Letirnttig ( Stw, Conveyance Tax $42.90

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Letirnttig ( Stw, Conveyance Tax $42.90 I 9A 0 B FORTY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1908 Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O^Clock iianrl|[fstfr lEttfttfng %rsUi -IMUn Constance El. Barrett, Classes scheduled for tomor­ doing business as the John L. Doily Net Pneo Run About Town daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Har­ row, EMday and Saturday at Public Records Jermey Agency. The Weather old S. Barrett of 120 Lakewood Lutz Junior Museum have been For The Week Ended Warrantee Deeds ’Trade Name The Bntered Apprentice De­ Ctrole, and Miss Paula R. Ro­ canceled for this week. Fair tonight. Low in mid 80s. Mary McLean to Maury R. The Norris Corp., doing busi­ NOT A SONNET-NOT A BONNET April 6, 1968 cree -will toe eotrferred Satur­ sen, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Brown, three parcels on Porter ness as the John L. Jenney Mostly sunny tomorrow. High day at 7:30 p.m. at a meeting Theodore Rosen of 100 Wbra- A service of Bitter Lamenta­ lEtirnttig ( Stw, conveyance tax $42.90. Agency, 857 E. Center St. OC Uriel lodge a t Maaone at noke Rd., were named to the tions will be held tonight at 7 in 60s. George Katz Jr. to David R. 15,425 the Masonic Temple in Morrow. dean’s list for the second sem­ at St. John’s Polish National Building Permits 8ut A and Charlotte M. Murphy, prop­ Maneheiter— 4 City o f Village Charm Jtmlor Warden Robert C. Sim­ ester .at Wheaton College, Nor­ Catholic Church. erty at 21 Steep Hollow Lane, Raymond F. and Louis C. Da- mons will preside. Refresh- ton, Maas. conveyance tax ^0.70. matoi, 48-unit apartment com­ Pinehurst Ham or Turkey (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1968 (Oiasslfled Advertising on Page tl) PRICK TEN CENTS HMnta will bo served after the Thomas C. McPartland Jr., VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 168 Ansaldl Heights Inc. to Harry plex at 26-30-34-88 New State meeting. Officera wUl rehearse The entire cast of the Man­ son o f Mr. and Mrs. ’Thomas C. T. and Harriet E. Case, prop­ Rd., $264,000. Of course we want you to look your best in your new Easter bonnet, but make for the degree Friday at 7:30 chester Qllbert and SuUlvan MoPnrtland Sr., of 623 H. Cen­ Roger A. Ensign for Manches­ erty at ’Timrod eind Duncan Rd., pjn. at the MSsonlc Temple, Workshop’s production of “Rud- ter St., has been pledged to the your Easter dinner stand out with better meats from Pinehurst. conveyance tax $37.96. ter Odd Fellow’s Lodge, addi­ dlgore” will rehearse tonight at Beta Kappa Chapter, AJfdia tion to building at 493 Main St., Alan Chesterton, director of S in Cooper Hall o f South Tau Omega fraternity, at Hills­ Attachment $30. state and federal programs for Methodist Church. dale (Mich.) College. ’The Grand Union Co. against Frank Manner, additions to Manchester public schools, will Francis J. and Antoinette Head, dwelling at 674 Wetherell St., Hanoi Site Proposal $ , . Clifford Reports Gall-Up speak tomorrow at 8 p.m. at a Spec. 6. Willard C. Allen Jr., ■ Reservations close Wednes­ property at 181 Loomis St., $400. 2 000 meeting of the Manchester As­ son o f Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. day, April 17, for a testimonial Alexander Jarvis, remove rail­ Judgment Lien sociation for the Help of Retard­ Allen of 125 Autumn St., re­ dinner for Atty.. Vincent Diana, road 'tracks and spur track at McGraw—Hill Inc., doing busi­ ed Children (MAHRC) at Bunce April 21 at the Garden Grove. Center and New Sts., $600. cently received the Army ness as F.W. Dodge Co., against Center. His topic Is "New Di­ Commendation Medal while ’Tickets may be obtained from Charles Ponticelll, new dwel­ Walter Lincoln Stack, property mensions for Pre-School Pro­ serving with the 34th BSnglneer the Italian American Club, 135 ling at 66 Judith Dr., $13,000. Studied by Officials at 29 Wellington Rd., $145.60. grams." The MAHRC banquet Group near Vung ’Tau, Viet­ Bldrldge St.; John Andislo, 192 Sherwood Circle Inc., new will be held Thursday, May 16 nam. He Is a 1962 graduate of Wells St., or Joseph Naretto, 62 Dissolution Agreement dwelling at 186 Timrod Rd.t $26,- Of 24^500 in Reserves formal way that it had been re­ NEUTRAL SITE SOUGHT at the Village Lantern Bam. Manchester High School. Garth Rd. C. LeRoy Norris, no longer 000. WASHINGTON (AP) — Top U.S. officials began ceived here. WASHINGTON (AP) — immediate study today of Nevertheless there appeared Despite an official Hanoi a reported North Vietna­ to be no doubt that the proposi­ proposal that peacActalk pre­ mese proposal that pre­ tion had reached the State De­ liminaries be held in Warsaw, WASHINGTON (AP)— partment and White House Poland, a White House Open Thure. liminary U.S.-North Viet­ Secretary of Defense Clark through diplomatic channels. spokesman said today this M. Clifford today announc­ namese peace discussions The most serious objection government is pressing for tm 9 P.M. be held in Warsaw, Poland. ed he is calling to active PARADE OF seen by some diplomats was "an appropriate site in neu­ duty about 24,500 Army, ’The Warsaw report came In a that Warsaw, being the capital tral territory." Presidential HOUSE Moscow dispatch by Tass, the Navy and Air Force re­ of an Eastern European Com­ press secretary George Chris­ servists. About 10,0()0 will official Soviet news agency. munist country, might present tian told reporters that the EASTER VALUES The Initial reaction among some dlfficulUes for the South selection of a neutral site go to South Vietnam. 9 In his first full-dress news President Johnson’s advisers Vietnamese government which "should be achieved prompt-' conference, the new defense Come to Plnehurat, too, for Fresher By Far Fruit# and Vegetables. was reported to be that the presumably would have observ­ ly through mutual agree­ Vlne-Rlpened Tomatoes, Manchester’s Finest Iceberg Lettuce, Cucumbers, secretary said that no decision EXCITING SAVINGS ON FASHION ACCESSORIES proposition seemed reasonable ers or advisers with the delega­ ment" with no effort on has been made at this time Crisp Celery and Selected Idaho Baking Potatoes and probably would be accepta­ tion of U.S. officials to be head­ either side to make the site whether to call any additional Where, but at Plnhurst, will you And U.S. Grade A, State of Maine ble. ed by Ambassador W. Averell selection a propaganda mat­ reservists. HALE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY—READY NOW! However, officials declined to Harriman. ter. He also said that President discuss the report of Hanoi’s Warsaw for several years has Johnson Intends at this Ume to POTATOES IOdI^ 29c proposal of Warsaw as the site been the site of periodic talks United States and Communist limit U.S. forces in Vietnam to and would not confirm in any between ambassadors of the China. ’The United States thus 649,600—representing an in­ SHORTY OR 4-BUnON LENGTHS Color for Easter has there an embassy with unu­ crease of 24,600 over the present Strickland Farms SWIFT PREMIUM 20 to 25 Lbs. sual background in handling ceiling. GRADE AA LARGE Far Eastern issues. No Connecticut units are in­ Wins 115 Delegates Furthermore in late 1966, volved in the call-up. EASTER GLOVES BUTTERBALL when major peace efforts were Clifford linked this presiden­ White Egg$ under way, Warsaw was the site tial decision to limit further proposed for secret contacts be­ U.S. deployment to another ma­ TURKEYS tween U.S. and North Viet­ jor decision "to turn over the ROg.3. namese representatives—con­ major effort gradually to the Doz. 10 to 12 Lb. Butterball Hen Turkeys lb. 39c McCarthy Bruises tacts which never came off. South Vietnamese.” At that time Polish diplomats 'The new secretary, in office were playing an active interme­ only six weeks, said the decision Genuine leather in basic styles. Golden Harvest Conn. Turkeys diary role. to move toward turning over the Sizes 6, 7, 8. Democrat Machine Officials would not be sur­ biggest part of the war effort to 11 to 15 Lbs. lb. 45c prised, it was said here, if the Vletneun has been made alter LADIES’ COTTON HARTFORD (AP) —Sen. Eu­ McCarthy forces of at least a arrangements for the talks were months of consultations with the NYLON GLOVES 1.69 gene J. McCarthy has heavily delegates. now to be made so quickly that Vietnamese and took into ac­ dented the state Democratic ’Though Connecticut’s national they could be opened some time count the Saigon government’s party organization In primaries delegation has traditionally vot­ next week. decision to boost its forces by In 30 cities and towns. ed as a block, McCarthy back­ Tass said in a dispatch from 136,000 men. SMART, EASTER Hanoi it had learned from reli­ ’The reserve caU-up was fore­ State Democratic convention ers hope to pick up enough un­ able sources there that the shadowed by Johnson’s speedi delegates pledged to McCarthy committed state delegates be­ fore the June convention to at North Vietnamese government March 31 in which he also an­ won 116 of 306 contested seats had decided on the Polish capi­ nounced a partial halt in the DRESS OR CASUAL VEIL HATS and picked up 44.3 per cent of least crack the traditional "unit tal after the United States re­ bombing of North Vietnam in a the vote cast In the primaries rule" and give McCarthy some Connecticut votes at the nation­ fused its first suggestion, move to get peace talks started.
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