Professor Dr. Abdul Momin Chowdhury email:
[email protected] Present Position: Fellow Asiatic Society of Bangladesh Project Director History of Bangladesh: Ancient and Medieval Asiatic Society of Bangladesh Fulbright Senior Research Fellow Department of History Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee USA Adjunct Faculty, School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Independent University, Bangladesh Current Research Projects: 1. History of Bangladesh: Ancient and Medieval 2. Identity/Alterity: Bangladesh Perspective Academic Awards: State Overseas Scholarship, 1962-1965 Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship, 1975-1976, for post-Doctoral Research at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Commonwealth Senior Visiting Fellowship, 1988, visited several universities in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Singapore, Malaysia and Australia to make on the spot study of Academic administration. British Council Short Term Fellowship, 1985, visited several universities in the U.K. to see the administration of the Libraries. U.S. IVP, 1985, visited several universities in the U.S.A. to observe the academic administration of Universities. Visiting Lecturer, Heidelberg University, Germany, 1985. South Asia Dialogue Fellowship, 1992, for research in the field of Democratisation in South Asia. Short Term Fellowship, Indian Council of Historical Research, 1996. Represented Bangladesh at the Inter-Governmental meeting on the Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage at UNESCO, Paris in September, 2002 and February, 2003. Fullbright