Forum:Pheromone Reviews - Real Reviews written by Real People Thread: NO FAP - Challenge

bored4life - February 7, 2013, 3:11 am Alright guys, this ones a little personal. As some of you were aware, a couple of months ago, my friend couldn't stop beating the meat. It got to a point where it was affecting his relationship, his attraction, and his general demeanor.

I helped him overcome that through some weird tactics, but so far he's good. He lapses every once in a while, but he's getting better.

Unfortunately, and sadly I'm in his situation. Except mine is a little worse. I don't know when it started, but when it did it became very frequent. I was doing it a couple of times of week. Why? I don't know, but mostly because of boredom with anything else, and the stimuli I get from looking at sexy ass chicks.

I recently tried to stop, and deleted the favorites I had for various "stimuli" and everything. I lasted about a week and a half, and then relapsed. Relapses happen, but its to the point now where I need to do something about it because I feel like shit after it. It's not that easy for those thinking "if he feels like shit, why not just fucking stop".. trust me, I argue about this with myself every single time. Therefore, I'm posting this thread here, instead of my journal.

I'm calling on my family online to assist me and assist themselves. I need to tell someone about it, but the forum provides more of a anonymity aspect that I think I can use. By sharing my goals, it'll only drive me to keep them because that's just how the human brain works, so I'm thinking of giving it a go.

I know there are some in the same shoes, or a worse position, and I'd like to call on every single one of you (women included) to take the NO FAP challenge with me.

I'm going to go fap-free as of today, and although I won't be documenting day by day events for no reason, I'm going to be honest to myself, and you, and report back IF lapses occur. Which they won't.

If you guys would like to join me, post here, just stating that you're in, and you can share why if you'd like. The support is needed from you guys, because I've been struggling internally with this for a while, and found this my only outlet.

Thanks PT!

EDIT: For those that don't know what "fapping" means - masturbating.

Curiosity - February 7, 2013, 3:26 am Good idea, I had begun reading into some of those theories myself recently, and it does make a lot of sense. A lot of things in society seems designed to keep control over people who are unaware. This is one of them, things are too available and it appears normal when it is not.

Japan seems to have the worst of it, because things are everywhere. You have what is called the Herbivore men, and it's an alarmingly large number of guys who have no interest in a real girlfriend and basically prefer their imaginary cartoon girlfriends. I think the connection can be made but perhaps it can be more complicated than that as well.

One of the most popular pop stars in Japan isn't even real, that should tell you something.

Basically, they're not straight anymore.

However, in South Korea, porn is illegal and cannot be accessed easily. thundr - February 7, 2013, 3:57 am I do not often do it but the few times I do it fucks everything up.

Let me explain and I have noticed this for about 10 yrs now so its not just a hunch. Say you bang a chick then you do not get any for the next week or 2 bc she or the others are busy or raggin or just being bitches. You are tempted to empty out. NO. Its like one of those video games.. c-c-c-c combo breaker. It messes everything up. I cannot explain whether this is metaphysical or hormonal, its one of those things that just "is".

This is going to come as extremely manwhorish now, but whatever. You develop a link with the last chick you banged. If you jerk it you break this link. It is much easier to ride this link until you either bang her again or use the momentum to nab another female. IME if you spank it off in between you mess everything up and oddly not only can you not bang the chick you just railed for awhile but others are having none of it either. The downtime of sex is your penalty for settling for the hand instead of the real thing. Man I cant explain it and it probably sounds crazy but fuck it.

The only advantage to jerking off it that it decreases neediness and occasionally is necessary. Sometimes your balls just hurt and you have to do what you gotta do. But be forewarned that there is a hefty price of cyclic downward spiral that accompanies this.

When I get all charged up and am ready to fuck madam palm I ask myself "am I ready to pay the price?" Sometimes its worth it yet often its not. This weakness later becomes an addictive pattern that all but destroys your ass getting capabilities until you stop. The desire for the real thing is overrun by self gratification on a constant basis.

When I am all charged up and ready to empty out, I do a quick workout. Throw some dumbells around pushups pullups go for a run.. anything you can do to avoid it. What you are doing here is BUILDING momentum and not reducing it. Try it, you will be surprised at how strangely this works. as33156 - February 7, 2013, 4:17 am

This should curve your masturbating. Sorry I never purchased it as I never needed it. So you will have to buy it and give it to your friend also. Add the silent one to the subs you are already playing. Problem solved. mark-in-dallas - February 7, 2013, 4:23 am Too funny , trying to explain it! It's all about hormonal balance and physiological interactions: Nautre at it's best, deplete ANY chemical in the body and it is goig to react, deplete one that others can sense and they are going to react.

Maybe its not quite that simple cause looking back there's been more than once I've depleted that supply several times in several days and if anything the effect on others was better instead of lesser, so maybe it's not entirely phisiological but natures way of punishing, but yeah I agree, play with Peter and Paige is probably not gonna want to get anywhere near it.

How to break the urge? when it calls get your ass dressed and go somwhere where there's women! And talk to them! Soon enough you'll be back in the saddle. bored4life - February 7, 2013, 4:47 am (02-06-2013 10:57 PM)thundr Wrote:  This is going to come as extremely manwhorish now, but whatever. You develop a link with the last chick you banged. If you jerk it you break this link. It is much easier to ride this link until you either bang her again or use the momentum to nab another female. IME if you spank it off in between you mess everything up and oddly not only can you not bang the chick you just railed for awhile but others are having none of it either. The downtime of sex is your penalty for settling for the hand instead of the real thing. Man I cant explain it and it probably sounds crazy but fuck it.

The only advantage to jerking off it that it decreases neediness and occasionally is necessary. Sometimes your balls just hurt and you have to do what you gotta do. But be forewarned that there is a hefty price of cyclic downward spiral that accompanies this.

When I get all charged up and am ready to fuck madam palm I ask myself "am I ready to pay the price?" Sometimes its worth it yet often its not. This weakness later becomes an addictive pattern that all but destroys your ass getting capabilities until you stop. The desire for the real thing is overrun by self gratification on a constant basis.

When I am all charged up and ready to empty out, I do a quick workout. Throw some dumbells around pushups pullups go for a run.. anything you can do to avoid it. What you are doing here is BUILDING momentum and not reducing it. Try it, you will be surprised at how strangely this works. This is exactly why I'm taking on the no fap challenge. I can completely relate to the "link". This one white chick that I'm keeping at a fuck buddy thing, is ON MY NUTS after we have sex, and for some reason, if I masturbate, we don't talk for a couple weeks at a time.. I won't even have to be exposed to her. It's not worth it for me, and that's exactly what its doing. When I didn't fap for a week or so, I was on my A-game with girls, texts, interactions, and everything. It was like a magic "player" button had been turned on. I was a lot more risque, way less nervous, and just more confident overall. I relapsed and it's time for me to take back control.

Thanks a bunch for the detailed response about the stimuli and what it leads to. I workout 4x a week, but my drive hasn't gone down at all. Like the more intense I workout, the more I want to employ the help of five-finger Betsy, and the more often it happens. I just need to control my urge, or immediately remove myself from the situation.. which is kind of hard.

(02-06-2013 11:17 PM)as33156 Wrote:

This should curve your masturbating. Sorry I never purchased it as I never needed it. So you will have to buy it and give it to your friend also. Add the silent one to the subs you are already playing. Problem solved. No apology needed bro, it's not your job or responsibility to provide us with subs! Thanks for the link though, I'll definitely look into getting it, first comes the will power to succeed.

(02-06-2013 11:23 PM)mark-in-dallas Wrote:  Maybe its not quite that simple cause looking back there's been more than once I've depleted that supply several times in several days and if anything the effect on others was better instead of lesser, so maybe it's not entirely phisiological but natures way of punishing, but yeah I agree, play with Peter and Paige is probably not gonna want to get anywhere near it.

How to break the urge? when it calls get your ass dressed and go somwhere where there's women! And talk to them! Soon enough you'll be back in the saddle. Yes that's one way of doing it, but during the week when all I do is come home and want to relax.. it just so happens to end with an explosion. literally. sorry for the image there. anyways, gotta work one step at a time, I'm definitely going to limit my time alone, or my late night hang out sessions alone on the computer.. that always seems to spark it.

Thanks all for the direct and indirect support so far, it means a lot. thundr - February 7, 2013, 5:16 am The link is the best way I could describe it. I wish it were just as simple as chemicals and hormones and psychological activity. Hell it would b a lot easier to figure out then. Call me superstitious but the link is the best I have come up with in over 10 yrs of noticing this.

Totally agree that self altering certain chem concentrations can affect physiological and psychological association but strangely it goes a bit deeper than that. Even chicks who you have had plans with for days will text or call breaking plans after you spank it. Or worse you go out and she ends up being on the rag and is one of those no blow girls.

I used to think I was just being over analytical about the link but the more you pay attention to it the more it manifests. Too many times over the years to be mere coincidence. It's like an invisible cock block. I know it sounds crazy but I used to run through a good amount of girls, even more than now, to peg his one as being something truly fucked up beyond interactions and chemicals.

I think it goes along the lines of that weird stuff that happens. Ever have one of those days the phone doesn't ring for hours and hours. Yet some day you forget your phone when u go out for a bite to eat and come back to 3 missed calls and 8 texts. Or Like when u break up with a girl and dnt hear from her for days then u nail an old fwb at her house and the next day the ex is all on your nuts. No way she found out that fast. It's like she felt it. It's weird shit like that.

The link is my best guess trying to figure out this freaky shit. My screwed up brain can't really come up with anything better than that yet. Lol solidprice - February 7, 2013, 10:41 am *pushes rock from man cave* So your NOT suppose to fap 2-3 times a day?

damn, ill join up too. i've been fapping way too much and i guess its a big reason why i don't have that.... drive,per say lately. like life is cock blocking me. i think your on to something thundr, when i haven't fapped for a while i felt awesome and wanting to cold approach and a man!

but the strangest thing is if i Have , its not as bad. strange....

Curiosity, why did your post made me both want to never fap and want to just suddenly go to japan, and become IRL barny stetson,pretty much most of PT bored4life - February 7, 2013, 3:13 pm (02-07-2013 12:16 AM)thundr Wrote:  The link is my best guess trying to figure out this freaky shit. My screwed up brain can't really come up with anything better than that yet. Lol It's almost like that coveted primal instinct kicks in and the girls just know that somethings up. It's weird in a way, but I think it goes back to that "gut feeling" in certain situations, where you just know how shits going to end up, even though it could likely go the other way, usually it doesn't and you're like, fuck you brain, I told you so..

Girls may have that link, and I think it's increased after you have sex with the girl. They just know what's up. It's something I've silently been noticing but every time me and NT have a session, the other chick almost always hits me up that same night, without fail.. it'd be an interesting topic of research.

(02-07-2013 5:41 AM)solidprice Wrote:  damn, ill join up too. i've been fapping way too much and i guess its a big reason why i don't have that.... drive,per say lately. like life is cock blocking me. Join up bro, that way we can compare experiences and whatnot! Glad I'm not in this alone. eyeofra - February 7, 2013, 3:41 pm I'm down to quit fapping (haha never heard that term before). I too have noticed this strange effect, but wrote it off as coincidence

Good-bye rosy palm! bored4life - February 7, 2013, 3:45 pm (02-07-2013 10:41 AM)eyeofra Wrote:  I'm down to quit fapping (haha never heard that term before). I too have noticed this strange effect, but wrote it off as coincidence

Good-bye rosy palm! Glad to have you on board. latorrin82 - February 7, 2013, 4:09 pm It's not saying much, but I will quit too. I do have a gf to cheat with if things get out of hand though lol. DOWN WITH PORN!!!! DOWN WITH ROSIE PALMER!!!! BBBBBBYYYYYYYYAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! xtraspecial - February 7, 2013, 4:22 pm I'm down too.....but mones like New Pheromone Additive, Turn Up The Heat, and AM make me want to explode everywhere...... I just turn into an animal, especially with New Pheromone Additive. bored4life - February 7, 2013, 4:24 pm (02-07-2013 11:09 AM)latorrin82 Wrote:  It's not saying much, but I will quit too. I do have a gf to cheat with if things get out of hand though lol. DOWN WITH PORN!!!! DOWN WITH ROSIE PALMER!!!! BBBBBBYYYYYYYYAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Glad to have you on board. Can't rep you because I've reached my rep max for the day, but I'll get around to doing so.

(02-07-2013 11:22 AM)xtraspecial Wrote:  I'm down too.....but mones like New Pheromone Additive, Turn Up The Heat, and AM make me want to explode everywhere...... I just turn into an animal, especially with New Pheromone Additive. Same goes for you. Thanks for joining the cause. It's like building an army. New Pheromone Additive makes me even more of a horndog, but it'll be good to fight the urge. thundr - February 7, 2013, 5:27 pm (02-07-2013 10:13 AM)bored4life Wrote:  Girls may have that link, and I think it's increased after you have sex with the girl. They just know what's up. It's something I've silently been noticing but every time me and NT have a session, the other chick almost always hits me up that same night, without fail.. it'd be an interesting topic of research. You are very perceptive and yes this is exactly what happens.

Everything in this world is connected. Think of it as tiny strands or wires that connect. If you dive into this a bit more, namely astral projection, you will see a silver wire coming off some point of you when you pass from the 3rd plane into the 4th. This is connected to your body. No wire means your fucking dead and it doesnt matter anyway. I have not personally seen it yet but then again I have only been trying for a few months. They have known about this for thousands of years and the Tibetan monks were masters of this. Even after a few months I am beginning to really understand all this much more. Theres alot of shit we do not see or understand.

We are all connected by strings. These wires transcend dimensions. We live in the 3rd dimensional plane. Plants, animals, microbes live in the 2nd and crystals and shit live in the 1st. I think I read it goes up to like 11 or something, each one increase a level of consciousness. We visit the 4th plane when we dream.

Every chick you have sex with you strengthen a link to. Masturbating softens these links. Its strange I know but this is the best explanation I have been able to come up with. Plus recently the more I read the more I confirm the last 10 yrs of feeling superstitious about all this shit. bored4life - February 7, 2013, 5:43 pm (02-07-2013 12:27 PM)thundr Wrote:  You are very perceptive and yes this is exactly what happens.

Everything in this world is connected. Think of it as tiny strands or wires that connect. If you dive into this a bit more, namely astral projection, you will see a silver wire coming off some point of you when you pass from the 3rd plane into the 4th. This is connected to your body. No wire means your fucking dead and it doesnt matter anyway. I have not personally seen it yet but then again I have only been trying for a few months. They have known about this for thousands of years and the Tibetan monks were masters of this. Even after a few months I am beginning to really understand all this much more. Theres alot of shit we do not see or understand.

We are all connected by strings. These wires transcend dimensions. We live in the 3rd dimensional plane. Plants, animals, microbes live in the 2nd and crystals and shit live in the 1st. I think I read it goes up to like 11 or something, each one increase a level of consciousness. We visit the 4th plane when we dream.

Every chick you have sex with you strengthen a link to. Masturbating softens these links. Its strange I know but this is the best explanation I have been able to come up with. Plus recently the more I read the more I confirm the last 10 yrs of feeling superstitious about all this shit. In India, a lot of people wear crystals or different types of stones or elements to kind of ground themselves. I think this ties into the 1st plane. Everything must somehow be interconnected in order for life to function at an optimal level, and I think that's what a lot of these "gurus" are kind of getting at with their stuff. Obviously it'll depend from person to person, but the stronger the strings are within the dimensions and outside of the dimensions, maybe, just maybe, it'll lead to a better quality or fulfillment of life. Obviously when there is a strong connect in anything, anyone, or events in your life, you're going to eventually excel in those aspects. Whether it be sports, relationships and whatnot.

I can see this theory working out, just by what I've witnessed and heard from these Indian pundits. Some of their claims are straight garbage, and are obviously so, but I can see the concept they're trying to get at, especially since you mentioned the first dimension is crystals. For example, and don't quote me on this, my first car, even though I drove carefully, I got into a lot of serious accidents that put a good amount of damage on the car. After the car got rear ended and totalled, I was advised by my mom to put a crystal in my car for "good vibes". Meh, I've always wanted something hanging in my car, but after that, the number of accidents diminished. I had two with the previous car in like 2 years of ownership. One was my fault and it was slight, just some paint, and the second, we decided to get rid of the car.

The reason I bring this up, is that some way or another, the crystals kind of "grounded" or gave a different vibe, and I can't explain it, other than your strings analogy.

sikkunt - February 7, 2013, 9:54 pm Been doing this for a while. Been noticing lots of good benefits: - better confidence - I appreciate real women more - more focus on daily tasks (studying, workouts etc) - more energy - better skin (srs, my skin looks amazing )

In for sure. Think I am at day 39 or something around there. havent fappend in 2013

LL21 - February 8, 2013, 12:13 am Haha its too funny that you started this. I literally started no fap at the beginning of this week. I'm currently agitated and wake up with an admantium dick but I also have a greater appreciation for the female figure that appears in my life. No fapping no porn. I'm on board for this one.

The combination of things that helped me make this decision: Thundr's post about self pleasure making you a weak man and wanting less from life Bored's post about his friend that has his problem

Articles and website posted by Lifeisgood7 about how porn and affect your brain and can change the way you think. bored4life - February 8, 2013, 2:48 am (02-07-2013 7:13 PM)LL21 Wrote:  Haha its too funny that you started this. I literally started no fap at the beginning of this week. I'm currently agitated and wake up with an admantium dick but I also have a greater appreciation for the female figure that appears in my life. No fapping no porn. I'm on board for this one.

The combination of things that helped me make this decision: Thundr's post about self pleasure making you a weak man and wanting less from life Bored's post about his friend that has his problem

Articles and website posted by Lifeisgood7 about how porn and masturbation affect your brain and can change the way you think. I'm glad you're on board. So far so good, I've been keeping myself away from stimuli but its so hard! Haha first week is gunna be a bitch.. as33156 - February 8, 2013, 4:56 am Something more to add.

The worse thing about fapping is that when you fap you are just looking to get your nut as fast as possible. By doing this your training yourself to be poor performers in bed with women. It's setting yourself up for failure in the worse possible way.


Isis - February 8, 2013, 8:29 am Ugh. I wish all men participated in this. Cause I CAN tell a different when he's spanked the monkey.

LL21 - February 8, 2013, 9:33 am Ah man such great conversation in this thread. Hey guys that Porn addiction sub that As3 posted a link to is in the subs that Buzzy so generously added. He bought that one as part of the collection.

Now Bored I believe in charms against bad luck. My car has a Greek/Turkish evil eye and even though I got into that accident I could have been injured but I wasn't. I have never been in serious accidents even though Michigan has black ice and bad patches of snow and ice. My car might had some problems but I've never had a bodily injury because of it and I have pushed my car to the limit time and time again. My friend tonight just told me how he got into an awful accident because he tried to stop and he couldn't and it damaged his car horribly while on the way to an interview. He has a brand new vehicle, I've seen it handle snow and ice like a pro in winter conditions while other cars are struggling to get by.

I know crystal and glass evil eyes are different but I truly believe that people can intent in objects and it makes a difference. seeusmile - February 8, 2013, 10:31 am It's actually a long while since i've fapped :O. The thread title just made me realised this just now. I didn't just quitted or realised that this is bad for me nor did i have that urge to stop the addiction either! It just simply died out..... I don't know myself whether it's healthy or unhealhy since there's so many opposing articles on it but to me it's natrual because everyone does it. So no shame for me to fap away of it comes.

Now I have very unorthadox way of fapping, i am not a hand man. I used to go roughly 10-20 times a week of it when I'm on fire!. but now the fire is gone and I haven't been feeling the urge or to do it. It actually started happening alot less till it came to the point where often became to seldom and now nothing.... Being virgin i don't know what sex is like yet, hopefully i'm not a 'one minute' man .

During my prime time, I used to be so unfazed when it comes to women (though i wished I still had it now when it came to the physically hot ones) and now everytime I see a person of interest my mind goes wild. "Ohhh my gawd!! she's a machine!!!" "Daym!!!!!!!!" "Pwoahhh lovely rack/body/ass/face" etc. Like i'm on fire again!! I haven't gone out of my comfort zone to go out there approach, get to know and reach paradise at the end of the road but I haven't had any urges lately to deplete all that fire on fapping lately. velinxs - February 8, 2013, 1:02 pm I've been considering quitting fapping for last few days, after reading some articles someone posted on Pherotruth. I'm totally in on this. No fap february! lol.

It's so true that it makes you less of a man. I've had troubles in the past with maintaining substance when it comes to perform time, and in retrospect I think it had a lot to do with fapping and pron use. paradigmshift - February 8, 2013, 1:04 pm (02-07-2013 11:56 PM)as33156 Wrote:  Something more to add.

The worse thing about fapping is that when you fap you are just looking to get your nut as fast as possible. By doing this your training yourself to be poor performers in bed with women. It's setting yourself up for failure in the worse possible way.

WITH WOMEN! It had its benefits but what i thought were benefits were a double edged sword. It was difficult to get off and i could go for a long time. By long time i mean with a little help from terrys thread on sex pills.

The girl im with enjoyed the effects but also became self conscious because i didnt get off every time.

I made a decision early december after reading stuff on your brain on porn that lifeisgood posted opened my eyes

I cut out porn.

And stopped fapping.

And there was a difference.

Definitely take a look at the link that lifeisgood posted. Your brain on porn explains a lot. Technology once again has outpaced mans evolution. Were constantly bombarding our brain with a dopamine rush when we fap and look at porn. Were over stimulated.

Benefits of no fapping no porn.

My orgasms are so much more intense with my girl now and she gets off much mote intensely when i do. In short. Life is much more enjoyable for me.

Lol right before christmas i told her i stopped watching porn. I could see a look of disappointment and she said sonofa bitch really?


Youll see...she said.

She got me a porno as one of my gifts. I still have yet to watch it. She understands and is quite happy with the results. bored4life - February 8, 2013, 2:54 pm Wow! This thread has grown into an amazing discussion, and you can always thank the members of PT for amazing discussions.

Thanks to everyone whose joined me on my journey.. the journey of a life time ;)

Unfortunately, I relapsed just last night, one day after vowing to stop. It's hard as shit when you have a girl you pictures of herself in different outfits and the conversation just goes awry to the point where she's texting pictures of her naked and in very scandelous poses.

I told her about my challenge and she sent me that stuff. I'm weak when it comes to this and she's getting cut. What good is it to have those temptations. I'm keeping her around as a fuck buddy, but the texting when the urge is weak is going to stop. I'm very disappointed in myself last night, and I was so close to avoiding it and just passing out from the days activities, but lo and behold.. she had to text me.

Devilish ones these girls are, but I wanted to be true to myself and you guys, I'm human after all. Definitely going to look at the quitting porn addiction subliminals..

To all those who are on this journey.. and those following.. I've already cleared my computer of anything that might cause me to go awry.. including many hard to find videos.. but its for a good cause.

Thanks for joining me, and my motivation is even higher now because of last fucking night. :moil:

EDIT: Just because I relapsed, doesn't make this cause unworthy. Immediately after I thought about you guys and the support and it renewed my motivation tenfold, so please don't think or get the idea that I won't follow through. Its hard to kick the habit.. veramis - February 8, 2013, 3:15 pm I think the worst thing about porn is it makes people think they are supposed to behave like and have the same stamina as pornstars. But it's just acting and they can link together multiple takes to make them seem to have more stamina than they really do.

Masturbating for pleasure and reducing how long you last is a problem, but it doesn't have to be that way. Some people masturbate with the intent of training themselves to last longer, and it's not necessary to ejaculate after masturbation.

Whether or not you masturbate I think taking a multivitamin is a good idea, just to keep your body supplied with what it needs to keep up your testosterone and sperm health.

John Schlongfellow - February 8, 2013, 3:32 pm I'm in. Been in for 24 days now truthfully.

While I might have had some critical things to say in the last no FAP thread, it was only due to the attitude of the OP and some business dealings we'd had.

(02-08-2013 9:54 AM)bored4life Wrote:  Unfortunately, I relapsed just last night, one day after vowing to stop.

Thanks for joining me, and my motivation is even higher now because of last fucking night. :moil: B4L keep trying man. Congratulations on your honesty !! Since you can be honest with us, chances are you can also do it with yourself. (not what I meant HANDS OFF!)

Don't cut that girl out man, you're gonna need her LOLZ......

Here is my background, hopefully something said will be useful or funny. My account of hard hard it can be to quit... Discovered masturbation around 11yo. WOW WOW WEEE!!! I was in love!!

Unfortunately my family was religious and I attended a religious school. You know what that mean I WAS GOING TO HELL !!!

So I tried to stop. Oh man did I EVER try !

Deals with myself "Ok self no fap for 3 days and get to spent $5 of my savings" No joy.

Deals with God " Dear God if you help me stop fapping I'll say 250 Hail Marys" NO JOY !

next attempt "Ok God I'll pay up first this time. How about 1000 Our Fathers?" Yes I really said them all but still NO JOY

Self punishment. Every time I wanted to fap I'd open the window to let in the winter air and meditate naked. No joy.

Smashed some of the fingers on my left hand with a hammer. Went two finger.

Smashed the other two fingers and thumb. Went righty !!

I'm gonna leave out what I did to my right hand because that was when it started to get really crazy. This all became an extremely unhealthy obsession, with the self harm done far outweighing any benefit of not fapping. I still have some scars, and I don't mean emotional.

Finally I resigned myself to the fact that I was going to hell and went on a 3 day marathon. Rubbed it raw I'll tell you what !

Years later I quit the church, dissatisfied with the moral implications of shaming people into doing the right thing. I also dislike the coercive nature of the entire " You're going to HELL !" social manipulation.

As a single fellow later I used fapping as a drug free sleep aid. It's funny because it's true.

When my marriage was sexless I actually developed a porn addiction, and was fapping 5-10 times a day. You wouldn't believe the extent of my porn library. Over 50k jpegs currently, sorted and appropriately renamed. Who knows where I got the energy?

Now I find it interfering with my weight lifting, reducing motivation, and making me want to take a nap. There will be plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead.

No FAP FTW !!! bored4life - February 8, 2013, 3:38 pm A lot of us are on so many levels with this journey that it's so interesting to see the differences, and everyone coming together for the same cause. It really is remarkable to get different views and personal anecdotes from everyone, all leaning towards one thing: stopping the fap!

Love the support and close-knitness of this board. It truly is one-of-a-kind. paradigmshift - February 8, 2013, 5:26 pm Relapsing isnt a big deal. Just think of the benefits and start over. Old habits are hard to break. Lol. okyoureabeast - February 8, 2013, 9:24 pm Sooo

What if you sleep with a girl?

Seriously going to do this with you guys. I went two weeks once and the effects were crazy. bored4life - February 8, 2013, 9:26 pm (02-08-2013 4:24 PM)okyoureabeast Wrote:  Sooo

What if you sleep with a girl?

Seriously going to do this with you guys. I went two weeks once and the effects were crazy. Sleeping with a girl isn't fapping, its natural and it actually helps this cause. Thundr or someone else can explain this better, but essentially, having sex with a girl increases attraction for you from other women, as they can kind of "sense" this. Probably because you have copulins on you.

I'm not too sure about that, so I'm going to let someone chime in with more knowledge about the molecular level, but I know for a fact that it raises your testosterone exponentially, even when you orgasm, to the point where you have elevated levels and its detectable to other women. thundr - February 8, 2013, 9:39 pm Some of it is the "link" and yes some is chemical induced as well. All these create a synergy if played right. OR self gratification can destroy any forward progress and momentum.

I tried to explain "the link" as best I could. LOL We can summarize the reduction of our own man chemicals by spankin it. Now I am including a quote from one of the best noses in this hobby and this kinda proves some of the outward chemical portion of this momentum.

(02-04-2013 9:43 PM)Pheroman Wrote:  A note about cops. I decided to experiment with cops, real and in a bottle. When I put bottles cops (true essence) on my hand/fingers the scent seems to last 24hrs max. When I put real cops there, the old fashioned way, I can smell them for 3 days. Initially the scent was much sweeter, cleaner and mellow than TrueE, but the scent seems to last much longer. velinxs - February 8, 2013, 10:21 pm i don't know if it's much interest to you guys but i do know that mystics n whatnot would use the "fire" (in the loins type) from abstinence and mentally redirect that focus into the third eye.. I've personally tried that out and definitely creates a pretty intense focused yet calm like state. Hard to explain, however I am fairly positive there is something to that. okyoureabeast - February 8, 2013, 10:33 pm (02-08-2013 5:21 PM)velinxs Wrote:  i don't know if it's much interest to you guys but i do know that mystics n whatnot would use the "fire" (in the loins type) from abstinence and mentally redirect that focus into the third eye.. I've personally tried that out and definitely creates a pretty intense focused yet calm like state. Hard to explain, however I am fairly positive there is something to that. I can relate to this. I had something similar happen when I stopped.

Guess I better give up fapping and smoking stoges. Dang all of my vices...

John Schlongfellow - February 8, 2013, 10:42 pm (02-08-2013 5:21 PM)velinxs Wrote:  i don't know if it's much interest to you guys but i do know that mystics n whatnot would use the "fire" (in the loins type) from abstinence and mentally redirect that focus into the third eye.. I've personally tried that out and definitely creates a pretty intense focused yet calm like state. Hard to explain, however I am fairly positive there is something to that. Got a link?

I'd like this approach rather than my current agitated and reduced impulse control frame of mind.

Great point Thundr about cops on the finger. velinxs - February 8, 2013, 11:00 pm I read it so long ago and put it into practice that I long forgot where I found that, i'm sure if you google something along the lines of "transferring sexual energy into spiritual energy" you'll find all the info you need. paradigmshift - February 8, 2013, 11:31 pm Fapping is part of the fluoridation conspiracy. thundr - February 8, 2013, 11:56 pm Quote:Women sense my power, and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake, but I do deny them my essence.

That is such a pimp line. The cool delivery of that has me cracking up over here.

Thanks for sharing man, reps bro. I'm going to remember that phrase for awhile.

Curiosity - February 8, 2013, 11:59 pm (02-08-2013 6:56 PM)thundr Wrote:  That is such a pimp line. The cool delivery of that has me cracking up over here.

Thanks for sharing man, reps bro. I'm going to remember that phrase for awhile. I agree I think we are on to something here as well

TwistedOstrich - February 9, 2013, 12:07 am An interesting connection this all reminded me of. There has been times in my life where I didn't need to molest myself, sometimes over a year due to the nature of the female company around... The dreams I would have were crazy...

I'd have the same sort of dreams if I took a supplement called Damiana. Which I happened to read the other day may support peinal gland production of DMT. Another source said that its beautifying for the skin....

This is all speculative on my part but I'm thinking that by doing whatever you can to keep your hormonal levels high you're in turn booting your bodies ability to be powerfull or 'spiritual' by literally retaining its energy.

Its probably your boosted aura that women are picking up on in regards to peoples references to having women around when not jerking off or something along those lines.

I think it all connections to your ability to sleep and dream... solidprice - February 9, 2013, 1:39 am its been 2 days now with no sticky tissue/rag, feeling a bit better now, wanna do a bit more. giving myself a bit of "weening off" phase. Rules: can touch but no big O/jizz. and only if its a pic of my GF / phone sex. but i havent touched myself yet today, so im proud of me! yeah i know its is fapping if your anal about it, but imo the jizzin' part that is the major problem.


but seriously, it happens don't beat yourself up about it. and it was to a women you know, and not porn. its abut getting back up that counts not how many times you fall down. im jelly, my girl is a nun when it comes to any pictures , let alone sexy ones any help guys?

DGamer - February 9, 2013, 2:30 am *Puts on flame suit*

Not planning on quitting fapping.

Just wondering though, what happens if you fap and fuck a girl regularly?

Curiosity - February 9, 2013, 2:41 am (02-08-2013 9:30 PM)DGamer Wrote:  *Puts on flame suit*

Not planning on quitting fapping.

Just wondering though, what happens if you fap and fuck a girl regularly?

That's an interesting scientific article to read, albeit potentially controversial in some aspects as it goes deeper into the pros and cons of it.

Fapping causes depression, psychological problems, poor performance, blood pressure problems as well as other issues. And this counts for girls too, not just guys as that article points out.

Basically, if you are by yourself, do not do it.

Buzzy78 - February 9, 2013, 4:33 am Quote:Ah man such great conversation in this thread. Hey guys that Porn addiction sub that As3 posted a link to is in the subs that Buzzy so generously added. He bought that one as part of the collection. For those interested, i recently uploaded them to new (faster/easier) webspace. The ones that could be of use:

Learning Self Discipline Subliminal MP3 Album End Porn Addiction Subliminal MP3 Album

Links are in my journal.. Let us know if they help ;-) bored4life - February 9, 2013, 4:44 am (02-08-2013 8:39 PM)solidprice Wrote:  but seriously, it happens don't beat yourself up about it. and it was to a women you know, and not porn. its abut getting back up that counts not how many times you fall down. im jelly, my girl is a nun when it comes to any pictures , let alone sexy ones any help guys? Lol, if she ever says anything sexy or anything intimate just kind of be like, let me see. it's worked wonders with me.

"I'm going to take a shower" ... "let me see" "I just got out of the shower" ... "let me see" "I'm about to change" .. "let me see"

I know it may not be the best approach, but hey, it works.. lol solidprice - February 9, 2013, 6:01 am (02-08-2013 11:44 PM)bored4life Wrote:  Lol, if she ever says anything sexy or anything intimate just kind of be like, let me see. it's worked wonders with me.

"I'm going to take a shower" ... "let me see" "I just got out of the shower" ... "let me see" "I'm about to change" .. "let me see"

I know it may not be the best approach, but hey, it works.. lol i know these kind of things take a while, but thanks ill try it. funny thing is ill be happy with just any sexy pic clothes or not but as they say, "less is more":D as33156 - February 9, 2013, 6:02 am (02-08-2013 8:39 PM)solidprice Wrote:  its been 2 days now with no sticky tissue/rag, feeling a bit better now, wanna do a bit more. giving myself a bit of "weening off" phase. Rules: can touch but no big O/jizz. and only if its a pic of my GF / phone sex. but i havent touched myself yet today, so im proud of me! yeah i know its is fapping if your anal about it, but imo the jizzin' part that is the major problem.


but seriously, it happens don't beat yourself up about it. and it was to a women you know, and not porn. its abut getting back up that counts not how many times you fall down. im jelly, my girl is a nun when it comes to any pictures , let alone sexy ones any help guys? Help you ask? New Pheromone Additive velinxs - February 11, 2013, 1:48 am so i've been reading a little bit about tantra yogas n whatnot, using focused breathe to "cycle" sexual energies into the whole body (uplifting yourself energetically or whatever that means). Found a few threads on different forums for techniques and whatnot, I havent gathered enough information to post anything really useful as of yet. However it does seem there is a lot to this whole tantra deal in regards to

1. spiritual ascension (or however you want to phrase it) by withholdng and "transmuting" sexual energy into your "ki" by using focused breathing (otherwise known as qi gong or pranayama)

2. having crazy mindblowing orgasms, multiple orgasms, whole body orgasms. Apparently achieved through mastering muscles in / around your junk (this part still confuses me, but apparently you can achieve a ejaculation without semen being released, allowing for multiple orgasms / super intense ones etc.)

I wish i had more information to share, but maybe this little teaser of a post will inspire someone to dive a little deeper. Im sure theres lots of books out there on the topic.

edit: posted this here because i figured if everyone is quitting fapping, why not take it a step further and make it that much more useful. veramis - February 11, 2013, 4:43 am I've never been a fan of religious exercises that promise things like whole body orgasms. Wilhelm Reich and Roger Vittoz were two people who have suggested ways to help people experience whole body orgasms, but the difference between them and most religions is they tried to back up their ideas with reason. velinxs - February 11, 2013, 5:21 am Don't confuse my post with "religious" exercises. I'm just of the thought that there is something tangible to exercises that relates to not fapping for purposes of and general wellness.

I just dont have any other terms to call it in, I don't have a dictionary on secular tantra handy. If you have some good reading on the topic id be curious to hear your input.

after a look back i shouldve replaced the words "spiritual ascension" with general wellness, i'm not trying to spit any religious babble.

LL21 - February 11, 2013, 8:02 am I had a relapse after a week but the not so terrible part about it was that it was not a satisfying feeling and it was associated with instant regret. It was just like thundr said a loss of the momentum that I did build. That feeling is only going to make it easier to break the habit.

Weaning myself off of both has been taking me some time but I know part of it is just discipline. The more I do it the easier it becomes. I have been cutting it out and steadily been getting better at it

Bored isn't the only one that had a relapse but eventually it'll be under control.

On the flip side I have more energy but I've also been extremly irritable. I was an angry person last week, I was getting angry at past experiences multiple points through out the week. I have to figure out a way to redirect that negative energy. seeusmile - February 11, 2013, 9:56 am Out of curiousity what about using external things like a or etc. Would that differ from fapping with yourself than using a tool.

Curiosity - February 11, 2013, 10:05 am (02-11-2013 4:56 AM)seeusmile Wrote:  Out of curiousity what about using external things like a fleshlight or sex doll etc. Would that differ from fapping with yourself than using a tool. If it is not a real girl in your physical presence, do not look at it and do not touch it (both it and yourself), that is the rule. There are no exceptions in order to see benefits kenpachi - February 11, 2013, 11:12 am Been going for 6 days now without blowing a load, feel more energetic but also daaaamn horny!

I jelq 2 out of 3 days and while I'm doing so I watch porn in order to keep an erection, is this a problem as long as I don't blow my load? paradigmshift - February 11, 2013, 1:20 pm (02-11-2013 6:12 AM)kenpachi Wrote:  Been going for 6 days now without blowing a load, feel more energetic but also daaaamn horny!

I jelq 2 out of 3 days and while I'm doing so I watch porn in order to keep an erection, is this a problem as long as I don't blow my load? Check out

See if that makes sense. veramis - February 11, 2013, 1:58 pm (02-11-2013 12:21 AM)velinxs Wrote:  Don't confuse my post with "religious" exercises. I'm just of the thought that there is something tangible to exercises that relates to not fapping for purposes of libido and general wellness.

I just dont have any other terms to call it in, I don't have a dictionary on secular tantra handy. If you have some good reading on the topic id be curious to hear your input.

after a look back i shouldve replaced the words "spiritual ascension" with general wellness, i'm not trying to spit any religious babble. I'm not saying you are saying religious babble, but the problem with a lot of older exercises is it may be difficult to find the original reasoning for them. Some people would say that what Buddha taught was how to live a good and decent life and that he never touched spiritualism, but Buddhism has spiraled into many different things like karma and reincarnation and all sorts of rituals until it has become almost as complex and dogmatic as Hinduism.

Fly So Hi - February 11, 2013, 3:35 pm (02-06-2013 10:57 PM)thundr Wrote:  I do not often do it but the few times I do it fucks everything up.

Let me explain and I have noticed this for about 10 yrs now so its not just a hunch. Say you bang a chick then you do not get any for the next week or 2 bc she or the others are busy or raggin or just being bitches. You are tempted to empty out. NO. Its like one of those video games.. c-c-c-c combo breaker. It messes everything up. I cannot explain whether this is metaphysical or hormonal, its one of those things that just "is".

This is going to come as extremely manwhorish now, but whatever. You develop a link with the last chick you banged. If you jerk it you break this link. It is much easier to ride this link until you either bang her again or use the momentum to nab another female. IME if you spank it off in between you mess everything up and oddly not only can you not bang the chick you just railed for awhile but others are having none of it either. The downtime of sex is your penalty for settling for the hand instead of the real thing. Man I cant explain it and it probably sounds crazy but fuck it.

The only advantage to jerking off it that it decreases neediness and occasionally is necessary. Sometimes your balls just hurt and you have to do what you gotta do. But be forewarned that there is a hefty price of cyclic downward spiral that accompanies this.

When I get all charged up and am ready to fuck madam palm I ask myself "am I ready to pay the price?" Sometimes its worth it yet often its not. This weakness later becomes an addictive pattern that all but destroys your ass getting capabilities until you stop. The desire for the real thing is overrun by self gratification on a constant basis.

When I am all charged up and ready to empty out, I do a quick workout. Throw some dumbells around pushups pullups go for a run.. anything you can do to avoid it. What you are doing here is BUILDING momentum and not reducing it. Try it, you will be surprised at how strangely this works.

That is absolutely very very interesting, Thundr! But I wonder if you get to a point where you simply could fuck a hole in your wall. Wouldn't that make you act really really really needy towards women, therefore annihilating your chances of getting a "real experience"? preck - February 11, 2013, 4:20 pm (02-11-2013 10:35 AM)Fly So Hi Wrote:  That is absolutely very very interesting, Thundr! But I wonder if you get to a point where you simply could fuck a hole in your wall. Wouldn't that make you act really really really needy towards women, therefore annihilating your chances of getting a "real experience"?

Thats a interesting point and by reading thundr comments i was thinking about rapists,maybe in some cases,those are guys who dont really like to fap and when they see a female they just gotta have it lol

Iam probably reachin but thats possible right?

Btw this subject is way more complex than i thought,in a way it sounds like a man period kinda of stuff ;) bored4life - February 11, 2013, 4:34 pm (02-11-2013 3:02 AM)LL21 Wrote:  On the flip side I have more energy but I've also been extremly irritable. I was an angry person last week, I was getting angry at past experiences multiple points through out the week. I have to figure out a way to redirect that negative energy. Thank you for being honest LL, it all starts with that one feeling of regret and not doing it.

As for me, I've noticed since I've stopped, I've had more opportunities and wantings to regress, but I shared an intimate moment with NT this weekend, and I'm going to use that to continue to build my momentum. It's worth it. Especially since I lasted a shorter time than her.. that's absolutely UNACCEPTABLE to me. Considering I used to give her multiple orgasms by lasting so long.

Thanks to all who've joined this journey and contributed so far with different aspects of the transferring of sexual energy, its really great discussion, and theres way more to masturbating than we all realize.

(02-11-2013 10:35 AM)Fly So Hi Wrote:  That is absolutely very very interesting, Thundr! But I wonder if you get to a point where you simply could fuck a hole in your wall. Wouldn't that make you act really really really needy towards women, therefore annihilating your chances of getting a "real experience"? I don't think it annihilates the change of getting the "real experience", I'm sure women are drawn more to the aura of one who doesn't get off with himself, rather than one who does. I've noticed an increase in the amount of looks I get from women at the gym, its confidence boosting.

As far as just trying to get a nut, I feel like it made me a little more romantic with my sexual approach, especially this past weekend.. it was just more passionate.. not to be linked with rapists at all! bored4life - February 11, 2013, 4:34 pm (02-11-2013 3:02 AM)LL21 Wrote:  On the flip side I have more energy but I've also been extremly irritable. I was an angry person last week, I was getting angry at past experiences multiple points through out the week. I have to figure out a way to redirect that negative energy. Thank you for being honest LL, it all starts with that one feeling of regret and not doing it.

As for me, I've noticed since I've stopped, I've had more opportunities and wantings to regress, but I shared an intimate moment with NT this weekend, and I'm going to use that to continue to build my momentum. It's worth it. Especially since I lasted a shorter time than her.. that's absolutely UNACCEPTABLE to me. Considering I used to give her multiple orgasms by lasting so long.

Thanks to all who've joined this journey and contributed so far with different aspects of the transferring of sexual energy, its really great discussion, and theres way more to masturbating than we all realize.

(02-11-2013 10:35 AM)Fly So Hi Wrote:  That is absolutely very very interesting, Thundr! But I wonder if you get to a point where you simply could fuck a hole in your wall. Wouldn't that make you act really really really needy towards women, therefore annihilating your chances of getting a "real experience"? I don't think it annihilates the change of getting the "real experience", I'm sure women are drawn more to the aura of one who doesn't get off with himself, rather than one who does. I've noticed an increase in the amount of looks I get from women at the gym, its confidence boosting.

As far as just trying to get a nut, I feel like it made me a little more romantic with my sexual approach, especially this past weekend.. it was just more passionate.. not to be linked with rapists at all! eyeofra - February 11, 2013, 5:14 pm It's been four days since I fapped. I've noticed that I have more motivation and energy. I feel like working out a lot more, and I'm horny as hell. Majorly horny. Lying in bed before I fall asleep is usually where my self control is tested, but I will resist!

This is excellent. Thanks everyone for the motivation, and interesting discussion . I feel like this is a positive change bored4life - February 11, 2013, 5:17 pm (02-11-2013 12:14 PM)eyeofra Wrote:  It's been four days since I fapped. I've noticed that I have more motivation and energy. I feel like working out a lot more, and I'm horny as hell. Majorly horny. Lying in bed before I fall asleep is usually where my self control is tested, but I will resist!

This is excellent. Thanks everyone for the motivation, and interesting discussion . I feel like this is a positive change That's the exact time of night I suffer too.. maybe just get on the computer and look at some hot chicks and do my think, but no, gotta resist. I've been getting a lot better sleep too!

Fly So Hi - February 11, 2013, 5:21 pm (02-11-2013 11:34 AM)bored4life Wrote:  Thank you for being honest LL, it all starts with that one feeling of regret and not doing it.

As for me, I've noticed since I've stopped, I've had more opportunities and wantings to regress, but I shared an intimate moment with NT this weekend, and I'm going to use that to continue to build my momentum. It's worth it. Especially since I lasted a shorter time than her.. that's absolutely UNACCEPTABLE to me. Considering I used to give her multiple orgasms by lasting so long.

Thanks to all who've joined this journey and contributed so far with different aspects of the transferring of sexual energy, its really great discussion, and theres way more to masturbating than we all realize.

(02-11-2013 10:35 AM)Fly So Hi Wrote:  That is absolutely very very interesting, Thundr! But I wonder if you get to a point where you simply could fuck a hole in your wall. Wouldn't that make you act really really really needy towards women, therefore annihilating your chances of getting a "real experience"? I don't think it annihilates the change of getting the "real experience", I'm sure women are drawn more to the aura of one who doesn't get off with himself, rather than one who does. I've noticed an increase in the amount of looks I get from women at the gym, its confidence boosting.

As far as just trying to get a nut, I feel like it made me a little more romantic with my sexual approach, especially this past weekend.. it was just more passionate.. not to be linked with rapists at all!

(02-11-2013 12:14 PM)eyeofra Wrote:  It's been four days since I fapped. I've noticed that I have more motivation and energy. I feel like working out a lot more, and I'm horny as hell. Majorly horny. Lying in bed before I fall asleep is usually where my self control is tested, but I will resist!

This is excellent. Thanks everyone for the motivation, and interesting discussion . I feel like this is a positive change

Okay, okay, I give. Starting today. I'll report on my progress.

This is so fun! bored4life - February 11, 2013, 5:25 pm Welcome to the challenge! velinxs - February 11, 2013, 5:34 pm Quote:I'm not saying you are saying religious babble, but the problem with a lot of older exercises is it may be difficult to find the original reasoning for them. Some people would say that what Buddha taught was how to live a good and decent life and that he never touched spiritualism, but Buddhism has spiraled into many different things like karma and reincarnation and all sorts of rituals until it has become almost as complex and dogmatic as Hinduism. I hear ya on all that, I try and find all secular versions when it comes to spiritual practises personally, seems to be a lot more effective in the 21st century. Just last night a buddy of mine recommended a "neotantra" book or something, apparently has a lot of good info in the form of tantra without the ritualistic dogmatic crap. Supposedly not fapping is a huge part of this. I need to read up.

day three or so of no fapping for me, or internet porn... (definitely well outside my normal) I can definitely feel that momentum building up. I think maintaining that self discipline is a lot easier when you know the downsides. I thought i'd have more trouble with it but every time I think about fapping I just picture myself being drained and depressed afterwards. Stay strong guys..

Fly So Hi - February 11, 2013, 7:35 pm (02-11-2013 12:34 PM)velinxs Wrote:  I hear ya on all that, I try and find all secular versions when it comes to spiritual practises personally, seems to be a lot more effective in the 21st century. Just last night a buddy of mine recommended a "neotantra" book or something, apparently has a lot of good info in the form of tantra without the ritualistic dogmatic crap. Supposedly not fapping is a huge part of this. I need to read up.

day three or so of no fapping for me, or internet porn... (definitely well outside my normal) I can definitely feel that momentum building up. I think maintaining that self discipline is a lot easier when you know the downsides. I thought i'd have more trouble with it but every time I think about fapping I just picture myself being drained and depressed afterwards. Stay strong guys..

I remember reading in an esoteric text online that the sperm has a quantity of vital energy, a spark of life and of creation which is partly responsible for the generation of another human being. Those writers state that whenever the sperm is lost through masturbation or even regular sexual practices, that spark of life and consequently all that energy released during the orgasm is lost, which demands from the body a reasonable effort to reestablish his reproductive capacity and energetic balance. Some other writers from the "personal magnetism" school suggest that the body is very much like a charge battery, and that during the orgasm, part of that energy is lost, which weakens your "personal field". That might explain why some people who have refrained from masturbation receive increased attention from females and also feel they have more disposition and vital energy. Based on that, I would personally suggest that the practice of masturbation drains the sexual energy from your sex and root chackras, so you have less "sexual energy" on your auric field. The difference between a "bachelor orgasm" and an orgasm shared with a partner would be that the "joint orgasm" exchanges energy with your partner. A not so famous Brazilian spiritualist said in one of his workshops that when you have sex, a little of yours and that person's thinking pattern and energy are exchanged, so each one gets a bit more like the other. I remember that with my last long-lasting girlfriend, I started to act and think more and more like her everyday. We used to fuck like rabbits, sometimes 5, even 6 times a day. When we broke up, I gradually realised I was coming back to normal, and started to think and act as myself once again.

EDIT: I think I'm right in saying Adolf Hitler was abstemious, and maybe that's why he could project such a powerful energy. preck - February 11, 2013, 7:46 pm ^^^^Well i have one friend whose grandma used to practice Vodoo and he told me something similar to that.He told me that if a girl drinks certain ammount of ur sperm (cant really remember how much) a part of you will be inside her so she will be kinda obssessed about you.

I still didnt have an opurtunity to test this,but ey who the fuck knows lol.....

Fly So Hi - February 11, 2013, 7:49 pm I think I'll start to drop my sperm in my city's water supply... velinxs - February 11, 2013, 7:52 pm Lmao!! makes me worry about my choice of partners. Hopefully condoms stops that transaction baha.

Now i'm off to the nearest water-tower.. bored4life - February 11, 2013, 8:06 pm That's a very interesting idea. Maybe that's why girls who have unprotected sex are "crazier" in a way about the partner they had unprotected sex with. Maybe it has to do with something having to do with this energy..

Could work the opposite way for guys too.. That's a very interesting idea. Maybe that's why girls who have unprotected sex are "crazier" in a way about the partner they had unprotected sex with. Maybe it has to do with something having to do with this energy..

Could work the opposite way for guys too..

Fly So Hi - February 11, 2013, 8:08 pm Let's face it: natural sex is so much more pleasurable that it almost compensates the risk. bored4life - February 11, 2013, 8:11 pm I can attest to that. I can attest to that. velinxs - February 11, 2013, 8:18 pm I know in that article lifeisgood posted earlier in this thread (i cant seem to find it now?, maybe i'm retarded) explained some of the different health effects of condom vs no condom. General conclusion was that no condom was better for overall wellness especially for females, i believe it stated that you had to finish inside them though, not sure of any esoteric implications of this. extraballislit - February 11, 2013, 9:20 pm (02-11-2013 3:08 PM)Fly So Hi Wrote:  Let's face it: natural sex is so much more pleasurable that it almost compensates the risk. Almost is the key word in the sentence. Of you don't know what I'm talking about, one day you'll eventually know it...

Anyway, I'ver been following your thread and also refraining from fapping and my energy levels are growing. I have to say that I agree with almost everything that has been posted. It has a direct effect in motivation and overall energy levels.

I remember some yars ago I read a book called "The multi orgasmic Man" by a guy named Mantak Chia who claimed to be teaching ancient taoist methods of cultivating inner energies and he adviced not to ejaculate more than once a week for younk guys and no more than once a month dor guys over 30 (or maynbe 35, don't remember the numbers). I think I still have it somewhere. LL21 - February 11, 2013, 10:06 pm There was a family friend around me when I was younger and she described the energy aspect of sex infront of me. I was 13 at the time but she described it as women taking energy and men giving the energy. She gave off a bit of a hippy vibe from time to time but she was lovable and kind hearted so it was okay. It was an interesting thing to hear.

The man in my avatar Nikolai Tesla was celibate and claimed that his chastity helped his scientific abilities. Science was the only woman he needed. He had women trying to win his affections all the time. He was a gentlemen and a scholar on top of having some of the most amazing scientific contributions. He played pool and card games and hung out with Mark Twain and other famous people during that time when he wasn't being a recluse and inventing things.

Fly So Hi - February 11, 2013, 10:11 pm (02-11-2013 5:06 PM)LL21 Wrote:  There was a family friend around me when I was younger and she described the energy aspect of sex infront of me. I was 13 at the time but she described it as women taking energy and men giving the energy. Would you please be so kind as to elaborate more on the subject?

Great info on Tesla, btw. thundr - February 11, 2013, 10:19 pm (02-11-2013 5:11 PM)Fly So Hi Wrote:  Would you please be so kind as to elaborate more on the subject?

YES! I get to use the quote already!!!

"Women sense my power, and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake, but I do deny them my essence."

Apologies I couldnt help myself. Joking aside, LL21 I am interested in this theory as well as I have heard something very similar to this. I think this is a great topic to discuss.

EDIT: I will start. This portion has to do with desire and response. I once read that men bring the sexual energy and desire before the sex act. They enter already aroused bc of higher sex drives. It is the women that feed from this spark and fuel the fire of response to increase desire from the male. This part seems cyclic in nature while performing the act both tend to feed from the response of the woman.

Man I know for a damn fact that if the chick Im banging goes nuts I go into freak mode. But If Im tapping a dead fish the sex isnt nearly as satisfying and sometimes can get a bit dull. These are usually the chicks that claim you need alot of foreplay before the act to get them into it. Often this is bullshit bc they are takers. The man can give and give but if she does not reciprocate there is no amount of foreplay that will shift her gears.

Basically the man gives and the woman takes before the act. During the act the woman gives and the man takes which in turn feeds his desire to give more so she can take.

It makes sense in a way bc the wild chicks who give off energy during sex tend to set up the taking of energy from the male. This carries over even after the sex act and drives the desire of the man to want to give again hence increasing his desire. I know that when I have banged a very sexually charged woman I cant get her out of my head and cannot wait until I can hit it again. On the dark side, the ones who were meh, Im not so amped about and often find my thoughts wandering back to the more energetic women. veramis - February 11, 2013, 10:55 pm It would be interesting if mone output increases when you ejaculate less, and I think it may make sense for that to happen from a evolutionary point of view. That would be the best argument for no longer masturbating . lostlibra74 - February 11, 2013, 11:14 pm (02-11-2013 5:55 PM)veramis Wrote:  It would be interesting if mone output increases when you ejaculate less, and I think it may make sense for that to happen from a evolutionary point of view. That would be the best argument for no longer masturbating . It's interesting to think about. The one thing this whole pherotrip has taught me is that there's a lot of things we don't really understand about human interaction, and even the body and the mind. Which given all that we do know, is pretty amazing. lifeisgood7 - February 11, 2013, 11:18 pm i've been clean from porn for a year or two now. changed my life. i look a 1000x better

i havent masturbated in a couple of months.

when i do have sex, i always try my best to retain as much sperm as possible

check this out:

here is the video of the guy who stopped masturbating for 6 months: if you look at his 1st video to the new one, you will see a change in his complexion, his confidence, his voice etc etc etc

the benefits of no porn and no masturbation has too many benefits to list lol. i did a bunch of research on this once upon a time. ill dig it up and post it here when i have free time.

but yes. women definitly notice when you retain sperm. sometimes i dont even use mones just because its so powerful in conjunction with semen retention. i'm carrying about 3-4 months of life force in my sacs right now. amazing feeling. definitly gives you an edge compared to the next joe schmo darn, i posted here and now its gone. hate whne that happens. maybe it will pop up in a few. okyoureabeast - February 12, 2013, 4:18 am Alright i'm in.

I'm doing my trifecta vice withdrawal. I'm stopping smoking herb, stoges, and fapping.

Day 1 so far so good (except Nicotine rage which the gym took care of).

Thanks guys for posting this velinxs - February 12, 2013, 6:05 am dude lifeisgood7, that is awesome. How do you retain semen during sex??? (PM preferably, unless anyone else cares to know)

edit: ive heard its possible to achieve a sort of semenless ejaculation, i have zero clue as to how that makes any sense.

How cool would it be to master that skill? then you can really drop that Mandrake line Thundr is all about, lol. seeusmile - February 12, 2013, 7:08 am Four or five i lost count bahh! In my previous post when i said its been a while since i fapped, thought might as well since it will be my last once i start the challenge.

So far, energy levels are much better! Confidence wise varies, though i still feel more alive than just dull and unmotivated. I also tend to take alot of attention to detail with women more now in otherwords im perving like a mofo. As if its fuck at first sight, i can still hold myself just like how you hold yourself when tipsy but it's quite challenging now days. Feels like a dog in the fire!

LL21 - February 12, 2013, 8:57 am (02-11-2013 11:18 PM)okyoureabeast Wrote:  Alright i'm in.

I'm doing my trifecta vice withdrawal. I'm stopping smoking herb, stoges, and fapping.

Day 1 so far so good (except Nicotine rage which the gym took care of).

Thanks guys for posting this Good Look bro, I don't know what your going to do in the past time but I read that you need to find activities to replace those activities or else it'll be next to impossible to change those habits. To change one habit is hard enough your changing 3. I have an App I've been using to help me track my habits. kenpachi - February 12, 2013, 10:46 am (02-11-2013 8:20 AM)paradigmshift Wrote:  Check out

See if that makes sense. Thanks for the link, it does make sense. The bit about the ED caused by porn rings true. Although I don't have any sexual partners so I don't know if I would be able to get an erection with them, I know that I can only get an erection when viewing porn, and even then it has to be something that really turns me on, just vanilla sex might not do it.

I can't get an erection using just my imagination any more, unless I wake up in the morning with one which used to happen a lot more frequently than it does now.

So I am also off of porn. This will be day 1 without it.

Question: Is looking at just pictures of women, not pornographic but just natural against the rules? Or reading sex stories? I feel I need some kind of aid to help me get an erection so I can jelq, at least to start with.

Food for thought: Boxers are well aware of this phenomenon. There is a mantra: "Women weaken legs" and it's a common ritual that a boxer avoids ejaculation before a fight. A boxer called Jake Lamotta used to use this technique, he would please his wife through oral or whatever but then never blow his load. By the time he got into the ring, he was a complete animal who could take an inordinate amount of punishment without getting knocked out.

Very interesting topic, bored! okyoureabeast - February 12, 2013, 1:14 pm (02-12-2013 3:57 AM)LL21 Wrote:  Good Look bro, I don't know what your going to do in the past time but I read that you need to find activities to replace those activities or else it'll be next to impossible to change those habits. To change one habit is hard enough your changing 3. I have an App I've been using to help me track my habits. The thing is i do. I just thought i could manage all three, but it interrupts the gym, cooking food, and hanging out with friends. sikkunt - February 12, 2013, 3:55 pm (02-12-2013 5:46 AM)kenpachi Wrote:  Thanks for the link, it does make sense. The bit about the ED caused by porn rings true. Although I don't have any sexual partners so I don't know if I would be able to get an erection with them, I know that I can only get an erection when viewing porn, and even then it has to be something that really turns me on, just vanilla sex might not do it.

I can't get an erection using just my imagination any more, unless I wake up in the morning with one which used to happen a lot more frequently than it does now.

So I am also off of porn. This will be day 1 without it.

Question: Is looking at just pictures of women, not pornographic but just natural against the rules? Or reading sex stories? I feel I need some kind of aid to help me get an erection so I can jelq, at least to start with.

Food for thought: Boxers are well aware of this phenomenon. There is a mantra: "Women weaken legs" and it's a common ritual that a boxer avoids ejaculation before a fight. A boxer called Jake Lamotta used to use this technique, he would please his wife through oral or whatever but then never blow his load. By the time he got into the ring, he was a complete animal who could take an inordinate amount of punishment without getting knocked out.

Very interesting topic, bored! Nah man, its only gonna hurt your progress and make you want to fap. Just stop everything that has to do with fapping and watching chicks on a computer and your life will change for the better. Take it from me, Never gotten this much pussy than now (day 54 of no PMO, about half a year without porn).

whats the jelq thing anyway that is more important than fixing ED-issues?

Fly So Hi - February 12, 2013, 4:12 pm Okay, this is just a minor update.

I started the challenge yesterday and even though I even started to beat the meat once or twice I didn't finished the job. There was this girl online on my FB yesterday and I started to talk to her about sexual things and I was able to throw some sexual innuendos without giving so much importance to what she was going to think. THAT could have been a coincidence and I even think it was, but I wanted to report nevertheless.

But what's no coincidence is that this very night I've had a vivid dream like I haven't dreamed in a year or so. I was laying in bed with a girl I know (she's sort of my lust-crush) and we were kissing and hugging. But the dream was so, so real! It was awesome to experience such a thing so soon.

Guys, thanks for the amazing links and videos. Keep going! bored4life - February 12, 2013, 4:55 pm I'm so glad that so many of us can band together for the common cause. Honestly, my desire to even want to fap has dimished ten-fold just because I know that there are so many others that I'm sharing this cause with.

I've noticed increased confidence, better ability to talk to everyone, a lot better eye contact, girls start conversations more often (even with mones not present), and girls are just generally interested to talk too. I sleep better, and I'm not as groggy in the morning.

I will admit that I started touching myself, but I never got a full erection to the point where something was at the point of no turning back, nor did I continue for long after thinking about the goal.

I'm exposed to some sexual stimuli online with pictures and stuff in various formats, mostly some subreddits I haven't unsubscribed to, or some female fitness pages I follow just for motivation. But that hasn't gotten me to do anything. I've stopped visiting sites that are specifically made for that pleasure.

This has led to an amazing discussion, and a lot of honesty from you folks, so thank you for that everyone bored4life - February 12, 2013, 4:55 pm I'm so glad that so many of us can band together for the common cause. Honestly, my desire to even want to fap has dimished ten-fold just because I know that there are so many others that I'm sharing this cause with.

I've noticed increased confidence, better ability to talk to everyone, a lot better eye contact, girls start conversations more often (even with mones not present), and girls are just generally interested to talk too. I sleep better, and I'm not as groggy in the morning.

I will admit that I started touching myself, but I never got a full erection to the point where something was at the point of no turning back, nor did I continue for long after thinking about the goal.

I'm exposed to some sexual stimuli online with pictures and stuff in various formats, mostly some subreddits I haven't unsubscribed to, or some female fitness pages I follow just for motivation. But that hasn't gotten me to do anything. I've stopped visiting sites that are specifically made for that pleasure.

This has led to an amazing discussion, and a lot of honesty from you folks, so thank you for that everyone

Emil - February 12, 2013, 6:00 pm I've been playing around with the no fapping to porn idea since last summer. There were stretches of time where I got up to over a month without fapping. With my last girlfriend I had problems with erections during sex, and even though I know that weed was partially the problem I'm now certain that porn has the biggest impact on ED. BTW guys, I'm 24, so this is not an age issue or anything. My list of negatives regarding porn and masturbation is so long that I could discuss it for hours.

I'll say this though: no fap => increased testosterone => higher sexdrive and risk taking => more sex andbetter habits in all aspects of life => better quality of life without question. Stick with it guys, the long term effects are well worth fighting the urge. Soon you will redirect that DRIVE to other areas of life that benefit from it.

A tip: meditate. Block out all thoughts and feelings for 5-10 minutes a day. It helps shine a light on the more important aspects of your life when you're not meditating. Look up the benefits of mediatation.

I hope I'm not too late to the party b4l, I wanna do the challange too Technically I started last saturday (feb 9) Good luck!

LL21 - February 12, 2013, 6:08 pm (02-12-2013 10:55 AM)sikkunt Wrote:  Nah man, its only gonna hurt your progress and make you want to fap. Just stop everything that has to do with fapping and watching chicks on a computer and your life will change for the better. Take it from me, Never gotten this much pussy than now (day 54 of no PMO, about half a year without porn).

whats the jelq thing anyway that is more important than fixing ED-issues? Yea I agree whole heartedly with sikkunt. You need to cut everything out. You stopped looking at porn and now your using pictures as a substitute. I think that if it helps you transition yourself to no porn then its okay but if you can help it cut that out. That is literally how my relapse happened I was watching babes on stumbleupon. After my last relapse it feels a lot easier to watch nothing at all compared to pictures on the internet. It might have the effect on our brains as porn does

The flip side of this is that you might start staring in public. I was at a monitored study session yesterday and all the female athletes started coming and holy shit are they hot . I know I was checking them out longer than I should be but nobody really looks around in a monitored study session when they're trying to study, the only person that gave me shit for it was my friend that was there with me haha.

Welcome to the movement Emil, this movement is focused on putting the mojo back in the man. sikkunt - February 12, 2013, 9:41 pm (02-12-2013 1:08 PM)LL21 Wrote:  Yea I agree whole heartedly with sikkunt. You need to cut everything out. You stopped looking at porn and now your using pictures as a substitute. I think that if it helps you transition yourself to no porn then its okay but if you can help it cut that out. That is literally how my relapse happened I was watching babes on stumbleupon. After my last relapse it feels a lot easier to watch nothing at all compared to pictures on the internet. It might have the effect on our brains as porn does

The flip side of this is that you might start staring in public. I was at a monitored study session yesterday and all the female athletes started coming and holy shit are they hot . I know I was checking them out longer than I should be but nobody really looks around in a monitored study session when they're trying to study, the only person that gave me shit for it was my friend that was there with me haha.

Welcome to the movement Emil, this movement is focused on putting the mojo back in the man. Yeah, you got a point about staring in public. I stare alot more than when I watched porn, but I think that has to do with my increased sex drive. Also now that I dont watch porn at all I dont stare at the girls in a perverted way. I kinda notice subtle things about them, not only staring at their asses and tits. I think the girls notice this aswell as I get more smiles than before. paradigmshift - February 12, 2013, 10:26 pm (02-12-2013 4:41 PM)sikkunt Wrote:  Yeah, you got a point about staring in public. I stare alot more than when I watched porn, but I think that has to do with my increased sex drive. Also now that I dont watch porn at all I dont stare at the girls in a perverted way. I kinda notice subtle things about them, not only staring at their asses and tits. I think the girls notice this aswell as I get more smiles than before.

^^^^ This.

Women are amazing in how they can read you.

Its like they can tell whos a jerkoff. Lol

And looking at them in a more humanizing way is healthier.

And probably much more congruent with most mixes. lifeisgood7 - February 12, 2013, 11:54 pm (02-12-2013 1:05 AM)velinxs Wrote:  dude lifeisgood7, that is awesome. How do you retain semen during sex??? (PM preferably, unless anyone else cares to know)

edit: ive heard its possible to achieve a sort of semenless ejaculation, i have zero clue as to how that makes any sense.

How cool would it be to master that skill? then you can really drop that Mandrake line Thundr is all about, lol.

there is a book that teaches you how to do this: "The Way of the Superior Man" by David Deida

super good book.

also, Mantak Chia's "The MultiOrgasmic Man". He also go in depth about why semen retention is very important.

you can find both of these book online *cough torrents cough*

I'm pretty sure they might be loaded on scribd. I will try to find and upload when I have free time lol.

I also know 2 techniques that allows the sex energy to go to your head/lotus chakra. Super effective, super focus, you will look bright and radiant, more charasmatic. look up the david deida book and ill also post how not to ejaculate during sex later. bored4life - February 13, 2013, 3:08 am Wow guys, I just went through a serious almost-relapse moment, but BEHOLD! I couldn't get myself to fap because of all of you (in a non-perverted way), thanks guys! Fly So Hi - February 13, 2013, 3:23 am velinxs - February 13, 2013, 6:08 am (02-12-2013 6:54 PM)lifeisgood7 Wrote:  there is a book that teaches you how to do this: "The Way of the Superior Man" by David Deida

super good book.

also, Mantak Chia's "The MultiOrgasmic Man". He also go in depth about why semen retention is very important.

you can find both of these book online *cough torrents cough*

I'm pretty sure they might be loaded on scribd. I will try to find and upload when I have free time lol.

I also know 2 techniques that allows the sex energy to go to your head/lotus chakra. Super effective, super focus, you will look bright and radiant, more charasmatic. look up the david deida book and ill also post how not to ejaculate during sex later. dude, awesome info, currently reading a book on neo tantra and will definitely put these on my next to read list. I have limited experience with the whole transferring sexual energy into 3rd eye / crown or whatever, and am definitely interested on hearing what your techniques are. Thanks! kenpachi - February 13, 2013, 12:00 pm @sikkunt: Jelqing is an exercise you do in which you basically milk your penis. It increases length and girth over time. There's a topic about it in the sex part of the forum. Although I think you're right, I might just cut it all out. No point having a slightly bigger dick if you can't get a full erection with it.

So I'm still going with the no fapping. We went to a bar last night, and wow. Insane female attention. This was with a really bad cold, I was coughing and blowing my nose the entire night and was still getting hit on. Lots of grinding during dancing, this 3 girl combo all made eye contact with me, smiled then started dirty dancing with each other against me. Then the alpha of their group whispered in my ear if I wanted to go back to theirs for an after party. I'm afraid to say I declined, due to my illness. Plus it was still pretty early. Maybe I should have gone anyway but hey, we all make mistakes.

Later into the night, a girl literally grabs me out of nowhere and starts kissing me and grabbing my butt. She was a 6/10, I had to physically push her off of me. She was shouting at me to get with her until one of her friends came and dragged her away.

Next I'm at the bar and a girl starts talking with me. She's an 8/10, very pretty blonde with nice blue eyes. It starts off with general chit chat about university, what courses we do, etc. Then after about a minute she grins at me, moves her face into mine and starts making out with me. After observing how ill I am she went for it anyway, haha. Then she insists that I add her on facebook, takes my name, I check my phone about half an hour later and she's added me.

So the possibilities that could have caused this are:

1.) Girls are attracted to guys that are bunged up and snotty (lol)

2.) They can tell when you're not actively out trying to get laid and find that attractive

3.) My mone combination was a real winner. (2 drops AV, 1 pea sized glob Overdose, 1 spray Cohesion. Btw, just a tip, I find OD works as an amazing social on a night out. It makes you quick witted and funny without the blabber mouth betafying effects of Glace)

4.) Not fapping has made these girls become attracted to me

Objectively, no. 4 seems the most likely. I get a fair amount of female attention anyway, but you have to take note when 3 different women hit on you in the space of one night.

Keep fighting the good fight guys!

Curiosity - February 13, 2013, 12:26 pm (02-13-2013 7:00 AM)kenpachi Wrote:  No point having a slightly bigger dick if you can't get a full erection with it. hm

preck - February 13, 2013, 12:36 pm ^^^^ How many days u got without fapping??

This no FAP thing makes so much sense now wow Pherotruth has done it again,a big thank you to the OP!! ^^How many days without fappin?

Sptsmed - February 13, 2013, 1:58 pm Very interesting topic for sure, and I agree with a lot of what has been said in it so far. I will say that I am going on two years since I have rubbed one out, outside of being with a woman and it being part of intimate relations together. I have sworn off porn for over a year and I will definitely say things are much different in my life since doing both.

For me when I figured out that my T levels were low and being in my early 40's at the time I started taking action to increase them and FAPing, never heard that before LOL, definitely plays a role as your levels drop afterward. Shortly after making the decision to stop that I started playing with mones and make a conscious effort to hit the gym on a regular basis and move away from just cardio to hitting the weights again.

When I first came on here and I think in the early part of my journal I mentioned that for me talking to women, being able to open them and keep a conversation going was never a difficult thing, but closing had become way more difficult and sometimes I found myself just walking away from some more attractive women without even trying. Looking back I do believe that that new found habit of porn and rubbing one out here and there during the week played a huge role mentally in that issue. It was like mentally I either needed more arousal or incitement, or I had already found that stimulation and satisfaction through porn and a good FAP, so why push an issue or take any risk. I have always been capable of having multiple orgasms in a short duration and even with low T issues never had a problem with needing Viagra or any chemical help, although I did find new problems. FAPing and watching porn led to a decreased sensation while having sex, made having an orgasm significantly more difficult when with a woman along with neutering my desire to try and close the deal with someone I had just met. Now granted, the women I would end up having sex with would most certainly enjoy the fact that I would go so long, but for me it was frustrating to find it taking up to 40 minutes sometimes to finally cross the finish line myself. In the past and now that things are normal again, I can easily work through that long and longer, but I am back to having two or three during that time as well and not begging myself to finally reach one before I gave out physically. There were even times that I would even have to resort to the porn ways and after a long time pull out and manually bring myself to orgasm. Needless to say, what might have been wonderful for the women, was pure hell for me.

I found subs at that time and with a few, along with the mones and swearing off porn and self pleasure, I started to find my old self once again. I have always been in rather good shape, played football into college and have always been an Alpha type person in my career and personal life, however those habits tended to taint my normal way in personal ways to a degree.

This past two years have been a mind blowing experience due to many factors and I believe strongly that getting porn out of my daily or weekly habits and doing away with self pleasure have played a very significant role. These days I not only find myself more than comfortable approaching and opening women, but I also find it normal again to close them, or in several cases over the past two years choose to walk away on my own, for reasons other than not wanting to put the effort in to close. Now, the women that I am seeing, still enjoy the fact that I can go for long periods of time, but I am enjoying it way more as I can reaching the finish line several times as well. I have gone from mentally begging myself to finally get that release to mentally focusing to slow it down until she has a few times first.

I would have never thought about posting my experience as research oriented, but I know that stopping that habit has really been a major plus in my life. okyoureabeast - February 13, 2013, 5:18 pm 3 days in and I feel great.

Thanks guys

Fly So Hi - February 13, 2013, 11:55 pm Minor update

Last night I went to bed 3 in the morning. Regardless, I woke up naturally this morning at 7:43 am.

Very uncommon in my experience. lifeisgood7 - February 14, 2013, 12:50 am TECHNIQUE 1: BALL BREATHING

Ball breathing allows you to recirculate the energy of passion, fire, and creativity out of your genitalia and back through your body. That way you can express that fire in more robust and productive ways than a simple orgasm. It can also even out your temper if you're feeling frustrated or blocked, for example in a traffic jam.

You will direct your slow, deliberate breaths, this deep into your abdomen, down into your "balls,"• When you breathe in, you should feel a physiological sensation of the muscles in your pelvis releasing and relaxing. Watch the inhale into your nose, down your throat, down your chest, down your abdomen, down to your balls. Let the tension disappear in that area.

As you push the breath slowly up (exhale), feel the pent-up tension traveling upward into your chest, your throat, and your head, eventually falling back down in a cycle that feels almost like rain inside your body.

All the same passionate energy is still present, but it's spread out among all your faculties, including your heart, intellect, and intuition.

Here is a site that explain it also: s/

Here is "The Superior Man" where I learned the technique from:​2520Man.pdf+&hl =en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESiAp34MDbvepRNeg8x3iwEJsgEXQm​0aq5G29e3qcOCj clUsgxAn8gp3rFiVB0yqYzj0O8​OQ2E5ReTLlVKWkSGGivHdYG8GqJo53LyoggKLlNmR 03;T-7D0W9NpWXMJxnoaErePLlcgu&sig=AHIEtbTVEIML1X2wchXexOQeUa3GEtWvhQ

Read chapter 45, page 185

This technique is a huge help when you are conserving your semen.

ENJOY!!! lifeisgood7 - February 14, 2013, 12:53 am (02-13-2013 7:36 AM)preck Wrote:  ^^^^ How many days u got without fapping??

This no FAP thing makes so much sense now wow Pherotruth has done it again,a big thank you to the OP!! ^^How many days without fappin? ive been 2 years no porn, 2-3 months no fapping. my longest record no fapping was 4-5 months.

Needless to say, it was freaking amazing. this time around, super amazing. i would be a liar to say you do not experience ups and downs as your body is recalibrating. if you push through it, there is a nice reward. life becomes easier, increased attention, more respect, etc etc my favorite plus about it is you feel like a genius. nicola tesla was known to never masturbate. lifeisgood7 - February 14, 2013, 12:57 am TECHNIQUE 2: FCKING THE WORLD


"....also what you can do is project outwards from your penis like you have a giant etheric erection penetrating the world. If you think people feel your ball breathing presence, wait until you try this one!"

ENJOY!!! bored4life - February 14, 2013, 2:35 pm Hey guys,

I've realized that this is like curving an addiction. Our bodies are so used to this happening and withdrawal like things happen. Unfortunately I regressed again last night due to a variety of circumstances and I regretted it a whole bunch this morning.

I know it may seem that I'm weak with this, but after continuous and long conditioning fapping, its very hard, and I realize now that I actually may have had a prolonged addiction to it.

I just wanted to update you guys. I don't see this as a failure because before last night I was fap free for four days, which is four more than I had in a couple of months. Progress is still progress, and its slow, but it's there. Baby steps.

It gets easier and easier each time to quit, so I'm planning to make this regression my last one for a while. lifeisgood7 - February 14, 2013, 4:09 pm hey bored4life,

Get out a calender. Pick a date (90 days is the magic number for rebooting your body) and stick to it. when you have a solid date it makes things a lot easier. something as simple as picking a date will help leaps and bounds. bored4life - February 14, 2013, 4:10 pm (02-14-2013 11:09 AM)lifeisgood7 Wrote:  hey bored4life,

Get out a calender. Pick a date (90 days is the magic number for rebooting your body) and stick to it. when you have a solid date it makes things a lot easier. something as simple as picking a date will help leaps and bounds. Thanks for the support and the advice. I'm going to put it on my phone calendar so I can remind myself everytime I see it. (02-14-2013 11:09 AM)lifeisgood7 Wrote:  hey bored4life,

Get out a calender. Pick a date (90 days is the magic number for rebooting your body) and stick to it. when you have a solid date it makes things a lot easier. something as simple as picking a date will help leaps and bounds. Thanks for the support and the advice. I'm going to put it on my phone calendar so I can remind myself everytime I see it. veramis - February 14, 2013, 5:08 pm I've heard people use less and less tobacco as a way to quit, by telling themselves not to do it until x time like lifeisgood7 suggested. I think 90 days is too long, I would go for once a week as the goal. The worst thing you can do is think you failed just because you had to fap, that sort of negative self-talk reinforces the urge for an outlet. preck - February 14, 2013, 5:30 pm hidden post solidprice - February 14, 2013, 6:34 pm (02-14-2013 9:35 AM)bored4life Wrote:  Hey guys,

I've realized that this is like curving an addiction. Our bodies are so used to this happening and withdrawal like things happen. Unfortunately I regressed again last night due to a variety of circumstances and I regretted it a whole bunch this morning.

I know it may seem that I'm weak with this, but after continuous and long conditioning fapping, its very hard, and I realize now that I actually may have had a prolonged addiction to it.

I just wanted to update you guys. I don't see this as a failure because before last night I was fap free for four days, which is four more than I had in a couple of months. Progress is still progress, and its slow, but it's there. Baby steps.

It gets easier and easier each time to quit, so I'm planning to make this regression my last one for a while. it happens to all of us bored. been testing this to see if no fapping worked. short answer: it dose. so im back on the wagon after testing it to see if its bs. its not bs. ill post the long answer if anyone cares/later. keep up the good work PT! lifeisgood7 - February 14, 2013, 9:26 pm (02-14-2013 12:08 PM)veramis Wrote:  I've heard people use less and less tobacco as a way to quit, by telling themselves not to do it until x time like lifeisgood7 suggested. I think 90 days is too long, I would go for once a week as the goal. The worst thing you can do is think you failed just because you had to fap, that sort of negative self-talk reinforces the urge for an outlet.

90 days is the best way to go. trust me. (or at least 60 days) its over before you know it. once you get over 1-2 weeks, its smooth sailing :-)


Why 90 days?

NoFapResource Guide: 90+ Days Reports ***READ THE VERY 1ST REPORT***

An 18 Year Old Report "90 days, tons of confidence, a lot more social" : (if an 18 year old can do it, you can do it)

90 days - I feel rewired

90 days - biggest change: I see girls, everywhere

KIMBA - February 15, 2013, 7:25 am I decided to give it up for lent. I am not religious, but it came up in conversation with my buddy and I said it being a smart ass and figured that, after this thread, it was a good idea.

I fear horny Kimba is going to be an issue at work. At 21 I already get happy pants on occasion.

LL21 - February 15, 2013, 7:51 am Fuck , I replapsed no bueno. I did the ball breathing technique and I spilled no seed but a relapse is a relapse. I didn't have the hangover symptoms like when I did spill the seed. I didn't lose my energy or anything or feel enough regret to go crawl in a blanket in a dark room. I was almost at a week too fuck, 5 solid days .Today would have been the 6th and tomorrow the 1 week mark. Oh well back to square 1, time to start listening to the end porn subs

For those who want to keep a track record if you have an android or iphone look up habit apps. They help you record how many days if you like seeing it as a reminder.

If you need a physical copy print this thing out and keep it in your wallet

Jerry Seinfield has a productivity secret and it boild down to don't break the chain. Don't break the chain of your habits. It can be applied to anything really bored4life - February 15, 2013, 2:23 pm (02-15-2013 2:51 AM)LL21 Wrote:  Fuck , I replapsed no bueno. I did the ball breathing technique and I spilled no seed but a relapse is a relapse. I didn't have the hangover symptoms like when I did spill the seed. I didn't lose my energy or anything or feel enough regret to go crawl in a blanket in a dark room. I was almost at a week too fuck, 5 solid days .Today would have been the 6th and tomorrow the 1 week mark. Oh well back to square 1, time to start listening to the end porn subs

For those who want to keep a track record if you have an android or iphone look up habit apps. They help you record how many days if you like seeing it as a reminder.

If you need a physical copy print this thing out and keep it in your wallet

Jerry Seinfield has a productivity secret and it boild down to don't break the chain. Don't break the chain of your habits. It can be applied to anything really It's ok man, it happens. Look at me. 5 days is an amazing accomplishment, and you should now look to better yourself on that! Your next target 7-14 days! And slowly move on from there.

The thing with this is like other things, mind over matter, and if that doesn't work, just remember your goal. Relapses are bound to happen at some point or another, but just stride through them and remember that you did well, and how no fapping worked wonders for you. bored4life - February 15, 2013, 2:23 pm (02-15-2013 2:51 AM)LL21 Wrote:  Fuck , I replapsed no bueno. I did the ball breathing technique and I spilled no seed but a relapse is a relapse. I didn't have the hangover symptoms like when I did spill the seed. I didn't lose my energy or anything or feel enough regret to go crawl in a blanket in a dark room. I was almost at a week too fuck, 5 solid days .Today would have been the 6th and tomorrow the 1 week mark. Oh well back to square 1, time to start listening to the end porn subs

For those who want to keep a track record if you have an android or iphone look up habit apps. They help you record how many days if you like seeing it as a reminder.

If you need a physical copy print this thing out and keep it in your wallet

Jerry Seinfield has a productivity secret and it boild down to don't break the chain. Don't break the chain of your habits. It can be applied to anything really It's ok man, it happens. Look at me. 5 days is an amazing accomplishment, and you should now look to better yourself on that! Your next target 7-14 days! And slowly move on from there.

The thing with this is like other things, mind over matter, and if that doesn't work, just remember your goal. Relapses are bound to happen at some point or another, but just stride through them and remember that you did well, and how no fapping worked wonders for you.

Fly So Hi - February 15, 2013, 2:51 pm (02-13-2013 7:50 PM)lifeisgood7 Wrote:  TECHNIQUE 1: BALL BREATHING

Ball breathing allows you to recirculate the energy of passion, fire, and creativity out of your genitalia and back through your body. That way you can express that fire in more robust and productive ways than a simple orgasm. It can also even out your temper if you're feeling frustrated or blocked, for example in a traffic jam. Awesome!

I'm gonna try the ball breathing technique. Only thing I've ever heard in that sense is the Ah meditation by Dr. Pillai.

Theory behind it:

Tks again!

Sptsmed - February 15, 2013, 3:23 pm For me I am not sure that women can sense anything different, but I know for sure that when I stopped, even if it was once or twice a week I noticed getting that edge back. It make sense, if you are giving yourself the end result and gratification that sex with a woman ultimately does, you have less reason to pursue. It would be like going back to cave man days and dropping off a freezer full of meat to the cave on a regular basis, before long they would lose the desire to hunt and even when they did, they would not have the same edge.

Fly So Hi - February 15, 2013, 3:41 pm Lifeisgood, the google docs link for Superior Man ebook isn't working! bored4life - February 15, 2013, 3:43 pm hidden post! velinxs - February 16, 2013, 3:46 pm broke down after a week of not fapping. tried to stall at the point of no return with no success. Don't feel super sedated like i normally would. oh well, back to day 1. bored4life - February 16, 2013, 4:47 pm (02-16-2013 10:46 AM)velinxs Wrote:  broke down after a week of not fapping. tried to stall at the point of no return with no success. Don't feel super sedated like i normally would. oh well, back to day 1. That's a week longer than prior bro. You got this. Stick to it!

Fly So Hi - February 16, 2013, 9:07 pm Oh, fuck broke down at 4 days... Damn!

Starting back again, now I'm prepared. bored4life - February 16, 2013, 9:09 pm (02-16-2013 4:07 PM)Fly So Hi Wrote:  Oh, fuck broke down at 4 days... Damn!

Starting back again, now I'm prepared. 4 more days than you had been previously. It's ok to have some relapses here and there. You're going to be much stronger because of this! shadowknight - February 16, 2013, 9:30 pm (02-15-2013 10:41 AM)Fly So Hi Wrote:  Lifeisgood, the google docs link for Superior Man ebook isn't working! I found this link its working I already tried it

LL21 - February 16, 2013, 9:33 pm This is mostly directed to Fly but I have inadvertently been doing the ball breathing techniques before realizing exactly what I was doing. I was doing this before life even mentioned it.I wrote a post that led me to that point on my own and then a fucking windows updates popped up and I didn't notice it so it restarted my laptop and I was so pissed off I just went to bed angry lol. I think I'm going to make a post about it since people in general have been talking about medidation lately.When I was younger I was introduced to something that scientifically made sense yet also had a bit of energy,mediation/ mysticism while being completly unaffiliated with any religon .

Great job with this thread bored. sikkunt - February 17, 2013, 9:46 am noooo, cant believe its real. 48 days down the toilet.

so I was out clubbin and hooked up with a girl. we went to her place and fooled around. we were naked in bed together when suddently her roommate comes home in a reeal bad mood and throws me out. went home horny as a motherfucker and.....yeah..relapsed. It feels kinda shitty, but I know I'll get back on track pretty fast.

Day 0 here goes

Fly So Hi - February 17, 2013, 2:46 pm To bored4life and LL21:


Yes man, thanks for the support! I didn't feel that "deppresion" after doing it this time, so i think it indicates I still have a certain amount of energy of those 4 days stored. Let's do it right this time.

LL21: I'll start ball breathing today and see what happens. I hope we hear about your experiences soon!

@Sikkunt: Oh man, only by READING your post I get furious!! Cockblockers are the plague of human kind.

In Brazil we say that bad humour is "lack of cock", and I'm sure the bitch wasn't getting any for a long time. You should have offered your swiss roll for her also, so she would stop being such a cunt.

And while we're on the subject: Why the girls who you're with never protest to their cockblocker friends?

D_Darko - February 17, 2013, 2:59 pm Ok, so I'm in as well. It's been exactly a week since I last poked Darko junior. This is going to be quite the challenge but I'm up for it... so to speak ;)

Fly So Hi - February 17, 2013, 3:01 pm Welcome aboard!

D_Darko - February 17, 2013, 3:03 pm (02-17-2013 10:01 AM)Fly So Hi Wrote:  Welcome aboard! Thanks man! eyeofra - February 17, 2013, 3:44 pm Uhhg. Almost relapsed. Came real close to losing it, but managed to stop myself from blowing my wad.

That almost counts as a relapse in my mind, but I think it doesn't because afterwards I was just as horny as before; and "up" to any challenge.

Close call though. bored4life - February 17, 2013, 7:30 pm (02-17-2013 9:59 AM)D_Darko Wrote:  Ok, so I'm in as well. It's been exactly a week since I last poked Darko junior. This is going to be quite the challenge but I'm up for it... so to speak ;) Welcome aboard Darko!

(02-17-2013 10:44 AM)eyeofra Wrote:  Uhhg. Almost relapsed. Came real close to losing it, but managed to stop myself from blowing my wad.

That almost counts as a relapse in my mind, but I think it doesn't because afterwards I was just as horny as before; and "up" to any challenge.

Close call though. Hey EoR, I'm glad you stopped yourself, and while its not exactly a relapse, I'm very glad to read that you were able to stop yourself, especially in that close of an ending!

This no fap is working wonders for me...

Thank you all for being so honest guys! sunny10 - February 17, 2013, 9:44 pm (02-13-2013 7:50 PM)lifeisgood7 Wrote:  TECHNIQUE 1: BALL BREATHING

Ball breathing allows you to recirculate the energy of passion, fire, and creativity out of your genitalia and back through your body. That way you can express that fire in more robust and productive ways than a simple orgasm. It can also even out your temper if you're feeling frustrated or blocked, for example in a traffic jam. Sounds interesting, do you have a routine for doing this, i.e first thing in the morning, before sleep? How many times do you do this or for how long, is it like a couple of reps or more to get an effective result? Whats the best way, lying down, sitting, standing up?

I'm also playing around with one point ki meditation and ki breathing.


If you guys want a real challange, do this no pmo thing, also exercise and take those ummm sex pills, this will build real discipline ;) seeusmile - February 17, 2013, 11:34 pm A week and three days so far! I'm on a streak!

For some odd reason when i was almost reaching a week, I had a dream that I was on the verge to fapping and then my alarm went off. Weird bored4life - February 18, 2013, 12:18 am (02-17-2013 6:34 PM)seeusmile Wrote:  A week and three days so far! I'm on a streak!

For some odd reason when i was almost reaching a week, I had a dream that I was on the verge to fapping and then my alarm went off. Weird That, my friend, is your subconscious reaffirming what you shouldn't do. sikkunt - February 18, 2013, 1:43 am (02-17-2013 9:46 AM)Fly So Hi Wrote:  @Sikkunt: Oh man, only by READING your post I get furious!! Cockblockers are the plague of human kind.

In Brazil we say that bad humour is "lack of cock", and I'm sure the bitch wasn't getting any for a long time. You should have offered your swiss roll for her also, so she would stop being such a cunt.

And while we're on the subject: Why the girls who you're with never protest to their cockblocker friends? I think they got the "bros before hoes"-code aswell, my man next time ill bring the girl to my place. lesson learned.

Fuuuark, its hard starting on a new nofap. day 1-3 is so hard. bored4life - February 18, 2013, 3:04 am (02-17-2013 8:43 PM)sikkunt Wrote:  I think they got the "bros before hoes"-code aswell, my man next time ill bring the girl to my place. lesson learned.

Fuuuark, its hard starting on a new nofap. day 1-3 is so hard. Hard but not impossible. Tread on, bro. solidprice - February 18, 2013, 4:56 am (02-17-2013 8:43 PM)sikkunt Wrote:  I think they got the "bros before hoes"-code aswell, my man next time ill bring the girl to my place. lesson learned.

Fuuuark, its hard starting on a new nofap. day 1-3 is so hard. it is. and ill post my mini fap experiment at the end of my b- day on Tuesday night.

Fly So Hi - February 18, 2013, 2:18 pm (02-17-2013 8:43 PM)sikkunt Wrote:  I think they got the "bros before hoes"-code aswell, my man Yeah, that's why I love being a man, we have this chivalry code among us. But that doesn't mean that if I can't get some I'll have to prevent my buddy to get some as well!

Sick people, these women... bored4life - February 18, 2013, 5:53 pm (02-18-2013 9:18 AM)Fly So Hi Wrote:  Yeah, that's why I love being a man, we have this chivalry code among us. But that doesn't mean that if I can't get some I'll have to prevent my buddy to get some as well!

Sick people, these women... Pure evil.. seeusmile - February 18, 2013, 7:39 pm I might research that on cockblockers. seeusmile - February 18, 2013, 7:39 pm I might research that on cockblockers. bored4life - February 21, 2013, 2:22 pm 1 week! I've made 1 week! If I can do it, you guys surely can. Now I haven't been "porn-free" as I should be, but I'm sure a dose of provocative pictures here and there won't hurt too much.. or will it?

I've had no want or desire of relapse, but I have been noticing a lot more glances from both male and females, and I think my aura has become more alpha and intimidating in nature.. bored4life - February 21, 2013, 2:22 pm 1 week! I've made 1 week! If I can do it, you guys surely can. Now I haven't been "porn-free" as I should be, but I'm sure a dose of provocative pictures here and there won't hurt too much.. or will it?

I've had no want or desire of relapse, but I have been noticing a lot more glances from both male and females, and I think my aura has become more alpha and intimidating in nature.. paradigmshift - February 21, 2013, 2:37 pm (02-21-2013 9:22 AM)bored4life Wrote:  1 week! I've made 1 week! If I can do it, you guys surely can. Now I haven't been "porn-free" as I should be, but I'm sure a dose of provocative pictures here and there won't hurt too much.. or will it?

I've had no want or desire of relapse, but I have been noticing a lot more glances from both male and females, and I think my aura has become more alpha and intimidating in nature.. Everything in moderation.

The problem with porn, specifically online porn, is the ability to seek and find new images scenarios that appeal to our dopamine reward seeking behavior. Fapping reinforces this.

Thats what i get out of it.

So looking at some porn should not hurt you unless it bores you and you keep wanting more.

If looking at porn doesnt lessen your appreciation for interactions with real people then youre good. bored4life - February 21, 2013, 2:50 pm (02-21-2013 9:37 AM)paradigmshift Wrote:  Everything in moderation.

The problem with porn, specifically online porn, is the ability to seek and find new images scenarios that appeal to our dopamine reward seeking behavior. Fapping reinforces this.

Thats what i get out of it.

So looking at some porn should not hurt you unless it bores you and you keep wanting more.

If looking at porn doesnt lessen your appreciation for interactions with real people then youre good. Well I'm not looking at "porn" per-se, nor am I fapping to it at all. I just look at pictures that are more explicit in nature than not, like random images on reddit that come up, or random stuff online.. (02-21-2013 9:37 AM)paradigmshift Wrote:  Everything in moderation.

The problem with porn, specifically online porn, is the ability to seek and find new images scenarios that appeal to our dopamine reward seeking behavior. Fapping reinforces this.

Thats what i get out of it.

So looking at some porn should not hurt you unless it bores you and you keep wanting more.

If looking at porn doesnt lessen your appreciation for interactions with real people then youre good. Well I'm not looking at "porn" per-se, nor am I fapping to it at all. I just look at pictures that are more explicit in nature than not, like random images on reddit that come up, or random stuff online..

Fly So Hi - February 21, 2013, 5:23 pm Great one, bored! 5 days and counting.

Perceived several glances today as well, not sure if it's related to no faping but I'm still strong!

I also took a look at some porn recently, but I'll see if I cut it. eyeofra - February 21, 2013, 6:51 pm Yea. So . . . I relapsed a few days ago. Today is day two fap free again. Can't believe I blew a week of not fapping (pun intended)

D_Darko - February 21, 2013, 7:11 pm Way to go bored4life! I am on day 11 myself. I can feel I have more energy and more composed. Also seem to be getting some looks from the ladies. Looking forward to going out tomorrow with the boys and my Corpo! Marzipan - February 21, 2013, 9:14 pm I have already won, I can a year without if I wanted too. bored4life - February 22, 2013, 4:52 am hidden posts! (02-21-2013 12:23 PM)Fly So Hi Wrote:  Great one, bored! 5 days and counting.

Perceived several glances today as well, not sure if it's related to no faping but I'm still strong!

I also took a look at some porn recently, but I'll see if I cut it. Thanks. I've been noticing this too! Definitely related to fapping! Awesome work bro, keep it up! I'm cutting down as well, thanks for updating!

(02-21-2013 2:11 PM)D_Darko Wrote:  Way to go bored4life! I am on day 11 myself. I can feel I have more energy and more composed. Also seem to be getting some looks from the ladies. Looking forward to going out tomorrow with the boys and my Corpo! Thanks man, that's great to hear, and I feel the same. It was kind of weird I started perspiring a little talking to chicks in the office before, and now that doesn't happen.

(02-21-2013 4:14 PM)Marzipan Wrote:  I have already won, I can a year without if I wanted too. Then why don't you? It's not a game and there are no winners, we're all doing it for our own personal reasons and to enhance the quality of our lives and sex lives.

NikkiReloaded - February 22, 2013, 6:46 am (02-06-2013 10:57 PM)thundr Wrote:  You are tempted to empty out. NO. Its like one of those video games.. c-c-c-c combo breaker. Infinite props for the Killer Instinct reference!! LOL!! You sound like my cousin, that was perfect.

Marzipan - February 22, 2013, 9:43 am Bored4life, I was just kidding. ( I'm a girl and its not really a big deal for me.) Anyways if not fapping works out for you guys, more power to you and good luck.

Curiosity - February 22, 2013, 9:47 am (02-22-2013 4:43 AM)Marzipan Wrote:  Bored4life, I was just kidding. ( I'm a girl and its not really a big deal for me.) Anyways if not fapping works out for you guys, more power to you and good luck. Actually, it is just as true for girls as it is for guys, I posted a scientific article I found that is on page 5 of this thread that addresses it

Marzipan - February 22, 2013, 10:16 am (02-22-2013 4:47 AM)Curiosity Wrote:  Actually, it is just as true for girls as it is for guys, I posted a scientific article I found that is on page 5 of this thread that addresses it then maybe its just me, my libido is crap. I am fine without it. I rather eat, sleep or watch tv then touch myself. il go look at that article bored4life - February 22, 2013, 2:49 pm (02-22-2013 4:43 AM)Marzipan Wrote:  Bored4life, I was just kidding. ( I'm a girl and its not really a big deal for me.) Anyways if not fapping works out for you guys, more power to you and good luck. then maybe its just me, my libido is crap. I am fine without it. I rather eat, sleep or watch tv then touch myself. il go look at that article [/QUOTE]

Apologies if it sounded harsh lol, I just thought someone was trying to troll the thread, but yeah the same holds true for girls. I'm sure there are things for women to do if their libido isn't up to par, but it also depends on your age. bored4life - February 22, 2013, 2:49 pm (02-22-2013 4:43 AM)Marzipan Wrote:  Bored4life, I was just kidding. ( I'm a girl and its not really a big deal for me.) Anyways if not fapping works out for you guys, more power to you and good luck. then maybe its just me, my libido is crap. I am fine without it. I rather eat, sleep or watch tv then touch myself. il go look at that article [/QUOTE]

Apologies if it sounded harsh lol, I just thought someone was trying to troll the thread, but yeah the same holds true for girls. I'm sure there are things for women to do if their libido isn't up to par, but it also depends on your age. paradigmshift - February 22, 2013, 3:48 pm It holds true for everyone.

Dopamine and reward seeking behavior.

Are you easily bored? Are you easily excited?

Technology has outpaced our evolution. Were being bombarded with constant stimuli. The internet has allowed us to experience new things at a much faster pace. All of this is just one click away.

Were being desensitized.

Porn is not an issue unless it desensitizes to the point where normal interaction is not stimulating enough.

Marzipan - February 22, 2013, 5:24 pm (02-22-2013 9:49 AM)bored4life Wrote:   then maybe its just me, my libido is crap. I am fine without it. I rather eat, sleep or watch tv then touch myself. il go look at that article Apologies if it sounded harsh lol, I just thought someone was trying to troll the thread, but yeah the same holds true for girls. I'm sure there are things for women to do if their libido isn't up to par, but it also depends on your age. [/quote] had a high libido when I was 15,16... didnt really last long. Didnt even touch myself till I was 20 or so.( and i know thats unusual ) I can imagen the most sexy men doing sexy stuff but none if it turns me on. Sex has dissepointed me so far. I always imagend it to be greaaat. But so far, no. You guys are lucky.

Marzipan - February 22, 2013, 5:29 pm I think I posted but seems i refreshed to soon. In short: I had a high libido when I was 15,16 but that lasted only a year or so. Now i can imagen the hottest sexiest men being naughty and NOTHING. So yeah, you people are lucky. :/ veramis - February 22, 2013, 8:03 pm Marzipan, there are food items known to increase libido. I think cheese, especially goat cheese, is the most consistent libido booster I have tried, takes a day to kick in. Those trying not to fap may want to consider cutting out claimed aphrodisiacs from the diet. bored4life - February 22, 2013, 8:27 pm (02-22-2013 12:24 PM)Marzipan Wrote:  had a high libido when I was 15,16... didnt really last long. Didnt even touch myself till I was 20 or so.( and i know thats unusual ) I can imagen the most sexy men doing sexy stuff but none if it turns me on. Sex has dissepointed me so far. I always imagend it to be greaaat. But so far, no. You guys are lucky. Well maybe you just require a little more from your lovers than you've gotten. Always good to have expectations, you just haven't met the one to satisfy yet ;)

Marzipan - February 22, 2013, 8:33 pm (02-22-2013 3:27 PM)bored4life Wrote:  Well maybe you just require a little more from your lovers than you've gotten. Always good to have expectations, you just haven't met the one to satisfy yet ;) I havent had many, and they were selfish brats. They made me even more picky. They cant handle me and I dont mind eating more cheese. bored4life - February 22, 2013, 8:34 pm (02-22-2013 3:33 PM)Marzipan Wrote:  I havent had many, and they were selfish brats. They made me even more picky. They cant handle me and I dont mind eating more cheese. Lol! Selfishness in the bedroom doesn't play out well. bored4life - February 23, 2013, 3:53 pm Fuck guys, more than a week of dedication, and I fucked it up last night. I guess it was just the amount of stress I was dealing with, regarding a couple of things going on at home, but again, that was my bad judgment call. Back to day one.

That's the longest I've gone in a long while, so that's an accomplishment in itself. Now to beat out my prior record (no pun intended) and stick to it!

Arrowtotheknee - February 23, 2013, 3:58 pm Oh god guys help me...

I've tried many times but always fail every time at 2-3days mark... preck - February 23, 2013, 4:16 pm Iam almost 2 weeks without that i dont have tv or internet at home so to me its kinda easy......

LL21 - February 23, 2013, 8:24 pm (02-23-2013 10:53 AM)bored4life Wrote:  Fuck guys, more than a week of dedication, and I fucked it up last night. I guess it was just the amount of stress I was dealing with, regarding a couple of things going on at home, but again, that was my bad judgment call. Back to day one.

That's the longest I've gone in a long while, so that's an accomplishment in itself. Now to beat out my prior record (no pun intended) and stick to it! Your not alone, I had a stressful week and I relapsed as well. It might take awhile but once we get it under control it'll be okay . velinxs - February 23, 2013, 9:48 pm def broke down again after 3 or 4 days. I do notice i don't feel as depressed afterwards. Maybe there is some stocking up still retained just by moderation. kenpachi - February 23, 2013, 10:49 pm 18 days in!

Going really good actually, got more energy and am generally happier. Hardest time is upon waking after a sexy dream, the urge to do it is overwhelming. But the thought of being back to day 1 is keeping me motivated to not do it, and the longer it goes the more motivated I guess I'll be. Stopped looking at porn too.

Best of luck to all you guys doing it, just remind yourself that the benefits far outweigh the pleasure you get from fapping. lifeisgood7 - February 23, 2013, 11:29 pm 1) download a habit app on your cell phone

2) mark a goal date on your calender. do this now. bored4life - February 24, 2013, 12:55 am (02-23-2013 6:29 PM)lifeisgood7 Wrote:  1) download a habit app on your cell phone

2) mark a goal date on your calender. do this now. Seeing as my birthday is in 3 days.. I'm making it a point to not have one relapse in my 23rd year of existence on this planet. seeusmile - February 24, 2013, 7:11 am hmmm im not sure whether it was my diet and lack oh washing my face consistantly or maybe it's time to change my pillow covers but i notice my pimples have come back on my face lately. I don't often wash my hands as often as I should so gotta make good habits.

Ah well my dad has a funny superstition that a pimple means someone has a crush on you. So everytime i wake up to a pimple i can think to my self 'ahhh damm someones attracted to me..'

16 days so far hmmm im not sure whether it was my diet and lack oh washing my face consistantly or maybe it's time to change my pillow covers but i notice my pimples have come back on my face lately. I don't often wash my hands as often as I should so gotta make good habits.

Ah well my dad has a funny superstition that a pimple means someone has a crush on you. So everytime i wake up to a pimple i can think to my self 'ahhh damm someones attracted to me..'

16 days so far paradigmshift - February 24, 2013, 6:25 pm (02-24-2013 2:11 AM)seeusmile Wrote:  hmmm im not sure whether it was my diet and lack oh washing my face consistantly or maybe it's time to change my pillow covers but i notice my pimples have come back on my face lately. I don't often wash my hands as often as I should so gotta make good habits.

Ah well my dad has a funny superstition that a pimple means someone has a crush on you. So everytime i wake up to a pimple i can think to my self 'ahhh damm someones attracted to me..'

16 days so far hmmm im not sure whether it was my diet and lack oh washing my face consistantly or maybe it's time to change my pillow covers but i notice my pimples have come back on my face lately. I don't often wash my hands as often as I should so gotta make good habits.

Ah well my dad has a funny superstition that a pimple means someone has a crush on you. So everytime i wake up to a pimple i can think to my self 'ahhh damm someones attracted to me..'

16 days so far

Are you eating more junk to compensate for no fapping? High carbs tend to make me break out more. Theres also a possibility your internal hormones are readjusting as well. When i started lifting more and taking test boosters i broke out more as well. velinxs - February 24, 2013, 7:15 pm pretty sure not fapping does some serious work on hormones. I was really up and down emotionally angry to needy (just at day 7). Which is weird for me cause i'm not usually either, somewhat of a lockbox type of person. seeusmile - February 24, 2013, 9:37 pm (02-24-2013 1:25 PM)paradigmshift Wrote:  Are you eating more junk to compensate for no fapping? High carbs tend to make me break out more. Theres also a possibility your internal hormones are readjusting as well. When i started lifting more and taking test boosters i broke out more as well. Probably a combination of both. I don't really pay attention to my diet... since i don't wanna become too much a diet freak "I can't eat this, it's bad for me!!!! etc etc" bored4life - February 24, 2013, 10:49 pm It's a combination of diet, hormones readjusting, and just the body balancing itself out. I've noticed my temper and mood literally swing because of this.. but it's all for the better. It'll even itself out! southernFratter - February 25, 2013, 7:37 pm I didn't even know porn addiction even existed until I took a look at this thread. I am now realizing I have watched wayyy too much (once or twice a day) in the last few years and it has become a bit toxic to the way I view women and sex . Time to stop and focus that energy to something much more worthwhile! Thanks for whoever made this topic, seriously. southernFratter - February 26, 2013, 5:41 am wondering why my last comment from earlier yesterday day didn't show up on here, anyone know what the prob is? thanks paradigmshift - February 26, 2013, 1:05 pm (02-24-2013 4:37 PM)seeusmile Wrote:  Probably a combination of both. I don't really pay attention to my diet... since i don't wanna become too much a diet freak "I can't eat this, it's bad for me!!!! etc etc" I choose what i eat.

I can choose to eat anything i want.

I choose because i know how each food affects me.

I choose. (02-24-2013 4:37 PM)seeusmile Wrote:  Probably a combination of both. I don't really pay attention to my diet... since i don't wanna become too much a diet freak "I can't eat this, it's bad for me!!!! etc etc" I choose what i eat.

I can choose to eat anything i want.

I choose because i know how each food affects me.

I choose. (02-24-2013 4:37 PM)seeusmile Wrote:  Probably a combination of both. I don't really pay attention to my diet... since i don't wanna become too much a diet freak "I can't eat this, it's bad for me!!!! etc etc" I choose what i eat.

I can choose to eat anything i want.

I choose because i know how each food affects me.

I choose.

Lol hidden post. Back button - Pheromone Reviews, Information and Advice Can not upload file - Too large for php post_max_size directive. Please press the back button. Other things to try:

Search paradigmshift - February 26, 2013, 1:18 pm Hidden post. I see that im the last poster. Anytime i add my reply it also shows my other post thats hidden.

Lol hidden post. Back button - Pheromone Reviews, Information and Advice Can not upload file - Too large for php post_max_size directive. Please press the back button. Other things to try:


D_Darko - March 1, 2013, 3:00 pm Ok, so I made it through 18 days before I slipped up. I tell you, shit starts to get really interesting after the two weeks barrier. I literally felt like a walking talking testosterone machine. Lots of stares, more women checking me out and more respect from people in general. My confidence was soaring. We're on to something here boys. bored4life - March 1, 2013, 3:03 pm (03-01-2013 10:00 AM)D_Darko Wrote:  Ok, so I made it through 18 days before I slipped up. I tell you, shit starts to get really interesting after the two weeks barrier. I literally felt like a walking talking testosterone machine. Lots of stares, more women checking me out and more respect from people in general. My confidence was soaring. We're on to something here boys. Definitely noticed that as well, did you notice better mone diffusion too? For some reason I get stronger hits.. velinxs - March 1, 2013, 7:42 pm Could just be natural mone signature is higher? paradigmshift - March 1, 2013, 8:16 pm (03-01-2013 2:42 PM)velinxs Wrote:  Could just be natural mone signature is higher? As a result of higher levels of testosterone.

Thats a theory and it makes sense. Could be the testosterone or its metabolites. alphavitea - March 1, 2013, 9:56 pm Alright I'm jumping in the ring. I would love to see a boost in my sex drive and boost testosterone if that is really what happens. What the hell shouldn't be too hard right?


No porn either. Just wifey hopefully. bored4life - March 1, 2013, 9:58 pm (03-01-2013 4:56 PM)Nicola3 Wrote:  Alright I'm jumping in the ring. I would love to see a boost in my sex drive and boost testosterone if that is really what happens. What the hell shouldn't be too hard right?


No porn either. Just wifey hopefully. Welcome dude, if ever you feel the need to do something, just read this thread of get off of the computer immediately. It's helped me so far.

D_Darko - March 1, 2013, 10:32 pm (03-01-2013 10:03 AM)bored4life Wrote:  Definitely noticed that as well, did you notice better mone diffusion too? For some reason I get stronger hits.. I have gotten really great hits for sure though I attributed it mostly to the Corpo. Maybe it wasn't all product after all ;-). kenpachi - March 2, 2013, 5:17 pm (03-01-2013 10:03 AM)bored4life Wrote:  Definitely noticed that as well, did you notice better mone diffusion too? For some reason I get stronger hits.. Everything is so much better. More confidence, energy, face is becoming more chiselled, body is starting to look more defined. I never realised my sex drive might have been low until around 2 weeks in. Now I'm horny 24/7, even slightly sexual things on TV drive me crazy now. Before this I could only really get aroused by porn, it would never happen randomly throughout the day - but now its constant. Big improvement!

Mone hits seem to be better too - been working with a drop New Pheromone Additive, dab OD and spray Coheeze in clubs/bars and getting outstanding results.

Hardest part is obviously the resistance to not fap, but you need to find things to distract yourself with.

No fapping + gym work + subs + mones = success (obviously you need to have social skill also) lifeisgood7 - March 6, 2013, 9:39 pm (03-01-2013 10:00 AM)D_Darko Wrote:  Ok, so I made it through 18 days before I slipped up. I tell you, shit starts to get really interesting after the two weeks barrier. I literally felt like a walking talking testosterone machine. Lots of stares, more women checking me out and more respect from people in general. My confidence was soaring. We're on to something here boys. now you see why i said pheromones are not necessary to use

when i save my life force (sperm) and i wear pheromones, people ignore me to 100th degree. its a super double redundant whammy signature

life force=ultimate pheromones because its YOUR pheromone

your body notices the decrease in choking the chicken which also equates to less sex. so what does it do?

it takes everything and anything to make sure you are desirable google "semen retention" and you will scores of reports and studies about this phenomenon bored4life - March 7, 2013, 2:37 am hidden for so LONG!

Snipes - March 7, 2013, 3:41 am Last time I masturbated was March of last year. I had a several page post written up about what I was going to say, but it got too long winded. I'll just say that it helped, but it's not magic. You still have to put in effort yourself. I will say that it makes things like going out, hitting on women and all that feel very natural if and only if you manage to take out other stimuli that exist. For me, I had to also cut out video games, fucking around on the internet and marijuana (the last one made the biggest impact though). In my midterm week in June, I managed to spend every waking hour either writing a midterm, studying for one, eating, or working out. On the Saturday, I woke up and went to the mall. On the way home, I started a conversation with a random girl on the bus and was fucking her later that evening. In September, I started smoking weed and playing video games again, and found it hard to speak to women. These mindless chemical rewards like porn, drugs, and even the internet need to be cut out from your life to see real benefit. Porn is just one small piece. bored4life - March 12, 2013, 1:45 pm How is everyones challenge going? seeusmile - March 12, 2013, 8:18 pm Just broke through the 1 month barrier!!

Started at feb 9. Still sexually charged. I tamed my perving outburst. Now I can look unfazed just like the days when I fapped alot and my sex drive was at little to none. I did this at the gym and the women were checking me out. I can perv like an alpha southernFratter - March 19, 2013, 6:34 am (03-02-2013 12:17 PM)kenpachi Wrote:  Everything is so much better. More confidence, energy, face is becoming more chiselled, body is starting to look more defined. I never realised my sex drive might have been low until around 2 weeks in. Now I'm horny 24/7, even slightly sexual things on TV drive me crazy now. Before this I could only really get aroused by porn, it would never happen randomly throughout the day - but now its constant. Big improvement!

Mone hits seem to be better too - been working with a drop New Pheromone Additive, dab OD and spray Coheeze in clubs/bars and getting outstanding results.

Hardest part is obviously the resistance to not fap, but you need to find things to distract yourself with.

No fapping + gym work + subs + mones = success (obviously you need to have social skill also)

hey what subliminals do you recommend? masterofpuppets - March 19, 2013, 11:27 am When you guys write no fapping I assume you have sex in between?

Or are there anyone going 20+ days without sex on this board (not being condescending)?

I have sex probably 4-5 times a week, and fap on the rest. Sometimes I fap and have sex later in the day.

Hope I'm not offending anyone with everything above.

Anyway, jumping on the no fap challenge, but still having sex as much as I please. solidprice - March 19, 2013, 12:26 pm (03-12-2013 8:45 AM)bored4life Wrote:  How is everyones challenge going? im sorry bored but. i fell off the wagon, been fapping too much lately seeing when and when not is best and its mostly its bad. im starting over from tuesday morning.

(03-19-2013 6:27 AM)masterofpuppets Wrote:  When you guys write no fapping I assume you have sex in between?

Or are there anyone going 20+ days without sex on this board (not being condescending)? its cool ill answer, it is a valid answer im currently not, im currently care-taking my grandparents atm, family b4 poon. and trying to center myself as well a little too.

(03-06-2013 4:39 PM)lifeisgood7 Wrote:  now you see why i said pheromones are not necessary to use

when i save my life force (sperm) and i wear pheromones, people ignore me to 100th degree. its a super double redundant whammy signature

life force=ultimate pheromones because its YOUR pheromone

your body notices the decrease in choking the chicken which also equates to less sex. so what does it do?

it takes everything and anything to make sure you are desirable google "semen retention" and you will scores of reports and studies about this phenomenon mother of god ill put that to the test, when im on my trip to knock one week out, and come back after to see if i notice a difference from my Long Term Relationship i have a feeling this is going to be good. solidprice - March 19, 2013, 1:24 pm well ill be, my first missing post lifeisgood7 - March 20, 2013, 5:17 am yea bro, i still get it in

i try my best to reserve as much life force as much as possible

there is a bunch of techniques that teach you how

go back a couple posts and "The Way of the Superior Man" was posted

it will teach how to ejaculate the energy up your central nervous system and into your brain

but yea, try no fapping

you will be 10x hornier and slay your woman better, faster, stronger (in a respectful way of course :-) preck - March 20, 2013, 11:03 am ^^^^yeah i think if you having sex regurlaly and you fap thats not really a problem,especially if u not fapin to porn,i mean me personally when i have regular sex,porn just looks silly and pointless lol static3600 - March 21, 2013, 4:28 am sorry but i just fapped like 20mins ago but then again i haven't been on the site in a while. so it doesn't count....right? seeusmile - March 21, 2013, 12:27 pm Fed 9~Mar 21 and still counting!

Well guys after being away from porn after a while. I've gained some perspective.

I fapped to porn stars because they were hot stuff, or pleasing to the eye for me being the visual male creature I am.

After coming across this, I was surprised by the looks of the porn starts who look hot during stage and then in off stage where makeup is all gone.

Come to think how makeup.... has been "falsifying" our perception of beauty since.. yeah

I think if no chicks were allowed makeup, the number of 10's would plummet. I don't even know if there would be such a thing as a 10 face. Maybe body but for face, pretty much all girls wear makeup nowadays, so even a real 4/10 thinks she's hot shit if her makeup brings her up to an 8. suit up - March 26, 2013, 4:11 pm hello guys,

I'm deeply addicted to online porn and fapping this has caused me great damage consuming my time energy and causing anxiety and depression. I have decided to put an end to all this stuff and be happy and energetic.

I will update this thread daily with my progress.. # No Watching porn, # No fapping

I hope you guys stay with me.. I wish you good luck and i hope for the best for me.

Cheers!!!!! suit up - March 26, 2013, 4:20 pm (03-21-2013 7:27 AM)seeusmile Wrote:  Fed 9~Mar 21 and still counting!

Well guys after being away from porn after a while. I've gained some perspective.

I fapped to porn stars because they were hot stuff, or pleasing to the eye for me being the visual male creature I am.

After coming across this, I was surprised by the looks of the porn starts who look hot during stage and then in off stage where makeup is all gone.

Come to think how makeup.... has been "falsifying" our perception of beauty since.. yeah

I think if no chicks were allowed makeup, the number of 10's would plummet. I don't even know if there would be such a thing as a 10 face. Maybe body but for face, pretty much all girls wear makeup nowadays, so even a real 4/10 thinks she's hot shit if her makeup brings her up to an 8. that is some great progress mate! hopeing to join with you... bored4life - March 26, 2013, 4:27 pm (03-20-2013 11:28 PM)static3600 Wrote:  sorry but i just fapped like 20mins ago but then again i haven't been on the site in a while. so it doesn't count....right? It always counts man, just try harder next time and you'll do well. You don't need to be on the site for a while or not to remember not to fap. It's how you feel about it yourself.

(03-26-2013 11:11 AM)suit up Wrote:  hello guys,

I'm deeply addicted to online porn and fapping this has caused me great damage consuming my time energy and causing anxiety and depression. I have decided to put an end to all this stuff and be happy and energetic.

I will update this thread daily with my progress.. # No Watching porn, # No fapping

I hope you guys stay with me.. I wish you good luck and i hope for the best for me.

Cheers!!!!! Always man! Glad you joined the bandwagon.

------Have a huge update for you guys, but hopefully its all for the better now. Back when I started this thread I was on a journey, mostly for myself, to rid me from this habit that I had formed from very early on. I'm sure that a lot was affected by it, but nothing made me feel more aimless, goal-less, and worse than fapping it every single day, even multiple times a day. It got to a point where I would just be bored in bed and I'd be like, hmm, quick fap won't hurt. It wasn't a good way to live, and it made me very shy around women, surprisingly. I had a false expectation of girls, and what they could and couldn't do.

Anyways, I began this journey and started regressing like a mad man. It took everything in my power not to fap, but it happened. I regressed. And the thing is my best streak was about 2-3 days before I regressed again. It was horrible, and didn't feel good. The week of March 10th, I fapped almost every single day, and then I came back and read this thread. I have been fap free for my longest streak in about 11-12 years. 9 days and counting. And it feels awesome. My voice is a little deeper, I portray myself with more confidence, girls are more comfortable around me, and I'm not afraid to say things to them I normally wouldn't otherwise.

I've gotten a lot stronger, just in this one week, at the gym, I'm less fatigued, and I feel my quality of life just getting better as I'm focusing on learning different things. Now I do like the occasional creeping on hot chicks, or looking at sexually suggestive pictures online or w.e, but I do nothing about it. There was a point in the last week where I started to "edge" which is just to touch myself because it felt good rather than to masturbate, but I quickly logged off, walked up, got some water and started doing other things that I needed to get done. I hope I can make this one last.

It's not for a lost cause, those who are joining, it makes you feel better as a person, and more confident. Just think, you're one in about 10 million guys that doesn't masturbate. Think of that next time you're opening a girl, and if you can't pull the girls number, you have more issues going on than I'd care to know about.

Sorry for not updating consistently on this, life got hectic, and I was ridden with shame. 9 days and counting!

Good work to those who have been fap free since we started! Those are the results that drive me to do better. velinxs - March 26, 2013, 5:18 pm Definitely fallen hard off the bandwagon myself, partially because been attempting to master this whole conserving life force in-the-act (getting better at it, woo). I haven't been on here much lately and just re-visited this thread. I know I definitely wouldn't even care to try this challenge if it wasn't for all of you guys doing the same challenge, and succeeding. I can't seem to make it more than a week without fapping, definitely going to have to try harder and keep that ultimate goal in sight.

Big thanks to you guys, seriously, this is exactly what I need to improve self.

Inconceivablezen - March 26, 2013, 5:29 pm 2 weeks in as of today (no fapping / porn). Going easy! No problems yet.

I'm cheating a little bit because I had cut porn out already for over a year ago. kenpachi - March 26, 2013, 6:34 pm My streak ended a few weeks ago... just couldn't hold out any longer. Worst part is when you regress, its so difficult to get motivated to start all over again. So I've been fapping on the regular again since.

There is some good news though. I haven't started watching porn again, still got that one going strong. It used to be that I could only get an erection with porn, but now I get them all the time and they seem to be fuller erections too, compared to when I used to watch porn.

I'm going to try and start again from today, I miss how energetic I felt during my no fap period. masterofpuppets - March 26, 2013, 6:59 pm Even with steady sex many times a week, this is much harder than i thought. But sex gets better and more frequent.

SilverSheen - March 27, 2013, 8:25 am Hey you guys, add another member to the no fap club! I've been through tons of ups and downs trying to abstain (too much to list... I lost count). All I remember was that I failed about 3 days ago and that I'm really motivated knowing that I'm not alone in this fight! Good luck Gents! suit up - March 27, 2013, 5:49 pm yes.. day one went better.. early days are the hardest...... trying to be tough.. suit up - March 27, 2013, 5:53 pm (03-27-2013 3:25 AM)SilverSheen Wrote:  Hey you guys, add another member to the no fap club! I've been through tons of ups and downs trying to abstain (too much to list... I lost count). All I remember was that I failed about 3 days ago and that I'm really motivated knowing that I'm not alone in this fight! Good luck Gents! welcome to the bandwagon bro! let's take our lives to the next level.. solidprice - March 27, 2013, 8:04 pm i said ill post one week later so here i am. ill post in my results of one week of no fap [really i did touch, but didn't jizz or do it to any porn.]

one week later, best description? i feel a bit better and a bit confident. also i have a bit more drive in me. and more idk, ?manly?kinda like using some -Androsterone more warm-ish,like i don't take as much shit as i used to, and want to take the lead. (might have helped also reading the doc love system as well challenge FTW)

also took a week long mone break, feels good, should take more mone break days.

and in summary.

take you hand off your dick, and do something productive!

it works!

now excuse me while i keep practice challenge, and cant wait for Friday to make her, make me, fall off the wagon;)

dis gon be gud masterofpuppets - March 31, 2013, 5:39 am I was dreaming I caved in. Woke up with a real big boner realising I hadn't. Phew.. My mood's been up (no pun) but wouldn't attribute it to all this solely though. The not watching porn part is definitely the hardest..

SilverSheen - March 31, 2013, 7:22 am Failed on Friday... Punished myself by doing the hardest back workout I've ever done in the gym EVUR. Just to learn some self discipline for a little bit for once. masterofpuppets - March 31, 2013, 6:18 pm (03-31-2013 2:22 AM)SilverSheen Wrote:  Failed on Friday... Punished myself by doing the hardest back workout I've ever done in the gym EVUR. Just to learn some self discipline for a little bit for once. That's two days. Your back deserved the punishment.. haha, back to it.

Thundercat - April 1, 2013, 5:30 am Time to debunk the madness in this thread

Everything i say you can take with a grain of salt, im just here to throw my 2 cents in

First of all why do you believe that sexual stimulation on a regular basis is bad for you? Perhaps the truth is this is from social conditioning and nothing more. When i read that you get negative feelings afterwards it just screams to me social conditioning. Perhaps you were brought up in a Western Country, in a religious family or when you were younger all your friends denied masturbating who knows i am only guessing. I don't really masturbate that much anymore because of how often i get laid but let me assure you that when i was younger and i used to beat it all the time (we're talking up to 8 times a day) it did not effect me in any negative manner if anything it boosted my ego and made me feel more comfortable about myself. Let it be known i used to also have sex with multiple women on a regular basis during this time period and the masturbating helped me to last longer. Masturbation is way for your body to release that built up "tension" so don't feel guilty if you're not getting it wet than there is nothing wrong at all with beating it off like a mad hatter.

In my opinion (keyword opinion) there is a lot of bullshit on this page in relation to your question which doesn't answer anything but infact throws more questions on the table. I'm short on time so ill try to make this quick.

Masturbation has never effected my potential chances to have sex with somebody. There are so many reasons as to why the subject in question may not have gotten laid and to blame it on masturbation is in my eyes the subjects way of finding something to blame other than himself for the failure. To the subject matter i mean no offense and your opinion is just as valid as the point i just made.

remove the social conditioning that makes you think it's wrong.

You were designed to fuck all the time,. veramis - April 1, 2013, 1:22 pm (04-01-2013 12:30 AM)Thundercat Wrote:  Time to debunk the madness in this thread

Everything i say you can take with a grain of salt, im just here to throw my 2 cents in

First of all why do you believe that sexual stimulation on a regular basis is bad for you? Perhaps the truth is this is from social conditioning and nothing more. When i read that you get negative feelings afterwards it just screams to me social conditioning. Perhaps you were brought up in a Western Country, in a religious family or when you were younger all your friends denied masturbating who knows i am only guessing. I don't really masturbate that much anymore because of how often i get laid but let me assure you that when i was younger and i used to beat it all the time (we're talking up to 8 times a day) it did not effect me in any negative manner if anything it boosted my ego and made me feel more comfortable about myself. Let it be known i used to also have sex with multiple women on a regular basis during this time period and the masturbating helped me to last longer. Masturbation is way for your body to release that built up "tension" so don't feel guilty if you're not getting it wet than there is nothing wrong at all with beating it off like a mad hatter.

In my opinion (keyword opinion) there is a lot of bullshit on this page in relation to your question which doesn't answer anything but infact throws more questions on the table. I'm short on time so ill try to make this quick.

Masturbation has never effected my potential chances to have sex with somebody. There are so many reasons as to why the subject in question may not have gotten laid and to blame it on masturbation is in my eyes the subjects way of finding something to blame other than himself for the failure. To the subject matter i mean no offense and your opinion is just as valid as the point i just made.

remove the social conditioning that makes you think it's wrong.

You were designed to fuck all the time,. Thundercat, what works for you is not automatically going to work for everybody else. I hope you can see that your opinions on the matter are based on your personal experience, and the opinions of others on this thread are based on their personal experience. Since all you provide is your own theories to counter other theories, I don't see you debunking anything, just throwing more questions on the table. I think the question of the effects or lack of effects of masturbation is interesting, but I can't say I'm particularly moved by lofty proclamations like people being "designed to fuck all the time". suit up - April 1, 2013, 3:18 pm doing good no fap no porn almost one week

Shcshc11 - April 1, 2013, 6:29 pm I'm in since last Monday: 25th March 7 days so far. bored4life - April 1, 2013, 6:29 pm This is great guys! Punishing yourself with a hard workout is a guaranteed way to improve your body and kind of "get back" at fapping.

Personally, I'm on a 15 day streak. I've look at some provocative pictures online, but nothing that'll make me fap. I almost broke the streak a couple of days ago, but I promptly got off of the computer, and started doing something more productive. It was the closest I got to breaking it, I started fapping, but quickly reminded myself not to.

Very very hard to do that, and I'm glad I didn't. My goal is now not fapping for the month of April, and honestly, after the first week and a half it's gotten a lot easier for me to not do so.

Shcshc11 - April 1, 2013, 10:12 pm (02-14-2013 11:09 AM)lifeisgood7 Wrote:  hey bored4life,

Get out a calender. Pick a date (90 days is the magic number for rebooting your body) and stick to it. when you have a solid date it makes things a lot easier. something as simple as picking a date will help leaps and bounds.

Are there any neurological reasons why 90 days is the magic number? Or is it just a "number out of the blue"? EDIT: nvm. found my answer at post#115

Btw thanks a lot for this topic! Really helpful for anyone who joined this .....

Thundercat - April 2, 2013, 4:00 am Veramis

Humans are the all the same, guys are made to fuck.

When you see a HB what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

To deny yourself something which is so instinctive goes against your biological function. How can this right?

Today i have jerked off 3 times so far and i have not noticed a decline in thickness or hardness or pleasure. The only thing that has declined for me is the amount that comes out afterwards, as per usual the first was 8+ ropes with the last just oozing out. veramis - April 2, 2013, 4:21 am Thundercat, there's something to be gained by having self-discipline, but it's something you have to experience to understand. preck - April 2, 2013, 4:25 am i kinda see where thundercap is comin from the question i have for the op and others is if they are havin regular sex?? cause no offense but lets be honest when your having regular sex faping is not really the big problem that is when you are not gettin none.... seeusmile - April 2, 2013, 5:49 am I need to start gyming too for my testosterone , my sexual charge is off the charts lately i've been tempted alot of times here and there. Gotta go out there and try to get the real thang! preck - April 2, 2013, 6:45 am (04-02-2013 12:49 AM)seeusmile Wrote:  I need to start gyming too for my testosterone , my sexual charge is off the charts lately i've been tempted alot of times here and there. Gotta go out there and try to get the real thang!

That should be the mentality dont just block the fap when u loaded you def should go out there and get the real thing....

Honestly wit this gift that are the mones i can support guys who are not getin it regularly i mean this is a huge advantage....

Curiosity - April 2, 2013, 7:59 am (04-01-2013 11:00 PM)Thundercat Wrote:  Veramis

Humans are the all the same, guys are made to fuck.

When you see a HB what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

To deny yourself something which is so instinctive goes against your biological function. How can this right?

Today i have jerked off 3 times so far and i have not noticed a decline in thickness or hardness or pleasure. The only thing that has declined for me is the amount that comes out afterwards, as per usual the first was 8+ ropes with the last just oozing out. Alright dumbass, time to set your BS-ing self straight. This thread has gone on for quite a while now and we are doing well, and we do not need people like you trying to derail it. There is a lot of information out there that is referenced throughout this thread and further can be found through web searching on the topic. We were not designed to be "having sex 24/7", which is made possible only by the use of a computer and a hand. Your grandfather couldn't do that, and your dad couldn't either, even 10 years ago.

Do you really think your average caveman (a term I will use to describe civilization a few thousand years ago, which is very little time between now and then in the huge scope of millions of years of evolution) was able to have sex all day everyday? He was likely a part of a small tribe and might have occasionally through his travels ran into a woman from another tribe. He did not have access to 300+ computer improved women on a screen to go through in a matter of hours multiple times a day. He certainly did not spend all of his time masterbating 3 times a day as you seem to think is normal; that would not keep him alive very long.

Human males have the lowest sperm production rates of every known mammal in existance. If we were designed to "fuck all the time" that would not be true, now would it? Perhaps that is the reason many guys find themselves infertile. There are ancient cultures that have and some that are still alive that do practice sex without orgasm. Why would they do that?

As far as your trying to talk about "conditioning" I'll speak of conditioning from this viewpoint, we have been conditioned rather recently to think that servicing yourself and playing video games all day every day instead of going out and trying to excel at life and having a social life and meeting normal girls, is perfectly normal. I doubt any of our grandfathers did that. Guys are becoming less masculine due to things like this. All things in moderation.

You know absolutely nothing. preck - April 2, 2013, 8:44 am hidden post bored4life - April 2, 2013, 1:50 pm (04-01-2013 11:00 PM)Thundercat Wrote:  Veramis

Humans are the all the same, guys are made to fuck.

When you see a HB what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

To deny yourself something which is so instinctive goes against your biological function. How can this right?

Today i have jerked off 3 times so far and i have not noticed a decline in thickness or hardness or pleasure. The only thing that has declined for me is the amount that comes out afterwards, as per usual the first was 8+ ropes with the last just oozing out. Guys are made to fuck, yes, but because of current technology our brains are kind of "cheated" when we fap. Masturbating isn't a biological function, its a byproduct of society, and sexual stimuli being thrown at us in various forms. Biological function is having sex with women.

That's fine that you engage in these activities, but its not about declining in thickness, hardness, or pleasure that we're after here. Although I can guarantee that all of those will improve if you don't fap for a little bit (speaking from experience), it's about the confidence aspect, the time put into MORE productive activities. I highly suggest you watch the hour-long TEDx conference video posted earlier in this thread.

The benefits aren't psychological, they're highly noticeable.

(04-01-2013 11:25 PM)preck Wrote:  i kinda see where thundercap is comin from the question i have for the op and others is if they are havin regular sex?? cause no offense but lets be honest when your having regular sex faping is not really the big problem that is when you are not gettin none.... Yes, but even with regular sex, we have urges that can't always be fulfilled, and porn has made it that way. Fapping is always a problem, at least for the followers in this thread, for one reason or another. Fapping causes problems in other areas, and for that you need to read the links posted in this thread. There's a world of information out there, as well as, our own experiences. suit up - April 2, 2013, 3:32 pm @ thundercat

if your refer the following link you will understand what this is all about. There are many levels of from small to huge.. you just want to know at what stage you are in, and act to prevent the bad effects. It depends on you, if you don't have any bad effects you are so lucky, but for us here, not the case. suit up - April 3, 2013, 6:07 pm shit! shit! shit! i just googled "hot girls" and viewed some nudes... but i didnt touch myself.. trying to be more strong.. this should not happen again... btw im experiencing great enhancement in myself after no fapping thing trying to keep up.. hope you guys doing good... suit up - April 7, 2013, 2:24 pm ok guys i screwed up! it was just having a peek at porn what did me in the end. anyways it has almost been two weeks and for me it is a big achievement considering the position i have been in last few months. i'm looking forward to break my own record and be awesome this time.. i just experienced extremely good effects due to this and i wanna keep doing more good.. lets see how this goes.. and i'm hoping to visit this thread every time i'm tempted for porn and make a post! Let's do this! sunny10 - April 7, 2013, 8:14 pm Yeah humans are designed to fuck, BUT we were designed to do a lot more in this world than wasting mental power, fluids, and dopamine for a few mintues of internal chemical highs.

What could you be doing instead if you put your mind to it instead of finding excuesses and validations for unloading yourself?

This society has become to addicted to instant gratification, you want to feel like a real man, don't scarifice your will power for a quick score, develop a strong will power and people will really know you mean buisness in any part of life. Decide your internal world, don't let gratification rule that world.

Take it from someone who is not getting anything from any women, I don't waste my energy in whacking off, I found developing my will, my inner strength FAR more rewarding. I know I have something more.

LL21 - April 7, 2013, 8:36 pm Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know. I also wanted to respond to what Thundercat said but he has already admitted to not being open or receptive about the message that we have in this thread. Half way through a response I remember DON'T FEED THE TROLL. We need not waste our time to either explain ourselves or our point. There are links that have been posted that connect the neuroscience of how masturbation affects our brain. More than anything it seems like someone just wanted to share they don't agree with what others are doing. My solution is to not even bother with it, life goes on lol.

misfit101 - April 8, 2013, 2:23 am I've been silently doing this with you guys. After several failed attempts I went 3 weeks without either. During the end of the second week I got aroused with a woman and had actual physical pain for about an hour or two. I got through it, but if I hadn't ended up having sex with her that same night I would have caved. Started getting much easier after that, but I can't even remember why I cavedwhen I completed the third week. I guess it was a week with a lot of teasing, but no action and that got me.

Started again today: Day 1 check.

Observations: I was much more assertive (sometimes a bit more aggressive) and also more ballsy during the third week. Approach anxiety was still there, but I overcame it in most cases. It usually is the other way around.

I found that it takes a few attempts the first time before being able to abstain for a significant amount of days, Hang in there guys, once you break the habbit it gets easier. bored4life - April 11, 2013, 1:55 pm How's everyones progress going? seeusmile - April 14, 2013, 1:34 pm Hey guys came across an interesting article about No fapping.

Been wondering about 7 day cycle. So what the article said was, if you have no sexual intercourse within 7 days. You're fine to fap. The reason I'm looking at this though was our levels of Testosterone Peaks at the 7 day mark and then after that it resumes to the normal average level. which means seven days is the optimal time between male ejaculation period.

So after still no fapping from the 7 day point... your testosterone levels would stay the same throughout as far as you abstinence for. Unless you just masturbate once and start all fresh again to start the Testosterone Build up.

Similar to New Pheromone Additive build up :3.

Your thoughts and inputs would be appreciated.

I've been on a 2 month streak so far. Battery continues to be at 100% charge. At times it can get really frustrating so I try to Gym and play games to distract myself as possible until the day comes of getting the real thing.. but happy to settle down with fellation since I'm holding out for 'The one' veramis - April 14, 2013, 2:38 pm seeusmile, if you think going once per week is worth trying, I say go ahead and find out. Going from once a day to once per week is already a lot less masturbating, and I'm sure it'll yield good effects if there are any to masturbating less. I see it kind of like putting off a bad habit like drinking, someone who has to drink 4 bottles a day cutting down to 2 or 1 is a huge improvement and he shouldn't feel bad he can't quit completely. seeusmile - April 15, 2013, 12:07 am err hidden post. hidden post! hidden post seeusmile - April 15, 2013, 8:50 pm hidden post!!!! andromun - April 15, 2013, 9:50 pm At first I though this was a WTF post....I thought to myself "seriously I'm reading this" but I think that this can be useful for those who view porn way too much.

Personally I think viewing porn to the point it becomes an addiction is super BETA. All that time you are not interacting with women and more importantly you are in fantasy land. You mind really becomes infected with total bullshit and it rots. I think this is where a lot of guys fail epically and don't succeed with women.

Sorry if I got a little deep here but just my 2 cents. alphavitea - April 16, 2013, 11:07 pm This weeks New York magazine has an article on no fapping. I am about to read it. Keep an eye out. southernFratter - April 17, 2013, 2:05 am Here is the article guys:

not gonna lie, even as a college student with hotties everywhere, it's still hard as hell to not watch porn in between finishing long papers and other assignments when i'm getting work done by myself. i'm going to start making a real effort though since my game is much more on point and i'm a lot smoother with girls if i haven't jerked it. good luck yall seeusmile - April 18, 2013, 3:06 pm (04-14-2013 9:38 AM)veramis Wrote:  seeusmile, if you think going once per week is worth trying, I say go ahead and find out. Going from once a day to once per week is already a lot less masturbating, and I'm sure it'll yield good effects if there are any to masturbating less. I see it kind of like putting off a bad habit like drinking, someone who has to drink 4 bottles a day cutting down to 2 or 1 is a huge improvement and he shouldn't feel bad he can't quit completely. Alright everyone going to throw in the towel here!

feb 9 of 2013 - 19 april 2013. That's about... 69! days of abstinence. I'm very proud of what I achieved! It has been a wonderful journey with you all!

I felt alot of benefits of having more natural energy and being able to gym efficiently (although motivation hasn't been consistent) as well as naturally attracting women on days where I'm on phero break. I felt more like a man after breaking off my daily fap routine.

I decided I'm going to take on an experiment called the 7 day cycle taken from the article from my last post. I felt compelled to commence this experiment on this day so that I can let the build up follow through to the next friday!

Quote from website

"Essentially, testosterone is what helps make a man a man. It's responsible for developing muscle and overall body fitness, not an unusual trait in an alpha male. Also, it helps to charge the male libido and sex drive.

So what's testosterone have to do with masturbation? Testosterone is produced in the testicles and when you ejaculate you are releasing or using up some of that testosterone. This is fine when you are having intercourse with your desired partner, that is the whole point after all, but not fine when a chronic masturbation habit is leaving you drained of testosterone and limiting you from your true sexual potential.

In 2003, there was a research study done on the testosterone levels in males during certain periods of abstaining from ejaculation. It found that there was a gradual increase in testosterone levels during the first five days but on days six and seven there was a huge spike, up to a 147% increase in testosterone on day seven. After day seven, testosterone levels returned to normal, thus indicating that seven days is the effective number of days to abstain from ejaculating in order to hit peak levels of testosterone."

I remember at the start of my journey, i didn't notice much after the 3-4 day mark. Some people found it difficult although for me it felt like just another day! It wasn't until I finally broke the week barrier was when I started to feel: -Super horny as if essence is on skyrocket! -Have motivation to go out! and now I do go out more when I have the chance to meet new people at meetup events that I now consistently attend to. -I literally wanted to fuck anything that moves!

Few days after that... was when I begun to calm down a bit. Masculine qualities begun to arise in me, I felt more liberated about my sexuality than ashamed of it in my nice guy times.

It's not that i see it as giving up my fap challenge. I feel that i completed my challenge and now I'm taken upon a new one!

Now I was virgin by "Choice" getting laid isn't a real big goal for me. It's no rush it comes when it comes. Hopefully someone worth it Being inspired by thunders post in another different thread

It didn't take this no fap challenge to get laid, it was to learn more about my self, taking on self-discipline and learning self control. So now i can say that 'I have done it!'

I wish everyone else the best in their challenge! Thank you Bored4life for making this thread. I wouldn't be where I am now if I didn't come across this.

Another quest for me in my voyage of self development I will be making reports of this experiment on my journal.

Spearfisher - April 18, 2013, 8:43 pm Interesting read about testosterone level and studies: el-hombre-del-fuego - April 18, 2013, 9:15 pm I am on board now I have been wanting to do it for a while . Hopefully I can keep up ,all the posts in this journal is very interesting and very informational. velinxs - April 19, 2013, 12:01 pm lately i've just been mastering the 'multi-orgasmic man' method. currently release very little essence whenever i fap, also a lot more pleasurable once good at it. only took a couple weeks to really get it down. worth looking into as a win-win for yourself, your partner and for your retaining essence mission.

EDIT: shouldnt say ive mastered it, haven't really used it on any partners, been inactive lately lol. in theory though... el-hombre-del-fuego - April 19, 2013, 4:39 pm I posted yesterday saying that I'm on board starting yesterday. Hopefully I'm successful. bored4life - April 19, 2013, 4:55 pm This information is awesome.

Unfortunately I broke my streak. In addition to not fapping, I've decided I'm not going to look at pictures that may arouse me sexually. Of course I'll see stuff, but I won't go out of my way to click something I know will have that kind of stuff.

Glad to see everyones progress.


That's an interesting article. I've noticed that my strength at the gym actually went pretty high on the 7th day that I did this. Let's see what kind of results I'll yield again. velinxs - April 21, 2013, 4:53 pm hidden posts are hidden.

Spearfisher - April 21, 2013, 7:03 pm I just read some pages of this site It's mainly on rebooting from porn addiction, but there are a lot of good articles regarding theories about masturbation, testosterone levels, social anxiety etc.

I'm not that good in english but you guys might find some interesting facts! phertest - April 25, 2013, 2:57 pm I didn't have the time to read this entire thread... I get the gist of it though, and I've been resisting the urge to watch porn or whack off for about 7 days now.

I am already feeling much better about myself. I used to tell myself "save your energy"... "okay you can watch some, just don't release"... and yeah, I released - a lack of self control...

After reading the fantastic testimonials of people gaining more confidence, getting better socially/romantically/professionally/etc. I do NOT want to go back to watching porn 1-2 times a day. The evidence against its negative effects are logical, and frightening. I do get the urge to watch it, but instead I read about the benefits of quitting until it passes.

As ridiculous as "NoFap" sounds, it really seems to be a HUGE blocker to lifes beauty. I can't believe I wasted so much time and energy on it... I wish I knew about it a long time ago. On the plus side, atleast we know about pheromones, so we can surpass the "normal" folks out there. I'll consider my time wasted as a "payment" to discovering this underground world

Good luck people. idontknow - April 26, 2013, 8:03 am At first I've been rather critical to "NoFap" idea and thought it surely wouldn't make that big of a difference, except maybe giving you a severe premature ejaculation issue. I figured i wouldn't touch myself the days i go clubbing, to have a little extra energy, but nothing more.

Although just lately I've been giving the idea a shot. And i have to say, i'm impressed!

Motivation I for example was rather late to go into puberty. For me, the interesting thing was the drastic shift in motivation/drive when i did reach that stage. Before puberty i didn't really understand why to get a good job, study/work hard etc. except to reach a certain degree of safety in life. But like a year later, that changed.

Now call me chauvinist or simple, but for men success equals (or at least can be an important factor in) spending quality time with the cutest, most desirable and intelligent women. And that probably is a clear motivation for most men. Also I guess that many men, like myself, (idk about women) underestimate what a driving factor their sexual desire really is to self-development, success in life and general motivation. And I'm reading that here and seeing it first-hand on myself right now.

But IMO if you kill that sexual desire, or short-circuit it by self-gratification, you will miss a big chunk of that motivation and possibly dull your life.

(04-18-2013 10:06 AM)seeusmile Wrote:  "[...] After day seven, testosterone levels returned to normal, thus indicating that seven days is the effective number of days to abstain from ejaculating in order to hit peak levels of testosterone." Btw. I seemingly don't manage to come anywhere close to "NoFap", but I'll rather join into the "LowFap" program. Very promising! Thanks for the post!

Cheers to you, bored, and everyone else, who posted here!

Kahotep - April 26, 2013, 8:29 am I haven't han-solo'd in about a month. My reasoning has nothing to do with addiction or testosterone levels. I just felt the need not to do so ever because I think it makes sex better and allows for quicker round 2's and the sort. I for one seem to have waaay more energy. I also noticed I find women more attractive. If I see a curve it sends like a surge to my heart. Hard to control it but its a good feeling to have that sensation so easily. I recall at one point seeing breast and ass became such a norm that it barely aroused me. I found women in right sweaters more appealing( still do, that's sexy to me ) I also noticed my passions is higher. I do recall a few days ago almost having a wet dream... I remember consciously stopping myself though. One thing for sure is anti-masterbation is more beneficial than harmful. lifeisgood7 - April 27, 2013, 3:59 am (04-26-2013 3:03 AM)idontknow Wrote:  Motivation

But IMO if you kill that sexual desire, or short-circuit it by self-gratification, you will miss a big chunk of that motivation and possibly dull your life.

Cheers to you, bored, and everyone else, who posted here!

PREACH BROTHER, PREACH! lifeisgood7 - April 27, 2013, 4:08 am "What do men do after they masturbate? They feel ashamed. Ashamed that they turned loose more of their vital energy for 2 minutes of pleasure. This is their life force ending 1 masturbation session at a time.

What does chronic masturbation do to harm the male body? Well ejaculation releases catabolic hormones and stress hormones. wHEN YOU EJACULATE ON A REGULAR BASIS, YOUR BODY IS HARDWIRED FOR STRESS. yOU ACTUALLYPUT YOURSELF IN A STATE OF STRESS/FEAR.

This is why masturbation/ejaculation is a horrible addiction. The energy used for intuitive behavior like creation, advancing your life agenda spiritual progression and physical growth is dissipated.

Masturbaters are the losers in life. They will never put their ojas to good use. Every time the body creates a small store of spiritual energy, it is quickly expelled into a dirty sock and thrown under your bed.

The men in charge, the alpha males of the world are the ones that restrict the sexual expelling of their seeds. To be the alpha male,the winner in life is to channel the sexual energy into something else.

When a man becomes aware of his addiction and ceases to continue ejaculating carelessly, things like this happen.

The energy starts to fill the void in the brain.

The nervous system will be coated with new vital energies. The blood becomes engorged with super energy.

The eyes become more vital. The skin tone glows with youth. Muscles no longer tire. The left and right brain hemispheres work in unison. The man becomes more than a man.

He automatically becomes the alpha male. He becomes the leader. Suddenly he becomes the one everyone trusts to lead them through problems. He gets what he wants out of life because his energy flows in the right direction....upward, not downward.

To be the alpha male is to be above the carnal addictions to mundane pleasures. To see through the veils of activities that have no meaning. To lead by example. That is an alpha male." kyle.357 - May 4, 2013, 12:00 am gonna stop milking my tube of toothpaste into my dirty laundry shirts, no more vid after vid 3 tab shit three rounds in 20 minutes things I always find the feeling of being sweaty and climaxed in front of a computer monitor incredibly hilarious lol cerealbox760 - May 16, 2013, 3:47 am Wow. Thanks for this thread and everyone else who contributed.

I also read about this a couple months ago. asturbating-too-much

I've forced myself to only ejaculate once a week, including sex. And ditched porn altogether. (New years resolution lol) I never felt better in years. Thats plus the pheromones. Ohh yess. By limiting masturbation I can concentrate more at the gym and have enough energy to fully complete my workouts. And now that I exercise more often and longer, I have lower anxiety. But I never tried the 90 day thing. sign*. The next three months are going to hard lol mammoth - May 16, 2013, 12:20 pm It is my undertstanding that masturbation is good for a man because semen might have Carcinogens and that may not be good for your prostate. I could be wrong, but that is what I have read. mammoth - May 16, 2013, 12:33 pm Curious. I have replied to this thread 3 times now and can not see my reply,but the site says mine was the last reply...

anyway, once more for luck. I was always told that masturbation is [i assume that is what FAP means?] healthy for men because of potential carcinogens in semen and that isnt good for your prostate. did this get posted?? preck - May 16, 2013, 1:15 pm (05-16-2013 7:33 AM)mammoth Wrote:  Curious. I have replied to this thread 3 times now and can not see my reply,but the site says mine was the last reply...

anyway, once more for luck. I was always told that masturbation is [i assume that is what FAP means?] healthy for men because of potential carcinogens in semen and that isnt good for your prostate. did this get posted?? Yeah this, i hope people understand that masturbating to porn and other things via online world is the real big problem if you musturbate thinkin about a person you know or deal wit etc thats not bad...

Anyways the focus should be on gettin regular sex with all this mones theres no excuse to be gettin none

Wyatt - May 16, 2013, 1:43 pm Everything I've read said the best defence against prostate cancer is either lots of sex or lots of masturbation.

I used to average 9 to 15x a day, not 'cause I wanted to, but because I was so damn horny that it was the only way I could think straight for a bit. One day I did it 22x, again because I was so dang horny. I don't miss being a teen. Had I known the world record was like 28 times in a day for a guy to ejaculate, i could have easily destroyed that number (that stat I read was from the 90ies, haven't looked it up since).

Even when I had a girl friend, we'd make love 1 to 5x a day and I'd beat off about 5x or so also, other wise I'd be non-stop bugging her.

Much happier than my hormone level has dropped to what i guess is normal for most guys in their early twenties.

It's also useful if you're tempted to cheat or one girl has you just too worked up. Just go home, whack off, no more temptation. Also good if you're worried about coming too fast. However your desire for her will also diminish. cerealbox760 - May 17, 2013, 3:41 am (05-16-2013 7:20 AM)mammoth Wrote:  It is my undertstanding that masturbation is good for a man because semen might have Carcinogens and that may not be good for your prostate. I could be wrong, but that is what I have read. Yes its good in some ways, but bad in many ways. Even without porn. To be honest, pretty much everything that gives you a dopamine surge is bad when done excessively. velinxs - May 19, 2013, 2:53 pm Funny thing, i recently just got prostatitis from a combination of not ejaculating / still masturbating and clenching kegel to have semenless orgasms.(training self to have multiple O's). Word to the wise, if you're on that regimen of training self to have semenless orgasms, release once in a while.

Ozee - May 20, 2013, 1:05 am (05-19-2013 9:53 AM)velinxs Wrote:  Funny thing, i recently just got prostatitis from a combination of not ejaculating / still masturbating and clenching kegel to have semenless orgasms.(training self to have multiple O's). Word to the wise, if you're on that regimen of training self to have semenless orgasms, release once in a while. What is prostatitis? Is it bad? I'm afraid I have been doing what you doing before. I'm afraid.. kyle.357 - May 21, 2013, 10:55 pm I dont know if its been posted, but I have found that this challenge is INCREDIBLY easy, if you have sex with a girl then start. Slammed the girlfriend a few days ago, not jerking off is the easiest thing. I just dont think about it. If I jerk off once though, it immediately messes it up.

Whatever you last orgasm from is what you'll be addicted to, in my scenario.

I've tried just stopping jerking off, works for two days, then im done lol Now, it was by chance for the 2nd time! I noticed these results both times... lostlibra74 - May 21, 2013, 11:19 pm hidden post is hidden

LL21 - May 21, 2013, 11:41 pm (05-19-2013 9:53 AM)velinxs Wrote:  Funny thing, i recently just got prostatitis from a combination of not ejaculating / still masturbating and clenching kegel to have semenless orgasms.(training self to have multiple O's). Word to the wise, if you're on that regimen of training self to have semenless orgasms, release once in a while. I think I tried that once or twice, I was in pain. I think you might have been doing too much at one time or moving too quickly and your body didn't like that. lostlibra74 - May 22, 2013, 4:50 am

LL21 - May 22, 2013, 5:35 am Hidden Post Stop Hiding! lifeisgood7 - June 8, 2013, 6:54 pm man this thread died

anywho, i fapped first time in a long time sometimes 6 days ago

and wow, i am on fire right now, my chest is burning, i need to socialize and get off this computer, been going through my rolodex, tryna get a booty call lol whatupbrah - June 8, 2013, 8:35 pm What's wrong with a fap here and then?

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2 cerealbox760 - June 12, 2013, 11:21 am I use this thread as motivation to stop fapping. lol ohhh the shame. nept - June 12, 2013, 12:46 pm So those of you that have taken the challenge- did you start off wherever you were or with "one for the road"

nept - June 12, 2013, 12:51 pm (03-21-2013 7:27 AM)seeusmile Wrote:  I fapped to porn stars because they were hot stuff, or pleasing to the eye for me being the visual male creature I am.

After coming across this, I was surprised by the looks of the porn starts who look hot during stage and then in off stage where makeup is all gone.

Come to think how makeup.... has been "falsifying" our perception of beauty since.. yeah Thats really interesting to look at. A lot of them were quite rough before the makeup but some were surprisingly beautiful before the makeup. sunny10 - July 22, 2013, 5:58 am The UK is about to have a sudden drop in internet usuage, there is a new law coming in which by default all porn is blocked by ISPs.

Seanski - July 22, 2013, 9:51 am Psychologically I think you guys are spot on, however physiologically nothing could be worse than going without either sex or a FAP regularly(love that term!)....

When bladder operations are done and a camera is inserted, you'll often see little black spots along the lining on the way in, they are essentially internal black heads. They are a sure sign that the person being operated on is not emptying himself regularly and/or has a benign sex life, hence they're alot more prevalent in older guys. Semen becomes denatured if it isn't used and then re-absorbed by the body, it doesn't become all powerful and DragonballZ like... The black heads are essentially from the denatured semen blocking small glands and resulting in a minor infection. Just like if you didn't wash your face for a few weeks! I've seen it first hand in bladder cancer ops and sometimes older people or people who don't either bang their girl on regular basis, or give their meat a good slappin, can be covered in them.. .Like everything, moderation is key ;)

After 45 or so years of age, a mans chance of prostate cancer increases by about 10 percent for every ten years... Yes that right! A 80+ year old guy has about 80 percent risk of prostate cancer and most likely already has early signs of it! There is a direct correlation to sexual activity here, whether it's Mrs Palmer and her 5 daughters helping out or not. whatupbrah - July 23, 2013, 10:01 pm Seanski has assured me a good fap this evening haha. Funny how everytime I think of fapping I think of this thread lol. velinxs - July 27, 2013, 3:49 pm (05-19-2013 8:05 PM)Ozee Wrote:   (05-19-2013 9:53 AM)velinxs Wrote:  Funny thing, i recently just got prostatitis from a combination of not ejaculating / still masturbating and clenching kegel to have semenless orgasms.(training self to have multiple O's). Word to the wise, if you're on that regimen of training self to have semenless orgasms, release once in a while. What is prostatitis? Is it bad? I'm afraid I have been doing what you doing before. I'm afraid..

it's swelling of the prostate, because I had effectively pinched off finishing (while still achieving orgasm) far too much for one day haha. Got myself up to 5+ times without releasing, each time you get more and more intense euphoria. I don't get this now and I still do this regularily. I basically over-worked out my kegels/prostate.

This technique really is best of both worlds, I still haven't gotten down with a partner, but if i could it would make for 10x more euphoric sex.

OmegaM41 - August 26, 2013, 3:21 pm Hey guys,

I read through this thread a while back but never got a chance to post. Thread's been kinda dead for a while--how's everyone doing with the challenge? I agree with the general sentiment here that fapping too much is definitely a bad thing, and I think a lot of guys have had at least some period in their lives where they fall into this trap. For me, it was my freshman year of college. I was busy adjusting to the higher workload from the classes I was taking, and still getting used to the college social scene. Little by little, my fapping increased until I was doing it nightly. At some point, I realized that fapping was diminishing my desire to do the real thing. I cut it back, but at some point probably increased again. It wasn't until a couple years later that I decided to do it "only if absolutely necessary." This meant, avoiding fapping as much as possible, only doing it if it had been so long that I was constantly getting distracted by thoughts of sex, or getting too aggressive with people (which I noticed happening as well - looking for conflicts, starting conflicts, etc; at the same time, fapping too much would leave me feeling beta). I feel like once you start fapping on a regular basis, it can easily become a bad habit and you can start doing it more and more until it gets to be too much.

So, I actually found this thread about a month ago after fapping, haha. I sat down at my computer, pulled up the forums, and immediately found this thread, which I took to be a sign that maybe I should stop fapping all together. Seems like after I got past the "familiar habit" phase (first couple days), it wasn't difficult to avoid fapping. Reading the rest of this thread and seeing how most people have struggled with it worries me a bit, as I'm not that disciplined, just didn't have much of an urge to do it. Also haven't noticed much change in my libido as a result of not fapping regularly. Makes me wonder if my libido is below average for my age. kyle.357 - August 28, 2013, 12:59 am I do it till an orgasm feels like a dry wheezing cough everything so bone dry and empy and my libido somehow stays after years of three times daily training

Being - August 31, 2013, 4:30 pm I didn't read all the 29 pages uptil now (got uptil page 10 or so), but I want to share my two cents:

The moment you fight something you give it power (energy, attention), and this something can be anything, of course including fapping or porno.

What to do then?

In fact you can do nothing and/or anything, but the same rules goes up:

Whatever you resist persists!

You can also see that life happens by itself, just as you wake up in the morning, you say: "I woke up", but actually life just made you wake up and so it is with anything, from doing something to doing nothing.

We are life thinking it has to do something to acquire an ideal ideal (happy, fulfilling) life...but life is just life,..there is only life, life is all there is, including a dead stone.

Now, what is the moral of this story?: nothing and everything...or enjoy whatever arises in your life, nothing is for nothing.

lifeisgood7 - March 2, 2014, 6:10 pm man, this thread died hard

Aero-el - March 2, 2014, 8:30 pm (03-02-2014 1:10 PM)lifeisgood7 Wrote:  man, this thread died hard Too busy fapping. Or maybe they were fapped to death. lifeisgood7 - March 2, 2014, 9:36 pm LOOOOOLL

im dying of laughter lol

DWR - March 2, 2014, 11:58 pm Very interesting read, one of the best I've come across so far.

Agree completely with Thundr. My take on his observations would be that we all share a universal energy. To me good sex is unquestionably tapping into this. Almost like your plugging in and charging a battery. I think that your overall interactions with others also play into this. In effect "good" karma adds and "bad" karma subtracts. Think wasting this life energy basically shorts out your battery and squanders your "mojo" for lack of a better word.

Viewing it from the technical perspective here you deplete your alpha mones and obviously gain to cops so you betafy yourself...repeating creates that negative feedback loop that drives you to the bottom of the hill...go a few months and your the total betabitch... seeusmile - March 3, 2014, 7:52 pm Anyone else still doing the challenge

Magnus - March 4, 2014, 4:54 am Its my fapper and I'll fap if I want to, fap if I want to....

NextLevel - June 17, 2014, 7:11 pm I'm bringing back the no fap thead to life... 5 days here (that's a lot for me lol). Anyone else rocking the fapless lifestyle?

KundaliniDivination - June 17, 2014, 11:59 pm I was doing for 3 weeks until I could not control my high libido. I really need to get with a woman. dsouza - June 25, 2014, 3:24 am I haven't masturbated in 6 months.. I was having difficulty maintaining erections and premature ejaculation due to all that porn.

No porn no masturbation..

I have sexual intercourse with partner 1x week and on her period she or blows me till I ejaculate.. I don't masturbate .. EVER. ANYMORE.

I feel my drive and ability to talk to others has improved. My sex life has improved. And overall I have a better attitude towards women (not thinking of them in dehumanizing ways as you see in porn)..

In essence my mind and body has returned to innocence.

NextLevel - June 25, 2014, 12:39 pm I think I made it to 9 or 10 days. No fap is hard! I'm getting back on the bandwagon today!

OmegaM41 - July 2, 2014, 11:21 pm I think, as with a lot of things in life, there's a balance to be had here. Fapping too much, for me at least, feels like a bad thing, as I lose some of my energy and drive to pursue women. I think the point when it becomes too much varies to person to person, but when you're substituting fapping for having real sex, that's when it's probably too much. On the other hand, I think there's also such a thing as not enough.

For me, fapping every day is too much. But, if I go too long without any kind of release, either through fapping or sex, I find myself becoming short-tempered and aggressive at work, to the point where I might get into arguments with people for stupid reasons. (Almost like I'm just looking to start a fight.) For me, I start getting to this point after a few days to a week. So, while I fap a lot less than I used to, I think stopping altogether would be unhealthy, unless of course, you could have sex often enough to fill in the gap. For me, I find myself generally having sex a couple times on the weekends with an FWB, but not (usually) during the week. In that case, I can generally go the week without fapping. Even if I fap once in the middle of the week, I feel like it's not that big of a deal and probably prevents me from getting a bit too irritable by the end of the week.

So, tl;dr: I feel like it's not necessary to stop fapping completely. Just don't get in the habit of doing it, especially as a substitute for sex. Do it occasionally and it should be fine though. Main goal is keeping your sex drive high which helps your game when you go out.

Test.of.Sweden - July 15, 2016, 6:30 am I really like the benefits that comes with nofap and also sometimes the so called superpowers

RedPill - July 15, 2016, 8:57 pm I would definitely recommend the No Fap for everyone. At least for me it has worked really well. I used to masturbate daily and had very little drive and my self esteem was low. I haven't been fapping and not watching porn for maybe 5 months (a few times during this time) now and I have so much more energy and I'm a lot more positive, and my confidence has improved.

I would guess that quitting watching porn had a bigger impact than not masturbating. Porn really is addicting and it's just so unhealthy - you get used to watching just about anything. As OmegaM41 said above, balance is the key. For me the best way to do this would be masturbating maybe once a month or so. ambitions2k16 - July 18, 2016, 5:15 pm I'm in.

Last time I seriously did no fap, I lasted 70 days and felt incredible. No super powers really but I just felt genuinely good, physically and mentally.

I find cumming once a week is generally a good compromise. But I'm down to give my willpower a good test I'm in.

Last time I seriously did no fap, I lasted 70 days and felt incredible. No super powers really but I just felt genuinely good, physically and mentally.

I find cumming once a week is generally a good compromise. But I'm down to give my willpower a good test

Shyguy1337 - July 20, 2016, 2:45 am I enjoyed the no-fap stories here. I like the ideas of balancing left and right brain(I am very left brain person) and directing more energy into other areas of the body through breathe.

I am on day 2 no fap and I did feel more confident/energetic and I was feeling stronger emotions around people. I should note that I used a subliminal lucid dream aid last night which helped me also. (I dont like the presleep warmup, the lucid alone works best for me at 30 min to an hour before turning it off before sleep. When i woke up to my alarm this morning, I had this weird feeling that I can't even put into words, but spiritual comes close and the feeling lasted all day long.

Shyguy1337 - July 22, 2016, 10:54 pm My other post disappeared or was deleted?

Anyways I am on day 5 of nofap.

Feel like my mojo is missing. I don't have that nervous anxiety of too much energy it feels like the opposite and not enough energy. I almost miss the nervousness, but I am going to hold out for 7 days. I do feel good in the morning like I can get stuff done, but doesn't last long.

I get moments where I feel more, but the mojo thing is bothering me since day 4 was pretty low on the energy side also.

TurtlePowers - September 24, 2016, 4:06 pm Does sex count?

MrNoGame - September 25, 2016, 11:31 am I've been on this for a month or so. I was 6 months into it once but accidentally watched porn, I was reading a article that was related to porn and I blew my 6 month porn free streak dead. Just an image of a hot partially dressed girl can cause a blowout after not watching any porn for months! So the challenge is easy until your libido is fully restored then it gets hard to refrain from watching it! Combine this with weights and natural testosterone food and you can send Libido through the roof, only just got to not watch porn with all that libido. I actually swapped my iPad for a kindle so I can read books at night without porn breaks

MMM - September 25, 2016, 3:56 pm (09-25-2016 6:31 AM)MrNoGame Wrote:  I've been on this for a month or so. I was 6 months into it once but accidentally watched porn, I was reading a manosphere article that was related to porn and I blew my 6 month porn free streak dead. Just an image of a hot partially dressed girl can cause a blowout after not watching any porn for months! So the challenge is easy until your libido is fully restored then it gets hard to refrain from watching it! Combine this with weights and natural testosterone food and you can send Libido through the roof, only just got to not watch porn with all that libido. I actually swapped my iPad for a kindle so I can read books at night without porn breaks FOOD LIST, please?

Mucho thanks!

MrNoGame - September 25, 2016, 5:05 pm Hey MMM, I wrote food as I was thinking of celery and steak, but my raging libido experiment was more vitamins when I check my notes. Are vitamins natural? lol, I tend to regard anything as being natural if it does have a skull and crossbones on the label

Vitamin E 1000IU Zinc 25mg Magnesium 250mg Coconut oil Capsule 2 * 1000 mg

that was from the ray peat forum, i cannot totally remember my routine but OH BOY! it worked.

at the moment I eat celery every day, its hit and miss, more miss for libido but it stops me from eating unhealthy snacks, as i force myself to eat the celery instead. one in a while it gives my libido a definite spike. Steak I found more useful with weights (I quit weighs do to a never ending cold but I should start that up again, I fell of the wagon on that one)

I might start doing the ray peat thing again, the thing that put me off was I hate having to constantly re-order all the vitamins on a monthly basis, eventually you just forget.

(09-25-2016 10:56 AM)MMM Wrote:  FOOD LIST, please?

Mucho thanks! Dblr619 - September 25, 2016, 5:17 pm There is no challenge. Alphas don't masturbate. I haven't spanked for WELL over a year. I get pussy clide7 - September 26, 2016, 4:16 am (09-24-2016 11:06 AM)TurtlePowers Wrote:  Does sex count? IMO, no it does not.

One of the core ideas behind "nofap" is reward systems.

Masturbation leading to orgasm releases dopamine in the brain. This is essentially "rewarding" yourself.. for what? Jerking yourself off?

If you are going to get a reward, make it for something you achieved. In my mind, sex is fine in this case. Having sex with a woman should be one of the greatest rewards you can get- men live their entire lives in pursuit of this goal.

However, just like how you wouldn't give the dog a treat for pissing on the carpet, masturbation is giving yourself a reward for pretty much wasting time.

This will not only lower your drive to get out there and work to attract women, but it will also make you feel kind of shitty, in general.

The more frequently you achieve orgasm, the more you are going to want it to occur. Men who masturbate 5+ times a week are never going to be able to keep that up meeting and attracting real women to have sex with that frequently. You are essentially setting yourself up in an unhealthy reward cycle. andromun - September 26, 2016, 11:22 pm (09-25-2016 12:17 PM)Dblr619 Wrote:  There is no challenge. Alphas don't masturbate. I haven't spanked for WELL over a year. I get pussy Mark Hanna disagrees with you bmetpS-916lrD [img]">

(09-26-2016 6:22 PM)andromun Wrote:  Mark Hanna disagrees with you

[img]"> ma65:,1028re When I'm horny even Mark Hanna better not sleep on his stomach.... mp41:,6028rebtS-9lrD

(09-26-2016 6:22 PM)andromun Wrote:  Mark Hanna disagrees with you

[img]"> MnajorT When I want to fuck even Mark Hanna better not sleep on his stomach a gI feel like there are some hidden posts, because the last poster does not add up with what is posted. naicBy the way I started no fap a week ago. I'll see how it goes. paHm0:1,623rebtS- oGy S k"Alphas don't masturbate" il lf child please! u rebmtpS-yll Anyone who thinks they are an "alpha" most likely isn't rebotcO-mp41:,6023

This thread keeps coming up as having new posts but I can't see anything new since 27-09 (Andronum's reply).. Another thread with ghost posts?.. sma51:7,602 M. w mp84:,6102rebotcO-haidlDay 8 here. i've been on nofap for almost a year now. longest streak was about 30 days. now i don't masturbate anymore like 2 months but i count sex with my friend as a relapse because i feel almost the same as if i masturbated. i like the feeling you get from abstination. after 1 week i feel to start changes but not so intense. the hardest becomes for me from around day 20, all i can think is sex weird feeling through my body, like my body is shaking. i wake up earlier all by myself. and have more energy. but there are days when i don't do nothing because i can't focus on other but sex. i'm still figuring out this nofap think. i just need to overcome my urges. i think the more intense urges i overcome the better i feel. urges can be strong one day and can be less strong the next day, so you smust not give up. w oAlso, i think most of the benefits come from increase from testosterone. i know there is one study lthat everyone is raving about that your testosterone gous up to 140% after 7 days of abstinence, dand then falls on normal. I don't think that study is to be trusted. i don't belive that, but thats just my iopinion. i saw some posts on reddit, some guys took their testosterone tested before nofap and then eevery 3 weeks i think. the increase was very obvious and it didn't drop like you would expect from arbstudy. WHAT do you guys think? oeLmp5:8,6102rbtcO-h

Nofap is great but the most important to your general wellbeing is no ejaculation. You need a lot of biological energy to reproduce, the same goes with women, a girl can turn from a 9 to a 6 only after one or two sex sessions, her skin looks pale and wrinkle appears everywhere. Men wastes the most energy when ejaculate, since it signals biological energy to go to your testicles to produce semen, when you have sex but don't ejaculate, your body doesn't count it as one successful mating encounter, it will divert your energy to do something else in order to attract women such as being nphysically and mentally strong, while women deplete all her sexual energy just only by having sex. 2 So in order to have more energy and motivation, you need to abstain from sex. However if it can't 2be avoided since you have advantage over other guys by using pheromones, you need to have sex 6without ejaculation. - At first it will be hard, especially if you are not circumcised since yours will be very sensitive. I have Otried a lot of things to make sure I will not ejaculate, but the most effective way is to numb your cpenis. Since the penis is more sensitive to warm temperature than actual friction from going in and tout, I can endure 1 hour long of BJ but only 3 mins of penetration, it is better to eliminate sensitivity oto temp and keep pleasure from friction, it can be achievable by using lidocaine in a correct way. bLidocaine 5% will numb your feeling from friction and temp only 15 seconds after applied. If you eapply thin application of lidocaine, the feeling from friction normally regained after 30-45 mins, rhowever the feeling from temperature only fully regained after 1 hour. So you can still feel the 7pleasure from having sex, not ejaculate and preserve your energy by apply before sexual encounter ,30 mins. 2 When you last more than 15-20 mins, your girl might got tired and told you to bust your nut, it is my 0number one reason for not keeping my precious cargo. you can do it by setting a timer with an 1alarm, 15 mins is the upper limit time for a sexual encounter before it is considered as too long by 6women. Or if you want to do it a more subtle way, music can help make sex better(google it) and it ,can signal you the time to stop, create a playlist specifically for sex, only 15 mins long. If you want to 4fake your orgasm, contract the muscle between your testicles and your buttcrack and moan like you ma23:have a normal orgasm, then goes right into the shower to cool it off to makes blood goes away from your penis. G That's all for sex education 101 hope it can help you live longer and have more energy . o eAnd don't forget, you get black feet and a long nose when you masturbate. r g I disagree with your post, it's an unfounded rationalization of the no-fap-estorism. e All this "energy" crap. The reproduction of ejaculazed semen is a completely pedestrian Fphysiological occurence and does not use up more metabolic "energy" than any other cellular orenewal / metabolic action that the body undergoes every second. c And I've yet to encounter a woman that get's a sustantial negative dermal reaction like you describe botcO-ykfrom sex. If that were the case, it would be a widely reported and rsearched phenomenon. 62noeLmp31:,07r

That's how your body is different then just have sex a lot, I don't care, I was stating how it helped me, I am a living proof, and it is not "unfounded rationalization of the no-fap-estorism" and a lot of people in nofap reddit agree that ejaculation drains energy. If you don't have any trouble with ejaculating a lot, then why are you here? If you don't have the same experience then keep it to yourself, don't criticize people who share their own observation that can help other people. People who is close minded like you, who always think everyone is an idiot and believes in p73:1,602rebotcO-nonsense like "fapping blinds you", will never better himself. In the end the only idiot is you. 02,7rebotcO-ykFgGm

No need to call people out as idiots that don't agree with you. I stated my opinion as is custom on discussions on this boards. If those are your experiences and some other anectodets on Reddit then fine, but your argumentation that masturbation drains energy is still unfounded - it's not people like me that call that out that stand in the way of progress, but people that have one experience (fapping = lower drive/self esteem, whatever) that construct a whole esoteric causality about it without a single physilogical explaination. (apart from a short term vasopressin/prolactin equilibrium change with some catecholamin implications, but tha's not the same as a far fetched grandeur statement like: Fapping drains "biological energy" and women get ugly and void of energy by "just one sexual mp54:3,61encounter" mp51:4,6027rebotcO-haidlws

(10-07-2016 7:13 AM)GoergeFocky Wrote:  And don't forget, you get black feet and a long nose when you masturbate.

I disagree with your post, it's an unfounded rationalization of the no-fap-estorism. All this "energy" crap. The reproduction of ejaculazed semen is a completely pedestrian physiological occurence and does not use up more metabolic "energy" than any other cellular renewal / metabolic action that the body undergoes every second. And I've yet to encounter a woman that get's a sustantial negative dermal reaction like you describe from sex. If that were the case, it would be a widely reported and rsearched phenomenon. Whats the longest you have not ejaculated? i don't know exact physiological background though im a biochemistry student, but this energy, in my case is not crap. i feel significant changes after about 2 weeks

GeorgeFocky's comment makes sense to me Leon, no need to reveal your inner feelings and lack of Areading comprehension. All forum threads are worthy of reasonable disagreements. You went too nfar. d cor Check yo-self befaw you wreck yo-self. oDmp1:6,027rebtcO-sl


You have gone too far in your post. He just disagrees with your post. You will go mad if you want people to agree with your views. m In the past, I was on nofap for 1 and half year. Maybe more. I don't have any problem to go on 2nofap for weeks. It isn't a big issue. Experiencing both side of the story. There is some truth in both 7the side. 8 9 Listen them very careful. You will find man who achieve fantastic result. Look at them. What was -their habit pattern, how they used to live, what was their age group, etc. Similarly, do the same with Opeople who disagree. You will find something very peculiar about both of them. I have gone through creddit forums 10's of time. t o Here is my observation. Guys who reported great results were mostly in the age group of 18 to 28. bThey were spending a lot of time on internet. They watched porn, played video games, etc. eBasically, non social behaviour. I derived that due to age, they also lack confidence and self resteem. 21 years old is going to have that problem. They don't have stable careers and 8relationships to rely on. They got most benefit as nofap helped them to channel their energy ,somewhere productive. 2 0 It improved their social situation skills, give them more focus, energy, etc. 1 6 The guys who didn't got much result were mostly 30+. This guys had a stable career and ,relationship. They were also spending most of their time on productive activity. Also, testosterone in ma92:4male decrease after certain age. They found not much results. Also, they were not fapping regularly. They were fapping once or twice a week.

This was general observation from doing a lot of research and practice.

Does nofap benefit all man? No. One has to give it a try to know. There are lot of factor into consideration. Remember, it is a challenge. One should take it and decide on it's own.

Now, I have tried to stay away from this thread for long. There is lot of fighting going on. I don't want to get involved in petty fights like this.

What I don't like is people calling each other for their belief. Seriously, you should be last person to care about what people do in free time. It is not my business to stop anyone from fapping or ask them to do so. There is free will. I believe in that.

State your observation and let the crowd decide. It is for them to decide.

Please don't take things personally. We had enough of wars in this world for that.

Tc 31:7,6029rebotcO-naigMjT

So I have been doing NoFap for about 2 weeks...

-It is weird...I am getting these "hits" that I feel like are from NoFap, but the thing is the hits are OUTSIDE of my mone cloud. Like girls that I know certainly did not have the chance to smell my pheremones are gazing at me on campus. This can't be placebo because there are times where I am tired and my body language is terrible, but I am getting these "stares" from girls that can not possibly smell me; also when I made eye contact with one girl she gave an inviting smile (yeah I know "just a smile"?....Girls usually only smile at me when I know them...I didn't know her)

-Crazy, vivid "this shit just feels too real" dreams are starting to happen again. Its crazy...I heard it is because the dopamine receptors are healing when someone stops watching porn, and masturbating.

So much more energy...I just feel jittery and excited. Approaching girls seems sort of exciting again, and the anxiety is sort of going away. And I swear girls are sort of inviting me to approach. I don't know if its because i am so freaking horny, that I am noticing it now but yea.

-I am much more emotional now. Like I am not just looking at girls like a sex object, I am appreciating them more. They just become so much more fragile and cute to me idk why.

-I have a hunch that pheremones are working a little better with No Fap. I am just seeing way more mp"hits" that are congruent to the mix I am wearing idk. I need more testing... 85:21,60rebotcO-samhT

Hi guys. New here and I am happy to see there is a thread dedicated to NO FAP.

So many benifits!!

I'm in. Two days in to be exact. Had a relapse a few days ago after 2 weeks of no fap. I feel so weak for caving in to my cravings but I guess when you throw DP in the mix and go home empty handed... ma Anyways I'm back to NO FAP

I fap about every other day. Mostly its from being about a 4 month dry spell.

X Has anybody noticed a correlation between no-fap + mones vs fap + mones ? Sometimes I swear, pif i go a few days and wear a combo, it hits more blatantly when I didn't fap the night before ... Even lif I shower up. 0 rT1 Could just be all in my head rTmp50:6,12ebotcO- jo a n (10-16-2016 1:05 PM)Xpl01Tr Wrote:  I fap about every other day. Mostly its from being Mabout a 4 month dry spell. a g Has anybody noticed a correlation between no-fap + mones vs fap + mones ? Sometimes I swear, iif i go a few days and wear a combo, it hits more blatantly when I didn't fap the night before ... Even cif I shower up. i a Could just be all in my head n Not in your head...I experienced the same thing...everything just hits harder... - O What I am curious about is this other magnetism that seems to come on the no fap streak. I am cgetting some blatant hits outside my pherocloud. It's like some people can just tell that I'm not tjerking off anymore. I'm getting more of these "hits" every week. Have read up on it and I read that rebopeople may be able to sense auras, and watching porn clouds your aura. giBmp62:7,10 iD c k (10-16-2016 2:26 PM)TrojanMagician Wrote:  Not in your head...I experienced the same Bthing...everything just hits harder... a n What I am curious about is this other magnetism that seems to come on the no fap streak. I am dgetting some blatant hits outside my pherocloud. It's like some people can just tell that I'm not itjerking off anymore. I'm getting more of these "hits" every week. Have read up on it and I read that 4people may be able to sense auras, and watching porn clouds your aura. 2 Yes, it does. Porn clouds your mind which is where your aura comes from. I think clearer without it, 0am more focused in class and work better. I interact with people better to because I'm not degrading -them to pixels and videos of fornication. O c The less I jerk it, the more energy I have. I become more outgoing, friendly, my voice projects better tand I connect to people better. I also feel better about myself - not that I'm some schlup in the rebocomputer chair jerking it to girls online. orTmp60:9,12 j a n (10-16-2016 4:06 PM)BigDickBandit420 Wrote:  Yes, it does. Porn clouds your mind which is Mwhere your aura comes from. I think clearer without it, am more focused in class and work better. I ainteract with people better to because I'm not degrading them to pixels and videos of fornication. g i The less I jerk it, the more energy I have. I become more outgoing, friendly, my voice projects better cand I connect to people better. I also feel better about myself - not that I'm some schlup in the icomputer chair jerking it to girls online. a Thanks for confirming that...I shit you not right now, I'm at work (hospital) and these nurses are like nmesmerized by me. I'm wearing wolf, but even before the wolf hits I get blatant stares and flushy -faces from nurses. One nurse was poking her ass out like at a visibly uncomfortable arch, then 1rebotcOlooked back to see if I was looking. My god this is exciting!!! kciDgBmp91:,602

B (10-16-2016 4:19 PM)TrojanMagician Wrote:  Thanks for confirming that...I shit you not right anow, I'm at work (hospital) and these nurses are like mesmerized by me. I'm wearing wolf, but even nbefore the wolf hits I get blatant stares and flushy faces from nurses. One nurse was poking her ass dout like at a visibly uncomfortable arch, then looked back to see if I was looking. My god this is itexciting!!! 4 The longest I've lasted is like 2 or 3 weeks. I'm very curious about what happens past that. Last 2time I did was 10-14 using my imagination. The time before that was a week. 0 - I feel a lot better, more social, more energy when I go to the gym. All around better. I feel like man 2,61rebotcOwas not hard wired to blow their load multiple times a week through self pleasure. Hidden post!! cO-rT10lpXm52:,6

I was catching up on some and it seems this is more of a phenomenon than anything. Some people even think it's pheromones that are released by not engaging in the act ... it definitely isn't that.

This freaks me out a little because we can't really understand it in a way where we can overcome it. Maybe through meditation we can regain what we may have squandered by full release... it is the act of release that does this right ... ? There must be a way to re-align and recover what was lost?

I'm going to do a 5 day no-fap no-mone break. Will report Friday night with similar combo to see how I feel. Currently I'm coming out of a none depression from yesterdays outing... so I can use a ma51:7,602rebotreset. botcO-024itdnaBkiDg

Yes you can realign what's lost. Takes time. Weight lifting helps, cardio helps less than weights, and meditation is beneficial. It's literally the life force of your soul you're losing. It's called Jing. The Chinese say men live shorter lives because of all the Jing lost in ejaculation. Men ejaculate a lot of energy into the world. Women ejaculate less of their energy into the universe during orgasm. I have a PDF on metaphysics that explains this. I will find it and paste the section on Jing, ejaculation and orgasms.

Edit: found it on my phone. it's very long. I'm gonna post it tonight and I'll upload the Entire PDF tomorrow.

Jing is a more elusive type of energy and is not simply produced by the refinement and transformation of chi energy. It is much harder to feel and direct as it is basically what holds you together. More than energy, it is better described as a force. It is the foundation for life, a primordial force that animates life in the first place, the glue that holds your cells together. It regulates growth and form in the same way as DNA but it is not DNA. It is actually the force that holds DNA together; eyou could call it DNA chi. Jing is found throughout your entire body holding you together, regulating rgrowth and also the flow of chi and production of ching. 1 You are born with a finite amount of jing which is stored in the kidneys. It is burned up through life 7itself and as the jing throughout the body is used up you begin to draw on the stores in the kidneys. ,When these are all gone it will lead to weakness, disease and eventually death. Excesses such as 2drug use and high stress will deplete the jing faster while inner power martial arts methods 0combined with tantric sex, or other specific etheric exercises can strengthen it and make it last much 1longer. By doing such exercises the jing is not only strengthened but the rest of the body becomes 6strong and healthy so there are less unnecessary loads on the jing. , Jing is used in the production of sperm and eggs but is not simply a part of the sexual energy. It is 8another level of substance altogether and without it the sperm and eggs would be infertile. Since we :only have a finite amount of jing, every time a male ejaculates or a female menstruates some of their 0jing is lost forever. This is the reason that fertility decreases so dramatically as women age. Also the 1rate of Down’s Syndrome babies born increases from (1 / 1500 at the age of 25) to (1 / 32 at aage 45). The jing is vital for babies as it is this that gives the base of primordial substance for their mgrowth. When a woman has an already-depleted store of jing, less is given to the egg as the woman’s body needs it for her own survival. The same goes for the man accept that each sperm may still have the same amount of jing, but he will produce less of them. Therefore the age of the father is not nearly as important. When the jing of the two parents combines, it causes an implosion into the lowest material dimensions allowing a massive expansion of the combined jing. Being a primordial substance means that the jing can actually expand enormously by reconnecting with the primordial source from whence it came. At the moment of conception this occurs, therefore expanding the jing given by the parents enormously (only a tiny amount of the mother and father’s jing is given in the sperm and egg so it must expand to give the baby a full store of its own jing). This will never happen again for the given life and this original amount of jing created at conception will last for the whole lifetime. It can then only be strengthened and stored, or expelled and exhausted. The lower dimensions are the background of all matter in the physical dimensions and hold all things together. It is the ultimate yin energy being totally passive and ready to be formed into anything. It is important to realize that the expansion of jing at conception is an expansion of the combined jing of the sperm and egg. If the jing of either of these is weak or depleted then the expansion will not be as complete and so the life form created will not be as strong and healthy. (Down’s Syndrome is a problem with the DNA and is actually caused by weak jing as this is the force which animates DNA and holds it together). Jing is extremely precious and should be looked after to the utmost. By strengthening the jing your physical body can become amazingly strong and vitalized. A long and disease-free life can be had with energy to do with as you wish. Your creative powers will not diminish and your brain will stay vigilant to the end. gives some important practices for strengthening the jing and also shows how to use the power it can make available. Smashing large river stones with a light slap of the bare hand is just one demonstration of the possible powers of the cultivated jing. In the martial arts chi may be sent into an opponent causing damage to the chi body but to cause internal physical damage or to damage physical objects it is the jing that is used. Jing is the force that can smash material by splitting the actual force that holds that object together. When this is done you do not lose any jing at all. If you were to send chi into an opponent you would lose this chi. When jing is used in the martial arts, your jing simply smashes the jing of the object or opponent. Another interesting point is that of morning sickness in newly-pregnant women. On a metaphysical level it is caused by the sudden huge expansion of jing in the new life form. As it is inside the mother this force will play havoc with the organs, especially in her sleep when her body is relaxed. Similarly the glowing radiant skin of pregnant women which most people have witnessed is due to the enhanced jing. After giving birth it is not surprising that many mothers suffer from postnatal botcO-024itdnaBkiDgdepression as they suddenly lose the large amount of jing that was in their belly.

Here is a link to the book. It's available to anyone with the link. The section on jing is page 17.

I think the section on Ching, page 15, is equally as important. I think this book will help you find your greater self. mp71:4,602re ma70:3,6128rebotcO-TlpX

Thread is fucked up ... only able to access page 33 ...

I lost a lot of weight since June and have been working out religiously. Down to 203 from 235 ... trying to turn my life around. I go to the gym about 3 to 4 days a week but will honestly give this a try. Subs aren't really working anymore ... I need to gain back an edge. Seems from the read though that there is a limited amount in our kidneys since birth... It's kind of freaky if this is true ... I doubt though that this is what makes you more attractive to the opposite sex. I guess it all must be xinterconnected... t rFAPPING has a HUGE effect on your testosterone levels, hence also affecting your Androstenone aand Androstanone natural other self producing pheromones. I have studied T levels, sand this is really responsible for a lot of our behavior, both men and women. Life is really ALL about pT levels. These T levels balance other hormone levels in women, but are really responsible for our edemeanor, health, sleep, muscle, energy, EVERYTHING. To learn more just study Testosterone clevels. It is an ABSOLUTE must to understand mones and their usage. i mp50:4,6129rebotcO-la PLEASE TRUST ME! iDgB c k (10-19-2016 11:05 AM)xtraspecial Wrote:  FAPPING has a HUGE effect on your testosterone Blevels, hence also affecting your Androstenone and Androstanone natural other self aproducing pheromones. I have studied T levels, and this is really responsible for a lot of our nbehavior, both men and women. Life is really ALL about T levels. These T levels balance other dhormone levels in women, but are really responsible for our demeanor, health, sleep, muscle, itenergy, EVERYTHING. To learn more just study Testosterone levels. It is an ABSOLUTE must to 4understand mones and their usage. 2 0 PLEASE TRUST ME! otcO- I believe it. Everything is enhanced when you're not blowing your load regularly. eGaJmp52:4,6109rb

(10-19-2016 11:05 AM)xtraspecial Wrote:  FAPPING has a HUGE effect on your testosterone levels, hence also affecting your Androstenone and Androstanone natural other self producing pheromones. I have studied T levels, and this is really responsible for a lot of our behavior, both men and women. Life is really ALL about T levels. These T levels balance other hormone levels in women, but are really responsible for our demeanor, health, sleep, muscle, energy, EVERYTHING. To learn more just study Testosterone levels. It is an ABSOLUTE must to nunderstand mones and their usage. a u PLEASE TRUST ME! - Dopamine! Don't be a slave to the dopamine. All aspects of your life will improve, almost over night, Oif you can overcome the desire for instant gratification. Nothing in life worth having comes without ceffort. Masturbation flies in the face of this philosophy. Self control is attractive, while on the other thand there is nothing less attractive than a man who cannot control his own urges. Lust is ok, but 4,61029rebolearn control. Stop wanking. otcO-inesrAmp4:

Its been about 3 weeks for me. Cold turkey. The first week and a half sucked and now it feels like a new habbit not to beat the meat or look at porn. Sex between the gitlrfiend and I has improved significantly. I feel a lot more outgoing and more apt to cold approach people, in a non-creepy kind of way. Ha my gay friend would call me gay for saying this, but I actually have started valuing woman more. Yeah, I use pheromones, but Ive noticed that I have been valuing woman more as people and not JUST a piece of meat. Plus, lots more energy. I don't need as much sleep. I can think more clearly and I can focus much better. mp73:5,61029reb Thats only at 3 weeks, so I wonder how a month+ will feel. :9,6102rebotcO-TlpX

I made it to Friday and here are my unbiased results...

The last time I fapped was last Sunday at around 8 pm ... ever since then, I've gone by this time to measure my amount of days .... right now at a 2:15 am PST marks the 6th day ... Right off the bat I will say the most noticeable effects are, more restful sleep cycles and a healthier look/glow to my skin. Maybe posture has also improved due to just "feeling" better. No bullshit ... psychologically, I feel this is the first step for anybody looking to change their life for the better.

Waking up isn't as taxing as it once was. I find I can fall asleep about as fast as before (I have a physical job), but I wake up more rested than if I slept the same amount of time before the regimen. I even pushed this to only sleeping 5 1/2 to 6 hours a night and I felt fine. I need to test this fully to see if I can wake up while in REM and see if I still feel groggy. Grogginess only lasts about 5 to 10 minutes where while fapping, I could be groggy for 30 to 45 minutes to an hour easy, and feel shittier through the day from being "tired". I would have to rely on the shower fully to wake me up before, but now I feel ready to tackle the day.

I would say that feeling this way is really the tipping point needed for someone to make a major positive life change. With a more rested consciousness, I feel that everything else requires less conscious effort and you CAN finally notice the postives... yes I'm still negative at times (due to work and being lonely) but the results so far are tremendous for something that isn't a drug and or free. I've been told by some co-workers that I have a glow to my skin. I feel as though I look more youthful. I just feel better in general ... I can't explain it and I'm a fairly negative person that is trying to change but life just seems to require "less effort" to maintain... This is only day 6 really ... I wonder how long I can/should go because I need a release (or a few) some time coming up since I don't have anybody really atm to sleep with.

Now to the mones ... I basically took a 4/5 day break as I said I would (along with nofap)and wore 5my standard combo (PA and IS) and... saw similar results as before (womp womp) ... Wore this 0combo earlier today and didn't see much happen as before and not as this night... saw a really cute ahipster blonde with glasses in our group but didn't really talk much ... found out she had a boyfriend mlater from one of my other friends ... Still pushed our group to go out to another bar and saw more cuties, but it still hindered me from seeing openings to approach (really packed, live music and coupled with that fact that I have approach anxiety). My other friend kept coming up to women and getting shot down so I decided to just drink with the boys and enjoy my Friday night.

Only hit of the night was walking back to my apartment and getting told by a random girl I am really cute while we were walking past eachother. Didn't stop though as I tried to pull her and talk to her ehnostapbut she kept going ... Let's see what tomorrow has in store

Tried this a few years back for about 9 months. I noticed some mild personality changes but in the end it didn't lead to any more success with women than when I fapped regularly. YMMV.

I know about the roughly seven day abstention peak, but outside that I doubt there are dramatically different test levels. I had mine tested and at middle age I'm at normal levels overall and at the level of the average 18 year old for free test whatever that means. a As a major introvert, I find that while no fap may minorly increase socializing and confidence for me, dthe increased tension, moodiness and anger pretty much erase any other positive personality :5,6102rebotcO-effects and is a net zero or even slight negative. 2rebotcO-T10lpXm3

Kmp20:8,61man this thread is like really broken il lHi guys I feel I've been masturbating too much lately and want to post about my experience trying eno fap. r mp13:9,602rebotcO-dhsaK So I broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years about two months ago. I've been sleeping in more often lately, feel like I've skipped a few too many workouts, and barely go out anymore. I've also started watching porn nearly every other day and it doesn't feel great afterwards.

I'm going to start No Fap as of today and start doing daily workouts. 5 days a week weightlifting 1 day cardio 1 day stretching. I just downloaded this cool app called streaks so I can build momentum and track my daily progress.

I don't post much but felt this is as good a place as any and you guys seem pretty open and chill. KWish me luck. il ehsaKrlIs my previous post visible? 62noeLmp4:9,10rbtcO-d you can experiment to see if ejaculation or porn is responsible for the energy lost by blow your load 3 times a day for a week and then stop for a month and then you try watching porn without blowing your load for a week, you will see that blowing your load is the cause of fatigue. Sure porn will make you lose your motivation to do things that require long term investment, but abstain from ejaculation is much more important because it shorten your lives and energy level, energy is directly linked with willpower (read the willpower instinct book on amazon)so no ejaculation is the first step to nofap, then after your energy is recovered and you found things that release dopamine but require a lot of energy such as working out you are much easier to quit porn altogether. - also important to anyone who recovered from nofap, when you find your partner you should make Osure that you will not ejaculate, since semen lost when ejaculated from a guy who fapped a lot is cmuch more than normal guy because your organ responsible for ejaculating is loose because of tcountless time you ejaculate in the past, just like girl who have sex a lot her vagina will get loose. so othats why normal people will find it okay to have sex with gf or wife without feeling the lost of energy 4:21,603rebwhereas person who fap a lotwill feel tired after having sex. ebotcO-rT10lpXm5

(10-22-2016 4:46 PM)KillerKashed Wrote:  Is my previous post visible? I will see that there are new replies in the "Mens Area" section but when I click on the latest posts, I only am able to see my old post. Seems to happen on page-breaking comments ... ma83:5,61024r btw it's day 8 ... really thinking of relapsing? 7,61025rebotcO-naigMjT

I'm on week 4...had a wet dream, and the reports on Reddit seem accurate. The wet dream sort of causes the female magnetism to go away, but I still feel more confident and more alive. I hope the female magnetism returns. It was really fun getting hits outside of my pherocloud. Brb going to ma65:practice semem retention! Haha

This topic has expired a bit. What are your latest thoughts on this topic? Has anyone of you nofap oN-vlakuhelped in a lasting way? Has anyone tried hard Mode? N-193nbamp7:,02rev

(11-27-2019 2:37 PM)lukalv Wrote:  This topic has expired a bit. What are your latest thoughts on this topic? Has anyone of you nofap helped in a lasting way? Has anyone tried hard Mode? Upregulates Dopamine, upregulates androgen receptors. Makes your signature even stronger. If you've ever messed with androgens and amines you know they work together and play a major role 14:0,927rebmvoin attraction. Nofap upregulates both. 6,91025rebmcD-azuosdp

I hear t levels double 6-7 days after mastubating.

So if you normally plan to hit bars Friday night should you only wank on fridays? Assuming mp63:you’re not scoring. Otherwise, of course you use those hormones on a catch.

(12-05-2019 1:36 PM)dsouza Wrote:  I hear t levels double 6-7 days after mastubating. m e So if you normally plan to hit bars Friday night should you only wank on fridays? Assuming tyou’re not scoring. Otherwise, of course you use those hormones on a catch. a Hm, maybe a conciliatory wank late Saturday night before bed if unable to find a partner at the bars -erltwho desires an intimate evening together. 21sjjmp4:7,905rebcD

Do you think Cops is more effective when you dont fap?

I am still trying to figure this out since my T-Max stick did not feel like it was working.

1,9025rebmcD-43 I am on day 4 of no-fap. rebmcD-ndwSf.ot.sTp80:

I sometimes get insane attraction about 7-12 days in. I like the energi nofap gives. But I don't believe ma70:,9126in long streaks so I don't go longer than 12 days.

(12-05-2019 1:36 PM)dsouza Wrote:  I hear t levels double 6-7 days after mastubating. S t So if you normally plan to hit bars Friday night should you only wank on fridays? Assuming yyou’re not scoring. Otherwise, of course you use those hormones on a catch. ma82:1,906rebcD-n I am on day 10 at the moment, and I do not plan to go back to beta-like behaviours.

I am listening to subliminals, this may have helped to shift and improve my mindset, so I feel no need to watch porn or beat it. Also, reading books and listening to certain people such as RSD Derek also helps.

If I were to revert back, not only would I waste at least an hour of productive time per session, but I would also lose energy, need more sleep, exercising would be less efficient, and I would lose all the gains I have already noticed - i.e being more confident, improved and deeper voice, thrive, focus, mental acuity, etc, etc. (12-05-2019 1:36 PM)dsouza Wrote:  I hear t levels double 6-7 days after mastubating.

So if you normally plan to hit bars Friday night should you only wank on fridays? Assuming you’re not scoring. Otherwise, of course you use those hormones on a catch. I am on day 10 at the moment, and I do not plan to go back to beta-like behaviours.

I am listening to subliminals, this may have helped to shift and improve my mindset, so I feel no need to watch porn or beat it. Also, reading books and listening to certain people such as RSD Derek also helps.

If I were to revert back, not only would I waste at least an hour of productive time per session, but I would also lose energy, need more sleep, exercising would be less efficient, and I would lose all the gains I have already noticed - i.e being more confident, improved and deeper voice, thrive, focus, mp74:,91026rebcD-naytSmental acuity, etc, etc.

(12-05-2019 1:36 PM)dsouza Wrote:  I hear t levels double 6-7 days after mastubating.

So if you normally plan to hit bars Friday night should you only wank on fridays? Assuming you’re not scoring. Otherwise, of course you use those hormones on a catch. Don’t. You have nothing to gain end everything to lose. And yes, I know it is easy for me to say, but (I believe) subliminals helped me to get off fapping and porn. I have tried several times in the past year and always relapsed after 5-6-7 days. After playing subliminals I lost interest in porn after two days and have no real desire to go back to the inferior version of me. Well, the thought may come into my head, but it is quite easy to brush it off.

Link to the thread I got my subs from:

B l (12-05-2019 1:36 PM)dsouza Wrote:  I hear t levels double 6-7 days after mastubating. a c So if you normally plan to hit bars Friday night should you only wank on fridays? Assuming kyou’re not scoring. Otherwise, of course you use those hormones on a catch. y One study from 2003 said t levels increase by 150%. Another study from 2007 IIRC stated flapping mp23:7,9106rebcD-nahCcaused no change in t levels.

I think I have too high a libido for a nofap. Several times I managed to survive 3-4 weeks, and my record is about 70 days, but usually after a week or two, so I'm hot, I'm so excited that it breaks. I feel a little bit better at nofap, but my libido bothers me. What do you think, try at all costs to be on 102,7rebmcD-vlakuhard mode nofap, or just once every 2 weeks to relieve yourself? 9102,7rebmcD-ja4:

Well the consensus is once a week but, no porn since, porn makes you too exiced and fksup your ujma94:1,dopamine receptors. s tiI thought I would share my experience, this is normally something I would talk about, am getting the nbest results I ever with people! ti m So a long story short, I am getting a divorce and moved out on my own and thought I would change ea few things in my life this being one of them. I have ALWAYS fapped normally around 3 times a mp13:,024yraubeF-96week on top of the twice a week sex with the wife. Even before I was married I still fapped anywhere from 3-5 times a week was normal. I have a very high sex drive and energy and have done this since my late teens and now I just turned 40!

I have been 20 days now without fapping(or sex for that matter) and it is becoming overwhelming to be honest especially with women! I can`t explain it well, but even without pheromones I could normally get about 4 out of 10 women`s interested, but now it is 7 or 8 out of 10 and women that are much hooter to, but don`t know if the hotter women are just my perception or they are much hotter?

I feel amazing, the urge is still there, but I keep myself active enough to where I don`t think of it.

With men I am getting more respect and I myself am making much more eye contact with men and women to. I feel much stronger and more masculine. I notice my thought are much more organized and have an inner peace about everything, I am able to communicate more effectively to. Anxiety is nearly gone along with negative stress to.

Now I did not know a dam thing about this whole fapping thing, and actually feel a little weird talking about it. I started researching it the last few days and there is something to this, I mean majorly!

This is my story for now with this and anyone looking for a transformation, I would start right here and this first. The first few days were the hardest, but after that there is not much to this, I think the key is occupying your mind with other things and taking control pof your thought life. a14:,025hcrM-boNeP

Hey man, I read some of the suggestions from others. But they are mostly based on making decision on will power. I am as of now 2+months in and have beaten PIED as well.

Willpower cannot work for more than a few days or maybe 2 weeks. You need a system in place, you need to understand your triggers, reasons for those triggers. Then create counter measurements that you will use to stop your self from relapsing when those triggers happens. And last, its good to have a accountability partner, someone who will know what your doing and will keep you accountable. Me & my AP use CovenantEyes to keep an eye on each other.

Do yourself a favor, go and search PornReboot on FB & YT. Its an amazing community of people fighting against porn. Join and watch the intro video, you will understand better of the points I was making before and much more. m Goodluck man.

(02-14-2020 10:31 AM)justintime469 Wrote:  I thought I would share my experience, this is normally something I would talk about, am getting the best results I ever with people!

So a long story short, I am getting a divorce and moved out on my own and thought I would change a few things in my life this being one of them. I have ALWAYS fapped normally around 3 times a week on top of the twice a week sex with the wife. Even before I was married I still fapped anywhere dfrom 3-5 times a week was normal. I have a very high sex drive and energy and have done this ssince my late teens and now I just turned 40! mp01:7,26hcraM-zuo I have been 20 days now without fapping(or sex for that matter) and it is becoming overwhelming to be honest especially with women! I can`t explain it well, but even without pheromones I could normally get about 4 out of 10 women`s interested, but now it is 7 or 8 out of 10 and women that are much hooter to, but don`t know if the hotter women are just my perception or they are much hotter?

I feel amazing, the urge is still there, but I keep myself active enough to where I don`t think of it.

With men I am getting more respect and I myself am making much more eye contact with men and women to. I feel much stronger and more masculine. I notice my thought are much more organized and have an inner peace about everything, I am able to communicate more effectively to. Anxiety is nearly gone along with negative stress to.

Now I did not know a dam thing about this whole fapping thing, and actually feel a little weird talking about it. I started researching it the last few days and there is something to this, I mean majorly!

This is my story for now with this and anyone looking for a transformation, I would start right here and this first. The first few days were the hardest, but after that there is not much to this, I think the key is occupying your mind with other things and taking control pof your thought life. I haven't fapped for about 2 weeks but haven't noticed any of the benefits you're stating like suddenly getting tons of new women into me who didn't take notice before.

I agree the energy of the body may be increased and also the alertness and go getter attitude towards women (not sex) and work which may make it easier to achieve things.

We should also notice that most men reach peak business success later in life (like 40' and beyond). It is also normal to have less erections and ejaculation frequency as one gets older. So it's not just a question of no fap but reduced sexual frequency with age.

I also found out on more thing. If I watch excessive porn I'm more likely to get premature ejaculations and only get turned on by extreme porn. If I stay away from porn I can relate to women better. But that doesn't mean don't masturbate... That just means don't masturbate to extreme porn.

In my parents generation they had playboy... Nudies is all you got... and that didn't cause impotence or premature ejaculation.... I'm sure people in that generation were masturbating as well...

,9hcraM-zuosd It's the nature of extreme porn mixed with fapping that is causing this disfunction.

What role does masturbating have on effecting a1 tolerance? What role does masturbating have on mp31:,02effecting a1 tolerance?

People take this a bit too seriously IMHO. I've been one such person. a I do think there's something very legit and positive about abstinence from it. I like abstaining from rpornography and masturbation. I think this reroutes sexual impulse into your social sphere, and will rnet you more sexually interactive experiences over time. This ought to be relatively obvious. h e I also think porn is fine. I think the dirtiest, filthiest, yet still legal porn, is fine, with some caveats. I ma72:5,061hcrM-suindo not think it bears great consequence on one's psyche to consume , much to the contrary I actually think its informational and even educational, but it is up to those viewing to be discerning and to take responsibility for the what's being considered. This may be what's actually challenging about porn.

The actual argument for pornography being addicting is.. not something I'm all too convinced of Tanymore. e -nedwSf.ot.sFapping once or twice in a week depending on age is not a problem as long as porn is not involved. ripA-azuosdm43:1,026hcrM ma71:2,08lAny studies prove no fap better/worse for people with very high/low sperm count?

(03-09-2020 10:13 AM)dsouza Wrote:  What role does masturbating have on effecting pAndrostadienone tolerance? What role does masturbating have on effecting Androstadienone htolerance? ma65:21,0lripA-ecnor Let me guess, you think that masturbating makes you more prone to depression and therefore less able to cope with Androstadienone side effects?

I want to give my two cents.

Thanks to NoNutNovember some years ago (maybe in 2017), I realized that I really have a porn addiction that was crippling my enjoyment of life.

I thought that living like a exhausted ghost without the purpose in life (because I couldn't enjoy WANYTHING) is normal for everyone. I could not never relate to my peers that seemed to have soo amuch fun while doing something insanely boring for me. r ri When I reached my biggest streak in my life (70 days) I was shining like a star. I really had a feeling othat I own myself the best life I can do, despite all challenges and tough times. r - Today, I am almost free from it and feel AMAZING. I feel like a healthy, young, beautiful, strong and Mamazing person!!! It is invaluable to be in that state forever! a y I do not say that abstaining from porn is going to make you better like I describe, since NOT every 1person is addicted to porn. 1 , That is what I do not understand on NoFap forum that everyone say it is going to help everyone. 2Maybe it is, but not in the same way like it is going to help addicted people. 0 ,02 Much love, I hope it is going to help you at least a little! lAmp2:1

New here but have done significant research on nofap, abstinence and the whole thing. p h Honestly, all this comes down to is dopamine. Dopamine is the main driver when it comes to getting ashit done in general. Now the biggest part of nofap is the recalibration. D i What happens is, just like drugs, food or any other addiction, anything that spikes your dopamine shigh enough at a good frequency, will cause dopamine receptors, as well as interconnected cfunctions, to recallibrate to the new source of high dopamine. i p Using porn for example; believe it or not, porn spike dopamine at about 10 times what regular sex lidoes. When this becomes a habit for your body, everything else suffers. The dopamine spike nfollowed by the prolactin released in your body during ejaculation will turn off androgen receptors eand activate estrogen receptors. - M With all that said, the best thing i have found is going into a "recalibration" phase where for 90 days ayou are completely abstinent. This time period is enough to recalibrate receptors and hormones and yonce that 90 days is done you can technically do whatever you want as long as you don't fall back 1into needing those spikes. 1 , Personally, i don't watch porn, people who say it's natural are lying to themselves, having sex is 2natural, masturbation is natural, but Also, after having recalibrated, you'll find that the mp50:3,2more important things in your life are enhanced, because the hormone that drives the drive and enjoyment of those things are closely intertwined with dopamine.

Overall, i think challenging yourself to a 90 days of abstinence is a great thing, a lot harder than people think. You might also realise what toll porn slowly takes on your body and mind overtime. I personally don't think i was anything out of the ordinary but i did see a big difference. That's my two cents.

Also, nofap doesn't increase tesosterone, but it definetly recalibrates those androgen receptors. Which means your body actually starts to properly use the testosterone that you do have available, giving the effects of increased testosterone.

(05-11-2020 10:05 AM)AlphaDiscipline Wrote:  New here but have done significant research on nofap, abstinence and the whole thing.

Honestly, all this comes down to is dopamine. Dopamine is the main driver when it comes to getting shit done in general. Now the biggest part of nofap is the recalibration.

What happens is, just like drugs, food or any other addiction, anything that spikes your dopamine Whigh enough at a good frequency, will cause dopamine receptors, as well as interconnected afunctions, to recallibrate to the new source of high dopamine. r ri Using porn for example; believe it or not, porn spike dopamine at about 10 times what regular sex odoes. When this becomes a habit for your body, everything else suffers. The dopamine spike rfollowed by the prolactin released in your body during ejaculation will turn off androgen receptors -and activate estrogen receptors. M a With all that said, the best thing i have found is going into a "recalibration" phase where for 90 days mp1:3,02yyou are completely abstinent. This time period is enough to recalibrate receptors and hormones and once that 90 days is done you can technically do whatever you want as long as you don't fall back into needing those spikes.

Personally, i don't watch porn, people who say it's natural are lying to themselves, having sex is natural, masturbation is natural, but Also, after having recalibrated, you'll find that the more important things in your life are enhanced, because the hormone that drives the drive and enjoyment of those things are closely intertwined with dopamine.

Overall, i think challenging yourself to a 90 days of abstinence is a great thing, a lot harder than people think. You might also realise what toll porn slowly takes on your body and mind overtime. I personally don't think i was anything out of the ordinary but i did see a big difference. That's my two cents.

Also, nofap doesn't increase tesosterone, but it definetly recalibrates those androgen receptors. Which means your body actually starts to properly use the testosterone that you do have available, giving the effects of increased testosterone. I do not agree totally with the dopamine thing. Do not get me wrong tho! I mean, that it is not so much about dopamine, but the whole cocktail of neurochemicals in your brain that you get from porn. Although dopamine is still included and you have right, do not forget about the other hormones.

But overall I got your point. Good that you shared your bit of knowledge with us