Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies Guide to English-Language Archival Collections

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Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies Guide to English-Language Archival Collections USHMM, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies 1 Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies Guide to English-Language Archival Collections This select list of archival collections at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum provides researchers with information on materials that were created in the English language or in a combination of languages that include English as of mid-summer 2010. The number of English-language resources in the Museum‘s Archives continues to grow at a rapid pace, and represent but a fraction of the institution‘s more than 160 million pages of archival holdings. Significant English-language primary documents also appear in the digitized International Tracing Service collection, which is accessible on the Museum campus. For information on all of the Museum‘s collections, please visit the Museum‘s archival resources site at To access the regularly updated Archival Guide to the Collections of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, please visit Archival collections are identified either by record group (RG) number or by accession number (Acc). RG and Acc numbers that include the letter ―M‖ are available on microfilm or microfiche. The number of reels in each microfilm collection are indicated below. Robert J. Williams Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 7 October 2010 USHMM, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies 2 RG-10.003 --- Many Kisses This scrapbook contains copies of correspondence between Andrew Engel and his family and friends, together with English translations, arranged in the format of a scrapbook. Included is information about the Engel family genealogy, the Righteous Among the Nations, the concentration camp at Nyirjes, and forced labor. Provenance: Andrew Engel translated most of the material into English. Languages: Hungarian, English, German 1942–1984 (esp. 1944) 1.75 linear inches Source of Acquisition: Andrew Engel RG-11.001M.93 --- World Association of Jewish Students (Fond 1230) This collection contains office records of this international student organization. Included are protocols of general meetings and executive board meetings; policy statements, proposals, and position papers to be presented at international conferences; press clippings; copies of a publication in English, The Monthly News Sheet, a number of English-language records from the International Student Service. Languages: French, German, English 1924–1936 3 microfilm rolls (16 mm) Finding aid: Preliminary English-language descriptions Restrictions: On reproduction and distribution RG-52.020 --- Miscellaneous Records Related to the Holocaust in Hungary This collection contains miscellaneous English and German language documents that were collected from printed sources and that pertain to the Holocaust in Hungary and to the Nuremberg trials. The collection can be considered the English-language, abridged version of Randolph L. Braham‘s 1963 publication, The Destruction of Hungarian Jewry. Languages: English, German 1941–1947 1 folder Source of Acquisition: Randolph L. Braham RG-68.049M --- Card Index of the AJJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) This collection contains registration cards of the AJJDC emigration departments in Munich (in English) and Vienna (in English), and individual cards of refugees who reached Spain during World War II (in French). Language: English, French 1943–1959 37 microfilm rolls (35 mm) Source of Acquisition: AJJDC Archives, Jerusalem Finding aid: English-language reel list with name of office and alphabetical range of individuals‘ last names. USHMM, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies 3 Restrictions: On reproduction of microfilm for third parties. Researchers must credit the AJJDC in citations. RG-19.004 --- Records Relating to the Committee for Refugee Education This collection contains, in two subcollections, essays written by refugee students who were studying English in a program provided by the Committee for Refugee Education (CRE) after World War II. In the essays, the students describe their experiences of life in the United States, the memories of persecution and imprisonment in concentration camps, and their liberation. Also included are samples of teaching materials used in the English lessons, a December 18, 1949, letter written by one of the English-language instructors, and progress reports for 1940, 1941, 1942, and 1949. These reports include information about the CRE, statistics on students participating in English language training courses, teaching methods used by CRE instructors, and communications with other agencies that cooperated with the CRE, including the American Committee for Christian German Refugees and the Jewish Welfare Board. Language: English 1940–1942, 1949 1 folder Source of Acquisition: Rosalyn Malakoff Accession 1988.89 --- The Abraham Sosnowik Collection This memoir, both in the original Yiddish and in English translation, describes Abraham Sosnowik‘s experiences during the Holocaust in Novy Pohost and Szarkowszczyana, Poland. Languages: Yiddish and English 1945 3 items Source of Acquisition: Abraham Sosnowik RG-02.012 --- ―Recollections from my Life‘s Experiences‖ by Sophie Machtinger In this memoir, Sophie Machtinger discusses her experiences in the Łódź ghetto, her observations of the actions of Chaim Rumkowski, the liquidation of the Łódź ghetto, her family‘s deportation to Auschwitz, and her transport to Stutthof and Dresden. Provenance: Douglas Kouril translated the original Polish-language testimony into English. Languages: Polish, English 1987–1988 1 linear inch Source of Acquisition: Morton Faller USHMM, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies 4 RG-68.092M --- Personal Archive of Sigfried Jagendorf (Director of Turnatoria Plants in Mogilev Podolski), Transnistria Jagendorf was a fifty-one-year-old Jewish engineer deported to Moghilev (Mogilev) in 1941, where he oversaw deportees repairing city infrastructure and later worked on other projects. The collection includes an English-language autobiography entitled "Jagendorf: My Story of World War II. The True Story of How 100,000 of My People Were Saved." It also includes wartime documents of the Mogilev Jewish Committee, prewar documents, and postwar correspondence. Provenance: Collection P-9 at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem Languages: English, German, and Romanian 1922–1967 2 microfilm rolls (16 mm) Source of Acquisition: Yad Vashem, Jerusalem Finding aid: Preliminary descriptions in English Restrictions: On reproduction and publication RG-19.008 --- ―One Family‘s Story‖ This collection contains correspondence between Paul and Balbina Schifter and their son, Richard. In general, the letters concern the emigration of Richard Schifter to the United States and the attempts of Paul and Balbina Schifter to emigrate from Poland during the Holocaust. Each German letter is followed by an English translation. Provenance: The correspondence of the Schifter family was compiled and translated by Deborah Esther Schifter. The German letters were transcribed and then followed by an English translation. Languages: English and German 1932–1988 (esp. 1938–1941) 2 linear inches Source of Acquisition: Deborah Esther Schifter Restrictions on use: 1989 copyright RG-18.001 --- Condemnation of Genocide and Antisemitism This is an English translation of a declaration by the Republic of Latvia‘s ―Highest Council‖ condemning genocidal acts by the Nazis. Included is an acknowledgement of the importance of Jews in past Latvian culture and Latvia‘s intolerance of acts of antisemitism and racial discrimination in the future. Language: English 1 folder Source of Acquisition: George Schwab USHMM, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies 5 RG-67.006M --- Records of the World Jewish Congress, Political Department (Series B) This collection contains records of Series B, the Political Department of the World Jewish Congress (WJC), which dealt with governments and international organizations. The records relate primarily to emigration issues. The collection also contains papers of WJC leaders Maurice Perlzweig, Robert Marcus, and Oscar Karbach. Materials include correspondence, reports, memos, publications, press releases, and various mimeographed items. Provenance: The WJC records were donated to the American Jewish Archives in 1982. Languages: English and other languages 1919–1977 (esp. 1940–1969) 141 microfilm rolls (35 mm) Source of Acquisition: American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati Finding aid: Folder-level descriptions in English Restrictions: On duplication and publication Accession 1996.A.0057 --- Agatha Szarvas, ―A History of the Jews of Gyor‖ This is an unpublished manuscript on the subject of the text‘s title. Some photographs are included. Language: English 1 folder Source of Acquisition: Agathe Szarvas RG-11.001M.53 --- Records of the Zionist Palestine Bureau, Saloniki (Fond 1435) The Bureau was founded in 1924 to assist Jews going to Palestine. This collection contains correspondence with Zionist organizations, the Jewish Agency for Palestine, the Department of Immigration and Labor, and other entities, regarding organizational matters. Also included are bulletins of Zionist organizations in English. Languages: Greek, English, other languages 1919–1938 1 microfilm roll (16 mm), 1 folder Finding aid: Folder-level descriptions Restrictions: On reproduction and distribution See the finding aid for this collection: RG-11.001M.53 RG-68.067M --- Illegal Immigration to Palestine
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