Ontwikkeling Van Sociale Huurwoningen Na De Verkoop Door De Amsterdamse Woningcorporaties

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Ontwikkeling Van Sociale Huurwoningen Na De Verkoop Door De Amsterdamse Woningcorporaties Samenvatting ii De verkoop van sociale huurwoningen in Amsterdam De doorverkoop en prijsontwikkeling van sociale huurwoningen na de verkoop door de Amsterdamse woningcorporaties iii iv Oktober 2009 Deze uitgave is bedoeld als afstudeerscriptie naar de doorverkoop en prijsontwikkeling van sociale huurwoningen na de verkoop door de Amsterdamse woningcorporaties. Deze uitgave is enkel bestemd voor doeleinden van de faculteit Bouwkunde aan de Technische Universiteit Delft en de Amsterdamse Federatie van Woningcorporaties. Hoewel met de grootst mogelijke zorgvuldigheid is gewerkt aan de totstandkoming van deze uitgave, kan deze scriptie onvolkomenheden bevatten. Voor eventuele verbeteringen houdt de auteur zich aanbevolen. Colofon Studentgegevens Daniëlle Breure Osdorperweg 487 c 1067 SR Amsterdam [email protected] 0618293196 Studienummer 1210599 Opleiding Sustainable Housing Transformations Housing – afdeling Real Estate en Housing Faculteit Bouwkunde Technische Universiteit Delft Julianalaan 134 2628 BL Delft Hoofdmentor Drs. André Mulder Housing Systems [email protected] v Tweede mentor Drs. Kees van der Flier Sustainable Housing Transformations [email protected] Gecommitteerde Ir. Christoph Grafe Interieur [email protected] Afstudeerstage Amsterdamse Federatie van Woningcorporaties Delflandlaan 4bg 1062 EB Amsterdam Stagebegeleider Dr. Jeroen van der Veer Adviseur Onderzoek en Informatie [email protected] Inleverdatum Oktober 2009 vi Samenvatting Samenvatting In dit hoofdstuk is een samenvatting van deze afstudeerscriptie opgenomen. De samenvatting is vanuit een internationaal perspectief in de Engelse taal opgesteld. Voor een Nederlandse versie van de samenvatting wordt verwezen naar hoofdstuk 8 Conclusies en aanbevelingen, paragraaf 8.1, waarin de conclusies vanuit het afstudeeronderzoek zijn opgenomen. vii Samenvatting Summary The main task of housing associations in the Netherlands is offering accessible public housing. Dwellings need to available, of good quality and affordable. In the Decree on management of social rental sector (Besluit Beheer Sociale Huursector, BBSH) is stated that housing associations may only be active in the field of public housing. Housing associations need to: accommodate the target group, secure the quality of the housing stock, involve tenants with their policy, guarantee the financial continuity, liveability and living and care. These achievements are the core tasks of the housing associations. The housing associations can also sell social rented dwellings. The selling of social rented dwellings enables housing associations to invest in newly built dwellings and urban renewal. The selling of social rented dwellings on a large scale has been on the agenda since the Memorandum “People, wishes, living” (Nota “Mensen, wensen, wonen”) from 2000. The Dutch government suggested an increase of the selling of social rented dwellings by housing associations. According to the Memorandum it is necessary to transform existing neighbourhoods through demolition, newly built dwellings and the selling of social rented dwellings. Amsterdam is traditionally a city of rented dwellings with a small percentage of owner-occupied dwellings. The Amsterdam housing market has 49 percent social rented dwellings compared to 34 percent on the Dutch housing market. The percentage homeownership in Amsterdam is low with only 27 percent compared to 56 percent on the Dutch housing market (Dienst Wonen, 2008). The selling of social rented dwellings focuses on a growth of the homeownership sector. The current demand of owner-occupied dwellings does not suit the supply and the selling of social rented viii dwellings is meeting the need for more owner-occupied dwellings in Amsterdam. A more diverse housing stock is also a target for selling social rented dwellings in Amsterdam. The housing associations in Amsterdam want to increase the involvement with the neighbourhood. Besides these targets, the financial revenues out of the selling of social rented dwellings are essential for the housing associations to invest in newly built dwellings and urban renewal. In 1998 the municipality and the housing associations in Amsterdam made agreements for the selling of social rented dwellings. The parties have agreed to the ambition of a homeownership sector in the city of 35 percent in 2010. By which the housing associations can selling 28.575 social rented dwellings to enlarge the homeownership. The housing associations sell social rented dwellings to individual buyers. These buyers can be the current tenants, tenants that are renting another dwelling by the housing association or third parties. The former social rented dwellings are added to the privately owned housing market. The price of a dwelling will change over time. The social rented dwellings will have another selling price when being resold. The first buyers can benefit from an increase of the value of the dwelling due to this price development, but they also carry the risk of a decrease of the value. With the current policy by the housing associations the housing associations do not benefit of an increase of the value of the dwelling, after the dwelling has been sold. The housing associations do also not provide a safety net for the owners when there is a decrease of the value. By an adjustment of the policy in the area of selling sociale rented dwelling the aims for the selling of these dwellings can possibly be reached more effectively. Samenvatting Problem statement It is unknown what the effects are of social rented dwellings after they are sold by the housing associations. The housing associations in Amsterdam are selling social rented dwellings on a large scale without having insights on the price development after the dwellings are sold. These insights on the developments of the dwellings after being sold could provide the housing associations information on their policy and information to adapt their policy for the reselling and price development of social rented dwellings. Aims of the research The aim of this research is to get knowledge on the selling of social rented dwelling in Amsterdam. The aims and the policy of the housing associations for the selling of social rented dwellings will also be examined. As part of this research, the patterns of social rented dwellings will be determined that occur after the housing associations sell these dwellings. Furthermore, the reselling and price development of the dwellings and the differences between social rented and privately owned dwellings are outlined. These results will be linked to the aims and the policy for the selling of social rented dwellings. With this research, the housing associations in Amsterdam will get insights on the pattern of the social rented dwellings after they are sold by the housing associations and recommendations will be given to the housing associations from the obtained results and for the aims concerning the policy of the housing associations. Research questions Main research question ix What is the reselling and price development of social rented dwellings that are sold by the housing associations and is it from the point of view of the aims for the selling of social rented dwellings desirable to adapt to the reselling and price development? Section research questions 1. How does the selling of social rented dwellings take place in the Netherlands? 2. How does the selling of social rented dwellings take place in Amsterdam? 3. Which aims do the municipality of Amsterdam and the housing association in Amsterdam have for the selling of social rented dwellings? 4. How does the selling of social rented dwellings take place by the housing associations in Amsterdam? 5. What is the reselling and the price development of social rented dwelling that are sold by the housing associations and what are the differences with privately owned dwellings? 6. What are possible causes for the reselling and price increase of resold social rented dwellings? Samenvatting Results Research question 1 How does the selling of social rented dwellings take place in the Netherlands? The Dutch housing market has historical been dominated by (social) rented dwellings. In the nineteenth century about 85 percent of the housing stock was a rented dwelling. The share of rented dwellings on the Dutch housing market has declined and the share of owner-occupied dwellings has increased because of the policy of the Dutch government that is stimulating the homeownership. Although stimulating homeownership has always been part of the Dutch housing policy, the motivations differ throughout the past. In the Memorandum Housing in the nineties of the twentieth century (Nota Volkshuisvesting in de jaren negentig) the selling of social rented dwellings became an important topic. The housing associations were given the opportunity to selling a part of their housing stock as part of the incorporation of the housing associations. In the Memorandum “People, wishes, living” (Nota “Mensen, wensen, wonen”) from 2000 the Dutch government suggested an increase of the sale of social rented dwellings by the housing associations. The Memorandum states that it is necessary to transform existing neighbourhoods through demolition, newly built houses and the selling of social rented dwellings. With the selling of an average of 13.000 social rented dwellings each year, the selling of social rented dwellings on a large scale took place from the second half of the nineties of the twentieth century. Most social rented dwellings are sold by
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    Gemeente Amsterdam Amsterdamse Federatie van Woningcorporaties Wonen in Amsterdam 2015 Leefbaarheid Januari 2016 Amsterdammers geven hun buurt gemiddeld een 7,5 Sterkste stijgers in Oost en West; drie buurten onder de 6,5 Net als tussen 2011 en 2013 is de buurttevredenheid in de periode 2013-2015 in Amsterdam toegenomen. Amsterdam- mers geven in 2015 gemiddeld een 7,5 aan hun buurt. In 2013 was dat een 7,4. Geen enkele buurt in Amsterdam wordt lager beoordeeld dan een 6,1. Drie buurten scoren in 2015 onder de 6,5. Deze buurten, Slotermeer-Noordoost, Overtoomse Veld en Geuzenveld/Sloterdijk II,III, liggen alle in Nieuw-West. In 2013 waren het er vijf. Sinds 2011 is er geen enkele buurt meer die een onvoldoende scoort op tevredenheid over de buurt. De buurten waar de buurttevredenheid het sterkst is gestegen tussen 2013 en 2015 liggen in de stadsdelen Oost en West. In de Indische Buurt Oost en de Van Galenbuurt is de tevredenheid over de buurt het meest verbeterd. De grootste daling van de buurttevredenheid is te zien in Burgwallen-Oude Zijde. 1 De bewoners van Amsterdam zijn positief over hun buurt, gemiddeld een 7,5, een ruime voldoende dus. In 2001 zo blijkt uit de editie 2015 van het tweejaarlijks onderzoek was dat een 6,9. ‘Wonen in Amsterdam’ (WiA). Sinds 2001 worden in dit onderzoek leefbaarheids vragen opgenomen. Afgeleid van In deze factsheet wordt eerst kort ingegaan op de de Lemon-leefbaarheids monitor wordt leefbaarheid door buurttevredenheid per stadsdeel en in de 22 gebieden partijen in Amsterdam beschouwd als een combinatie van van het gebiedsgericht werken.
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