Vol. 2, Nos. 9-10 January-February, 1915 Ten Cents TheWestern Comrade "And shall ye rule, O kings, O strong men? Nay! Waste all ye will and gather all ye may. Yet one thing is there that ye shall not slay— Even Thought, that fire nor iron can affright.'''' —Swinburne . The Western Comrade ELKSKIN BOOTS and SHOES BSH Factory operated in connection with Llano Del Rio Colony Men's 10-inch boots. $6.00 Men's 12-inch boots. 7.00 IDEAL Men's 15-inch boots. 8.00 FOOTWEAR Ladies' 10-inch boots 5.00 For Ranchers and Outdoor Men Ladies' 14-inch boots 5.50 Men's Elk shoes. 4.00 Ladies ' Elk shoes . 3.50 Infants ' Elk shoes, The famous Clifford Elkskin Shoes are lightest and 1 to 5 1.50 Child's Elk shoes, 5 easiest for solid comfort ana will outwear three pairs to 8 1.75 Child's Elk shoes, of ordinary shoes. 81/2 to 11 2.25 We cover all lines from ladies,' men's Misses' and Youths, llVo to 2 2-50 and children's button or lace in light handsome patterns to the high boots for mountain, hunting, ranching or desert wear. Almost indestructible. Send in your orders by mail. Take measurement according to instructions. Out of town shoes made immediately on receipt of order. Send P. O. order and state whether we shall forward by mail or express. Place stocking foot on paper, drawing pencil SALES DEPARTMENT around as per above il- lustration. Pass tape around at lines with- out drawing Llano del Rio Company tight. Give size usually worn. 922 Higgins Building, Los Angeles, Cal. •. »•• -••••• t ? CONTENTS Design from "The Masses." Drawing by Charles A. Winter Cover "The Iron Cross." (Frontispiece) Page 4 "Duggan." By A. F. Gannon Page 9 "The Madness of Capitalism." By Charles Ed- ward Russell Page 11 "The Outlook in Europe." By George D. Herron....Page 12 "Who Are the Ignorant Laborers?" By Mila Tupper Maynard Page 14 "Strangling by The State." By Clarence Darrow....Page 15 "Deadwood." (Poem.) By Edgcumb Pinchon Page 16 "Organized Capital Seeks Control." By Geo. W. Downing Page 17 "Socialism and War." By Morris Hillquit Page 18 "Red Ink Uxtra Bunk" Page 19 "Who's Fighting and Why?" By Homer Constantine Page 19 "The Purpose of Socialism." By Carl D. Thompson..Page 20 1 i "The Sentence." By Charlotte Perkins Gilman Page 21 i "Why Andrew Is Merry" Page 22 "Folly of the Fixed Idea" Page 22 "When the End Comes" Page 22 "To Be Kind Is to Die" Page 23 "The Breadline" Page 23 "Seven Months' Progress at Llano del Rio" Page 24 "Hypocrisy and the War." By W. J. Ghent Page 28 "War Brides." By Samuel C. Meyerson..... Page 29 "Reichstag Rebellion" Page 29 "Poems of the Revolt" Page 30 "Need of the Hour." By Joshua Wanhope Page 32 "The Menace of Child Labor" Page 33 "Last Line of Defense." By William E. Bohn Page 33 "Fear of Russian Invasion." By Thomas C. Hall, D. D Page 34 "Original Sin." By Luke North Page 36 "The Great Socialist." By Max Eastman Page 36 "What Is Socialism?" By Jessie Wallace Hughan, Ph. D Page 37 "Crisis of the Hour." By A. M. Simons Page 38 "The Poor Savage of Civilization" Page 39 "Worship Up to Date." By Upton Sinclair Page 40 "A Christian Audience" Page 40 ••*•• •«•-••-• " ' H»t i»ii« n .•«..«. .«..» m i The Western Comrade The Iron Cross in Belgium The Western Comrade Devoted to the Cause of the Workers Political Action Co-operation Direct Action VOL. II LOS ANGELES, CAL., JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1915 NUMBER 9-10 Valle Rio del Llano Looking South From Dam Site on Big Rock Creek, Llano del Rio Colony CURRENT COMMENT By Frank E. Wolfe WHILE the European war has occupied the have come to believe so profoundly in "land and down-stage position to the all but ob- liberty" that they are fighting \ipon that issue ir- literation of other news, the fighting in Mexico respective of military leaders and ambitious politi- again forces its way into the spotlight. Out of the cians who seek to divert their attention. garbled news in the daily newspapers one may pick Carranza made no pretense of carrying out the from day to day grains of truth. Judging from program to free the land and he will go the way of these reports, there is no inclination on the part of his numerous predecessors who have failed either in Villa, who has long been the dominant factor in the courage or understanding. struggle, to yield to any side-tracking issues. He In the meantime the average xVmerican reads the holds the question of land monopoly paramount and vapid newspaper comment on the Mexican struggle for years he has led his hordes of "sandlefeet" into and smiles at the stupid cartoons, and goes his way battle Math the cry "Tierra y Libertad!" as ignorant of the actual conditions of the cause of These peons have learned their lesson well. They the revolt as he was three years ago. The Western Comrade BEAUTIFUL conspiracy was thwarted when entitled "Danger" and it appears the admiral is A the European war swept millions of peasants willing to follow out the English author's sugges- out of their fields and rushed them, into the trenches tion. In the meantime, one after another of Eng- or into military camps of both warring and so-called land's dreadnaughts is finding a berth with Davy peaceful powers. Steamship agents had been busily Jones in the bottom of the sea. engaged for a year in selling, on the installment plan, < tickets to California and other coast states, via the HOW many persons realize the universal insolv- Panama Canal. Two hundred thousand immigrants ency of the banks of the world? In England were to reach California inside of the year. A mil- the disillusionment came when for more than a week lion more were to follow in the next few years. prior to the declaration of war every British bank There are in California today 150,000 unemployed suspended payment and virtually acknowledged in- men. The number has been regularly rounded out solvency. This even included the Bank of England, by the closing down of seasonal industries. On a "the Gibraltar of Theadneedle Street." recent trip I saw in scores of roadside camps many The helpless condition of British banks continued hundreds of blanket stiffs who would eagerly go to until the government came to the rescue with the work if given an opportunity. In Los Angeles they only remedy, and the one that should be made perma- crowd together at the Municipal Employment Bureau nent—that is, the substitution of the national credit and at other private agencies and block the streets for the unsound and illusive gold basis. and line the curbs all day long. A call for 500 job- If the people of England and America had the bers at "six bits a day and cakes" to work in war sense to profit by this lesson and take advantage and mob scenes for the motion picture producers of it, the war, despite its wrong and its horror, will usually cause a riot. Add to this a couple of hun- have done infinite good. dred thousand of European peasants and a few thou- <Z+ * * sand more ragheads and we will have a situation ALTHOUGH they are suffering terribly in the that at first will be very much to the liking of the trenches, the German soldiers are sticking to Otis-Hearst outfit, but later will be likely to prove their task Avith a doggedness that is perhaps char- serious if not disastrous to the entire exploiting acteristic of the Teuton. Slowed down, worn and class. weary, the men have lost the keen edge that char- That this immigration plot will be revived at acterized their first fierce onslaught, but they are the conclusion of the European conflict no one will more than holding their own in the east and west. question. Hordes of hungry and homeless men will Prussian militarism was a stronger machine than flock to America and they will work for any wage. was supposed by the blithesome Britishers who went Exploiters of labor will welcome them to mill and forth to destroy the army of the mad Kaiser. Eng- ranch and Americans will be displaced. land must brace up and fight for her life. Conscrip- In the meantime our wise statesmen are prattling tion is inevitable, and conscription will start riots about protection of cotton and steel and hogs. Any and untold troubles, but it must come. The colonies discussion of plans to free a few million acres of must send vast numbers to fill the ranks decimated monopolized lands? Not yet. That would presup- by wounds, exposure and disease and death. brain pose power, and there isn 't any ! In the spring, when the Germans make the next *: onward rush, a great army will be needed to check GUAM) ADMIRAL VON TIRPITS is so elated them. Germany is as determined to crush England over the success of the German submarines as the Britons are determined to destroy Prussian that he declares the plan to blockade England will be military power. pushed with great vigor. Up to this time Germany has had all the better Conan Doyle first suggested the plan in a story of the struggle. Germany is fighting Russia, Eng- ! The Western Comrade land, France, Belgium, Servia, Portugal and Japan, that will strike terror to the hearts of the British and within a short time Italy will be conducting a land monopolists.
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