Information • Textbooks • Media • Resources The Place of Zinc, Cadmium, and Mercury in the Periodic Table William B. Jensen Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0172;
[email protected] One of the few facts that I can remember from my un- a quarter of the more recent introductory inorganic texts. In dergraduate inorganic course was my instructor’s insistence all cases, the Zn group was incorrectly labeled as being a mem- that zinc, cadmium, and mercury should be classified as main- ber of the d block or transition block. Those introductory block elements rather than as transition-block or d-block el- inorganic texts that presented some sort of systematic survey ements. Though I have always assumed that the evidence for of descriptive chemistry usually contradicted this assignment this statement was unambiguous, I have also noticed the ap- in their later discussions of the chemistry of these elements. pearance over the last decade of an increasing number of gen- On the other hand, the surveys of descriptive chemistry found eral chemistry texts, inorganic texts, and advanced inorganic in most of the general chemistry texts were so superficial that monographs that either explicitly or implicitly contradict this the existence of this inconsistency seldom became explicit. assignment. The inorganic textbook by Cotton and In light of these trends, I thought it might be of interest Wilkinson, which has served as the American standard for to summarize the evidence relating to the proper placement nearly 40 years, has always been firm in its treatment of the of the Zn group within the periodic table.