NET PRESS RUN! AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION: THE WEATHER. OF THE EVENING HERALD for the month of September, 1926. State Conn,. Cloudy tonight. Saturday clear 4,849 attr and cold.

VOL. XLV., NO. 7. Classified Advertising on Page 0 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1926. (TVi'BNTY PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS

PUT ALU FAITH HEATER CAUSED OLD SWINDLE IN THIS PAPER 400 SOUTHRONS Shaw Couid Make Better T H A N STIRS PARKER DEATHS CHICAGO POUCE Candidate’s Total Campaign Films for Nickle, He Says Hartford Poisonings Due to WAS WORKED Spending Two-fifty to Buy LYNCH WOMAN A.F.LIREBY FACEBL0W4)FF and Mail Herald. Carbon “Dioxide,” Final De­ cision of Authorities. ON m O D K A Hartford, Oct. 8.— Deputy WITH TWO MEN London, Oct. 8.— "With Amerl- “ It reminds me of the time Mr. PROPAGANDA can and European producers clabi-YGoldwyn ealled on me here and Hartfrd, Oct. 8.— Dr. Henry ON HUGE GRAFT Sheriff Eugene W. House, of orlng for his work and offering Glastonbury, spent $2.50 in talked to me for half an hour about M. Costello, medical examiner, I - stupendous sums for anything he himself. He said he’d made so and Dr. Arthur J. Wolff have his campaign for the nomina writes, G’ orgs Bernard Shaw, his Foreigners Thmk North End tlon for Sheriff of Hartford much money he didn’t care about found that carbon dioxide poi­ Negro Trio, Tried and Ac­ seventieth birthday behind him, money at all. He asked me to Believed Bearer of Olive Huge Scandal in Bootleg county. The expense included believes that he has passed the son, emanating from a gas write a scenario for him, declaring heater, caused the death of Man Gave Stranger His purchase and mailing of fifty apex of his career as an author his sole future objective was to im­ copies of the Manchester quitted of KHIing, Mur­ and dramatist, and he frankly ad­ Branch, Switches His Brooks K. Parker and his prove the level of art throughout daughter Helena, aged five, Protection Coining as Herald which contained mat­ mits it. the world. ter favorable to his candi­ Returning from a holiday in here on Sunday night. Money for Alleged Money dered by Mob at Aiken, “ I listened quietly to him, and Speech to Advocacy of Their report was accepted dacy. Italy where he worked diligently at the end of the half hour, in bid­ U. S. Grand Jury Probes Edgar G. Daniels, unsuccess­ but with little success on his latest today by Coroner J. Gilbert ding him good-bye I remarked, Calhoun and State Attorney Making Machine. ful candidate for the nomina­ South Carolina. project, a book to be entitled “ The “ I’m afraid, Mr. Goldwyn that .we Russ Recognition. Hugh M. Alcorn as clearing Corruption. tion as senator from the thirty- Intelligent "Woman’s Guide to shall not ever be able to do busi­ second district, spent $20 for Socialism,” Shaw lamented his in­ ness together. You see you’re an up the mystery surrounding ability to push ahead as quickly the deaths. After testifying in court yester­ hire of automobiles. Aiken, S. C., Oct. 8.— Three ne­ artist and care only about art, John E. Doughan, of New- as he used to. while I’m only a tradesman and Detroit, Oct. 8.— The whirlpool Chicago, Oct. 8.— Another -whole* day morning against Philip Sal- groes, two men and a woman, were Ha\-*n, Democratic candidate Shaw’s debut as a film actor care only about money.” that since Tuesday has been rag­ sale batch of indictments similar to enik who stole $1,000 from him. taken from the county jail today took place in Italy where he par­ Anthony Prihodka, of 60 North for Congress from the third Five Cent Films ing in the American Federation of ORMISTON’S STORY the 79 handed down against Cicero district, has appointed Frank and shot to death‘by a mob of 400 ticipated in a brief "film inter­ "Griffith is an excellent exam­ Labor convention around the De­ street, evidently departed for parts view,” a scheme whereby phonjH gangsters and public officials a unknown for he had not shown up S. Bergin as political agent. men. They were accused of the ple of the American producer of troit Y.'M. C. A., today had drawn week ago, hovers over the Chicago graphs are synchronized with the today. Unless he spends thous­ at his rooms up to 10 o'clock last Patrick J. Goode, also of New murder of Sheriff Henry H. How­ city police department’s alleged Haven, has been appointed film, so that the performer is made ands and thousands of dollars he into its vortex Sherwood Eddy, in­ PUT IN EVIDENCE night. ard, who was killed during a liquor to talk while his picture is being bootlegging activities. The Herald made a persistent political agent for David M. raid. doesn’t think his picture is any ternational secretary for Asia of shown. good. When he was over here I Between fifty and one hundred effort to locate Tony yesterday aft­ Richman, of the same city. The lynching followed a verdict the “ Y” organization. policemen, detectives and politicians Democratic candidate for The description of. this stunt told him I could produce far bet­ ernoon and last evening in an at­ of not guilty returned yesterday turned Shaw’s thoughts to the Labor officials and delegates to­ will be hit by the federal grand tempt to learn n^ore about the al­ secretary of state. ter films than he could for about against Demon Loman, 21. The movies in a general way. five cents each. day were openly charging that Denial He Had Part in Mc­ jury probe scheduled to start Wed­ leged counterfeiting plant found in other negroes slain were Bertha Lo­ Goldwjm Talked of Self "Chaplin seems to be the best Eddy had taken advantage of the nesday, government officials pre­ a room in the North End. All of man, 26, wife of Demon, and his dicted today. "The chief complaint I have to producer. He wastes very little, Federation to obtain the floor and Pherson Disappearance Is his friends were found but Tony brother, Clyde Loman, 18. make against the American film Cicero Drop in Bucket. himself was not about. He has two and when he gets his effect he deliver a propaganda address in Lock Up Jailor, Sheriff. Is that the producers think that snaps off at once. I realize of The Cicero investigation was > small rooms in the basement of i While the mob was storming the behalf of European debt cancella­ OLD WOMAN KILLED as long as it costs money it must course that ot prevent wastage is tion and recognition of Soviet Recited by Detective mere “ drop in the bucket” federal 60 North street where he keeps jail, Jailor W. H. Taylor called be good. The backers of the officials said today as compared to bachelor's hall. One room he uses extremely difficult.” Russia. Sheriff Charles Robinson but when American films are presumably Then Shaw revealed that he had the activities which will be revealed for a kitchen where he cooks his the latter arrived Taylor had been When Eddy was extended the all business men who think of art courtesy of the platform, at his by the Chicago probe. And the meals and the other he uses as a BY FLOWING GAS locked in a cell. Robinson also was Los Angeles, Calif., Oct. 8. merely in terms of money. (Continued on page 15) own request, it was with the be­ money revealed as Cicero profits. bedroom. overpowered and locked up. Kenneth Ormiston’s denial to the | lief that he had come in an effort Los Angeles police that he had any- ® Friends Talk. The mob hustled the woman and et change when compared to the Although Tony was not seen, to repudiate, on behalf of the Y. thing to do with the disappearance the two men to a patch of woods M. C. A., the action of the Detroit huge takings which Chicago pro­ friends told a different story than three miles south of the city where of Aiihee Semple McPherson, his vided. Nearly Blind, She Accident­ WILL GREET YANKS body in canceling an invitation for former employer, will be made pub­ Tony about how the money got in­ they shot them to death. PHILIP R. PRATT "It was not the Cicero, Chicago to Salenik's possession. He told President William Green to ad­ lic for the first time today when , Once Convicted dress a “ Y” meeting Sunday af­ Heights, South Chicago and other some of them that the Massachu­ ally Opens Jets on Stove; The Loman brothers were con­ Captain of Detectives Joe Taylor ternoon. takes the stand in the preliminary outlying police, officials, and gang­ setts man stole it from under his victed of the murder of Sheriff LIKE CONQUERORS sters who made the real dough,’’ pillow but others figured that the FOUND WANDERING Warmly Greeted hearing of the evangelist on con­ Howard at their first trial last year When he was introduced by Pres­ one federal official said. "They affair happened this way: Found Unconscious. and were sentenced to die In the spiracy charges to defeat justice Salenik told Tony that he had a ident Green as “ one who is in and to manufacture false evidence. were just minor figures in the'huge electric chair. The women was sympathy with the humane work booze scheme which had its centei machine that could make money given ^ life term in prison. They ap­ The former Angelus Temple ra­ and so interested Tony that he de­ New York Awaits Breath­ and principles of the American dio man made a personal statement right here in the heart of the city." "Accidental- ‘ death,” declared pealed and the supreme court re­ Deep River Manufacturer in cided to invest in it. The Russians Federation of Labor.’’ the dele­ to Captain Taylor during the Two thousand dollars was a nom­ versed the decision and the second inal price\for a “ pass” for a load the neighborhood say that they Assistant Medical Examiner Le gates applauded Eddy. height of the search for the trial started last Monday. never heard of a Russian, or any Verne Holmes in the case of Mrs. lessly 6 o’clock Return of New Hampshire Sanitari­ Eddy’s first words, however, “ drowned” body of the noted pas­ of booze through a Chicago police other foreigner for that matter, A directed verdict of not guilty were to disclaim that he was tor. district, the federal officials charge, Julia S. Davis, found dying in a gas “Collected” from Crooks. rending $1,000 to a sister or was given Demon Loman yesterday, speaking in the capacity of a "Y ” The prosecution charges that Or- filled room at 141 Center street, at Its Baseball Heroes. um, Family Is Notified. official, but as an individual who brother for a passage to America. but he was returned to his cell and miston spent ten days with Mrs. Known gangsters, arrested and had been to Europe for the past found to be carrying guns, were They think too much of money to an early Jiour today. She died be­ held on a charge of assault and bat­ McPherson in a cottage at Cacmel- summer as a member of an unoffi­ assessed from $100 to $200, to es­ even loan that amount to a broth­ fore the doctor arrived. tery on Deputy Sheriff R. L. Mc- by-the-Sea during the time when cial labor fact-finding commission. cape punishment for carrying con­ er or sister. They generally buy a Mrs. Julia Davis was a widow and Elhaiiey, who accompanied Sheriff New York, Oct. 8.— A boisterous Middletown, Oct. 8.— Philip R. she, according to her testimony to ticket on this side and send it to Howard on his fatal raid of the welcome awaits the return of the For nearly an hour he held the cealed weapons, according to the about 80 years of age. She was a Pratt, young manufacturer who floor as he poured forth the Euro­ the Grand Jury oath, was held a Europe. Loman home. prisoner for ransom. federal investigators. During the semi-invalid and was nearly blind. Yankees early tonight. 'Victoriou.s disappeared from his home in Deep pean propaganda. days just before the Kentucky Der­ Letter Nfit Seen. An investigation, was started by Another development promised Mrs. Idell AValdorf with whom she in two straight battles over the River on July 30 last, is believed The shock and surprise of Fed­ by last year, the investigators say, Although Prihodka said he had city, county and state authorities of for today was the calling of wit­ boarded, took care of her. eration officials and delegates was dishonest policemen reaped a har­ F, letter from his sister asking for the lynching, but no arrests have St. Louis Cardinals and bearing a to have been found in a sanitarium nesses to prove visits by Mrs. Mc­ Retired Early. * plainly evident from the outset of vest sending booze trucks enroute the $1,000 none of his friends saw yet been reported. one-third lead in the world’s series at Hanover, N. H. John H. Chris­ Pherson and Ormlston to local Last night the aged woman was tianson. his father-in-law, and his speech. President Green po­ to Louisville to the curb, and col­ it. They say it is also strange that helped to bed at 9 o'clock. At Governor Orders Investigation the New York American Leaguers litely thanked Eddy for his re­ hotels. Ton:* and Salenik met accidentally Columbia, S. C., Oct. 8.— Gover­ Kirby C. Pratt, of West Hartford, lecting from the drivers for im­ about 12.30 Charles Siton, another are now speeding homeward by marks, but his flushed face and Registered at Midnight. munity. on tile day Tony went to the bank nor McLeod has ordered a full in­ ■went to Hanover this afternoon to .The newest of these asserted vis­ boarder, smelled gas. His room is special train. They are due to ar­ see the man who is there as a men­ the vigorous pounding of his gav­ and after their return they ate vestigation of the lynchings of el plainly disclosed the displeasure its was declared by district attor­ brealifast together and then Sal­ upstairs and the gas seemed to be tal patient. coming from the ^ kitchen down­ three negroes, one a woman, in rive at Grand Central terminal at he and the convention felt over ney’s investigators to have been enik stole the money which had Aiken, S. C., it was announced to­ 6 o'clock, and there will be thou­ Masonic membership cards found turned up by them last night, when, stairs. He dressed and went down on a stranger -wandering helplessly thus being “ taken in.” been jdaced under the pillow. The day at the governor's mansion. sands of local fans on hand to they said, it was discovered that the stairs and found the kitchen filled in White River Junction, Vermont, The effect was to fan up the FIND RUM RUNNER’S strange part of this, they say, is He ordered State Constable Hart greet them with as riotous enthu­ flame of feeling today the “ Y” pastor and Ormlston registered at why Tony did not discover his loss with the deadly fumes. The win­ yesterday led to his identification dows were thrown up and two gas to make a report to him of the af­ siasm as the old town can muster. that had been subdued only by the Alexandria hotel, in separhte until the next day. fair, and also to assist local authori­ Cawls Not Friendless. as Pratt. Officials in White River tactful handling. BODY IN LAKE ERIE jets on the stove, found wide open, had him sent to nearby Hanover, rooms, on the night of May 10. The An .\ncieiit Swindle. ties in running down the leaders of The Cardinals are also due to War on Open Shop fact that Mrs. McPherson spent May Front their stories and theories were shut off. where he could receive treatment Household Aroused. the mob. arrive about the same time at The convention yesterday after­ 9 and May 11 at the Ale.xander al­ it is believed that Tony lost his Pennsylvania station where a vast and today that institution was in noon made its first direct move in W as One of Two on Boat Sunk,' The other occupants of the house touch with the Pratt family in ready had been proved, it ■ was money tlirough the “ money mak­ throng of Mound City rooters v^ll Us announced warfare on Detroit’s claimed, by hotel records found sev­ in Battle With U. S. Coast ing hype" with the exception of had been aroused by this time and Deep River. Mrs. Davis’ room was entered. It PLANS NEW OFFER be on hand to greet their favorites. "open shop” labor system by unan­ eral days ago. Guard Chaser. (the gold brick, the oldest swindle Interest in the series has not Pratt, who had a manufacturing imously adopting a resolution pro­ in American history. A magician is right off the kitchen and was also business at Deep River and who is At midnight, May 9. accoiding to filled with the gas as the door was subsided a bit in New York and a posed by the metal trades division the district attorney’s investigators, Buffalo, Oct. 8.— The finding to­ year.? ago made a trick box that FOR MUSCLE SHOALS record attendance is exp^ted at 27, left his factory office on July of the Federation "to inaugurate a evidently converted paper into open. The woman was unconscious 30 after writing a note which Ormlston registered at the Alexan­ day of the body of Aaron "Vander- tomorrow’s game at Yankee sta­ general organizing campaign in the dria as "Frank Gibson, 1220 "tost money. .V novelty concern saw that and barely breathing. A doctor dium. read: vere of Port Colborne, Ont., float­ was called but before he arrived she automobile Industry at the earliest street, San Francisco.” District ing on a life preserver in Lake I the little machine would make a Slemp, for New York Group, Hotels here- report that the de­ "This Is too much for me. -An­ possible date.” Eighty per cent of I hit with the public and street had died, despite the efforts of other year will end it. God bless attorney's investigators explained Erie near Crystal Beach was con­ Tells of Proposal Giving U. mand for rooms is as heavy as it this industry, the third largest in that “ Gibson” -was an alias fre­ sidered by Canadian authorities as fakirs sold them by thousands. those in the house to revive her. was a week ago. my wife.” S. Better Terms. the United States, is centered in quently used by Ormlston in his confirmation of the reported sink­ I Tlieh the craze died out and a few How .icciden^ Occurred. Later he was seen walking and around Detroit dnd it repre­ trips up and down the coast from ing. several days ago, of the power years afterwards.the police from From the stories told by the peo along the railroad and entering sents the major part of Detroit’s nil over the country began to get pie in the house. Dr. Holmes learned Washington, Oct. 8.— A new of­ Rattling Valley, in a remote sec­ industrial life. Seattle to Los Angeles. boat, “ The Tourist” w h icl^ is said fer for leasing the governraqnt’s Rumors that Kenneth Ormlston was engaged in a runnirng battle I complaints from foreigners that that Mrs. Davis, who was nearly tion. A gun shot was heard soon Board Fires Back I they had been swindled out of blind, had to grope her way to the Muscle Shoals project will be sub- HINDENBURG ACCEPTS • afterward. Searchers in the valley is in metropolitan Los Angeles con­ with a United States CoastSGuard .mitted to Congress next fall by a The Detroit Board of Commerce tinued to animate the detective rum chaser off Point Albino several [their savings with a machine that bathroom even in the daytime. It found financial statements of the today fired back at the American group of New York capitalists and squad of the district attorney’s weeks ago. Iliad been coiiicd from the one sold is believed that during the night Pratt company strewn along a Federation of Labor in the matter on the streets hut which had been she went to the bathroom and on engineers, it was announced here SEECKrS RESIGNATION office. A report today that he had A man named Clark, a mechanic path. A police dog w-as put on the of the cancellation of invitations for Improved. The method of opera­ her way, in groping along the walls, today, by C. Basconi Slemp, former been seen on the outskirts of the of Port Colborne, also is believed 1 trail which was finally lost deep in labor speakers to occupy Detroit tion is simple. struck her hand against the gas jets secretary to the President. the valley. city resulted in Chief of Detectives to have lost his life when the craft How It's AVorked. ’ The proposal, to be known as pulpits and the Y- M. C. A. rostrum Ben Cohn despatching a detail to sank.. The powerboat -was bound and opened them. She then went Delay Angered Liberals Who Mr. Christiansen took over the next Sunday. The swindler generally lives a back to bed and never awakened. file Farmers’ Federated offer, will manufacturing jilant immediately search for the missing radio man for Erie, Pa., with a load of liquor. few weeks in a section of the town The body was taken in charge by involve a financial investment by Scented Victory for German and had been operating it since. C. C. Magill, editor of the De­ and to await his return. or city where numbers of his coun­ an undertaker as soon as Dr. the group of from $20,000,000 to Militarists. Meanwhile search for the missing troiter, official organ of the com­ No 'Trace of Shack. trymen reside. He gains their con­ $80,000,000, Slemp said. He add­ merce body, in a public statement Alonzo B. Murchison, member BEARDSTOWN HUNGRY - Holmes had given the cause of death man had been going on steadily. said: fidence and also, by shrewd ques- but arrangements for the funeral ed that the proposal would involve of the Douglas. Ariz., police force, Itions, finds out who has money. He have not yet been completed. a better financial return to the “ We have no apology to make and the first officer to talk to Mrs. then becomes friendly with this Mrs. Davis had boarded at the government than any of those Berlin, Oct. 8.— President von JUDGE SKEPTICAL IN about any assertion that the Ameri­ •McPherson after her re-appearance AS FLOODS PERSIST 1 man and when the time is ripe 1te Waldorf home for the past three heretofore submitted and likewise Hindenburg today accepted the can federation of labor is un-Ameri­ from Mexico, occupied the witness explains that he has just been years. As far as they know she a large guarantee of nitrate pro­ resignation of General Von Seeckt, can and unpatriotic.” stand the entire day yesterday in duction for the manufacture of Louis J. Flint, a commerce board the McPherson conspiracy case. 1500 Persons Homeless, 150 had no near relatives. commander of the Relchswehr. A HARTFORD DIVORCE (Contlnoed ou Page 2.) fertilizer. director, concurred in this state­ He testified that he searched with­ Destitute in Town Swept by The acceptance of von Seeckt’s res­ ------ment, adding: “ We are determined in a radius of sixty miles for the Illinois River. ignation culminated a political Doesn’t Believe Smallness of that Detroit shall not be in the grip shack in which Mrs. McPherson crisis growing, out of the Irergular He Had to Leave INQUIRERS FAIL TO $44 Pay Caused Split in of trade union leaders. Our city is said she had been held captive and Beardstown. 111., Oct. 8.— Hun­ WINDOW CLEANERS service of the eldest son of the for­ the most prosperous in the country was unable to find it. Town To Make mer Crown Prince Wilhelm in the Sockett Family. ger today added its burden to the • and it is prosperous because it is a The officer also expressed doubt miseries of flood-swept Beardstown. GET AT STEPHENSON Relchswehr, contrary to the terms stronghold of' the open shop.” that the evangelist had walked 20 Good On Stage BATTLE WITH POUCE of the Versailles Treaty governing Hartford, Oct. 8.— Joseph Sock­ Appeals for canned goods and other miles over the desert. He said it food were made. Fifteen hundred Germany’s land forces. ett, of Hartford, was denied a di­ would have been impossible for her In these days when so many Indiana Klan Head, Serving The delay In the acceptance of vorce from Marion Sink Sockett, people are now homeless and 150 FOOTBALL BIG THREE to cover this distance and not have of them are destitute. boys and girls are in the “ aver­ Brooklyn Fracas Follows Stab­ Murder Term, Kept from his resignation had caused consid­ former probation officer at’Stamford her clothes show more signs of erable resentment in Republican, by Judge Nickerson, in superior, The Illinois river is rising again age” class it is refreshing to hear “Disclosing.’ wear. bing of Employer as Rush Democratic and Socialist ranks, court here today. The couple had and this afternoon was at a stage of a boy, and a Manchester boy TQ KEEP FORMATION Injuring Evidence. of 25.0 feet. Hour Crowds Look On. Indianapolis, Oct. 8.— D. C. Ste­ the newspapers of these parties lived together only two weeks, During the progress of the hear­ at that, who could well serve as pointing out that if the President Sockett said, when his wife left him A forecast by the United States phenson, former Grand Dragon of ing. W. I. Gilbert, chief attorney weatker bureau stated that the river the hero in one of Oliver Optic's allowed Von Seeckt to remain in because his pay was too small. He Long Rumored Break Fades New York, Oct. 8.— Striking the Ku Klux Klan of Indiana, who for Mrs. McPherson, spilled a glass will reach its crest tomorrow night has been held incommunicado at the army. Minister of Defense earned $44 a week as a carpenter. “ Ragstoriehes” stories. window cleaners and police fought Gessler must resign, which would as Harvard Withdraws of water on the garments Mrs. Mc­ at a stage of 25.6 feet. the Indiana state penitentiary at Judge Nickerson declared that Pherson wore at the time she ap­ Born in Austria. A musician a pitched battle in the shadow of mean a victory for the militarist Sockett had not been entirely Michigan Proposal. Borough hall, Brooklyn, during the Michigan City during recent clique over the parliamentary re­ peared at Douglas. This aroused ACCUSE NIGHT WATCHMAN at seven years of age. Then no charges of corruption in Indiana frank, apparently, with the court in the wrath of District Attorney Asa rush hour today in view of hun­ gime. giving the reasons for the separa­ New Haven. Oct. 8.— The long • OP SELLING »L\CHINERY. more lessons because there was dreds of persons. politics revolving around activities The President’s Acceptance of rumored break in the Big Three Keyes, who protested to the coqrt. of the Klan, today was ordered to tion and denied the divorce for this The court admonished Gilbert to be no piano and no money. The One man was stabbed and hurled the resignation is expected to avert Football combination of Yale, Har­ Bridgeport, Oct. 8.— Oscar Him, appear in superior court here Mon­ reason. The divorce action was more careful of the clothes, which trip across the ocean to America through a plate glass window. Four a more serious political crisis. uncontested. vard and Princeton will not eveh- of Gloucester, N. J., former night day. the state contends will have more watchman in the long-abandoned — the land of opportunity. men, claiming to be strikers, were tuate. At a meeting here of repre­ His appearance in court will be sentatives of the three universities than a little bearing on the outcome plant of the American and British Then a flareup of the fires of arrested only after police threaten­ in connection with supplementary ed them with revolvers. it was decided to continue the pres­ of the case. Manufacturing Company, here, was genius when his parents were proceedings concerning an attach­ ent athletic relations. today bound over for, trial on a U. j ' Schwartz, president of the ment suit involving a concern in able to resume his music lessons. Home Window Cleaning Co., was "At the first regular meeting for charge of embezzlement. Him is which he formerly was interested. the present academic year of the accused of having sold machinery As he mastered English he gave stabbed by one of twelve men who All efforts to interview Stephen­ attacked him while he was guard­ Manchester s Front Foot Value 1 Harvard-Princeton - Yale chairmen WIFE SCOUTS REPORT and tools for $600 while he was lessons himself, even in his son in the Michigan City prison con­ ing Edward Benson, an employe, of athletics,” it was announced, “ it night watchman. grammar school days, and to pay cerning his charges of Indiana po­ who was cleaning store windows. litical intrigues, have been in vain, was mutually agreed that the tenta­ the big fees that noted profes­ Schwartz s injuries were not seri­ Tomorrow’s Herald will carry the complete Land Value tive proposal for a Harvard-Michi- OF CHAPLIN RETIRING both Gov. Ed Jackson and the peni­ Rates per Front Foot for Assessment Purpose THE TINYMITES sors charged him for lessons he ous. tentiary warden refusing to grant gan football game at Ann Arbor in played in the movies. anyone permission to talk to him. of the Town of Manchester. 1927, was counter to the under­ ARE HERE! Friends of Stephenson charged this standing and practice of the ‘triple Lita Grey Says Screen Celeb­ He was not appreciated here. agreement’ and on suggestion of was an effort to “ muzzle” him and Every Street in Manchester Will Be Listed in To­ rity Couldn’t Quit Movies If Hurrah, kids! THE TINY­ He left town and one night, just prevent him from making his "dis­ Harvard it was accordingly with­ morrow’s Herald Showing the Highest and Lowest Land drawn.” He Tried To. like in the story books, a musi­ closures.” MITES have arrived! Value Rates. In the case of unusually long streets the The Harvard-Princeton game for Turn to the comics page and cian recognized his talent and ^Xampus 1927 will be played at Princeton, It San Francisco, Oct. 8.— Reports LAST OP OLD NEW HAVEN rates "will be shown by sections. you will find the first illustrated now he is on the concert stage. SHIPPING FIGURES DIES was announced. emanating from London that Char­ lie Chaplin would soon retire from story about this band of lively, Read all about this "Manches­ New Haven, Oct 8.— E. Harris This list especially prepared for assessment pur­ the motion pictures were scouted Rebels'' Weaver, last of the old shipping interesting little people. ter Boy Who Made Good” in poses will be of unusual interest and value'to every voter today by his wife, the former Lita figures of New Haven, died at his TREASURY BALANCE. Grey, who is visiting relations Hal Cochran tells you about TOMORROW’S HERALD and taxpayer. I home here today after a long ill­ here. "Charlie will never quit the them In rhyme, add L. W. Red- Page 14 Today ness. After retiring from the ship “Out At Noon” I ORDER YOUR HERALD NOW ! ^ Washington, Oct. 's.— Treasury movies,” she said. "Why, I don’t ner puts them in pictures that ^ ------® Chandler business, he served as Balance as o i Oct. 6: $394,138,- believe he could quit. Ete Is too ut­ harbor master for years. 679.70, , . you can color. terly wrapped up in the work.” i- \X

m a n c h e s t e b T );jTlIDAY, OCTOBER" J —!►

Hartford Fire ...... 4 6 6 480 Thc FuU’r Br'sh Class AA 62 .New Store Opens Here Tomor­ To Start on Next Monday Bid Ask Htfd. Gas com. . ; . '. . 68 ” 73 Evening— Director Warren studLents alL crowded’ - into one So. N. E. Tel. Co. ...1 5 1 165 Hart & Cooley . . . . .180 row— Same as Big . City large roonv upstairs and listened Aetna Cas. & Sur. ..72 0 750 Int. 811. pfd...... 104 108 Explains Various Studies. ManatacturlBS Stovka. Branches Except in Size. Smith Issues Extradition for Fails to Recoyer from Stroke to 4he returns via radio. ^ Aetna Life ...... 580 590 L'nders Frary £; Clark 90 92 . - •. Automobile ...... 190 220 Am, Hardware...... 84 86 The Yankee rooters lined one Jewell Belting pfd. . , 80 In the opening of the new W. T. Evening school courses at the Conn. General ....1 6 2 5 1675 American Silver . . . . 29 33 New Brit Mocb. pfd.lOi side of the room and tha Cardi­ Acme Wire com...... ■— 16 Grant Company store here totiior- Hall Aide Bnt Court Is of Paralysis — Funeral State Trade school hinder the direc­ Htfd. Steam Boiler .650 Niles Bt Pd. N. Stock 20 21 tion of the Board of Education, will- nal rooters, the pther. The for­ roiv the merchandise and service mer were in the minority. But North & J u d d ...... 25 27 begin on Monday night, October 11. J R Montgomery pfd. — 80 wiiich has .Jieretofore been offered Tomorrow. one would not have thought so only in the larger cities of the state to Act First. It is expected that the enrollment WSJa«5JXX363063C«iEJS5«5«36SJ9SjaX3e given an opportunity to, ob­ on in the time of need. The State so ‘k wandered aimlessly about finally j>------—' • - Langrock Suits ...... $39.50 At. Gulf, W. I 30% 30% and make out the sales checks tain a writ. Trade school offers instructions iu Am Sugar Ref 74 73% 73% The charges against the detec­ entering the woods where he said six separate subjects, namelv; Tex­ and design and the general coursel Broken Lots ...... $17.50 144% 144% avoiding long waits. All merchan­ he f41I down a steep bank and was Am Tel & Tel.145% dise is plainly marked with size and tive grew out of his work as inves­ tile (Mondays aud Thursdaj^), Ma­ in testing has proved very popuihrj Extra Pants, $7.50. Anaconda . . . 47% 46% 47 tigator for Mrs. Frances Stevens unable to move. chine (Mondays and Thursdays), and should continue to appeal '.of Am smelting . 134% 131% 133% price so that it is practically possi­ .Auto Accident Cause. \ Blue Serge S u its...... $27.50 ble for customers to wait on them­ Hall, who with her brothers, Willie Woodworking (Mondays and Thurs­ textile workers who have not hadl Am Loc . . . 104% 104 104% and Henry Stevens and. hfer cousin, Mr. Boynton attributed his con­ days), Electrical (Mondays and the advantage of textile school f $30.00 Suits ...... $22.50 selves. dition to an automobile accident in Am Car Fndr> 98% 98% 98% Henry Carpender. is under ‘ indict­ Thursdays), Shop Mathematics training. $35.00 Suits ...... $25.50 The store is finished in the same Hartford in which he figured a Atchison . . . . 147% 145% 147% ment charged with the murders. (Wednesdays and Fridays) and “ In regard to machine and wood-1 102% manner as the larger stores of the year ago. His spine was injured at $37.50 Suits ...... $27.50 B & 0 ...... 102% 102% Mechanical Drafting (Wednesdays working-—let us consider the flrstl 46% 46 % Grant Company, that is, dark color­ that time and he suffered a con­ $40.00 Suits .. \ ...... $29.30 Beth Steel ‘B’ 46% and Fridays). one. The course in machine studyl 32% 32 32 ed polished fixtures with cream cussion of the brain. He was con­ $31.50 Chill Copper . NORTH METHODISTS Director Explains has had a large following In thel $42.50 S u its ...... Cons Gas N Y.105H 103% 105% colored walls and white ceilings. fined in St. Francis hospital for $45.00 Suits ...... $33.50 45 44 45 Lighting fixtures have been hung several weeks and had not been in In commenting on the various past. It is of special interest atd| Col. Fuel Iron value to drattman who lacks suf­ $49.50 Suits ...... $37.50 Ches & Ohio . 166% 162% 165% plentifully so that every inch of good health s(nce that time. Ho courses today. Director Warren ELECT S. S. OFFICERS had the following to say: ficient machine shop experience tol On all Suits, alterations are extra. Cruc Steel . . . 71% 71% 71% the store is flooded with light. had frequently been subject to Erie ...... 38% 36% 38% The merchandise is carefuly de- dizzy spells. “ Shop MathemaMce and Mechani­ enable him to have the completel understanding of machine design[ Erie 1 s t ...... 49% 47% 49 parlmentized and over thirty de­ The regular monthly business Mr. Boynton suffered another cal Drafting are of particular inter­ ■Gen. .\sphalt . 80% 78% 80% partments are "represented in the meeting of the Sunday School and more severe shock on Septem­ est to shop mechanics who need this that is expected of Iiim in the draft-] Gen Elec .... 84% 83 -83% new store. These include such lines Board, of the North Methodist ber 20. He was then removed to instruction in the soluticn of the ing departments today. See Our Show •Gen Mot. . ?. . 157% 152% 156 as yard goods and dress goods, in­ church was held in the vestry of the the Manchester Memorial hospital more diffl ,ult problems common to Woodwork Study Great No. Pfd. 77 76% 76% fants’ wear, men’s and boys’ items, church last evening. The report where he remained in an uncon­ this work. “ In the study of woodwork, stu-| 111. Central . . 121 120% 120% muslin underwear, housew’ares. of the nominating committee was scious condition for two weeks. “ The Electrical course offers ex­ dents v,"ill be allowed to construct] Kennecott Cop 60% 60% 60% electrical and radio supplies, hard­ read and accepted. The following But little hope was held out for cellent advantages to me in this various articles of furniture as they] Inspira Cop . . 24% ’ 23% 24 ware and auto accessories. officers were elected for the coming his recovery and death came yes­ line of work. The electrical theory select but will have to pay for the] W indows For Prices ■ Louis & Nash.132 131% 131% E. I. Stromfers, who has been year: terday. is of particular value to electricians material used. He will be allowed] Lehigh Valley 85% 85% 85% associated with the Grant Company Sunday School Superintendent, Boynton was born on Sep­ who have been benefited by nothing two-thirds of his total time for this] Motor "Wheel . 23% 22 22% for somfe time has been appointed Clarence L. Taylor. tember 17, 1863. in South Coven­ but practical experience. This work but will have to devote the] Norfolk West 163 159% 163 manager of the Manchester store. Assistant Sunday School Super­ try, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil­ course covers both alternate and remainder to school work because I No. Pacific . . . 77% 77 77 The opening in Manchester has intendent, Fred Hanson. ander P. Boynton of that place. At direct current but it is improbable of its instructional value. N YCentral . 134% 132% 133% been under the direction of J. L. Secretary, Fred Hanson. the age of three he removed to that a student could master both in “ The classes in all subjects will I Saturday Only N Y. N H & H 41 40 40% Saner; ^ while several young men Assistant Secretary, Miss Ruth Manchester with his parents and this first year of study, which in­ convene the week of October 11. a I Pan Am Pet . 63 62% 63 from nearby Grant stores have as­ Whaley. had resided here ever, since with cludes practical shop testing. fee of $3 will be required. It ia not[ 54 Treasurer, Miss Marion Tyler. the exception of two years spent in To acquaint you with tlie exceptional quality of ■Pennsylvania . 54 53% sisted in the opening. A number of Textile Course returnable. The course includes ap­ Pierce Arrow 24% 24 24% Birthday Secretary, Miss Beatrice St. Louis and Kansas City, Mo. “ The textile course provides proximately 30 sessions. Each will I [Mayfair Whit^ Broadcloth Shirts, we ^ i A 40 young women from Manchester and Mrs. Philander Boynton, mother of Pressed Steel 40 40 vicinity have been hired as the Shaw. splendid opportunity for instruc­ have two sessions a week, providing] 56% 56% the deceased was a descendant of will sell them a t ...... Rep Ir & Steel 56% opening sales force. Delinquent Committee, Rev. J. E. tion in the theoretical phases of there is sufficient attendance to] 86% 86% 86% Governor Belcher, first executive Regular $2.50 value. Reading ...... The W. T. Grant Company, of Duxbury. cloth manufacturing. In the past warrant the continuance of the] 62% 61 % 62% Purchasing Agent, Miss Emma of Massachusetts and was also a Ch R Isi & Pac "Which Manchester is the latest this course In cloth manufacture classes. 104% 104% 104% Colver. member of the Osmer family, one So. Pacific . . . branch, is a native New England So. Railway . 118% 117% 118% Primary Superintendent, Mrs. C. of the first families to settle In concern, having been founded in St. P a u l...... 10% 10% 10% I. Balch. Hartford. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiuiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiin Studebaker 55% 54% 55% Lynn, Mass., twenty years ago this Assistant Superintendent, Miss The funeral will be held tomor­ fall. Beginning with a capital cf ap­ George H. Williams Union Pacific 162 161 162 Mae Hanna. row afternoon at 2:30 at Watkins U S Rubber . . 56 55% 55% proximately $10,000 WMlliam T. Cradle Roll Superintendent, Mrs. Brothers. Rev. John E. Duxbury of rant opened his first store in the TONIGHT Johnson Block. I T S S te e l----- 146% 144% 146 F. B. Clarke. the North Methodist church will Massachusetts city and his ideas I T S Steel Pr. 127% 127% 127% Home Department Superintend­ officiate and barlal will be in the LAST TIMES Westin’house . 68% 68 68% and policies enjoyed such success ent, Miss Emma Colver. Buckland cemetery. CIRCLE 7 and 9 West. Union . 144% 144% 144% that the original plan was incor­ Assistant Home Department Su­ porated into a chain. There are now perintendent, Mrs. Georgie Ship- DOUBLE FEATURE BILL nearly 100 stores in the Grant man. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES organization covering the United The teachers for the coming year CECIL OGDEN AND LEFTY FLYNN States from Maine to Texas and were also approved at this nyeting. Clan McLean and Daughters of from .Minnesota to Florida, and do­ Scotia members as well as other in “THE COLLEGE BOOB” Scotch people in town are invited ing f.n annual business in excess of MADGE BELLAMY in “BLACK PARADISE” Manchester There will be a rehearsal of the $35,000,000. Buying activities CHICKEN DINNERS to attend the lecture in South school band in the assembly hall to­ which a:e centered at 455 Seventh At All Times. Methodist church Sunday evening night at 7 o’clock sharp. All mem­ Avenue. New York City cover prac­ by Rev. Joseph Cooper on the sub­ Tomorrow one oayoniy TomoiTow II bers are requested to be prompt and tically the entire world. Resident THE RAINBOW INN ject of “ The Religion of Sir Walter to bring instruments. Last week buyers are maintained ip European Scott.’’ There will also be sing­ GLENN HUNTER in “THE PINCH HITTER” upholstering Co. several came to rehearsal with no markets, w'hile connections in the Atop Bolton Hill. i ing of favorite Scotch songs. Instrumonts. RANGER, the Marvel Dog in “ FLASHING FANGS” Sheridan Hotel Building Phone 1743 Orient enable the IV. T. Grant Com­ If the rehearsal can be started on pany to import from the Far East. 597 Main Street So. Manchester time, it will not be too long. If the (rtiUiiiiiitiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUMim SUNDAY AND MONDAY band members wish the school to have a successful band, they must OLD SWINDLE WORKED HUNTLY GORDON, JANE NOVAK “LOST AT SEA” come to rehearsals in better atten­ s dance than previous to now. j I CONCERT I iiUfiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiutiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimii Now Is The Time To Have It has been suggested that a ' ON NORTH E.NDER s ^ French club be started in the | n Given under auspices of Certtfer Church That Suite Recovered school. The Misses Nolan and KeN i I Men’s League jfiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuHUHniliii] ley back the movement. In view of ] (Continued trout page 1.) We can show you any number of samples in Velour, what the English and Latin clubs ' have accomplished in the past two j leased from prison where he serv­ Mohair or Tapestry. Come in and see us. ed time for counterfeiting andefor I RHONDDA years, these members of the faculty TODAY & i| We can quote you prices — Just ’phone us and one think suqh an organization woul.l ♦hat reason is known to the police. World Renowned WelBh Male Singars of our men will call to show samples and give you an be successful and profitable. Mem­ He has his money making machine I but cannot make the money as he STATE Tomorrow bers to the club would eventually i | estimate. will be quickly caught and put be only those who have marks of back into prison, but for a sum of I High School Hall honor iu French. The club would be money be will sell the machine. a social organization and at its Mysterious Visit. SELECT meetings would have various kinds Then comes a mysterious visit to Saturday Evening, October 9 of entertaiilment and socials for the gX9tXX3(XXXXX9tXXa>XXXXX90CX^^ the swindler's rooms and the ma- members. Such enticements result cliine is brought 4o view. A piece at Eight O’clock VAUDEVILLE in the students working harder to of paper the size of a bill is placed \ ACTS i attain the required grades ia in the machine and here is the im­ Admission: $1.15, including Tax. | ACTS French so that they may become portant part of the bunco scheme. club members. It must remain in the machine for s i BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER The other school clubs are ex­ 24 hours and not be touched. The riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliimiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii Radiantfire pected to organize soon. Just as machine is given to the victim to soon as the first marking period is guard for the 24 hours. In the Watsons Dogs over, those who have attained morning the swindler arrives and iiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii marks of honor in certain English from the bottom of the machine EDUCATED PETS and Latin classes are eligible to takes out a bill of any denomina­ these clubs. tion. Many students attended the -A Genuine Bill. Leddy & Leddy The Three Kenna special radio program in the assem­ "Take this to the bank and see Comedy Bits of Trimmings Sisters bly hall yesterday morning. The if they can detect it,” suggests the n .e R IA L T O program was one on musical appre­ swindler. The victim does so and ciation and was broadcast from finds that the bill is all right as it Manchester’s Coziest Theater; Bobby Carbone & Co. in “The New Boy” || 1 Stations WTIC in Hartford, in con­ is in reality a genuine bill that junction with Storrs College broad­ had been placed in the bottom of casting station. Miss Dorward w’as the machine. Then follows some NOW FRIDAY AND ! present and explained the programs more bargaining until the victim PLAYING SATURDAY Ed Scofield & Girls that W'ere broadcasted.- The radio draws out his money and gives it to the swindler who at once disap­ set used was furnished by Barstow’s 5— People-^ in a Modem Revue 1 Radio Shop, pears for he knows that he has a start of 24 hours before his victim SI will open his money making ma­ Feature Picture: sl S.^UTH .AND WAGNER OPEN BATTLE TONIGHT. chine to fiad his paper converted “Flames” into money. GLORIA SWANSON in “Fine Manners” || New York, Oct, 8.— The state Those interviewed yesterday Democratic campaign, headed by think that happened in Tony’s THE THRILLING STORY OF A GIRL is made in two sizes. Gov. Alfred E. Smith, seeking re- case. They say that it would be al­ WHO PLAYED WITH FIRE, FEATUR­ election and Robert F. Wagner, for­ most impossible for Salenik to ING A GREAT TEAM — EUGENE mer suprAne court justice, nomi­ d firata love steal the money without Tony see­ O’BRIEN AND VIRGINIA VALLL nee for United States Senator, will ing'it while they were both in the story tolfit ttU h a The smaller size will heat a room begin here .tonight with official no­ wkqround o f the salty siUk small rooms and they think it odd THE NEWLY CROWNfSD WORLD’S CHAMR tification ceremonies at the Nation­ that he would place the money un­ 12x18x9 for SVzC per hour. al Democratic club. Speeches of der a pillow and then leave it un­ DOUGLAS/ Gov. Smith and Wagner, who re­ guarded while he left the room in signed from the bench to fun for Gene Tunney in FAIRBANKS charge of a practical stranger. »1! .THL. The larger size will heat a room 15x senator, will be broadcast from ra From this, every fact in the case dio station WEAF. points to Tony giving his money to ‘The Fighting Marine” the stranger and then after finding 24x9 for 5c per hour. NURSES’ EXAMS. that he had been swindled he told COMEpY — EDUCATIONAL REEL — NEWS P f Hartford, Oct. 8.— More than the police a different story because When you can buy this health­ 150 nurses representing every hos­ he did not want to appear so Ig pital in the state and several in norant or because he believed that SUNDAY other states are taking examine he might also be arrested for buy­ SUNDAY AND MONDAY giving comfort— tions for registration today before ing a machine that, in his belief, the state board of examinations and could make counterfeit money. MONDAY registration of nurses at the state This last theory is the more feas- “Young April” Why have a cold room? capitol. able one. It is more leasable because of It’s First' Showing In This Part of the State. TUESDAY^ the fact that the bills submitted to ____ ^ I WIRTALLA’S dancing school a local bank as being possibly A Glamorous Romance With RUDOLPH and 4 for Obildren opens Saturday after­ counterfeits, were genuine bills. JOSEPH SCHILDGRAUT and ELINOR But no matter how the local FAIR. I ADMISSION FOR THIS PICTURE noon October 10th, In Orange Hall. North End man was swindled, the \r\ The Manchester Gas Co. I Matinees...... 15c ai^ ^ScFvening.. . . . 15c, 3 0 ^ 40e Aesthetic, Ballet and BAllroom fact remains that Salenik stole the ALSO SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS. $1,000 and on that charge he will Dances Tanght, also Deportment. be prosecuted. iiiiuiiuiuiiiiiiiliuliuiiiuuiiulUiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiMUiliilraiiiiiiHiiHiiiiHiiK v r • ^ 4 :

M AN€HES^‘B\^ra<5^HBRAirDr%roA^^

bury - Watertown-Thomastbn road IS. undei^ construction. No dblay to 8TUPPBD-. TOB4ATOES routes 334 and 350. Shoulders in­ traffic. ‘Bucigr” Hands and His ^ cieiy Bride LOS ANGELES O R D ^ complete. Open for travel. Hartford, Springfield, route 110, ‘ OhUldd tomatoes stuffed with Checked gingham CONDITION OF Willlmuntlc. Putnam road is un­ in the towhs of Windsor, and Wind­ T O F L Y T O p ^ P •ooolfed' s'w^et corn add chopped stand repeated and frMU( der construction in Windham. sor Locks, road Is nnder construc­ prpen .pppphjrs ihhke a delightful erlngs Is very attractive Open to trafilc for those proceed­ tion. Through traffic from Hart­ salad, < with lettuce or watCriress. en curtains. ing* from North Windham toward ford to Suffleld and Springfield de­ STATE ROADS ‘WUUmantlc. Traffic from Wllil- tour at Windsor going through pjautio to North Windham will Poqupnock and Suffleld over the 4lrlg}p}o Dos Aogeleii . wq^ follow detour. recently finished state read. ‘ ordqrqd to fiy to Dqtroit oh Optoh«r Manchester, Center street, route 11 to test the Ford'-ixioorlhg ’ni^ t lltf|ll|l||IIHIlHIIIIIIII|!HlliliiHillllll|lllllllllllllllllllllll||||||||||li||||||Hlllllllllll Wlllimantic, . Hartford road, at Dosrhoru- It will

MANCHESTER AUTO TOP CO. 115 Oak S t Phone 1816-3 Slip Covers 42 Pc Auto Tops Re-covered. $,14-95 to $59*50 3 Piece Bed Room Suite Double Day Beds Carpets and Upholstery. China Dinner Set Rex Winter Enclosures. Celluloids for Curtains. $129;50 $19.50 ^ Silk Curtains. Our new Fall and Winter collection of smart Sport Coats presents a wide variety of models featuring all the $9.50 On Our Profit Sharing Plan With 1 Tear To Pay. favored styles. ' All we ask is that you step in and see this suite, we know you will want to own one of them. It is quality mer­ ALEXANDER Soft English Woolens, Tweeds and Novelty Fabrics chandise throughout. Queen Anne style, made of American in plaids, checks and ombre tones. Silk lined and warm­ walnut and gumwood. Quoted with fuU size bow-end bed, 48-inch dresser and JARVIS. 1 . ly interlined. large wardrobe of chiiforette. The full Vanity can be sub­ stituted for a slight additional cost. . Sand Fur Collars of IVfandel, Wolf, Fox and other fashion­ Guaranteed Spring and Cotton Felted Mattress Free t Gravel able pelts. Some are without fur trimmings. With Each Chamber Suite. Imported China—^hand decorated With pretty cretonne covered ends, Stone in assorted patterns. aAattress and valance. Opens to a $1.00 Weekly On Our Profit Sharing 8 Pi^e Dining Suite full size comfortable bed. Loam and Gradings Special for Plan. $1.00 Weekly On Our Profit Sharing Moving $139.50 Plan. and Trucking Saturday Only Comfortables In the popular Huguenot Walnut, 60 inch buffet, large Blankets extension table, arm chair and fireside chairs. We offer New Fall Hats this suite in competitil^ with anything elsewhere at any­ All Kinds of $5.50 where near its price. $4.50 Cemetery Grading $2.00 Velvets, Felts, Satin Combi- Extra large and extra heavy—all Large size double Blankets, wool ; nations. You are sure to find new white cotton filling and hand­ mixed in attractive plaid coverings. the becoming type hat you some fiowered tick. A superb value) An extra special offering. 416 Center Street have been seeking in this gi*oup $1.00 Weekly On Our Profit Sharing &1 KEITH FURNUDRE CO. he of marvelous values. Plan. $1.00 Weeldy On Our Profit Sharing South Manchester ^ COB. MAIN AND SCHOOL STUBBTS * S a MANGHB8TBR, OT. ♦ Plan. ait T el 341 iM . S-;


y£ L -:______— I 1^- ham will be the hostess and the FUNERAL OF »IRS. FLYNN. “Ave Marla.” Mrs. Brennan ren­ ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. MYSTERIOUS R.\DIO VOICE tage tor a short stay. dered "Sweet Savous." Mr. Keat­ Mrs. G. A. Holmes and Mrs. Anna members may invite their friends. ASTONISHES SO. END FOLKS ABOUT TOWN The funeral of Mrs. Nellie Hart­ ing sang "Face to Face" as the body Mr. and Mrs. William Fraser ol HEBRON Dart have been visiting Mr. and was borne from the church. 160 Cooper Hill street announce Mrs. John Mitchell in Hartford. . The Young People’s club of Cen­ nett Flynn, of 689 Main street, was During the broadcasting of held this morning from Holloran the engagement their daughter MIbb Amy Strong Markham who Columbia Grange dbserved Edu­ ter church will meet Sunday even­ The bearers were: Edward Morl- Margaret, to Sherwood M. Behrend has been the guest of her cousin, the World Series people at the cational Night at its regular meet­ ing at six o’clock sharp to elect Brothers' Undertaking Parlors at arty, James Moriarty, "Vincent Morl- corner of Main and Oak streets A party of local Grangers went 8:30 and at the St. James’ church son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Miss Daisy White for a few days ing Wednesday evening. Supervisor to Abington yesterday to attend their officers. The cabinet is re­ arty, George McKeever, Jr., Peter Behrend of 411 Center street. has returned to her home in East have been puzzled by a radio quested to meet at 5:45 to discuss at 9 o’clock. J. Smith and John Kerwin, of Mil­ voice coming apparently from Larcomb, School Nurse Danahy. the the meeting of Quinebaug Pomona Hampton. school board and teachers were the Grange. In the afternoon the State matters of^buslness. Rev. W. T. Reldy celebrated the ford. Mr. Bennett, educational super- nowhere. They looked up and mass. Arthur Keating and Mrs. ^down the street and at windows guests of the Grange. Mr. Larcomb Grange conferred the sixth degree Burial was in St. James’s ceme­ ! intendent from Lancaster, Mass., gave a very fine address on fitting on a class of candidates. Directors of the Manchester Claire Brennan sang a duet, "0 j visited the Hopevale Advent school but saw no horn and yet the Chamber of Commerce will hold Salutaris." Mrs. John Buckley sang tery. Read Oassified Ads on Tuesday. He was accompanied | voice droned on. our school children for life in a their first fall meeting in the Democracy. Miss Danahy spoke Mrs. Myra Gallnat of Keeney by Miss Ferguson, a nurse from a The explanation after it was briefly of her work. Mrs. Edith Chamber rooms, Wednesday even­ sanitarium in Melrose, Mass, who ■ traced, was simple enough. The street left yesterday for a visit ing, October 13, at o'clock. assisted in the inspection of the ■ Isbam sang two boprauo solos. A with her son Lester In Plalnville. Evening Herald has a magnavox reading “The Parmer" by Clayton school. I pointing out of a window facing The regular meeting of Clan Mrs. Greenbacker of Middlefleld«j Keeney Court. The sounds E. Hunt followed .after whl:h a The. "Live" club of Center McLean, No. 352, O. S. C., will be ; has spent several days here this | strike the wall of the building short play “A Naturalisation church will meet at 7:30 In the held in Tinker hall this evening. A j week making a house to house can- j opposite, then is reflected to the Court” was presented by 6 men of church parlors tonight. Miss Eliza­ large attendance is asked for so vas for the purpose of reorganizing Circle theater wall and then the Grange. A social hour followed, beth Rogers, secretary of the Y. W. that the plan to enter a team in the Woman’s Christian Temper­ zig-zags across Oak street until and fruit salad, sandwiches, cake' C. A. will be present and speak to the Manchester District amateur ance Union. There are only two it reaches Main street. and coffee were served by the the girls. A volley ball team will soccer league will be discussed. G. F ox & members of that organization still Grange refreshment committee. The also be’formed at this time. Miss Eva Metcalf of 89 Pleasant PRESCRIPTIONS EXPERTLY COMPOUNDED It is a remarkable example of next meeting, Oct. 12th will be retaining their membership in acoustics. street was operated upon for appen­ the old society which once flour­ Neighbor’s Night, and it is hoped Mrs. Clara Lincoln gave the first dicitis at/-the Hartford hospital this ished here. These two are Mrs. that Hebron Grange will meet with of a series of card parties for Py­ morning. Free Telephone Service Free Telephone Service Edwin T. Smith, the former pres­ Columbia and furn'ch the pio- thian Sisters and Knights at her ident and Mrs. Frank Clark. The gramme. home on Adams street last even­ Gibbons Assembly, Ladles of meeting was held at the home of COLUMBIA Columbus, will meet this evening in From New Britain Call 3500 From Simsbury Call 200 Mrs. E. G. Lord Thursday after­ ing. The winners of first prices POPULAR TRIMMING. were Mrs. Myron Peckham and K. of C. hall. A social will follow From Manchester Call 1500 From Windsor Call 300 noon ami a successful start was Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hutchins of Caracul is one of the most popu­ Latting Caverly, and of the conso­ the business and all members are From Middletown Call 120 From Meriden Call 1300 made with eleven members. Mrs. Washington, D. C., are spending a urged to be present. H. C. Champe was made temporary lar materials for trimmings—it is lation awards, Mrs. Latting Caver­ two weeks vacation at the home of particularly liked in black on ly and Horace Peckham. Dainty secretary. Election of other offi­ l\ir. and Mrs. Lester Hutchins of cers will take place at the next black broadcloth. refreshments were served by the A daughter, Barbara Lucile, was meeting which was appointed for Chestnut Hill. hostess and it was announced that born this morning ta Mr. and Mrs. For Every Occasion. New ' ' Thursday, November 4. At that Miss Kellogg. Librarian of the One passenger killed in 1925 on a setback party will be given by Frank Carlson, of 32 Pleasant meeting it is hoped that workers Hebron Library, was a visitor at British railroads. There’s always the ladies Monday afternoon at street. The baby was born at Mrs. from the state organization will be our Columbia Library Monday eve­ someone taking a chance on those Center hose house. Mrs. Frances Howe’s Maternity Home on Wads­ present. ning. English trains. Chambers and Mrs. Myron Peck­ worth street. In the report of the town elec­ Miss Jane Dresser is at her cot- tions omission was made of the SILK names of Rufus R. Rathbone, r. as second selectman, and of Mrs. Elton Buell and Edward A. Smith as members of the town school committee. \ Members of the church commit­ tee who went to Hartford to pur­ chase runners for the interior of FROCKS the Congregational church were I Edward A. Smith, Mrs. F. H. Ray­ mond, Mrs. E. A. Raymond and Mrs. E. T. Smith. That Catch the Spirit of Youth A meeting of the selectmen and town clerk will be held' at the town clerk's office on Saturday, October 9, also on the same day a week later, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. for the purpose of making voters. to Mrs. Margaret Dingwell of South Manchester has been spend­ $16.98 ing a few days this week at her place on the .^ndover road. Mrs. Frank Clark, regent of the Colonel Henry Champion Chapter of the D. A. R. attended a state An unusual assemblage of new styles as diversified as the decrees of Fashion are meeting of “The Daughters” in $25.00 Hartford on Tuesday. Friends of Mrs. Cora Rose of numerous. Select your new apparel from these most approved styles. Bolton were grieved to hear of her death which occurred at a Hart­ Frocks of Crepe Satin that tie in front. ford hospital, October 6. Mrs. Frocks of Flat Crepe that fall in tiers. Rose was widow of the late Rev. Frocks of Silk Georgette with tucking. George Rose, and w'as a former resident of this town and of An­ Frocks of Silk Crepe with all round blouse. dover. She was a daughter of the Coats Dresses Frocks of Chiffon with flowers. late Roger Phelps of Andover and had been engaged in mission work Frocks for in Mexico with her husband at fbr every occasion— for street, office, aft­ Frocks for one time. She began her work in missions as a deaconess of the DANCE WEAR EVENING WEAR church and was known as Sister whether sports, ernoon or party DINNER WEAR STREET WEAR Victoria. She leaves three sons and a daughter. Her mother, Mrs. wear. The prettiest Carrie Phelps, survives her. One street wear, motor­ Other Frocks $29.95 to $125.00, son. the Rev. Lawrence Rose, is assistant at Christ church. Bay ing or dressy type. creations of Geor­ 1 7 ' Ridge, N. Y, with the Rev. J. H. Women’s Silk Frocks—Third Floor. Fitzgerald, also a former recfclent gette, Velvet,^ Crepe here. Funeral services were held at her late home in Bolton and Moderately priced. burial was at Pleasant Valley, in Satin or Woolens, the Catskills, at her husband’s last parish. i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schrleber of Westbrook were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. How­ ard Thompson. Joseph Brooks of Warehouse 24.95 9.95 Point, father of the Brooks boys, $ $ CHEERFUL CREDIT who are living here with their grandparents, is reported as im­ proving and with a good chance for recovery. It was thought that he to to FALL SPECIALS had little chance of recovery a ehort time ago. With cool days comes the desire for new and attractively styled clothing. The men A meeting of the women of the town for the purpose of organiz­ fi folk are thinking about overcoats and suits; the women thjong to the coat depart- ing anew the Woman’s Christian ? ment, there to purchase a wai-m, comfortable garment for-fall days. Don t be .^ o n g Temperance Union was held at the 4 those who say “I’ll have to make my last winter s coat do this season. Let CIIEER- home of Mrs. E. G. Lord Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Greenbacker of FU LCREDIT, with its liberal terms—“No Money Down, $1 a Week —help you to buy Middlefield was present and led a new one. Buy a good quality coat, suit or dress, paying on convenient, small weekly the meeting as a worker. The old installments. \ organization of a number of years ago had only two members left - who had continued their dues and membership. Mrs. H. C. Champe was appointed temporary secre­ tary. Dresses 1 DISGRACED, SUICIDES Extra Special Syracuse, N. Y„ Oct. 8.— Edward Tice, 55, awaiting action of the October grand jury for a serious charge, made by his daughter, $ 16.50 committed suicide today by hang­ ing himself in the barn on his farm near Onatavia. SPANISH SHAWLS For Women and Misses A marvelous selection, under priced at Auto Windshields 52x56 inches, 18-inch fringe. $25. values. For Fash­ A merchandising triumph in which you will delight— just at the time when you need new frocks for fall. Set While You Wait. ion Week, Special Materials: Satin, Crepe Canton, Georgettes, in all the new colors. Models: Tiered, straight and blouse effects, Glass For All $12.95 pleated, embroidered, straight and web sleeves. Purposes Sport Coats Girls’ Dresses Velvet Girls’

Entirely new styles, de­ ! Overblouses Winter Coats $2 3 .7 5 $3 2 .5 0 veloped in velvet, wool­ For Travel, for Sports wear, forX3eneral wear PAINT ens and wash fabrics. Splendid garments, de­ In high color and subdued plaids, in foreign and domes­ in newest Fall shades. signed in keeping with tic materials, made in smart swagger models. Now is the time to do your Sizes 16 to 40. Special Full furred collars of Kit Fox, Natural Wolf, Civet Cat painting to protect your prop- to the spirit of youth in pat­ and Japanese Fox. for Fall Fashion Week, Erty from the ravages of Win­ $1.95 tern and materials. ter. MEN’S and YOUNG MEN’S SUITS and OVERCOATS WE CARRY PIERCE’S $9.95 S4.39 $5 to $24.95 SUITS in all wool cheviots, serges, OVERCOATS in light -weight for im­ Strictly Pure House Paints cassimeres and worsteds,>j tailored U4U1UJ.CU inXU the b l i c ; mediate wear, and heavier Coats for Winter. Roomy box models and the Get one of our color charts. newest fall styles. - - - — Specials a t ...... $24.75 new Tube Coats. Specials a t ...... f O THe I ^ S A r M i SCH § lT £ ^ Bamforth’s 240 AsiriiUjn. Hardware and Tools. Hartford ^91 Main St. So. Manchester MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1926. f t m .•>A . . ..

what might have happened had er hall, also to increase the in­ Assessor—Frederick Abell, r. Raymond Squler, d; James Utley d SMALL QUAXTITIES TO KEEP CHEESE ; Conrad married—well, for instance, surance on the building from Board of Relief—Roland Smith Collector of Taxes—Dwight A. It cheese is wrapp.ed in a cloth a woman with a career. COLUMBIA $3000 to $5000. It w’as voted to r. . Lyman, r. Jam is most successfully made moistened with vinegar and kef>t • • close the so-called “New" Road” Selectmen—^Ist, Wtlliam Wolff, Constables—Harvey Collins, r; when only a small amount is in a closed crock it will keep fori a Most disconcerning it is to learn The town meeting "was leading to the Elisha Lewis place, r; 2nd, Clair Robinson, r; 3rd, Lester Hutchins, r: Conral Schrief­ cooked quickly over a hot lire. long time. the difficulties of publishers in hold at the town hall Monday af­ which is not used and is in bad Joseph N. Clark, d. er, r; Robert Cobb, Edward La- wheedling large sections of the pub­ ternoon. The reports of the se­ shape. A clause in the warning Auditors—Frederick Abell, r Bonte and Ralph Buell, d. In the last 100 years, only two A speedometer for a locomotive lic into reading such thrilling mas­ lectmen and the school board were to reduce the number on the school and Rowland Cobb, d. Registrar of Voters — Curtis comets have been brilliant enough has been devised. It employs a ters as Conrad, Stevenson or Kip­ accepted and budgets approved af­ board from 6 to 3 was passed by Grand Jurors—Dwight A, Ly­ Holmes, r and Erwin Collins, d. to be seen by day with the naked magneto generator, driven from ter some discussion. . It was voted I a unanimous vote. The following man, r; Frank Squler, r; Conrad School Board—Lucius Robin­ eye. One of these was in 1S43, one of the engine wheels, with an. ling. son, r and Frank Poter, d. Again a “behind the scenes” peep to put a metal ceilinig on the low­ town officers -were elected: Schriefer, r; Joseph N. Clarke, d; the other in IS82. indicator in the cab. is allowed by Helen Woodward in her odessy of a modern woman It is difficult to estimate the exact worker. “Through Many Windows” degree of influence the home life (Harpers). In those chapters de­ of a genius may cast over his voted to her experience as an adver­ ■work. tising writer for big publishing Certainly none seems to have houses she recalls magazinb cam­ Again Leads in been blessed with a more patient, paigns to stimulate sales of these comprehending and tender mate 1 and others. To what the popular than Joseph Conrad. ! taste the Stevenson ads were given such enticing headlines as ,‘One To us, such peeps behind the j more step and I’ll blow your brains New England home 'walls as are given by Jessie I out. . . .What did he do?” Conrad in “Joseph Conrad As I j But even this didn’t work. She Knew Him’’ (Doubleday. Page) had TO go back to the sex confession Corner of Main, Morgan and Village Sts. . Merchandising Events comprise records of surpassing fas­ magazine stuff: “Her husband and cination. her lover—which did she save?” Conrad •was a crochety, gouty, ! This, if-you please, for R. L. Stev- irascible but lovable fellow who ' enson. But it sold the books and, needed strict diet and kindly mini- who knows, may have made con­ There Are About 200 Different Items In Our Tremendous Stock That We trations. Common sense and im­ verts. perturbability were qualities essen- * • • tional in the woman he married. Two books of unusual short stor­ Have Elspecially Prepared For This Gigantic Sale. Those of You Who His widow recalls his amazing ies: Somerset Maugham’s "The proposal of ^arriagc: “He began Casuarina Tree” (Doran I and by announcing that he had not very “Singing AVinds” (Boni, Liveright). Have Heretofore Taken Advantage of Our Advertised Specials Will Appre­ long to live, but such as his life by Konrad Bercovici. was he thought we might spend a Our advise is to make Alaugham’s ciate the Tremendous Savings Herrup’s Has Made Possible for the Public acquaintance through his classic. “Of Human Bondage,” dismiss his other novels and then go on to his of Hartford. Come Early. This Sale Lasts Only One Week. Many Items Will short stories of which “Rain" is. perhaps, his finest. But in this new collection there is one particu­ Be Sold Out Before the Third Day. • larly thrilling tale, “The 'Force of Circumstance.” which tells of an Englishman who “went native" in the Straits Settlements, returned to his homeland, married an English girl and took her back. Perhaps that sounds familiar. But the English girl looks upon the dark tem Listed Below *39 iwn,’l Weekly skinned native ami, thereafter, the story deals with the psychological effect upon her attitude towards her husband. Revolted by the association, she leaves him and re­ turns to her native girl. A fine study, this! Bercovici is. happly. again with his gypsies, and if you have delayed Somerset Maugham making the acquaintance of these colorful, flashing, romantic tales few happy years together." At of the Roman.v folk, and of Turks that time he had written but one and Tartars as well, turn quickly novel. "Almayer’s F.olly.” The fu­ to one entitled “The A'ineyard” and ture Mrs. Conrad was then Miss be thrilled by the picturesque dance Jessie George, an Englishwoman of the grapes and the peasant who Wing Chairs Cabinet Gas Range of undistinguished family and pos­ ran away with a fiddler. Covered in an assortment China Cabinet sessed of no dowry. Large size—^finished in Good baker—best finish— Spinet Desk of velours and jacquards. Stoves AVe learn that while concentrat­ walnut. All low priced—start at all perfect construction. Finished in mahogany. A ing at white heat upon a book he remarkable bargain. „ virtually refused to eat, and much BOLTON Kitchen Cabinets $39.00. Come early. of his illness may be attributed to this. She punctures the various Mrs. R. K. Jones was one of the Closing out seA^eral series tales of extreme poverty that have sixteen guests at Mrs. Clayton —all Avorth more. gone the rounds. She also mini­ Lord’s Tuesday in Manchester to mizes the role of Ford Madox Ford observe the club aluminum demon­ as first aid to Conrad's genius, a stration. A roast lamb dinner was part in which Ford cast himself in served. Guests were present from a book printed shortly after Con­ Andover, Gilead, New Britain and rad's death. Manchester. She tells how. shortly before their Mrs. Cora Rose’s condition re­ marriage. Conrad gave her Xmanu- mains serious. She is in the stript of "Outcast of the Ishjnds” Hartford hospital. to read and when she sensecl "a The Grange will meet Friday restlessness in him. a sort of inward evening. Day Bed tire that robbed me of my speech," East Central Pomona Grange will Complete Avith mattress and thus brought irrihtble com­ meet at Suffleld AVednesday, Oct. Rugs and covered Avith cretonne. ments on her enunciation. 12. Wood Beds Library Table Axminsters and Tapes­ There are stories of the children, The Republican caucus will be BoAv-foot,. Avalnut finish, Oak Davenport Only a very fe-w' left. of the master's irritation when the held Oct. 11 at the basement. tries. All sacrificed for Dressing Table? ^ babies cried, of his amazing absorp­ guaranteed perfect. Finished in leatherette, this sale. Finished in walnut. tion in which he was writing, of his habit of throwing lighted cigaret butts and all but burning up the house, of scores of incidents that TYPEWRITERS must prove absorbingly interesting to Conradians. All makes. Sold, rented, ex­ It becomes obvious that Airs. Con­ changed and overhauled. rad completely subordinated her life to the whims of her genius- husband. In this connection we j Special Discounts to Students. make bold to suggest to those read­ ing groups and women’s clubs suf­ fering from program difficulties this winter that some absorbing papers Kemp’s Music House might be based on speculation of Telephone S21. Davenport Table These are exceptionally BED, SPRING, MATTRESS Tables Cogswell Chair Wardrobes fine bargains. Dining Boom Tables—ob­ In a A^ariety of covers. Only a few of these Aval- Complete outfit—all of long, finished in walnut. Heaters nut robes are left. perfect construction. iren ry tor Parlor Stoves—a large size, good heater. □ 1 1

CtSKH o j MOTHER F le tc h e r’s Castoria is especially pre­ Lamps Radio Cabinet Overstaffed With Bench to match. A Dresser Club Chairs covered in a pared to relieve Infants in A Avide variety of Bridge Wardrobe and Floor Lnnrpo-^low'’ Radio ncAV style in 2-tone ma­ Large size—with mirror, Large size—^Avalnut finish' variety of velours and arms and Children hll ages of priced. 5-Tube Receiving Sets. hogany. cupboard, 5 drawers. —large mirror. jacquards. Constipation, Flatulency, Wind . Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Fevenshness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep.

To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of /-ccic-At-" ’ Absolutely Har m l e s s Opiates, Physicians everywhere recommend / t e i \ V /i niiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiin

Silk Floss Mattress , I Enroll Tonight For I m * • A 5-Piece Breakfast Set A 50 Lb. Mattress filled with pure Kapoc-^^ar- ■ Gateleg Table and 4 Windsor ' 'lairs, finished in 5-Piece Decorated Breakfast Set anteed for five years. Evening | mahogany. Beautifully finished in various color finishes. One of America’s Greatest Furniture Stores Our Elasy Credit Terms I Trade School | ■Are orrerod Without Extra Clinrgo CaU 2 -7 9 2 2 AA'eckly Paym ents on Sl.OO Purchases up to $75.00 For Evening ■\A'cekly Paym ents on S2.50 I ’urchasos up to $200.00 Appointments Classes AA’cekly Payments on $6.50 Purchases up to $500.00 We shall be glad to make arrangements AA’celcly Paym epfs on = Instruction Given in \ $12.00 Purchases up; to $1,000 for our courteous sales force to meet MontJiIy paymcnt.s If desired. Accounts opened you at your convenience. 5 Textile Theory and Shop Work Machine Shop Practice = from $."» to $5,000 at ndatlvcly ;small paj-iuenis. Ko = Mechanical Drafting Woodworking = oliarsro for credit. Cor. Main and Morgan Sts., Hertford' Open Saturday Evenings E Electrical Theory and Shop Work Shop Mathematics = \ .^lllUlUllllilllllUIllililllllUllllllllimillllilllUUiiUiiuuiiiuimiiiiumiuiiiiiiiiiiiiii ( ";^‘PAGBSrS MANCHESTOR’ EVENING'HERALD,' FRIDAY, OCTOBER' 8, 1928.' .hti*. . W-

Change in Rates THE ROMANCE OF AMERICA: Stephen Decatur (9) Sketches by Redner, Synopsis by Braucher *■*■*■—*^ -rri*.* rrinrinrinr>rj\nriniW -ifW W v — i*>~~*vu For Herald Classified Advertising On and after June 1, 1926, the following rates for Classified Advertising will be in effect: 'N All For Sale, To Rent, Lost, Found and similar advertising on Classified Page: First insertion, 10 cents a line (6 words to line). Minimum Charge 30 Cents. Repeat insertions (running every day), 5 cents a 9 l te line. CONSTlTanOH THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH WITH COPY." An additional charge of 25 cents will be made for m advertisements charged and billed. Kn 4> Decatur saw much service during the rest of the FOR SALE summer of 1804. For bravery, and skill he was placed For several- years troubTe toonneid with Brlti^’ / TO RENT ‘ 1 Early in 1806 Decatur in.command of the Constitution for a short time. He Who'-.had:repeatedly>seized American.sailors.,and' dis« FOR SALE—Fifty 'White Leghorn FOR RENT—Garage, at 82 Garden The ship stopped at was merried to Miss regarded* the flag^ Decatur, who had been .supeHn* pullets also Barred Rocks. 33 acres street. was then only 25 yeare old! He retained command of Norfolk. Everywhere the Susan Wheeler, daughter farm cheap. H. Kioto. Vernon. the ship until the end of the war. i'n 1805, when he was tending the construction of gunboats, was jn edihmdnd TO REXT—Six room cottage. Heat, sailors were ' received of the mayor oL Norfolk, FOR S.\LE—Cider apples also a light, gas. Room for auto. Telephone transferred to. the Congress and sailed for home. of the United S ta^ s.fn 1812.when w ar We* declared few large Iteads of cal'bage. Win. H. 626. with enthusiasm. Va. and the fleet put out to sea. (Continued.) Felt, Wapping, Conn. I’hone 776-4. TO REXT—Three room tenement, I F O R S.-VLE—Radiola IIT-.V 4 tube. near the Center. Inquire at 16 Lllley $1-5, 5-tube Xeutrodyue, - tube, .■street. Phone 398-3. $12, loud spe:ikers hoait $2. Heavy duty batteries, $4.00. 10 FOR REXT—Six room cottage, with WANTED George A. Oviat, president. At a ed and In 1881 it was voted to do the eggs in. Financially the sup­ Beecli street.. tclei'iiMiie 1 . '-j I'.- garage, at 135 Porter street, strictly REVIEWS MISSIONARY January meeting in 1869 at Mrs. what they could in connection with per was a success. Why not try it fween 5 and 7 evenings. lundern: to adults, rent reasonable. "WAXTED—Cashier. Apply Rialto C. D. Talcott’s. the number pres­ the Home Society. In 1882 at the LAST YEAR’S CHAMPS Plume 1482 or inquire at 25 Stark­ Theater. again? FOR SALE — Tliree-hurner Xew weather street. ent in the evening was one hun­ annual meeting held on October 24 In July of that year both socie­ Perfection oil stove with oven. Rea­ W.4.NTED—Some pleasure these WORK FOR 60 YEARS dred and twenty-five. At a June it was voted to hold the newly ties had a picnic under the trees IN SOCCK LEAGUE sonable. Call at 39 Main street. TO REXT—Very clean 4 room long evenings? "Why not have that meeting at Grandmother Talcott’s formed Mission Band, now the at Mrs. Charles Pitkins’ and a good tonement, modern improvements, phonograph fixed and enjoy the old there were fifty present thong'll the strong Auxiliary of the Hartford FOR S.VH7 — I.iving. room and witli garage. 240 Oak street, tele­ favorite records once again. Braith- Talcottville Woman Presents time was reported. kitchen stovo!;, oil heaters, stroller, phone 4S7-2. waite, 150 Center street. weather was stormy. At Motiier’s branch of the Woman’s Board. Duflng the year 1906-7 the en­ Celtics to Be Worthy Contest­ tables. rug."Our prices v. ill suit'you, Report Giving Interesting (Mrs. Dexter’s) one time ^tiere' 29 Strant. S59-4. An acebunt of the meeting of ergies of the ladies were centered ant in Manchester District TO REXT—6 rooms, all Improve­ WANTED—One or two girl board­ Historical Data. were between seventy and eighty November 1883 the first notice in getting new silver and dishes ments. furnace heat. $28 per month. ers. Phone 1161-14. present. Circuit. Apply 21 Hemlock street. Was recorded of a meeting of the to take the place of those lost in _L WAXTED—Housework by the hour (Special to The Herald) In September, 1869, it was vot­ Tolland County Auxiliary of the the church fire. The oases for the TO^REXT—4 room tenement In new or day. Inquire 150 Charter Oak St. Talcottville, Oct. 8.—At the ed to meet evenings once a month Woman’s Board was mentioned as silver were made by the ladies and One of the contestants in the house. $21 per month. At 93 Charter through the winter and once a fort­ newly former Manchester Dis­ Oak -street. Inquire 91 Charter Oak. WAXTED — Position as stenog- meeting of the Ladies’ Home Mis­ meeting with the Talcottville Mrs, C. D. Talcott cross stitched raplier or bookkeeper or both com­ sionary Society of the Talcottville night when desired. The dues be church, of which Mrs. C. D. Tal­ all of them with the names on trict Soccer League will be the TO REXT—3 room for light house­ bined where eperience and ability Congregational church yesterday reduced to fifty cents and a collec­ cott and Mrs. James Talcott were them. Manchester Celtics. ■ FO R S.VI.E keeping. Apply 46 Foster street. count. Box Stenographer, in care of afternoon a resume of the work of tion taken in the evening. the stirring leaders for many years. Once in a while as the need This team, it will be remember­ The Herald. At the annual meeting of 1870, ed, won the town title last season The best yellow '’’rawford FOR REXT—Seven room house the society for sixty years, or since At the annual meeting in Sep­ arose, work was done by the ladies peaches for canning, last only with improvements. Inquire .Tulia WANTED—Your old carpets, rugs, its organization on September 16, Mrs. Samuel Avery was made pres­ tember 1884, Mrs. H. M. Talcott for needy families in our midst, in the amateur league nosing out this week 4 days. H. Dudek's Comber Millen, 162 No. School street. or clothing to make into rugs. Any 1866 to October, 1926 was read by ident and Mrs. Henry -\very treas­ was elected treasurer and served showing that we were truly a the British Americans who will al­ Orchard’s, Avery street. color or size. Two tone effect. Tel. Miss Alice Dexter. Miss Dexter urer and they served from 1870 so be in the competition this sea­ I'O RP.XT—6 room tenement, mod­ 2058. Agent will call with samples. until her death in 1918, with the Home Missionary society. em inii-iovements, Incljd'iig shades. opened her report by reading the to 1875. Mrs. Henry Avery is now exception of two years, 1897 to On looking inrough the book a son. It their work last season can IVitli or -without garage. Call 135 original Constitution of the socie­ the only living member who was be taken as a criterion, the Cel­ Si'.mmer street after 5. MISCELLANEOUS 1899, when Mrs. Ernest Smith was surprise awaited me as I had ut- ty as prepared and adopted. The an officer at that time. treasurer. Miss Faith Talcott is tor:y forgotten I ever served as a tics would furnish abundant oppo­ TO REX T—On "West Center street, FUHN.ACES ! BUY NOW—PAY report in part follows: “Of the for­ August, 1871, annual report serving as treasurer at present, secretary of this society. It was sition for the oher teams in the October 13th, five room flat on 1st. I L .A T E R ty-five ladies, members who orga­ gives a beautiful testimony to H. carrying on the work her mother of short duration, evidently filling circuit. floor, -with all modern improvements. nized the society, only one is now W. Talcott. The Celtics will hold a practice ■\Vm. Kanehl, 519 Centv,r street. Special low prices keep up busy in­ laid down. out Mrs. Yale’s year of 1907-8, FOR SALE—20 trees of apples. stalling heavy cast iron furnaces. living, unless I am mistaken. Miss During the year 1871-2, the lad­ Among the names of the ladies though by the writing in the book session Saturday afternoon at the Baldwins, and Greenings, first class. TO REXT—Six rooms with all Im­ Absolutely guaranteed to heat your Isabelle Oviat. There were eight­ ies were given the parlors of the on a list as written In the secre­ Mrs. C. D. Talcott was the record­ West Side field. The following R. H. Burnham , "Wapping, Conn. Call provements. and garage; also three liome. Write for prices. Address Box een men members. church as the store and hall had tary’s book for the years 1889-90 er of most of that year. Our pres­ players are requested to report: J. 712-3. and four room tener ents. Inquire at F. Herald. been built and '.he office moved to Malloy, C. Malloy, T. Humphry, J. 11 "Walnut street, after 5 p. m. The first president, Mrs. Daniel only two are still members with ent secretary, Mrs. Charles Pitkin FOR SALE—Good grocery storfi on DON'T FORGET—B. M. Gardner, Kellogg: first secretary. Miss I south side where the store had us, Mrs. William Risley and Mrs. began hc. pany’s house. After the ladies began meeting Norman Institute at Grand View, I en, wearing apparel, besides good order. L- T. Wood, 55 Bi-ssell street, FOR SALE—Ford sedan. If you The first year’s meetings were in the parlors of the church the Tenn. usable second hand clothing. Bar- telephone 496. TO RENT—4 rooms tenement on have $160 cash and want to buy a held the first Wednesday of every Edgerton street, modern Improve­ good car, come over and see this one. numbers semed to lessen and -About 1896 and a few years rel.s often reaching from one hun­ Motor good, rear end just overhauled. month, later they skipped August Bead this remarkable testimontal FOR SALE—Hard wood, $9 per ments, 7 minutes from mills. Call at many times through the years following death entered our midst dred to one hundred and fifty dol­ to the power of Kellogg’s ALL* load, (96 cubi- feet) $9.75 split. V. 3S Edgerton street. Good tires and battery. Dodge road­ and often in Dlarch. ster, $123 cash. 32 Laurel street. equaled the numbers we often and took from us Mrs. Percival lars in value. The line of work all BRAN over constipation: Firpo, 97 Wells street. Tel. 154-3. -A. barrel was sent in 1868 val­ have no"w. and Mrs. Pinney. There was a me­ these years has been much the TO RENT—Two stores at Rialto ued at one hundred and twenty- “I prize your ALL-BRAN. I have been REAL ESTATE theater building. Inquire of manager LOST In 1874 Mrs. Rosa Talcott be­ morial on the death of Mrs. Julia, same— some years for missionary using It three weeks for eonstipation. I at theater. five dollars. In those times the gan as secretary, serving through who had served as vice pi’esident families or for a needy American bad had thi« trouble for 26 years and had FOR S.\LE—East Center St. Beau­ LCIST—Pair glasses in leather case barrels were sent to the Home to 1897, taking great interest in for five years, she leaving us in Missionary -Association school even frW everything, but could never get any TO REX T—88-90 Holl street, new ™i«f—hut since using your bran I can tiful home of seven rooms and sun in vicinity of High school and Junior Missionary Society in New York, her work in getting families and -August, 1902. Then in Decemoer to institutions nearer home, be­ truthfully say. that 1 am entirely eared parlor, 2 baths, fireplace. Two car five room, ju st completed, beauti­ High. Call 1651, 88 School street. and then forwarded to the Mission- schools to work; for seeing' that and feel like a new man.*^ garage. Lot 70x200 feet. W as built fully finished, modern improvements, of that year, Mrs. 'Dexter passed sides holding out a helping hand for a home, must be seen to be ap­ steam heat, shades, screens, screen LOST—\ Coughlin Eversharp pen­ I ary for -vs-hom the ladies had been the barrels were off on time to be on, Mrs. Waite writing quite a me­ to some family in our midst that Yours truly, preciated. Price right, mortgages ar­ door.s. rent reasonable, Mrs. J. P. cil Saturday evening at the Rainbow I working. useful for the winter months. . morial to her memory. was in dire need. . T homas A. Hunjw, Js, ranged. A rthur Knofla, Tel. iS2-2, Sheehan, 11 Knighton street. Tele­ Inn. Initials G. H. J. Reward If re­ 1 In the early years the parish Mrs. Waite served as secretary From 1904 to 1908 Mrs. Yale We come to this 60th anniver­ 875 Main. phone 2108. turned to Rainbow Inn. Blotchy skin, eruptions, spots be­ 1 was widely scattered, the ladies from 1897 until she left us in served as secretary. She made a sary with hopeful hearts, though fore the eyes, headaches—^tnese all FO R SALE—J u s t, off Main street, TO REXT—Steam heated 3 room j going over to Avery street, way ov­ 1903, Mrs. Searle following Mrs. special note of an extra meeting we do desire heartily that more of tell of the ravsung inroads of con­ ‘ new six room bungalow. 2 car garage apartment and bath. At 95 Center er to Wapping to the Collins, over Waite. of the society when twenty-two our villaige ladies would be more stipation. Don’t let this dire dis­ In cellar, oak floors and trim, fire­ street. Inquire of shoemaker on premises. I to the old “Dart district” (so-cal- Mrs. Andrew Dexter was treas­ members rode over to -A.very street interested in this society and join ease send its. poisons through your place. silver light fixtures. Make me A Ne'w Hat |led), to Deacon Perrins and Mrs. urer from 1875 to 1878. The first to j\Irs. William Keeney’s to a us. But then, we need not be dis­ body. Check it now and save your an offer. Call Arthur A. Knofla. TeL 782-2. 875 Main. FOR REX T— 1 family house with Charles Janes. One December Mrs. E. W. Moore serving as t.\as- quilting party i'n Talcott Brothers’ couraged for all through the sixty health and happiness! improvements, good location, garage would look well on your head. I meeting, 1867 at Mrs. Wilbur Hills space at a reasonable rent. Robert J. urer from 1879 to 1881. In March, barge; some of us remember that years the average number of at­ Kellogg’s AJjL-BRAN is guar­ FOR S.\LE OR REXT—Modern -i-P rmpone bnn/^roH hundred anH and oip’Vif eight were r pres­ y n a a - eight room house, all conveniences, Smith, 1909 M-in street. Especially if it’s a 1879 the late Mrs. C. D. Talcott time, on September 23, 1904. tendance seems to be about twelve anteed to relieve constipation per­ two car garage . Located on Strick­ ent in the evening. They closed was chosen president and' served, Special notice of an “Eg,g’’ sup­ ladies, more or less. manently if used regularly or money land street. In fine residential sec­ FOR REXT — Three, and four the evening with singing “On Jor­ with the exception of four years, per that was served in the church May this resume give us new refunded. Eat two tablespoonfuls tion. For information call Manches­ room apartments, heat, janitor ser­ dans Stormy Banks W’e Stand” and vice. gas range, refrigerator, In-a- 1893-7, until her resignation in parlors in May, 1905 was excep­ courage to go forward in the daily—in chronic cases, everj^ meal. te r 1100 or 41S. a prayer. 1923, on account of the infirmi|es door bed furnished. Call Manchester Mallory tionally interesting. Eggs were work that is before us to do as we Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek, FOR SALE—Washington street, Construction Company, 2100 or tele­ -At the evening meeting, Sep­ of old age. served in various ways, scrambled, remember the consecrated ones beautiful six room bungalow, very phone 7S2-2. Mallory Hats, $6 to $8. tember 1868, Mrs. C. D. Talcott, At the March meeting of 1880 stuffed in salads. There were used who have lived and labored here Michigan. Kellogg’s is 100 per cosy home, one-car garage. large 1st, was chosen secretary and Mrs. the Woman's Board was introduc­ and have passed, to their great re­ cent bran. Ready to eat. Deli­ lot. Price reasonable. Terms, and FOR REXT—Heated apartment of Others at $3.85. two chafing dishes to scramble cious with fruit or cream—also in particulars of .Arthur A. Knofla, 875 5 or 6 rooms, w ith modern It-'.prov- ward may we be more cheerful and cooking. Served in all restaurants. Main street, telephone 7S2-2. monts. Robert V. Treat. Phone 468. daily grow more Christ-like, doing as our Master did—in going about Sold by all grocers- FOR SALE—Holl street — dandy FOR REXT—In Greenacres, first Fall Caps “The Dictator of Italy Calls His Cabinet Together for the Daily Grind” doing good. new 10 room flat. Well built and t. and second floor flats at 73 and 75 place you’d be proud to own. Price Benton street. Call 820. right, small amount down. Terms. Snappy new patterns. A rth u r A Knofla. TeL 782-2 875 Main FOR REX T—Five room flat, up street. stairs, all modern improvements, 82 $1.50 to $2.50. Prince Leopold rode third class j Summer street. Inquire 88 Spruce "V- ■V" the other day. The funny part of It | FOR SALE—Cambridge .street, nice street. Telephone 1105. . is that Belgium is willing to pay large fli.t. 13 rooms, has steam heat, ALL-BRAN o ak floors, two car garage, and tot is TO REXT—5 room flat In brand her war debt. 200 feet deep. A real home and in­ new house. Steam heat, etc. At 170 Symigton Shop vestment, Price Is right. For further Eldridge street. Inquire 113 Eldridge. t»!2 particulars see A rthur A Knofla Tel. At the Center C3r 782-2, 875 Main streeu TO RE.N'T—5 room flat, all modern Improvements, Second floor at 11 FOR SALE—I have several good Ford street, near Center. A Klrsch- paying farms for sale or trade. See sieper. 13 Ford street. APPLES P. D. Comollo, 13 Oak ctreet or tele­ phone 1540. TO REX'T—2. 4 room tenements in Gravenstein, Wealthy and 4 famil/ house. 232 Oak street Tel. Mackintosh Brides and Bridegrooms MORTGAGES 6u 1-2. TO REX T—October 1st, 4 room m o r t g a g e s —Money to loan on Edgewood Fruit Farm first and second mortgages. R. D. tenement on Vine street, good loca­ Fathers and Mothers Comollo, 13 Oak street, Tel. 1540. tion, lights and gas. Rent onlv $22. Tel. W. H. Cowles, 945. monthly. Apply to W. F. Lew'is. 11 Vine street. No matter where you may roam, on land or sea and foam, , We can invest your money in flrst you will always hear someone saying, “ I wish I could buy class mortgages, it you need a mort­ a gage call us. TeL 782-2. A rthur A home.” ■ , Knofla, 575 Main. WANTED Cook s Cider Mill e- •AO ‘ctf N/ We all enjoy driving through the country or bathing In the WANTED—Competent girl ot wo­ surf—but there Is one place we finally stop at.—one we love TO RENT man to take care of child and assist best of all—that spot is called our Home. in liousework. Apply at United Soda TO REXT— r. room flat, heat, light, Shop. -An Ideal Home in Manchester may be had In a nice cottage gas. Inquire 67 Summer street. ' or a two apartment house. We suggest either of these and WAXTED—Reliable party would Open Mondays and offer ^ few of our listings. If the place you have 4n mind is not FOR REXT—.\t North End, two liJ\G work by day or hour. Address flats, first and second floor, 4 rooms 259, South Mancliester. Conn. printed below, call us up as we have selected property in all each. hath, gas and garape. 226 parts of the town for sale. We offer: "Woedbridgo street, o. E. Powell. WAX'TED—.V. maid for general Haynes Street, a real honest built house, 2 flats, oak trim housework. Inquire 98 Oakland street Thursdays > < 6- TO REXT—On Orchard street, six or tcleplione 517. and floors, steam heat. gas. etc. The price is •very reasonable. room house with or without garage. We buy apples from you. Main Street, cottage of seven rooms with barn and garage, Apply at 15 Orcliard street. W.VXTED—.Six boys Saturday morn­ ing to pick up potatoes. Call at 579 We make cider for you. FASCIST nearly 3 .acres of land. This place should be picked up by TO REXT—Very tent, 6 H artford Road or telephone 248-3, OF OF O r someone that knows a bargain. It is good-for a business man, rooms, all conveniences, newlv reno­ Friday evening. /vwuTiP', vated. Beside trolley, near mills. In­ We sell cider to you. for development or for small farm. quire rear 323 Center street. S.VLESMEN W .INTETD New Bungalow, Hollister street, a beauty, fireplace, steam heat, gas, oak interior, walk and curbing. Price is but *7600. TO REXT—Four large rooms, A paying position open to represen­ fe A lT / Terms. garage, electric lights and gas. rea­ tative of character. Take orders / sonable rent. Apply 63 Lyness street. .slioo.s-hosicry direct to wearer. Good Farr Bros., Props Six-room Cottage, steam heat, gas, lot 50x200,'one car in-.-n-.iio. Permanent. "Write now. Tan- TO REX T—5 room flat, a^so garage, ner.s .‘time Mfg. Co., 1610-10 C street, garage, poultry house and run. Close to school and trolley. at 287 Center strec\. Inquire at 147 Boston, Mass. Tel. 118-12. Price only *5650. ?500 cash Is all that is needed. East Cen'.er, telephone 1S30. We recommend buying now on the new State Road on Cen­ "U'.VXTED—Brigrht younj? man as TO REXT—F'our room tenement for clerk in Quinn’.s Pharm acy. -Apply J. ter Street. We offer a fine large two-family hinise of 12 rooms, 120. Apply Edward J. Holl. telephone H. Quinn and Company. Equip Your Home With all modern and a two-car garage, at a low flggire. Watch this 660. section grow. -ANTED—.About chimneys. W’e Copper Leader and TO REXT—Enjoy the comforts of a had so many calls wo will be here If you are planning to build do not fall to pay at least one modern heated apartment of tliree all next week. Have your chimney visit to Green Hill Terrace. Look the large lots over, site up rooms and bath, centrally located: cleaned and repaired now. Home Re­ Gutter rent reasonable. William Rubinow, pairing Company, P. O. Box 96, the type of hoUses already built. That Is all we ask. Green ]B41 IZaln street. South Jlanchester. Will give a lifetime of serv­ Hill Terrace is located on Pitkin street close to East Center \ " ice. We would be glad to esti­ street. TO REX T—F lat on first floor. All WANTED—400 hushel of Green todern improvements, witli garage. Mountain potatoes to be delivered to mate your needs in this line. r21 . East Center street;. Apply 41 t heney Brothers Edgewood House. Bigelow street. Send all prices and quotations to M. Jc|seph C. Wilson L. s.acey, Edgewood House. 1 FO R R EX T—F our or five room Plumbing in All its Branches. Robert J. Smith, loOdM ainSt, lenements. .'.M impruveinonf.s. Inqillre Junk. v_. WeBnUd, We Buy, We Bent, *We Sell, ’ We ttsme. Dsang, i55 (2ak street or telephone Used parts for sale. Abel’s Service Service of the Best E^ind. )32o-3. Station, Oak street, TeL 789, Pheme 641 ' 28 Spruce St»i^ toNGHBSTER EVimNG HB3lAIJ5/FRroAY, OCrOBI^ g,’19W .'^ • /» » /) rt!" Hurricane or No, Miami W ill Be Ready To Open Wonder Street Dec. 1

Miami, Fla., Oct 4.— Miami, swept from her feet hy a hurricane, will emerge from the ruins with the Wake up Dull Rooms world’s most beautiful street. Blscayne boulevard, along the waterfront for three and one-half miles, will be a new Fifth avenue with a touch of the Riviera, com­ manding scenic views of charming With New Furniture Biscayne Bay, its islands and ship­ ping and Bay Front Park on the one hand, and the city’s show build­ ings on the-other. (?) Have you ever thought How a piece of And the street, cut through 33 residential and business blocks, will new furniture helps to brighten a home be thrown open Dec. 1, hurricane or no! that needs a change? Don’t you tire look­ The new Biscayne boulevard will bo part of the Dixie Highway. It ing at the same things daily? You can will afford a world pattern for what can be achieved with a unified wake up dull rooms by adding a table here, scheme of street architecture. Prizes for Design. a new lamp there; by changing your floor Prizes amounting to 34650 have been offered by the boulevard asso­ covering. Have you seen the new fall fur­ ciation. One thousand dollars will be awarded for the best design for nishings we are showing? Come in and get observation towers and traffic signal a new idea of Shoor Bros.’ high quality fur­ I\ standards, with a 3600 second prize. Another competition relates to designs for filling stations, which niture at fair, low prices. mast have no open-air greasing room and which must have an office, two lavatories and two driveways, each with capacity for four cars. 3-Piece Group In Heavy Jacquard Prizes will be 3700 and 3400. What the Eyes See First J This is believed to be the first Beauty and comfort are emphasized in the design of this luxuriously step ever taken to confine the fill­ built three-piece group. Developed In selected heavy jacquard. You will ad- a ing stations along an entire street mire its design. You will appreciate the dependable construction which In- S Is Your Rug eludes spring-filled loose cushions and deep spring backs. Friday and Satur- ^ to a plan of architectural harmony. day only. A vast surgical operation was necessary to create the new boule­ Liberal Terms vard. The south end, formerly Bay Shore drive, was widened and improved. No less than 14 city blocks and 19 improved residential blocks were cut through in making the north two and one-half miles of the street. •New Structures. North East Third avenue, former­ 5^1 ly a narrow street, was cut through h < Oft the residential district, and the An airplane view of Miami Harbor, showing Biscayne boulevard. widened street thus created was ex­ tended through the recently divided Buildings are being demolished More than 80 per cent, of the estate of Charles Deering into Bay along the new northern section of property owners are represented in Shore, a suburb of fine homes. Bis­ the boulevard. Older buildings and the Biscayne Boulevard Association, cayne boulevard at this point, be­ dwellings are giving way to new which instituted the plans for the comes the Federal Highway, which, structures, show rooms, theaters, widening of the boulevard and the combined with the Dixie Highway, offices, restaurants and first-class architectural competition for its im­ extends to the north. shops. provement. % Upon entering a home, the very first thing the Princess Ileana wore a long leop­ The population of the earth dou­ eyes do is seek the floor. What do your floors reveal QUEEN MARIE’S BOB ard skin coat, tan silk dress, beaver bles itself in 250 years. hat, champagne colored stockings to those eyes? Are your«ugs dull-looking and ivom and kid shoes. She looked very or are they cheerftil and alive ? Featured for Friday BY DOCTOR’S ORDERS much like a chic American girl. and Saturday is a group of heavy 9x12 Axminsters in Queen Marie’s eldest son, the for­ new fall patterns, enriched by attractive all-over efy mer Crown Prince Carol, did not 3-Piece Bed Davenport Group fects, You will want to see them! So It Is Disclosed in Paris appear at the station. One way to save extra bedroom rent Is to furnish with a bed davenport Where She Goes Shopping Arriving at the Ritz at 9 o’clock the queen bathed, and donned the suite; by day a living room group; by night an extra bedroom, with the bed_ Af?«r Long Journey. Safe davenport opening into a double bed. Featured Is one in heavy velour, with Liberal same costume. She and Princess Milk deep spring backs and loose spring cushions. Friday and Saturday only! Ileana left, unaccompanied, for Each piece may be chosen separatelj’. Terms Paris, Oct. f.— Despite her asser­ Patou’s. They waited several min­ and Diet $29.95 Liberal Terms •V.> tion that ‘'it is most difficult to pose utes unrecognized on the curb for For Infants, after a three-day train journey,” their private car to arrive. Invalids, Queen Marie of Roumania faced a The queen engaged a box at the The Aged battery of cameras with her fa­ theater for tonight. mous smile on her arrival here this A friend of her majesty, traveling morning. with the party, said: ‘"The queen The queen, accompanied by her parted reluctantly with her long suite, is to remain in Paris until hair. The bobbing was not done sfie_ embarks on the steamship with the idea of being stylish, but Leviathan on October 12 for the followed a recent illness of grippe €hi£^^ten United States. and fever, and was on orders of the Contains the valuable muscle The queen wore a black velvet, court physician.” and bone forming elements found ; lace-trimmed hat, a pearl necklace and pearl earrings, green velvet Halley's comet has a record dat­ in the grain and whole i»ilk. gown, a leopard-skin coat trimmed ing back to 240 B. C. and its visita­ Raises happy; robust children. ■ with gray, beige stockings, slip­ tions spread alarm and consterna- Nutritious and easily assimilatecL ; pers and gloves. She carried a fo n throu.ghout Europe during the PreparedafftioEnebystiningthepow- bouquet of pink gladiolus. mid(jle ages. derinbotoseoldwater. Nocookini ]

i t

' i NA 4-Piece Group In Walnut Leads the World in Motor,Car Value' Brighten-up your home for many fall seasons to come with a new bed­ room group. Featured is a four-piece group In attractively grained Do you know the comfort and convenience of a day bed? American walnut veneer, joined with other fine woods. Large dresser, bow-end double bed, chest of drawers and triple-plated vanity dresser. It can serve to advantage in the living room, den or bed­ Friday and Saturday only! room; by, day a lounge, by night a double bed. llie one shown is finished in walnut, with soft mattress, cretonne- # Liberal Terms covered, and sturdy mattress. A complete selection here, including 21 models up to $149.00. * ‘

r Terms $19.95 Liberal n . V K. 1

Featured bedding special for Friday and Saturday—cotton in Nash HiiSory felted mattress designed for steady comfort, well tufted 9-Piece Group In Walnut and stitched; art ticking. if it had beeapofdble to build tent Nash demand racing toward The holidays are on the way, festival days when your home will he- oome a gathering place for reunions. How about your dining room ? Fea­ all the can ordered September would new heights. tured Is a 9-pleca group In American walnut veneer. Joined with other have smashed all Nash records for fine woods: oblong table, china cabinet, buffet, five side chairs and host September clicked the 25th consec­ chair covered with tapestry. Friday and Saturday only! $13.95 a single mondi't busincM. utive m on th and O ctober w ill regis­ Liberal Terms ' Liberal Terms ter the 26th—«vith three exceptions O C T O B E R ! A t this writing — that N a sh sales have exceeded the it is a practical certainty diat Octo­ record set by the sam e m on d i o f the ber sales and production will Surpass previous year. b y m ore d ian 5 0 % th e largest previ­ ous October on our books. Old Customers

Announcement of new models—all The 16 models In the three new pow ered %vith 7-I>eartng crankshaft Nash series range in price from $865 Pay No Money motors, ^w orld*s smoothest type— to $2090 L o* b. factory. Down MADDEN BROTHERS Comer Main Street Brainard Place

• i PAGE H6HT> ^ » M n^STER evening herald; FRmAYrOCTOBER8Ti92£"

AUTO TAXES gives a fellow a chance to get a Possibly the proposition to have long breath between 2:30 and 4:10 Cttpning Xpralb the State Motor Vehicle Department D. S. It gives the American national collect automobile taxes for the lung a chance to fill up in pre­ PUBUSRRO BT towns at the time of registration paredness for a hundred million Tan UERAU} PKiNTiNa ca ought not to be finally and definite­ more grunts and groans and ah’s rounded by Blwood a SUa ly disposed of by the fact that that and expletives and huzzas tomor­ A Few More Days Oot. 1. 1881 department has expressed Itself as row. Orthophonic Bvury Bventnc Except Sunduyf end in opposition to the scheme. If the BoUdaya We move that always hereafter at Contract plan had merit at the beginning it Victrolas ^ E n u red a t the Poet OlBce a t Man* one big league champion team be cheater a* Second Claaa Mall Matter, is conceivable that it still has the in the east and the other big league Carload Prices SOBSCRIPTION R a^K S : S f Mall same merit. champion team be in the west. The alx dollara a pear: sixty oenta a on Club Terms month for ahorter perloda Here in Manchester, people do day off is a life saver. By carrier, elahteen centt a week. not attempt*^ sequester automo­ Stnale ooplea three oenta biles from tax assessment, but even SPECIAL advertising R E PR E ­ SENTATIVE: Hamllton-Ue Llaeer. so; the collection of that tax by the liio„ 35 West tSd Street, New York motor vehicle department would j and 613 North Mleblaan ATcnua S t e w a r t s Chleaao. greatly simplify matters. And there { WASHINGTON' The Manchester Eveninc Herald la are other towns in the state, plenty ! on sale In New York City at Sohnlts's News Stand;. Sixth Arenua and <3nd of them, to which such a system I LETTERS Street* and 43nd Stieet entrance ot would be of the greatest possible*! Grand Central Station. convenience and benefit. BY CHARLES P. STEAVART '’International News Service naa the exclusive rights to use for republlca- It Is not apparent that any tre­ AVashington, Oct. 8.— Election to tioii :n any form all news dispatches mendous burden would be imposed credited to It or not otherwise credit­ the Senate, if he is elected, will cost ed la this paper, it Is also exclusively on the vehicle department by the Atlee Pomerene of Ohio $10,000 a entitled to use for reoublleatlon all year. . Exactly as sketched. Round the local or undated news publlahed addition of this almost autgmatic bersla." He and Owen J. Roberts of Penn­ continuous posts with heavy duty. And the reluctance of Mr. sylvania get twice that much each Stoeckel’s oflice to take over a fillers. Full or twin sizes in annually for taking care of the gov- brown and ivory finishes. Reg­ FRIDAY. OCT. 8. 1926. trifling amount of extra work is side of the Teapot Dome ular $9.75. worth exactly what it is worth; it and other oil cases. True, this pay does not, necessarily, constitute lasts only while the litigation lasts but every indication is that it will GAS DEATHS. final condemnation of the idea. last as long as a senator’s term. $7.50 The Consolette Orthophonic Undoubtedly because of an in­ Pomerene will have to retire as Miniature Chests Free with Victrola, $95. With grille front comprehensible freedom from such A TIP, PERHAl’S oil attorney for the government if and aut«watic stop. Christ­ tragedies in this vicinity, It was There is a very singular aspect of he enters the Senate, and a senator mas Club Plan—$1 down and gets but $10,000 per twelvemonth $1 Aveekly. days before the death of Brooks K. a very singular series of crimes instead of his present $20,000. Parker of Hartford and his little taking place in Bridgeport which Watkins Cedar Chests daughter was traced to one of the possibly has not received as much Besides their $20,000 apiece as attention as it should. During a oil prosecutors, Pomerene and commonest and deadliest sources Right now our stock is complete for the fall stock is of fatalities—the unvented gas period of a number of months some Roberts get, between them, a maximum annual allowance of heie. The newest designs in wood veneered as well as the water heater. If the Parker tragedy twenty girls have been attacked on $100,000 for e.fpenses. had occurred in any one of twenty the streets of the Park City by some This isn’t money in their pockets, regulai’ all cedar chests are included. There’s no better cities in the United States its cause miscreant who like a flash stabs, to be sure, but neither is it money time than right now to select your Christmas gift chest. would probably have been recogniz­ then flees. In no case has he inflict­ out of their pockets. They cau keep ed much more than a superficial their e.xpenscs inside $100,000 ed by the first person to enter their easily. A’'ery few senators are able Buy your chests on the Christmas Club Plan — small wound, though the Instrument with apartment, so familiar have such to keep inside their senatorial .ex­ Exactly as sketched. A new weekly deposits until Christmas (when the chest is deliv­ horrors become. which ha does the cutting Is sharp. pense allowances. Nearly all of One girl has suffered a wound an them have deficits to make up out pattern .Avith extra crossbars ered) . Then easy monthly pajmients after the New Year. Not a winter passes in the Unit­ inch deep in her side; all the rest of their salaries. as shoAvn. Full size in brown ed States without scores of lives have been less deeply cut. So Pomerene isn’t mercenary in or ivory finishes. A regular wanting to be a senator again. being snuffed out by the fumes of Now this is a very difficult thing $12.50 value. gas burned in coil water heaters to account for if it is taken for 1 AA’ho’ll get Pomerene’s job as oil New 4-7 Model Orthophonic that have been given no fiue con­ granted that the assailant uses a litigator, in case he wins his Senate $9.98 Victrola has full bass reproduc­ nection. weapon with an open blade. Ev^n fight, isn't being discussed yet. tion through long Orthophonic AnA vet the ghastly peril of such The administration devoutly though his crazy intention might hopes he’ll be permitted to go on horn, $125. Christmas Club operation cannot, somehow or be to wound lightly, a blow with a with the oil cases and is going on Plan------$1 down, $1 weekly. other, be brought home to the un­ knife, delivered in such great haste the assumption that Frank AVillis, derstanding of the people as a as this person works under, might a good “administration man,” will whole. well be expected to miscarry more beat him for senator. As a lawyer, the administration Perhaps this Is in part due to the than once In twenty cases, and cut considers Pomerene all right, but as growing practice of “headline read­ deeply. a senator, it thinks he votes the Sketched above, a popu­ Sketched above, one of ing.” So many people give no at­ There Is a tool used. In cutting wrong way. lar sized chest, 44 inches the newest walnut veneered tention to the details of news items buttoh holes. It Is^^ dagger-like “If there were any honestly and chests with hand painted in which they are not directly in­ thing with an acutely triangular long, of all cedar, two tone intelligence in the conduct of this decorations. Christmas terested. blade and a transverse guard that government.” said Rabbi Stephen S. panel. Christmas Club Plan can be moved up and down and set $1 down and $1 weekly. Club Plan $1.50 down, $1.50 “Gas Fumes Kill Three” appears Wise, discussing foreign war debts weekly. as a heading of a dispatch from an­ rigidly'at the point where the width recently, “it would be evident that there can be no payment except in other'cltj'. The average reader of the blade is exactly the measure­ the case of England.” Exactly as sketched. Popu­ merely glances at the item, perhaps ment of the buttonhole to be cut. AVhat Rabbi AVise said isn’t of so lar Windsor type steel beds, $16.75 $57. notes the dateline and the names. Such an Instrument used to be in much consequence as where he said ideal for Colonial bedrooms. it. Nobody he knows—and turns to common, use in tailor and garment Full size in walnut and ivory. shops—perhaps still Is. At all He said it in the First Congrega­ something else. Just another In­ tional church of AVashington, which Twin sizes in Avalnut, mahog­ stance of carelessly opening a gas events it is a thing not likely to be President Coolidge attends, and the any and ivory. Regular $21.00 jet without lighting It. in the possession of anybody but a services were opened by the presi­ The Granada Orthophonic garment worker. dent’s pastor, the Rev. Dr. Jason Victrola in Spanish type con­ Nothing of the kind, in fact. Noble Pierce. $ NOT ONE GAS DEATH IN TEN And it might not be a bad guess 12,50 sole, $160. Through, the Christ­ that it is such a tool as this that the To imply, right in his own church, COMES FROM 6NLIGHTED GAS that the government of whiSh mas CJlub Plan—$1.35 down and FLOWS BUT FROM GAS THAT IS Bridgeport stabber is using. Per­ President Coolidge is head has V ictrola $1.35 Aveekly. FLAMING. haps the police down there have neither “honesty” nor ■ “intel­ used up this clue. If not. It might ligence” is quite generally spoken r And in almost every case It Is give them a starting point from of as having been pretty strong... the water heater that does the fatal The Coolidges luckily weren’t' which to work in hunting out a trick—a water rfeater which is not there, but many’s the guess one most disconcerting and injurious hears hazarded that the rabbi’s provided with a pipe leading the sort of crank. frankness must have made Dr. fumes of the burning gas into the Pierce squirm. chimney or to the open air. “RESEARCH.” There seems to be a sort of con­ That President Coolidge told his Ernest A. Grant is a salaried man ! cabinet members that he didn’t fusion as to how to name the poi­ Victor Records Reduced of the Methodist Board of Temper-! ^'ant them to attend the Dempsey- sonous product of gas combustion ance, Prohibition and Public Mor-1 "1 unney fight is a bit of gossip In heaters, for half the time coro­ which can't be officially confirmed Every record in our stock, excepting a few hundred of als. His job is that of “assistant i ner’s reports tell of carbon monox­ but this much is a fact: the new Orthophonic recordings, are included in this offer. secretary for research.” A recent Several of them did intend to be 1 - Exactly as sketched. A ide and half the time of carbon di­ lask of his was to go to Canada and there and then didn’t go. iwpular pattern in new grace­ Caruso, Heifetz, Elman, Galli-Curci, McCormack, Lauder, oxide poisoning, but what Is of con­ find out whether the Canadian If it had been just one, it might line tubing, complete Avith Muiphy, Sousa, Paul Whiteman—the recordings of practi­ cern to the layman is that the high be fair to assume that he merely I liquor laws were working well or guaranteed link spring. An gas flame of the heater, impinging changed his mind, but this was to I cally all the world’s greatest artists from grand opera to badly. He went, he researched, he have been quite a party. unusual value. Full or * twin on the metal parts of the appara­ j jazz—are included in this sale. I came back. Then, with a good Assistant secretaries seemingly sizes in Avalnut, ivory and Avhite Model 8-4, another brand tus, sets up an invisible,' odorless. I straight face he drew up a report weren’t considered Important g i enamel. Regular $19.50. new Orthophonic Victrola with Imperceptible but deadly gas pro­ which pronounced the Canadian enough to matter,, for they went ti 10” Black Labels, 4 for $1. 10” Blue Labels, 3 for $1. Italian Rennaisance cabinet, Philadelphia in droves—first,'sec­ duct which can and does kill hu­ liquor laws a failure. 12” Black Labels, 3 for $1. 12” Blue Labels, 2 for $1. $235. Christmas Club terms— man beings and other animals with ond an.i third assistants-—assis­

From experience and reading following groups: Vegetables and and should be used In abundance, RIALTO THEATER OFFERS authentic information on foods, the fruits, meat, milk, cheese, fish; for the minerals as well as yltamina tFor Economy's Sake modern housewife knows that a cereals and starches: sugars, fats they contain. During hot weather \ one-sided diet, will not produce as and fat foods. During the summer an over-supply of the sugars, pro­ AHRACTIVE PROGRAM sturdy, healthy individuals as will fruits and vegetables are most sea­ teins, starches and fats should not a balanced diet of foods from the sonable and at their lowest price be Indulged in. Grant’s Economy Service Comes to South Manchester An exceptionally attractive pro­ gram has been arranged for a two ^^X~vXXXXXVVVVVVVVVN.VVVVVVVVVV days show'ng, beginning today at Announcing The Opening, Saturday, Of Manchester’s attractive new theater the Rialto which opened under new management a few days ago. The feature attraction, “Flames” brings the beautiful mountains and forests of the great northwest into promi­ nence by using them for a back­ ground for this tempetuous melo­ drama. The photoplay employed in the picture almost rivals the in­ teresting story it tells and Virginia Vain who enacts the part c>f the heroine is quite different from the usual hysterical girl who calls upon mere man for protection. South Manchester’s New Store When the villain. Boris Karloff attempts his cave-man stuff she simply tackles him and in football Bringing to this community the same Merchandise, Service and Economy parlance “throws him for a loss.” Magic Buyer Karloff is a welcome new comer to Prices which have made Grant’s the “Value Spot” in nearly 100 cities. the screen and should be welcome i as he makes a very desperate look­ ing villain. Eugene O'Brien is cn.'st in the role the aero, which no mOw..._ ;>!eiiire ^oul-l New Store Made of Lawrence Robe Grant Stores are the First to Make it Possible to Sell complete and he incidentally gives a fine portrayal of the virile hero. This Item at This Low Price The story is exceptionally well Brings Large written and has been described as Bathrobes perfect screen entertainment. Another attraction wiiich should City Service make a decided hit is the chapter Bed Comfortables play "The Fighting Marine” w’hich and Economy starts its run in this theater today. ^ SELZ SHOES Sizes Its chief character is none other than Gene Tunney who recently de­ Prices 2 to 14 feated Jack Dempsey for the heavy­ double weight crown of the world- Tunney FOR FALL ARE NOW ON DISPLAY has a very likeable personality and A new step, in progressive stitched aside from his skill with his fists merchandising is ushered seams, he makes a splendid actor. Many of AT THIS STORE in with the opening of Man­ the incidents as depicted in the film chester’s new Grant store sleeves are actual happenings from Tun- Saturday — the making ney’s own life, and as such should available to small communi­ double make an absorbing serial. An edu­ IITE ARE PROUD to put in our windows a bright new ties the advantage of a large stitched, good hems at cational reel, a comedy and a -news * * display of Fall shoes b y these famous makers. city store. The store will reel will also be shown. serve Manchester with the bottom. Assorted Indian “Young April" will be the fea­ Since adding Selz shoes last Spring we have made a lot merchandise now carried by ture attraction on Sunday evenirr Grant stores in the larger and 63” X 75”, Fluffy Cotton filled, com­ and Monday. Its presentation at of new friends. Among these patrons are men who cities, such as Hartford, novelty fortable, covered with chintz pat­ this theater will mark its first ap­ Bridgeport,' New Britain and pearance in this vicinity which in­ look for three things— Waterbury at -the same patterns. tern cretonne,—an unusual value, cidentally flatters the acumen of the Economy Prices. present management in securing it The W. T. Grant Company for the first run. Rudolph and is a native New England 81” X 90” Genuine Mohawk first qual­ Josenh Schildkraut with Elinor Fair —Style corporation which has fill the major roles. Selected short grown in its twenty yekrs of ity Seamless bleached Sheets, each subjects round out the program. life to on of the largest and —Extra Value most successful chains in A Quart Size at a Pint the United States. Grant —Service Stores now dot the map from Price. Big Bed Size Plaid Cotton Blankets, \ Lewiston, Maine to ElPaso, WAPPING Texas, and serve a total pop­ fine grade, and so low priced. ulation of over 26,000,000. Quart THEY FIND ALL OF THEM IN Heretofore, its stores have “Eveready’ been located only in cities l\Irs. Martha IVest who is stay­ of o\>^ 50,000 population. VACUUM ing with her daughter, Mrs. Edgar OUR SELZ MODELS AT This new step now makes BOTTLES 36” Bradford Percale, splendid assort- tm m Stoughton, left Thursday after­ ment of patterns. Remnants in two Grant’s Real Economy Ser­ Keep liquids noon to stay a week with her son vice available to communi­ to ten yard lengths, yard 1, I and family Mr. and Mrs. Howard $6.00 to $8.00 ties under 15,000. hot or cold. West of Rockville. No need now to go to the Mrs. Emma J. Skinner and Mrs. bigger cites for Grant Val­ Edith House who have been on the j ^ Footwear for Whole Family , ues. Hundreds of items 5ick list have recovered from their needed and used every day Illness. Next Wednesday, Oct. 13. the will now be found at home, First Quality, and only a Quarter East Central Pomona Grange. No. in Manchester; Yard Goods, I 3, will hold the regular meeting at Housewares, Tools, Auto Ac­ 22” Boot Suffield, Conn. Several from this C E. HOUSE & SON, INC. cessories, Infants’ and Chil­ place are planning to attend. dren’s Wear, Muslin Under­ Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Burnham wear, Hosiery, Knit Under­ RAYON HOSE have moved to Rutherford, N. J. wear, Art Goods, Notions, Mrs. Alex ISlarouski was taken Head to Foot Clothiers are a few of the lines made Circular knit mock available to people of Man­ to the Manchester Memorial hospi­ seam back in ten of tal for an operation recently. chester. Come and see. the wanted colors, cotton feet and Indelible Washable tops. Patterns 45” Stencilled Oilcloth Table Covers Thrtahle heatjbreseif room the pair Slightly sec­ ond quality, When it’s bitter cold outside but worth Men’s fancy rayon and All Day Comfort and the air swishes around the much more window sills, light your Perfec­ than this low —per pair, OULDN’T itTie nice to tion Oil Heater and laugh at price. tne weather. W know you could walk about, all day if necessary, Use Socony Kerosene, the in comfort, at the State dean, economical fuel, and your Fair or elsewhere? heater will radiate warmth to The Only Focusing Always Stylish— Usually People get decidedly every comer of the room. /A Flashlight Priced More Costly more pleasure at these Write for Perfection Oil Heater at One Dollar shows when they wear the booklet or ask your dealer to show you the new models — Red Seal SCARFS today. Flash f^tilever O f printed '^Shoe Made to Crepe-de- (For Men, Women and sell for $3 Chine. Children) Several Extra There are reasons for the j popular long exceptional Cantilever com­ styles to with deep fort, but they are all based select fringe, on this essential point: from. very The Cantilever is design­ Black, or ed with a knowledge of the n i^ e l ■wide, too. structure and functions of cases with .. the foot. It is made to Mazda 'harmonize with the foot in bulb. action and in repose. ' v cells, each, The natural result is a restful ease which you may IOC never have experienced be­ fore. This is combined with a graceful simplicity of line A Value Which We Are and a beauty of finish Proud to Offer which give a distinctively well-shod effect. The most convincing Men’s Shirts proof of this is to try the shoe on your foot a few PERFE Made of fine, silkily lus­ minutee. No obligation. trous Imported English Broadcloth, in blues, whites or tans.

Oil Heaters Neckband style or For best results use SOCONY KEROSENE iKEROSENEf withX, CANTILEVER collar STANDARD OIL CO. OF NEW YORK | OIL attached. SHOE SHOP 289 Trumbull Street Write for booklet » • . 26 Broadway ! Hartford MANCHESTER-EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1920. PA G E T E N Kn- Walsh Blames No One Bat Cardinals For SherdeVs Second Defeat

BALL CLUBS, LIKE Conquerors of Harvard CARDINALS, WITH ALEXANDER, ARE STILL AHRIBIITB 3-2 DEFEAT Just One Big Ten FAR FROM A BEATEN BASEBALL CLUB TO HAFEY AND THEVENOW INDIVIDUAL KINGS, Eleven Defeated SEE TITLES PASS By BILL COltluM. While the Yankees have the ad­ On Board the Cardinal Special, vantage of a home field and home crowd for the deciding contest, or New York, Oct. 7.— Tragedies j In First Game enroute to New York. Oct. 8.— The Cardinals may be licked, but they contests, that doesn’t mean a great Says Yanks Did little, if Pennock Again that befell individual champions | deal with a good road club like on the tennis courts, the golf links haven’t found it out yet. and in the prize ring did not con­ Chicago, Oct. 8.— Every Big Say this much for the “ show the Cardinals. Ten football eleven but Purdue me boys,” thev are going to have It is just possible that getting Anything But Cards Did X c w Y o r k fine their work to those three away from St. Louis may be the AK. It. 11. PO .V. E. sports, for collectively, champion­ came through victorious in the to be shown. Their red-billed caps o COIUll.H« of ...... 4 0 1 0 0 . opening games of the season. Pur­ are still in the ring. While most best thing that could have happen­ •» ship baseball clubs of 1925 fell “ Ample, Sufficient and Koenijf...... •» 1 :i 5 1 . woefully by the wayside and were j due, meeting a tough opponent in people seem to think that another ed to the Cards. Certainly, all liuth. If ...... :i 0 0 :i 0 0 the Naw. fell after a terrific bat­ baseball hope was burled out there those parades and baokslapping Monsol. r f ...... a 0 0 u 0 o compelled to step down and out ! 1 «k 14 0 0 r tle. 17-13. in the Mound City yesterday after­ they went through didn’t- help GehrlR. Ih ...... a while newer teams climbed up j Enough.” linzxori. *111 ...... 4 0 •» .3 2 0 from the depths of oblivion to oc- j Of the nine winning teams, how­ noon, that doesn’t make it so. them any. They were pressing ... 0 0 0 1 0 cupv the spotlight this year. | ever. only five came through with­ Alexander the Great stands be­ pretty badly yesterday, because I'anchal. X ...... , . . 1 0 1 0 0 0 they knew that great home crowd 0 While Bill Tilden, Bobby Jones. | out being scored on. They were tween the Yankees and the reali­ Gar.plla. ;{5i ...... 0 0 0 1 was expecting so much of them. In lij DAMS J. WALSH Sovcrclrt. o ...... 0 0 4 1 0 Paul Berlenbach, Harry Greb and Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, zation of their dream of conquest, Enroute to Xew \orli, Oct. S. I’ eiinook. p ...... 4 1 1 0 t) Jack Dempsey were being humil­ Northwestern and Iowa. Of these and if old Alex can hold the Rup- that way the strain will be less in ‘Til match my two winners against iated in such startling manner, Minnesota ran up the largest to­ pert rifles at- bay once more in to­ New York, where, after all, a Totals ...... :w 3 9 30! 13 1 world’s series is only a world’s se­ their two losers and ask favors of St. l.ollis dark horses in six of the eight tal, scoring 51 points against morrow’s tussle everything will be no man." -vn. H. H. PO A. E. leading leagues of organized base­ North Dakota. right back -where it started. ries. That was Rogers Hornsby s ii- Httlni. o f ...... 4 0 0 1 0 0 ball were pushing aside the 1925 \ Michigan, Chicago,'Indiana- and Soullnvoirth, rf . . . 4 0 0 o 0 0 nal word as he boarded a train florus!*y, -!i ...... 4 0 0 .3 3 0 champions and battering their Ohio State failed to blank their for the east with his St. Louis Car­ nottomley. lb .. . . . 4 1 1 13 0 0 way to 1926 titles. opponents. Michigan watched the looks like a fine spot to sell. dinals in tow for the sixth game I,. Kell. :ih ...... 4 1 2 2 3 0 A review' of 1925' and 1926 rec­ Oklahoma Aggies, coached by of the world series with the New Hafey. If ...... 4 0 0 i; 0 0 ords will inform the baseball fan Johnny Maulbetsch, former Maize Right Field; Ruth has a shade O'Karroll. o ...... 4 0 a 2 3 0 York Yankees at the stadium on Thovoiiow. ss . . , . . . 4 0 1 1 3 1 that only two clubs repeated in the and Blue All-.America halfback, over Southworth. In fact, with Saturday and today the intelligent­ 1 STioriU'l, p ...... :i p 0 1 3 0 eight leading leagues of the coun­ kick a field goal. Chicago permit­ that front ha would have tbe shade sia were disposed to string along 1 FliMVors. XX ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 try to retain the championships ted Florida to score a touchdown, over a fair sized town. while Depauw, though badly out­ with the young man's viewpoint. ! Totals ...... 3« J* 7 :to 15 1 they captured a year a,go. < aids Have Trumps Score liy innin;;s: In the National League Pitts- played, succeeded in crossing Indi­ Managers: What with HornsbJ The Cards may he one down and York ...... 000 poioool.i— | burgli Stepped out to let the St. ana’s goal line. running -the Cards and Huggins two to play on this series but the i.o iiis ...... ooo.roo.ioo.o—a I Cardinals march boldly to Ohio State found Wittenberg the Y'anks, there will be “ h" to pay Two liiixo hits, lloflonjloy. I'pnnook. , , \}JV X)E WILLIAMS fact that Hornsby has Alexander I.. Ilfll, (tolirin;; stoU-ii liases, South- ; tbe flOUt. soft picking, hut the little Godfrey which ever wins. (Call them and Haines, his two winnir.g pitch­ w orth; satTiiioes, Mt'usei u, i.tir.zori; The American League race saw | eleven put over two touchdowns on hounds off, sheriff, I’ll surrend­ fioiiiitc iitays, iioriisby to iiottoiiiiey, | Hie two-year reign of the Washing- | ers, to match against Huggins’ the Buckeyes, a rather unusual Series Dope er.) two losers. Shocker and Ruother, to KoeuiK to Gehrig; i.-rt on | senators shattered while the j feat in an opening game. Umpires: This is a tough one .s Tiitriv .New \ork \nnkoe« 11, ankees, after a two- i - y . X V ' Presenting a somewhat intelll- Or, to be specific, four tough ones. was not to be laughed off in . ‘ ^ 1 l.onis Cnrcllzinlix 5: linHc« on bnlls. otV lOlk Of the other b i; middle western been i back into i Here arc the men who mainly were responsible for the slightly ignom­ , gent slze-up of the two competing falsetto. Life might have Sborilol 5 (Hiitli Cotnlin. Gehrig •>, year absence, sneaked schools, Notre Dame perhaps made ! teams with few if any holds bar­ ebbing fast from Cardinal hopes oft’ IVnnook 1 (Holm); struck o«t. by the big money. inious defeat of the Harvard football team by Geneva college. “ Bo" the best showing. Rockne's boys Judge Kenesaw Mountain Land­ Pciinook 4 (L. Hell, Holm, Sherdel, red. today but all animation was by no In the American Association, the McMillan, left, is head coach of the Geneva eleven; Ernest Meyers, cen­ ran wild on Beloit and, when the is; If the weather is fair and Kottoiuleyl, by Sherdel - ((•ebrlfc, Louisville Colonels, despite the Catchers: O'Parrell of the Cards there are enough cameramen on means extinct. Kiitli): lilt by pitcdit^r, by Sherdel final whistle chirped, were on the has it all over Collins of the Yanks Alexander will pitch the Satur­ ((■nzeMn); ^rild pitch, Sherdel: loss of Manager ItlcCarthy. w'ho ter, is captain of the squad, and Mack Flenniken is the star backfleld the field the old boy ought to I long end of a 77-0 score. and beside s he is one of the swel- cd ball, Se^ereld. took over the Cubs fought through plunger who carried the ball a long way toward Geneva s two touch­ break his 1925 record when he day pastime in New York and if he Creighton, a pretty good team lest birds that ever girroted an can show sixty per cent of the ♦Paschal hatted for OiifTnit In Oth, to throw back Milwaukee and re­ crashed into 1478 pictures, not In­ ••FIiMverM batted for Sherdel in downs. year in and out. had a tough time umpire. game he showed the first time they 10th. tain its championship for another ever-throwing North Dakota Ag­ cluding the 429 Indoor flashlight took the blanket off him. the year-. shots. His work on the freshman squad gies: in fact, did well to eke out a Pitchers; This is a toss-up from Cards can’t be any worse than an The International League race last fall earned for him the cap­ 26-13 victory. even bet for particular occa­ found the Baltimore monopoly be­ where we sit and believe it or not HERE IS A REAL taincy of the yearlings. Because of For the second time in as many we are sitting in a spot where it’s sion. ing fractured, Toronto grabbing his size and ability he made the seasons. Missouri, one of the high- For the entire series, the Yanks, off t’ue pennant and all the glory easy to get a real line on toss-ups. varsity this season with little ranking teams in the Missouri Shocker will be in there trying and perforce, ranked two to one favor­ that goes with it. trouble. allev Conference, and Tulane, one ite on the basis of elementary In the Te.xas League, the Fort BATTLING BISHOP we hope it gets him more than it The preacher-football plaj'er of the strongest aggregations in used to get Bryan. mathematics. The Cards have to Worth Panther was forced to meet learned the rudiments of the fall the south, fought a no-decision take two ball games to win the- a natural death, the Dallas Steers sport at Dickinson Seminary, Wil­ battle. A year ago the count stood First Base: Bottomley or Geh­ serics; the Yanks only one. taking 19 26 honors. liamsport. 6-6. This time neither was able to Can't Catch Flics In the Southern .Association, the rig? Personally we like Hal Rev. Scribner Plays Tackle Scribner in all probability will score. Chase. Of course, Hal wasn’t al­ And unless the boys get around Atlanta Crackers failed to repeat obtain a pastorate in some church to the matter of catching pop flies, their 1925 achievements. Larry ways good to his mother but then near here during the remainder of there are other things in this vale the best exhibition of pitching that Gilbert’s Pelicans of New Orleans on Ohio Wesleyan Univer­ his colie,ge career. er activities here. He Is a mem­ Alexander and Haines might care took the flag this year. | ber of Phi Gamma Delta fraterni­ of tears besides the cancelled Besides being on the football checks Harry M. Daugherty burn- CHUCK KASSEL to uncover will get them slightly In the Pacific Coast League the | team Scribner is prominent in oth- ty. lUluois .Ancnt Big .Ale.v. sity This Season. efl. less than nothing. Bill Sherdel Fate plays ni-'iny queer pranks. . San, Francisco , , . Seals , . watched , the Champaign, 111., Oct, 6.— Illinoli turned loose a left handed epic Consider the case of Grover Cleve-|^*^® Angeles Angels take the pen- Second Base; This is practically was without the services of “ Red” yesterday and all he got was a pain land .Alexander, veteran pitcher of j This season The Delaware, O., Oct. 7.— Ohio Grange and Earl Britton this sea­ in the collar and his second a stand-off between Lazzerl and the St. Louis Cardinals. j A^stern, the second club put of Wesleyan University’s football Hornsby, with Lazzerl standing off son, but a winning team is expected straight defeat in the series at the About two months ago the Cubs repeat, is Des team, referred to as the “ Battling hands of Herb Pennock. Moines. PREDICT RED HOT TUSSLES so far that he is hardly visible to decided to get rid of Alexander, Bishops’’ because Wesleyan is a the Ziegfeldian, or undraped eye. nevertheless with Pennock Out Twice’.’ Methodist institution, has at least the material on What the Yanks did to Bill was the big right-hander with 16 years Signals! 4, IS, 23, shift, 42! of major league service to his cred­ one player who lives up to the cog­ hand. One of little, if anything. What the IN “BIG THREE” COMPETITION the outstanding it and one of the outstanding hurl- nomen. Shortstop; Thevenow, 255 and Cards did to him was ample, suf­ He is the Rev. Norman Scrib­ players on the ficient and enouigh. ers of the game. Koenig. 269, will be in there; It looked as if GTover was doom­ ner of Baltimore, Md.. 220-pound wearing unifdrms. Y’ou can say 1926 squad is The first New York run scoied tackle on the eleven. He is 6 feet 3 “ Chuck” Kassel, when Hafey stepped on his silly ed to slip out of the big tent. But New Y'ork. Oct. 7.— The Ugliest? In the final game of the season that for them anyhow. Or, if you along came the Cards, and they inches tall. “ Big Three” football championship, Harvard bucked up and succeeded are short of words, you can say captain and end. foot and lost Pennock’s drive for a Kassel Is a star two base hit, so called, and he lost no time in grabTJtng the 39- campaign of years appears to be in holding its old enemy, Yale, to less and >‘et cover the subject ade­ Koenig’s single to ! year-old campaigner. brewing this season. |a scoreless tie despite advance yarns quately. in every sense o f ! came on in on the word, being left. But before this transpired, With the Cards, Alexander Jr^rtfUTt! Princeton. Y''ale and Harvard, j the Crimson would be virtually an­ jumped back into old-time form strong on de­ they trapped Pennock off second With runners on first and following their opening games, seem ; nihilated. Third Base: Dugan or Bell? Du­ but’ lost him again when Theveuow and no doubt was as much re­ of more even caliber than they were ! gan snores in a more enticing tem­ fense,, a deadly sponsible for tbe Hornsby club third, a double steal is start­ Princeton, of course, won the tackier and an dropped the ball. In other words, ed as the pitcher stajids on in 1925, or the year before for that- "Big Three” championship— and po and wears a bLgger Elk tooth. Pennock was out twice before he winning the pennant as any man This gives him the edge. Bell in­ expert at hauling I the rubber. How should this matter. j without much trouble, as the results KASSEL tcored the first run. on the roster. In 192 4 the Tigers, it will be re­ vented the telephone but his first in passes. Not only did. Alex win several jilay lie broken up by the Indicate. name, Lester, was jammed on him Hafey .Asleep team in the field? called, swamped Johnny Harvard,' much-needed games himself, but This year a somewhat different by an angry relative. Last year Kassel was named by The second c.ime in the ninth 34-0, but lost to Yale, 10-0. Yale! many as the greatest flanker in the rnd tied the score. The manner on numerous occasions he went to in turn took the Crimson down the tale may be unfolded. Harvard the assistance of a faltering hurler The fact that the runners has a new coach, also a promising Left Field: For the Cards, middle west. He was just about in which it was scored was enough start, the play as the pitcher line, 19-6, thus winning the cham­ to make one weep silently into the and pulled the tilt out of the fire. bunch of material. "Yale and Blades: for the Yanks, Meusel; that, too. This year his admirers gets on the rubber is what pionship of the famous triumvirate. are predicting he’ll gain a berth on folds of his vest. Gehrig hit a high .Alex had come back with a ven­ Last fall it was Princeton’s turn Princeton, on the other side, don’t for the channel, Miss Ederle; for usually confuses the situa­ appear any stronger, if as strong. that rundown, nervous condition, the All-American. fly over the infield for what geance. tion. to holler. After handling Harvard should have been the first out. It This is especially true of the Orange try Pepso. At the bell Dempsey was This is Kassel’s final year at Should the pitcher throw a terrible 36-0 defeat (one of the Illinois and he’s out to wind up wasn’t. The wind carried the ball Set Y'ankees Down. worst a Cambridge team ever suf­ and Black. groggy and Tunney turned to page away from Thevenow while the But that wasn’t all. Rushed into the ball to the plate while 356 to see what to do next. his collegiate grid career in a standing on the rubber, it #- fered), the Tigers swooped into the So, it wouldn't be surprising were limping Hafey was nowhere, ^0 i the breach in the second game of every one of the round-robin brush­ veritable blaze of glory. Much of would be a legal pitch and the Eli stronghold and when the smoke the mini’s success depends on the the ball dropped safe for a double. the world series, Grover a^:ain es a hectic affair with the result of j Center Field: Douthli; is eight catcher would be forced to of battle had cleared, were on the This plucky leader. La^zeri then prepared to lay down came through nicely. He whipped right "end of a 15-12 verdict. ‘ each more or less a toss-up. points higher than .Combs. his' sacrificial life but the Cards the A'ankees to knot the series. handle the ball in the usual wouldn’t have it tlmt way. Alexander’s performance was manner before making a play Bell was caught on his flat feet prettv much of a classic, too. He on the runner. Incidentally, , the batsman and it went for a hit, Geliri.g rumb­ allowed the hard-hitting Huggins ling to third. He scored, when troupe but four scattefed safeties. would have a right to swing Paschal looped another lazy fly He issued but one pass and set 10 at the ball if he cared to do over the infield, too far out for of the foe down on strikes. True, so, in an effort to help out the runner. Thevenow and too far out for he was in quite a hole in that sec­ Holm. Likewise, if the pitcher first ond inning, and but for an error stepped in the direction of However, it is becoming more would have escaped with just a first as the play was started, apparent with each passing year sinsle run. that the disposition of world series ■\Vhen the A'anks weren’t fan­ he would be compelled to throw the ball to that base or spoils is being decreed by fate. The ning the ozone. Alexander had V Senators in 192 4 had to fluke in make a balk. them rolling weak grounders to The only proper way to the tying run on a badly bound­ the infield, as 16 assists attest. The Rev. Norman Scribner ing hit in the ninth and ^ e win­ make the play is for the pitch­ Cards’ outfield had only one put- er to step off the rubber, back Scribner is a licensed Methodist ning run on a carbon cop>\of the out all afternoon, Hafey camping cfuality where off it is best, as the runners minister who had considerable ex­ same play. Apparently both''\balls under Combs’ loft in the eighth in­ hit the same lump of dirt. start to steal. Then he has a perience in the pulpit before he en­ ning. Incidentally, that was the perfect right to throw the ball tered Ohio AVesleyan as a fresh­ There were plenty of breaks in first ball the Y'anks hit out of the the stygian gloom of the 1925 fi­ to any base he thinks best in man last year. His most recent nale and the Pirates .got all of infield since the third. order to break up the play. pastorate was at AVilliaiusport, Pa. them, though truth to tell they As clever a piece of pitching as Herb Pennock, Yankee ace. dished quality' ^ould he forced them. Maybe the Cards will come back up in the opening game, that put the way the Senators and Pirates over by the veteran .Alexander was lid. I wouldn’t bet that they will just a ’step or so behind. And Pen­ and I would’nt bet that they won’t. nock. by the way, had no Ruths. I’m cured. Meusels and Gehrigs to face. In a word, it was a great triumph for old Grover. WOMAN WILL AnEM PT As mentioned, fate plays many odd pranks. And it wouldn’t be surprising if the fellow cast adrift FOUR-DAY SWIM FROM by the Cubs last summer turned oiit to be one of tbe big heroes of ALBANY TO NEY/ YORK I the 192 6 fall classic. It has hap-

New Y'ork. Oct. S.— An attempt i to swim the 160 milbs in the Hud­ WORTH KNOWING son River from Albany to New Y’ork ! will he made Sunday morning by “ Rabbit” Marauville. re­ Lotty Moore Schoemmell. New cently turned adrift by Brook­ lyn. had a long and Illustri­ Y'ork’s only woman life guard. ous career in the majors. Mrs. Schoemmell expects to make Model 35 Maranyille saw 15 seasons of with One Dial the distance in four days, swim­ big time service. ming during the day and sleeping The midget joined the Bos­ aboard a launch at night. She will ton Braves in 1912. coming Read the headlines o f the air attempt to swim seventy miles the from New Bedford of the New first day, starting under the Albany Engl.iiul league. He remained Just as you scan your newspaper, bridge about 6:30 o’clock Sunday with Boston until the close of selecting what you want to read and ' morning. the 1920 chase when he was The time of Mllle Gade Corson, traded to the Pirates. In 1925 passing over the rest—so you sample woman channel swimmer, for the the Pirates swapped him to the broadcast programs and select same swim was six days. the Cr.hs along with Grimm what you like, with an Atwater Kent Mrs. Schoemmell recently swam and Cooper for Aldridge, O n e Dial Receiving Set. forty-four and one-half miles Grantham and Niehaus. Last around Manhattan Island in four­ fall he went to Brooklyn on For swift ease of operation, com­ teen hours, eleven minutes. She set waivers. bined with wonderful tone quality, a record of five hours and fifty- Maranville gained “most power, -selectivity, beautiful appear­ seven minutes for the twenty-one fame while with the Braves. ance, reliability and sensible price, mile swim from the Battery to San­ He was a member of that fa­ you can’t beat Atwater Kent Radio. dy Hook, against the record rf mous 1914 “ miracle team” seven hours and eleven minutes which climbed from the cellar Let us show you. ’ held by Gertrude Ederle, first wo­ in July to a pennant Knd man to conquer the English chan­ world championship. nel- « ___ J______Try this special! Llggett’s BARRETI & ROBBINS Three thousand Americans igo Opeko Breakfast Coffee. Reg. 50e broke in Paris every year. And still lb. Two pounds for 7Dc. Delicious. Sporting Goods Headquarters. Ihe franc stays down! Quinn’s.— Adv, 013 MAIN STREET VcLgcLties of Unkind }\find Gave Yanks Tkeiv Belated Victovy Yesterday

PENNOCK HAS WON Badger Brilliant minister to Finland and former ONLY 108 SniDENTS; OTARREL’S 3 HITS NURMI TO TRAIN professor at Drake. Dr. Peterson Breaks Were Plenty is personally acquainted with Nur­ FOUR WORLD SERIES PUTS HIM IN LEAD mi, and at the request of Solem in­ HAS G R ^ ELEVEN IN IOWA SCHOOL! vited him to do his training this GAMES; LOST NONE fall at the Des Moines university. And Evenly Divided t « Cardinal Catcher Now Tops Des Moines, la., Oct. 8.— Paavo Dr. Tiovo T. Kaila, author of a Nurmi, the fleet-footed Finn, will book on Nurmi, and close friend King College in Quaint Hills World Series Sluggers With of the runner, probably will ac­ By FORD C. PRICK. train at the Drake University here .437 Average; Gehrig Second when he returns to the United company Nurmi, according to Word PEN NOCK’S WORK RECALLS Between Virginia and States this fall. I from Dr. Peterson. Dr. Kaila ex­ Strong Gale Affected Fly Aboard Yankee Special, enroute New York, Oct. 8.— Bob O’Far­ pects to give a series of lectures GAMES OP OTHER YEARS to New York, Oct. 8.— As this hi­ Announcement that Nurmi will rell, the Cardinals’ slugging catch­ arrive in Des Moines about Nov. in American colleges on Finnish Balls; Robbed Lazzeri of larity laden special train goes Tennessee Boasts Real er, today has assumed the batting athletics. New York, Oct. 8.— Herb [ speeding homeward this October 15, to start training for his on­ leadership of the world series reg­ slaught against any and all exist-1 Nurmi, in accepting Drake’s in­ Pennock s sensational pitching morning, there’s a smiling young* ulars with the fine average of .437. in the opening game of the 1 chap idling about one observation Team. Ing distance track records, was i vitation, asked that he be giver Homer With Three On; Lou Gehrig, Yankee first baseman, made by Ossie Solem. Drake ath-1 privacy during his training. Thii world series recalled other i car watching the flitting landscape. is second with a mark of .412. great hurling performances in Near at hand sits his wife, hum­ letic mentor. The Finn, it was I request will be observed, Coacb I As a result of their hitting yes­ said, will pass up the gymnasiums j Solem says. Also Ga?e Pennock Puny classics of other years. . I ming to herself, or leaning over ' Rristnl Va -Tenn Oct 7.- terday the Yanks are batting .245, and athletic clubs of the east, com-1 The most notable perhaps occasionally to whisper in his ear.; between the quaint hills of only fourteen points behind St. was that dished up by Ed Reul- ing directly here. He will train! Double. ! , i M among jgouthwest Virginia and east Ten- Louis. at Drake’s new field house, and oach while hurling for the all the happ> women on this train i nessee, and near the border line The composite score of the first Chicago Cubs against the December 11 will make his first this morning. , ,, . of the two states, there is a college five games follows: public appearance of this season’s By BILLY EVANS White Sox in 1906. Reulbach . r. city with 108*students en- NEW YORK. AUTO allowed the enemy but one tour when he will attempt new rec­ St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 8.— The va­ For her husband is Herbert Pen- rolled. It is King College, A.B. R. H. Avc. ords. He will race again at Dra’Ke’s ELECTRICAL, SERVICE safe hit. In the same series nock, considered one of the great- \ The Presbyterian church lends garies of an unkind wind decided Combs, cf ...... 18 6 .333 December 18 before leaving Des ftSPAIR WORK GUARANTEES the fifth game of the world series. Ed Walsh of the White Sox eat left-handed pitcher in organiz­ its support to King College. Young Koenig, s s ...... 23 2 ed baseball today. 4 .174 Moines for a tour of the states. NOFTTON Spoiled Home Bun and “ Miner” Brown, Cubs, men are fitted for the ministry. Ruth, rf. I f ...... 16 5 5 .312 each turned in two-hit feats. Herbie Pennock, this morning, Ifow Nurmi happened to come to CLCCTRICAL INSTRUMENT COi In each instance the Yankees But this college also turns out a Meusel, If. rf ....14 2 2 .143 Drake to train is the story of Dr. figured. Once it was most unkind. In the 1919 playoff between owns this train, and everything in football team: a rather remarkable Gehrig, lb ...... 17 1 HnJoARD ST. RHONR. it. 7 .412 Alfred J. Peterson, United Stales NEAR MANCMSSTOIFMMMT STAnOM It apparently spoifed a home run Cincinnati and Chicago, Dicky football team for a school with but Lazzeri, 2b ...... 18 2 5 .278 for Lazzeri with the bases filled. Kerr of the Chicago team and And he has earned his distinc­ 108 students. And since 1921, tion. Dugan, 3 b ...... 16 0 4 .250 It seemed to have robbed New Jimmy Ring, and "Hod” Eller when King College decided it Severeld, c ...... 16 1 of the Reds, doled out three-hit For it was his supple left arm 3 .187 lork of what would have been a would resume football, some un­ Pennock, p ...... 6 1 1 .167 performances. that yesterday pitched the Yankees usual things have happened. commanding lead. However, on ^ ------<4- Shocker, p ...... 2 0 0 .000 two other occ.Hsions Dame Fortune to within a single game of a world First, the team won all but two j Ruether, p ...... 3 0 championship, his cleverness and 0 .000 smiled on the Yanks through the of its games in 1921., In 1922 It Hoyt, p ...... 4 0 0 .000 cunning that turned back the scored 408 points to its op^ooents’ medium of the swift wind that bases on balls, with a wild pitch Paschal ...... 2 0 1 .500 blew across the field. These two mixed in, filled the bases. Lazzeri’s Cardinal stickers like broken 23. One game was lost/\ rn 1923 spots were the big breaks. sacrifice fly to right put over the waves before a rock, holding the the King College team was dubbed opposing batsmen at bay until his 155 17 38 .245 The game was a battle of south­ deciding tally. the “ Mountain Tornado.” That ST. LOUIS. own teammates at the last minute, season 507 points were scored. paws and once again the courag­ Koenig, the Yankee’s rookie A.B. R. eous Pennock triumphed over shortstop had a most eventful day rallied their batting forces to put The “ Tornado” was the pride of H. Avo. Get jerry Douthit, c f ...... 15 3 over the run that meant victory. this entire section and the envy of 4 .267 Sherdel. It was a tough game for of it several times. He had Pen­ Southworth. rf ...20 3 the. Cardinal ace to lose. It would nock in trouble because of field­ It la doubtful if any other pitch­ other colleges, of which there are 8 .400 er in all big league baseball, except several in this region. The follow­ Holm, rf, cf ...... 6 0 0 .000 BOB KREUZ hhve been more so for Pennock. ing miscues. Yet it was he who Hornsby; 2b ...... 20 1 Youth Is Costly supplied the punch that gave New Pennock himself could have won ing year, 1924, it had a successful 4 .200 Yankee youth once again made York two of its three tallies. that game yesterday. And it wasn’t season, but in 1925 suffered a re­ Bottomley, lb ....21 1 7 .333 Wisconsin expects much from to th is iii@wjQy L. Bell, 3b ...... 19 2 the going difficult for the Ameri­ Koenig is certainly entitled to a easy for Herbie. Every ounce of lapse. Quantico Marines, George­ 4 .211 this big fellow on the football field Hafey, If ...... 20 1 can Leaguers. I have in mind 50-50 break. He alternated be strength he had went into the bat­ town University and Tennessee 2 .100 this fall. He’s a brother of A1 Koenig and Lazzeri, rookie in­ tween the' goat and the hero sev­ tle, all the cunning of his long Medjcal College defeated the King O’Farrell, c ...... ! 16 2 7 .437 fielders. eral times, followed by finishing years of experience were called up­ eleven. Thevenow, ss ....17 4 6 .353 Krenz, former star at Pennsylvania. In the second inning, a bit of on the good end of the transaction on and brought into play. This year another odd thing has Sherdel, p ...... 5 0 0 .000 Bob no doubt will carry much of careless base running cost the Pennock, in winning two games Herbie Pennock’s record is still happened. The “ Mountain Torna­ Haines, p ...... 3 1 T .667 the offensive burden of the team Alexander, p ...... 4 0 Yankees a run. Pennock never from the Cardinals, justified my clean. He has pitched four world do” has two regular captains. Ar­ 0 .000 from a backfleld position. He also asks for a much greater margin if prediction that he would be the series games and he has yet to be thur Hammerstrom, end, and Rog­ Rhem, p ...... 3 0 0 .000 he is at his best. only Yankee twirler certain to returned a loser. er Williams, center, each of whom Flowers ...... 3 0 0 .000 starred in track, the javelin throw With Gehrig on third. Lazzeri on worry St. Louis. tips the scales at nearly 200 being his specialty. first, Dugan up and one out, the The edge is now decidedly with RUTH FAR AHEAD pounds, tied on three different 170 18 44 .259 stage appeared to be all set for New York. Hornsby as usual will OF RIVAL SLUGGER voting occasions for the honor of Two-base hits: Combs. Koenig, some Yankee action. put the big game of the series from being the team’s leader. The plan Gehrig, (2); Lazzeri, Dugan, Pen- Dugan grounded sharply to a Cardinal standpoint up to Grov­ St. Louis. Oct. S. — The is for one to have charge the first uock, Douthit. t2); Hornsby, Bot- CUBS LOSE TITLE Hornsby, almost on the base line. er Alexander. Shocker is certain to Ruth-Hornsby duel lapsed back half of the game and the other the toraley, L. Bell, Hafey, O’Farrell, If Lazzeri had stopped up, Horns­ oppose him. intb a dull lethargy yesterday. second half. Thevenow. by would have been forced to Neither super-slugger got a hit, More than 60 of the lOS stud­ Home runs: Ruth, (3): South- TO WHITE SOX 3-0 \ make a play on the batsman, and but Ruth twice walked. Horns­ ents at King College play football, worth, Thevenow, Haines. while he may have eventually BREAKS FIVE TO ONE by failed to get aboard at any by the way. Errors— Koenig, (3), L. Bell, Chicago. Oct. 8.— The White gotten Tony In the run, that would stage of the game, but in the Thevenow, Alexander. Sox and Cubs were entraining for have ensued, Gehrig's run would sixth inning he gave the fans a Twenty solid cars loaded with Runs batted in: Ruth 4, Gehrig their homes today, following the have crossed the plate. When the IN FAVOR OF YANKEES thrill with a smash to center. overalls were transported direct 2, Dugan 2, Lazzeri 3. Koenig 2, wind-up battle of the city series. Yanks went into the eighth inning Afield Hornsby sparkled from Commerce. Ga., to St. Louis, Combs 1, Paschal 1, Bottomley 4, The White Sox regained the city trailing 2 to 1, it seemed as if the brightly, but Ruth made a great 825 miles, recently, the total Southworth 3, Thevenow 3, Haines championship, winning four of the loss of that run might be the break run into the temporary seats to freight charges on the shipment 2, L. Bell 2, Hornsby 1, Toporcer seven games played. In the decid­ .2 that would ultimately decide the Walsh Intimates Cards Would spear Hafey’s tall foul. being $5,096.53— or 1.7 cents to 1, Douthit 1, O’Farrell 1. issue. ing game yesterday. Ted Blanken­ Have Won With Douthit in The Babe has a big lead on carry a pair of overalls that dis­ Left on bases: New York 36, St. ship shut out the Nationals, three But to get back to the stiff wind the Game. Rogers in batting, .312 to .200. tance. Louis 32. to nothing. that made the judgment of fly , balls quite difficult. I By DAVIS J. WALSH. Wind Treacherous j In the third inning, Pennock | flied to deep left. The ball was hit j En Route to New York, Oct. 8. A harder than Hafey figured. He ' — At the end of the game the I came jin two steps, then seeing 1 breaks stood five to one in favor of the Yanks. The latter’s only bad y that he had sl'ghtly misjudged the j • ball, tried to go back, and slipped luck came in the sixth when the to the soft ground. wind held Lazzeri’s long fly inside Pennock was accredited with a the park with the bases filied. But ralheri eheap two bagger. He later as far as that went. Lazzeri \ scored. Break number one for the wouldn’t have been at bat at all Own a Car You Yankees. Three innings later, the except for Pennock’s lucky double. sixth. I with the bases filled, Laz­ « zeri hit a long fly ball to right j Douthit would have caught Pas­ field. Southworth backed up j chal’s fly that scored the tying run against the wall and seemed to | in the ninth: that is Douthit would Can Honestl'y^ have given up on the catch. have do so if he wasn’t sitting on The wind carried the drive back the bench,^ at least 15 feet and Southworth fi­ nally made the catch with his The only thing you catch there arms resting against the wall. is a lot of splinter.s. a That was break one against the Boast About! he-man*s Yankees. But Douthit’s absence caused by Things seemed to happen every his'collision with Hafey on Wed­ third inning in this ball game. nesday was not as detrimental as cigarette widi Going into the ninth Gehrig hit a Hafey’s presence. The latter fly to short left field. It looked as couldn’t get up with flies hit in his if . either left fielder Hafey or direction because of his leg in­ shortstop Thevenow might make jury. the play. parUnr-mannet^ Thevenow gave chase. The wind Our Mr. Ruth walked twice but was too elusive. When he start­ otherwise spent a sedate afternoon ed after the ball it was 25 feet fair at the plate. But his one hand but finally fell safe to the ground catch of Hafey’s foul in the fourth just inside the foul line, with was a gem of purest ray serene. <‘When you meet a fellow Thevenow making a last frantic, but vain effort to grab the ball. We Just received a shipment of tyho packs a punch Rookies Come Tiirough Lowney’s Chocolates, bon bons, Gehrig, later scored the run etc. and have had to re-order to and still carries that tied up the ball game. In the meet the demand. A wonderful buy extra inning, a hit by Koenig, two at 60c lb. Quinn’s.— Adv. a kindly look and a fnendly manner, you say: X T THEN you own any one of the nineteen new Chandler models VV you can tell the world youVe got an automobUe—a. car you “ * There’s a M a n I* can match against anything on wheels within a mile of the price! «Same "way ivith 3 FISH AND GAME a U B It^s smarter. M ore distinctive—utterly and delighthilly different* O ld G olds. Stylishly different in design. Bristdy different in traffic. Powerfully Mighty but kindly. different on hills. Whisperingly different under the hood. MEMBERS A whale of a smoke . . . The beautiful new Different in many^ther ways, too. Instead of lubricating the hut as gentle And Everyone Who Enjoys the Sport of Hunting Metropolitan Sedan, car with a grease gun or an oil can, you simply press your heel on \U11 be interested in our showing of Hunting Boots, to your tongue and throat Flannel Shirts and Moleskin Trousers. the great leader, is the plunger of the car’s “ One Shotf’ centralized lubrication system! reduced ^360, from And instead of changing oil in the crankcase every 500 miles, as a mother •1955 to *1595! only a few changes a year are necessary—because of Chandler’s to her babe. HUNTING BOOTS inherent engine d es^ , because of an ^ purifier, because of an air cleaner! <‘There’s a dgarette! Extremely Light in Weight Nineteen Durable to the extreme, in 12” and 16” leather tops, Finer New Models Beautiful 4*door Sedans at $995 and $1295 and $1495 and “ 0 . G. They’re great!’* rubber bottoms, either crepe soles with low heel or rub­ •945 to •1795 $1595! Smart Coupes at $1035 and $1195 and $1675—aU equipped ber sole and heel. No cutting of the heels as these boots with 4>wheel brakes! A total of nineteen charming body styles— are made to prevent wrinkling at that point. AU pHect £. o . b . Cl«v«had a great choice of the most pleasing cars and the most impressive Heavy or medium weight Wool Hose to wear inside, gives you an ideal hunting outfit. Hose, 60c to $1,25. values you’ve ever laid eyes on. F L A N m SHIRTS GIBSON'S GARAGE Gray or Khaki, Medium, Light or Heavy Weight B. H. Gibson, Prop. $2.00 to $3.50. Main Street Manchester _ We are also agents for the well known Goodyear The Prodmet o f Glove line of Rubber Boots, Arctics and Rubbers. P. LORILLARO CO. CH AN OLBR . c L BVBLAND MOTORS CORPORATION * OLBVBIAND £51.1760 GLENNEY’S O l d u o l d Next door to Woolworth’s Cor. Main and Birch Sts. It's the Sm ooth^^ Cigarette


A Gaod Natuie . a n d Goodlfeall CHAPTER XXIII Faith lay back In hla arms, tremb­ HOW RKAIOVAL OF TONSILS f sils, was relieved in the large ma­ r A ' FEW minutes after Mr. Inane’s ling, dizzy ■with such a rapture as HELPED 1,200 CHILDREN. jority of cases. she had never dreamed could come jTjL unceremonious withdrawaT from The killing of mentally and Maluntrltion. to her. By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN the mter\-lew with Mr. Cluny, physically defective children by An Investigation of children with “ Now, I’ll wager you had some Editor. Joarnal of thq American infected tonsils and adenoids the elederly suitor asked and ob­ their parents is often— and nearly foolish, altruistic scheme in your Medical-Association and of Hygcia shows that many of them suffer deaff head when you brought me out tained permission from Mrs. Lane always-pjustifled, necessary an I an tbe Health Magazine. from underweight and malnutri­ to take Cherry driving in the luxuri­ here,” he told her, laughing Joyous­ act of mercy. This is the opinion of tion. Dr. Kaiser found that malnu­ ly. ” I']1 bet you had It all doped out Clarence Larrow, cr.m.iial attorney, ous limousine parked before the to ask me to marry Cherry, In spite trition will be improved somewhat author, lecturer, and sociologist, following the removal of the ton­ shabby little Myrtle street house. of all that’s happened, to saVe her who knows human problems, causes Ahnost everyone now knows ‘T certainly trust you will use from my rich but senile uncle. 'Fess that the removal of the tonsils is sils and adenoids, although this Is and results, as do few humans. not specific, since the other factors your influence with your husband to up, now! 'Wasn’t that the program?” desirable when they are infected, he teased her. involved also must be corrected. bring about a mote graceful accep­ Byron Stone, a father, attempted in order to prevent repeated sore “Yes,” she whispered. "You—you throats, but' more particularly to In addition to the benefits al­ tance on his part o f a situation wouldn’t do It? It would save to kill his 15-year-old deaf, dumb ready mentioned, it was found that and crippled son, and then took his prevent secondary diseases ’ likely which, I am convinced, will mean .pherry.” to occur through carrying infec­ diphtheria and scarlet fever occur happiness to all concerned,” Mr. “ I ’m not in the soul-saving busi­ own life, when circumstances got to a lesser extent in children with­ too much for him. Darrow upholds tion from the tonsils to other parts Cluny said with punctilious polite­ ness, darting, Sorryl I offered Sun­ of the body. out tonsils than in those who still day night, because I knew that you the father and says that the child carry the infections of these tis­ ness, as he bent over Mrs. Lane’s should have been taken out of the Five years ago 8,000 children in sues. ■w-anted me to, and because I had Rochester, N. Y., had their tonsils hand. fancied myself In love with her. Of world e.-irlier in its life. Finally, rheumatism, chorea and •'Oh, Muggy’ll bring him around. course she had forfeited all right to Almost as old as life Itself is this removed. After a year 5,000 of these children were re-examined, heart disease occurred in a far Don't worry,” Cherry laughed light­ chivalry when she got herself into question of the survival of the un­ smaller percentage in the group that mess with Ettleson, but there and at the end of three years 2.- ly. “ Faith, darling, bring me my fit. Peoples of all colors, all climes, 400 were re-examined. Dr. Albert from which the tonsils and ade­ was some remnant of the old feeling all ages, have solved it differently. noids were removed than in the white flannel coat, won’t you? And left for her. In spite of my realiza­ D. Kaiser of Rochester has gone controlling group. The Spartans tjok their unfit young over .the records to find out the that painted white silk scarf.” tion, that I had fallen deeply, hope­ people to a waste place there t> Here is definite scientific evi­ "When Faith, hardly able to keep lessly and for life In love with her benefit the patients derived from dence, based on investigations ex­ big sister. Do you know that you’re perish. the operations. back the tears, had watched the tiny, tending over years, to establish the beautiful. Faith? My ‘Mother Earth’ Mouth Breathing. lovely little figure and the tall, stiff- sweetheart! Of course I was in love The question of this right to dis­ importance of this type of preven­ One of the chief complaints for tive nose and throat surgery. jointed old man walk arm in arm with you that night I unburdened pose of human life has ever been which such an operation is done is R to the car and enter, assisted by a my heart to you about Cherry and settled and never 'w-ill 1 e so long breathing through the mouth. Out h Wiley and that girl I was engaged to as Mother Nature implants in the Quinn’s Compound Flaxseed, 2 uniformed' chauffeur, she turned of 1,200 children on whom the op­ when I was in college. But 1 wasn’t human breast the same strong par­ ■Wild Cherry and Rock Candy, fi back into the living room to help eration was done, 1,057 were Cough Syrup. The old fashioned clever enough to know It. You’re ental instinct of love and affection mouth-breathers. Out of 1,200 1 Mrs. Lane on her slow plainful jour- remedy for the new fashioned the dear, faithful, great hearted wom­ for the abnormal child as for the so- children who were not operated p ney to her bedroom. an-girl I’ve been dreaming of and called normal. 'W’hen nature per­ on, 864 were mouth-breathers. colds. Try a bottle today. Q:iinn’a i ‘'Well, what do you think?” Mrs. hunigering for. No, I can’t marry mits parents to distinguish between — Adv. Cherry, even to please you, sweet. Three years after the tonsils p Lane quavered, the polite, almost •For I’m going to marry you. If the two, then and then only can Metal cloth is being used more and and adenoids had been removed, s simpering smile wiped from her you’ll have me,” he ended with sud­ science and rationality have its way. more for evening wraps. Jenny only 122 of those operated on were C heavy cheeks and lips, her gray eyes den humility. designed this coat of crepe satin reported by the parents as still Black Is the season’s big color In filled with tears. “I’ve never even fancied I was In metal cloth, lined with Bagdad vel­ breathing through the mouth, New Face Powder garb. like a raven’s wing, the whereas 830 of the 864 who were S “ I think It's a crime!” Faith cried love with anyone else in my life.” vet. It features the tightly wrapped Faith laid her lips against his lean, black of a dead ripe cherry, t! e hip line and the popular -wide not operated on were reported still 5 passionately. “ It's breaking my tanned cheek. “ Oh, Bob, I do love bl.ack ot a well at night, the black sleeves. suffering from the original condi­ A ll the Rage H heart! Don't let her do it. Mother, you so. But—there’s something of the movie villain’s heart, are the tion. Mouth-breathing was relieved You will not have a shiny nose now.'* g Please! Think what it will mean to else— ” favored shades. Black coats, black BIG HAT POPCLAll. in 88.5 per cent of the children by s Cherry—yoked with that waxen- “Wh.-it now?” he demanded with Jitsses, and huge black pictuie Tlie large hat of,black velvet, removal of the tonsils and ade­ A very fine, pu^e, new French Process faced, stiff-kneed old man, who mock terror. “If you even mention hats, flower-trimmed, i lack and black felt or hatters plush is very noids. Powder is all the rage; Keeps shine Cherry’s name again for the next Among other conditions for ,1 simply wants to drink new life at blue, llko p bump on the knee, is a smart now with the printed after­ away— perspiration hardly affects i t half hour. I’ll—I’ll simply kiss you chic combination. noon frock. which the operation is done are Lines or pores won’t show. 1 the fountain of youth. She's so till you beg for mercy.” frequent sore throats and head like natural skin and gives a beautiful ’ 1 young. Mother, just a baby! Not Bob stopped her with a kiss which seemed to draw her She laughed, then put her hands colds. It -was found that head Story writers, preachers, and the DRYING SALT complexion. Get a box today. It is 1 quite nineteen!” very soul from her body. against his chest to hold him back. colds had been relieved In 75 per like have had no few words to use When salt becomes damp In 'ailed MELLO-GLO. 3 "'I don't want her to marry a poor Listen, Bob. If we get married- on the subject of foolish young calf- rainy ’w-eather, put it in the oven cent of the cases. Naturally sore It will just upset you, make your she’s going to marry- j-our uncle—Mr. well, then,” she conceded to his pro­ for a few minutes. throat, due to infection of the ton­ The J. W. Hale, So. Manchester. s man,'’ Mrs. Lane sighed heavily. heart misbehave. Good night, dear. Cluny!” lovers who, regardless of the high test, “ when we are married we’ll— price of overstuffed furniture. =C “ You don't know what I’ve been I know you’re trying to do your best Bob Hathaway’s fingers closed on ive’Il have to live at my home. I i through. Faith, married to a failure for all of us—Cherry, too.” hers with sudden, fierce pressure, can’t leave mother and dad and Joy Chinese gongs, and lamb chops, will "He IS old,” Mrs. Lane whispeted, but he did not speak for what and Junior. They need me too much. get married on a few shekels a i like your pa. I’d rather see my month. I daughters in their graves than to with fright in her voice. “Maybe—” seemed to the girl to be long min­ Mother Isn’t going to—to be with As soon as Faith joined them, Mr. utes. At last he whistled softly, Younglings who aspiic to wed on I SCO them go through what I've suf- us long. Bob, and I ’d feel like a 1 fered. It won’t bo for long—he can’t Lane, without apology, shuffled then laughed rather shortly: "Wei!, murderer if I left her now in hired next-to-nothing will be cheered by M live many years more. Oh, I don t slowly and wearily from the room, the old-son-of-a-gun! And he’s been hands. Even the best of nurses these few choice -words from the 1 know what I’m saying! He’s a nice, his shoulders stooped’ as if they car­ a widower for twenty years! I couldn’t do for her what I do. She Rev. Dr. Francis E. Ciu k, wed 50 Sage~Allen & Co, E friendly, iwlite man. Faith, and he’s ried the burden of the whole world s think we can look forward to a com­ loves Cherry so much the best of years: £ rich. She’ll have everything in the sorrows. Bob Hathaway stared af­ edy. entitled, ‘The Taming of the all of us, but she depends on me, ‘Those early years of married life g world she wants.” ter him with very real concern in Flirt’. Uncle Ralph won’t stand for day and night. An(| Joy is so young are too precious to put oif until !: his blue eyes, which had flamed just s ’’Except thrills,” Faith was frank- any nonsense. Y'os, I think the ador­ and hard to manage—so precocious j middle age stares one in the fate = ly crying now. “ And j-ou know, a moment before with joy at seeing able Cherry has met her match!” and sharp. Bob—and dad would sim­ Hartford Faith again. I Its financial struggles and ecoao- A Mother, Cherry lives on thrills. Even ” Oh, Boll! How can you?” Faith ply wither up into a dreary little I niies must be met ■ and faced to s if he lives only five or six years, as “ What’s the matter with your snatch-ed her hands from his and in old man if I left him to manage the father?” he asked in a low voice I gether. They are a part of the pre- £ he certainly has every chance of tlie moonlight her brown eyes glit­ family alone. No, I can’t leave Si s doing—maybe twenty!—ho’U have "He looks completely' knocked out.” tered with anger. ’’Don’t you .gee them, Bob. Please understand!” I clous discipline of life for the wife £ tarnished her youth, made her cyni- “Something rather terrible has it’s a tragedy? Little Cherry mar­ The man’s arms relaxed, drop]ied as -well as for the husband.” s cal ar..l hypocritical and maybe un- happened. Where can we talk. Bob? ried to that dreadfully- old. old man!” slowly from her shoulders, as he g faithful—” I’ll have to tell you ail about it.” stared fixedly into space, as if he A honeymoon twentj- years late ” I have my car outside. Shall we "Forgive me, dear!” He put his s ’’Faith! Do you',realize what arms around her and forced her head were looking Into the future and was the recent ex.ierlence of Louis s 'you're saying?” her mother de- drive out into the country? It’s a seeing all the little tragedies to their Mutrux and Mrs. Miitr-jx. Twenty heavenly night. Y'ou’Il need a warm to rest on his breast. “ You can’t ex­ s manded sternly. ” Oh, my heart! pect me to be weeping bitter tears love which would be the result if years afo they wanted to go abroa.: g That awful pain!” she groaned, lay coat, dear.” he accepted her ultimatum. Her heart leaped at the word of over Cherry's self-invited tragedy but finances wouldn’t permit, 'riiey s ing a puffed hand on her vast bosom, when It frees mo from any shadow She waited, trembling, praying went on w-anting to go abroad. Lit­ g her face contorted with'-tigony. caress. It was coming! He caret silently, her hands tight locked in he cared, and yet—if there was anv of an cbligation to her. Now can tle .’easons -vs-hy they coul-.ln't. p “ All right. Mother, lean on me: you re;illy. darling? Oh. Faith, her lap. Twelve reasons. So they took them g 'We’ll soon be there! Just a few way in the world she could save At last he shook his head abruptly, Cherry— Cherry- can take care of fierself! along when they toiirid tho old s more steps. Shall 1 call Dad?” Let’s think about us—US!—for a as if to dispel unwelcome visions. £ ” No,” Mrs. Lane gasped, letting They were both silent qg Bob "I suppose that’s the real reason world this last summer. drove iwiftly out Myrtle street to the change. You know I love you, don’t How about it, parents? Was the g her great weight bear down upon you? Don’t you? ’ he insisted, when why I love you. Faith, Because = Faiths supporting arms. ” Oh, Lord! state highway. After twenty min­ you’re the kind of a girl who rearing of those twelve chiHren utes of driving ho slowed the car and she did not answer. = Theros the doorbell!” "I—don’t know,” Faith whispered couldn’t possibly do an unselfish worth a 20-year-lat'e lijueyn. on, p But Mr. Lane had hoard It. too. sought lor a country' lane turning off thing to save her life. It won’t and one even then, had only with the hig’nway'. huskily-. ’’You aren't just—sorry for g and came from the kitchen, where me. because you—you saw that I—1 have to be the house In Myrtle the twel- e along? s ho had retired to read his paper or “ At the risk of being picked up as cared for you?” street, will It, dear? I ban afford g to thing heaven knows what terrible a parked potter, I’m going to turn in '“ You blessed little idiot!” he a better home for you than that." g thoughts of his dau.ghter’s folly. here so that we can have a little “ Oh, Bob,” she flung her arms It may sound like warmed-up laughed throatily, and tilted her face hash to begin speaking of one Wil­ = Faith, as she eased her mother into privacy,” he told her mattor-of-fact- up to his. ’’Sorry for you? 'Why-, about him, strained his head to her g bed. caught snatches of convers.ation ly', as he guided the car down a rutty, I’ve been off my- head with jealousy breast, which rose sharply on a great liam Harrison Dempsey, demised g from the living room, knew, with a tree-bordered lane. "Now. Faith of George Truitt. Cherry had told sob of relief. "You’re the best man hea-vyweigi t champ of the boxing g surge of joy. that Bob Hathaway had dear, what is the terrible news? Has me you were crazy about him, were in the world! I knew I could count world. But I desire so to speak— g come and that it was she, not Cherry run away again?” Quito going to marry him.” on you! Oh, I love you so terribly about Jack and Estelle. It has ju '..t f pj; = Cherry, whom he wanted to see. simply, he lifted her clenched, cold ” Oh, she had no right to say that!” that it frightens me!” occurred to me that the story writ­ g "Bob s here. Mother,” she told the hands from her lap and held them On the drive home she laughed Faith protested, but he stopped her ers wo-jld have had Jack deliberate­ J V* = sick woman in a tender,. soothing in both his, stroking them gently. with a long kiss, a kiss which seemed that rich, new, happy laugh of hers, ly lose his title In order to learr. s voice. "He wants to see me. I ’ll “ It’s worse than that.” Faith to draw her very soul from her body. as she asked him: “I wonder what whether Estelle loved him for him­ cCi. g send in to sit with you until you tried to keep her voice steady-, When he flung his head up at last, dad will say to both his girls getting self alone or for his title. The’ story p feel sleepy. But you mustn’t scold though every nerve in her body was exultant, his face more radiant than engaged on the same day?” 3 him about tonight, or talk about it. v/rltera would have ev-en had quivering ecstatically. "Oh. Bob moonlight could ever have made it. (To Be Concluded) Estelle shriek Just what she did allllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllUIIII!l||||||MHTOIll||HlfflHIIIIII|IHI!l|g|l!lllllllllllllll|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||i||||||||||||ii||||||||||||||||i||iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)||||||||HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiii»iiiiH|iiiH^^ shriek— “I’m coming lack to see a O' iiHii husband, not a ebampio” .” i Now the interesting part of the story is to just watch and wait! ished the nurse, “ your elft leg Is “ Grow, little thin girl, fatter, fat­ carrying of wayfarers In private ter,” continues to he the warning also fractured, hut it is a compar­ •i atively simple one and the doctors Home Page Editorials vehicles which makes them liable cry of o;ir nation’s physcians. They HER OWN ate not going to put it in a cast.’’ to prosecution, but in case of acci­ say that a toxin called cytost re- At last I began to remember— The Lowly dent to the car the owner Is liable svlts f.’om broken-down tis'.ues what had happened to the others? for heavy damages if tho casual after a dieting bat. T-jherculosis. Sit Were any of them hurt? John He passenger is hurt or killed. even death, come next. Wasted •^AY’ must have gotten more of that Thumb-Jerker Not long ago I heard a young words. No woman ever put health Men Look Forward To This Great chandelier upon him than I. The man tell his father he was going before beauty. Nor will anyone be­ t/? GIRL 7CttWY last thing I -was conscious of ■v\’as By Olive Roberts Barton to hitch-hike it to school some two gin now. But, hoy, how the fat IN THE BALANCE that he was bending over me, pro­ hundred miles distant. “ I’ll use girls will go to the chocolate pie •r* tecting me -with his body. my carfare for spending^ money,’’ and marron parfait!. Semi-Annual Event! Before I opened my eyes again, “ Did any of the others get Each age brings its own words. said the boy. “ All the fellows do hours afterwards. I caught the hurt?” I asked. Mr. Webster would certainly push it and it’s the thing to do.” smell of disinfectants and anaes­ Before the nurse answered I up his spectacles and bend low ov­ “ No, son, said the father, thetics and I wondered if it were saw her face grow- grave. er the present-day dictionary If he “ you’ll not hitch-hike It. When I possible that I had been taken to “ Mr. Meredith is very badly could see some of the additions to was a boy I hoofed it to the same a hospital. I still had a feeling hurt, Miss Dean. The doctors school with the feeling that I was of something pressin,g down upon the child of his ’wearisome labors. Suits and Overcoats hold out very little hope of his re­ We have “ gate-crasher,” "cake- pretty lucky to get my tuition my chest which I had had before covery. money. There was no money for I lost consciousness. eater” and “ high-hatter.” Mr. I did not know that I had drawn Webster might well scratch his carfare and I walked the whole Cautiously I tried to move my myself up very quickly to a sit­ head over the word “ thumb ierk- distance on dirt roads, sleeping in hands and found that one of them ting posture until the agony of my er.” barns at night. I didn’t depend was immovable. The other I man­ on anything to get me there. Made To Measure leg turned me faint. ’’I must go to A thumb jerker is a pefson who $38.75 aged with great effort to bring to­ him.” I said. “ Never turn into a thumb jerk­ stands out on a road and jerks his ward my head. “ There, there, my dear, lie down. er. If you jerk your thumb at thumb at passing automobiles. In­ cars for people to pick you up, you Then I got the courage to open You shall go to him in a short dicating that he wishes a life in my eyes and saw that instead of time. Just as soon as Dr. Phillips are acquiring a habit. The next their direction. Boys on summer time you will je.k your thumb for the rooms ot the Beaux Arts, comes you can go to Mr. Meredith. trips call it hitch-hiking. Tourists One Week Only Beginning Saturday -which is some ■way I subconscious­ They are depending upon the sight another kind of a favor perhaps. Tidy,^ Curly stop and take them in and carry- I’m no going to have you going ly expected to find. I was looking of you to give him courage to live.” them a certain distance. Tljen “ Let me go now. I must not through life expecting other people H air in Summer^ into the kind eyes of a white clad they pick up another car, or anoth­ J B y Edna Wallace Hoppet; $ 3 8 .7 5 is an amazingly low price for a made-to-measure suit or overcoat. The nurse and about me were the four wait, a minute. Don’t you know to do you favors. Stand on your er car picks them up, and eventu­ own feet— and walk on your o'wn I use a hair dress which every splendid fabrics, the custom tailoring, the perfect fit, justify a much higher cost. But bare grey walls of a hospital room. that he saved my life perhaps at ally they r«ach their destination It was then that I realized the the cost of his own?” feet.” girl and woman would delight to in this special twice-a-year sale prices are cut— and cut to the marrow! without trouble or expense to know, especially in summer. It heavy thine lying across my chest themselves. One kind of philosophy that isn’t A wide selection of correct materials and patterns to choose from—the sort that so bad at that! keeps my hair wavy, fluffy, glossy, was my left arm, which had been TOMORRO-W: John’s 'Wish, the smartest custom tailors use. splintered and was evidently in a Formerly there -n-as a generous tidy. I never go to a hairdresser, cast. tendency among tourists in auto­ never have a Marcel wave. I get FOX COLLARS. mobiles to stop and pick up the all that curl and glow by using this “ Is it broken?” I whispered. The double fox collar, that is. thumb jerkers. I hear complaints MODEST PATTERNS. dressing twice a week in my room. “ Yes, my dear, it is broken in two fox furs joined in the back and recently in the ranks of the young­ Velvet this season is as apt to be Great experts made this dress­ two places. The doctors say, how­ forming long stole effects in front, sters that people are getting stingy figured as plain. Small floral pat­ ing especially for me. It is not Suit or Overcoat Extra Trousers ever, that it will be all right. How is one of the most popular w-ays of with their cars and w-on’t give terns, or geometrical designs In sticky or greasy. It quickly does do you feel this morning?” finishing the neckline of both cloth them rides any more. bright colors on a dark ground are to perfection all my hair needs to “ Well, I’m not prepared to say and fur coats. especially liked. be beautiful, wavy and tidy. that I’m ready to do a Charleston,” If any young man reads this who happens to have a grudge ' Now all toilet counters simply the same $ I answered with a faint grin. WINTER FROCKS. dressing under the name Edna Wallace $38.75 9.75 against the riding public, it may Hoppers Wave and Sheen. The price The word "Charleston” focused Chiffon and velvet are the most is /5C. M y euarantee cornea with each my mind on my legs. I tried to soothe'his rancor to know that the FOR THE PURSE. popular combination for winter i driver is whizzing past his these The bright red ehvelope purse bottle, so you risk nothing by a test. Go move them and could not suppress afternoon frocks. Often the upper} try it. You will find it just what you ONE WEEK ONLY, OCTOBER 9th to 16th cry of pain. fine autumn days in self defense for winter is often adorned with want. I t is one o f the best hel^s 1 ever a part of the frock is of chiffon and I fonnd to keep women looking nice. ^ “ Careful, careful, dear,” admon­ merely. There is not only a law black enamel or silver, and fre­ the skirt of velvet. j now in most states forbidding the quently with combinations of both.

B-’' 'MANCHESTER'EVEj^ G HERALD, FRH5AY, OCTOBER 8, 1926.' - MANY CHOICE NU M M S FOR UCENSES REMAIN A BOLT o r IM U TIH iffl The distinction of being the first to receive motor vehicle registra­ tion plates for the year 1927 is held by Glenna E. Waters of Hart­ ford. The holder of Number 310. she made application October 2. the day after the state motor vehi­ cle department sent out 270,000 application blanks to present regis­ trants, and received the same num­ ber she bolds this year. Three other registrants took out their 1927 registrations on that day at the main office in the Capitol; four did so at the New London branch, two at the Bridgeport branch and one each at the New Haven and Stamford offices. The Waterbury office issued none on th at date, which virtually the first that it was possible to receive registra­ tions, since the application blanks did not go out in the mails until the afternoon before. Including the registration business done ’‘over the counters” of the various regis­ tration offices and by mail, forty- nine registrations were issued Oc­ tober 2, as of January 1, 1927. Few of the numbers which ap­ pear to be considered by many au- tomobllists to be the choicest, Wholesale Cost and. Less either because of their smallness or other distinctive features, have yet been issued, but the present on $500^000 W^oTth of Fine Futnituve! holders of them will have until November 15 to reserve them. Tl TAKE no engagements for tomorrow—come down to KANE’S, prepared for the most -o--* After that date, any of those num­ bers which have not been reserved, V^sTRlf»^Tn”mako 1 lifetime! It’s all because we’re celebrating ohr 20th ANNI- by the payment of the fee in ad­ VERSARY! To make it the most notable event in our history, we’ve gone to America’-? fcrp.-.nei vance and the submission of a furniture builders—we told them the quality goods we wanted—and then insisted on prices lower written request, will be issued at than their lowest—because we are sacrificing OUR profits during this sale—the m aS ar' the convenience of the department. nj^st sacrifice THEIR profits, toc^It is to show oar VeciattoM o theTho^SSsTpe Registration No. 1 has been held by Judge James P. Woodruff of already know us, and to get thousands more acquainted with our service and good furniture' Litchfield since the state first be­ gan issuing motor vehicle mark­ Values Deliberately Planned to Startle and Amaze You! ers. There is always a demand for the registration numbers corre­ 20 Years AgO^^ store opened its dcors to the public. TODAY, 20 years after the sponding to the number of the opening of our first establishment, we have EIGHT beautiful stores in year during which It Is to be used. No. 1927 Is held this year by Ella EIGHT principal New England cities! Such extraordinary growth can mean only A. Rogers of Westport. one thing—^that the KANE stores i 1 4 'P c . Jacquard Living Room do give a remarkable return TWO FEATURES ON Regular $275 Value—Save $136 in value and satisfaction A LIVING ROOM fit for a king—^ivith charming lines anti for every dollar in­ / I sumptuous elegance! Very latest design, with extra wide CIRaE’S PROORAM vested here. and luxurious arms and thickly overstuffed seat backs! MAR­ $2 MEEKLY Glenn Hunter Is coming to the SHALL cushion springs, like those motor cars use; silken tas­ Circle theater tomorrow for one sels—and wonderful, gorgeous JACQUARD for the covering! Many patterns to choose day only. This is a very Important from! The suite,comprises Wing Chair, Arm Chair and Long Sofa, exquisitely made! announcement to those of the fans a ll InclmlcflTnrllirlprl ,nt nf nnno ovfmextra nnetcost nraare .all ait 4-1«nthe wonderful extras a^ tt. —an Italian Yfallan Davenport Table. Mantel wv_A.-t Clock Fern- that remember this youthful screen THESE , ery. End Table. Rrldjje T/inin. Shade. Two Framed Plctn res. Japanese Table Lamp, Shade and Tanc.strv Scarr— ,jr-=£XTilA&\ HKKK that one could possibly want In a ll'i-i? room in the qualitv ever offered at this nrice. star for his work in ‘‘Mertop of the 14 PIECES CO.MPLETE—?I30. 60-PC. SET OF SILVEKWARE INCLUDED FKEE! ^ ^ Movies” and many other popular ^'INCLUDED screen productions. The picture that he comes to the m Circle theater In is "The Pinch Hit­ ter” and is said to be even much funnier than “Merton” and if such U the case we're more than satis­ fied. At least v’e are sure that the story must be good because It is from the pen of C. Gardner Sullivan and that individual has yet to write a poor screen story. In addition to this the picture directed by Joseph Henabery, one of the best jO ron TUI / known directors in fllmdom who fill be remembered as Rudolph V.Valentino’s director while that star » O X :iocl/ ■k’as with the Paramount. • 60-Pc. Set of Pine Silverplate The cmpanion feature for tomor­ S4TUJRDAY* UE’IE gone (he limit to iiruvhie nnea»al!ed values for row will be Ranger, the marvel'dog our JOlli .-VNXrv — 111 addition, rve arc giving away In “Flashing Fangs.” WOR the convenience of onr friends, we will he ABSOLl.TELY FREE a magnificent GC-pIcce Silverware The latest stellar acquisition to every s.i" "aav Set, wltli every purchase of if lu o or more. Fine quality the F. B. O. Studios is Ranger, a O’CLOCK'i^OCK. This \\Ill enable who e rn ’t plate. In a smart new paltcrn. Add it io vour dining serv­ police dog of great fame and tre­ ^ aw-av rturlnj: the dav to shop ' ice— Ranger gives supreme proof of his French period style—of uncommon elegance! Its graceful pat­ A wondrrrul opportiinUy for Fail daring and his resourcefulness un­ tern and exq’ site workmanship make It a feature ANNIVBR- Eride.-: Four wonderful rooms, in- BARY clTcrlng! Contains four wonderful large pieces—a Pull- cbidiug a Kltclicu, with Urop-!raf der all circumstances. .slze VANITY, with three drawers ^ each side and three long mirrors, a DRESS­ Today the Circle presents the last ER of extra capacity, a WARDROBE with many compartments, and a Bow-end table .and chairs, rug. etc., leaves DOUBLE BED! Made of WALNUT combined with cabinet woods! "notlilng else to buv.” Remember, showing of Cecil Ogden, the Man­ In addition #on receive all the marvelouj extra-s shown at the right—a Spring. you set GO Pieces of Silver Ui addi­ chester boy and Lefty Flynn in Mattrc.s.s. Two Feather Pillows. Cedar Chest. Cane Bench. Boudoir Chair, Boudoir tion Eo every extra in c;»ch outfit. Lamp and two beautiful Pictures—14 PIECES COMPLETE—5135, ..uoins can be hoiight separately or "The College Boob.” For the other Piiangcd as 3 0 U wisli! Madge Bellamy in "Black Para­ GO-PC. SET OF .SILVEKWARE INCLUDED FREE! dise.”

•X COVENTRY Solid Mahogany t • ! 1 Martha Washington 1 A«. 1 The Ladies' Fragment Society of 1 Wardrobe Sensation . 1 the Second Congrceational church Sewing Cabinets * will hold their annual Harvest The most as- 1 t o n 1 s h 1 ng .• Supper Wednesday, October 13. price In y ears. Supper will be served from 6 to 8, $ 1 ^ .95 for a com­ $ 15.95 -A followed by a play named “Four plete WAHU- ) ROBE well built and handsome­ W n 1 Y-Y-Y-Y's” given by the Andover ly finished. Ample room for Dramatic club. Easy Terms. suits, haberdashery and shoes, 3 Coventry Grange, No. 75, H. of Regularly $24—Just a limited keeps clothes clean and free P. have accepted an Invitation number, so h u r r y l Finely made from wrinkles! Anniversary cabinets, with cleverly divided Sale Feature at SIS.O.V from Hillstown Grange for October compartments and drawers that No Mall Orders Filled. 14. will hold hundreds of thlngel In the afternoon of October 13 at 2 o’clock there will me a mis­ sionary meeting under the auspic­ es of the American Board and Anniversary Extra— Home Missionary society held at 4-Piece Bedroom the chapel. Everyone is invited Astounding------ig .^NIVERSARYANNTV: Special—Dainty, In- to attend. expensiveexD ^sive bedroombedroom. — Comprises full-size bed, Knsv October 15 Rev. George Brooks spring, mattress and splendid dresser with mirror-AU fo r^ ?. will speak on “What Englishmen Think of the American.” Carl Abrahamson has been test­ Special—for the ing at Autumn View Farm. Anniversary 15-Pc. William & Mary Dining Room Our fresh supply of Lowney’s * 3 7 , 5 0 Regular 53G5 Value—S.ave 513S Chocolates at 60c lb. have been go­ A majestic period Dining Room. All surfaces are beautifully grained WALNUT Veneer, with artistic overlaid decorations. ing fast. Better drop in and get a ComprlMs stately Buffet, tall China Cabinet, massive Entcn- box at once. Quinn’s.— Adv. 51.30 IVceUIy S io n Table, Host Chair and 5 Side Chairs in genuiiie leather A w onderful range value!—I t is P.nd other upholstery. s ” n Weefe carefully and strongly built, cooks Included at no extra cost Is the Buffet Mirror. 42-Plece China Service for Six. and a Three-Piece Velour Suite quickly and thoroughly and comes wonderful 4-Piece tlectric Percotator Set—This makes »J ciipii of coffee at a tim e— In rust-proof metal with brllllant- never bolls or spoils the coffee—COMPLETE with Sugar and Creamer with weighted UTTLE JOE Regularly $145—so you save at least $47. This suite Is another re­ nickel trimmings! bottoms, and Round Tray—In brightly burnished ALl’MIWM’ markable demonstration of the quality j’ou get here at a low price— LULL-SIZE model. A small down CO-PC. SET OF SILVERW.ARE INCLUDED' f 'u e E. heavily overstuffed, superbly built throu,thout—fine spring, thick payment puts it In your home, all cushioning and genuine VELOUR covering. You will try hard to connected and ready for use! losr people who make aupllcate It elsewhere at double this price. BEST OF WHAT 5 1 A WEEK IS ALL YOU NEED! THEYWe. 6oT>HW e veRY little -«——<> CREDIT COSTS NO MORE Free Delivery Free Storage Free R. R. Fares Terms to Suit You rm n K y a c a h > \ at KANE’S—because EIGHT large KANE stores st a n d anoThgr in EIGHT large cities buy as one! Such great buy­ No Interest No Extra Charges VMINTe R? ing power results in price concessions no single EVENING APPOINTMEN'TS MADE! store could hope to secure! Which is why thou­ If you cannot get away during the day to take ad­ sands of people who can afford to pay cash buy on K A N E ’l vantage of these exceptional values, we can make CREDIT at KANE’S— because CREDIT COSTS evening appointments. Phone MR. RUSSELL, NO MORE HERE! Hartford 1092 MAIN STREET 2-9281 until 7 P. M.I Boston Hartford Providence Gardner Woonsocket Fitchburg Worcester

> 1 PAGE ‘ V. .. - -;•" ^ ______^ Jpgsm ^gvEgTO

’ f .

ed dawn*. Goah, what a metaphor!" thy Brown went on for hours, it Judith atm atalked a little ahead. seemed . to Judith, before he ended The man waa about to quote more his speech with an announcement. ppetry, nndlamayed, when Judith "Dr. Peter Dorn—" all eyes turned turned abruptly into a aide path toward, the man at her side—^*‘Dr. and' left him. Peter Dom of the astronomy de­ ' It took only a rery email sprint partment will take over the duties QUIRKS' (Tot to .bring'him up with her again. of chief of the Big Brother move­ -©^I926v ‘‘Speaking of dawn and things, have ment in the college.” N E A SERVICE INC. yon had your morning waffles?” He The crowd was stirring, anxious ^^Vii^inla'Swain ■was standing In front of her now. to leave. Dean Brown rapped on the * ' WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE Judith looked straight at him. table. "'We shall expect the hearty bed. Without stopping to unpack said, Impulsively. "We can man­ When Miss Stedway had Intro­ VNo, but I’ve had my morning oat­ co-operation of every faculty mem­ the blankets, she lay down on It'and age.” duced her, Judith applied most of meal and coffee. And now, I r.m JUDITH MARTIN, young, red- closed her eyes. ber In making Pendelton Universi­ haired, beautiful, arriving to teach Myra displayed 'no embarrass­ her attention to her cereal. The going to take miy morning stroll-^ ty morally clean and safe for the Some time later she was awaken­ ment. "Very well, perhaps I shall. talk went on Jerkily around hbr. alone.” youth of the state.” in Pendleton University meets an i ed by a gong sounding somewhere You haven’t had any dinner. I earnest man who rescues her band- ! “Oh Amy, did 'Ja hear? We’ve ' The conference room -was nlmost Dr. Dorn followed Judith Into the bfclow, followed by a burst of noiso have a chicken sandwich and a got to keep the rules like anything hall. "I really did want to thank box on the train, but refuses to en­ in the hall and on the stairs. She slab of chocolate cake In my room.' this year. They say the new dis­ full when Judith entered It. She ter into conversation with her. took a seat by the window, under you for squiring my bandbox,” she sat up with a start and glanced at I’ll get them if you like.” cipline dean’s a holy terror." The said to him, laughingly. ‘‘But there As she steps from the train at her tousled self In the mirror op­ Myra’s departure for the re­ freshmen who launched this re­ t>e faintly reproachful gaze of the Pendleton station, a strange young , short, heavy man wno stood at the wasn’t much chance. The dean posite. Then she turned out the freshments gave Judith a chance mark sank back into her oatmeal wanted to do all the talking.” man giant, green-eyed, seizes her. ! light again and lay down. to open her letter. before the withering glances of the table on the dais. kisees her and without a word ' pure Misses Reasey. About a third of the faculty mem­ Someone ran up to them and Red tongues of light dancing "Dear Miss Martin,” It ran, caught Judith by the arm. “ ‘Sense thrusts her into a taxi and vanishes. over the walls and celling awoke "This is to advise you that mem­ “I hope you slept well, Miss Mar­ bers present were women of uncer- tin,” said Lillian Stedway. "I see , Uin age. mostly wearing stocks and me for Interrupting, but I want you her next. For a moment, she lay bers of the faculty of the college to come to tea with me over at the NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY 1 staring at them. In a panic- Then of liberal arts will meet at 2 your blankets arrived.” plain white silk shirt waists, though o’clock Wednesday at the adminis­ "Yes,” Judith replied. “I was' one or two “arty” smocks enliven­ Prarlrle Schooner, Jude.” The pro­ 5\' she rushed to the window and saw ed the picture. fessor stepped back before Judith CHAPTER II a procession of whooping young tration building.” It ■ was signed very comfortable. Miss Aldrich Tropical Moth “Tiriiothy Brown.” slept with me. Her’s hadn’t come ■-"Members of the faculty of liberal could Introduce them, and Myra The taxi was wheeling Into the men leading up the street a strip­ yet.” pulled her gaily off down the corri­ main street when Judith first dared ling clad only In his underwear, and "You eat and I’ll smoke,” said arts,” said a dry meticulous voice dor. By AUSTIN H. CLARK gets blown far from • Its to glance out the window. For a blandishing red torches as they ran. Myra, as she came in with the The eyebrows of the Misses from the platform, ‘we are here to Smithsonian Institution normal haunts over the country i i sandwich and cake. "I’ll also talk, Reasey and Miss Stedway went up. discuss such general problems as "Well,” said Myra, “I rescued This lovely moth, bark-like In the northward. moment her heart stopped, as a i Every window In the Stedway Evidently Myra had already struck you that time. Old baggy-knee must color on the upper side. Is very light topcoat came round the cor- ' house went up simultaneously, and I feel the need of conversation this confront us in the opening of a year Recently I caught one In Wash­ ner. evening.” She stopped suddenly sparks from opposing metals In ■which we hope will be the most suc­ .pe^a professor, or something. You common In the warmer regions ington which apparently had Judith heard shrieks of laughter as this group. want the faculty hanging south of the United States, though But the coat swung from puny gills recognized friends In the pro­ and looked shrewdly at Judith. cessful, pedagogically speaking, reached there through the assist­ “But, look here! I’ll bet you won’t Coming down the steps an hour eround, my dear. They’ll scare off rare within Its borders. ance of a hurricane which a few shoulders less than five feet from cession. later Judith met Myra. The girl ever enjoyed .by this department of the real men. That’s what you get Sometimes it happens that to- the ground. And then the sidewalks do to talk to. Bet you’ve never the university.!’ days before had swept across the "HI, Timmy, throw him In the been kissed.” She smiled at Judith was wearing an orange sweater for looking Intellectual, Heaven ward the end of summer this moth Gulf of Mexico. seemed lined with light topcoats of fish pond for me. That’s one of the Impudently. and a scarf whose Roman stripes The room was listening. Judith knows you’re handsome enough. many descriptions. The owner of things every young freshmen Judith flushed. Then she smiled flamed out In the diisk of the halL saw three elderly gentlemen draw With that flaming hair, but you’ll the green eyes and the broad shoul­ should know.” This in a feminine sheepishly. “Yes, I have—and no “Good mhrnlng,” said Judith. forth folded handkerchiefs and have to cultivate the beautlful-but- ders and the strong arm evidently “You’re the first pleasant tjlght wipe their glasses as If by signal. squeak from the ^orch downstairs. longer than this very afternoon.” I’ve seen today.” dumb expression, If you want a frat was not to be Identified by his coat. A sound behind her made Judith Then, seeing Myra’s face light with The speaker stared reproachful­ rush. The car left the business district turn suddenly. The reflections curiosity, she added hastily, "But “I’ve been for a dawn tramp ly. Hands folded On stomach, ho be­ They seated themselves at a cor­ and swung into an avenue lined from the torches were still careen­ that’s another story. Go on and with my Norseman,” cried Myra. gan to speak again. "By making-me ner stall In the Prarlrle Schooner, with old trees and large houses of tell your tale of woe.” ‘■‘Didn’t you wake up when I chairman of the discipline coininlt- REMOVAL NOTICE ing ruddlly around the room, and beginning to drink frame and ancient brick, set far sneaked out so early? Where are tee, the president has - shown- a their Intermittent light struck Myra lay back with eyes half you going?” their tea when a shout came from We take pleasure in announcing that back In spacious lawns. against someone leaning against closed and puffed smoke between trust— ” across the room. "HI, there. Snow The driver stretched his head “Over to the campus,” said Jviy the closed door. A pin point of Are scarlet lips. "Well, It’s just this. dith. “Will you come along?” Judith turned and looked out the White, Blood Red and Ebony through the opening toward her. burned beside the figure. I’m in love with the handsomest window. Far away on the mounds, Black." "You say 512 College, miss?” he young Viking that ever breathed— "No, have to unpack. We had a tiny human figure was ■vlslble-llt Rosenbaum’s Clothing and asked. Red gleams caught In the black breakfast In the ducklest place on The mouse-colored Will Wetherel folds of the person’s garments and and the most fickle! the road. Think they call It Blue lay on Its back. , with one knW was addressing brunet Myra. She She nodded, and the man, after a then flickered off. "Who Is there?” "I went to Miss Ashton’s school Moon, or something. I’ve no doubt crossed over the other one, pointing smiled at him over a suspended tea curious glance at her white face, Judith’s voice voice caught a little. In New York last year because ho it’s a dire, wicked pjace at night. toward heaven. Gents Furnishing Store turned back to his wheel. The figure at the door stretched was at Princeton. But he’s here But for breakfast!—um-m-m, bak­ A Blight stir at the back of the “Have you heard the latest about nas removed to A few moments later, they turn­ out a hand and pressed the light this year, because his father’s giv­ ed apples, waffles, sausages and room as a latdcomer entered did not your very fine Eric Waters?’^ he ed a corner and the car shot up a switch. Judith saw a black-haired ing him a dose of the simple life. drip coffee with clotted cream.” rouse her. She did not turn around shouted. driveway. "Fifty cents, miss,” the girl of 19 or 20. wrapped In a So I’m here, too. “Hush,” exclaimed Judith. *Tve until the newcomer was seating Myra shook her head apprehen­ 340 Front St, Hartford driver said, when he had noncha­ black satin lounging robe, and “He’s mine now, Judith. But just eaten at the Stedway board.” himself In the chair beside her. sively. lantly set Judith’s baggage on the holding a lighted cigaret In her he’s changeable. And If he ever Myra made a face and ran on up As she turned, his Phi Beta Kap-’ "Today he was ducked In the flsh Corner State and Front Sts.., next to Taylor’s Drug Store grass by the drive. hand. stops loving me, I ■. shall quietlj the stairs. pa key clacked against the wooden pond by the Vigilantes, and yester­ The increased facilities of our new location will en­ “You’ve been paid once” she re­ "Sorry if I'm bothering you.” but firmly kill ms’self.” Judith found the streets filled arm of his chair, and he hastiiy day he won a bet of $20 by kissing able us to handle a large volume of business. We take torted. “And kindly carry my bags the girl said indolently. “I ani My­ with students, all In that careless Jerked It back. the prettiest girl that got off the this opportunity to thank you for your past patronage to the door.” ra Aldrich. I Just came In to see CHAPTER III holiday mood that attends the'op­ Judith looked up at him and seven o’clock train.” The man grumbled as he follow­ what all the fuss Is about. Mv win­ “But why this desperate re­ ening of each term, when old spoke In a stage whisper. “Thank and hope to be able to serve you in the future. ed her up the wooden porch steps. dows are on the side.” solve?” asked Judith smiling. friendships are renewed, new ones you so much. It didn’t hit her on (To be Continned) Formerly at 415 Front St., Hartford. On the top step he threw down her She walked to the window, gaz­ “It would be far better than liv­ launched, and old feuds revived. the head any more after you fixed bags and departed. ed a moment and shrugged her ing without him,” Myra answered. She reached the campus half an SAMUEL ROSENBAUM. shoulders. "And he's so inconstant. He really hour before the time set for the Judith discovers In the next chap- Music and laughter drifted out can’t help it. So I have to help it The gray tweeds started. "I beg Souvenirs Will Be Given. from the reception hall as Judith Then sh.s moved, with curious meeting. The administration build­ your pardon. "What— ” ter that Eric Waters is in the Latin for him.” ing loomed ahead, sat at the end dass she Is teaching. Meanwhile Closed Saturday, open Saturday evening fumbled for the knocker. She found, swinging stride, to Judith’s bed, Judith looked thoughtful. "I "The bandbox,” said Judith, instead, an antiquated bell operat­ climbed upon it and stretched her­ of the quadrangle, presiding with Myra is burning to discover what and all day Sunday. wonder if you or anybody else can Its absurd fly-away dome over The steady drone of Dean Timo­ girl it was that her Eric kissed. ed by a thump screw, which sent a self out, with her head against the rule love,” she said. “I rather brassy peal through the house. wall. She was still puffing at the buildings of more recent date and cigaret. doubt It.’’ purer architecture. The door opened and a youth In Myra lifted her head. Her eyes In the center of the quadrangle a white apron stood before her. "I also wanted to give you this,” were smoldering. “Don’t you say “Is this Mrs. Stedway’s house-” she said. "It was stuck under my were some long mounds of green door by mistake. You ARE Judith that! I’ve got,to rule It, and I’m some five feet higher than the sur­ Bhe asked, almost petulantly, for going to. I tell you if I don’t hold rounding land. the youth stood silent and frozen. Martin, aren’t you?” She held out him. I’ll kill myself,—and I’m too “Yes,” he drawled. an envelope. young and beautiful to die.” Judith was almost opposite -the Judith glanced at It and laid It nearest mound when someone sud­ "I have rented a room here. I on the table. Then she looked at denly rose to a sitting position On suppose I may come In?” Judith Mrs. Stedway’s breakfast table top of it. her guest again. was characterized as “delightfully found her voice growing brittle. Myra was quite at ease. "I like The figure was larger than the He pushed open the door, making informali” in her letters to pros­ ordinary. It wore a pair of cordu­ jx)ur room. Miss Martin. Mine’s pective boarders. no move to take her bags. The much smaller and barer. You see, roy trousers, a blue sweater, a Tremendous Shoe Informal It surely was, Judith piano banging in the next room I didn’t decide to come until the Bowery cap and a briar pipe. It stopped, and a pale, blond girl step­ decided on her first morning. Ev­ I rose and came toward her. And last minute and had to take what eryone stravggled in at her own ped between the folding walnut I could get.” j as it lifted its cap at short rapge, doors. “ I am Mrs. Stedway’s daugh­ sweet will, ate much or little ac­ [Judith met a pair of green eyes Judith nodded politely. "It will cording to the amount of time left ter, Lillian. I’ll show you to your do very well, when I have found that set her heart to pounding. ,JJn- room.” before the first class, tried to make consciously, she stepped back, hud some chintz to take away the hos­ conversation, and then hurried off They went up the stairs in silence, pital-look. I like these windows.” then marched straight ahead ? as and the pale Miss Stedway pushed Joyously, from the dingy linen and though she had not seen him. The Savings Myra said, "It’s rather queer the blue milk In the cream Jugs figure fell Into step beside her. • open ^ a door Into a bed room. for me to be here. I don’t usually and dreary faces of the two white- "You’re Miss Martin, of course. The care much for strangers. But this aproned young men who “jumped ‘“M’ornlng like this makes that rest are all here. Supper will be house Is pretty beastly, and I got tables” for their board. old rot of Browning’s about ‘the ready In fifteen minutes. You’ll lonely. Have you seen the collec The breakfast table group as lark on the wing, hillside’s dew- Manchester's One And Only Shoe . hear the gong.” She turned and de­ tlon of boarders?” Judith saw it first included three pearled’, sound a little less rotten, __ •>' '■%. i scended the stairs. Judith shook her head. "I didn’t giggling freshmen In varying stag­ doesn’t It?” Just Inside the door, Judith stop­ go down to dinner.” es of undress: the two Misses Judith walked on, eyes straight ped and leaned rather weakly Myra whistled. "Just wait. But Reasey, who talked of prospective ahead and Ups rather firm, > against the wall. The room was you and I’ll have to be friends. I’ve doctor’s degrees: Caroline McGonl- ‘Pretty blatant optimism-,” Con­ Bargain Basement plainly furnished, and the white got to have somebody to talk to— gle, an Irrepressible sophomore tinued the voice from underfthe walls, rising Indefinitely heaven­ especially when I’m in love.” from up-state, and the pale Lillian Bowery cap. “After all. nobody ever ward, added to its barrenness. But Judith looked at her quizzically. Stedway. Myra was nowhere in wrote about morning as old Boot- the five windows promised light and "And are you In love now?” she sight. black Homer did—‘the rosy-flnger- the counterpane on the white- queried. Turn Loose These Special Offer&igi enameled bed looked clean. Myra nodded casually. She had Near the bed stood a large pack­ thrown back her robe, and Its Ijlllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllilllllllllllll ing box bearing the name of the cardinal red lining deepened the firm from which Judith had order­ richness of her skin. Her eyes = e | ed her blankets and bed linens. She lighted on the packing box. SELF SERVICE SHOE STORES Inspected the bed more closely. "Your bedding has come, hasn’t There was nothing between coun­ It? I’ll bet mine doesn’t get here I Manchester Plumbing & Supply Co. f| for a week. It was only ordered terpane and mattress. All other Saturday.” 1013 Main St. necessities had been left for her to "But you can’t sleep without supply. Even the golden oak dress­ blankets on a cool night like this,” er lacked a scarf. It was scarred protested Judith. on top with rings from many per­ "Have to. Mrs. Stedway hasn’t Men! fume bottles, and covered with dust. Boy’s any to lend, she says.” Saturday Specials Misses Oxfords Judith set down her burdens and Judith looked at the single bed. School Shoes, Blacks and Browns, rather listlessly walked toward the "Come in and sleep with me,” she Moccasin Work Shoes, Uskide soles, $2.69 $2.45 and 1-Straps, Tans, Blacks, Patents, Saturday Only Sizes 2 1-2 to 6. $ 1 .9 5 '“^ Sizes 10 to 13 1-2, Seput Shoes, Uskide soles, 14-inch Stillson Pat'. W renches...... 75c $1.95'“ Misses’ and Children’s High Shoes, 18-inch Stillson Pat. Wrenches .-. .r.,. .$1.00 $1.95'“ Solid leather. $ 1 .9 5 '“ ELECTRIC 12-inch Perfect Handle Wrenches .$1.00 Handled A xes ...... $1.00 Men! Women! Felt Slippers D Handle Round Point Shovels...... $1.00 I^ess Oxford aiK^^h aw s, in, ever.*^* Patents, I S s fVelvets, for Women. 17 colors. All wool One Man Cross Cut Saws ...... $2.75 $2.95'“pair $3v95 f t C pair Straps, Pumps, and Oxfords, ' HEATERS 12’' Combination Squares ,.r.... . $1.15 pair You need one now for these cool mornings and eve­ $2.95'“ 69c nings. Electric Soldering Irons .r. .t. . .-.:. ------85c $4.95'^ Simplex Heaters, $7.50. Polar Ice Cream Freezers .., .t. . .-.$1.00 Westinghouse Heaters, $4.75. We have just received a new lot 6f these heaters to No. 6 House Brooms ...... 50c meet the demand for them. Ladies’ Shopping B ask ets..,.. .39c Now Is a Good Time To Do Your Painting, We Carry Nos. 1 and 2 Twin Hill Splint Baskets.. 39c Quart Can L. & M. Glass P.aint' and

Brush • .WCl!.'’../.-.$1.00 Hair Clippers ------;...... I...... $1.00 STANDARD PAINTS — for Interior and Exterior U se.' I Above are Get AcquaintiedtAdvertising I prices. Possibly some don’t know the Women! Infants Shoes Rubbers I magnitude and variety of our store and A splendid assortment of Patents, So-E-Zy Varnishes I our facilities for Service. ! Tans, Blondes, Greys, Oxfords, Try a Yale B Battery for Your Radio. Pumps, Ties, Button and Lace, Black and Brown,’ are higher this season, kbut,,*. ....oi;^ Rent Johnson’s Floor Polishing Macliine by the day. pair ^ are lower than last yeaci : Buj We also sell Johnson’.s Prepared and Liquid Wax. I —If Its Hardware $1.95 89c Jokson’s Electric & Hardware Co. I We Have It— SELF 37 Oak Street Soath Manchester SHOE STORES I Our Phone is 459. Use It. 3 1013 MAIN STREET SOUTH MANCHESTER, CW N. nmilHIIIIIIIIIUIIIIliHlillillillllilllllHiiliUMililiillMiiHiMIIMHIUiMiiiMiiHilUlli

* L j - S-V

MAN^STER SVE9ni^'^RAl.D».ffci»AT, O C T^^' 1926/

1 was.i-valld or Invalid is wholly Irro- SHAW COULD HAKE CHARGE IN DAUGHERH levant and immatfititl to the MARS REFUSE TO charge that these defendants con­ spired to defraud the goveminent WORTH FILMS FOR A NICKE TRIAL TODAY UNUKEY of their honest and Unpfejudlclel VISIT PRINCECAROL hervices by taking money to pass (Ck>ntlimed (rola pajpe ) j the claim.” Buckner asserted. ' “The easiest way out of a case Defense Talked 9 Hours as SATURDAY SPECIAIS is to acquit, but this cSse must be once tried to write a scenario Against 3 Hours Testimony, M erdt^dise of dependable quality marked at very low prices. Check your wants ReAnd lop«sca, Lgrking himself. d,eci^ed on the evidence. The trial KNOWING 'T undertook to make a scenar­ Buckner Points Out. of a former alien property custodi­ In five of th« last six a«a- ** from this list aqd afford yourself real worthwhile savings. Every item is a bargain: io of “The Devil’s Disciple,’ “ he an and a former attorney general ** sons goiters from this coun- ** in Ba'dqproimd, Keeps said. “ After I had written a prac­ Nfiw York, Oct„ 8.— Inviting de­ must be regarded in the light of a •• try have Invaded^ European •• Children’s Waist Union Suits, Single Blankets, plaids ...... $1.00 tically complete history of the fense counsel to challenge any trial of an ordlnacsr defendant.” •• soil and returned'with the •• Fall weight ...... 65c Buckner declajOT that the trial •• much coveted British open •• Good Brooms, No. 7 ...... 39c causes leading up to the American statement hq might make. United • ♦ championship. Metlier and Son Apart. revolution, together with vivid States Attorney Emory R. Btickner was distinctive in that the witness­ Heavy Weight Double Blankets, tan Large Bread Boxes ...... #...... $1.00 es called by the government were Jock Hutchinson , started •• with colored border ...... $1.98 scenes from the Boston Tea Party, began his summation to the jury •• the American trium'phs in •• Fancy Oval Rugs, 25x50 ...... $1.00 a close-up of Indians, and so forth, today at the conspiracy trial of reluctant witnesses and that the I found that the amount I’d writ­ defense’s presentation of evidepee •* 1921 when his card of 295 •• Flqnnel Night Gowns, well made, ^ Duroleum Mats, 36x72 ...... 79c Paris, Oct. 8.— ^The beautiful, Harry M. Daugherty, former attor­ •• led the jamboree at St. An- •• ten already needed about 50,000 ney general, and Thomas W. Mil­ consumed only three hours while regular and.extra sizes'...... $1.00 Pu^h Brooms ...... $1.00 red haired Mme. Lupescu is still the defense counsel took nine hours •• drews. Then followed the •• favorite of Priuce Carol, and the feet of film and I hadn’t got to the ler, former alien property custodi­ beginning of ‘The Devil’s Disciple’ for summing up. •• talented 'Walter Hagen. Ha- •• Seamless Sheats, 72x90 ...... 85c Nickle Plated Copper Tea Kettle .... $1.00 chief obstacle to his reconciliation an. *• geh came through with a •• vrith his mother. Queen Marie of itself. Federal Judge Julian W. Mack •• 300 at Sandwich. That was •• Boys’ Lined P a n ts...... $1.29 Cherry Nappy Sets of 6 pieces...... $1.00 “ Individual producers seem to declared it was unlikely he would *• in 1922. •* Rumania. have a quite individual ability to Boys’ Spits, several styles. Fall Wrought Iron Smoking Stands ....$1.00 The queen has refused to visit charge the jury today. •• Arthur Havers, Briton, •• make films seem like anything' but , “ Whether this claim (American w e i g h t ...... $1.00 Prince Carol at his house in Nouilly Read Herald Advs, •• temporarily halted the Unit- •• Boston B ags ...... $1.00 the books or plays on which they Metals Co.’s claim for $7,Q00,000) Baby Bathrobes ...... $1.00 because of Mme. Lupescu’s suppos­ •• #d States regime tjie next •• Duroleum Mats, 18x36 ...... 20c are founded. •• season with a score of 295 •• ed presence there, although she Queer Bribe Infants’ Pure Wool Sweaters ...... $1.00 would receive him if he came to “ An American leader of what 1 •• at Troon. But in 1924 Ha- White Cups and Saucers ------IQc for both her apartinents at the Ritt. ** gen turned in his second ** Men’s Random Union S u its...... $1.00 believe is called ‘The Four Thou­ •• victory over the Hoylake *• Aluminum Percolators (3 qts.) ..--Sl.OO The first condition for resump- sand’ in New York, offered me Baby Buntings ...... $1.00 course with a 801. ' Jim •• Aluminum Tea K ettles ...... $1.00 tion^of friendly relations between $2,000 if, should I go to America, / Carol and the other members of the I would keep my mouth shut from •* Barnes was the winner in *• Ladies’ Full Size Bloomers...... 25c •• 1926, his 300 topping the Aluminum Round Roasters ...... 85c royal family, looking toward his the moment the liner reached New Carriage C overs...... • • .. $1.00 •• field, while this year Bob- •• 3 Piece Aluminum Saucepan Sets .... 59c eventual ascent to the throne York until I got to her drawing ’T' would be the breaking off of his room on Fifth avenue. She would ••by Jones, the youthful •• Esmond Baby Blankets ...... 69c •• Georgian, showed the way. •• Aluminum Double Boilers ...... 59c relations with his inamorata. thus have the distinction of saying Underarm and Pouch Bags, sample l>ue U. S. Oct, 18. \ 20 Quart Grey Pots ...;...... $ 1 .0 0 that the first words uttered by me lot— bargain ...... 59c Queen MarJe this morning con­ In America were spoken in her Willow Clothes Baskets .. • •...... $1.00 tinued her shopping tour, accom­ house. Silk Panel Curtains ...... $1.00 Aluminum Percolators (1 1-2-2 quart) 69c panied by Princess Beatrice of “ This was very charming, of THE REFEREE Spain. course. Instead of writing to me ■ ’ The queen and her party are to directly she wrote to the British arrive In New York on October 18. ambassador in Rome. They had Who was western open golf Prmce Nicholas, who with Prin­ a big laugh at the embassy before champion in 1923 and who was cess Ileana will accompany his the letter reached me. As far as runnerup?— D. F. K. ' mother to America, left last night I can recollect I haven’t answered Jock Hutchison, with Bobby Onickshmk, Walter Hagen, .Toe MARLOW’S for London to purchasa some Bond it. street clothes, so as not to be out­ “ It is surprising what high pric­ Kiriewood and Leo Dlegel finishing FOR VALUES ^ in a tie for second place. done by the queen. es Americans will pay. ’ At first Honors Here For Queen their offers made me almost IW How many football games did Washington, Oct. 8.— Full mili­ and I couldn’t believe them.” Michigan win and lose last year? tary honors will be paid Queen Shaw said that in a corner of his — S. D. H. \ Won 7, lost 1. Marie of Rumania during the study he had a whole stack of ca­ blegrams from America offering What was the scorn of the fo - period of her ofllclal visit in the lumbiarArmy game last fall?— D. United States, the state department contracts for articles and lectures. “ It’s a pretty steep price, but I F. G. announced today. Her official visit GIFT GANDIES Columbia SI, .Army 7. Advertise In The Herald starts on October 18, when she ar­ don’t think 1 11 go,” he said. “ If I rives In New York, and continues did I’d most surely be mobbed.” until her return to New York from (CopjTigfit. 1926. I. N. S.) Washington on October 20. G.AS AVELL SOLACE TO Major General Charles P. Sum- •AUTOMOBILE’S \TCTIM. from meral, newly-«ppointed chief V of staff will head the military group Warren. Pa., Oct. 8.— Fortune’s V which will greet the queen at frown turned to a smile for Mrs. Quarantine. A salute of 21 guns will Ed Splitstone of Conneaut, O., to­ be fired as the queen enters New day. "A gas well, producing two \ T T j^ H E N E V E R the gift occasion York on the Macom. million cubic feet an hour, was Lieut. Col. Arthur Poillon has drilled in early today on property requires something exquisite, been appointed as the Queen’s mili­ of Eldred township by David Cul­ tary aide. bertson and associates. The prop­ beyond all comparison send erty is own by Mrs. Splitstone, who “ Huyler’s.” Such delicious candy! is owned by Mrs. Splitstone, who is CANDEE DEFEATED now seriously ill as a result of in­ Such smart packages! A complete H a r t f o ? : juries received when she was struck BY ALLEN IN FIRST by an automobile. assortment is now arrayed here for The well is said to be the biggest your selection. - ' in years in this area. It was cap­ ped and another well is being drill­ Hartford, Oct. 8.— Police Com­ Skfmnstairs Shop missioner Edward N. Allen defeat­ ed as an offset. ed Alderman Hollis S. Candee in FOR SATIN GOWNS. a primary held here last night for Double berthas of white or flesh- Miner’s Pharmacy the Republican senatorial nomina­ colored chiffon, with plcot edges tion in the first district. Allen car­ are very attractive on black satin 903 Main Street ried six of the seven wards and or black velvet gown. Saturday—^Fur Trimmed Coats all but five of the 23 voting pre­ cincts. ■ His total vote was 1,552 a,gainst 944 for Candee. Only In Distinctive Dress Styles and Smart Sports Models ‘’2.496 of the 6,843 registered Re­ Qt publicans in the district voted. Read Herald Advs. Women's and Misses' Sisses Featured at This Specialized Price illllllllllllllllliiillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ The Season’s Greatest Value Rug Special for Saturday | $ 2 4 7 5

On Sale Saturday kRESS Coats in a wide choice of the season’s |Fdt Base linoleum Rugs $5.50 | D smartest styles and colors— Sports Coats, in 6x9 feet. Saturday only. all the colorful plaids, stripes and novelties of the 500 Pure Wool season— all carefully tailored, all advanced and correct in style. Richly trimmed with fashion­ able furs. On sale to-morrow— with real value iii 2-Trousers every garment. For women and misses. The New Fabrics—Furs

— Bold Plaids — Bolivia SUITS — Ombre Plaids — Lustrosa $ 2 4.5 0 — Smart Tweeds — Novelties A large purchase— Boston-made Clothes. Depend­ able pure wool fabrics, newest fall shades of grays, Smartly Trimmed With Mmchurian browns, blues, silk mixtures. One of Boston’s largest manufacturers, after filling their Fall orders, had about Wolf* Mandel and Beaverette 500 Suits. We bought them way under the regular price, and you can do likewiseX,’ See big window display. Come in and try on a few. Glad to show you. You’ll be glad you looked when you see the fine garments. STEIGER’S DOWNSTAIRS SHOP $24.50 for Suit with 2 Pants.

ISupremeHerau) Topcoats HeavyOvercoats Newest overplaids and A little early? Well, we The Downstairs Shop maintains at are ready when you are. aU times complete assortments of in­ tweeds, also the plain Don’t buy a Winter Coat expensive garments — quality and shades in conservative mod­ until you see our large va­ workmanship are of a high standard els— only pure wool fabrics riety— all shades— all col­ — ^the garments are not made to sell ors—all models—f a n c y fan price appeal alone. — each garment silk trim­ backs. Best values in tovTi med. Sizes to fit every­ at body—33 to 50 — special $22.50 $27.50 $32.50 f value ...... $22.50 $37.50 BOYS’ MORE HATS S U IT P A N T S Silk Frocks—^Wool Jerseys 4-PIKCE SUITS Jqst Received See the new 1927 Model HERALXl Ctunbination E 600 pairs, short 1 long and 1 Silk lined, plain Range with coal or gas water, heater attached. = K nicker Pants. and fancy bands. ends of suitings. Pure wool. Save two dollars. Made up in Trou­ $ 14 7 5 $9^95 $12.95 Buy a “Kamber sers. Exception­ = Coal Ranges and Parlor Heaters for coal or wood at , E $14.95 Special” ...... $3 al values .. $4.95 I very low prices.' | Proving how charming Afternoon Frocks and Business Store Open Saturday Evenings Until 9:30. ' S I will make a good allowance for your old range or g Dresses can be at the moderate price of $14.75. Flat crepes. E parlor heater in exchange for a new one. ; S Canton crepes and l^tins—-all-wool jerseys— are represented In one and two-piece styles. In navy, green, Chanel, rose, rustic, tan and copen. Sizes 16 to 46. •JO ,E KAMBER’S STEIGER’S DOWNSTAIRS SHOP 82 ASYLUM STREET HARTFORD The Best Values in Town. William Ostiinsky Our only store in the state, at Hartford. No connec­ tions with any other concern by th is name. = 27 Oak Street Where Low Prices’Hnle. 5



j.jjsj)PEK FANNY saw GAS BUGGIES or HEM AND AMY—A Night Message ^ JU S T LOOK HE'S STILL IN JAIL, AT THIS BATCH Sixty miles an hour is plenty fast, EH? Wea,LET HIM except when you are in a hurry to OF t e l e g r a m s STAY THERE IF HE reach some place, then 30 is about THAT BOOB, HEM, CAN'T PROVE HE right. HAS SEWT US. I'M OW NS HIS OWN TIRED RUMNINQ CAR. TH E NEXT TO THE DOOR TIM E A MESSAGE Definition; A pedestrian is a man FOR THEM. COMES, OONT- whose wife has gone with the car. 6 0 TO tH E DOOR. There is a craze for French furniture just now. It may be all right, but the Cabinets don’t last.

Bed time story— “ I wouldn’t trade my old car for any of these i new ones.” • •

•Our sympathy goes out to that ’ motorist who had an automobile stolen in 1921 returned to ’ him early this week.

Look and see if you have enough gas to get back with unless you are taking a good looking girl along.

Tourist: I’m almost certain I O t*26 BY NEA SERVICC. INC. > must have run across your face Coal prices ai*e waiting for the sometime or other! weather to cool oft' a little before Sour Tourist: No, sir. It’s always been like this! they go to work. And the Clutch Is Too Stiff The main objection speed INTELIGENCE TESTS maniacs havd to riding In a police patrol is that it is geared too low. TRY THESE. Grandpa in a motor car Pushed the lever back too far Twinkle, twinkle, little star . Music by the G. A; R.

Don’t taTce a back seat for any­ body, except when you’re iin a car, then take it with somebody. ‘‘It was the kind of liquor,” said the prisoner in explaining to the police judge why he tried to drive his car into the kitchen, “ that fer­ ments after it reaches your stomach.”

Jim— “ Now that you’re back from your motor trip what do you intend to do?” Bill— “ Devote the rest of my life to the promotion of good roads.” .SALESMAN $AM Too many drivers nowadays are putting into their own fuel tanks \ FtLL i m . ^OCH stuff they wouldn’t give the car to 'iHES'ftE. V)E(^S drink. f\ ?OOL WITH TUESt ■BtCOniHGr "To ON VOU PiHWbOftV In this country it is hard to tell whether it is a shot or the backfire of an automobile you hear in the streets.

Her father’s a truck farmer, and Here are some questions which ^ she sure knows her onions. you may find difficult to answer. I After you have studied the ques-1 Don’t think a train has passed tion.s below turn to another page! just because you see its tracks. for the correct answers: Some fellows who couldn’t see 1. Who is the attractive actress in the accompanying jneture? the need of goggles can’t see any­ 2. How many wives did Blue­ thing now. beard have? .*1. "What is Aimee McPherson’s There’s always something. The middle name? better your brakes, the greater the •}., Where do the Yaqui Indians danger ta your rear fenders. live ? 5. Where is Kefchikan? Still and all, we notice that 8 What baseball team is George Father butts in when 'Jother’s driv­ rhle with? ing more than Mother does when 7. Wno wrote “ The Luck of Father’s driving. Roaring Camp?" FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS S. How many dots are there on Judge: Tell the court, Alexander, a pair of dice? exactly where the auto hit you. 0. What is ’‘Old Fatihful?” Ragson Tatters: Jedge, ef I had 10. In what government depart­ been carryin’ red lights, they sho' ment is the United States Weather! would have been busted all to tureau? pieces. i^ #T | ; -i* BY HALXOCHRAN

\SN'-V it \MOWN£RFOL, vvJASWE! I’VE ’BEEN tKLVClNC, -TO hAUMMN NN' k t last SHE'S FORGlvJeN - HOO— EInNS. MOO CktsJ COME oviea ■N'eve^st'HvMG,

(READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE.) P'rom the far off land of Wonder the bad, so when he started out to Where, like fairies sailing through look he felt no real alarm. “ I’ll the air, there came a band of Tiny- simply find a place,” said he, mites, and cheerful tots were they. “ where we can all live happily, It seems they never will grow up, nearby a cozy knoll or nook, and and from the morn till time to sup, far away from harm.” ’mid song and dance and much de­ Through woods and fields, by light, they spend their time In night and day, poor Scouty trudg­ play. ed his weary way and then he Of course when first they land­ found the very place that he was ed here, the country wide, both far looking for. “ Well this Is luck,” he and near, was really, quite a won­ shouted loud, “t’nere’s room der spot and happy place to roam. enough for all our crowd,” and And so the little Tinymites said, ihen he ran a merry pace to tell “ IVe’lI start out to see the sights, what was in store. as soon as we are sure we’ve got a “ Attention, all you Tinymites, place to call our home.” I’ve found the very best of sights,” One little member of the band, and Scouty nearly toppled down who always lent a willing hand, from running all that day. “ Now when e’er it came to finding things everybody here.” said he, “ who was .^couty Tinymite. And so they wants to go. just follow me.” And, sent him on his way and said'. with a shout and mighty bound, “Now, don’t come back today until the band was on its waj'. your scouting journey brings a cheerful site.” (Follow the Tinymites on their Now Scouty was the sort of lad adventures. Another story TO­ ^ho knew the good things from ^ MORROW.), MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1928. t»AGE SEVENTEElf

who, donning blonde wig, becomes At Aimee McPherson’s Counsel Table one of the happiest bits of casting The Party’ll Succeed Now 1LL.PARKWILL The Stage done by any manager anywhere. Edgar Selwyn, we believe, is to blame. Miss Walker is transformed SAVE HOMES OF New York, Oct. 8.— The most also in walk, talk and manner and ruthless Tillians of the current has for a foil. In the role of Doro­ Broadway theater season continue thy, Edna Hibbard, equally good. to be the playwrights themselves. The adventures of these gold-dig­ MOmUILDERS It is from their clutches that, the gers closely follows the book and lovely and talented young artist’s of picks up most of the gags. It deals the drama need to be saved. That In particular with the efforts to .get 144 A cre Tract With Pre­ these talents should be asked to tiaras and odd bits of jewelry Trom drag the inadequate author’s chest­ Sir Francis Beekman and Henry nuts out of the fire; that individual Spoffar, of Philadelphia. historic Earth Works To performances should be called upon to save the writer’s face seems pre­ Be Preserved. posterous in a nation where, popu­ William Hodge needs no Intro­ lar tradition has it, every other per­ duction. The nation knows him far son has a play hidden in his trunk. better than Broadway. He is one of _ Springfield, 111.— All possible those rare birds, a line showman. speed ■vrill be used in brautif.ving There is, for instance, Pauline He appear; .in his own play, “ The the 144 acres ooniprisinEr the Ca- Lord, us fine a young artist as the Judge’s Husband,” and the charac­ hokia Mound Park in Southern American stage today can-boast; ter is one with which all Hodge Illinois and in completing the sec­ perhaps the very best we have. But fans are familiar. Hodge is a most ond state bond issue road to this for her aimazingly adroit perform­ skilfull performer and Broadway park. Contracts for work on the ance, a piece entitled “ Sandal­ may keep him off the road for some ])ark have been let and the ground wood,” dramatized by Owen Davis time. will be broken up and seeded. from a novel of the same name, j The Mounds will not be disturb­ would have sunk one week oft ed. shore. Yet the presence of Miss Tlie Great Cahokia Mound, oi Lord will probably keep it buoyed Herald Advs. Bring Restdts, “ Monks Mound,” is easily the into a profitable cruise for all con­ largest prohistorical artificial earth cerned— and they don’t deserve it. work in the I'nited States and is to the “ Mound Builders” what the And there is Ann Harding in a Great Pyramids were to the Pha- This picture, taken during the hearing of Aimee Semple McPherson, Los Angeles evangelist, on charges of play by one Dennison Clift, who roahs of Egypt. conspiring to produce false evidence, shows the evangelist and her counsel grouped about their table. No. is said to hail from Hollywood. llimcnsions of Monnd. A. H. Phillips The dimensions of Plonks Mound 1 is Roland Rich V/oolley, Mrs. McPherson’s personal attorney; No. 2 is Mrs. McPherson herself, her eyes Which is easy to believe when in Hawaii is staging a big jubilee at its territorial fair this fall. So. just to are: base, north and south. 9fl0 raised as if in prayer; No. 3 is S. S. Hahn, associate defense counsel; No. 4 is Mrs. Minnie Kenmedy, the the second act we hear the follow­ So. Manchester Store make the affair a success, the United States is sending four of its pret­ feet: east and west T21, feet; ing lines recited in relation to a tiest girls as delegates. The delegates, pictured as they sailed from San evangelist’s mother; No. 5 is Mrs. Lorraine '^’iseman-Seilaff, whose sensational confession she had been little French lady of tfie streets Hotel Sheridan Bldg. height 99 feet. It covers 16 acres hired to impersonate “ Miss X ” started the trial. Franciscco, are, left to right, the Misses Thelma Lee, Lena Felix, Marie and is estimated to contain 84,- who is in the process of being saved Larson and Alice Parker. Each has won at least one beauty contest. 000,000 cubic feet of earth. It has by a young American soldier: been figured that it would take "Would you buy your freedom with 2.400 builders working 10 hours this young girl’s shame?” j Butter every day for two years to com­ HAVANA, CRIME FREE, U .S. MENTAL CASES AUTO REGISTRATIONS Mayhap Mo’j.s. Clift’s experience ) plete this mound. Includes title writing for the Holly­ The Mound won its name be­ wood uiilimiteds. Certainly there cause in 1804 the order of Trap- , HAS FINEST POLICE SHOW AN INCREASE SLOW UP THIS YEAR seems little doubt that he has ar­ Lb. 49c pist. Monks built a mansion there. ranged movie rights in advance for If you are Particular The name Cahokia comes from the this lurid opus and, again mayhap, Valley Farm tribe of Indians LaSalle met in the Broadway production is but a Sweet Cream about the quality of eatables you serve, you will do well 1681. Ifi addition to this mound Bercklcy, Cal.— Havana has the Albany, N. Y.— Patients in in- | A pronounced slowing up in the decoy to get the ncme established to patronize our market. there are 4 5 smaller ones scatter­ finest police force in the world, ac­ stitutions for mental diseases' rate of motor vehicle registrations for future movie purposes. ed about. cording to August Vollmer, famous throughout the country increased in Connecticut, as of September 1, Very well.— the play’s name is The Cahokia mounds; scientists scientific police chief of Berkeley, from 187,791 in 1910 to 267,617 “ The Woman Disputed,” and we Sweet Potatoes say. are identical with structures and one time head of the Los Ange­ in 1923, or from 204.2 to 245 per is indicated by figures given out suggest, gratis, a movie mqniker: For Sunday’s Dinner at the state motor vehicle depart- which the Spaniards found the les police department. 100,000 population, according to a “ The Shame Camp” , since the story Aztecs using in Mexico City for i raent. "Whereas on the correspond­ A Tender Juicy Rib Roast or Leg of Lamb, Roast of Chief Vollmer has just returned report just published through the' has to do with a group of non-com­ religious ceremonies in the early ing date of last year, Connecticut from a two months stay in Cuba co-operation of the Nev/ York state batants who are grabbec. up by the 10 Lbs. 25c Pork. part of the sixteenth century. registrations showed an increase of where he was called to reorganise Germans. The Prussian oflicer says .Age Xot Known. hospital commission and the feder­ 13 per cent, over the previous year ALSO HOME KILLED BROILERS, the island republic’s police system. al govern^pent. he’ll let them ail loose at the price Large, Mealy. ROASTING CHICKENS, FOWL Just when the mounds were The famous “ scientific” chief de­ the increase rate on September 1 built has never been determined. Onejof the points brought out by 1926, was 8 per cent., the lowest of the "g a l!” T^e officer is Lowell Calves’ Liver, Bacon, Sweet Breads. clared he had little to teach the the report is that which compares Sherm.'in at his PrussLanest, and the It is believed, however, their con­ Cuban police, but admitted that as in at least five years. The rate of struction antedated the arrival of the alcoholic admission in 1922 Increase over the previous year cast is as fine as any in New York. FRESH VEGETABLES. a result of his visit to the island the white man by several cen­ with those of 1910. shown by September 1, 1924, was The pl.ay will probably have a long Soup Native Spinach, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, Egg Plant there will be better equipment for turies. “ In 1910,” the report says, "the 17 per cent, and by September 1 run. Oh, yes, the author says the Head Lettuce, Celery, String Beans. It has never been agreed upon liRudling traffic and a better fling alcoholic cases constituted 10.1 per­ 1923, was 15 per cent. play waTySuggested by Maupas- Campbell’s Tomato by archaeologists as to who built system for keeping records. cent. of the total admissions to The total number of cars regis saunt’s “ Ball of Suet!” Now you FRUITS the mounds. Some believe they The Havana police department, institutions for mental diseases. In tered by September 1. of this year tell one. Melons, Grapes, Pears, Peaches, Fresh Layer Figs. were constructed by Aztecs who he asserted, is the finest In the 1922 they constituted but 3.7 per­ was 264,966, as against 244,134 4 for 29c wandered north, others thinking world and Havana is freer from cent. of such admission.” on the corresponding date of last And there is Frances Starr, miss­ that the relics found in the crime t'a; n any city of its siz; in In New York State the percent­ year, 211,283 by September 1. ing from the stage theie several Special mounds indicate greater culture the United States. age of alcoholics for both sexes 1924, 174,601 by that date of 1923 years, who returns in a vehicle that than that possessed by the Indians Thei;e are 2400 policemen and dropped from 11.5 in 1910 to 3.0 and 147,926 by September 1, 1923. bumps and joggles and almost GARRONE BROTHERS found when Columbus discoverea seventeen stations in Havana, Chief in 1922; in New Jersey from 19.7 If registrations had continued at throws her out at times. It’s called 1099 Main Street Free Delivery Phone 1158 America. Vollmer declared, and the "cops” to 4.2; in Pennsylvania from 6.9 to about the average rate for the pre­ “ The Shelf” and all visitors who Soap Specials Appropriation was made by the attend school for six months to a 5.0; in Maine from 6.5 to 3.4; in vious three yars, 300,000 motor have plays in their trunk are re­ Illinois assemblj' so that this heri­ year are perfected ii, their work New Hampshire from 11.3 to 8.0; vehicles would have been register­ quested to see it that they may take Kirkman’s Borax tage might be preserved. before they go on duty. in Vermont from 11.1 to 1.7; in ed in the state by the end of this courage and thrust their efforls i.,- The municipal police forces of year, but it now appears improb­ Massachusetts from 14.6 to 6.4; lii to the hands of the producers. Miss niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiin BItOWXIXG DOESX T CARE the various Cuban ciiies are to be Rhode Island from 11.4 to 7.2 and able that that total will be reach­ Starr is most lovely in 'he role of IP SHE NEVER COMES BACK ed. The whole number of motor 5 for 25c federalized, Vollmer .said- The num­ In Connecticut from 10.6 to 4-1. the lady-wlth-a-past who is called ber of policemen affected will be New York State, however, has vehicles registered in Connecticut New York, Oct. 8.— Edward W. upon to save, not only all the some 25.000. not been maintaining its reduction during 1925 was 262,564. It will Browning, the "Cinderella man" be noted that that total had been hypocritical charagteis of the play, On the Isle of Pines, 'Vollmer in the percentage of alcoholic first but the play itself. One Lifebuoy Soap BIRCH STREET MARKET and millionaire husband, of .the declared, Cuba is building what will exceeded by the end of the eighth I I admissious since 1922. In 1923, So much for the bad news. On vanished “ Peaches" H e e n a n be the world’s finest penitentiary. month of this year. September reg­ New York State’s percentage of the other hand there reached Free with the Purchase Browning, said he wasn’ t the least It will cover 5,000 acres and will istrations pushed the total for = PHONE 2298 88 BIRCH STREET = bit interested today when he w:i3 first alcoholic admissions rose to 4 1926 well towards 270,000 but the Broadway from the middle west the be able to care for 5,000 Inmates percent: in 1925 to 5.4 percent and dramatization of Anita Loos’ told that one of her friends had lo­ and will raise all the vegetables remaining months of the year are in 1925 to 7.6 percent. This per­ “ Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” which cated her. And he added that "ae needed for all federal employes. not strong registration months. centage for 1926 probably will not probably most of the playgoers in didn't care much when he was In­ There are no lawyers of the The slowing up in the rate of in­ 3 for 20c Special For Saturday formed about a statement attribut­ be known, the hospital commission crease is most noticeable in regis­ and around Chicago, Detn^t, Cleve­ “ shyster” type in Cuba. Vollmer said, until early next year. ed to her that she was "through” said. Any man guilty of a crime. trations of so-called pleasure cars land and w.ay points already have with him. Over 50 percent of all the pa­ and public service cars, total num­ seen and, hence, will be no treat to “Where There’s Life— If captured, is certain to be sent to tients suffering from mental di.s- ber of which registered by Septem­ Best Round Steak Malaga Grapes prison. them when they visit New York. eases in 1923 In the country were ber 1, 1926 was 7 per cent, in ex­ To their general acclaim now is There’s a Phillips single and 34 percent were married cess of the registrations in that added Broadway’s plaudits, particu­ 4 Lbs. $1.00 3 Lbs. 25f! the report shows. class a year before. Registrations larly to the work of June Walker Store” U. S. ACTS TO RESCUE , of commercial cars showed a 13 Sirloin S te a k ...... 35c lb. Spinach FOR STEEL KNIVES per cent, increase at that time, Short Steak ...... 35c lb. Escarole NATIONALS AT CANTON however, while motorcycle regis­ iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Sandsoap and ray potatoes are trations had decreased 8 per cent, m m mm Shoulder Steak .... 25c lb. Parsley effective cleansing agents for steel and combination registrations 1 Pekin Legation Sends Notice knives. per cent. Veal C hops...... 25c lb. Soup Bunch to W^u of Intent to Dispatch I A. Chorches Market I Veal S te a k ...... 40c lb. Lettuce Military Party. Veal S te w ...... • • 15c lb. Leeks 20 Florence St. Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimu Best Lean Pork Chops Cabbage Pekin, Oct. 8.— The American ...... 35c lb. legation here today sent word to Sweet and Hot Peppers Best Lean Fresh General Wu-Pel-Fu that military Egg Plant Shoulder...... 25c lb. attaches would leave shortly to res­ Special for Saturday I Carrots cue a number of Americans besieg­ SMITH’ S GROCERY Smoked Shoulder . . 24c lb. . . 35c lb. ed by the Cantonese army at Sian Veal Cutlets , .... 35c lb. Chops ...... Home Made Sausage 30c lb | Fu. Captain Constant, assistant = 2 NORTH SCHOOL STREET MANCHESTER S L a m b ...... 30c lb. Leg of Lamb . . . 30c lb. military attache at the legation, Round Steak ...25c lb. i Full line of Provisions. Apples and the language oflaicer, Lieuten­ Roast of Beef .20c, 25c lb. Short Steak . ‘ • 25c lb. Sirloin Steak .. 25c lb. ^ ^ ^ Oranges ant Barrett, will head the rescue Fresh Vegetables Daily. Melons * “ p j O T oats a:nl r-.I I; ” '.I:c party, it was announced. Full Value S PORK AND OTHER MEATS AT LOWEST PRICES. = for their money, is about all one expects these days. Cauliflower Lemons It’sVthc ’’balat'.ccJ rr.ue:. ’ ■ ; ; rc- JEWELED HANDLES. Celery Bananas tcin, carbohydrates — The latest importations In um - I s Of course‘money values always come first, but an air plus the ’’bulk" to inakc h . : ... ■ 3 brellas show black handles en- of friendliness is also appreciated.^ We believe, that SPECIAL! I S ' Headquarters for Imported Olive Oil and Cheese. E less often needed — that worU's crusted with rhinestones and Jew- at Smith’s you ■will always find an air of friendliness, authorities are advising. els. Live Spring Chicken...... 30c lb. 5 Now you cook it in 3 to 5 minutes. we KNOW that you will receive full value for your That’s faster than plain toast. No ■<$> money. Live Year Old Chicken . . • •...... 30c lb. E kitchen muss or bother. PENN BOASTS SPEED Paul Correnti, Prop. | MERCHANT IS SCULL I Why go on, then, with less nour­ Outstanding ishing breakfasts? Today get Quick A. CHORCHES | Pennsylvania football ' team TiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimiumiiiiiin Quaker . . . food that stands by you has an exceptionally fast man FRESH SHOULDERS . through the morning. 20 FLORENCE ST. | in Folwell Scull. Scull starred CORNED SHOULDERS * • • • • Your grocer has Quick, Quaker— on the Quaker track aggrega­ 2 5 c Open Wednesdays and Saturdays Only. = also Quaker Oats as you have always SMOKED SHOULDERS I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiH known them. tion, the century being his specialty. He plays end on the Native Veal grid and his speed makes him I TheCentralCash Market Co. | a valuable fellow to have_ Fred Krah has just delivered to us another of his around when Young’s tleven’ miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiMiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiimmiU 649 Main Street Quick 0 .yakej* fancy blooded calves aiid we know of nothing nicer to starts shooting forward passes ” Telephone 2230. WE DELIVER. Telephone 2236. s recommend for your Sunday dinner. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii„iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,iiiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ Other Specials Vince’s Market | Speciak for Saturday RIB ROAST BEEF • ••••••ft* 28c-35c lb. = 147 Birch Street, Comer Holl Street E Pork LEG L A M B ...... ,.... 37c lb. E Phone 1696. E 38c lb. POT ROASTS . ..t. , 25c-30c lb. FRESH ROAST PORK ...... I Park Hill Market 1 37c lb. CORNED BEEP .. .12c-25c lb. FRESH SHOULDERS...... S 539 Main Street FRESH MADE SAUSAGE MEAT 30c lb. South Manchester E SAUSAGE MEAT . .... 35c lb. Low Prices and Quality | • • • • • 42c lb. LINK SAUSAGE .. • •••••« .... 35c lb. I FANCY PORK CHOPS...... NATIVE FOWL I Is Our Motto I Native Veal Best Quality At Reasonable Grocery Specials SALE OF CORNED BEEF— I Convince Yourself By Coming To See Us Saturday. | Fancy Rib P ieces...... 12c lb. s Sweet ^^otatoes 7 lbs. 25c. E WESTERN MEAT | Fancy B risk ets...... 25c lb. Prices = Quinces...... $1.25 basket = I Fancy Boned and Rolled Peices 22c lb. Turnips • • • • 33c peck Round S tea k ...... 35c lb. Veal S te w ______.15c lb. Genuine Legs of Spring Round S tea k ...... 30c lb. Monarch Catsup ...... 23c Sirloin S te a k ...... 38c lb. Fresh Shoulder . .25c lb. L a m b ...... 28c lb. Beef Rump Roast, 29c and 32c lb. Rolled Oats, small • •••••• • ••••• • On Short S te a k ...... 38c lb. Smoked Shoulder .23c lb. Loin Lamb Chops .. .38c lb. PRIME RIB ROASTS QF BEEF...... 35c lb. Short Steak ..... 35c lb. up Rolled Oats, large ...... 23c Shoulder Steak .... 28c lb. Veal C u tlet...... 38c lb. Shoulder Lamb Chops, FANCY BOSTON ROLL ROAST ..a...... 23c lb. Porterhouse Steak . .40c up W h eaties...... 3 for 21c Veal Chops .25c and 30c lb. 25c lb. SHOULDER PIECES ...... •• 20c lb. Fancy Peaches .$1.25 bskt. P. & G. S o a p ...... • ••«•< 10 for 39c FRESH LINE OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. HAMBURG STEAK ! ...... 18c lb., 2 lbs. 35c. Lamb S te w ...... 12>/2C lb. Evijorated Milk . . , . 4 for 44c Shoulder of Spring Lamb, Fancy Apples .... 62c bskt. Groceries 20c lb. Sweet Potatoes . . 9 lbs. 25c Fruit and Vegetables Fresh Shoulders . . .22c lb. Native Muskmelons, Vince’s Market GOLD MEDAL FLOUR ...... $1.23 bag Sirloin S tea k ...... 32c lb. 15c and 20c ea. Cauliflower, Peppers, Carrots, Parsnips, Tomatoes, CAMPBELL’S TOMATO SOUP, 3 cans ...... 25c Caobag^ Grapes, Grapefruit, Turnips, Cranberries, A. Vince, Prop. JCETCHUP, 2 b ottles...... '...... 25c All Our Vegetables and Fruits Are Strictly Fresh. Oranges^ Bananas, etc. E E Phone leoo 147 Birch S t, Cor. Holl S t Full Line of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. ^ J FREEDEUVERY. TELEPHONE. = iiiuiiiiiilliilliliimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiUiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiuT uiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiuuiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiinHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiuiuiuuuuuSv


Pickings Timely, From 0 J ^ T ips Manchester’s Fop Choicest Prudent Markets Housekeepers

ST. MARGARET’S CIRCLE Inside Guard— Mrs. Norene Cot­ HOOTING SEASON IN Something went wrong with the ELECTS XEW OFFICERS ter. CONN. OPENED TODAY STATE VARIETY BUL AUTO AND TRUCK steering wheel and the truck op­ Outside Guard — Mrs. Maude erated by England swerved to the side of the street ramming into ^inillllllllllllllUllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIHIIllllilllllllllilllilllllllllllltllllllt St Margaret’s Circle. No. 2SO, Foley. 48485353232348232353232323234823485348534853535348532348485323482348482323484853484823235323482353535353534823485353535353484823 Daughters of Isabella at their meet­ Monitor— Miss Annie Pagani. PLEASES AUDIENCE IN SUCHT CRASH the parked Chevrolet. Hartford, Oct. 8.— Open season England was not injujred and ing in K. of C. club rooms last eve­ Scribe— Mrs. May McVeigh. on woodcock, partridge, male — - - the damage to both machines was I Service Quality Low Prices ning elected the following officers: pheasants and grey squirrels be^an Acts to Suit Any Taste at No One Hurt in South End Regent— Mrs. Julia Sheridan. Mrs. Catherine Williams was ap- slight. today and will continue until No­ Popular Playhouse Last Part Accident and Little Damage Vice Regent— Mrs. Sarah Healey, pointed chairman of the committee vember 24. The legal one-day Recording Secretary— Mrs. Helen of arrangements for the Installa- bag for one person, as announced of Week. Done. Qj.jgj^ tion of officers and initiation of game here today, is two pheasants, .4KS BXTRADICTION FOR = Financial Secretary— Miss Julia candidates. by the state board of fisheries and (By Member Herald Staff.) A slight automobile accident oc­ For Your Sunday Dinner | Hogan. At the close of the ^nslness ses- three partridge, five woodcock’ and The vaudeville bill presented at curred this morning in front of BREACH OP PAROLE 15 Treasurer— Mrs. Lillian Carney. slon whist was played. The first five grey squirrels. The limit for the State yesterday • was of top Magnell’s Drug stiAe on Main FOLLOW THE CROWD Custodian— Mrs. Frances Mc- prize was won by Mrs. Norene Cot­ the season is fifteen pheasant, notch quality. street at the South End. Evitt. ter and the consolation by Mrs. thirty-six woodcock, twenty-one The program opens with Wat­ Herbert Panekoff, of 577 George has'been made by the superintend­ Chancellor— Mrs. Viola Corcilius. Andrew Healey. partridge. son’s dogs, a large number of street, New Haven, parked, hJs ent of.the state reformatory at small canine actors thta amused not Chevrolet coupe in front of Mag- Cheshire to Governor John H. I Stop and Shop only the children at the matinee but nell’s drug store. He is a salesman. Trumbull for the extradiction of the adults, as the dogs do wonder­ A Ford track operated by Cecil Stanley Rosenblatt, alias Stanley ful stunts and have appeared on all England had just turned out of Rosefibutt, for violation of parole. the big vaudeville circuits. School street and was proceeding Rosenblatt is under arrest at Gov­ Leddy and Leddy, comedy team, up Main street. ernors Island, N. Y. put over some unusually cjever gag I Come and See Our lines. Not only are they high class comedians but they are acrobats. HALES SELF-SERVE In fact it appears from their act that they were orglnally straight I Windows for Saturday acrobats and in later years changed their act. £; The three Kenna Sisters put over Phone-A-Pie Shop G R O C E R Y a singing and dancing turn that I Specials made a big hit with last night’s G A L L 3 4 9 YOURSI audience. They have beautiful S Best American Granulated Sugar, 16 lbs...... $1.00 gowns and sing and dance well. Their Jazz numbers were well re­ S Del Monte Crushed Pineapple, large c a n ...... 25c can ceived. We could boast' of our first month’s business— ^it i Parksdale E g g s ...... 45c dozen Bobby Carbone and company, would be foolish. We are very proud, however, of the S Bon Ton Peas ...... 14 l-2c can Manchester’s Public Pantry two operatic singers, inject much support given us by the people who like “ Good Goods.” = 8 lbs. Sweet P otatoes...... 25c comedy Into an otherwise straight singing turn. Carbone has a tenor Use the ’phone and help us get lined up. We have S 3 lbs. Fancy Grapes ...... 25c voice.and knows how to sing high more help, more tools and can give better service.* What Groceries Do You Need? class music. The headline act was Ed Scofield with four girls, all dancers. The I Down Goes the Lamb high spot In their turn is the Saturday's Specials Swift’s Ham ...... lb. 37c Egyptian dances of one of the quin­ Shoulder Ham ...... lb. 17c tet who dances finder a blue spot­ BAKED BEANS in the P o t ...... 25c the quart I Market ; (Selected especially for us). (Boned and roiled. No bone, no light. She had to answer to waste). numerous encores last evening. A Large Layer Cake filled with Pure Raspberry = Small Legs of Baby Spring L am b...... 32c lb. 1 ‘‘Fine Manners” is the movie fea­ Jam— “ Good” .. • •...... 45c each E Boneless Roast of Lamb ...... 30c lb. ' ture, with Gloria Swanson as the CHICKEN PIES ...... 20c each star. The story, the acting and the S Small Forequarters of Spring Lamb ...... 25c lb. ROAST CHICKENS...... $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 E Nice Pieces of Lamb for Stewing ...... 15c Ib. "i Meadow Gold Butter, 2 lbs. 93c setting are all good. and worth the money. Pure Lard...... 2 lbs. 33c CUP CAKES ...... 35c dozen 60 AND 12, ELOPERS NUT AND RAISIN POUND CAKE...... 35c per lb. ARRESTED AT BOSTON A piece of goods that will not be duplicated. Limited I Beef Special amount. i Tender Chuck Pot Roast of Beef, ' Boston, Mass.. Oct. S.— ^Lucy E (whole cut) 5 to 6 lbs. e a c h ...... *-22c lb. Greer’s Chocolates1 1643c Paule, twelve, and Thomas Bosich. S Boneless Roast of Beef, tender and ju icy ...... 35c lb. slxty-thrse, both missing for a Made by Park and Tilford. Regular price 60c pound. month from Youngstown, Ohio, E Boneless Pot Roast of B e e f...... 25c-30c lb. were arrested here today. —And Pies r Bottom Round Pot R oa st...... 30c lb. By day. the clsWd was a pupil at Apple, Pineapple Meringue, Banana Cream, Blueberry, E Prime Rib Roast of Beef...... 30c-35c Ib. ritM Mt. Bowdoin grammar school, west Lemon Meringue,. Custard, .Mince, .Raisin Meringue, S Boneless Veal R o a s t...... 35c lb. i f; end, but she confessed, according E Lean Fresh Shoulders .. ■ •...... 25c Ib. Special Soap Sale to police that her relations with Cocoanut Custard, Apricot, Chocolate Cream, Squash, Prune, Cocoanut Cream, Cherry. S Fresh Spare Ribs ...... 20c 11^. i First Grade Bosich were not, as the man con­ tends, those of a father and daugh­ 3-quart White Enameled Sauce Pan ter. S Fresh Pork to Roast, rib or Loin . j 'A \ L with Kirkman’s Products Extra Special all for 59c COFFEE CREAM MERINGUE P IE ...... 40c Poultry Special ‘ Regular value 89c. AtCH.Tryon’s A delicious pie— Whipped Cream Topping 10c extra. FRESH KILLED CHICKENS TO ROAST ...... 45c Ib. Special FRESH KILLED FOWL ...... 39c lb. Spiecial Sanitary Market We cannot begin to tell you all the good things that HALE’S GRADE “ A” EGGS . .doz. 45c PHONE-A-PIE SHOP Every eg g guaranteed. we are planning for you for tomorrow, so we will just SWEET APPLE CIDER . . . .gallon 33c T e!. 441 PHONE 349. list a few extra specials. BAKER’S CHOCOLATE, i/, lb. cake 17c TELEPHONE 442. 117 >/2 Spruce Street J. F. Bailey, F. E. Ray 4 5 BAKER’S COCOA ...... /, ib ^ i?c WOOL S O A P ...... bar 5c 877 Main Street TENDER s w e e t Limit 5 bars to a customer. BE.\S ...... lo SPECIAL PRICES liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil _ OHIO BLUE TIP MATCHES, FOR SATURDAY ! DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT I REPUBLIC SLICED PINEAPPLE, miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 6 boxes 25c Concord Grapes, 85c basket. We ask you to please remember that, every article sold PURE CIDER VINEGAR Isc Elberta Peaches, $1.23 basket. STRICTLY FRESH EGGS . .dozen 68c in our department is Home Made in every sense'of thk lull strength. Apples, 85c basket. word. Carefully made from the very best of ingredi­ • Large eggs. '' Seckel Pears, 90c basket. 8 lbs. Sweet Potatoes, 25c. CAMPBELL’S ents. We are sure there are none better on the m ark ^ Sx>ecial on Hydrox C ^kles, 38c 1 I ROAST CHICKENS...... $1.50, $1.75, $2.c Quart Rock T urnips...... c- lu S Lamb S te w ...... 15c lb. = Roaming Pork ...... 38c Ib. PIES I w f i • ...... i ! ! i 2c lb! Meats = Legs of Lamb, large and sm all...... 35c-38c lb. Apple ...... 25c Cherry (Red) .. 35e Sweet or Hot Green Peppers...... 10c lb. •Native Chickens, from A'. Ellis, Pjpeapple (2 crusts) - Lemon Meringue ...... 40c 55c lb. Pmeapple Meringue .. 40c P ru n e...... 30c •Native Fowl, 47o lb. Legs of Lamb, 89c lb. We feel that we have, through good hard effort be­ Pork to Roast, 38c lb. Groceries come able to give you a delicious pie m th a tender thin MALES Rib Roost Beef, 35c lb. 4 Ivory Soap, 1 Ivory Flakes and 1 Guest Iv o ry ___ 4 0 f crust and a filling just as you make at heme. We are Pot Roast, 28c lb. I Smoked Shoulders, 28c lb. Elizabeth Park Peas . — ...... 25c can sure that you will not regret it if you try one of these Home Made Sausage Meat, S5c Elizabeth Park Spinach ...... 25c can for Sunday dinner. lb. Thompson’s Double Strength Vinegar for Pickling, CAKES Small Link Sausages, 42c lb. Chocolate L a y e r ...... 40c Walnut Loaf ...... 35c Beef Liver, 20c lb. 45c gallon L T M M A R K E T Silver Lane Pickles ...... 45c jar Cocoanut L a y e r ...... 40c Spice L o a f ...... 35c Chicken Boll, 55c lb. Honey Comb Tripe, 18c lb. 2 packages Mueller’s Macaroni ...... 25c A Real Fudge Layer 40c t Pickling Spices, Ginger Root, Tumeric, Celery Seed, Mus­ Cup C ak es...... • •...... 35c dozen Fruit tard Seed. Chocolate, cocoanut, maple walnut, vanilla and fudge. Quality Meats at Low Prices Salads, Cold Meats, Hash, Macaroni and Cheese u ti| 2 quarts Peaches, 25c. Poultry B eef 2 lbs. Red Grapes, 25c. Cottage Cheese. A wide variety of Cheese, Pickleb Native Roasting Chickens...... lb. 45c 2 lbs. White Grapes, 25c. Fruits Large. Boneless Pot R o a st...... ib. 22c 8 Gn^iefruit, 25c. JUST ci)ME IN AND LOOK US OVER Boston Roast B eef...... **ib.' 32c Cranberries, 15c qt. Apples, Pears, Peaches, Honey Dew Melons, Bana­ Natiwe B roilers...... ih California Oranges, 69c and 79c nas, Grapes, Oranges, Lemons. Prime Rib Roast of Beef . .Ib. 25c and 33c Native Fricassee F ow l...... 'p,* 33^ dozen. 2 pounds Cranberries...... 29c Fresh Ground Hamburg S tea k___ lb. 18c Apples, 85c basket. Fruits and Fresh Vegetables Lam b Fresh Beef Liyer ...... 2 lbs. 25c Extra Fancy C eltiy ...... 19c boncR Small Legs of Lam b ...... 15 34^. Native Calves* L iv e r...... lb. 50c Iceberg Lettuce, 2 large heads...... 25C Sugar Cured Bacon (s lic e d )...... Ib. 45c Vegetables 2 quarts Lima Beans, 25c. Vegetables Shoulder Lamb R o a st...... ! !lb! 34c Home Made Sausage L inks...... lb. 32c Loin Lamb C h op s...... Ih4 i«* Yellow Com, 20o dozen. 1 peck Sweet P otatoes...... 39c Hale’s Sausage M ea t...... 25c lb. Ever Green Com, S5c dozen. Fresh Lamb Stew ...... !!!!! .lb! 14c Peppers, Ipc lb. We have large bunches of fancy Celery at ... lS(c bunch. V e a l Tnmips, 8 bunches for 25c. Lettuce, Beets, C^arrots, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, I Manchester Public Market 1 Pork S p in a l, 19c peck. Boneless Veal R o a s t...... lb. c Green Tomatoes, Sweet Com, Peppers, Soup Bunches, S V - s Tender Fresh Shoulders 35 Beets, 8 bunches for 25c. *•••••• Ibt 25c Rump Veal R o a s t...... lb. 25c Carrots, 3i. bunches for 25c. Squash, Cabbage, Onions. Fresh Spare Ribs ...... I A J Podrove, Prop. Phone 10 I Shank Veal S te w ...... lb. 15c 8 lbs. Parsjntps for 25c. Hardware, Stanley Paints, Grain, Hay and Straw. # s Cnnliflowe|*, 86c each. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniimtuiiinfi Tom atoes. 4 lbs. for 2 5 c . 1 PAGE h e r a l d , FRrDAY,"OGTOBER 8, 1928.

r - r r -J C --

Advantage ' Where Where \ o Go For The WHER Tour Household Best Meats, Fruits Budget May Be And Spent To Best , Vegetables

inv^wTe^w »d w *~'*v »" le^w

IX ...... Rimsky-Korsakow Fuller Ace— Two Little Bluebirds Rusticana’’ ...... Mascagni Becailse I Love You ' 10:00— ^Weather Report. Esther A. Nelson, Organist Orchestra— Fuller Ace— Soldiers Chorus from “ Faust” While the Years Go Drifting I* Ate the Boloney 10:05— Emil Heimberger’s Hotel S;00— Garber’s Artisans. Henri String Ensemble— WTIC Debois. conductor. Soioist, Ed­ ...... Gounod By Bond Dance Orchestra. Advertise in The Herald— It Pays Elsie Schultzenheim The WhistldFs Song ward Gehrman, basso. 9:00— FViendly Fuller Hour— 11:00— News. Trmv^leni Insarance Co., The Fuller Ensemble Fuller Ensemble— Finale— Hartford, Conn. I Orchestra— ♦ Echoes of past pleasant refrains • Cigarette, Tango A6T. Medley on Popular French Soprano— Soprano— Tunes ...... Larendeau “Caro Nome” from “Rigolet- The Italian Street Song from ta” ...... Verdi “ Naughty Marietta” , Program for Friday II Xylophone— ...... Herbert 12:00 Noon — Luncheon Music. Orchestra— Chinese Lullaby (played with Xylophone— The Travelers Club Orchestra. Serenade ...... Pierne four hammers) ^ Variations on Swanee River 1:00 P. M.— News, Weather and Le Cygne (The Swan) Nola ' Dear Old Pal of Mine Police Reports...... Saint-Saens Saxophone— Saxophone— 6: 00-—Children’s Period— ’’Skin- III Hymn to the Sun from “ The Valse Sentimental Husky ney and His Gang. Basso— Golden Cockerel” The Fullerian Step 6:20— News. Song of the Fleas \ 6:30— Dinper Concert. Emil Helm- , Mdussorgsky berger’s Hotel Bond Trio. Song of the Volga Boatmen Londonderry Air Arr. Kreislers ...... Russian Folk Song Siegfried’s Farewell and Magic Appetites Fire Music from “ Die Walk- IV ure’’ ...... Wagner Orchestra— A u tu m n ...... Chaminade Funeral March of a Marion­ Crisp autumn weattier brings a Overture to George White’s ette ...... Gounod Scandals ...... Henderson V demand for more to eat. The A&P 7:00— Radio Farm Course. Con- Duet for flute ajid clarinet— .necticut Agricultural College. Taraiitelle ...... Saint-Saens satisfies these husky appetites 7:15— Piano Selections. VI Mazurka, Op. 68, No. 2 Chopin Orchestra— with the very best foods—at low Loreley ...... Seeling Scarf Dance ...... Chaminade Juba ...... Dett La Cinquantaine Where Economy RuUj Laura C. Gaudet, Staff Pianist ...... Gabriel-Marie prices! WTIC VII 7:30— Organ Recital direct from Basso— the studios of the Austin Organ Song of the Golden Calf from Company. “ Faust” ...... Gounod Chanson de Martin ...... Elgar Edward Gehrman It Is Agreed That Bread Is One Chanson de N u it ...... Elgar VIII ^^All A€cP Stores will be open until l:oo Caprice "Viennois ...... Kreisler Orchestra— Pomp and Circumstance . .Elgar Ballet Music from “ Faust” of the Staple Foods of the Nation Intermezzo from “ Cavalleria ...... Gounod It is served three times a day in most homes right P. N. Tuesday, Oct. 12th, Columbus Day"" here in Manchester as in all parts of the country. Why not, therefore, serve the best bread you can get? The bread we bake is the best you can get— full or richness and goodness. Try A Dinner at the We bake all kinds of Bread, Cake, Pastry, Cookies, Fancy Pastry, Doughnuts and Crullers. Handy’s Shoulders 6to8 p Waranoke Restaurant Blue Ribbon Bakery Handy’s Shoulders 4to6 pds. 23cpd. Best Bakery Products Sold. A. W. JOHNSON — 0. P. VIERTEL Proprietors. This Sunday B3 $ 56-58 Cottage Street Phones 2197, 2150 and 2144 Bananas 4 pds. 25c Special Sunday Dinner $ 1.00 & 60c imiliiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiilliiliiliiiiiiiliiiiiiiimiiiiiiiniiii Every egg guaranteed perfect! BAKERY SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Meat Pies — Danish Pa.stry CHOICE SELECTED Baked Beans and Brown Bread French Crullers Cakes and Cookies Machine sliceds rindless, no waste! “ The store that holds faith with the people.” Corner Main and Maple Streets, Telephone 2006. Bacon SUGAR CURED 3 9 F. KELLEY, Prop. For deep fat frying—no fatty taste! WARANOKE ROTE - BAKERY LB C AND RESTAURANT Just A Word About Our FOR SHORTENING C A N ^ ^ f U J. J. Williams, Prop. Makes delicious desserts easily! Main Street So. Manchester ^ H(mie Made Food Products ^ P K G s J J g e J ASSORTED FLAVORS 'Si^XXXXXS%%X%S%%%X%XSXSXXXXSS%XX%SXSe%XX%SX;€XSSe3S%S% We haven’t said much about this department of our store. We haven’t had to; our customers have been ^iiliMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. = doing the talking for us. They have told their friends The soap'thaFs safe for every use! and neighbors and the result is that this department has M MED. C grown to be one of the largest parts of our business. CAKES The home-made touch that made, the original line of Ivory Soap I BUFFALO MARKET CO. 11 foodstuffs popular has not been lost with the growth of £ Phone 456. 1071 Main Street. Phone 456. £ E this part of the business. ^ For easily and quickly prepared breakfasts! Just Received ! New Sauerkraut.

a " ‘ “ 2 5 '’ HOME MADE SPECIALS Gorton^s Here we come with a list of goods and prices that will DAILY surely interest you. What we advertise, we s e ll- Four cakes for the usual price of three! Chicken Salad Home Made Pies real money savings here. = S' Egg< Salad Baked Beans Vegetable Salad Macaroni and Cheese Lamb S S Potato Salad Italian Style Spaghetti i,ifebuoy Soap Beef Home Made Crullers Genuine Lamb Legs 30c lb. Shrimp Salad Home Made Cup Cakes Loin Lamb Chops .. 38c lb. Country Club Salad Ypur choice of seeded, seedless or puffed! Round S te a k ...... 22c lb. Home Made Biscuits and Shoulder Lamb Chops Cold Slaw Rolls...... 30c lb Short Steak ____•. 22c lb. TUESDAY I WED. and FRIDAY Veal Sirloin S tea k ....22c lb. Raised Doughnuts. Codfish Cakes. iSun-midd Ridsins X4 ° FRIDAY ONLY ir^------^------'■ > Shoulder Veal Chops 25c lb Rib Roast .. 20cand 25c lb. Vegetable Clam Chowder. Roasting V eal...... 25c lb. T o d d y l a r g e 49® SMALL *9* Our Own Tea v,u>2S^ Boneless Chuck Roast, SATURDAY Pork 18c lb. Roast Chicken Chop Suey An 5* Candy Bars 3> por10* Baker’s Vaidlla ' EOT 33* Boston Rolled Roast 15c lb- Chicken Pies Boston Brown Bread Rib End Roast .... 24c lb. Fresh Roasting /A& PCodU sh Heinz Tomato Soup canjo* Fresh Shoulder___ 20c lb. Smoked Shoulder . .i20c lb. Chickens ...... 35c lb. Just Arrived! Swedish Fresh Lingon. Nonesucli Mtocemeat pkg IS* Quaker Oats PKG II* Pound Package Pure Scotch and Swedish Salt Herring. Surgar Cured Bacon 25c lb. EACH Sugar Cured Hams 25c lb. Lard ...... 19c Smoked Whitefish, Salmon, Herring'and Bloaters. Coal Hods 49* Pancake F lou r mxssimT’s pkg1 5 ^ Anchovies, Gaffelbiter, Imported ^rdines. Robertson’s Black Currant, Strawberry and Rasp­ berry Jam— Ginger Marmalade. Fruits and Vegetables Maggi’s Seasoning—^Knorr’s Soups and Bouillions. Red Malaga Grapes, Parsnips, 6 lbs...... 25c Mint Sauce—^Mint Jell— Roman JelL Grandmother’s Bread 3 lbs. 25c. Cinnamon and Sugar Rusks— ^Kummen-Ost. Peppers, 4 quarts ...,25c a a The clean,' parchment wrapped Native Muskmellons, Imported and Domestic Health Bread. 60c peach basket •5 *** Pore Olive Oil in tin and glass. large, 20c Tomatoes, 6 lbs. . , ____ 25c loaf with the home baked flavor Horseradish— Oyster Cocktail Sauce. Spinach, peck ...... 10c McIntosh Apples, good Pretzels— Pickled Pigs’ Feet— Pickled Herring. Cauliflower, h e a d ...... 23c quality, basket .. • •. $1 Donglmuts lOc C elery ...... 10c Onions, 7 lbs...... 25c LOAF Bananas... 25c, 30c dozen California Sunkist Full line of Cooked and Smoked Meats, including pur RidUn Bread 12^ Boston oiul triciiiity I Fresh Mushroons ..50c lb. Oranges,,. . . . 45c dozen our baked ham. Potatoes, peck ...... 43c Grapefruit, large 3 for 25c Arlington and Otto Stahl’s Delicious Pork Sausages. The A & P News, publish^ weekly, contains many recipes and helpful household hin^^ Sweet Potatoes, 7 lbs. 25c Honey Dew Melons .... 25c Ask the store manner for your copy C arrots...... 5c bunch Lettuce, 3 heads _____25c Fancy Pears, dozen .. .35c L em on s...... 35c dozen Heavy Cream — Strictly FrPsh Eggs — Brown’s Fancy McIntosh Apples JPie Apples,.. 4 quarts 25c i s Butter. , I T i a 3 quarts 25c Extra Large Egg Plant, S £ White Onions, 6 lbs... 25c average 3 lbs. 15c. S5 *■*■* Store open every evening until 9 P. M., and all day Turnips, 7 lbs...... 25c 2 for 25c. Thursday.

litlliililillltllllillllliliiiiiillililiiiliiliiiliiliiiiiiiiiHiH...... 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiimiiiiuuiiiuiiiiiuiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!:uiiiiimiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiin


DANCE TOMORROW NIGHT at the Assorted (SenC^tt RAINBOW Bill Tasillo’s Orchestra Sugar Wafers Admission, 50 cents. DANCE SOUTH -Mf\NCHESTER • CONN 39c Given by m Saturday Specials Christoforo Colombo Society ■V' CHENEY HALIi Tuesday Evening, October 12 Hale’s Wonderful Record of Growth Based on Quality—Service—Price Music by PEERLESS ORCHESTRA In Linen Sale 8 Pieces ADMISSION, 50 Cents. All Linens Remarkably Low Priced but particular at­ tention called to the following: = 1 1 • W 71 • Extra Special! A Mendoza Beaver t^$^ l^"^d regular $4.50 grade, sale price = l^UDllC lllSt Drug Specials Others that are priced $5.00 offered now for $3.39 a West Side Rec Center 25c Feen-A-Mint...... i 7c dozen. Tomorrow at 8:13 1*. M. 300 •FUR CO A T $1.25 Agarol ...... gsc All Linen TABLE DAMASK, bleached and half TURKEYS FOR FIRST PRIZES. 30c and 50c Lesco-----19c and .39c Admission .... * 23 cmts € 35c Palmolive Shaving Cream 24c bleached, big value, $1.00 yard. 25c Listerine Tooth P a ste ...... 19c Hemstitched TABLE CLOTHS of Irish make, 66x66 at 50c Propholactic Tooth Brushes 39c inches for $5.00 each; size 66x86 inches for $6.50 each. Scissors ...... 69c and S9c Napkins in 20 inch size for $7.00 dozen. Sizes 6, 7 1-2 and 8 inches. ABOUT TOWN Boston Noohan's Lemon Shampoo . . . .50c 100 Colored Bridge Sets, all linen, hand drawn, consist­ Imported Perfume Atomizers $198 ing of Cloth and Four Napkins, $2.50 value, nicely boxed William Nielson, of Vernon, was Vivadeau’s Loose Powder at $1.95 set. admitted to the Memorial hospital last night for treatment to a thumb ...... $1.50 injured by an axe. Something new! Hot Water B ottles...... Adolph Kissman of Bolton, was The Smart Tomboy Style 2 quart size. Smart New Frocks of Cloth taken to the Manchester Memorial, Ferns hospital last night for treatment. , Main Floor In Sport and Dressy Models He is suffering from a complica­ Sketched at right is a handsome mendoza Our showing includes every smart style of the season tion. beaver coat in the popular tomboy style. Size with all the new features that fashion favors. Miss Elizabeth Macdonald, of 36. 45 inch length. Beautifully lined with The new Blouse model, the Cardigan Sport model the 199 Center street, left yesterday brown and tan silk. afternoon for an indefinite stay in 89c ea. two piece Jumper model and the always to be desired Amherst, Mass, where she will re­ We also carry a large assortment of Hud­ straight line tailored model with new treatments in new acquaintances and visit rel­ Not Delivered son Seal, Buck Sealine, Muskrat and Mink necklines and sleeves. atives. Coats at popular prices. Every coat Every fabric sponsored by fas|iion is represented. Except With Other Goods. IS Broadcast of the World Series guaranteed. Twills, Jersey, Autumn Bloom, Flannel, Repp, Covert, baseball games will be received at Kasha and Crepera with prices ranging from $15 to $45 These ferns are clean, fresh and Sketched the School street Rec tomorrow healthy stock in five inch pots. from afternoon and also on Sunday afte* Every fern in the lot is being re­ Fur Coats—Second Floor Stock. V noon if the seventh game is played. tailed daily at $1.50 or over. With Stocking Values very little care these ferns will live i The dancing class for children 5 and grow for years. “Madora’ Brand, full fashioned Silk Stockings for to S years of age will start tomor­ row morning at 10 o’clock in the Main Floor. women. Made with four inch lisle tops and reinforced Schol street Rec. feet. They are pure thread Japan silk in all the sea­ son’s colors. 3 Pairs $4.75 or $1.65 Pair. Jersey Frocks Pure Silk ^ Sport Stockings of Rayon and wool, in the latest de­ Quinn’s Compound Flaxseed, signs, priced at 95c and $1.50 Pair. Wild Cherry and Rock Candy. Cough Syrup. The old fashioned For Children. Sport stockings of ravon and wool in remedy for the new fashioned $10 to $25 Hose the new plaid effects for 95c Pair. colds. Try a bottle today. Quinn’s I —Adv. One and Two-piece Styles With school girls and those who $1.85 pr. Slips and Bloomers work in offices jersey frocks are a great favorite. In our stock jo u Daintily Embroidered or Crepe de Chine, Autumn col- i SFINDAY DINNFR Gold Stripe, Fiancee, ors, also white, flesh or colors with shadow proof hem = U i l l l l L l l will find one and two piece models we offer costume slips that are extra value at $3.95 each! | at the plain tailored or embroidered. All Costume Slips of “Sure Glo” satin and handsomely the new fall colors. Phoenix embroidered Radium silk. You will want one at this price, $2.95 each “Golflex” Jersey Frocks Pure silk, full fashioned hose In Hotel Sheridan the late, good looking shades. These I Bloomers of Milan Silk Jersey for only = $19.95 to $25 are well known and nationally ad- • = $-.9o 1 air. Rayons, regular and extra sizes, $1.95. S Turkey, Duck or Chicken Exclusive agents in town for ■V ertised brands. Some have the with all the fixings, $1. these high grade sport frocks. garter-stop-run top. H llllllllillllllillllllllil||||||!lil||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||- 12 M. to 2:30 P. M. •Fall Modes Frocks—Second Floor x Main Floor Also a la Carte Service. in felt and velvet S ...... Modart $3.95 up Qn Sale Saturday at nine o’clock, special lot of Front Lace I OPENS TOMORROW I Whether you want, the Singular small hat or the smart large hw you will find It in our large assortment. Bridge. Lamps $6.98 Plain tailored or dress hats in all Corsets the new colors.

n * HULTMAN’S w m Complete with silk shade * Second Floor $5.00 to $8.50 1 New Boys’ Department | The metal base is finished in Japanese Simplicity is the keynote in so bronze and comes in two different styles. ' many of the new frocks that one Notions Complete with'beautiful silk shade, hand­ must be careful to preserve simplic­ ity of figure lines also. They must L DOWN STAIRS I somely trimmed with rushing, rosebuds, etc. be youthful, straight and smooth. at reduced prices Many different shapes to select from in the Whatever' kind of underfltting you = ' weeks of preparation our new Bovs Deoartment a i wanted colors. On sale Saturday morning have in mind, do not fail to inquire =. * the grip of a cold wave that seems South Methodist Episcopal church and patrons’-night in Odd Fellows to have struck all of New England. was announced today by Rev. with sermon by the pastor. Ser­ Records tomorrow from 9 a. m. tc CAPS Joseph Cooper. Included in the mon subject: “The Ethics of Good hall last evening. This is one of 8 p. m. After they take the oath A large assortment at $1. What few people were on the evening services will be the “Holy Reading.” the important events of the year they will have the opportunity tc streets wore overcoats and those City”, Gaul’s great oratorio and an 7.00 p. m.—English Night. Ser­ and the affair which began with a register with the party of theii who did not wear them wished that Irish and Scotch night with special mon subject: “Tennyson: In Memo- choice. This will save them thf BELTS riam.” supper in the banquet hall at 6.30. trouble of appearing before the reg­ Foot Ball FREE! |they did. Late this morning the services. The life of Alfred Lord was successful from every point of E= Wide sport style, 75c. Tennyson, poet laureate of England view. Nearly every court in the istrars at any future date. temperature had risen to only 53 will be treated in a special sermon With every purchase of $5 or more in I degrees on Main street. state was represented. Mrs. Mary NECKWEAR by the pastor on “Tennyson, In Me- LOCAL MAN DIVORCED. E. Woodcock of Waterbury, grand COMPLAINS THAT COW our Boys’ Department tomorrow, we will 3 A hoar frost was seen by those moriam” on Sunday, October 31. DISTURBS SLUMBERS. Plenty of attractive styles, 50c. who were up early this morning bat royal matron of the state court was give a nice Leather Covered Football Free. = Following is the complete pro­ one of the guests of honor. farmers in this section said that lit­ gram: Charging desertion. Nelson J, A unique complaint was received tle or no damage was done to their The sapper was in charge of Mrs. October 10— Caye of this town was granted a di­ Rachel Tilden, and the favors were by the Manchester police depart­ crops. Only the tender things 10.45 a. m.—Morning worship vorce. in superior court yesterday ment last night. such as tomatoes were injured to provided by a committee beaded by with sermon. Preacher, Rev. John by Judge Nickerson from Rose Miss : Olive Chapman. The color A woman on Bigelow street said any extent. Some farmers report­ Duxbury. Melow Caye of Springfield, formerly that the bellowing of a cow al: a ed damage to apples. scheme was red and white and a 7.00 p. m.—Pleasant Sunday of Windsor. profusion of garden flowers in these nearby residence was disturbing From other parts of New. Eng­ Evening. Scotch Night. Ser­ They , were married in March, her slumbers. Arthur L. Hultman land came reports of snow and in­ colors was used in the table decora­ mon: “The Religion of Sir Walter 1922 and Nickerson testified that tions. Florence’s Delicatessen shop Next door to Manchester Trust Co. creasing cold weather. Manches­ Scott.” she had run away with another man ter had the cold weather, last night catered. • Chicago beauty doctors Are E i October 17— on, March 20, 1923. Caye was The acting royal matron for the but today the temperature had 10.45 a. m.—^^Rally Day in Sun­ represented by Frederick J. Rund- ready to strike ler more laan A3d risen considerably. day School and Church. work last night was Mrs. Weed of a week. Is that a tfihute to Chi- ■ baken of Hartford, Morris Court, Bridgeport, and the cago women? t
