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PERSONALITIES in ROMANIAN HISTORY (15Th - 20Th Centuries) Dr SECTION HISTORY PERSONALITIES IN ROMANIAN HISTORY (15th - 20th centuries) dr. Ioan DAMASCHIN, Liga Navală Română Great Romanian Princes, benefactors of the Holy Mount Athos. Saint Stefan the Great - benefactor of the Zographou Monastery dr. Mariana LAZĂR, Muzeul Național Cotroceni Prince Neagoe Basarab, „about the mother of my ancestor” - a political model for prince Şerban Cantacuzino dr. Cristina GUDIN, Facultatea de Istorie, Universitatea București Tudor Vladimirescu or the man who defied the impossible dr. Ligia LIVADĂ-CADESCHI, Facultatea de Științe Politice, Universitatea București Less well-known aspects of Mihail Kogălniceanu's social thinking. Social assistance and the eradication of begging dr. Viorella MANOLACHE, Institutul de Științe Politice și Relații Internaționale „Ion I. C. Brătianu”, Academia Română From/In the gallery of the founding fathers of Romania: Simion Bărnuțiu dr. Cristian-Ion POPA, Institutul de Științe Politice și Relații Internaționale „Ion I. C. Brătianu” Ion C. Brătianu – a „founding father” of modern Romania dr. Liviu BRĂTESCU, Institutul de Istorie „A.D. Xenopol”, Iași King Carol I and the end of a political regime (1887-1889) dr. Sorin Sebastian DUICU, Academia Oamenilor de Ştiinţă din România Gratitude and Dedication to the „The One who Made the Country Whole”, for „Missy” and those on the Front Line Ana Maria BONCIU, cercetător independent Queen Mary's role in the Great War from a literary and publishing perspective dr. Cristina VOHN, Institutul de Științe Politice și Relații Internaționale „Ion. I. C. Brătianu”, Academia Română Ion I. C. Brătianu - the last great Romanian reformer dr. Delia BĂLĂICAN, Biblioteca Academiei Române Vintilă Brătianu's vision of the „public vote” dr. Dumitru PREDA, Fundația Europeană Titulescu Nicolae Titulescu - a life in the service of Romania 80 years after his passing into eternity dr. Mirela Daniela TÎRNĂ, Arhivele Naționale ale României King Mihai – childhood and adolescence dr. Alina PAVELESCU, dr. Cristian ANIȚA, Arhivele Naționale ale României Antoine Bibescu and Corcova Estate - Sources of a Biographical Research dr. Irina CÎRSTINA, Complexul Național Muzeal ,,Curtea Domnească” Târgoviște Family portrait: Constantin Dimitriu (1872-1945), outstanding personality of Romania's political and cultural life dr. Corina ANDREI, Complexul Național Muzeal ,,Curtea Domnească” Târgoviște King Carol II of Romania during the opening day of Dobrești Hydropower Plant, in Dambovita County CULTURAL PERSONALITIES dr. Maria CERNAT, Universitatea „Titu Maiorescu” Sofia Nădejde - important personality of Romanian culture dr. Ian BROWNE, cercetător independent On the heights of Nietzsche’s despair – Cioran’s misreading of Nietzsche dr. Doru TOMPEA, Universitatea „Petre Andrei” din Iași A devoted intellectual: Petre Andrei REFORMS OF MODERN ROMANIA (19th - 20th centuries) dr. Ioana DRĂGULIN, Muzeul Național Cotroceni Romanian and Romania in the autochthonous culture during the creation of the modern state (1859-1920) dr. Aurelian Virgil BĂLUŢĂ, Universitatea Spiru Haret Management of public finances and the national economy during the Constitutional Monarchy in Romania (1866-1947) dr. Simion CÂLȚIA, Facultatea de Istorie, Universitatea București Opposition to modernization. Case study - the failure of tram electrification under the mayor Barbu Delavrancea dr. Ștefania DINU, Muzeul Național Cotroceni The reforms of Greater Romania: the agrarian reform of 1921 lect.univ.dr. Mihai GHIŢULESCU, Universitatea din Craiova, Departamentul de Istorie, Ştiinţe Politice şi Relaţii Internaţionale Five Electoral Reform Projects in Interwar Romania drd. Gabriel DOLINSCHI, Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative Short history of the elections - universal vote, the basis of democracy in inter-war Romania 1918-1937 Cătălin MANEA, Muzeul Național Cotroceni Situation of the land ownership of the Romanian state after the agrarian reform of 1921 dr. Andrei Florin SORA, Facultatea de Istorie, Universitatea București A Long-Awaited Law: The 1923 „Statute” of Civil Servants drd. Dacian VASINCU, Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative Evolution or parliamentary involution - comparison between the first Parliament of Romania after the Great Union of 1918 and the current parliamentarism dr. Jănel TĂNASE, Academia Forțelor Aeriene „Henri Coandă” Cristian MANOLACHI, Statul Major al Forțelor Aeriene Air battle for the liberation of Basarabia. First day of war of the air combat group - 22nd of june 1941 INTERBELIC EUROPE – EVOLUTION DIRECTIONS IN POLITICAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PLAN dr. Mihai MILCA, Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative Great Romania - historical opportunities and geopolitical challenges in the post- Trianon period (extensive borders, massive demographic influxes, political- institutional and administrative reconfigurations, ethnic minorities with irredentist pretensions, security tensions in the surrounding areas) dr. Angelo CHIELLI, Universitatea „Aldo Moro”, Bari, Italia Hermann Heller's interpretation of fascism dr. Sabin DRĂGULIN, Universitatea „Petre Andrei”, Iași Petre Andrei and the analysis of fascism dr. Ursula OLLENDORF, Universitatea „Aldo Moro” din Bari Germany in the period between the two Great Wars dr. Fabrizio FIUME, Universitatea „Aldo Moro” din Bari The prologue. Antonio Gramsci and Fordism in the reformulation of European society: value system and organisation of work and politics. A new prologue to the history of the twentieth century? dr. Florian RĂPAN, Universitatea Creştină „Dimitrie Cantemir” Geopolitics of Romania in Interwar Europe dr. Luminița KOHALMI, Universitatea Creștină „Dimitrie Cantemir” București Romania's security policy in the period between the First and Second World War - collective security dr. Alda KUSHI, Universitatea, „Aldo Moro” din Bari Albania between the two World Wars drd. Giulia CHIELLI, Universidad de Granada The anomalous fascism of the Iron Guard SECTION VALUES OF THE NATIONAL CULTURAL Heritage dr. Ioan OPRIȘ, Universitatea Valahia, Târgoviște From Malraux's museum and Vergo's new museology to the telemuseum MEDIEVAL CULTURAL HERITAGE dr. Ginel LAZĂR, Muzeul Național de Istorie a României Spiritual, cultural and heritage identities surprised in the work carried out by Nicodemus from Tismana in the medieval Romanian space arhim. dr. Policarp CHIȚULESCU, Biblioteca Sfântului Sinod New Romanian testimonies from abroad dr. Oana-Mădălina POPESCU, Biblioteca Academiei Române Daniil the Hermit - mentioned as a saint in heritage documents from the 17th-18th centuries Mihai-Alex OLTEANU, Muzeul Mitropolitan Iași Russian silverwork from the imperial period in the collection of the Mitropolitan Museum Iași: craftsmen, workshops and companies dr. Șarolta SOLCAN, Facultatea de Istorie, Universitatea București Abandoned heritage monuments: wooden churches ARTISTS - COLLECTIONS - COLLECTORS dr. Elisabeta NEGRĂU , Institutul de Istoria Artei „G. Oprescu” The portraits of Prince Ioannis Giorgios Karatzas dr. Carmen TĂNĂSOIU, Muzeul Național de Artă al României Gems and cameos from the collection of the National Art Museum of Romania Livia GEORGESCU, Muzeul Național Cotroceni Diverse and striking artistic visions in the ceramic’s decoration of the Cotroceni National Museum (19th - 20th centuries). The message of the true and mythological symbol drd. Macrina OPROIU, Muzeul Național Peleș Royal gardens of Sinaia (1919-1930) dr. Cristian SCĂICEANU, Banca Națională a României The king Carol II and the imperforated postage stamps issued during his reign (1930- 1940) Monica LAZĂR, Muzeul Național al Literaturii Române The Cezar Papacostea Collection from the heritage/patrimony of the National Museum of Romanian Literature in Bucharest Mădălina-Ioana MANOLACHE, Muzeul de Artă Populară „Dr. N. Minovici”, Muzeul Municipiului București Inventor and entrepreneur: Dumitru Tache Brumărescu and a new look at his activity dr. Adriana DUMITRAN, Biblioteca Națională a României A photographer of Romanian heritage - engineer Stelian Petrescu drd. Felicia RAETZKY, Muzeul Municipiului București Medrea 1944 retrospective - a highlighting exhibition in times of uncertainty dr. Florin GEORGESCU, Muzeul Național de Istorie a României Symbols of anti-totalitarian resistance found in the fine art collection of the National Museum of History of Romania dr. Mihaela TOADER, Institutul de Investigare a Crimelor Comunismului și Memoria Exilului Românesc Romanian Library in Freiburg. Cultural and spiritual heritage of Romanians in Germany drd. Gabriela BALABAN, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea București Idel Ianchelevici at Bucharest Adrian Silvan IONESCU, Institutul de Istoria Artei „G. Oprescu” Silvan and politicians: the last decade of the creation of a Romanian portraitist (1989-1999) dr. Mădălina NIŢELEA, Muzeul Național Cotroceni An interpretation of the cultural heritage of the Cotroceni National Museum, at the anniversary time drd. Lucica BRAD - PARASCHIVESCU, Facultatea de Istorie, Universitatea București Ethnographic landmarks of the textile heritage from the village Mărgău RESTORATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE dr. Ioana Lidia ILEA , Muzeul Național Cotroceni Competence criteria for professionals in restoration and conservation according to the occupational standards Gabriela ROTARU, Muzeul Național al Literaturii Române Restoration of the „Minei for April”, 19th century, in the collections of the National Museum of Romanian Literature in Bucharest Oana PĂCURARIU, Muzeul Național al Literaturii Române „Minaion for June”, 1852.
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