NET PRESS RUN! AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION: THE WEATHER. OF THE EVENING HERALD for the month of September, 1926. State Conn,. Cloudy tonight. Saturday clear 4,849 attr and cold. VOL. XLV., NO. 7. Classified Advertising on Page 0 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1926. (TVi'BNTY PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS PUT ALU FAITH HEATER CAUSED OLD SWINDLE IN THIS PAPER 400 SOUTHRONS Shaw Couid Make Better T H A N STIRS PARKER DEATHS CHICAGO POUCE Candidate’s Total Campaign Films for Nickle, He Says Hartford Poisonings Due to WAS WORKED Spending Two-fifty to Buy LYNCH WOMAN A.F.LIREBY FACEBL0W4)FF and Mail Herald. Carbon “Dioxide,” Final De­ cision of Authorities. ON m O D K A Hartford, Oct. 8.— Deputy WITH TWO MEN London, Oct. 8.— "With Amerl- “ It reminds me of the time Mr. PROPAGANDA can and European producers clabi-YGoldwyn ealled on me here and Hartfrd, Oct. 8.— Dr. Henry ON HUGE GRAFT Sheriff Eugene W. House, of orlng for his work and offering Glastonbury, spent $2.50 in talked to me for half an hour about M. Costello, medical examiner, I - stupendous sums for anything he himself. He said he’d made so and Dr. Arthur J. Wolff have his campaign for the nomina writes, G’ orgs Bernard Shaw, his Foreigners Thmk North End tlon for Sheriff of Hartford much money he didn’t care about found that carbon dioxide poi­ Negro Trio, Tried and Ac­ seventieth birthday behind him, money at all. He asked me to Believed Bearer of Olive Huge Scandal in Bootleg county. The expense included believes that he has passed the son, emanating from a gas write a scenario for him, declaring heater, caused the death of Man Gave Stranger His purchase and mailing of fifty apex of his career as an author his sole future objective was to im­ copies of the Manchester quitted of KHIing, Mur­ and dramatist, and he frankly ad­ Branch, Switches His Brooks K. Parker and his prove the level of art throughout daughter Helena, aged five, Protection Coining as Herald which contained mat­ mits it. the world. ter favorable to his candi­ Returning from a holiday in here on Sunday night. Money for Alleged Money dered by Mob at Aiken, “ I listened quietly to him, and Speech to Advocacy of Their report was accepted dacy. Italy where he worked diligently at the end of the half hour, in bid­ U. S. Grand Jury Probes Edgar G. Daniels, unsuccess­ but with little success on his latest today by Coroner J. Gilbert ding him good-bye I remarked, Calhoun and State Attorney Making Machine. ful candidate for the nomina­ South Carolina. project, a book to be entitled “ The “ I’m afraid, Mr. Goldwyn that .we Russ Recognition. Hugh M. Alcorn as clearing Corruption. tion as senator from the thirty- Intelligent "Woman’s Guide to shall not ever be able to do busi­ second district, spent $20 for Socialism,” Shaw lamented his in­ ness together. You see you’re an up the mystery surrounding ability to push ahead as quickly the deaths. After testifying in court yester­ hire of automobiles. Aiken, S. C., Oct. 8.— Three ne­ artist and care only about art, John E. Doughan, of New- as he used to. while I’m only a tradesman and Detroit, Oct. 8.— The whirlpool Chicago, Oct. 8.— Another -whole* day morning against Philip Sal- groes, two men and a woman, were Ha\-*n, Democratic candidate Shaw’s debut as a film actor care only about money.” that since Tuesday has been rag­ sale batch of indictments similar to enik who stole $1,000 from him. taken from the county jail today took place in Italy where he par­ Anthony Prihodka, of 60 North for Congress from the third Five Cent Films ing in the American Federation of ORMISTON’S STORY the 79 handed down against Cicero district, has appointed Frank and shot to death‘by a mob of 400 ticipated in a brief "film inter­ "Griffith is an excellent exam­ Labor convention around the De­ street, evidently departed for parts view,” a scheme whereby phonjH gangsters and public officials a unknown for he had not shown up S. Bergin as political agent. men. They were accused of the ple of the American producer of troit Y.'M. C. A., today had drawn week ago, hovers over the Chicago graphs are synchronized with the today. Unless he spends thous­ at his rooms up to 10 o'clock last Patrick J. Goode, also of New murder of Sheriff Henry H. How­ city police department’s alleged Haven, has been appointed film, so that the performer is made ands and thousands of dollars he into its vortex Sherwood Eddy, in­ PUT IN EVIDENCE night. ard, who was killed during a liquor to talk while his picture is being bootlegging activities. The Herald made a persistent political agent for David M. raid. doesn’t think his picture is any ternational secretary for Asia of shown. good. When he was over here I Between fifty and one hundred effort to locate Tony yesterday aft­ Richman, of the same city. The lynching followed a verdict the “ Y” organization. policemen, detectives and politicians Democratic candidate for The description of. this stunt told him I could produce far bet­ ernoon and last evening in an at­ of not guilty returned yesterday turned Shaw’s thoughts to the Labor officials and delegates to­ will be hit by the federal grand tempt to learn n^ore about the al­ secretary of state. ter films than he could for about against Demon Loman, 21. The movies in a general way. five cents each. day were openly charging that Denial He Had Part in Mc­ jury probe scheduled to start Wed­ leged counterfeiting plant found in other negroes slain were Bertha Lo­ Goldwjm Talked of Self "Chaplin seems to be the best Eddy had taken advantage of the nesday, government officials pre­ a room in the North End. All of man, 26, wife of Demon, and his dicted today. "The chief complaint I have to producer. He wastes very little, Federation to obtain the floor and Pherson Disappearance Is his friends were found but Tony brother, Clyde Loman, 18. make against the American film Cicero Drop in Bucket. himself was not about. He has two and when he gets his effect he deliver a propaganda address in Lock Up Jailor, Sheriff. Is that the producers think that snaps off at once. I realize of The Cicero investigation was > small rooms in the basement of i While the mob was storming the behalf of European debt cancella­ OLD WOMAN KILLED as long as it costs money it must course that ot prevent wastage is tion and recognition of Soviet Recited by Detective mere “ drop in the bucket” federal 60 North street where he keeps jail, Jailor W. H. Taylor called be good. The backers of the officials said today as compared to bachelor's hall. One room he uses extremely difficult.” Russia. Sheriff Charles Robinson but when American films are presumably Then Shaw revealed that he had the activities which will be revealed for a kitchen where he cooks his the latter arrived Taylor had been When Eddy was extended the all business men who think of art courtesy of the platform, at his by the Chicago probe. And the meals and the other he uses as a BY FLOWING GAS locked in a cell. Robinson also was Los Angeles, Calif., Oct. 8. merely in terms of money. (Continued on page 15) own request, it was with the be­ money revealed as Cicero profits. bedroom. overpowered and locked up. Kenneth Ormiston’s denial to the | lief that he had come in an effort Los Angeles police that he had any- ® Friends Talk. The mob hustled the woman and et change when compared to the Although Tony was not seen, to repudiate, on behalf of the Y. thing to do with the disappearance the two men to a patch of woods M. C. A., the action of the Detroit huge takings which Chicago pro­ friends told a different story than three miles south of the city where of Aiihee Semple McPherson, his vided. Nearly Blind, She Accident­ WILL GREET YANKS body in canceling an invitation for former employer, will be made pub­ Tony about how the money got in­ they shot them to death. PHILIP R. PRATT "It was not the Cicero, Chicago to Salenik's possession. He told President William Green to ad­ lic for the first time today when , Once Convicted dress a “ Y” meeting Sunday af­ Heights, South Chicago and other some of them that the Massachu­ ally Opens Jets on Stove; The Loman brothers were con­ Captain of Detectives Joe Taylor ternoon. takes the stand in the preliminary outlying police, officials, and gang­ setts man stole it from under his victed of the murder of Sheriff LIKE CONQUERORS sters who made the real dough,’’ pillow but others figured that the FOUND WANDERING Warmly Greeted hearing of the evangelist on con­ Howard at their first trial last year When he was introduced by Pres­ one federal official said. "They affair happened this way: Found Unconscious. and were sentenced to die In the spiracy charges to defeat justice Salenik told Tony that he had a ident Green as “ one who is in and to manufacture false evidence. were just minor figures in the'huge electric chair. The women was sympathy with the humane work booze scheme which had its centei machine that could make money given ^ life term in prison.
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