Volume 28, Number 2 December, 1993 Valley Leaves Covering the Tennessee River Valley Counties of North Alabama Published in September, December, March and June ©1993 Price List Each listed volume of Valley Leaves is $15, except those marked t — unlisted volumes are out of print. Volume 13 (1978-79) 200 Pages Volume 18 (1983-84) 200 Pages Volume 23 (1988-89) 200 Pages Volume 28 (1993-94) [current] t Volume 14 (1979-80) 200 Pages Volume 19 (1984-85) 200 Pages Volume 24 (1989-90) 200 Pages fThese volumes are $18.00 Volume 15 (1980-81) 200 Pages Volume 20 (1985-86) 200 Pages Volume 25 (1990-91) 200 Pages Volume 16 (1981-82) 200 Pages Volume 21 (1986-87) 200 Pages Volume 26 (1991-92) 200 Pagest Volume 17 (1982-83) 200 Pages Volume 22 (1987-88) 200 Pages Volume 27 (1992-93) 200 Pagest OTHER PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE Ancestor Charts [V.2/Mar. 1978]—5-generation charts; 153 pages $10.00 Ancestor Charts [V.3/Jan. 1979]—5-generation charts; 153 pages $10.00 Ancestor Charts [V.4/Sept 1989] — 5-generation charts; 182 pages $15.00 Marriages of Morgan County, Ala., 1818-1896-305 pages ©1986 $22.00 Lawrence Co. Alabama 1820 State Census -42 pages ©1976 $10.00 Map of Revolutionary War Patriots Buried in Madison Co., Ala — ©1976 $ 3.00 Grahan, Ann, Compilier: Minutes of Baptist Church...on Paint Rock River andLarkin i*o/fc**[Jackson County, Alabama]-96 pages ©1991 $16.00 Johnson, Dorothy Scott, Compiler: 1907 Confederate Census of Limestone, Morgan & Madison Counties., Alabama - 52 pages; ©1981 $ 8.00 Limestone County 1860 Census — Jerry Todd $ 5.00 Limestone County During World War I — Faye Axford $ 5.00 Limestone County During World War II — Faye Axford $ 7.00 Limestone County Probate Minute Index - Volume 1 $ 8.00 Lime stone County Marriage Book 1832-1862 $12.00 Members and Friends Surname Index $ 6.00 Valley Leaves Special Edition — December 1969—Early History of Madison County $12.00 Wellden, Eulalia Yancey, Compiler: 1840 Limestone County Census —195 pages; © 1987 $15.00 Death Notices from Limestone Co. Ala., Newspapers 1828-1891-226 pages; ©1986 $18.00 All have full-name indexes Membership Dues Fiscal year from July 1 to June 30; individual membership: $18; family membership — $20


President Howell Sims Editor Elizabeth Powell Crowe 1st Vice-President (programs) Jerry Blevins Historian-Archivist Lois Richardson 2nd Vice-President (membership) Denise Woods Director Alex Luttrell III Treasurer Ann Osborn Lusk Director Patsy McFarlen Recording Secretary Lynn Harris Director Robert L. Meek Corresponding Secretary Sue Bright Richter Director David Milam

Committee Chairmen Mailing. . Patsy McFarlen & Jimmy Lee Hancock Computers.... .Dick Wall

TENNESSEE VALLEY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. O. Box 1568 Huntsville, Al 35807 Valley Leaves

Published by the Tennessee Valley Genealogical Society,m Inc., Post Office Box 1568 Huntsville, AL 35807 Table of Contents

Volume 28 Number 2 December 1993

Colbert County [Created 1867 from Franklin County] Marriage Records, Book B, 1874-1887 PART 5 51 Franklin County [Created 1818 - a totally burned-out county] The Franklin News Part 5 54 Jackson County [Created 1819 - some early records missing] Jeremiah Walker Florida Indian War of 1837-38 Military Record and Bounty Land Warrant Applications . . 58 Jackson County Probate Records 1855-1858 Installment No. 36 63 Lauderdale County [Created 1818] Lauderdale Deed Record A-1 Part 14 65 Lawrence County [Created 1818] Company B, 4th (Roddey's) Alabama Cavalry 69 Limestone County [Created 1818] Births, Deaths and Marriages Abstracted from the Alabama Courier of 1916 Athens, Alabama Part 2 . . . . 74 Deed Book 2,1825-1826 Part 11 78 Madison County [Created 1808 as part of Mississippi Territory] Mississippi Territory Minute Book Superior Court of Law and Equity 1811-1819 80 Solomon Smith Claim 84 Marshall County [Created 1836] Deed: Allen to Garrett 87 Circuit Court & Grand Jury Records Civil Cases Part 8 88 Morgan County [Created 1818] Morgan County Death Records, Book A, 1893-1896 Part 12 90 Simpson Family Bible 95 Book Review 96 Queries 97 Editor's Leaf

We have recently received these letters:

TVGS: I am enclosing a family group sheet in response to your request...This is the generation of my family that lived in Jackson Co., Ala, in the 1800's. My grandfather Woodliel[?] Thomas Shelton moved to Chattanooga in 1876, where my father, Thomas Lewis Shelton was born in 1890. My parents moved to California soon after their marriage in 1919. All of their children were born in California. I am enjoying learning of my Alabama roots and I appreciate the help I have received from your quarterly. Sincerely, Dorothy Shelton Lowe Rt. 2 Box 252 Templeton, CA 93465 Dear Ms. Crowe: I recently received my latest issue of Valley Leaves. While reading Charles Rice's article, "Company B, 4th (Roddy's) Alabama Cavalry" Part I, I said to myself, "My great grandfather, Jonathan Orr Sheets and his twin John Orr Sheets were in that unit!" Sure enough, after checking my files I was right. Incidentally, my great-great-grandparents did not have too much imagination when they named one twin Jonathan and the other twin John. AND both being in the same unit! Don't you know that drove some sergeants and officers crazy! It threw me too until I remember that John died in Morgan County, Alabama and Jonathan died in Johnston County, Oklahoma. AND the article explained why their widows had trouble receiving their pensions: No company records!!! In 1918 Martha Emily Plant Sheets received $5.00 per month! And, here I go again, T. B. Ponder, mentioned on page 28 at lower left as 1st Seargeant Thomas B. Ponder, was a witness for Louisa Doss Sheets, widow of John. Just thought I would let you know this and how much I enjoy your quarterly. My Bayne and Sheets have DEEP roots in Lawrence and Morgan Counties. After I have read it through three or four times, I donate every copy of Valley Leaves to our local library. Anxiously looking toward your next issue, I remain, Genealogically Yours, Jay D. Bayne 2509 Roger Williams Drive Irving, TX 75601

It's great to know what the members and friends out there think of us!— Libbi Volume 28, Number 2 Colbert County Valley Leaves

Colbert County

Marriage Records, Book B, 1874-1887 PART 5

Copied and contributed by Leroy Nance. The first marriage book in this county Leaves, Volume 28, Number 1, dated Septem- covered the period from 1867 to 1874. The berl993. second, Book B, covered 1874 to 1887. The following marriages, taken from Book B, are c = colored continued from records published in Valley Groom Bride Solemnized By

Page 98

Guthrie, Isaac F. Grisham, Miss Rosa J. 24Decl876 R. A. Speer, MG c Whiteas, James Dowthet, Hettie 28Decl876 W. Northcross, (Douthet on return) MG c Jones, Wyatt Winston, Eley 01Janl877 Wilson Northcross, MG Reid, E. C. Armistead, Mattie H. 03Janl877 Horace Smith (Marth H. Armstrong on return)

Page 99

Kimbrough, James O. Lathem, Miss Mary F. 07Janl877 W. H. Vessell, MG Nickells, Samuel Quillen, Mrs. S. C, 09Janl877 Wm. McCormack, JP c Randolph, John West, Harriett HJanl877 M. T. Turner, MG c Carter, Willis Carlock, Frances HJanl877 John N. Green, JP

Page 100

Densmore, William D. Hall, Miss Lucy A 17 1877 Woodford N. (Applied 17Janl877) Lemay, MG c Rutland, Kerney Love, Verny 19Decl876 W. Northcross, (Verra?, Vena? on return) MG

51 Valley Leaves Colbert County Volume 28, Number 2

Duncan, John Welch, Miss Elizabeth 26Novl877 Alex Basden, JP (Applied 23Novl876) Williams, Charles W. Alexander, Miss Mollie C. 21Decl876 Jno. B. Stevenson, MG

Page 101

Williams, C. H. Hughs, Miss S. F. 17Decl876 Jas. H. Srygley, JP Hamilton, George W. Hughs, Martha E. 19Decl876 J. H. Srygley, JP c Bond, Ed Bankhead, Harriett 18Janl877 Abram Goodloe, MG White, William Dickerson, Louisa 22Janl877 P. N. G. Rand, JP

Page 102

Beasley, Robert Boling, Mrs Malinda 24Janl877 John L. Willis, M Devany, Francis M. Hearn(?), Miss Sarah Ann 30Janl877 Wm. S. Gray, JP {Herren(?) on return} c Hill, Charlie Dickson, Dinah 27Janl877 Bolin King, MG c Prewitt, Clement Spear, Millie 28Febl877 Bolin King, MG

Page 103

The following is the first record on Page 103. Look at the two records following this one for more information about this first record. It is obvious there was a mix-up. A wrong marriage return was posted to this record. The application for this record as shown in the original marriage book is as follows: Flanikin, Frederc P. Alexander, Miss Mary K. (Application date 29 J an 1877) The marriage return posted to this first record is as follows: c Peeden, John Kirk, Mintie 01Febl877 Wilson Northcross, MG The SECOND record on Page 103 is as follows: c Peeden, John Kirk, Mintie (Applied 3 Uanl877) There was no marriage return posted to this second record. Byexamining the return which was posted to the first record on this page, it seems clear that John Peeden and Mintie Kirk

52 Volume 28, Number 2 Colbert County Valley Leaves were married on 01Febl877. The marriage record of the couple named in the first record on this page is shown below in the third record. The THIRD record on Page 103 follows: Flanikin, Fredrick P. Alexander, Miss Mary K. 30Janl877 R. W. Berry, MG The FOURTH record follows:

Smith, Osker U. South, J. L 190ctl876 Mike Finey, MG Page 104 c Newsom, Ed Malone, Jane 260ctl876 Pastor Harry Fogg, MG c Hogun, Jacob Byrd, Caroline 01Febl877 Simon Moore, MG Rutland, Hugh W. Goodloe, Miss Sallie L 09Decl876 Horace P. Smith c Jones, Guston Hobby, Josie 04Febl877 Corder White, MG Page 105 c Brown, William Johnson, Fannie 10Febl877 Dennis Jackson, MG Matlock, Ontwain, Ophelia 12Febl877 Sam M. Stenson, MG L. B. F., Jr. Ellrod, James Harrison, Julia A. 14Febl877 R. Moon, MG c Strong, George Anderson, Ranie 17Febl877 Bolin King, MG (Rain on return)

x-:-:*r:.sr:.\*:.ri-iv;.w^^ Still Available! Marriages of Morgan County, Alabama 1818-1896,

by Elbert J. Minter. 1986. 81/2x11. 305 pages, soft cover, $22.00. May be purchased from Tennessee Valley Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 1568, Huntsville, Al 35807.

There are many names in this marriage book that do not appear in any other Morgan County record and are not names common to North Alabama. A major wagon trail westward went through Cotaco/Morgan County during the county's early history. This trail, coupled with extensive Tennessee River commerce and travel, and later, railroads, brought transients into and took them out of the county. Many stopped long enough to obtain a marriage license, marry, and then depart.

The marriages are arranged in an alphabetical list by both the bride's and groom's names. Each entry includes date of the marriage and book and page number on which the marriage can be found in the original book. The name of the person performing the marriage is included and in some cases the parents' permission is included. Order yours today!

«v.*.v.v.v J. v.v.v.v.y .•. v.v.v.v.-. v-.r.-.v.-.v-v.-.v.-.-.v.-.v .v.v.-. •.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.:•. v.'/.v.v. v.w.-.-.v.-.v w.y.».:,VAv wv.v.vw««a«8S»issssss!«»

53 Valley Leaves Franklin County Volume 28, Number 2

Franklin County

The Franklin News Parts

by Jeanne Hand Henry, C. G.

See the September 1992 Valley Leaves for a OO oo oo complete introduction to these legal notices published in Belgreen's Franklin News. Part Ibid. 2 was in the December 1992 issue; Part 3 was in the March 1993 issue; Part 4 was in the NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Land office September 1993 issue. [Spelling, punctua­ at Huntsville, Ala., January 8th, 1884. tion, and capitalization are as presented in newspaper.] Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention 16 Feb 1883 - p. 3 to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Ibid. Probate Judge of Franklin county, at Belgreen, Alabama, on February 23 d, 1884 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION, Land Of­ viz: Hd 7540 and 8430. fice at Huntsville, Ala., HENRY T.MOXLEY 22 December 1884. for the N half of SW qr and W half of NW qr, Notice is hereby given that the following S 20, T 7, R 12 west. named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, He names the following witnesses to prove and that said proof will be made before the his continuous residence upon and cultiva­ Probate Judge of Franklin County, at tion of said land, viz: Belgreen, Alabama, on the 6th of February 1884, viz: Hd No 8493 A. C. Rea, J. A. Quinn, Alonzo Grissom, and J. J. Holcombe, all of Belgreen, Franklin DAVID B. CUNNINGHAM county, Alabama. for the NW qr S 18, T 8, R 11 west Jno. M. Cross, Register He names the following witnesses to prove OO oo oo his continuous residence upon and cultiva­ tion of said land, viz: 22 February 1884 - p. 4 Joe West, Luke Helter, of Spruce Pine, NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Land Office Tenant Hamilton, Zafe Steele, of Bel Green, at Huntsville, Ala., 29 February 1884. Ala. Notice is hereby given that the following Jno. M. Cross, Register named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Probate Judge of Franklin county, Alabama,

54 Volume 28, Number 2 Franklin County Valley Leaves

at Belgreen, Ala., on the 12th April 1884. Hd 7 r 12 west. Sale within legal hours. [This land Entry No. 7395, N half of SE qr, and S W qr description is ink blurred] of SE qr, Sec 30, T 7, R 11 west. E. B. Wood, Guardian ALONZO GRISSOM OO OO oo He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva­ 22 February 1884 - p. 4 tion of said land, viz: Land Office, Huntsville, Ala., 7 February H. T. Moxley, C. D. Britton, Jno. W. Duncan, 1884. and N. R. Britton, all of Belgreen, Franklin county, Ala. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention Jno. M. Cross, Register to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before OO oo oo Probate Judge of Franklin county at Belgreen, on 22nd March 1884. Hd entry no. Ibid. 7206 n half ne qr and s w qr n e qr and s e qr n w qr Sec 17 t 8 r 10 w [description is ink The State of Alabama, Franklin County, Spe­ blurred] cial Term, 1884. In Probate Court, Jan 28th. James D. Henson Came this day James T. Dillard, ad­ ministrator of the estate of Josiah Dillard and He names the following as witnesses to prove filed his account with vouchers for the Final his continuous residence upon, and cultiva­ settlement of said estate, and the 3rd Monday tion of said land, viz. Thos Watson, Newman in February next, to wit, the 18th day of Watson, James McNair, Thos. Davingport of February 1884, having been appointed in the Newburg, Alabama. Court for examining, auditing, and stating the same, if they think proper. John M. Cross, Register Given under my hand, at office, the 28th day oo oo oo of January, A.D., 1884. 25 April 1884-p.3 Amos L. Moody Judge of Probate The State of Alabama, Franklin county. In Probate Court Special Term 1844. OO oo oo Came this day Nathan A. Reid, Guardian of Ibid. Mary Bell, and filed his account and vouchers for the Final settlement of said Guardianship GUARDIAN SALE. By virtue of an order of and the 3rd Monday is April next, to wit, the the Probate Judge of Franklin County, 21st day of April 1884, having been appointed Alabama, the 13th day of February 1884 the by the Court for examining, auditing, and undersigned as Guardian of Thomas R. and stating the same, notice is hereby given to all Nancy O. Wood, will sell at the Court House parties interested to appear at the term of the Door in Belgreen on Monday the 17th day of Court aforesaid and contest the same if they March 1884 at public outcry to the highest think proper. bidder for cash one eighth interest each of said minors have in and to the lands, viz: n w Given under my hand, at office, the 21 day qr sec 1017 r 12 and n w qr of n e qr sec 15 t of March A.D. 1884.

55 Valley Leaves Franklin County Volume 28, Number 2

Amos L. Moody Levy Mahan P. A. Mahan Judge of Probate Mortgagees

OO oo oo OO oo oo Ibid. Ibid. GUARDIAN SAIL [sic]. By virtue of an The State of Alabama, Franklin County, In order of sale granted by the Probate court of Probate Court, March 14th, Special Term, franklin county state of Alabama, the under­ 1884. signed guardian of the Estate of Mary L, and Minnie L. Watkins, miners [sit], will sell at Came this day R. C. Rogers, Guardian of public-outcry, cash, to the highest bidder, on Jacob and Isaac Taylor and filed his accounts Monday the 7th day of January 1884 at the and vouchers for the final settlement of said Courthouse door in Belgreen, in said county Guardianship, and the 1st Monday in April of Franklin, the following described property next, to wit, the 7th day of April 1884, having of said minors, to wit: all of the interest of said been appointed by the Court for examining, minors in the iron ore and other minerals in auditing, and stating the same, notice is or upon the N W qr of N W qr sec 32 T 5 R hereby given to all parties interested to ap­ 11 ascertained to be 2.7 undivided interest pear at the Term of the Court aforesaid, and and all their interest in the iron ore and other contest the same, if they think proper. minerals in an upon the E 1/2 of N W qr and SWqrofNWqrsec32T5Rll, ascertained Given under my hand, at office, the 14th to be 1.7 in whole, all of said lands are in day of March, A.D. 1884. Franklin County, Alabama, sale within hours prescribed by law. Amos L. Moody, A. H. Watkins, Guardian Judge of Probate OO oo oo oo oo oo Ibid. 13 June 1884 - p. 3 MORTGAGE SALE. Under and by virtue of The State of Alabama, Franklin County, In a Mortgage executed to the undersigned by Probate Court, April 29th, Special Term, James G. Quillin and Eliza T. Quillen and 1884. recorded on page 242 and 243 in Mortgage record letter A in the office of the Judge of Came this day Amos L. Moody as ad­ Probate of Franklin county. We will proceed ministrator Debonis non of the Insolvent Es­ to sell to the highest bidder for cash on Satur­ tate of Jacob V. Johnson deceased and filed day the 1st day of March 1884 at the Court his accounts and vouchers for the final settle­ House door in the town of Belgreen, in said ment of his administration of said estate, and county of Franklin between the legal hours of the 2nd Monday in June next, to wit, the 9th sale the following described real estate to wit; day of June 1884, having been appointed by the Court for examining, auditing, and stating Seventy three acres in the N half of the N W the same, notice is hereby given to all parties qr of Sec 7, T 6 R 12; lying and being situated interested to appear at the term of the Court in Franklin county, Alabama, This 25th day aforesaid, and contest the same if they think 1884. proper.

56 Volume 28, Number 2 Franklin County Valley Leaves

Given under my hand, at office, the 28th and that said proof will be made before day of April A. D., 1884. Probate Judge of Franklin Co., at Belgreen, Ala., on 12 July, 1884. Hd Entry No. 843. w Thos. H. Moore 1/2 sw qr Sec 17 T 7 R 12w Register in Chancery, acting JOE R. HOLCOMB Judge of Probate He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva­ OO oo oo ' tion of, said land, viz: Ibid. Jas. T. Hamilton, W. S. Nelson, Zafe Steel, Ben Nelson of Belgreen, Ala. Land Office at Huntsville, Ala., May 16,1884. Jno M. Cross Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention Register to make final proof in support of his claim,

Scheduled Speakers for Tennesee Valley Genealogical Society Meetings: November 29, 1993 Dr. Robert Scott Davis of Wallace State University

January 27, 1994 Richard Smallwood, Sr. of Huntsville, Alabama March 24, 1994 Irene Griffey, Certified Genealogist of Clarksville, Tennessee

57 Valley Leaves Jackson County Volume 28, Number 2

Jackson County

Jeremiah Walker Florida Indian War of 1837-38 Military Record and Bounty Land Warrant Applications

Thomas E. Jacks This set of records from the Florida Indian respond with anyone with any further informa­ War of 1837-38, from the National Archives, tion on Jeremiah Walker or his first wife, Sarah. Washington, D.C. is especially noteworthy as Jeremiah Walker cannot be found in the 1850 Photocopies of the originals are now in the census. His first wife's name was Sarah (pos­ Walker Family File of the Huntsville! sible Martindale?) and his second wife was Madison County Public Library Heritage Naomi Bishop. The author would like to cor­ Room.

Walker, Jeremiah Co. A, Snodgrass' North Ala. Mounted Vols. Florida War Private Card Number 12400003 Jeremiah Walker, Private, Capt. Coffey's Co. (A) Snodgrass's Reg't North Alabama Mounted Volunteers (6 Mos., 1837-8) Florida War Age years Appears on Co. Muster-out Roll, dated Fort Mitchell, Ala, Apr. 9,1938. Muster-out date Apr. 9,1838 Last paid pay due from enrollment When enrolled Oct 26,1837 for 6 mos Where enrolled Bellefonte, Ala Remarks: Absent with leave from Apl 2. Horse died of fatigue Feby 28. Due U. S. S. Driver The National Archives ) Bounty Land Files ) ) Act of 55-80 W.T. 35508 ) notations made on Veteran: Jeremiah Walker ) National Archives 1836 Grade: Pvt ) folder Service: Capt. William Coffey ) Col. Benj Snodgrass, Ala. Ml. ) Can No.: 220 Bundle No.: 86

11258 2233044 Dec 17/50 ) notations made on outside Jeremiah Walker, Pri ) envelope Cap. Wm. Coffey )

58 Volume 28, Number 2 Jackson County Valley Leaves

Ala Vols Col. B. Snodgrass notations made on outside Fla War envelope Dis Within 80 acres Warrant 11309 Apd Aug 16, 1851 sent to Vol. 51 Page 222 Hon W.R.W. Cobb, Bellefonte, Ala. Bounty Land Claim

(Note: Information in italics is handwritten, all other information is printed on form.) State of Alabama ) County of Jackson ) On this second day of December A. D., one thousand eight hundred and fifty, personally ap­ peared before me, William A. Liddon, Justice of the Peace duly authorized to administer oaths for general purposes within and for the county and State aforesaid, Jeremiah Walker, aged fifty years, a resident of Jackson County in the State of Alabama, who being duly sworn according to law declares, that he is the identical, Jeremiah Walker who was a Private in the company commanded by Captain Wm Coffey in the Regiment of North Alabama Mounted Volunteers commanded by Colonel Benjm Snodgrass in the war against the Indians in Florida that he volunteered at Beliefonte Alabama on or about the 26th day of October A. D., 1837 for the term of six months and continued in actual service in said war for the term of five months and 15 days and was honorably discharged at Fort Mitchell Alabama on the ninth day of April A. D. 1838 as will appear by original certificate of discharge herewith presented and that he has never received nor is entitled to any land bounty under and act of Congress passed prior to the 28th day of September 1850. He makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining Bounty Land to which he may be en­ titled under the "act granting bounty land to certain officers and soldiers who have been engaged in the military service of the ," passed September 28th, 1850. Jeremiah (his X mark) Walker Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year above written: and I hereby certify that I believe the said Jeremiah Walker to be the identical man who served as aforemen­ tioned, and that he is the age above stated, William A. Liddon, Justice of the Peace I know William A. Liddon to be a justice of the peace within and for the County of Jackson and State of Alabama, this 16th day of Dec 1850. W. R. W. Cobb

59 Valley Leaves Jackson County Volume 28, Number 2

On Reverse

11,258 Dec 11/50 Bounty Land Claim of Jeremiah Walker, Ala Vol Capt. Wm Coffey Col B. Snodgrass Florida War 1837-8 notations made on reverse Act Sep 28/50 of application Presented by: Hon. W. R. W. Cobb, M. C.

Bellefonte, Jackson County, Ala. December 2,1850 Sir, I request that my claim to bounty land under the "Act granting bounty land to certain of­ ficers and soldiers who have been engaged in the military service of the United States", passed September 28,1850 may be examined and if found correct, please forward a certifi­ cate or warrant directed to Willaim A. Liddon [remaining part covered]

[Note information in italics is handwritten, all other information is printed on form] TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Know ye, that Jeramiah Walker a Private of Capt. Wm. Coffey Company, in the Regiment of N. Ala mounted Volunteers, commanded by Col. B. Snodgrass mustered into the service into the service of the United States at Bellefonte, Ala on the 26th day of Oct 1857, for the term of six months, and being now mustered for discharge by order of Maj. Gen. Thomas S. Jesup commanding the Army of the South, is hereby HONORABLY DISCHARGED from the said service, at Fort Mitchell, Ala this ninth day of April 1855 5. Churchill, Maj. Art. and Ins. Gen. Army of the South

223: 044 11358 Jeremiah Walker, Pri Capt William Coffey Notations on outside Col Benj Snodgrass of envelope Ala Vol

Florida War

60 Volume 28, Number 2 Jackson County Valley Leaves

Reed War 11309 80 acres 11309 Notations on outside Jeremiah Walker served in Coffey's Co. of envelope from 26 Oct 1837 to 9 Apl 1838

P. C. Clayton 2d Auditor

2d A. O. May 15,1856 Ad 80 acres May 26/56

Wm H. Robinson Bellefonte, Ala

Pension Office May 6, 1856


Please report service from the rolls. slip of paper in file Very respectfully,

C. H. Rhett 2 Auditor For Commissioner

State of Alabama ) County of Jackson) On this first day of November 1855, personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace for the County and State aforesaid, Jeremiah Walker aged 56 years a resident of Jackson County, State of Alabama who, being legally sworn, according to law, declares that he is the identical person who was in the company commanded by Captain William Coffey in the regi­ ment of North Ala Volunteers commanded by Col. Benj Snodgrass in the Florida War thatAl volunteers in Beliefonte Ala on the 27th Oct 1837 for the term of six months, and continued in actual service in said was for 14 days, and that he had heretofore made application for Boun­ ty Land under act of September 28th, 1850, to which he now refers for the particulars of the service upon which he has received a land warrant for 80 acres No. not known which he has legally disposed of and cannot now return. He makes this declaration to obtain additional Bounty land to which he may be entitled under the act of Congress approved March 3d 1855. He further declares that he has not ap­ plied for Bounty land warrants under this of any other act of Congress, except as above

61 Valley Leaves Jackson County Volume 28, Number 2 stated. He hereby authorizes Wm. H. Robinson of Bellefonte, Ala. to receive his warrant. Jeremiah Walker We, John Patton and E. C. Pinran resident of the county and State aforesaid, upon our oaths declare that the foregoing declaration was signed and acknowledged by the above Jeremiah Walker, in our presence and that we believe, from the appearance and statements of the ap­ plicant, that he is the identical person he represents himself to be. John Patton E. C. Pinran The foregoing declaration and affidavit were sworn to and subscribed before me on the day year above written and I certify that I know the affiants to be credible persons; that the claimant is the person he represents himself to be and that I have no interest in this claim.

Wm. C. Armstrong, J. P. I know Wm C Armstrong to be an active Justice of the Peace and signature is genuine. Nov 10th 1855 W.R.W. Cobb, M. C. [Note information in italics is handwritten, all other information is printed on form]


Limited Issues Third Printing, 1992 VALLEY LEAVES SPECIAL EDITION December 1969 "On The Occasion of the 150th Anniversary Of The State Of Alabama" Table of Contents:

1. Map of Madison County, Alabama. 2. Resolution Declaring the Admission of the State of Alabama into the Union 3. The Public Square in Madison County History 4. Madison County, Mississippi Territory Appointments, 1808-1817 5. Madison County, Alabama Territory and State Appointments, 1818-1822 6. Deed of trust, 1820 *7. Later History of Madison County; and, Incidentally of North Alabama 1820-1840 8. Index *(This article contains fifty pages of early history written by Thomas Jones Taylor ;!; who was born 2 July 1829.) This Special Edition Publication contains 113 pages and would be a valuable addition to collections of historians and genealogists. The publication was reprinted in 1992 by request. It had been 20 years since the previous printing.

Special Price (Includes Postage) $12.00

62 Volume 28, Number 2 Jackson County Valley Leaves

JACKSON COUNTY PROBATE RECORDS 1855-1858 Installment No. 36

This series began in VALLEY LEAVES in The Estate is credited by the following Volume 11, No. 4 (june 1977). The original vouchers. book from which the material was copies is housed in the Jackson County Courthouse in No. 1. W. J. & E. C. Greene with interest Scottsboro. It is a large red volume entitled "Will Record K" but it is more correctly $ 6.84 described as probate records. Abstracted from photocopies by Lois Robertson and is con­ No. 2. Philip Woodson, with interest 6.76 tinued from Volume 28, No. 1, September 1993. witNoh. 3interes. Greent e & Madden, 12.13

Pages 442 and 443 Paid Constables Cost 3.00 LEONARD CARDEN Estate No. 4. W. J. & E. C. Green with interest 6.14 John Berry, James S. Carden and Margaret Carden, Admins., are filing the final Settle­ No. 5. Jonathan Latham " " 6.13 ment of the Estate. No. 6. Flemming Jordan 13.33 Amt Due Estate on Annual settlement 21 Jan 1856 $ 822.65 No. 7. John Berry's Account " " 10.30 Interest on same to date after payment of No. 8. Dr. B. J. Russ " " 5.26 this sum to Distributees $180.84 No. 9. James S. Carden's Acct " " 6.81 Hire of Slaves for 1855 & 1856 and rest of No. 10. J. W. Skelton " " 6.20 land due 1 Jan 1856 $237.86 No. 11. Robinson & Cowan Acct "" 52.20 Interest on said amount $52.32 No. 12. N. Robinson Acct on Service on Sale of Slaves Due 10 Mar 1857 Amounting Compromise on Land Sale 10.00 in Aggregate to this sum $4364.00 No. 13. Jones & Frazier Printers 6.00 Interest on the amt of hire of Slaves 567.31 Administrators Commission 230.10 Sale of Real Estate due No. 14. John Berry's Acct 30.00 15 Dec 1857 2177.30 No. 15. James S. Carden's Acct 2.75 Interest on Same 141.50 No. 16. J. H. Norwood Amt Reed of James S. Carden on a com­ Rect. Bill of Costs 4.00 promise under order of Court 533.00 No. 17. John H. Norwood's Total amt of Debits $9056.78 fees of office 16.60

63 Valley Leaves Jackson County Volume 28, Number 2

No. 18. N. & W. H. Robinson, Attys, on sum of $566.40 which leaves for Distribution, final settlement 135.85 the sum of $8490.38, from which is to be deducted the 1/5 share, of $1234.31, the dis­ This Amt. paid out 566.40 tributive share of Margaret Carden, the widow & relict of said Decedent, there being Whole Amt Assets in Adms eight children which leaves the sum of hands is $9056.78 $907.00 for each one. $8490.38 of the whole amt. of personalty Judge Norwood also finds from a paper on this widow is entitled to 1/5 part thereof file that the decedent during his lifetime ad­ after the Debts are paid, which amount is vanced the sum of $52.00 each to Jas. S. Car­ $6171.58, the 1/5 which is 1234.31 den, John Williams and wife, J. W. Skelton and wife, & John Latham and wife, which is which leaves this amt for distribution to be deducted from their shares and added among $7260.07 to the shares of James Kenton[?] & wife, Sarah L., John L. & Leonard Carden making eight persons, or this sum to each one their shares to equal $959.00 each. 907.50 It is further ordered that Margaret Carden Subject to credits by prepayments made by receive the sum of $131.15,the balance of her the Administrators, as shown by their respec­ distribution. JohnLatham and wife, for the tive receipts & in the final decree ordered in use of the wife, are to receive $21.31, the this cause, and out of this Distribution, there balance of their share. John Williams and his is a further deduction to be made for Advan­ wife, for the use of his wife, are to receive a ces made by Intestate in his life time to some Judgement,against the Administrators, of of his children, etc. as will appear in the fol­ $296.18, the balance of their share. James lowing final Decree, and as will also appear Kenton[?] and his wife, for the use of the wife, by Adms. list of Advances made to the Heirs are to receive a Judgement of $137.68, the Of said Estate. balance of their share. James S. Carden is to receive the sumof$611.31, the balance due PAGES 444 and 445 were not in the him. Sarah L. Carden, John L. Carden and Leonard Carden, by their guardian, John book. Berry, is to receive their shares of $959.00 each, i PAGES 446 and 447 continue the Leonard Carden Estate The Administrators are discharged from further action in this Estate. Signed Oc­ After notice has been given in the BEL­ tober 26,1858 by John H. Norwood, Judge LEFONTE ERA, a newspaper published in of Probate. the area, John H.Norwood, Judge of Probate, has audited the Estate and finds that there is in the hands of the Admins, the sum of -TO BE CONTINUED - $9056.78 and that they have expended the

64 Volume 28, Number 2 Lauderdale County Valley Leaves

Lauderdale County

Lauderdale Deed Record A-1 Part 14

Evelyn S. Rochelle; typed by Lynn Sims The earliest deed book found in Lauderdale contained given at office of clerk of the coun­ County to date is Deed Book A-1 dating from ty court for said county this 14th day of April 1822 to 1828. The first recorded instrument was 1825 signed on 30 March 1818, but the recording date is not given. The second instrument was W.W.Garrard clerk of recorded in July, 1818, leading us to believe thisLauderdal e County Court is possibly a second book and that the preceding one is missing (the County was established in Recorded 15th day of Aprile 1825 1818). Photocopies of this information were contributed by Jeanne S. Smith. Part 1 was Page 340 published in Valley Leaves in Volume 19, and Parts 2 through 13 in subsequent issues. Greaves to Bill of Sale - Page 339 Know all men by these presents that I Joseph D. Greaves of the County of Lauderdale and Weir to Bill of Sale Hearlson - State of Alabama for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and fifty six dollars to Know all men by these presents that I Peter me in hand paid by William M. Warner of the Weir of the Town of Tuscumbia State of same state and county aforesaid at or before Alabama hath this day bargained and sold to sealing and delivering of these presence the Thos. B. Hearlson of the Town of Florence receipt whereof I the said Joseph D. Greaves and state aforsaid two negro slaves towit a do hereby acknowledge have granted bar­ woman by the name of Sary aged about twen­ gained and sold and by these presents do ty three years and her child a girl by the name grant bargain and sell unto the said William of Amila aged about one and a half for and in M. Warner his heirs executors administrators consideration of the sum of four hundred and and assigns a certain negro girl aged four twenty five dollars good and lawful money of years named Eara to have and to hold the said the United States the receipt whereof is negro girl above bargained and sold to the hereby Del to TB acknowledged for which I said William M. Warner his heirs executors bind myself my heirs to Hearlson warrant and administrators forever and I the said Joseph forever defend the right of said negroes 5th D. Greaves for myself my heirs executors and May from the claim of all other persons administrators the aforesaid negro girl unto whomsoever 1825 witness my hand and seal the said William M. Warner his heirs ex­ this 15th day of April 1825 ecutors administrators and assigns against me the said Greaves my heirs executors and ad­ J.I. Bowman, Jr. Peter Weir ministrators and against all and every other person and persons whatsoever shall and will The State of Alabama Lauderdale county be warrant and forever defend it known that Peter Weir whose name is signed to the foregoing bill of sale came this Page 341 day personally before me and acknowledged the signing sealing and delivery of the same by these presents which said negro girl I the to be his act and deed for the purpose therein said William M. Warner in full and complete

65 Valley Leaves Lauderdale County Volume 28, Number 2

possession of. In witness whereof I the said confide) full power and attorney to demand Greaves have hereunto set my hand and seal recover and [ ? ] all and singular the Estate this 15th day of April 1825 real and personal, and all debts dues and demands whatsoever to the infants belonging Test and to do all things concerning said guardian­ Levi Todd Jos. D. Greaves ship in as full and ample a manner as if the B. W. Edwards same were therein particularly expressed. The State of Alabama Lauderdale County let Witness W.W. Garrard Clerk of said court at it be known that Levi Todd & B. W. Edwards office this 25th day of Aprile 1825 whose names are signed to the forgoing bill of sale as witness thereto came this day per­ Test W.W. Garrard Clerk of Lauderdale sonally before me and "made oath that they County Court heard Joseph D. Greaves acknowledge the signing sealing and delivering of the same to Issued 25 day of Aprile 1825 be his act and deed for the purpose therein contained. Given at office this 15th day of The State of Alabama Lauderdale County April 1825 W.W. Garrard Clerk of Lauderdale County Court do certify that the forgoing is a correct W.W.Garrard Clk of copy of the order of the Orphans Court for Lauderdale County Court said County appointing Thomas Kirkman Jr. guardian & also a correct copy of the letters Recorded 16th day of April 1825 of guardianship granted in pursuance of said order Page 342-343 Guardianship Kirkman-Heslip In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and private seal there State of Alabama } Orphans Court being no seals of office as yet provided Aprile at office this 25th day of Aprile 1825 Lauderdale County} term 1825 on [ ?] W.W. Garrard Clerk of Lauderdale County Court It is ordered that Thos. Kirkman Jr. be & he is appointed guardian to and for Clinton Hes- Page 344 lip Caroline Heslip Andrew Jackson Heslip Clifton to bill of Sale- Hager & Angeline Heslip minor heirs of Joseph Heslip who thereupon entered into bond and 345 security & took upon himself said guardian­ 346 ship accordingly. This indenture made between A.W.H. Clif­ The State of Alabama Lauderdale County by ton of the County of Lauderdale and State of the Orphans Court of said County at the Alabama of the one part and William Hager Aprile Term 1825 duly approved Thomas of the County and State aforesaid of the other Kirkman Jr. of Lauderdale County guardian part. Witnesseth that for and in consideration to and for Clinton Heslip Andrew Jackson of the sum of two hundred dollars to the first Heslip Angeline Heslip & Caroline Heslip part in hand paid the receipt of which & infants under the age of twenty one years. hereby acknowledge to the party of the Children of Joseph Heslip deceased and the second part on or before the sealing and said Thos. Kirkman Jr. has complied with the delivering of these presents both granted bar­ requisition of the law in such cases made and gained and sold to the said William Hager his provided. These are therefore to give said executors and all and singular the goods Thos. Kirkman Jr.(in whose fidelity we much furniture and household stuff hereinafter particularly mentioned and expressed that is

66 Volume 28, Number 2 Lauderdale County Valley Leaves

to say two lots of land with the improvements A.W.H. Clifton [seal] thereon lying in the Town of Florence and Witness designated with plan of said town as the Lots James Sample Number 17 and 20. One Mahogany Bureau- Smith Houston two feather beds, two cherry tables and one sorrell horse about seven years old- provided always and it is hereby agreed between the The State of Alabama said parties to these presents that of the said Lauderdale County A.W.H. Clifton my executor or any of us do and shall will and truly pay or cause to be paid Be it known that A. W.H. Clifton whose name unto the said William Hager or his executors is signed to the forgoing instrument came this the sum of two hundred dollars on or before day personally before me William W. Gar­ the first day of September in the year of our rard Clerk of the County Court for said Coun­ Lord 1825 according to the conditions of a ty and acknowledged the signing sealing & certain Bond bearing date (this 29th day of delivering of the same to be his act and deed March 1825) given by me the said A.W.H. for the purposes therein contained. Given at Clifton to the said William Hagger there then office of Clerk of the County Court for said present and everything herein contained shall County this 3r day of May 1825. cease and be void & I the said A. W.H. Clifton for myself executors and administration to W.W. Garrard Clerk of Lauderdale County agree with the said William Hager his ex­ Court ecutors and administration that in case default shall be made in this payment of said Recorded the 3r day May 1825 sum of two hundred dollars at the time directed for the payment thereof. It shall and Mr. Houstons name was subscribed to the may be lawful for the said William Hager his original bill & entered as above 12th March executors and administrators with any person 1828 in presence of or persons as he or they shall see fit to enter and come unto & upon the dwelling house W.W. Garrard Clerk and premises of the said A.W.H. Clifton wherein the said goods & clothes are or may Page 347 hold and placed them to fetch and carry away the said goods and chattels and to sell and 347 (two pages numbered 347) dispose of the same for the best price which 348 the (?) can obtain and out of the money to arise from such sale thereof to pay and retain Norman, Monroe, Samples & Martin to him & themselves the said sum of two hundred dollars and all charges touching the This article of agreement made and entered same- anything herein contained to the con­ into this 27th day of May 1825, between trary not withstanding and until default be James Norman Jr. of the first part and Deskin made in the payment of the aforsaid sum of Monroe, James Samples & James Martin of money at the time fixed for the payment the second part all of the County of Lauder­ thereof. I the said A.W.H. Clifton my ex­ dale and State of Alabama witnesseth this to ecutors [ ? ] am to remain & continue in quiet that said Deskin Monroe on his part doth and peaceful possession of the aforsaid goods bind himself to build for the said Norman one and chattels and the full and free enjoyment framed house in the town of Florence on lot of the same. Number 77 and of the following dimensions to wit twenty feet on Court Street and running thirty six feet back and twelve feet pitch to In witness whereof I have hereunto set my dress and bead the weatherboarding to lay a seal this 29th day of March in the year of our tongue and grooved floor above and below Lord 1825. dressed and finished off one frame partition across the house and make one folding Batten

67 Valley Leaves Lauderdale County Volume 28, Number 2

door in front and [ ? ] the same- one panel The State of Alabama Lauderdale County door for the back side of house, make one pannelled sash door for the partition one Be it known that James Norman, Deskin winding staircase one twelve light window Monroe James Sample and James Martin and sash for the back side and two eighteen whose names are signed to the forgoing light windows and sash in front and one eight light window with sash in each gable end and Page 349 trim all the doors and windows with single arch [ ? ] inside, make one dorman (?) batton Instrument came this day personally before door in front and abeams above said door. me W.W. Garrard Clerk of the County Court Also trim said door inside and outside with for said County and acknowledged the sign­ single archit[?] two plain batton window shut­ ing sealing and delivering the same to be their ters [ ? ] fo r the front one plain batton window act and deed for the purposes therein con­ shutters for the twelve light window on the tained given at office this 27th day of May back side and to complete(?) the same with 1825 such materials as the said James Norman or W.W. Garrard Clk his agent shall furnish- and to furnish the sills, Recorded 20 of June 1825 shingles, nails, locks, and hinges and glass & to finish the same off in a workman like man­ Watkins to Bond Sheriff ner, for which the said Norman has paid the The State of Alabama) said Monroe, one horse saddle & bridle and Lauderdale County ) is to pay the said Monroe one hundred dollars in March next for the work particularly Know all men by these presents that we Mar­ named. The said James Norman is to pay the tin Harkins Hugh McVay Nicholas Parish common price for said work and also to pay Saml Harkins all of said County are held and the common price for said work and also to firmly bound unto Israel Pickens Governor of pay the said Monroe for the sills, shingles, the State of Alabama and his successors in glass locks and hinges in addition to the above office in the sum of Ten Thousand dollars for sum in March next and the said James Sample the payment whereof we bind ourselves our is to furnish some part of the timbers and is executors administrators or assigns firmly by to do the brick work for said house for which these presents sealed with our seals and dated the said Norman is to pay the said Sample the this nineteenth day of August in the year of customary price payable in July, 1826 and the our Lord 1825 & 50 years of American Inde­ said James Martin binds himself to furnish pendence. plank and [ ? ] for the building aforsaid and the said Norman binds himself to pay the said The condition of the above obligation is such Martin the common selling price for such that whereas the above bound Martin materials in July 1826. Harkins was on the first monday in august instant Elected Sheriff of said County of In testimony whereof we have hereto set our Lauderdale for the Term of Three Years next hands and seals this day and date above writ­ ensuing. Now if the said Martin Harkins shall ten. faithfully perform the duties of the office of Sheriff during his continuance therein then James Norman [seal] this bond to be void otherwise to remain in Deskin Monroe [seal] full force virtue & effect. James Sample [seal] Attest James Sample* [seal] Martin Harkins [seal] H. McVay [seal] W.W. Garrard Nicholas Parrish [seal] * (Note: probably should have been "Mar­ Saml Harkins [seal] tin") Recorded 15th May 1828

68 Volume 28, Number 2 Lawrence County Valley Leaves

Lawrence County

Company B, 4th (Roddey's) Alabama Cavalry

by Charles Rice Continued from Volume 28, Number 1, September 1993 Moulton native Philip Dale Roddey (1823- to form his own regiment the 4th Alabama 1897), who commanded a brigade of Con­ Cavalry. federate cavalry during the War Between the States, is often referred to as the Defender of Company B of Roddey's 4th Cavalry was North Alabama. Roddey's men were almost raised in Lawrence County in the fall of 1862. all from North Alabama, and they spent much of the war in or near the Tennessee River Valley. Most frustrating, however, is the fact On August 28, 1862, the company was that virtually none of the muster rolls for mustered into the Confederate Army. Roddey's Brigade seem to have survived the Elected Captain at the organization was war. This posed a serious problem for the Thomas J. Warren, a planter from Moulton. aged veterans when they attempted to verify Thomas L. Daugherty, a young law student, their service and receive pensions long after was chosen First Lieutenant, while Thomas J. the shooting had stopped. It also creates a Ireland and John W. Roberts, both farmers, major problem for ancestor hunters today. became the Second Lieutenants. Company B would serve under Roddey throughout the The Compiled Service Records for Roddey's remainder of the war, often under the leader­ 4th Alabama Cavalry Regiment show that ship of the incomparable General Nathan only one muster roll for one two-month Bedford Forrest. When Roddey was period for one company (Company E) is promoted to Brigadier General on August 5, known to exist. All the other rolls apparently 1863, command of the regiment passed to were destroyed during the war. The following William A. Johnson. Interestingly enough, is an attempt to reconstruct the muster roll of Colonel Johnson was another steamboat cap­ Company B. While it is necessarily incom­ tain. plete, it does prove that at least part of the past can be recovered if one is willing to take Roddey's regiment was a well-disciplined and the time to do so. efficient fighting unit, a fact attested to by no less than General Braxton Bragg's Inspector Philip Dale Roddey, a prewar steamboat cap­ of Cavalry. "The officers of these regiments tain, had raised a cavalry company among his [Roddey's 4th and Josiah Patterson's 5th]," Lauderdale County friends and neighbors the inspector wrote on April 2, 1863, "were and joined the Confederate Army in Mis­ found to be zealous in the performance of the sissippi. After distinguishing himself as a respective duties, discipline was excellent, scout and at the Battle of Shiloh, Roddey was and the conduct of the men toward the sent back to the Tennessee River Valley to citizens in the neighborhood of their camp keep watch on the Federal occupiers. Al­ was praiseworthy. The arms were in good though North Alabama had originally op­ condition, and the clothing of the men neat posed secession, the Union invaders had and uniform." been very harsh on the local people, which drove recruits to Roddey in large numbers. An idea of the strength of Company B can be Within a short time, Roddey had enough men gained from the requisitions for supplies found in the Compiled Service Records. The

69 Valley Leaves Lawrence County Volume 28, Number 2 earliest record available, the requisition for Battle of Selma on April 2, 1865, where the October 1862, shows that Captain Warren regiment lost many men cap tured when the drew fodder for 63 horses and six mules. The city's defenses were overrun. A note found in 63 horses probably represent the number of the pension application of 1st Sergeant officers and men then present. The six mules Thomas B. Ponder's widow explains why most likely were wagon teams. In November Company B's muster rolls are missing. 1862 the number of horses remained the Ponder was captured in a sharp skirmish at same, but the mules increased by two. Montevallo, Alabama, shortly before the Selma battle. "At this time," his widow wrote, December saw the figure increase to 66 hor­ "his horse was killed from under him, and the ses and eight mules. The highest total records being in his luggage on his horse, reported was for January 1863, when Captain were left where the horse fell." The surviving Warren drew fodder for 85 horses and eight members of Company B surrendered with mules. In February there were still eight Roddey's Brigade at Pond Spring (now mules, but only 75 horses. The figure for Wheeler), Alabama on May 17, 1865. March 1863 was 85 horses, but now no mules were reported and the company drew cloth­ The following muster roll has been compiled ing for only 50 men. From this time on, the from a number of sources. The first of these number of animals and probably men is the Compiled Service Records of Company dropped sharply. By May 1863, the company B on Microfilm Copy 311, Roll 14, 4th could count only 52 horses. In fact, for the rest (Roddey's) Alabama Cavalry. This short roll of the war, the number of mounts in the com­ lists all the officers of Company B, but only pany would remain around 60. six of the enlisted men. A number of other men can be identified from Microfilm Copy The decline in Company B's strength ap­ 311, Roll 13,4th Alabama Cavalry, which lists parently was due at least in part to its com­ soldiers from both Roddey's 4th Regiment manding officer, for General Roddey had and another regiment with the same designa­ harsh words to say about him. When Captain tion led by Colonel A. A. Russell. (Roddey's Warren submitted his resignation on October men can be recognized from their place of 3, 1863, Roddey promptly approved it. "It is enlistment, residence, or capture.) A final earnestly recommended for the good of the source is the 1907 Alabama Confederate Service," Roddey wrote, "as this officer by Veteran Census. Of course, by this date many neglect of duty, has materially damaged his of the veterans had died, while others had left Co." Warren's resignation passed upward Alabama and moved west. The 36 men listed through the chain of command and was finally in these two articles probably represent about accepted on February 5, 1864. First one third of those who actually served in Lieutenant Thomas Daugherty succeeded to Company B. the captaincy and led the company through the remainder of the war. NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES Company B saw considerable combat during its service, and the casualties must have been Adair, James, Pvt. The 1907 Alabama Con­ many. The company served in Van Dorn's federate Veteran Census lists James Adair 1863 raid into Tennessee, against Dodge's as born 24 Feb 44 in Lawrence Co., Ala. and Streight's Union raid into Alabama in Adair enlisted in the fall of 1862 at Moul­ 1863, at Forrest's great victory at Brice's ton in Company B, 4th Alabama Cavalry. Cross Roads, Mississippi, and in Forrest's Adair said he was paroled at Meridian, 1864 campaign in North Alabama and Ten­ Miss, in May 1865. His 1907 address was nessee. It also took part in many small en­ RFD 3, Moulton, Ala. counters while harassing the enemy occupiers of the Tennessee Valley region. Alexander, George W., Pvt. Alexander took Company B fought for the last time at the the oath of allegiance to the Union on 18

70 Volume 28, Number 2 Lawrence County Valley Leaves

Apr 65. He said he had been conscripted Ferguson, John C, Pvt. He took the oath of in Dec 1864 and surrendered 10 Apr 65. allegiance to the Union on 28 Mar 1865. He stood 5' 8" tall and had light hair, blue Ferguson stood 5' 9" tall and had a fair eyes, and a fair complexion. His residence complexion, light hair, and grey eyes. Un­ was Lawrence Co., Ala. married, he was a resident of Lawrence Co., Ala. Ferguson said he had volun­ Ashbill, David, Pvt. Ashbill was captured 27 teered. Aug 63 at Corinth, Miss., and sent to Alton Prison, 111. He was admitted to the Ferguson, M. T., Pvt. A single card in prison hospital with smallpox on 27 Dec Ferguson's Compiled Service Record 63, and died on 5 Jan 64. tells us only that he was captured 2 Apr 65 at the Battle of Selma. Boger, Julius C, Pvt. Boger took oath of al­ legiance to Union 17 Apr 65. He said he Gailey, James B., Pvt. Gailey enlisted 28 Aug had enlisted 1 Sep 62 and deserted (?) 13 62. He took the oath of allegiance on 17 Apr 1865. He stood 5' 9" tall and had a fair Apr 65. He said he had deserted [or strag­ complexion, dark hair, and hazel eyes. gled?] on 1 Mar 65. Gailey stood 6' tall Unmarried, Boger was a resident of and had a fair complexion, dark hair, and Lawrence Co., Ala. He was sent north of blue eyes. A resident of Jackson Co., Ala., Ohio River to await the end of the war. he was married. Gailey was sent north of the Ohio River. Cheatam, James W., Pvt. The 1907Alabama Confederate Veteran Census lists James Gracher, W. T., Pvt. Paroled at Selma in June Wyatt Cheatam as "about 70" years old 1865, Gracher was described as a strag­ and a native of Lawrence Co., Ala. He gler. His residence was Tishomingo Co., enlisted in the fall of 1862 at Moulton, Miss. Ala. in Co. B, 4th Alabama Cavalry, and served until he was paroled at Pond Hampton, Samuel H., Pvt. Samuel Henry Springs in May 1865. His 1907 address Hampton's pension application tells that was Rte. 3, Moulton, Ala. he enlisted in Aug 63 at Tuscumbia in Company B, 4th Alabama Cavalry. He Chitwood, John C, Pvt. The 1907 Alabama was slightly wounded twice, the worst at Confederate Veteran Census lists John Brice's Crossroads. Hampton was cap­ Campbell Chitwood as having been born tured at Selma, but he escaped the next 15 Apr 41 in Lincoln Co., Tenn. He said night and made his way back to North he enlisted "March 20, 1861" [1863?] at Alabama on foot. By then, the regiment Florence, Ala. in Co. B, 4th Alabama had already surrendered and he was never Cavalry. Chitwood was paroled with the paroled. Hampton died on 18 June 1919 regiment at Pond Spring, Ala. in May at the age of 81. 1865. His 1907 address was Moulton, Ala. Ireland, Robert R., Pvt. Captured 7 Apr 1865 Doss, John D., Pvt. The 1907 Alabama Con­ at Northport, Ala., Ireland was paroled on federate Veteran Census says JohnD. Doss 19 Apr 1865. was born 17 Aug 36 near Moulton, Ala. He "entered service as a private in the Marion, Benjamin, Pvt. Captured 25 June spring of 1862 at Moulton, Ala. in Capt. 1864 at Florence, Ala., Marion was sent to Warren's Co. 'B' General Roddey's Rock Island. There is no other informa­ Brigade and continued until the close of tion in his Compiled Service Record. war." Doss' 1907 residence was Falkville, Morgan Co., Ala. Doss died at Danville McBride, James, Pvt. McBride's Compiled on 2 Dec 1919. Service Record tells us only that he was

71 Valley Leaves Lawrence County Volume 28, Number 2

captured 14 Dec 1863 in Lauderdale Co., until end of war." His 1907 address was Ala. Danville, Ala. Ponder's widow's pension application adds that he was captured Miller, James B., Pvt. Miller appears on a roll twice, the first time during Streight's raid of prisoners captured "at Iuka, Corinth, or when he was at home on sick leave. He Hatchie," Mississippi and paroled. The was paroled, but was soon released from roll is dated 13 Oct 1862. This is all the his parole when Streight's whole com­ information in his Compiled Service mand was captured. He was captured the Record. second time near Montevallo during Wilson's raid, when his horse was killed Miller, William H., 1st Sergt. Captured in under him. He was then 1st Sgt. of Com­ Franklin Co., Ala. on 17 Apr 63, 1st Sgt. pany B. Ponder was taken to Columbus, Miller was sent to Alton Prison in Illinois. Ga. and paroled on 1 May 65. Ponder died He died in prison of smallpox on 18 Sep in Morgan County on 30 Sep 1919. 63. Sheets, Jonathon O., Pvt. The 1907Alabama Norwood, Jonathon H., Pvt. Born 7 Feb 36 in Confederate Veteran Census lists Lawrence Co., Ala., Jonathon Harrison Jonathon Orr Sheets as born 17 Dec 40 at Norwood enlisted 23 Aug 62 at Oakville, Oakville, Ala. He enlisted in Aug 62 at Ala. He served until Jan 65, when he was Oakville in Company B, 4th Alabama discharged as disabled. He was wounded Cavalry. Sheets was captured at Selma, at Chapel Hill, Tenn. Norwood's address but escaped with several comrades and on the 1907 Confederate Veteran Census made his way to North Alabama on foot. was Rte 2, Danville, Ala. He died 4 Nov He was paroled at Pond Spring in May 65. 1914. "I know that he was a good soldier, and never missed a Confederate reunion as Parker, Thomas B., Pvt. The 1907 Alabama long as he lived," Sheets' widow wrote in Confederate Veteran Census lists Thomas 1915. "I still have his Jackett of Gray Benton Parker as having been born 22 Oct which he always wore on those oc­ 44 on the Sipsey River in Winston Co., casions." Sheets died on 7 May 1907 in Ala. He enlisted in Aug 62 at Moulton in Danville, Ala. Co. B, 4th Alabama Cavalry. Parker was paroled at Pond Spring at the war's end. Smith, WilliamT. H., Pvt. Smith took the oath His 1907 address was Rte 1, Hillsboro, of allegiance to the Union on 18 Apr 65 Ala. while a prisoner at Louisville, Ky. He said he had enlisted 7 Feb 1862 [1863?]. He Pate, Thomas, Pvt. Captured 28 Dec 1864 in told his captors he had deserted 1 Jan Morgan Co., Ala., Pate was sent to Camp 1865. Smith stood 5' 8" tall and had blue Chase, Ohio, where he died 7 Feb 1865 eyes, dark hair, and a fair complexion. A from pneumonia. He was buried at Camp resident of Lawrence Co., Ala., Smith was Chase. single. Peters, William L, Pvt. Captured 29 May Southern, J. Warren, Pvt. J. W. Southern's 1864 at Moulton, Ala., Peters was sent to pension application tells that he was born Rock Island Prison in Illinois. in 1846 in Lincoln Co., Tenn. He enlisted in Oct 62 at Oakville, Ala. in Company B, Ponder, Thomas B., Pvt. and 1st Sergt. The 4th Alabama Cavalry. He served in Com­ 1907Alabama Confederate Veteran Cen­ pany B until February 65, when he was sus lists Thomas B. Ponder as having been transfered to Company I, 5th Alabama born 28 Jan 42 at Oakville, Ala. He enlist­ Cavalry. He surrendered with the 5th ed in Aug 1862 at Oakville in Company B, Alabama on 19 May 65 at Danville, Ala. 4th Alabama Cavalry, and "continued "In 1863 he had a spell of pneumonia,"

72 Volume 28, Number 2 Lawrence County Valley Leaves

the doctor noted in his 1900 application, Company B, 4th Alabama Cavalry. Mrs. "and his left side has given him trouble N. E. Woodard said her husband died 11 ever since, and at the time he is troubled June 87. Testifying to her husband's ser­ a great deal in getting his breath." J. W. vice were Capt. 'Thomas J. Warren and Southern died 20 May 1925 at Neal, Mor­ Archer W. Woodard (ex-5th Ala. Cav.) gan Co., Ala. Note: The following two men from Lawrence Southern, John B., Pvt. The 1907 Alabama County served in the 4th Alabama Cavalry Confederate Veteran Census tells that Regiment. However, their Compiled Service John Burton Southern was born 24 Jan 40 Record does not tell the company they belonged near Fayetteville, Lincoln Co., Tenn. He to. It quite likely was Company B: enlisted 23 Jul [Aug] 62 at Oakville in Company B, 4th Alabama Cavalry and Alexander, George W., Pvt. (no company served with it until Feb 65, when he was listed) Alexander told his captors that he transferred to Company I, 5th Alabama was conscripted in Dec 1864 and deserted Cavalry. He surrendered with the 5th 12 Apr 1865. (At least this is what he Alabama at Danville on 19 May 65. His wanted them to believe.) He took the oath 1907 address was Rte 4, Danville, Ala. of allegiance on 18 Apr 1865. Alexander's Southern died 9 Aug 1919. oath describes him as having a fair com­ plexion, light hair, and blue eyes. Single Spencer, John, Pvt. Captured 25 Feb 63 at Big and a resident of Lawrence Co., Ala., Springs, Tishomingo Co., Miss., Spencer Alexander stood 5' 8" tall. He was sent was sent to Alton Prison, Illinois. There is north of the Ohio river to await the end of no other information in his Compiled Ser­ the war. vice Record. Gailey, John R., Pvt. (no company listed) Twiggs, William, Pvt. Captured at Champion Gailey took the oath of allegiance on 16 Hill (Baker's Creek), Miss. 17 May 1863, Aug 64. He stood 5' 11" tall and had a light Twiggs was exchanged 31 July 1863 at complexion, light hair, and grey eyes. A Fort Delaware, Delaware. resident Lawrence Co., Ala., he had volunteered for the army. Gailey was sent Woodard, John W., Pvt. John Woodard's north of the Ohio River to await the end widow received a pension for her of the war. He was probably related to husband's service. Woodard had served in Private James Gailey of Company B.

73 Valley Leaves Limestone County Volume 28, Number 2

Limestone County

Births, Deaths and Marriages Abstracted from the Alabama Courier of 1916 Athens, Alabama Part 2

ByJerrie Todd Continued from Volume 28, Number 1 MRS. SUSAN MALONE CAIN widow of WILLIAM G. CAIN died at the home of her 24 May 1916 daughter MRS. BEN MASON at Prospect Tennessee. She had two sisters MRS.J.R. MRS. LILLIAN MCCOY announces the HOFFMAN and MRS. LAURA MALONE soon to be marriage of her daughter MISS CHANDLER of this place three sons Messrs. MARJORIE NELSON to MR. CHARLES STITH, WILL and HENRY CAIN of Nash­ R.HnTY. ville and her daughter MRS. MASON. She was the daughter of STITH MALONE. She MR. and MRS. ROSS SWEETLAND lose was buried in Athens by her husband. their firstborn son ROBERT to death, he was twenty-two months old. He was buried in the 14 June 1916 Athens City Cemetery. MISS ELIZABETH PETTEY married MR. MR. and MRS. SAMUEL COWAN GIL­ ROBERT PAYNE this morning. Her uncle LESPIE of Madison, announce the engage­ Dr. F.P. PETTEY gave her away. They will be ment of their daughter MISS NONA BELLE at home in Blytheville Ark. to MR. WALTER J. MnXER of Athens, he is the son of MR. and MRS. FRANK MR. J. COLE BILES eighty-four years old MILLER. The wedding will take place in departed this life surrounded by his five July. daughters and his only son J.M. BILES. He was a Civil War veteran and was buried at 31 May 1916 Fielding Cemetery beside his wife. At the home of his father, near Tanner JESSE MR. W.C. GRAYSON of Ripley Community EUBANKS died after a short illness, he was died Sunday. He was a veteran of the Civil about thirty-three years old. He is survived by War. He is survived by his widow and a num­ his parents and sisters he was buried in ber of relatives. He was taken to Madison Athens. County his old home for burial. GEORGE M. COFFMAN departed this life "AUNTIE" ANN CHILDS died last last Sunday. He was a member of the firm of Thursday at her home in this place. She was GRAY and COFFMAN. He was buried in one of the old landmarks among the older the north part of the county near his old people of Athens. AUNTIE ANN came to home. He is survived by his widow a grown this town from old Virginia with MADAM daughter, sisters and brothers. CHILD who was before the Civil War Presi­ dent of the Athens Female Academy. AUN­ 7 June 1916 TIE ANN was made ever comfortable by her colored friends, and they looked well after her and her white friends saw that she did not


LLOYD DEWTTT BOCKSTRUCK.EN.G.S. Supervisor, Genealogy Section, Dallas Public Library, Dallas, Texas

Colonial Land Records Colonial Migrations The Carolinas Finding Substitutes for Birth and Death Records The Huguenots • Trinity Church 607 Airport Road • Huntsville, Alabama

Registration from 8:00 a.m. until 8:45 a.m.

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• COLONIAL RECORDS RESEARCH • LLOYD DEWITT BOCKSTRUCK - 1. Colonial Land Records: 2. Colonial Migrations: 3. The Carolinas: 4. Finding Substitutes For Birth And Death Records: 5. The Huguenots

Make Plans Now to Attend!

Tennessee Valley Genealogical Society PO Box 1568 Huntsville, AL 35807 BIOGRAPHY

LLOYD DEWTTT BOCKSTRUCK,F.N.G.S. Mr. Lloyd Dewitt Bockstruck is Supervisor of the Genealogy Section, Dallas Public Library, in Dallas Texas. He is a professional genealogist of more than 20 years experience. Mr. Bockstruck received an A.B. cum laude degree from Greenville College, Greenville, IL; an M.A. degree from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL; and an M.S. degree from University of Illinois, Carbondale. IL.

His career activities include: Teaching Assistant, History Department of Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL; Secondary Teacher and Librarian at Mombasa Baptist High School, Mombasa, Kenya, Africa; and Teaching Assistant at University of Illinois, School of Library Science. He has been head of the Genealogy Section at Dallas Public Library since 1973.

Other Professional Posts include: Genealogy Instructor at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX; and Instructor of Genealogy and History Research, Samford University, Birmingham, AL.

Awards and Honors include the following: Greenville College (Honor Scholarship 1963-1967); Phi Alpha Theta Scholarship Key (1967); History Award, NSDAR (I989); Texas Society, SAR, Patriots Medal (I983); NGS, Award of Merit (1983); NSSAR, Membership Medal (1988); Dallas Genealogical Society, Annual Book Award (1989); Dallas Ch., SAR; Good Citizenship Medal (1979); Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels (1978); Phi Alpha Theta; Beta Beta Beta; Phi Kappa Phi; Beta Phi Mu; and the Fellow of National Genealogical Society (1992).

Genealogical Publications include: "Virginia Colonial Soldiers" (1988); and, "Research in Texas" (1992).

This distinguished genealogist is listed in "Who's Who in American Genealogy and Heraldry". REGISTRATION FORM

Send name, address, surnames and $25.00 per person to register.

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Tennessee Valley Genealogical Society PO Box 1568 Huntsville, AL 35807 Volume 28, Number 2 Limestone County Valley Leaves want for comforts. She had reached a very old 12 July 1916 age. A farmer named ADAMS, living in the A girl born to MR. and MRS. FRANK Elkmont neighborhood met with death early MEADOWS, Sunday night. Monday morning when his team ran away and threw him from his wagon killing him instant­ 28 June 1916 ly. He was about sixty-five years of age and was prominent in his section. DR. SHEARON reached Athens Monday accompanied by a bride whom he had won in DR. HENRY GLADYS DAVIS, A Prescrip- the Farmington Tennessee section. tionist of Gilbert Drug married MISS LOIS GLEASON KENNEY, the daughter of MR. MR. and MRS. LOUIS GRASSE are proud and MRS. MATTHEW KENNEY. The mar­ parents of a son born Monday. riage took place the 6th of July in Jackson, Mississippi. MR. DAVIS is the son of MR. DR. WALTON ANDERSON and his lovely WILL DAVIS formerly from Veto now of bride are now at home with his parents, MR. Tennessee. and MRS. W.B. ANDERSON of Shoalford. 19 July 1916 5 July 1916 MRS. WILLIAM NELSON died last Friday Last Sunday the infant child of MR. and in Nashville, she was from the Cartwright MRS. J.E. CHRISTOPHER the child was Community. She was buried at Lebanon only three days old. On last Wednesday MR. Cemetery near her home. She was MISS and MRS. CHRISTOPHER had born to LOU BLACK before her marriage, daughter them twin boys. of MR. THOMAS BLACK. She was forty- seven years old and leaves a husband, four MRS. J.W. CRAWFORD announces the ap­ daughters and three sons. She was the mother proaching marriage of her eldest daughter of BRUCE NELSON and MRS. GRIGSBY MISS NELLE POWERS to MR. OSCAR GRIFFIS. BENJAMIN PILLIPS. LEWIS HURN and old citizen died at his MISS NONA BELLE GILLESPIE the home last Saturday. He was about seventy- daughter of MR. and MRS. SAMUEL five years of age. He is survived by a number COWAN GILLESPIE of Madison will marry of children. Burial was in the Athens City MR. WALTER J. MILLER the 19th of July Cemetery. 1916. The marriage will take place at TANGLEWOOD FARMS near Madison. 26 July 1916 MISS MARGERY EZELL and MR. MRS. ALICE CURRY TAYLOR wife of MEREDITH FLAUTT married. JOHN TAYLOR of near Athens died at her home last week, she was thirty-four and MR. FULTON ABERNATHY of Pulaski mother of five, four of whom are left, one and MISS DONNA LEGG the daughter of dying at the time of the mother. She was MR. and MRS LOVELL LEGG married last buried at New Garden Cemetery. Wednesday. 2 August 1916 MR. AND MRS. HOLLAND E. COX of Birmingham are the parents of a son born last MR. JAMES T. THORNTON who for many week. He is the second grandson of MR. years resided near Mt. Rozell in the west part HARRIS ROGERS, he was named HOL­ of the county died last Wednesday at an infir­ LAND E. COX JR. mary in Nashville. His remains were brought

75 Valley Leaves Limestone County Volume 28, Number 2 to Athens and he was laid to rest near Mr. RICHARDSON, their daughter Rozell. He was formerly from Tennessee. ELIZABETH married DR. ROBERT CHILDRESS. MRS. HUGH WALLACE passed away Tuesday at her residence on West DR. and MRS. DARBY are rejoicing over Washington Street. She was fifty-two years the birth of a fine son. old and survived by her husband, daughter and son, by two brothers BEN and GEORGE 30 August 1916 MCGREW one sister and one step-sister. She was buried in the Maplewood Cemetery. The following are deaths published this day MISS DOVE BROWNING and ERNEST M The 18th of August MRS TERA POFF died DENHAM were married at the home of the at her home near Center Hill, she was buried brides sister, MRS. BENNETT ADEN at Isom's Chapel. THOMPSON of Birmingham. She is the daughter of MR. and MRS. THOMAS H. The 21st of August an infant daughter of MR. BROWNING, deceased. and MRS. T.W. SLOAN died she was buried at Wesley Chapel. 16 August 1916 The 21st of August MRS. BUD HESTER C. ERNEST ADKINS died last Saturday, he died at her home near Caringer and was was buried in Scottsboro, there to rest by the buried at Anderson Creek. side of this father and sister both of whom were recently called. The 21st of August a small boy by the name of SMITH was run over and killed by DR. Last Saturday at the home of MRS. E.B. BAILES. He was buried in Anderson. ROSS in Athens, the daughter of the late SHERIFF RUFE COLBERT, LUCILE The 21st of August MR. W.T. HARRISON married JAMES LOVINGOOD. sixty years old died at his home near Mt. Rozell, he was buried near his home. 23 August 1916 The 21st of August the two month old F.M. CANUP age forty-four and his second daughter of MR. and MRS. CHESTER son OLLIE age fourteen went fishing and left ELDER of Elkmont died. their horse and buggy at the home of MR. CANUP'S sister near Elk River. Both were The 24th of August the little daughter of MR. drowned, the bodies were recovered some and MRS. WALTER CARPENTER died distance above the bridge. They lived two and and was buried at New Garden Cemetery. one-half mile east of Elkmont. They were buried at the Pettusville burying ground. The 24th of August IRA STEWARD age fourteen died at the home of his uncle JOHN MRS. MARTHA HAZELWOOD wife of MORRIS, he was buried at Lentzville. J.G.F. HAZELWOOD formerly of Giles County Tennessee died Friday. Burial took The 24th of August MRS. JANAFSKY, for­ place Sunday at Prospect. She died at the merly of this place and daughter of WIL­ home of her daughter at Harris Station. She LIAM SMLTH died at her home in Cullman leaves her husband and two children, MRS. Alabama. She was buried in Elkmont. ED JOHNSON AND ROBERT HAZEL- WOOD. The 24th of August MRS. OWEN, who died in Nashville was brought home and buried in Last Thursday at the home of the brides Ripley. parents MR. and MRS. ROZELL HINES

76 Volume 28, Number 2 Limestone County Valley Leaves

MRS. BETTIE SANDLIN widow of ELLIS 6 September 1916 SANDLIN mother-in-law of MR. MILTON C. GRISHAM died at the home of her MR. WILLIAM WARREN AND MISS daughter. She was fifty-five years old. She was BERTHA STRANE were married. He is the laid to rest by the side of her husband. son of J. W. WARREN of Elkmont, she is the daughter of MR. and MRS. C. W. STRANE OF Elkmont. At the home of COL. and MRS. WILLIAM LESLIE DAVIS, died Friday, he was the son THOMAS SANDERS their daughter MISS of JOHN DAVIS of Good Springs in the west FRANCES BLACKWELL was married to part of the county. He leaves his parents, MR. CHARLES FELIX LOVELL of Nash­ brother and sisters. ville. Little Master CARL CARTWRIGHT only son of MR. S. CARL CARTWRIGHT MISS OLLA WALKER was married to MR. grandson of W.B. RUSSELL met an awful W. P. HIGGINS of Cullman at the home of her parents MR. and MRS. G. W. WALKER. tragic death while at school. He was nine years old.

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77 Valley Leaves Limestone County Volume 28, Number 2

Deed Book 2,1825-1826 Part 11

Howell and Lynn Sims

The following deeds, from the Limestone Power of Attorney County Archives in Athens, were gathered by Howell Sims and abstracted by Lynn Sims. 1 March 1826 This series began in Vol. 24 and is continued from previous issues of Valley Leaves. I John A Allison of the county of Hardiman and State of Tennessee do appoint my son pages 160 -162 inlaw Russell Crofford my true and lawful attorney in fact. Deed of Conveyance Delivered 1 March 1826 11 February 1826 Recorded 8 March 1826 Anderson Hutcheson and wife Mary of Madison to Fleming Bates of Limestone Pages 165-166 the W 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 19 T3 R3W running and not embraced by the Deed of Conveyance deed heretofore made by the said Hutche­ son and wife to John A McKiney for so 18 January 1826 much of said west half as had been laid off in lots and for a Town to be called John Pope and wife Louisa Pope of Lime­ Cambridge. This conveyance is to be void stone County Alabama to James A Gamble and utterly cease if the two notes of $500 of Limestone County Alabama for 6,050 each payable to William Kelly and John Mc­ pounds of bailed cotton conveyed 55 acres Kiney are satisfied before the 25th day of of land being a part of the NE 1/4 of Sec 2 December next. T5 R4W. Delivered 11 February 1826 Delivered 18 January 1826 Recorded 15 February 1826 Recorded 9 March 1826

Pages 162-163 Page 166-167

Deed of Conveyance Obligation

24 April 1824 28 February 1824 Robert Beaty and John D. Carriel of Lime­ Nancy Haney unto Emanuel Haney the stone County Alabama to Jepe Roberson sum of $30,000. As full and ample satisfac­ and Joseph Bell for $72 Lot 27 in the Town tion Nancy Haney settled for a negro boy of Athens. named Daniel valued at two hundred dol­ lars and fifty dollars in hand and relin­ Delivered 24 April 1824 quished all rights or claims to any of the estate either personal or real which the said Recorded 28 February 1826 Emanuel Haney now holds or which he may hereafter hold. Page 164

78 Volume 28, Number 2 Limestone County Valley Leaves

Delivered 28 February 1824 Pages 170-171

Recorded 24 March 1826 Transferance

Pages 168-169 6 April 1826 Deed of Conveyance Elizabeth Mason for the sum of $300 bar­ gained sold and transfered and do sell and 3 April 1826 confirm unto Benjamine Ballard all rights and interest in her portion or share of the Edmond Patrick and wife Dianna Amy property which the heirs of Rebecca Bal­ Elizabeth Francis Patrick lard are entitled to from the decease of Elizabeth R Killow, mother of Rebecca Bal­ of Morgan County Alabama to Edward lard. Hatchett of Limestone County Alabama for $550 being part of the SW 1/4 Sec 25 Tl Delivered 7 April 1826 R3W containing 102 acres. Recorded 7 April 1826 Delivered 3 April 1826 Recorded 3 April 1826 To be continued...

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79 Valley Leaves Madison County Volume 28, Number 2

Madison County

Mississippi Territory Minute Book Superior Court of Law and Equity 1811-1819

Abstracted by Dorothy Scott Johnson The Superior Court of Law and Equity was on the body of Charity Montgomery. With the the forerunner of our present Circuit Court, consent of the Attorney General, Louis with comparable duties, powers and scope. The Winston, and with the assent of the Court, original minutes are in the Alabama State this case was not prosecuted. The Court or­ Department of Archives and History in dered the defendants to pay court costs. Montgomery, Alabama. The abstracts were made from a "true copy" obtained by past Page 87 The Territory vs. Charity editor Catherine Gilliam. Montgomery & James Montgomery May Term 1814 - Second Monday in May. Case: Charity Montgomery was accused of an assault and battery on the body of Ann Mc­ Pages 84-86 The Territory vs. Jesse Comly and Patsy Logan. With the consent of Wilson the Attorney General, Louis Winston, and with the assent of the Court this case was not Case: On 5 February 1814 Jesse Wilson, prosecuted upon the defendants paying the Yoeman, with force and arms did beat, bruise costs herein. and ill treat Elijah W. Warren to the great damage of said Warren and against the peace Page 88 The Territory vs. John Mays and dignity of the Miss. Territory. The grand jury returned a true bill with Waddy Tate, jury Case: John May was accused of grand larceny foreman. but no prosecutor came foreward. The court ordered that the defendant be discharged. The Sheriff was ordered to try to find Wilson and "him safely keep" to stand trial for char­ Pages 88-89 The Territory vs. ges against him. Wilson appeared in court and William Campbell pleaded not guilty. Therefore, a jury was im­ panelled: David Cannon, Walker Allen, James Hollinsworth, Henry Stokes, David Case: William Campbell, late of Madison Monroe, Jonathan Gray, Thomas Johnson, Co., yeoman, did on 13 Sept. 1813, with force Allen Baker, Robert Erwin, Aaron Owens, and arms in Madison County, feloniously John J. Davidson, and William Rather. Ver­ steal, take and drive away a certain brown dict: Guilty as charged. The court ordered steer, four years old, branded on the left horn Wilson be fined $8 plus costs of suit. with a small "s," the property of Stephen Jones, yeoman, also late of Madison Co., said steer valued at $15.00. The grand jury Pages 86-87 The Territory vs. Ann McComly, declared it was not a true bill. Patsy Logan, & John Logan Case: Ann McComly and Patsy Logan were arrested and accused of an assault and battery

80 Volume 28, Number 2 Madison County Valley Leaves

Page 89 The Territory vs. Armstead Pages 92-93 The Territory vs. John Carter Sylman Case: On 10 December 1814, Armstead John Sylman was recognized to answer for a Carter, with force and arms, in Madison Co., suspected felony. On motion of Louis Miss. Terr., an assault and battery did make Winston, Attorney for the Territory, the on Kenchin Massengale, Esq., and did then Court ordered this case be dismissed. and there beat, wound and ill treat Massen­ gale to his great damage. The grand jury Page 93 The Territory vs. Dave Slater failed to return a true bill. Dave Slater, Edmund Franklin and Martin Pages 90-91 The Territory vs. Franklin were suspected of a felony. Upon Samuel Steel motion of Louis Winston, Attorney for the Territory, the Court ordered this case to be Case: Samuel Steel, late of Madison Co., on dismissed. 30 July 1812, in the Chickasaw Nation within the Mississippi Territory and within the juris­ Henrietta Criner Estate diction of this court, did feloniously steal, take and lead away a certain bay horse, the In a Petition for Letters of Administration personal property of Thompson Windham, dated 2 October 1876, Carrie Steele states also late of Madison Co., Miss. Terr. The that her sister, Henrietta Criner, died on 7 grand jury found a true bill. The Sheriff was September 1876 a resident of Madison Coun­ then ordered to try to find Steel and "him ty. Henrietta made a verbal request that Car­ safely keep" to answer the felony charges. rie act as administratrix. On 2 October 1876 Afterwards, on motion of Louis Winston, At­ John R. Steele gave permission for his wife, torney for the Territory, the Court ordered Carrie, to act as administratrix of Henrietta this case be not prosecuted. Criner's estate. Carrie gave $1000 bond with Francisco Rice, John R. Steele and W. W. Page 91 The Territory vs. Davis her securities. It was at first thought the John Harris estate was insolvent with the following debts against the estate: John Harris had been accused of an assault on James D. Walker. On motion of Louis Dr. J. C. Blanton of New Market, $95. Winston, Attorney for the Territory, the Court ordered that the case not be Widow, Jessee Rogers, of New Market, prosecuted. $45.50 W. G. Guynn, a resident of Jackson Co., $10. Pages 91-92 The Territory vs. William Magaha & Aaron Magaha Assets of the estate appeared to be half of one acre and half of the dwelling on it. It was later Case: William Magaha and Aaron Magaha, determined that the estate had a total of yeoman, did on the 7 Septe. 1813 with force $2,378.84 in assets, most of which were ac­ and arms in Madison Co., feloniously steal, counts receivable due the estate of William take and lead away a certain chestnut sorrel C. Criner, Henrietta Criner's late husband. mare, four years old and valued at $100., the William C. Criner had been a merchant of property of Isaac Hinsly, yeoman, late of New Market and as of 18 November 1876 the Madison Co. The grand jury returned a true following accounts were still outstanding and bill, Waddy Tate, jury foreman. On motion of still due: Louis Winston, attorney for the Territory, the Court ordered this case dismissed.

81 Valley Leaves Madison County Volume 28, Number 2

Name Amount Due Date Joseph P. Hawkins $24,621 Jan 1860 James P. Golden 71.8023 Nov 1860 W. H. Power 70.00 27 Dec 1861 George Douglass 94.16 24 Sept 1866 Joseph P. Hawkins 7.8 11 Jan 1861 Dr. George D. Norris 249.25 less $66 paidMay 1868 Thomas Whitman 6.00 1 Jan 1861 J. W. Barley 72.99 4 Sept 1861 Middleton Fanning 10.91 Robert Grimmet 25.50 1 Jan 1860 J. W. Fanning 7.08 31 Dec 1861 J. L. Power 18.58 9 Dec 1861 R. M. Spivey 25.50 25 Jan 1860 Jane T. Jones 334.12 31 Dec 1861 James Patillo 36.39 2 Jan 1860 C. Freeman 16.52 1 Jan 1861 J. A. Hale 50.33 12 Oct 1861 George Golden 91.00 4 Sept 1861 J. B. Golden 27.27 19 Dec 1861 D. J. Johnson 17.40 5 Jan 1860 R. J. Moore 229.40 21 Dec 1861 F [?] H. Moore 4.00 21 Dec 1861 Robt. Rodgers 53.81 19 Dec 1861 Samuel Grigsby 6.95 1 Jan 1861 James V. Moore 7.80 1 Jan 1861 George W. Golden 7.02 1 Jan 1861 Pitts & Dorrell 5.77 11 Sept 1861 E. Domeby 26.72 1 Jan 1861 John Horner 10.95 23 Feb 1866 H. M. Teague 19.3161 Jan 1861 A. B. Weddington 29.9521 Jan 1861 Thomas Turner 21.331 Jan 1861 Abram Andrews 6.071 Jan 1861

82 Volume 28, Number 2 Madison County Valley Leaves

Michael Howard 60.11 12 Dec 1861 Wm. C. Davis 89.12 16 Dec 1861 John N. Power 27.62 18 Dec 1861 J. D. Webb 16.10 23 Dec 1861 L. A. Freemanl 4.40 7 May 1866 J. G. Childers 6.83 7 Jan 1861 John H. Campbell 19.22 2 Jan 1860 B. Bragg 33.85 21 Dec 1861 John E. Broyles 30.67 2 Sept 1861 John E. Broyles 16.00 30 Jan 1861 Stephen Fanning 14.28 1 Jan 1863 Michael Howard 10.00 20 Oct 1861 James Patillo 44.00 1 Jan 1861 John P. Pool 12.75 1 Jan 1862 William Buck Campbell 8.522 1 Dec 1861 W. A. Clunn 52.59 1 Jan 1861 J. M. Britton 8.25 19 Dec 1861 (worthless) Morgan J. Clunn 37.15 2 Jan 1860 J. W. Clunn 16.96 21 Dec 1861 W. M. Campbell 42.27 1 Jan 1861 W. A. Clunn 15.45 27 Dec 1861 J. M. Britton 13.6421 Jan 1861 (regard this as worthless) R. J. Clunn 28.64 20 Dec 1861 B. H. Bayless 23.10 1 Jan 1861 B. H. Bayless 66.85 2 Jan 1860

83 Valley Leaves Madison County Volume 28, Number 2

Solomon Smith Claim

Southern Claims Commission long resident of Madison County. He is a planter. The Southern Claims Commission was es­ tablished after the Civil War to reimburse Peevy states that Solomon Smith died in 1866 Southern persons for losses at the hands of the and Smith's heirs, as of May, 1865, were: Union Army if those persons had remained loyal to the United States. One had to prove 1. Robert Smith, about 35 years of age in May, one's loyalty by depositions of witnesses. Often 1865. Residence unknown. those depositions shed light on relationships, places of geographical origin, and other family 2. Querrel Smith, about 30 years of age in "secrets." The claim of Solomon Smith was May, 1865. Residence unknown. obtained and contributed by Mr. Jack Campbell, 15219 Herring Ave., San Jose, Calif 3. Anna Smith was 13 years of age in May, 95124. Abstracted by Dorothy Scott Johnson. 1865 and now resides somewhere in Texas, (address unknown.) [Note: Jan Smith is not Leroy M. Peevy Deposition mentioned in this statement.] 27 Sept., 1875. Leroy M. Peevy, Ad­ Articles for which Claim is Made ministrator of the Estate of Solomon Smith states he is 55 years of age, a resident of Dec. 1, 1863 Set of blacksmith tools $100.00 Huntsville, Alabama and a life long resident of Madison County. His occupation is that of Dec. 1863 One wagon 80.00 Deputy Internal Revenue collector, 3rd Dis­ trict of Alabama. He is not related to Smith. Dec. 1863 1300 lbs. beef at 5 Cents 65.00 Smith died in Feb. of 1866 or 1867 leaving a wife, Jane, and four children: Jan. 1864 Two horses 250.00

1. Robert Smith, age about 38 years [b. ca Jan. 1864 800 lbs. beef at 5 Cents per lb. 1837], present residence unknown. 40.00 2. Querell Smith, age about 32 years [b. ca 1843], present residence unknown. Jan. 18643 50 bushels corn 350.00 3. Jan Smith, the eldest daughter, age about 30 [b. ca 1845], married a Wilburn [Wel- Total $885.00 burn?] 4. Annie Smith, age about 26 [b. ca 1849] Solomon Brannon Deposition married a Pesty. Solomon Brannon [also written "Brandon" in The widow, Jane, remarried after Smith's error] says he is age 45 and resides four miles death to a man named Jack Stone. Solomon east of Maysville, Madison Co., Ala. and has Smith was a blacksmith and farmer but did lived there nine years. Before that he lived not own a farm. He lived in Jackson County near Paint Rock Station in Jackson Co. near Paint Rock Station. during the war. He is a farmer by occupation and is not related to Smith but has known him all his life and lived within three miles of him Leroy M. Peevy Statement during the War. Brannon saw Smith every On 3 March 1879, Leroy M. Peevy, Ad­ month during that time and sometimes daily. ministrator of the estate of Solomon Smith, stated he was 58 years of age, a resident of Brannon stated that Solomon Smith told his Huntsville for the past eight years, and a life­ many times that those who were going into

84 Volume 28, Number 2 Madison County Valley Leaves the Rebel Army were fools and they ought load it with corn. He later saw some soldiers not fight under that flag; he spoke of the take two steers, two milk cows and a yearling. injustice of the war in front of many persons Saddler asked them if they got Mr. Smith's and was told he could not talk that way in a tools also and was told they had. Smith was crowd and this is what caused him to go north. told by Mr. Tracy he could get a voucher for the property by going down to camp. ["Tracy Smith tried to get his son, Qurell [sic] to go belonged to the Yankee Army," and was a north with him and stay out of the Rebel wagonmaster.] Smith also asked others for a Army, his eldest daughter to go north with "shown" [receipt] but never got one. him also. He went north in January or February of 1864 taking his wife and youngest The Yankees who took the property were daughter. They stayed north nearly a year camped "over there by the bridge and at after the surrender. Woodville." The first group belonged to Gen. Plabbus [?] and the other belonged to Gen. Brannon thinks Smith went to the state of Peterhouse. Michigan [?]. Smith advised everyone not to fight in the Rebel Army which was dangerous. Smith had been carrying on a blacksmith shop He was always a respected and honest man in and they got all his tools - valued at $200. The his neighborhood. Johnson's Guerrillas, who Yankees were selling tools. The wagon was operated in Jackson County, said he was r worth about $100. Union man. Other Union sympathizers in thv neighborhood were Old Clabe Hill, now his dead, and William Hill, his son; also Wyley Charles Saddler Hill and a man named Mitchell, deceased, mark and Mike [?] Price, also dead. Witnessed by James H. Bone.

Brannon went to the depot with Smith when Perry L. Harrison Deposition he went north. Threats had been made against Smith. Rebels threatened to take all Deposition dated 15 Feb. 1878. Perry L. Har­ he had and hang him which is why he went rison states he has resided in Huntsville the north. last four years and been a resident of Madison County all his life. He is age 48 and is the Signed by Solomon Brannon by his X on 2 Madison County Tax Collector. He is not Oct. 1875 before James H. Bone, Special related to Solomon Smith but has known him Commissioner. intimately all his life having lived about two [ten?] miles from him. Deposition of Charles Saddler, negro Harrison says Smith went away in 1863 or Charles Saddler says he is 52 years old and 1864 with the Federals when they left. He also lives on Paint Rock River in Madison County fed the Union soldiers without charge. He seven or eight miles from Paint Rock Station heard Smith gave information to the Federals which is in Jackson County. about the Rebels. He was a Northern sym­ pathizer by reputation. Clabe Hill, the Ken- Saddler was a slave man when war com­ namores and Woodalls spoke of him as a menced and belonged to William Saddler; he Northern sympathizer. The prominent never belonged to Solomon Smith but stayed Northern sympathizers in the neighborhood with him a while from the fall of 1863 to are Moses Maples, Pleasant Woodall, John spring, 1864. Kennamore and Moses B. Keel. Harrison also stated he was a Northern sympathizer. He saw the Yankees take the claybank hqrse, bay horse and chickens. He also saw the Yankees back Smith's waggon to his crib and

85 Valley Leaves Madison County Volume 28, Number 2

Harrison stated Smith left the country due to March 26,1862, in St. Clair County, Alabama; threats and he went with the Federals to avoid that one Sol. Smith (whose signature is not on the Confederates. file) subscribed $500 to the Confederate States loan at Montgomery, Alabama, July Signed by P. L. Harrison. Witnessed by 15, 1862; that one S. Smith (whose signature Lawrence Cooper. is on file) subscribed $2000 to the Con­ federate States loan at Mobile, Alabama, Remarks bv Commissioner of Claims August 18, 1863. Nothing further has been found in said archives touching the question "Solomon Smith, from whom the property of the loyalty or disloyalty of the within-men­ was taken, died after the close of the war in tioned Solomon Smith of Madison County, 1866. There is evidence tending to establish Alabama." his loyalty, especially the fact that he left with the Union troops in 1864. The administrator Also in response to the request of July 5,1902, gives no testimony as to the solvency of the the Treasury Department, Office of the estate and none of the heirs or beneficiaries Secretary, wrote the following letter: were examined under oath..." "In answer to your request dated July 5th, Claim rejected. 1902, for certified copies of all papers in the Miscellaneous Division of the Secretary's Of­ The file reflects that on July 5,1902 the War fice, touching the question of the loyalty of Department requested a detailed statement Solomon Smith, for use in his case against the of all records in Confederate Archives touch­ United States, No. 10,579 Congressional, you ing the loyalty or disloyalty to the United are informed that it appears from the States of Solomon Smith. The following letter Alabama list of subscriptions to the Produce from the Record and Pension Office of the Loan, that Sol Smith subscribed 20 bales of War Department was dated July 8, 1902 in cotton. (No. 8, S 29) The name of Sol Smith response to the request: also appears in the Alabama Book of Cotton Receipts, stub 277, (Index 3, P. 230), and "The Confederate archives of this office show upon the corresponding receipts for 20 bales that one Solomon Smith, private, Company of cotton." H, 30th Alabama Infantry, C.S.A., enlisted

86 Volume 28, Number 2 Marshall County Valley Leaves

Marshall County

Deed: Allen to Garrett

State of Alabama Marshall County

I, Richard S. Randies, clerk of the County Court of Marshall County, do certify that the fore going deed of conveyance was filed in my office for regristation on the 6th day of February, 1837 and stands duly recorded. George W. Allen To Deed Joseph G. Garrett. This indenture entered into the eighth day of February, One Thouseand Eight Hundred and Thirty-seven between Geo. W. Allen and his wife Cynthia A. Allen of the county Marshall and the state of Alabama, of the first part and Joseph G. Garret of the same county and state of the second part, The said Geo. W. Allen and Cynthia A. Allen his wife for and in consideration of the sum of fifteen hundred dollars to them in hand by the said Joseph G. Garret, the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged, hath this day bargained, sold and conveyed an by these present do bargain sell and convey unto the said Jospeh G. Garret all of a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county and state afore said. It being the north-east part of fractional section thirty-five in township seven of range three east and containing seventy nine acres and twenty-five hundredth of an acre. And also another tract or parcel of land adjoining the afre said tract on the North boundry of the same which was purchased by Andrew Moon from Archibald R. Barclay and surveyed and run off to the said Moon by James Haynie, containing eleven acres and fifty-five hundredths of an acre. To have and to hold the above tracts of land described. Geo W. Allen (Seal) Cynthia A. Allen (Seal)

87 Valley Leaves Marshall County Volume 28, Number 2

Circuit Court & Grand Jury Records Civil Cases Part 8

Abstracted byAddie Shaver; Typed by David Milam

This series was begun in Volume 24, Issue Pages 162-166 Number 2, and is continued herefrom Volume 28, Issue Number 1, September 1993 of Valley Charles Tanor, asse. Leaves. vs. Jesse H. Kile Pages 158-162 This case was brought to Circuit Court of Marshall County, Alabama, in the City of N.B. Whitaker, Senr. Marshall on the 4th Monday in September surviving partner of co. 1837 on a plea of trespass and three vs. hundred dollars damages by Charles Tanor Joel Higgins & Co. ) who was assignee of Thomas Cargile. This case was brought to the Circuit Court This Action was found on apromisory note as of Marshall County to be held at the Court follows: House in the town of Marshall in Marshall in Marshall County, Alabama, on the 4th One day after date, I will pay Thomas Cargile Monday in September 1839 by Nathaniel B. one hundred and fifty dollars for value Whitaker, Senr., surviving partner of a late received. This 6th Sept., 1836. partnership of merchants doing business under the firm name of Whitaker & Bartal J.H. Kile (George Bartal now deceased) to bring a plea of trespass for one hundred fifty dol­ On the back of the note is the following as­ lars and damages against Joel Higgins, John signment: Higgins, Richard Golden, late merchants in partnership, doing business under the name I assign the within note over to Charles Taul of Joel Higgins & Co. for value received of him this 8th August 1839. This action was taken on a promissory note executed in their partnership name and dated Lazarus Fletcher Baltimore, April 15, 1837, by which they promised to pay six months from date there­ The case was continued until the fourth of, and for the amount of $69.10 for value several times until the 4th March in 1841 at received. All is due and unpaid. S.D. Cabi- which time Honorable Daniel Coleman, ness was attorney for plaintiff. Judge C.C, presided. This case was continued several times until A jury of W.H. Wiggs and eleven other March 1841 at which time the defendants men were chosen to try the case. They found failed to appear. The plaintiff was ordered to the issue in favor of the plaintiff and assessed recover judgement against defendants for his damages in the sum of $145.45 and costs. $83.25 and his costs. The Honorable Geo. W. Lam, Judge C.C. presided and John O. Feemster was Clerk, Circuit Court. Volume 28, Number 2 Marshall County Valley Leaves

Pages 166-171 person on the account and that Walker was sent bill by mail, (signed) James E. Bell N.B. Whitaker surviving partner & co. John B. Walker was notified of this disposi­ vs tion. John B. Walker The suit was continued on in the courts until This case was brought to Marshall County the fourth Monday in March 1841, held Circuit Court the first Monday in Sept. 1839 before Honorable Daniel Coleman, Judge. by Nathaniel B. Whitaker, surviving partner W.H. Wiggs and a jury of eleven other of a firm trading under the name of Whitaker selected and sworn to assess the damages of and Bartal (George Bartal, Jr., now plaintiff. They found for the plaintiff to deceased). recover damages for the sum of four hundred forty five dollars and twenty five cents and A plea of trespass was entered asking costs. damages of one thousand dollars. This action was to recover the value of goods and mer­ Pages 171-174 chandise sold and delivered by the plaintiff and George Bartal, Jr. (now deceased) while J.H. & E.C. Burns ) doing business as merchants. S.D. Cabiness asse. of John S. Cams ) was Attorney for plaintiff. vs. ) John Swords ) A writ was issued and served on defendants by John Ashley, deputy of Joel Higgins, This case was brought by plaintiff to deter­ Sheriff. John B. Walker was taken into cus­ mine the ownership of a sorrell horse. It was tody. first brought before a Justice of the Peace Joel Higgins and John Swords makes affidavit The indebtedness as the defendant was made that said horse belongs to him. John Higgins, on April 28th, 1837, and no part of it has yet Justice of the Peace for Marshall County, been paid, though requested many times. summonsed twelve men to appear before him in County at Beech Grove on July 2, 1839 at At the March term of Marshall County Court 11:00 forenoon to try the right of property for a commission was made to Joshua Cockey, plaintiff John Cams or claiment John Swords Thomas Hambleton and John W. Smith of to decide who owned a chestnut sorrell stud Baltimore to take a sworn deposition on horse. James E. Bell at Caskeys Whitfield, Inc., North Howard St., Baltimore, Maryland on Thos. Marsh, Hugh Finley, B.B. Ramsey, the 12th March 1840. Bell swears that he was M.W. Pollard, Edward Kelley, Thos. W. clerk for Whitaker & Bartal on or before Marsh & Simeon Garrett were selected and October 28, 1836 and is clerk for them now they find the property to belong to Jonathan and that they sold to John B. Walker a bill of Swords, the claiment's father. goods on October 28,1836, order dated Sep­ tember 25,1836, Somerville, and signed John This case was appealed to the Circuit Court B. Walker. He says he helped to put up in Marshall County the 1st Monday in March goods and deliver to said Walker and bill was 1840 due to the costs. The case was continued charged to Walker and according to his in­ several times by both parties but finally come structions. The bill was $598.92 and that no together by agreement and the case was dis­ money has been paid by Walker or any other missed. The plaintiff was to pay his own wit­ nesses and the defendant to pay other costs.

89 Valley Leaves Morgan County Volume 28, Number 2

Morgan County

Morgan County Death Records, Book A, 1893-1896 Part 12

This series started in Vol. 23, No. 4, and is continued from the March 1993 issue. Copied and contributed by DeneWalls and Sue Marine. For introduction, see December 1991 issue. c = colored MS = Marital Status O = Occupation

Name Date of Birth Place of Cause of Decedent Death Place Sex MS* O* Age Death Death Burial Place/ 1896 Official c Louis Blevins May 26 Ala M - - 22-0-0 NDecatur Pneumonia Decatur/ Sullivan MW c Casline Gorden May 25 Ala F - - 36-0-0 N Decatur Dropsy Decatur/ WC Buckley MW Hartselle

c Infant May 8 Hartselle M - - 0-8-0 Hartselle Infla Brain Hartselle/ S L Rountree MD James McDonield May 20 Ala M - - 0-7-0 Hartselle Gen Congestion Beat #3/ J M Kitchens MD

c Adam Gray Jun — Ala M M Farmer 35 yrs Beat #3 Consumption Campground/ E D Stephenson

Mrs M. J. Smith Jun 18 Ala F W - 76 yrs Beat #9 Paralysis Beat #5/ J M Smith MD

Miss Ormes Jun 24 Ala F S 35 yrs Beat #9 Thyphoid Fever Somerville/ J H Cosbie Und

Mrs Adams Jun 20 Ala F w - 52 yrs Beat #9 Malarial Fever Beat #9/ Peter Binford MD

Aphya Ormes Jun 24 Ala F s 55 yrs Beat #9 Malarial Fever Morrow Place/ D M Winton MD

Infant Jun 29 Ala M 0-3-15 Beat #9 Cholera Infantum Beat #9/ J H Cosbie Und Flora Cassett Jun 18 Ala F s 20 yrs Beat #10 Consumption Morgan Co/ S L Rountree MD Mrs Morris Jun 24 Ala F M - 47 yrs Beat #10 Innotion Morgan Co/ Barclift/Wilson MD cLucindia McDaniel Jun 18 Ala F W - 78 yrs Beat #10 Innotion Hartselle/ R B Sherrill MD c Viola Orr Jun 28 Ala F S 15 yrs Beat #10 Typho Malarial Morgan Co/ R B Sherrill MD Fever c Mary Orr Jun 29 Ala F S 18 yrs Beat #10 Typho Malarial Beat #10/ Fever J H Cosbie Und Monro Jackson Jun 13 Ala M M Farmer 38 yrs Beat #10 Pistol Shot Beat #16/ J H Cosbie Und

90 Volume 28, Number 2 Morgan County Valley Leaves

c Francis Hamption Jun 2 Ala F - 72 yrs Beat #12 Paralysis Beat #12/ SL Rountee MD c Thomas Dean Jun 15 Ala F — 5yrs Beat #12 Inflam Brain Beat #12/ J E Price MD Decatur

C Mosley Jun 15 Decatur M — — 11 yrs Decatur Heart Disease Decatur/ Dinsmore MD L. L. Wilkins Jun 28 Decatur F - - 0-2-0 Decatur Cholera Infantum Decatur/ WM Murray MD Annie McCluskey Jun 19 Ala F M - 32 yrs Ala Consumption Ala/ WM Murray MD A. Sykes Jun 28 Decatur F - - 27 yrs Decatur Typhoid Fever Decatur/ WE Steers c Ruble Bailey Jun 22 Decatur M - - 0-0-21 Decatur Bronchitis Decatur/ Calvin Brown Und c Harry Nulmn Jun 30 Decatur M - - 0-14-0 Decatur Infla Bowels Decatur/ Calvin Brown Und c Arrie Fennel Jun 9 Decatur F M - 61 yrs Decatur Consumption Decatur/ Buckley MD

Rosanna Karcher Jun 19 Germany F W - 74 yrs Decatur Heart Disease Decatur/ Dinsmore MD Asa Hodges Jun 15 Ala M - - 0-1-0 Decatur Cholera Infantum Decatur/ Dinsmore MD

c Frank Withers Jun 18 Ala M M - 50 yrs Decatur Infla Rheuma Gillaspie MD

John Oglesby Jun 19 Ala M S 19 yrs Decatur Consumption Athens/ Conyngton MD

c John Gilbert Jun 9 Tenn M M - 32 yrs Decatur Dropsy Garth Place/ Gillaspie MD

c Mollie Maise Jun 26 Ala F M - 21 yrs Decatur Consumption Decatur/ Buckley MD HARTSELLE

Clark Jun 23 Ala F M - 55 yrs Beat #5 Bowels Locking Leesdale/ WABarcliftMD c Fred Rogers Jun 27 Ala M - - 0-11-0 Hartselle Cholera Infantum Hartselle/ RB Sherrill MD Morgan County

Louella Mayfield Jul 5 Ala F M Hsewife 27 yrs Beat #2 Consumption Bashams Chappel/ GRLaneMD

Ike Alvis Jul 18 Ala M S Farmer 18 yrs Beat #4 Typho Malarial Jones Chappel, Cullman Co/ Fever RB Sherrill MD

J. R Minter Jul 31 Ala M M Farmer 26 yrs Beat #4 Malarial Fever Days Gap /R B Sherrill MD Infant Jul 22 Ala M - - 0-3-22 Beat #6 Encephalitis Bupell/ W M Stringer MD Anna C Yager Jul 7 Ala F - - 5yrs Beat #12 Congestive Chill Bethal Church/ J E Price MD c Infant Jul 20 Ala F - - 2yrs Beat #12 Infla Bowels Beat #12/ S L Rountree MD

91 Valley Leaves Morgan County Volume 28, Number 2

Infant Jul 25 Ala M - - lyr Beat #12 Infla Brain Beat #12/ J E Price Johnnie Roberts Jul 12 Ala M — — 13 yrs Beat #13 Malarial Fever Red Hill/ G R Lane MD Jerry McCullough Jul 14 Ala M M Farmer 28 yrs Beat #13 Inter Colitas Napps Grave Yd/ G R Lane & W M Murray MD's Quillion Brasswell Jul 20 Ala M S Farmer 16-4-0 Beat #13 Cong of Brain Chappel Hill/ G RLane Decatur

Chas M. Ling Jul 2 Tenn M S 17 yrs N Decatur Malarial Fever Decatur/ M W Murry MD Agnes Jordon Jul 10 Ala F S 2yrs N Decatur Brain Fever Decatur/ F S 0-0-3 N Decatur Brain Fever Sue R Brown Jul 13 Ala Decatur/ WC Buckley MD F 18 yrs N Decatur Malarial Fever c Addamin Nichols Jul 13 Ala Decatur/ G R Sullivan F 0-6-0 N Decatur Malarial Fever Decatur/ Annie L. Haley Jul 31 Ala E J Conyngton MD Morgan County

Josie Fredrick Aug 12 Ala F S 13 yrs Lanes Beat#2 Capillary Bashams/ Congestion Chappel GR Lane, MD c Dennis Parker Aug 15 Ala M M Farmer 40 yrs Danville Cong Bowels Campground/ E D Stephenson

Ruff Ellis Aug 30 Ala M M Smith 66 yrs Danville Cong Bowels Lorence Co/ R L Stephensn Lamuel Hall Aug 13 Beat #5 M S Farmer 13 yrs Beat #5 Infla Rheumatism Piney Grove/ W H Cook MD c Tonny Murphy Aug 18 Ala F M Farmer 30 yrs Beat #7 Infla Stomach Morgan Co/ WM Stringer MD Dora Rasbel Aug 19 Ga F W - 69 yrs Nunns Mill Typho Malaria Morgan Co/ C F Peck MD John Turner Aug 26 Ala M M Farmer 25 yrs Beat #8 Consumption Beat #8/ Whorton MD Wesley Vinzant Aug 19 Beat#9 M - - 2yrs Beat #9 Typho Malaria Beat #9/ Fever R B Sherrill MD Ida Yager Aug 6 Beat #12 F - - 6yrs Beat #12 Congestive Chill Bethal Church/ J E Price MD J. M. Sandlin Aug 11 Mich F M - 30 yrs Beat #12 Gen Congestion Beat #12/ J E Price MD - - Self Aug 25 Ala F - - 9yrs Beat #12 Infla Brain Beat #12/ J E Price MD Decatur

Willie Larner Aug 10 Decatur M - - 8-8-0 Decatur Malarial Fever Decatur/ Sparkman W C Buckley MD Lizzie Dutton Aug 8 Ala F M — 24 yrs N Decatur Malarial Fever Decatur/ W C Buckley MD c Methena Maron Aug 13 Ala F — — 3 yrs Decatur Malarial Fever Decatur/ W C Buckley MD

92 Volume 28, Number 2 Morgan County Valley Leaves

Rose Strong Aug 12 Ala F - 0-8-0 N Decatur Cholera Infantum Decatur/ W M Murray MD c Alfree Bars Aug 3 Ala M lOyrs Decatur Malarial Fever Aspin Hill, Tenn/ G R Sullivan MD c Lou Polk Aug 2 Ala F - 46 yrs Decatur Brights Disease Decatur/ E J Conyngton MD Mary T. Young Aug 30 Ala F S — 44yrs Decatur Cancer Bowels Decatur/ W L Dinsmore MD Hartselle

Infant Aug- Hartselle F - lyr Hartselle Scrofula Hartselle/ WABarcliftMD c M. D. Glinn Aug20 Ala M S — 45 yrs Hartselle Consumption Hartselle/ J M Kitchens MD Morgan County

Cassa Hubbard Sep 20 Beat #3 F — — 5yrs Beat #3 Membranous Beat #3/ Croup R L Stephenson MD Osca Hamption Sep 20 Beat #3 M - - lyr Beat #3 ft » Law Co/ R L Stephenson MD Maude Gibson Sep 12 Ala F M Hsewife 20-5-0 Beat #4 Puerpal Law Co/ Ecclampsia RB Sherrill & WABarcliftMD's Infant Sep 13 Ala M — — 12hrs Beat #4 Asphyxia Law Co/ R B Sherrill & WABarcliftMD's Bettie Laurence Sep 8 Ala F S - 26 yrs Beat #4 Consumption McKindria/ W B Thomason MD

Calvin Marlin Sep 10 Ga M M Farmer 69 yrs Beat #5 Cronic Meningitis FalkviUe/ W A Barclift MD James Thomas Sep 2 Ala M - - 6-7-2 Beat #8 Cronic Menigitis Beat #8/ S C Smith MD c Infant Sepl Ala M - - 2-7-8 Beat #8 Malarial Fever Fields Cem/ SC Smith MD c Henry Stewart Sep 21 Ala M S - 30 yrs Beat #9 Gunshot Somerville/ J H Cosbie MD

Mrs Postell Sep 15 Tenn F M Hsewife 75 yr Beat #10 Consumption Mt Tabor/ WABarcliftMD

Chester Sandlin Sep 20 Ala M - - 5yrs Beat#l? Colic Beat #12, J E Price Kattie Fisher Sep 4 Ger F S Hsekpr 22 yrs Beat #13 Malarial Fever Bashams Chap/W E Murphy

Lula Sandlin Sep 12 Ala F s - 13 yrs Beat#14 Malarial Fever Shady Grove /R B Sherrill Decatur

G. K. Robinson Sep 9 Ala M — — lyr Decatur Malarial Fever Decatur/ W L Robinson RE.Oglesby Sep 16 Ala M - - 2yrs Decatur Cong of Brain Decatur/ E J Conyngton MD H.S. Freeman Sep 22 NYork M M Millman 56 yrs Decatur Dysentery Decatur/ W C Buckley MD c Pony Y.Woodruff Sep 29 Ala M W Laborer 75 yrs N Decatur Heart Disease Decatur/ WC Buckley MD

93 Valley Leaves Morgan County Volume 28, Number 2


Mrs Alice Rhea Sep 15 Ala F M Hsewife 60 yrs Hartselle Jaundice <& Tuscaloose/ Gastritis R B Sherrill MD c Julia Rogers Sep 20 Ala F S - 60yrs Hartselle Jaundice Hartselle/ J H Cosbie Und Morgan County

Etta Washburn Oct 18 Beat #2 F S Hsekpr 17 yrs Beat #2 Uterine Bashams Hemoprage Chapel/ G R Lane MD Lucille Smith Octl Beat #3 F - - 1-3-0 Beat #3 Membranous Croup Beat #3/ R L Stephenson MD Susie Johnson Oct 19 Beat #3 F - - 0-9-0 Beat #3 Membranous Croup Jeff Co/ R L Stephenson MD Miss Howell Oct 6 Beat #4 F S - 30 yrs Beat #4 Consumption Beat #4/ W B Thomason MD Elizabeth Howell Beat #4 F S - 25 yrs Beat #4 Consumption Forrest Chap/ W B Thomason MD c Queen McDanil Oct 20 Ala F w - 60 yrs Beat #5 Heart Failure Campground/ F B Hunter MD G. Kilpatrick Oct 12 Beat #5 M - - 0-10-17 Beat #5 Inflam Bowels Falkville/ W H Cook MD

Martha Scott Oct 14 Ala F M Hsewife 57 yrs Falkville Chronic Diarrhora Falkville/ F B Hunter MD Mrs Scott Oct 15 Ala F W - 50 yrs Falkville Pneumonia Beat #5/ W H Cook MD

Infant Oct 17 Beat #5 F - - 0-0-7 Falkville Croup Beat #5/ FB Hunter MD

Roxie Bates Oct 28 Beat #6 F s - 13-11-20 Beat #6 Cong Bowels Halls Gr Yd/ W M Stringer MD

Mr Smith Oct 9 Ga M M Farmer 70 yrs Beat #8 Cystitis with Makindras Peritonetis Chp/ S M Wilhite MD

Mrs Spain Oct 16 Ala F - - 84 yrs Beat #9 Heart Disease Beat #9/ D M Winton MD c Jim Garth Ala M - - 6yrs Beat #12 Pneumonia Sand Hill /J E Price

Ernest Sanlen Oct 14 Beat #12 M - - 5yrs Beat #12 Congestive Chill Sanlen Grave Yd/J E Price

94 Volume 28, Number 2 Morgan County Valley Leaves

Simpson Family Bible

Ivydene Simpson Walls Original Bible in possession of Joseph Imphant son of T. L. & M. A. was born and Walker Simpson, Jr., 16 Shadowood, Conroe, died 31st May 1906 TX 77304. Copied Oct 1989. Joseph Walker Simpson Jr. was born April 1st Hitchcock's New and Complete Analysis of 1913 the Holy Bible. Mamie Louise Griffin born Nov 19, 1912, Copyright page missing. Mineola, TX Dorothy Marie Griffin was born May 11th Miscellaneous 1916, Palestine, Texas Thomas Levi Simpson was borned Oct 10th Virginia Ruth Simpson ws born Feb 28th 1841 1921 Susan Jane Anderson was borned Oct 24th 1841 Marriages Thos. L. Simpson and Susan J. Anderson was Thos. L. Simpson and Mary Ann Peerson was married May 20th 1860 married December 14th 1887 Joseph Walker Simpson and Olive Pearl Births Bowman was married Dec 20th 1911 William Noah Simpson was borned Sept 11th 1861 Deaths James Marshal Simpson was borned Oct 10th Susan Jane Simpson, wife of T. L. Simpson, 1866 departed this life July 11th 1887, age 46 years Seliah Arbell Simpson was borned February & 8 months & 17 days 3rd 1869 Elizabeth Simpson, Mother of T. L. Simpson, departed this life August 10th 1885, age 69 Adah Jane Simpson was borned December years & 9 months 22d 1870 William Simpson, Father of T. L. Simpson, Thomas Edward Simpson was borned Oct 23 departed this life May 4th 1887, age 74 years 1873 & 2 months Susan Elizabeth Simpson was borned Aprile Thomas Levi Simpson departed this life May 10th 1879 10th 1909, age 68 years and 5 months Joseph Walker Simpson was borned Novem­ ber 30th 1888 NOTE: Thomas Levi Simpson and Susan Annie Beulah Simpson was borned April Jane Anderson were married in Paulding Co, 16th 1891 GA. Tom and Mary Ann Peerson were married in Limestone Co, AL. After his death, Mary Melvin K. Simpson was borned February Ann moved with her children to Palestine, TX. 11th 1893 The first six entries under births are by the first John Elbie Simpson was born April 4th 1896 wife and the next six entries are by the second wife. The other four listed under births are Charlie Hubert Simpson was borned Decem­ grandchildren. ber 11th 1897

95 Valley Leaves Book Reviews Volume 28, Number 2

Book Reviews

Annwhite Fuller

Spence, John C. A Diary Of The Civil War. Murfreesboro, TN: Rutherford County Historical Society, 1993. 7"x9", 164 pgs., hardbound, indexed. No price given. Order from RCHS, PO Box 906, Murfreesboro, TN 37133-0906.

Born in 1809, John Cedric Spence was a merchant and operator of the Red Cedar Bucket Factory in Murfreesboro at the time of the Civil War. Although he opposed secession, Spence's loyalties were with the South as the war progressed. Spence started keeping this diary "at the beginning of the trouble in the country." In the introduction, or "Apology", he writes: "I have endeavored to arrive at the truth as near as circumstances would admit...To note every thing that has taken place for the past four years about Murfreesboro would fill a large volume. One that would make a yank blush if he had any shame in his face. I have explained my position sufficiently to be understood at least by myself."

Of the second day [1 Jan 1863] of the Battle of Murfreesboro, Spence wrote: "It began to look like death staring them [Rosecrans' army] in front, and hunger in the rear. This could not now be helped. There were more work still to be done before the difficulty could be overcome." At the end of the fourth day of battle, General Bragg began his retreat from Murfreesboro. Students of the Civil War era will enjoy John Spence's A Diary Of The Civil War. His "on the spot" accounts are a welcome addition to the material available on the war in south central Tennessee.

Veach, Mary Frances Thomas. Sorting The Waxhaw Crawfords. Elverta, CA: the Author, 1993.81/2" x 11", soft cover, 247 pgs., indexed, illus., $28.00 (includes postage). From the author, 3546 Riego Road, Elverta, CA 95626.

Mrs. Veach has produced an attractive, easily read record of the Crawfords and related families in the South Carolina counties of York, Chester and Lancaster. The earliest family member mentioned is James Crafford, Sr. "of the Waxhaws" whose will was written in Waxhaws, Chester District, South Carolina in 1776/1777. Charts and pen and ink sketches are used to illustrated the westward migration of the family.

The full name index is easy to use. My only regret is that the work is not fully footnoted. The references given, though, are a great help in following Mrs. Veach's research.

Jacks, Thomas E. Walker Matthews Of Big Coon, Jackson County, ALABAMA: A Genealogy of the Matthews Family. The Author, 1993. 8 l/2"xll", soft cover, c.l45pgs., indexed, illus., $12.00 (includes postage). From the author, 231 South Gay Street, #112, Auburn, Alabama 36830.

TVGS member, Tom Jacks, has compiled his research on the descendants of Walker Matthews who lived in Matthews Cove near Big Coon Creek in Jackson County, Alabama. Matthews bought this land in 1832 and lived there until his death in February, 1860. He and his wife, Luvina Isbell, are buried in the Matthews Cemetery in Jackson County. Mr. Jacks has cited the sources of his research and includes transcripts and photocopies of some of the documents. Photographs of the Matthews Cemetery and maps of the Big Coon Creek area are included in the text. The book ends with a full name index.

Sterling, Robin Alford. Descendants Of William J. Echols: History and Genealogy. The Author, 1993.8 l/2"xll", soft cover, 151 pgs., indexed, illus., $25.00 (includes postage). From the author, 251 Woodside Drive, Owens Cross Roads, Alabama 35763.

Robin Sterling's talents as a computer wizard are evident in his Descendants Of William J. Echols. Color charts show the lines of descent and photographs, photocopies of documents and maps illustrate the text. Family data is readily accessed through the full name index. The history of the family is told in part through reminiscences of some family members.

Genealogical data was acquired from questionnaires sent to the Descendants Of William J. Echols. A thorough citation of the sources used in compiling the work would add to its usefulness to other researchers.

96 Volume 28, Number 2 Queries Valley Leaves


Sue Bright Richter, Queries Editor Queries are free to members and friends. A 28-25 maximum of 75 words each is allowed. All * JONES * McCAMY queries are edited and published at the discre­ tion of the Editor. We reserve the right to refuse Would like to correspond with anyone that to publish any query submitted. At least one can give me any information on the family full name, date and location should be in­ and descendants of Mary Fannie JONES cluded in each query. No "surname only" queries will be accepted. Please capitalize sur­born 1871, d. 1948. Lived in Madison County names, double space and type or print clearly. near Huntsville all her life. Married James Thomas McCAMIE (McCAMY) 1902. In 1920 Census shows children, Martha b. 1907; This query was mistakenly combined in Bessie b. 1908; Kathleen b 1912; William b. Volume 28 Issue 1, with 28- 9 and should 1916. I have information some of the girls be corrected as follows: were married and living in TN. Know all of the children are deceased but might have 28-6 descendants living in TN. * GREGORY * Will be glad to pay for any information anyone can send me, for copies and mailing Need cemetery information for Solitude fees. Would like to share any I have. These Cemetery near Albertville, Marshall Co, are descendants of William (Billy F. Jones. AL on: Susan Eddins Gregory, b. cl850, d. Chaney Parkhart married 1834, my gg cl900. bur. with 2nd hus ? Gregory. grandparents. Grand parents of my dad, Wil­ Need tombstone information for both. liam Franklin Jones and his sister Mary Fan­ Claude Stabler, 706 Shallow Creek Road, nie Jones MCCamie (McCamy). Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 Thanks for any information anyone can send me.

28-24 Mrs. C. J. Smith, Lake Seminole, Rt 1, box * BARTON * COOPWOOD 1941, Bainbridge, GA 31717 * THOMASON * RABORN * HENDRICK * MONTGOMERY 28-26 *RIBBY* VINSON * BARCLAY * LEDBETTER * McCREERY * POTTER Am searching for birthplace and parents of Would appreciate any information on the Joseph BARCLAY b. cl780 NC. He married above or related surnames. Known informa­ Mary "Polly" LEDBETTER on 12 Apr 1810 tion: Benjamin Coopwood married Millie/ in Rhea Co, TN. Was in Miss. Territory. AL Milly Thomason in 1793 in Abemarle Coun­ by 1811 and lived in Madison, Jackson and ty, Virginia, believe Benjamin died in 1809 at Marshall Co's, AL. Was living with son Joel Ditto's Landing, Mississippi Territory. Will in 1870. May have lived in KY and/or TN pay for any copies furnished. before settling in AL. Imogene Hendricks Miller, 1406 SE 3rd, Nancy Barclay LaBelle, 1500 Richmond Rd. Wagoner, OK 74467-5804 #90, Santa Paula, CA 93060

97 Valley Leaves Queries Volume 28, Number 2

28-27 28-30- * GAY * BOLES * WILLIAMS * HALL

Need to find the parents of Melissa GAY. Seek information about Williams families She married Callaway BOLES and had at who lived in the Paint Rock Valley of Jackson least two sons William BOLES, b. 1854 in AL county, AL, between 1820 and 1850. John and and John Nelson BOLES b. 24 Nov 1857 at Mary WILLIAMS helped organize the Bap­ Graverly Springs, Florence, Lauderdale Co tist Church of Jesus Christ on Paint Rock AL. She died when the second son was born. River and Larkin Fork in 1821. Also, Sarah She is reported to have been a Cherokee Miley "Sally" Williams who married Thomas Indian. Would be so grateful for any birth, Hall and Mary "Polly" WILLIAMS who marriage or death information on any of the married James HALL, both women born in above. TN 1789- 1793; married TN 1806-1810; and Betty Ann Dumas, 6509 Skylane Drive, lived Jackson County, AL. Citrus Heights, CA 95621 Mike Landwehr, 725 39th Street, West Des Moines, IA 50265

28-28 * SHELTON * LUTTRELL 28-31 * SMITH * BREWSTER * Seeking information on Aesop "Esop" FLANNAGAN * JOHNSON SHELTON who was b. 1777 in VA. d. 22 April 1861. Evidence indicates he was a son Seek information on Samuel P. SMITH of Ralph SHELTON, who died in Henry Co, who married Hannah Caroline VA cl789. Aesop SHELTON appears on tax BREWSTER, 19 Dec 1848 and Howell lists in Adair Co, KY in 1804-5. On 18 Dec WELSH who married Sarah SMITH, 21 Dec 1805 he married Elizabeth LUTTRELL. He 1848. Both in Tallapoosa Co, AL. Samuel married second to Amy or Anna _?_ probably died in 1860's and Hannah remarried: (1) in Lincoln Co, TN. Children: John; Maria; Michael Flannagan 1865 & (2) Robert m. Cynthia; Brice David; and Jane. What was the Johnson 1876 both in Lafayette Co, MS. name of Aesop's mother? What was the name F. A. Lindell, 7324 Clemson, Dallas, TX of Aesop's second wife? 75214 Jerry T. Limbaugh, 4623 Lynchburg Road, Winchester, TN 37398 28-32 * KING * ROTAN 28-29 * GARNER * KIMBROUGH Need proof that Peter Johnson KING b. cl813-1817, was the son of Nicholas and Seek parents / siblings / descendants of Nancy A. Norton KING. They left Lawrence Sturdy GARNER, Revolutionary Soldier b. Co AL cl833 and settled in Yalobusha, MS. 9 Apr 1762 SC, d. 4 Mar 1845 buried in Peter Johnson King m. Mary Ann ROTAN Madison Co, AL. Also need descendants of cl838. child Nancy Ann KING b. 14 Aug Confederate Soldiers T. J.; J. B. ; G.; and 1841 in Yalobusha Co, MS. Family moved to Ormand KIMBROUGH of the 5th AL Tyler Co TX cl850; Polk Co TX cl860; Mc­ Cavalry Company E., from Franklin and Lennan Co cl870; and Hill Co, TX cl880. Marion Co, AL. Will pay copying cost and postage. Janis L. Garner, 249 Welton Drive, Madison, Durene Oates Morgan, 1118 Curlew Ct, San AL 35758-8570 Antonio, TX 78213-2009

98 Volume 28, Number 2 Queries Valley Leaves

28-33 Brewer. Born in either Logan Co, KY or * JONES Russell Co, VA 1789-1811. The family migrated cl811/12 to Warren Co, TN. Then Need the name of the parents of John W. to Jackson Co, AL and finally to Lamar and JONES born 5 Dec 1838 near Huntsville in Fanning Co's TX. Also seeking WRIGHT Madison County, Alabama. PROVINE; THOMPSON; PARKS Mary J. Marchant, 2901 Springfield Dr., Tal­ MCFARLAND; WHITECOTTON lahassee, FL, 32308- 3274 BOWERS; LAMBIRTH; MURPHEY JENNINGS & JAMES. Will exchange on

28-34 any of these. Earl Provine Price, Jr. MD. 2413 Lofton Ter­ * PORTER * WILLIAMS race, Ft Worth, TX 76109-1123. Prodigy (RHVS33A); CompuServe (72730,447) Need information on any of Porter family from Jackson Co., AL around Long Island on line of GA also lived Dade Co, GA. Elijah 28-38- PORTER m. Nancy WILLIAMS, ch: John * HILLIN * HILLIAN * HILLION B.; Louisa B.; Georgetta; Winfield Scott; * ELLIOTT * BURNS Alexander Pierce. Will exchange copy with anyone connected with this family. Who was Need the relationship between Absolom, Elijah's father? Nathaniel and Jesse HILLIN /HIL- Bess Carter, Rt Box 76, Pollock, LA 71467 LIAN/HILLION who lived in Jackson and Marshall Co's AL 1810- 1860. Were they

28-36 brothers who were their parents?? Absolom b. cl800 GA d. 19 Aug 1842 Marshall Co AL * NANCE * THOMAS mar. Mahalla ELLIOTT 8 children. Nathaniel b cl793 GA d. cl860's Jackson Co Seek information about parents / siblings of John NANCE bl833 Pickens Co, SC, m. AL mar. Mary ? 6 children. Jesse b cl793 Mar 1858 Cobb Co, GA Caroline THOMAS. GA d. 7 Sep 1858 Panola Co, TX mar. 1st Jane John in the 40th GA Inf. Reg, until wounded Burns, 2nd Malinda ? 6 children. The and captured at Chattanooga Nov 1863. Im­ children of all three men had names in com­ prisoned at Rock Island, IL. Enlisted in US mon. Navy and served until end of war. lived Whit­ James Verett, 6 Wyndemere Vale, Monterey, field Co GA 1870; in MS Delta cl873; Hol­ CA 93940 mes Co, MS 1880 and Sunflower Co, MS 1900. 28-39 Leroy Nance, 4605 Lakeview Drive, *WHORTON* JULIAN Huntsville, AL 35810 Need information on parents of Isaac 28-37- WHORTON living in Marshall Co, AL 1850 * PRICE * BRIGGS * TOWNSEL married 2nd 1838 Rebecca M. JULIAN, in Forsyth Co, GA. * BREWER Sunny Daily, Rt 5, Box 201, Hyw 21, Pittsburg, TX 75686-9026 Request information , will exchange. PRICE: Daniel M Price m. Sarah Briggs; Martin Price m. Jane ? ; Alexander Hamilton Price m. Emeline Townsel; Robert and Christian Anne Price m. Calvin C.

99 Valley Leaves Queries Volume 28, Number 2

28-40 28-42 * WILLIAMS * DEAN * YARBROUGH * MALONE* * HIGGASON * RAINEY BLAIR * HINE * COE * MASON * MILAM* WALKER Need help tracing my family roots on my Searching for parents of William P. Rainey father's side. I am black and believe that I b. 11 Mar 1826 TN; mar. 26 May 1856 Lucin- might be a descendent of the slaves owned by da Jane MILAM Anderson Co, TX. Henry YARBROUGH who was recorded in Searching for parents of Dr. George HIG­ the 1820 census as having 14 slaves. On Jan GASON b. VA, m. Davis sisters. Lived in 8, 1855 these slaves were divided by his TN; AL and Aberdeen, MS. Son John Davis widow Mary to: William H.; James A.; David HIGGASON, b. 13 Jun 1819 AL m. Lucy B.; and Albert YARBROUGH; Francis ; Matilda WALKER 25 Nov 1846 Monroe Co, Henry; Susan ; Sally Betty; and Nancy R. MS -moved to TX. MALONE. John DEAN family of Clarke Co, AL Would like any information on slaves of moved to AR then TX. Southwest Limestone Co, AL. Others Will exchange information... recorded in the same area and census with Jacqueline Williams Judah, P.O. Box 3924, S. slaves were: Jonathan BLAIR; Silas HINE; Padre Island, TX 78597 William MALONE; Jesse COE and Eliza­ beth MASON.

28-41 Houston A. Yarbrough, 1109 Bessemer * GREENWOOD * JONES * LOY Road, Huntsville, AL 35816 Seek information on the family of Joseph GREENWOOD who was born in Kent Co, 28-43- DE Mar 1755. he married Martha Jones * BOWEN * HESTER cl775. They moved to Rowan Co, NC cl785; * HAMILTON Lincoln Co, KY cl797; and Wilson Co, TN *REA cl803. They settled in Madison Co, Miss Ter­ * McLEMORE ritory. cl809 and remained there until cl829 when they moved to Calloway Co, KY. Need information on William Bowen b. Children: William; Margaret; Nancy; Jane; SC and wife b. TN. Came to N. AL 2 April Martha "Patsy'; and Joseph. Martha "Patsy" 1825 and patent land in 1825. some of their GREENWOOD mar. Henry LOY 23 Jul children b. TN some b. AL. 1809 Madison Co. Henry b. 23 Jul 1790 in Need info on Sarah BOWEN m. 24 Dec Orange Co, NC. In 1814 Henry served in 1831 John HESTER b. 16 Aug 1812 NC son Capt. Crawford's company, Col Burris' Rgt /of William Buck HESTER and Amy fighting against the Creek Indians in the area MALONE. of Huntsville and Limestone Co.. Henry and Need info on Edmond Little HAMILTON Martha moved to Calloway Co, KY c 1829 m. Mary Ann REA in Franklin Co, AL. Ed­ and Jackson Co, IL cl840. their children: mond d. 1862 and Mary Ann m. 2nd John Alfred; Sarah; Catherine; Jane E.; Mary A.; McLemore. Children: Louvella; Burton; and Margaret A; Barsheba; Henry G. and John Jesse McLEMORE. Will pay for copies and A. postage. Joel S. Russell, 8360 Greensboro Dr. #911, Mrs. Dorothy H. Turner, Rt 7, Box 2840 Ben McLean, VA 22102-3543 Higgins Rd., Dahlonega, GA 30533


MEETINGS — Regular meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of July, September, January, March and May. The November meetings are usually held on the third Thursday, because of the Thanksgiving holiday. Meetings are held in the auditorium of the Huntsville Public Library unless announced otherwise.

QUERIES — A maximum of 175 words annually is allowed free to each member. Queries from non-members are published for $2.00, as space allows. All queries are edited and published at the discretion of the Editor, in the order received. We reserve the right to refuse to publish any query submitted. At least one full name, date and location should be included in each query. Submit queries early; deadline is two months prior to each publishing date.

CONTRIBUTIONS — TVGS does not pay for contributions, but we welcome genealogical material pertaining to the nine North Alabama Tennessee Valley counties. Unusual genealogi­ cal information for the neighboring counties will be considered. Valley Leaves focuses on the years before the turn of the century.

Typed submissions are a must; we prefer sumissions be in ASCII format on an IBM-readable diskette, which can be returned to you on request.

To be considered for publication, manuscripts submitted must have a reliable reference and cannot be based entirely on family legend. We also cannot accept material copied verbatim from books still in print; such references are welcome, however, in footnotes included for clarification of the text. Fair use practice of the copyright laws must be followed.

Valley Leaves is primarily interested in publishing the following types of material:

• Family Bible records. These must include the title page, and if available, the date of publication page [usually the reverse of title page]. • Cemetery readings. These must include cemetery location, directions to find it, and whether the listing is complete, or a certain section. • Southern Claims Commission Records • courthouse records • diaries • church records • military records • minister's records • newspaper items, etc.

BOOKS — Books will be reviewed in Valley Leaves if the author donates a free copy to TVGS. Holdings of TVGS are available to the public in the Heritage Room of the Huntsville Public Library. Quarterlies will be reviewed on receipt of a full volume.

MAILING ADDRESS — Let us know your Change of Address as soon as possible; if an issue is lost in the mail due to an address change, a replacement copy costs $2.00.

SUGGESTIONS — TVGS welcomes suggestions to improve Valley Leaves. Write us about availability of any unusual source material that would enhance future issues. coI TJm H 3 a 2 «•* ** 3 to OS(A = =!(/3 >

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