p The Family It Pays Newspaper To Advertise In The Times Vol. LXXXIX, No. 26 gCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JUNIi; 26, 19(i4 State To Dredge iMr. & Mrs. C. Leslie Severs, Si%, Invite CENTSw 1 In Shark ~ | String Band[ In iMr. and Mrs. Homer I). Kresge Feted Grove To Enforce Friends To 50th Wedding Reception Concert Opener - • ......... 1 On Golden Wedding Anniversary “Taste & Conduct” Township Receives Notice of $67,500 Project; Issue OCEAN GROVE— The first Temporary Sewer Notes concert of the season is sched­ - ; President TAsk^ Residents uled for tomorrow (Saturday) night at Sri5 at the Auditori­ & Vacationists To Observe •NBPTU-NE TWP. — The Now um when the Ferko String Kules of Deportment Jersey Department of Conservation , Hand of Philadelphia makes its and Economic Development notified! fifth annual appearance. The the. township committee Tuesday! prize - winning Mummers or­ OCEAN GROVE — The summer • night that the state plans a $07,500 | ganization will play and sing season is in full swing and .Ocean, maintenance 'dredging, project in, many popular numbers and (iruvu intends to observe its rules Shark: Uiv.ev, near the Shark River j display costumes which have o ..M'L’inifitr attire, dogs, bicycle rjd-V' •' Islands. No further details, of the f non top prizes in the Phila­ . :r», ..nil ocher deportm ent, accord­ ■ proposal were available. : ■ • delphia New Year’s Day cele­ ing to Dr. Charles 1. Carpenter, ; The'committee' authorized issil-! bration. l’i esident of the Ocean Grove Camp ... ance of $3,208,300 "in bond anticipa-1 Meet: ng Association. • tion notes for temporary financing] Or. Carpenter said instructions-' of the new municipal sewer project. ••had been issued to.the Police De- , The funds will be used to, meet, con­ jta.Oiic-iii to enforce the ordinance struction costs and for the pur-j pi.iaioiting appearing ■ on - -the chase o f' rights-of-way: for sewer . Irs. 0. II. Henricks .htieets or boardwalk in bathing at­ - trunk lines, until the sewer bond' tire. Also, owners of dogs must . issue is sold and federal aid re­ keep their dogs on leash' at all ceived. •■. BoardMember times, or summonses will be issued. Fred J.' McDowell, Inc., Neptune, * There is to be.no bicycle, riding on was awarded the road repair con. Shark River Hills Resi­ the sidewalks and no bicycle riding' . .. tract On his low bid of $58,041, and at all on Sundays, Dr. Carpenter ' Harris Brothers, Inc., ^Wall. Town- OCEAN GROVE—Mr. and Mrs. Dance Smith of Suecasunna, N. J., dent.—. -......vuNamed To*w >Twp,i u|it j. OCEAN GROVE—-Forty me „ warned. - ship, received a Springdale avenue Ci Leslie Severs, Sr., whose 50th the bridesmaid; Maurice Attales of Fortv mern-i family, Mr.'and Mrs. Ralph Kresge,■ “The reputation of- Ocean Grove (knJ r o-u ~ . storm drain contract on their $16;- wedding anniversary will be June Absecon, N. JM usher, and the Education U nit W ednesday bers °f the family gathered' for a Bob. and Jim, of Silver'swings,’ as a rU ? r o f 1 076 low bid. 30, will celebrate the event with bride’s brother, John A- Queen, Sr., °.ur d.,n"°‘- .... byw »",»!'}•.•__ ...w.Mrs. *Florence t/wnco,Jones, utof i^an-Dan- conduct Tsio worldw«utm-wiut, de,” saiasaid* the°d Ordinances establishing parking open house from 2 to 5 p.m.’ to- of Baltimore, Md., who played the afternoon open house for” 150o0[vilie, ’yillc, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. John Beav-Rpnv- Associationa leader,» • “^ith’ ba*a every- morrow (Saturday) at their home, wedding riiarch. friends and neighbors, to honor !er, of Reading, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. one’s cooperation, we can continue regulations around Fitkin Hospital — w ^u^tiauoii, we can cont 19 Broadway. .' . ; Mrs. ,Sarah Queen Severs is past NEPTUNE TWP. Mrs. Owen Mr. and Mrs. Homer A*vmc*D. Kresge,u . nresge, 96 Earl yo Seguar,r;arl Seguar, of Scranton, of Scranton, Pa.; Rev.Pa.; Rev.t0 keep to keepOcean Ocean Grove Grove clean cleanand and and barring service stations in light Webb Avenue, on their golden wed-|and Mrs. Edward Cnllnndpr nf industrial and commercial zones . Henricks, 311 Helen terrace, was Webb Avenue, on their golden wed-1 and Mrs. Edward Callender, of wholesome and safe for our thou- The reception is being given by president, of the Asbury Park Gold tmed to the township's board of ding anniversary. Mr. Kresge is re- Pearl River, N. Y. sands of residents and visitors. I were adopted on final reading. On their son, Dr. Edward T. Severs, Star Mothers, member of St. Paul’s first reading, the committee offered Phd., of Dallas, Texas, and daugh- Methodist Church, Philathea Bible education Wednesday night,, filling tired publisher of this newspaper. I jvir. and Mrs. Kresge were mar- thank all who are doing so,much to a $50,000 bond issue ordinance to tersi Mrs. John V. Hart, Mr. and Class, Lucia Grieve Circle, Batl- one of two vacancies in the official Tv ™>i,>hrntinn thplried in Berwick, Pa., June 15, 1914. maintain our stndards and I urged family. Board President Otto G.. u nmpotpfl,| Rr^taurant on the The nuptials followed a romance one and all to continue in this.fcne ' purchase six new street and refuse Mrs. William Franklin, both resi- cl'0,ft:^ y “r-Rest Home. Auxiliary, Stoll appointed her-to.the education North En() boardwalk was fo!Iowed that began on the Bucknell Univor- spirit." department trucks, 20 trash re­ dents of Neptune City. an^ VFW ^2233 Auxiliary,, all of. and the— public**.—"x *«uwv.iorelations vwuiimuees,committees. b, a reception a t theirwoa home. ..wty •camuus, both c-rarti.fltinn-u.„vU- ceptacles for hoisting into the ,, , . , Ocean Grove. Vacancies were created on thpthe Dy a . reception. r at their home. ',»»ty campus, both graduating from A son, the late Ensign Charles L. T q.;,- 'i Dumpster trucks, a tractor and a ^ Jr., was killed in World b°.a™J^hcn.?ic.hard .......... — ....uoiauuAnderson1 Enjoyingtii,joying dinner,dinner., with theirtheir, par-<nar-ith.!;c0.lle?e in 1910' 1 traffic: line painter. An ordinance ifo nn/1 uic ima iC- moved from the township and Atty. ents and grandparents were—Mr.1 ^ ^ ,,, vacating a portion of Shoreham tired from Sun Oil Company, Mar- Andrew Wilson accepted the post and Mrs. Homer D. Kresge, Jr., and Following, g. A , , graduation,. yp . k M rS. W . F re iricll road was also offered. Both pro- The Severs are biassed with nine CUs Hook, Pa., is a member of In- as assistant magistrate for the daughter, Karen, of Wilmington, wj.jje Mr Kresce entered the eni- . posals will have public hearing July grandchildren, all of whom are justl y Lodge #131, F & AM, Ka- township. , Dei;; Mr. and Mrs. William H..i'v,b>'eoMr. Kresge .• 7i • ■■■ t expected to be present. dosh! Commandry #29, Benjamin , Mrs/ Henricks, a graduate of Oliver (the former Marjorie fi’ 3 Heads Auxiliary • ' A 50- by 100-ft. lot adjoining The wedding took place in Phila- Franklin Consistory and LuLu Neptune schools, haB served on the Kresge) and daughter Mary Lou journifrsm "a staff member of the Riverview. Academy was sold to delphia, Pa. The late Rev. Eugene Temple, all of Philadelphia, Pa. Shark River Hills: PTA executive and sons ' Bill and Jim, of Nep-, “ phitade nhia North-ALri- the school1 with a deed restriction, Stillman of WhOrton' Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Severs invite their board .for many years and has just tune; Mr. and Mrs. William T. Follmvfmr fhis he was a^oc Legion Ladies Of Post limiting use of the lot to school M. Ei Church officiated. Expected friends of Ocean Grove and the completed a term as first vice presi-; Kresge and son Ted, of Ocean t j j.,0 the Crowell Publishing purposes. The committee approved at the reception are Mrs. Olive Shore area to their reception. dent and program chalrmain. She Grove; Mrs. Melvin W. Jones «»* 346 In Neptune Elect a variance that permits Henry represents the Hills PTA on the daughters Barbara and Susan and Staff For New Year , Kaplan to convert a Neptune High­ township’s ..scholarship committee, son Bobby, of Neptune, and Mr., , {t the Crowell Pub- way house into a professional of­ :S\\e is neighborhood chairman of. and Mrs, Lnwvence M, Isaacc (the1,. ,. *_ :f A R p . WJ.« fice building. Nat’l. Federation Men’s Bible Classes Ithe Girl Scouts for the Gables and former Louise Kresge) and -lauRh-. co in"T„?.0nto Canada and at the NEPTUNE—Mrs. Warren Frei- Public sale of five lots at Spring- • the Hills and has served as M ac- ters Janie and Mary Ellen and. ^ L ^ S n m l the rich was elected president of the wood and Springdale avenues and itive volunteer ^.worker % »r.^o Vons. John and J Tom, of Armonk, ^ Neptune Township American Le­ a 50- by 100-ft lot a t Oak street ] \ 0 W III GrOVC FYir 4 ( l f li iTnn V ^ h f inn j American Red Cross, as a' driver N/ Y. ' /vrmonK, ^ ^ ^ New' York .Times, In gion Auxiliary Unit 34G. Other of­ and Bangs avenue will be sched­ • *• VCI1 HUH[ , ■ nrtotoi’'corps, as a nurse’s ■ nft ,, ’ ;. 'vl925;1925, he.he left The New York Times,Times; ficers elected were — uled! Edward E.Jackson Of Asbury aide0Mo ..n,iand ason a». bloodmobile program uuiei*.#e.rsmenibers °/T - of- ..the\_fannl.V;.,purchasing'..this,purchasing : this Newspaper. newspaper. Mr ,Mr.Mrs. James Lyden, 1st vice presi­ P ark has offered $5,000 for the 5- OCEAN GROVE—The 40th ; ton, Seekonk; jiasp.,- Edward C dent; Mrs.
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