International Webinar on “Railway-University Link: Railway Research and Education Outlook“, Thursday, 21 January’2021 Education, Research and Collaboration in Railway Signalling, Control and Automation Yul Yunazwin Nazaruddin, Prof. Chair of Instrumentation and Control Research Group, ITB Senior Research Fellow of the National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology (NCSTT) e-mail :
[email protected] OUTLINE 1. Graduate Program in Instrumentation and Control with Specialization in Railway Signalling, Control and Automation 2. Research Activities and Collaboration in Railway Signaling, Control and Automation 3. Collaboration with Research and Development Agency, MoT 2 Program Studi Magister Instrumentasi dan Kontrol, ITB, 2020 Graduate Program Master in Instrumentation and Control with special concentration in Railway Signalling, Control and Automation in collaboration with : Faculty of Industrial Technology Institut Teknologi Bandung 3 Master Program in Instrumentation & Control (I&C) • Master Program in Instrumentation dan Control (I&C) is a graduate program in the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (FTI ITB). • Established in 1991, this Program has produced more than hundreds of graduates who are currently working in various universities, industry, institutions / R&D. 4 Master Program in Instrumentation & Control (I&C) • Objectives of the Program “to produce qualified graduates with masters Dozens of graduates have obtained Doctorate degrees and are currently competency level who have the ability pursuing