Cou Rl of Rosnla and Hcrzcgo\';Na Numbcr: X-KRZ-OS/04 Sarajevo, 7 August 2007
, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Cou rl of Rosnla and Hcrzcgo\';na Numbcr: X-KRZ-OS/04 Sarajevo, 7 August 2007 IN THE NAME OF I:IOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA! Coun of Bosnio nnd Herzellovina, the Panel of the Appellate Division of Section I for War Crimes comprised of Judge Azra Miletie, as President of the Panel, and Judges Jose Ricardo de Prada So laesa and Finn l.ynghjem, as the Panel Members, with ieljko Mnrenic panicipating as a legal advisor, in the criminal case against the accused Bobon SimSie for the criminal offence of Crimes against Humanity in violation of Anicle 172 (I) (h) in conjunction with Subparagraphs a), d), e), I), g), i) and k) of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Her:tegovina, with respect to the Indictment of the Prosecutor's Omce of Bosnia and Herzegovina Number KT-RZ-2105 of 28 June 2005, confirmed on 8 July 2005, upon the trial held in the presence of the Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Omce of Bosnia and Her~egovina Mirko Letic, the accused Bobon SimSic and his Defence Counsel, attorney Veljko CivSa, rendered and on 14 August 2007 publici)' announced the following VERDICT THE ACCUSED S08AN SIMSIC, son of father Siobodan and mother Jelena, nee Mosie, born in ViSegrad on 7 December 1967, wilh pennanenr residence in the village of Zlijeb al Number 3.5, ViSegrad Municipalily, Serb, police omcer by occupalion, compleled secondary educalion - locksmilh, married, falher oflwo minor children, served Ihe mililar)' lerm as member of Ihe fonner JNA in 1986 in Slip, regislered in Ihe mililary records of Ihe Municipal Depanmenr of the Minislry of Defence in ViSegrad, has nOI been decoraled, indigenl, no previous conviclions, cilizen of BiH, personal ID number 171296713364 7, in cuslody of the Coun of BiH since 24 January 2005 Is found guilty Becnuse: As a pan of a widespread and S),Slemolic auack of Ihe Serb Army.
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