
The Family It Pays Newspaper To Advertise In The Times Vol. LXXXIX, No. 26 gCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JUNIi; 26, 19(i4 State To Dredge iMr. & Mrs. C. Leslie Severs, Si%, Invite CENTSw 1 In Shark ~ | String Band[ In iMr. and Mrs. Homer I). Kresge Feted Grove To Enforce Friends To 50th Wedding Reception Concert Opener - • ...... 1 On Golden Wedding Anniversary “Taste & Conduct” Township Receives Notice of $67,500 Project; Issue OCEAN GROVE— The first Temporary Sewer Notes concert of the season is sched­ - ; President TAsk^ Residents uled for tomorrow (Saturday) night at Sri5 at the Auditori­ & Vacationists To Observe •NBPTU-NE TWP. — The Now um when the Ferko String Kules of Deportment Jersey Department of Conservation , Hand of Philadelphia makes its and Economic Development notified! fifth annual appearance. The the. township committee Tuesday! prize - winning Mummers or­ OCEAN GROVE — The summer • night that the state plans a $07,500 | ganization will play and sing season is in full swing and .Ocean, maintenance 'dredging, project in, many popular numbers and (iruvu intends to observe its rules Shark: Uiv.ev, near the Shark River j display costumes which have o ..M'L’inifitr attire, dogs, bicycle rjd-V' •' Islands. No further details, of the f non top prizes in the Phila­ . :r», ..nil ocher deportm ent, accord­ ■ proposal were available. : ■ • delphia New Year’s Day cele­ ing to Dr. Charles 1. Carpenter, ; The'committee' authorized issil-! bration. l’i esident of the Ocean Grove Camp ... ance of $3,208,300 "in bond anticipa-1 Meet: ng Association. • tion notes for temporary financing] Or. Carpenter said instructions-' of the new municipal sewer project. ••had been issued to.the Police De- , The funds will be used to, meet, con­ jta.Oiic-iii to enforce the ordinance struction costs and for the pur-j pi.iaioiting appearing ■ on - -the chase o f' rights-of-way: for sewer . Irs. 0. II. Henricks .htieets or boardwalk in bathing at­ - trunk lines, until the sewer bond' tire. Also, owners of dogs must . issue is sold and federal aid re­ keep their dogs on leash' at all ceived. •■. BoardMember times, or summonses will be issued. Fred J.' McDowell, Inc., Neptune, * There is to be.no bicycle, riding on was awarded the road repair con. Shark River Hills Resi­ the sidewalks and no bicycle riding' . .. tract On his low bid of $58,041, and at all on Sundays, Dr. Carpenter ' Harris Brothers, Inc., ^Wall. Town- OCEAN GROVE—Mr. and Mrs. Dance Smith of Suecasunna, N. J., dent.—. Named-...... vu To *w >Twp, i u|it j. OCEAN GROVE—-Forty me „ warned. - ship, received a Springdale avenue Ci Leslie Severs, Sr., whose 50th the bridesmaid; Maurice Attales of Fortv mern-i family, Mr.'and Mrs. Ralph Kresge,■ “The reputation of- Ocean Grove (knJ r o-u ~ . storm drain contract on their $16;- wedding anniversary will be June Absecon, N. JM usher, and the Education U nit W ednesday bers °f the family gathered' for a Bob. and Jim, of Silver'swings,’ as a rU ? r o f 1 076 low bid. 30, will celebrate the event with bride’s brother, John A- Queen, Sr., °.ur d.,n"°‘- .... by w »",»!'}•.•__ ...w.Mrs. *Florence t/wnco,Jones, utof i^an-Dan- conduct Ts io worldw «utm-wiut, de,” saiasaid* the°d Ordinances establishing parking open house from 2 to 5 p.m.’ to- of Baltimore, Md., who played the afternoon open house for” 150o0[vilie, ’yillc, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. John Beav- Rpnv- Associationa leader,» • “^ith’ ba*a every- morrow (Saturday) at their , wedding riiarch. friends and neighbors, to honor !er, of Reading, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. one’s cooperation, we can continue regulations around Fitkin Hospital — w ^u^tiauoii, we can cont 19 Broadway. .' . ; Mrs. ,Sarah Queen Severs is past NEPTUNE TWP. Mrs. Owen Mr. and Mrs. Homer A*vmc*D. Kresge,u . nresge, 96 Earl yo Seguar, r;arl Seguar, of Scranton, of Scranton, Pa.; Rev.Pa.; Rev. t0 keep to keep Ocean Ocean Grove Grove clean clean and and and barring service stations in light Webb Avenue, on their golden wed-|and Mrs. Edward Cnllnndpr nf industrial and commercial zones . Henricks, 311 Helen terrace, was Webb Avenue, on their golden wed-1 and Mrs. Edward Callender, of wholesome and safe for our thou- The reception is being given by president, of the Asbury Park Gold tmed to the township's board of ding anniversary. Mr. Kresge is re- Pearl River, N. Y. sands of residents and visitors. I were adopted on final reading. On their son, Dr. Edward T. Severs, Star Mothers, member of St. Paul’s first reading, the committee offered Phd., of Dallas, Texas, and daugh- Methodist Church, Philathea Bible education Wednesday night,, filling tired publisher of this newspaper. I jvir. and Mrs. Kresge were mar- thank all who are doing so,much to a $50,000 bond issue ordinance to tersi Mrs. John V. Hart, Mr. and Class, Lucia Grieve Circle, Batl- one of two vacancies in the official Tv ™>i,>hrntinn thplried in Berwick, Pa., June 15, 1914. maintain our stndards and I urged family. Board President Otto G.. u nmpotpfl,| Rr^taurant on the The nuptials followed a romance one and all to continue in this.fcne ' purchase six new street and refuse Mrs. William Franklin, both resi- cl'0,ft:^ y “r-Rest Home. Auxiliary, Stoll appointed her-to.the education North En() boardwalk was fo!Iowed that began on the Bucknell Univor- spirit." department trucks, 20 trash re­ dents of Neptune City. an^ VFW ^2233 Auxiliary,, all of. and the— public**.—"x *«uwv.iorelations vwuiimuees,committees. , b a reception a t their woa home. ..wty •camuus, both c-rarti.fltinn- u.„vU- ceptacles for hoisting into the ,, , . , Ocean Grove. Vacancies were created on thpthe Dy a . reception. r at their home. ',»»ty campus, both graduating from A son, the late Ensign Charles L. T q.;,- 'i Dumpster trucks, a tractor and a ^ Jr., was killed in World b°.a™J^hcn.?ic.hard ...... — ....uoiauuAnderson1 tii,joyingEnjoying dinner,dinner., with theirtheir, par-'eoMr. Kresge .• 7i • ■■■ t expected to be present. dosh! Commandry #29, Benjamin , Mrs/ Henricks, a graduate of Oliver (the former Marjorie fi’ 3 Heads Auxiliary • ' A 50- by 100-ft. lot adjoining The wedding took place in Phila- Franklin Consistory and LuLu Neptune schools, haB served on the Kresge) and daughter Mary Lou journifrsm "a staff member of the Riverview. Academy was sold to delphia, Pa. The late Rev. Eugene Temple, all of Philadelphia, Pa. Shark River Hills: PTA executive and sons ' Bill and Jim, of Nep-, “ phitade nhia North-ALri- the school1 with a deed restriction, Stillman of WhOrton' Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Severs invite their board .for many years and has just tune; Mr. and Mrs. William T. Follmvfmr fhis he was a^oc Legion Ladies Of Post limiting use of the lot to school M. Ei Church officiated. Expected friends of Ocean Grove and the completed a term as first vice presi-; Kresge and son Ted, of Ocean t j j.,0 the Crowell Publishing purposes. The committee approved at the reception are Mrs. Olive Shore area to their reception. dent and program chalrmain. She Grove; Mrs. Melvin W. Jones «»* 346 In Neptune Elect a variance that permits Henry represents the Hills PTA on the daughters Barbara and Susan and Staff For New Year , Kaplan to convert a Neptune High­ township’s ..scholarship committee, son Bobby, of Neptune, and Mr., , {t the Crowell Pub- way house into a professional of­ :S\\e is neighborhood chairman of. and Mrs, Lnwvence M, Isaacc (the1,. ,. *_ :f A R p . WJ.« fice building. Nat’l. Federation Men’s Bible Classes Ithe Girl Scouts for the Gables and former Louise Kresge) and -lauRh-. co in"T„?.0nto Canada and at the NEPTUNE—Mrs. Warren Frei- Public sale of five lots at Spring- • the Hills and has served as M ac- ters Janie and Mary Ellen and. ^ L ^ S n m l the rich was elected president of the wood and Springdale avenues and itive volunteer ^.worker % »r.^o Vons. John and J Tom, of Armonk, ^ Neptune Township American Le­ a 50- by 100-ft lot a t Oak street ] \ 0 W III GrOVC FYir 4 ( l f li iTnn V ^ h f inn j American Red Cross, as a' driver N/ Y. ' /vrmonK, ^ ^ ^ New' York .Times, In gion Auxiliary Unit 34G. Other of­ and Bangs avenue will be sched­ • *• VCI1 HUH[ , ■ nrtotoi’'corps, as a nurse’s ■ nft ,, ’ ;. 'vl925;1925, he. he left The New York Times,Times; ficers elected were — uled! Edward E.Jackson Of Asbury aide0Mo ..n,iand as on a ». bloodmobile program uuiei*. #e.rsmenibers °/T - of- ..the\_fannl.V;.,purchasing'..this, purchasing : this Newspaper. newspaper. Mr ,Mr.Mrs. James Lyden, 1st vice presi­ P ark has offered $5,000 for the 5- OCEAN GROVE—The 40th ; ton, Seekonk; jiasp.,- Edward C dent; Mrs. George Grosso, 2nd vice, anniversary convention of the:j taehcr,-■..Baltimore, Md.; Daniei ^ • i . .... S PFa^,"Tf -dMrs.KreSgeandth&e^: lot trict in order to'-build-a f»-.UT p i,iOT.ntin„-h'f T\Tpn’« R°"'lah.d> East, Norwalk, Conn.; president; Mrs. Chris Lupia, treas­ lieral home The land vrilt be sold; National..-t ecleiation of Men b Anthony-Vcrhagen, Bcltevllle, N. J.j urer; Mrs. Ear] Worthley, histori­ vlth a restriction that a building .j Bible Classes IS in session here Raymond E. Harmon, Reedsville, an; Mrs. Raymond Nordbruch, of nt least 2,800 square feet be | this^ weekend, with the thenie, Pa., past-president, chaplain; Mrs. Thomas DiMarsico,' sgt. at arms. erected within two years. Louis (,‘Onc Nation Under G od.” I The Endowment Fund goal will "Members elected to the executive 0001 for t^ X A M lH a ro k l F Garrett, of W i;-^St0^.tKis_wcekend...... v,ceKcim. When wnon boat cl are Mrs. Noi dbruch, Mrs. order to expand his UucUing busi- • m ington, M ass., the new presi .$25,000 is paid into the. treasury, a George oeigel, Mrs, John Stanley. salaried ftt*ld secretary will be em­ dont,.is presiding . jau%mivu o. uiaumg, ot 2501s j Neptune Community Theatre Offers Delegates elected are Mrs. Frank ployed. Howard S. Gladirtg, of 250G Earns Master’s. In Music Siitphin, Mrs. Freirich,Mrs. George Other officers’ include executive. Ilarris’on street, Wilmingtqn, I)ela-, Coveryt, Mrs. Frank Trocchio, Mrs. secretary, Tliomas Chatburn, Jr., waile, is the Endowment.Secretary- NEPTUNE— Miss Theresa L. '‘Cinderella” Saturday, 2 Performances Henry Marek, Mrs. .Margaret Sloss October Voting Itumfordi R. I.; executive v i c e - Treasurer.. Elmer S. Schilling, 53, Thoma has just returned to Nep- ml Mrs. Stanley. • presidents, HaicJd F. Garrett, Wil- Circle Drive, Camp Hill,- Pa., is tune after receiving her Master’s M rs. Jlarek, house committee . mington, Mass.; ChaVles E. Gage, publicity chairman. • Degree in music, majoring in ,or- •hairmn, repoite<|, 12 card' tables For New Schools Ruthorfnrd, N. J.; William K.' .Me-, Among the .speakers this week- gan and jiiano, at Southern ^leth- vere purchased and the kitchen cur­ Karaher, Philadelphia, Pa.; Herbert end are-Dv. David L; Coddingtou, odist University, Dallas, Texas. tains are finished.' She also report-. *. W. Bowen. Baltimore, Md.j’regional!pastor*Clinton Avenue Presbyterian Miss Thoma is a fom er graduate ed $158 was realised - from the ' Board Of Education Pre- vice presidents, Guy P. Leavitt, Church, Newark, N. J.; Dr. E. of. Oberlin • College, Obcrlin,'Ohio, Poppy sale. ' :../ . Holly . Hill, 'Fla.Ilenry C. ;.Vardy,} StanleyJones^ hiissioriary, authory anil ; a graduate' of . the . eptune pares For Referendum Prescott, Ariz.; Ronald Brooking,land lecturer. Dr. ami-Mrs. Walter school system. She ill spend nor .Mrs. K lei rich reported $50 was On 2 Separate Proposals Bedford,^ Ind.; Ernest Lomhard, }D.; Ed(|p\ve.s,..prominent nnisieians, sum m er. Avith her. parents, :Mr. and made on the recent spring dance. .. The sum of $5 was donated to the Arlingtoh, Mass.; S. Earl Taylor, !of Ocean Grove fame will h a v e . Mrs. Joseph A. Thoma, 2S01 Hi*rh-_ Burnham, Pa.; Albert Ettinger, Icharge of the niusic during the way 33, and will then continue her lied Cross. Guests were Mrs. v NEPTUNE TWP. — An — ' Y.; Bruce G. Brit- convention. mncioni •lames Catigan and Mrs. John Rice; musical education at Michigan Uni early October-vote on the pro yers.ity, where she will seek her posed two ne\y schools, ele Doctor’s Degree. Miss Thoma is a Son Born June 10 mentary and high school, for member of the Pi Kappa Lambda Victorian House Transformed Into Society. . a total bond issue of an esti­ NEPTUNE—Mr. and Mrs. Ron- mated $3.2 million, is being .1 <1 Frick, 131 OS 8th avenue, planned by the township board “Enchanted Cottage” Gift Shop Neptune, are the proud parents of of - education. Pamela Faye Edwards Born ** ^on* Ronald George, imru June' Plans for the 1,800-pupil junior OCRAN GROVE — A Victorian ;;

nigftjii/.atiQiT anny have tv tangible: Auxiliary .\vith- hand made towels V iJiiilrl ;tir^ ciext”I!! 1 IJq f0C f n r - Vo111 tif?"ih ctnV ••!.<« ^ > t lie j Ho^l> * I 6 Fui' I Reluscs Batik Amiounces 2 Promotions it s. 'n et iyiiTi\s; -b.i;;! hirtj ha^v;X t*gipii^ A'c.Ui**in{i;.■'( M i IS W E 13K-S Kl’E t IA I jp i'o g ra m . .■ ■ ' ■ .-■ ; i’ttg.s‘. ' ; - ;3ihtvo t iw Dnig. Liquor.or -liuti its -oimj i^.vsto i n ; ;l ro i i v • - ilte; Na l-lonn 1 ' with all church supplies , liiggost;; pov \ Mu• oV. t Ue sp .-fitpd& Ivavi\'.Pi'csVdont , for, the Goideh Attn Ivor- ■.boon■ spent ;y;iihiii 1 fie.cninlnututlcs, saiy. *' .;*/ CHRISTMAS CARDS STILL ON SALE tySSJR.ti K V'‘PAilK~W : new;-nuit ual ■ jsVt’VCfl-vh.Y; ^I'rV* *:;\^yv'oup /.voted'^ ;a^ ^onalioh.,rnr. fund — Foil i^quakt, I'und, I tic. —J^ .'izatlons, ho added . : 3100 to be given at the Department. ;Ui:vvi:ngv'ifs. i'nyestmeht^yeliiclc ^lown Typical roi:lrrl»utions .of Post -No. j Convent Ion next .week in Wildwood :;everyj ii'os^. ibio; s I roet - excejft:. tliree. -.'MO to the u-£*ii‘flre and. benefit o t lbe.|;v.'b,Vh *v»l! hd /aiendeil by Mrs! SK- The Methodist Eooksiore It' steel’s dear.-'of'- any nia.r}>ed children and youth nf" Neptirtio-.dur- j wa.. Mrs.' Marry Brower. Mrs. John AIJD1TQRIUM SQUARE © OCEAN GROVE :‘‘(iru^:,:’ “ tobacco,’’/ 61; • ‘ -1 i q Vu> i ; V inn llie last li! months • imewled; .Gatla, Mrs. Edward T. Poisons, and ports the GvanofV-Robbins Co.,' in- Sponsoring o‘ scout linjtsV coaster jMrs. LoKoy White. ' 1 vestment denlois, h ere/' derby, annual. Christmas, party, | The group-voicd to donate an high school and grade school orator- '.Am eric'in Flap: to the West Neptune ^'■v'Fbjti'sq it arc ‘ F an t| ,*}\ ne'.Vof.Bo s to n. ieal and safety essay contests, high .Minor'League and two loubge chairs is' the -tir^t muUial Uwu\ u> cbiuc st'honl library donations for refer- for'1 lie Allen wood San i tori uni.' right out ami say .'it will not invest once books; ' atid Girls Slate President oieci; Mrs, Brower,, ap- yiiKdi'u'^s^foba^^ reprcsentaliv^s and an active Sons pointed the following chairman for ; A few' fu n d s li a v e a . po I icy • njraj a st of the Legion program and Junior t ho'-criming year: Mrs.; Heckman, ;(siUclV-iin veitm e n ts,;;:luit.'-coal cl; change Auxiliary prog rani// V/ .V-*:'./;/;••••/ Sr;, rehabil at ion: Mrs. Joseph Lopez, 5at/any;ti iiib^ :^^ftbtber: f a ndslvavo “The . Loginmmlres of ’Post' \ 346 Sr.,: Allenvvoo^L h o sp italM rs. SlKva, no restrictions against such invest- and the members of the/Ladies Aux- publicity and-' community- service: 7ments,.apil many people are reluct-. iliary are indeed proud of their con- Mrs. -' Joseph ; Cur to;-;/ ways; • arid airt;!to bu.V;- hitttual fund shares be- tribulions'ancl accomplishmonts in means;! Mrs. -Franklin Lane, - mem- ?Cau s e of' thp. proseiice! of such'stock s behalf of-the youngsters here in bership; Mrs.,,Philip H;-KruschkaT. iin'if^und".'portfolios/ •' i Neptune Township,’' Commander essay; Mrs, Mildred. Applegate. ^. Business and financial, writers Michael F. Arace • . Albert C. Rohlfs ; Tice declared. “These .achievements cancer; Mrs. William •Harris, leg- woiild. not have-been possible with- islation; Mrs. Lee.- Yarnalt, senior note that dealers want to handle a MICHAEL F, ARACEj assistant vice president of. the New Jersey, fund, which oHeis the usual mutual out their loyal support and dedicat- citizen: AErs::James Allegro, Retard­ National BankM&.rTru'st Company, has. been appointed Cashier of the ed endeavors.,! wish to thank all ed children: Mrs, Herman Danker, fund features to Investors of mod' bank it was announced this week by Joseph Thummess, .President, erate means' aad knowledge of the who have made this ;, program a civil defense; Mrs, Michael Lerftbp, Mr, Arace came to the local bank in 1958 from Eastern Acceptapce success throughout the year." telephone squad; Mrs, White, re­ stock-market, but which declines to Corporation with wide experience In .Installment loan^ financing.^ He support’ the drug, liquor, or tobac­ served in the Asbury Park offIcie of the bank, as Manager of the In­ freshments and Mrs. SlKva and Mrs. co industry/ . stallment Loan Department and Assistant Cashier. In December 1961 Parsons, bulletin. -'' ' • ' . he was named Assistant Vice President. He lives In Bay wood, Brick Next regular meeting will be held • The fund buys common stocks New President on July 13th at the Post Home. and other securities, of leading and Township. The appointment of Albert C. Rohlfs to Assistant Cashier promising. American corporations and Manager of the Installment Loan D epartm ent was also announc­ in. a. wide variety of industries, in­ ed. Mr. Rohlfs, who livesin Oakhurst, came to the local bank In 1963 Names Chairmen cluding steels, autos, electronics, from the Pacific Finance Corporation, with a background of 26 years chemicals and others. in the consumer credit field. ■ / ' • : " i V Raymond L. Myrer, former head For Auxiliary of the Crosby Corporation, is presi­ dent of Foursquare., His directors Candies of Distinction are Robert D. Patterson, retired Neptune Legion Post 346 Spent $2,000 vice president of John Hancock Life Insurance Co.; B. Earle: Appleton, I or Year’s Children-Youth Program vice president of Chace, Whiteside & Winslow, members of the N. Y, Stock Exchange; Henry E. King­ NEPTUNE — In addition to the The expenditure of these funds man, president of Franklin Man­ countless man hours and an. im- was contained in the annual child agement Corp.; John A. Lunn, measurable amount of effort devot- welfare report of Post No. 346 which president of.the Franklin Founda­ ed to its child welfare program, has been filed with the state or- tion;- John L. McCrea, vice presi­ Neptune Township Post No. 340, ganization of the American Legion dent of John. Hancock Life Co., and American Legion, has spent more for transmittal to national ..head- Taste The Difference thnn $2,000 for the benefit'of Nep- quarters in Indianapolis. Indiana, Theodore G. Patterson, investment tune’s children and youth during Each of the more than-16,000 Legion counsel;, the twelve month's ending May 31, Posts and 14.000 American Legion 1064. Post Commander Charles M. Auxiliary Units is asked to file such ...I.,. OUR OWN MAKE .. . Tice announced today, a report in order that the national SUBSCRIBE TO THE TIMES • Delectable Chocolates $3.50 A YEAH BY MAIL A summer program to build confidence, under­ * Dairy Fresh Fudge standing, comprehension, and fundamental skills is now FOURSQUARE available in the following areas: • Salt Water Taffy F U N D , IN C . MORTGAGES MATHEMATICS • LANGUAGE ARTS • READING • Pecan Rolls Boston, M asaacHuoetts This program is designed for capable students, entering • ■' • .. ■ , j - grades 5 through 10, ,who have a need for special personalized “WE MAIL ANYWHERE A diversified fjs instruction by professional teachers. Small classes,, six pupils . mutual fund or less, will ijc. maintained to assure individualized instruction. • whose basic. **3 • This will be a six weeks program from July 6, 19ftI to August goal ie possible long-term 1.1, 1961. Meetings will be hold on Monday, Wednesday, arid. LARGEST CANDY ASSORTMENT growth of capital and income. Friday afternoons. The cost for the entire six weeks program including all materials and testing will he: Hesistration fee: OX THE JERSEY COAST Stated Policy: Foursquare one.subjcct. $o0.4 two subjects: $!I0.; or three subjects: S125., Fund invests in no alcohol, tobacco or drug companies. We art*, considering- the development of a similar program with morning sessions for-grades 1 through 1. and evening ses­ Vico. sions for grades 11 and 12. . Such a program is dependent on the amount, of interest' Please call us if you are interested^ Com ing Boon

Look for the Grand Opening.of our new store, now Asbur.v Park, X. ■) A. GARY .MITCHELL, Director; JOSEPH A, MAC- Ti*leplu'iu' rienriri.sr completion on th e BoSwHvalk, just north of the NEILL. Director; I- THOMAS IIERRERT. Advisor1 (Formerly Asbury Park & Casino . . . Thc'mos* modern; finest equipped ocean- Ocean Grove Hank and New MAIL TO: front candy store in the nation, truly a handsome set­ Jersey T rust Co. of Long Neptune Tutorial. Service, HIT Prospect Ave.,.Neptune, N. J; Branch— now a Please feql free to call for further inform ation: 77o-9117 ting for our “Candies of Distinction.” National Bank) — N’OT AFFIMATHI) WITH THE I'UBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM —

The Newest, Most Novel Gift Shop at the Come in and browse - - - only 9 of our 14 Shore - - - a Victorian cottage, adjoining the rooms are ready, but there is much to see and buy - - - Opening soon - Candle Shop, l i a s Colonial Hotel, with myriads of gift items Christmas fantasyland, a Penna D u t c h for your selection! Kitchen —- plus more!

GROVE and Note Paper---Ail Entire Room of Dollar Items —- A Galley of Jewelry — A Cave of Garden of Tea Cups and Saucers with W aterf all - - - An Entire Room of Bags and Hats The DRUM ROOM (gifts for children) - - - A Fireplace of Gifts Collection of Glass, Hummels, etc.- - - Breathless Array of Artificial Flowers FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1964 OCEAN g r o v e TIMES and n e p t u n e t i m e s ; t o w n s h i p OF NEPTUNE, n e w j e r s e y

Auxiliary to llie Ilnnnah-Crbsmhu .Tickets for “A Musical Night" by- ■VFW Post, ni(.‘V lastThur&lay. night the .SWeet Adelines,- in be. presented at. the Pof.t tVoor.is. Five year Viiem; by the Ilnnhnli-Cro'sman' Post, - on •hersltip t»ins vVe.ro ay.nrVtod H) Mrs. Friday evening, July 3,, at 8 p., in’,! Sarah ‘Severs, Mrs., Gladys. Miller- aTthe Young Peoples Temple, were ing, -Mrs. Louise Lambert, and Miss,. 'distributed, for subscription,' among Elizabeth* Sand ford. •/ the momhqrs. •• * The. date for the annual Bazaar Aftei; the meeting, refreshments' was set for .July 22 to be held oh.the wore , enjoy ed. a I Day’s lee Cream lawn of the M ain Avenue IIouj c, Parlor. v:: from 0 a. n i.lo «l-p. rii. Thy .following members ar? to be in chargeof var­ The Delaware and Raritan Canal, ious tables: Dortha Shnller, aprons; which once carried more freight Louisr* Lambert.,'and Hetty Coie- Matehard, '.cakes;; Edith. Graham, than New York's ftfntous Erie Canal, foorl; i Ki I azneth. Sand ford. while is now a scenic stretch* for canoes elephant;; • Joan AdaMiv fancy* wOrk anti chartered barges. In its hey day arid jewelry. . '< Y ’ '• • ^ ' it carried over $2,000,000 tons’ of .Commando. Charles Lambert ac­ cargo.a year, mostly coal. The Can­ companied by President Louise. Lambert, attended the 6th. District al and.water., disbursements are Convention; at Harold Daley Post under- the supervision’ of the New home, Asbury Park, on June. ,TVh.' Jersey Depart meeit, of Conservation.' President Louise Lambert was ele­ cted 6th -District.Guard. and Economic Development. " -

After a long cold winter all the gang has once again arrived to en­ joy the sunshine in the Grove: You’d be surprised • to ’ see so many old faces : running; :up.,and down .- the boards, ove vthe beaeft esi and sfttipg ;htVihe .WALL. The oldtimers • have lost little time in making •those con­ tacts needed, for* having a great ti hie. this season. -v.. • Setting, the pace have been At-.- BIE STRASSBERGER,' BUSTER “Finest of Foods’- STOLL, BILL GILLMAN. and GEORGE KOPP; We understand theyy ha ve been swarm ing a round TIIURS., FRI., SAT. FEATURING DAILY -Prim e Ribs ■, the new gang ,of "’Homestead- girls.; JULY 2, 3, 4 GEORGE seems to be heading up of Beef . . . All pastry and baked the quartet’s activities now that, he TwtxntrH cwrwrmmwo* has, taken over as. social chairman. He sure had a ,strange;look on his **iiio ve . goods from our own ovens. face after that date with PICKLE ^ o c c r , JOHNSON. ThereV a rumor that he is taking lessons in the art of m z d a r lin g ” F. J. KAUFMAN, Manager self defense. Do you think, you aVe * 4 + ClNtMASCOPC C&NUVDtUM CONVENIENT, DELIGHTFUL SURROUNDINGS going to get a second chance ? AL- H i uiujciKaoxKiuriiwu**nccvcro 0 BIE, jwho has . retired: as :a Sou th End guard, has been seen with DI- NOW PLAYING A^E MEREDITH. and; a new. gal “CHARADE” SUBSCRIBE TO THE TIMES SPRAY & BEACH AVENUES riajned MARY LOU blit can * it be S3.50 A YEAR BY MAIL Auxiliary Gives true that he lost olit.to BILL GILL­ OCEAN GROVE Nv-Jg MAN arid:ERNIE CARELLA ? We thbuight. we’d see ALBIE ‘ with Five-Year Pins “Overlooking Wesley Lake” RUTHIE MILLER but howM JO HN ODEN WE LD E R get him- -.self, 1 ined . up Ayi th h e r so; quickly ? Saturday Evening — June 27, 1964 OCEAN GROVE — The Ladies Guarding Nbrtlv End beach this fear are CAPTAIN BUSTER YOUTH TEMPLE .p OCEAN GROVE STOLL,; BILL JACKSON; EM­ • ; ::;..y\ ;• Everyong Wckomfr , •. METT WHITE. DOUG B lanch­ a r d , B. J. GEORGIO and DAVE ; MITCHELL.These:guy's may spend more time watching the beach than (Some with Income) the •\Vater.. Are’ the ■ girls really betiter,.lookirig this yea v7' BU STE R NFITTNR \yill!. tell you . yds when NANCY: OCEAN GROVE BROWN ; ii?' around: but .what hap­ Gi neihl MomVs bo'u;*lit ihi.'.’H room ranch from. U; A gracious-home'fo? a fine family. Colonial style, ^transferred.' cmployoi*.. Twn. baths,-'finest' si?ction. pens' when' KAREN. H QRNE R i gets cohuiins to niaf. Second floor front fleck for eve-; back? Wo wonder why DAVE, l.’einuv^f«l; garage. .Bath ehe't. floor. :Rear apartiner.t $»50 month .income. Priced nicely a t $18,500. . V OCKAN FRONT; ■: T\v«i apai tnic-jitA-Ict the . ineonic 4n Ip pay . for OCEAN GROVE y«»'.ir; o«-ean breezes;;'.' Excellent fun' two •.families. Nicety'done. $21,500. •Three bedroom, three-bath home excellently main­ tained. Outside ‘dining, patio. Modern through­ OWNER TO HOLi) MORTGAGE. Enroll out: Help this owner take a trip to Scotland— Two"-apartment, corner property. If you have: Buy this,for;.517,500. Twenty Five Hundred Dollars the owner will hold; for the Board pi' Education’s $10,060 .Mortgage. NEPTUNE CITY ■ , OCEAN FRONT ; v Spanish • Bungalow, all one floor living. Large Seven Bedrooms, three- baths. Private home or NEPTUNE TOWNSHIP rooms; Fireplace, income bungalow :in rear. Near rooms for income. Clean and neat. Lovely porches. W ater—catch the . breeze. $17,800. SI0,500. SUMMER The GARRABRANT AGENCY 711 Summcrficld Ave. Asbury Park. Realtor Member S.M.L.S BANDSCHOOL -v PHONE 771-7500 evenings- 775-8680 or 775-S526 NEPTUNE HIGH SCHOOL Springdale Avenue

j v A u th o i • • /.f {i / h ( > OPEN to all students — • Grades 4 thru 12 MORNING SESSIONS ONLY Daily — Monday thru Friday —— ----- — HOURS ------— S:30 - !):-15 New Beginners • 10:00 - 11 -.00 Intermediate 11:20 -12:30 Advanced

INSTRUCTORS — Forest Corley (woodwind) and William Figart (brass) MAIL REGISTRATION — S15.00 fee (check or “BEAT T1IE HEAT" • money order) to be completed no See us ;lor Air-ConditlonlnB i later than July 1st We carry — Glbsan, Hotpolnt, General INSTRUMENT RENTALS — Available at Electric,.' Phllco, • Fedders, Carrier, ' '. $1.00 per week Chrysler, Kelvinator, Emerson V-;; - - '$99.95 up • V ' Large Stock on Premises CM I* COUPON ON DOTTED LINE J. G. .MENME COMPANY ' PLEASE PRINT *1903 C orlles A v c^ . •'.‘ • • . • :. '■ Xepttine, N.

A ddress Keep your place in her heart P h o n e In stru m e n t while you're apart Instrument Rental Desired this summer. C heek One; Say,"I love you," B e g in n e r q Intermediate Advanced by telephone. . NEW JERSEY B E L l Q PM . j $ I rj'MVCjt;:

0 rs Ago i l i l l M 1 ( l'r n m ih c .l.iiiic 'in 1!I3I. J-ssuc . (Krpin.tlic .limb zti, lyil,.Issue . . iir 'i'lic Tlnics) • ot -TIil1 T tn ic s ) : , Aim .Neaiuiif Ira;* •’ iMibllShKil: i r i d i d r r ~ ~ ~ ~ Tel,. PR<«pc.t M ^ w m Miss Klizabe'tli Pliuiimer *'as ap- ■ ..Frank. Tantuiii w as re-elected V •;••••••. •• Wll.t.tA.M T. KitlisGE.. Kltltol‘alitl I'ointod Chief Junior; Councilor of prvsident ol the Board of Fire. ViyA-y;.;}f»>Y.;--v.,>: ' , CIIAKKOTTK MKVMlt,: Sonal l.llUor • . • '.'.u' Ocean Glove Woman's'Club at (JoiiiinissionurS of Ocean .Grove, us : , : iixn-roltt MAIN AVBNfB..OCEAN GUllVEy M W. .in cxi'f'iitivi. board iHee.ting by the was Harry O. Shreve, ‘ secretary -an n u ally iiv*; give former-adores*. , i i 1‘siilent, Mrs; John M. Dcy, .Miss and C. C. Clayton, treasurer'. A ll' riunim cr was . to, be . assisted by three .companies accepted the. iuvi- Jn %S«SAT.«s:>>r Mrs. Ella Borden, .Mis. Leroy Van- tation of File Chief Harry Wallace SUBSCRIPTION — derlioof, Mrs. O. J. Moulton, Mrs. of Asbury Park to. participate in. (Local Ymitlis in Uniform) Hugh Jloore, Miss Helen Parkin­ the liremeti’s parade oil September piumber of I lie Ocean Grove Camp son and M>'s. Marion Cleaver. The Captain David N. iienjnmiii,. Inis- M eet iff" Association, dedicated 3, but not take part in the hose Fifteen Years Ago board of trustees was reorganized laying contest. Tliorhley. Chapel before a gather­ 'with Mrs. H. G. Shreve elected ing ;uf 500 persons "for the train­ president,; Mrs. W. II. Carpenter .Miss Helen Yerkes was given a. ing of children in Christian serv­ stationery, .miu vvm> a, (IV W llU U -U »l 1 - L 1 U . H U . V ------declining to serve again. . Mrs. W. surprise party at the home of her THE TRUTH IN ITS PROPER PLACE nient at Fort Monroe, Va„ upon his ice.’, The ceremony, fell on the E. Taylor was linmed secretary. sister, Mrs. David Edwards, 144 — ; : , — departure for a new assignment (From the .iiil.v l.m ia, issue sixtieth nniversary of tlie dedica-' Broadway, Ocean Grove, iff-honor or Tlie Times) tion of . the original chapel.. Diy A reunion of the class of 1P13 of i .V .Javcees Aid Tercentenary Commit lee in Korea., Concrete and wooden bleachers, Neptune high School was held a t the of her twentieth birthday. The ■*,*1. captainCaptain Benjaminm ,iiii;iiiiiii was« as iiicucited for . - - ...... - ...... Joseph .Thovhley, for whoiii the' guests enjoyed games, and refresh­ in Publishing Neplune History Hollywood .Coffee Shop, Neptune. _* ~ , . • •• -Mns service as Otricer-in-Charge of seating 150 sports fans, wereOcean com- cliapej jyas named, led tlie first re­ ments. Those present were Miss Nfiptune .Jay cees,. th e -C o m m u n ity S .CIVIC group Ot t he U.. S. Continental 'Army Com- pleted. and in use on the Oce: ligious service. in Oeeaii Grove and Mrs. Edna KofohlKoloht Hall,Hall was was chair- chaiv- >»»» g t h e (Was .sufiefintendent of tlie Sunday' inan, who showed high school pic- Dorothy McBride, Miss Josephine «,;,i »,infn«;nnn1 men is soliciting aclvertis-1 maivd Communications Site, at Car-' Grove playground, adjoining , t! I tures. Mrs. Elva Van Note S t i l w e l l , U1'cells, Mrs. A ugust Knight, Mr. •’ ... -.rolton,:VaVsince August, lflfi2. ; . basketball court. The.... materialshlaterin ischool' liritil his death ill .1889. "mc Trtr.,.in«prrion.v ill tne •&.■<2„m.ViV«ri .in •thiV'U;’ S. Navy from I were purchased by thetlie Ocean GroGrove one of Neptune’s former pianists, ' nni* Mrs. John W. Yerkes, Jr., Phil- Recreation Commission. N. S. Dr, and Jlrs. James Graham; took nccompanied for group singing of adolphia;auuipnm; Mr.m i. anoand irirs,Mrs. u D. . W.vy. tua-Ed- over the, ownership of the Dun- school songs. 'Raynipiid Gracey,was wai’ds, William McBride, Jay Wil­ stea man i Francis was volunteer carpenter, Haven Hotel, 10-12 Ocean Pathway. is conimis- j assisted by Herbie Fritts. Paintinfr appointed general chairman of a liams, and Norris, J, Yerkes. ;'' completion j was volunteered by. Thompson and- Dr. Graham, a Lieut-Commander in reunion planned for the following . siuii. aa uii v/jnvti »).».• the war, is a practicing dentist in w . 1.1.. E IA .I.JJ. T>l„n„ TTr.,.I-/1 #/,„ The W om en’s. Improvement Af'fWn' hffinnvB nnnrtidnte:School atI'Gjllan, .. . v . year at the Forked Elver House for league asked, th at cement sidf;- New York City. Dr. and Mrs. Gra­ the classes of J913 and 1914, Mr; and Mrs. Stephen B. Gilhuiy ham planned to personally super­ ^alks be put arourid; the postoffice celebrated their 05th wedding, anni­ vise The Dun-Haveri and to retain The committee' in charge of the and that the South End Pavilion be versary. Mr. and Mrs. Gilhuiy met Mrs. Cora Simpson as the .ever Ocean Grove Woman’s Club ex­ fixed up. John E.- Andrus, treas­ in Oceah Grove during the summer change’ was Mrs. Wilfred Paxson, urer of the Association,, was owed of 1884. While traveling European popular hostess. • The new directors of the Shore Mrs. Paul Hosenhcim, and Mrs. I about'.$600,000/on a note, but felt schools durinp the thirties, Mr. Gil- Arnold Pfeister. Mrs. E. L. Bern 'the improvements could.be made. huly kept the readers of The Times Area Y.M.C.A. were elected at a well-informed through the'column? s a g * ;S£”' !"n“' “* Claude Newbury and George in The Times, ton Hotel, Asbury Park. New meM-> . , . ■ . . - , ; . ■ bers were: William .II., Oliver, of 1 The Neptune playgrounds at the ferry shone as for Neptune in the Governor Alfred E. Driscoll, of O l i v e t 'Brother's ieal estate and i n r , Unexcelled Fire Company and the interclaas meet. In the Neptune- a r-2 r.m., ui uic i^hiuox, ___ ^ New.Jersey, was slated.to bring the tsurance. Ocean Grove and Asbury ; Ridge Avenue School opened under Asbury dual meet Newbury was Headquarters, 137 South Main Street. Independence Day message in the Park: Peter DeMidowitz, of the H. I the plan of. the leisure tmie depart- the high scorer and also scored Neptune. New Jersey. the Township of Auditorium Sunday, July 3. . The heavily in the E. J. H. S.- meet. ’MsiSW.t'i . ■ Ring the Bells on the “Fourth" , Neptune, In the County of Monmouth L. Zobel Co., Bradley Beacli, and ment of the emergency relief ad- O th er I will offer at public sale, to the highest appearance' followed a tradition of I William : Hagerman, of Wellers, 1 ministration; Two. supervisors at Perry excelled in the sprints, and won the meet for Neptune from the < . i. We were reminded . this week that , . Connecticut • , and , •/»1 bidder ....‘ bidder at at a a minimum . minimum saie sale mhvc price «i of niany years when the chief execu­ Inc., NeptuneV ice, coal and fuel oil: each playground directed'the play states ..are causing theirbells to be. rung oil the Fourth of i one Thousand Fifty Dollars (si.oso). tive of the state delivered a . I and handicraft work1 of the Nep­ other Eastern Jersey schools in.the ° : all the right, title .and. Interest of the "Fourth” address in Ocean Grove. tune Township children.who attend­ relay race. Both stars graduated Julyin commemoration of the founding of" our Republic. I said Township of Neptune acquired at Dr. J. Edgar. Washabaugh, a ed. At the Unexcelled Field, Flor­ and would be missed by Neptune in ‘ i 1.1. t» . -rii • . w-. / .. ■•. . • " i Tnx tax .Title sale/and Lien the Lgriuitui« foreclosure-of the•** the new season. ■ Charlotte R. dynes, an Ocean Grove resident, urges that the, Taxand Titleto the Lien following certificate described thereof lands in ence Yoast, 32 Heck avenue, Ocean t- - U n ' 1 | j » • , . ,, p,, .... and to the following described lands of 80, feet on Springwood Avenue and KXOLI.WOOI) Grove, and Irving Fricks Eighth At the request of Tali Esen Mor- v>f.i' bells be pealed here and. in other Shore communities. . W e1 nnAllPthatl^ertain---j -—»«*«•• plot, piece, or parcel a n a p p ro x im a te f r o n ta g e - o f -175 f e e t on • avenue, Neptune* supervised’. . At gnn, the Rev. R. F. Y. Pierce, D.D„ of ground known and .designated as Springdale Avenue, upoii the following the RWgre avenue playground, di­ of New York City, w'as secured to tfpfr . .agree! ’.. ; ' ■ •, • •• B lock 222. L o ts 270 an d 277. b ein g a terms.and conditions:’ . piece of vacant ground approximated : U) Twenty percent (20%) of. the rectors Earl Everinpham', of Brad­ give one of his celebrated talks to 50 by-100 feet on the southeast, corner purchase money to be paid at the time ley Parkj arid Grizelda W alker, of the children in the Temple, Ocean of Bangs Avenue and Oak Street. upo.v the property is struck off. If the money Neptune. Check-ups on attendance Grove. The Hon. E: C. Stokes was th e fo llo w in g term s- a " d ™ n.dU *?nstL_ is- n o t ; p a id a t t h a t , tim e , /th e p ro p e rty > 'r“i Open Your Eyes To The World Around You' (11 Twenty percent (20^) of tne may be put up and re-sold immedi- ! HOMES were taken a t both fields, also to address the assemblage. The continual call for censorship of films and television purchase money to be paid at'the time | ately. The balance to be paid within • Our Hallmark and Cresswood . The following pupils of- Mrs. HeK Two New York anglers, summer the property is'struck off. -If the money sixty days upon delivery of a. Bargain I . en V. Hammen; 99 Wetb avenue, residents of Bradley Beach, estab­ lias prompted a church leader to call for a new look, a new|lsIs not nSt pai/nt.that--p:l,a lnal 1lme. tl,; u.w propel ‘ and Sale Deed, without covenants. ' | models have been sold. We have . C2) :.Tlie purchaser, shall- be required | another choice location in Ocean participated in a piano recital: lished a hew record for the Ocean approach to the problem. The Rev. Dr. Howard E. Toxver,! to orect a professional • building with { Grove; The Knoll wood model (4 Janet Hulskamper; .Virginia and Grove fishing pier when they 'j;*. fi" masonry veneer exterior walls, contain­ Doris Newbury; and Alice Thomp­ hauled in 24 lbs. of lilnekfish. The Methodist representative to’ the entertainment industry in wHhout’covenant?31" ing not less- than .2000 square feet on . rooms, bath. & garage) . will be a re to the said property ,within .two years aft­ ready, for Fall occupancy. .. ; son. .Toy MacClure was visitinp: lucky fishermen were Will. I. ICass Hollywood.-urges ehurches and their membership to “open ' bc‘2s'0lcf'suV.j^cV'toniYi JSSKttSSi?.___sta te , er the date of the confirmation of the. friends in AViIkes-Barre. Pa., and and Arthur Brown, both of Newark H sale,; ' , ; v': • ;Y 1 PRICE — 822,500 avenue, and their catch comprised their eyes to the world being, portrayed by motion pictures [ ‘l?» * of the (31 Said land? and premises arc to ; so could not' perform. Gifts' were be sold subject to all municipal, .-state. I a warded to the pupil s, and refresh­ seventeen fish, the largest being and television."'. Far. from decrying the moral moral tone of films g „ab . ;v : • (51 T)ie deed W ill co n ta in a . co n d i­ Two stbry cottage In Ocean Grove, "04 -1004 ‘ • ■ v :.' : ’ tion^ that in the event ‘the terms of 3 bedrooms, i«nth. living room, din­ E V 2 T Z added! . JOSEPH ;E. BENNETT .the .sale /are. not complied with:-within ing room, kitchen, porch. Water, v . ; . • • v * Township Clerk two years from the date of; the confir­ electricity, sewer, gas heat, thermo­ S19.84 stat controlled. mation of - the sale, the deed' will - re- Immediate possession possible. • Family home — 4 .bedrooms, lath & plaster con-.. .veM 'Hp-.fh^To\vtttship.^v>.’,>.--;'j V ;AV-'*vi'./ : C E CB) The*'sale of this property Is stih- | A sking ST.ono co m p letely f u r ­ structlon. oil-fired steam, heat. Hardwood floors. . ject to confirmation by the Township j n ish ed . Excellent wiring. Good location: Some extra . Committee who may reject any or all What Is your, offer? : ground. Good kitchen. First floor lavatory. bids. ’ . ' . Needs redecorating. $10,500. . ^ • * D A TED : Ju n e 25. mG4 W .’H. McBride Agency ' , - JOSEPH E. BENNETT ] A ready to live.In bungalow with two nice bed­ Township Clork i 33 Mount Drive / •. rooms. Full basement. Spacious porch. Airy. —2G-27 S24.DC j West-Long Branch, N. J. ■ and bright. Good size living room plus Rood size dining room. No repair necessary. Bright klteh- * : ------I Member Shore Multiple Ustlng : oiv with; large .walk-ln. pantry. Only S12,700. . S erv ice — T el. 229-4200 SUBSCRIBE TO THE TIMES Beach area-cottage in apple-ple order. Hot- air S3.S0 A YEAR BY MAIL . oil-fired heat. Fireplace! All painted walls. At­ tractive exterior, and interior. Nicely land- scaped. Truly, a little gem. . $14,500. See iti V , • - i F iv e T h o u s a n d s . D ollars., fS.i.000.00).- ;; •. co m p a re l , \ \ ilf^fKVlllgllt.'. -' />: /* . ; all the right, title and interest of -the- GUEST HOME s i r T i r n ' p M ^ P T )T 1T i T P r ' ' :- 1.1 -i''£'i- •" • *'•* ? said'Township' of Neptune, acquired tat ENTERPRISE IS. the tig h t.to argue. , • ; ...n tas -sale, and the foreclosure of the Guest home in prime location, first block from the beach, has /EV2TZ—E, economy, V2 twice the value. The T Z j-a.'VpT» pp r’VTPnrmTcr’ • . i • , , i .^ . Tax Title -Lien Certificate thereof in eleven’nicely decorated rooms with wall .to wall carpet and run­ . we ‘just threw in because it sounded nice, • FRE-E EN TERPR ISE is the rig h t to save money -if- you .nnd to the following described lands ning hot and cold water. Year round owner’s apartment has two - w ish,.or blow it all on,a good time if th a t is w hat you w ant .-''"AiMhS'ccVtain plot, piccc. or parcel bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen. Asking $10,500. / '.^Q ‘ . . / !**'f protmd _Unown jtnd * desicnatcd ^as APARTMENTS Two apartments overlooking ocean are in topnotch condition. an' fS& Sir- FREE ENTERPRISE is looking.on a 'policeman as some- eraund with an approximate frontage On first floor we have living room, dining room, nice kitchen, 7i/im tA /TM T in F ttrir two bedrooms, tile bath, and porch. On the second floor we MAI ESTATE* • INSURANCE • MOITOAOES U EIT. I,J0 U one to protect you ; a judge as someone to help you. . have an apartment with separate entrance consisting of living 53 Main Ave., Ocean Grove 774-1058 774-2080 FREE ENTERPRISE is the right to speak freely about room, nice kitchen, three bedrooms, and two full baths. The second floor apartment is fully furnished and ready to rent. All anything you wish, at any time you wish, to anyone, you wish FOR SALE Broadloom carpet in home will be included in sale. Gas fired to speak to. Ocean Grove Winter Home forced air heat makes this cozy home delightful all year round. The roOf is new and combination aluminum storm sash are in­ >1’’ V ' & Income Property "f. S!.'/' FREE ENTERPRISE has nothing todo with how much stalled. Asking $21,500. t m : . money you have—or don’t have; nor what your job is, or is Furnished . . .. ideal 'for re­ GOOD CONVERSIONS “World’s Fairest Buys” Here is a home that with little effort will convert to an excellent ESTATE SACRIFICES: not. ’ ;V\.i .' !' ’ tired couple . . . immediate sale two family home. On the first floor there is a living room, FREE ENTERPRISE means the right to be yourself dining room,, parlor, kitchen, rear porch, lavatory, vestibule FIVE APARTMENTS: 1st block from OCF.AN, Heck Ave. HA due to illness! and large open porch. On the second floor there are four bed­ heat, completely furnished, FULL REDUCED GIVE AWAY instead of some nameless numl)er in a horde bossed bv a PRICE $9,000. Norm ot Main Ave., just west- of rooms-and bath. The property is CO' x 45Vwith nice side yard . few despots. ' ,. Ocean Ave... . . llvlns room, dintns —ample room for constructing a garage if desired. The home COTTAGE: 3 bedrooms, New Gas HA Heat, Room for Garage, room, kitchen, 7 bedrooms, U; A STEAL.AT $7,500. . FREE ENTERPRISE is the sum.of many little things porches, full tosement. ne« is in good condition and will require very little decoration. It oil furnace, hot air heat . . . low has full basement and storage attic. Storm sash and screens TWO FAMILY: Broadway Corner— Steam Oil Heat — Ready to i-M^but how miserable we’d be if someone stole it from us. taxes . . • Priced LOW for quick are provided. Call now to see this fine property. Asking $17,500. be occupied. $14,990. saie. • ■ * REALTOR MEMBER 8.M.L.8. Small 6 Bedroom GUEST HOUSE & HOME, Asbury Ave. Grab this one FOR $12,850.00. W. H. McBRIDE AGENCY EDWIN D. RALSTON AGENCY OUTSIDE OF OCEAN GROVE LISTINGS AVAILABLE Itcaltor Member shore Sliiltlple, 48 MAIN AVENUE OCEAN GROVE L isting “COME IN AND LET US DISCUSS YOUR REQUIREMENTS" itHE noM THcoiS 775-0398 Phones 775-8600 Tel; 229-1200 “Better Buy From Ilurry and Be Satisfied" 1 S h j s r w i n - W illiam s Paints _ . i n — " I**...... iu»» " I, J. A. HURRY AGENCY REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE ‘ COME! ./'. v.;; /;• FOR SALE W 60 MAIN AVENUE OCEAN GROVE Enjoy the services and prosrani arranged for your benefit and Corner property «— living room, m Tel. 774-4132 two bedrooms, kitchen and bath entertainment at the Great Ocean Grove Auditorium. Established over 5U. YEARS all on one floor; small apartment on second floor, separate en­ s t a y !.. . v / , v - >•: V/.^;;. >/&*&••; trance, gas hot air heat. $11,000.00 To buy one of the many desirable properties «e have on our OCEAN GROVE SPECIALS Summer home, centrally located, list — a few of which arc listed below: NORTH SIDE, near ocean, beautiful modern bungalow with garage. six rooms and bath, furnished. NEAR OCEAN, guest house with 10 rooms, oil burner, completely 6 rooms, 3 bedroom s, full lot, sum m er cottage S7,!)00. furnished, drastically reduced to only $ 10,000. $11,000.00 TWO HOUSES: 5 rooms, bath, oil burner, and 3 rooms, bath, ga« heat. Total price only $14,500. Guest house, one block from 9 rooms, shower bath, summer cottage 80,500. BUNGALOW, 4 rooms, very large living room, bath, gas heat, ocean, owner’s apartment plus porch and large'yard with room for garage, reduced to only $8,000 due 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, hot air oil heat §9,000. to Illness. small apartment and twelve bed- AT OCEAN, guest house, furnished, automatic heat, ready to move i.rooms; hot water oil heat;.fur­ G rooms, 3 bedrooms, hot water oil heat SI 1,500. Into. . • • nished. B E A U T IFU L 8-rooin home, oil burner, suitable I or 2 families, m large yard with room for garage. : ;■* s i s ,5oo.oo . Apartment and 12 bedrooms, first block, oil heat $14,- SEVERAL other good buys Jn cottages, bungalows, homes, .guest houses, hotels and business property. 500. SEASON AND ALL YEAR RENTALS and • Jennie Meyer CHOICE LOTS FOR SALE .MAYOR JOSEPH WARDELL (right) congratulates Walter Ul­ REAL ESTATE mer, .501 Maple avenne, Neptune, on the opening of his new store. ALVIN E. BILLS, Realtor V. M. KUBLER The Home Decorator, in the Oliver Brothers building at Highway AGENCY Member of SMLS 33 and Brighton avenue. The shop features wallpaper, paint and 47 x/i Main Avenue " : Realtor . hardware. 78 MAIN AVE. • OCEAN GROVE Ocean Grove, N. J. PRospect 4-2124 117 MAIN AVE. OCEAN GROVE Tel 774-3061 Pltqne 774-1142 You’re Reading the Family Newspaper FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 3964 OCiiAN GROVE TIMES and NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE. NEW JERSEY P A G E F I V-.fi' OCEAN GROVE Central Jersey Bank To Sponsor MEMORIALS Classified Advertisements OCEAN (;UO'VI3:^Thc-*IS- Retail Sales Training Institute AMoment *or tb<;se columns should by la the oJlico of ' font Memorial'* Cross on I lie. Times’'- MOT LATER; THAN 11:00 A.M. Thursd.iv of. tm civ wi.-ulc. front of the Ocean Grove "Audi • tot nun, facing (he sea, will be I .PNG r.RANCM ,Thc' Vtfl ili’rficif.r,. Joseph Elorne Co.,- c l a ssifie d : a i) k a ti:s TKLEPIIO'.Vi: ■' 7ii-00Q7 I if* lit ed (he week of June 27 Central ,/mVf.y. B*ijilc .p.ivI T tr.i Piltsb’.u trii; .Miss ,.7anel Vref’mnn, • Words' OH LESS . , : E EHJHTY u i in r y CENTS t» J u ly 1 i n - me til«ry f M r. C o m p a n y will sponsor a Retail Sales rofM-.UirUor of t;r>fi;i<*rati> pei-.s«;nnelt AflflUiOn.il -Words A HOVE 25 2 CV.nts ijer. Word M LOCALS James I*. Dunn, husband, and 'i . \iiti-ii- In SUi.ulc arid..Win ksrij,;, at Assoclalrd . Merchandising C<»rp., f> Timos for tho priiv, o f. Four ConsocuUvo Insertions. For r.vicn line o;iplin1i’/cd or indenteu. 15c additional charge, * Mr. Jam es !•'. Dunn,* son of Monmouth College on sis ci'.nst t’u-' New- .York Ci’y: Mrs. Carol Mil lei:. Copy moiled in. given to a representative or brought io r»ir>«e. per- ; 'Mrs. James P. Dunn, 3 Ocean live .Tuesday evenings hejjitnurig Management and Personnel CJroujj, •iiii.iiU.V niii.«t be .'iccompatiled by cash or stamps to cover.cost. Copy All. barber shop music fans will Mrs. Myrtle Kimball, daughter Pathway. . ’ • - *- Sejiternher 22. •. ' . Na'ional Retail Morchnnls Avsoci- ai-cepted over plione as a courtesy and convenience to customers. ‘be happy to heaV the “Sweet Ade­ of Mrs. Phineas Praetor, and Miss The Memorial Sign, on the. Plaii- for the Institute were nn- alion. New. York CUy; Miss Dorothy ; Bills, due immediately upon presentation. lines” of Monmouth County will be Ruth Kessler, both of Boca Raton, Auditorium roof will be lighted r.oLinced by Robert M. Bonham, di­ If. Foster, training director, Wood­ presented in an evening of song Kta* r.re visiting the Proctors at 29 the same week- in memory, of rector of eollegc relations at Mon­ ward & Lothrop, Washington. D. C.i j ■' on Friday, July 3, at 8 p.m. in the New York avenue. Mr. Lewis T. Matlack by Mrs. mouth College. He noted that the Miss Anne Saum, personnel training FOR REXT ATTRACTIVE ground floor: room Young People's Temple, Ocean Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McBride of . Lewis T. Matlack, wife, and program will Ijo presented by the consul fan t, Anne Saum .and Associ­ •twin beds, private lull bnlh, private en­ college's Department of • Business ates, Kelail Sales Training Consul tr i n IV SOT THY Tilt: ttUS-UAVEN trance. With .or v/iLhoul. breakfast. • Grove,' Sponsored by thn Hannnh- Glasgow, Seotinnd, enjoyed n Mrs. Earl Stephenson, of Her* Week, montlj. season; One block from CrosMan Post, Veterans, of Foreign week’s su.iourn at the Parts View Administration in cooperation with ants, Ridgewood. this year. One of Ocean Grove's finest wyn, Pa., da lighter. the'Chambcrs of Commerce of . As­ and most tieaiitlltil hotels. Itales are ocean nnd Norfh End cafeteria.. Other . Wars, proceeds of the entertain­ Hotel, 23 Seayiew avenue, last Registration forms for the Retail surprisingly reasonable lor an elevator rooms, 1st and ‘2nd floors, private bath ment will benefit:the many- projects week. They are visiting the United bury Park, East Union County,' Sales Training Institute arid Work­ hotel “up front”—on lieamlfnl Ocean also available. The Cornwall House. 18 - of the local veterans. .This affair is Eatontown. Freehold, Keyport, shop are available through the co­ Pallnvay, only.4 doors from the ocean! Seaview Ave... Ocean Grove. 775-1513. States, to attend ti.f: W orld’s F air Christopher R.van, son of Mr. and Lakewood, I.ong Branch, Middle­ Write now for picture folder, with low '• -23-27*. : the Post’s only fund /raisins ac- in New .York. While here, they Mrs. H. Ryan, of 140 Webb uvenuc, operating Chambers of Commerce. rates. . town, Perth Amboy, Plainfield Area. The fees are $30 for one person, S25 HOUSES, apartments, cottages.' All - tivity for the entire year. are residing with Mr. and Mrs. W. has just completed his freshman WANT TO AVOID STAIRS? : Red Bank, and Union Township, as each when two to four persons come The nun-llaven has 15 ground floor year and season, week, month or sea­ Ocean Grove firemen Larry Mier- Jackson: of Belleville, who recom­ year at Randolph-Macon College in well as.Hie New Jersey State Cham­ bedrooms and almost seventy bedrooms son. V. M. K u b le r, R ealtor, 117 A lain mended a visit to Ocean Grove by from tho same store, and $20 each Ave., Ocean Grove. Phone 774-1142. ;aa, Robert John, Donald DeRose Virginia and has made, the Dean’s ber of Commerce. when five , or more persons come more—served by the safest type ele­ and Frank Holl .represented Ocean the sea, which is so dear to their List. Chris has also been awarded vator built, stow and easy! —23tf Mr. Bonham said this will bo the from the same store. WANT TO GO TO THE MOVIES? Grove companies in a softball. hearts. a top academic scholarship o f.$700 third Retail Institute to be support­ Don't even move out of j'our Dun- WANTED j?ame Sunday at Summerfield ball Mr. and Mrs. Kinsey N. Merritt, for the second time. ed by the Central Jersey. Bank and Ilaven rocker! Twice each week we field, • opposing a team of Unex- 40 Surf avenue, are at Syracuse. take you to all the world’s beauty spots WANTED TO RENT— Bungalow ' or: The doll and toy table of the Trust Company which feels that by with professional gorgeous color and small house, year round.12 bedrooms, ; celled Fire Company players.1 N. Y., where Mr. M erritt is a dele­ Ladies Auxiliary of the Auditorium helping the small businessman in Paper Drive By sound travelogs on a huge screen In prefer north side of Ocean Grove. Call Steven Holl, son of Mr. and Mrs. gate, from the Newark Conference Ushers is having a Tupporware the doily. conduct ol his business, one of Ocean Grove’s largest and most 775-0870. • —20* to the Northeastern Jurisdictional the bank also improves the eco­ beautiful lounges. Yes—travel all over Edward Holl, 115 Stockton.avenue, P arty Wednesday, July 15 a t .10:30. the world In your own rocker! left Saturday morning by bus for Conference of the Methodist a.m. It will be at the home of nomic health of the entire area. Club Du Monde SUNDAY A LONG DAY? ■ *2v MASSAGE- The 1964 program consists of a Not at the Dun-Haven! Peek In be­ a ■wecVs training* as scout leader at Church. Mr: Merritt is president- Mrs. Charles Neighbors, 12 Front SWEDISH MASSAGE, to- Improve emeritus- of the Ocean Grove As­ series of six weekly seminars, each tween 3 and 5 P.M. You’ll only then the Boy Scout Camp in Forestburg, Circle. ot which will be addressed by a na­ realize how much you’ve been missing. blood circulation. For relaxation and a sociation. OCEAN GROVE-—The members Then, take one of our free picture fold­ feejlng of well-being, by expert mas­ New York. Also taking the train- Kay Ludwig, daughter of Mr. tionally known expert on retail seuse. Call Mrs. White, 776-5565 morn­ ' ing course is Douglas Bills, son of Harry Kossen of Clifton, a sum­ of the Club Du Monde have met and ers of both the Ocean Grove and As­ and Mrs. Charles F. Ludwig, 55 Ab­ training. Thera also will be films made pians for their summer activ ­ bury Park areas with the whole story ings. -.—23-27* Mr. and Mrsi A1 Bills, Jr., and mer cottager here at 30 Olin street, bott avenue, has beer, notified o t and stage presentations of varied set forth In Interesting detail. You’ll landed'his first bass of the season ities far the benefit of Oiean Grove, be very glad you did! The Dun-Haven Bobby Denbigh;, son of Mr. and her acceptance at Glassboro State selling situations, with audience including four paper drives on al­ REAL ESTATE FOR SALH Mrs. Robert Denbigh, of Shark Riv­ Tuesday, a 10-lb. striper from the Teachers College. Kay is enrolled participation and group discussion. will be packed again this summer for surf of Ocean Pathway. ternate Mondays, beginning Mon­ one very good reason: no hotel ofTers er Hills. in the kindergarten-primary pro­ The speakers include George day, July G. Residents and guests more for the money. We mean to keep Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coslick, 98 John Moggs, well-known io gram and will begin classes in Sep­ Palmer, vice president and person- it "Ocean Grove’s best buy.” Dr. INCOME PROPERTY — House with are urged to leave all papers and James Graham. —21tf two 4-room apartments, sunny corner, Abbott avenue, have returned from Ocean Grove as a .painter fo r. tember. magazines well-tied on front mid-town Ocean Grove. Good condi­ *. a weekend visit with their son and over SO years, returned’to his Juckie ’.Yard, K athy Gilmore, Thursday, Friday and Saturday porches or steps in order that the APARTMENT for rent. 2nd fl. bed­ tion. OH h e a t. D ial 775*6636. —fltf family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cos­ South Main street home yes­ Patty Milligan. Carol Larrison, the Neptune Township. Little room, living room, kitchen, bath. Hot young people may see them and water heat, thermostat. All uUUtles, HOUSE. 6 rooms and bath; Gas heat, lick and son, Bobby, at their Balti­ terday from an 8-week tour of Peggy Sandora, Carol DeHart, League is. participating in a Tag be able to easily gather them. hardwood floors. Plus 2 room apart­ center of town. Write WYNDRIFT, ment. Separate furnace, private en­ more, home. England and Scotland. He flew Barbara Ann Ludwig and Dee Lud­ Day for equipment, uniforms, and The Club Du Monde will also Ocean Grove. 774-4978. ^ —5tf to Glasgow, Scotland, ir; late wig enjoyed a pajama party Friday trance and porch. Central location. Re­ , ' ’The Misses Florence and Janet tournament and national dues. The sponsor a refreshments festival on FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, light duced for quick sale. Write owner, Box Cruishank are here t with their April; via Greenland and Icc- night .in celebration of Dea’s grad­ Ocean Grove Wildcat- aiding in Saturday, Aug, 8, arid Saturday, housekeeping. ADULTS ONLY. $5 PER 0060, % Times O/Tice, Ocean Grove. mother, Mrs. John Cruishank, all of iend After touring the Isles uation from the Intermediate this drive are: Doug Holl, John Aug. 22, in the Auditorium Pavil­ WEEK up. Ocean Grove. No pets. 70 —23tf and visiting family members Abbott Ave; Call 775-2016. —13tf Freeport, L. I., for the summer at School. Refreshments were served Trout, Johnny Meyer, David Mier- ion. The proceeds from these, fes­ GUEST HOUSE — All year round their cottage, 15 .Webb avenue. in England, where he was born, by the hosts, Mr. ami Mrs. Charles as, und Richie Minnehan, The boy3 tival and fron: the paper drives APARTMENT, combination twin bed­ home, partly furnished; 9 bedrooms. he returned home on the liner F. Ludwig, 55 Abbott avenue. will be stationed on the Grove will be used by the club to further room nnd sitting room, kitchen, dining 1st floor owner’s apartment, water, heat >' -■ Miss Gertrude Van Dusen and America. area, sunporch, private bath and en­ all rooms. 65 Webb Ave., Ocean Grove. . Mrs. Emma Settle, of Cranford, Tomorrow (Saturday) many boardwalk with Mrs. Carl Meyer the cause of Ocean Grove, because trance. Heated. Apply Ormond Ho­ —24-28* Mr. and Mrs. James B. Healy supervising on Thursday, Mrs. J, the young people of the club like tel, 20 Pitman avenue. Phone 776-9746. bave arrived here for the summer Ocean Grove youths will be FOR SALE—Beautiful corner home of Paterson have arrived for an­ participating in the 1964 Jay- Zaicaro, Neptune, :;n Friday, and Ocean Grove and they want to have *. —24-28 ■ at 29 Olin street. They plan to re­ other summer season at 11 Broad­ apts., 3 apts. rented year around, love­ main here year round. cce Junior Olympic Games Airs. Franklin Holl, Saturday. a hand in helping it fulfill its mis­ TIME TO RESERVE for summer va­ ly apt. for owner. Phone 775-1920. way. ' sponsored by the Neptune Jun­ Mrs. Alice G. Holt, 104 Heck ave­ sion. ' ca tio n —ap ts. fro m $75 to $125 a w eek — —24-28* .' Winter residents of Jersey City, The awiual bazaar-of the Wom­ ior Chambe: of Commerce .;t . nue will leave for a Scandinavian The Club Du Monde is sponsored ro o m s fro m $25 to $55 a w e e k ." A ll Mr. and Mrs. William Witt have utilities supplied plus linen & cleaning. SPECIAL SALES—One duplex, two- * an's Club of Ocean Grove will be the Summerfield School Ath-: ■ tour tomorrow (Saturday) morning. by the Youth Center. - Private porches — ocean view from family house, plus 1 family house, both : reopened their cottage at 56 Frank- hold Thursday, July 9, at the club­ letic Field. Medals will bo From New York, she will cross tho * — -— every room — enjoy the cool ocean ofTered for total' price of only $10,000, ■ lln avenue. They are accompanied house, 89 Mt. Carmel Way. Atlantic on the liner America, to breeze at- the Wlndnmer, 23 Ocean good condition, must be settled quickly. awarded to first, second and ■ Ave. r ’—14tf ’ bv their daughter Margaret, a third finalists in each event, visit Denmark, Sweden, Finland Vacation School Begins' Two family house plus bungalow, both' teacher in the Cranford ■ School Guests at the Shamrock, t-7 Em­ and the land oi the Midnight Sun, for onlv $5800. B ungalow , fo u r r o o m s ,: bury avenue, attending last week’s with the senior division (IB APARTMENT. 3 rooms and bath. - 1st porch, large ✓yard, room for garage, gas- system, and Miss Edna Witt, Mr. Mrs. Holt wilt travel with the Edu­ floor, private entrances.* Sleeps 4. Heat heat, only $8,000. See these and other, conference of the Evangelical Free years and up), at 9 a.m. and all for cool. days. Summer rental. Also Witt’s sister. cator’s Tour of Trenton. NEPTUNE—Daily Vacation Bi­ specials. V. M. Kubler, Realtor, 117 Church trf America were Rev. Ar­ other divisions run at 1 p.m. ble Schuol begins Monday at Good; apartments and rooms for weekly rent­ Main Avenue, Ocean Grove. Tel; 774- al. The Richmond, 01 Cookman avfmue. 1142. . ' . . . —25 tf. Mrs A. 0, MacLeiand, of Midi nold T. Molnberg, Rev. Paul Capriu, Troop 41, Boy Scouts of Amer­ Shepherd Chape!, a full two-weeks Ocean Grove. 1 - 2 2 - 2 ^ dleburg, Conn., was driven down both of New Haven, Conn.; Rev. school between the hours of 9-11:30 ica, will attend .courses at Forest­ APARTMENTS—Lovely ~2 nnd 2\'j RETIREMENT income property, to Ocean' Grove by her son, Mr. Richard Swedberg, Minnesota; Rov. burg Scout Reservation July 19 “Enchanted.. aim. each day. Registrations can oceanfropt. Seven . rentable rooms. Theodore Macl.eiand, with whom Clyde Wilhite, Gary, Ind.; Rev. rms. AU utilities. One' block from Separate 3 rm apt: downstairs. Sacrifice. thru July 2(3, Dennis Wood, Scout­ (Continued from Page j ) be made by calling 774-7530. A Ocean Grove and one block from ocean. Phono 770-883".. Write Box 1233. c/o , she ’resides; Dean M. Johnson, Connecticut; Rev. master, has announced, with many noteppper ur.a stationery. A »red service ef preparation in anticipa­ 203 Newark ave., Bradley Boach. Phone T im es O ffice, O ce.m G ro v e. —25-29. William Miller, Oakland, Cal.; Rev. scouts completing their First Class' fireplace, featuring numerous fire­ tion of the Lord’s Supper will be 77-1-701/5. . . . -2 4 -2 0 ■ The Misses Grace E. Home and BEAUTIFUL corner home, good In­ Edith Lee of New York City have Donald H. Childs, Branford, Conn.; Scout reuircments a t.th a t t.imt;. Mi. place accessories, adds to the Vid- held Sunday at the 7 p.m. worship . ROOM for rcnt< ocean front"; Yearly come, 3: apts. rented veir around, love­ Salvatore Palscine, Monrose, Conn.; trnian atmosphere of the cottage. hour. The sacrament will be ob­ or seasonal. Single woman. Phono 774- j opened their cottage, 42 Surf ave- Wood reports Donald Bush, son. of 4079. 17tf ly. apt. for owner. . Phone 775-1920, lie. for .the season. Over the last Miss Nancv Olsen and Miss Arlene Mr. and Mrs. Herbert. R.- Bush, 35 Further back one-finds a room served • the following Sunday dur­ ' -2 5 -2 9 * , • /'weekend they had as -their guest, Burritt, Stratford, Conn.; Mr. and Abbott avemic, will represent the. filled’with the aromas old-time ing . the evening service. Pastor CENTRALLY. located on Main. Also FOR ;SALE—Embury Ave..; second Mrs. Ay Woyt a n d -family, Bridge­ spices and teas and an extensive Rollin P. Keller's sermon'at the Heck Aye. Rooms for light housekeep­ block from hcaelv. Pi.,rms, 2 baths, base- ; ; Mrs! Lydia Williard, troop at the Valley Forge' encamp­ ing, also rooms ' with share kitchen,• port, Conn. Amonf other guests ment July 5 anil Tom Devlin, as as­ assortment of fragrant soap's. Also 11 a.m. service will be “ A Charge moht, furnished! Repairs needed, but The .Methodist- Home Auxiliary on the first floor is. a room filled Newly decorated; reasonable.- Phone1 a bargain at SO.Of'O. Brewer & Smith, were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wales, sistant scoutmaster. On the For­ to the Cluireh.” 774-6400, '70 Heck Ave., Ocean Grove.: 010 Brings Ave.. Asburv Park. Dlnl 775- r. V wili hold a Avaist. m easuring party East Orange, and Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ with dollar gifts to arid to the . . • • — mtc : Monday, June 20, at St. Pauls estburg trip, Mr. John Fisher and 02.10* . ' lOtf seph Dnlv, Paterson. Miss Minnie Mr. Glenn Trout, Sr., will accom­ browsing enloyment of tlip shopper. '. Church. - Refreshments will be B. Rittgers of North Bergen has Upstairs is . a room decorated hi APARTMENTS and rooms. Grand­ FOR SALE—'Attractive. al) .vear home pany: the scouts. black filled with milk glass. To as­ view. 18 Pitman Ave.,- Ocean. Grove, a'nd income .property,- furnished. M ust’, : served. arrived for the season at the Sham- 770-!)088, 2 a n d 3 ro o m a p ts. b y w eek, be seen to bo appreciated. roCk. . . • Open House was held to honor sist the parent or grandparent in m o n th o r seaso n , from - S38 w e e k up. Robert W. Johnson. Real. Estate the graduations of Kathryn and shopping, there is: a room for chil­ Lovely single and. double rooms. One- 32 Main Ave.. Ocean Groye. .775-1020. One of the members of the dren of all ages, containing such half block from ocean. — 2itf •> . —2d Assembly Bible Class has me­ Diana Ludwig and Peter and Pa­ tricia Milligan at 138 Stockton unique items as the musical tooth- NOW IS THE TIME to'm ake reserva­ • Wheel Alignment morialized a seat in the. Ocean FOR SALE— McClIntock St.. ono : Ave. .Buffet supper was served by bush, Also included are whifflobnll tions for summer, vacation. • at- Edge- block from oeeanfr.ont,* three stories. ; Grove Auditorium in the name Mrs. C. F. Ludwig and Mrs. J, H. sets and eo*vf.rlrl uniforms. cumbe Manor. 30 Webb Ave., Ocean tiiree room apt.' ea. floor, all Improve-- • Shocks & Mufflers ' of the late Rev. Dr. Benson S.- Grove, PR 5-1699., Sinele rooms,: $12 ments except heat: furnished.- Price re­ Crowcroft, for/many years be­ Milligan to 31 guests. Attending Another room, lined with straw, to S15 p e r w e e k ; • d o u b le. $10 to $20; d u ced to $5500. C h r k A ve. n e a r F le tc h ­ • Brake Service ivere Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De- contains hats, purses, ami beach Fear not, only hcliovc. twin bedrooms, $25. Family rooms, er Lake, seven rooms, new electric loved, parish visitor and Bible , Keus and son Joe, Jr. of West­ bags for the vacationist. A water­ sleep four, $30. All rooms with hot heating system, desirable all vear home. C la s s te a c h e r in St. Paul’s —(Mark 5:36). and cold -water. Kitchen privileges at F u rn ish e d . S12.500. B rew er &. S m ith ,. Your Safety is O u r Business! field; Mi and Mrs. Lee Mackey fall, surrounded by Shelley dinner- . If we but express our belief no extra charge. Heat for. cold, damp 019 Bangs Ave.. Asbury Pnrk. Dial 775- Church. and sons Paul and Qavid, and Mrs. ware and tea. cups with saucers, days. ' —21tf 8250.' • —20tf Twin girls were born last Joseph Burcinski of Jersey City; highlights the filial room. in God in the strongest of af­ Thursday in the Winchester,. , DELUXE apartment with private Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ridley, Mr. The old Colonial Gift Shop,, now firmatives we will Invite into I porch, nil electric kitchen, private bnth- WANTED — To Bay THIELE & LaVANCE Mass., Hospital to Mr. and and Mrs. -5. R. Bush, Jr. and son an annex of the Enchanted Cottage, our experience the full expres­ • room, sleeps four. ‘ Should be seen to: Mrs. Richard Kelly. Mrs. Kelly will feature a flower garden, a can­ 'appreciate. $75 week from June, to Donald, Mrs. Ethel Milligan, Mrs. sion of God-life and overcome HIGHEST PRICES PA ID -I wUl buy i is the former Sharon Anne dle room and a Christmas display. ; October. Heated. Edgecumbe Manor,. 604 Highway 35 Claire Kempton, Mr. and Mrs. F. all trace of fear. »30 W ebb A ve., O cean G ro v e. T el. P R 5- china, glass, lamps, bric-a-brac, Jew- Catley of Ocean Grove and H. Niedenstein, Jr. and Jill nnd •Mrs. Bess Farsens, manager, re­ 1C99. * — 21t? ■clry, silv e r. fom H U re. B e st p rlc e a ports that while only nine rooms n-nid. Alice Sand; 227 River Road, Red Neptune Dial 774-2442 Neptune, daughter of Mr. and Karen Niedenstein, Mrs. Cather­ Mrs; William Catley, 3 Coral are open at the.present time, 14 are ------OCEAN GROVE—Near beach. Large Bank. Call collect 741-5260. —31tf ine Nidenstein, Barbara Ludwig, planned and wiil be open for brows­ double room next to bath. with, or way, Neptune. The great­ Mrs. Lena Ludwig, Lt, John Man­ SUBSCRIBE TO THE TIMES without meats. Open year around. HELP WANTED grandmother in Ocean Grove ing in the near future. Phono 775-1674.__ _ / '• - 22-26 ley of U. S. Air Force, the gradu­ $3.50 A YEAR B Y 'M A H is Mrs. Lillian Catley, G Webb ates and their parental, all of Ocean — — * - — ■•...■ POyBLE ROQM Witn bath, 6'n.first SPARE TIME INCOME— Refilling and avenue. Grove. Peter Milligan will attend | floor. No stairs to filimb. Near' Bridge collecting money from new type high- Winter residents of Scotch Plains, 'and Auditorium.. Rooms without bath quality coin operated dispensers in; Wesley College in Dover, Delaware. also available. Asbury Hudson Hotel, this area. No selling. To qualify you Miss . Adelaide Johnston, and Mrs. ■ 331 C ookm an av e n u e, . A s b u ry Park,. must have car. references. $000 to $1900. Nettie Atwood have reopened their N. J. Phone 775-7087. . -—24-28 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly C l e m ' s cottage at 26 McClIntock St. - can net excellent monthly Income, FIRST FLOOR, studio apartment, all More full time. For personal interview PREMIUM RETREADS write P.O. Box 4185, Pittsburgh, Pa. L ife T im e O m b s W utilities, private entrance, bath. etc. In­ Beauty Salon cluded. Corner location. 2 or 3 rooms. 15202. In clu d e p h o n e n u m b er. —20 Phone 775-7365 Must be.seen to be appreciated. 774.- 89 Main Avenue 3458. — 26* MERCHANDISE FOK SALE 4 ------OCEAN GROVE a p a r t t m e n t —summer or yearly, THE SHELL • “Everything for the Table” 3 airy rooms. Private bath, modern SPENCER & SPIRELLA, Individually PRospect 5-7161 kitchen, ocean view. Sleeps four. 62 designed foundations and bras. M. W. Cor. Pilgrim Pathway and Olin St. ■ Phone 774-1749 Cookman avenue, Ocean Grove. -24-28 W h iteh ead , 160 H illside D rive,. S h a r k Specialiiisg In Ocean Grove Store Hours A.M. - P.M. River Hills, Neptune, N. J. 774-63$S. KMTTING 8 6 ROOMS (or season, reasonable, home­ —Ztf Permanent Wsring like atmosphere. 16 Spray Avenue. Ocean Grove. Call 774-2979. —25* -TWO SINGLE BEDS, good condition, NOOK $20 'each: I largo fan (Wcstinghouse). ONE BLOCK to ocean nnd Audlto- not used, $30; 1 room gas heating unit. Free Instructions 10/.00 A.M. to WE SPECIALIZE IU INSPECTION WEEKEND SPECIALS ] rium. nice rooms with ..kitchen privi­ $30. T e n t £ 2 , B e th a n y B lock (n e a r; 4 P.M. • Yarns, Needlepoint STATION FRONT END AK5J leges, .’children Welcome, reasonable, 32 Auditorium),, . —20* Complete line of Embroidery Cotton • Gifts - BRAKE CORRECTION | McClIntock street, Tel, 774-5970, Wheel Balancing and Front U. S. CHOICE • • -25-29 ROUND oak dining table nnd chairs, EVERGREENS — SHRUBS 74 MAIN AVENUE ■ End Alignment. Guaranteed 9 x 12 Axmlnster rug. 3 piece maple ORNAMENTAL TREES Brake Work. ROOMS—Home-like atmosphere. I living room suite. 08 Main Ave.,-Ocean' OCEAN GHOVE' EASY CREDIT TERMS > block from Asbury, Special rates lor G ro v e. 776-G187, . - —20* LANDSCAPE CUSTOM TIRE CO. season. 10 Spray Avenue, Ocean Grove. CHUCK ROAST (with bone) - - 59c lb Call 774-2979. ^

.Congratulations to Janicc Marchetti,.who r*ep:ivcd h perfect scorc of Township'Clerk, .nnd a complete exe­ SOO in the pediatric sectioirof her kt.ate' board‘of nursing exams. This is cuted origin?) thereof has been filed in the -otticc cf the. Commissioner of the higliost score over attained by a graduate of the Ann. May School of L-’cal Goveriment. nnd rjch statement Nursing. / •• ' ♦ shows that. the-.gross' detjt as defined- . M artin Hurley, son of .Ml*/and Mrs. Martin Hurley, Hamilton in Section 40A:2--i3- of said law Is in­ creased by Foity aiiven 'ThoMsahd (547,- Ave.,. has.roreivccl a four year scholnvshtp and will enter the Wilkes 000.00) Dollars and the' issuance of. the. /College in;Wilkes r»arre Pii., in September. .;'y.-/;'^ :J/;;'/:j ; obligations authorized by this ordi­ ./ : • 'Sony-to-see Mr. and Mrs..Haco'AIarteri-:and t’am i'y :mb^bV6.\itvci£'iIieir nance is permitted by.said.Local Bond; home: at 206 Willow D rive'to takb up residence /in th e ir new. Iibme in L aw . (d) The improvement as authorized \Vall-Township/ •’ / ' V; i .':/;/v.,v ./>;/../'-'^/'//;■: by this ordinance is to be used by the ■/. While \ve lose many nice families \ve seem to always get very good Road and Refuse Departments of the replacements. Among them are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Donahue and infant Township of Neptune, in the County of daughter Ann Marie, formerly of Long Branch and now living on Pine- M o n m outh. bvook Drive. - • ‘ . ; ■ * le) The following items, as defined and authorized by Section 40A:2-20 of Emmett Hester has been appointed scout master for troop JOG. Ed said law nre charged as a part of the Vnnderyort 1ms been appointed assistant. There is a need for another costs jof said purpose to be financed assistant and anyone interested should contact Mr, Thomas Gelay, Cliff- by the issuance of said obligations. . 1. Not exceeding Fifteen Hundred wood Drive. The troop is also looking for a long wooded area that they (St.500.00) Dollars on account of the can occasionally use. for camping. The.boys will be responsible for main­ cost of. the issuance of said obligations, taining it. If you own or know of such a place you.nmv also contact,Mr. legal expenses, nnd other obligations Gelay. • ' , . ;/•, •/. : to finance said cost. Section G. The full faith ^and credit Congratulations to Karen Danko. 306'Victor-Place- .and - Arthur of the Township of Neptune, in the Thpmsan, Neptune City who .were married last week in Kingdom' Hall County, of • Monmouth arc hereby of Jehovahs* Witnesses, The couple who both- graduated from Neptune pledged to the-punctual payment of the principal and interest on . said obliga­ High are.residing at the.Gables Club Apartments after a wedding trip tions. The said obligations shall be di­ to the Blue Ridge Mountains of.Virginia. rect. Unlimited obligations of the Town­ Only one new baby this week and that was a daughter for My. ar.d ship of Neptuno. in the County of Monmouth, nnd the Township of Nep- Mrs. Richard Butler. lOO.Remsen Mill Road. . - tiienV iivthe County of Monmouth shall Time to go and 'get hack to my calamine lotion, insect repellant be obligated to levy ad valorem taxes cold pills and sunburn ointment: . , / - Upon nil the. taxable property within the municipality, for/ the payment, of the oblieatlons and interest thereon without limitation'of rate or amount., . Section 7. All .further acts and pro­ ceedings which' m^v be necessary to be •taken b.v lh e T o w n sh ip C o m m ittee in carrying out and executing the-said, Improvement.. *->nd all orders . relating thereof, mav be done and made by resolution "of »hc Township Committee. Section 0.. Thi«'ordinance.shall tako cfTect twenty'days' after the first pub­ lication thereof after final passage, as provided by law. 17o f / i e i; o * / t .^9 the,New.':YQ0W.oridt.$;Fair-' (Signed) JQSEPH-WAR DELL •M a y o r Attest:'JOSEPH BENNETT . C lerk —26 S28.64

NEW CHURCH PRESIDENT Edward Froderman was named president at the Christian Science Annual Meeting in Boston, June 8. Several - ‘housand members traveled to attend the meeting, held in The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist. The new president, Mr. Froder­ man, was once vi

All sizes, cut and threaded. U.S. ROYAL — ARMSTRONG Valves and fittings and RECAPPING copper tubing; ALAjN THIELE TIRE CO. • Plumbing: Fixtures • Hot Wa­ ter Heaters • Boilers • Base Board Radiation NEI-TUNE VAN CLEVE 120 Neptune H’way =35 Clarence’s NEPTUNE PR 4-0600 Ocean Grove Self Service Laundry • SAME DAY Pick-np and Delivery Service. • Cleanest Wash Any. H e r e a r m where. 55 Olin St. Phone 774-1078


thatcombsyour hair, ties your tie, BODY & FEND ER WORK E n n d l e AUTO PAINTING buttons your shirt and ties your RAT ELLIS BATHROOM FIX1URIS Stockton & So. Main Street Ocean Grore PR (-7727 shoes. . W bh** — by fdo ittfc mmi . Hi-fired »p*rkHin tm U U A little farfetched? A n electric toothbrush would have Wanted been considered just as w ild a thought only a few years v INCLUDING SEAT back. Y ou use electricity now to do a w hole lot of things Dirty Laundry 3 Pieces autom atically th at w ere unim aginable not too long ago. Clothes will be whiter, brighter For Only WP and cleaner (when washed in T hat's w hy your electric bill m ay be a little higher today. our soft as rain water). If the cost of electricity hadn’t consistently dropped over 25 lbs. 50c the years (20% since 1929) , m any of these things w ould la white ... colors AMPLE FREE PARKING slightly* higher. Plu* stillhe ju st fantastic ideas. W ho could afford to use them ? delivery cost. V BKCBHB CAST IBON TUB Greene’s i p i Laundromat m l NJP*L (Self-Service) rfliiYffli 120 Nepttme Highway #35 141 Steiner Ave. Neptooe Phone 774-0600 . - Neptune City : FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1964 OCEAN GROVE TIMES and NEPTUNE I'iMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, VEW JKIJHRY ,P A G E S E V E N

m an. to -avoid cort joversyi ’ Liyim>sto)i :jii;ri.qYbod:;i he*-; Leg­ islature in J778 by recommending' against the practice:of. idling-’t.lie; ©V.S u.iti iii e r l>|antiri -i>C :-\lm nh^iii:d li y / jf- Decries ■ t empora ' i;;i i( i i rx l iif • oiaji oi* I \ 11J t* r> r n(i p i (»jji• rt y ■ riojU rio t I ♦;■ "( iiaI ly t <> I ho \mi i* i!c{|(linus— Gui-'aniums : I r•. 11 u i r;' e \vi! I) -1 ho -Mosl {*t>u • t. j < f V:: e:J w»r. * 'I I e r: > II * ?r I si a v: * rv • *' u! 1 e 11 y » .('til l-'iowt-rs — <'oi-sitges ii*Kiioisi.fiit with the prin>*jl»Ies r»f ciiristiyniIy • niu\.InimaniI v.v;.’' • 1J villi'll i ny r iied ori J u ly 'Jii.lT'jO,- in Li bon y I {nil;. I lc was bu i iit*d ho- <3. i'"tinpr;tl S|jr;i.V .s ii/'«• 1>i - v.'}(r in.I*;it^ahel11town I»ui. -ilie romaias Wer^jakr-n ii> ?Ci*w V«>1-k rcr-buriai.thf |Vi!|r»wir.j? winter. Tlio. bi-si of.Gotvrn/'ir I.iviii;'stou sl.’iycd — Wc Tplngrapli FluMers ' in Nr*w Jersey: Jhc> M'lnfinb/.-rahfre of his.'wit .and Ip.s solid .sup;*ovl of OCEAN GROVE—The ten­ ton, .Palatine, 111., as provident of JJbMly.JIe was a-".fit. |)f!rsqn,” ihdeed. . • / • . • . both schools. dency to substitute temporal Dr. Neteland said • construction KRUSCHRA philosophies with the' age-old of new buildings at the Bannock-, T II K F r, O R I S T .buses (if religion was decried burn site will begin .immediately. “TIIE GABLES W-LINE” 783 W ayside' .* Neptune The church’s divinity' school is al­ Tel. 773-6738 Sunday afternoon by Con­ ready located there. By Rosemary family buys, weighs heavily, on the , MARTHA HUKKY . gressman John B. Anderson of James Nyholm, Minneapolis, was budget. Women, who are the daily . 208-Wakefield ‘ Road, Neptune . elected president of the. Free The rivalry' between two women shoppers,-may be interested in . .775-0899 . Illinois, addressing more than Church Youth Fellowship. He suc­ sparked the / making' of-the first knowing that there are 100 taxes OCEAN GROVE a 1,000 delegates at the Audi- ceeds Dave Carlsonj Arlington model A me rica ri 7 f lag. •. C o n tra ry - to on an egg and 151 on a loaf of bread.- popular belief, Betsy Ross was not lit Ti)i;ro: ■ . ' ' - Heights, 111., who left last \yeek Wearing apparci is heavily taxed V/6II, there is no question almut whether ^umiiief is here, after Sat­ Vtprium' raily of the 'Evangeli­ to . represent the fellowship at an the. first woman of the Revolution­ Men's suits have 1 6 and Women's ary War period to gain fame for urdays heat wave, Tlint's 'llie first time I can. remeniber lielng.'fltjored, MEMORIAL cal Free Church of America’s international youth conference in hats have. 150 hidden taxes. by the humidity and heat. You can bet the tiool enrne out of hiding and Vennes,'Switzerland. her flag-making abilities. Rebecca patio, became the out of doors living room,.but lost! 80th annual conference. Young, also a Philadelphia seam­ The Rev. Ed GroenhafF, Minne­ Now that the heats o»i, be.careful folk's, 'lom overdo,.remember all HOME stress, made the Continental Army’s When .selectIng colois for this The Rev. Dr. Arnold Olson, apolis, was named acting executive the rules of summer living. .Tus; relax and.enjoy it! 118 MAIN AVENUE church president, addressed a morn­ secretary. ' battle flag, the "Grand Union FIag'< summer’s house painting it may be . Saturday, found the Jerry McMaster's. and iho Albert Kings-,.headed ing worship service congregation in 1775. which was later used as the best to have roofs painted white. In­ for Brooklyn te attend a wedding. The temperlutes were high anti of AIR CONDITIONED of 2,000, whHe the Rev. Dr. Ken­ Other officers elected are Rich- basis for the design of Betsy Ross’ teriorhouse- tempera^^ all things, the nil conditioning at the hotel, broke down, .where the re­ ard.Bragg, Chicago, first vice; presi­ model flag that was presented to reduced by as much as 20. per cent ception Was held. " ; , PRospect 4-1753 neth Kantzer, dean of the" Trinity dent;. Dennis Johnson, :,Walnut Evangelical Divinity School, Ban­ Congress for approval. in the change* ‘from dark ti? white Then there was Dorothy Remerest wedding on Saturday and bur Lidj Wm. P. Walton, Jr. Creek, Calif./second vice president; former boss. Homer Kresge and wife, celebrating.their.Golden Wedding, nockburn, 111., avqs the evening roofs. Attendant OwseT tnd Mgr. preacher. ... L ei a n d. Lindquist,- Minneapolis, both of which we had to miss, due to the heat. . third vice president; Virginia Ew­ Women with wandering \velght One graduation wasn't enough last week, we attended Charles Did- Cong. Anderson lamented tenden­ ers, Loomis, Nebr.y recording sec­ dons graduation from Belmar School, on Wednesday ;eveniiig. "Chip",is cies of churchmen to give the young lines.will want to take extra efforts retary; Carol Peterson, Granada, for a slim look at the time of the the son of former, neighbors, Jenn-and1 Bill Didden and son Is our god­ people what, they want in order to Mmn.| v corresponding secretary; child ...• .... get them into church. “Give chil­ Lyndon Rosenblad, Georgetown, year when it- counts the most* Sum­ ST. PAUL’S Sure hope Carol .Tones, 804 Stanford Drive, is feeling better and per- dren a faith to live by,” he urged. Tex., financial secretary, and mer fashions will: be most, revealing OCEAN GROVE—“The Helpful haps now . Carol is In Fitkin Hospital, after being hurt on the “Easy prayer, easy religion and Wayne Danielson, Minneapolis, with, long torsos Which are hip hug­ Hyprocite” will be the topic of the beach ot Avon with a concussion. A speedy recovery is wished for you ALTERATIONS easy terms” he felt are aspects of treasurer. ' ging and seamed. Skimmers, semlr Sermon by Rev. Robert M. Terhune, Carol, .. “discount living” in the nation to­ fitted waistlines, sissy shirtwaists at St. Paul’s‘Methodist Church next Over at Fitkin;.is a now baby boy, bom to Mr. and Mrs. Erick- The Trinity Alumni Association, Diument 615 Mayfair Lane, on Sunday. Congratulations to Lhe new mem­ REPAIRS day, “A church must not sacrifice a t its annual banquet a t the North* and jumpers with precision cuts In Sunday at 10:45 a.m. Mr. William the spiritual for the temporal” bright solids and designs will mark A. Reid will have charge of the ber of the family,. End Hotel, named Dr. Roy Aj. Welcome to Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Balterson, 1103 Fordham Road, “A complete home- , A former Sunday School teach­ Thompson, Minneapolis, as alumnus the well-dieted woman.- music. A quartet, composed of Ro. berta Thatcher, Dorothea Holmes, who moved in o:: June 20. The folks are formerly of Ocean Grove. remodeling service with er in Rockford, 111., Cong. Ander­ of the year. Tomorrow, Hamilton Methodist Church will be on their way at 9:30 son-noted that he favors the civil Robert Orr and Herman Brown will- •one contractor!” Added reducing incentives by the sing “Ho, Everyone That Thirst- a, u,., fo>- their annual Sunday School' picnic, at the Metqdeconk Bnacfi rights legislation, but he felt that Next Sessions In Wisconsin , Club, Just In case It should rain, the picnic will be. held July 7. that's on the reconciliation of whites and Delegates .to. the conference ap­ results of a survey for women may eth”i , ■ ' . Tuesday. Have fun. Kitchens & Bathrooms Negroes is more of a cultural or proved plans to meet at Green be spurred conducted by a food re­ Sunday School is at 9:30 and Sure hope Dad enjoyed his Day. on Sunday Guess most folks had educational lag, rather than a sta­ Lake, Wis., 'in 1965 and I960, and search flrrft. Out of 4,000 men and there are classes for all the same ages. idea, At­ out door cooking. They aren’t :,moke signals you see in the — Our Specially — tutory problem. . at Long Beach j Calif.; in 1907. Ne­ women who were asked, ‘'what is tendance'cards may be secured upon Gables, even U the.Indians use to live here, just the barbecue grills work­ gotiations are underway for a pos­ the most Important thing a woman request, The Assembly Bible Class ing for a change. . Business Session Saturday sible meeting in Minneapolis in can do to improve her appearance?” meets at 2:30 o’clock. Mr. Otto. G. Neptune Tutorial Service, will begin classes on July 5, it- will be un­ During the Saturday business 19G8. the majority said, “reducing to the Stoll is-general superintendent. The der the direction of T.. Tom Herbert, advisor and Carry Mitchell and Joe W. L HEAVES session, Dri Ed Neteland of Chicago The conference- closed Sunday, proper weight/' Women who pay mid-week devotional service is held’ Neill, as directors. This is on excellent.idea, to help students who need a was elected dean of Trinity;'Col­ with talks by the Rev. Dr. Arnold heed to the advice of their female at 7:00 o’clock on .Wednesday eve­ little extra help, especially before entering High School.'Loads of luck and 1223 Vi 8th Arenne lege, succeeding Dr. Lacy Hall, who T. Olson in the morning,.Congress­ friends should consider that 72 per nings. • Every one is - cordially in­ congratulations for all your efforts In Neptune Tutorial Service,- NEPTUNE, N. J. assumes a staff position at Trinity man John B. Anderson of Illinois cent of the women surveyed put this vited to attend all of these services. . Well that first big weekend is nearly upon us, the Fourth of July. Evangelical Divinity School, Ban­ in the afternoon, and the Rev. Dr. first ori the list. Men only gave this * — • • While making your plans, don’t forget to add "safeiy" In with all your Phone 776-6524 nockburn, 111. Kenneth Kantzer, dean of Trinity plannings. Summer.is.short, why not-enjoy every day of it. 57 per cent importance, crediting News seems to bi> very scarce, every‘one is lelaxing, that I know, ' The delegates voted to move the Evangelical Divinity School in the fashionable clothes with a high sec­ but if you have something to share, don’t forget to let mo know. .Trinity College campus from Chi­ evening. ond. Women'wishing to please their 1he Oldim ez, By the way with pools.being instalied or being put up. please In­ cago to Bannockburn by the fall Congressman Anderson discussed men should note that men think sure they are fenced in and above all, SUPERVISED AT ALL TIMES. of 1965. They aho accepted the “The Role, of Evangelican Christi­ clothes make the woman. And smar­ All too often, last- summer, the papers were filleii with accidents. Let's FRANCIONI, resignation of Dr. H. Wilbert Nor­ anity in Public Affairs.” ter women know that the right a make it a safe summer .for all. weight makes the clothes. Even birthdays are few this week hut to-those having them, here goes « very Happy Wish to-them. June 20. that's today will find Dot TAYLOR and a friendship circle was formed, Nelson; and ElVa Smith celebrating, June 30. Jf-'an Huggins and Doris and each individual ..joined in the CIRCLES Families not only have to pay Hahn. LOPEZ, Inc. Mizpah benediction. • ; Celebrating that special day, their wedding anniversary- will be, FUNERAL HOME. Edna Bradley In addition to those mentioned, federal income taxes, but indirect hidden taxes as well. Families in the Rudd and Helen 'Ladd,' today, June 28. Dot and Al Ulrich ami oh Julv 1, Exclusive but Inexpensive OCEAN GROVE — The Edna the following ladies i-ere present: “The deepest disappoint­ the. Wilton Moores will be credited with 3R years of deddod bliss. Slav Mesdames Neal Tompkins, Andrew middle-in-come.'level are the hard-' God bless you-with many more anniversaries: DANIEL L. FRANCIONI Bradley Circle- held its annual est hit because the hidden taxes, a ment comes to those who get' THOMAS W. TAYLOR- luncheon and meeting nt Day’s Ice Sturm, George Gcissler; . Archie what is coming to them.” . _ Now (liat summer is here please be careful; roads, ore crowded, thal Citium Garden on Wednesday, June Taintor,- George Kerr, Horry - B. part of the cost of everything a Ocean is mighty big. Picnics are fun but remember, if you build a fire, . D. JOSEPH LOPEZ Jones, Grace Beam, Elizabeth be sure It is,out. Those woods are.there to enioy !! 704 - 7th Ave. Anbury Park 1200 10th Ave. Neptune' Miss N’eilic Gleisser who had Campbell, I d en P.oth Clifford Have fun and stay healthy. ' Kuiiehel, William Flint,- Florence (Corner of AtkinH Ave.) been devotional leader for the year Air Conditioned PR 5-002) ! gay* a scripture reading and Mipkens, Edwin Forrest Hann, Ella Tercentenary Tales liniuijuuiiniticiiiKiini,,,!,,!, iiniii'ifaftiiiniiiiiiniiiniinniniiiiiiinjniiiniinmmiiiftiimnHiimiitig prayer, Syron, Homer Shepherd, and. the Mrs. Homer Kresge. presided in Misses Florence Emmons, Bessie G. the absence, of the loader, Mrs. Reinhold. Also four guests—Mrs. f Dine Over The Ocean j Thus. Burch. .She conducted a brief Frederic). Kinzinger, Mrs Ralph 1 at the Famous 1 business riieetir.g with annual re­ Wiggins, Mrs.'Viola Ewell nnd Miss Grove " City am ts. Alida .VanSlyke. • :>Irs. ''Augusta- Vouijj? of Desert Hot Springs,Calif, and Ocean Susannah W esley ' . Cleaners Grove, delighted. the jfi-oup with and Barbara Heck n-.anv interesting and humorous OCEAN GROVE—The Susannah I'lC.'KI.'l* AND ?ti>ries.’ .Mrs. Young has been Wesley and the Barbara Ileek Cir­ a toastmistress on many occasions. AT NORTH END BOARDWALK | bEMVKUy 8KUVICE Aj'iei' extending best wishes* for the cles enjoyed a .covered dish together at the home of .Mrs. J. II. Hemp­ Reservations for Parties 1 We Operate Our Own Cleaning summer, the meeting close:! with hill, Park View • Hotel, ..Seaview the singing' of “Blest Be the Tie Ave.. last week: After a-delicious and I’ressinc Machines ■ That .Binds.” Phone PRospect 4-3196 ! Those attending were: Mrs, '.m , repast of many tasty and varied I'l PU f;rtm I’aMiway. O rft.ih O ta r s dishes, guests .enjoyed slides of the PR 1-2300, -1-2301 Gyffiek, Mrs; Lillian I.one, Mrs. Jos. World’s Fair, given , by. the . New j^iaiilliliiiiiiiiiiiiilriiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiijnncniaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimtimj Pitting, Mrs. Helen Cannon, Misses 122 B. Main strfet. Ocean Qrov. Mae and Jennie Fulton. Miss Anna Jersey Bell Telephone. Vonipany. Nestor, Miss Xellie Glcisser, Miss Hostesses for the evening were: WILLIAM LIVINGSTON: “A FIT PERSON” Mrs. Ruth Dellett,'circle leader of When New Jer.sev legislators convened ’it Princeton .late in August. Mabel Hammond, Mrs. Caro! Hock, Barbara Heck. Circle, and Holen Mrs. • Mae Buller, Mrs. James Volipga: Beatrice Todd, Ethel 1.77G, to elect ‘'some fit person” as the. first Governor under the new state OCEAN GROVE Wright; Mis., Ruth Wagner, Mrs. Hemphill, Florence * Reith, Jeani constitution, the choice clearly lay between native >oi» Richard Stockton Isabel Cottrell. Mrs. Eiiz. Christie, Moses, and Jennie Lycom of Susan-; of Princeton and Albany-born William.Livingston, only four.years a resi­ NURSING • Mrs. Anna SctomckV-Mvs. Eleanor. nah Wesley Circle; dent, of. New Jersey. -.*■ Dilmke, Mrs. Wm, H. Jackson, Mrs. Votes split e\*enly 9n the first ballot. Legislators gathered in secret Adolph Osterloh, Mrs Homer Those present.-were: Irene .Bat- HOME dorf, . Betty . Fernhead,. , Frances session, and ..next morning John Stevens walked over to Morven for a Kresge and guest, Mrs. Augusta private talk with Stockton. Although Stockton denied giving up his as­ S3 CLARK AVE. • PR S4IM Young . Stern, Helen Schwartz, Jane With­ ers, Stella Pozna’nski, Dot Ward,1 pirations, the’legislators that afternoon selected Livingston as Governor. (STATS UCKNBZD) Nellie.Minenhan, Carolyn Harrison, SucceWs and Wiliiarh Livingston had always walked hand in hand • Reasonable Rates 1 • ' Ethel Harpst Betty Manley, Jean Williamson, after his birth in Albany on November 30j 1723. When he graduated from • Newly Renovated OCEAN GROVE — Twenty-five Chhistine Faber, . Stella Wegge, Yale in 1741, he ranked first in his class — .not necessarily because of members and friends-of the Ethel Charlotte Meyer. Greta Sheppard, genius but because in those days Yale graduates were ranked by family • 24-Hr. R.N. Coverage Harpst Circle were seated at' the Muriel Kelley, Marie Herbst, Janet prestige rather than academic standing. • Diabetics — Cardiacs L-shaped table In Day’s-restaurant, Hendrickson, Jennie Oswald, Ruth Livingston might well have'topped the list on .sheer intellect. His • Convalescents — Post- last Thursday at 12:30 p.m. Dainty Bauer, Elsie’John... sharp, witty writings won him a w i d e fame that far surpassed his family Operative place cards and orchid corsages, And, Ethel Barnett, Betty Burlin­ ties. John Adams of Massachusetts called one of Livingston’s addresses which had been made by the leader, game, Roberta Thatcher, Virginia “the most elegant'and masterful speech ever made in America.” • were -provided for every lady. CALL PHILLIPS! Strausser, Kathryn Waible, Meta Even Livingston's most fervent admirers did not. find him physical- Words of welcome were extended Davis,’ Mrs. Elizabeth. Brubaker, ly.attractive: He was so tall and thin in his youth tnat he was commonly bv Miss Florence Hunter. Mrs. R. Jean Dabler; guests—Mrs. William called “the whipping post." Adams said there was “nothing elegant or INTERIOR EXTERIOR L; Mowbray asked the blessing. Je.lley, Mrs, Elizabeth Haslem. genteel about him’* and Livingston characterized himself as “a long- A short business-meeting fol­ Mrs. Roberta Rudge, Miss Anne nosed, long-chinned, uglv-lopking fellow.? ' * lowed hte luncheon,; reports were O’Reilley, Miss Florence. Van, Susanna French,Whose father Philip French owned most of presont- 7 7 S - 1 6 7 6 PAIHTIHG given by officers, and announce­ Mrs; John Dixon, Mrs. Howell dav New Brunswick, found Livingston most appealing. They were mar­ ments of coming events were made, Horne, Mrs. Robert Sipple, Mrs. ried in 1742 and had 13 children — “as many children as .there are states it was noted that the Ethel Harpst Helen Vones. • in the Union,” Livingston often boasted. , NO WAITING & PAPERHAHGIHG Circle will be responsible for kitch­ . Livingston liought SO acres of land in Elizabethtown in 1760,. but it en helpers, as well as .waitresses, at Milton Herbert the W.S.C.S. bazaar, which will.be was-not until 1772 — when Livingston was 49 years old — that the Living­ FAST SAME held on JuK- 16 at Sc. Paul’s Church, stons,moved to New Jersey* They lived for a year in Elizabeth town while 1814 Lakeview Avenue " In behalf of the group, Mrs. Har­ SOCIAL they were building Liberty Hall, a handsome, mansion that still stands. NEPTUNE, N. J. old Eeke p'rfesented gift certificates Famous people'stopped at Liberty; Hall. Young Alexander Hamil­ DAY SERVICE to the leader, Miss Florence Hunter, ton stayed, there while preparing for studies at King’s. College fnow 775-7344 after 5 P.M. Columbia). John Jay made a memorable stop in April, 1774, when he and to. the toucher, Mrs. Alice Bean. SECURITY ' ESTIMATES GIVEN Both were commended for. the ex­ illiiCiliill'rilK liiiK iniiiliiiniiifiitiiliilM iiiii'iliiliiiiiiui1 married the Livingston* fourth daughter, Sarah, in the parlor of Liberty cellent character of their work Hail. • - v : . • • .■. - ' ; FOR: # Heating done during the year. Social security beneficiaries who The onrush of war found Livingston using his pen and his. political Bnef closing words were given, are still working eport any skills to advance the cause of rebellion. He served three times in the Con­ Plumbing # Oil Burners increase in their earnings, that tinental Congress but ‘missed signing the' Declaration of, Independence .would change their estim ated iri- when hewas'made Brigadier Qeneral in,command of the New Jersey Automatic # Electric comes for 19C4 cautioned Benjamin Militia, despite-his complete ignorance of military affairs. Still, if he LARRISOH Sandberg, District Manager, As­ had been in Congress, be mignt not have become Governor. Water Sewer Howard L. Smith bury Park social security office. ; 1 New. Jersey’s continous involvement in the,.Revolution caused the Highway 35 & 3rd Ave. Beneficiaries who work and earn Legislature — and Governor * Livingston' —; to oe always on 'he run. The. NEPTUNE CITY The Hardware Store over $1200 a.y ear make ah annual, Heaters Gleaning of Ocean Grove rBritIsh mocked him as the' “Itinerant Dey .of, New. Jersey*' for many report of their estimated earnings addresses..'^-' ... * .. • , ’ PR 4-5352 . for the coming, year, Mr. Sandberg The Governor’s letters w ere’dated-from Haddon field. Morii.stawn. WE SELI,—INSTALL—SERVICE explained. The amount of benefits Burlington. Princeton. Pittstown, Trenton, Ftlngoe-i, Elizabethtown. Hills-- Itenidcnce — 93 Broadway HARDWARE withheld by the Social Security Ad­ burg. Kingston,; Raritan and. Molint Holly. The Livingston family spent Occan Cirovc — PR 1-2590 PAINTS and OILS ministration is based-on this esti­ ■one. winter in Basking Ridge and lived more than thn-e years in I3arsip- mate. ’ •' pany. ■ • ; • - - •. . Agency For “No Roost" To avoid overpayment in social British officials eagerly sought Livingston. Tn February. 1770, a prize Oil Pigeon Repellent security; benefits, . any increase in of 2,000 guineas was offered for “that damned.old rascal, Governor Liv­ Burner earnings above the estimate should .- EDGAR PHILLIPS v be reported to the social security ingston. delivered dead or Ulive.’’ Another offered a cash reward for Liv­ Service • Full Line, of ' office promptly; If a beneficiary re-' ingston delivered alive or half the cash for “his ears apd nose, which are ceives more in benefits than he- too well known and too remarkable to be mistaken.’' & SON INC. 24. Hours KITCHEN should have, his checks may be sus­ Livingston survived all enemy attempts to capture him. The Leg­ Daily pended to make, up for the over­ islature re-elected him year after year, 13 times in all Hike his children, ESTABLISHED 1909 . UTENSILS payment, Mr. Sandberg pointed out. one re-elected for each of the states). He turned down an appointment Including . Revisions in the estimates may as United States Minister to Holland in 1785 to continue as New Jersey’s Sunday be made on post card forms which Governor. •; 1420 9th AVE. NEPTUNE 51 Main Avenue are furnished beneficiaries or. at As one of New Jersey's delegates to the Constitutional Convention, OCEAN GROVE, N. J. any social security office. To delay Livingston was judged “a man of the first, rate talents." He worked RADIO DISPATCHED SERVICE Phone PR 4-4741 may cause hardship .'lateav Mr. strenuously to gain New Jersey’s ratification: the Governor was grat­ Sandberg warned. ified when the state became the third to ratify. SUBSCRIBE TO THE TIMES t* A YEAB BT MAIL I’ A G E , 13 I G HT OCEAN GROVE TIMES ttad NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1964 Obituaries Youth Center Opens This Week;

MRS..'JOSEPH STURM Announce Choral & Drama Events ; .NEPTUiNK-. : M r i Rose M. !• Sturm , 70. ol' GOii S. Riverside DrivO, died Sunday in K.tJiin .Muspilnl hero. OCEAN GROVE’--- The Uncle I3il» will meet, in the Center on i\Ion- Born in Ni*V.-;\iy.. 7.1:s. Sturm lived Thomson Youth Center summer days and '1 iiiirsciays at 10 a, m. for herein the shore ’area for mure than program is underway with.a busy rehearsals of the lovely folk-opera• thirty yea is. schedule of socials, dances, movies, -HANSEL AND GR ET EL’1, to be :• She is survived by a dnujjhlor.-in- choral, and dramatic sessions. presented' in■ the Auditoriuni on 1 aw, Mrs..Leona-Sturm, with whom Open House for all ages is the- at­ August S; 'Oid.er'^ teenagers are . in­ HOTEL AND RESTAURANT SUPPLIES PROPERTY RECONDITIONING • she'resided;, two si>ters. Mrs. Theft* traction for this week. The col­ vited to join this operetta to support esa GuiiuUin. Caldwell, and Mrs. lege ages met Wednesday night, the c.horus singing, but the principal >r COURSE YOU WANT THE BEST AN0 MOST REASONABLE Margaret, Knoll,; Perth Amboy, and the Junior high school1 ages last parts will be assigned to the .iunibrs. Get it at the THE WM. R. HOGG COMPANY, INC. ‘ a grandson. night,- and the high schoolers will Rehearsals start. Monday, June 29; Requiem: Mass’was held at Holy gather tonight (Friday). A beauti­ 10 a, m. SHORE RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT CO. PLUMBING HEATING AIR-CONDITIONING 'innocents Homan Catholic Church. fully decorated ball room complete Far the older teeners and young • followed by Interment in St. Mary’s with pool and cool refreshm ents and adults, Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic Kitchen Equipment and Furniture SHEET METAL WORK — KITCHEN MODERNIZATION \ Cemetery, L’ast Orange. an improved game room greeted the opera ‘TRIAL*BY JURY”' will be youth/. These socials will‘ continue developed in the Youth Center for HOTEL. RESTAURANT and KITCHEN SUPPLIES . Over Sixty Years Fourth and Railroad Ave8 throughout the summer witlr a an Auditorium production on. Aug'- :- of ■Service In • Asbury Park, N. J. HOMER G. CHAR LAND special ’’Bonus Hop” to be sponsor­ usi S. Rehearsals, beginning this I 1 T< S! M nin Telephone PRospect 6-1147 Monmouth County Dial PRoswjct S-8tflS ; NEPTUNE—Homer G. Charjumi,. ed by tin* Club Du Monde .on Tues­ w eek,; will be. on Syndhys at 9 I I o # ITXctm cjiiv-c; Opposite Main Avenue Gates 72,. of. 1*128’i; dth avenue, (lied last day evening, August. 25..- o’clock in the evening.’ Friday" in Veteran's Hospital, The Tuesday afteVnoon movies .'Mr. Davison will also organize anti ALUMINUM PRODUCTS DRY CLEANING Orange. He had li vet! here a year. jYi ra il a go*: will beg in on • Jit ne 30; train a new Youth Choir that* will Jlr.Charhunl was a retired bar- v. Uh the . traditional offering of participate in the Sunday worship “Garmenta may be dropped off on your way to Walt ’ Disney’s oNcjting "Cartoon services ia. the Auditorium; All o^cs - business, shopping or school and picked up >011 ber employ oil' at Vince's .Harbor WINDOWSEAL PRODUCTS • Aluminum Siding Shop, ]Asbury Park; a nicriibcr of. .Parade.** On *.Tuo«% June 29, 30, and July 1, Rolls ‘ Chalies • Wedding & Birthday Bovs and Girls will have an op­ from 7:30 to S:3Q p. m. Rehearsals, EMIL’S GARAGE Proprietor portunity this summer to take part beginning July 7, will be in Thorn­ PASTRIES and COOKIES GENERAL AUTO REPAIRS m u s . W il l ia m w . k y e r s in a new; yhornl and dramatic pro­ ley Chapel on Tuesdays and Wed­ NEPTUNE — A member of the gram offered at the Youth Center. nesdays. from 10 to 11 a. m. and 7 to 1114 7th Avenue, Neptune # PR 4-0050 Body & Fender Work . • Used Cars For Sale full Gospel Church, Mrs. .Dorothy Under the direction of Dexter;T>avi- 9 p. m. There will also be a Work­ Gas, Oil, Tires & Batteries Byers, 5G, of 1218 Corlies avenue, son. younger: children up< to age 14 shop Club meeting scheduled for ;died Monday in Fitkin Hospital, Saturdays In Thornley Chapel from AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 1300 CORLIES AVE., NEPTUNE / h e r e .. . ' meeting from 8:00 to 9:30.and from 6:30 to 8:15 p. m. This m eeting will Surviving are her husband, Wil­ 9130. to 11.00 in the mdrning, Mon­ be announced after the regular re- HAVK RADIATORS CUANtD AND 1 I F M U O PRospect 4-3344 liam W. ’ Byers; two daughters, day thru Friday, from June 29 to: hearsals.are under way. • “od, »d Fend„. Nick Anticb fa in tin g Mrs; Virginia Clarkson, here; Bren­ July 24. - Mrs. MaryoL,'. Murphy, of Repaired _ F\niahins Oldsmobile — — Willy’a "Jeep” Sates and SerriM da Joyce. Byers, a t home; five sons, the high school Business Education WHIRL JUJONMBNT John Campbell, Ocean Grove;. Wil­ D epartm ent .will, coriduct the class. NOTICE Mfl.FIRST AVENUE, ASBURY PARK TeL Piocpeet 5-M7* Johnson’s Oldsmobile, Inc. liam W. Byers, Jr., Robert F. Coop- ; Interviewing six members of: the township faculty the Board was un­ NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF LANDS SS Sooth Main Street, Ocean Grove . - phone: PR 5-4670 . er, Herschell M. Byers-and Melvin AND PREMISES IN THE TOWNSHIP BUILDING ALTERATIONS Service & Part* • “The Home of Valne-Esied Used Cara” . Thomas Byers, all here. animous in selecting Thomas Ter- OF NEPTUNE, IN THE COUNTY Funeral services will be held this rano va. chairman of .the English De­ OF MONMOUTH partment- at the high school, as as* NOTICE is hereby given that on 774-4400 Phoaa PRospect 4-14SI 24-HOUR SERVICB afternoon (Friday) at the Fran- sistant principal in the Inter-, T u e sd a y , th e se v en th d a y of Ju ly , 1964, cioni,' Taylor and Lopez Funeral ot 2 P.M., at the Neptune Township mediate School, to replace Abraham Headquarters, 137 South Main Street, HIGGINS CONSTRUCTION CO. SHAFTO’S GARAGE CORP Home, corner of Tenth and Atkins Altschuler, who has been appointed Neptune, New Jersey, the Township of avenues, at 2 p.m:/ followed by in­ a full principal at Whitesville. Mr.. Neptune, in the County of‘Monmouth GENERAL CONTRACTORS STORAGE — BATTERY — TOWING SERVICE — REPAIRING terment. in Evergreen Cemetery, will offer at public sale, to the highest ASBURY PARK, N. J. Corner Corlies Avenue and Main Street Neptune, N. J. Terranova was chosen because It bidder at a minimum sale price of Farmingdale, was felt that his experience as a Six Hundred Dollars.• (SGOO.OQ), all the secondary teacher would be an asset right, title and interest of the said PRospect 5-9418 - ' We give S & H Green StanjN, G. F. SEEGER . in ' coordinating the elementery Township of Neptune acquired at a tax CEMENT AND CONCRETE WORK ■ OCEAN GROVE - Word has s:Ue and the foreclosure of the Tax school with the high school. Wal­ Title Lien Certificate. thereof in and NEPTUNE SHELL SERVICE CENTER been received here of. the death ter- Bird w as1 Transferred to the to the following described lands, and FABIO BATTAGLIA -Sunday of Gottlieb Frederick See- Bradley Park School and Mr. Henry p rem ise s: Free Pick Up & Delivery • Tires, Batteries, SbelinbricatiM ger. S3, formerly of Ocean Grove Foerst was transferred to the Shark All that certain plot, piece, or parcel SIDEWALKS, CURBS PATIOS CEMENT BLOCKS of ground known and designated as i;reFF!.KBO ARDS' FOUNDATION* CONCRETE BULKHEADS HIWAY S5 at DRUMMOND AVE. • NEPTUNB and a resident in recent years, at River Hills School, as principals. B lock 452. L o ts 25 an d . 26. up o n th e SEPTIC TANKS. CESSPOOLS „ 431 Colonial Park drive. Springfield, The Board also approved the ap­ following: terms and conditions: illl Bangi. Avenue, Neptune, r. * relephone ] tosped 1-0090 F a. . . pointment of James M. Elliott, as (1) .Said lands ,and premises are "to LANDSCAPING SERYICE . .Services were held Tuesday in head of the high school business de­ be sold for. the purpose: of increasing PLASTERING — PATCHING — CONCRETE WORK Drexel Hill, Pa... withrinterment in the size - of the adjoining property., partm ent at a salaryof $300 and the • (2> No single or separate dwelling LAUREL HILL NURSERY : l^awnside Cemetery. Woodstown. appointment of Mrs. Doris E. .Mil­ •can be . erected on this lot .as-a result MASON CONTRACTOR Alt*. Seeger; who is survived.by a ligan. as teaching principal of the of the purchase of . this land and WILLIAM GRAY S I\C E 1931 3425 W. BANGS AVE., NEPTU N E, N. J . ' 775-5454 , son, Glenn. Seegor of Springfield. p rem ises. ■ ; - • Designing — Planting — Selection, of 700 Varieties of Shrubs Ocean Gro\e Elementary school, al­ (3) Twenty percent f20rr’J of the 1707 Maxwell Dr., Wall Twp., Belmar, N. J. MU 1-5912 Pa., was a retired cable splicer with so at an additional salary of $300. purchase money to be paid at the time Pennsylvania -Bell Telephone. He the property is struck oft. If the money 1'ODNDATIOWf • CURBS • SIDEWALKS »* FLAGSTONE • PATiOS t w as. born in : Stuttgart. Germany, is .not paid at that time, the property JfALKS • SWIMMING POOLS * CMS POOLS v .1 ONE PRePUCM MILK AND CREAM and ; .wav a .. member o f , Covenant may be pvtt up and re-sotd immedi­ ately. The balance to be paid within Masonic Lodge. Shuffleboard Club sixty days upon delivery-of a Bargain S. MARTUSCELLI — PR 5-8539 WA R DELL’S D AIR Y Sale' Deed, without covenants. ' 14' Said, lands and premises are to >NOW PLOWING 430 Westwood Place, NEPTUNE DAIRY PRODUCTS be sold subject to all municipal, state, School Board Elects H. C, Riley anti federal ordinances.- statutes and N EPTU N E, N. J. Phono PRospect 4-191S regulations affecting the use of:the DRIVEWAYS — PARKING AREAS — GAS STATIONS (Continued from Page 1) the.same time the Board also H E ?T O fi0IL ACE Radio & Television (PR 5-8062) named tlie following as school tea­ * We repair and sell Television, Home &.Car Radios, Record Player# chers, for the. 1964-11)65 school year: DRUGS and Tape Recorders Miss. 'Elizabeth Siebtfixv .Spring 69 Highway 35, “Top of the Hill,” Neptune City, N. J. I Lake,, Sij.000,. French, Xept une High <1 MAIN AVENUE, OCEAN GROVE W . B. NAGLE, Reg. Ph. Sch ool; Joyce C. B rooks. * Deal. Oi*. buirii^RS : X600. ?ecoud grade, Shark River NAGLE’S Main * Central Pharmacy ROOFS — SIDINGS Hills; Mrs. T am ara Ca.

nacle, a moderate- Auditorium, a temple niul n chapel. These met ,llw W orks Pr/ifctH-iitjd openeti and read 111 .; Ocean : Grove Hotels rind Guest Houses wants for severhl yent’.s, when the needs for farmer accoinodations he- public at "ToVr'nstup. ih/.itlqiawters; 137 (Continued from Preceding l’nge) Srjutii -Aialiv Siic-t-t,; Ncptwne 'I'ownship (.aine,ah»x*i\ssity, and the presenl magnificent Auditorium,, worldwide in mu J u ly N ; 15»»jt< ;»t -l;.{i(V if.Tvi./ D a y lig h t - its fame,'was plaifhed and huilded. .For years the conception lay in abey­ LET’S TAKE TO THE HILLS S a v i n g * T im e. ... /..<*;•; ance.as. sgmc'thihk'ci^^^ The president was deeply . iJU;e.-.;isi 01k will be required interested, but a building whose cost uogld approach a century oLMhoU- PEGGY GOODRICH ' ' to comply with thV Preijideiit’.s Exccu- v 428 Prospect Avenue, Shark River Hills 7— 775.3270 tivo £/i dei:- N6.-. J 11 i-1 an d i.hc* pi'oVffiions*: ; ~COLONIAL HOTEL ’ satuis could not be built from fepliijg. Some one else'subscribed a'hun­ 01 KxcctitiVc--, OKif.-r •. .No... IW2ii. a s / i n - • COMPLETELY REFURBISHED . . . DINING ROOM . . ; dred, which was another e«g in the nest. TJion suddenly the. conception citided thcn*:jV. Tlie leqtbicMhehls for took shape. A spirit.of cntlmsiam arose, and people began to give, some bidders, and cont »aofoi s under this ..or*:- • OCEAN VIEW . . . HOT & COLD WATER IN EVERY ROOM live, some fifty, some a hundred, .five hundred, and,on up to the thou­ by Peggy Goodrich.. *• • - dei%- whiclv <:ohcci,n^>nondiscrimination/' -■ ."Mrs. Ethel l)ou'nin£, Manager . in employment,, are'i.xptai.ncd tn tiic sands, until the eighty or ninety thousands of dollars was subscribed, Summertime Is a good* time to get acqilaiiuetl with all your.neighbors spcciiicat.toivs. - 15 Alain Avenue • Tel. 775*8601 aiid with the exception of somo mistakes, was nlmcst entirely paid. and summer folk both at. the benches ami aL the vafieri activities thaf at;e Plans arid specjfic.iitlonsVfar/thc 'pro-.- The edifice itself is constructed on the best ntchitecturnl principles plannecji-both lor fun and fundraisihg. So conie on out on S aturday even­ pubod. woik jjrepared by- Claude embodyihg: seating; aiid hearing with frep vcntUation' for the .tnn .Utou-. liifdsall. Engineer, Soiiili Belmar. Mew ing, June 2VIn, to Lhu Ladies Auxiliary .01 Uie Siiaik j{iver. iliil.s rli'o Jersey are. on/fUc\riO ;snld EiiRiitecr's CORDOVA HOTEL ; sand people vWho/wdt’o to find a^ worshiping home .within its'vva.lIs'. The. Company’s Sixth Annual Dance at the Fire J10u.se arid start the. season Oilice and may t>i.* .ii»!JpeVtcd by pro­ arrangement'for-light requires a special dynamo with nearly a thou­ off right! Louise Townsend and Kddie’ Herbert are Co?Chhh'mon •'-»!’ ibis spective bidders durln/' onsincss iiours. ' ROOMS AND APARTMENTS • Near Ocean, Bathing and sand lamps. A place for a choir with five hundred soats arising one above The standard propos'hl form is attaclied popular dance, donation $3 per couple, and tickets can.be obtained at the to tlie • specifica.ttoiis. ’copies o f which Shuffleboard • Also rooms for waitresses arid waiters. the other is in full view of the congregation,'whose, seats are also on a door. '...... - . ■*. ,= gentle incline, so that each person had a full view of the-speaker. There .will 'be r-iirnished 'upon applipation to , 26 Webb Avenue • Tel. 774-3084 tiie. Engineer and payment of Thirty .; was ventilation from above, from the sides and below, and so arranged, Sunday, June ^8th, is the county tercentenary celebration in Free­ iS30.noi Dollars Cor cach. set. Any SPECIAL RATES FOR EVANGELICAL CONFERENCE. as to give alt that was needed without danger of draughts, and also in hold, and the Boy Scouts-will reenact the'Battle of 'Monmouth, anti a unsticeosstul piddei*-, u p o n - rettiih in R shape to secure safety against the damp of rain.’The building has attrac­ parade*and display wilt be viewed by many. Tlie local Nt'ptufie .ilistory such set within seven 17) days of re­ 8 Occan ceipt ot, bids'ami in.goud condition,'•will Dircctly On ted, considerable attention from the outsidu.world, and has only 0119 or Museum will be'opening-soon and will have many inlerestlng area dis­ be refunded his • pn.vment, and ’ ;any- Occanfront LAINGDON HOTEL Avenue. two peers'in the country. It may. be said,-in-passing, that it requires a plays, ^located in .the :olr| Alei'i.y-go-iound Building .in. Ocean.-Grove, ’anti non-bidder upon so returning such set crops of from thirty to fifty ushers to properly, seat and care'for. the wit! be free to the. jmblic. ; , V , will be refunded Fiffron f315.n0) Dol-: Spacious porches overlooking boardwalk and ocean. Large, thousands who use it almost every clay and evening of ihe .season.. • • lars.r.. . /- ••••//- '*•/.■•;/‘V . • O t h e r .11 i 11 s (I a litres sch ed u let! f 0 r .tills ««*u m »;ne i •.;* j uly lSth ti vi • 1 Bids mast ' be. made on the standard airy rooms, hot and cold running water in all rooms. Rooms The first mlisic; like every thinR else liere, was more- natural than Hills lien trli Cl ub. Ann uni Dan ce at- t he 1*' VrcOitif tse;aVul oil A u w is!./1 .r»t h t'hi.• ortVp-j;1 rV.i'ovur./o .ajn 'ifKijiijoV dc*tiinated scientific.- yiie hyintis oi‘/Methodism which had been .suntf for a gener­ >vith or -.w ithout. p riv a te ' bath. All rooms newly decorated, annua 1 cianeq oi'the'Shark. Ris’.01:11 ilis Fitkin Auvili-iry. aIso at the Fir»,\*t iherejn/and-r».c»uii'ecl bv, the -specjinea- ation were in vogue. supi>!emenled by Jhe lighter, tunes jimv-so. popular, house. . ; ■ ’ ■ ■;./•/ •• ; . - , /,:.. ■: •/. '• / ' ' '■ /•*-• /'■ I ion:-net.* inu^. b* :<’•» il-U^cd in S .en lttc). ilea.t for chilly days. European Plan. Phone .775-9558 ■' and forincd.a larg(*. piirr of the music i)f iho people*: Anyone who could f.jiyi‘U*t)'; .and..,ad- ’I‘w6 J u j i ii/r Girl ;.Sf:(>Li,t/ T jo o j js.fi i >m: J he i £j 11*;. ci ijt ,yr:t i‘ an n y v r n iglV t- d r - ot'- t,h<>-'m: d r . ..arxK th e . n*.)mc -.of', :• JENNIE: 13. OSWALD,- Owncr-Mgr. si art a m u ho was a pi occnLor'---;WofD-h a feinah*; Voicb Us male. Tin* first, [i;.o' y«i,opOt't>.ti'\\va!r >: • yyf 1 ),£•:imV: hie;, .id* / . regular precenVor was M r.^W iU isforrl..• who/ wi.tboui an or;;an or eampout. a t Canniin i^rm liigflaie l«i:,.'.. Ivrkiay -ahd. Sat xirih^’--. Tweiity-j'ijijV.- -f ua.ior- ‘(.Jir.l/S*roots o.f. Troop- A'.) 1.. y. l\h ;l*.i-adrj’s1 .Jeri > • J>» ftrcftrs/ ct to Ahj;' -tf/.ynv, nticj .l.To.Wnship \ II Seaview Zi IJlock. pinijp, I«'i>(' the people to Thp...tir.je and. liittr* .iV ; heir-., SMered melodies. t.N/a if,n;tf,S?,*'W j.U’jf',**/''<»v.;/':?a b.'fii'. ,\’et>t Uno ■ to- lieach La|«;V on instr.umtj 111 a!' niu^ic wai/'^ivvi\ a ;h\fg“r placb.; nipl • spm;iul pool's tilk ’an d . .foan. - M ; a n i i .Mot he rs, •ler» i\ Mii-vi* uu&■-Uji cy Ai(^inge}f) ./an t i j; i«.o.fe.d Jr, :<• 'certified, V. Avenue 'a-;Mhtofi fi.\:/iou\'.'CiyA^lWfV,iri p/vjuis'.’oJ'.-.'l'ro.op A-vi.*: ,\ndor^oii; V-;jp'ji:;i f ••oR-iKit; Jc.sf ilvjn -1(1.' ; i A K E N S E A or N.';)nic,.n»r'wiy iMaVJ ev*;f y yeaiV werc/pJace«l;ak pai.l .of tlHA)musieaIi I’lpVth.i; i>cr ;ernff/V-i> .t!;-f.\.:'»mr,uni Of tUe bld; am i UpoP lhe 'dc^parfutv /Of Mri;;Dcy f(u'. i.he-jWevt";.PVol• * J. ** Sy.a eii^y.' .a Ou d i.Jc,'-. 1 J.al ty Is. y be If: arui; Vi.ek io/ i'*l ?.(<•,» t • ea bu i.V ?v. rVuj* hi;,^ y r -, ^1 tUuor { U ri ^Xpin \'{■: 1 roLO li TV Bright, olicorflil airy rooms with hot and cold running watei, t'Vusieyl ev;niposer: 6f ennsjdc’rablMAbility';nnd. -large;'-personal magnetism, '.Jif- Jioiir. 'ihfiV// r'j.*j-; •■' '•' ' ' ; • showeis by day, week or month. Convenient to eoX elerla-short-vvalk to occupied the posit fon until I SMS. \vh<‘u. j'a IJ u re; iVi.-lica I th c'rjjn pe Hod ids re- j »f 'i -rot iji V,■!’ pt l^lved ilnct id.e p t • i a - i hoir- te/tt s .--jii'U; t»j e't rob j »k' ’g/.it t hV'v T h e ' 'V/.tt ..Ttiva-'.Trlp '.C om m lttco .: AsburV %ark. .continental* hwhidsd In talcs *1 rooms, hjwscta) Rate* th.crnent'and Prof - Ti»U*.^ 'Mnrcran;-.a;man or tf'n a b JH .tv i'v /a 'v x |/{ar:-d. |iiiti>;hiiieJ»«ivs a i'OU;id ;! (/ or,:. oT : flv: :.T^*v:i,f>:AVjjfibKv;rdWrvc and after Labor Day. Phene 774-228... . . :Ft;i't|ay r 1 jng.\ ,MijjkIyyVafl;< j nooii, }Tivf >p- .‘11; dsti>■-j.i -t hi‘ Ot eah: v GiVjy v -tl’W'ir ihldy.fo • /;>nv..,uv -.,-be,iA:V;ii\tbxe.-;V, th e.-; STEWART, JOHNSON & WA G N ER-+Q wne r-M fit.‘ de.nominatiphsv.wJio.'e/ nienjbei-K.vvisii; th e■'»''.»rdye;-:^ anU ;.w^liose' childr^n’s- N it i sing. Hoi nf.*,, w he iji 11 isy. 11 .• at f‘ci Ti a me hit)' ',(nr. fo 'dO. ' •' ;/"•"/•>/ .- *-,. • Choruses num.beted'fCM-ting'Vv*e'i ;. JTv.*V/|ot- v.r.-.tlii/ M/iaV»K rjnd. Tow n ship : <. Corner of- Heck C o n i m i t h j o . 'o f ^ T^Vwnyliiti ,i‘a<.dVNoii :< rci!ic-r a.s ’a- gu*j-t.and ,!,he , Coiinlyjjllert- SurXvy, " ’ ‘‘ and Beach Aves. especUilly in t he- Oratorios, as eqbVil ‘to the hist-’ in t ho .land. Mr. ;.{oi‘gan following tnenibeiAwrajjj».ed...... 2,00!j Huffs'; . Klaiiie ,, ljennc-tt, .. .Ann .. .WoodwaiVi, vr,. i .JOSKp.fl;\VARDF.Li-> OLIVE HOUSE eonducls an> Iut.ernational School of MpsieaV Correspondence', jr) . wHi'ch Viol Mali'/. Kay KloU», Hiilxi S.-111101.1 or,! A| 1D__ .. „ ; ■ ;Moypr. One block from the Ocean and centrally located, ncur restaurants and people .learn, music in th at Way,' which aids- him greatly in Ills choir,-: for Uotiy Heihian; Aii/lfis Ijjc's, Doiis Sohi-fK- .md I* c,Lr>,v«/ti 1-wlio■pg'jm' ® nF,,NETT cafetorias. Hot and cold running water in all rooms. European Plan. which he justly claims a. superior reput.ationV In thr. heiglH of theisea- v.-cii the Iliiik !iijiTiol.'i.:'r»i'..la!y. 'meet in«.-will lw lielil. ill Uie^lHimo^- jri; i i «>ci; is’ o vr>4 r i C . ' i ‘ CluivnHH/ronrn and.Dj-uin C|U|OTS The floral day has been one of the groat.flays-. devoied largely to ’the and Bugle Corp gave.a smart oxnibition, the Fort .vlonmouth Band play- • . . . - . . . ,^SHAW M 0NTs young people, and usually enirustcd-to Dr. Yatman and A. C. Fields. ed musical seJcctlaris, arid thd .O’Brien Major Post. V FW. 26'M) parttcipalofl . Aff.llhst K.state.' The Auditorium on.these occasions has been a dream of br?auty. TJie relig­ , Ocean front, European. All rooms have innerspring mattresses, hot In the' raising of the colors/The U. S. Flag had flown oyer the Capital r ST ATI; OF JOHN is/.MATHEWS, do- ious. services have been .in harmony with the conception, and all com­ and Post. Office Building in. Washington, D. C.. and was presented' by .*• ceased.. r/ .'-i' & cold running water, many with private baths & lavatories.' Free bined have deepened the attachment of these.younger .people to their Pursuant to *1 ho ofy Combined days . .'. Rose.-Norris bowled a-.22ti.game at.the Nepturie Bowling -Alley:at t h e saidher- Choruses of the Jersey Central on June 16th and now has the highest averago in the sum m er loaRuc. nt £,nd,'nt£- ',;e “..n* i,,(crested nersons- an 7 Bath Ave., 4 houses from Beach, overlooking Power & Light Co.* that bowling alley. Keep up the good work,,Rosie! ... . Betsy and Hob [opportunity to 1)<1 heard cimcetning the ocean. Rooms only, cheerful, comfortable. Hot and PROGRAM Kdlston with their youtxg son Jo({ made an attractive faniily.picture sail-"ordinance. cold water In all rooms. CAROLINE July 13 — Movie - "Red Runs Iiig on the Shark.-Klvei- Sunday ... : The 13elmar'i:.\i;l(irer.Troop are' lia'.v-1 ORni>*ANCE VACATING r o il­ MRS. C. NYDAM, Owner The River" - in color. Phone 776-8340 1964 Preaching- Program ing a (ahulous week uampini' above N'iagra Falls in Canada and .Don . ,.r, | 1M'. mmihi.h.i .m kuaii i\ THE July 14-16 —.Interstate Women’s Maier, Bill Evers, Ralph l-'owler and Bill Dickson.aiui leader Tom Walsh to w n sh ip o p nkptunK. is .the June 28 A.M., Dr. Robert B. Christian Temperance Union. /w m rn in i T r |A I T o r 43 Webb Ave,, Cor. Centra! Ave., Pierce, pastor of The Chicago Tem­ of Ihe Hills are members of this explorer troop ;. . Uinky Wright is going | COUNTV OFMONMOUTH, I 1‘N T R A -L i H U U iaiil roomsluutuo with^ win* wuilllliuiuvjfcommunity kitchen, tvuvu) ple -First Methodist Church, Chic­ July 18 St. Paul’s Chancel to Ft. Wayne, InrlUinn July 1st. and gel needmmodntions ready I'or .\Vife convenient to beach, stores and Marge and children to move there, later. I his 'summer • BE IT ORDAINED BV THE TOWN- : ago, Illinois; P.M., Dr. Harold C. Choir, "Christmas Oratorio" * S H IP CO .M ?. J LTTE E OF T JIE TO W N - 1 all attractions. Phone T7-1-7S2(1 W. Lceming, Prop. There .will he.iio Boy Seoul Troop 81 jiapw .dnve On July -lih. Hut tile Case, president of Boston Univer: July 20 ™ Movie - "Jerusalem ” - SHIP OF..VEPri;\i-J. IN THE c o u n t y sity, Boston, Mass. monthly paper drive \vill.eontinue--lhroughout.llie stinimer'and'live next OF..MOWMOC.nI. -J-- ::-; 45 Broadway, rooms and ap’ta,, near Billy Graham. one will’be held on'A ugust 1st. They would also .like to colled a t th(.i, ljon1, 0, Ti *11 s|lareiiaih1 t H<: : 11 uv.i Ho.icl j s;; d In e scrib the ed Town- p o r- ocean and facing Lake, hot and cold July '5 — A.M., Commissioner same time an y rags, rug under-layment and.m attresses you woulil .like.' sinp ni Nea.tune. j.n the Oimt.v.oi Mon* LAKE VILLA running water in rooms. Holland French, National Com­ July 20-22 — Inter-D istrict Dou­ to discard . . ."in case.Ann Zatla has forgotten, her anniversary is on the.' mo-.ith nno Si.dt ;' i New Jersey lw and bles Shuffleboard Tournament. Phone 776-7613 MRS. A. HANLON mander of The Salvation Army; :30th of June-. . . Anu aclorableo Weeks old ehoeolate eoloie.d Kreil'ehl.'he s:,n?e ,,5h!'r^ '. ’ • ? • Paunc P.M.,Commissioner Holland French •July 25 —-The Squrrlows: “Splen­ \iotjdle has lieen added to ihe family (if Joan.-'and Eill Morton.. . . On ,street, avenue, lo.id or highway, 64 Webb Avenue rteginnimj-:ti a point in the* northerly- July 12 — A.M., Dr. Ralph W. dor of Sacred Song.” June 18th. Shark -River Hills Cadelte Girl Stiout Troop 30' with leader ‘• Centrally Located Gloria Glashan went' on a very interesting lour of the Commiinieatians lino of.Shoreham Road as shown on a THE MILLERING Open All Year — Home Cooking Sockman, Minister Emeritus, Christ July 27-28 — Preaching Mission Center at Ft. .Monmouth. .... -Map uf Tract belonging to NcJptube Church-Methodist, New York City; Development Corp., Neptune. New P hone 775-1708 Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Millering, Owner-Manager with Dr. John A. McElroy. Jersey:', prepared by Marshall R.. P.M., Choir. Festival. A double birthday eciebration svas held for three year old Jeff Smith Pugh, dated /\ugust 1^28/404.37 feet' July 29 — Youth Night - James arid 5 year, old G arry Smith on Saturday, June '20th. Besides Molher and eastwardly from the easterly line of • July 19 — A.M., Bishop John Dad,. Dot and Jim Smith, and older brother Brian; Grandma Mrs. George Stanford Drive nnd extending.thenco Wesley Lord, Washington Area of Jeffrey/Executive Director, Fellow­ NANTUCKET fS3. fete r* ship of Christian Athletes. Tiedemann, Grandpa James E. Smith, St1;, of Bradley Beach;’ Miss Joan M) > castwardly along the northerly The Methodist Church; P.M., Dr, Schneider of Keyport; and Mrs.'Ruth Lcatherman of Ocean Grove (who line of Shoreham Road 348.28 feet to with or without kitchen privileges? 8 a'S° 3tudl0- ^ h t airy rooms tlie northwesterly line of Stanley Harold A. Bosley, Christ Church -. July 30-31 — Annual Bazaar of was also celebrating her birthday that day) attended and enjoyed the Avenue; thence <2) southwestwardly Methodist, New York City. the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Audi­ refreshments and festivities ... Mr. and Mrs. Carl Deckert spent Father’s along tlie northwesterly line of Stan­ OPEN ALL YEAR . . . ADULTS July 26 —^ A.M., Dr. John A. Mc- torium Ushers* Ass’n. Day with Ruth and Fred Hyer and family of P.oseland and attended ley Avenue 50.85 feet to the southerly , line of Shoreham • Road;'.thence (3) „ ONLY,. Hot and cold water in each Elroy, pastor of Calvary Methodist granddaughter Ellen's.graduation . . . P.nvmund Walker has been trhns- westwardty/atong tlui southerly .line ' THE REDSIDE room. Church, East Orange, N. J.; P.M., July 31 — Founders’ Day, Mark­ feretl from the Neurological Iftstitute of the Columbia Pres. Medical of Slioreham Road 100 feet more or 76 Main Avenue, Occan Grove • . Tel. 771-1337 Dr. John A. McElroy ing the 95th Anniversary of the Center In New York lo Fitkin Hospital in Neptune last week and cards less to tlie northeasterly line of Sixth and get-well wishes will help him on the road to recovery . Avenue:. thence (4) northwardly and. (Two-day Preaching Mission, Dr. First Service Held in Ocean Grove. westwardly along the arc of. a curb ’ 28 Bath Ave. Near ocean and Audi­ I McElroy, July 27 and 28.) The Neplune Community Theatre is presenting Ruth Newton’s having a radius of 550 feet ahd bear­ SNUG HARBOR torium; Close to Cafeterias. Hot and Aug. 2 — A.M., Dr. D. Elton Aug. 1 — A festival of Music by "Cinderella" on June 27th at 11 A! M. and 3 P. M. at the Sun Motel on ing to the.loft 230 feet .more or less cold water in rooms. Single and double Trueblood, Earlham College, Rich­ the New York Opera Festival, Spon­ Route .33. It should be a special treat for the small fry. an enjoyable for to the point or place of beginning. rooms. Large, cool porch. Mildred Dclhagcn, Owner-Mgr. Tel. 771-1821 adults too, cost only 50c for children.and S! for adults . . . Also on Sat­ 2. This ordinance shall take effect/ mond, Indiana; P.M., Dr. Aaron N. sored by Ladies’ Auxiliary of the immediately. ! / urday, June 27th, the Jaycee Junior Olympic Games, Track and Field, (Signed) JOSEPH WARDELL Meckel, pastor of First Congrega­ Auditorium Ushers' Association. will be held nt the Summerfield School Athletic Field . . Liast Saturday ..■-.'■'••• -•'. '1 ; • ;■ . Mayor AN HISTORICAL SKETCH OF tional Church, St. Petersburg, Flo­ the ,4th Annual Sandy Hook to Shark River Regatta, sponsored by Die Attest: JOSEPH BENNETT rida.- .-. ./- ■ /'■ ■■*'*■* . / ' / • ' . Aug. 3-7 — International Union • ' Cle'rk- /.' : t;-. Jersey Ocean Racing Club, was won by Joe Scott. Three members Of ihe 2G . *. .... " $10.24 Aug. 9 — A.M., Dr. W allace D. of Gospel Missions. newly formed Blue Water Windjammers Association, Bpb Will, DeWiti OCEAN GROVE Chappell, pastor of Woodbine Meth­ Aug. 5-7 — Methodist Home Fair. Manley and Boh Schaefer of the Shark River. Vachl. Club participated. In the evening, the Shark River Yacht Club were hosts and held a dinner O R D IN A N C E NO . 662 (A compilation from “The New Jersey Coast In Three Centuries,” odist Church, Nashville,' Tennessee; TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE IN THE ' P.M., Dr. Paul C. Empie, Executive Aug. 8 — Youth Concert. for the crews and guests . . . Our sympathy goes to Leona'Sturm and' COUNTV. OF M.ONMOUTII Published tn 1902 by the Lewis Publishing Co., New York and Director of the National Lutheran the rest of the family on ihe death of her Mother-in-law Mrs. Koso Sturm Chicago; William Nelson, Editor.) , Aug. 10 Movie - *-Jri His Steps.". last Sunday. She lived in the Hills.many years : . . AN ORDINANCE It E G U L a 'T I N C Council, New'York City. I PARKING ON TilK PROPERTY OF Eighth Installment Aug. 16 — A.M., Dr. Elmer G. 1 Aug. 11. — Fashion Show under On June 17th, the Monnioutit County Civil Service Retirees of Chapter THE-'RALEIGH TITKIN-PA t»f. MOR­ Homrlghausen, dean of Princeton the auspices of the Ladles’ Aux­ ■111 were hosts to n nice picnic to the Ocean Criimfy Cluipler.-G37 til. the GAN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ANI) The first chief of police was Lewis Hainoar, who afterward became l-Jttrl Woolley County Park, and Hugo Fischer said over 150 attended and ANN MAY FOUNDATION IN TllIT /superintendent, and whose place ..was yielded ‘to General J. C. Patter­ Theological Seminary, Princeton, iliary. , ; . • ';!• ' -TOWNSHIP OF NKPTUNK.. NEW N. J.; P.M.; Dr.-Elm er G. Homrig- they all had a swell (lily, u-ith Mayoi’AVcii'fleil and .olhei' eifficiiiis prestMii ; JERSEY, PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. son, who was soon afterward appointed poliee‘.justice,‘and who has filled . Laurel time in the Hills, has heen replaced by beautiful roses — all . :tU:*)A*l. ANI> P ltO V ID lN O I'E N A L -' both these offices from that date to*the present. The'.’force for winter hausen. Aug. 11 — 2 P.M. Meeting of colors. ' Ocean Grove W.C.T.U. Speaker: Tli:s I'OR THE VIOLATION t h e r e - ' consists of.five men besides the chief, with extra men whenever needed, ^ tTwo-day Preaching Jlission, Dr. - OF. . .- -. . increasing as the warm season approaches; when it reaches its ordinary Dr. Samuel J . Truscott. : '-•The Junior Choir of the Community Baptist Church met on Saturday Homrlghausen, Aug. 17 and IS). as did the cooking and John Pasterehiek- led ’Ihe games for- the girls, Sec tion . ThK ordfnann* filial) take. :: ; maximum of fifteen or twenty. Special quarters, handsomely fitted up, Aug. 12 — Twelfth Annual Ocean have been assigned to them where are made, and where the justice's Aug. 23 — A.M.;/Bishop Fred for a picnic at the home of the Director, Mrs! N.oil .fcThomhs: Neil,Thom- efTect immediately:- • • Pierce Corson, Philadelphia Areti Grove Swimming Championships... Prizes were awarded hv.oiiv 'r ...... Approved on th>t- H-adint; J title 2, /•• courts are held under the jurisdiction of a justice;who cares more for 1061. • '. ; r. ' /• ■/• -/: of The Methodist Church; P.M., Dr. host inducing an offender to promise to cease from evil than for punishing Aug. 13 - 14 — Bancroft-Taylor A p p ro v ed . . pii -strd.. ;»«ul' a d o p t/ d / o,t\ ' him for the evil he has done/’ . . • .. . ' Charles L. WuYren, pastof of- St. l)»:;lK M .ding ■Jinjl-'L'K. ■t.,''*L' -, Rest Home Bazaar at St.. Paul’s .. ’I Sic hod j- JOSFipH WARDELL There was nothing originally planned for consiimpUon of the time Mark’s Methodist Church, -Ndw tl .. in, . .(.u(iii!iy. acne :,;,vnon llioy -. . / - : '. - . • MUyor but physical and religious recuperation. The time was only to occupy two. York. City.- Church. ; • ' Jv.5 Happy birthday luday'to 13 year old Pally l.amlls. Diiris JlcCaiili anti Att-'.s?: JOSEPH :H KN•*K I'T /' • • or three weeks, and nothing more would he needed/But as tlie time ex­ also ;the wedding.,anniversary of Doris and Ken McCann,- On Samrda.v / ■■/.'. Chtk . - . / . •" : tended, a life modeled upon the* life in the home churches commended CA.MPMEETING Aug. 15 —- Special Concert; dc-‘ hav,; fun VJ.year old P.d St-hroed'ei’, Dave ThiimpsPirand' on' the wedding' -2< i - SJ.00 itself to the judgment of the people. Music, recitations,• originals com­ Aug. 30 A.M., Dr.,Norm an W. tails to be announced. anniversary of Do!I.V and Ken Johnson. June'lilllii hesl - wisliip's ,gn . to, y O R D IN A N C E NO: f,W positions, festivals,.stcreopticons, moving pictures, concerts, oratorios, year old Carol .Ann Brown, (> year old Cliarleti(f: l.imoii. 'Mtii-v- \Vo«l and Paullin, Eastern- Baptist Theologi­ n i l lit* o n . i i k ------T O W N S H IP O F N E PTU N E -IN T H E readings, with entertainments of similar character,-filled the interveninR Aug. 17-18 — Preaching Mission COUNTY OF-MONMOUTH; .time between.the bathing and the service. None of these-are permissable cal Seminary. Philadelphia, Pa.; P. M., Di\ O. Gerald Trigg, Leggett with Dr. Elmer G. Homrlghausen. AN ORDINANCE; TO AMEN!) AND'. d u r i n g the cam pm cel i ng, when e very t li I n g is su bjec led to. its exe i cises. SUPPLEMENT.a n o r d i n a n c e e n - and nothing.allowed in any way to. interfere. Memorjal Methodist Church,'Biloxi, Aug. 19 — Drama Workshop. ... !' • TITLED, "•‘AN ORDINANCE ESTAD- .. Among other attractively interesting features, to the people:who visit Mis s.' -;/ -V- '• ,/_V --" LIS1I1NG A-COMPREHENSIVE ZON­ Ocean Grove is the Model of Jerusalem. Many persons come here who Aug. .22 7- Usheis’ Show - High­ ING PLAN FOR THE TOWNSHIP OP have traveled through the Holy Lund, and to whom the sight in miniature Sept. 6 •— A. M., T3r.’ O. Gerald lights of’G4 : b i r t h d a y b o o k , " a TO^haimy w S .S 'annht li“1’P"'-"ing in our " NEPTUNE-. IN THE C.’OI'NTY - OF O'Rourke on July 2nd, T 'T ,anniV';rsa!,y to Ndlie and' Jim . AIONMOCTH. 71V DIVIDING THE of a place through which they have passed,.and around which so many Trigg, Leggett Memorial Methodist TERRITORY THEREOF INTO VARI­ « associations cluster is a benediction. To. those who have never had such Church, Biloxi, Mississippi; P. M.. Aug. 24 — Concert by Ocean OUS DISTRICTS AND PKKSCRIR- an opportunity, a moder drawn to an exact scale of a spot whose place Dr. Norman Paullin, Eastern Bap­ Grove: Summer Band. JNG CEPTAIV KEOPI.ATIONS FOR EACH OF- THE SAH» DISTRICTS’.4, • in the sacred records is prominent, and whose name Is part of the hym- tist. Theological Seminary, Phila­ LEGAL NOTICES six . months from 'this date. Aug. 24*26 — Inter-District Sin­ Dated: May 2i5th. 19(14 . , - ADOl'TED SFPTEMREIt Is I««2, nology through which they worship,;Is peculiarly interesting. The num­ delphia, Pa. A n d t h e v a h i o l s a m e n d m e n t s gles Shuffleboard Tournament. O ’H A G A N bers who stand outside of the beautiful pavilion on Ocean Pathway, where CAMPMEETING CLOSED MONMOUTH COUNTY * 10 N orw ood C o u rt T II E R E O F, a NO SUPPLEMENTS the model is located, and who gaze in pious reminiscence upon it, With Aug. 26 Ushers’ Banquet. SURROGATE'S. COURT west Long -Branch, N. J. t h e r e t o . feelings which carry them back in vivid imageryto the temple where Sept. 13 — A.M., Rev. Norman Notice co Creditors to Present Claims Administrator . the holy preisthood ministered — the Mount of Olives with* its Garden. R.. Riley, St. John’s Methodist A u g . 27 — Drama W orkshop. , Against Estate S s : ST O U T &. O HAG AN Approved on first’ reading June 2, Of Gethsemane, the Via Dolorosa up to Calvary, with the surroundings Church, Keyport, N. J.; P.M., Dr. AlCnhnrstT n! lon;" Bank Building lf)f>4. ' ■ ■ - Approved, nasscd and adopted on so graphically depicted in. the Old and New Test uments — never seem Robert G. Longaker, First Presby­ •A ug. 28 — Service of Holy Com­ ESTATE OF MIRIAM S. NASE, de­ Attorneys . ceased-. final reading Jlm e 23,1 10(54. to lose their interest to the tens of thousands who come again and again terian Church, Cranford, N. J. munion, opening the 95th Anniver­ r 22-25 . ^ . ' $17.28 ‘t Signed) JOSFPH WAR DF.LL . to study it. The model was constructed under the superintcndency of Rev. sary Camp Meeting. . Pursuant to tha order/of EDWARD . '. r -Mf»W>r , .Dr. Wytbe, who had previously placed one at Martha’s Vineyard, and 1964 Special Events C. BROEGE, Surrogate of the County T0 BIDDERS Attest: JOSEPH BENNETT Aug. 29/— 7:30 P.M. - Annual of Monmouth, this day made, on the • / Clerk * has been pronounced by travelers of intelligent powdrs of critical observ­ June 22-26 — Pastors’ School. application of the undersigned, William !u r. s hert?by given, that sealed —2G. • $4.84 ation as nearly perfect as it is possible to make it, in all its houses, streets Concert» .of Sacred Music by the bids will be received by. the Mayor and June 2 7 Ferko String Band J. O Hagan. Administrator of the estate J ? 2 lp Committee of the Township and surroundings. Auditorium Choir. / of’the said Miriam S. Nase, deceased, of Neptune. New Jersey for the clear- notice is hereby given to the creditors • ... The ^spots designated for public addresses were at fjfst a /ew plaiik^ iiffre 26.^8 — federa­ ing and gracing site of Jumping Brook; SUBSCRIBE TO THE TIMES after wards a small platform with rough'boards for seats, then a tafeer- 1tion ©f Men'* Bible ‘Classed. nade”. of. said deceased to present to the said Wells Brook and Hankins Brook Trunk Administrator their claims under oath Sewers, .under an Accelerated. Public . $3.50, A YEAR BY MAIL PAGE il' EX OCEAN GROVE TIMES and NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1964

Of Phone Books

N. J. Bell Telephone To Distribute CO,200 Copies in Asbury Park Area

MEWARK — The New jersey- Bell Telephone Co. will, begia de­ livery tomorrow (Friday) of the: Monmouth Area Telephone Direc­ A T H I N G and Ashing in ocean. -Fine Boardwalk ^iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit[iiiiiiiiiiiii[iitiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiitiiiiii«niiiiiii[[iiiii!ii[i(iiiiiiii[[ii]iiiiiniiii)iiiiiiL.!iiraiiK]r tory. 6-8 Ocean Pathway . full length of ocean front, connecting with Asbury Beginning Friday, 00,200-copies' ! ARDMORE HOTEL Park on the north and Bradley Beach on the sisuth. , will be- distributed in the Asbury Ocenn View Memorialr pavilion overlooking ocean, Many . SPRAY VIEW HOTEL P ark areci compared, to 61,300 last American Plan | benches along the boardwalk. Auditorium seating year. Beginning Tuesday 110,300 2 MEALS DAILY S 8|000. Most, powerful organ in'the country. Great chorus, fm- ~^j; Ocean Grave's copies will be distributed in ihe Red ui Dining Room «8t singers, most gifted instrumentalists, eminent preachers, Bank area compared to 102,100 last * Open to Public f noted lecturers, free band concerts. Safe nnd sant cmosemcntH, I Most Convenient f year and beginning July 2. 15,700 : moving pictures, bowling alleys, swimming pool, athletic games, Available for s Location copies, •'•ill be distributed in the Private Parties | children’s plavground. Daily meetings-for young and old in Freehold area compared to, 1-1,300 Temple, Tahernaclc ami Chapel. A quiet, restful Sabbath. Saf- last year. A 111 CONDITION- *| e's* place for women and children. Adequate train, and bus serv­ j^S.ingltv double, twin I 1 'Dining Ilnom. "bedrboms, someS There are 121,500 listings in the I>hy an ti C offee ice, .t’Oiivenieii.t for commuters. # „.with bath, all ’ with • “ alphabetical section of the 190'i di­ Shop The hotels and boarding houses herewith presented ire JShot & cold running * rectory compared to 120,100 in the water — cool s e a " recommended to the consideration of inlending patrons as the brpcze. R a te s $4 S' book. - •' best houses'of entertainment in this world, famous resort. to $5^per night per j| . A full-color, picturo. of the four i-ti'.l I l"t I- IM'-lfj’ t I■;!. f'li I' ll-l iliili'ir.ll'JIiJKIVIV.Mtllllftlt’.lllltllV.lv'tSllSlllllUJIltlltlitJ1" person Hags..which -have flown over Now Jersey deeurat® the cover of thu . •A.MKKlCAN PI;AN = .l*I«»ne ?? J-dO?r> directory in honor Of' the state’s Ai-lbetis^w 2 DAILY H One : Ocean Ave.' H 'j'erce'ntertary. . i „ . r .... i linvtiiliwtbi}' pages have been re­ - , '• ■ a v Koonis with |j | VUa s k b, s« o t t . Owm-.r - M auii.vn «. SCOTT, Mgr. 2 designed to provide more telephone iiiformtttUm iifcluding detailed lists <(l. ,vv private § j | . —■ nillEQTLY ON Tlin OCEAN — " ;.r*. V •»«; ■ ■■ <4 New Jersey Hell central olTice lavatories designations and their area codes.;; :: V - am\ baths ■ <• iv * r- A‘ S, .• . . DUN-11 A YEW H O T E L > jh($i ELITA ; Filial Week Of iu o c e a n p a t h w a y .-. ' 4 Ideally lo- : , “The: Friendly House for Friendly People” . : 1 AUUITORIUM, aCEtia PATHWAY — PAVILION and OCEAN M. . catcd in 5 | V acation School U I I ' north end | Hair Block to Ocean | section, closo I NEPTUM !■; — /iriai tvcck oi’ to boardwalk | 1 1 Main Avenue I ! lie.: llptl wmt-.. Lu thoron Churcli Vacation Cliurvh Sfliopl will be-held ' & Asbury 1 Rooms with running watery I next week. Classes will meet .from Park amuse- | 0:30 it. in. unit] noon cadi cioy, merits. ; i clean, coo 1, airy. Near ail res- | Monday tluouyii Friday. A special' taurants and cafeterias. Our i Program Cor parents and friends ; FROM THE PORCHES OF THE DUN-HAVEN will be .held ai 1L a, m. on Friday, SEAVIEW AVE., OCEAN’ GHOVE : Phone 775-0817 | rates .are always moderate.' • -i July 3, to cloiw the school. “iiiliijjliiliiliil.il ji’liir'l il'iliir:* !! !!-*-.luiuliilMl .Iii|i:|.i|iiliililliillil; 1 Stop in or Write for Illustrated Polder With Kates I lulu ..... Richard J. Hinck, Sunday School- .Phone 775-9072 DR, JAMES GRAHAM CAFETERIA Classes .for all ages will be held at, Beach and Main Avenues, Ocean Grove | ^ STOKES HALL I the regular hour of 9:30 a. m, ' Hot and cold water in rooms; some with private | AND ■ i baths and lavatories 1 Sunday Services FAMOUS SUPREME BLEND COFFEE I DINING ROOM I ON T H E BOARDWALK j AND DESSERTS FROM OUR OWN BAKE SHOP I 28 OCEAN PATHWAY I At Hamilton One block from ocean and = Telephone In All 350. Rooms • Elevator .Service ’ j Protect«'* — inside and outside — -ith modern automatic Auditorium. § sprinkler system to assure your relaxation and safety. NEPTUNE — Worship Services Owned and Operated by Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association \ American Plan, single or suites. 1 will be conducted Sunday at 9:30. some with private baths. . Clec* | and 11:00 a. in, ii: the Hamilton Four Large Lounges * Three Sun Decks ' j ELEVATOR TO ALL FLOORS . I rooms, good food, moderate prices. Methodist Church, Old Codies Ave Phone 775-8885.- — ‘10th Season — M. J. AVOODRING ; t'or Reservations Write or Phone I nue. The pastor, the Kev. Shermmi Guest Entertainment * Television * Musicals i Phone 774-5712 | S. Robinson, will bring the sermon, Ocean at the Front Door * Pool at the Hear Door | Mr. % Mrs. Frank W. Thorpe I "Investing A Life." ATTRACTIVE RATES ARE EUROPEAN PLAN j l a y Ou-nerslilp-iUanagcment = In.the First Service, Ihe Chapel I ROOMS » APARTMENTS I ■ .... limtiiii[iiiiiiiiiiii^iiiiiiiiui»i;iiiiiiiii[i[i,iii()iii,i||ii,|i||[,^ Choir, directed by .Miss Charlotte, For reservalinns phone■'■774-5000'- .! fab**?***-* i'oytor, will ‘ ing. Iu the second ser­ ^ii|(iii>tii*i'lii|isliiiii«‘.*i»ii»i:*>i>i:ii!|ii(>i|iiiiill:f[i|[i|ii||.-lii|iiiij|ii||iiii«iiiii||i|tiiiiaiiiii||j||i|iiiitiuiii||iai|iiifiie vice, the'Chancel Cwir, under the THE I direction of .tlrs. Allan Netllemaiv , MARION 1SLEY, Manager ' I will provide the anthem. iiiiiiiiiniiii.ir »)i i i i 11 < i t t 11 The "Sunday School will meet at GRANDVIEW a i):3t) a. m: with classes for ail boys I I I I I I I 1-r.lM: l i|li|:il'..lllllll!.||llllllll1lllllllliJIII|li|l[|lil|l|ii||(|ll|ll|il|ll|l>|ll^ \ and- girls through High School. .Mr. IS Pitman Ave. ’ . 1 OVERLOOKING OCEAN j Charles Volhcnius is General Super­ Entire Block g» Oeeanfroiit •.:■.’ ■ JF lS T Ifl ^ intendent. . ■ (One half block to Ifcacti ? AMERICAN PLAN 1 The Vacation- Bible Camp will enter-Its second week on Monday Single nni! Double rooms with i Hame-like Hotel . . . Excellent i morning with the session beginning Hollywood beds and innersprlng | Food . . . AH Rooms Hot sod S at 9:13. HOTEL I mattresses) running water in ail ] Cold Hunning W ater. S 5 Abbott Avcnac —ELEVATOR— | rooms; showers oil all' floors; 1 L. SCHIRM KISTER near restaurants and cafeterias; 5 , Oxvner-Mpr. Phone 771-1019 | Private Baths | also 2 and 3 room apt.; special i List Chairmen rates.May, June and : fter Labor I riinnnnniii)t|umiiiij|inutatHiiiiiiMltftiiniii^i»m»nin»»ii)iB»iiiainini'iiinniiiiiniiiti«H«tifintui«tiinmiid - • J Day. Phone 77G-9088, | . Ocean Avenue at | For Grove PTA Mrs. Frances Arnold f Ocean Pathway | Qwner-Managcr | 5 ------ORMOND HOTEL) OCEAN GROVE—Airs. Kenneth • i Cor. Beach & Pitman Avcff. | DeRose and Mrs. Richard Lyons en­ Edith Haines Hankins ? ';iH[iiiiiiiiMiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin:ninniiiiininiiiit»ii»inniiiiiii',i»ii*nii'iii*ui.,.*;i*ii|itiutii»ti»it*iiniiuiii*LUunir Open May 1 to Sept. 15 f tertained the new executive board j Phone 774-5450 Alice Haines Kresge § .^iiiiiiinatiiiif ..... of the Occan Grove E.T.A. afc the EUROPEAN PLAN | home of Mrs. DeRosc. Showers, Baths on Ali Floors 5 John Aponte,. president, an- All rooms have hot - and cold S r aunced the committee members of THE SAMPLER INN | water; some with twin heda; also “ connecting rooms, TV iKmnse and 3 the executive board. Recreation Hoorn. Special rates = Class mothers, Mrs. Kenneth Del- HOTEL AND CAFETERIA I May, June and after Labor Day. g Jett; father’s night, Robert Hager- ' Block to beach and Auditorium, g. ] ■ NOW OPEN (see page 2) f 28 MAIN AVE., OCEAN GROVE, N. J. i man; hospitality, Mrs. Elsie Johns; ' P h o n e 776-974G • 1 recreation, Mrs. Gladys Beekman: SERVING 1 Owner-Managcment 5 safety, Robert Woyshner; sunshine, B reakfast ------"1:3ft — 10:00 A.M. = ‘in ii an an in man initian iiiiuina nan >ninininaiiananiHt»>HiiiiHtiitiianttiii(tuiuiut(iinti(i(i««i n (uiiKKiuanvnma^ Mrs. He!e:'. Schwarts; founders Dinner - - 4 - - - - - 11:30— 2:00 P.M. I g'Si'iull'iiiluiulMiciiiiuiiifiiiinuiuiuiiiiiiliiiuiiiiiiiiHiiliniiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiHliiiiiliiitilillinirliliHlillimiinilillHJg day, Franklin B, Holl; summer Supper - - - • * * - •'*. 1'30—■ 7:30 P.M., | I 4 OCEAN PATHWAY NEXT DOOR TO BEACH | roundup, Mrs, Robert Woy3hner; I The Enchanted Cottage j Ali HftUittg Dotte oh Premises ? civilian defense, Fred Niedenstein; r»hi..3 illiiim Comfortably Air Conditioned = Running | scouts, Mrs. Dorothy Gondelc; mem­ Established 1917 Tel. 775-1905 | H eat for bership, Mrs. Mae Lyons, Mrs. Bet­ Water in | ty DeKose; scholarship, Mrs. Doris- I 13 Main Ave., Ocean Grove ;; 1 Milligan, Mrs. Muriel Coyne, Mrs. . • • ' . • * ‘ | Chilly' .111 ,i -li-iM ( IU i ll .1.1 I-1< *M-i:;»uliX-.t Every Room i Frances Shot-well; publicity, Mrs. a.. . ■ . • ’ • . 5 Muriel Harrington. * * »' * * •* 1 * * 1 1 1 11 * * ■•* 11 * ’ * :t t. 'ti'fu fifi| i- . Days m m Rest, Relax, Regain ' 1 S £ A S £ V It .was proposed that the. 1964-f>5 , it(Jituuiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiniii:ii:i"i>|t |,i .r. r'liiirijiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiitiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiii? ; ■■ ■ at the C';; ,;.■■■. •• "v | budget ; provide fo; additional’ vis­ ual. Uids for the school. I SPECIAL RATES MAY, JUNE AND SEPTEMBER | It'was with .regret that thu board t BRIDGE'S GROVE II l It S T j E Hospitality — Comfort — European . a learn/id that Mr. A; Altschuler r Phone. 775-1795 M. E. SUTHERLAND . | would not he in cliatgo of Ocean 31 OCEAN PATHWAY 11 Pitman Avenue --- ' Grove School- next year. H alf block io ocean, restaurants,, and 5 fiLiiiiiii»wiiii»iM»i««M"i»»M''i" ..... Those present weie John Aponte, ' form erly. Kubler’s). -■aft;Wrias.''''Sbip\ver, baths on . all; floor.s,;- | • v r11 n s ii 11 > s J > ■ >;s i ts |i • 11 • n ■ * ti ■ i ■ I n stt i tisits tts »snBi"»«usiis us nsusi (fti CftsKCtisitf irci'susKt t n t it« nf ■*i- Mrs. Gladys Beckman, Mrs. Muriel iool airy rooms,- .some private bhths, .S Nicolls, Mr s. Cnrleen Simpkins, t- M . All rooms have private lavatories. Showers. Heat. woderiite prices./ OPEN ALI/ YEAR. ; / -; V;.."- . --. ■■ '' '■ ■ Television' . Mflrimis K roeze, Mrs. Ray Misner, , Ownersliip-Management Phone: 5 I-§ BREAKERS HOTEL fromf 5 FeOcean t Franklin B. Holl, Abraham Alt­ | ■ . Located between the Auditorium and the Ocean J. A. Leykomm,v' - .( ,771-0910 | schuler, Mrs. Helen Schwartz, Mrs. — Ann Niedtenstein, Mrs. Doris Milli­ J , Rates Upon Request | AMERICAN PLAN 3 MEALS DALIY i i i , , , j i b - -- i.ii.-,i..iniiii» , in -; |..i;:i-',,»i»iniii»i!liita]laiia'(itiiiiii* gan, .Mrs. Muriel Harrington, Mrs. • Phone 77G-5730 Mr. & Mrs. F. H. Bridge, Owner-.Managcr | 1 . Dining Room Open To Everyone Mae Lyons and Mrs. Betty DaRose.- yitllftHIIIflltllttcHHJ IH11 Ll IIIIIIII1111 irl ] I ■ 11111..... An August meeling is- also I Some Rooms with Pt-ivate Bath and Lavatory . . . planned. I Phene: 77.1-98J9 FKEE CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST | — .— !l( ■ , 'iriiiiiiKiitfrvniiiiiiitiiiiiiiim iitiiiitiiiaiK iiiiiiiiaiiK iiiiiiiK riidijainiiiiiiiuiM liiiutuinitittioitfiiiiiiicnK iim K ^ I Full view oi boardwalk and ocean from 3 spacious HOTEL MANCHESTER | I porches. Phone 775-9526 Shower Follows Meeting I Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Perrine — Ownership-Management OCEAN I 25 OCEAN PATHWAY J -NEPTUNE—The.Ladies Guild of ^t«uiuii(a(iBuaiiauiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii>'iiiaMiiiiiifiiiiiiMaiiaiiiiiini((iita^ the • Community Daptist Church t ^Jj- Ideal Location with Ocean View , . . one block to • | /iiiiiiiiiniiii!iiniii(iiiiiifiiiiiiiiiii/i(;iiirfnii«iifrj|i/»MiiJ»i/iiii))iiia)Juiiijii/iijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii[iiniii; Shark River Hills met Tuesday VILLA | night in -the church hall. President Rooms and Ap'ts. ' = Ocean and Auditorium. | Mrs. Russell Preuss opened with overlooking ocean | THE WHITFIELD ! prayer and vice-president Mrs. Sir. and.Mrs. Geo. R. Schneider = Michael Pasterehick lad the devo­ Hot & cold water in rooms g Owner-SJanagers I TV Lounge | Surf, Beach and Bath Avenues tions. Plan? were made to purchase • ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATHS ■ | Overlooking the Ocean gowns for missionary doctors. Aft- 4 'Webb Ave a t g 5iinia»ww*irtiHH»iiiii«iiittii!iinwi»Hii»iinii»iiuiiiiiiiiiiiinminiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiniiaiiii»ii(iii»«iH»«iHi»»iH«/i»rtiH#fl European Plan .more m aterial - to sew surgical ocean | er the business meeting, a surprise Three short blocks to the Great Audi- 5 shower was given to Robert EUa and Arthur Torterson, Owner-Mar.aeeis OUR torlum. One block from ocean. Rooms s Mrs; I I'tionf- 174-4345 •51st with or without private baths and 5 Deane. The “stork” -will !?e making P il|u|. lntS rooms with private toilets. Also‘apart- 5 the trip to .the- Deane home for the y e a r merits. Restful, Reasonable, Homellkr. § 28 Park S u rie w A re. View * F «elnr Hotel 'Wealejr. L ike & S*»riew Ave.' fifth time ilefreshmenta were 55 EMBURY AVBNDE served Mrs^ Michael Pasterehick, Oee block to Aiburr Park * n 6 Naria Kr.d pavtltos aad Batbinf. Capadtr Open AU* Te»» . by OPEN ALL tS A B IIS Psitisiis pos-r-Hrns. B c i m u col/i r u n n in g w a te r i s zoom*. St«I T im Mrs. John Pasterchik and Mrs. Neil The DEANS Escapes. Private Bath*. Television. Booklet. Pher TJ4.C5H P b o s e Tift*9724 M r. 4t Mrs. A. B. Perrine, Owtterchlp-Muucemeiit E. Thomas, The next meeting will agiDwiaMHxaninw wiw —wiaii>ii^»iiaiu iiHim»mmH>nitt»ttiinmima— Phone ??$-487< DIiudc Been Ait Conditioned Breakfaet Sirred #0E opcA n r tA » *e«*ro a. u« «r**i. t. jukphua i t in BtptemBer.