU’S (8) hand. OICHI Naga, wait for us! NAGA Halt, Ikko scum! Nobuhiro raises a peach. NOBUHIRO Come and get it, “Master Kygo.” Naga charges. They playfully fight under the tree. Naga spins, hitting Nobuhiro’s hand and LAUNCHING the peach into the tree. It lands on a branch. The brothers exchange a look. They continue fighting. 3.

OICHI Guard me while I go get it. MASU Okay. She climbs. Masu holds his little katana, acting tough. Nobuhiro pushes Naga down the hill. NOBUHIRO Yield or die brother! NAGA Hiro look! NOBUHIRO Really? You think I’ll fall for that? NAGA No really. Oichi! Naga runs past Nobuhiro. He turns. Oichi has the peach. NOBUHIRO Oichi! I had it first! Masu points his katana at his brothers. MASU Stop you thieves! Naga and Nobuhiro exchange a smile. Nobuhiro passes Masu and climbs. Naga tackles Masu. NOBUHIRO Oichi, you know I had it first! She chuckles and climbs higher. Nobuhiro follows. She holds the peach high and opens her mouth. NOBUHIRO Oichi no! No... don’t you dare! Naga sees her. NAGA Oichi don’t! She takes a bite. Naga gets on his knees. 4.

NAGA (dramatic) NOOOOOO! Masu copies him. NOBUHIRO Okay, you had your fun. Give me a bite. OICHI Sorry, I promised Masu a bite first. Masu, you want it? Masu runs under Oichi. Masu catches the peach and takes a few bites. NOBUHIRO What? That’s not fair! Naga takes the peach from him. NAGA Alright my turn, little rat. MASU (chewing) I’m not a rat! Give it back! Naga holds Masu back. Nobuhiro climbs to Oichi. NOBUHIRO See what you started? Nobuhiro pushes her and she falls. Nobuhiro grabs her foot at the last second. She hangs from the tree in a nervous panic. OICHI Nobuhiro! Nobuhiro pull me up! Nobuhiro smiles. NOBUHIRO Say you’re sorry. OICHI What?! NOBUHIRO Say you’re sorry or I drop you. Naga and Masu, entertained, are still eating the peach. 5.

NAGA (chewing) Yeah, Oichi, apologize. OICHI Shut up Naga! MASU NAGA Give me the peach! It’s my (swallows) turn. Look, either you apologize or I TRY to catch you, and I don’t want to drop the peach. OICHI Alright! I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Nobuhiro smiles maniacally. NOBUHIRO Naga, CATCH! Naga’s eyes widen. Nobuhiro drops her. NAGA Shit! Naga drops the peach and catches her. Nobuhiro climbs down. Oichi punches him. OICHI You could’ve killed me! NOBUHIRO Ow, stop! I knew he would catch you! Oichi stomps away. Masu punches Nobuhiro in the crotch. MASU You’re mean! Nobuhiro falls. Masu follows Oichi. Naga meets Nobuhiro with the dirty peach. A pause. NAGA Here, I don’t want it anymore. Nobuhiro stands, annoyed. He takes a bite. NOBUHIRO Mmm... worth it. 6.

A distant bell RINGS. NOBUHIRO We’re late for training! The two brothers run down the hill. EXT. , TRAINING YARD - DAY A large area within the castle walls. Filled with wooden dummies, targets for archery, platforms for practicing balance, surround Master MASAHÍDE (40s). His hair in a bun, black cloak with red lining on his sleeves, barefoot. Full beard. Loves his students but trains them hard. Naga, Nobuhiro and Oichi in the free space arena, Masu on the wooden platforms. Naga and Nobuhiro bare foot and blindfolded. Oichi sits and watches. She hopes Naga wins. The children’s father, ODA NOBUHÍDE (46) or SHUGO HIDÉ, watches from the castle, expecting the best from his children. He’s tall and strong. Paranoid for the safety of his family and village. MASAHÍDE Nobuhiro and Naga. Step forward. He gives them their katanas. MASAHÍDE You know what to do. They go to opposite sides of the arena and bow to each other. MASAHÍDE Begin. They raise their katanas, slithering toward each other, listening for the slightest sounds. MASAHÍDE Legend says the most powerful samurai can charge into a battlefield of smoke and still know where his enemy stands! Naga throws a rock to trick Nobuhiro. He doesn’t flinch. 7.

MASAHÍDE The most resourceful samurai will let the wind tell him where the next strike will be. Masu does a handstand on a tall wooden pole, switching from one hand to the other. Masahíde looks at Masu. MASAHÍDE ...and the most honorable samurai, will maintain inner peace throughout the entire battle. A bird lands on Masu’s foot. MASU (to the bird) Hello. MASAHÍDE Nagamasu! MASU Yes Master! Sorry Master! He whistles at the bird. The bird flies away. Masahíde squints. The two boys are a few feet apart. They hear each other’s breathing. Naga’s breath is faster. Oichi holds hers. Everything is still. Masahíde tosses a small rock between the boys. Masu falls off the pole and the boys start fighting. Masahíde runs to comfort Masu. MASAHÍDE In battle you will be distracted on all sides with meaningless noise. Keep your balance no matter what’s around you. MASU Yes master. Masahíde smiles and dusts him off. MASAHÍDE What did you say to that bird? 8.

MASU Just to go away. Masahíde smiles. MASAHÍDE (to himself) He’s still young. (to Masu) Try again. Masu climbs the pole. Naga swings his katana. Nobuhiro dodges and hits Naga in the leg. He falls. Naga rolls in retreat. Masahíde approaches Oichi. MASAHÍDE Run straight through them without getting hit. She gives a concerned look. MASAHÍDE On the battlefield the enemy will block your path. You must find a way through. You’re welcome to join the fight if you wish, but again, don’t get hit. She smiles manically at Nobuhiro. OICHI Yes, Master. She sprints to her brothers. NOBUHIRO Oichi, stay out of this! NAGA Oichi, is that you?! MASAHÍDE Stay focused, boys! The battlefield is full of other enemies. Remain focused but be aware of your surroundings. Oichi jumps off Nobuhiro’s back and reaches the other side. She turns and runs back, confusing the boys. 9.

NOBUHIRO Stop Oichi! Naga hits Nobuhiro’s arm. NAGA I can hear you. Nobuhiro’s anger grows. Oichi punches Nobuhiro. OICHI That’s for pushing me off the tree. NOBUHIRO Well, if you weren’t so scared maybe father would finally give you a REAL katana. Oichi kicks Nobuhiro to the ground. Naga hears him fall. NAGA Master, do I win? MASAHÍDE Not until one of you yields. Nobuhiro stands. NOBUHIRO I’ll never yield! I am a samurai! They have Shugo’s attention. Nobuhiro widens his stance, ready. Nobuhiro catches her arm and twists it. He punches her in the face and stomach, throwing her out of the arena. She cries in pain. NAGA Oichi! You alright? She doesn’t answer. NOBUNAGA MASAHÍDE Master?! Keep fighting! NAGA Nobuhiro, I’ll make you pay, wherever you are. Naga, enraged, sprints to Nobuhiro. He stops suddenly and Nobuhiro swings, missing. Naga LAUNCHES himself at Nobuhiro. He punches him, HARD. Nobuhiro, in his rage, kicks Naga off. 10.

Nobuhiro strikes down, next to Naga’s head, missing again. Naga hears where Nobuhiro’s katana hit the ground. He grabs it. NAGA There you are. Naga pulls Nobuhiro’s katana to him and jump kicks his throat. Nobuhiro releases his katana and falls, coughing. Naga strikes Nobuhiro with two katanas. NOBUHIRO I yield! MASAHÍDE Yamete! (Stop!) He stops. Nobuhiro removes his blindfold and kicks Naga in the face. He falls. NOBUHIRO That hurt! MASAHÍDE Nobuhiro! Yamete! Masahíde rushes to Nobuhiro. He stands over him. Naga removes his blind fold. His nose bleeds. Masahíde grabs Nobuhiro’s arm tightly. MASAHÍDE Honoring your yield is a samurai virtue. You will follow it. Nobuhiro bows his head. NOBUHIRO Yes master. Masahíde looks at Shugo. He leaves, disappointed. MASAHÍDE Naga. Naga stands, wiping his nose. MASAHÍDE Resourceful tactic, however, if that was a real katana your hand would be bleeding right now. If you intend to grab your enemy’s blade, make sure you’re wearing gloves. 11.

NAGA Yes master. Oichi stands, holding her stomach. She has a black eye and a bloody nose. Masahíde bends down. She stares at the ground, blood drips on the grass. Nobuhiro is shocked at the damage he did to his own sister. MASAHÍDE Look at me, little one. Her eyes red. MASAHÍDE You are a woman. In battle you will face men ten times your size that will do much worse. Your brother means to only make you stronger, as do I. In here, he may be your enemy, but out there... He points beyond the wall, to the distant mountains. MASAHÍDE ...he is and always will be, your most valuable ally. Oichi looks at Nobuhiro. He can’t look at her. A tear escapes his eye. Oichi cries. Masahíde wipes her face. MASAHÍDE Your body will heal. Wear your wounds proudly, gentle one. Oichi fixes her posture. Masahíde stands, looking at Masu. MASAHÍDE Masu, come down! We’re done for today, children. You are dismissed. Naga, Nobuhiro, and Oichi bow to Masahide and leave. Masu trying to catch up, trips and falls. He bows to Masahide and runs at the same time. Masahíde chuckles. EXT. HILL - DAY Overlooking the training yard, a mysterious woman watches from a tree. 12.

LADY BUTTERFLY, late 30s, dressed in all black, observes the training yard through a BABOON SCOPE. She climbs down. INT. NAGOYA CASTLE, DINING ROOM - NIGHT The Oda Family sits quietly with Masahíde around the dinner table. TSUCHIDA GOZEN, 40s, Shugo’s wife and Naga’s mother. Loving mother, and will do anything to protect her children. Gozen and the Shugo sip on tea. It’s quiet. SHUGO HIDÉ This tea is exquisite. Nobuhiro smiles. GOZEN (to her husband) It’s time. SHUGO HIDÉ (nods) Master Masahíde... Masahíde nods and leaves. EXT. NAGOYA CASTLE - NIGHT Lady Butterfly scales down the castle rooftop, landing outside the dining room. She EAVESDROPS. INT. NAGOYA CASTLE, DINING ROOM - NIGHT Masahíde enters with a long rectangular box. Shugo stands. SHUGO HIDÉ Children, turn and face Master Masahíde. Masahíde hands the box to Shugo. SHUGO HIDÉ A year ago, I promised you that the most skilled among you would be awarded their first real katana. The children sit up, excited. 13.

SHUGO HIDÉ Oda Nagamasu, you are at peace with yourself, but I predict that will change in your young age, and you lack focus. Masu bows his head, disappointed. SHUGO HIDÉ Oda Oichi, you are skilled and gentle, but you lack the physical strength. She bows her head. She scruffs her hair to hide her eye. SHUGO HIDÉ However, I predict you will become one of the Oda Clan’s greatest samurai in the near future, the Gentle Blade of the Owari Province. Shugo smiles and she smiles back. OICHI Thank you father. Shugo refuses to acknowledge Nobuhiro. SHUGO HIDÉ Oda Naga, you have come far in your training and I am proud of you. You have demonstrated great resourcefulness and HONOR... (looks at Nobuhiro) the face of great dishonor. Nobuhiro’s eyes close in anger and frustration. Shugo opens the box. A freshly crafted katana, painted black, with gold outlining the blade. Truly a marvelous weapon. Shugo hands it to Naga. SHUGO HIDÉ You are the greatest among your siblings. Wear this katana with pride, as it represents our family and the clan. I wish you good fortunes in your future battles. Naga holds his new katana. Perfectly weighted. NAGA Father... I... I don’t deserve this. 14.

Naga bows his head. NAGA Please give it to Nobuhiro or Oichi. Nobuhiro and Oichi are surprised. Shugo stares at Nobuhiro, destroying his joy. Her head remains down. SHUGO HIDÉ It is dishonorable to refuse a father’s gift. Nobuhiro’s frustration grows. Naga bows. NAGA I accept. Thank you father. MASAHÍDE All the best swords have names. Naga examines his katana, searching for a name. NAGA Bushido. MASAHÍDE (smiles) “The way of warriors.” Nobuhiro raises his head. NOBUHIRO Father? Shugo holds in his anger. The room is still. SHUGO HIDÉ You may speak. NOBUHIRO Any teachings you have for me? Shugo stands over Nobuhiro, striking fear into him. SHUGO HIDÉ Be thankful I do not banish you! Masahíde has much work to do with you. Nobuhiro lays his whole body on the ground and begs. 15.

NOBUHIRO I’m sorry father! I beg your forgiveness! SHUGO HIDÉ You dishonor me, yourself, and this family for not honoring your yield. You will earn my forgiveness. NOBUHIRO I vow to you father. I will earn it -- SHUGO HIDÉ -- Silence! A pause. SHUGO HIDÉ (sighs) You have my leave to go. The children leave. Naga stays. It’s quiet. NAGA Father? SHUGO HIDÉ You may speak. He listens. NAGA You know Nobuhiro is a better warrior than me. Regardless of what happened today, he works harder than the rest of us to honor the family, and he TORTURES himself to honor you. Naga’s irritation grows. NAGA A month ago, he broke a few ribs hunting the tiger that sits in your quarters, after climbing the highest mountain in the Owari Province. (pause) Last week he helped Hideyoshi craft you new weapons and a new katana that you refuse to touch. (MORE) 16. NAGA (CONT'D) And just a few days ago, he snuck into the Chinese Empire to steal the purest Camellia Sinensis he could find. Which is why tonight’s tea was “exquisite.” Must you be so hard on him? A pause. SHUGO HIDÉ Naga, there will come a time when I won’t be here to protect this family. When that time comes, you and your siblings must decide who you’re going to trust. (pause) War is coming, and I won’t allow any Ikko-ikki scum or any other clans to destroy what I’ve built. NAGA What does this have to do with Nobuhiro? SHUGO HIDÉ Our family must be united if we are to survive this war. Nobuhiro’s soul is impure. His blood tainted with dishonor by his ancestry. I must wash it clean before this war begins. NAGA His ancestry? SHUGO HIDÉ What? NAGA You said his ancestry blood is tainted. Is his ancestry not our own? Shugo grows worried. SHUGO HIDÉ Of course it is. I’ll tell you more when you’re older. You’re dismissed. Naga bows and leaves. 17.

GOZEN We can’t keep the truth from them forever. SHUGO HIDÉ We can if we have to.

EXT. NAGOYA CASTLE - NIGHT Lady Butterfly is gone.

INT. NOBUHIRO’S ROOM - NIGHT Nobuhiro is enraged. He punches the wall. His knuckles bleed. GOZEN The wall is not a wise opponent to challenge. NOBUHIRO Mother! Nobuhiro bows. NOBUHIRO I’m sorry for my poor presentation. Gozen hugs Nobuhiro. He is surprised by her embrace. GOZEN I understand your pain. I promise, your father loves you. He is simply preparing you and your siblings for the coming war. They separate. GOZEN Please do not resent your father for protecting us. NOBUHIRO I don’t. I just... how can I honor him if he rejects my offerings? GOZEN Honor him with deeds instead of simple gifts. Bring honor to the clan. Be like Naga, he interacts with the common folk almost everyday. 18.

NOBUHIRO Stop comparing me to him! Gozen sits on his bed. GOZEN Who is the Oda Clan? NOBUHIRO Father? GOZEN No. NOBUHIRO Our family? Gozen takes off her cloak. She points at the family crest. GOZEN Our people are the Clan. You see this flower? Our family is like the center stamen. (pause) Our people are like the petals who surround us, collecting sunlight. A flower is nothing without its pedals. Gozen takes cloth and wraps Nobuhiro’s knuckles. GOZEN If you serve the people, you will serve our family, and bring honor to your father and yourself. Nobuhiro reflects. GOZEN Did you know you were born on a bright sunny day? NOBUHIRO Father said it was raining that day, the roof of the house was broken. GOZEN (lies) No, I remember. The roof was broken and the sunlight shined on you. The morning dew laid softly on your face. Right there I knew, you would make us all proud. 19.

He smiles and bows. NOBUHIRO Thank you mother. GOZEN Get some rest, son. Gozen bows back, and leaves.

INT. HALLS OF THE NAGOYA CASTLE - NIGHT A shadowy figure follows Gozen. She unsheathes two daggers. GOZEN Who is there? Lady Butterfly reveals herself. LADY BUTTERFLY You can’t hide the truth from him forever. GOZEN No, but we can raise him to be one of us, instead of scum like you. Butterfly sneers. LADY BUTTERFLY He’ll never be one of you. Shurikens (sharp star weapons) appear between Lady Butterfly’s fingers. She throws them at Gozen. She dodges them. The Nagoya Tower Bell RINGS. Lady Butterfly fades into darkness. CUT TO BLACK.

FADE IN: SERIES OF SHOTS -- A small Ikko-ikki army charges into the Nagoya Village. -- The Oda clan meets them on the battlefield, full force. -- Fire arrows fly through the air. Houses and stables burn. 20.

-- The Oda children, protected by Masahíde. -- Shugo Hidé charges into battle, dressed in full armor. -- He disappears in smoke. FADE TO: EXT. NAGOYA VILLAGE - SUNRISE Shugo trudges through the damage. ODA GUARDS, Master Masahíde, and the Oda children follow. Ash and corpses blanket the village. Shugo’s head bleeds. MASAHÍDE Look children, this is war. Your duty will be to protect our clan. To protect our people. Naga shudders with every dead face. Nobuhiro examines Shugo, learning by his example. Oichi covers her face with a cloth. Masahíde grabs it. MASAHÍDE Get use to the smell little one. Let it encompass you. Dull your senses to death. It will erase your fear. Masu holds Masahíde’s hand, scared. Gozen tends to the wounded. Shugo looks at his dead citizens. Women CRY, holding their loved ones. Shugo clenches his fists. A line of four Ikko-ikki prisoners, waiting to be executed, kneel before the Oda Clan. SHUGO HIDÉ What Clan was this? ODA GUARD #1 None my Lord, Ikko-ikki. SHUGO HIDÉ Course it was. Shugo stares down the Ikko-ikki soldiers. 21.

SHUGO HIDÉ You have led dishonorable lives, so you shall have a dishonorable death. IKKO-IKKI #1 You don’t scare us. Shugo is stunned. SHUGO HIDÉ What? The Ikko-ikki soldier laughs, as if they’ve won. IKKO-IKKI #1 You cannot escape it. The samurai are slowly dying. The White Men are coming. They will end your kind. Shugo executes him. His soldiers execute the rest. SHUGO HIDÉ (to himself) The White Man? MASAHÍDE Orders, my Lord? SHUGO HIDÉ Search for survivors. Bury the dead. Shugo sees a dead child. Child’s MOTHER SCREAMS in agony. He approaches her. MOTHER My lord... please, relieve me of my torture! The mother holds a dagger to her stomach. MOTHER Be my kaishakunin... PLEASE!

A kaishakuninis a person appointed to behead an individual who is performing seppuku, a ritual suicide, in a moment of great agony. Shugo empathizes with her suffering. 22.

SHUGO HIDÉ I must refuse. Other grieving citizens look at Shugo. He grabs the dagger out of her hand. He speaks to the entire village. SHUGO HIDÉ I vow, I will end our suffering! As your Shugo, I will build an army of the most powerful, and honorable samurai, and we will fight, not just for you, but our nation! Shugo picks up a handful of ash. SHUGO HIDÉ A better tomorrow is only possible, if we blow away the ashes of the past! MY BROTHERS, SISTERS! HELP ME BUILD A BETTER TOMMORROW! RISE WITH ME! The Nagoya Village cheers. Mother cries, praising Shugo. NAGOYA VILLAGE SHUGO! SHUGO! SHUGO! Nobuhiro closes his eyes and clenches his fists. He drowns out the noise. It’s silent. He INHALES. EXHALES. He is calm. CUT TO BLACK. FADE IN: EXT. NAGOYA KINGDOM - DAY SUPERIMPOSE: 4 Years Later The Nagoya Village is bigger and has become a kingdom, greater temples and more streets have been built. The castle training yard is bigger and open to the entire village. A samurai army has been formed. The hill with the cherry blossom tree is now inside the kingdom walls.

INT. NAGOYA CASTLE, MAIN HALL - DAY The Oda Clan celebrates Shugo Hidé’s birthday. 23.

The Oda Family sit at a long rectangular table. The Oda Clan offers gifts to Shugo: food, clothing, medicinal trinkets, weapons, books. MASAHÍDE The Oda Children will now present their gifts! First, Oda Nagamasu! Masu (12) steps forward, WHISTLES. A pack of wolves enter the room. Masu smiles. The people are awestruck. Masu WHISTLES again. The wolves sit in a line, and bow to the Shugo. MASU Mighty Shugo, I present a pack of Honshū wolves. Trained to fight along side you. Please allow them to join our army. Shugo stands. SHUGO HIDÉ My son, I accept your gift. People CHEER. Shugo raises his hand. Silence. SHUGO HIDÉ And now I give it back to you. The people share Masu’s shocked look. Masu kneels. MASU Father, have I dishonored you? SHUGO HIDÉ No, quite the opposite. You have gifted our kingdom with these loyal beasts. I leave them to you. Train them to fight for our people. You have honored the clan, and therefore have honored me! People CHEER. Masu smiles and bows. He WHISTLES and the pack leader HOWLS. The wolves disperse. MASAHÍDE Oda Oichi, the Gentle Blade! Oichi (18) presents a small bottle, which looks empty. 24.

OICHI Father, I present to you the Rejuvenating Waters of Mount Fuji. People GASP and WHISPER amongst themselves. PERSON #1 (O.S.) Legend says these waters can heal wounds... PERSON #2 (O.S.) ...and restore one’s stamina instantly. PERSON #3 (O.S.) That can’t be real, can it? PERSON #1 (O.S.) And she got that from Mount Fuji? Shugo, shocked as everyone else. He looks at Gozen for confirmation. She nods. SHUGO HIDÉ My daughter... this must’ve been quite the journey. OICHI It was. SHUGO HIDÉ I accept your gift, and I promise it will be used well. Thank you, daughter. People CLAP. She bows, sits. MASAHÍDE Oda Naga! Naga (20) presents his gift. NAGA Make room! The Oda Guards move Shugo’s gifts off the table. SHUGO HIDÉ Son, what are you doing? Naga places a very large scroll on the table. 25.

NAGA Father, I present to you, something that has never been done in our history. A map of not only the Owari Province, but all the other ones. Our entire nation. Naga unrolls the scroll. The page cascades off the table. Shugo, and his siblings examine it. NAGA Our artists have been working on this for years. They disguised themselves as humble nomads, able to pass through every territory in the country. Shugo laughs. SHUGO HIDÉ My boy, has anyone else seen this? NAGA Only us and the artists, sir. SHUGO HIDÉ This is possibly the greatest gift I have ever received! Shugo signals to Master Masahíde. SHUGO HIDÉ Take this to my quarters. Have our artists make as many copies as possible. We need this in our generals’ hands now. MASAHÍDE Yes, my lord. OICHI I could’ve used that! NAGA Next time, make your own. They smirk. Shugo CLAPS and the people give Naga a STANDING OVATION. Naga smiles and bows. The Oda Guards rewrap the scroll. MASAHÍDE And finally, Oda Nobuhiro! 26.

Nobuhiro (22) presents his gift. A wooden box. NOBUHIRO Open it, father. Shugo is disgusted. SHUGO HIDÉ What is this? Nobuhiro pulls out a severed head and presents it to everyone. NOBUHIRO Master Kygo, of the Hirata Clan! The people GASP. NOBUHIRO We’ve been fighting the Hirata clan for years. With their Shugo gone we can now invade their land! Begin our war for unification! The people wait in silence, for Shugo’s reaction. He stands. SHUGO HIDÉ How did you do it? Nobuhiro is thrown off by the question. NOBUHIRO What? SHUGO HIDÉ How did you kill him? Nobuhiro smiles. NOBUHIRO I killed him in his sleep. He felt nothing. Shugo’s blood boils. SHUGO HIDÉ HOW DARE YOU! Fear pierces Nobuhiro. SHUGO HIDÉ You dare assassinate a fellow shugo, my brother! 27.

Everyone is confused and tense, Nobuhiro most of all. Shugo approaches Nobuhiro. He begins lecturing. SHUGO HIDÉ Yes, we fought with the Hirata Clan. Yes, we kill our enemies, but we do not treat Shugos from other clans like the Ikko-ikki. A Shugo’s only purpose is to protect their people. We ONLY kill in defense of ourselves or our people. NEVER as an indulgence. That is our DESTINY! To protect and serve. The only ones who can challenge a Shugo is another Shugo. Master Kygo was never yours to kill. And not only did you kill him, you gave him a dishonorable death! A tear falls. Everyone is shocked. SHUGO HIDÉ He was a great master, my brother in arms... my friend. Nobuhiro stiffens with fear and frustration. NOBUHIRO Father, you always speak of your war for unification. SHUGO HIDÉ A DIPLOMATIC WAR! The people of the Hirata Clan are like us! We’re all tired of the fighting and the killing. We are all one, only going to war with our fellow samurai if necessary. The war is for the Ikko- ikki savages and clans who want separation. (pause) I wanted to make peace with the Hirata Clan and join us in our effort for unification. Now that’s impossible because of you. Nobuhiro kneels and begs once again. NOBUHIRO I... I’m sorry father. Please for-- 28.

SHUGO HIDÉ --No! This. This will never be forgiven, nor forgotten. LEAVE ME! Nobuhiro bows and leaves. Tears rolling down his face. Gozen follows. Naga stands. Oichi grabs him. OICHI Where are you going? NAGA His punishment.

INT. NOBUHIRO'S ROOM - DAY Nobuhiro SHOUTS and PUNCHES the wall until his knuckles bleed. He rips his cloak off and grabs his dagger. He marks another scar on his chest. He makes sure this one cuts deep. Gozen enters. GOZEN Physically hurting yourself will not restore your honor. NOBUHIRO No, but it will dull the agony. She kneels close to him. She examines the scar he marked. His blood flows like a stream. Nobuhiro pushes her away. NOBUHIRO Let the blood flow. If I pass out or it gets infected then so be it! She kneels. GOZEN I will not let my son die by his own hand. NOBUHIRO Use the most painful medicine. I must feel it. Gozen shrugs. GOZEN Very well. 29.

Naga interrupts. NAGA What were you thinking? NOBUHIRO Leave me! NAGA You know father respects his fellow Shugo. Why would you do this? NOBUHIRO You want me to perform seppuku little brother? Leave me to my agony. NAGA You think you honor father by threatening to perform seppuku? You think you honor yourself by doing this? NAGA (disappointed) If you want to kill yourself, do it. But good luck finding someone to be your kaishakunin. Nobuhiro’s rage EXPLODES. He launches at Naga, PUNCHING him. GOZEN NOBUHIRO STOP! A smoke bomb is tossed into the fray. BANG! All three pass out. Lady Butterfly WHISTLES. Two shinobi () in black grab Nobuhiro. They leave.

EXT. NAGOYA KINGDOM - DAY They put Nobuhiro in a small carriage. She mounts the connected horse, and rides out of the kingdom. The two shinobi disperse. A Honshū wolf sees her leave, GROWLS. Runs inside BARKING.

INT. NOBUHIRO'S ROOM - DAY The room is ruined. 30.

The wolf enters. Licks Naga. Wakes up, dizzy. Wolf rouses Gozen. NAGA What happened? GOZEN I don’t know. I heard a bang and then... The wolf BARKS, smelling the empty bomb shell. Gozen grabs it. She looks around. GOZEN Where’s Nobuhiro? Masu enters with more wolves. MASU Nobuhiro! His eyes dart around. The wolves sniff the room. NAGA Where’s Nobuhiro? MASU (stutters) I- I don’t know. Kygo told me he saw someone take him. NAGA Kygo? Masu points at the wolf that woke him. White fur, with a brown strip down his face. The biggest of the pack. MASU The pack leader needed a name and I thought it would please father. NAGA Can they track where they went? MASU (smug) Naga, they’re wolves. Masu whispers in Kygo’s ear, WHISTLES and SNAPS. Kygo HOWLS and the wolves scurry. 31.

GOZEN I need to get this to Hideyoshi. Maybe he can figure out where this bomb came from. MASU I’ll lead the search for Nobuhiro. NAGA I’ll come with you. GOZEN No you won’t. NAGA Mother, he needs my help. GOZEN Return to your father. Inform him what happened. NAGA His rage is already stoked. I do not wish to make it an inferno. GOZEN Do as I say!

INT. NAGOYA CASTLE - MAIN HALL - DAY Still tense from Shugo’s uproar. Everyone eats and talks quietly. Naga approaches Shugo while he eats. SHUGO HIDÉ Ah, my son returns. Come join me. NAGA Father, someone has infiltrated the castle. Shugo stops eating. NAGA Someone has taken Nobuhiro. Shugo BANGS the table. Everyone stops. SHUGO HIDÉ Someone has taken my son! Masahíde, ready my amor! Close all gates to the kingdom! 32.

NAGA Father what are you...? SHUGO HIDÉ You and your sister are with me. The people frantically follows orders.

INT. SHUGO HIDÉ’S QUARTERS - DAY Shugo barges in, arms himself. His room is huge. Naga’s giant map hangs on the wall. Armor and katanas rest on a holder. Shugo grabs his katana. NAGA Father, we’re not under attack. SHUGO HIDÉ I’ve prepared for this day. It was only a matter of time before they’d come for him. NAGA Who? SHUGO HIDÉ No more questions. Do as I say. Naga fills with courageous rage. NAGA NO! Shugo stops. NAGA I won’t take one more order from you until I hear the truth! SHUGO HIDÉ Would you dishonor me, my son? NAGA For my family...? Naga unsheathes his katana, Bushido. Points it at Shugo. NAGA Without question! Rests Bushido on Shugo’s chest. 33.

NAGA What have you done to my brother? Shugo stares at him. EXHALES.

EXT. OWARI FOREST - SOUTHERN BORDER - DAY Nobuhiro wakes up, next to a tree, dazed. Lady Butterfly has two katanas strapped to her body, one on her back and the other along her waist. They’re next to a CLIFF. LADY BUTTERFLY Poor samurai. Lady Butterfly unveils her face. Early 40s, tall. Shows kindness. LADY BUTTERFLY So confused, so angry. NOBUHIRO Who are you? She smiles. Nobuhiro unsheathes a dagger. NOBUHIRO You’re not the first assassin sent to kill me, and you will not be the last. LADY BUTTERFLY Calm yourself. If I wanted to kill you I would’ve already done so. NOBUHIRO Then talk. LADY BUTTERFLY All your life, you have been lied to by these people. I commend Oda Nobuhidé for raising you. He may be a great Shugo but he’s a terrible father. Nobuhiro lunges at her, grabbing her neck. NOBUHIRO How dare you speak of my father this way! You are not worthy to say his name. 34.

LADY BUTTERFLY I am the only one worthy to say his name. A pause. LADY BUTTERFLY I am your mother. Nobuhiro squeezes. NOBUHIRO You lie. LADY BUTTERFLY (panicked) You were born with a lightning birthmark on your back. At a young age you couldn’t read or write. Nobuhiro is stunned, lets her go. She coughs. LADY BUTTERFLY You were never one of them. Nobuhiro backs away. SHUGO HIDÉ (PRE-LAP) Saito Yoshitatsu.

INT. SHUGO HIDÉ’S QUARTERS - DAY Naga still holds the katana to Shugo’s chest. NAGA What? SHUGO HIDÉ That’s her name. Before I met your mother, I was ordered to marry Yoshitatsu of the Saito Clan. NAGA The Saito Clan, mother says they’re a clan of traitors. Shugo tightens his fists.

FLASHBACK - SERIES OF SHOTS -- Samurai fight each other in battle. 35.

SHUGO HIDÉ (V.O.) The Ashikaga were overthrown and clans were scrambling to form alliances with one another for protection. My father chose the Saito Clan. -- A flag with the Saito Clan insignia: A blue TIDAL WAVE. -- Shugo kneels to the Saito Family, Lady Butterfly smiles. -- The Oda and Saito Clans defeat armies of Ikko-ikki. SHUGO HIDÉ (V.O.) I pledged my loyalty and servitude to the Saito family. Together, we fought off hordes of Ikko-ikki and clans hellbent on destroying samurai tradition. I protected our people, for the honor of the dying samurai spirit. I was... a hero. -- Crowds of people cheering for Shugo. Shugo’s voice quivers. He stutters. -- Lady Butterfly leaves the crowd with a smug look, jealous. SHUGO HIDÉ (V.O.) I later learned that my victories were... unwelcome. Her betrayal was driven by petty jealousy! She knew I could endure anything, that I feared not even my own death. -- Shugo performs an incense offering, Lady Butterfly holds baby Nobuhiro. SHUGO HIDÉ (V.O.) After Nobuhiro was born, she brought me to the top of the mountain, to pray to our ancestors. -- Lady Butterfly stabs Shugo in the back, kicks him off the cliff. SHUGO HIDÉ (V.O.) As I prayed, she stabbed me, and I fell into the river. Little did I know, my destiny was only just beginning! -- Shugo climbs out of the river, builds a fire. 36.

-- Shugo heats his katana, BRANDS his stab wound. -- Shugo returns to his BURNING village. Kneels in defeat. SHUGO HIDÉ (V.O.) I returned to stop the coup the Saito Clan had planned, but I was too late. They had already killed my family, and my master. My home burned. -- Shugo YELLS in agony, his blood boiling. SHUGO HIDÉ (V.O.) At that moment, I only saw red. I felt no pain, no sorrow, no weakness. -- Shugo leads the Oda Clan, retakes Owari Province. -- He kills the Saito family, except Lady Butterfly. SHUGO HIDÉ (V.O.) I led the Oda Clan to victory once more, and Yoshitatsu... along with the rest of her family, were forever dishonored, and I became: Oda Nobuhidé, Shugo of the Owari Province. -- Covered in battle scars, holding Nobuhiro, he banishes Lady Butterfly. END FLASHBACK INT. SHUGO HIDÉ'S QUARTERS - DAY Naga lowers Bushido. SHUGO HIDÉ I predicted that Yoshitatsu would one day return and attempt to turn our son against me. I was a fool to think I could change fate. Naga is overwhelmed with confusion and rage. NAGA Why didn’t you tell us? SHUGO HIDÉ Your mother and I wanted to raise him as our own, but I was a fool to think I could change fate. 37.

NAGA This isn’t fate. (sighs) Who you were before doesn’t matter. Nobuhiro is not your past, he is your son, and he needs his father. Shugo reflects. SHUGO HIDÉ I was his father, I failed. When he joins them, we must be ready. NAGA I know Nobuhiro better than you! He will not betray us! Naga points Bushido at Shugo again. NAGA And I will not let you kill him! SHUGO HIDÉ I’m not. Shugo unsheathes his katana. SHUGO HIDÉ This isn’t for him. I’m going to kill Yoshitatsu. Since your faith in your brother is as strong as my thirst for revenge, I leave Nobuhiro to you. Make sure he remains loyal to our family, or kill him. NAGA I will not kill him! SHUGO HIDÉ Then you will die. He examines Bushido seeing his reflection in the blade. NAGA The only thing I love more than my clan, is my family... Naga sheathes Bushido. NAGA ... But my destiny will be my own. Oichi enters. 38.

OICHI We’re ready, father. A pause. Shugo and Naga stare into each other’s souls. Both pure, but one burns hot with revenge, while the other burns with faith. LADY BUTTERFLY (PRE-LAP) You were never one of them.

EXT. OWARI FOREST, SOUTHERN BORDER - DAY NOBUHIRO Silence! How dare you speak to me this way! I don’t know you! LADY BUTTERFLY You are not Nobuhiro of the Oda Clan. A pause. LADY BUTTERFLY You are Nobuhiro of the Saito Clan. She slowly approaches. LADY BUTTERFLY Your father betrayed me. Cast me out like a rat, after killing my, our family. NOBUHIRO My family is with the Oda Clan. She puts her hand on his cheek. LADY BUTTERFLY Look at me... blue eyes, like me. Your father has brown eyes, and Gozen’s are green. NOBUHIRO How do you...? Pause. NOBUHIRO Where was I born? LADY BUTTERFLY In the Oshima Province. It was raining, the house had a broken roof. 39.

Nobuhiro world shatters. He remembers. GOZEN (V.O.) No, I remember. The roof was broken and the sunlight shined on you. NOBUHIRO No... NO!

EXT. NAGOYA KINGDOM WALLS - DAY The pack of wolves exit the castle BARKING. Shugo, Naga, and Masu follow them on horseback. A few Oda Guards accompany them. MASU Kygo and I will cover South! SHUGO HIDÉ Everyone cover different parts of the forest. MASU Follow the wolves! They’ll guide you! They ride off toward different parts of the forest. Two guards accompany Shugo. One guard accompanies Naga. Masu and Kygo go alone.

EXT. NAGOYA KINGDOM, ARMORY - DAY (25) examines the smoke bomb shell. Energetic and intelligent in weapon design. Great friend to the Oda Family. Gozen, Oichi, and Hideyoshi examine the smoke bomb. HIDEYOSHI Salt, white dye, and a smidge of sulfur. With the oxidizer, I’m surprised you and Naga woke up so quickly. GOZEN Do you think you could replicate it? HIDEYOSHI Get me some sulfur from our cannons, and I can. 40.

GOZEN Oichi. She nods, leaves. GOZEN I also need you to craft some shurikens for me. Hideyoshi gives a concerned look. HIDEYOSHI Ever since our Shugo’s outburst at Nobuhiro, the people have been asking questions. And now Nobuhiro has been captured... ? GOZEN Nobuhiro is in trouble. He needs our help now. Hideyoshi bows. HIDEYOSHI Then I humbly request to join you in his rescue. Nobuhiro and I don’t know each other that well, but he’s a brother to Naga, therefore a brother to me. GOZEN I thank you for your selflessness and bravery, but the Clan needs you here. Keep our kingdom safe while our Shugo saves his family. HIDEYOSHI Yes Doctor. Gozen bows to him. Leaves. Gozen approaches and ODA GENERAL. GOZEN Ready our army. I have a feeling this was more than just a simple kidnapping. ODA GENERAL Yes, ma’m.

EXT. OWARI FOREST, SOUTHERN BORDER - AFTERNOON Nobuhiro is on the ground, still absorbing the truth. Lady Butterfly comforts him. 41.

NOBUHIRO So... if I was never part of the Oda Clan, why would father choose to raise me still? LADY BUTTERFLY (lies) He wanted to use you as a weapon, to kill me. NOBUHIRO And why does he want you dead? She stands. LADY BUTTERFLY Because he’s weak! We had the same dream for the unification of this nation. Even though we destroyed armies of Ikko-ikki and clans who didn’t share our vision, we still wanted this war to end.

FLASHBACK LADY BUTTERFLY (V.O.) And then, suddenly, he decided he wanted to stop our conquest. To become a benevolent Shugo. Our families argued for weeks, until finally the day came. -- Shugo bursts into a burning house, killing the Saito Clan guards. -- Shugo stands over Lady Butterfly. SHUGO HIDÉ Give me my son, or you both die. -- She gives Nobuhiro to him, and leaves. LADY BUTTERFLY (V.O.) He decided to break off our alliance, by killing my family. I saw the purest form of evil that day. END FLASHBACK Nobuhiro listens, not wanting to believe her. 42.

LADY BUTTERFLY Men who kill without reason, cannot be reasoned with. Join me. Help me take down the Oda Clan, kill your hateful father, and you will be Saito Nobuhiro, Shugo of the Saito Clan. Nobuhiro steps back. NOBUHIRO This is... so much. I can’t. I couldn’t betray my siblings like this. My father has always hated me, but my brothers and my sister have always treated me like one of their own. They’ve honored me since childhood. LADY BUTTERFLY Honor isn’t something one can give you. You must restore your own honor by choosing to do what’s right. I’m sorry, your siblings will always remain loyal to your father. NOBUHIRO Not unless I can convince them. Lady Butterfly is displeased. She did not expect Nobuhiro to have a decent relationship with his siblings. NOBUHIRO The mother who raised me has always treated me well and-- LADY BUTTERFLY --I should’ve known. (pause) You really are weak minded. You’ve allowed yourself to be softened by these liars. These people have warped your mind into believing that they are your family. They are not. Nobuhiro grow unwary and afraid. Lady Butterfly comforts him. LADY BUTTERFLY I’m sorry, I... I can’t lose another family member. Please, don’t betray me like your father did. (MORE) 43. LADY BUTTERFLY (CONT'D) If your siblings wish to join us they may, but now is the time for you to make the choice. Will you live in blissful illusion or honorable reality? A few tears fall as Hiro nods. She unsheathes one of her katanas, gives it to him. NOBUHIRO I pledge myself to you, mother. She smiles. Kygo BARKS, Masu appears on horseback. MASU Nobuhiro! Nobuhiro quickly stands. NOBUHIRO Masu? LADY BUTTERFLY (whispers) He is not your brother anymore. Remember we need to destroy them. Nobuhiro’s anger intensifies. Masu dismounts and kneels beside Kygo. WHISPERS in his ear. Kygo HOWLS. CUT TO:

EXT. OWARI FOREST, SHUGO HIDÉ AND NAGA - AFTERNOON The wolves around Shugo and Naga HOWL back. The wolves run toward Kygo. Naga, Shugo, and the Oda Guards follow them.

EXT. OWARI FOREST, SOUTHERN BORDER - AFTERNOON Masu stares at Nobuhiro and Lady Butterfly. She smiles. LADY BUTTERFLY The little wolf can’t fight without his pack. Kygo GROWLS and BARKS. Masu grabs his bow and arrow. Aims at Lady Butterfly. MASU Who are you?! Nobuhiro steps in front of her. 44.

NOBUHIRO Masu stop! She’s my mother. LADY BUTTERFLY He’s part of the Oda Family. If he won’t join us then... Nobuhiro looks down. Tightens his grip, angry. NOBUHIRO Did you know? MASU What? NOBUHIRO Did you know?! About where I came from? Who I am? MASU Nobuhiro, I don’t understand. You’re Oda Nobuhiro of the Oda Clan. You’re our brother. Nobuhiro points his katana at Masu. NOBUHIRO I’m afraid you’re wrong, dear brother. Nobuhiro breaths. NOBUHIRO Masu, I know you. You are kind- hearted and rational. You won’t fight me so I won’t fight you. LADY BUTTERFLY What are you doing? NOBUHIRO (to Lady Butterfly) Trust me (to Masu) Our father has betrayed us, little brother. His hatred for me has forced me to leave the Oda Clan. Join us, let’s begin this war the right way. Without any hatred, without weakness. Masu is shocked. His breath shimmers with fear. 45.

MASU (inhales) Nobuhiro... I don’t know what she’s told you, but we’re your family. Just like how flowers don’t get to choose where they bloom, children don’t get to choose their parents. But we do choose who we become and the people we love. He lowers his bow. MASU I’m sorry our father was cruel to you. I truly am. But I chose a long time ago that you are my brother, and the origin of your blood is not going to change that. Nobuhiro and Lady Butterfly are shocked. Her anger grows while his subsides. Kygo GROWLS again. MASU So please, brother, don’t make me fight you. Come back to us. LADY BUTTERFLY (to Nobuhiro) Looks, like he’s made his choice. He wants to bring you back into the illusion. Don’t fall for their lies anymore. Distant BARKING. Naga, Shugo, and the Oda Guards arrive. The wolves encompass Lady Butterfly and Nobuhiro. Lady Butterfly unsheathes her katana. LADY BUTTERFLY Oda Nobuhidé, we meet again. SHUGO HIDÉ I should’ve known. NAGA Nobuhiro, please don’t do this. LADY BUTTERFLY You’re too late. He’s where he belongs now. Lady Butterfly pulls out a wooden reed whistle. BLOWS. Everyone covers their ears. The surrounding birds FLY away. 46.

Distant GALLOPING. SHOUTING. Naga scans his surroundings. TEN samurai (the Saito Clan) with crests of a tidal wave approach. The wolves GROWL and BARK. NAGA IT’S A TRAP! SHUGO HIDÉ Nagamasu! Masu mounts his horse. WHISTLES. Kygo BARKS. Masu rears his horse and GALLOPS toward the approaching battalion. SHOOTS an arrow, ONE down. NINE left. SHOOTS another. Misses. Masu jerk his horse, turns, and GALLOPS away. THREE samurai pursue him. Naga and Shugo unsheathe their katanas. The remaining SEVEN samurai surround Naga, Shugo, the Oda guards, and the wolf pack. GROWLING. LADY BUTTERFLY (sardonic laughter) You took everything from me! Now, I shall have my revenge! ATTACK! The battle begins. SHOUTING, BARKING, swords CLASHING! Naga and THREE wolves are surrounded by THREE samurai. Wolves attack. Naga stabs a Saito samurai. Wolf bites samurai’s leg. Naga decapitates him. A wolf is killed, Naga kills the samurai. Lady Butterfly throws shurikens, killing TWO wolves. She slits an Oda Guard’s throat. Nobuhiro stabs TWO Oda Guards. Naga charges the remaining THREE Saito samurai. Shugo decapitates a samurai. Naga and the wolves kill the remaining TWO. Lady Butterfly and Shugo CLASH katanas. The wolves attack her. She’s about to be overpowered...... She throws a smoke bomb. A FLASH! Shugo falls back. Wolves CRY. It’s silent. Naga, and Nobuhiro back away. 47.

THREE wolves escape the smoke, shurikens stuck in their legs. They scurry away, panicked. Everything clears. FOUR wolves are dead. Battlefield littered with corpses. LADY BUTTERFLY Sorry, had to thin out the heard. Shugo and Lady Butterfly lock eyes, their rage equal. LADY BUTTERFLY How does it feel, Shugo? To slowly see everything you’ve worked so hard to build, taken away! SHUGO HIDÉ Why? After I showed you mercy. Points her katana at him. LADY BUTTERFLY MERCY?! What mercy? I have nothing! You took my family, my son, my clan... my honor! Now, revenge is the only thing left for me! For us! SHUGO HIDÉ ...Us? Nobuhiro steps forward. Points his katana at Shugo. NOBUHIRO For so long, I thought you could give back my honor. But I now realize, no one can give you your honor. It’s something you earn for yourself by choosing to do what’s right. LADY BUTTERFLY And what’s right, is your death, and the destruction of the Oda Clan. NAGA You don’t truly believe that Nobuhiro! The brother I fought with would never turn against his own. NOBUHIRO You know NOTHING of my pain! You were always father’s favorite. (MORE) 48. NOBUHIRO (CONT'D) Now, after we kill you, I will become Saito Nobuhiro, the new Shugo. Naga and Shugo unleash their fury, and the final battle begins.

EXT. OWARI FOREST - SUNSET Masu continues GALLOPING to the kingdom. Arrows flying at him. Masu WHISTLES. Kygo breaks off. An arrow pierces his horses leg. Horse NEIGHS and falls. Masu is launched to the ground, bow in hand. Rolls to his feet, quickly loading an arrow. He breathes...... FIRE! An arrow pierces a samurai’s neck. ONE down. Kygo jumps from a tree, landing on another samurai. He bites his neck. TWO down. Masu unsheathes his katana, closes his eyes, raises his katana, waits for the right moment...... Masu SLICES! The samurai falls off his horse with his saddle. He is stunned. Masu and Kygo stand over the last Saito samurai. He is afraid. MASU Your choices have led you here, as have mine. I will give you a new choice. Leave here now and live, or stay... Raises his katana to the samurai’s neck. MASU ... And face your destiny. The SAITO SAMURAI sits up, kneels. Head down. SAITO SAMURAI I yield. I will leave in dishonor. MASU Your honor can always be regained. Your life cannot. Masu sheathes his katana. He grabs the arrow out of his horses leg. The horse runs away. 49.

MASU May I borrow your horse? You injured mine. He ignores the question, still in shock he is alive. WHISTLES. The unsaddled horse approaches Masu. He WHISPERS in the horse’s ear. Mounts it and continues riding. Kygo gives one last GROWL, and follows Masu. SAITO SAMURAI (kneels) Thank you, great samurai.

EXT. NAGOYA KINGDOM - SUNSET Gozen and Oichi are among the Oda Army. They have enforced the wall’s defenses. Hideyoshi frantically meets them. OICHI Mother, I should be out there with my brothers. They need my help. GOZEN They’ll be alright, Oichi. It will calm your father knowing you are safe from harm. Bell RINGS. ODA GUARD #1 It’s Oda Nagamasu! He returns! GALOPPING. The gates open. Masu bursts in and dismounts. His bow wrapped around his back, and his katana still unsheathed. GOZEN Nagamasu! A worried, but confident look. He mounts a different horse, addresses a crowd of worried Oda samurai. MASU The Saito Clan has declared war on us! My father and brothers are engaged in battle as we speak. Today we fulfill our duties as Oda Samurai! TO BATTLE! The Oda Clan CHEERS. Everyone mounts a horse. 50.

EXT. NAGOYA WALL - SUNSET Masu leads the Oda Army into the Owari Forest. Oichi, Gozen, and Masahíde ride with him.

EXT. OWARI FOREST - SOUTHERN BORDER - SUNSET Naga vs Nobuhiro, Shugo vs Lady Butterfly. Naga BLOCKS. NAGA I know you really don’t want this. Please brother, I beg you! Don’t make me kill you! Nobuhiro strikes. One. Two. Slice and a kick. Naga stumbles. NOBUHIRO You can’t kill me. Naga widens his stance, raises Bushido. NOBUHIRO That sword is mine! Naga blocks again. Shugo strikes. One. Two. Turns, three. She dodges and blocks. LADY BUTTERFLY You’ve grown old. He strikes again. She dodges.

INSERT - LADY BUTTERFLY’S LEFT HAND Under her cloak, she holds a pin size dagger.

EXT. OWARI FOREST - SOUTHERN BORDER - SUNSET Lady Butterfly blocks and stabs Shugo’s arm. He counters, but she dodges. Stabs Shugo’s knee, then shoulder. Throws a shuriken, slices his face. She slides, stabbing his other shoulder. Shugo backs away. Blood seeps through his cloths and armor. Arms and legs shake. 51.

SHUGO HIDÉ (panting) So long as I draw breath... Shugo stabilizes. SHUGO HIDÉ ... I will keep fighting. Lady Butterfly smiles. She DASHES, ready for the final strike. Shugo closes his eyes...... He twists his foot and SLICES. Lady Butterfly blows past him. Shugo remains in his stance. Her cloak is ripped. She removes it, revealing a deep cut across her chest. Her shurikens fall out. She kneels, frozen. LADY BUTTERFLY (panting) You think this will stop me? You’re still losing blood faster than me. SHUGO HIDÉ Have you forgotten? She stands to face him, frustrated and afraid. SHUGO HIDÉ I know you. You care about your life more than I care about my own. My children are the most powerful samurai in all of Japan. Unlike you, I have already reaped what I’ve sowed. If today I must draw my last breath, it will be at the sight of your corpse. She picks up her shurikens. Holds them between her fingers. LADY BUTTERFLY (psychotic chuckle) Is that so? Then I am done fighting honorably. SHUGO HIDÉ (smiles) You never did. She YELLS, throwing her shurikens, each PIERCING his skin. Shugo blocks in vain. NAGA FATHER! 52.

Nobuhiro punches Naga. NOBUHIRO Stay focused. I will give you an honorable death. Naga unleashes his rage, SLICING and jabbing. Nobuhiro blocks. One. Two. Three. Each CLASH gets louder. Naga kicks, Nobuhiro stumbles. Blocks and dodges Naga’s attacks. Two. Three. Four. Nobuhiro’s katana CRACKS...... Shugo looks across to Naga...... it SHATTERS! Nobuhiro is blown back. Naga examines Bushido’s blade. Not a dent, nor a scratch. Shugo smiles and falls. Naga darts to Shugo. He is covered in shurikens. One is lodged in his neck. Naga holds Shugo in his arms, his blood everywhere. SHUGO HIDÉ It’s alright, son. I’m proud of you, all of you. Both shed a tear. NAGA Father, stay with me. SHUGO HIDÉ (coughs) Tell Nobuhiro, I’m sorry and that I failed him. NAGA Father no... I... Shugo grabs his hand. SHUGO HIDÉ Stay united. Keep our family safe. End this war. Shugo loosens his grip, releases his last BREATH. Lady Butterfly reaps in her victory. Nobuhiro approaches. Even he is stunned at Shugo’s death. Lady Butterfly gives Nobuhiro her second katana. 53.

LADY BUTTERFLY Now, kill him while his spirit is broken. Naga stares at Nobuhiro. Distant BARKING and GALLOPING. The ground RUMBLES. LADY BUTTERFLY Hurry! We don’t have time! Nobuhiro is still stunned. She grunts. Raises her dagger...... An arrow pierces her hand. She YELLS and runs away, panicked. MASAHÍDE Pursue her! A few Oda Samurai surround encompass Lady Butterfly. She throws down her last few smoke bombs, scaring the horses. MASAHÍDE It’s a trick! She’s gone into the forest, find her! A few soldiers follow her. The rest of the army is stunned at what they see. Corpses of Saito and Oda Samurai. Most of Masu and Kygo’s pack is dead. The injured wolves come out in hiding, WINING. Kygo WINES in sorrow. Masu, Oichi, Gozen, and Masahíde dismount in despair. Masu cries with Kygo. Oichi and Gozen hug and cry. The Oda army bows in honor of their fallen Shugo. Nobuhiro remains standing. NAGA Nobuhiro... our father wanted me to tell you that he is sorry, and that he failed you. If we have to live in a world that forces us to be enemies, then I don’t want to be apart of it. Naga grabs Bushido and gives it to Nobuhiro. NAGA Father’s last wish was for us to remain united as we end this war. If your hatred for me outweighs my love for you, then we have failed father. 54.

Naga kneels before Nobuhiro. NAGA I won’t fight you anymore, brother. Be my kaishakunin. I yield. Nobuhiro, now holding Bushido, tightens his grip. Nobuhiro raises Bushido. Looks at his siblings, all of whom watch in horror. Oichi and Masu approach. OICHI Nobuhiro no! MASU Please brother, stop this! Naga bows his head. Nobuhiro cries tears of anger. Points Bushido’s blade at himself. He backs away toward the edge of the cliff. Naga frantically stands. NAGA Nobuhiro! NOBUHIRO You’re right. Father did fail me, and I have failed you. I have dishonored myself for the last time. Naga and his siblings have never felt such fearful love. Nobuhiro stabs himself and jumps. Naga jumps after him, Oichi and Masu follow. CUT TO BLACK. The sound of rocks SHATTERING and sword CLANK.

FADE IN: EXT. CLIFFSIDE - SUNSET Masu lodged his katana in the cliff. Masu holds Oichi with his other hand, Oichi holds Naga, who holds Nobuhiro by the foot. NOBUHIRO Naga? Just let me die. 55.

NAGA SILENCE YOURSELF! The Oda Army frantically ties some rope to the horses and tosses it down to them. GOZEN MASU HOLD ON! MASAHÍDE Grab hold! MASU I can’t hold on! MASAHÍDE We need more men! They tie rope around each other and form a chain. Masahíde lowers and grabs Masu. MASAHÍDE You’re alright. PULL! The horses go forward. Masu is raised up, Oichi slips...... She grabs onto Masu’s lodged katana. There is fear and panic all around. NAGA Nobuhiro, help me! Grab my arm! NOBUHIRO Why, brother? Why will you not relieve me of my suffering? NAGA Because fuck your suffering! Nobuhiro, stunned by his response, looks at Naga. NAGA Look at us! We’re all trying to save you! You think your dishonor changed how we see you? You’re our brother, and you always will be! Now grab my arm! OICHI Naga’s right Nobuhiro! MASU So please, listen to us. 56.

NAGA You’ve got to come back to us! Nobuhiro’s self hating tears turn to joyous loving tears, as he grabs Nobuhiro’s arm. Nobuhiro takes Bushido out of his abdomen and stabs the cliff, relieving Naga and Oichi of weight. Masahíde lowers himself down and grabs Oichi. MASAHÍDE PULL! Masahíde and the Oda Clan pull up the rest of the siblings.

EXT. NAGOYA KINGDOM - DAY The Oda Clan honors Shugo, carrying him through the streets. Flowers wrap his body. Naga is dressed in Shugo’s armor.

INT. NAGOYA PRISON - DAY Nobuhiro is locked in a cell. Naga enters. NAGA No sign of Saito Yoshitatsu, or Lady Butterfly, as her people call her. NOBUHIRO What’s going to happen to me? NAGA You killed two soldiers of our Clan. I can’t pardon an act like that, so I’ve chosen banishment. NOBUHIRO (smirks) Probably what father would’ve done. NAGA (chuckles back) Probably. Naga sits cross legged. 57.

NAGA But what good is banishment if your home is the entire nation? NOBUHIRO (looks up) What? NAGA I’m going to end this war. NOBUHIRO How? Father spent his entire life trying to unify Japan. How is this any different? NAGA Our spies are all over the place. Father used them to merely report on the actions within our rival clans. However, I have connections within some of the most powerful clans. Now that I’m Shugo, I plan to use that power. NOBUHIRO Ally or not, clans will resist you. What will you do? NAGA Fight, if necessary. Look, all I know is that we are not losing this. It’s time the killing and unrest stopped in our nation. So, right or wrong, I’m going to finish this war. NOBUHIRO Why are you telling me this? Naga leans in. NAGA Because I have forgiven you. Now, you must forgive yourself. You have always been pulled between your destiny and our father’s destiny. By banishing you I am freeing you from our father’s destiny, so that you can find your own. And when you do, Oichi, Masu, and I will be honored to fight by your side. 58.

NOBUHIRO Naga, I-- NAGA --You’ve done enough apologizing. There is a horse I secretly left our in the forest for you. I recommend riding south to avoid the Hirata Clan. Nobuhiro... from now on, live with honor. Practice mercy. I know someday we will meet again, and you will be fully realized in who you are, not as a samurai, but as a person. Naga extends his hand through the bars. NAGA Do you vow to overcome your self hatred, this demon that resides within you? Nobuhiro grabs it. NOBUHIRO Yes. I’ll try. NAGA Good. Masu says he’s going to kill your mother for killing most of his pack. You going to try to stop him? NOBUHIRO No. Where is she? NAGA We don’t know. If you want to see her again, I recommend you find her before we do. Nobuhiro agrees. NAGA One last question: when you do overcome your inner demon, and you find your destiny, will you join us? Fight as my ally? NOBUHIRO No. Naga is surprised. 59.

NOBUHIRO I'll never fight as your ally, but I will fight as your brother. They share a smile. Naga exits.

SERIES OF SHOTS -- The Oda Clan gathers to hear Naga accept the role of Shugo. -- Naga steps on a risen platform. -- Oichi releases Nobuhiro. OICHI Hurry, while our people are distracted. NOBUHIRO Thank you, sister. Truly. -- Oichi nods and leaves. NAGA (V.O.) People of the Oda Clan! The time has come. Today, the war to end all wars finally begins! -- CHEERING. -- Nobuhiro sneaks over the wall and runs into the Owari Forest. NAGA (V.O.) This war will be long. Many will die, we will suffer. But I promise, hope will unite this great nation. -- Nobuhiro mounts a horse equipped with survival gear and a black Katana. Resembles Bushido. -- Nobuhiro examines it with a smile. NAGA (V.O.) I promised my father I would keep my family united, and I will. Years of fighting has left our nation scarred and divided. But once we unite Japan, we can put it on the right path, and begin a new era of love and peace! 60.

-- CHEERING, the army raises their katanas and bows. -- Nobuhiro mounts his horse and rides into the distant hills. NAGA (V.O.) Right now, I beg you, overcome your inner demons. Get rid of whatever self hatred and self doubt you may have. Be proud, be confident, and RISE WITH ME! Rise with me like you rose with my father! Today we UNITE OUR COUNTRY! -- Masahíde joins Naga, he kneels. MASAHIDE All hail Oda Naga, Shugo of the Owari Province! -- Everyone CHEERS and CLAPS. -- Nobuhiro rides into the sunset. WHITE SCREEN SUPERIMPOSE - Chapter 1: Unity NAGA (V.O.) I’m proud to fight by your side, as we begin our conquest for unity. FADE OUT.