CEQ Unified Agenda From: "Szabo, Aaron L. EOP/CEQ" "Elizabeth Harris-Marshall - M1V1 E (
[email protected])" <liz.harris To:
[email protected]> Cc: "Szabo, Aaron L. EOP/CEQ" Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2018 13:35:33 -0500 Attachments CEQ Unified Agenda Entries--Spring 2018_Final.docx (26.14 kB) Liz, Based on our phone call, please see CEQ's unified agenda. Thank you and let me know if there is anything else that you need. Aaron L. Szabo Senior Counsel Council on Environmental Quality (Desk) (Ce1I) CEQ075 FY 18150_ 000002537 CEQ075FY18150_000002538 2 CEQ075FY18150_000002538 3 CEQ075FY18150_000002538 4 CEQ075FY18150_000002538 5 CEQ075FY18150_000002538 Draft ANPRM for NEPA Regulations "Szabo, Aaron L. EOP/CEQ" <"/o=exchange organization/ou=exchange From: administrative group (fydibohf23spdlt)/cn=recipients/cn=f93a8d 1dd2b4420ca81 e53ff8199b780-sz"> "Pettigrew, Theresa L. EOP/CEQ" "Schneider, To: Daniel J. EOP/CEQ" Date: Mon, 30 Apr 201810:49:19-0400 Attachments FR Notice for ANPRM - 4-20-2018.docx (52.74 kB) Theresa and Dan, Per our conversation, please find attached the draft Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the NEPA regulations. Unless something changes, this should be the version that will be sent over to OIRA for interagency review. If you have any questions related to the content or process, please let me know. Aaron L. Szabo Senior Counsel Council on Environmental Quality (Desk) Cell CEQ075 FY 18150_ 000002527 CEQ075FY18150_000002528 2 CEQ075FY18150_000002528 3 CEQ075FY18150_000002528 4 CEQ075FY18150_000002528 5 CEQ075FY18150_000002528