TENOR ARIAS Kyiv Chamber Choir • Mykola Hobdych, Chorus Master & Artistic Director

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TENOR ARIAS Kyiv Chamber Choir • Mykola Hobdych, Chorus Master & Artistic Director 555920 bk Lotric US 29|04|2003 10:28 AM Page 20 ˆ Janez Lotric, Tenor DDD Yaroslava Poberezhna*, Soprano Ruslan Tansky†, Tenor 8.555920 Ukrainian National Opera Symphony Orchestra • Johannes Wildner TENOR ARIAS Kyiv Chamber Choir • Mykola Hobdych, Chorus master & Artistic Director 1 Giuseppe VERDI (1813-1901): La Forza del destino (St Petersburg Version, 1862): Act III: Amore, sublime amore Recitative ed aria: Qual sangue sparsi (Alvaro) 4:44 Il Trovatore • Otello • Der Rosenkavalierˆ • Turandot 2 VERDI: Il Trovatore: Act III: Scena, aria, stretta: Di qual tetra luce… Ah sì, ben mio (Leonora*, Manrico, Ruiz†) 8:31 Janez Lotric, Tenor 3 VERDI: Otello: Act III, Scene 2: Datemi ancor l’eburnea mano (Otello) 5:21 Ukrainian National Opera Symphony Orchestra • Johannes Wildner 4 VERDI: Otello: Act IV: Othello’s Death: Niun mi tema (Otello) 6:04 5 VERDI: Un ballo in maschera: Finale Terzo: Scena e Romanza: Forse la soglia attinse (Riccardo) 5:26 6 Mikhail Ivanovich GLINKA (1804-1857): Ivan Susanin (A Life for the Tsar): Act IV: Bratsï! V metel’, v nevedomoy glushi (Brothers! Into the snowstorm!) (Sobinin) 5:49 7 Richard STRAUSS (1864-1949): Der Rosenkavalier: Aria of the Italian Singer: Di rigori armato il seno 2:16 8 Gioacchino ROSSINI (1792-1868): Guglielmo Tell: Act IV: Preludio, Scena ed Aria: Ah, non mi lasciar, o speme di vendetta (Arnoldo) 13:17 9 Adolphe ADAM (1803-1856): Le postillon de Lonjumeau: Mes amis, écoutez l’histoire (Chapelou) 4:27 0 Umberto GIORDANO (1867-1948): Andrea Chenier: Act IV: Come un bel dì di maggio (Chenier) 3:03 ! Giacomo PUCCINI (1858-1924): Turandot: Act III: Nessun dorma (Calaf) 3:1 0 8.555920 20 555920 bk Lotric US 29|04|2003 10:28 AM Page 2 Tenor Opera Arias Mia strofe sia finita, Verse is finished Verdi • Glinka • R. Strauss • Rossini • Adam • Giordano • Puccini M’annuncerà il carnefice The executioner will declare La fine della vita. The end of my life. It was at the initial request of the tenor Enrico of this threat is inherent in Leonora’s ominous Di qual Sia! Strofe, ultima Dea! Let it be! Verse, final Goddess! Tamberlick, the first Alvaro, that Giuseppe Verdi was tetra luce, a light that is actually and figuratively Ancor dona al tuo poeta Grant again to your poet persuaded to return to work to write his opera La forza gloomy. Manrico assures her that if he must die, he will La sfolgorante idea, The brilliant idea, del destino for the Russian Imperial Theatre. This was die with her name on his lips. La fiamma consueta; The desired flame; given its first performance in St Petersburg in A period of six years followed Verdi’s Egyptian Io, a te, mentre tu vivida And as this vivid inspiration November 1862, but is now generally heard in a revised opera, Aida, and it was only then that he turned his A me sgorghi dal cuore, pours from my heart, version that was first staged at La Scala, Milan, in 1869. attention again to Shakespeare in Otello, first staged at Darò per rima il gelido I shall give forth in my rhyme the cold The plot, later modified, is one of some complexity, La Scala in February 1887. By Act III Iago has Spiro d’un uom che muore. Breath of a man who dies. derived from a play by the Duke of Rivas. Don Alvaro succeeded in arousing Othello’s jealousy. In Datemi is in love with Leonora, but accidentally kills her father, ancor l’eburnea mano, Othello takes Desdemona’s leading to a long search for revenge by her brother, Don hand, anxious to find out whether Iago’s story of the TURANDOT (Atto III) TURANDOT (Act III) Carlo. Leonora, believing her lover dead, retires to a handkerchief that he had given her is true. His jealousy hermitage, and Don Alvaro to a neighbouring can only increase and in Act IV he murders his wife in ! Nessun Dorma monastery, the revelation of their final meeting her bed-chamber, only to learn that his suspicions of her coinciding with the appearance of Don Carlo, his death were groundless. When all is revealed, it is only left for CALAF CALAF at the hands of a reluctant Don Alvaro and his final him to die by his own hand, sealing his love of his dead Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma! Let none sleep! Let none sleep! murder of Leonora, as he dies. The Act III recitative and wife with a kiss. Tu pure, o Principessa, Yet you, O Princess, aria, Qual sangue sparsi, from the first version of the Set originally in Sweden and dealing with the nella tua fredda stanza guardi le stelle In your cold room, look on the stars opera, is heard after Don Alvaro, on campaign with Don murder of Gustav III, Un ballo in maschera, first che tremano d’amore e di speranza... That tremble with love and with hope. Carlo, where the two have hitherto failed to recognise performed in Rome in February 1859, was transferred, Ma il mio mistero è chiuso in me, But my secret I hold close, each other, engages in a duel with the latter, apparently thanks to the censors, to America. There Riccardo, il nome mio nessun saprà! None shall know my name! killing him, an outcome that he can only bitterly regret. Governor of Boston, falls in love with Amelia, the wife No, no, sulla tua bocca lo dirò, No, no, on your mouth shall I pronounce it, The libretto of Verdi’s opera Il Trovatore was also of his mulatto secretary, Renato, who kills him, in spite quando la luce splenderà… When the light shines … derived from a Spanish play, the work of Antonio of their friendship and his earlier unswerving loyalty Ed il mio bacio scioglierà And my kiss shall unloose García Gutiérrez. It was first staged in Rome in January and unwillingness to conspire against him. The third il silenzio che ti fa mia. The silence that makes you mine. 1853. The plot again concerns love and revenge. Finale opens in Riccardo’s study, where he drafts an Manrico, the troubadour of the title, supposed son of the order for Renato, with Amelia, to return to England, a CORO DI DONNE CHORUS OF WOMEN gypsy Azucena and in the service of Count Urgel, is in paper that, ironically, he will show to Renato only after Il nome suo nessun saprà… His name none shall know … love with Leonora, who is also loved by the young the latter has stabbed him during the masked ball with E noi dovrem, ahimè, morir, morir! And we must, alas, die, die! Count Di Luna, a supporter of the Prince of Aragon. which the opera reaches a final climax. Their rivalry ends in the defeat and capture of Manrico Mikhail Glinka’s heroic tragedy A Life for the Tsar CALAF CALAF by the Count. Leonora offers herself to the Count in was the first nationalist Russian opera, staged in St Dilegua, o notte! Tramontate, stelle! Vanish, O night! Set, stars! return for Manrico’s life, taking poison, in order to Petersburg in 1836. Set in Russia and Poland in 1613, it All’alba vincerò! Vincerò! At dawn I shall conquer! I shall conquer! outwit him. In the event she dies and Manrico is put to centres on the heroic exploits of Ivan Susanin in the death, leaving Azucena, from her prison, to reveal that aftermath of the defeat of Boris Godunov by the so- Manrico was in fact the Count’s brother. In the third act called false Dmitry, with Polish support. The peasant Manrico is in possession of the fortress of Castellor, Susanin succeeds in diverting the Polish forces, who are where he plans to marry Leonora, although the place is in pursuit of the newly elected Tsar, Mikhail Romanov, likely to be attacked by the Count Di Luna. Something leading them astray until the young Tsar has been able 8.555920 2 19 8.555920 555920 bk Lotric US 29|04|2003 10:28 AM Page 18 Le postillon de Lonjumeau! The postilion of Lonjumeau. to escape. In the fourth act Sobinin, who is to marry October 1836. The unlikely story deals with the rise of Susanin’s daughter, leads a band of peasants in the the coachman, Chapelou, to the position of principal LE CHŒUR CHORUS forest at night, and encourages them in Brothers, into tenor at the Paris Opéra, after the Marquis de Corcy, Oh! qu’il est beau, qu’il est beau, qu’il est beau, Oh, how handsome he was, how handsome, how the snow-storm. Susanin is finally successful in his director of the Opéra, has overheard his remarkable handsome, protection of the Tsar, but is killed for it, his heroism to song about the postilion of Lonjumeau, Mes amis, Le postillon de Lonjumeau! The postilion of Lonjumeau. be remembered by the Tsar and by future generations. écoutez l’histoire, with its top Ds in imitation of the The nostalgic Der Rosenkavalier by Richard post-horn. Chapelou deserts his new wife, Madeleine, CHAPELOU CHAPELOU Strauss is set in the first years of the Empress Maria on their wedding night to embark on his new career, Mais pour conduire un équipage, But to drive a coach, Theresia. The opera was first performed in Dresden in leading her to take her revenge ten years later, when she Voilà qu’un soir il est parti. Now one evening he set out. 1911. The plot centres on the Feldmarschallin, her love inherits money and appears under a very different guise Depuis ce temps, dans le village, Since that time, in the village, for the young Octavian, later the knight of the rose of in Paris.
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