Anti-/Pron Post On TRP Admits Jerking Off Feels Better Than Sex 31 upvotes | 6 December, 2016 | by fuxdpus

Here's the relevant quote:

A vagina simply cannot replicate the pressure and motion of your hand that you're accustomed to.

Link to the full post Is MGTOW against masturbation? Cause jerking off is pretty awesome IMO. I like having sex with women, but if women are too unattractive and/or too demanding I'd rather jack off. Jacking feels awesome, its free, and has fewer risks than real sex.

Archived from Page 1 of 8 Comments

Thevoiceofreason420 • 28 points • 6 December, 2016 06:09 PM Lol no Mgtow aint against masturbation, actually I would think most are for it. Wanting to have sex is in our biology its in our genes, masturbation takes care of that urge. Although I must say giving up masturbation is also a choice. After a while the urge or need eventually starts to subside and goes away all together after a while. You have tons more energy, you arent spending time even thinking about sex or masturbation. But to each their own its called Mgtow, going your own way, do what makes you happy as long as you dont let others influence who you are or what you do its all good bro.

Fl333r • 1 point • 7 December, 2016 03:55 PM Wouldn't you just have wet dreams if you quit masturbating?

[deleted] 6 December, 2016 07:28 PM* [deleted]

manifesto18 • 1 point • 7 December, 2016 01:31 AM Right on

[deleted] • 7 points • 6 December, 2016 07:37 PM You took that quote way out of context. The paragraph that its from is summarizing how years and years of porn use + masturbation can desensitize someone so badly that a vagina can't replicate that feeling anymore. That's why there are links between too much porn consumption and E.D. Masturbation is for the weak.

[deleted] • 2 points • 7 December, 2016 02:06 AM On what basis do you say, "masturbation is for the weak"? What do you mean by that?

[deleted] • 1 point • 7 December, 2016 09:54 PM It's an easy desire to give into, and can often get in the way of life. I suppose I was strictly speaking to those who use it as en escape, similar to heroin addicts. For me, it's just a bad habit in general that serves no purpose. The cons outweigh the benefits.

[deleted] • 2 points • 8 December, 2016 01:02 AM Well, look, we all have our own lives to live. If you feel masturbation doesn't benefit you and brings you down, and you don't do it because of that, that's fine with me. Your decision to masturbate or not doesn't affect me at all. Therefore, I would never judge or condemn you for not masturbating. That being said, and perhaps I'm wrong, you come off, at least to me, as saying, or at least implying, "I don't do it, so no one else should do it either." Maybe it serves no purpose for YOU, but that doesn't mean it doesn't serve positive purposes for others. I don't think it makes sense to project your mindset and values in this area onto others. Personally, I love masturbation and has served as an excellent release for me in periods of time when I, for various reasons, cannot have sex with an actual woman. Yes,I love masturbation but I would never insist that you have to do it too. Page 2 of 8 [deleted] • 1 point • 8 December, 2016 02:45 AM Not how I meant to come off at all. I wouldn't want someone to change their life based on my beliefs, but I'd want them to have an open mind. My life was never ruined by jerking off, it's never gotten in the way of school or work. Being a daily activity, my mind and body had adapted to that. After abstaining for a few months and starting again, I could really feel the difference it made on my body. It was hard to tell it was affecting me so much when it was happening, I had to quit to see. Life was already good, it just got better.

[deleted] • 1 point • 10 December, 2016 05:18 PM Forgive the late response. Glad not masturbating is helping you. That's not the path for me, but if it works for you, great.

project_mayhem_ • 0 points • 7 December, 2016 03:25 AM I didn't read the post, but did it also say that years and years of vagina use can desensitize someone so badly that he can't masturbate anymore? because if not, I would suggest that OP's interpretation is fair and reasonable.

[deleted] • 0 points • 7 December, 2016 04:19 AM Please find a single example of that happening and I will reward you.

[deleted] 7 December, 2016 04:22 AM [deleted]

youtubefactsbot • 1 point • 7 December, 2016 04:23 AM

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project_mayhem_ • 1 point • 7 December, 2016 04:32 AM hey i sent you a reply that was not relevant because i mistakenly thought you were another guy i was having a conversation with. if you got a video link from me, you can ignore it. (your comment here would have made more sense coming from him than from you, frankly) what the fuck do you want an example of? i have not made any factual claims. how can i back with examples that which i have not said? the fuck are you on?

[deleted] • 1 point • 7 December, 2016 04:57 AM Well there are plenty of examples of men who suffer from E.D because of porn use + masturbation, so I wanted an example of what you brought up. If you didn't even bring up a valid of 8 concern, what was the point?

project_mayhem_ • 1 point • 7 December, 2016 05:08 AM what i said was that if the poster in the other sub was saying that porn desensitizes to the point that vaginas won't work, and does not claim that the opposite is true, then OP's contention here, that the other post is admitting that masturbation is superior to sex, is a fair one. my exact words were:

if not, I would suggest that OP's interpretation is fair and reasonable

this kind of context is essential to reading and communicating with others. you can't just respond to a sentence fragment without taking account of what others are actually saying and expect to have productive conversations. in the context it was given, the purpose of my words

did it also say that years and years of vagina use can desensitize someone so badly that he can't masturbate anymore?

is obviously intended to convey that i think this is so unlikely that no one would suggest that it has ever happened, not that i think it is happening and need to justify this with examples for you. you fucking retard.

[deleted] • 1 point • 7 December, 2016 12:03 PM If you can really justify OP's title based on that out of context quote, then good for you bud. No time for me to play pigeon chess on .

project_mayhem_ • 1 point • 7 December, 2016 09:34 PM you expect me to accept your determination of the import of the context of anything after the first thing you said to me was to demand that i defend a position i had only mentioned in a context where it is obvious that it is not something i believe? staggering.

[deleted] • 1 point • 7 December, 2016 09:51 PM TRP OP never admitted that jerking off feels better. Our OP is using a quote out of context to try and make the claim that TRP OP admitted that. Also, go learn what a run-on sentence is.

project_mayhem_ • 1 point • 7 December, 2016 09:54 PM

TRP OP never admitted that jerking off feels better

who said that he did? who the fuck are you talking to? you missed the point a long time ago, and you won't stop running with it. also, that sentence is entirely grammatically correct.

toysjoe • 7 points • 6 December, 2016 07:13 PM I bought a a couple days ago. That thing is awesome.

[deleted] • 3 points • 6 December, 2016 08:00 PM Page 4 of 8 Haha what? I tried one of those and it didn't even feel like a real pussy. It was a bunch of squishy putty.

toysjoe • 9 points • 6 December, 2016 08:52 PM I wouldn't know about the real thing but it sure beats your hand.

GuidoBandito • 2 points • 7 December, 2016 04:45 AM Nice... "beats your hand"... ha!

[deleted] • 1 point • 8 December, 2016 09:00 AM The real thing is basically a tube of strong muscles. They're soft and kinda velvety, but basically strong and tough, not a bunch of doughy latex. Personally, I couldn't even cum in a fleshlight. I put my hand as tight as I could around that thing and it didn't change the tightness at all becuase the material just molds perfectly to whatever is touching it. Real vaginas don't do that. Also the latex or whatever messed up dick. It gave me a rash and made me numb down there for a while. Maybe i'm allergic to whatever's in it.

[deleted] • 6 points • 6 December, 2016 08:03 PM If that stuff about the hand was true, there wouldn't be 7 billion people on this planet. We wouldn't be fucking our species to death by overpopulation. The human race wouldn't have survived anywhere close to this long. God, trp is such crazy nonsense. What a way to waste the gift of red pill knowledge. embaira • 8 points • 6 December, 2016 08:36 PM 6th day of nofap and feeling good. I am watching porn every other day for about 15-30 min. Soon to quit it altogether. Also I am on calorie restriction/intermittent fasting diet. All this will last for 12 days then maybe half a week of fapping and porn and eating junk food then back to monk lifestyle again. The idea is body can maintain strength levels from weight training for 14 days roughly, before beginning to lose it. Then you need a couple of max strength sessions to make sure it maintains strength for another 14 days. So this way you getting shredded without losing strength. Those 12 days are like body cleansing days. It gets rid of old cells and body waste and nofapping restores androgen receptors in the brain (makes you more manly).

[deleted] • 3 points • 6 December, 2016 09:22 PM Yeah I'm doing nofap too. It's tough but rewarding. Stay strong, brother.

CZ-75 • 1 point • 7 December, 2016 02:41 AM Can you post the study that proves all that?

embaira • 2 points • 7 December, 2016 04:21 AM*

collection of studies on Intermittent Fasting

noFap ?st=iweewgte&sh=d0109f9a Page 5 of 8 folks sharing their experience with noFap df anabolic diet - I modified my diet after experimenting (12 days low carbs always, instead of only when you start the diet) and 4-5 days of very high carb medium fat and low protein after, because that is how I feel that my body reaches supercompensation - increased growth and glycogen supercompensation after strength training on calorie restriction. What you get is cycling periods of High fat Low carb and Med protein (restricted cal) with periods of High Carb Med Fat and Low Protein (eat as much as u want and what you want). And finally a quote from a book "Science of Sports Training" by T.Kurz (page 176): "According to Wilmore and Costill (1999), after ceasing strength training athletes can retain general strength for up to six weeks. Sport specific strength or power does not decrease significantly with four weeks of rest or reduced workout frequency (Wilmore and Costill 1999). " "By doing a strength workout once every 10-14 days athletes can retain their general strength for periods much longer than six weeks as long as intensity and volume of the exercises in a workout are maintained (Tucci et al. 1992)" Also according to biological law of accommodation you have to change max strength exercises every 2-3 weeks because on 4rth week you will detrain automatically (loss of strength) - this is how your nervous system works. I hope this helps. p.s. I am around 500 calories below maintenance level and my strength still goes up weekly. phetradrap • 5 points • 6 December, 2016 06:41 PM I've always thought that masturbation felt better but I thought it was probably just because I had watched too much porn growing up or something. Masturbating could be better if I had some nice tits to play with but other than that it feels pretty awesome.

[deleted] • 3 points • 6 December, 2016 08:33 PM lol, that was a pretty garbage read. Then again, it's TRP, so to be somewhat expected. Stroke away! I don't take advice from 'Chads' that are busy wasting their time trying to meet societies and womyn's expectations. Fuck that. Dude should do a write up about how he feels the need to whip the skin off his back after he fucks a hooker.

Bikemarrow • 1 point • 6 December, 2016 10:55 PM What is with these nutcases that are against masturbation like they are straight out of some fucked up Victorian era PBS show? Dont do it if you dont want to, but will these people just shut the fuck up about it, already!? It doesn't give you magical powers if you dont like some goofy people in MGTOW swear up and down. Every time I hear some douche from that childishly named "no fap" club, I just envision some dude with a pony tail, and a bunch of new age music playing in the background. "but I lose muh spiritual vitality and universal energies! " Just please stop. And it doesn't turn you into some raving monster if you do masturbate regular or occasionally. It's your body know your limits and have a nice life! Page 6 of 8 [deleted] • 1 point • 7 December, 2016 01:06 PM

Dont do it if you dont want to, but will these people just shut the fuck up about it, already!?

It's like that joke about vegans: "How do you know if someone's a vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you."

EntropyAnimals • 3 points • 7 December, 2016 12:04 AM Depends on what you're jerking off too. I mind hatefuck my ex-wife while pretending the entire global intelligence community is watching. I also imagine the entire collection of the dirtiest thoughts these people have ever had, and I coellesce these into a "sex demon" that fucks their spouses while we all watch. It's kind of complicated ...

[deleted] • 1 point • 7 December, 2016 07:07 PM LMFAO

SnapshillBot • 2 points • 6 December, 2016 05:59 PM Archived for your convenience Snapshots:

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Snapshill • 1 point • 7 December, 2016 11:06 AM

TotesMessenger • 1 point • 6 December, 2016 09:38 PM I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another on reddit: [/r/thebluepill] MGTOWs take a principled stand in favor of masturbating. Bonus: cat-fighting with Twerps/NoFaps

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact) djlenin89 • 1 point • 6 December, 2016 10:10 PM I just read the whole piece, he was mostly talking about being addicted to masturbation. Being addicted to anything can be bad for you.

Teflon0819 • 1 point • 6 December, 2016 10:23 PM* The only group I am aware of that is anti-masturbation is r/nofap. Which to me comes off as one of those alcoholics anonymous places where people with an come together to rationalize why the thing they were addicted to is bad to stave off a relapse in said addiction. Not the most rational thing to do, blaming the thing they were addicted to instead of their addictive personality, but who am I to criticize their means of keeping their addiction in check? Page 7 of 8 chtrchtr_pussyeater • 1 point • 7 December, 2016 04:00 AM Let's be real... the older one gets, the more we appreciate regular sex. Whether that comes from simply rubbin' one out alone or an unreciprocal spouse, I'll take the first because the latter is honestly too much work.

[deleted] • 1 point • 7 December, 2016 04:33 AM nofap is real guys. I'll go see a hooker or bang a fatty before fapping. Page 8 of 8