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C ASS C!TY cHRONICLE EIGHT PAGES. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1930. VOLUME 24, NUMBER 40. VASSAR WON HER FIRST Coolidge school in Ferndale, her FATHER IS RELEASED present plans being to continue with AFTER CHILDREN DIE II, Llll[ FIII[II II[ her work. LllI Plllllo Mr. Brieker is well and favorably Vassar won from Case City in the TWO children are dead as a result known in Case City. For several debate held here Friday evening and of burns in a fire which destroye&the !I! !Flll IIFIII ~-~ ha ~n~ omnlnvoct n.~ the cash- III 1111 IIII ~oavocl tho~ fiw.~f, vie~nrv (~ the. ~ea- of Raison, in Huron county, about during that was prominent in Vassar's representatives presenting Only 21 Cases Listed for Next period 10:00 a. m., on Thursday, Jan. 9. Thirty Relatives and Pioneer Maroons' Contest with County the afftrmative argument were Verda Two Companies Hold Oil Leases community activities here. Mrs. Minnie Kalka was returning Session of Court in Tuscola The principals of the Ferndale Residents Present at Golden Barnes, Gretchen Van Wormer and Seaters Hardest Fought from a neighbor's home when two of on Farms in Novesta and Schools and the executive council of George Atkins. Case City's team in- County. Game Here in Years. her children rushed to tell her that Wedding Jan. 9. the board of education entertained at eluded Horace Pinney, Bernita Taylor Grant Townships. the house was on fire. She ran home a luncheon honoring Mrs. Bricker at and rescued her two small children and Richard Van Winkle. The number of cases listed on the the Fox and Hounds Inn, Bloomfield The Case City High School basket The home of Mr. and Mrs. John C. C. Barnes, registrar of Central Are the geological formations of from the- burning house. Raymond, calendar of the circuit court in Tus- Center, Friday afternoon. ball team evened up the percentage Sector, corner of Pine and West St., State Teachers College at~Mt. Pleas- cola county the past year has been Novesta township in Tuscola county six months old, died late on Thurs- ant, served as judge, and after the • column in the last week's play, losing (lay, and Casimer, two years old, was the scene of a happy gathering greatly lessened when compared with and of Grant township in Huron a ball game to Pigeon 24-18 on the Thursday, January 9, the occasion be- decision had been announced, gave a QUICK-GIFFORD. passed away Saturday. the number of previous years, indi- county favorable for the production helpful and instructive critical sur- Pigeon cement and coming" out of the Frank Kalka, father of two chil- ing the 50th anniversary of the wed- cating" quicker action in court pro- of oil? This is a question that is',of doldrums to beat Caro 12-5 on the vey of the contest." Willis Campbell dren who died of burns, has been re- ding of their uncle and aunt, Mr. cedure. The calendar of the January particular interest to half a hundred Berneice Quick of Pontiac, daughter home floor. and John Striver. Thirty rela- presided as chairman. leased from Ionia reformatory ° where Mrs. term which opens Monday, January farmers, more or less, in the two of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Quick of Pigeon presented a nice working tives and old pioneers were present Case City will debate at Bad Axe he was serving a term for mortgag- 27, contains but 21 cases as follows: townships, who have leased their Cuss City, and Elmer Gifford of Port-~machine and played good basket bali and extended congratulations and en- on Jan. 22. ing live stock which not wholly be- farms to oil companies within the tiac were married in Toledo, Ohio, on in the last three periods to win. The joyed the bountiful twelve o'clock Criminal Cases. long'ed to him. Judge X. A. Boom- past two years. Jan. 4. maroon team started with a bang, dinner. The wedding cake of three The People vs. O. Westfall, for- In N.ovesta township, several leases hower, took the matter up with the Mrs. Gifford is supervisor of a hanging up seven points to the ho- stories, surmounted by an ornament (rerv were made in July 1928, by T. M. governor after the fire and secured ward in the Pontiac State Hospital mere 0 in the first quarter. Starting with wedding bell and dove was cut The People vs. Chas. Johnson, as- Wills and Worthy E. Dyson. Checks quick action. IFI [I IIAWI and Mr. Gifford has charge of the the second period, the Huronites reg- by the bride, assisted by the groom. sault. covering oil lease payments have general dining: room at that institu- istered 18 before Case City was able The rooms and table were trimmed in been written by the Mellon-Pollock Civil Cases° tion. They will make their home in to reach the net. Capt. Edgerton led gold and white. Boquets of white car- Oil Co., the checks being" drawn on URY International Agricultural Corpor- Pontiac and continue their work at the scoring with five field goals and nations and yellow chrysanthemums FIR PIll the Mellon National Bank of Pitts- ation, a New York corporation, vs. the state hospital. one foul toss for ii. Kretzchmer, Iio IILI [II III'I helped to make the rooms beautiful. bui'g, Pa. The checks received here Roberts, and Barabas played good Clifford J. Miller, assumpsit~ Mr. and Mrs. Striver each received a Thirty Men Notified for Service John Rogner vs. Christ G. Keinath, -within the, past ten days are in pay- ball for Pigeon and presented a scor- gold piece as a remembrance from et al. ment of the leases for the first three ing combination not to be denied. as Jurymen for January II.I IllllL I[I those present. Emile Ortner vs. Christ G. Kein- months of 1930. Against Caro, the locals presented Mr. Striver was born August 12, According to information received WILLlllILI I111 Term. ath, et al, collection of note. their best game of the season, put- 1854 and came with his parents to Claud Andrews, Frank A. Beach from a Novesta township farmer who ting on one of the tightest defenses Underconsumption of Butter ts Case City 59 years ago. Mrs. Striver signed an oit lease agreement in July A list of 30 petit jurors was drawn and L. J. Bartholomy, a co-partner- a home team ever used+ The first half Partly Cause of Slump was born April 2~, 1858, and came ship, vs. Thomas Schweigert and 1928, the oil company promises 50 IF IIW!I IIlllI[l was slow and actionless, with ma- from the petit jury box at the county the with her parents to Case City when Elizabeth Schweigert, assumpsit. cents an acre annually providing roon squad unable to pierce the Said Speaker° clerk's office on Jan. 13 by Guy N. ,~,ix months old. Lemuel Lee vs. Ira Wilson et al, there is no operation, these payments smooth working Caro zone defense. John Scriver and Rosa S eeger were Ormes, county clerk, R. J. Hutchin- to start 18 months after the lease is Electrical Equipment Will Be son, deputy sheriff and Robt. Brown, damages. Capt. Edgerton controlled the ball on The Tuscola County I-tolstein Asso- married January 8, 1880, at Watrous- signed and payable quarterly in ad- justice of the peace. They are to John Browning vs. Steve Panicle One of Farmers Week Ex- the center tip and with a two point ciation held its annual meeting Mon- viile and three months later came to vance. If operations are started on serve at the January term of circuit and Kingston State Bank, assumpsit hibits February 3-7. lead after the first three minutes, day, Jan. t3, at the high school at make their home on a farm l a~ miles the land, the property owner receives court in Tuscola county which con- and garnishment. the home team refused to lose pos- Fairgrove. Sixty people attended the south and one mile east of Cass City. one-eighth of the oil produced instead venes Monday, Jan. 27. The names of The First National Bank of Bay session of the ball. With the minutes excellent banquet served by the home They have lived there and in their of the 50-cent per acre rental fee. In Time and tide may wait for no man the jurymen follow. City, trustee in bankruptcy .of Ealy, slipping by, the shifting county seat- economics department of the high home on West street since. For many Stacy & Co., vs. Abe Harrison, re- the event that a gas flow as welI as but the way in which power that is ers constantly stopped the Case City Akron--Coo. Prime. school. The program immediately fol- years they have spent their winters covery on note. oil is the result of the drilling, the generated, by flowing water is im- threat, but the boys cagily held the Almer John Starkey. lowed the banquet. B. H. Cornell, in town and the summers on the The First'National Bank of Bay owner receives $10.00 annually on prisoned within a wire where it ball and refused to lose the slight farm, but because of ill health the Arbela Anton Ill, Norwood Van each well in addition to the one- editor of the Fairgrove Enterprise, City, trustee in bankruptcy of Ealy, awaits the moment of its release for margin. The half ended with the gave the address of welcome. The entire last few years have been spent Wormer.