Lecture Dedication
Lecture Dedication To the memory of my father, Manoutchehr Mirza Eskandari (Kadjar) (1919-1983), aristocrat and romantic extraordinaire; and to my wife, Fariba, and children, Amir-Hamsa and Yasmin. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS When writing anything that requires more than what one carries in one's head, one relies heavily upon, and inevitably imposes a great deal on, people for whom one does little in return. It is therefore appropriate and proper to thank them profusely for their generosity and good will, in the hope that this small gesture would make up for all the trouble they put themselves through to get one to this point. I say "hope," knowing full well that their kindness cannot be repaid fully, not even in multiple pages of thank yous. As no man is an island and no one really is self-made, gratitude is, first and foremost, due to all those who, over the years with their tireless efforts, have made it possible for this speaker to be able to say and do the things he has said and done. Thus thanks is first due to my parents and, second, to all my teachers-too many to name them all-and to all those I have learned from. They all taught me how to walk, intellectually, and I hope that the result is not disappointing to them! Next, I wish to thank my wife, Fariba. She is and has been my guiding light, keeping me on a steady course and an even keel, despite myself. Without her, none of this would be possible. For the innumerable little and big things she does daily, and will keep on doing because of who she is, my boundless gratitude is owed as a minuscule repayment for a debt that cannot ever be paid; not even in part.
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