Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report


October 2013 KILLER ASSUMPTION Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

Publisher: Foundation Open Society - Macedonia For the publisher: Vladimir Milcin, Executive Director Prepared by: Macedonian Center for European Training Proofreading and Translation into English: Abacus Design & Layout: Brigada design, Print: Propoint Circulation: 500 Free/Noncommercial circulation

CIP - Каталогизација во публикација Национална и универзитетска библиотека “Св. Климент Охридски”, Скопје


УБИСТВЕНА претпоставка: деветнаесетти извештај од следењето на процесот на пристапување на Македонија во ЕУ. - Скопје : Фондација отворено општество - Македонија, 2014. - 105, 91 стр. ; 18x24 см Насл. стр. на припечатениот текст: Killer assumption : nineteenth quarterly accession watch report. - Обата текста меѓусебно печатени во обратни насоки. - Текст на мак. и англ. јазик. - Фусноти кон текстот. - Содржи и: Анекс 1-5

ISBN 978-608-218-197-4

а) Македонија - Зачленување - Европска унија - 2013 COBISS.MK-ID 95973130 CONTENTS

I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 2.1. Southwest region 39 II. WHY THIS RESEARCH? 11 2.2. Skopje region 40 2.3. Pelagonija region 42 METHODOLOGY 14 2.4. Northeast region 43 III. ANALYSIS 16 2.5. Vardar region 44 1. MACEDONIA – CONSTANTLY UNDER PREPARATION 17 2.6. Polog region 44 1.1.What will the programme Erasmus+ look like? 17 2.7. East region 44 1.2. Differences between the programme Erasmus+ 2.8. Southeast region 45 and its predecessor 18 3. SUSPICIOUS ALLOCATIONS 45 1.3. Mobility as key objective 19 3.1. No place like Struga 46 1.4. Erasmus + and youth unemployment 20 3.2. Nesting CSOs 49 1.5. New approach to education 21 3.3. Coalition NOW… and here! 52 1.6. Key figures in Erasmus+ 21 3.4. Kumanovo’s punishment 53 1.7. Who needs the National Agency? 23 3.5. Sister CSOs 54 1.8. Where did the money go? 25 3.6. Omnipresent CSOs 55 1.9. How are funds distributed? 26 3.7. New, but successful CSOs 56 1.10. Somebody else’s conflict of interests 28 3.8. Specifically-tailored criteria 58 1.11. New favourite: Coalition NOW 33 4. COMMUNICATION STRATEGY 58 2. REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION 36 4.1. Reaction of the National Agency 59 4.2. Ministry of Education to the rescue 60 Table 7 – Project applications approved financing by 5. RISK ASSESSMENT 63 the National Agency on the 2nd deadline in 2012 for 5.1. Indifferent citizenry 67 the programme Youth in Action 34 5.2. Counter-protests 69 Table 8 – Projects approved by the National Agency on 5.3. Will failure be acknowledged? 70 the 3rd deadline in 2012 for the programme Youth in Action 35

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 72 Table 9 – Project applications approved financing by the National Agency on the 1st deadline in 2013 for ANNEX I 76 the programme Youth in Action 36 ANNEX II 81 ANNEX III 88 Table 10 – Total amount of project grants per ANNEX IV 97 region awarded by the National Agency under the programme ANNEX V 98 Youth in Action 38 Table 11 – Projects grants awarded by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action to CSOs from TABLES the Southwest region in the Republic of Macedonia 40 Table 1- IPA projects for the Republic of Macedonia and the National Agency 24 Table 12 – Project grants awarded by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action Programme to Table 2 – Project applications approved financing by CSOs from the Skopje region in the Republic of Macedonia 41 the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action in 2009 27 Table 13 – Project grants awarded by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action to CSOs from the Table 3 – Project applications approved for financing by Pelagonija region in the Republic of Macedonia 42 the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action to CSOs indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests 30 Table 14 – Project grants awarded by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action to CSOs from Table 4 – Project applications approved financing by the Northeast region in the Republic of Macedonia 43 the National Agency on the 1st deadline in 2013 for the programme Youth in Action Programme to CSOs Table 15 – Project grants approved financing by indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests 31 the National Agency under the programme Youth in Acton to CSOs from the Southwest region in Table 5- 2012 deadlines for submission of project applications 31 the Republic of Macedonia 46 Table 6 – Project applications approved financing Table 16 – Project grants approved financing by by the National Agency on the 1st deadline in 2012 for the National Agency under the programme Youth in the programme Youth in Action 32 Acton to CSOs from the Skopje region in the Republic of Macedonia 49 Table 17 – Project grants approved financing by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Acton to CSOs from the Pelagonija region in the Republic of Macedonia 52 Table 18 – Project grants awarded by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Acton to CSOs from the Northwest region in the Republic of Macedonia 54 Table 19 – Project grants approved financing by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action to CSOs from the Vardar region in the Republic of Macedonia 54 Table 20 – Project grants approved financing by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action to CSOs from the Polog region in the Republic of Macedonia 55 Table 21 – Project grants approved financing by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action to CSOs from the East region in the Republic of Macedonia 56

FIGURES Figure 1 – Ratio between project applications approved and rejected financing by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action 37 Figure 2 – Total amount of funds per region awarded by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action 38 Figure 3 – Index of links hosted on the website of Youth Forum EYE, Struga 57 Figure 4 – Risk Management 63 Figure 5 – Risk Assessment 65

...... I his Quarterly Accession Watch Report shows that European Commission’s suspension of funds for the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility1 (hereinafter: the National Agency) imposed due to irregularities back in 2010 and T2011 did not prevent the institution to continue awarding funds to CSOs close to its employees and the ruling authorities, on the next convenient opportunity in 2012. EXECUTIVE EC’s suspension was lifted as late as 2012, leaving only one year for project implementation and when de-commitment of IPA 2009 funds SUMMARY intended for institutional capacity-building was likely to happen. This programmed financial assistance from the EU, in the amount of € 2 million, was approved on 1 January 2010, before the scandal at the National Agency surfaced in the public. To avoid de-commitment of IPA funds, the EC crafted somewhat of a Solomon’s solution: it lifted the suspension at the moment when there was only one year


7 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report for implementation (because two years passed under the suspension In the absence of pre-defined project application and selection imposed due to irregularities at the National Agency), but decided to procedure and transparent grant-awarding criteria, analysis of project manage centrally the funds (by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture applications approved by the National Agency leaves the impression Executive Agency in Brussels), although the Republic of Macedonia that funding is only possible under the following circumstance: was accredited for decentralized management of IPA funds. This report • CSOs have found partner organizations from the list administered demonstrates that the rushed decision to lift the suspension and save by Youth Forum EYE from Struga; IPA funds resulted in further consolidation and institutionalization of irregularities within the National Agency. • CSOs have indicated Struga as the project venue, preferably hotel “Solferino”, also known as the former Red Cross holiday camp; The research conducted for the purpose of this Quarterly Accession Watch Report reveals that from 2009 onwards, including the first deadline • CSOs project staff or associates have close relatives employed at the in 2013, a total of 47 grants in accumulative value of € 625,611.50 National Agency; have been approved, 35 of which can be categorized as “suspicious”, • CSOs have been established, managed or, at one point in time, have accounting for € 482,682.50 or around 77% of all the funds disbursed. employed a member of the National Agency’s management team; On the other hand, the analysis of distribution of project grants per • CSOs that have been suspected of conflict of interests by State region shows that the Southwest region is an absolute champion and Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (SCPC) have an that CSOs from this region have been awarded 41% of all funds disbursed advantage; (or €258,468). Concerns raised question the fact that this region is the hometown of Bosko Nelkoski, the former Director of the National • CSOs portfolios include projects implemented by individuals whom Agency, but also the place of origin for many employees of the National the National Agency considers as experts; Agency, recruited by him personally. Skopje region accounts for 28% of • CSOs have agreed to engage one or more people praised by the all funds disbursed (or €176,225) and CSOs from the Pelagonija region National Agency, as recommended; have been awarded 18% of all funds (or €110,125.50). • CSOs that have shared/co-hosted a website with Youth Forum EYE No other region in the Republic of Macedonia is so highly profiled from Struga have an advantage; in terms of youth organisations participating in programme actions managed and administered by the National Agency. Successful project • CSOs managers have served as members of the National Agency’s applications from the Northeast region account for only 6% of the funds Executive Board (as is the case with Igor Domazetovski); (or € 39,848), Vardar Region – only 4% (or € 22,399), Polog region only In cases when CSOs do not fulfil the above-listed criteria, the National 2% (or €12,126) and East region only 1% (or € 6,420). The Southeast Agency gives advantage to organizations established in the last month. region is the most surprising region. Project applicants from this region have not received a single grant, although they have an exceptional track record in absorption of other European funds!


Moreover, the analysis shows that some (non)governmental Evidence in support of this statement is identified in EC’s 2012 organizations that have been awarded grants by the National Agency Annual Report on Financial Assistance for Enlargement (IPA, PHARE, are publicly known for having organized actions and/or protests CARDS, Pre-Accession Instrument, Transition Facility),2 where against the opposition or have supported government’s actions, it has enlisted the main problems due to which Macedonia risks de- and not for implementing youth projects. They include: Coalition of commitment of IPA funds, including „cases of possible conflict of interest Youth NGOs “NOW” from Prilep (known for its zealous defence of the or unfair advantage”. infamous Law on Youth), or Youth European Forum from Bitola (known For Macedonia to finally rectify the situation with the National Agency, for counter-protests organized against the opposition and its support the Government should address the real problem, i.e. it must dismantle for government’s actions in the case of the milkman Dusko who was the suspicious pattern of formal and informal relations deeply accused for growing marihuana). Similar is the situation with Denica installed within the National Agency. Only after it has done that, will from Skopje, an organisation that received 4 project grants under the Macedonia be prepared to become programme country in the future centralized actions administered by Brussels, but publicly known as the programme Erasmus+. Therefore, the following recommendations must organization responsible for the events on Square Macedonia defending be implemented: fiercely the government’s intention to erect a church in the square. 1. Operation of the National Agency should be thoroughly audited On the other hand, the risk analysis shows that the system’s high rate and the involvement of individual employees in conspicuous of failure is not without costs and prevents effective and efficient activities should be examined and adequately sanctioned; implementation of EU programmes. The management theory includes an analysis of the assumptions. In its own right, this analysis would not rescue 2. Amendments to the Law on Establishing the National Agency a project or programme, but will indicate the issues that need to be changed. for European Educational Programmes and Mobility should be When they are not communicated in due time, some assumptions may adopted, thereby including provisions on a different composition completely threaten a project or programme. The essence of an assumption of the National Agency’s Executive Board; must be declared to have its authenticity verified. Some assumptions 3. A real campaign promoting the new Erasmus+ Programme should may be of crucial importance for the success or failure of a project or be organized and implemented; programme. In the case of the National Agency, some assumptions prove to be unacceptable and therefore are killer assumptions. 4. The Ministry of Education and Science should develop a strategic document with pre-defined objectives and deadlines; Given the fact that, by awarding around €600,000 (funds available for decentralized actions in 2009 and 2012, and one deadline in 2013), the National Agency has successfully funded numerous political party 2 Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council and the European activities. One can only imagine the types of activities the National Agency Economic and Social Committee, 2012 Annual Report on Financial Assistance for could finance with EU funds it would be entrusted to manage and disburse Enlargement (IPA, PHARE, CARDS, Turkey Pre-Accession Instrument, Transition Facility), in the next years! COM(2013) 625 final, pg. 37, available at: documents/2013/2012_ipa_annual_report_with_annex_new_en.pdf

9 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

5. Uniformed rules should be developed, published and made easily accessible, including mandatory publication of information about project holders according to a pre-defined annual schedule. Moreover, this information needs to be published in a visible place on the official websites of the competent authorities, following the example of centralized agencies tasked to manage the current programmes;3 6. Administrative sanctions and fines should be introduced, and a central database on beneficiaries of EU programmes should be established, in compliance with Article 96 of the Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) no. 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulations applicable to the general budget of the European Union; 7. Grant contracts should be thoroughly audited against the specific remarks on conflict of interests noted by SCPC and for the purpose of verifying the accuracy and truthfulness of information provided by individual CSOs in their “Declarations of Honour” deposited for all projects implemented with financial assistance from EU programmes. Sanctions should be imposed in cases of established violations.


10 ...... II th April 2013, at the Club of Citizens for European Macedonia (CEM) in Skopje, the Macedonian Centre for European Training (MCET) and the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia (FOSM) presented their 11Seventeenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report titled “Youth Inaction!”,4 which analysed the operation of the National Agency. The present report notes several cases of suspicious grant-awarding WHY THIS practices to youth organizations applied by the National Agency - a phenomenon that first occurred in 2010 and resulted in EC’s RESEARCH? suspension of funds for the National Agency. Nevertheless, it seems that EC’s suspension of the funds in 2010 and 2011 for the National Agency did not provide a sufficient reason for this institution to refrain from favouring and awarding grants to the same youth organisations on the first convenient occasion in 2012. Therefore, the analysis presented herein shows that the same youth


11 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report organisations re-appear as the biggest beneficiaries of funds disbursed promotion and implementation of the programme Youth in Action in by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action such as: Macedonia. Subsequently, we express our sincere gratitude for their Youth Forum EYE from Struga, which received 5 grants, and the Centre for contributions. Ruran5 Development from village Jablanica, Struga, which was awarded 3 At the same time, the report was sent to several institutions and grants by the National Agency in 2012, but also in 2013. organizations in Brussels, including the Directorate General for The first analysis published in April 2013 showed that the reason for Education and Culture as well as to the Education, Audiovisual and such behaviour on the part of the National Agency lies in its erroneous Culture Executive Agency (hereinafter: the Executive Agency6), which institutionalization from the very beginning of its establishment, is responsible for the implementation of the programme Youth in i.e. as early as the adoption of the infamous Law on Establishing the Action. They were asked to provide a comprehensive explanation on the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility. organization and implementation of the calls for proposals announced Unfortunately, even the amendments to the Law, adopted after the in 2012 and 2013. abuses and malpractices were publicly disclosed, did not remedy the Unfortunately, none of the Brussels-based institutions and organisations situation. The main perpetrators were not sanctioned and they still responded to our request for information. On the contrary, they decided operate smoothly. to remain silent. This information was also requested at the meeting Immediately after the publication of our Seventeenth Quarterly of the Sectoral Monitoring Committee (SMC) for IPA Component I – Accession Watch Report from April 2013, MCET initiated a meeting Technical Assistance and Institution Building, held on 17 July 2013, in with prominent stakeholders, i.e. high number of youth organisations Skopje, when MCET’s representative, who is also a committee member, publicly recognisable for their work. The findings of the analysis were raised this issue for discussion. On that occasion, SMC informed that they presented on the meeting organized at CEM Club dated 19th April 2013, have received and forwarded the report to the Executive Agency, and and attended by representatives of 15 youth organizations. They were are expecting a written response. The European Commission might have given the opportunity to express their concerns and opinions about the received a response from the Executive Agency, but such information work of the National Agency and to talk about the reasons why their was never forwarded to MCET and FOSM, neither in the capacity of report applications for the programme Youth in Action have been unsuccessful. authors, nor as committee members. Immediately after SMC’s meeting, a Moreover, the organizers of the meeting hoped that youth organizations lame attempt was made to have a meeting with responsible staff at EC’s would understand what was at stake and that, as direct stakeholders, Delegation in Skopje. Unfortunately, this meeting was unsuccessful, they need to insist on independent and thorough audit of the National because the responsible person from the Delegation came completely Agency’s financial operations, with the ultimate goal of correcting unprepared, without even reading the report discussed. current practices and creating the necessary preconditions for real

5 Translator’s note: the organization’s name is purposefully misspelled to reflect the original name from the CSO’s registration document. 6


The media published a series of articles covering this topic,7 while the From April 2013, when the report was presented in public, until August 2013, embassies of several EU Member States expressed interest in obtaining when the results on new project grants were published, it became clear a copy of the report. that our previous findings are still true and hence the need for continuous monitoring of the situation at the National Agency. In April 2013, the National Agency reacted to the press-conference organized for the presentation of the Seventeenth Quarterly Accession Seventeenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report titled “Youth Inaction!” Watch Report. Actually, it issued a so-called “Position of the National addressed the background operations involving the National Agency’s Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility on the questions staff. Notably, the report revealed suspicious relations and practices in raised by journalists”.8 In its obscure and vaguely-worded press-release, terms of management, operation and recruitment in the National Agency, the National Agency did not refute allegations and findings presented in including the National Agency’s relations with a network of (quasi)CSOs the report. On one hand, the so-called “position” indirectly acknowledged that appear as grant beneficiaries under the programme Youth in Action, the cover-up, but on the other hand, it continued the communication and especially under the programme’s centralized actions.11 public relations strategy aimed at undermining abuses and malpractices Description of the factual situation given in the previous report identified with unrealistic praise and self-promotion, including half-truths provides a solid basis for the analysis of grant-awarding practices for and misinformation. decentralized actions12 under the programme Youth in Action. Knowing that On 12 April 2013, New Message from Struga, indicated as one of the implementation of decentralized actions is part and parcel of competences suspicious grant beneficiaries in the Seventeenth Quarterly Accession entrusted to the National Agencies, the main focus of this report is on the Watch Report, issued a “refutation”.9 On that occasion, MCET composed operation of the National Agency in the Republic of Macedonia. For that and published a written response10 and contacted the organization with an purpose, we addressed Darko Dimitrov, Director of the National Agency, with offer for future cooperation, which had been accepted. a dozen requests for information and a follow-up meeting in person. The meeting between the National Agency’s Director and MCET’s Executive Director took place in August 2013. Immediately after the meeting, the National Agency presented MCET with a written response. Unfortunately, 7 dobivale-evropski-pari, the response issued by the National Agency does not include answers to 214786783A6718EB1334,, http://www. the questions raised, but comments them in a manner that is unbefitting to the essence, nature and mannerism of questions raised. The official somnitelno-delela-pari/, correspondence between the National Agency and MCET is analysed later in 8 11APR20131.pdf this report and is attached in Annex 1. 9 Nova.pdf 11 Centralized actions are managed directly by the Executive Agency in Brussels, on behalf 10 of the European Commission. na-demantot-na-Poraka-Nova.pdf 12 Decentralized actions are managed directly by the National Agency in Skopje.

13 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

1. METHODOLOGY In order to obtain a comprehensive image on the situation, this report covers the period from the publication of the Seventeenth Quarterly The purpose of this Quarterly Accession Watch Report is to publicly Accession Watch Report until late October 2013, but certain sections raise concerns about the operation of the National Agency in the of the report make references to the previous period, i.e. from the context of the Republic of Macedonia’s integration in the EU. Subject National Agency’s establishment. This was deemed necessary in order of analysis are current events and developments related to the National to obtain a realistic image about the works of this exceptionally Agency, especially the manner in which it administered the last calls for important institution for the Europeanization process in the Republic proposals for CSOs profiled in youth policy issues. of Macedonia. This report analyses in detail the list of successful project applications In addition to standard analysis of key documents and desk research, from all 2012 and 2013 calls for proposals announced and administered interviews were conducted with several CSOs profiled in youth policy by the National Agency. The analysis also includes the Law on issues. The present report also includes information obtained in the Establishing the National Agency for European Educational Programmes course of the interview (meeting) conducted with Darko Dimitrov, and Mobility, and the amendments thereto, documents developed by Director of the National Agency. Freedom of Information (FOI) the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the European Union mechanism was also used to obtain information on addresses, founders (National Programmes for Adoption of the EU Acquis – Revisions 2013, and authorized persons of relevant entities enlisted in the Central 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 and 2008; EC’s Progress Reports for the Republic Register of the Republic of Macedonia. of Macedonia for the years 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012; Council Decision 15 media outlets were monitored as well, those being: five daily on the principles, priorities and conditions contained in the Accession newspapers (Utrinski vesnik; Dnevnik; Vest; Vecer and Nova Makedonija), Partnership with the Republic of Macedonia, Brussels, February 2008), IPA prime-time news programmes on seven TV stations with national and project fishes, etc. Furthermore, the analysis relies on publicly available satellite coverage (Kanal 5; Sitel; Telma; MTV 1; Alfa; Alsat-M; and information, records on legal entities kept by the Central Register of the Vesti24)14, as well as three news web-portals (Plusinfo; SkyMK and Kurir). Republic of Macedonia, 2012 Annual Report on Financial Assistance for Enlargement, EC’s Enlargement Strategy 2013-2014, EC’s 2013 Progress Research findings presented in this report further confirm the conclusions Report for the Republic of Macedonia, as well as other relevant national from the previous report. Based on previous experiences with competent and EU documents. Additional source of information is the policy paper authorities and the National Agency, when abuses and malpractices titled “Participation of the Republic of Macedonia in the Community were pushed under the carpet and nobody was held accountable for Programmes: Analysis of National Capacities against the Period 2014- the actions taken, this report is endorsed by the established Network of 2020” authored by Aleksandar Kolekeski and Dalibor Stajik.13 CSOs and other stakeholders, and urges the competent authorities and

14 Media Monitoring is a partnership project implemented with the NGO Info-Centre from 13 Skopje.

14 WHY THIS RESEARCH? system institutions to take adequate measures to correct the situation, with the ultimate goal of making the National Agency a respectable institution that operates in legal and diligent manner. Establishment of a coalition/network and additional activities will be needed, especially having in mind the fact that Macedonia can become a programme country15 in the programme Еrasmus+ 2014-2020. Should this become reality, one can righteously conclude that the National Agency will never improve its practices and that Macedonia will have a youth sector “managed” and manipulated by the power centre, i.e. the ruling authorities!

15 By default, EU Member States are programme countries in Erasmus+. Candidate countries and potential candidate countries, as well as countries that are part of the European Economic Area (EEA) and EFTA can become programme countries upon fulfilment of certain administrative conditions and upon establishment of a National Agency tasked to manage the programme.

15 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

...III... ne of the instruments EU relies on to achieve its objectives defined in the Europe 2020 Strategy is the new Union Programme called Erasmus+. During the Irish Presidency, EU Member States and the European Parliament signed the agreement regulating Othe programme Erasmus+. This programme is worth € 16 billion and is envisaged as framework programme uniting all current programmes on education, training, youth and sport, in the financial perspective 2014- 2020. ANALYSIS Erasmus+ is not important only for the youth. It merges all sub- programmes from the current programme Lifelong Learning (Leonardo Da Vinci, Comenius, Grundtvig, Erasmus, and Jean Monnet actions), the current programme Youth in Action, as well as five other international programmes, including: Erasmus Mundus and Tempus. The new programme should be streamlined and more contemporary. It will focus on formal and informal learning in EU Member States, aimed to improve skills and employability of students, educators and youth workers. Building upon EU’s renowned and respected brand, the new programme 16 ANALYSIS has strengthened and sharpened view on mobility of learners and institutions profiled in education and training, and youth organizations educators, and continues to support reforms of existing structures, that truly wish to invest themselves in partnerships for the purpose of especially in cases of institutions with overlapping competences and exchange of experiences and good practices. Same goes for partnerships greater cooperation in the field of education with non-EU states. with businesses aimed at promoting innovation and new jobs, and The overall objective is to stimulate innovation and competition in greater support for IT platforms, such as eTwinning that allows links promoting employability, especially of youth, at these difficult times of between schools and other Internet-based training providers. extremely high unemployment. For the first time, sport is included as key component of the programme, with a focus on grassroots activities, inclusion and cooperation. 1.1. What does Erasmus+ look like? Erasmus+ is EU’s new programme on education, training, youth and 1. MACEDONIA – CONSTANTLY UNDER sport, for the period 2014-2020. It unites several other programmes implemented in the past and covers all education sectors, those being: PREPARATIONS 1. the programme Lifelong Learning: To date, the Republic of Macedonia was given partial participation in 1.1. Erasmus (higher education); the programmes Youth in Action and Lifelong Learning. Track record and maturity demonstrated by the National Agency in management 1.2. Leonardo Da Vinci (vocational education and training); and administration of EU funds will ultimately determine whether 1.3. Comenius (preschool, primary and high school education); Macedonia will become a programme country for Erasmus+. So far, 1.4. Grundtvig (adult education); preparatory measures are progressing slowly and leave the impression that Macedonia is constantly under preparation. 2. the programme Youth in Action; Nevertheless, preparations for Erasmus+ will be somewhat different, 3. the programme Erasmus Mundus; having in mind the programme’s objective to improve the overall 4. Tempus; effectiveness, which means more grants for students, trainees, teachers and professors, and for other educators. The programme is governed 5. Alfa; by the premise “more benefits for individuals, greater impact on EU’s 6. Edulink, economy”. In that regard, the programme offers more opportunities for mobility and makes cooperation a crucial component of all programme 7. programmes for cooperation with industrialized countries in the actions. More funds will be available for studying, learning, traineeships field of education; and volunteering abroad. Moreover, there will be more opportunities for

17 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

8. EU support for sport, which is the novelty introduced by this organizations, and promotes good governance, social inclusion, dual programme. carriers and participation in sport and physical activity for people of all ages. Erasmus+ pools together significant EU funding (40%) intended for improvement of key competences and skills, in response to importance of education and training at EU level and at national level. It aims to strengthen personal development and employability of people. 1.2. Differences between Erasmus+ and its predecessor The new programme builds on the experiences of existing programmes, such as Erasmus, but is expected to have an even greater impact. The In its nature, the new programme is more ambitious and more strategic. programme is based on the premise that investment in education and Its main goals are improved skills and employability, as well as support training is crucial for opening new potentials, regardless of individual’s for modernization of education, training and youth systems. age or education level. Erasmus+ is designed to develop synergies between various education Erasmus+ aims to increase the quality and relevance of EU qualifications sectors and the world of work. The programme’s new design should and skills. Two-thirds of all funds available will be disbursed as grants result in streamlined application rules and procedures, and evasion of and are intended for more than 4 million people to study, be trained, fragmented or overlapping actions. work or volunteer abroad, in the period 2014-2020 (compared to € 2.7 Following are some of the new features incorporated in the programme: million available in the period 2007-2013). Programme beneficiaries can spend from several days to one year abroad and participate in any of • Student Loan Guarantee Facility - intended to finance postgraduate the various programme options. students to move abroad for full Master degree and acquire skills for knowledge-intensive jobs; Erasmus+ is intended for: students, teachers, interns, volunteers, young leaders and sportsmen. In addition, the programme will fund • Knowledge Alliances - partnerships between higher education partnerships among education institutions and will support reforms in institutions and the world of work aimed at promoting creativity, EU Member States aimed at modernization of education and training, innovation, work-based learning and entrepreneurship, by offering promotion of innovation, entrepreneurship and employment. relevant learning opportunities, including developing new curricula and pedagogical approaches; The programme anticipates greater support for IT platforms, such as eTwinning that links schools and other Internet-based providers of • Sector Skill Alliances – partnerships between education and training learning services. providers and the world of work aimed at promoting employability, contributing to the creation of new sector-specific curricula, Erasmus+ contributes to development of EU dimension in sports, by developing innovative methods of vocational teaching and training; providing assistance to tackle cross-border threats, such as match-fixing and doping. Moreover, it supports transnational projects involving sport


• Integration of international programmes in education, enabling 1.3. Mobility as key objective mobility in higher education for and from third countries and capacity-building projects for higher education institutions in For the purpose of better alignment of criteria on setting the amount of third countries. EU student grants and for the purpose of greater flexibility, due account is made of the demand level for grants and other funding sources, which Changes introduced to the programme primarily concern its accessibility differ from state to state. In the case of grants in higher amounts, for a broad range of participants. For example, Erasmus+ offers support in addition to EU funds, students can also benefit from financial to students to improve their language skills prior to studying or working contributions from national, regional or local authorities. abroad. It encourages development of flexible curricula, including distance learning or part-time learning, by means of increased use of IT. Grant amounts at EU level will depend on the destination country. Erasmus+ grants are intended to cover specific costs (such as: living Countries that participate in Erasmus+ are categorized in three groups, costs in the destination country) and offer strengthened support depending on the level of living costs. Individuals who study in a for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, including students country from the same group (with similar living costs), are eligible for with disabilities and students from the outmost regions/countries. EU grant in the average amount between € 200 and € 450 per month. Participating countries may complement the EU grant with funds from Grant amounts are defined by the National Agency in the country of their national or regional budgets. origin responsible to manage Erasmus+ grants. When setting the grant amount, the National Agency makes due consideration of the demand Student Loan Guarantee Facility implies greater support for students for grants and other financing sources. For example, it may decide to pursuing a Master degree in another EU country. It is designed for the grant flexibility to their higher education institutions by fixing the benefit of students from disadvantaged backgrounds, who had been lower and upper threshold in cases of limited co-financing at regional prevented from studying abroad due to unavailability of national grants or institutional level. or loans. Individuals studying in a country with higher living costs receive the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) provides the general quality medium range grant plus at least € 50 per month (total grant amount framework for European and international cooperation activities, by must not exceed € 500 per month). Individuals studying in a country means of more rigorous inter-institutional agreements that define the with lower living costs receive the medium range grant minus at least minimum level of language skills for students and provision of detailed € 50 per month (total grant amount must not be lower than € 150 per information on housing and visa issues. month). Students from the outmost regions and programme countries receive higher EU grants. Moreover, EU grant amount depends on the fact whether the individual participates in study programme or traineeship abroad. Students in traineeships may receive a supplement to their EU grant in the amount

19 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report between € 100 and € 200 per month, when they do not have access to with businesses. This also supports reform policies in the priority areas, cheaper student loggings or food. EU grant level is set by the National such as digital skills and increased relevance of vocational education Agency and/or higher education institution in cases of regional or and training to the labour market. institutional co-financing. Erasmus+ emphasizes the importance of informal learning. Research Special have been made for students from disadvantaged studies show that employers are prone to validate skills acquired by backgrounds. Actually, the National Authorities can decide, depending means of informal learning, such as volunteering. Actually, 75% of on the support already provided at national level, to grant these students participants in the European Volunteer Service reported that their a supplement in the amount between € 100 and € 200 per month from carrier prospects have been improved by their participation in EVC. the EU budget when they are studying abroad. Research studies also show that students who spend portion of their Students with disabilities are eligible for EU grants in higher amount to studies abroad have greater chances to find work abroad, once they join cover their additional costs. the labour market. Two-thirds of the programme’s budget funds are allocated for mobility In addition to enabling greater access to funds, efforts are needed to of individual learners. In addition to mobility of students, funds are eliminate the obstacles to accessing funding on national and regional allocated to support mobility of teachers, trainers and youth workers, level, for example, by improving access to information, establishing due to their possibility to achieve the “multiplier” effect and the national grant and loan schemes intended for international studies and likelihood of achieving a systemic impact on practices at their home recognition of studying and training qualifications and skills acquired institutions, upon their return. abroad. In June 2011, the Ministers of Education from EU Member States promoted an agenda dedicated to elimination of obstacles to studying 1.4. Erasmus + and youth unemployment or training abroad. In order to monitor the progress made under this agenda, the European Commission – together with EU Member States Erasmus+ contributes to the fight against youth unemployment by – developed the so-called Mobility Scoreboard, which assesses the assisting them to improve their key skills and qualifications such as: efficiency of individual EU Members States and publishes their mobility foreign languages, communication, adaptability or learning to live and results. work in multinational and multicultural environments. At the same time, EU Member States agreed the targets for mobility The programme facilitates the preconditions for better cooperation of students in higher education and training. By 2020, at least 20% between universities and employers, whereby students will benefit of undergraduate students in the EU should spend a portion of their from curricula adequate for development of required work skills. Such studies or training in another country. As regards VET, by 2020 more cooperation actions are also beneficial for educational institutions and than 6% of people aged 18 to 34 years with initial VET qualifications youth organizations, especially in the view of developing closer relations should spend a portion of their learning or training in another country. 20 ANALYSIS

The world has changed tremendously from the time when EU programmes sectoral partnerships that address these issues. in this field were first introduced. Today, the EU is recovering from one of Individual mobility of adult learners will not be supported under the biggest economic downturns. Throughout the EU, almost 6 million Erasmus+, except as part of strategic partnerships. young people are unemployed, while 36% of employers face difficulties in finding people with the required skills. Level of mismatching skills in Teachers and staff involved in adult education will, however, continue Europe is alarming, with almost 20% of people aged 15+ years lacking to benefit from the programmes’ transnational learning exchanges minimum reading skills and 73 million adults with low or without any (short and long term). The three mobility actions for education staff qualifications. (work placement, assistant position and visit/exchange) are merged in one action. European labour market is also changing. Number of advance skills jobs is increasing, while the number of low qualified jobs is decreasing. Strategic partnerships contribute to modernization of organizations It has been assessed that by 2020 almost 35% of all jobs will require profiled in adult education. advance skills (equivalent to undergraduate qualifications). The programme launches a new Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE). 1.5. New approach to education The open access condition allows all educational materials produced with financing from Erasmus+ to be made available for everybody, based One of the key objectives defined in the Europe 2020 Strategy is to on the principle that everything that has been created with public improve the share of young adult generation with completed tertiary funds should be available to the public. In all cases when beneficiaries education to 40% (from current 36%). Erasmus+ actions are aimed to of the programme produce educational materials they need to make help people enhance their skills by studying and training abroad, and them available for the public trough open license software and open it stimulates innovation and modernization of education and training educational resources. institutions. Another key objective in the field of education is to decrease the share of early school leavers from the current 12.7% to under 10%. In order 1.6. Key figures in Erasmus+ to contribute to achievement of this objective, Erasmus+ supports Countries that can participate in Erasmus+ are: modernization of education and training, from early childhood to secondary education and initial VET. Informal learning is supported by • the Member States; means of youth exchanges and volunteering. • the acceding countries, candidate countries and potential Cooperation and partnership with businesses contributes to bridging candidates benefiting from a pre-accession strategy; the mismatch of skills by securing that curricula are adequate to labour • those EFTA countries that are party to the EEA Agreement; market demands. On this account, the new programme promotes inter- 21 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

• the Swiss Confederation, on the basis of a bilateral agreement to be upon fulfilment of specific administrative conditions and establishment concluded with the country; of a National Agency tasked to manage the programme. • those countries covered by the European neighbourhood policy All other countries worldwide are considered “partner countries” and which have signed bilateral agreements with the Union. can participate in certain activities or if they fulfil certain conditions. EU Member States are by default considered programme countries in Key figures of the programme Erasmus+ for the period 2014-2020: Erasmus+. Other countries indicated can become programme countries

Total budget € 14,700,000,000 Programme is intended for more than 4 million people Higher education 2,000,000 students VET and traineeships 650,000 people Mobility of staff 800,000 lecturers, teachers, trainers, teaching staff and youth activists Volunteer and youth exchange schemes more than 500,000 young people Student Loan Guarantee Facility, for Master studies 200,000 students Joint Master Degree more than 25,000 students Strategic partnerships 25,000 people connecting 125,000 schools, VET institutions, higher education institutions and adult education institutions, youth organizations and businesses Knowledge Alliances more than 150, established by 1,500 higher education institutions and businesses Sector Skill Alliances more than 150, established by 2,000 VET providers and businesses Schools more than 200,000 teachers cooperating through the Internet, including 100,000 school through eTwinning


1.7. Who needs the National Agency? or the future programme Erasmus+, merging and replacing these two programmes in the financial perspective 2014-2020. As a legal entity, the National Agency first appeared under the name National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility However, the National Agency does not benefit only from funds in the registration decision issued by the Central Register from 17 committed under the National IPA, but also under the Multi-beneficiary December 2007. From its establishment to present, the National Agency IPA, where Macedonia is entitled to funding through the Western is in preparatory stage, which means that its activities are financed by Window. In the period 2007-2013, around € 160 million from the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (hereinafter: IPA), while IPA have been invested in youth and education (share of funds come formally, the EC issued a limited framework for participation in calls for from the National IPA and another share from the Multi-beneficiary proposals announced for certain programme actions.16 171819 IPA) in order for the Republic of Macedonia to progress in these sectors. Although this amount is not intended only for the National Agency, this Despite the significant amount of funds invested in this institution institution is still one of the most important links for implementation of both by the EU and from the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia, the these programmes. Table 1 below shows the measures and actions under National Agency has still not acquired the accreditation for Macedonia which the Republic of Macedonia and thereby the National Agency, to become “programme country” and be able to independently use funds appear as beneficiaries of IPA funds. available under the programmes Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action,

National IPA No Project Amount (€) Year 1. Preparatory measures for the programmes Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action17 900,000 2007 2. Preparatory measures for the programmes Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action18 2,000,000 2009 3. Preparatory measures for the programmes Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action19 2,000,000 2010 4. Participation in the programmes Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action 4,840,000 2010 Total € 9,740,000

16 :PDF, 15:EN:PDF 17 18 19

23 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

Multi-beneficiary IPA 1. Tempus, Erasmus Mundus and Youth in Action programmes (€ 30.55 million, of 5,700,000 2007 which € 5.7 million for Macedonia 2. Erasmus Mundus, action 1: Western Balkans Window and Turkey 8,000,000 2009 3. Erasmus Mundus, action 2: Western Balkans Partnerships 12,000,000 2009 4. Youth in Action: Western Balkans Window 1,500,000 2009 5. Tempus IV 15,550,000 2009 6. Erasmus Mundus, action 1: Western Balkans Window and Turkey 8,000,000 2010 7. Erasmus Mundus, action 2: Western Balkans Partnerships 12,000,000 2010 8. Youth in Action: Western Balkans Window 1,500,000 2010 9. Tempus 13,800,000 2010 10. Erasmus Mundus, action 1: Western Balkans Window and Turkey 8,000,000 2011 11. Erasmus Mundus, action 2: Western Balkans Partnerships 12,000,000 2011 12. Youth in Action: Western Balkans Window 1,500,000 2011 13. Regional Support for Inclusive Education 4,645,650 2012 14. Erasmus Mundus, action 1: Western Balkans Window and Turkey 8,000,000 2012 15. Erasmus Mundus, action 2: Western Balkans Partnerships 12,000,000 2012 16. Youth in Action: Western Balkans Window 3,000,000 2012 17. Erasmus Mundus, action 1: Western Balkans Window and Turkey 8,000,000 2013 18. Erasmus Mundus, action 2: Western Balkans Partnerships 12,000,000 2013 19. Youth in Action: Western Balkans Window 3,000,000 2013 Total: € 150,195,650 Grand total: € 159,935,650

Table 1- IPA projects for the Republic of Macedonia and the National Agency


1.8. Where did the money go? building for relevant administrative bodies. It was expected that by 2011 the National Agency would be able to fully participate in these Overall goal of projects with preparatory measures is to support the programmes. This project anticipated payment of entry tickets for the beneficiary, i.e. the National Agency, for participation in the programmes programmes and implementation of following activities: staff training Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action. On one side, these projects finance on amended rules for programme participation, training of beneficiaries, the costs related to the country’s participation in the said programmes with a special focus on new beneficiaries, establishment of networks (payment of entry ticket), but on the other hand, they aim to strengthen on regional and international level with other National Agencies and the relevant administrative bodies by providing them adequate other relevant institutions, as well as mobility and partner projects participation in preparatory measures for the programmes. In the for programme beneficiaries, support for end-beneficiaries (schools, preparatory stage, the National Agency is developing and strengthening universities, CSOs, individuals, etc.). The reality is quite the opposite, its institutional capacity for future programme management. By because to present the National Agency is unable to independently the end of the preparatory period, the National Agency should be participate in these extremely important programmes. adequately equipped for efficient and successful implementation of the programmes, which means it should become a full-fledged member and On the other side, Multibeneficiary IPA 2007 project fiche for the enjoy full participation in the programmes and be granted the status programme Youth in Action in the amount of € 1 million aimed at of programme country. In order to achieve that, the National Agency promoting youth exchange and other activities in the field of informal must be accredited for functional operation characterized by quality education of youth for the purpose of building long-lasting and strong and sound financial management in compliance with EU regulations.20 partnerships and promoting exchange of expertise and knowledge on Main indicators used by the EU to assess the efficiency and success youth work between non-governmental and governmental organizations of the National Agency are the pilot projects implemented, based on established in EU Member States and the Western Balkans. The project the track record of the National Agency in compliance with the EU is expected to contribute to strengthened democracy and civil society administrative criteria. Based on the implementation of pilot projects, through integration and active participation of youth, including the EC assesses whether the National Agency has performed its tasks in development of youth structures and volunteering. In particular, satisfactory manner and without conflict of interests, and whether it expected project results include: 1) increased number of multicultural has institutional capacity to apply the programme rules and conditions youth exchanges, cooperation and solidarity in the Western Balkans; and defined at EU level. 2) established partnerships and contacts between youth organizations from the Western Balkans and the EU. National IPA 2010 project fiche (project proposal) in the amount of € 4,840,000 anticipated co-financing of entry tickets for the The goal of the project financed under the Multi-beneficiary IPA 2009 programmes Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action, but also capacity- “Youth in Action – Western Balkans Window”, supported with a grant in the amount of € 1.5 million, is to strengthen democracy, civil society and social inclusion in the Western Balkans by encouraging integration and 20 Article 54 and Article 56 of the Council Regulation no. 1605/2002 and Article 38 of the Council Regulation no. 2342/2002 active participation of youth in development of youth organization and

25 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report volunteer services. The project promotes informal education and youth The goal of the projects “Youth in Action – Western Balkans Window” sector’s development by means of: support for projects with partner financed under the Multi-beneficiary IPA 2012 and IPA 2013 in organizations, especially exchanges of youth and those involved in youth the amount of € 3 million per year is to strengthen democracy, civil work and youth organizations, support for initiatives aimed to increase society and social inclusion in the Western Balkans, as well as mutual mutual understanding, solidarity and tolerance and development of understanding of youth, solidarity and tolerance, through integration cooperation in the field of youth issues and civil society in the Western and active participation of youth in the society. These projects will Balkans. promote informal education and the youth sector by supporting projects with partner organizations, especially youth exchanges, transnational This project is expected to enable: 1) more opportunities for youth to volunteer services, and training and networking for youth activists. experience international mobility and acquire social and educational skills that would help their integration in the society; 2) active Based on the above enlisted preparatory national and regional projects participation of youth in democratic life and civil society, especially financed under IPA, the National Agency administered the first grant- of youth organizations and young people with less opportunities; 3) awarding scheme under the programmes Lifelong Learning and Youth in improved interethnic and interreligious dialogue between youth and Action in 2009. Subject of interest for this report are the project grants youth organizations; 4) development of long-lasting partnerships and awarded by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action. exchange of expertise and knowledge in the field of informal education; and 5) improved organizational skills of CSOs in the Western Balkans, especially in relation to management of EU funds. 1.9. How are funds distributed? The project funded under Multi-beneficiary IPA 2011 (“Youth in Action As early as the first grant-awarding scheme in 2009,21 the National – Western Balkans Window”) in the amount of € 1.5 million also aims to Agency demonstrated inclination for suspicious allocations of grants promote informal education and youth sector’s development in the region to CSOs that have clear conflict of interests according to the national by supporting projects with partner institutions, especially exchange legislation in effect. Thus, funds were disbursed to organizations that of youth and of those active in youth work and youth organizations, are directly linked with the National Agency’s management staff. Funds including initiatives that strengthen mutual understanding, solidarity intended as grant schemes under the first pilot-projects implemented and tolerance, but also development of cooperation in the field of as part of the programme Youth in Action have been awarded to CSOs youth issues and civil society in the Western Balkans. Three open calls that are members of the Council of Youth NGOs,22 Youth Forum EYE from for proposals of youth organizations were announced (September 2011, Struga, Fund for Youth Development from Ohrid (both organizations were February 2012 and June 2012) in compliance with the criteria defined in the “Youth in Action – Programme Guide”. 21 Third Quarterly Accession Watch Report titled “Lisbion-Skopje-Athens: MK@EU”, October 2009, pg. 61, available at: so-CIP.pdf 22 26 ANALYSIS national contract-points for the programme Youth in Action, appointed Jablanica (whose founders include Trajce Nelkoski, father of Bosko by the National Agency), Youth Creative Centre from Veles (association Nelkoski, Director of the National Agency at that time). established by Bosko Nelkoski’s brother-in-law, certain Nikola Kocevski from Veles), and Centre for Ruran Development in SEE from village

BENEFICIARY PROJECT AMOUNT (€) Youth Development Fund - Ohrid Young Explorers 9,883 Erasmus Student Network - Skopje Be Creative, Be Innovative, Be Active 9,586 Centre for Intercultural Dialogue - Kumanovo Intercultural Conflict Resolution 12,165 Centre for Ruran Development - vil. Jablanica, Live Filming – Youth Documentaries 7,062 Struga

2009 European Alliance in the Republic of Macedonia - Energising for Promotion of Youth 13,484 Skopje Organizations

Youth Creative Centre - Veles Shakesperience 8,693

Youth Forum EYE - Struga Do Right! 5,650 7 of 21 project applications have been approved financing 34,889

Table 2 – Project applications approved financing by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action in 2009

In 2009, funding was approved to an organization that includes the which employs Misko Astalkoski, former project coordinator at Youth name of the National Agency’s management staff, i.e. Erasmus Student Forum EYE, and Ensemble “Goce Delcev” from Bulgaria, a folklore group Network from Skopje, where Neda Ahcieva, head of sector at the National that cooperates with Youth Forum EYE. Insight preformed in the list of Agency, appears as member of CSO’s Supervisory Board. Two projects projects approved for funding revealed that the name of Misko Astalkoski have identical partner organizations: Centre for Ruran Development is enlisted as the contact person for four project grants implemented by from vil. Jablanica and Youth Creative Centre from Veles. Their partner Youth Forum EYE, in total amount of slightly less than € 100,000. organizations include: Association for Civil Society in Slovenia – LOM,

27 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

In early 2010, the media started to report and present documents on the never provided specific explanation about the reason why the said CSOs, National Agency’s operation. From today’s perspective, the media informed whose founders are close relatives of his, have been awarded funds by only about a small share of suspicious circumstances under which grants the National Agency, while the Government did not show interest in have been awarded. Unfortunately, at that time, the conflict of interests at clarifying this matter thoroughly. In his letter of resignation, Nelkoski the National Agency was bigger and more organized that the one reported praised himself for the success of the National Agency and acknowledged by the media and today it has been instituted as systemic action. the efforts of the team that – as he reiterated – was his great creation and pride. At the time, daily Nova Makedonija23 only scratched the surface of the affair at the National Agency and was encouraged to investigate the story on the basis of findings presented in the Third Quarterly Accession Watch Report titled “Lisbon-Skopje-Athens: MK@EU”,24 published in October 1.10. Somebody else’s conflict of interests 2009, i.e. immediately after the disbursement of first round of project State Commission for Prevention of Corruption (hereinafter: SCPC), grants. In the second half of January and early February 2010, almost all acting on own initiative, presented the Public Prosecutor of the Republic media outlets (printed and electronic) covered the abuses of funds by the of Macedonia with a motion for criminal prosecution of Bosko Nelkoski, National Agency. Prime Minister Gruevski issued a statement about this former Director of the National Agency, indicating “reasonable suspicion case: “We recommended the Executive Board to immediately investigate that in the period 2008 – 2009, he committed the criminal act ‘abuse this case and check the actual facts. If it establishes unlawful or unethical of office and public authorization’ stipulated in Article 353, paragraph actions, it should dismiss the Agency Director. On the contrary, if it establishes 1 and paragraph 5 and ‘unprofessional performance of duties’ stipulated that the implicated employees have acted in lawful and ethical manner, it in Article 353-c of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Macedonia, should explain that in public. If unlawful actions have been taken, a criminal because while managing the National Agency for European Educational procedure will be initiated and the competent courts will make the final Programmes and Mobility and administering funds and performing public decision on that matter. If unethical actions have been taken, then there will procurements, he acted contrary to his public authorization and did not be dismissals.”25 ensure a fair and lawful use of funds disposed by the National Agency, Bosko Nelkoski was not dismissed from the position Director of the in that violating the regulations on conflict of interests and taking National Agency. However, under great public pressure, on 23 February unprofessional actions in performing his authorizations and duties for 2010, Nelkoski submitted a letter of resignation,26 accusing everybody personal proceeds and for the benefit of others”.27 else for alleged persecution against him, based on lies and untruth. He According to SCPC’s findings presented in its communication on 23 initiatives motioned: “It is a matter of associations where the holders ie=21883 of offices – director, president or members of the Executive Board and 24, pg. 60. 25 27 2011 Annual Report of the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption, pg. 13, 26 Bosko Nelkoski’s letter of resignation is available at: available at: ostavka.pdf izvestaj_2011.pdf 28 ANALYSIS management staff at the National Agency for European Educational to be suspended”.30 Programmes and Mobility – have acted or are still acting in the capacity of EC’s suspension was lifted in 2012,31 when there was only one year authorized persons for the said legal entities. These associations include: left from the possible deadline for project implementation and when Youth Forum EYE from Struga, Citizens’ Association “Youth Creative Centre” possible de-commitment of funds intended for institutional capacity- from Veles and Centre for Ruran Development from Skopje, which have building and programmed under IPA 2009 was likely to happen. This been approved project grants...”28 earmarked financial assistance from the EU in the amount of € 2,000,000 On the account of above indicated practices, in April 2010, the EC was approved on 1.1.2010, immediately before the scandal at the suspended the funds for preparatory measures intended for the National National Agency became public knowledge. The suspension was lifted Agency. EC’s 2010 Progress Report for the Republic of Macedonia at the moment when there was only one year left for implementation of noted: “the Executive Board of the National Agency was dismissed and these earmarked funds, especially knowing that the past two years have the National Agency’s Director resigned following allegations on conflict passed by under suspension due to the affair at the National Agency of interests. An audit by the Ministry of Education and an external audit involving suspicious allocation of grants under the programme Youth detected irregularities in the management of funds. A new Executive in Action. Board and a new Director were appointed. The Ministry of Education and Overall goal of preparatory measures is to improve and monitor Science has not yet set up an effective control system assuring the proper effectiveness of the country’s preparations to participate in the functioning of the National Agency and ensuring that the management of programmes Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action. Preparatory measures EU funds complies with all applicable rules and high standards of ethics have three main objectives: and integrity. As a result, the Commission has suspended the preparatory measures for the Lifelong Learning Programme and the Youth in Action 1. National Agency’s preparation for programme management Programme“.29 (completed process of staff recruitment and training); EC’s suspension remained in effect in the next year (2011) as well. EC’s 2. Information campaigns for potential programme beneficiaries 2011 Progress Report for the Republic of Macedonia documented this (translation and publication of main documents, publication of fact and noted: “...the Parliament enacted the amendments to the Law on brochures, organization of seminars, etc.); Establishing the National Agency for European Educational Programmes 3. Testing the National Agency’s capacity to manage the programmes and Mobility, thus increasing the accountability of the National Agency. Lifelong Learning Programme and Youth in Action by means of pilot However, the progress made did not reach the level required by EU rules activities. and remained inadequate. “The preparatory measures therefore continued

28 30 id=1 rapport_2010_en.pdf 29 31 rapport_2010_en.pdf obrazovanieto.aspx

29 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

Nevertheless, obvious is that neither EC’s suspension nor SCPC’s findings provided sufficient and compelling reason for the National Agency to change its style of operation. Evidence in support of that are identified in project grants from the programme Youth in Action enlisted in the table below and awarded by the National Agency in 2012, to the same legal entities (CSOs) indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests.

Amount Beneficiary Project (€) Youth Forum EYE - Struga Spinning Around 24,251 Youth Forum EYE - Struga YE Colouring Differences to Equality 12,765

Centre for Ruran Development - vil. Promotion to Wider Knowledge Towards Rural Areas 23,922 Jablanica, Struga

Youth Forum EYE - Struga Social Media as Tool for Changes 15,635 Youth Forum EYE - Struga DO RIGHT – YOUTH SERVICE CENTRE 14,184 Total: 90,757

Table 3 – Project applications approved for financing by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action to CSOs indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests

Although SCPS motioned an initiative for criminal prosecution and organizations five new project grants in total amount of € 90,757, on enlisted by name the legal entities Youth Forum EYE from Struga, Youth the first convenient occasion in 2012. Creative Centre from Veles and Centre for Ruran Development from Struga, Moreover, in February 2013, the National Agency has awarded another the National Agency did not find any reasons not to award the same grant to one of these popular CSOs in the amount of € 24,300.


Beneficiary Project Amount (€) Centre for Ruran Development - vil. Jablanica, Struga Explore Macedonia 24,300

Table 4 – Project applications approved financing by the National Agency on the 1st deadline in 2013 for the programme Youth in Action Programme to CSOs indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests

In 2012, the National Agency, in compliance with the programme guidelines for Youth in Action32 announced the annual call for proposals,33 with three deadlines for submission of project applications.

2012 deadlines YOUTH IN ACTION 1st deadline 2nd deadline 3rd deadline Youth Exchanges (sub-action 1.1) 1 February 1 May 1 October European Volunteer Service (action 2) 1 February 1 May 1 October Training and networking (sub-action 4.3) 1 February 1 May 1 October

Table 5- 2012 deadlines for submission of project applications

Results from the 1st deadline in February 201234 show that the National Agency has awarded funding to three CSOs seated in Struga, which is the birthplace of Bosko Nelkoski, the first Director of the National Agency, but also of several members of the National Agency’s management staff. Beneficiary organizations include an association whose name was indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests.

32 33 34

31 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

AMOUNT 2012 BENEFICIARY PROJECT (€) Centre for Education Research and YE Summer Street Party 21,707 Development - Skopje Youth forum EYE - Struga Spinning Around 24,251 CSO “Clear Futre” - Dolneni YE Sending Hope 17,397 CSO “New Message” - Struga Exploring Diversity 11,600 Local Agency for Development - Struga Workshop for Self Development 13,085 Go Macedonia: Exchange of European Centre for Intercultural Dialogue - Kumanovo 10,610 deadline

st Experiences in Youth Work 1 CSO “IMKA” - Bitola New Horizon 4,240 CSO “CreACtive” - Skopje Europe – Together for Active Youth Citizenship 13,250 Sharing and Learning: A Seminar on the First Children’s Embassy “Megasi” - Skopje 18,819 Inclusion of Marginalized Youth Forum for New Initiatives Europe 2.0 Volunteering is Simple 17,182 Total: 10 of 45 project applications have been approved financing € 152,141

Table 6 – Project applications approved financing by the National Agency on the 1st deadline in 2012 for the programme Youth in Action

Results on successful project applications on the 1st deadline in According to the results on successful project applications on the 2nd February 2012 raise concerns in relation to Youth Forum EYE from deadline in May 2012,36 the National Agency has awarded funding to Struga, which has been awarded a project grant by the National Agency 5 CSOs from Struga, including two associations that were indicated in the amount of € 24,251, although Jovan Poposki, head of sector at by SCPC for conflict of interests. In this case, in addition to Youth the National Agency, is enlisted as the holder of website registration Forum EYE from Struga, which found itself in conflict of interests, the for this organization, evident from the Registry of Internet Addresses list of successful project applications also includes Centre for Ruran - MARNET.35 Development from vil. Jablanica, Struga. Back in 2009, this organization

35 36

32 ANALYSIS had conflict of interests due to the fact that the list of association’s or selection. If needed, the Director of the National Agency can inform the founders included the father of Bosko Nelkovski, Director of the National European Commission of the situation and request an advice”.37 Agency at that time, but in 2012, when this organization was approved Unfortunately, Dimitrov has decided to quote EU rules governing on the 2nd deadline (May 2012), project documents indicated Semsedin conflict of interests, but failed to explain how he, in the capacity of Iljaz as the organization’s manager, although he is brother of Luljesa Director of the National Agency, has guaranteed that Centre for Ruran Iljazi, currently head of sector at the National Agency. Development did not receive any additional support or assistance from In the opinion of the National Agency, above indicated facts do not the employees (in particular, from the sister of the organization’s provide basis for establishment of conflict of interests. According to the manager), or how he has guaranteed that the relevant staff members Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interests, close relatives are defined are involved in the decision-making or project selection process. An as “spouses or out of wedlock partners of the officer, his/her bloodline institution like the National Agency cannot afford to defend itself with relatives once removed, and relatives four times removed, guardians and empty phrases against serious doubts for conflict of interests. This is foster children, in-laws twice removed and all natural or legal persons with the reason why adequate procedures are established! Unfortunately, whom the officer has private interest” (Article 3). Thus, indisputable is the National Agency stubbornly continues to keep silent on questions the fact that Ljulesa Iljazi is in conflict of interests when her brother, raised by the public on multiple occasions. Semsedin Iljaz, was awarded grant by the National Agency. This is how Darko Dimitrov, Director of the National Agency, explains conflict of interests. On our question inquiring about the conflict of 1.11. New favourite: Coalition NOW interests at the institution he manages, Darko Dimitrov responded: “As According to the results on successful project applications on the same regards the findings on alleged ties between employees of the National deadline (May 2012), the National Agency has awarded two grants to Agency and representatives of CSOs that have been awarded grants under the Coalition of Youth NGOs whose management includes an association the programme Youth in Action, the rules applied to prevent conflict of from the list of entities SCPS has suspected of conflict of interests. It is interests are clear in regard to participation of the National Agency’s staff, Coalition of Youth NGOs NOW from Prilep,38 whose management structures external experts and competent authorities and institutions in the process include Youth Forum EYE from Struga. Other irregularities are noted and of project selection and project cycle management. Nothing prevents the reported later in this analysis. relatives of employees in the National Agency to apply for project grants. In such cases, the EU rules require the Director of the National Agency to ensure that the applicants do not receive any additional support or assistance from the employees and that the relevant staff members are 37 Verbatim quotation (including the spelling mistakes) – integral text is given in Annex I. not involved in the decision-making process as part of project evaluation 38 =466:xi-&catid=38:2011-03-03-15-09-35&Itemid=79&lang=mk

33 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

AMOUNT 2012 BENEFICIARY PROJECT (€) Pan-European Centre - Mavrovo, vil. Rostuse Sports Back to Tradition 12,126 Youth Press - Struga YE Catch the Moment 2 11,792 Coalition of Youth NGOs NOW - Prilep My Way for Making Future 19,544.50 Youth Forum EYE - Struga YE Colouring Differences to Equality 12,765 Coalition of Youth NGOs NOW - Prilep Europe Locally 6,420 Local Agency for Development - Struga Sharpen Your Professional Skills 6,689

deadline CSO “IMKA” - Bitola Visual 7,765 nd 2 Centre for Ruran Development - vil. Jablanica, Promotion to Wider Knowledge Towards Rural 23,922 Struga Areas Youth Info FACE - Skopje A European Youth Perspective 3,980 Youth Forum EYE - Struga Social Media as Stool for Changes 15,635 CSO “Horizon” - Kavadarci Hurricane of Possibilities 13,706 Total: 11 of 44 project applications have been approved financing € 134,344.50

Table 7 – Project applications approved financing by the National Agency on the 2nd deadline in 2012 for the programme Youth in Action

Seventeenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report “Youth Inaction!” was interests. As was the case with the previous deadlines in 2012, suspicious developed on the basis of data available by 31.3.2013. Having in mind beneficiary organizations include Youth Forum EYE from Struga, which that the National Agency published the results on successful project appears as default beneficiary of project grants awarded by the National applications on the 3rd deadline in 201239 as late as April 2013, these results Agency on all deadlines in 2012 for the programme Youth in Action. were not incorporated in the report. On this deadline, the National Agency has approved the project application Results from this deadline are analysed in this report. As expected, results submitted by Coalition of Youth NGOs NOW from Prilep,40 whose management on successful project applications do not surprise. Again, the National structures include Youth Forum EYE from Struga. Other irregularities are Agency has awarded grants to 3 CSOs based in Struga, and they include an noted and reported later in this analysis. association from the list of legal entities SCPC has suspected of conflict of 40 39 &catid=38:2011-03-03-15-09-35&Itemid=79&lang=mk


AMOUNT 2012 BENEFICIARY PROJECT (€) Local Agency for Development - Struga GREEN IS IN 22,483

Centre for Youth Development and Prevention YE The Vision of My Dream Work 7,475 - Kicevo

Local Agency for Development - Struga Eth(n)ic Learning 4,069

deadline Youth Info FACE - Skopje BE A.C.T.I.V.E 18,320 rd 3 Youth Forum EYE - Struga DO RIGHT – YOUTH SERVICE CENTRE 14,184 Coalition of Youth NGOs NOW - Prilep Be Informed, Get Active! 12,840 Youth European Forum – Bitola Wonderful Training Course 24,737 Total: 7 of 38 project application have been approved financing € 104,108

Table 8 – Projects approved by the National Agency on the 3rd deadline in 2012 for the programme Youth in Action

As was the case in 2012, the National Agency announced a new call Struga, including the organization which SCPC suspected of conflict of for proposals in 2013 for the programme Youth in Action, with three interests: Centre for Ruran Development from vil. Jablanica, Struga. deadlines for submission of project applications.41 Results on successful This list of successful projects raises new concerns about irregularities project applications selected by the National Agency on the 1st deadline in the selection process and they are duly analysed later in this report. (February 2013) were published in late August 2013. Again, the list of beneficiary organizations includes 4 CSOs based in

41 programata-mladi-vo-akcia-za-2013-godina.html

35 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

2013 BENEFICIARY PROJECT AMOUNT (€) Municipality of Vevcani Diving the Sea, Climbing the Mountain - Part II 10,608 CSO “In My World” - Skopje Voluntarism in Service of Autism 9,544 CSO “Clear Sun” - Struga YE Jump and Play and Let Me Know You 4,380 Youth Press - Struga Intercultural Learning as a Key To European 20,350 Awareness CSO “ORO” - Skopje Through Macedonian Salad to More Health 26,415 First Children’s Embassy “Megasi” - Skopje Day Care Centre – Children Who Do Not Attend 13,330 School deadline st

1 Youth Info FACE - Skopje LOGIN: Life Opportunity, Get Involved Now! 6,910 CSO “Pavel Satev” - Kocani Youth Inclusion and Development Through Media 6,420 Centre for Ruran Development - vil. Jablanica, Struga Explore Macedonia 24,300 CSO “New Message” - Skopje My Contribution to Happiness 8,285 Centre for Intercultural Dialogue - Kumanovo Training of Trainers: Fostering Social Inclusion... 17,073 CSO “Quantum” - Skopje Brain Opener 20,880 Total 12 of 55 project applications have been approved financing € 168,495

Table 9 – Project applications approved financing by the National Agency on the 1st deadline in 2013 for the programme Youth in Action

2. REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION • 2013 – February. Total funds disbursed on all deadlines amount to € 625,611.50. Among 203 To present, under the programme Youth in Action the National agency has 42 project applications, the National Agency approved financing for 47 project awarded financing for total of 47 projects on the following deadlines applications (23%). Financial support has not been granted to 156 project for submission of project applications: applications or 77% of all applications submitted for the programme Youth • 2009 – April/June; in Action.43 • 2012 – February, June and September;

42 43 More details on the distribution of projects per region are given in Annex II. 36 ANALYSIS

Southwest Skopje Pelagonija Northeast Vardar Polog East Southeast 20 12 8 3 2 1 1 0 Analysis of distribution of project grants in terms of the nomenclature units of territorial statistics (NUTS),44 according to which the Republic of Macedonia is divided into 8 (eight) plan regions, provides clear indicators on unequal distribution of funds throughout the country. Table and Figure below provide numerical and graphical overview of the distribution of project grants awarded by the National Agency of the Republic of Macedonia.

Figure 1 – Ratio between project applications approved and rejected financing by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action

Table below shows the distribution of funds per region and provides awarded grants under all deadlines and calls for proposals announced the conclusion that there is significantly high disproportion among the to present. Their joint share accounts for 69% of all funds disbursed, regions in terms of distribution of funds and number of projects. leaving only 31% of all funds to be distributed among the remaining 6 regions in the country. Chart on Figure 2 provides details about the distribution of grants per region. First two regions, Southwest and Skopje, are the only two regions

44 Nomenclature Units of Territorial Statistics

37 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

Southwest Skopje Pelagonija Northeast Vardar Polog East Southeast € 258,468 € 176,225 € 110,125.50 € 39,848 € 22,399 € 12,126 € 6,420 € 0 41% 28% 18% 6% 4% 2% 1% 0%

Table 10 – Total amount of project grants per region awarded by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action

Figure 2 – Total amount of funds per region awarded by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action

The chart shows that the Northeast region has been awarded only 3 not, the Southeast region in the Republic of Macedonia has not been project grants and accounts for a very low share of all funds disbursed. awarded any project grants. Following is the analysis of distribution of Vardar region has been awarded 2 project grants, while Polog and East funds per region. regions have been awarded one project grant, each. Purposefully or


2.1. Southwest region amount of € 72,485. Local Agency for Development, also from Struga, has been awarded 4 project grants in the amount of € 46,326, while This region covers the Ohrid Lake and River Treska basin, with an area of Centre for Ruran Development from village Jablanica, Struga, has been 2 3.340 km or 13.4% of the Republic of Macedonia’s territory. Southwest awarded three project grants in accumulative amount of € 55,284. Two 45 region is comprised of the following municipalities : Vevcani, Debar, projects each have been awarded to Youth Press from Struga, in total Debarca, Kicevo, Makedonski Brod, Ohrid, Plasnica, Struga and Centar amount of € 32,142 and New Message from Struga, in total amount of Zupa. In March 2013, the Municipalities of Vranestica, Drugovo, Zajas and Oslomej were annexed to the territory of the Municipality of Kicevo. € 19,885. One project each has been awarded to 4 CSOs, three of which are associations and one is a municipality. In the context of project grants awarded by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action, this is the most successful region with 20 Average value of individual project grants in this region amounts to project grants, in total amount of € 258,468 or 41% of all funds available. € 12,923.40. As expected, the highest amount per individual projects Biggest grant beneficiary from this region, but also on national level, is have been awarded to Centre for Ruran Development from village no other but Youth Forum Eye from Struga, with 5 projects grants in total Jablanica, Struga and Youth Forum EYE from Struga.

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT AMOUNT (€) Youth Development Fund - Ohrid Young Explorers 9,883 7,062 2009 Centre for Ruran Development - vil. Jablanica, Struga Live Filming – Youth Documentaries

Youth Forum EYE - Struga Do Right! 5,650 Youth Forum EYE - Struga Spinning Around 24,251 1st deadline CSO “New Message” - Struga Exploring Diversity 11,600 Local Agency for Development - Struga Workshop for Self Development 13,085

45 Regions in the Republic of Macedonia, 2009. Publication of the State Statistical Office.

39 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT AMOUNT (€) Youth Press - Struga YE Catch the Moment 2 11,792 Youth forum EYE - Struga YE Colouring Differences to Equality 12,765 2nd deadline 6,689 in 2012 Local Agency for Development - Struga Sharpen Your Professional Skills Centre for Ruran Development - vil. Jablanica, Struga Promotion to Wider Knowledge Towards Rural Areas 23,922 Youth Forum EYE - Struga Social Media as Tool for Changes 15,635 Local Agency for Development - Struga GREEN IS IN 22,483 Centre for Youth Development and Prevention - 7,475 rd YE The Vision of My Dream Work 3 deadline Kicevo in 2012 Local Agency for Development - Struga Eth(n)ic Learning 4,069 Youth Forum EYE - Struga DO RIGHT – YOUTH SERVICE CENTRE 14,184 Municipality of Vevcani Diving the Sea, Climbing the Mountain - Part II 10,608 CSO “Clear Sun” - Struga YE Jump and Play and Let Me Know You 4,380 1st deadline Youth Press - Struga Intercultural Learning as a Key to European Awareness 20,350 in 2013 Centre for Ruran Development - vil. Jablanica, Struga Explore Macedonia 24,300 CSO “New Message” - Struga My Contribution to Happiness 8,285

Table 11 – Projects grants awarded by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action to CSOs from the Southwest region in the Republic of Macedonia 2.2. Skopje region This region is populated with 571,040 inhabitants and represents the most densely populated region in the Republic of Macedonia. Despite being the The Skopje region includes the Skopje valley and covers an area of 1.812 most populated and most developed region in the state, it seems that it km2 or 7.3% of the Republic of Macedonia’s territory. This region includes has underperformed in terms of participation in project grants awarded the City of Skopje and the following municipalities: Aerodrom, Aracinovo, by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action, especially Butel, Gazi Baba, Gorce Petrov, Zelenikovo, Ilinden, Karpos, Kisela Voda, when compared to the Southwest region. CSOs based in the Skopje region Petrovec, Saraj, Sopiste, Studenicani, Centar, Cair, Cucer Sandevo and Suto benefited from 12 project grants in the amount of € 176,225 or 28% of all Orizari. funds awarded. 40 ANALYSIS

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT AMOUNT (€) Erasmus Student Network - Skopje Be Creative, Be Innovative, Be Active 9,586 2009 European Alliance in the Republic of Energising for Promotion of Youth Organizations 13,484 Macedonia - Skopje Centre for Education Research and YE Summer Street Party 21,707 Development - Skopje 1st deadline in CSO “CreACtive” - Skopje Europe – Together for Active Youth Citizenship 13,250 2012 First Children’s Embassy “Megasi” - Sharing and Learning: A Seminar on the 18,819 Skopje Inclusion of Marginalized Youth 2nd deadline in Youth Info FACE - Skopje A European Youth Perspective 3,980 2012 3rd deadline in Youth Info FACE - Skopje BE A.C.T.I.V.E 18,320 2012 CSO “In My World” - Skopje Voluntarism in Service of Autism 9,544 CSO “ORO” - Skopje Through Macedonian Salad To More Health 26,415 1st deadline in First Children’s Embassy “Megasi” - Day Care Centre – Children Who Do Not Attend 13,330 2013 Skopje School Youth Info FACE - Skopje LOGIN: Life Opportunity, Get Involved Now! 6,910 CSO “Quantum” - Skopje Brain Opener 20,880

Table 12 – Project grants awarded by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action Programme to CSOs from the Skopje region in the Republic of Macedonia

Among CSOs from the Skopje region, Youth Info FACE from Skopje has have been awarded one project grant, each. Average value of individual been awarded the highest number of project grants (3), in total amount grants awarded to CSOs from this region amounts to € 14,685.42. of € 29,210. Nevertheless, the beneficiary organization awarded the Highest amount per individual project grant has been awarded to CSO highest amount of funds is First Children’s Embassy “Megasi” from “ORO” from Skopje and Centre for Education Research and Development Skopje, with 2 project grants in total amount of € 32,149. Seven CSOs from Skopje.

41 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

2.3. Pelagonija region municipalities: Bitola, Demir Hisar, Krivogasani, Krusevo, Mogila, Prilep, Resen, Novaci and Dolneni. Pelagonija is one of the eight statistical regions in the Republic of Macedonia. It is located in the southwest part of Macedonia and This is the third-ranked region according to participation in actions borders with Greece and , but also the Southwest and Vardar implemented under the programme Youth in Action managed by the regions, where Bitola is the administrative and economic centre of the National Agency. CSOs based in the Pelagonija region have been region. The region’s geographical borders are the Pelagonija and Prespa awarded 8 project grants in total amount of € 110,125.50 or 18% of all valleys and it covers an area of 4.717 km2 or 18.9% of the Republic of funds disbursed. Macedonia’s territory. Pelagonija region is comprised of the following

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT AMOUNT (€) 2009 / / CSO “Clear Future” - Dolneni YE Sending Hope 17,397 st 1 deadline CSO “IMKA” – Bitola New Horizon 4,240 in 2012 Forum for New Initiative Europe 2.0 - Bitola Volunteering is Simple 17,182

Coalition of Youth NGOs NOW - Prilep My Way for Making Future 19,544.50 2nd deadline in 2012 Coalition of Youth NGOs NOW - Prilep Europe Locally 6,420 CSO “IMKA” - Bitola Visual 7,765 3rd deadline Coalition of Youth NGOs NOW - Prilep Be Informed, Get Active! 12,840 in 2012 Youth European Forum - Bitola Wonderful Training Course 24,737 1st deadline / / in 2013

Table 13 – Project grants awarded by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action to CSOs from the Pelagonija region in the Republic of Macedonia


Biggest grant beneficiary from the Pelagonija region is Coalition of 2.4. Northeast region Youth NGOs NOW from Prilep, which has been awarded 3 project grants in total amount of € 38,804.50. Two project grants have been were awarded The region is geographically defined by the basins of rivers Pcinja and 2 to CSO “IMKA” from Bitola in total amount of € 12,005. Three CSOs Kriva Reka. Total area covered is 2,310 km or 9.3% of the Republic of have been approved one project grant, each. Average value of project Macedonia’s territory. Northeast region is comprised of the following grants awarded to CSOs from this region amounts to € 13,765.69. Youth municipalities: Kratovo, Kriva Palanka, Kumanovo, Lipkovo, Rankovce European Forum from Bitola and Coalition of Youth NGOs NOW from Prilep and Staro Nagoricane. have been awarded the highest amount of individual project grants. CSOs from the Northeast region have been awarded only 3 project grants In the course of 2012, CSOs from the Pelagonija region have been in total amount of € 39,848 or 6% of all funds disbursed. awarded project grants on all three deadlines for submission of project applications. CSOs from this region have not been awarded grants on 2009 call for proposals and the 1st deadline in 2013.


Centre for Intercultural Dialogue - Kumanovo Intercultural Conflict Resolution 12,165 2009 1st deadline in Go Macedonia: Exchange of European Experiences Centre for Intercultural Dialogue - Kumanovo 10,610 2012 in Youth Work 2nd deadline in / / / 2012 3rd deadline in / / / 2012 1st deadline in Training of Trainers: Fostering Social Inclusion Centre for Intercultural Dialogue - Kumanovo 17,073 2013 and Employability...

Table 14 – Project grants awarded by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action to CSOs from the Northeast region in the Republic of Macedonia

43 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

Specific to this region is the fact that only one association (Centre 2.6. Polog region for Intercultural Dialogue from Kumanovo) appears as a beneficiary organization. Average value of individual grants awarded to the This region includes the Polog valley, Mavrovo highlands, the mountain beneficiary organization from this region amounts to € 13,282.67. Truth Bistra and the valley of River Radika. Total area covered by the region is 2 be told, this organization has always enjoyed a good reputation among 2,416 km or 9.7% of the Republic of Macedonia’s territory. Municipalities youth of different ethnic background. It has been awarded one grant in included in this region are: Bogovinje, Brvenica, Vrapciste, Gostivar, 2009 and one grant in 2012, and once again on the 1st deadline in 2013. Zelino, Mavrovo and Rostusa, Tearce and Tetovo. CSOs from this region have not been awarded any project grants on the As part of the programme Youth in Action, the National Agency has nd rd 2 and 3 deadline for submission of project applications in 2012. approved only one project application to an organization from this region in the amount of € 12,126 or around 2% of all funds disbursed. The single beneficiary organization from this region is Pan-European 2.5. Vardar region Centre from vil. Rostuse, Mavrovo. This project grant was approved on the 2nd deadline in 2012. This region covers the central area of the Republic of Macedonia and is geographically defined with the River Vardar basin, lower flows of rivers Bregalnica and Crna Reka and the west end of Ovce Pole. It has an area of 4,042 km2 or 16.2% of the Republic of Macedonia’s territory. Vardar 2.7. East region region is comprised of the following municipalities: Veles, Gradsko, This is a region geographically defined with the basin of River Bregalnica Demir Kapija, Kavadarci, Lozovo, Negotino, Rosoman, Sveti Nikole and and covers an area of 3,537 km2 or 14.2% of the Republic of Macedonia’s Caska. territory. East region is comprised of the following municipalities: CSOs from the Vardar region have been awarded only 2 project grants Berovo, Vinica, Delcevo, Zrnovci, Karbinci, Kocani, Makedonska Kamenica, by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action, in total Pehcevo, Probistip, Cesinovo-Oblesevo and Stip. amount of € 22,399 or 4% of all funds disbursed. CSOs whose project One CSO from the East region was successful in the programme actions applications have been approved financing are Youth Creative Centre for Youth in Action managed by the National Agency and has been from Veles and Horizon from Kavadarci. Average value of the individual awarded a project grant in the amount € 6,420 or around 1% of all funds project grants awarded to CSOs from this region amounts to € 11,199.50. disbursed. The successful applicant is CSO “Pavel Satev” from Kocani. st First project grant was approved in 2009 and the second on the 2nd CSO’s project application was approved on the 1 deadline in 2013. deadline in 2012.


2.8. Southeast region Annex III to this report includes a complete overview of suspicious allocations of funds, with specific amounts and dates when project Southeast region covers the Strumica-Radovis and Gevgelija-Valandovo applications have been approved. It should be noted that this is a matter of valleys, i.e., the basin of Strumicka Reka and the lower basin of River seriously suspicious allocations, i.e. 35 of 47 project grants approved by the Vardar. It has an area of 2,739 km2 or 11% of the Republic of Macedonia’s National Agency raise concerns about possible abuses and malpractices. In territory. Southeast region is comprised of the following municipalities: terms of nominal value, serious concerns are raised with the allocation of Bogdanci, Bosilovo, Valandovo, Vasilevo, Gevgelija, Dojran, Konce, € 482,682.50 from the total pool of funds in the amount of € 625,611.50 Gevgelija, Konce, Novo Selo, Radovis and Strumica. for which the National Agency refused to take the time and provide the No CSOs from the Southeast region have been awarded project grants public with answers on the most common questions repeatedly raised in under the programme actions for Youth in Action managed by the the media. National Agency from its establishment to present. In 2009, the National Agency approved financing for 7 project grants, 5 of which (71%) raise suspicion about malpractices, which later provided the grounds for Brussels to suspend funding for this institution for a 3. SUSPICIOUS ALLOCATIONS period of two years. In other words, around € 40,874 (or 61%) of the total amount of € 66,523 disbursed in 2009 have been allocated to This section of the analysis presents the previously indicated inconsistencies, suspicious organizations. irregularities and general remarks about specific project grants awarded by st the National Agency. More specifically, the analysis is performed in terms of On the 1 deadline in 2012 (February 2012), the National Agency distribution of project grants per region. Different aspects of projects are approved funding for 10 project applications, 7 of which (70%) are taken into consideration, including: project location, suspected or actual suspicious. In terms of nominal value, € 109,462 (or 72%) of the conflict of interests, formal or informal relations with the National Agency’s total amount of € 152,141 have been allocated under suspicious management and employees, persons tasked with project implementation, circumstances. as well as other available information. On the 2nd deadline in 2012 (May 2012), the National Agency approved The analysis is based on official data on successful project applications funding for 11 project applications, 10 of which (91%) are suspicious. approved financing by the National Agency, findings presented in the In terms of nominal value, around € 130,364.50 (or 97%) of the total Seventeenth Quarterly Accession Watch from April 2013, and documents amount of € 134,344.50 have been allocated to suspicious organizations. and data available on the Internet and the social networks. On the 3rd deadline in 2012 (October 2012), the National Agency approved Analysis’ findings are shown in tables that allow easier identification and funding for 7 project applications, 6 of which (86%) are suspicious. In cross-reference of irregularities at the National Agency, where the original terms of nominal value, around € 85,788 (or 82%) of the total amount of tables were added an extra column called “comment” and include findings € 104,108 have been allocated to suspicious organizations. from the previous report.

45 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

Finally, on the 1st deadline in 2013, the National Agency approved The analysis starts with the Southwest region which, according to the funding for 12 project applications, 7 of which (58%) are suspicious. In number and value of projects grants awarded by the National Agency, terms of nominal value, around € 111,194 (or 69%) of the total amount is the most successful one. Namely, CSOs from this region have been of € 168,495 have been allocated to suspicious organizations. approved 20 project grants in total amount of € 258,468 or 41% of all funds disbursed from the programme Youth in Action. Analysis of project grants and beneficiary organizations per region is given below.

3.1. No place like Struga

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT 2009 Youth Development Fund Young Explorers (1) Project activities are implemented in Struga, although the - Ohrid organization is seated in Ohrid. (2) CSO is member of the Council of Youth NGOs, which was represented in the National Agency’s Executive Board until 2011. In 2009, this organization was the National Agency’s contract-point. Centre for Ruran Live Filming – Youth CSO is founded by Trajce Nelkoski, father of Bosko Nelkoski, Director of Development - vil. Documentaries the National Agency at that time. Jablanica, Struga Youth Forum EYE - Struga Do Right! (1) In 2009, CSO’s authorized person was also head of sector at the National Agency. (2) In 2009, this organization was the National Agency’s contact-point.


Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT 1st Youth Forum EYE - Struga Spinning Around (1) CSO was indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests with the National deadline Agency. in 2012 (2) Jovan Poposki, head of sector at the National Agency, is the holder of website registration for Youth Forum EYE. CSO “New Message” - Exploring Diversity (1) CSO shares a website with Youth Forum EYE. Struga (2) CSO published the call for partners in the list administered by Youth Forum EYE. (3) Project’s contact person is [email protected], which appears in official data for the project implemented by Macedonian Youth Press, CSO represented in the National Agency’s Executive Board until 2011. Local Agency for Workshop for Self Development Project activities of this Struga-based CSO involve Bosko Nelkoski,46 Development - Struga former Director of the National Agency. 2nd Youth Press – Struga YE Catch the Moment 2 (1) Previously registered as Macedonian Youth Press, CSO represented in deadline the National Agency’s Executive Board until 2011. in 2012 (2) CSO’s authorized person is Igor Domazetovski, who is associate to Youth Forum EYE. Youth Forum EYE - Struga YE Colouring Differences to (1) CSO was indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests with the National Equality Agency. 1 (2) Jovan Poposki, head of sector at the National Agency, is the holder of website registration for Youth Forum EYE. Local Agency for Sharpen Your Professional Skills Project activities of this Struga-based CSO involve Bosko Nelkoski, Development - Struga former Director of the National Agency. Centre for Ruran Promotion to Wider Knowledge (1)CSO was indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests with the National Development – vil. Towards Rural Areas Agency. Jablanica, Struga (2) Ljuljeza Iljazi, head of sector at the National Agency, is sister to Semsedin Iljazi, the organization’s authorized person. Youth Forum EYE - Struga Social Media as Tool for Changes (1) CSO was indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests with the National Agency. (2) Jovan Poposki, head of sector at the National Agency, is the holder of website registration for Youth Forum EYE.

46 47 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT 3rd Local Agency for GREEN IS IN Project activities of this Struga-based CSO involve Bosko Nelkoski, deadline Development - Struga former Director of the National Agency. in 2012 Centre for Youth YE The Vision of My Dream Work (1) Project activities are implemented in Struga47 although the Development and organization is seated in Kicevo. Prevention – Kicevo (2) CSO published the call for partners in the list administered by Youth Forum EYE. Local Agency for Eth(n)ic Learning Project activities of this Struga-based CSO involve Bosko Nelkoski, Development - Struga former Director of the National Agency. Youth Forum EYE - Struga DO RIGHT – YOUTH SERVICE (1) CSO was indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests with the National CENTRE Agency. (2) Jovan Poposki, head of sector at the National Agency, is the holder of website registration for Youth Forum EYE. 1st Municipality of Vevcani Diving the Sea, Climbing the / deadline Mountain - Part II in 2013 CSO “Clear Sun” – Struga YE Jump and Play and Let Me / Know You Youth Press – Struga Intercultural Learning as a Key (1) Previously registered as Macedonian Youth Press, CSO represented in to European Awareness the National Agency’s Executive Board until 2011. (2) CSO’s authorized person is Igor Domazetovski, who is associate to 1 Youth Forum EYE. Centre for Ruran Explore Macedonia (1) CSO was indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests with the National Development – vil. Agency. Jablanica, Struga (2) Ljuljeza Iljazi, head of sector at the National Agency, is sister to Semsedin Iljazi, the organization’s authorized person. CSO “Poraka Nova” New My Contribution to Happiness (1) CSO shares a website with the Youth Forum EYE. Message – Struga (2) CSO published the call for partners in the list administered by Youth Forum EYE. (3) Project’s contact person is [email protected], which appears in official data for the project implemented by Macedonian Youth Press, CSO represented in the National Agency’s Executive Board until 2011. Table 15 – Project grants approved financing by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Acton to CSOs from the Southwest region in the Republic of Macedonia


Southwest region is comprised of 9 municipalities (Vevcani, Debar, More specifically, more than 15 projects grants approved in 2012 and Debarca, Kicevo, Makedonski Brod, Ohrid, Plasnica, Struga and Centar 2013 by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action Zupa), two of which are considered administrative and economic include beneficiary organizations from the Southwest region and imply centres: Ohrid and Kicevo. Be that as it may, the central place of project activities in Struga. activities funded by the National Agency is Struga, the birthplace of Truth be told, not all successful project applications imply commitment Bosko Neskovski, first Director of the National Agency, and the place of of criminal acts, however numerous suspicious facts have been identified origin for many members of his “dream team” employed at the National and they raise concerns about the transparent operation of institutions Agency. in the Republic of Macedonia, but also in the EU. Although in 2010 Bosko Neskovski resigned from the position Director of the National Agency, the tendency of awarding project grants to beneficiary organizations from Struga is too obvious, as is the fact 3.2. Nesting CSOs that almost all activities of legal entities seated in Stuga and other neighbouring towns are implemented nowhere else but in Struga. The National Agency has awarded 12 project grants in total amount of Moreover, the National Agency pursued this practice continuously and € 176,225 to CSOs from the Skopje region, accounting for 28% of all unhindered also in the period after the EU’s suspension was lifted. funds disbursed under the programme Youth in Action.

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT Neda Ahcieva, head of sector at the National Agency, Erasmus Student Be Creative, Be Innovative, Be is member of Erasmus Student Network’s Supervisory Network - Skopje Active Board. 2009 European Alliance of the / Energising for Promotion of Republic of Macedonia - Youth Organizations Skopje

49 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT (1) Project activities are implemented in Struga, Centre for Education although the organization is based in Skopje. Research and YE Summer Street Party (2) CSO published the call for partners in the list Development – Skopje administered by Youth Forum EYE. 1st deadline Europe – Together for Active / in 2012 CSO “CreACtive” - Skopje Youth Citizenship Sharing and Learning: A / First Children’s Embassy Seminar on the Inclusion of “Megasi” - Skopje Marginalized Youth 2nd / deadline in Youth Info FACE - Skopje A European Youth Perspective 2012 3rd deadline / Youth Info FACE – Skopje BE A.C.T.I.V.E in 2012


Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT (1) Project activities are implemented in Struga, although the organization is seated in Skopje. CSO “In My World” – Voluntarism in Service of (2) Project trainers include Gjoko Vukanovski 48 from Skopje Autism Volunteers Centre Skopje, CSO registered on the home address of Katerina Stankoska, head of sector at the National Agency. CSO is founded by Damjan Spasovski, whom daily Through Macedonian Salad to Nova Makedonija linked with Volunteer Centre Skopje CSO “ORO” - Skopje More Health 49 CSO registered on the home address of Katerina Stankoska, head of sector at the National Agency. Day Care Centre – Children Who / 1st deadline CSO “Megasi” - Skopje Do Not Attend School in 2013 LOGIN: Life Opportunity, Get / Youth Info Face – Skopje Involved Now! (1) Project activities are implemented in Struga,50 although the organization is seated in Skopje. (2) CSO’s authorized person is Sinisa Davcevski, team member at Volunteers Centre Skopje, CSO registered CSO “Quantum” - Skopje Brain Opener on the home address of Katerina Stankoska, head of sector at the National Agency. (3) This project is announced on the Internet by Ilona Olehlova,51 who is connected to Volunteers Centre Skopje.52

Table 16 – Project grants approved financing by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Acton to CSOs from the Skopje region in the Republic of Macedonia46474849505152 Although all beneficiary organizations are seated in Skopje, most of them implemented the project activities in Struga. Moreover, the analysis

48 49 50 51 52 51 51 52 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report identified personal relations between beneficiary CSOs and the National The National Agency has awarded 8 project grants to CSOs from the Agency, especially among CSOs awarded funding under the 1st deadline Pelagonija region in total amount of € 110,125.50, representing 18% of in 2013. Several beneficiary organizations are linked to Volunteers Centre all funds disbursed under the programme Youth in Action. Skopje, CSO registered on the home address of Katerina Stankoska, head of sector at the National Agency, and two projects are implemented in Struga.

3.3. Coalition NOW… and here!

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT (1) Project activities are implemented in Struga, although the organization is seated the Municipality of Dolneni. (2) Project activities are led by Bosko Nelkoski, former Director of the National Agency, and Nola Ismajloska, who implements projects for at least 8 CSOs. CSO “Clear Future” - YE Sending Hope (3) CSO published the call for partners in list administered Dolneni by Youth Forum EYE.

1st deadline in 2012 CSO is member of Coalition NOW, together with Youth Forum EYE and Volunteers Centre Skopje. CSO “IMKA” - Bitola New Horizon

(1) Project activities are implemented in Struga. Forum for New (2) CSO was registered only month and a half prior to Initiatives Europe 2.0 – Volunteering is Simple submitting the project proposal. Bitola (3) Project trainers include Ilona Olehlova, volunteer at Volunteers Centre Skopje.


Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT (1) Project activities are implemented in Struga.53 Coalition NOW – Prilep My Way for Making Future (2) Youth Forum EYE and Volunteers Centre Skopje are members of the Coalition NOW. 2nd deadline in Youth Forum EYE and Volunteers Centre Skopje are members 2012 Coalition NOW – Prilep Europe Locally of the Coalition NOW. Youth Forum EYE and Volunteers Centre Skopje are members CSO “IMKA” – Bitola Visual of the Coalition NOW. Youth Forum EYE and Volunteers Centre Skopje are members Coalition NOW – Prilep Be Informed, Get Active! 3rd deadline in of the Coalition NOW. 2012 Youth European Forum (1) Project activities are implemented in Struga,54 although Wonderful Training Course – Bitola the organization is seated in Bitola.

Table 17 – Project grants approved financing by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Acton to CSOs from the Pelagonija region in the Republic of Macedonia

As was the case with beneficiary organizations from the Southwest 3.4. Kumanovo’s punishment and Skopje regions, CSOs from the Pelagonija region are also inclined to implement project activities in Struga. At least 4 project grants disbursed The National Agency has awarded only 3 project grants in total amount to CSOs from the Pelagonija region are linked to Struga. Concerns are raised of € 39,848 to CSOs from the Northeast region, accounting for 6% of with the fact that the National Agency has frequently awarded project all funds disbursed under the programme Youth in Action. Table below grants to the Coalition NOW and/or its member organizations. Key member includes description of projects grants implemented by CSOs from this organizations of the Coalition NOW include Youth Forum EYE and Volunteers region. Centre Skopje. In the past, number of employees in the National Agency have worked or have been engaged by these CSOs. Volunteers Centre Skopje is registered on the home address of Katerina Stankoska, head of sector at the National Agency. 5354

53 54

53 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT Centre for Intercultural Dialogue - / 2009 Intercultural Conflict Resolution Kumanovo 1st deadline Centre for Intercultural Dialogue - Go Macedonia: Exchange of European Experiences in / in 2012 Kumanovo Youth Work 1st deadline Centre for Intercultural Dialogue - Training of Trainers: Fostering Social Inclusion and / in 2013 Kumanovo Employability...

Table 18 – Project grants awarded by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Acton to CSOs from the Northwest region in the Republic of Macedonia

Only one organization from this region appears as the beneficiary of 3.5. Sister CSOs projects grants awarded by the National Agency: Centre for Intercultural Dialogue from Kumanovo. Surprising is the fact that this youth The National Agency has awarded 2 project grants under the programme association was awarded only € 40,000, given its track record and Youth in Action to CSOs from the Vardar region, in total amount of € 22,399 reputation and knowing that the organization is seated in a town that is or 4% of all funds disbursed. Beneficiary organizations are Youth Creative considered role mole for multicultural living. Nevertheless, the National Centre from Veles (project grant awarded in 2009) and CSO Horizon from Agency must diversify the beneficiary organizations from this region. Kavadarci (project grant awarded in 2012), both of which are suspicious.

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT (1) CSO was identified by SCPC for conflict of interests with the National Agency. Youth Creative Centre (2) Project activities are implemented in Struga. 2009 Shakesperience - Veles (3) Project trainers include Gjoko Vukanovski from Volunteers Centre Skopje, CSO registered on the home address of Katerina Stankoska, head of sector at the National Agency. 2nd CSO published the call for partners in the list administered CSO “Horizon” - deadline Hurricane of Possibilities by Youth Forum EYE. Kavadarci in 2012

Table 19 – Project grants approved financing by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action to CSOs from the Vardar region in the Republic of Macedonia


Youth Creative Centre from Veles is founded by Bosko Nelkovski’s brother-in- 3.6. Omnipresent CSOs law, certain Nikola Kocevski from Veles. This project is directly linked to the EC’s suspension of 2010 and 2011 preparatory measures for the National The National Agency has approved only one project application to CSOs Agency. from the Polog region, in total amount of € 12,126 or around 2% of all CSO Horizon from Kavadarci was awarded grant for the project announced in funds disbursed under the programme Youth in Action. the list administered by Youth Forum EYE. CSO Horizon is one of the 15 CSOs that have entrusted their communication and partner-finding activities to Youth Forum EYE. To make matters more complicated, Youth Forum EYE is the last place of work enlisted by a number of heads of sectors prior to their recruitment in the National Agency.

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT (1) CSO published the call for partners in the list administered by Youth Forum EYE. (2) CSO’s authorized person is Nola Ismajloska, who implements projects of at least 8 2nd Pan European Sports Back to CSOs and was involved in VMRO-DPMNE’s 2009 local elections campaign, supporting deadline Centre – Mavrovo, Tradition the candidate for Mayor of Struga, Slavko Koteski. in 2012 vil. Rostuse (3) Except for Nola Ismajloska, project activities55 involve Semsedin Iljazi, brother of Ljuljeza Iljazi, head of sector at the National Agency. Table 20 – Project grants approved financing by the National Agency under the programme Youth in Action to CSOs from the Polog region in the Republic of Macedonia

The single beneficiary organization from this region is the Pan- • [Macedonian] Youth Press from Struga; European Centre from vil. Rostuse, Mavrovo, whose authorized person is • Youth Development Fund from Ohrid. Nola Ismajloska. This person has been engaged in the programme Youth in Action in different capacities, including as part of following CSOs Nola Ismajloska is enlisted as the contact person for Denica from Skopje awarded project grants by the National Agency:55 on the document published on the National Agency’s website.56 On the other hand, Denica is known in the public for organization of counter- • CSO “Clear Future” from vil. Dolneni; protests on the square in Skopje. This organization’s authorized person • Centre for Ruran Development in Southeast Europe from vil. is Ilco Aleksoski and he is the husband of Lidija Aleksoska, archive Jablanica, Struga; officer at the National Agency.

55 56, number 10 55 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

In addition to Nola Ismajloska, project activities of this organization kept at the Central Register of the Republic of Macedonia shows that the involve Semsedin Iljazi – Semo, who is the brother of the current head organization was founded on 27.2.2009. One month after its establishment, of sector at the National Agency, Luljeza Iljazi. the organization applied for and was appointed by the National Agency as national contact-point for the programme Youth in Action. Selection criteria used by the National Agency for appointment of contact- 3.7. New, but successful CSOs points remain unknown, but one thing is certain: experience was not a relevant factor. Following is the National Agency’s response to the request As part of the decentralized actions from the programme Youth in for information made by MCET about the selection of contact-points: “All Action, the National Agency has awarded only one project grant to an applicants for contact-points of the National Agency are notified of the organization from the East region, in total amount of € 6,420 or around selection results immediately after the selection process was completed. 1% of all funds disbursed. Grant beneficiary is CSO Pavel Satev from Following the recommendations of EC’s Directorate General for Education Kocani. and Culture and having in mind the positive experience with the permanent Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENTS contact-points in the year 2012, the National Agency – acting on the recommendation from EC’s DG for Education and Culture – made a decision 1st CSO “Pavel Satev” Youth Inclusion (1) In 2009, this deadline – Kocani and Development organization was the that these contact-points should perform this function until the expiration of 59 in 2013 Through Media National Agency’s the programme Youth in Action”. As expected, the National Agency did not contract-point. consider it necessary to elaborate on the selection criteria applied and did (2) CSO shares a not disclose the name of all contact-points. website with Youth Forum EYE from Figure below is a screen-shot of Youth Forum EYE’s website from January Struga, although it 2010, immediately after the affair at the National Agency surfaced in the 60 is seated in Kocani. public. Even in 2013, the Register of Internet Addresses – MARNET, enlists Jovan Popovski as the administrative and technical contact person for Table 21 – Project grants approved financing by the National Agency under the programme the organization’s website, although he is head of sector at the National Youth in Action to CSOs from the East region in the Republic of Macedonia Agency.61 Based on the public call for appointment of contact-points for the The programme Youth in Action published on 8 April 2009, the National Agency At that time, the Index of Contents on Youth Forum EYE’s website appointed CSO Pavel Satev from Kocani as one of the contact-points for this ( hosted several links to: programme.57 Insight performed in the registration document of this CSO58

59 See Annex I. 57 Annex IV 60 58 Annex V 61 Jovan Poposki held this position until 31.6.2013.


Figure 3 – Index of links hosted on the website of Youth Forum EYE, Struga

• Council of Youth NGOs which, at that time, was represented in the performance of public interest activities under equal conditions in material National Agency’s Executive Board and is registered on the home and non-material sense, while “private interest” shall mean material and address of Katerina Stankoska, head of sector at the National non-material interest of an officer that may influence his/her decision- Agency; making in the course of performing public authorizations and duties”.62 • Volunteers Centre Skopje ( which is registered on the home Links hosted on this website include and leads directly address of Katerina Stankoska, head of sector at the National to CSO “Pavel Satev” from Kocani. This organization was awarded a Agency. project grant by the National Agency as part of the 1st deadline in 2013. As a reminder, Article 3 of the Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interests defines the terms “public authorization and duties” and “private 62 interest” as follows: “public authorizations and duties” shall mean id=43

57 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

3.8. Specifically-tailored criteria • CSOs managers have served as members of the National Agency’s Executive Board (as is the case with Igor Domazetovski); None of the 47 project grants in the amount of € 625,611.50 approved • In cases when CSOs do not fulfil above enlisted criteria, the by the National Agency has been awarded to CSOs from the Southeast National Agency gives advantage to organizations established in region, which is comprised of the following municipalities: Bogdanci the last month. Bosilovo, Valandovo, Vasilevo, Gevgelija, Dojran, Konce, Novo Selo, Radovis and Strumica, as the region’s administrative and economic centre. 4. COMMUNICATION STRATEGY

In the absence of pre-defined project application and selection After the EC suspended the funds for the programmes managed by procedure and transparent grant-awarding criteria, the analysis of the National Agency in 2010, the force of circumstances triggered project applications approved by the National Agency leaves the changes so that the Republic of Macedonia can be again accredited for impression that funding is only possible if: management and administration of funds for preparatory measures. • CSOs have found partner organizations from the list administered Immediately after the scandals surfaced in the public, the Ministry of by Youth Forum EYE from Struga; Education and Science announced greater supervision and control over • CSOs have indicated Struga as the project venue, preferably the the National Agency’s operation, but it can be safely said that the entire hotel “Solferino”, also known as the Red Cross’ former holiday process is neither transparent nor open. camp; Amendments were adopted to the Law on Establishing the National • CSOs project staff or associates have close relatives employed at Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility,63 especially the National Agency; targeting the management structures at the National Agency, as • CSOs have been established, managed or, at one point in time, have the Executive Board of this national institution was predominantly employed a member of the National Agency’s management; composed of CSOs directly tied to the former Director of the National Agency and to other employees, including Katerina Stankoska (founder • CSOs that have been suspected of conflict of interests by SCPC of a CSO suspected of being awarded project grants under suspicious have an advantage; circumstances), who remains on the position head of sector at the • CSOs portfolios include projects implemented by individuals whom National Agency to present. the National Agency considers “experts”; • CSOs have agreed to engage one or more people praised by the National Agency, as recommended; 63 0CEEQFjAC& • CSOs that have shared/co-hosted a website with Youth Forum EYE nloadwindow.aspx%3FId%3D5442a238-1060-4c48-afa8-bb068b22fcad%26t%3Ddoc& from Struga have an advantage; ei=f9JGUcOTL8_Jsgb5yYHIAQ&usg=AFQjCNEYiixu209lG2UGwiLbNGJCM4l2Zw&bvm=bv. 43828540,d.ZWU


By default, the law granted the employees in the National Agency the mistakes.64 status of civil servants, whereby instead of being liable to sanctions, these “At the moment, the National Agency is competent for decentralized persons are given additional protection. In the beginning and due to management of the programmes Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action. absence of clearly defined criteria, most of the National Agency’s staff was These are programmes of the EC aimed at promoting the process of discretionary employed by Bosko Nelkoski and the Executive Board, chaired learning and creating an advanced society that would represent the basis by Violeta Naumvoska, who is the sister of above mentioned Katerina for sustainable economic development, more and better jobs and greater Stankoska. social cohesion, as well as promoting active citizenship among young Ministry of Education and Science lobbied in Brussels to have the suspension people, especially their EU citizenship, development of solidarity and lifted and by doing so, it has somehow successfully hidden the abuses and promotion of tolerance among youth, etc. malpractices from the public’s eye. Steps and efforts made to have the In its operation, the National Agency is exclusively led by the rules of the suspension lifted created the impression that fuss and muss created around European Commission and the Directorate General for Education and the “alleged” abuses and malpractices at the National Agency have been Culture, which are uniquely responsible for the programmes we implement altogether unnecessary, painting an image that the number of insignificant in the Republic of Macedonia. The National Agency regularly reports to omissions had been corrected and the institution can continue to operate the European Commission, which is an obligation stemming from the in successful manner. agreements signed between the European Commission and the National Agency. This implies complete information to competent services in the EC on the course and the manner in which the programmes are implemented. 4.1. National Agency response At the same time, the National Agency has an exceptionally intensive It seems that the National Agency was concerned about the public opinion communication with the EC’s services, with whom it coordinates on daily only until the EC lifted the suspension. Nowadays, “controlled” information basis and informs on the successful implementation of these programmes. whenever the media attempt to cover or report about new doubts has The National Agency also realizes cooperation with the Ministry of become common practice. The National Agency did not feel compelled Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia, which is the National to explain in public the accusations made by the media and CSOs that are Authority. monitoring its operation. Instead, the National Agency continues to pursue As regards the transparency of operation of the National Agency, we inform its defence strategy with empty phrases instead of facts and public debates. that the results from the calls for grant awarding are timely published on Below is the integral position issued by the National Agency in reaction to the National Agency’s website and are integral part of reports submitted MCET’s Quarterly Accession Watch Report from April 2013. Readers should to the European Commission. be advised that the text is given in its entirety, including the spelling

64 11APR20131.pdf

59 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

In the course of 2012, six audits were successfully carried in the National discussion with information that the EC has approved its 2013 budget Agency and they are an obligation stemming from the standard agreements in significantly higher amount compared to 2012, due to the successful signed with the European Commission, as well as from the national implementation of activities, thereby avoiding to answer the questions legislation. In compliance with the EU regulation, they [the audits] are raised. Nonetheless, the National Agency seemed to have forgotten to performed by an outsourced independent international audit company and mention that its preparatory measures had been suspended for two years, by national audit authorities, in compliance with the national legislation. which is the actual reason for the increased budget this year. The [audit] reports were timely submitted to the Directorate General for Education and Culture in Brussels. The National Agency is always open and prepared for further audits performed by competent services in the 4.2. Ministry of Education to the rescue European Commission. Several months later, i.e., immediately after the summer furlough, the At the same time, we use this opportunity to inform you and the Macedonian Minister of Education and Science, Spiro Ristovski, came to the rescue of public that in 2013, the budget approved by the EC is significantly increased the National Agency.65 At the joint press conference, piles of incoherent compared to 2012 as a result of the successfully implemented activities by information were presented and could not have been understood even the National Agency. In the context of the above indicated, we also inform by experts dealing with these issues on daily basis. The purpose of is you that from this year the Republic of Macedonia, through the National straightforward: to defocus the public’s attention from possible additional Agency, will join two new European initiatives. questions about the operation of the National Agency. Respectfully, Indicative is the fact that the press conference organized in the second half National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility” of August 2013 stressed the increased budget for the current year, instead of discussing the financial perspective for 2014. Knowing that this event Analysis of the National Agency’s statement provides the following was the first joint press conference of the two institutions further confirms conclusions: 1) the National Agency did not refer to our concerns and the impression that this is not a regular feature in their operation. Likely doubts, meaning that it did not try to leave the impression of being is that the Ministry of Education and Science has assumed the role of “the concerned about the public opinion; 2) instead of explaining, the National older brother” protecting the National Agency in the wake of publication of Agency decided to inform the public about its “impeccable” operation, successful grant applicants under the last deadline. representing it as exceptionally complex and requiring dedication, under the watchful eye of the EC, Ministry of Education and Science and many Namely, shortly after the joint press conference, the National Agency national and international audits. Evident is that the previously applied published the results on successful grant applications under the 1st tactics (that have been proven successful) are used in this case as well to deadline in 2013 (February 2013) for the programme Youth in Action, depict the National Agency as the victim of malevolent defamers; and 3) the National Agency makes an interesting attempt to defocus the public 65 evropskite-pari-za-obrazovanie.html

60 ANALYSIS which again raise concerns about new irregularities that are duly Worrying is also the fact that on the so-called meeting held in June, the analysed in this report. National Agency did not announce the successful grant beneficiaries, but represented the meeting as regular activity. What could have been the National Agency’s timeline for announcement of results on successful actual purpose of the event, if not to enable the National Agency an alibi project applications against the publication of MCET’s Seventeenth for alleged transparent operation? In our opinion, the said event/activity Quarterly Accession Watch Report shows that: serves as an alibi for the National Agency because it was held behind • Seventeenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report analysed closed doors and did not disclose information on the successful grant data available by 31.3.2013; beneficiaries. • The National Agency published the results on successful In that context, the August 2013 press conference held by the Minister project applications under the 3rd deadline in 2012 of Education and Science, Spiro Ristovski, and the Director of the (October 2012) in the first week of April 2013, while the said National Agency, Darko Dimitrov, is yet another step in the strategy to Accession Watch Report was published on 11 April 2013. cover the actual situation and the sensitivity of information about CSOs that have been awarded grants by the National Agency. The joint press conference, attended by the Minister of Education and Science, Spiro Ristovski, and the Director of the National Agency, Darko In reality, results on successful applicants on the 1st deadline in 2013 Dimitrov, was organized for the purpose of covering the irregularities and (February 2013) for the programme Youth in Action are marked by new defocusing the public’s attention by means of forced positive promotion. set of irregularities. Yet again, the National Agency has awarded grants New irregularities in the operation of the National Agency were identified to CSOs indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests, and several suspicious in the results on successful project applications as part of the 1st deadline organizations, such as: in 2013 (February 2013). Knowing that the said Quarterly Accession • Centre for Ruran Development from vil. Jablanica, Struga, which Watch Report on the wrongdoings of the National Agency was published is a legal entity indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests with in April 2013, likely is that, at that time, the selection process was in an the National Agency. Furthermore, Ljuljeza Iljazi, head of sector advance stage and the report caught the National Agency unprepared. at the National Agency, is sister to Semsedin Iljazi, who is the Evidence in support of the above-mentioned can be identified also in organization’s authorized person; the fact that, on 10 June 2013, the National Agency held a meeting with • Youth Press from Struga, CSO represented in the National Agency’s grant beneficiaries from the programme Youth in Action whose project Executive Board until 2011 and whose authorized person is Igor applications have been approved on the 1st deadline in 2013 (February Domazetovski, associate to Youth Forum EYE; 2013).66 • CSO “New Message” from Struga, which co-hosted/shared a website 66 with Youth Forum EYE from Struga, and whose enlisted contact za-dobitnicite-na-grant-od-programata-mladi-vo-akcija.html

61 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

person appears in official data for the project implemented by the competent services at the National Agency are responsible for Macedonian Youth Press, CSO represented in the National Agency’s application, evaluation, selection and grant-awarding of funds from Executive Board until 2011. the programme Youth in Action. In cases of emphasized doubts in the biased and preferential grant-awarding practices, the National Agency • CSO “In My World” from Skopje, which implemented the project is still entrusted with management and administration of these funds in Struga, although the legal entity is seated in Skopje. Project collected from taxpayers who are citizens of EU and of the Republic of trainers includes Gjoko Vukanovski67 from Volunteers Centre Skopje, Macedonia, because the entry ticket for this programme is co-financed CSO registered on the home address of Katerina Stankoska, head of from the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia. sector at the National Agency; Results on successful grant applicants in 2013 further support the • CSO “ORO” from Skopje, which is an organization registered findings on suspicious allocation of funds on the part of the National by Damjan Spasovski, whom daily Nova Makedonija linked with Agency. This situation becomes more worrying knowing that EC’s 2012 Volunteers Centre Skopje,68 CSO registered on the home address of Report on Financial Assistance for Enlargement (IPA, PHARE, CARDS, Katerina Stankoska, head of sector at the National Agency; Turkey Pre-Accession Instrument, Transition Facility)70 clearly enlists • CSO “Quantum” from Skopje, which implemented the project in the major problems on the account of which Macedonia risks de- Struga69 and whose authorized person is Sinisa Davcevski, team commitment of funds programmed under IPA, those being: “1) weak member at Volunteers Centre Skopje, CSO registered on the home inter-institutional cooperation; 2) poor and lengthy programming which address of Katerina Stankoska, head of sector at the National results in late and less relevant project activities; 3) late start in preparing Agency; the tender documents by the relevant beneficiary, 4) poor quality of procurement documents (thereby being rejected by the EU Delegation in • CSO “Pavel Satev” from Kocani, which in April 2009 was the National the ex-ante approval process); 5) very long evaluation process; 6) cases Agency’s contact-point, although the organization was founded of possible conflict of interest or unfair advantage; and 7) during the one month earlier. This organization shares a website with Youth implementation, cases of lack of support by the beneficiaries for unclear Forum EYE from Struga. of unjustified reasons”. Being the only national authority responsible for management and Obvious is that conflict of interests should and cannot be taken lightly, administration of funds for the programme Youth in Action, the National as the National Agency and the Ministry of Education and Science would Agency should and must be held accountable for its operation. Actually, like. This, in conjunction with cases in which “the EU Delegation needed 67 70 Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council and the European 56675177521&type=3 Economic and Social Committee, 2012 Annual Report on Financial Assistance for 68 Enlargement (IPA, PHARE, CARDS, Turkey Pre-Accession Instrument, Transition Facility), zdanie=21908 COM(2013) 625 final), pg. 37, available at: 69 key_documents/2013/2012_ipa_annual_report_with_annex_new_en.pdf

62 ANALYSIS to annul the evaluations, due to serious violations of the confidentiality of the process”,71 provide the conclusion that abuses and malpractices are systematic and are not exclusive to the National Agency.

5. RISK ASSESSMENT Youth in Action external factors programme implemented In terms of the operation of the National Agency, risk is defined as by the National Agency exposure to actions that have the potential to hinder the programme’s implementation thereby making it ineffective and inefficient. On this account, the National Agency’s operation is analysed through the prism of risk assessment, by identifying risks related to the implementation Figure 4 – Risk Management of the successor of the programme Youth in Action for the period 2014– 2020, which is now an integral part of Erasmus+ 2014-2020. To address these risks, a risk management strategy should be in place, Risk management can result in creation of preconditions for improved allowing a mechanism for addressing uncertainties. In that sense, all implementation of the programme Erasmus+ in terms of: effectiveness, categories of risks affecting Erasmus+’s success or failure should be efficiency and better absorption of funds. analysed. Risk assessment is also important in terms of programme and project design, monitoring the programme’s implementation, and the financial control system’s design. In the case of the National Agency, tasked with implementation of EU programmes, the risk assessment focuses on general types of risks affecting EU programmes’ management and administration,72 especially risks affecting their implementation: • organizational risk – human resources, competent bodies, conflict of interests, capacity, etc.; • political/administrative risk – groups of interest, administrative capacity, etc.;

71 Ibid, pg. 44. 72 ECORYS Methodology, Risk Management, Gerbrand van Bork, ECORYS Nederland

63 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

• financial risk – financial allocations, accessibility of financing, abuses, employees of this institution were granted the status of programme’s budget, co-financing, embezzlements and civil servants, which entitled them to additional protection; irregularities, etc. • Dozens of new cases of conflict of interests were documented in On the basis of data available and analyses made, this report assesses the course of 2012 and 2013, immediately after the EC lifted the the risks to which the National Agency is exposed, according to the suspension, meaning that same irregularities have been identified following criteria: in different aspects of the National Agency’s operation; Organizational risk: this risk concerns human resources, competent • Evident absence of an adherent and transparent communication bodies, conflict of interests, capacity, etc. Following risks have strategy for promotion of the programmes that would reach all been identified in the case of the National Agency: potential stakeholders. To present, the National Agency is closed for cooperation with a broad spectrum of CSOs on equitable and • Human resources: significant share of employees/managers at the impartial basis. National Agency have been recruited in arbitrary and discretionary manner by the first Director, who has been criminally charged Political/administrative risk: According to the methodology, political and by SCPC, and by the first composition of the National Agency’s administrative risks involve interest groups, administrative capacity, Executive Board, which was later dismissed by the Government. It etc. Following risks have been identified in the case of the National should be noted that these employees did not fulfil the minimum Agency: required qualifications for the positions they were appointed to; • Political support that would not only ignore irregularities in • Ineffective or inadequate oversight/control on the part of the the operations, but promotes such erroneous practices and Ministry of Education and Science (MES). In the aftermath of EU’s irregularities as success; suspension of funds for the National Agency in 2010 and 2011, • Established interest group comprised of a network of beneficiary not only did MES fail to initiate disciplinary or accountability organizations closely related to employees at the National Agency procedures against the employees implicated in the irregularities, holding managerial positions; but allowed the same people to appear as key witnesses/ information sources in the audit reports, thereby covering up and • Network of “eligible” CSOs that are used for daily politics; minimizing the abuses at the National Agency that have led to the • Main reason for low administrative capacity is the erroneously suspension of funds; initiated and led process of institutionalization, which ultimately • In 2011, amendments were adopted to the Law on Establishing the resulted in the EU’s suspension of funds for the National Agency; National Agency,73 whereby instead of being sanctioned for the • Problematic monitoring, i.e. non provision of complete and timely 73 Law on Amending the Law on Establishing the National Agency for European information, and non-transparent operation. Educational Programmes and Mobility (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, no. 24 from 25.2.2011) 64 ANALYSIS

Financial risk: This category includes fund allocations, accessibility According to the risk assessment methodology, the general risk affecting to financing, programme’s budget, co-financing, embezzlements and the operation of the National Agency, including the individual risks related irregularities, etc. Following risks have been identified in the case of the to implementation of EU programmes, are ranked on the assessment scale National Agency: in terms of: • Doubts and findings on new embezzlements and irregularities in the 1. Probability for certain unexpected event(s) to occur in the operation operation of the National Agency, with an intensified frequency in of the National Agency, which is assessed on a scale from 1 to 3, for 2012 and 2013; two categories of assumptions: National Agency’s operation in the next period (2014-2020) against the current state of affairs; • Repetition and multiplication of the type and number of irregularities; 2. Event’s impact on the implementation of EU programmes. • State Audit Office of the Republic of Macedonia issued a negative On the basis of information about the current state of affairs, each of opinion about the financial operations of the National Agency. these two categories is ranked on a scale from 1 to 3, where the risk level is defined as: 1) low; 2) medium; or 3) high.

impact low medium high medium (1-3) high (2-3) unacceptable (3-3) probability low (1-2) high (2-2) unacceptable (3-2) low (1-1) medium (2-1) high (3-1)

Figure 5 – Risk Assessment

Combination of probability and impact determines the level of general 2. Medium, light pink fields in the table above75 indicate medium level risk as: of exposure to threats that have the potential to prevent adequate implementation of the programme Erasmus+; 1. Low, dark pink fields in the table above74 indicate low level of exposure to threats that have the potential to prevent adequate implementation of the programme Erasmus+;

75 When probability is assessed with 1 and impact is assessed with 3 or probability is 74 When probability is assessed with 1 and impact is assessed with 1 or 2. assessed with 2 and impact is assessed with 1.

65 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

3. High, light blue fields in the table above76 indicate high level of unacceptable risk. In the table above, this is shown in the dark blue exposure to threats that have the potential to prevent adequate fields and implies that state-of-affairs at the National Agency are implementation of the programme Erasmus+; indicative of unacceptable exposure to threats that have the potential to prevent adequate implementation of Erasmus+ in the Republic of 4. Unacceptable, dark blue fields in the table above77 indicate Macedonia. unacceptable level of exposure to threats that have the potential to prevent adequate implementation of the programme Erasmus+. According to the methodology, an unacceptable risk is called a killer assumption. Killer assumption is a risk of high probability, whose The risk assessment made due account of concerns about existing occurrence might stop the programme’s implementation. When a killer organizational, political/administrative and financial risks affecting assumption is identified in the programme designing process, the the operation of the National Agency, and thereby related to the entire process is brought back to the beginning and the programme’s implementation of Erasmus+ (2014-2020). implementation is re-designed because unacceptable risks do not come On the basis of risks identified in the operation of the National Agency, without costs and long term negative consequences. the probability for an unexpected event(s) to happen in the course In this case, the risk assessment identified a systemic and long-standing of Erasmus+’s implementation in the Republic of Macedonia is very shortage at the National Agency for decentralized management and high. In other words, given the current state-of-affairs at the National administration of the programme Erasmus+ 2014–2020. Agency, high is the probability that existing organizational, political/ administrative and financial risks would expose the National Agency to Based on the analysis findings, the present report offers a risk mitigation new threats in the course of implementing Erasmus+ (2014-2020). On solution that would: the scale from 1 to 3, this probably is assessed with 3, indicating a high • Reduce the probability of risks that the National Agency has been level of probability. producing for a long period; In terms of the impact, current organizational, political/administrative • Alarm competent authorities in Brussels and Skopje to take and financial risks have the potential to affect Erasmus+’s successful adequate actions aimed at mitigating the risks’ impact and effects; implementation in the Republic of Macedonia. On the scale from 1 to 3, the impact is assessed with 2, indicating a medium level of probability. • Trigger a reaction aimed to exert pressure for improving the situation; and In this case, the level of general risk is defined as unacceptable (3- 2). Combination of high probability and medium impact result in • Bring about long-term risk insurance, primarily aimed at protecting authentic interests of the citizens in the Republic of Macedonia.

76 When probability is assessed with 2 and impact is assessed with 2 or 3; when probability is assessed with 2 and impact is assessed with 3, or when probability is assessed with 3 and impact is assessed with 1. 77 When probability is assessed with 3 and impact is assessed with 2 or 3.


5.1. Indifferent citizenry 1. Against Police Brutality was a spontaneous initiative organized mainly by young people in response to Martin Neskovski’s Should the National Agency continue to operate in this manner, the murder, who was an activist of the ruling party. This initiative risk control performed EU institutions (the European Commission, i.e. was infamously politicized and manipulated. On daily basis, the the Directorate General for Education and Culture and the Education, protesters took to the streets until the inevitable counter-protests Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) would not be as strong as the organized by alleged “civil society” organizations. Actually, risk affecting democratic development in the Republic of Macedonia. counter-protests were organized by the group supporting Igor In practice, this means that, on one side, the EC demands functional Spasovski, who perpetrated this act. Protesters who joined Against institutions and conscious civil society, but - on the other hand - it Police Brutality sought justice for Martin Neskovski and compiled approves manipulative practices of ruling authorities in the Republic a list of demands for civil oversight of the police. Unfortunately, of Macedonia. their demands were not acknowledged and realized. Evidence in support of this statement is identified in the findings 2. Aman79 was a civil initiative organized in response to continuous presented in EC’s Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2013- increase of electricity prices. Protests were organized in front 2014.78 As a reminder, in the section on functioning of institutions of the Energy Regulatory Commission’s building and demanded guaranteeing democracy, the EC reiterates: “civil society and citizens reduced prices for this indispensable energy resource. Believe it and particularly young people are too often marginalised from day to day or not, even this authentic initiative was counteracted by different politics. Dialogue between decision makers and stakeholders needs to be protests. Namely, a group of citizens close to the governing party further developed. An empowered civil society is a crucial component of VMRO-DPMNE, who dubbed themselves “Expensive Privatization”, any democratic system. It enhances political accountability and social took the streets in defence of governmental policies and accused cohesion, deepening understanding and inclusiveness of accession- the opposition for high electricity prices. In compliance with the related reforms, as well as supporting reconciliation in societies divided procedure stipulated in the Law on Referenda, Aman successfully by conflict. In some cases, a more supportive and enabling environment collected 13,000 endorsement signatures for their demands and needs to be developed that improves the conditions for policy dialogue presented them to the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, and non-partisan input to the decision making process, supported by good wherein they were reconsidered by the Committee on Economic quality statistics provided by independent national statistical bodies”. Affairs. Nevertheless on the public hearing held at the Parliament, Thorough reform efforts need to take place in Macedonia before the EC instead of discussing the ways in which citizens can be assisted is able to establish that the country fulfils the relevant criteria. Last to pay their high electricity bills, MPs from the ruling majority year, vast number of civil society initiatives emerged, but they failed to attacked Aman’s representatives, thereby putting an end to this bring about positive outcomes. Here, we enlist some of them:

78 79 paper_2013_en.pdf ec&startdate=01.07.2008&enddate=19.11.2013&page=14 67 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

authentic civil initiative.80 Evidence in support of this conclusion are abounding and can be found in many research studies on public participation in policy-making 3. Youth Educational Forum (YEF) organized a petition against the processes developed by different CSOs. For example, Reactor’s survey poorly implemented external testing at schools, and proposed the on civic engagement83 shows that despite their wish to participate and results of the first external test to be declared a pilot project. More their sense of responsibility for the community, citizens are pessimistic than 25,000 endorsement signatures have been collected, but YEF’s about their chances for influencing local level decisions. 53% of proposal was dismissed by the competent authorities. Although surveyed citizens do not believe they can change something, and only YEF’s initiative was not counteracted by another civil society 7% of them believe they can influence these decisions. However, high organization, pro-governmental media outlets fervently attacked 73% of surveyed citizens would like to influence local level decisions. this youth organization and broadcasted the opinion of seemingly No differences have been noted between young and elderly respondents random citizens, who claimed that external testing is an excellent in terms of their beliefs that they can change something on local level. solution to improve high school students’ performance. In that, Young people demonstrated very low interest in influencing local level it should be noted that YEF never advocated against the external decisions. testing, but remarked the manner in which it was implemented.81 Survey results show that the more citizens believe that mechanisms 4. Park Defenders82 emerged as a civil initiative of a group of citizens for civil engagement are effective, high is the likelihood that they can wishing to express their dissatisfaction with the destruction of influence decision-making processes. On the question inquiring about green areas in downtown area of Skopje. In September 2013, around the manner in which the citizens tried to influence local level decisions, 400 members of special police units surrounded the location near 23% of them indicated contacts with mayors or municipal councillors, hotel “Bristol” intended for construction of the new building 10% of them indicated contacts with the political party, 7% of them of the Broadcasting Council with baroque style ornaments, and indicated contacts with MPs, 5% of them indicated contacts with apprehended around 20 activists (park defenders) who camped in government officials, 4% of them indicated contacts with ministers, the area. Images of this police action would be frightening for any 16% of them indicated attendance at public hearings or meetings democratic society, let alone the fragile society in Macedonia. organized around local issues, 9% of them have signed a petition, 9% of Ultimate effect of these, and many other civil initiatives, is the creation them have made a submission or proposal, 8% of them have participated of indifferent citizens who slowly, but surely begin to understand that, in a protest, demonstration or public gathering, and 7% of them have try as they may, they could never influence governmental decisions. been involved in a discussion working group established within the municipal administration. 80 For other materials on activities of the civil initiative Aman see: http://amanmk. 81 za-obrazovanie-i-nauka/ 82 83 68 ANALYSIS

Ways in which citizens have tried to influence the decision-making 3rd deadline). Nevertheless, this coalition is not known for the process could explain why only 22% of the population has participated results of implemented youth projects, but for its fervent defence in a civil initiative. On the question inquiring why they have not been of the infamous Law on Youth proposed by the Youth and Sports involved in any civil initiative, 40% of them responded they have no Agency of the Republic of Macedonia, counter-acting the demand time due to other engagements, 11% of them said they have not been of another coalition of youth organizations opposing the law’s informed, 10% of them indicated they do not believe that people can adoption and supported by youth organizations on EU level.85 be organized, 8% of them have been waiting to be invited, 8% of them 2. Youth European Forum was awarded funds in the amount of € 24,737 do not believe in the honesty of initiatives, and 6% of them responded by the National Agency on the 3rd deadline in 2012 to implement they are not interested to take part in civil initiatives. the project “Wonderful Training Course”. This Bitola-based CSO is not known in public for its “wonderful training course”, but for the organization of counter-protests against the opposition and 5.2. Counter-protests for its support for the Government in the case of the Milkman Dusko accused of growing marihuana.86 Although later accusations Reactor’s findings from the civic engagement survey do not come as against this person have been proven false, the organization did surprise when analysed against the recently emerged phenomenon for not make a public apology to Milkman Dusko for the defamations organization of counter-protests to any civil initiative. Actually, almost targeting him. Particular concerns are raised with the fact that every civil initiative or activity organized by authentic NGOs has been this alleged non-governmental youth organization made public followed-up by counter-protests, even in cases when the organization announcements aimed at influencing the court’s judgement in this of counter-actions does not make any sense whatsoever (for example, bizarre case. Expensive Privatization was organized in defence of high electricity prices and for the purpose of saving the ruling party’s reputation). CSOs suspected of similar abuses also appear as grant beneficiaries under the centralized measures implemented by the Executive Agency Analysis of activities taken by youth organizations that have been in Brussels. For example, Citizens’ Forum “Denica” has been awarded 4 awarded project grants by the National Agency shows that some of them project grants under the programme Youth in Action87 in total amount of serve only the purpose of undermining citizens’ resistance to different civil initiatives. Following are several examples: it has been awarded one project titled “Be Informed, Get Active!”. 1. Coalition of Youth NGOs “NOW”: this coalition was awarded project 85 grants by the National Agency on two occasions in 2012 (2nd84 and vo-sobraniska-procedura- 86 87 Project grants approved financing are: 1) “We All are on the Way”, in the amount of 84 On the 2nd deadline in 2012, Coalition NOW has been awarded two project grants: 1) € 20,647; 2) “90 km for Planet Earth”, in the amount of € 13,187; 3) “Focus on Conflict”, “My Way for Making Future”; and 2) “Europe Locally”, and on the 3rd deadline in 2012, in the amount of € 16,545, and 4) “Activating the Inactive Young Volunteer”, in the

69 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

€ 66,214. However, this organization is not known for implementation When these findings are combined with the results of the analysis of youth projects, but rather for organization of protests on the developed by the Centre for Institutional Development (CIRa) from square “Macedonia” when its members, together with VMRO-DPMNE Skopje89 on the number of newly registered CSOs in 2013, the impression fans, clashed with the protesters of Archibrigade, civil initiative that is gained that the Government’s para(organizations) are excellently demanded termination of construction of religious buildings on the positioned for successful absorption of EU funds. Namely, 378 new CSOs square. Denica gained fame as ardent supporter of the construction of and 4 new foundations have been registered in the first six months of a church on the square “Macedonia”.88 Ilco Aleksoski, organization’s 2013, one-third of which (32%) are associations whose primary area leader and authorized person, is husband to Lidija Aleksoska, who works of work includes sports and recreation. Second group of associations as the archive officer at the National Agency, and is godfather to Bosko work in the fields of culture, arts, music, tradition and cultural heritage Nelkoski, former Director of the National Agency. Nola Ismajloska, CSO’s (51 in total or 13.5% of all newly registered CSOs), followed by 20 CSOs appointed contact-person, is sister to Mersiha Ismajloska, who worked (5%) profiled in environmental protection. Youth and educational at the National Agency. Moreover, Nola is the authorized person of Pan- organizations are represented in equal shares (28 CSOs or 8% of all European Centre from Mavrovo. She is known in public as the active newly registered organizations). Other CSOs are registered in the fields campaigner for Slavko Kotevski, VMRO-DPMNE’s candidate for Mayor of: health promotion (11 CSOs) and democratic development. of Struga during the 2009 local elections and uncle of Bosko Nelkoski, Having in mind the fact that in the financial perspective 2014-2020, former Director of the National Agency. sports will be an integral part of the programme Erasmus+, likely is that newly established CSOs would soon start to benefit from funds awarded by the National Agency. 5.3. Will failure be acknowledged? Results expected to be delivered with the implementation of projects These are only few CSOs that have been awarded grants by the National funded under IPA 2009 provide the same conclusion. Actually, Agency for implementation of political parties’ activities. Given the fact investment of € 2 million from IPA 2009 is expected to deliver the that, by awarding around € 600,000 (funds available for decentralized following results: actions in 2009 and 2012, and one deadline in 2013) the National 1. Establishment of relevant structures, adequate infrastructure Agency has successfully funded numerous political party activities, and trained staff, as well as management systems that fulfil the one can only imagine the types of activities the National Agency could requirements on sound financial management with the programmes finance with the EU funds it would be entrusted to manage and disburse Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action; in the next years! 2. Translation, publication and distribution of all relevant documents about the programmes, and broad promotion of the programmes amount of € 15,835. 88 89 aspx?eventId=52920 &id=339:-6---2013---380------4500--&catid=25:2010-10-05-22-38-33&Itemid=228


and the application procedures in front of a broad range of stakeholders; 3. Demonstrated capacity on the part of the National Agency to manage and administer the relevant programmes prior to the country’s full participation therein. Findings presented in this report show that attainment of above- enlisted results is uncertain and opens the question whether the EC will finally acknowledge the fact that the project “National Agency” has failed, despite its best intentions?

71 umours about non-transparent and nepotism-prone operations of the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility surfaced in the public as early as its establishment. In 2009, when the National Agency was entrusted with the Rimplementation of the first grant-awarding scheme, nepotism-prone practices transformed into criminal acts and were duly noted in the CONCLUSIONS reports of the two most important institutions tasked with supervision and control of financial activities: the State Audit Office (SAO) and the State AND Commission for Prevention of Corruption (SCPC). Despite the numerous evidence about internal problems in this extremely important institution RECOMMENDATIONS and the 2-year suspension of funds imposed by the EC on the account of the National Agency’s irregularities, the said institution continued and further solidified the operational practices that have led to the suspension, by awarding project grants to youth organizations close to the institution and its employees. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSANNEX

Hence, it does not come as surprise that once the EC lifted the December 2012, the EC decided to lift the suspension, but implement suspension, same practices continued, only now they are “upgraded portion of IPA 2009 funds in centralized manner. Hence, funds intended and expanded” with centralized measures managed in Brussels.90 It for the preparatory measures under the programmes Lifelong Learning seems employees at the National Agency are not concerned with the and Youth in Action were implemented centrally by the EC, although concept of “conflict of interests”, although its meaning is precisely the National IPA 2009 is administered in decentralized manner through defined by law. the Central Financing and Contracting Department at the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Macedonia. This course of action rendered In fact, this report arguably shows that the main reason for the the audit report commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science continued irregularities at the National Agency is the prematurely a key reference document, although the findings presented therein are lifted suspension of funds intended for this institution, whereby Bosko conflicting with those presented in the report developed by the State Nelkoski’s the resignation from the position of the National Agency’s Audit Office, while SCPS’s motion for criminal charges against Bosko Director remains the only measure taken to correct the situation. Nelkoski, former Director of the National Agency, was never acted upon. Employees at the National Agency, who were personally recruited by the Impunity has become a trademark of the joint actions taken by the EC former Director, continued to apply the sample principles of operation and the National Agency. and award grants to CSOs close to them, free of any concerns for the legal provision that regulated conflict of interests. This statement is supported by the list of youth organizations from Macedonia that have been awarded project grants. Our research shows Evident is the fact that by lifting the suspension, the EC wanted to that from 2009 onwards, including the 1st deadline for submission help Macedonia. Concerned with the fact that the initial deadline for of project applications in 2013, a total of 47 project grants in contracting funds under the National IPA 2009 would expire on 21 accumulative value of € 625,611.50 have been awarded, 35 of which can be categorized as “suspicious” project grants, accounting for 90 Same group of people has applied with different projects on the Calls for Proposals € 482,682.50 and representing 77% of all funds disbursed. announced in Brussels, and we see the same founders submitting different project applications from one address or vice versa. The people responsible for project On the other hand, the analysis in terms of distribution of project grants implementation are related to the employees at the National Agency, but are skilful in disguising their connections. Attempts are made to cover up the actual addresses, per region shows that the Southwest region is an absolute champion or there are cases where an entire group of non-governmental organizations use and beneficiary organizations from this region have been awarded one address. Coordinated activities are also identified in terms of (re)registration 41% of all funds disbursed (€ 258,468). It should be noted that this of CSOs. Various changes are made to the records kept by the Central Register of region is the hometown of Bosko Nelkoski, former Director of National the Republic of Macedonia, ranging from change of authorized persons to changes made to the organizations’ names and/or seats, and registration with (purposeful?) Agency, but also the place of origin for high number of employees at spelling mistake in their title. This group also includes organizations whose non- the National Agency, recruited by him. governmental status is suspicious, judging on the basis of their “infamous” activities. More information is available in MCET’s Seventeenth Quarterly Accession Watch Skopje region accounts for 28% of all funds disbursed (€ 176,225) and Report titled “Youth Inaction!”, available at: beneficiary organizations from the Pelagonija region have been awarded uploads/2011/05/20131107-izveshtaj-17-mkd.pdf

73 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

18% of all funds (€ 110,125.50). No other region in the Republic of 2. Amendments to the Law on Establishing the National Agency Macedonia can be distinguished in terms of youth organizations for European Educational Programmes and Mobility should be participating in programme actions managed and administered by the adopted, thereby including provisions on a different composition National Agency. Successful project applications from the Northeast of the National Agency’s Executive Board. Namely, the number region have been awarded only 6% of all funds (€ 39,848), the Vardar of members of the Executive Board should be increased to nine region - only 4% (€ 22,399), the Polog region - only 2% (€ 12,126) and (9) and its composition should include representatives from the the East region - only 1% (€ 6,420). Southeast region provides the following stakeholders: 1) Ministry of Education and Science; 2) greatest surprise, as project applicants from this region have not been Ministry of Finance; 3) National Agency; 4) principal of a primary awarded any funds, although they have an exceptional track record on school; 5) principal of a secondary school; 6) principal of a VET absorption of other funds! school; 7) representative from a university; 8) representative from a training institution; and 9) a member from a youth/student Finally, the risk analysis shows that the system’s high rate of failure is organization. Executive Board’s new composition would more not without costs and prevents effective and efficient implementation likely guarantee equitable representation of all stakeholders. of the programmes. In its own right, the analysis of assumptions would not save a project or programme. When it not communicated in due 3. Real campaign promoting the new programme Erasmus+ should be time and when their essence is not declared to have their authenticity organized and implemented; verified, an assumption can become “killer assumption”. In the case 4. For the purpose of process monitoring and transparency, the of the National Agency, some assumptions have been proved as Ministry of Education and Science and the competent agencies unacceptable and therefore killer. should develop a strategic document with pre-defined objectives For the Republic of Macedonia to correct the irregularities at the and clear deadlines for project implementation; National Agency, the Government should address the real problem: 5. Uniformed rules should be developed, published and made easily suspicious pattern of formal and informal relations installed at the accessible, including mandatory publication of information about National Agency. Only after it has done this, Macedonia will be prepared project holders, according to a pre-defined schedule. Moreover, to be granted the status of programme country in the programme these information need to be uploaded in a visible place on the Erasmus+. In this regard, the recommendations presented in the official websites of the competent authorities, following the Seventeenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report titled “Youth Inaction!” example of centralized agencies tasked to manage the current and the additional recommendations must be implemented: programmes91 Project information should be published in a form 1. Operation of the National Agency should be thoroughly audited by that complies with the minimum criteria on transparency, which an independent audit company and the involvement of individual means that in addition to project titles, names of beneficiary employees in conspicuous activities should be examined and organizations, grant amounts, the information sheet should also adequately sanctioned. 91


include: project reference numbers, brief description of projects, List of Annexes addresses of beneficiary organizations and contact persons; 1. Official correspondence between MCET and the National Agency 6. For the purpose of establishing an effective control system, 2. Distribution of funds per region administrative sanctions and fines should be introduced in compliance with Article 96 of the Council Regulation (EC, 3. Table of irregularities identified in the National Agency’s Euroatom) no. 1605/2002 from 25 June 2002 on the Financial operation Regulations applicable to the general budget of the European 4. Decision on appointment of the National Agency’s contact- Union. In addition, all activities needed should be taken to avoid points any distant possibility for a new suspension of funds for European educational programmes in Macedonia; 5. Registration entry for CSO “Pavel Satev” kept at the Central Register of the Republic of Macedonia 7. Prior to the onset of the programme Erasmus+, grant contracts should be thorough audited against the specific remarks on conflict of interests noted by SCPC and for the purpose of verifying the accuracy and truthfulness of information provided by individual CSOs in their “Declarations of Honour” deposited for all projects implemented with financial assistance from EU programmes. In cases of established violations, sanctions should be imposed on all natural persons and legal entities involved, including prohibition for public office performance, misdemeanour and criminal sanctions. These actions would also serve the purpose of sending the message that abuses and malpractices are punishable by law.

75 Questions addressed to Mr Darko Dimitrov, Director of the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility 1. Following your appointment to the position Director of the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility (hereinafter: National Agency) and having in mind previous indications about the irregularities in the operation ANNEX I of this institution (for example, concerns raised by the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption (SCPC), State Audit Office’s Official correspondence between report (SAO), etc.), what activities did you take to determine the MCET and the National Agency actual situation? Elaborate on the state of affairs at the National Agency when you assumed office as Director. What actions did you take to restore the institution’s reputation? 2. What reasons have led to the increased interest on the part of the media in the National Agency’s operation from 2010 to date? ANNEX

3. During the suspension (2010 and 2011), was the operation of citizens of the Republic of Macedonia when the suspension was in employees holding managerial positions at the National Agency effect? controlled (especially in terms of financial operations), and if so, 7. Several staff members from key positions have resigned from the what are the findings of such controls? For example, did the control National Agency, including the programme director for Lifelong establish that the head of sector for financial operations and the Learning and the programme coordinator for Erasmus, while the Executive Board’s Chair are bloodline relatives once removed? Fact position head of the financial sector is vacant for a longer period is that nobody was held accountable for the suspension of funds. Do of time. How does this affect the National Agency’s operation, you believe that full resolution of irregularities requires sanctions especially in terms of the accreditation process? to be imposed to staff members who were directly responsible, i.e. staff members recruited by Nelkoski and still working at the 8. In 2012, the legal entities suspected of conflict of interests by National Agency? Do you not think that such action would improve SCPC re-appear as beneficiaries of project grants awarded by the the Agency’s image? National Agency94 under the programme Youth in Action. Do you not think this is risky for the institution’s track record? 4. How do you comment SAO’s 2010 report on the financial operations of the National Agency, where the executive summary notes92: 9. How many staff members at the National Agency have full-time “...on the basis of audit results, [SAO] issues a negative opinion employments contracts? about the truthfulness and objectivity of information presented in 10.How many staff members at the National Agency have been the financial report for the year audited, and raises concerns about employed through the agencies for temporary employment? the compliance with relevant legislation in effect of the entity’s activities, financial transactions and information...”? What actions 11.Budget item A. Staff, A1. Management Staff (Director, Deputy have been taken in this regard? Director, Managers…) from the Agency’s 2013 operational budget enlists the following amounts: 5. What is your position about SCPC’s findings, which – in 2011, when you have already assumed the position Director – reported that it had established non-compliance with the Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interests?93 6. Where do you locate the responsibility for the wasted time and de- commitment of funds from the two programmes intended for the

92 programi.pdf 94 List of approved project applications on the deadline by 1 May 2012; National Agency 93 Implementation of the Law on Prevention of Corruption, State Commission for for European Educational Programmes and Mobility; available at: Prevention of Corruption, mk/tl_files/docs/yia/YiA%20CALL%202012/YiA_rez_2_2012.pdf, last accessed on task=view&id=223&Itemid=1, last accessed on 4.4.2013. 4.4.2013. 77 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

Function in the project Persons Months € per Total (€) % YiA Total YiA (€) month Director of the Agency 1 12 1,304.81 15,657.72 20.00% 3,131.54 Head of Department Youth Activities 1 12 835.77 10,029.24 100.00% 10,029.24 Head of Unit Youth for Europe and EVS 1 12 655.64 7,867.68 100.00% 7,867.68 Head of Unit Training and Networking, Eurodesk and Youthpass 1 12 655.64 7,867.68 100.00% 7,867.68

Head of Department Financial Affairs (open post) 1 12 - - 20.00% -

Head of Unit for Accountancy and Finance 1 12 655.64 7,867.68 20.00% 1,573.54 Treasurer 1 12 355.00 4,260.00 20.00% 852.00 Head of Department Legal and Horizontal Affairs 1 12 835.77 10,029.24 20.00% 2,005.85 Head of Unit Legal and Administrative Affairs 1 12 655.64 7,867.68 20.00% 1,573.54 Councillor of Unit Legal and Administrative Affairs 1 12 577.59 6,931.08 20.00% 1,386.22 Head of Unit General and Common Duties and Public 1 12 655.64 7,867.68 20.00% 1,573.54 Procurements Head of Department Transversal Programs 1 12 835.77 10,029.24 10.00% 1,002.92 Head of Unit PR Presentations Media Campaigns (open post) 1 12 - - 20.00% -

Head of Unite Twinning and ICT 1 12 655.64 7,867.68 10.00% 786.77 Head of Unit Internal Audit 1 12 655.64 7,867.68 20.00% 1,573.54 Head of Unit Human Resources 1 12 655.64 7,867.68 20.00% 1,573.54 Technical Assistant to the Director 1 12 355.00 4,260.00 20.00% 852.00 Archiving Assistant 1 12 355.00 4,260.00 20.00% 852.00 Hygiene Staff 1 12 295.00 3,540.00 20.00% 708.00 Total 19 228 - 131,937.96 45,209.58


Since it is a matter of high amounts, please clarify the category of in total amount of € 66,835. Even today (2013), Jovan Poposki revenue for the indicated amounts, i.e., do amounts indicated refer to is enlisted as Youth Forum EYE’s contact-point in the Register of net salaries, gross salaries, salary supplements or something else? Internet Addresses – MARNET. 13. Are the above indicated funds disbursed from the Budget of 17. Do you not think there is conflict of interests when Centre for Ruran the Republic of Macedonia or they are EU funds (IPA or EU Development (organization’s name is not misspelled) from the Programmes)? village Jablanica is awarded project grants by the National Agency, knowing that the sister of the organization’s authorized person is 14. What rules does the National Agency apply in terms of publishing head of sector at the institution? results on successful project applications? 18. News feed on the National Agency’s website show that on 11 June (For example, in the case of centralized measures managed and 2013, a so-called introductory meeting was organized with grant administered in Brussels, there is a pre-defined calendar of deadlines, beneficiaries from the 1st deadline in 2012 (February 2012) for the whereby results from the February deadline are published by the end of programme Youth in Action, but the official results on the successful May, and so forth. In the case of Macedonia, however, the results from the project applications were published in August 2013. Was the late 2nd deadline in May 2012 were published as late as November 2012 and announcement of results, coinciding with the press conference the results from the 3rd deadline in October 2012 were published as late held by Spiro Ristovski, Minister of Education and Science, an as April 2013) attempt to cover up the new round of suspicious allocations? 15. Why there are no results published on the appointment of contact- 19. In order to develop a comprehensive analysis on the utilization points for the programme Youth in Action? (In 2012, the open call of funds available under the two programmes managed and for contact-points was announced on 4.7.201295, but there was not administered by the National Agency, we need the following such call for 2013?!) information: 16. What are the reasons for Mr Jovan Poposki’s re-assignment from the - How many CSOs submitted project applications on all calls for position head of the sector on general education and programme proposals announced for the programme Youth in Action? coordinator for Lifelong Learning? Was he re-assigned due to his connection with Youth Forum EYE from Struga, which has been - What are the main reasons on the ground of which unsuccessful awarded project grants by National Agency in 2009 when Poposki applications have been rejected? also appeared as the organization’s authorized person? Be that as - What activities have been implemented as part of successful it may, once the EC’s suspension was lifted, in 2012 the National project applications? (logical framework) Agency has again awarded project grants to this organization - What networks have been created and how does that reflect on 95 the regional/EU cooperation? tochki-za-programata-mladi-vo-akcia.html

79 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

- What is the number of projects where Macedonian CSOs appear as project holders and the number of projects where they are partner organizations? Looking forward to the information requested as it would enable us to develop a comprehensive analysis that could be of use not only for the National Agency, but the EC as well, knowing that the EC is looking for fresh ideas that would contribute to the programming of IPA II funds. Thank you for your cooperation, Macedonian Centre for European Training

80 ANNEX II Distribution of funds per region

81 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report


AMOUNT AWARDED TO AMOUNT SUSPICIOUS PROJECT GRANTS SUSPICIOUS PROJECTS (€) (€) 2009 5 of 7 project grants 40,874 66,523 1st deadline in 2012 7 of 10 project grants 109,462 152,141 2nd deadline in 2012 10 of 11 project grants 130,364,50 134,344.50 3rd deadline in 2012 6 of 7 project grants 85,788,00 104,108 1st deadline in 2013 7 of 12 project grants 116,194 168,495 TOTAL: 35 of 47 project grants 482,682.50 625,611.50



BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT AMOUNT (€) 2009 Youth Development Fund –Ohrid Young Explorers Suspicious allocation of funds 9,883

Erasmus Student Network – Be Creative, Be Innovative, Be Suspicious allocation of funds 9,586 Skopje Active Centre for Intercultural Intercultural Conflict Resolution / 12,165 Dialogue – Kumanovo Centre for Ruran Development – Live Filming – Youth Documentaries Suspicious allocation of funds 7,062 vil. Jablanica, Struga European Alliance of the Energising for Promotion of Youth / 13,484 Republic of Macedonia – Skopje Organizations Youth Creative Centre – Veles Shakesperience Suspicious allocation of funds 8,693

Youth Forum EYE - Struga Do Right! Suspicious allocation of funds 5,650 Total: 5 of 7 projects (71%) approved financing by the National Agency Suspicious allocation of funds in the amount 66,523 on the 2009 call for proposals are suspicious of € 40,874 (61% of all funds)

83 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report


BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT AMOUNT (€) 1st deadline Centre for Education Research YE Summer Street Party Suspicious allocation of funds 21,707 in 2012 and Development – Skopje Youth Forum EYE - Struga Spinning Around Suspicious allocation of funds 24,251 CSO “Clear Future” – Dolneni YE Sending Hope Suspicious allocation of funds 17,397 CSO “New Message” – Struga Exploring Diversity Suspicious allocation of funds 11,600 Local Agency for Development Workshop for Self Development Suspicious allocation of funds 13,085 - Struga Centre for Intercultural Go Macedonia: Exchange of / 10,610 Dialogue – Kumanovo European Experiences in Youth Work CSO “IMKA” – Bitola New Horizon Suspicious allocation of funds 4,240 CSO “CreACtive” – Skopje Europe – Together for Active / 13,250 Youth Citizenship First Children’s Embassy Sharing and Learning: A Seminar / 18,819 “Megasi” – Skopje on the Inclusion of Marginalized Youth Forum for New Initiatives Volunteering is Simple Suspicious allocation of funds 17,182 Europe 2.0 – Bitola Total: 7 of 10 projects (70%) approved financing by the National Suspicious allocation of funds 152,141 Agency on the 1st deadline in 2012 are suspicious in the amount of € 109,462 (72% of all funds)



BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT AMOUNT (€) 2nd deadline Pan European Centre – Mavrovo, v. Rostuse Sports Back to Tradition Suspicious allocation of funds 12,126 in 2012 Youth Press - Struga YE Catch the Moment 2 Suspicious allocation of funds 11,792 Coalition of Youth Organizations NOW – Prilep My Way for Making Future Suspicious allocation of funds 19,544,50 Youth Forum EYE - Struga YE Colouring Differences to Suspicious allocation of funds 12,765 Equality Coalition of Youth Organizations NOW – Prilep Europe Locally Suspicious allocation of funds 6,420 Local Agency for Development - Struga Sharpen Your Professional Suspicious allocation of funds 6,689 Skills CSO “IMKA” – Bitola Visual Suspicious allocation of funds 7,765 Centre for Ruran Development – village Promotion to Wider Suspicious allocation of funds 23,922 Jablanica, near Struga Knowledge Towards Rural Areas Mladiinfo FEJS – Skopje A European Youth Perspective / 3,980 Youth Forum EYE from Struga Social Media as Tool for Suspicious allocation of funds 15,635 Changes Association Horizon – Kavadarci Hurricane of Possibilities Suspicious allocation of funds 13,706 Total: 10 of 11 projects (91%) approved financing by the National Suspicious allocation of 134,344.50 Agency on the 2nd deadline in 2012 are suspicious funds in the amount of € 130,364.50 (97% of all funds)

85 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report


BENEFICIARY PROJECT NOTE AMOUNT (€) 3rd deadline Local Agency for GREEN IS IN Suspicious allocation of funds 22,483 in 2012 Development - Struga Centre for Youth YE The Vision of My Dream Work Suspicious allocation of funds 7,475 Development and Prevention – Kicevo Local Agency for Eth(n)ic Learning Suspicious allocation of funds 4,069 Development - Struga Youth Info FACE – Skopje BE A.C.T.I.V.E / 18,320 Youth Forum EYE - Struga DO RIGHT – YOUTH SERVICE Suspicious allocation of funds 14,184 CENTRE Coalition of Youth Be Informed, Get Active! Suspicious allocation of funds 12,840 Organizations NOW – Prilep Youth European Forum – Wonderful Training Course Suspicious allocation of funds 24,737 Bitola Total: 6 of 7 projects (86%) approved financing by the National Suspicious allocation of funds 104,108 Agency on the 3rd deadline in 2012 are suspicious in the amount of € 85,788 (82% of all funds)



BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT AMOUNT (€) 1st deadline Municipality of Vevcani Diving the Sea, Climbing the Mountain - Part II / 10,608 in 2013 e CSO “In My World” - Skopje Voluntarism in Service of Autism Suspicious allocation of funds 9,544 CSO “Clear Sun” – Struga YE Jump and Play and Let Me Know You / 4,380 Youth Press – Struga Intercultural Learning as a Key to European Suspicious allocation of funds 20,350 Awareness CSO “ORO” – Skopje Through Macedonian Salad to More Health Suspicious allocation of funds 26,415 First Children’s Embassy Daycare Centre - Children Who Do Not Attend / 13,330 “Megasi” – Skopje School Youth Info FACE – Skopje LOGIN: Life Opportunity, Get Involved Now! / 6,910 CSO “Pavel Satev” – Kocani Youth Inclusion and Development Through Media Suspicious allocation of funds 6,420 Centre for Ruran Development – Explore Macedonia Suspicious allocation of funds 24,300 vil. Jablanica, Struga CSO “New Message” – Struga My Contribution to Happiness Suspicious allocation of funds 8,285 Centre for Intercultural Training of Trainers: Fostering Social Inclusion... / 17,073 Dialogue – Kumanovo CSO “Quantum” – Skopje Brain Opener Suspicious allocation of funds 20,880 Total: 7 of 12 projects (58%) approved financing by the National Agency on the 1st Suspicious allocation of funds 168,495 deadline in 2013 are suspicious in the amount of € 116,194 (69% of all funds)

87 ANNEX III Table of identified irregularities in the operation of the National Agency


1. Southwest region 96

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT (1) Project activities were implemented in Struga, although the organization is seated in Ohrid. Youth Development Fund – Young Explorers (2) This organization is member of the Council of Youth Organizations, which was Ohrid represented in the National Agency’s Executive Board until 2011. (3) In 2009, the organization was the National Agency’s contact-point. 2009 Centre for Ruran CSO is funded by Trajce Nelkoski, father of Bosko Nelkoski, who was the Director of the Live Filming – Youth Development – vil. National Agency at that time. Documentaries Jablanica, Struga (1) In 2009, the organization’s authorized person was also the head of sector at the Youth Forum EYE - Struga Do Right! National Agency. (2) In 2009, the organization was the National Agency’s contact-point. (1) CSO was indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests with the National Agency. Youth Forum EYE - Struga Spinning Around (2) Jovan Popovski, head of sector at the National Agency, is the holder of the website registration for Youth Forum EYE. (1) CSO shares/-co-host a website with Youth Forum EYE. st 1 (2) CSO published the call for partners on the list administered by Youth Forum EYE. deadline CSO “New Message” – Struga Exploring Diversity (3) Project documents enlist [email protected] as the contract person, which in 2012 also appears in official information for the project implemented by Macedonian Youth Press, CSO represented in the National Agency’s Executive Board until 2011. Local Agency for Workshop for Self Project activities of this Struga-based CSO involve Bosko Nelkoski,96 former Director of Development - Struga Development the National Agency.

96 ttps://

89 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT (1) Previously registered as Macedonian Youth Press, CSO represented in the Nationl YE Catch the Moment Youth Press – Struga Agency’s Executive Board until 2011. 2 (2) CSO’s authorized person, Igor Domazetovski, is an associate to Youth Forum EYE. YE Colouring (1) CSO was indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests with the National Agency. Youth Forum EYE - Struga Differences to (2) Jovan Popovski, head of sector at the National Agency, is the holder of the website Equality registration for Youth Forum EYE. 2nd Local Agency for Sharpen Your Project activities of this Struga-based CSO involve Bosko Nelkoski, former Director of the deadline Development - Struga Professional Skills National Agency. in 2012 Centre for Ruran Promotion to Wider (1) CSO was indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests with the National Agency. Development – vil. Knowledge Towards (2) Ljuljeza Iljazi, head of sector at the National Agency, is sister to Semsedin Iljazi, the Jablanica, Struga Rural Areas organization’s authorized person (1) CSO was indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests with the National Agency. Social Media as Tool Youth Forum EYE - Struga (2) Jovan Poposki, head of sector at the National Agency, is the holder of the website for Changes registration for Youth Forum EYE.

Local Agency for Project activities of this Struga-based CSO involve Bosko Nelkoski, former Director of the GREEN IS IN Development - Struga National Agency. Centre for Youth (1) Project activities are implemented in Struga,97 although the organization is seated in YE The Vision Of My Development and Prevention Kicevo. rd Dream Work 3 – Kicevo (2) CSO published the call for partners on the list administered by Youth Forum EYE. deadline Local Agency for Project activities of this Struga-based CSO involve Bosko Nelkoski, former Director of the in 2012 Eth(n)ic Learning 1 Development - Struga National Agency. (1) CSO was indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests with the National Agency. DO RIGHT – YOUTH Youth Forum EYE - Struga (2) Jovan Poposki, head of sector at the National Agency, holds the website registration SERVICE CENTRE for Youth Forum EYE.



Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT Diving the Sea, / Municipality of Vevcani Climbing the Mountain - Part II YE Jump and Play and / CSO “Clear Sun” – Struga Let Me Know You

Intercultural Learning (1) Previously registered as Macedonian Youth Press, CSO represented in the National Youth Press – Struga as a Key to European Agency’s Executive Board until 2011. 1st Awareness (2) CSO’s authorized person, Igor Domazetovski, is an associate to Youth Forum EYE. deadline in 2013 Centre for Ruran (1) CSO was indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests with the National Agency. Development – vil. Explore Macedonia (2) Ljuljeza Iljazi, head of sector at the National Agency is sister to Semsedin Iljazi, the Jablanica, Struga organization’s authorized person. (1) CSO shares/co-host a website with Youth Forum EYE. (2) CSO published the call for partners on the list administered by Youth Forum EYE. My Contribution to CSO “New Message” – Struga (3) Project documents enlist [email protected] as the contract person, which Happiness also appears in official information for the project implemented by Macedonian Youth Press, CSO represented in the National Agency’s Executive Board until 2011.

91 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

2. Skopje region

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT NOTE 2009 Erasmus Student Network Neda Ahcieva, head of sector at the National Agency at that time, was a member Be Creative, Be Innovative, Be Active – Skopje of the Supervisory Board of Erasmus Student Network Macedonia. European Alliance of the / Energising for Promotion of Youth Republic of Macedonia – Organizations Skopje 1st (1) Project activities are implemented in Struga, although the organization is Centre for Education deadline seated in Skopje. Research and YE Summer Street Party in 2012 (2) CSO published the call for partners in the list administered by Youth Forum Development – Skopje EYE. Europe – Together for Active Youth / CSO “CreACtive” – Skopje Citizenship First Children’s Embassy Sharing and Learning: A Seminar on / “Megasi” – Skopje the Inclusion of Marginalized Youth 2nd / deadline Youth Info FACE - Skopje A European Youth Perspective in 2012 3rd / deadline Youth Info FACE – Skopje BE A.C.T.I.V.E in 2012


Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT NOTE 1st (1) Project activities are implemented in Struga, although the organization is deadline seated in Skopje. CSO “In My World” – in 2013 Voluntarism in Service of Autism (2) Project trainer is Gjoko Vukanovski98 from Volunteers Centre Skopje, CSO Skopje registered on the home address of Katerina Stankoska, head of sector at the National Agency. This organization is registered on the name of Damjan Spasovski whom Nova Through Macedonian Salad to More CSO “ORO” – Skopje Makedonija connects with Volunteers Centre Skopje,99 CSO registered on the Health home address of Katerina Stankoska, head of sector at the National Agency. First Children’s Embassy Day Care Centre – Children Who Do / “Megasi” – Skopje Not Attend School LOGIN: Life Opportunity, Get Involved / Youth Info FACE – Skopje Now! (1) Project activities are implemented in Struga,100 although the organization is seated in Skopje. (2) CSO’s authorized person is Sinisa Davcevski, team members at Volunteers CSO “Quantum” – Skopje Brain Opener Centre Skopje, CSO registered at the home address of Katerina Stankoska, head of sector at the National Agency. (3) This project is announced on the Internet by Ilona Olehlova101 who is connected to Volunteers Centre Skopje.102

1 2 3 4 5

98 99 100 101 102 93 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

3. Pelagonija region

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT NOTE (1) Project activities are implemented in Struga, although the organization is 1st seated in the Municipality of Dolneni. deadline (2) Project activities are led by Bosko Nelkoski, former Director of the National CSO “Clear Future” - Dolneni YE Sending Hope in 2012 Agency, and by Nola Ismajloska, who implements projects of at least 8 CSOs. (3) CSO published the call for partners in the list administered by Youth Forum EYE. CSO is member of the Coalition NOW, together with Youth Forum EYE and CSO “IMKA” – Bitola New Horizon Volunteers Centre Skopje. (1) Project activities are implemented in Struga. Forum for New Initiatives Europe (2) CSO was registered only month and a half before submitting the project Volunteering is Simple 2.0 – Bitola application. (3) Project trainer is Ilona Olehlova, volunteer at Volunteers Centre Skopje.

2nd (1) Project activities are implemented in Struga.103 deadline Coalition NOW – Prilep My Way for Making Future (2) CSO is member of the Coalition NOW, together with Youth Forum EYE and in 2012 Volunteers Centre Skopje. CSO is member of the Coalition NOW, together with Youth Forum EYE and Coalition NOW – Prilep Europe Locally Volunteers Centre Skopje. CSO is member of the Coalition NOW, together with Youth Forum EYE and CSO “IMKA” – Bitola Visual 1 2 Volunteers Centre Skopje. 3rd CSO is member of the Coalition NOW, together with Youth Forum EYE and Coalition NOW – Prilep Be Informed, Get Active! deadline Volunteers Centre Skopje. in 2012 (1) Project activities are implemented in Struga,104 although the organization Youth European Forum – Bitola Wonderful Training Course is seated in Bitola.

103 104 94 ANNEX

4. Northeast region

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT 2009 Centre for Intercultural Dialogue – Kumanovo Intercultural Conflict Resolution / 1st deadline / Centre for Intercultural Dialogue – Kumanovo Go Macedonia: Exchange of European Experiences in Youth Work in 2012 1st deadline Training of Trainers: Fostering Social Inclusion and / Centre for Intercultural Dialogue – Kumanovo in 2013 Employability...

5. Vardar region

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT COMMENT 2009 Youth Creative Centre –Veles Shakesperience (1) CSO was indicated by SCPC for conflict of interests with the National Agency. (2) Project activities are implemented in Struga. (3) Project trainers include Gjoko Vukanovski from Volunteer Centre Skopje, CSO registered on the home of Katerina Stankoska, head of sector at the National Agency. 2nd CSO “Horizon” – Kavadarci Hurricane of Possibilities CSO published the call for partners in the list administered by Youth deadline Forum EYE. in 2012

95 Nineteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report

6. Polog region

Year BENEFICIARY PROJECT NOTE 2nd Pan European Centre – Mavrovo, v. Rostuse Sports Back to Tradition (1) CSO published the call for partners in the list deadline administered by Youth Forum EYE. in 2012e (2) CSO’s authorized person is Nola Ismajloska, who implements projects for at least 8 CSOs. (3) In addition to Nola Ismajloska, project activities105 include Semsedin Iljazi, brother of Ljuljeza Iljazi, currently head of sector at the National Agency.

7. East region


1st (1) In 2009, the organization’s was the National Agency’s contact- CSO “Pavel Satev” – Youth Inclusion and Development Through deadline point. Kocani Media in 2013 (2) CSO shares a website with Youth Forum EYE from Struga.



96 Appointment of contact-points for the programme Youth in Action

Pursuant to the open call for appointment of contact-points for the programme Youth in Action, published on 8 April 2009 and on the basis of applications submitted and appointment criteria, the Director of the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility adopted the Decision on appointment of contact-points for the programme Youth in Action tasked to implement promotion activities for the programme Youth in Action as part of the preparatory measures, whereby the following CSOs are appointed as contact-points: 1. CSO “Pavel Satev” – Kocani 2. Coalition of Youth Organizations “NOW” – Prilep 3. CSO “Volunteer Centre Skopje” – Skopje 4. CSO “Synergy” – Stip 5. CSO “Youth Forum EYE” – Struga 6. CSO “Youth Development Fund” – Ohrid 7. CSO “Big City” – Resen ANNEX IV 8. CSO “Regional Advocacy Centre” – Delcevo Decision on appointment of 9. CSO “Gevdion” – Gevgjelija National Agency’s contact-points 10. CSO “Youth Centre – Vrutok” – Gostivar 11. CSO “Council for Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency” – Kavadarci (whose current activities are supported by SALTO SEE from Ljubljana) 12. CSO “CreACtive” – Skopje (whose current activities are supported by SALTO SEE from Ljubljana) Source: imenuvae-na-kontakt-tochki-za-programata-mladi-vo-akcija.html 97 ANNEX V Упис од Централниот регистар на Република Македонија за организацијата Павел Шатев