Air Arabia Growth and turbulence in the desert INVESTMENT RESEARCH INITIATION OF COVERAGE | August 10, 2008 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Hassan Awan Tel: +971 (2) 619 2369
[email protected] Brian Davidson Tel: +971 (2) 619 2322
[email protected] Last Price: AED 1.56 Stock Rating Price Target: AED 1.82 UNDERPRICED Sector: Transport BLOOMBERG : AIRARABI REUTERS : AIRA.DU Disclaimer The Report prepared by TNI (TNI means “The National Investor” wherever mentioned) does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell the securities or any related securities of the subject company. The report is meant for named recipients only and should not be reproduced or distributed without prior written consent from TNI. The recommendations in this report are solely based on research and analysis performed by our investment research department using the information currently available which we believe to be reliable. We believe that the opinion expressed herein reflects all the available public information underlying the se curity of the subject company at the time of preparing this report and should not be considered as any assurance as to the future performance of the security from TNI and/or its directors or any of its employees. The price behavior of the security may mate rially differ from the opinion expressed herein, if some non public information at the time of preparing this research report, that has the potential to materially affect the price of the security, is made public subsequent to the release of this report. TNI has not considered the particular investment objectives, financial situation or risk profile of the intended recipients while preparing this report.