Maine Woods.” Long Time Past, If Ever, Would Do Well Morning Till Night the Red-Breasted Bird to Send Us a Little News About Their Peo Ple and Their Attractions
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VOL. XXVII. NO. 33. PHILLIPS, MAINE, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1905. PRICE 3 CENTS. SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES Fish and Game Oddities. SPORTSMEN S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES Fish all Got Away. Dr. Heber Bishop of Boston who has a cottage ar.d private fish pond on the shore of Clearwater pund, Industry, , WINCHESTER lost a lot of little fish this spring. The dam at the outlet of hi. pond went out Rifle and Pistol Cartridges. and so did the fish. Clearwater pond got the benefit of Dr. Bishop’s fish but The proof of the pudding is the eating ; the proof of the Doctor is not worr\ i.g for the rea the cartridge is its shooting. The great popularity son that he was feeding them for Clear water and would have turned them out attained by Winchester rifle and pistol cartridges to take U. M. C. Cartridges and Shot Shells with himself a little later. during a period of over 30 years is the best proof of you on your hunting trips. Salmon Went Ashore. their shooting qualities. They always give satisfac U. M. C. Cartridges JohnTowne of Portland, Maine, agent tion. Winchester .22 caliber cartridges loaded with for the United States steel corporation Smokeless powder have the celebrated Winches are preferred by the old hunters. No matter is an enthusiastic angler and although what make of rifle —U. M. C. Cartridges will ter Greaseless Bullets, which make them cleaner to give best results. Over 300 different styles. is more particulary fond of brook fish handle than any cartridges of this caliber made. ing he has several big landlocked sal Tour dealer carries U. M. C.—Ask fo r‘ tt. mon and trout to his credit, that were ALL SUCCESSFUL SPORTSMEN USE THEM. taken from the ponds and lakes of THE UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO., Maine. Agency, 313 Broadway, N. Y. City. Rride-pnnrt Conn Depot,86-88 First St., San Francisco, Cap r i a g e p o r i , A-onn. He hooked an eight pound square-! tail in a pond in eastern Maine several years ago but he couldn’t get the net THE FIRST SPRING FISHING? under him. While he was trying to get Landlocked Salmon and Square Tailed Trout, go to the the net in the right position the big fel IT’S A GUARANTEE OF QUALITY. i low “ flopped” right into it. '2,000,000 Sold in Twelve Years.^ Another time Mr. Towne hooked a EVERY REEL WARRANTED. RANGELEY LAKE HOUSE, monster landlocked salmon while fish RANGELEY, MAINE. ing Sebago and the fish started for Over 800 Styles and Sizes, shore. There was nothing for the guide BOOKLETS MAILED FREE., Send for Illustrated Booklet, free. to do but follow as rapidly as possible. RANGELEY LAKES HOTEL COMPANY. Ranuvley. Maine. John B. Marble, President. Henry M. Burrows, Treasurer. The big fellow was jumping from the ' I f oC v° S ^ j water at intervals anil when he made s t a n d a r d m e t a L g o o d s one of those jumps, he landed on shore O l v . o r O u r ** m a n u f a g t o ^ ANNOUNCEMENT. and roiled into a little puddle of water entirely separate from the lake. This Bird and Animal Cages, E WISH to announce to the public that we have leased a large territory at the foot of was of course an “ unexpected pleasure” Kennebago lake and have built there a set of camps which we will open to our pa Cag£ -Specialties,Fishing Reels, trons and friends the coming season. This new establishment in connection with i to Mr. Towne for all he had to do then our camps at Beaver Pond will give our guests the manifold advantages of a very large Wtract in which to hunt and fish. Our guests will be able to get both lake and stream fishing i was to pick up his fish. ‘ CHAIN,-iS-r'ass, Bronze, Steel and Iron. and fish of excellent size both salmon and trout may be had. We have our own steamboat on WIRE PICTURE CORO. Kennebago lake, also buckboards making two or more trips daily from Rangeley Lake House to connect with our steamers. Daily mail service is assured, also both telephone and tele Bird Gone Crazy. f 198-Page Tackle Catalogue on Receipt of 25 Cents. graph connections. All telegrams will be immediately forwarded from Rangeley. We wish The mystery of the robin that taps to say that either of our establishments are ideal places for women and children. The alti :» t H E A n d r e w B . H e n d r y x C o ., n cw H aven Co n n .. U.S. A tude is high, 2000 feet, thus making hay fever and iike diseases unknown. Our terms are ! against the chamber window in the $2.00 per day per person: $1.25 for guides’ board. We furnish reliable guides on application. Parties can'leave Boston at 9 o’clock a. m., on either the Eastern or Western division of the handsome residence of Patrolman Tink- Boston & Maine railroad for Portland. Maine Central to Farmington and the Sandy River ham on Main street is creating much ar.d Phillips & Rangeley railroads to Rangeley, or from Portland via Maine Central to Rum- To Camp Owners. ford Junction, Portland & Rumford Falls railroad to South Rangeley and the Rangeley talk in Saco these spring days. No one Lakes steamboats to Rangeley. From Rangeley our buckboafds convey parties direct to our Many owners of camps who have camps. All inquiries cheerfully answered. Write us early for any particulars: we are sure who has seen the frantic endeavors of DON’T FORGET THE ’05 EDITION, we can satisfy you. We make special rates by the month. Let us hear from you that we the bird in his efforts to smash the Maine W oods regularly but who have may reserve some of our best accommodations for you. Address Sportsmen’s Guide Book glass, has been able to give any satis had no camp news in our columns for a Ed Grant & Sons., Kennebago or Beaver Pond, Me. factory reason for his actions. From “ In The Maine Woods.” long time past, if ever, would do well morning till night the red-breasted bird to send us a little news about their peo ple and their attractions. We would flies against the window-pane. The pa Bangor & Aroostook R. R. CLOVER LEAF GANGS AND CASTING HOOKS trolman first heard the tapping against print it and it would pay the camps 192 pages, over 100 half-tone and color well. We like to have mail sent to us Are just what you have been look ■the window some days ago and for a illustrations. Sent for 10 cents in stamps. as early as Monday for the current ing for. They will make all kinds ____ time was at a loss to account for the i Address Dept. L week, when possible. bait float ’upright and appear natural X f mysterious tapping. Upon making an C. C. BROWN. G. P. & T. A., whether the bait is alive or dead. k ; a*, investigation out doors, he saw the Bangor, Maine. J. W. B rackett Co., Wonderfully effective in the capturet^x robin fly from a tall tree in the front of , Phillips, Maine. of salmon. lake trout, bass, pike, pick - [QS ?-r' . the house to the chamber window. erel, etc. Try these rigs for salmon ^ ni ’ — Back and forth from tree to window when the ice goes out and convince clover le a f gang. the bird flew the entire day, and at in- T H E RANGELEY LAKES. yourself of their superiority over jail other tackle. Will catch fish under all I tervals of every few minutes. Efforts T H E VA CATIO N SEASO N is not complete without a trip to conditions. to drive the bird away have proven fu this region. Write for booklet and prices and tile. Many people have watched the T H E RUMFORD F A L L S LIN E reaches direct and makes y ; order through your dealer. robin and they cannot account for its close connections with the steamers for all points on the Lakes. strange actions. THRO UGH PU LLM AN PA R LO R C A R S between Portland Even the brown tail moth is forgot- j W. E. KOCH, and Oquossoc during the Tourist Season. ten and the nests which were taken out Booklet and time table mailed upon application to Whitehall, New York. of the robin tree, ir the interest shown R. C. BRA D FO RD , Traffic Manager, Portland. Maine. CLOVER LEAF CASTING HOOK. in this performance of the bird. WALTER I). HINDS, cut down through the back, just below The museum o f the fish and game de Maine’s Leading Taxidermist. Portland. Me. ! the head bones, separating the joints of partment seems to be growing apace Under Lafayette Hotel. ] the backbone in doing so. Start the : this spring. A short time ago a speci- To the fisherman, there is no music like the hum of the reel, no 642 Congress Street. skin from the flesh beside the broken I backbone and make a long rip down the j men of the species of duck, known as sport so rare as that of playing the MY TAXIDERM Y on carved panels cost no more | back, going to both right and left of the American golden eye was received, than other kinds.