Notes, Sources, Index Notes
Notes, Sources, Index Notes Chapter 1 1. De Jonghe wrote widely on African religion and ethnology, and his views on "secret societies" and ethnological theory are found condensed in the following works: Les sociétés secrètes au Bas-Congo (Bruxelles, 1907); "Les sociétés secrètes en Afrique," Semaine d'Ethnologie Religieuse Ser. 3 ( 1923); "Formations récents de sociétés secrètes au Congo Belge," Africa 9, no. 1 (1936): 56-63. Unless otherwise indicated, the review of works is drawn from De Jonghe's 1923 article. 2. H. Schurtz, Altersklassen und Männerbünde (Berlin, 1902). 3. S. Freud, Totem and Taboo (New York, 1950). See especially the introduction for explicit mention of this influence. 4. W. Wundt, Völkerpsychologie, 10 vols. (Leipzig, 1910-20). 5. A. Kuper, Anthropologists and Anthropology: The British School 1922-72 (New York, 1973), p. 24. 6. J. Frazer, The Golden Bough, 2 vols. (London, 1890); Totemism and Exogamy, 4 vols. (London, 1910). 7. A. Van Gennep, Les rites de passage (Paris, 1909). 8. L. Frobenius, Die Masken und Geheimbünde (Halle, 1898). 9. K. Laman, The Kongo, III (Uppsala, 1962), p. 67. 10. F. Gräbener, "Kulturkreise und Kulturschichten in Ozeanien," Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 37 (1905): 84-90. 11. De Jonghe, Les sociétés secrètes au Bas-Congo. 12. De Jonghe, "Les sociétés secrètes en Afrique." 13. De Jonghe, "Formations récents de sociétés secrètes." 14. J. Van Wing, Etudes BaKongo (Bruxelles, 1959), pp. 426-508. 15. L. Bittremieux, La société secrète des Bakhimba au Mayombe (Bruxelles, 1936). 16. V. Turner, Drums of Affliction (Oxford, 1968), p. 15. 17. Certainly E.E. Evans-Pritchard's classic Witchcraft, Oracles, and Magic among the Azande (Oxford, 1937) set the tone for recognition of a system of explanation of misfortune and the means of dealing with it Recent regional studies in Bantu-speaking Africa that illuminate the general lines of this system include the following: from Tanzania, M.L.
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