Navigating Socialist Encounters Africa in Global History
Navigating Socialist Encounters Africa in Global History Edited by Joël Glasman, Omar Gueye, Alexander Keese and Christine Whyte Advisory Board: Joe Alie, Felicitas Becker, William Gervase Clarence-Smith, Lynda Day, Scholastique Diazinga, Andreas Eckert, Babacar Fall, Toyin Falola, Matt Graham, Emma Hunter, Erin Jessee, Isabella Kentridge, Colleen Kriger, Kristin Mann, Patrick Manning, Conceição Neto, Vanessa S. Oliveira, Lorelle Semley, Ibrahim Sundiata Volume 2 Navigating Socialist Encounters Moorings and (Dis)Entanglements between Africa and East Germany during the Cold War Edited by Eric Burton, Anne Dietrich, Immanuel R. Harisch, and Marcia C. Schenck Gedruckt mit der freundlichen Unterstützung der Potsdam Graduate School, der Zentralen Forschungsförderung der Universität Potsdam, ,UP - Innovative Ideen fördern‘ und der Philosophisch-Historischen Fakultät der Universität Innsbruck. ISBN: 978-3-11-062231-7 eBook ISBN (PDF): 978-3-11-062354-3 eBook ISBN (EPUB): 978-3-11-062382-6 ISSN 2628-1767 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For details go to Library of Congress Control Number: 2020952193 Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at © 2021 Eric Burton et al., Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston Cover image: An East German diplomat welcomes three Tanzanian journalists at Dar es Salaam airport on their return from a seminar in Berlin, ca. 1974 (courtesy of Norbert Böhme). Printing and binding: CPI books GmbH, Leck TableofContents Marcia C. Schenck, Immanuel R.
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