Thales – brochure corporate – 2005 The world is safer with Thales Intelligence on-board Thales 45 rue de Villiers 92526 Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex France Tel.: +33 (0) 1 57 77 80 00 4877_TH LES_R _GB 23/06/05 13:38 Page 1 THALES 2005 01 PROFILE World leader in aerospace, • A large-scale multidomestic presence: defence and security systems, With industrial operations in nearly thirty coun- tries, Thales maintains a local presence close to Thales, with revenues of more than its customers in order to anticipate their needs 10 billion euros, develops advanced tech- and propose the technical and economical solu- nologies and services for its customers, tions that meet them best. Multidomestic opera- leveraging a global network of 60,000 tions throughout the world bring Thales access to experts and the highly complementary a greater number of domestic markets, as well nature of its businesses. as additional opportunities to export from those markets. The company has successfully pursued To achieve its objectives and satisfy its cus- its multidomestic strategy to emerge as the tomers, Thales is pursuing a strategy based on largest defence contractor in Australia, Korea three major strengths: and the Netherlands, and has achieved an excep- tionally strong position in the United Kingdom, • Strategic positioning: Covering the entire where it is the second-largest supplier to the value chain, Thales provides all the capabi- Ministry of Defence. lities its customers require, from equipment and systems to comprehensive support serv- • Unparalleled technological capability: ices, and including prime contracting on large- Thales solutions draw on an exceptional plat- scale programmes: air defence systems, joint form of technologies with applications across systems, major naval programmes, military the company's whole range of businesses. With aerospace equipment, avionics, training and more than 20,000 high-level researchers, simulation services, air traffic management Thales offers a capability unmatched in Europe and large-scale security solutions. Thales to develop and deploy critical information sys- is a key player on flagship programmes tems for defence and security markets. Thales including the A380 and A400M, the French maintains a portfolio of 12,000 patents and its and British aircraft carriers, UAV systems, research and technological development efforts future soldier systems and the Tiger and are focused on future-oriented topics such as NH90 helicopters. The company is also network-centric warfare, dual technologies and supporting the process of armed forces trans- new-generation avionics – all crucial to success formation through its integrated C4ISR solu- in the company's markets. tions (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, The company's civil and military businesses Reconnaissance), and provides sensitive data develop in parallel to serve a single objective: and site security solutions. the security of people, property and nations. 4877_TH LES_R _GB 24/06/05 14:30 Page 2 MESSAGE FROM TH As our financial performance and commercial successes continue to demonstrate, Thales is progressively consolidating its position as one of the major world leaders in aerospace, defence and security systems. Financial performance. For the past five years, our busi- “ness has grown substantially, with revenues increasing by 70%. The pattern of growth in new orders was slightly affected last year by the rescheduling of two major pro- grammes – Watchkeeper in the United Kingdom and the FREMM multimission frigates – for which the contracts awarded to Thales in 2004 will be reflected in our 2005 figures. But order intake will be stronger from 2005. Today's defence markets are tough, but Thales is fortu- nate to be positioned in growth segments with promising outlooks. Outside the defence sector, Thales is also well positioned to benefit from favourable developments in aerospace and security markets. Operating income rose again in 2004, reaching 729 million euros, an increase of 4.4%. Our operating margin exceed- ed 7% for the first time ever, and our aerospace and defence businesses returned the best operating margin in Europe, with 8.5%. Denis Ranque We are firmly committed to further improvement in our Chairman and Chief Executive financial performance and continued growth in our busi- Officer nesses. With our debt well under control, we have the financial room for manoeuvre to explore external growth “The highly complementary opportunities. nature of our businesses We realigned our organisation with the changing market- place last year when we formed our six new divisions, and and our exceptional techno- we are continuing to leverage technical and operational synergies within the Group in pursuit of the same objec- logical potential are the tive – to continually "do better" in satisfying our cus- basis of our capability tomers today and keeping them satisfied tomorrow. to deliver.” Proud of our successes This commitment to continuous improvement is bearing fruit, as recent successes show – in France, for example, with the Syracuse III and Rafale contracts, in Europe with the FREMM Franco-Italian multimission frigates, and in the United Kingdom with major programmes such as the Watchkeeper tactical UAV system, the FSTA air refuelling programme and latest-generation sonars for the Royal Navy. In the United States, our selection on the Joint 4877_TH LES_R _GB 24/06/05 14:30 Page 3 THALES 2005 02 • 03 E CHAIRMAN Tactical Radio System (JTRS) programme is quite an • Our major strength, and the third pillar of our strategy, achievement for a company with such a strong European is our leadership in the most advanced technologies and pedigree. the dual technologies required to propose the best secu- We are similarly proud to be contributing to some of rity solutions to both civil and military customers. With industry's major adventures, beginning with Airbus 20,000 engineers working on dual technologies, we and, in particular, the A380. This is an outstanding represent by far the largest European capability in our technological challenge, and all our energies across domains. Our pivotal role in numerous European research a whole range of capabilities – from avionics to sim- initiatives is a clear illustration of this leadership. ulators, electrical power generation and in-flight entertainment – are focused on stepping up to that A crucial position challenge. Thales has also positioned itself well on the A400M programme. At the same time, Thales is Thales can be proud of its success in an environment that successfully consolidating its partnerships with is anything but easy – competition is increasing, the dollar Boeing and Sukhoi. is weak, and economic and geopolitical uncertainty abounds. Thales is a central player in its markets in Europe. However, we are well aware of the importance of A winning strategy for long-term success the American market. We are satisfied with our joint ven- Good financial performance and commercial successes ture with Raytheon and particularly proud of the achieve- have come as a direct result of the strategy we have pur- ments of our US subsidiary Thales Communications Inc., sued. The three pillars of that strategy are as follows: which is supplying the new generation of radio systems to • Complete coverage of the value chain: We are still a the US armed forces. We want to build our presence in the major equipment supplier, but we have also taken our United States, where most of our business is in civil and offering to another level by designing and delivering aerospace markets. We are also determined to signi- large-scale systems, assuming prime contracting ficantly strengthen our positions in the high-growth responsibilities and providing long-term support to our markets of Asia, where we are developing a growing customers. As we move up the value chain, the role of number of technical and industrial partnerships. prime contracting and services is crucial. Our customers increasingly expect comprehensive support solutions, We will continue to develop our strategy, stepping up rather than just equipment or systems. By combining our efforts to improve our competitive edge, reduce costs defence experience in the United Kingdom and our indus- and leverage synergies between businesses. try experience in France, we are in a position of strength The highly complementary nature of our businesses in the market for services, which already account for 25% and our exceptional technological potential are the of our business. basis of our capability to deliver the most compre- • The multidomestic dimension is the second pillar of hensive and the most efficient our strategy. Revenues from our multidomestic opera- solutions to our customers. tions have tripled in five years. It is now an accepted prin- ciple that the multidomestic approach to defence markets is the only way to anticipate the needs of customers and propose the best technological, financial and industrial solutions. Solid growth in the United Kingdom, Australia ” and Korea illustrates just how successful our approach is. Gone are the days of relying solely on mega-contracts, which were the engine of our growth in decades past. Today, 75% of our sales come from countries where we are established as a local industry player. 4877_TH LES_R _GB 23/06/05 13:38 Page 4 KEY FIGURES A focused portfolio of businesses The slight decline in revenues in 2004 is entire- Revenues (in millions of euros) 11,105 ly attributable to divestments of non-core busi- 10,569 10,288 nesses since 2000 that have refocused Thales on its core capabilities. 2002 2003 2004 Organised by market 2004 revenues by division Added focus called for a new organisation. Six divisions serve clearly defined customer Land and Joint communities within an organisation optimised Systems 23% for sharing across businesses and countries. Air Systems Naval 20% 13% Services 11% Aerospace 21% Security Other 11% 1% Multidomestic success 2004 revenues by destination The geographical breakdown of sales and staff numbers clearly illustrates one of the company's United Kingdom France 13% major strengths: its international dimension.
5 CARTAS DE PRESENTACIÓN. 10 LATINOAMÉRICA RESISTE SUS INVERSIONES GLOBALES EN DEFENSA 24 LATINOAMÉRICA, PERSPECTIVAS EN DEFENSA Y SEGURIDAD PARA 2015. 28 LATINOAMÉRICA Y LA BÚSQUEDA DE LA MISIÓN DE SUS FUERZAS ARMADAS. 34 DEMANDA DE AERONAVES DE ALA FIJA. 44 COLOMBIA ORIENTA LA ESTRUCTURA DE SUS FUERZAS ARMADAS A LA GUERRA CONVENCIONAL CON NUEVO MATERIAL DE DEFENSA. 50 PROGRAMAS DE ADQUISICIÓN DE SISTEMAS DE DEFENSA AÉREA EN LATINOAMÉRICA. 58 LOS OPV EN IBEROAMÉRICA. PROGRAMAS Y DEMANDA. 66 PANORAMA DE LOS VEHÍCULOS BLINDADOS A RUEDAS EN LATINOAMÉRICA. 74 PRINCIPALES DEMANDAS DE ARMAS CORTAS Y FUSILES DE ASALTO EN LAS FUERZAS ARMADAS DE AMÉRICA LATINA. 80 ENTREVISTA “BRAHMOS”. EL MISIL DE CRUCERO UNIVERSAL ESTÁ PREPARADO PARA LATINOAMÉRICA. 86 ARGENTINA. 95 BELICE. 97 BOLIVIA. Puerto Príncipe nº 3-B - 1º A 28043 Madrid (España) 101 BRASIL. Tels.: +34 91 382 19 45 / +34 91 382 19 46 Fax: +34 91 763 00 21 112 CHILE. E-mail: Web: 119 COLOMBIA. Tras años de crecimiento sostenido en los presupuestos destinados a defensa en América Latina, 2015 regis- 127 COSTA RICA. trará un ligero descenso, como efecto directo del recorte en los generales, fruto del desaceleramiento, cuando no Directora: Eva Cervera 130 CUBA. Producción: Luis Viñuelas ( Infor- frenazo, de un crecimiento económico que en algunos países de la región había sido imparable en el último lus- mática: Martín Villaverde. Administración: Manuel Cedillo ( Distribución: Miguel 133 ECUADOR. tro. En 2014, el gasto en defensa y seguridad en la región registró la cifra total de 71.600 millones de USD, un Martínez (
Thales - Corporate Responsibility Report 2006 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2006 Thales 45 rue de Villiers 92526 Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex France Tél. : +33 (0) 1 57 77 80 00 THALES Message from the Chairman p. 1 Thales profile and key figures p. 2 Highlights of 2006 p. 4 Issues and vision p. 5 Corporate governance, ethics and corporate responsibility organisation p. 11 A responsible business growth p. 22 A company of choice p. 27 A broader vision of corporate responsibility p. 50 A responsible player in environmental protection p. 59 A global leader recognised as a responsible player p. 72 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ĵ This document is the Thales Corporate Responsibility report for 2006. The report presents the Group’s businesses and key figures and reviews the action taken by Thales in 2006 with respect to the company's corporate responsibility. It reports on substantive measures by the company in the areas of finance, employee relations, employment, and social and environmental protection. In accordance with Group’s international involvement, supported by its multidomestic strategy, the report provides detailed information of french companies about social and environmental initiatives as well as actions in other countries where Thales has significant operations. Photos credits: Photopointcom • Design and production: - 7373. Publication date: September 2007. This document is available on > MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN his second edition of the Annual “ Corporate Responsibility Report T confirms Thales's commitment to a rigorous and proactive policy in the area of Confidence underpins Corporate Responsibility. the long-term growth and As Thales writes a new chapter in its history, performance of Thales. 2014 REPORT Corporate Responsibility CONTENTS 04 PRINCIPLES OF RESPONSIBILITY 05 EDITORIAL 06 2014 HIGHLIGHTS 09 ABOUT THALES A global technology leader Driven by innovation Customer focus Ambition Boost performance improvement programme 21 ETHICS AND CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY The key to being a responsible business A dedicated organisation Behavioural intelligence Supporting the initiative 31 CUSTOMERS AND SUPPLIERS Integrity and responsible business conduct Strict compliance with export control regulations Responsible purchasing for lasting relationships with suppliers 47 GOVERNANCE AND INVESTORS Ownership structure and corporate governance Transparency and regular dialogue with investors 53 EMPLOYEES Strategic commitments on social responsibility Developing our people Constructive social dialogue A safe and healthy workplace Encouraging diversity and equal opportunities 69 ENVIRONMENT A history of environmental commitment Engaging employees Thales’s “green touch” for sustainable innovation Reducing our environmental footprint 85 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT The Thales Foundation: innovating for people Policy at country level The 2014 Corporate Responsibility Report illustrates Thales’s commitments and actions in a number of areas of corporate responsibility, including but not limited to the measures in place to ensure compliance. This document can be downloaded in accessible PDF format for blind and partially sighted readers from Thales’s dedicated corporate responsibility internet portal: 2014 Registration Document ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT WorldReginfo - c108f9bb-0ac3-48ef-aec5-568aafb789d5 Table of contents 11 Chairman & chief executive offi cer’s foreword 2 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 2014 7 Overview of the Group 3 1.1 Group management report 8 History 4 1.2 Consolidated fi nancial statements 29 Key data 5 1.3 Parent company management report and fi nancial statements 87 21 BUSINESS REVIEW 121 2.1 Operating segments 122 2.2 Research and innovation 131 2.3 Relations between Thales and its subsidiaries 134 2.4 Information about major operational subsidiaries and manufacturing sites 136 31 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 139 3.1 Members of the Board of directors at 31 December 2014 140 3.2 Chairman’s report to the General Meeting of 13 May 2015 on corporate governance, internal control and risk management 148 3.3 Statutory auditors’ report prepared in accordance with Article L.225-235 of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce) on the report of the Chairman of the Board of directors of Thales 161 3.4 General management 162 3.5 Incentives and profi t-sharing 173 3.6 Statutory auditors 174 41 COMPANY AND SHARE CAPITAL 177 4.1 General information about the Company 178 4.2 General Meetings 179 4.3 Share capital and shareholders 180 4.4 Regulated commitments 193 4.5 Stock market information fi nancial communication 198 51 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY 205 5.1 Social Information 206 5.2 Environmental information 220 5.3 Societal information 232 5.4 Statutory auditors’ independent third-party report on consolidated social, environmental and societal information published in the management report 239 5.5 Social, environmental and societal information 241 WorldReginfo - c108f9bb-0ac3-48ef-aec5-568aafb789d5 2014 Registration document Including the Annual Financial Report The registration document was filed with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) on 1 April 2015 , in accordance with Article 212-13 of the AMF General Regulations.
RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE 0 BUDGET GÉNÉRAL MISSION MINISTÉRIELLE 2 PROJETS ANNUELS DE PERFORMANCES 0 ANNEXE AU PROJET DE LOI DE FINANCES POUR 2 ÉQUIPEMENT DES FORCES PROGRAMME 146 Équipement des forces PROGRAMME 146 ÉQUIPEMENT DES FORCES MINISTRE CONCERNÉE : FLORENCE PARLY, MINISTRE DES ARMÉES Présentation stratégique du projet annuel de performances 4 Objectifs et indicateurs de performance 7 Présentation des crédits et des dépenses fiscales 11 Justification au premier euro 25 4 PLF 2020 Équipement des forces Programme n° 146 PRÉSENTATION STRATÉGIQUE PRÉSENTATION STRATÉGIQUE DU PROJET ANNUEL DE PERFORMANCES Général d'armée François LECOINTRE / Ingénieur général de l'armement de classe exceptionnelle Joël BARRE Chef d'état-major des armées / Délégué général pour l'armement Responsable du programme n° 146 : Équipement des forces Le programme 146 « Équipement des forces » vise à mettre à disposition des armées les armements et matériels nécessaires à la réalisation de leurs missions. Il concourt par ailleurs au développement et au maintien des savoir-faire industriels français ou européens. Un programme co-piloté Le programme 146 est co-piloté par le chef d’état-major des armées (CEMA) et le délégué général pour l’armement (DGA), au titre de leurs responsabilités respectives. Ces responsabilités s’exercent dans les domaines de la cohérence capacitaire et du format des armées, de la recherche, de la coopération internationale dans le secteur de l’armement ainsi que du maintien et du développement de la base industrielle et technologique de défense. Ce co-pilotage est réalisé à travers plusieurs instances de gouvernance dont le comité directeur du programme au cours duquel sont rendus les arbitrages et fixés les principaux objectifs.
Perspectives D'évolution De L'industrie De Défense En Europe
Perspectives d’évolution de l’industrie de défense en Europe Hélène Masson – Cédric Paulin (1er septembre 2007) Avec le soutien du Centre des Hautes Études de l’Armement (CHEAr) _____________________ Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique • 27, rue Damesme • 75013 PARIS Tél. : 01 43 13 77 77 • fax : 01 43 13 77 78 • http :// Siret 394 095 533 00045 • TVA FR74 394 095 533 • Code APE 732Z Fondation reconnue d'utilité publique – Décret du 26 février 1993 PERSPECTIVES D ’EVOLUTION DE L ’INDUSTRIE DE DEFENSE EN EUROPE RECHERCHES & DOCUMENTS SOMMAIRE LISTE DES ACRONYMES ......................................................................................................................................... 7 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 11 PARTIE 1 LES INDUSTRIES DE DEFENSE EN EUROPE : ETAT DES LIEUX PAR SECTEUR ET PERSPECTIVES D ’EVOLUTION .................................................................. 13 1 – SECTEUR AEROSPATIAL MILITAIRE (HM) ........................................................................................................ 13 1.1 – Positionnement stratégique des grands maîtres d’œuvre et principaux moteurs de croissance du secteur ..................................................................... 13 1.1.1 – Profil des donneurs d’ordre ......................................................................................................... 13 1.1.2 – Moteurs de
Calepin international des principales entreprises travaillant pour la défense Édition Mai 2009 DÉLÉGATION GÉNÉRALE POUR L’ARMEMENT Sommaire Sommaire .............................................................................................. p. 3 Carte des ensembles de sécurité en Europe ............................................ p. 4 Préface .................................................................................................. p. 5 Taux de change de l’Euro ....................................................................... p. 6 Fiches sociétés (pays de la LoI* + États-Unis) Sommaire sociétés pays de la LoI + États-Unis ....................................... p. 7 à 8 Fiches sociétés pays de la LoI + États-Unis ............................................. p. 9 à 112 Tableaux pays (LoI* + Etats-Unis) Sommaire tableaux pays de la LoI + États-Unis ...................................... p. 114 Allemagne............................................................................................. p. 116 Espagne ................................................................................................ p. 117 États-Unis d’Amérique ........................................................................... p. 118 France ................................................................................................... p. 119 Italie ..................................................................................................... p. 120 Royaume-Uni .......................................................................................
Anticipating Restructuring in the European Defense Industry
ANTICIPATING RESTRUCTURING IN THE EUROPEAN DEFENSE INDUSTRY A study coordinated by BIPE with contributions from: Wilke, Maack & Partners - Wmp Consult (Germany), The Centre for Defence Economics, York University (UK), Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology (Sweden) ZT Konsulting (Poland) Authors: Professor Ola Bergstrom, Mr. Frédéric Bruggeman, Mr. Jerzy Ganczewski, Professor Keith Hartley, Mr. Dominique Sellier, Dr. Elisabeth Waelbroeck-Rocha, Dr Peter Wilke, Professor Dr. Herbert Wulf The consultant takes full responsibility for the views and the opinion expressed in this report. The report does not necessarily reflects the views of the European Commission for whom it was prepared and by whom it was financed. European Defence Industry Anticipating Restructuring Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................5 I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................9 II. DEVELOPMENT DURING THE PAST DECADE AND PRESENT INDUSTRY STRUCTURE ........................................11 1. Defining the defence industry............................................................................................................................... 11 2. Structure of the EU Defence Industry: the demand side.................................................................................... 12 2.1. Budgets................................................................................................................................................................
45, rue de Villiers - 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine -France -92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine 45, ruedeVilliers Tél. :+33(0)1 57778000 Rapport annuel 2006 THALES DOCUMENT DERÉFÉRENCE INFORMATION DESACTIONNAIRES ACTIVITÉS RAPPORT FINANCIER 2006 RAPPORT ANNUEL La brochure de présentation du Groupe estdisponiblesur deprésentation duGroupe La brochure sent documentderéférence. soitcouvertesàunautreendroitdupré- pour l'investisseur, Les partiesnoninclusesdecesdocumentssontsoitsansobjet - - référence dansleprésentdocumentde: la Commission,lesinformationssuivantessontinclusespar En applicationdel'article28durèglement(CE)n du 12avril2006 déposé auprèsdel'AutoritédesMarchésFinanciersendate figurant auxpages24à69dudocumentderéférence2005 les comptesconsolidésetrapportsd'auditcorrespondant date du15avril2005 enregistré auprèsdel'AutoritédesMarchésFinanciersen figurant auxpages25à58dudocumentderéférence2004 les comptesconsolidésetrapportsd'auditcorrespondant Financiers. une noted’opérationviséeparl’AutoritédesMarchés l’appui d’uneopérationfinancières’ilestcomplétépar l’Autorité desMarchésFinanciers.Ilpourraêtreutiliséà mément àl’article212-13durèglementgénéralde l’Autorité desMarchésFinanciersle25avril2007confor- Le présentdocumentderéférenceaétédéposéauprès ° 809/2004de Réalisé par créapix - Agence conseil en édition d'entreprise - Paris SOMMAIRE Personnes responsables . .2 Présentation du Groupe . .3 Historique . .4 Chiffres-clés . .8 RAPPORT FINANCIER 2006 11 I. Rapport de gestion du Groupe . .12 II. Comptes
Document de Référence 2012 RAPPORT FINANCIER ANNUEL Personne responsable 2 Présentation du Groupe 3 Historique 4 Sommaire Chiffres clés 5 1 États financiers 2012 7 1.1 Rapport de gestion du Groupe 8 1.2 Comptes consolidés 32 1.3 Rapport de gestion et comptes de la société mère 94 2 Activités 133 2.1 Chiffres clés 134 2.2 Recherche et innovation 135 2.3 Relations entre Thales et ses filiales 138 2.4 Données sur les principales filiales opérationnelles et principaux sites industriels 140 2.5 Secteurs opérationnels et Zones Géographiques 142 3 Information des actionnaires 159 3.1 Société et capital 160 3.2 Gouvernement d’entreprise 178 3.3 Informations boursières et communication financière 213 4 Responsabilité d’entreprise 221 4.1 Informations sociales 222 4.2 Informations environnementales 241 4.3 Informations sociétales 257 4.4 Table de concordance en vertu de l’article R. 225-105-1 du Code de commerce 263 Sommaire détaillé 266 Table de concordance 274 Table de réconciliation rapport financier annuel 278 Document de référence incluant le rapport financier annuel 2012 Le document de référence a été déposé auprès de l’Autorité des marchés financiers le 3 avril 2013 conformément à l’article 212-13 du règlement général de l’Autorité des marchés financiers. Il pourra être utilisé à l’appui d’une opération financière s’il est complété par une note d’opération visée par l’Autorité des marchés financiers. Il a été établi par l’émetteur et engage la responsabilité de ses signataires. En application de l’article 28 du règlement (CE) n° 809/2004
European Defence Agency Invitees Annual Conference 2018 29/10/2018 Address First name Last name Company Permanent Mission of Switzerland to NATO Mission of Norway to the EU Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the European Union Ministry of Defence, Norway Norwegian Ministry of Defense Mission of Switzerland to the European Union VBS‐GS‐VBS Office National Armaments Director Norwegian Defence Research Establishment Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union Norwegian Ministry of Defense Mission of Switzerland to the European Union Permanent Mission of Switzerland to NATO Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) Universita di Pisa Universität der Bundeswehr München University of Patras Vrije Universiteit Brussel Politecnico di Milano TNO Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) AgentFly Technologies, Czech Technical University Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) Cranfield University Mission of the Republic of Serbia to NATO Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Serbia Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the EU Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the EU Ministry of Defence, Serbia Defence and Internal Security Committee Ministry of Defence of Ukraine Mission of the Ukraine to the EU Mission of Norway to the EU Mission of the Republic of Serbia to NATO Mission of the Ukraine to the EU Ministry of Defence, Serbia Ministry of Defence, Latvia Ministry of Defence, Estonia Ministry of Defence, Lithuania Ministry of Defence, France Ministry of Defence, Romania Ministry of