Accrented Secondaryschools The
I Ammons 0...... DEPARTMENTOF THEINTEr BUREAUOFEDUCATiON - 11* A BULLETIN,1928, No;26 .0" a ACCRENTEDSECONDARYSCHOOLS a THE UNITEDa STATES . , , e/ .7 , - 6 PREPARED IN THE DIVISION'OFSTATISTICS FRANKM. :* PAIRSr , CHiEF . 4 11 t ep OP A I. s 1%. ,.. wr . 40 4 a f .10 v. e 4 . Jw .4. ,., - * mi 4i e.- ILINITEDSTATES A GOVERNMENTPRibffINGOFFICE V.! WAiHINGTON:1929 . 141. t t. - . , t - i. P Mg. 4. %. 4 =a -a P -5 e a z 4 e. ./ ADDITIONALCOPIES 44 OF THIN PUBLICATIONMAT REPROCURED FROM TR EM1PERINTENDENT OFIXNU M ENT8 e U.B.GOVIMNMIIINTPRINTING OFFICE r: WASHINGTON, D.C. AT 20 CEITS PERCOPY e ONI ç. 49 I 0 g f. e 41. 0 -4 4 e 4 s .4 I) SP Ir f. N4i fit O . I e I. .1 161, r v *,!714, r I 4:4;;i1 [2 ta....4,121; . I .1r-2. - .` 1 . 459226 411` PUG 23 1938 %AbRa L , (e sr. Ti71).-8* 2:29 ),-74°Zt. ilex+ Pow"' 79_ .. 46, die e CON'tENTS 8 44 a a % L. Letteroftransmittal Page , i v Accreditedsecondaryischooldefined , _, 2 Unitdefined...-' _ Variatio'nsinrequirements pf . ,ii 2 accreditingagencies__ _ 3 Methodscifaccrediting , . Divisions'of 4 the bulletin , 1 Part 7 I.Statelists .. Part 4,. ___ 8 11.Listsofschoolsaccreditedby variousassociations . Commission 110 of the. ,Association of Collegsand. SecondarySclioolsof theSouthern Stales Association 110 . of CollegesandSecondary Schoolsof theMiddleStates , . I and Marylind .. a 117 NewEnglandCòllege Entrance.CeetificateBoard _ 121 .NorthCentralAssociation , of Collegesand SecondarySchools, 127 NorthwestAssociationof Secondaryand Higher 9 Schools_ ___ _ ., 141 p. 1zu a "" 4 a. is a A r. V, s ttk) V .LETTEROFTRANSMITTAL ci .
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