The Committee on Labour and Social Affairs
The Committee on Labour and Social Affairs 2 “Labour and social affairs – these words stand for policy areas which are important to everyone, such as pensions, labour market policy, support for the unemployed, and the inclusion of people with dis- abilities. Our social security sys- tems, from unemployment benefit to pensions, must be developed further and made fit for the future. The world of work is changing, and trade unions, employers and policy- makers are shaping it. We must en- sure that everyone has the opportu- nity to participate in society. This Committee’s work is of great impor- tance for all generations.” Dr Matthias Bartke, SPD Chairman of the Committee on Labour and Social Affairs 3 The German Bundestag’s decisions are prepared by its committees, which are estab- lished at the start of each elec- toral term. Four of them are stipulated by the Basic Law, the German constitution: the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Defence Committee, the Committee on the Affairs of the European Union and the Petitions Committee. The Budget Committee and the Committee for the Rules of Procedure are also required by law. The spheres of respon- sibility of the committees essentially reflect the Federal Government’s distribution of ministerial portfolios. This enables Parliament to scruti- nise the government’s work effectively. The Bundestag committees The German Bundestag sets political priorities of its own by establishing additional committees for specific sub- jects, such as sport, cultural affairs or tourism. In addition, special bodies such as parlia- mentary advisory councils, The committees discuss and committees of inquiry or deliberate on items referred study commissions can also to them by the plenary.
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