DOCUMENT RESUME ED 0G4 090 SE 013 663 TITLE Skylab, Space
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 0G4 090 SE 013 663 TITLE Skylab, Space Shuttle, Space Benefits Today and Tenorrow, INSTITUTION National Aeronautics aad Space Alministration, Wasnington, D.C. PUB EATE 72 NOTE 15p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 DESCRIPTORS Aerospace Education; *Aerospace Technology; Astronomy; *Earth Science; *Federal Programs; Instructional Materialt-4 Pamphlets ABSTRACT The pa:aphlet "Skylab" describes very generally the kinds of activities to be conducted with the Skylab, America's first manned space station. "Space Shuttle" is a pamphlet which briefly states the benefits of the Space Shuttle, and a concise review of present and future benefits of spar,'e activities is presented in the pamphlet "STIace Benefits Today and Tomorrow." (PR) Cal% U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION SI WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEENREPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIG- INATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- C.) IONS 3TATED DO NOT NECESF RILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU- C) CATION POSITION OR POLICY Ilr Skylab will be the first United States The Skylab workshop is America's first manned space flight program developed manned space station. In its 390 cubic- specifically to carry activities and equip- meter (13,000 cubic-foot) interior, three- ment aimed at improving man's life on man crews will conduct nearly sixty Earth. experiments during space missions which Skylab will evaluate systems and tech- will last as long as 56 days. NASA has niques designed to gather information on invited world wide participation in analyses Earth's resources and environmental and interpretation of the resulting data. programs. Remote sensing of Earth from space is Skylab's solar telescopes will substan- a potentially effective technique for con- tially increase man's knowledge of our Sun servation of naturil resources on a global and the multitude of solar influences on scale, and for better understandina and Earth's environment. management of the interaction between Medical experiments performed aboard man and these natural resources. System- Skylab will increase knowledge of man atic application of remote sensing tech- himself and his relationship to his Earthly niques over large areas of the Earth will be environment and adaptability to space undertaken from Skylab. Remote sensing flight. will be used for mapping geographic and Additionally, Skylab will experiment with weather features, crop and forestry cover, Industrial processes which may be en- health of vegetation, types of soil, water hanced by the unique weightless, vacuum storage in snow pack, geologic features environment of space. associated with surface or near-surface re= aware' war a.m. Ewa* 4Urivait aldrair Mg a ar MOM. vir ,rop NEI low siva +fp Arra' 7.- 2. mineral deposits, sea surface temperature, quantities of clean power on Earth. wind and sea conditions, and the location Astronomizal observatories on Earth are of likely feeding areas for fish. hampered by our atmosphe(e which blocks Skylab will fly over the entire United most X-ray and ultraviolet radiation from States except Alaska, and its flight path our Sun and the stars. Skylab will operate will cover about 75 percent of the at an altitude of about 375 kilometers (235 Earth's surface Fikylab will repeat miles) where there is no atmospheric its track every five days during the 8-month interference and solar and stellar radia- lifetime of the Skylab Program. tions can be clearly observed. There are a number of science experi- The solar astronomy experiments are ments that will provide data in the natural expected not only to increase knowledge science fields of: cosmic radiation; stellar about the Sun but also to open new doors astronomy; micrometeoroid quantities and to basic knowledge that will eventually composition; and in the nature of low light contribute to mankind's benefit. Since so phenomena associated with the interaction much of what happens on Earth depends between Sun-ejected particles and the on the Sun, Skylab's solar astronomy Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere. experiments can prove vital to mankind's The life science experiments are aimed fuiu re. Study of the Sun can contribute to at increasing knowledge about how life unlocking the secret of controlled atomic processes are affected by the spaceenvi- fusion, which is the source of the Sun's ronment. Primarily, scientists are interested energy and which could provide great in identifyino the precise mechanisms that change the chemistry of the human body Command/Service Module when Earth's gravity is absent. Th;sknowl- edge is important not only in determining if how to control advzfrse reactions during long space flights but it also can contribute iffito4* to an understanding of life processes, + which are basic t,..) treating human illness. Solar Array Manufacture of products not possible on Telescope tor Telescope Earth may be possible in zero gravity 1.471111k (weightless) conditions. Casting of perfect AiiiligirtrAk .4 ,it..;.:Niqr spheres, growth of pure crystal structures, and development of high strengthmaterials itit4ltiiii6010 SM.Ian are some of the spacemanufacturing +1 artiPto up. .iit techniques to be tested. ommouo for oppowo wools Skylab wiH also lay a groundwork NOMPrn+11+ lelluSou= upoomor otiosou lownw. powwow future, more permanent space stationsand tompoo zoom+ Ornmou+ +sopa+ woope optpouu oweemo imam towomo for the years-long manned missionsto 411111111Miit 101.11kowe theient other planets of our solar sysiam,when Skylab's Solar Array they are undertaken. Some of for Workshop Orbital Workshop experiments are aimed at improving struc- tures and equipment for spaceoperations, designing more habitablespacecraft and learning how to maneuver and work inside vehicle will place the Skylab into Earth a space station. orbit. Unlike previous manned space flight The next day a manned modified Com- programs, Skylab provides a means for mand/Service Module (CSM), much like astronaut rescue, should trouble occur. A the one used in the Apollo lunar explora- Command/Service Module (CSM) similar tion program, will be sent into Earth orbit to the one in which astronauts will com- by the smaller Saturn 1B launch vehicle. mute to and from Skylab can be modified On board the CSM will be Skylab's first into a rescue vehi.3le accommodating five three-man crew. The crew will dock the rather than three crewmen. Two astronauts CSM with the Skylab. The crew will then can pilot the modified CSM to Skylab and activate Skylab. bring back Skylab's three crewmen. In Skylab, the crew will be able to work Skylab will operate in space for about and relax unencumbered by space suits. eight months during which time there will Its facilities will enable the astronauts to be three manned missions separated by eat, sleep, wash, exercise, and work for two periods of unmanned operation. The peflods of up to 56 days in space. Skylab's first mission wiil begin in the spring of living space is about that of a small two- 1973 with two launches from Kennedy bedroom house. Space Center, Florida. After four weeks in space, the crew will The first launch will be unmanned. The return to their CSM, pull away from the first two stages of a Saturn V launch rest of Skylab, and go through the SKYLABMI4IONPLAN Saturn Vlau4hesSkylab into orbit. Saturn 18 launches crew to rendezvous with Skylab for 28-day mIsision. Other crews will be launched later for 58-day missions. After each mission, crew returns to Earth by parachute descent. :ace the Skylab into Earth sequence of atmospheric entry, parachute descent, and splashdown in the West y a manned modified Com- Atlantic Ocean. There, a recovery force o. Module (CSM), much like will pick up the crew. in the Apollo lunar explora- About sixty days later, another crew will will be sent into Earth orbit be launched in a CSM into orbit. This crew r Saturn 19 iaunch vehicle. will conduct Skylab experiments for eight CSM will be Skylab's first weeks before returning to Earth. '.)W. The crew will deck the Some thirty days after the return of the Skylab. The crew will then second crew, a third crew will be rocketed b. up to Skylab. This Irew will also conduct he crew will be able to work experiments for 56 days before returning ,ncumbered by space suits. home. ill enable the astronauts to SKYLAB STUDENT PROJECT ish, exercise, and work for The Skylab Student Project was designed to to 56 days in space. Skylab's stimulate interest in science and technology. it 3 about that of a small two- resulted in submissions by United States secondary se. school students of several thousand proposals for space experiments and demonstrations for Skylab. veeks in space, the crew will A limited number of the expariments proposed by CSM, pull away from the the students will be conducted on Skylab in the ,and go through the course of Skylab missions. NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION us with Skylab WASHINGTON, D.C. 20546 be launched mission, crew GPO : 1972 0 -45c)-254 U,S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEENREPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIG- INATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OFEDU CATION POSITION OR POLICY Li 4Pria. SHUTTLE It \A cra Wi The Space Shuttle will be a space thE transportation system designed to sat carry out various missions in Earth or- an bit at a fraction of the cost of present lay systems. It will consist of two stages, wh a booster for launch from Earth, and wh an airplane-like manned reusable First, the space shuttle is needed to thi orbiter for flight into orbit where it do useful things. The shuttle will be will conduct space missions.