Graham Chapman

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Graham Chapman An in erview with Graham Chapman by Howard B Bernard Peter Cook) and the Cambridge Foot· Assoc1ste Editor lights Club, the school's comedy organ1- In an interview, Graham Chapman ol zalton, on television; Cambridge. Chap­ Monty Python 1s d1gn1fled and restrained man reasoned, was the school to attend Not once, for instance, did he lapse into because 1t had the best comedy depart· a Holy Grall voice or do a Silly Walk But ment he gave more insight into the mind of a So he went to Cambndge, and paid for comedian - indeed, a Python - by ra­ his later years of medical school by writ· ttonally discussing his life and work that mg for The Froat Report Also working way than he could have by being the type on that program were Ronnie Corbett ot onstage personality one often sees on and Ronnie Barkham (the " Two Ron­ lato-r11ght talk shows. nies" of B ritish TV fame) and five of the Indeed 1t was writing for such a "chat six.people who would later go on to be show ', as the British call them. that gave members of Monty Python (Chapman. Chapman his start. He had always hked John Cleese, Eric Idle, Terry Jones and comedy and felt a yearning to be a co-­ M ichael Palin were associated with the medic actor, but his parents felt that that show; troupe member Terry Gilham joined was probably not a ve~y sensible way to later). earn a ltving He decided to study medi­ After graduating from Cambndge with cine because. as he says, his brother had his medical degree, Chapman decided studied to be a doctor, and he had all the to give writing an attempt as a way to books lying around the house. Medicine. make a living. So he and John Cleese therefore, seemed to be the easiest and (his writing partner even today) went to a best way to get into a university. He de­ Mediterranean island for three months cided that he wanted to go to Cambridge to wn te a screenplay. (It was quite ap· after seeing Jonathan Miller (another pealing after finals, so I did that rather British doctor-comedian: he was in "Be­ than ear-nose-and-throat,") The exper- Grah•m Ch•pman. - D•veDr•b. yond the Fringe" wt th Dudley Moore and ( continued on P•Q• 10) Welcome ac • -. ---. - ~ . -..,; ~ .. " ., ' The student newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute Volume 11, Number 19 Tuesday, November 1, 1983 ohol policy and party ban to change WPI by Eileen Flanagan pus, 1n dormitories and other butld1ngs, perm1ss1ble " A fraternity had pushed moratcrium on open fraternity parties, in Newspeak Staff openly consuming alcohol. More impor­ them over the edge," said Jim Pouho· order lo allow time for the issue to be B Term '83 marks the beginning of a tantly the school worried about alcohol poulos, IFC President. The Worcester Investigated further. The night before, new era at WPI It s1gn1f1es the end of abuse and its effects on the students. Police Department announced that 1t 1s on September 26, KAP had already de­ both open fraternity parties and drinking Another ma1or concern was the llab1llty prepared to arrest people the next time 1t cided it would hold no more open parties on campus Late In A-Term, the IFC de­ of the school 1f harm should come to is called 1n on a complaint ~oncerning a At a meeting with represen\8t1ves from cided to ban open fraternity parties The students should not be proh1b1ted from fraternity. KA P's Alumni Hoard, and Dean Grogan, Dean of Students Office presented WP l's lhe Pub. a center of social act1v1ty. The On September 27th, the IFC called a KAP's advisor, the decision was made. new alcohol policy last week. The IFC Committee believes all of these concerns meeting of all fraternity presidents. The Dean Grogan believes there are three and WPI had various reasons for devel­ are addressed in the policy it has brought decision was made to place a two week (continued on page 10) oping these policies, 11abl1tty for permit· forth ting alcohol to be consumed by minors How will WPI enforce the new policy? was a maior concern o f both Because tt 1s a major change, a first of· • fender of any regulation will be treated Guidelines for the use of alcohol on The WPI Alcohol Polley with the assumption that he is not aware For a few years. WPI had recognized a of the seriousness of the new policy. Vio­ the WPI campus need for a more rigid regulation of alco· lators will be advised of the policy. and a hol consumption. This past summer a record of these warnings will be kept. If committee was formed to make a cam· the offender repeats the v1olat1on, the pus alcohol policy. It had been the hope Dean of Student's Office will be notified. 1. Alcohol is allowed on WPI property to the WPI Goat's Head Pub. of the commllteo to implement the new Campus code wtll have been violated, only as defined in the alcohol use state­ 2. No beer bottles are allowed on the policy 1n September Many areas of cam­ and the offense will be treated according ment. campus at any time pus had representation in this commit· to the Constitution of the WPI Campus 1a The Goats Head Pub operates tee Bernard Brown, Dean of Students, Judicial System If the problem persists, under the authority of a license granted 3. The use of kegs and beer balls must Dean Janet-Begin Richardson, Associate •· as a last and final resort the student by the City or Worcester Licensing Com· be spec1f1cally approved by the sponsor· Dean o f Student Affairs; Maggie Mul­ could be arrested," said Kevin McDonald mission. These guidelines do not pertain ing campus office queen, Counseling Services: Al Whitney, of Campus Police Chief of WPI Police, Jim Demetry, a Last week, floor meetings were held rn member of the faculty, Glen Deluca, As· all dormitories The policy and the en­ s1stant Director of Student Actw1ties. Jim forcement procedure were explained Functio s Including Alcohol Culpepper, Director of Athletics Mike Resident Advisors are required to enforce Vigna, Food Services Director, Debbie the policy 1f a student is seen 1n the halls Scott, Assistant Alumni Director, and with an open container. What happens 1n 1. To register a party including alco· coholtc beverages al the function Carol Price, Events Coordinator, Uni· one's room behind a closed door will not hol, an alcohol use registration form vers1ty Relations. In September, with the concern an RA unless the occupants of must be completed by the party regrs­ policy nearly completed, two students the room are excessively noisy. If an RA trant(s) and registered with the Campus 7 The reg1s1rant(s) will be held re­ wore Invited to Jorn the committee Dean knows a student 1s Intoxicated, he 1s ob· Police Office at least 72 hours prior to sponsible for the behavior of the partici­ Brown regretted lhat most of the dcc1· ligated to take action and pre·1ent lhe the function. pants, for ceasing to serve those v1s1bly s1ons had already been formed howev· student from continuing drinking A ma· Intoxicated, and for all charges, costs, er, he wanted student input Jack Nick· 1or concern for the Resident Advisors 1s 2 An alternate, non-alcoholic bever­ and any damages Incurred In connec­ erson, President of the Student Body, that of habtltty As members of the WPI age must be provided at all parties 1n­ tion w11h the event nnd Mike Stone, Act1v1t1es Chairman of staff they are responsible for the actions cludrng alcohol. the IFC. attended the last meeting of the of any underage student they have al· 8 At the conclusion of the event ttle committee The policy was f1nahzed at lowed to consume alcohol 3. The reg1strant(s) of all parties where this meeting Mike Stone was disappointed The new alcohol policy 1s 8 very se· premises are to be returned to their orig· alcohol 1s being served must be of legal inal physical state by the reg1strant(s) by tho lack of student input in the policy nous part of the campus code, and drtnklng age Changes in the poltcy were superf1c1al should be taken seriously by the slu· Rubbish 1s to be placed 1n trash contain­ at the meeting attended by the student ers and furniture returned to its ong1nal dents 4 In accordance with Massachusetts representatives I m not ob1ect1ng to the location F a1lure to do so will result m tho State Law, 11 1s unlawful to sell. give. policy, but to the fact that students had IFC Bans Open Part ~es reg1strant(s) being charged for neccs· serve or permit to bo served, alcoholic no Input" Jatk Nickerson believed he During A· Term the IFC decided there sary custod1al /maintenance services beverages to persons under age 20 ano Mike Stone were invited to the meet· wrtl be no more open fraternity parties at Ing "as a courtesy, but that the policy WPI was an admm1strallve issue • He did not The Worcester Police were very upset 5 In accordance with Massachusetts 9 Alcohol Beverage Use Reg1strat1on expect to be involved tn the writing of the with the behavior of WPl's fraternlues State Law, 1l 1s unlawful for persons Forms are available at the following loca­ ma1or points of the policy The department became aggravated by under 20 to possess alcoholic beverages tions Tue Office of the Dean of Stu­ In wrlling lhe policy, the committee 1he many incidents concerning exces­ dents The Olt1ce of the Events Coordi­ addressed certain concerns of WPI As sive noise.
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    AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT 66466_Egan466_Egan & WWeinstock.inddeinstock.indd i 113/08/203/08/20 110:000:00 AAMM 66466_Egan466_Egan & WWeinstock.inddeinstock.indd iiii 113/08/203/08/20 110:000:00 AAMM AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT Critical Approaches to Monty Python Edited by Kate Egan and Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock 66466_Egan466_Egan & WWeinstock.inddeinstock.indd iiiiii 113/08/203/08/20 110:000:00 AAMM Edinburgh University Press is one of the leading university presses in the UK. We publish academic books and journals in our selected subject areas across the humanities and social sciences, combining cutting-edge scholarship with high editorial and production values to produce academic works of lasting importance. For more information visit our website: © editorial matter and organisation Kate Egan and Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock, 2020 © the chapters their several authors, 2020 Edinburgh University Press Ltd The Tun – Holyrood Road 12(2f) Jackson’s Entry Edinburgh EH8 8PJ Typeset in 10/12.5 pt Sabon by IDSUK (DataConnection) Ltd, and printed and bound in Great Britain A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978 1 4744 7515 0 (hardback) ISBN 978 1 4744 7517 4 (webready PDF) ISBN 978 1 4744 7518 1 (epub) The right of Kate Egan and Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock to be identifi ed as the editors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, and the Copyright and Related Rights Regulations 2003 (SI No. 2498). 66466_Egan466_Egan & WWeinstock.inddeinstock.indd iivv 113/08/203/08/20 110:000:00 AAMM CONTENTS List of Figures vii Acknowledgements viii Notes on Contributors ix ‘It’s .
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