INTERMEDIALITY AND MEDIA CHANGE JUHA HERKMAN TAISTO HUJANEN PAAVO OINONEN (eds.) INTERMEDIALITY AND MEDIA CHANGE Copyright 2012 Tampere University Press ja tekijät Bookshop TAJU Street Address: Kalevantie 5 P.O.Box 617 33014 University of Tampere tel. +358 40 190 9800 fax +358 3 2159009
[email protected] Layout / Page design Maaret Kihlakaski Cover Mikko Reinikka ISBN 978-951-44-8962-4 (print) ISBN 978.951-44- 8963-1 (pdf) Tampereen Yliopistopaino Oy – Juvenes Print Tampere 2012 Contents Acknowledgements .............................................................. 7 Juha Herkman 1. Introduction: Intermediality as a Theory and Methodology ....................................... 10 I ABOUT MEDIA AND MEDIATION: RELEVANCE OF THE CONCEPT OF A MEDIUM .. 29 Mikko Lehtonen 2. Media: One or Many? ..................................................... 31 Arild Fetveit 3. The Concept of Medium in the Digital Era ..................... 45 Raimo Salokangas 4. The Media – Material for Historical Studies, and a Research Object ... 72 II INTERMEDIALITY IN DISCOURSES ABOUT MEDIA CHANGE ...................... 91 Taisto Hujanen 5. The Discursive Transformation of Television and the Paradox of Audiovisualisation .......... 93 Hannu Salmi 6. Intermediality in the Visions of ‘World Television’ in the 1970s: A Cultural Historical Approach .................. 118 Seppo Kangaspunta and Taisto Hujanen 7. Intermediality in User’s Discourses about Digital Television ................................................... 145 III INTERMEDIAL ANALYSES OF MEDIA CHANGE .. 171 Paavo Oinonen 8. Intermedial Hosting in the Making: A Case from Finnish 1960s Television ............................. 173 Maiju Kannisto 9. Dancing with the Media: Finnish Case Study of Intermedial Strategies in the Media Event ................... 193 Marko Ala-Fossi 10. Digital Divergence of Terrestrial Broadcasting Systems in Europe .................................... 214 IV CHANGE OF MEDIA INSTITUTIONS AND PROFESSIONS: CONTINUITIES AND DISCONTINUITIES ........