MARCH-APRIL,1999 Vol.11, No. 2 {78)

Suppcrtedby the vcluntarycontributions of its readers Republicationpermitted upon acknowledgment of source

The staffof 'Church lVews"offers hearfelt greetings to all their readerson the radiantdays of the great Feastof Feasfs, Holy Pascha,and extendsw.sfies to atl that fhesedays be spentin spkitualjoy and gaod hea{th.


CHURCHNEWS 639 Center $treet Oradell,NJ, 07679-2003USA Tel: 20'l-967-7684 1


I greetall the childrenof the RussianOrthodox Church Outside Russia en thisfestlval of festivals,cn thet"Day", out of all the daysin the year,'khich the Lordhath made." At Paschatime disappears, for time is a greatmystery, not a calendar,because Christ is Risennot 1999years ago, but now,today, on our OrthodoxPascha. This is not someihingwe have imagined,not a dreamor an emotional feeling,but a spiritualreality, whieh no calendarcan fit intothe constraintsof its divisionsand calculations. At the timeof the final resurrection,all will rise up fromtheir graves and will enterinto the eternalPascha with Christ,with indescribable rejoicing and beatitude * allwho havepassed this short life worthily and in a Christianway. Mywish for all of you is thatyou will enterinto this eiernai Pascha with Christ in His HeaveniyKingdom. MetropolitenVitaiy Christ'sPascha. vear 1999

PA$CHALEPISTLE OF I.I!SEMINENCE VALENTINE, A.RCHBISHOP CF SUZDALAND VLADIMIR TO THEGOD LOVING FLOCK OF THE CHRISTIS RISEN! "Todaydoth every creature rejoice and shout for joy. For Christis risen.and Hellis led in captivity"

On this all joyfulday all the Orthodoxworld celebrates Christ's Resurrection. He is our purifyingPascha, eternal Fascha,the livingsacrifice. Christ the Lambof Godwas doomed to be slaughteredfrom the first daysof His life.There wasa searchto kiltHim and what Herod did not succeedin doing,the mostevil deicides finished. Greatwas the sadness,unspeakable were the sufteringsof the HolyApostles and the Myrrh-bearingWomen duringthe daysof crucifixion,sunering and the deathof our LcrdJesus Chrisi. But the cloucisof spiritualsaciness anci aganizinggrief, which hung aver Golgotha, dispersed before the brillianirays of Christ'sResurrection. Togetherwith the stonewhich was pu*hedfrom door of the Sepulchre,the stoneof griefand hopelessdespair -_,,alsowas liftedfrom the soulsand heartsof the weepingand scbbingloyal followers of Christand theirsculs and hearts haaamoirrr rminarr by joy anCcelebratlon. This is namelythe joy for whichHoly Church prays: "O, Christthe Lordl Fill our heartswith gladness and joyr." To ali the endsof the worldthe disciplesof Christbrrought and carried the newsof the NewChrist's Pascha, God's saving Pascha. A multitudeof nationswent through face of the world,like a disastrouswhirlwind rushed the wars,empires and civilizationswere swept aside, taking one anothefs place, but the resurrectionof Christremains alive for ageslongevity. Togetherwith the Angeis and the Apostles, together with the Myrrh-bearingWomen and the hostsof the ,we again have a feelingcf renewedlife and rush towardthe Sepulcherof the Life-giverin order to witnesswith pure heartsthai Christis Risen.Ancj this is the basisof ourfaith, our lifeand hope. Todaywe are forgiven,redeemed and saved. And all of us exclaim:"Christ is Risen!" And theseare the very samewords of the Angeiwho appearedto the Myrrh-bearingWomen ai ihe SavioursSepulchre. These are the worcls 'And whiehhe orderedthem to repeatto the Apostles: go quickiy,and tell his diseiplesthat he is risenfrom the dead." 'All {Mt.28: 7} Andwhen ihey wer.e going to the Apostles,Christ Himself met them on theirway anci said: hail!" And the hcly Myrrh-bearingWomen worshipped Christ with joy and exaltationand rushedto the Apostlesand "told all these thingsunto the eleven,and to allthe rest." And so thisjoyful news, this Paschalgreeting, went from mouth to mouth,went through two millenniaand all the nationsand bir nowwith the greatestjoy is announcedalso by our mouths!The HolyEvangelist Luke relates to us how the secondpart of today'sgreeting also appeared: "Truly He is Risen!"When Luke and Cleopasretumed from Emmaus, they greetedthe Apostleswith the words,"Christ is Risen!"and they answered:"The Lord is risen indeed,"in other words,truly risen" {l-uke 24: 34). ln this way when hurryingtoday to the ehurch,which on this holy night representsthe very same Sepulchrein whichwas the Lord'sgrave and when hearingat the doors of the churchas if beforethe rolledaside stoneof the tomb, "Christis risen!"and answering,"Truly risen!" we are not only the witnesses,but also participantsin the greatestof mysteries,Christ's Resunecticn, a "feaet of feasts anci celebrationof celebrations." Thus. see how great is today's holidayand howprecious and life-givingis oi:r participationin it. And therefore"with joy let us embraceone another." Throughus, thie salvific and alljoyful news wiil be carriedto ali the nationsthrough the future ages. -i But will ihoseages and nationseorne to be? You knowthat thoseto whomthere is nothingmore frightening than the newsof the Resurrectionof Christalso rush to the Sepulchre!With feverishfright beforethe first ray of Lightwhich shonefrom the darknessof the Sepulchre,they are in a huny to block the entrancewith a stone,to seal it, to place a guardon watch... 2

They rush to block the heavenlybrightness of Truth from the humanheart with absurdmotives of materiaiistic - ,,spectersof profitableearthly life and, since no onecan seala heart,will sealthe forehead and right hand. I considerit to be my pastoralduty to remindto you of the warningsof the Apostles:"This know also, that in the lastdays perilous times shall come. For men shall be loversof theirown selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedientto parents,unthanKul, unholy, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisersof those,who are good,traitors." Those are the heirsof Herod,a unsuccessfuldeicide, and the othergod- fighters,beginning with Judas,Annas, Caiaphas, Simon the Magician,Arias down to the contemporaryapostates from .They are those, who in thefuture age will be placedon the leftside, of the TerribleLast Judgement of Christ, whenthe sheepwill be separatedfrom the goats.They are those,who in a fuiureage will not inheritsalvation, but will inheritages icng condemnation and Gehenna, full of fire. "Andwhc worshipsthe beastand his image,and whosoever receiveth the markof his name...shall drink of the winecf the wrathof God,which is pauredcut withoutmixture i:'rto the cup of his indignaticn...and he shallbe tormented withfire and hrimstonein the presenceof holyangels, and in the presenceof the Lamb. And the smokeof thelrtorment ascendethfor everand ever:and theyhave no restday nor night,whc worshipthe beastand his imageand whosoever receiveththe markof his name"(Rev. 14: 1A-11). 'And he {thebeast) causeth all, bothsmall and great.rich and poor,free and bond,to receivea markon their righthand, or on theirforeheads: And that no manmight buy or sell,save he thathad the mark,or the nameof the beast, or the numberof his name....Let him that hathunderstanding count the numberof the beast.for it is the numberof a man;and the numberis six hundredthreescore and six"{Rev. 13: 16-18). Until"the manof sin,the son of perdition"is revealed,we may not positivelystate that this is the actualseal. But no doubt,this is a step in that direction. Every Christianhas alreadyreceived a seal on his ioreheadand handsat - this is the seal of the Hoiy Spirit- and therecan be no othersealfor a Christian. Thereis still time to listenta the Lord'swcids, "Cqmeout of her, my peoplel"(Rev. 18. 4). Comeout cf her, Russianpeople, do not add by yourseifthe amountof thesewho worshipped the beastand he will weakenimmediately andyau will seethe Gloryof Godand with yourself also saved a world,which is on the brinkof perishing. I greetyou, God-lovingfathers, brothers and sistersin Ghrist,an thisjoyous and brightday cf Resurrectionof Christ. May a joyful day also comefor the Russianpeople when all of us with pure heartsand inspiredby spiritua! - ,feelingswill be imbuedwith the powerof Christ'sresurrection, which will lead us from the abyssof sins,but also the entirefallen human race. Maythe Lordgrant to all of us the Christianvirtue of reason,which is the motherof all the virtues. VerilyChrist is Risen! ArchbishopValentin of Suzdaland Vladimir Pascha1999, Suzdal, Russia


A newspaper"RusskiiVestnik" ("Russian Herald") from Moscow in issue#3-4 published with some omissions an appealto the $ynodof Bishopsof the ROCORby BishopDaniel of Eriein whichhe callsfor unificationof the ROCOR with the MoscowPatriarchate. "RusskiiVestnik" gave a shortintroduction to thisdocument with explanation, that it wasreceived "rather late, but we stillpublish it, becauseit is considered"to be veryimportant" and at that, therewere tactfully omitted everything that "concernedpersonal moments". "Church News"received this documentbefore some of the bishopshad even lefi for home at the end cf the EpiscopalCouncil, but restrainedfrom publishing it, consideringthis appeal io be beneaththe dignityof the archpastoral rank. However,since ihen unfortunatelyit has becomewidely knownabout and often comrnentedupon, so "Church News"felt we may also voice sur opinionof it. BishopDaniel demonstrated in his appeainot only cansiderable theologicalignorance, but also in a numberof waysexpressed views about the MoscowPatriarchate quite contraryto the savefityy*ar old practicesand principlesof the ROCOR. At the sametime, he pern'rittedhimseif to employa rude expressionwhich is not used in polite discourse. He also made a numberof very rude rernarksconcerning the First Hierarchof the ROCORwith the cffer to Councilof Slshopsto have hirn removedfrorn this positionon the groundsof incapacitydue to age and exceedinghis authority. BishopDaniel also introducedan unheardof in the world of Orthodoxya proposalof an age-limitfor FirstHierarchs. lt seemshe is unawareof the fact that such a proposalwas first -,zinventedby the RomanCatholics and, at that,a shortwhile ago, namely at Vaticanll. But evenamong Catholics, it is meantfor cardinalsand bishops, but by no meansfor the Popehimself, ln hls appealBlshon Deniel touches upon the subjectsof Old Belieyers,Adventists and ,although it is quite obviousthat this is only a prelude .- . to introducinghis main theme:proving the absolutenecessity for the unificationof the ROCORwith the MP. That.in spiteof all his effortshe did not achieve. In attemptingsuch a goal and with a lot of stretchinghis argumentswith the assistanceof Evangelicaltexts, BishopDaniel made a very great error when in a part about Adventistshe incorrectlyuses Lord'swords, Who supposedlystrictly forbids Christians to "knowthe timesand the seasons..."of the SecondComing of the Lord! This restrietionwas spokento the Apostlesas an answerto their question:"Lcrd, wilt Thou at this time restoreagain the kingdomts lsrael?"and this quotation has absoluteiy no connectionwith the Chrisi'sSecond Coming. Rather,just the oppositeis the case:the Saviournot onlyclearly and in detailspeaks of the signsof His Second Coming,but alsogives the exampleof a fig tree,explaining that when its branchesbecome tender and put out leaves, "ye knclt that summeris nigh." In the very sarnesection Bishcp Daniel makes ancther very obviousmistake. While citingthe Gcspeltext "but of thatday fat the end of the world,"CH. N."] and hourknoweth no man,no, nct the angelsof heaven,b*t my Fatheronly," Bishcp Daniel finishes this sentence with the words"but also my Father."lf this erroris be takenseriously, this has a characterof pureblasphemy. Quiteincorrectly he alsoclaims that baptism by not immersion,but by sprinklingwater over the head,was a norm in the universalChurch. ln the sectionon Anabaptists,he declaresthat in the sacramentof Baptism,there are no exorcismprsyers, since they were an independentpart of makingcatechumens. lt seemsthat Bishop Daniel did not take intoconsideration that for centuriesalready these two parts have become inseparable in a sameway as the sacramentof Marriage,consisting of betrothaland wedding are nowone serviee. An excellenireview of thisappeal was given in ihe bulletin"Vertograd-lnform" in issue # 2 t47Jfor February. Yet BishopDaniel has a valiciexcuse regarding this controversialappeal: he is verysick person,almost legally blind,suffers frcm acute diabetes, a badheart condition and a recentstroke. which has restrictedhis movements, ''BLANCC''

For numberof weeksnow, on the Internetthere has beena verylively correspondence regarding accusatlons of paedophilia,which concerned "Christ of the Hills"Monastery in Blanco,Texas. .!-, The historyof thismonastery is as follows: Duringthe lifetimeof MetropolitanPhilaret of blessedmemory, sometime near the end of the 70's,a groupof five cr six menarrived at the Synodof Bishopsof the ROCORdressed in strangerobes and strangeheadgear. They said theywere Old Catholicsand appliedto be acceptedas a monastery.At thattime they were told that,in the first place, theyhave to be baptized,then to integrateinto parish life and only after some ten yearscould one talk about estabiishing a monastery.After that, until the Metropolitan'srepose, they neverapproached the Synodand no one eversaw them again. However,very shortlyafter MetropolitanPhilaret reposed this groupwas acceptedby BishopHilarion with permissionto officiallyopen a monastery.Bishop Hilarion supported them in everyway he could. The monasteryeven receivedSyncdal permission to open its own "New SarovPastoral School." As abbotof this monasterywas instafled Priest-monkBenedict (a former Old Catholicarchbishop) and as his deputyPriest-monk Jeremiah. At some time {probably1978i in the state of Arizona,someone posing as "Bishop"Michael {a!so belonging to someOld Cathclic group)established a convent,which was insuredby himfor $100,000.When Michael died Benedict(who used the title Archbishopof Levka,Exarch in Mexicoand Guatemala, Ruling Bishop of WesternAmerica and Alaska) made a fourdays lcngraid on the conventin Phoenix,Arizona, quickly gathered all the inventoryand the insurancepolicy and persuaded the AbbessAnna to go with him with and all the removedproperty to Blancs,Texas. Also,in violationof the law, in a passengercar, he broughtwith himthe bodyof Michaeland buriedit in Blanco.Anna managed a bit laterto escapeto her conventin Arizona. Fromthere she filedsuit againstBenedict and demandedthe returnof Michael'sbody, as the founderof the convent,and also the insurancepolicy. The demandsof the conventto Benedictwere filed in November-,1994, and addressed:"Father Benedict, and membersof the CorporateBoard of the HilisMonastery, and EcumenicalManks, a TexasCorporation, Blanco, Texas." Onewcnders: When Bishop Hilarion was accepting this team, did he noticethat they were also "ecumenical monks"? Very socn it becameknown that the inhabitantsof this monasteryhappened to be loversof miracles.They had a 'miracul*us' iconof the Theotckosand the brotherhcodsent out widely requestsfor donationsto enlargethe churchand buildnew housing for the monks. Enclosedwere returnenvelopes with commemorationslips on whichwas writtennot "fot"llfe andsalvation" as usually,but the Romaneatholic "for yourintentions"! The donorswere promiseda bottlewith Theotokostears of myrrhfrom the sameicon. WhenBishop Constantine, who livedin this monasteryafter his retirement ---died, his admirersimmediately through the Internetstated that fromhis bodythere came so muchmyrrh, that the cuffs andepitrakhilion were soaking wet. At the sametime Benedict and Co. establisheda big businessselling mounted reproductions of iconsand small churchitems. Theyalso asked for donationsto buildseparate quarters for novices,who, for lackof livingquarters, were 4

lodged in a tent" As is visible on a photagraphprinted on one of these appeals,the "novic€s"were about a dozen teenagersand, among them, two littteboys. '"/ Abouthalf a yearago ugly rumorsstarted about this monastery.Finally, in replyto a localpolice request, the Synodof Bishopsdid senda seniorpriest from the Eastern-AmericanDiocese to Bianco"After his report,Benedict and his deputywere immediately suspended. For unknown reasons Abbot Basil was not suspended. The Americanauthorities are verysensitive to possibleaccusatisns of any sortof blasphemyand disrespectfor clergyand sacredobjects during arrests. Benedictand his deputywere arrested in the presenceof the Synoddelegate and led awayin the handcuffson accusationof paedophilia.According to lnternetinformation, they were freed on bail andawait trial. Synodaiso sent to thisplace ihe PriesfmonkJoakim from NYC and ArchimandriteTheodosius. a former Chiefof the Missionin Jerusalern.This story is far fromever. The investigatisnalso noticed a smallmonastery cemetery on whichthere were some children's graves" One should hope that under such circumstancesthe remainsof Bishcp Constantinewill be irnmediately transferredto someOrthodox cemetery. The presencefor numberof yearsin this"monastery" of an elderlyand sickly bishop, gave to thlsden a plausible status. lt is verysad thatwhile accepting this groupinto ihe ROCORBishop Hilarion did not botherto inquirein detail intotheir scandalous past. ''ORTHODOX ECUMEhIICAL YOUTHSOCIETY OF GERMANY"

As we reportedin Vol. 10 # I (76) issueof "GhurchNews" for 1998,there has beenfounded in Germanyan OrthodoxYouth Society, in whichthe youthof ihe Germandiocese of the ROCORalso participate. The newspaper"Orthodox Observer" of the GreekExarchate in America(Ecumenical Pstriarchate) on February 5th reportedthat this Societywidely distributed its first publicletter, signed by a studentof someuniversity, Elisabeth Danou,which stresses that this group is not an ethnicorganization, but includesall youngpeople in Germany. The mainmotif of this letteris: "Eventuallywe, the youth,will havea voicein the Church..,Now we are able to createa place,where we can realizeand develop ourselves. lt will be a placeef our own in this God-createdworld." As a prominentfocus for the future the lettermentions in first place the environment:"\AJe all know that we have negative - ,influenceon the ecologicalsystem. So it is our duty as Christiansto strengthenthe right balancein this world:if we honorthe world, we honorthe creationof God!" In whatway doesthis "Orthodox"youth differ from other non-orthodox young people of the sameage, who are occupiednot with mattersof the Orthodoxfaith, but with so fashionablenow ecology? lt is very sad that the youthof ROCORsGerman Diocese also participate in suchan "OrthodoxYouthSociety,"


The Rt. Rev, BishcpVic{or of Daugavpilsand Latviareports that the matterof registeringthe RussianFree Orthad*xChurch in Latviahas madea littleprogress lately. Some deputies of the Parliamenthave began to raisethe issueof the legalstending of this diocesemore actively. Thus the republicandaily "Diena" on MarchSth in # H t2364\ publishedan officialstatement of mistrustabout a religiousOrthodox organization under the MoscowPatriarchate macje by the Seeretaryof NationalDefense. Fdgar Rinkevich. He speaksabout ideological and politicalinfluences upon the mititaryyouth in .This statementsays: "lt is obviousfrom the statutesof the abovementioned organization (The Brotherhoodof St. George,the GreatMartyr) that it accentsmatters of an ideologicaland politicalcharacter and this structureis easilymade dependent on foreignorganizations. The LatvianOrthodox Church is underihe jurisdictionof the MoscowPatriarch" And therefore,states the StateSecretary, these statutes are subjectto investigationby the state defense." It is interestingthai the editorin chiefof this newspaper"Diena," Anna Stroi, in differentstatements on March8th 'Siena' declaredthat "the Russianedition of is not a megaphoneof "a state party"nor "otherwisea fifth column"in the campof LatvianRussians; she does nat obey any orders..,We are directedby our own understandingand our own convictions."Nevertheless, despite such a caiegoricalstatement, the newspaperquite obviouslysympathizes with the MoscowPatriarchate and is strcnglyinfluenced by her. Let'shope that finally the Latviangovernrnent will realizethat by supportingall the waythe MoscowPatriarchate, it supportsher formermasters of the 40's who havere-colored themselves in democraticstripes.


ln connectionwith the approachingsecond millenniumfrom the Nativityof Christthe Lord, His Eminence ArchbishopValentine of Suzda!proposes to build a new littlechurch in a new developementon suburbsof this city 5

dedieatedto the New Martyrsand Confessorof Russia For residentsin this area,specially elderly enes, it is nearly . -impossibleto get to the center of the city, where indeedthere are plentyof pre-Revolutionarychurches, because very - few peoplein that area haveany cars. The plansfor this littlechurch (approx. B x 8 yardssquare and 20 yardstall) in the old Russianstyle is alsoto havea smallattached bell tewer. The localauthorities provided a plotfor buildingthis church. All thosewilling to helpand supportthis worthy project may send their donations to the "ChurchNews" address, indicatingthey are for the newchurch.


The newspaper"Ri:s Pravoslavnaya"("Orthodox Russia") in issue# 12 {15} publishedinformation about the supposedcancellation of the LocalCouncil of the MoscowPatriarchate scheduled for the year2008" A short forewordstates: "From circles close to PatriarchAlexis, the editors of RP were informedabeut the sensationaldecision recently made by the MoscowChurch authorities. After long deliberations behind the closeddoors it was decidednot to go on with the 2000Local Council of the RussianOrthodox Chureh which was scheduledfor year 2000." Originalty,one Councilwas plannedfor 1999and then a secondin 2000.Yet thesedecisicns were canceled indefinitelyafter deliberations behind the closeddoors. "Our own correspondent"of this newspaper,not withouta goodreason speculates that the Patriarchatesimply becamefrightened that at presentiime it will not be ableto conholthe passionsof so manydelegates which undoubtedly wouldbecome a critiqueof "the infallibleauthorities" of the MP. lt is no longera secretthat by nowthe "lowerslasses" of Orthodoxminded and the massesof the Patriarchatefloek very stronglyand decisivelyhave eome forward and demandedthe wiihdrawalof the MPfrom the WCCas wellas againstthe amoralityof a numberof hierarchs. Onecf the mostrecent appeals to "churchauthorities" known to us to exitfrom the WCCwas madeby 17 clergy of the Alma-Atinaand SemipalatskDiocese. ln a veryemotional letter addressed to AlexisRidiger they quitecarrectly pointaut that the participationin the WCC is a betrayalaf the Creedof the one Catholicand ApostoiicChurch. Their rulingblshop Alexis (Kutepov) very stemlytreated these clergy: some of thernwere suspended,others were sent to parishes - _remote of the diocese.The informationabout this casealong with the translationof the letter(giving 17 names in full andtheir rank) was sent on the lnternetby a gentlemanwho was converted to Orthodoxyby twoof the priestswho signedthis letter. AddresseeVladimir Smagley stated that the suspendedclergy were literallyleft withouthomes and meansof livingand he appealedto goodhearted people to helpthem oul Forcedby these"lower class" Orthodox people Moscow Patriarchate had to pretendthat it exitedfrom ihe WCC, yet no whereis thereany mentionthat under another colors she participatesin this organization:instead of the formerly openlyparticipating bishops, the MP now covertlyoperates underthe umbrellaof an hereticalPriest-monk Hilarion Alfeyev,who is actingon herbehalf. Justrecently another priest cf the McscowPatriarehate, Archpriest Valentin Asmus published a briiliantcritique of Alfeyev'sbook "Mystery cf Faith-an lntroductionto DogmaticTheology" in whichhe said,"lt is not withouta reason that sne hearsalarming questions about this book." This representativeof the MP in the WCCteaches that regardless cf anything,all will be saved{a teachingcf the heretlcOrigen); he expressesa criticismof the decisionsof the Sth Ecumenica!Council which condemnedOrigen and also denouncesthe Holy Tradition,upholding the primacyof the RomanPope. The articleof ArchpriestAsmus was publishedin the magazine"Pravoslavnaya Rus" # 2 af 15/28thof January. It seemsthat Origenismhas becomefashionable again. In a Franciscanmagazine "Holy Land"in the spring issuefor 1999an articlewas publishedby DenisDeriev entitled "Origen. Early Christian Writer." Rightfullygiving credit to Origenfor his outsiandingmind and scholarship,the authorof this articlestates that "Origenwas undeservedty malignedfor centuries.His allegorizedexegesis, experimental theology, and expressionof Christianityin termsof Greek philosophycould not be understoodb'y many later ChurchFathers who refutedhim as heretic...This is why he was neverable to take his rightfulposition among the ranksof the ChurchFathers." The authsralso noticescontemporary interest in Origenin the Eastas well as in the West. His unhealthyinterest in Origendces not ccme as a surprisein our Ecumenistage, when Christ's Truth is replacedby the "love"towatd all kind cf delusionsand beliefsthat in spiteof all the deludesand not belcngingto the OrthodoxChurch - neverthelessall peoptewiil be saved" The official newspaper"Orthodox Observer" of the Greek Archdiocesein America (under the Ecumenical .-,Patriarchate)in the issueof February5 publishedinformation entitied: "WCC: Russian Orthodox Church has not quit." lt reportsthat althoughthe ROC supposedlyterminated her membershipin the WCC, "The RussianChurch has not suspendedor withdrawnmembership in the WorldCouncil of Churches."The verysame information was confirmed by a e

representativeof the RussianChurch in Geneva. !n anotherwords, the MoscawPatriarchate impudently is lying to her clergyand flock. -'--/ "Rus Pravoslavnaya"after reportingthe cancellationof the LocalCouncil, makes note of another"advantage" to the MoscowPatriarchate, coming from this decision. In this way it can also put of indefinitelythe glorificationof the RoyalMartyrs and all the NewMartyrs and Confessorsof Russia,for whoseglorification the peopleare callingmore and moreinsistently" ln this newspaperone finds anotherinteresting fact: the last Councilof Bishopsof the MP decreedthat during the plannedLocal Councilof the ROC a "New Statuteof administraiionfor ihe ROC"was tc be approved. t; accordancewith the earlierdecision, all hierarchs,monasteries, schools and parisheswere to submitto a special Synodalcommittee their proposaisand requesis. But in fact by now "the ChurchAutharities quickly had theii own $tatuteappr*ved by the Ministrycf Justice,which was privatelydrafted, one maysay, almcst secretly"! Doesthis meanthat now,with the LocalCcuncil of the ROCcanceled, there is no needto convenethe Local Councilof the ROCORwhich was plannedby ArchbishopMark and clergyof the GermanDiocese which supports his idea?


At present,Serbian Kosovo is on everybody'slips, but thereare few who knowthe very tragichistory of Kosovo and Serbianpeople. For the SerbsKosovo has the samesignificance that KulikovoField and laterBorodino have for Russians.On JuneZBth, 1389 the Serbsfought with the numericallysuperior army of the OttomanEmpire and where,at the headof his almostannihilated army, Tsar Lazarheroically fell, and his incorruptrelics have a rare characferistic:none of the fimbssuffer rigor mortis, but easily bend. At that histot-icbattle the Serbslsst their independenceand for 50Cyears were undei"the mostcruel yoke of the TurkishMuslims. Throughout that periodthe $erbianChurch enriched herself with a multitudeof martyrsfor the faith. But also Turkey,which sunpcsedlywon the war, after that battle never remvered and effortsto expandto Vienna and into Europein generalwere never unsuccessful"ln this sense Serbianand Russianhistory are parallel. After a - ,,courageousbattle on KulikovoPole, Russia also fell underthe Tataryoke, but at the sametime so drasticallyreduced Tatarpower that their efforts to conquerEurope also fell apart. Duringthese 5 centuriesof Turkishyoke over Serbia,Kosovo was neverquiet and at everyopportunity staged uprisingsagainst the oppressors.Only in 1912was Kosovoliberated. After becomingpart of the kingdomof YugoslaviaKosovo region finally started for a shortperiod to enjoyher freedom.But there thundered a ll WorldWar, Yugoslaviafell into handsof Communistsand was ruinedby themin the same manneras was Russia. To show his appreciationAlbanian support, Tito displacedfrom Kosovomore than 200,000Serbs (denying permission to everreturn to theirhomes), wfro had livedthere for no lessthan 900 yearsand in their p[ace msved in Albanians. Beforethe war the Albanianswere a minorityin Kosovo. They are a very poor and absolutelyuneducated people. In spiteof thistragic history, this region still has a lot of churchesand monasterieswith outstanding frescoes and rnosaics.Some monasteries date to the tenthand eleventh centuries. It is knownthat in the 16th centurythese placeswere visitedby LeonardoDa Vinci who was studyingfrescoes andthe technique for paintingthem. The Synodof Bishopsof the SerbianOrthodox Church as well as someindividual bishops have made and still makecountless efforts to explainthe situationto the Westernworld, but they meetwith a dead end: no one not only does not wantto heartheir explanations, but theyeven refuse to meetwith them.So, Americandiplomat Richard Holbrooke, whowent to Kosovoto settlethe argumentsin thisarea, met only with Albanians and did notfeel it necessaryto alsovisit the rulingbishop in thisarea. Bishop Artemie. While complaining about unwillingness of Westernersto understandwhat is gaingon, BishopArtemie at the sametime is criticalof Milosevic,pointing out that he is a productof a Communist regime and behaves in the same rnanner:if the Orthodsx Church still can not get baek her propertywhich was confiscatedby the Communistsyears ago, then what is one to expectfrom foreigners? The mediain Europeprovides its publicwith rnuchmcre informationthen its Americancolleagues. Thus it was reportedby Europeanmedia that the monasteryof Grachanica{12-13th century} was bombed. However,a cynical remarkmade by somepolitician in the USAis also reported,that they will bomball the historicalmonuments in Kosovo so that the Serbswould have nothingleft to defend.Those, who happenedto live in Germanyduring World War ll -,remember that as soon as the war movedonto Germanterritory, Germans stopped putting out Red Crossflags over the hospitals,because this wouldguarantee that they wouldbe bombed. The agreementwhich is beingforced upon the Serbsby NATOconsists of a planto gradually{within 3 years)to handKosovo over to the Albanians,called in $erbian Amauts. 7

In general,the mediainforms us onlyabout the unfortunateAlbanians, who are slaughteredby the cruelSerbs. no one ever mentionsthat Albaniansdestroyed in Kosovomore than 300 churchesout of some1800 which were vthere,,Yet, and that certainly,the Albaniansdo not sit rnotionlesswith their handsfolded and just wait to be murderedby Serbs. It is verysad that the Westerners,led by USA,do not wantto understandthat a civilwar alwayshas a multitude af victimson bothsides and intrusioninto matters by a thirdparty only makes things much worse. Duringits onethousand year history Serbia never fought a war beyondthe fatherland'sborders. The FirstHierarch of the ROCORMetropoliian Vitaly issued an ukaze,ordering ihat additionalpeiitions in the ecteniasfor sufferingOrthodox Serbs be includedand that a molebenfor thembe servedin everyparish.


Lastyear it becamewidely known in Moscowthat two copiesof lithographicicons, originally painted in America, an ieonof the TsarMartyr and another of all the RoyalMartyrs, started to gushmyrrh" Newsof the first iconof the Tsar Martyr(with St. Nicholasand St. Hiobthe much-sufferingon the sides)which becamefamous because of gushingmyrrh was reportedin the newspaper"Russkiy Vestnik" ("Russian Herald") in # 48- 50.. For sometime this iconwas displayedin the Moscow'sAscension Church on GorohovoyePole. The iconbelonged to an surgeon,Oleg lvanovichBelchenko, to whomit was givenwhen he visitedcity of Ryazan. Whenfrom this started to gush a very aromaticmyrrh, it was handed over by the owner to the rector of the church,Archpriest V. Golovanov.ln frontof this iconalmost without intem.rption were served memorial services, well attended by people.This did not pleasethe MoscowPatriarchate and the rectorreceived an orderto no longerkeep the ieonon an analogionin the church,but on the altarand to carryit out onlyduring memorial services. Later it becameknown that the iconwas takenaway frsm AscensionChurch and givento ArchpriestAlexander Shai"gunov, who a few yearsago urgedpeople in the pressand sermonsto vctefor the CammunistZuganov. As it occasionallywas with the myrrhgushing lveron lcon cf the ,the myrrhscme times appears on the surfaceof the glassof the TsarMartyr icon. ArchpriestGolovanov sent a deteiledreport to PatriarchAlexis about the myrrhgushing icon of the TsarMartyr, includingwith it numerousstatements about miracles from his parishioners,but therewas no responseto this report. just 'Adamant") - ,lncidentaily, a year ago, MetropolitanYuvenaly {in the KGB, Agent insistedthat the committeefor glorificationof saints,which he chairs,never received reports of any miracles,submitted under oath and approvedby the rulingbishop which were attributed to the RoyalFamily. Frommaterial we receivedcomes the following:to a churchattached to a shelterfor the poor dedicatedto St. Nicholasthe MiracleWorker in the city of Ryazan,on March15th, 1998 2 guests(George Balovlenkov and O. B. Belchenko)came from Moscowto participatein the feastof rniraculousicon of Theotokos"Derzhavnaya" (Sovereign). Bothguests were at that time blessedby the rectorof SL Nicholaschurch wilh the icons:Balovlenkov by the icon of RoyalFamily {enlarged color Xerox copy to size 26 cm x 40cm)and the surgeonBelchenko by an icon of the Tsar Martyr.The copy receivedby Balovlenkowwas a very poor one, pale and in some placeseven basic colors and lines were nct clear. Nevertheless,both iconswere put in frameswith glass and in this conditionleft for Moscowwhere very soonbecame famous fer gushingrnyrrh and a numberof miracles. The icon of the RoyalMartyrs already has been given the nameof "bleeding,"because the aromaticrnyrrh comingout hasthe colorof bloodand, according to witnesses,constantly "pulsates" streaming from the facesand hands and lookinglike realbruises. At the sametime, also the colorsof the garmentsof the RoyalMartyrs become bright and graduallybecame brighter from their former dullness. Manyvery moving reports of witnesseshave been gathered of thosewho have been cured frorn illnesses by this icon. They were publishedin a bookletof 50 pages issuedby the communitynamed in honor of the Theotokos 'Vzyskaniye Pogibshikh"iSeeker of the Perishing)in 1999. Beforethis icon aimost constantly molebens and are served, it seems,at the owner'shome. in October 1998 the miraculousican of the Royal Martyrswent for 50 days to Greece. At its arrival in Thessalonika,the iconwas met by a ehurchprocession and withthe singingof hymnswas broughtto the churchof St, GieatMartyr Simitry. Then it visitedthe islandsof Andros,Leros, Tinos, Paimss and, finally, Mt. Athasvuhere it visited 20 monasteriesand individualsketes.Everywhere the mir-aculousicon was metwith reverence and in someplaces with the ringingcf churchbells. At the endof the bookletare publishedopinions about this iconby abbotsof variousmonasteries. Unfortunately, dueto the largenumber of themand the lackof spacein our bulletinwe are notable to publishthem, -,J The appearanceof two myrrh-gushingicons of the Tsar Martyrand "bleeding"of the RoyalFamily happened to be a very bad shockto the "churchauthorities" of the MoscowPatriarchate. The bulletin"Ecumenical News International" dated February 17 reportsihat the MoscowPatriarchate decided to playa waitinggame" MetropolitanCyril of Smolenskdeclared that "This case will be carefullystudied and reviewedby a

the $ynod Commissionon the Canonizationof Salntsfor an indieationof God's grace,rather than the resultof a imagination;and then studiedby the LocalCouncil as part of the preparation gtorification .- ,diseased for the Church's of the lmperialFamily." Definitely,this will happenby a decreeof the Councilwhich is alreadyknown to be canceled indefinitely.


The bulietin'Vertogradlnform" in issue#2 (47) 1999reports that on the Feastof the Epiphanyin ihe city of Gomel {Byeiorussia}with the biessingof the MoscowPatriarchate bishop Aristarkh of Gomet and Zhlsbinskan cutrageouscitizen's walking tour was organized,presided over by the nephewof ihis rulingbishop, the rectorof the cathedral.Archpriest Andrew Belianko! The walk startedimmediately after the end of the DivineLiturgy from the Churchof Sts. Peter and paul, Follcwingright after the chuichbanners and a smallgroup of parishionerswas a cqlumnof "walruses'{winter bathers}, membersof the clubs"Optimalist" and "Soratnik"(propaganda organizations of Porphirylvanov, who advertisesa return to paganism).then actorsin differentrobes, and clownswith stuffedanimals on poles,similar to the Muppets.The processionwent accompaniedby the merrymusic of an orchestra. Accordingto somevery upsetwitnesses, some of those stuffedanimals, which were carriedbehind the church banners,had devils'faces and manyof the songssung with frivolous verses. As is reportedfurther, after the blessingof waterin the SozhRiver, the "walruses"dived into riverand thenthe actor'sperformances started" The directorsof the "park" took care to set the tables with food and vodka. The local newspaper,"Gomelskaya Pravda" ("Gomel Truth") on January21 reportedthe first suchpeopfe's walking party, which was organizedby the Gomeldiocese, was a "greatsuccess" and it seemsthat the blasphemiesof a similarsort will be repeatedin the future.


The offieial newspaper"Qrthodox Observer" of the Greek Archdiocesein America (under the Ecumenical . ,,Patriarchate)dated February 20th reportedthat the RomanianOrthodox Church invited Pope John Paul ll. lt was even moresurprising, because only a few weeksearlier the RomanianChurch announced that she wouldnot invitethe Pope untilthe Uniatesdrop more than a hundredproperty suits against the Patriarchate,which demand the returnof churches confiscated by the Communistsand turnedover to the Orthodox.The invitationwas madeby the RomanianPresident Konstantinescu, but he at the samesaid that the invitationon the partof the RomanianChurch must also follow. Towardsthe endof Januarya jointcommission of 15 bishops,chaired by an Orthodoxand a UniateMetropolitan met in the centerof Romaniaand the matterof invitationof Popewas resolvedpositively, Popewants to visit Romaniain May,but an exactdate so far has not beenset, Accordingto reportof the bulletin"Ecumenical News lntemational," dated February 17, out of the 23 rnillionliving in Romania,no lessthan 87% are Orthodoxand there are about one and a halfmillion Uniates, Accordingto a prcjectedagreement between the Orthodoxand Uniatesin controversialcases regardingchurch buildingsthe use of themwill be settledas follows:in placeswhere there is only one church(formerly Uniaie), both partieswifltake iurns using it. In casesvvhere there are two or threechurches, the Uniateswill get theirsback. The representativeof the RomanianChurch Stoiku said: "Our preconditionhas alwaysbeen a dialoguewith GreekCatholics; since this is nowunder way, we believefirm steps will follow. Butif the OrthodoxChurch is sharingthe invitation,it shauldalso be representedon the commissionwhich prepareE the visit." Stoikualso stressed that "disputes should be solved through dialogue,without state interferer')ce"and accordingto the principlesfor agreementsof Balam*nd{Lebanoni agreed to in 1993. "lt is hard to understandwhy the GreekGatholics previously avoided this dialogueand tried to settletheir claims through legal and parliamentary action," added Stoiku. lf "dialoguesby Orthodox"with the Uniatesare to be heldaccording to the principlesof the tsalamandUnion, one can expectnothing gocd from them. lt is not wiihouta reasonthat the Tsar Martyronce said that Romaniansare nct a nation,but a profession.


.-/ "EcumenicalNews lnternational"of March 17 reported that the General Secretaryof the LutheranWorld Federation,Dr. lshmaelNoko, again raised a questionabout establishing a commondate for all Christiansto celebrate Pascha.Ai present,the WCC includes300 Christian"churches." 5

Duringthe Ecumenicalgathering in Aleppo in Marchof 1997 it was proposedto use "the most accurate astronomica!scientific knowledge" in orderto set up a commondate for Pascha.Some time ago in our April lssue# 4 "(OO) of "ChurchNews" for 1997ivehighlighted this matter in a ratherdetailed way. As is evidentdespite all the effortsby the Ecumenists,there were no significantresults" Yet, the Ecumenistskeep fussing with this matterand theirbulletin states, at the end of this year in Bratislava (Slovakia)another conference is scheduledof the LuiheranWarld Federation which is planningmore deliberations about the Paschalia.Dr. Nokowas forced to admiithat his "church"alone favorably reacted to the Alepporesolutions, but he 'the still insiststhat "the body of Chrisiis divideddue to mathematicalcalculations" and that issueof a comrnondate for Easteris the issueof the unityof the chureharsunei an eventwhieh defines the ehurehas the Bodyof Christ." Dr. DagmarHeller, the WCC'sExecutive Secretary for Faithand Orderconiradicts Dr. lrtokoby tellingjournalists thet there has been a good r€sponseto the Aleppo proposalsand that the ArmenianCathollcas Aram I made a report abcutit the duringthe Assembly in Zimbabwe. Hellerexplained that same "Oriental Orthodox Churches" and the SyrianQr-thodcx Ghurch demonstrated a lively interestin a commondate for Pascha,but otherchurches, including the world'slargest Orthodox Church, the Russian, "withall iis problemsinside the church(may) not feel able to do something."Then she madean interestingremark saying"We haveto keepthe discussiongoing, and be carefulabout what happens on the Orthodoxside." Shewarned againstpressuring the Orthodoxon this mattertoo much,because this mightprovoke a reactionby the "conservative forces"in thesechurches. When askedif one can expectto havean establishedcommon date for celebratingPascha by the year 2001, Hellersaid that she triesto be realistic,but that she was "positivelysurprised" at the amountof interestshown in the issue. Sofar nata singleEeumenist has realizedthat it wouldbe moresimple just to aeeeptthe seventeeneenturies old Orthodoxtradition.


The officialpublication of the SerbianOrthodox Church "Pravoslavlje" ("Orthodoxy") on February1 reportedthat .-_-eboutfifty imoortantpublic figures of the non-Orthodoxdenominations {among them two Anglicanbishops) at the beginningof Januarysent to the GeneralSecretary of the WCC,Konrad Raiser, a verysharp protest in connectionwith the Assemblyin Zimbabwe. Thisprotesting letter sadly states that in the textsof the finalresolutions in Herare,the nameof JesusChrist was not mentionedat all. At the sametime the criticscomplain that duringthe meetingsthere were no discussionabout the rcle of the familyand at that therewere totally absent any discussionsregarding "Biblicalty oriented sex ethics." Also, iherewas no mentionof notiolerating same sex cohabitations. The signersof this protestthreatened that theywill caneeltheir participation in the WCC if in a shortwhiie no drasticchanges become apparent. They also pointedoui that any changesmade in the structureof the organization withautchanging some perEonnelwill bring no results,


A Britishnewspaper "The Daily Telegraph" of March13 in the section"Arts and Books"published an interesting historyof a very generousgift receivedby the MoscowPatriarchate from Yeltsin. A reporter,Jeraldine Norman, spent six monthson backgroundresearch on a giftof 11.8million US dotlarsgiven to the MoscowPatriarchate for purchasinga collectionof ancienticons, which at someearlier time were sold by the Bolsheviksand more recently were simply stolen and illegallytaken out sf Russia. Thisjournalist got interestedin suchgenerosity by Yeltsinin 1996,since she knewthat millions of peoplereceive no pensionsand salariesfor the work performedover severalyears now. She discoveredthat the MoscowPatriarchate badlywanted ta have someold ieonsdisplayed in the basementmuseum of Christthe SaviourCathedral, but it did not have enoughfunds. Nevertheless,Alexis Ridiger('Agent Drczdsv")himself aild the Chief of the Churcli Fcreign RelaticnsDepartment Metrapolitan Cyrill of Smalensk{"Miheilov" to the KGE} traveledabroad end visitedfamous antique dealers selling iccns and inquiredabout prices. They were acccmpaniedby several of the most renown speeiali$t$in aneienticonography and restoratisn as eonsultants. Afterchecking upon all the possibilitiesand prices.the Patriarchateasked Yeltsin ia purchasefor it the collection -,of iconsbeing sold by houseof van Rijnand suggestedthat this moneycould be raisedby Russia'sselling 650 tonsof crudeoil andthat would bring in 10 to 12 milliondollars. At thattime the Patriarchatescandal about the dutyfree impcrt of cigarettes,alcohol, oil and diamondswas widelypublicized and deprivedthe governmentof some5 billionBritish poundsworth of possibletaxes. 10

Ridigelsproposal to get $12 millionfrom the statethrough the sale af oil happenedto be unaccepiableto the Ministryof the RussianFederation. Then Yeltsin,who was campaigningfor re-electionin 19gGand seeking Jvotes,.Finance decidedto help out the MoscowPatriarchate. On February6, monJywas receivedby him from the foreign exchangereserves" In July,assisted by the MP,Yeltsin won re-election. For this astronomicalsum of money,the Patriarchatepurchased only 120 icons,which immediately were taken by her officialsand were not shownto anybody.lt is expectedthat theywill be displayedno soonerthan a year'stime. Thisjoumalist also reported that seeingPatriarchate's desire to purchasethese icons regardless of cost,the ownersdid nat hesitateto inflatethe prices. So, one icon of the Holy {15th century)was offered to the Patriarchatefor $55C,00il,while the selierhad boughi it for only$150,000!


"The NewYork Times"of February5 publisheda long articleby KarenAnderson about the RomanCetholic universitiesand colleges who have experienced a sharpdecline, losing their former traditions" ln mentioningthe famousJesuit Fordam University in NewYork, she notes that acceptfor the statueof the VirginMary in thefront of a buildingwith stained glass there is nothingto indicatethat this is a CathoticUniversity. The students,no longerare obligedto be presentat dailymasses as before,there are no longercrucifixes in the classrooms. Of the teachingpersonnel of 500persons, only 37 belongto Jesuitorder. The deanof this universityis still a Jesuit,but the presidentof the Boardof Trusteesand a womanwho chairsthe theologicaldepartment are ne longer Catholics. Such a situationcan be observedthroughout all the Catholiceducational instiiutions, who funciion quite independentlyfrom the Catholichierarchy. Catholic bishops (members of the NationalConference), concerned by this situation,ciecided to introducenew regulationsfor ail their educationaiinstitutions in the USA. The editcrof a 'America" Jesuit magazine notedthat "Noneof theseCatholic colleges wants to throwaway its Catholicidentity. But if these guidelineswere adopted, the collegeswculd be put betweena rockand a hardplace." The AmericanCatholic episcopate three times tried tq keepCatholic colleges wfrich they sponsorwithin some sortof limits.A firstdraft of the statuteswas labeledas too ccntrolling,a secondeffort was madein 1995which passed - ,with 224votes against 2. This statutestipulated the necessityfor respectingthe hierarchy,but at the sametime sought independenceand the rightof "academisfreedom." And finally, the draftwill be revisedfor the thirdtime upon a demand fromthe Vatican The deansat Catholicuniversities claim that the acceptanceof Vaticandemands would bring many hardships for them. ln particular,the insistencethat studentshave to be "faithfulCatholics," because then Catholicswould not feel theywere second class citizens. The deanof BostonUniversity William Leahy declared: "l don'twant Prolestants, Jews, agnostics, Buddhists and othersto thinkthey have no placehere. I don'twant the messagesent that we onlytoierate them, that they'll be second in priority." The reporterexplains there is a problemas resultof a lackof thosein Catholicmonastic orders which make it necesearyto hire not only lay people,but even non-Catholics.On the atherhand, subsidies from the governmentto strictlyreligious schools are given very unwillingly.Besides, a drasticsecularization of Catholicsas a resultof the Vaticanll Councilin the 50'shas also played an importantrole. Accordingto "TheNew York Times" of March20, somestudents of Catholicschools started have demanded the returnof crucifixesto classrooms, as earlier.The administrationsof suchschools have found an easyway out:there will be crucifixesin the classrooms, but not of traditionalCatholic design, but madeby contemporaryartists in a decadent style. Amongthe prospective"artists" is a HassidicJew Asher Lev. Suchare the problemsof some230 Catholic religious schools in the USA.


Forcenturies th* "Christian"Vr/estern wcrd supported Muslims against the Orthodoxnations who were struggling againstthem. Whilethe powerfulRussian Empire existed, the Muslimsdid not dare to lift theirheads too high. There weremany of themalso in the Russia,where they peacefully lived and had all the rightsof citizenship. With the fall of the RussianEmpire and, especiallyafter the SecondWorld War, there was a noticeable expansionof flIuslimsto Europeancountries and evento America,Germany is packedwith Muslims;there are manyin -,France, andalso Catholic ltaly. Justa fewyears ago a mosquewas built in Rome,the largestin Europe. The Pope could not resist expressinghis sympathyfor Muslims,a very aggressivepeople who have no knowledgeof feelings of mercy. As reportedby the "EcumenicalNews lnternational" of March 3rd, a meetingis 11

scheduledwith the Popeduring his visit to Polandin June. He will meetthere with representativesof Muslimsfrorn .variousEuropean countries. A Catholicbishop, Miziolek, said that it is expectedthat the Popewill meetalso with Muslimsfrom Lithuania, Byelorussia,Ukraine, Russia and some of the republicsof dismemberedRussia. It is estimatedthat in Polandthere are some20,000 Muslims who until 1939even had a separatemilitary unit withinthe Polisharmy. In 1997 a GeneralMusiim Council was formedfrom representativesof variouscountries. Catholic bishops stressedthat until now,the Popehas nevermet with Muslimsin Europeancountries, but he has met with themwhile visitingnon-European states. BishopMizialek explained that at the meeting"the Popewill recallour eommonroots in the ancienttradition of Abraham,as well as in Jesus,who is seen by Muslimsas a praphet,though not as the Scn of God. At a tirnewhen powe#ulcirclesare showing conflicting attitudes and dispositions,an eventtike this could succeed in alteringthe climate cf opinion." In May of last year therewas establisheda top-levelRoman Catholic-lslamic commission chaired by Cardinal FrancisArinze and SheikhFawzi FadelZitzaf which will pursueinter-religious dialogue. Duringhis visitto Polandthe Popeplans to meetMetropolitan Sava, head of the PolishOrthodox Church which hasabout 700,000 believers. He will alsopray in Warsawfor the victimsof the Jewishholocaust. Suchwarm feelings of the Popefor the centuries{ongcruel persecutors of OrthodoxChristians in Greeceand the Balkans,are alsofelt in contemporaryAmerica and not only in the White House. As it is reportedby the Srthodox newspaper"Christian Activist," a few yearsago the CountyCouncil of Lowdoun,Virginia, decided to give Muslims100 acresland to builda numberof Muslimschools {from kindergarten to university)with a boardingfor 80Ostudents. Also, therewill be builta hugemc$que with an 85 foot high minaret. But all this is still not enough:ail theseestablishments wlll be underthe directcontrol of the governmentof SaudiArabial


"EcumenicalNews lnternational" of March17 reportedthat in $ydney(Australia) on February27th for a whole -- _,,montha "Mardi Gras" was celebratedby homosexualsand lesbianswith the participationof 15 clergy,who represented severalmajor Australian denominations and which createda "UnitingChurch." Amongits membersare , Anglicansand the "MetropolitanCommunity Church" which ministers to "Christian"homosexuals. Thesegroups were enthusiastically greeted by severalhundred thousand citizens who for some20 yearshave beendelighted with these perverts. The paradeoriginally started in 1978when at that timea smallgroup of themwas dispersedby localpolice. Nowit is consideredto be the largestparade of participantsof thisperversion in the world. The representativesof a "church"were carrying a bannerwith the words"embrace diversity." Some of the clergy weredressed in businesssuits. Someof those"spiritual leaders" were followed by about120 parishioners. The organizerof this paradeof "UnitingChurch" Rod Pattendensaid that'We were very warmly received at the parade. We protestagainst the church'sinvolvement in acts of homophobiaand hatred... For too longthe Christian Churchhas forcedpeople to deny or hlde their sexualidentities. This has got to end becauseit is a denialof the church'steaching on God'slove and acceptance." However,this outrageousparade met with criticismfrom a numberof conservativeopponents. A memberof the ChristianDemocratic party and a memberof parliamentPastor Fred Nile said that "the parade itself contains a greatdeal of obscenity,blasphemy, nudity and otheroffensive activity. A numberof mendressed up as Catholicsisters which is a blasphemousact... lt is not a placewhere an OrthodoxChristian should participate, but ratherpray as we did that night: 'Godforgive them, for they knownot whatthey do,' "


We wisfi io informthcse interestedthat the conespondenceof the late EishopGregory {Grabbe} with the First Hierar*hsof the RussianOrthodox Church Abroad, its clergyand someactivists has beenfonrvarded for safe keepingto $tanfcrdUniversity in California. The addressof the universityis: StanfordUniversity Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305" TheseArchives are in the SpecialCollections and are called"Grabbe Archives." Access is opento the public.