EDITORIAL OUTING : t w e n t y -n in e IN 'C U SS DEATH CLAIMS TWO LEGAL QUESTION PRESENTED AUDITORIUM OPENS | MBS ls 93 TO PAXINOSA INN Closing Exercises el Township School LOCAL CLERGYMEN ii Slreet is Conveyed lo County, Can THE COMING SUNDAY: Her BIrlhday on Tuesday Remember . Last Friday Evening Township Relain Rights ? • .■ ; ed by Many Friends As announced Tn this paper last On motion of Mr. Clark, seconded INITIAL SERMON TO BE PREACHED } On Tuesday at her- ,. 87 ' CENTRAL RAILROAD IS HOST TO TUE week, at which time the full program REV. WILLIAM MARGERUM AND REV. by Mr. Hullt, the Neptune Township j Broadway,- Mrs. Harriet ICidder; was printed; the closing exercises of Committee at a special meeting held BY BISHOP WILSON ! celebrated her ninety-third birthday. NEWSPAPER FRATERNITY the Neptune Township' High School ' W.p.C. STRICKLAND V.- last Friday evening adopted the fol­ That evening she. was the recipient were held on last Friday evening. lowing-: ' . , . of a visit from many friends, who There were twenty-nine. graduat®}«- ‘Resolved,-That the Chosen Free­ called to take a lesson in the art of holders- of this couiity be requested growing old gracefully, an art that the class'. •. V ;..' ; • ■ Former Passed Away Last Friday at lir, M ead in Charge 'of-Teihple Daily. Several Hundred Persons Enjoy a The address to the graduates was to;subm it to the county, solicitor the has-been practiced with iparked sue- question whether.said board' can leg? Servit'e,. Dr. Roads tlie Bible .Class cess by Mrs. Kidder. .The company Dny of Ilare Delight—Loving Cup delivered by th(? Hon. J.. Thornton His Home in Ocean. Grove; and Sibley, of New York. The latter has ally accept from the township of met to do honor to the celebrant Leadei*^'AVitli .Joseph , A; lludsoh Presented to General Passenger spoken several times in this locality the-Latter-on Saturday in Maim- Neptune a transfer of the South. were gathered on the lawn-adjoining * in the People's Forum course of Main, street public highway subject the house. There they were delight- . squan—-Kuch Served Long in New and Mrs. Sklrin at I.leatl of Sum* Agent Hope—Quick Trip to and lectures. Tho address was replete to the retention by Neptune town­ •fully entertained. Mrs. M. S. • Wheeler extended wfth good, advice to the graduates. •Jersey Conference, ship of the franchise agreement nier Sunday School. Front the Objective Point. He urged the class, girls as well as made February 11, 1903, between greetings to Mrs. Kidder. Then Dr. , to be self: . reliant, but not the township and * the Asbury .Pack A. E. Ballard . read some original On last Friday evening the Rev, Religious services will* be Inaug­ Line newspaper friends of the boastful or arrogant. and Belmar Railway CompAny,. for verses appropriate to .the birthday. .; William Margerum, whose serious urated for the summer by the Ocean Central Railroad were the guests of The welcome* w as. delivered by the term o f’fifty years, including the Brief speeches were made by .Revs,- • illness had been noted in this- paper, Grove .Association- the coming Sun­ ’ that hospitable organization last Donald B. Holcombe. It was en­ retention liy .the township for and Dr. W heeler and Dr. Scott,; the" Rev. passed .away,, following an attack of day. These services’ will be: ’ ' Marshall Owens, and Dr. .7. I. Bos- • Saturday on the eighth annual ed­ titled- “The Awakening of the during the unexpired term of said ■ A t . 9 ’ a! v m ., t h e Hoi I ness mee ting Dragon,” deojlng .with • the progress acute indigestion. His condition, at fifty years of the rights, privileges w el 1, A n o t he r sp eak e r was Dr. itorial outing. The objective point first considered ; alarming, improved in Thornley Chapel. . This service George E. Strobridge, the son-in-law being made by/ the. Chinese empire. and money payments due and .pay­ will be held, its w’lith e Youn^ Peo- was Paxinosa Inn, on Weygadt “Tennyson and I-li^ Message” was for !a time, but oh Friday life took a able thereunder to the township.” of Mrs. Kidder. Dr: Strobridge in turn for. the’ worst; and it was seen ple’s ipeetlngs,\ -evory nioniing mountain overlooking , Easton, Pa. the title of. the farewell essay by ‘At. this meeting the ..auto-truck his retnarks referred to the birthday . The trip to,that point from the local that, his end Was near. Shortly be­ throughout the: seanon, Pr..-llaP?ird of Mrs. Wheeler, which fell on Mon­ iEtliel B. Stephens.' and delivery ordinance passed first and. Dr. Alday will be in charge :

Saturday and Monday, June 26 and 28 || OUR JUNE SALE am'w a nan w nr t-b-i -an v t- fe With Increasing Attractions

Uathing Suits in Variety . trimmed- with • linen, val., filet and : Irish insertions;' IMG SPECIAL: IN 1JE1) KIjAXKETS. medallions of embroidery and cluny,. yokes and panels The 7Gc. blankets nt 00 cent3. We are manufacturers and r.ecognfzcd head-> of Inoo.;* backs finished with lace insertion. Dutch col­ The 85c. blankets at 05c, •• quarters for i3atliiiig Suits. All the season’s choicest lars, collarless or high , collars, long or short sleeves, The SI. 15 blankets at 850. m o d e ls. • open back of front. • The $1.25 blankets at 08c. You can save money/by purchasing; your bathing $2^20 and 52.50 white lawn whists at 08c. • The 51.50 blankets at »i;i5. goods here. . . ’ ... The lot comprises models that are beautifully em­ The 52 blankets at 81.35., Special prices for Saturday' and Monday broidered; the newest and daintiest lace insertlngs W omen's handsome black brilliautlne p rin c e s s form the yokes; ilnished with panels of embroidery, BIG. SATURDAY and MONDAY SALE OF COM- bathing- suits, .beautifully, trimmed with black and cluster tucked backs, trimmed with Irish crochet in­ I’OKTABLES. white.polka dot taft'eta silk, with extra heavy Jersey se rtio n . / Beautiful comfortables, filled with fresh white . tlghtsV at $0.30;' value-$10. A tremendous nssorlmeut of waists from $1.40 to • Women’s $"7 and $8 brilliautlne bathing suits of cotton, lit $1 and $1.35; .values 51.40 and 51.79. $ I O.OO. •■The. g r e a t e s t v a r ie ty ’o f s ty le s ; arid 'm a te r ia ls . A beautiful comfort at $1.05; regular ;value: $2.50. the newest styles in black, blue, brown and red; very t hat lias ever lieen^slidwh-in our store: at one time. •; handsomely trimmed or plain, at $:M>8 and $4.40. . One lot of very handsome figured Glenwood silko- A large assortment of models in blue and black line comforts with plain - 4-inch' borders of blue, pink, two-piece brllliantlne bathing suits at $2.50 and $3.25. Hotel Keepers, Attention ! green, yellow, lavender hnd red, at,$3; value $3. Regular prices 84 and $3. ~ One lot of extna lino Glenwood silkoline com­ Extraordinary-values In bed and table, furnishings. Boys’ two-piece Jersey suits, sleeves or sleeveless, fortables In all the beautiful shades,- trimmed with a" A group of the greatest bargains ever offered in this four-inch border of fine silk, at this sale, $2.35; value at 40c.; value 85c. . . city. Boys’ two-piece Jersey suits, sleeves or sleeveless, i 4 , • at 5)Sc., value $1.50., M il) MNKNS. WINDING T P THE LAST DAYS OF SPRING IN Boys' two-piece Jersey suits, sleeves- or sleeveless, SHEETS. Our big special leader, the Armor- MATTING AND IIUGS. at 81.40; value $.2.2.5, s id e welded sheets, 73x90, at 40c. Men’s' two-piece Jersey suits, sleeves or sleeveless, Extraordinary, sale of Chinese and Jap matting. Our Armorside sheets, 81x90,.at 50c.. The ,?1G, grade at $10. from 08c. to $8. v . . . V PILLOW SLIPS. JTade of good, strong muslin, Big .special in men’s two-piece, very heavy, fancy $12 arid $12.50 grade at $0.00 and $0.50. full size, the 12%c. quality at 8c. each. stitch, in either blue, or gray, the $6.00 kind at this .. 58.00 and 510.00. grades at $0.00 and .$7.50. : The regular 10 cent quality .at 13>/2c. each. s a le 8.‘M>8. $6.00 and . $7.00 grades at $4,50. BED SPREADS. Fancy Marsellaise patterns. Spe­ cials at 08c., 75c., 85c., and 98c. ANOTHER WEEK OF RUG BARGAINS. Sommer Waists at Prices that Have $30 and $36 finest - axminster rugs, 9x12, T.YBL1Q L IN E N S . $22.50 and $25. Been Deeply Cat Table damask. Bleached, strong, heavy make, $26 and $27.50 finest axminster rugs, full width; regular price 30c: Special at 10 l-2c. per yd. at $20 and $25. We haven’t hesitated in any instance. Prices Mercerized table damask. Beautiful designs, full - CREX RUGS. have been reduced as never before' in. June. We will: width; .regular price 50c. Special 37c. per yard. <\ 9x12 Crex rugs, with ,walls of Troy border , , 58.00 .place on sale Saturday and M onday- Imported mercerized table damask; regular price 8.3x10.6 Crex rugs, with walls of Troy border. .,. 6.50 1500 handsome white lingerie waists at less than • iia:6ents, -Special'at; 4Sc. per yard. ' . r' 6x9 Crex rugs, with walls of Troy border. 4.00 half, price, made In the latest . styles' and smartest Table dam ask.! Pure Irish linen, heavy make, full 54x30 Crex rugs, with walls of Troy border . 2.50 m o d e ls. , width; regular price 69c. Special at 48c. per yard. Many waists will be offered at about one*quarter. The regular $1 kind at 08c. per yard. AXOTHKR WEEK OF RUG BARGAINS. of their real value. Table napkins. Irish linen, large size,'’ regular; The most complete and 'charming line over dis­ $1.50 to $2 white lawn waists at OOc. price $1 per dozen. Special at 80 cents per dozen. played. Our; best and largest rocker at $2,75; regular This lot. cotnprlses 20 distinct-styles, which - we Table napkins. ..Extra size; regular price 51.50. price 54. Porch rockers at 80c., $1.15, $1.45, $2 and cannot begin to describe in. detail. Some are elaborately . Special at $1.15 per dozen. - $ 2 .5 0 . '


New York and Back 80c. Atlantic Coast tlcdric Railroad For Sale by E. !V. Woolston, Real Estate and Insurance Agent Co. and the Pallen Line Is Not Half So Soothing to 50 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J . via Pleasure Bay Baby as COTTAGES Time Tabic ol June 4, 1909 M r s . 1 On VVebb avenue, within one 198 On McClintock street, near block of the ocean, a very pleasant Beach avenue, a twelve-room cottage l.eavi. New York-—Foot of West W in s lo w ’s Thlrty-lifth street I week days) 7.50, eight-rooni cottage, Furnished. Price furnished, bath, $3,800. 8 .4 6 , 1 0 .5 0 a. m .. 2 .30 p. in.- S u tu r- $3,000. .(lays—-8.4;;, 30,50 a., m., 12.30 aud Soothing 200 On Embury avenue, .- near 2.30 p. m. Sundays— S.46, 9.30 aud Beach avenue, a twelve-room cottage 10.30 a. m. S3 On liroadway, 2 blocks '-from Leave Battery, near South Ferry S y r u p furnished. Price $3,800. (woelt days), S'.:i0, 9.20, 11.30 a. ill., the ocean, overlooking the lake' and 3.10 p. m. Saturdays— 9.20, 11.30 As Millions of Mothers a. m., 1.15 and 3.10 p. tti. ;Sundays ocean, a thirteen-room cottage, bath 210 On Ocean Pathway, t.vo — 'J.20, 10.10 and 11.10 a. m. Will Tell You. J.envi* Long Itriuu-h— Rockwell ave­ furnished. Price $3,500. . blocks from the ocean, an eleven-room nue (week days),' 7.20 a, m., 2.00, It Soothes the Child. cottage, furnished, all improvements 3.00 and 4.15.p. m. Sundays— 3.4 5, It Softens the Gums. 135 On Webb avenue, within two 4:00, 4.15.' ■...... It Allays all Pain. blocks of the ocean, a thirteen-room Price $6,000. ,■ Leave Pleasure Hay (week days), It Cures Wind Colic. 7.30 a. m.. 2.10, 3.10, 4.20 p. 111. S 1111- .days—-3.55, 4.10, 4.25. It is the Best Remedy for Diarrhoea. cottage, furnished; owner anxious to 630 On Clark avenue, near Whitc- . Connection tit Pleasure Bay with It Is absolutely harmless und for over sixty years h a s - sell and would possibly take less. Price field avenue, a five-room cottage, fur- Atlantic Coast Electric. R. It. for proved the best remedy for children while teething. West End, Blberon, Deal. Allenliurst, $4,500. W v ; '-'/' " •• nished, full size lot. Price $1,400. Asbury Park and Ocean Grove. BE SURE YOU ASK FOR Cars for boats to New York carry 632 On Franklin avenue, near large sign,- “Boat Car," on the front Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup 160 One of the most deisirable platform, and leave Cookman avenue AND TAKE NO OTHER. modern cottages on Webb avenue, Pennsylvania avenue, a six-room cot- and Main street, Asbury Park, one Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906, tage, unfurnished. Price $1,800. ; hour before steamer time at Pleasure Serial Numbar 1098. consisting of nine rooms, all improve­ B ay . Take car which . leaves Asbury ments, unfurnished, 2 lots. Price 640 On Webb avenue, a splendid Park not later than one hour before ’ $7,000. . ' . t boat leaves Pleasuro Bay. Houseeleaning Made Easy opportunity for investment in three Baggngo carried free with passen­ bungalows on one lot; rents for $320 a g e rs. 181 On Pitman ave., One and one- By the use of air and vacuum method. The dustless method season. Sale price $2,600. is worth your investigation. We can clean and renovate the lialf blocks from the ocean, a nine- average home in one day without taking up carpets or mov­ room cottage, furnished, bath, electric 644 On Pilgrim Pathway; teri- ing furniture from rooms, or in any way disturbing the occu­ lights. Price $3,500. room cottage,' bath. Price $3,000. pants. No more expensive than any other effestive method of .cleaning house, and altogether more satisfactory. Our rep­ BOARDING HOUSES resentative will be pleased to call and estimate on any work 46 On Ocean Pathway, running 213 On Abbott ■ avenue, near the you wish done. McCALL PATTERNS through to McClintock street, a desir­ ocean, a very desirable fourteen-room Celebrated for style, perfect fit, simplicity and ■ reliability nearly 40 years. Sold In nearly MONMOUTH VACUUM GLEANING CO. able boarding house property, consist­ boarding, house, furnished, in excellent • every city and town in the United States and W. H. HEED, General M*na*«u» . Canada, or by mail direct. More sold than ing of 32 guest rooms, furnished; own­ repair, good paying property. Price any other make. Send for l/cc catalogue. 608 EMORY 3T. •' TelephoMt Con. ASBURY PARK, N . «!• er open for an offer. Price $10,000. . $4,000. McCALI/S MAGAZINE • More subscribers than any other fashion 93 An eighteen-room ■ furnished 218 On Pitman avenue, one and magazine~miU(on a month. Invaluable. LaJ. est styles, patterns, dressmaking, millinery, boarding house on Heck avenue, with-, one-half blocks from the ocean, a very plain sewing, fancy needlework, hairdressing, etiquette, good stories, etc. Only’ 60 cents a in one block of the ocean, in good re­ handsome fifteen-room cottage, fur­ ' yenr (wortn double), including a Iree pattern. • Subscribe today, or send fur sample copy. pair; owner open to an- offer. Price nished, bath, electric lights. Price WONDERFUL INDUCEMENTS • to Apents. Postal brings premium catalogue $4,000. $5,000. - nnd -new cash p rize oilers. A ddress Red Bank and Asbury Park THE McCALL CO.. 233 to 218 W. 37th SI.. NEW .YORK We have other valuable bargains both in cottages and boarding houses that do not Branch: Np. 308 Main appear on this list. Most any of the above properties can be purchased on easy terms, G e o r g e m . B e n n e t t Asbury Park and in many eases a large size mortgage can be allowed to remain. All the proper- All goods called for and promptly delivered. ■ ties have water and sewer connection. ; ' : ' Painting A' postal card will - bring our wagon to your Any further information will be gladly funished and the properties can be in­ spected by applying, to me at my officp. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES door. . ... V : .sU: * No* 116 Heck Avenue, OCRAN QROVB, N. J* Telephone 141 : , ■• J. Howard Beegle, A ' SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1909. THE OCEAN GROVE TIMES

' A KinpVBanki S; W. Marpterum: W. H. Gravatt The practice , or hiding; mpney In all Pure flanufactured — New York and Long IN THE ICE, manner ot: out of the way corners is and Natural by no means tocxiera. :• In the oid days, Branch R. R. nccording to “Gleanings After Tlniej” Thrilling Experience on Board a secret receptacles were, often made, in Margerum & Gravatt Time-table in effect May 27, 1909. the bedsteads and ‘contributed both to Sealing Vessel. safety and romance. - On Aug. 21,1485, Stations In New York. Richard III. arrived at Leicester. His W holesale and Retail Dealare In Central Railroad of New jersey, servants bad preceded him with the all rail, Liberty slreet and West 23d HOW TH E SHIP WENT DOWN. running .wardrobe* and In the best s tre e t. chamber of the Blue Boar a ponder­ Fresh, ^alt and Smoked Central Railroad of New Jersey. Sandy Hook Route— W. 42d Street ous four post bedstead was set up. It S m ash ed I n AtnitfBWps »Tid P o w e rle ss Pier 81 and Cedar Street Pier 10. Was richly carved, glided and deco­ Pennsylvania Railroad, West 23d to Escape, She W as Swallowed In the rated ami had a double bottom of RICHARD WILSON street, Desbrosses and Cortlandt , Icy Deep^—The. Wild ^Rusb of the boards. Illrhard slept In it that night. s tre e ts . Xfew to Escape on the Floe. . A fter .‘ his defea t and ,death oii Bos- O ffice: LEAVE OCEAN GROVE AND AS­ Wprth field it was stripped of its rich B U R Y P A R K . Constant peril menaces the hardy1 bangings; but the,, heavy and cumber­ N0 4 1O8 H eck Avenue crews that fearlessly sali Into the ley some bedstead was left at tiie Blue Ocean Qrove Por New, York— C.15, *G.30j * 6 .4 5 , northern seas and risk their lives in Boar. In .the rq i^ ;6f KlIzabetii/ when •*6.55,- *7.1:,, *7.25, *7.35, •7 .4 8, the dangerous work of bunting the the hostess was shhking thebed, she Fresh Kilied Jersey Poultry *8.00, *8.10, :*8.50, D;20, 11.30 a. m .,-1 2.30, 1.18, *1.50, *2.20, scaL In Harper's Magazine George observed a piece of gold of ancient Deliveries made daily. Twice on 3.35, *4.00, *5.13, 5.40, *11:65; Harding, the author,: Writes dramatic­ coinage, fail on tlie.’floor.. This led to Special Attention Given 8.36 Saturdays only p. m. S u n - ally of the sinking of the ship oh a careful examination, when the double S a tu r d a y day trains le-.nvj North Anbury bottom was discovered, upon lifting a Gotta«£e Trade Park depot fo,- <}\v Yri.!: at . 20, which', he sailed. With the Newfound- Ordtr by p stal card land sealing .'fleet-, ills experience, w as portion of which the interior was 0.14, *10.12 a. m., *4.15 ?f,.05, uniquely perilous. ;• The ’v ship ; was • found to .be filled with gold, part . *o.31t 5.34, *8.25, 7.48, 3.36, Special attention to the mnAll trade * 0 .3 0 p. ill. crushed like aii egg in tlie ice.. \ coined In the reign of Richard III, and the rest of earlier.times. tills Beaton, which will lie served Por Elizabeth and Newark- “On the bridge were the captain; arid promptly as heretofore 5 0 Olin St., Ocean Grove, N. J. *0.45, *7.15 except Elizabeth, ^watch anxiously. awaiting the: chance 7.30, 7.IS except Eli<.il) '.ll, S 1 0 Telephone 110-R. 0 to head the ship out of tlie inoving Naming a Kansas River. Newark only, 8.50, 0.20. 11 30 a. ‘ ice Into the stationary pack of which Practically all the streams In Kansas TO.; 1.18, 2.20,- 3.35, 4.00, 5:40, ' the-; big; sheet was part/ • The bowline were named by Indians and.carry those 6.55, S.ISC',Saturdays only p. m. • lay on the barricade, ready \for heav­ names to. tills (lay, though In,an Angii^ Sundays from North Asbury Park ing when tlier crew should be ordered elzed fo rm . . ’' > .J*v . :- For Seashore Travel station, 7.26, a.14 a. m., 4.15, 5.34, on tiie floe tp haul tlie ship's head' j;? T h e , •Keof.'Jio, th e la rg e st stre a m in 0.25, 7.48 except Elizabeth, 8 " .3 6 ,' 0 .3 0 [i, m . around., Aloft, the spyraan searched southeast Kansas, has its oWn: little Trunks . For tied Bank, Matawan a n d story. The Osage Indians at one thn? the gloom for signs of a hull in the Perth Amboy— 6.15, 6.45 R e d confused and tremendous waste. i lived In Missouri,: and when tiiey began Suit Cases Bank only, 0.55 except Perth Am­ “Then there came a terrific crush. ' taikir.g ,of trading their lands In that boy, 7.15 Red Bank only, 7.30- The vesseli caught In the trench be­ ' state and moving to southern Kansas a Hand Bags except Perth Amboy, 8.00 lted tween the raftering sheets, was pow­ i phrty wiis sent out to look tlie country Dank only, Matawan and Perth erless to escape. The .smash of break­ j over and. nvike a report on It. It was Solid Leather Goods Amboy, S.00, 8.10 except Mata­ . . • ■ ... \ le^Cheapest^per^e?’ Ro of in ing timbers rose above the gale as a in the summer time and very hot nnd wan and Perth Amboy, 8.a0, 9.20, great'corner lor ice crushed the 'ves­ dry. Coming over the.prdlrle northeast, at Floderate is A S B E S T O S , because it does 11.30 a. m., 1.18, 2.20 except ot Humboldt, they had a long Way to Perth Amboy, 3.55 Red Bank only, sel’s side amidships. The captain and, not require coating or pamting to preserve it. 4.00, 0.55, S.3C Saturday only p. travel without water.' • watch rushed to the engine 'room. It Prices “J~M” Roofing resists fire, rust and wear, m. Sunday trains , leave north was filled with steam, the inflowing ."When they arrived at the river,” and is weather and acid-proof, because made Asbury Park station at 7.26, • said an Oswego man, “ aii Indian rode Repair work a specialty w ater having already reached the Ores. of mineral products, A sbestos an d Asphalt 0.14 a. m., 4.15 except Perth Am­ A glance showed that . nothing could , down the sloping hank into the water, boy, 5.34 except Perth Amboy, Cement* Will outlast any other. prepared stop the inrush of water., The firemen i But, to his surprise, the horse stepped 6.25 except Perth Amboy. 7.48 were retreating, The first of them, ! right off into deep water, and the horse Emmons Harness Co. roofing made. except Matawan and Perth Am­ like a creature from another world, and Indian went in all over. As the E^sy to apply—we furnish full instructions. boy, 8.36, 0.30 p. m., Red Bank * on ly . coal berim ed, undershirt clad, reached aborigine clambered back oil the bank M T D BY H. W. JOHNS-MANV1LLE CO. .. he muttered; ‘Wugh Neoshd.' This In 147 Main Street . FOR SALE BY For Belmar, Spring Lake and Maha- the ice sheathed deck, spreading panic sauan— 1.40 Mondays excepted, in his path. Above the hailing of plain; English means Water, pocket, - or Asbury Park, New Jersey f SILAS W, BARTON, Carpenter and^Builder •6.03, 6.25, 6.44, 6.56, 7.26, 7.57, questions and shouts tbat Ao man j water bole, and the nnnie clung to the 10.12, 10.20, 10.54 a. m„ 12.15, could understand. ;came the V ice of j stream ever afterward.”r-Hii^ciiinson Postofilce Box 2092, OCEAN GROVE, N. J. __ 12.35, 12.55, 1.10, 1.57 Saturdays the skipper; he knew the situation as. N e w s . , ; •'- ■ ; Residence, WEST GROVE, N. J. ^ m only, 2.06 Saturdays only, 2.22, n o o th e r m a n . •" ■ ■';'■ V ;/ " ' ‘s’' 2.45, 2.52 Saturdays only, 2.55; “ ‘Men,' he shouted, 'the ship Ml go! Living the Simple Life. . . . Joseph Jackson 3.08 Saturdays only, 3.24. • 3.27, Pack your clothes—save the gnib!f A number of men gathered in the 4.55, 5.15, 5.20, 5.37, 5.45, 6.02, P o o l e r Ir> 0.16, 6.30 Saturdays excepted, “Then it was confusion everywhere. smoking car of a train from Little 6.35, 6.3S Saturdays excepted, Itock to another point in Arkansas The crew poured up the hatchway, C.46, 7.00, 8.10, 10.17 p. m. Sun­ hauling clothes boxes and bags, crowd­ were talking of the food best calcu­ M eats day trains leave North Asbury ing oyer, the side, colliding in midair lated to sustain health.. Get a Freezer Park station at 1.37, 5.30, 10.22, as they half .tumbled and half , slid One Arkansan, a stout,- florid man, Poultry 11.05, 11.20, 11.50 a. m., 12.32, down the ropes, then back for food. .with short gray hair and a self satis­ 3.10, 4.15, 5.11, 5.18, 5.56, 7.09, fresh Stock Laboriously the heavy pork barrels fied air, was holding forth In great and Keep Cool 10.01 and 10.28 p. m .. were hauled by hand from the after sty le s ■ ■■■-.. •■. ■ _ Free Delivery For Point Pleasant— 1.40 Mondays Nothing more pnlatuble and cooling for hot summer excepted, 6.03, 6.44, 6.56, 10.12, hold, where men bravely toiled: Oth­ "Look at me,” he exclaimed—^ever Prom pt Service d a y s th a n hom e m ade ices, ice cream or frozen sherbets. 10.20, 10.54 a. m„ 12.15. 12.35, ers fought their way; ahift, where the a day’s oickness iii , and all Buy the Alaska, best freezing freezer, on eaith. Its 1.10, 1.57 Saturdays .only, .. 2.06 sails were stowed. The canvas cut due to simple food! Why, gents, from Saturdays only,- 2.22, 2.40, 2.52 ' triple tnotion always insureB line smooth cream . Suva loose, bellying out in the force of. the the time I was twenty to when I <2S f l o c k rt v e n u e Saturdays only, 2.55, 3.08 Satur­ ice, time and trouble. Let us demonstra'e them. Two gale, was dropped to the “deck. Punts reached forty years I lived a regular Cor. V,'); itf'llel'! days only, 3.27, 4.55, 5.15, 5.37, were, slipped from the davits. Some, life. None of these effeminate delica­ to tw enty gallons. 5.45, 6.02, 6.16, 6.30 Saturdays ex­ bitting the ice With a crash, were cies for me, no late hours! Every Ooean Grove, IN. J, Lawn Mowers, Garden Bose and Rakes, Screen Doors, cepted, 6.35, 6.38 Saturdays ex­ stored in. > Throughout it all tho cap­ day, summer and winter. I .went to cepted, 6.45, 7.00, .8.10, 10.17 p. Window Screens and Screen Wire m. Sunday trains” leave ISiurtt tain shouted: bed a t 9; got up at G; lived principally Asbury Park at 1.37, 6.30, 10.22’ on corned beef and corn bread; work­ " ‘Haul them punts and grub farthei ALBERT ROBBINS 11.05, 11.20. 11.50 a. in., 12.32^ off] Farther yet! Farther!’ ed hard, gents, worked hard, from 8 to SNYDER & ROBINS 3.19, 5.IS, 5.55, 7.09, 10.(14, 1(),3S “The water, ra'pidly rising, drove the 1; then dinner, plain dinner, then an p. m . ' , REAL ESTATF . . .Dealers In- men from the lower hold. They re­ hour’s exercise and* then”— For Freehold via Sea Girt ftnd Penn­ treated to the deck; Then the inflow, .. “Excuse- me, Bill,'’ interrupted a INSURANCE sylvania Railroad.—6.25, 7.26,' level with the ocean, ceased. The ice stranger who had up to this refrained General and Builders’ Hardware 7.57 a. m., 12.55, 3.24, 5.20 p. m. for the time held the ship in its grip. from ;entering the discussion, “but hotels and UottOgep fpr Kent Sundays from North Asbury Park Second by second passed, bringing no what was you In forM inneapolis 153 Main Street. Asbury Park 4.15 and o.ll p. m. change. In that brief interval each Jo u rn a l. V ?.*..■ Mortgage Loans For Trenton and Philadelphia via f j A I N T | _ | ARDWARE Sea Girt and Pennsylvania Rail­ .. man suddenly thought to save the * U SH E R 5 T e le p h o n e 318 T l USTLERS road—7.26, 7.57 a. m„ 12.55, thing he magt desired. A wild rush . Very Nicely English. ... 3.24, 5.20 p. m. Sundays from was made .ftrwheelhouse, to cabin, to This curious Bengali English was 226 MAIN STREET North Asbury Park 5.11 p. m. the ship’s storeroom—every man f°r used to advertise a circus in India: For Toms River via Sea Side Park^-' himself—a scuffle to get the thing most “Sonie horse will make very good A S B U R Y P A R K . N. J. 6.56, 10.54 n. in-, -.45, 5.15 p. coveted nnd escape to the ice. With tricks. The ldown will come and talk LEWIS LUMBER COMPANY m. Sundays from North Asbury one it was a rlflo from the ship’s ar­ with that horses therefore audience Park station 3.18 p. m. mory to replace the antiquated muzzle will laugh itself very much. The lady CHARLES B. WILOUS For Mt. Holly, Camden and Phila- loader ; with another, the will - walk on horses back and horse is Hormerlv Ross.;& Wilgus . delplila (Market Street W lmrf)— 6.56 ,i. 2.45 p. ni. Sundays jumping very m uch also. The klown m., ship's compass or the barometer; with from North Asbury Park station the after galley cook it was the cabin will make a joking words 'and lady at 5.18 p. in. ■ dishes. In thb cabin a, crowd surged will become: to angry, therefore Klown Wall Paper For Freehold via Matawan and Cen­ to -the medicine chest, scrambling for will run himself away. One man Will . from 8c. the double roll tral Railroad of N. J.— 7.30, S.50, ; liniments and pills, smashing anything make so tricks of trapeze audience will 11.30 a. in., 1.18, 4.00, 5.40 p. m. that was an obstacle in their way. frald himself very much. One lady P a p e r ,jp a n g in g and decorating at Doors, Sash, Blinds, Frames, Mouldings, Hardware, Paints, Sundays from North' Asbury Park Such was the scenewhen the cryaroste will, make himself so bend, thon evcry- gi reasonable prtooB Station at 9.14 a. in., 4.In, S 36 p. m . on deck,: repeated by fifty men and body he wiU t^I^^, he Is the rubber Oils; Etc. Sacketh Plaster Board. .No Job too big, no job to.smali, For Trenton and Philadelphia via echoing throughout the ;vessel, 4. *.T Is lady. This is the very, grand display. This; Is; the very better, gymnastics^ I am in a position to do them alL Bound Brook Route— 6.15, 7.30, ;tlme to take to the ice!’ Then a great 8.50. 11.30 a. in., 2.20, 4.00, 6.55 \ One nian w ill walk on; wire tight! lie is rush to be clear Of^the doomed ship as Brick Bulldlno, Olln Slreei * p. m. Sundays from North As-’ doing very nicely becauso he Is pro­ the mass of men, some empty handed, OCEAN G R O V E . N* J . SOUTH 7VSPH N STR EET bury Park station at 7.26 ;u m '.- others laden, defending their spoil front, fessor of that;" 4.15, 6.25 p: m. the Unsuccessful, plunged on to the A sbury P a rk . N. J . N. E. BUCHANON G. A. SMOCK LEAVE KtetV YORK FOR OCEA.N' ice. The Secret. V , President. Bec'y and Tree*. GROVE ANll ASBURY PARK.. “The ship was sinking fast. It was . “I say/Vsahi Borkey to his wife yes­ terday at dinner,, ‘‘you didn’t say any*, Mill on Pretninen. Branch yiiru,,3 j>rtng I,ake, New Jersey From Liberty Street— 4.00, *S.30, but a short leap for the last man from *11.30 a. ni., *12.40 Saturdays itliing to any.-one about ;w iiatI; was Buehanon & Smock her. dock to tho loosening ice. The only, •* 1.10 Saturdays only, 1,30; men stood on tho floe, looking the ship telling you the night before- last, did Lumber Co. *3.110. *4.45, *5;15 Saturdays ex­ over from the bow, lifted high, to the 'you? That’s a secret.” , / , 7 ’ UealMTB in cepted, *5.30, *6.30 p. m.v'2.01' ' stern, now below water. “A secret! Why, I didn’t know It uiglit. Sundays for North Asbury “ ‘A pity to lose the.vessel/ they was a secret, **. she replied regretfully. Lumber, Miilwork a .id Builders’ Brick Building Pal-it at 3.30, *9.15 a. m., 4.00, said. ‘Wonderful hard to lose the trip “Well, ,did you - tell it?. I want to Hardware Olln Street, Opposite Postofilce' 8-.30 j). m. Leave West 23d Street, Central Rail­ o* f a t.’ k n o w .’’ : Ocean Grove, N.J. road of N. J.— *8.20, *11.20 a. m., “Then came the final plunge. The “Why, no; I never thought of it Second, Third and I Railroad Avenue* since. : 1 didn’t know It v?as a secret.”. CORRECT FURNISBING FOR SUM­ c 12.20 Sat, only, *1.00 Sat. only, mainmast, reaching over the floe, broke ASBURY PARK 1.20, *3.20, *4.30; *5.05 Satur- —Boston Globe. MER HOMES as the welgUt of tho vessel pulled it .Bole maauCacturen of the days excepted, *5.20, *6.20, 11.50 In planning tho. furnishings, for your under. The great anchors sliding from Albemarle brand of Codsr . Shingle*. p. m. Sundays for North Asburv the bow added to tho tumult, as every­ A Lunatic’s Repartee, summer home Metal Beds form an im­ Park station at *9.05 a. m., 3.50, Paints, OH«, Varnithe* and, BmshMi portant consideration. Our wide experi­ thing' not frozen solid to the. deck . Some visitors . were being shown 8 .2 0 p. m. Solo. asente for Kinsp*» Windsor cement ence in this line will prove a valuable aid through Kew Lunatic asylum, .Victoria, Leave Cortlandt and Desbrosses crashed into the house and galley. For for Momnoutb mnd Ocea» countiee. in the selection of just the proper beds a second a flash of flame shot from tho one day, hnd, com ing opposite the. clock streets, Pennsylvania Railroad— ' and bodding you will require. *4.00, *9.00, *11.00 a. m , 12.30, overturned stoves; then nothing save in the corridor, one of them, looking Mattresses renovalea. Furniture *1.30 Saturdays only, *3.40, *4.30, qu lekiy a t his watch, said, * ‘I s th a t a few seal pelts and broken oars lay Iron B e d s $ 2 .7 5 U p upholstered. Saturdays only, *3.40, * 4. 30, on the surface of the troubled holo in clock right?” *5.00 Saturdays excepted, .5.10 p. the floe.where the Grand Lako had dis­ “ No, you Idiot,” said a patient stand­ ra. Sundays for North Asbury a p p e a r e d /’ ing by. “It wouldn’t be in here if it Park station at S.30, *9.30,*11.00 were right.” - •- ■ ’ . a. m., 5.00 p. m. PROCURED AND D ErEN D ED .10«n‘liiiodeli Parisian Amiability. dmvrUiu orpiinto.ior exiwrCtsfurcH aiid free report. Leave West 23rd Street, Pennsyl­ Frco advice, how to obiaiii potenla, triulo nmrk^ vania Railroad— *8.55, * 10.55 a . The mother-in-law question ia as A Queer Eye. , yV copjrrlgll.I3.eK., 1N A U CO0NTHIE3. The New Park Stables acute in Paris as In London, but there An. orator stated that, “the worst en­ Business direct with Washington saves tithe, m., 12.25, *1.25 Saturdays only, money and often the patent. ....; , W. I. APPL.BGATU *3.23, *4.25, ;.55 p. m. Sundays ,: are ladles who do not seem to bo al­ emy any caupe can have is a double Patent and Infringement Practice exclusively. for North Asbury Pnrk station at ways at loggerheads with their daugh- He in the shape of half a ■.truth,” and .'Vritoorcofno to,u»iu INo. 23 South Main Stree t *8.25, *9.25, *10.55 a. m„ 4.55 tors’ husbands. According to a wit­ the newspaper reported it “a double B23 Ninth Strwt, opp. tfrvlUd Etatci Fktent Offlc*,1 , WASHINGTON, D. C. Opp. Main ftvonue Gatoe p. m. ness in cpurt, some sons-in-law aro ex> tye In the shape of half a tooth.'',, Leave 42nd Street, Pier 81, Sandy’ tremely tolerant fellows. A lady was Hook Route— *9.55 a. m., *12.30, giving evidence ns to the disp^Jdtibn An Exception. Boarding, Sale and Exchange Stables *3.15, *4.15, 7.45 p. m. .Sundays of her dauglsteHs husband, and as evi­ She—Do you, suppose a man ever Telephone II7-J for North Asbury Park station at dence of his kindly naturo sho explain­ spoke the truth when he. told a woman *9.30 a. m., *1.00, 7.45 p. m. Leave Cedar Street, Pier 10, Sandy ed to the judge: “Oh, M. le President, she yas tho only one lie.ever kissed? Horses of All Kinds for Sale Hook Route— *10.20 a. m., 1.00, ■ the young man Is. of tho completest He-rW dl, I don’t believe Adam lied JAS. H. SEXTON Special .Attention Glvon to Boarding llorses *3.45, *4.45, S.10 p; m. Sundays amiability! Believe me, he baa been about It to Eve.—Boston Transcript. ; for North Asbury Pnrk station, at married to my daughter oighteen funeral Director and €mbalmef *10.00 a. m. *1.30, 8.10 p.,mi months, and he bas not onco threat­ f..• ■ •" ■ : H opeless; ; 5npt. Mt* -Prospect Cemetery •Denotes express train. ened to strike me!"—London Standard. “He ought.to turn Over a new leaf.’* .A lorjfe aiiflortment of Caakets, etc., . GEORGE W. BOYD, , ’v * “Gee, tlmt wouldn’t do much good.; conn tan tly on hand. Flowers of any Have You Seen Our Une of Requisites G. P. A., P. Rl' R. design at short notice. Tbo hearts of the people are tho only, lie , could turn over a whole, library for Fixing Up Your Summer Collage? W. C. -HOPE, . P a rlo rs an d Office G. P . A ., C. R . R . o f N ..J ; ’K'- legitimate foundation of empire.—Chi­ and not have a good start toward be­ . 169 Main Street, Asbury Pork. N. J. nese Proverb, ing deqent.”—Exchange! • '• RUFUS BLODGETT, iP Ol^ce phone 21 House phone08-L Give us a call OCEAN GROVE BOOK STORE Supt. N. Y. & L. B. R. THE OCEAN GROVE TIMES SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1009 OCEAN GROVE TIMES

JOHN E. QUINN, Editor. E. N. WOOLSTON, Publisher/ E. N. Woolston

PUBLISHED EV RV SATUHtJAY 48 MAIN AVENUE, OCEAN GROVE Commissioner of Deeds Entered at the postofllce at Ocean .Grove, N. J., as second-class matter. Notary Public i

' , SUBSCRIPTION HATE .One year ...... Six months ...... ;Tliree mouths ...... , A Single copies, 3 cents. CIReai Advertising rates furnished on ap- pl lea tion. - • ; , Local -reading notices inserted" for 10 cents a line, first insertion; • four or-more insertions, 7 ^ cents a line, cash' to accompany ali notices. Estate Mortgage Loans

■ •= In the m atter of conveying. South -M ain street to the county authorities, tiievNeptune Township Committee.is acting in the belief that it is wise to .make haste slowly. Conditions re­ Fire specting this street are peculiar.. Tlie Automobile Chemical Fire Engine Purchased lor Ihe E. n. Stokes Company township has just won a decision iu the courts which makes it the re­ Dr. G. L. D. Tompkins, out* fellow NEW LAWS SOON EFFECTIVE KKXTIiOLME SOTJ>. Insurance cipient of considerable money from to\vnsmo*n, is a candidate for a place the street railroad company in con­ ou the State Board of Dental Exam- Hen ut i ful Country Seat Becomes Radical Departure in Certain Direc­ sideration of the trolley franchise. iuers. If the persons'who have the Property of Mrs.-C*. W. Davis. . If the township, should turn oyer this appointment or the choice in hand tions on July 4 Many Bargains street to the county there is some know when their interests are well Kentholme, the beautiful country Except as otherwise specified in seat of Mrs. Anna Kent, of East Or­ /question whether or not it could re­ off. “Doc” will get the job. In which the acts, ali laws passed by. the ange, has been purchased by Mrs.. gain its relation to the trolley com­ event the board will be strengthen­ last Legislature will become oper­ Grace Welser Davis, of Jersoy City,- in Properties for Sale pany with respect to this franchise. ed by the addition of a painstaking, ative on July 4. In consequence the well-kno?vn evangelist. The there .will be some radical depar­ To turn over the streets and the conscientious, etllclent gentleman. property is advantageously located tures in the laws pertaining to cer­ along Fletcher lake In Bradley and for Rent ‘ emolument too is not the intention Moreover* in the event of his selec- tain subjects. One of the new afcts Beach, just across from Ocean Grove. / of the township; for the part of the ton, his confreres of the-board will of general interest Is that requir­ It is in excellent condition, and is . highway to be turned over . (from Und that he is always on the job aud ing the removal from all places well adapted as a summer home for wher.e liquor is sold, of sighs indi­ •Wesley lake to Corlies avenue) does that he always has something to say a family of means, having a stable, cating the brewery Or distillery large grounds, etc. • hot embrace the whole of the terri- that is worthy of attention. We whose brands are sold or the kind Mrs. Davis, the purchaser, Is the 50 Main Avenue ‘.tory in tho township traversed by hope to see Dr. Tompkins receive the of liquor offered. Violations of this owner of considerable real estate In the trolley road. The township has appointment. law are punishable as misdemean­ Bradley Beach. The sale price of the o rs. ‘ • ••••• ' • ! ' the right to expect and receive all property has not been made public. Ocean Grove, New Jersey Various changes will also become '.that is coming to it in consideration We have the word of undisputed effective in tlie laws governing ..the of this trolley franchise, which has use of the public highways by ver May Uctain Street. authority that trade and business about thirty-live years of life yet be- hides. One is the require­ The indications are that the Nep­ conditions throughout the country . fore it.. ment that all vehicles drawn by tune Township Committee will re­ are getting better. What we want horses Or other animals-shall dis­ tain possession of South' Main street, to see, now, is trade at the seashore play lights between one hour after rather than tb. turn it over to. the . Foi* that tired feeling just before sunset and one hour before dawn. get better. There.is room for im­ county and State, as has been sug­ the summer rush there is nothing A penalty of $1 is provided for vio­ gested several times. In view of the provement in this direction. Of Ocean Grove National Bank quite so good for the. average news­ lations. There will also become op­ fact that the township has an agree­ course, it will be better in July erative the law making it a mis­ paperman as a day with-the Central ment with the trolley road whereby Associate n Building, Main Ave., Ocean Grove and August, but many of the local demeanor to drive a motor vehicle the latter, pays the township for the Railroad.' Such a day is a “balm for any wager or for the purpose of hotel and boarding house keepers use of the street, it is considered to for every wound .and a cordial for breaking any speed record, dr for be a matter.for careful considera­ Surplus and Undivided Profits 511.000 would like to see improvement in ’ every fear,!’ if the simile be per­ any person to drive such a vehicle tion before final action either way is Capital ...... 25.060 June. The earlier in June the while in an intoxicated condition, or mitted. More, it is the best spring taken by the local authorities. b e tte r. without the positive consent of the .tonic one can take. There is so owner, or after his license to. drive S av ag es. ■ W i l l i a m H . H a m il t o n N a t h a n J, T a y l o r ,;rmich to it of lasting quality, of has beon revoked, or to wilfully What’s (he matter? Here's ‘a In the New Hebrides-are many Is­ P resid en t Vice President, ~ ^Jtys-ftefiegnt influence., of nerve and, fail to display proper registration whole week gone by and we’ve heard j markers. - , ’i lands whose Interiors have never been T. A. M i l l e r , Cashier tissue building. The Centra! man­ nothing from the tax board, the bor-j Another important measure tak- . visited by Europeans, for the simple Edward M. F ie l d e r , Assistant Cusbler agement and tho newspaper fraterni­ ing effect on the date mentioned is ■ reason that to attem pt to do so would oughites. or the White heirs. What * B o a h o o f D ir ecto rs : ty are in sympathy with one another, the new primary law, designated to j be to court certain death at the hands does this portend—-the calm before! protect tho primaries of each party ! of tho treacherous nnd vindictive na­ J o h n I I u i-s h a r t W i i.m a m H . H a m ilto n C a l v in .V. H u rley each knowing and appreciating the St k p iik n D. W o oi.k ey N a t h a n J . T a y l o r J. u ’oij St i i .ks^ the stonnV Right at the threshold ! from voters of the other political tiv es. a little to the north of Assam, T . N elso n L il l a g o r e W i i .j.i a .m M o ra n T h om a s W yncooi* Other's needs. This is a good thing of the teason, too. * faith. From the viewpoint of tho - too/ almost within sight of the ten T.u ’lm a n A. M i l l e r . . W . K. B r a d n e r Tor the railroad; it is a . splendid State’s revenues the new inherit-’ gardens.and the pretty bungalows.of thlilg tor the newspaper folk. Ahd ance tax act is a new measure of I th e • p la n te r s .. is; th e c o u n try of tb e Transacts a general banking business.. issues letters o( credit available iu the As IS is to 36 so is the popula-! ‘.mportance. / . principal cities of the world. Collections carefully made and promptly remitted*. so lon/s; as the present relations be­ Several of * lie im portant laws of J Padamltes, wherein no white man has tween them exist the editors are not tion of Asbury. Park to Long* the sessions have specified dates up- * dared to set his foot for at least 500 years past. •without Hope. Branch. That Is, according to the on which they will take effect. I Capital $50,000 Surplus $s0,0tn Long' Branch Record. Wonder if Senator Ackerman’s employers’ lia­ Organized Kebruar> 28, I0O3 Punishment and Crime. tlie Record for once may. not. be bility net becomes operative on Sep­ Steamships continue to break the tember 1, as does tlie teachers’ “She seems to be having a pretty wrong on its ciphering? • time-rocord, for crossing the Atlan­ tenure of oilice act. The new law good time now that she and her hus­ relating to the certification of tic,-making the trip with speed that band are separated,” whispered tlie births and deaths takes effect on three girls In tbo comer as she en­ would have been considered a few The one day in the year when the October 1 next. tered the room. Seacoasi national Bank years ago as marvelous if not impos­ small fry have a chance to swim in “I don’t blame her,” said one, “He of the city of Asbury Park, N.J. sible. And the end is not vet. There deep water with the big fish is the Local Firm ficts Meal Contract. beat her, didn’t he?” BOARD OF IIIRECTORS is assurance that In the not-far fu­ day of the Central Railroad excur­ Margerum & Gravatt, of Ocean They looked her over again. ture pne may eat breakfast in Xew sion to the newspapermen. Rail for Grove, has received the contract to “Well. I don’t blame him for beating Prank B. Conover jatnei F. Arkermin William A. Btrrv. S. P. HaielrlUE Henry Stelnbach' M. L. Banunan Clarence S- Steiner James M. Ralston . York on Monday morning and take the Central! furnish beef to' the soldiers in camp her,” the third declared, “If she dressed like that That red Is awful.”—Ex­ WILLIAM A. BERKY. Cashier tea in London on Thursday eveniug. at Sea Girt this summer. To fill the contract requires about 30,000 chan g e. .'Color is given to this prophecy It is surmised that Lieutenant pounds during the encampment. the fact.that on Monday of this week Peary has reached the North Pole. Cause.For Regret. Transacts a general banking business and the Maurteania arrived in New. He will have to bring it, back with Heat Out Lecture Short. “I licked tho stuffin' oat o* Dick Smith this moral j '.” offers every facility consistent with safe methods with a trahs-Atlantic record of before some of the doubting A large audience heard Dr. George “You ,bad boy! Aren't yon sorry for : days, seventeen hours and 21 min­ Thomases will believe it. ' E. Strobrldge lecture at St. Paul’s uted. In the language of tlie gamin, church on Thursday evening; Owing it? ” , • “Yessum—awful sorry. I Jest found t h a t ’s g o in g so m e. to the heat the lecture was cut‘short. Organist Leman* Here. The topic was “The Greatheart of out that he’s goln' tec have a birthday Asbury Park $1 Ocean Groye Bank America,” which appellation Dr. Edwin Lemare, I ho famous Eng­ party tomorrow.”—Cleveland Leader. Strobrldge fastened upon Lincoln. Cor. Mattlaon Ave. ahd Main St., Asbury Park ' « Within the past week death has lish organist, is »n thlfc -<• 'entry. On removed two well-known ministers Friday of last week he visited An­ Hon. Klutz Caniiot Come. Clean People—Clean, Clean Cor. Main Ave. and Pilgrim Pathway, .from this locality. We refer, to the bury Park to examine tho .work of Illness will prevent the Hon. installing the new. Austin organ in Have your carpets and rugs cleaned Whitehead Klutz from speaking In Rev. William Margerum, who lived Capital, Surplus anct the First M. *K. Church, Asbury at Shafto’s Carpet Cleaning Works. the Ocean Grove Auditorium on the In Ocean Grove for many years, and. Park. Mr. Lemare. is Interested in West Second avenue and Langford Fourth of July. Another orator P ro fits to tlie Rev. W. P. C. Strickland, a the Austin company. street.—14-26. will be secured. $ 2 8 0 , 0 0 0 former presiding elder of this dis­ trict, who, when he retired from the Founded and Built on Sound Banking Principles ministry some years ago, settled in SEE THE MONMOUTH SHORE AT THE PRETTIEST ■ Manasquan.' Both clergymen were All business entrusted to ua treated confidential. IsaueB foreign and domestic familiar figures in the New Jersey drafts. Letters of credit. Bank money orders and transacts a general banking TIME OF ALL THE YEAR busineaa. dafe Deposit Boxes to rent at reaBonrable rates. Conference, and both had served tlie O fficers Master faithfully and well. It is to Henry .C. WinBor, President O. C. Clayton, Vice President be;hoped that memory for them will T H E H IT Edmund E. Dayton, Cashier Jesae Minot, Asst. Cashier be kept green always for what they Frank M. Miller, Assistant Caahier H. A. Watson, Assistant Cashier. . D irectors were and what they done. O F T H E T. Frank Appleby, A. E. Ballard, 0. C. Clayton. John Hubbard, Henry C. Winsor Five lights on the Ocean Grove SEASON boardwalk! There should be at Take a Trip on least two or three , times that m\m ROYAL GRAY '..her to light the ; walk properly. And T m they should be placed on the walk MOTOR CAR Y A G I1 T IV A M M O D at once, before another day passes; Goptain Clarence Hagorman. i they should have beeu on A N Y weeks ago. Here we are advertis­ ______CARS For Fishing Banks Every Morning at 8.00 ing the first lecture of the season DAILY ROUND TRIPS the Auditorium, and the boardwalk Trip ticket, including bait and line, ,$i. is without the proper illumination Rumson Ddvo 2 p. m. What do our summer visitors, the M orning trip, $1.50 Sailing trip at. Price 50c. advance guard, think of Ocean A fte rn o o n tr i p $1,61) BOftT LEAVES THE ASBURY PARK PISHING PIER . Grove? Come, now, whoever Is re­ Sen Girt—Morning or sponsible for tills lighting of the a fte rn o o n . $1.00 • walk, get. the lights going. Lakewood—M orning or a fte rn o o n . • $2.00 Ocean Grove Fish Market Say, you folks who never . go to Delightful ride in luxurious ears with careful and com petent chauffeurs, .starting from the Plaza Hotel, church when away froni home, the Olln Street, Adjoining Postolllce Building . There is another sight-seeing car coming to tiie Plaza Hotel to get the benefit of our advertising and benefit of Ocean Grove. Auditorium will be our reputation, claiming to be our car Before you tnko your car see that tiie ear lias the sign on, “ Royal Gray OPEN APRIL 1. Tho same will bo run in con- opened for. religious worship 'the neotion with .tho Bradloy Bench flsh pound, of Line,” and you Will bo sure of getting.on a car that will take you there and ijack with comfort and pleasure. which I am the proprietor. . hisi guarantees • coming Sunday, and there’ll be a an ample supply of all kinds 0 fr Jh flsh at the ASgjUjfi!! *• *'1'. Beat kept for you.: Just speak-to the TELEPHONE t. lowestprlces. . Clams'and all kinds ■ usher about it. ? ij-r a s b u r y p a r k ROYAL GRAY MO' OR CAR CO. (Inc/)' o i s e a l o o d iresh dalty. '* ■ J o h k 'WoouMr. SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1909. THE OCEAN GROVE TIMESm

J P erson al &s£ j Absolutely Grapes give S Pertinent J Pure the chief ingredient, / the active principle, George W. Maefali and wife, of and healthfulness, to New York, have arrived at'tlio Nor­ man HoiiBe. of the Newest Monthly Income policy is The Marine Is enteilainlnR, amoiiff others lately arrived, H. L. 13uli, if •Garwood, N. J. assured of two things. First, an imme­ Edgar McGlenn, of Cincinnati, Is diate cash payment at death of insured; registered among late arrivals at the Park View. M rs. Maud M. Spveter, of lU'oult- second, a Monthly Income payable for lyn, is liore to spend the summer at 78 Hlaln. avenue. life. Together, they mean support as E. N. Wright aud family, who have rooms at LaPlerre, are irom long as beneficiary lives. Income is Washington, D. C. ' ^/Ibso tuiety "Pure Mrs. F. V. Barber, of Philadel­ payable for 20 years, even if beneficiary ^In su res w holesom e and deli­ phia, Is occupying her summer home ut 78 Clark avenue. cious food for every day does not live that long. Mrs. Charlotte Barnes, • of Now York City, was entertained.by Ocean in every hom e Grove friends over Sunday last. ' -. .. :A. Kimball- and wlfe,Vo£. Brook- No Phosphate. . ' ljhi, • accompanied by . Miss /Helen N o A lum Kimball; are registered; at. Le Vassal1. .George P. Heale, o£ New York, has resumel his summer position as ■general manager at the Hotel Mii- jestlc.’' . F. M. Berry and family, of 1’nlla- .Mrs. S. W rBarthell and daughters, Mahlon R. Margerum and family, delphla, are lrere, aud for the sum­ who went to Troy, N. Y., after clos­ of Trenton, are again occupying their mer are pleasantly located at 80 Mt. ing their cottage at 9 Heck avenue beautiful summer home on Ocean Z io n W ay. at the end of the season last -fall, Pathway! Mrs, Margerum . has an have returned for the summer. electric landau, and Is seen guiding For .the summer George A. Castle the machine about the streets with For a term of years I; N. Wiifong V W W W f W l aud family, from New York, are oc­ the ease of a skilled chauffeur. WWWWWWW WWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW cupying their cosey cottage at. .95 and' family have occupied the King Heck avenue. cottage at 1G Embury avenue.' They At the Glenmere—W. A. Camp­ arrived the latter part of last week bell, New York; Mrs. Charles G. St. Paul's Night In the Auditorium from their home In Philadelphia. L ip p in c o tt, R u th e r f o r d ; M iss M. iC. IMPORTERS is Thursday, July. 29., Mark it ou HAHNE & CO. RETAILERS Moore, Rev. C. ; H. Mead, Oceau At the New Philadelphia— G. L. the calendar, and time your appoiht- Grove; Mrs. Charles P. Bloom, As­ Austin, Baltimore; Charles L. Bri- hients accordingly. bury Park; Charles C. W right, C. W. Newark’s Store Beautiful, Broad, New and Halsey Sts. ant, W. N. Beach, Morristown; J. W right, Mr. Ed wards, Jersey City. Mrs. Jane Smith, from .Franktord, Edwin Wilson, Mrs. Marie E. Mayor, • Pa., is here, having arrived the lat­ Miss Henrietta Mayor, Brooklyn. . At the St. Elmo— Mrs. M; B ish o p , ter part ot laBt week and locating at F. A. DeSousa, Mrs. W. H. Hudson, Miss Gertrude Goodenough on 125 Clark avenue. E. R. Hudson, New York;*' Dennes Last Days of the Sale of Monday left here for her home in Lavlsse, Paterson; W. M. Green- 3. S. Pearsall and family arrived Glrdland, Pa, In the fall Miss Good- from Mt.'Kisco, N. Y., last Satur­ bank, wife and daughter, Philadel­ enough is to be'married to Roland phia; Harry G. Brackbill and wife, day. They are comfortably located B. Moore, of the-Elizabeth Times. at 85 Mt. Zion Way. Kinzer, Pa.; D. JI. Bodlne, Trenton.i ! De Luxe Editions of Books Week-end visitors at the Moravian ■Senator McClelland and family At Penzance— Miss Nellie Parsons, were Mrs. M. Thornton and Miss George Honeywell, wife and son, are occupying the cottage at 1G Mary T. Goodman, from Newtown, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur L. Peary, ".of For Confirmation, Graduation and Ocean avenue. They arrived from Pa. At; the same house are Mrs. Dobbs Ferry within the week. Newark; F. D. Watson, Miss \N. Ward- and Mrs. Cross, of Orange. Lowe, Jersey City; E. Blck, jr., Ir­ W edding Gifts Miss' Edith Morgan, soprano, ol Hayes Chandler, of Philadelphia, vington; T. MitcLelland and wife, Ocean Grove, assisted the choir of is here to-spend the summer as the Newark; Henry A. Heinrichs, Pater­ Gan you think of. anything flner, more appro­ heretofore been sold at-extravagant prices by sub­ the First M. E. Church, Asbury Park, guest of George Wilfong, of 16 Em­ so n . priate and more worth while giving , to young scription publishers and which, through the dull­ last Sunday, with special music., folks just being confirmed or graduating, or for ness of the times and a big failure, we were able to bury avenue. Hayes and George are At LeChevalier— Mrs. Esther schoolmates and neighbors in tlio wedding gifts for that matter, than, .these beauti­ buy so cheaply? . Miss Minnie 1. Hughes,, . o f' Ply­ 'Bland, Reading, Pa.; Miss- Florence ful, sets of Books in l)e Luxe bindings, which have mouth, Pa., Mrs. .E. Reilly, Annie city . Cundell, M r. and Mrs. H. J. Garri­ These sets embrace the. works of such famous writers as— and Jennie Reilly, of Newark, are at At the Queen—-A, B. Norris, Sir. son, Paterson; Miss Nora Woife, Lak’6,Grand among late arrivals. and Mi's: E. A. Lawrence, New York;. Union Hill; H. aieyer and wjfe, Miss E m e rs o n H a w th o rn e S te v e n so n P lu ta r c h Shakespeare W h itm a n D e F o e David D. Murphy and wife, East'Or- Dora-Meyer, Jersey City Heights; H u g o L in c o ln lia lz a c Eugene Sue S m o lle tt W e b ste r W ild e At the Ocean Front— Mr. aiid Mrs. K in g sle y . Mcriinei.* lie Musset Ittis k in Fielding . A u s t e n ' JeA’ct'son Burt. Miller and children, Merciiant- ange; John Beyer, Jennie Irvin, Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson, Little Smokerun, Pa.; C. S. Thompson, Falls. ■ - - ' ■ - - - ',' • K u rn s V o lta ire D ic k e n s P o e . S C ott . H osw ull M o tle y vllle; Miss R. h . May, Philadelphia; G ib b o n Kipling ■Eliot L a m b . T h a c k e ra y C e rv a n te s Benamin F. Jones', South Orange. . Y o n k e rs. . .. \ .■■ .- Sirs. Alfred Cookman, of German­ town, has returned to the Grove and • Mrs. Ii. W. Baldwin, Warner L. During the week Joseph A. Hud­ Our prices are about one-lourlh publishers* prices to the Roosevelt for the summer. and J. W ilbur Baldwin, of New York, son and. family arrived from Phila­ Slie Is accompanied by her daughter,. THIiS SALE W ILL END JUN E 30 and Mrs. Parker, o£ Newark, are delphia. They lire in their uottage i Mrs.. Shermpn Halstead. Mrs. e.v.ly registered at Amerherst at 7 Embury avenue.- Mh Hudson .v*euCu( Cookman has been a summer resi­ They are all beautifully printed aud exquisitely bound—lit for tlie finest libraries—being sold at low rg-ir House".’ is superintendent ;o£ the Temple prices to go into the most pretentious libraries. Sunday school. dent of Ocean Grove from its earliest ■' At the: United States— Mrs. M. S. h is to ry . Ouiv CpW Storage .Plant has been about Vacuum Cleaners 95—The Dust-0 Vacuum Vaughan, Sirs. Z. C. Holcombe,' • Mrs. J. Scott Anderson, the occu- At tlio Marlborough-—Mr. and Mrs. doubled in size to accommodate the increased' de--. Carpet Cleaner which requires no electric attach­ Philadelphia; H. E. Mockbee,. Wash­ p'ant of Tent Ni). 12,' Mt. Zio:i Way, has gone to Glasgow; Scotland, to F. B. Hertzmann, Elizabeth; Mrs. niand for space made upon us by careful peo.plo ment and can be used In any home, will appeal to ington, D. ,C.; L. Constable, New who take advantage of the cheap insurance we an army of housekeepers who find sweeping Irk­ remain until August ;ih. rflie is ac­ W. F. Harrison, Bloomfield; Mrs. E. Y ork. some and ineffective. With this Dust-0 Vacuum companied by !ier son ' Roy and Heyden, Newark; Mrs. :W. Pi- John­ provide against damage to and loss of furs • and other fine garments., Cleaner every particle of dust can be taken out of A new Hag floats from the . Wil­ daughter Dorothy. son, Mrs. D. IX.: Slayback, Verona; lard, corner of Pitman and Beach H. B.. Earner and wife, Miss Sarah. the carpets without, removing them from tbe ’ rilre. Holmes W..Murphy has rent­ avenues. .The house is newly paint­ Galley, Martiii3burg; Pa.,-J. S. Thorn, Often, in showing visitors through the stoi’» floors. It weighs less than five pounds and Is op­ ed her cottage nt 4 Main avenue, to ed, which makes il «tmTt>smore at­ T fe n to n .. ! We find them amazed when they go to the Picture erated by hand. It requires no experience to op­ Judge Ten Eyck, of Newark. For the Galleries— many Newark ers not being familiar erate it; there Is nothing about it to get out of or- ; tra c tiv e . i. ; \ - . present Mrs. Murphy-is staying at At tlie Alaska— V. J. Cobb, Ashe­ with the wonderful showing of pictures that we der, and. every machine is guaranteed against Im­ Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wyckoff, of tlie Arlington. - Later- she will go to ville. x. C.; Samuel Maxwell,. Colin are making here right along. ; perfections. Brooklyn; Lawrence A. Crosson. anti .her cottage in Atlantic Highlands. D, Smith and wife, Philadelphia; We give daily demonstrations of the famous' It is a fine place to. spend a spare ^liour—- C. D. Williamson and wife, of Phila­ Mrs. Emanuel, New York;. William Autotone . PJaiios— the Hardman, Harrington and William H. Beegle, of- Far Rock- profitable and pleasurable. delphia, have taken rooms at the ,T. .Decker, Newark; John IC-.Evans, Hensel, Whl6h we alone sell in this vicinity. Every­ a w a y , N. "Y.-, a f o rm e r r e s id e n t • o f While we are waiting 'for Kew^ark to estab-, Buena Vista, Lancaster, Pa.; Miss Miranda W: one .-should hear the autotone so that they may this place, was In town over Tuesday lish an art gallery' let us enoy this one. , ‘ - . , Myers, Lawrence W: Myers, Falls know what wonderful niuslc can be brought out of ■ The Osborne! House opened its night. He came to attend tlie funeral City, Nebraska. hospitable doors last Saturday. Tlie of Rev. W. P. C. Strickland nt Pompadours, Itats and False Hair have been these self-players by the most Inexperienced op­ . flfst person to register was Miss Lil­ Manasquan on Wednesday afternoon. At the Langdon— Mrs. A. G. put on the evil list by Miss : Gertrude Dudley, e r a to r . - lian L. Patch, who conies from Cliap- Weatherby, Jessie G. Weatlierby, director of physical culture for women in the Uni­ You should not fail to take a tour through At' the' Albatross—Mr. and Mrs. Brooklyn; Mrs. Margaret Roberts, versity of Chicago-^which proves nothing. And this store when you are in the city. You will paqua, N. Y. Nelson Davis, Mrs. Hupiet, Mrs. Mrs. C. E. Swivel, Reading, Pa.; the. women will go on beautifying their heads and find It the most interesting place in Netfark and Prof. Samuel Reifsnyder, Instruc­ Davis, Philadelphia; Francis J. Mr. and Mrs. E, S. Greene, Mildred making it easy to wear large and beautiful hats, every visitor will go awav with a better impression tor of languages and physics in the Byrne and family, New York. Mr. Greene, Master Melville. Greene, and We will go on selling.them all the beautiful of the city's greatness than if the store were not Neptune high school, will pass the Davis is of the firm of Davis & Har­ Mrs. 0. M.: Fisher. New York; F. A. hair.they want at the Uttlest prices/ se e n . vacation period at hls old home neav vey,1 Philadelphia's leading, auc­ Lehman, Philadelphia.. Catawlssa, Pa, • tioneers. 1 At the Majestic— Mr. and Mrs. W. • The. many friends of Dr. Charles R, A. LeFetra, of the National, R. Davidson, Richard Tindale, E. A. Broad, New and Halsey Streets, Newark, N. J. W. Karsner-will be pleased to. know spent several days in Atlantic City Howard; and .wife, New York; Mr. that he ia again at his summer odlce, ■this week. He reports- that, the and Mrs; W. S. Shipley, B ertha/ A. 32 Main avenue.1.. Dr. Karsner lives weather on that part of the coast Shipley, Brooklyn; F. L. Brown and in Philadelphia. was just a little, too warm for com­ wife, Newark; C. A. Holbrook, Nel­ fort, in consequence, of whiph he cut Mrs. Mabel Byers, of New York, lie and Pearl Holbrook, Jersey'City; Philip Snyder,. Livingston; N. Y.; Ills stay short. a guest at the Lake Grand, lias gone C. H. Hudnut, Philadelphia. Mrs. John Skillman, Hoboken; Mrs. to Atlantic City , to - pass several New patrons of-tlie Roosevelt are At the Insklp— Mrs. E. J. Gilbert, M./B. Burns, Wilmington, Del.; weeks, after whioh she will return to Dr. A, L. Boyce, Hal Ellis, East Or­ Misses Bessie and -Florence Gilbert, Mrs. M. E. Hurlburt, Miss Lillian . th e L a k e G ra n d -.' ange; Louis Blanlcenfeld, Lakewood; Miss Marian Selby, F. Scott. Gilbert, Hurlburt, Newark. W. H. Hubbard, Poughkeepsie, N. Miss; Dorothy W hite, > Philadelphia; Ralston, tbe T/orist At Grove Hall— James H. Collins, .At * the :Fountain House (form erly .if.;-'v M rs. A lf r e d .C o o k m an , M rs. Mr. and Mrs. Chamalian and chil­ ■Mrs: James H. Collins and children, Sherman Halstead arid daughter, Sheldon^)-—Mrs. H. G. " Bennett, Pas­ Pleasantvillo, N. Y.; Mrs. Hamlin, dren, New Ydrk. Mr. Chamalian is Germantown. ■ saic; Ila M. Dutton* J\Irs. H. Dutton, . num ber 520 Cookman JI venue Ocean Grove; H. J. Heiser and wife; a taiehted musician and -an instruc­ Albany;1 R.' B.- Beckemann, Herman Mahanoy City, Pa. ' Mrs. Frank Layman, who spent a tor well known in New York music Reckfprd, Miss M. Gardner, New \ Opp. Pjrtridgt ,t Jflcbardson week at the Summerfleld, has re­ circ le s. At the Arlington— Mrs. Grace S. York; .Constance I. Harrison, East turned to her home at Tannersvllle, . H. V, Steers, formerly an inspec­ Orange; H. G. Shupp, W. D. Roberts, Shane, New York; Annie E. Nairn, N. Y. While here' Mrs. Layman tor of the New York police, now re­ •Greenwich, Conn.; P. R. Smith and WilkesbarreV Pa.; Mrs. J. S. McDon­ made'many, warm friends, who are; tired, was at the Olive House for nell, Little Rock, Ark.; John W, wife, Asbury Park; Mrs. A. H. Grif­ hopeful for her early return to. the several .days the latter part of last Zthpbont 75 7'IW fin, Poughkeepsie. Barrington, Ruth K. Barrington, flsbury Park; 1). J. popular Summerfleld. week.- He will pass the summer at Byrn Mawr, Pa. Joshua Brlerly and family aro Bradley Beach. The Inspector Is At the Spray View—-Mrs. C. E. At the Seaside—-i)r. R. Reed, Mrs., here at their summer home, 97 Cen­ Wahmaker, F. Coyle and family, well known In the Grove, having tral avenue. They are from New­ been a summer visitor for many E. R. Snaders1 and sons, Philadel­ Knox Straw Hats, K nox hats of every de- New. York; George -Alir, Newark; phia; Mr. and Mrs. F. liarikens, New ark/where Mr. Brlerly is in the un­ Mrs. Charles W ..Crane, Miss H arriett y e a rs . scription for #3 to $5. Our own special bats at dertaking business. At the Arborton— Mrs. W. A. Hal­ York; Mr. and Mrs. Richard - M. B. Crane, Elizabeth; J. W alter East- Mprttgomery, Lambertvllle; Mr. and At tho National— Mrs. J. B. La- bum, Franktord, Pa.,. Elizabeth S comb, Kate Houglitaling, V. W. $ 1 to $2.50. Houghtallng, Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, Andrew J. Case, Trenton; Mr. touj-, Miss L. I.atour, J. F. Easton W hite; Port Orange, Fla. and Mrs. 'J. M. Meeker, Miss Meek­ Brigham-Hopkins famous patent drum crown nnd daughter. Now York; F. C. Park, e ; R . C a ry , H e le n , C a rv , T r -iv, N.. Y .; ■ At. the Lawrence— Mrs.-H. C, Mar­ Henry H. Stacey, York, Pa.: Miss er, HackettstoW n; -Miss M. M. Tiiies, straw hats are wonderful to keep shape ; especi­ wife and son, Orono, Me.; Isaac Cole tin and children, Scranton, Pa.; Chicago; Miss E. R. Loechel; Potts- and wife, East Orange. M argaret Gyger, Philadelphia; Mrs. Mrt. James T. Gorton, M argaret Gor­ McNamara, Miss M ilkkalser, Albany; vflle, Pa.; J. McLaughlin and ally adapted for this' climate;—in all grades. Miss Anna Orr, of Brooklyn, is ton, Mrs. G, R. ' Cutting, Yonkers; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Berry, Fox wife,; New. Castlej Pa.; Miss G. S. Our line of shirts is most complete, from a fair shirt at spending ten days at the DeWitt Mrs. A. W. Wilson. Belmar; Mr. and Chase, Pa. • . Hook, Aliss M. L. Hook, Brooklyn, v Houso. Miss E. Fitch, of Freeport, Mrs, Alex V. Beeken,, Valilemar 50c. to the very finest Earle & Wilson goods. L. I., and William Mills, of Trenton, Beeken, Tliora Beeken, Newark. At the Summerfleld— Mr. and Mrs. - At- trie 'Atlantic. Hduse-^M r. and In fact, a look over our line will convince the most skep­ also aro at this house. Harry Charles Gratersford, 1 Pa.; Mrs. George Fox, : Elizabeth; ' Fred Frank V. Tompkins, of Ocean Mabel J. Uonnell, Roselle Park; Rohlp, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. SVessell, tical as to variety and quality. Among late arrivals are Mrs. Mar­ Grove, sails today (Saturday) on a Marguerite E; Duslianck, Guy B, Fi F. Rbhlp, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Out- tha Thomas and family, of St. Louis. tour; abroad to visit the famous art Dushanck, Fanwood; Edward White- caltj Jr., New York; M, Emanuel Howard 1. Borden, Hatter and Furnisher They have a cottage for the sum­ galleries of tlie Old World. He goes Iey, Philadeljihia; A; H. Burkhart, and wife, Margaret Emanuel, Perth 712 Coolcman Avenue, Asbury Park, New Jersey mer at 7 Olin street, within a short in tho interest of the New York H. Hi Burkhart, Barevllle, P a.-, Miss Amboy, L. E. Mollneux,’ wife and distance of the bench. . School of Art, with which lie lias L; Koch, Brooklyn; D. ■ L. Foote, children, Metuchen; Mr. and Mrs. C. Fred C. Dunlap nnd Vernon R. been connected for several.years; E liz a b e th . E, Randrup, Mrs. L. J. Jelliffe, Stew­ art M. Toole, New York; Mrs. J. H. Dunlap, of Philadelphia, were at tho At Sunset Lodge— G. O. Mc.Cul- At the Ocean House— Miss S. Pad­ Olivo-House over Sunday last. Mr. Anderson, ; Mrs. C. H. Woolley, SEXTON & HAVILAND lagh and family. A. P. milliard, P. dock, Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Head­ 'Philadelphia. ';; •. • ;! DUnlap is cblof of the Filtration C. Hilliard, Jersey City; W. B: Phil­ ley, Mrs. T. E. Hickman, C. . Irwin Brick Boarding, Livery, Sale and Exchange Bureau in the Quaker City. lips and wife, Paterson; Eva, Mary Bean, Philadelphia; Mrs. II. B. Lar­ Parade Passed Through Grove. ; Mrs. E. H. Stokes and sister. Miss ahd Orone Taylor, Atchinson, Kan.; kin, Miss Larkin. M. MacMartin, Co­ ' Stout, havo returned to Ooean Grovo Mrs. A. Morrlsli, A. G. Morrlsh, Miss hoes’, N. Y,; Robert Hope-Jones, H. On Thursday afternoon the parade from Haddonlield for tho summer. Lola Jacquisli, WIlke9barre, Pa. Tchakarian, Elmira, N. Y.; William of the St. John Battista Society, of They aro at tlieir cottage, corner R . V e rk ru z e n , l>(ew Y o rk ; C h a rle s Asbury! Park, passed through the South of Main Avenue Gates, Ctaean Grove, New Jersey At tho Olivo-Hquse— Mrs. Samuel Pitman and Beach avouues. S. Easton, Babylon, L. I. Groye. In front of the Association T olophono Mo. 108 Parks, W. N. Parks, Brooklyn;. Mr. ofiico the parade halted while ;, the The first member of the Auditori­ and Mra. Philip

OCEAN GROVE HOTELS OCEAN GROVE HOTELS OCEAN GROVE HOTELS OCEAN GROVE HOTELS OCEAN GROVE HOTELS OCEAN GROVE HOTELS OCEAN HOUSE The fountain Hotel {Fopmariy the Sheldon) Mrs. Q. S. Graves, Proprietor . OCBAIH GROVE, IN. J . . N os. 7 0 a n d 7 2 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J. New management. Remodeled. Newly furnished. "Wide hail?, large sun­ KRANZ & SMITH Proprietors shiny rooms. One block from the ocean. Two blocks from A uditoriun, Ca­ pacity. 350. Rooms with private baths added this season—3 900. Our dining­ 3 and 5 Pitman Avenue, Ocean Grove, New Jersey On main thoroughfare to ocean, wide verandas, large halls, room service under the new management will be our drawing card. The b e s t parlors and reception room; a large, cheerful summer of food and cooking always in'seasonable varieties, Send fdr booklet'. Spe­ home, combining every comfort and convenience. cial rates for June and to families for season. f H - ozy SU11 parlors. Newly refitted rooms, with private Special rates for the season; also Mny, June, September nnd October. De­ fountain Hotel Co., Ocean Grov«. N. JL . ™--|l bath. New sanitary plumbing throughout. Cool rooms scriptive booklet on application. and comfortable accommodations for summer guests, per­ First-class Boarding manent and transient. Perm anent or Tranaien Also Table Board

R o b e rt >1. W a tt, O w n e r n n d M a n a g e r This popular and select hotel is situated on Wesley lake and Atlantic House Beach avenue, one minute’s walk.to the beach, near hot E. N. PRENTI 8 , P r o p r i e t o r and cold sea Water baths and bathing grounds, central to Avenue Corner Beach and Pitman Avonuoe , all points of interest in Ocean Grove and Asbury Park. OCBftN GROVB, IS. J. New fourth floor, spacious porch, new decorations aud fur­ House nishings^ lighted throughout 'with gas and electricity, tm- M iss M , O iio s s k t t ' Half block from the ocean. Qpen from May to November, , . ; obstructed view from all rooms. Bell telephone. P r o p r ie to r .Special rates tor June anil September. Open from May to October. Booklet bn application. • Cor. Main and Beach Avenues Inskip House OCEAN QROVE, N.J. L. C. Brown Ocean Pathway, corner Beac>h avenue, Oceau Grove, New Jersey B ooklet. One block from ocean. f7 n week until July 15. Seaside Hotel CLEMENT & CLEMENT V The Roosevelt OOBflN GROVE, N. J. * Ocean End of Ocean Pathway A .1*. A. Hoferknmp Corner of Beach nnd Atlantic avenoes, Ooean Grove, New Jersey .. One block from bench nnd Ross* pavilion. Both under one management. 8 a per lor furnished rooms to rent. In most beautiful part of the Grove, convenient to all plsees of Interest, Appointments tlret-class. The largest and best equipped hotel on the All modern improvements. Elevator. ocean front. Thoroughly modern.

The AELINGTON Booklet. A. ti Stockton. M . A . M i l l a r Auditorium Square, Ocean Grove, N. J. Ocean Pathway, Corner Beach Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J. / Special rates until July 15th. Private baths. Booklet. Telephone No. 201. One block Irom the Ocean, B ooklet. . L. C. B 110WN. 68 nnd 70 H eck av en u e. D elight­ fully located In one of tbe most AM HERST HOUSE KEYSTONE HOUSE desirable stctlons of tbe Grove. •' . .•'. ' •:•••• A.. M. A RING "'. V-:'; ' ‘ •• ' '.V -* :- Near Auditorium and tbree blocks from bench. Good. substantial table, plenty fret-b vege­ 'Pittiian Avenue, Oceari Grove, N. J. .'•••'•' tables, Large veranda und lur8 s , H a y n e s . No. 7 Sea View avenue. Kept by Friends, Half Mock from the ocean, near ifi . hot and cold -water' baths and bathing grounds. Enlarged and refurnished. and Pitman ate- DE WITT HOUSE nueB and Me- Special rates June and September. For particulars address Hannah Bp'rton, 83 ALlantlc avenue, Ocean Grove, One block to ocean and Auditorium. Excellent table J u n e 1 to October'!, Huteson application. Mits. F. Voellkr. SUNSET LODGE Clintook Street. Convenient to all 44 Emburv avenue, Oceaii Grove. Furnished points of interdst. House newly fitted up and improved. rooms. Two blocks from ocean, Ashing plor, Terms on application. Open all the year, Mrs. J. B. Sweet. post office and Auditorium. Newly furnished THE READING and delightful! v located. ; Cornei of Ileck and Beaah avenues, Ocean Grove, N,.J, Ono block from the. ocean .and con* . ■ '• . • - Mrs E. C. Donaldson. . Corner JSeaview a nd Beach trolly located; Thirtieth Beason. MU3. M. E, Sc h w a r t z . 67 Broadway, Ocean Grove. Under new The MARLBOROUGH from c e an ,1 near hot and management. Five minutes from beach THELANGDON 00Id sea w atn r batnfiV Open M ay 20 to O ctober 10.; Sam ttkl Lj<*piucorr,Proprietor. ; and Auditorium. Convenient to all No. 8 Oceau avenue, Ocean Grovel N. J Directly on tho oceau front. Modern In all appoint­ T h e N a p le s places of Interest, Tnblo good and ments. June to October " M. J. Holt. 83 Broadway, Ocean Giove,:New. .. Jersey.. Unob- homelike. ; Rates ornappl I cation. wMny ‘“ *" 16 *■ to O ctobor 15. .. MRS. A. M. BYRNES, Prop. structed view of ocean, near rtear hot’ and cold eea- water baths and bathing grounds, Main avenue. Ocean Grove, N. J, SU Webb Avenue LLEWELLYN Ocean G rove, N . J Special rate*: J tin o and September. Booklet. I. M. D O W N IN G Third house from the beads. Fifty THE PENZANCE t m r rooms. Good table. Beasonabio Splendid ocean view. Flrst-clabs table and service. Terms $7 to $10 a week. Special.rates -for Jane aud after September 15.- One block from bathing grounds. C o rn er P ilgrim ^ P athw ay a n d Cook­ rates. Box 21G5. A- W,' L y m a n . m an uvenue; Ocean Grove; Deilgttr fully situated near lake and ocean. Mopern conveniences. Boarding by 21 Central nvo ue. .Furnished rooms. theIAN day or week atE reasonable VILLA rates. Open all the year. Mrs; S. A. Lane. I\ ,0. Box 2174. Ham i I to n Cottage Moat convenient and delightful location BUENA VISTA In tho Grove. Near the head of Ocean Pathway, ono »hort Hqnare from tho Auditorium, and two squares from the beaoh Large Corner Beach and Heck avenues, Ocenn Grove, N. J. Half block ffoin ocean. npeu Mny 2*J to 34 Bath avenue. Convenient to grassy lawn each side of house, Doliihtful shado treew, very unusual. Convenient to hotels to October 1. . ______J» G- W lllits. Auditorium and all points' ol. inter­ and boarding cottagcs. Rates rea kouable. M. C. Todd, Proptletor.______•' ■ • '• est In Octan Grovo nnd Asbury Park, NORMAN HOUSE Generous table, Ideal location. May THE AUDITORIUM HOUSE to D ecem ber 1.' M rs. C.- R . P riest. THE LAKE GRAND Cor. Central avenue and MoCl I otock street. Ocean Grove. Near bathing beach, Auditorium, Corner M alnand Ocean Broadway, Ocean Qrove. Pleasantly located one' door from the ocean. Large, cheer­ Asbury Park, etc. Write for further pnrUculnra. Open June 1. New management, Paul L. avenues. Ocean Grove. ful rooms, with unobstructed view of the ocean, opposite bathing grounds, lako and tennis Kirby, proprietor, • ' * Finest view In Ocean oourts. Cuisine flistrclnss. Rates 87 to 810 a week Special rates June and Septem ber The Ocean Front House Grove, Terms reason* MRS. E. REILLY. a b le. M. L. St e v e n s . Mrs. Charles Slegrlst f ,E \ m \SSAR 1« Webb avenue 62 M ain A Venue f V M 1 1 i A l l IIVFISJf Proprietor v i maa Ocean t* rove, N.J.. Opposite Postofilce 1 ^ , X I \V- Lynp.ai.i,. First-class board by day or week. Liberal prices. Good service. Only a few doors from ocean '/ILL 11N1N THE IVY HOUSE In sight of the ocean. Largo and cheerful roomB. Open Juno 1 to October 1. Special rates Main Avtfcue, Ocean Grove, New Jersey, Conveniently loented near ocean, ■Auditorium J u n e a n d Septem ber. and poatofflce. Thirty-third season. M r s . M. E . S ru L ii, P ro p rieto r, THE FREEMONT 18 Webb avenue, a t the - Corner Central and Embury, avenues, Ocean Grovo. Open June to October. Within easy ac E5 Em bury avonue. Throe m inutes' comer of Beach avenue, cess to all places of interest. Furnished rooms- Misses J. F. and L, Hill. walk from beach and Auditorium, one. Abort block from The GLENMERE Open from Mny 1 to November 1. THE MORAVIAN the ocean and board- walk. Homo cooking and home comforts at moderate rates. Rates on application. • M rs; J . H .: Lan e • M rs. A . Y oung. ■ “ T hF beach cro ft Cornor Main and Beooh Avenues. 21 and 23 Broadway, Oesan Grove. N. J. Unobstructed view of ocean and lake. Tennis courts ■A block from tho boaoh and opposite the house. One block from tho beach aud hot and cold salt-water baths. Special boardwalk. Twonty-elghth sea­ rates for June and September. . Miss Belle Durkee. 'United Jtoies Jfotel son First-class In evory partlCu- No. 41'Pilgrim Tathway. Open May to October. Convenient to beach and bathing grounds lar. Capacity two hundred. M artln <& Am y. a n d all a m u se m en ts T; >’ R-'W* S a m pso n , PARK VIEW Cornor Beach’ and Pitman 23 Sea View avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J. Facing latac, ocean and Casino. Remodeled. Ca­ iiveues. Ope;i Juno to Octo­ pacity, one hundred and fifty. Booklet. '______E. J. Epworth. THE LAWRENCE THE WILLARD ber. Convenient to ail places M. White, Proprietor. ,• of interest. < Furnished rooms. Misses H. F. and J. Jones. 51 Lake avenue, corner Pil­ 28 Main arajue, Ocean'Grdve, Ndw Joraey, Dellghtful'locatlon. Nicely furnished. Efficient grim Pathway, Ocean Grov*, .service. Excellent-tablo- . . N. J. Fine, .unobstructed TERRACEview of Woilev lake nnd the ocean. Only LODGE: threo mlnutei* walk tcto the Auditorium aud bath* Ing grounds. Thoroughly rei ova ted throughout. Special rates for June and September. For further Information addreis M. Provost. CHATTANOOGA. INN The BRUNSWICK No. 51 Broadway, Ocean Grove, N. J. Delightfully located oue block from bathing gronads; 4 Sea View Avonue. Open June first to October first Ono d o o r fro m tb o ocean: ono block Directly on the ocean front Large, cheerful rooms. Cuisine Urst-class. Speclal n-tes for June and September. T ro m R o ss’ . . , .• -• .■ :- A , L. S H A W Three blocks from the Atidi* Htelnmetz & Gallagher, Proprietors. Ocean Avenue House torlum, and about three min­ No. SO Ocean Pathway. One utes froni hot and cold sea-water baths. Unexcelled service. New management, Pilgrim Pathway and Audi­ of the moat deairablo loca­ M. (J. G rlllln , P ro p rie to r.. torium Square. Two blocks tions In tho Grove. House from ocean, thoroughly ren­ Washington Villa conducted In keeping with 20 Main avenue, corner of Bea^h, overlooks HOTEL CLARENDON ovated • electric lights and surroundings. First class accommodations at rauonablo rotes. J'artloulars ou application. Ing tbo ocean. Homelike surroundings. perfect sanitary arrangemen cuisine unexcelled; Arshines service. For particulars, '■ V ‘ ' II. W. Pullen. THE COLUMBIA IExcellent service nt moderate rates. Only address Mrs. william Moran ono block’from the.beach. Under the porsonol management of M. E, Buter', Main Avenue, Ooean Grove, • Open Aprll l for the reception Heck avenue nnd Pilgrim Pathway, Ocean guests. Reduced rates until1 Grove, N.J. pleasantly and centrally lo­ 0 Atlantic Avenue Ocean Grove, N.J.; House thoroughly, heated; Jackson House cated, near all points of Interest. Ctonvenl- T h e A u r o r a cheerful'room's,Th© pleasant Colonial outlook.over’• the tea, hoardingfcSby the irteql,* day, week -or' eni to poatofflce, telegraph office and Auditorium. M R 0. J . C. JA C K SO N . W inter: Dunedin, Florida {Running through to Surf) . M . A , B u l l , B. FbshRBV • - ; : r &$?%.»&*-? •<■- - -•: 7;:.. ;?»Ay - V >: iv'^.r'-:Vr.^Ac;


20.1 Cookman avenue, near-Delaware'avenue, eight-room cottage, $250. IN A COPPER CAMP. Properties ayenue, a five-room cottage, $125. 336. Main'- avenue, near Benson aVe-- 202 Cookman ayenue,- near Now Jerr nue, eight-r6om cottage, with bath, Its Divisions Known as "Drill Town" G. Schirmer (Inc.) ney avenue, a five-room cottage, $125. $350.. and "Slrg Town.” 204 Pennsylvania avenue, near 337 ileclt avenue, near New Jersey - A copper rjiinp lias Its own elmrnc- Franklin avenue, a seven-room cot­ avenue, a new s6ven-room cottage, torlatk'K peculiar and apart. It has tage, $200. with bath, $400. N e w Y o rk 206 On Clark avenue, nea.r New two- distinct linages »»f workman— At Ocean Grove, N. J . 338 Clark avenue, near Delaware ave­ ' tho. •‘■’illleil ini tiers, wlm work umli*r Jersey avenue; a- five-room cottage, nue. seven-room- cottage, with bath, $135. " ‘ ; ground, aiul tlio' siuoilu* men. who Importers and Publishers of $300. .* Season of 1900 209 Inskip and Delaware avenues, 3.40 Broadway, near • Pennsylvania range from oxjmtIoih o m ' It Keeps Posted'on Every Vessel En­ 375 Main avenue, near New Jersey gaged In Commerce. •bath; suitable for hoarders, 5350.. ware avenue, a six-room . bungalow, IS Clark avenue, near Gentral ave­ $150. avenue, twelve-room cottage, all iinr It Is a fact not geuenf ly known that 'seSki nue, an eight-room cottage and bath; 269 Heck avenue, near New Jersey provements, private use only, $450. the arrival and departure of steam June first to September first, $275. avenue, a very cosey seven-room cot­ 370 Heck avenue, near Pennsylvania and sailing vessels * engaged In com­ 19 • W ebb , av e n u e, one a n d o n e -h a lf tage, in- excellent, order, to September avenue, eight-room cottage, with bath, merce Is reported dally from every blocks from the ocean, a' ten-room first, $175. July .first over Labor Day, $350, port in the world; Sitting In the Mari­ L*oui$ vanGilluwe cottage,, with bath; July -first to Octo­ 271 Broadway, near New York 330 Clark avenue, near Delajware time Exchange, you could tell at a ber first, $250. avenue, a modern ten-room cottage, avenue, six-room cottage, $200. 3S1 Abbott avenue, near New York, glance just wluit had transpired In 21 Pitman avenue, 'fine location, with all Improvements, $400. avenue, nine-room cottage, $275. 8hIpp.lng d p *1 cs of a ny. i>ort during nine rooms and bath,.?400. 274 Broadway, near Lawrence ave­ the past twenty-four hours. There Is ■ 22 Pitman-avenue, within one'and nue,- nine-room cottage,- with . bath, a report on every ship that has cleared one-half >blocks from the ocean, a ten- $350,. room cottagej with bath, $400. or entered. The report gives tlio name 276 Broadway, near Lawrence ave­ New Jersey Central 29’ Surf avenue, with a fine. view of of her home port, how many days out. nue, an . eighl-'room ‘ cottage, with •i he ocean, a ten-room cottage,; all im­ b a th , $225. . ' jej* csir^o, the number of passengers, provements; .three and One-half 280 Clark avenue, near Pennsyl­ EHVellve M ay -7 ,1UO0 her consignors and cm nislghecs.her des­ months, $475. vania avenue, a seven-room cottage, * Trains lrom Ocean Grove-: tination and her captain’s name. The Si) Broadway, three blocks from the with bath, $275. F o r N ew Voi-fr, N a w a rk .an d KHzabe companies themselves nnd-underwrit­ ocean, six-room cottage, $200. - . 2S1 Cookman -avenue, near New Y. only/(T.rtO New ark ani, Smidays from North ocean,, nine-room cottage, with- bath, avenue, an - eight-room cottage, with A sb u ry P a rk sta tio n 7.2« a . ji*, 4.1G,'i*. u . sailing ships is twice, as great as the $-100. - . ' ‘i- bath,* $175., . For Kanion, lletblehem,, Allentown aud number managing those same ships on •46 ..McClintock street, ' one bloclt /286 Franklin avenue, - near Dela­ th e oeenn. Maiirb I'hunb, (ii,l6 A llen to w n o n ly ), 0.65, from the ocean,, ten-room cottage,- ware-’avenue, a seven-room . cottage, II..SO a . 2.10 (i.w to A ilen to w n ; p. ji ) Suo* .. In any given company tlie organiza­ with bath; suitable for furnished $200. da>> from N o rth A sb u ry P a r k ,4.16 r . u . tion represents a great pyramid of rooms, $350.. 287 Stockton avenue, near . Law­ For Wilkes Harrf. While Haven and Serah- brains nnd brawn, authority percolat- FARRAND 49 Olln street, near the ocean, sev­ rence avenue, an eight-room cottage, o n , il •'» a . m., 2 201*. 51. iug down through the maze of detail en-room-cottage, $275.. witli bath, piano, $225. . * Ni u- \ o k o n ly . 50’ Pitman avenue, one block from from the innn who draws n princely N o . 5T13 C ookm an A venue, near G rand A venue 290 . Broadway, near New- Jersey W. i«. IH:»i.i:n. Vice Pri s. and Gen, Mgr salary studying tlie Mereator pro­ the ocean, a nine-room cottage and aveiiue, a seven-room cottage,, with bath, $375. W. ( \ Hoi*k. tifiMtral I'aHsenKer Agent. jection to the stevedore who shifts b a th , $300. 1*20-00 A sbury Park, N. J. 55 Cookman avenue, two and one- freight. Every iimu has his work cut 291 Heck avenue, near New Jersey half, blocks from the ocean, a nine- out for him. avenue, a seven-room cottage, $200. room cottage and bath, $235. 293 Delaware avenue, near Webb PUOKESSIOXAL CAItDS. Every steamer that floats Is consid­ G1 On Atlantic avenue, within two avenue, a six-room cottage, $175. ered as a .unit. It is a semi-independ­ PORTRAITS blocks from the ocean, a ten-room.cot- 294 Delaware avenue, near Webb ERNEST N. WOOLSTON, ent state the moment it leaves shore. ta«e, with bath; private family,.$350. avenue, a seven-room cottage, $150. Commissioner of Deeds for New Jer­ It lias its orders just the same as a CHILDREN A SPECIALTY 62 On Heck avenue, with d lin e 295 Delaware avenue, near Webb sey and Notary Public. 50 Main Avenue. battalion of soldiers on the battlefield, PICTURE FRAMES view of the ocean, a modern eleven- avenue, a seyen-room cottage, $160. and ou Its bridge walks the-captain; room .cottage, all improvements, $550. 296 Delaware .. avenue, ■ near. Webb OCEAN GROVE, N. J. who holds almost arbitrary power over 77- H e c k av e n u e, th re e b lo c k s; fr o m 1 avenue, a seven-room cottage, $150. Acknowledgments taken for all states the ocean, a four-room bungalow, 297 Embury ayenue, neaT Pennsyl­ ithe.>destinies- .of his floating commu­ DR. S. T. SLOCUM, nity.—Bookkeeper. * $125. ■ ?■.■■■■■' •; vania avenue, a nine-room cottage, 50 Central avenue, near Main ave* with bath and all improvements, pi­ Dentist. 204 Main St., Asbury Park,- nue, five-room • cottage, with bath, N. J. Over Milan Ross’ real estate of­ Dowries In India. Camp Belmar Casino a n o , $315. $150, ; 292 Embury avenue, near New fice, opposite railroad station. Ga* The custom of extorting dowries has 51 Olin street, two blocks from the York avenue, an eleven-room cottage, administered. grown into the very fabric of the so­ and Restaurant ocean, a nine-room cottage, $250. ' with bath, $250* cial-life aud Is a standing disgrace to 83 Heck avenue, ' oke-half block 301 : j'-Jmbury avenue, near Pilgrim BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ;,.the. Bengali community, whleli has no, from the ocean, a seven-room cottage, Pathway, a six-room: cottage, $200. .justification to plead or apology to of­ On the South Side of Shark River $225. ' : ‘ ‘ • : 302 Webb avenue, near New Jer- M. L. BAMMAN fer. The practice has now assumed 84 Heck avenue, one^half block sey avenue, a seven-room cottage, with Our Grocer. Cor. Railroad Squara and alarming proportions of parents- of Belmar, N. J. from the ocean, a seven-room cottagej- b a th , $262.50. Main St., Asbury Park, la the placr $225. 304_ A b b o tt; av e n u e , n e a r D ela w are to find reliable goods In large variety boys extortlngVostly dowries as a con­ a t small price. Come and eee. dition of marrying their sons. The 8(5 Abbott avenue, near Pilgrim. avenue, a flve-room cottage, $12£ Rhode Is-land Clam Bakes, Bay Side Brush Bakes and Pathway, a four-room cottage, July marriage of a daughter among Ben­ 305 Abbott avenue, near New Jer­ and August, $125. sey avenue, an eight-room cottage, galis has become au expeusive affair, I Shore Dinners. Restaurant a la carte. Boating, crab- 8? Clark avenue, east of Pilgrim with' bath, $300. and the amount In uasb demanded by biug and fishermen’s supplies. Pathway, a fiVe-room bungalow, $160. 306 Mt. Herrcon Way, near Pilgrim B. FINKEL the father or guardian of the boy 88 Clark aVenue, esi3t of Pilgrim Pathway* a nine-room cottage, $250. Dealer in and paid by the father or guardian of Pathway; a five-room 'bungalow, $165. 307 Main avenue, hear Whltefield -the bride varies with the educational , 89 Clark. avenue, east of Pilgrim avenue, a Beven-room cottage, $200. attainments of the bridegroom.—Indian Pathway, a five-room bungalow, ^176. 310 Mt. Carmel iWay, near "New Up-to-Date N ation.' 106 , Abbott avenue, two blocks from York avenue, a six-room cottage, July DRINK GULM ROCK the ocean, a very doslra.’ble ,1 twelve- and August, $150; three months, $175. Self Tending Beacons. room cottage, with all improvements, 312 Mt. Carmel Way, near New ■ The acetylene lighted buoys of the The Ideal Tab!© Water $400. • 1 Jersey avenue, a ten-room cottage, 107 Cookman avenue, near Central Swedish const-keep iu action seventy $300. IJottled at tho Spring, avenue, nine-room cottage and bath, . 314 M t Tabor Way, near Delaware days without reucwal of the single Plutiw nln,' N. il. $250. avenue, a six-room cottage, $175. , - tubes of fifty liters of dissolved acety­ 109 Cookman avenue, two and one- 316 ML Tabor Way, near New All kinds of Rubber Goods, lene. . Ingenious automatic lighting Delivered in Your Homes, Hfty Gents Case of Six Bottles half bloH’^rfrom ' the ocean, .seven- York avenue, a nine-room • cottage, makes this possible. A bright reflect^ room cot^l^i $250. $275.-'; , First-class, repair work. lug. surface and a black absorbing one y'V V J. • DolUer and Ginger Ale 112 Pitman avenue, near the ooean, 321 .Mt. Z io n W a y , h e a r P e n n s y l­ • give unequal expausiou .by daylight, nine-room cottage, wi th bath, $400. I vania avenue, an eight-room cottage, Reasonable prices. Postal Card Brin^6 It thus closing a valve and shutting off; 114 On Ocean Pathway,, one and one- i with bath, $325. the gas, but at night this action ceases, ASBURY PARK OrriGB, OPPOSITB RAILROAD STATION half blocks from the ooean, nine-room i 322 Mt. Hermon Way, near New cottage, 'with improvements, private Jersey avenue, an eight-room cottage, 55 South riain Street the valve opens, nnd the gas, automat­ 77 Delaware avenue; Ocean Grove. Very convenl. ically lighted, continues burning.— ently located. with beautiful BurroundlngB. Short u se , $600. $225. 120 Olln street, one block from the 323 ‘Mt. Hermon Way, near White- Asbury Park, N. J. Cleveland Plain Dealer. dlilanco to the beaoh and other places o r Interent, Boarding, tablo board nnd furnished rooms. Service ocean, a six-room cottage, $200. field avenue, an eight-room cottage, JMrs. M, K.‘Ferguson; Proprietor, the belt. Write for particulars 127 Emhury avenue, two and one-half W ith b a th , $300. Not Silent. No,27 Surf Avemio.Ooeun Qrovoi blocks, from the ocean, fourteen-room 324 ML; Hermon Way, near Dela­ M. C. GRIFFIN “I am sealing this letter with a si­ N. J. Only Hi blocks from the hoarding house, with 'bath, $325. ware avenue, a six-room cottage, with lent kiss,” he. wrote tO;her, and just SURF AVE, HOUSE ocean uud bathing grounds.. Two bath, July and August, $250. minutes’walk to Auditorium. Delightful Hurrouudlugi. Unexcelled *ervloo. Write.for 150 Abbott avenue, two blocks from then he dropped a llttie of the hot further purtloulars. . . Cummings JcPr loo. the ocean, eight-room cottage, $200. 326 Mt. Hermon Way, rear New. Contractor and Builder wax on liis thumb and let out a howl 151 Webb avenue, two and one-half, Jersey avenue, a seven-room cottage. No. 23 Atlantic avenue, Ocoan Grove. One block blocks from the ocean, ten-room cot­ $250. Residence, 6olntmehtand tage,- $275. Jersey ayenue, ten-room cottago, $250 ASBURY^AKK. NEW JBRBBY, ’ fartilflhlngoll new and modern. Season, May 200 Mt. Carmel Way, corner of 331T C o o k m a n ;a v e n u e , n e a r B en so n Cofflna and burial caakeU on hand oc ; y.There Is a phi ',o and men ns for every . to Novombor. Spoctnl rates for Juno and bop? avenue, six-room cottago, $200. ffotel Chalfonte Umber. Wrlto for furthor partloulars. New Jersey avenue, a ten-room ' cofc* furnished to order. Special attention git-'- J iqiufc all ve:—Shakespeare. ;; 8. W. EUlers, Owner hnd Proprietor, ta g e, $350. . . 333 Embury avenue, near New Jersey rn to frajfalng pictures. Telephone 92. THE OCEAN GROVE TIMES SATURDAY, JU NE 26, 1909-.

DEATH CLAIMS TWO A NEW ALASKA HOUSE NEW AND SECOND-HAND LOCAL CLERGYMEN Man}1 Improvements Are Made al This FURNITURE Well-Known Hotel (Concluded from first page.) STEINBACH COMPANY One has but to step foot over tbe threshold of the front door at the Rev. \V. P. C. Strickland, who Alaska House to note a transforma­ A S B |) R Y P A R K, NEW J ERS EY from 1892 to 1890 was the presiding P o rch tion. ' Since early in the spring elder ot the New Brunswick district, Proprietor Kranz has been person­ and who was well known in Ocean ally directing the work of Improve­ Groye, died nt his home in Mana­ ment, Svith the result that he has squan last Saturday morning; Par­ Effected a change in which, while R o c k e rs Announce for alysis was the immediate cause ot the identity of the old Alaska his dentil. Mr. Strickland was six­ is retained, this. well-kno\vn: and ty-two. years old. He leaves a widow, pbpular hoteel enters a new era in A Big Sale three daughters and a son. The sou its history. Much has been accom­ Saturday, June 26 is William P. S. Strickland, the for­ plished with paint and papery from eign manager of the W estern Electric the office on the'first floor to the tor the next Company, now stationed in London. top of the house. A Sale ot The daughters nre Mrs. Caroline One of. the greatest-changes made Van Middlesworth, of New Bruus- ls: in the plumbing, which has been wlck; Mrs. .Maud Peddie, of Flat- entirely overhauled. . There are Rocker No. I . . bush, N. Y., and MIsb Abby V. Strick­ new toilets and baths installed on . . • $ .90 land, of Manasquan. each, floor; Baths have, also been Rocker INTo. 2 . . / • ' • 1 .5 0 Mr. Strickland was married twice, added to the suites. There is also his first wife and . the mother of new furniture and new fittings. Rocker No. 3 . . . • •. F-95. these children being Josephine A. ■ The oflice is spic and span with Beegle, the daughter of the ' ’late new fittings, chief of \viiich is”; a Rocker No. 4 . . . . 2 . 0 0 Rev. Henry B. Heegle, the ilrst sup­ handsome red velvet carpet. .Writ­ Rocker No. 5 .. • ' 2.25 4 , erintendent of Ocean Grovel The ing, tables have. been installed for second wife was Miss Julia Gillette, the ..convenience - of patrons; a school teacher living In Borden- ' Many bookings have been jnade These are the biggest rock­ to w n . for the . season. . l: ° Mr. Strickland's last charge wns er bargains ever offered iu. As­ , at Millville. -J^year ago last De­ ,. Unclaimed Letters. cember he suii'ered nn attack of par- bury P a r k . 7v;';: >■ « • alysis, which affected his speech and , The following letters remain un­ . his power of locomotion, so that he claimed in, the Ocean Grove postof- wns obliged to relinquish active tice f o r 1 the week: Mrs. Barry, Mrs. We have every­ work as a minister. In the following Becker, Miss A1 dine Carter, Florence April he moved to Mnnnsquan. Last Cottrell, Durham, Augusta’ Edwards, thing to furnish November lie suffered a second J. Frierich, John Flynn, A. J. Foster, stroke. ,F0r a tune he seemed to be babble E. Fowler, Mary -Foss, Mrs. in good health and in good spirits, li. G. Gross, Mrs. E. JL. Hale, Miss the house. notwithstanding his aliiictlon. lie S. Heisler, Mrs. C. C; Henry/ Annie wns working about his lawn when Hulme,.Maude James, Maria Jones, seized with the third attack last M r6. Charles Johnson, Mrs. Mary Crosbie Furniture Co. week, and lie lingered hut a.day or Jupiter, Edith Keyner, Mrs. Frank ROYAL” two before the end came. Layman,M rs. Mary L.. Lewis, Kate ^Jvory thing in. Houpe Mr. Strickland was born in Lynch, Baby Charles McLean, Clara Bethesda, nenr Freehold. He was B. Middlesworth, J. E. McNight, R. • KurnlHbintre the son of a farmer. Entering the H.,S. Mitchell, Mrs. G. H. Robbins, New Jersey conference in 1-S72 he Mary Robinson, Linnie Schwartz, 508 Main S t, Asbury Park spent tlilrty-six years in the work .of Schuyler Stailey, \V. W. Stewart, • the ministry. He- filled many im­ Mrs. Smith, Eva Taylor, Susan. B. portant charges, among llicm Tyler (2), James E. Watters,: James v.Clarksboro, Long Branch, Borden- Walton, Edward AV. W arner,’ Wliis- THIEL’S town, ' Atlanticvllle, Lamhertvllie, iey W hite, Mrs. Wilson, Milton Yard. Trenton, Camden, New - Brunswick, HOME MADE Millville, Glassboro, and the presid­ New [Lincoln Cents July li ■ , Ranging in Price from ing eldership of this district for the -full term. The new one cent pieces now: be­ V' • The funeral was held on Wednes­ ing made at the mint in Philadel­ day afternoon, with a brief service phia will be put in circulation by a t 2 o’clock at the house, where the July 1, when 150,000 of the new Scripture was read by the Rev. J. coins will be ready: for use. D. Bills, pastor of Tabernacle church, In order to complete the work on , All our bakings are • Camden, nnd prayer was offered by time the entire force, consisting of up-to-date the Rev. Dr. Ananias Lawrence, of 500 employes, has been working day Toms ltiver. and night for several weeks, and At 2.30 the service proper wns will continue to do So until next held In the Manasquan M. E. Church, month, when the entire plant will The Pricc is Right in charge of the Rev. Dr. John Hand­ be shut down for a Couple of weeks ley, tho district superintendent. Af­ for the annual house cleaning. Please give us a call. The new pennies will replace Value $1.50 to $6 ter prayer by the Dr. R. B. Stephen­ Will deliver. son, of Manasquan, appropriate les­ the familiar American Indian head, sons from the Scriptures were- read with-the likeness of Abraham Lin­ by the Rev. A. J. Gregory and the c o ln . . . i.'..I.- Rev. Levi Lareiv, of Manasquan. The Kunison PostoiHcc* Looted. No. 36 Pilgrim Pathway sermon wns preached by the Rev. Pennington Corson. There was a Early last Friday morning burg­ Ocean Grove, IV. J. brief address hy Dr. Joseph Reed, lars entered the Rumson postoflice, Sale Continues Until ALL ARE SOLD ■ of Rt J.iike’s flhjirnh. Long Branch, tapped the cash register for $40, and losing prayer was offered by took with them money orders worth - av. W .VW. ,Weatlierby, of Long $18.75, special due stamps to - the h.‘ At the close of the exer- v a lu e o f ?6 and a number of coins. he clergymen present sang The oflice was only established last Id familiar hymn, "Shall We year, and it numbers among its pa­ THE CITY’S BEST Beyond tho River?” led by the trons summer folk who . heretofore WHERE FASHION REIGNS H ,-F .’A. DeMaris, of Long Branch. had to travel either to Seabright or The Rev. Willis Reeves, of Ocean Oceanic for their mail. Grove, pronounced the. benediction. The interment was made on New . Engine IJelng, Lettered. Thursday in the Strickland family plot at Harmony, near Lakewood. On Tuesday the new automobile chemical engine of the Stokes fire compatiy was.taken to Sutphen’s shop I, MERMAID EXPRESS. in Asbury Park to have the com­ FOR SORE FEET pany's name put on each -side ! • in FOR TIRED FEET Name is Selected for Central Itail- gold letters. Some striping will be JAMES Y. BORDEN CO. added. The new apparatus is not yet Sole Manufacturers ol l'oad’s Seashore Train. in commission. We have the kind and will fit THE J. Y. BORDEN PATENTED At Paxlnosa Inn last Saturday af­ ternoon announcement was made Marriage Just Announced. A L L H U M A N you so you will forget you J)0 E5 YOUR PLUMBING O that the name selected for tlie new Married last December, Amelia S. need A ttention I seashore train of tbe Central rail­ Herbert, of Asbury Park, and Louis HAIR GOODS have feet. road, starting from Scranton and P. D ellett, of W est Grove, just, tell It Is always best to catch a leak SWITCHES, POMPADOURS, WAVES, running to Asbury Park and Ocean of it. The young couple slipped or a plumbing repair when it flrst Grove three times a week durlnt, away to Long Branch one day before W IG S, E T C . We are handing out starts, because Its tendency Is to the summer months, Is "The Mer­ Christinas and were made man and No Lace, N et or Wires, No Stems or Cords. grow worse with neglect. ’ maid.” The name was sent in first wife by the Rev. F. A. DeMaris, pas­ Shampooing,. Marcellng, Manicuring, Etc. some splendid values in men’s If by Edwin F. Grube, of Bethlehem, tor of Simpson M. E. Churcli. ' You will save 'much annoyance, All the Latest Patent Appilancea, outing suits and trousers, just as well as time and trouble, by ,Pa. About fifty other persons, In FRANKLIN BU1LD1NB, ASBURY PARK • one- form or other suggested the Corson M em bers .Dine. 538 COOKMAN AVENUE the tiling for warm weather, ’phoning or sending for us when­ name of Mermaid, but Mr. Grubb ’ . Open all the Year: Cookman Avenue and Emory Street ever. any part .of .r your* J-saMItary led the van. He was awai-ded $25 The .closing, conclave of Corson at prices that will appeal'to in go ld . Commandery, K. T., for. the season 921 KINGSLEY STREET you. : . equipment appears to be out of or­ General Passenger Agent Hope was celebrated on Thursday evening Sum m er I*arlors established 1897 der In the.least with a baminet at Scott's Neptune presented Ml'. Grube with the gold Phone 317-J ASBURY PARK, N. J. Q ur entire line of children’s .‘’Home-made’’ repairs are make­ Heights. .An excellent shore dinner after the dinner of the newspaper suits will be’ closed out regard­ shifts at best, and are tbo costliest : fraternity at Paxlnosa on Satur- was served. About sixty 'of Corson’s the Eandgraf(£. , day. Mr. Grube made a brief re- members- were present.; •; less of cost; In the - long run—place . your vply to Mr. Hope’s speech. , It will pay you to look them trustworthy . plumbing problems on our (shoul­ >. . 3 001) Directory; is,..Out.: _ A over. ders, and we will solve them Boyd’s directory of Asbury Park, promptly ana satisfactorily. Y Riiliroutl Signals Approved. Ocean Grove and vicinity-l*as been Jewelers and T h e State Railroad Commission issued. Included in this directory, in IRA A. STRICKIIN . We are headquarters ifor the has approved plans of proposed sig­ addition to the Park and Grove, are 700 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park Watchmakers famous Haines,. Jones & Cadbury nals at the local depot whicli were West Grove, Bradley Beach, Neptune C o/ b fixtures. submitted by the New York and City, Avon and Belmar' on. the Long Branch Railroad Company. south, and Loch Arbour, Allenhurst The company claimed that signalling and Deal on the north. .,♦544... WILLIAM YOUNG trains by ilagmen provided sulllcisnt COOKMAN AVE.. ASBURY PARK PLUMBER • safety. The commission held*- that Fine Jobs of Painting. because of the frequent train service ^ ■ n . 1.. P. McGowan,- the painter, has just 64 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove in summer there should be additional Open the (jptire year. safeguards and suggested that a finished W. S. Connor’s house on • Telephone 428 . ■’ tower be located at the station wltli Central avenue and the cottage or Reliable goods at reasonable a man in charge ot an inter-locklng Mahlon R. Margerum on Ocean prices. syBtem of signals. The plans provide Pathway. Both are creditable. Jobs. Skillful repairing of Wotohes f o r th is. Mr, McGowan has a number of other painting contracts under way. Olooks, Eyeglasses and Jewelry. ,j Another Convention for Park. D A Y ’S Bread, Cake L o s t, Asbury, Park has been selected as OF COURSE When you need the services of and tho place and September 3-4 as the On the boardwalk bn Thursday BORDENS last a pocketbook with tlie letter D. a Painter, get a good one. date for holding the next annual con­ THE STORE -WHERE YOU CAN GET vention of the New Jersey Associa­ on outside, and containing. a stim Drop a card to Pastry tion of Presidential Postmasters., of money and. ttto return tickets to , -WHAT YOU WANT , Cranford, N. J. Address 405, Spring­ COR. BOND AND MATT1SON AVE. ity the Best PATRICK J. McGOWAN A trial always satisfies and H o w ’s T h is ? field avenue, Cranford, N. J.— 25-2G* I ASBURY PARK ^121 Division Streel, West Grove, N. J. makes you a permanent cus­ We offer One Hundred Dollars WANTED— Board for three, with Variety the €5reatest tomer. Special discount to Reward for any case of Catarrh two good rooms for. at least, u TELEPHONE 545 His work in this vicinity that cannot be cured by Hall’s Ca­ inontli, with a' first-class private hotels and boarding houses. tarrh Cure. family; must be near the ocean. speaks for itself. None but F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0 Address G. Ferguson, 788 E. 22nd best 'materials used. We, tlie undersigned,’ have street, Paterson, N. J.— 26-28* Lake’s Bakery k n o w n F . J.' Cheney, tor the past 15 Fine Sample Estim ates furnished. LOST— Gold watch with fob. Lib­ Fred W. Reitz, Successor years, and believe him perfectly Refers to A. H. DeHaven and other honorable In all business uaunnc- eral* reward.. Apply No. 1 Kingsley Pitm an Ave. property owners on Ocean Pathway. Cookman Are., Asbury. Park ' tlons and financially able to carry Place, Ocean Grove (corner opposite OCEAN GROVE 717 out any obligations made by Ills Pilgrim Pathway and Bath avenue): We are prepared to show you the latest • T«lopUone 174*W . firm. Waldlng, KInnan & Marvin, r—26. . \ ' .vy styles und cuts in men’s, womon’s and . Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. chlldren’s-up-to-date footwear. Hall’s Cotarrli Cure is taken in- ' Drink Cold Indian Spring Water. Laundry ternully, acting directly upon the The purest of water. Bottled at the G e t th o Packard Shoe a t th e AUTO SUPPLIES SHOE MAKER blood and mucous surfaces ot tho spring.. For sale by Clevenger & Olle, battorles, gasoline and For prom pt work, well done, give ns a system. Testimonials sent • free. Summers.— 24-20* Bargain Shoe Store nuto storage at lowest prices. trial. Family wash solicited. Open Repairing neaUy dono nnd ' ' work guorunteod. Prlco 76c. per bottle. Sold by all Established 1888 W hite st«am er,to hlro. all tho yoar. d ru g g is ts . German Employment Oflice 1312 J a c o b G r o ig m a n , "■ ■ Take Hall’s Family Pills for con­ Filbert street, Philadelphia. Hotels W. R. MILLER CHU LEN. 57 Olln St., Opp; V. O'., M AX G A R B E R s tip a tio n . no charge.— 2 G* 7O8 Cookman Ave.,’Asbury Park 170 Soutb' Main St., Asbnry Park Ocaan Grove. N. J. . ’ 108. Emory Street, Atjbury Park