[North Alabama] Valley Leaves TENNESSEE VALLEY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. QUARTERLY Volume 28, Number 2 December, 1993 Valley Leaves Covering the Tennessee River Valley Counties of North Alabama Published in September, December, March and June ©1993 Price List Each listed volume of Valley Leaves is $15, except those marked t — unlisted volumes are out of print. Volume 13 (1978-79) 200 Pages Volume 18 (1983-84) 200 Pages Volume 23 (1988-89) 200 Pages Volume 28 (1993-94) [current] t Volume 14 (1979-80) 200 Pages Volume 19 (1984-85) 200 Pages Volume 24 (1989-90) 200 Pages fThese volumes are $18.00 Volume 15 (1980-81) 200 Pages Volume 20 (1985-86) 200 Pages Volume 25 (1990-91) 200 Pages Volume 16 (1981-82) 200 Pages Volume 21 (1986-87) 200 Pages Volume 26 (1991-92) 200 Pagest Volume 17 (1982-83) 200 Pages Volume 22 (1987-88) 200 Pages Volume 27 (1992-93) 200 Pagest OTHER PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE Ancestor Charts [V.2/Mar. 1978]—5-generation charts; 153 pages $10.00 Ancestor Charts [V.3/Jan. 1979]—5-generation charts; 153 pages $10.00 Ancestor Charts [V.4/Sept 1989] — 5-generation charts; 182 pages $15.00 Marriages of Morgan County, Ala., 1818-1896-305 pages ©1986 $22.00 Lawrence Co. Alabama 1820 State Census -42 pages ©1976 $10.00 Map of Revolutionary War Patriots Buried in Madison Co., Ala — ©1976 $ 3.00 Grahan, Ann, Compilier: Minutes of Baptist Church...on Paint Rock River andLarkin i*o/fc**[Jackson County, Alabama]-96 pages ©1991 $16.00 Johnson, Dorothy Scott, Compiler: 1907 Confederate Census of Limestone, Morgan & Madison Counties., Alabama - 52 pages; ©1981 $ 8.00 Limestone County 1860 Census — Jerry Todd $ 5.00 Limestone County During World War I — Faye Axford $ 5.00 Limestone County During World War II — Faye Axford $ 7.00 Limestone County Probate Minute Index - Volume 1 $ 8.00 Lime stone County Marriage Book 1832-1862 $12.00 Members and Friends Surname Index $ 6.00 Valley Leaves Special Edition — December 1969—Early History of Madison County $12.00 Wellden, Eulalia Yancey, Compiler: 1840 Limestone County Census —195 pages; © 1987 $15.00 Death Notices from Limestone Co. Ala., Newspapers 1828-1891-226 pages; ©1986 $18.00 All have full-name indexes Membership Dues Fiscal year from July 1 to June 30; individual membership: $18; family membership — $20 TVGS OFFICERS 1993-94 President Howell Sims Editor Elizabeth Powell Crowe 1st Vice-President (programs) Jerry Blevins Historian-Archivist Lois Richardson 2nd Vice-President (membership) Denise Woods Director Alex Luttrell III Treasurer Ann Osborn Lusk Director Patsy McFarlen Recording Secretary Lynn Harris Director Robert L. Meek Corresponding Secretary Sue Bright Richter Director David Milam Committee Chairmen Mailing. Patsy McFarlen & Jimmy Lee Hancock Computers.... .Dick Wall TENNESSEE VALLEY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. O. Box 1568 Huntsville, Al 35807 Valley Leaves Published by the Tennessee Valley Genealogical Society,m Inc., Post Office Box 1568 Huntsville, AL 35807 Table of Contents Volume 28 Number 2 December 1993 Colbert County [Created 1867 from Franklin County] Marriage Records, Book B, 1874-1887 PART 5 51 Franklin County [Created 1818 - a totally burned-out county] The Franklin News Part 5 54 Jackson County [Created 1819 - some early records missing] Jeremiah Walker Florida Indian War of 1837-38 Military Record and Bounty Land Warrant Applications . 58 Jackson County Probate Records 1855-1858 Installment No. 36 63 Lauderdale County [Created 1818] Lauderdale Deed Record A-1 Part 14 65 Lawrence County [Created 1818] Company B, 4th (Roddey's) Alabama Cavalry 69 Limestone County [Created 1818] Births, Deaths and Marriages Abstracted from the Alabama Courier of 1916 Athens, Alabama Part 2 . 74 Deed Book 2,1825-1826 Part 11 78 Madison County [Created 1808 as part of Mississippi Territory] Mississippi Territory Minute Book Superior Court of Law and Equity 1811-1819 80 Solomon Smith Claim 84 Marshall County [Created 1836] Deed: Allen to Garrett 87 Circuit Court & Grand Jury Records Civil Cases Part 8 88 Morgan County [Created 1818] Morgan County Death Records, Book A, 1893-1896 Part 12 90 Simpson Family Bible 95 Book Review 96 Queries 97 Editor's Leaf We have recently received these letters: TVGS: I am enclosing a family group sheet in response to your request...This is the generation of my family that lived in Jackson Co., Ala, in the 1800's. My grandfather Woodliel[?] Thomas Shelton moved to Chattanooga in 1876, where my father, Thomas Lewis Shelton was born in 1890. My parents moved to California soon after their marriage in 1919. All of their children were born in California. I am enjoying learning of my Alabama roots and I appreciate the help I have received from your quarterly. Sincerely, Dorothy Shelton Lowe Rt. 2 Box 252 Templeton, CA 93465 Dear Ms. Crowe: I recently received my latest issue of Valley Leaves. While reading Charles Rice's article, "Company B, 4th (Roddy's) Alabama Cavalry" Part I, I said to myself, "My great grandfather, Jonathan Orr Sheets and his twin John Orr Sheets were in that unit!" Sure enough, after checking my files I was right. Incidentally, my great-great-grandparents did not have too much imagination when they named one twin Jonathan and the other twin John. AND both being in the same unit! Don't you know that drove some sergeants and officers crazy! It threw me too until I remember that John died in Morgan County, Alabama and Jonathan died in Johnston County, Oklahoma. AND the article explained why their widows had trouble receiving their pensions: No company records!!! In 1918 Martha Emily Plant Sheets received $5.00 per month! And, here I go again, T. B. Ponder, mentioned on page 28 at lower left as 1st Seargeant Thomas B. Ponder, was a witness for Louisa Doss Sheets, widow of John. Just thought I would let you know this and how much I enjoy your quarterly. My Bayne and Sheets have DEEP roots in Lawrence and Morgan Counties. After I have read it through three or four times, I donate every copy of Valley Leaves to our local library. Anxiously looking toward your next issue, I remain, Genealogically Yours, Jay D. Bayne 2509 Roger Williams Drive Irving, TX 75601 It's great to know what the members and friends out there think of us!— Libbi Volume 28, Number 2 Colbert County Valley Leaves Colbert County Marriage Records, Book B, 1874-1887 PART 5 Copied and contributed by Leroy Nance. The first marriage book in this county Leaves, Volume 28, Number 1, dated Septem- covered the period from 1867 to 1874. The berl993. second, Book B, covered 1874 to 1887. The following marriages, taken from Book B, are c = colored continued from records published in Valley Groom Bride Solemnized By Page 98 Guthrie, Isaac F. Grisham, Miss Rosa J. 24Decl876 R. A. Speer, MG c Whiteas, James Dowthet, Hettie 28Decl876 W. Northcross, (Douthet on return) MG c Jones, Wyatt Winston, Eley 01Janl877 Wilson Northcross, MG Reid, E. C. Armistead, Mattie H. 03Janl877 Horace Smith (Marth H. Armstrong on return) Page 99 Kimbrough, James O. Lathem, Miss Mary F. 07Janl877 W. H. Vessell, MG Nickells, Samuel Quillen, Mrs. S. C, 09Janl877 Wm. McCormack, JP c Randolph, John West, Harriett HJanl877 M. T. Turner, MG c Carter, Willis Carlock, Frances HJanl877 John N. Green, JP Page 100 Densmore, William D. Hall, Miss Lucy A 17 1877 Woodford N. (Applied 17Janl877) Lemay, MG c Rutland, Kerney Love, Verny 19Decl876 W. Northcross, (Verra?, Vena? on return) MG 51 Valley Leaves Colbert County Volume 28, Number 2 Duncan, John Welch, Miss Elizabeth 26Novl877 Alex Basden, JP (Applied 23Novl876) Williams, Charles W. Alexander, Miss Mollie C. 21Decl876 Jno. B. Stevenson, MG Page 101 Williams, C. H. Hughs, Miss S. F. 17Decl876 Jas. H. Srygley, JP Hamilton, George W. Hughs, Martha E. 19Decl876 J. H. Srygley, JP c Bond, Ed Bankhead, Harriett 18Janl877 Abram Goodloe, MG White, William Dickerson, Louisa 22Janl877 P. N. G. Rand, JP Page 102 Beasley, Robert Boling, Mrs Malinda 24Janl877 John L. Willis, M Devany, Francis M. Hearn(?), Miss Sarah Ann 30Janl877 Wm. S. Gray, JP {Herren(?) on return} c Hill, Charlie Dickson, Dinah 27Janl877 Bolin King, MG c Prewitt, Clement Spear, Millie 28Febl877 Bolin King, MG Page 103 The following is the first record on Page 103. Look at the two records following this one for more information about this first record. It is obvious there was a mix-up. A wrong marriage return was posted to this record. The application for this record as shown in the original marriage book is as follows: Flanikin, Frederc P. Alexander, Miss Mary K. (Application date 29 J an 1877) The marriage return posted to this first record is as follows: c Peeden, John Kirk, Mintie 01Febl877 Wilson Northcross, MG The SECOND record on Page 103 is as follows: c Peeden, John Kirk, Mintie (Applied 3 Uanl877) There was no marriage return posted to this second record. Byexamining the return which was posted to the first record on this page, it seems clear that John Peeden and Mintie Kirk 52 Volume 28, Number 2 Colbert County Valley Leaves were married on 01Febl877. The marriage record of the couple named in the first record on this page is shown below in the third record. The THIRD record on Page 103 follows: Flanikin, Fredrick P. Alexander, Miss Mary K. 30Janl877 R. W. Berry, MG The FOURTH record follows: Smith, Osker U. South, J. L 190ctl876 Mike Finey, MG Page 104 c Newsom, Ed Malone, Jane 260ctl876 Pastor Harry Fogg, MG c Hogun, Jacob Byrd, Caroline 01Febl877 Simon Moore, MG Rutland, Hugh W. Goodloe, Miss Sallie L 09Decl876 Horace P.
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