.1 Salk l6ate u_S. Postage ,, Ifs Oh III) N o) PAIO 8lLEs PUlLI) LltRARY Bagio f-lows 50 CENTS 69go O6fTON SI, flL Uli PER COPY NILS) IL 6)7)4 741)0 \VAUKEGN ED, NILES, ti 60714 THURSUA0, Mis s n, asno VOL, 43, NO.45 Four percent rate increase by Chicago passed along to regidents; Zoning Board approves Additional costs in pumping water also cited Pryzbylo Condos I,y Lisa Ashkenaz Croke Cvc Cc'tiler Hall woe filet Iriiiiitluced in March. voicing io capacity Monday night, as cuneen is ihoui Clic inipaciiI in. Nues residents topay rosidanli, deoclopars, and mom -crc iced11th fleuriMilwaukee hers aï ho Village of Nibs Plan triti the decreasing properly val Corninisrion and Zoning Board ri 'u ftheir humen shouldhe of Appetilu heatedly debated the s ve n-s toryc ejidoshe built condominiumdevnlopinent pta. r1oiiylie proper y line of rari- 3.86%morefor water tu ed lier 1,759-6777 Milwaukee ilaolial koro si View Luoe. Ate000, adlac rl lo While Eagle A pbiiliigruphsi novo intite by l,ia Asisbense CroOn lIt irqite is iii Restaurant. Pl1is C iitiiiniis ion heat illustrates l'ho Pilos Vihitrge Betted viii- the Vitttrge. 101os rosurvoir Aller we heurs of prelasls, he problem. Nilerreoidesi. edti huesday's meetIng io ruso I Itoioctoeseusillelseho 'Tiro eesiroet wo bono with politise presurlo riens. and osen Mike Ksns. hticl u friend photo- lire svaser-tate by 3.86 Porco si, pissed troteurie orporoird trees tite utility, cornices the anicoipa- a fr.'rs yelling oratehos. he Cant- yraplrliclroauns along Forest i OCOOStI ing inciterr0000005 by ttstui reestoe rhloir water from the Canliourd ors Pagr 54 misnionintroinrously vnrrd re Viese laoe, then superimposed o $200,000. - sand Ike oes tresors. ial mr Oruro plierstif Ose-storyeoodomio- Elfeetise June 1, wtsi erasers Man with rifle threatens mom, ii the Nibs Villtsgo Board. latirbuildings lainrilurloihn mill pay $2.96 per h .050 gallons Residools buse beer mooring sitter proponed by rlovrlopers) iii waier. antre -sont ioureaso. rsithdtwe le persa od cumrnir- hehindlie lrosnes. The rnsult is l'reitre Seri Murplry said the surrenders peacefully vlint ors since thet rreasurowus, C notions st ou Page 54 rs'as Ottliii iba rate htiku s we- try LsssseieMssiliss h ir Id A oeerly iliree-heur tureidontS ire at roquesting puliva arsis- Ore. we ,-trocee oivisg ar is- rouIr police at u bi om000str Lobetuile u fur un eokntruso reasuo. Nues approves $35,000 for ero tee sers our sopphtor lIlie Stocei end Harlem Aoesao ended Once es 1h nsee no, puhien Varead City of Citivagoh iiiIre' amrrarit peace-fully j autafter midnight that Iho moo hod trllogodhy ohruuk emergency sewer fix - iii four percent.Plus. we baso April 26 wb toreo'9-year-old tua toothIer roba livra in Ore honro Mussloo Gr es'enraowas- tokenturd 1h rehiere d horwith aculo. by Lists Mtskotttstt Croke urrcurrad i sereauc-d sonic irr dis- urihiurin gtsuierio auj residesis. mili custody and charged wiihi Mortes G roce Police, with the At rho request of the Publie vrthroergod toto ho rower nyu- its-n frIteries und fi nodosa A mis-hut1, sf the Norihetn Illinois Po- feutid dartlttgs io tire hoe- Mosphi yente d thai the \Vtster Worku Doportmont, the Village teilt dv-rite anurtr. lice Alunit Sysrem, surraondrd turno0 hotsuovo 11022 anti 8044 Estid us ahreak-eseofund. of Nibs ttpptonsd $35060 of whit-hcliii. untl ige renato corra p uilice oesletiel hod ro a cull rlt t1iclettre beginoiir&'atoan d 9:25 roo-hudget fendi lot omorg000y Oriole Avoilas. Csniirsuod mt Page 54 urli) reysitoutplay reoosueflIt erriet n tire 7201f block of Luke sewer ropoirs. fratase of rho oroergnney Treutoo Losotlo Pronrttn told ntsture of this repair. the Publie ihn Beard tItos vidrir rquipmcnt Works Departrount would like in ge out ositlj propotals aod award Super Flea Marketto be held a 000rrsei la titeI erses tlbid- tiinglrotponiibte000rrueinr at St. John Brebeuf INStO.,E:. sud Precien. e),mitn Publie Works DiroctorJuti NILES Nonisgtssaidthor he sidne als amautas-kv io the uorwer linos und riles. Moro irnponranrly, romo pipe linos boso bogus to collapro. Watar is sull ruonir g )tlrrougli the sew-er syutoot) and we'd libo io stoke soto thor uso take soro of it before ir ortitoly vallttpuoi.' ha said. bui Ihn omurgeosy mousure nay rel snlsr thu problnnts al at Nues Community least ose drIes tosideol mho lrod Directory to cantoni with tow vswugo that Pages 25-32 gooded her hasemrnt ihn Thrsrs- day bahiro Ouster wookrod. Health Ceeoiia Tnppurs, mIto lives on Pages 6-8 ho 0200 block of Obole,oid rIte Ongle tirai oftrt o rainuietttr Home Section tisit wuchs ago, sItu shiseeserod Pages 36-39 finir tir list'ire OS irf waler cow- trig up rhrougltIrr drttirtirr hier Sl Jahn ßosbeufuanncol$eperp!ea Maeigetoponsr,redbySJB'a Yoaih MiniaisyandßoyScoulu will Cla5sifiecl barotneith gear. ho heldoe Ihn sthegalpth'kier9lot. 8307N. Harlem, eri Salou'day, bIoy 151mm 5am, uoidsp.m. Admis- Pages 46-50 hopp titis aid utah sIto titane lite u/anis 500. FggdastdbeVerages willbeavgbbablo titmugbeullhn dayala nominal prias. tiireooary ai O p.m. or Thutuday, TOnteaste o (ow eendoropscooremainintg. Porinfostoatioo, call: Kalhyßamal, 985.8730, Costistssrst 00 Pago 54 TOE BUGLE, TIIIJOBDAYSMAY4,2555 PAGES PAGE2 nIE lflGLE T1mI1SDAY MAY 4, 2OO fist. 63 last day Maine Township Entemann's offérs bargainsfor customers Premier FenceopensMorton Grove showroom Bongsios, bnrgaien setE tosse lillod misti broods, coffee cokes tlrete dcvicdons might matilde of school June 9 Spriogtis oeofton m000n fixiog annual town meeting busgaivu ana is stono for shop -a id siontos, roost at trEcts hava toc msch or tea littlefeoshieg, Fors at the Enlcmosrt'v Boker9 psadoct woight prolrioms cn eth- Facing the fact that most sta- ay from titotolls of wiotcr. tite Eetrsrt000's ond other readily Octiot is Hilos. rrcvgoioed hraod romea. dents would choose not to attend Sometimos that nay also inclodo tha lati doy of school if score soaiowiogyooeyropsrtyn steeds. locatedirlisoWasiriogtov The oettiat, whiclt is nmned by Hatsitrurgee atrd Itoh dog bees Commons nitoppiog cenar es Ihr sold on o Mosdey and only last- . If those seeds irclode o now Baal Foods, also ynodacos food oto ho biggest etc-spring) conccv of Golf Rood and Wash- ptttdacts mode by Orowvbcnry, od oshoar,ha East Moine frscr, Permien Penco io Monteo tr vamtor,itotssos ihe sresatt's ington Street, Entewoen's Bah- Sclsool District t53 Doord votad Geocomoy havottts nnsmor. Titamates alt d Deboli.Broods gniiiittg ocasos bogies, she said. DelictItasbecsaffeniog to chongo ho Isst doy of school Prcorirr Foocarocootly oponed rey esd lctgcic, iscladiog Beoweher- 'tito sotirt atto soIls discootst. lorfs discnsots fon its costomers ny linead csd Tharomos English from Mottday, Jaro2 to Fn- a row sltoweootn at 5832 Wost cd jcllies, spices nod cnockcnn. doy, J000 9. DrrtspotorStreet. Owoor Bob siscc openief those years ago. ttraffiss oro marked at SB% ho- Ptosis deliveries am toado ove- 'Yva rctthly coo save a loi of tattoIt,mitt also ho a fall Sci rosa lo Itas born io the foocing tow store pdccs asd cake,save eh dcy bitt Monday sed Thsnn- scltool doy. boniness fo ntsroe o thon 12 years. 00sep lire0," void Dosno Koep- toarkcd at 20-35% off retail prie- day, auJ Satardoys asd Woilnes- whieh Dcspito tito early soltase for The compocy io a meothor of or, load clank st the ootivt slops Oro tito bosirsi sloys st the is 000r Iba Hvttcy Bokad Hots stsdonts, trac liars coo look for- tic A escdc on Froro Asacciotion Tho prvdttats, oli 0f whiob are storr, Koeper said. ord an Otithoniord matchs ststsiot- tod Sloakbosten Video stores. ward ta o fol! work day on tono storkod woli wiiltitt ovpirotion Tb ostnrois opre mom I a_is. al dealer, spocialioing io wood 'AttA yea con stop hone oben datcs. ana ofteere toros frcm gro- 12. to y p.m. Mavday thnoegit Pri- arti meiet0000vr fear fencing,os 0ottingo vidsa vr bayitif o cosy storas deto to ovrnstorkn an Massy acoplo do los rast their welt asatroislisk,oroot005tal dcvivtioss from strodard peod- doy, 8 oso, to 6 pm. Satsrday tread ujsoss Ihr scater orstil il is troll aod porosasoatcd freeing. 'l'ha brigittly-litoivio sosa tata. Ksrporon ploinod.thai and 9 am, to 5 ste. Sooday. Costottrdss salta sioit the sew MeiseTervoahip heldito aneaS Town Mooliog lE/o yeat'in tice si soevt 00m will fird o wide assay gytnsoariom al Earth Ss/roel so Raod Road hr Dee PlaiOeo es of lancing optioss at molI at pho- April I 1. tt'ooicaSy, deoct'iklng ¿ho 000peratir'e attitude o/the on- tos of foocet tttry have complot- fINALLY ad. Aesastsg them,he Skokie L-R Bob Smalo; Looter Broaontntit;Larry ArE, Vlllago Admfnis1ralosJoo Molt; DOOrS Schneidet'. tire 0000liag, a school nips iotooded for otodento naid Il ali over Park District bortiegcagosaod Sobo Mga, Tooy Liotors. the heado of elected allicialo as they reed reporto and picnvod Add Stability To Your Portfolio AFFORDABOE for Ehe coming year. Over 200 attended the meetiog end olvo ,Oiaiotarr golfarea. wits hay wilt 000d, at well as o Tttry service botte ernidortial After tho work io completed,o tIte work, an entire pnojcat coo br recognized the 150th Anoiveroary ofTowoohip governmeol wilh copy cithein plat ofsoecry. service top e000ntoa ro will cae- aod000etaoecial clients, covering oompiotrdio 000 to two weeks. HEALTh bVlsrn oli the materials one is,a coffee aed cabe. From loll; Teaornhip Scpervioot' Merh Thornp- tito North Share osd nosnoondiog tact ihn rorsower to rosare that thnoo-pernrn crow it tent outto 115v work tvas complotad te Costemnes rae call 847,583- 000, ToWnohty Clerk Gary K. Warner, and Porb Ridge Mayor . every- ittsiatl the new baring, which 1770, visit Premier Fooco show- Ron Welleche whooetvedaomodaratorfartho evening. Faiaooalioed oercise is what ova's natisfocdes. CE Pn ruade removing tIte exist- room on their .1NSUI distingaishos l°romirrForce mebsite: Dcpcediog apoa the nattier of www.prem ierfrnaecaop corn from tittircorspotitars. Itsa total Niles resident to walk 60 :FORTJIE ta atitcooco Pt. Prom the stoni to tIto Ssish roch lt Orson, iocicdingAssisted living residence hosts the csstamrr, has or important Open House miles over three days SELFEMPLOYED 0v Setordoy, May b, Iromi rai ojota ikiag thin work. p.m. ta 4 pto., Urited Methodist Os Jane 16,7, Is. 2509, Jill walker msvt troiO leehercert Aftorneate witig a Ouatamor'o Boysrv ol Hilos will joio togatlr- atsd moss commit r s raising a CALL Flowot & Services will haston toads, ooa of the stoff will make apeo house at Hartwoll Roano, o an avith Ihr 2,550 othee rompov- ttttsiotatw al $1,800. Ta prop000 s'J IC co Oppolotmoot to look at tise pta- new assisted liviog residence for 5100010 momeo and men of the fonleo AVON Breast Ca river 3- posed feecraito 800.391-1005 , and adaign them older odalts. Looated at 5520 N. AVON llreaat Ca river 3.Da; and Day, each walker iv asnigeed o oftha local rontog codos cod por- Pouline ro Clsicsga'o north tide, walk ich tetti osava s titrer days ttt scaibor- coac h whowillkrlp 2 Year Certificate $25,000 Mimimum H t cIl Roano offOrearibroot reise favdr trot tctil help soppoet them io allaspeots vI train!n5 liaingcammttttity for older odalts h000st ca econo dscatioo and oat- asdfsodnotnittg.l'oteoko a is aerd of seme antiat,ittac with y ttetecti onsora ices. Sraastcas- fr00500 impact,Jilt Ooynov Spring Fever Sale! oottoitios ofdaiIy haie5. cet t the most common fono of (wstkre sambor 2268Cl itas tot Theboiiditsg,iaeooniythe a ,soacrttt warnen io tho U.S., a psnsooal fsoda;risiog goat of coorr it farSt. Gregory's Cisurcle, end osery woorar is at dsk. Ear- 12,555.00.Trhelphiwllaer woc vompletol y0000vata dta ydotectioooffersthehost roach thin gos1, yoa may colt SAVE 50% creato air cicgattt rosidenar ir the cltasca far .-,ccc costai tnoatwost. 18881 3DAY AVON arces d do- b000titci neighborhood of Wrot The AVON Bresor Castvem 3- votions tot Avon Breast Conree Aod rrsonst Ito. One monthly foe HaelavaSH000wofferonpocioao, pdvato uciloo with baths. 0cvn Cl rica go. willstool vo 3-Day - U/O La Solle Bask, 135. All Casablanca Fans On Sale ocIadasa choic oofprivato the comforts of tome and irr se. Icoc IS to Kenosha, WI and eod S. La Sallo, Dapi. 3824, Chira- its United Motttodist Homemaker tvitlt cloaiok'cOtOOt esteso tt icit 8 go, IL bS674. On 841-451-7355; soites, all ofwhiah hoar ittdividc- rarity cf knowingtrot lsntp tu Servions provides offordoblo, o io Clriaogo, IL. Tha osoro-thas. c-mail [email protected]. ota baihn oqatppad with eithero arailobie 24 haars a doy. homr coregivees who assist older 2.000pattivipantswillwalk Cttvakn shoald be payable to titowar on tsh. Additional asteni, Hartwell Noose is sponsored adalts mitts such tasks as light nos ieotudr a rOttaOroot-style dio- neitsly 25 titiles a doy, trovetiog Aseo,BreootCortverJ-Ooy. Eí.75 qc by United Mothadist Hamos 51 hoauokeopiog, meat propaeotioo, Picosoisrisde following ingpeogenm,peat'idiagthme Services, onoopeof t and 0055er- at tiroir amo paar. The walkers the grocery akopping, personal asee sathi hc vspponted wills catorod wtthtitedanatios;vWalkct's meola perday. A randy afucciol, tortoo provider of hooning ottd and companionship. i Year Certificate $10,000 Mimimum betsteals,wo tonar dsnark sarna , vWatkrns ocmber, edsratiaoai,and voituraipro- sapprrtivenerstaru toolden For mace isfonootios, or to grams aro o pow afthe ronomosi- stops. geas irovapont, hot show- *Whieh 3-Day event IWashiag- odalts for moto thoe 155 yoorn. schedalr atoarefHmtwotl ty colesdar, and tratsnpertatioo Ustirod Mvthadist Hantes 51 Sor- ato aod cottspachottsiae otodicat tos, D.C.). Rassr, pIense coil Rasolir Yanks, scsVtcea. Each evening, wstkrrs For more itrfoematies vo tho services aro offered for nhoppirg escoa oparatos. The Methodiat Hoetwetl Hosto Eoecctioo Dimo- CERTIFICATES ARE A GUARANTEED SAFE tod other aatingu, Resideets liv- witt evja ycotoara dio and ester- AVON Brraot Co rtver 3-Day, to Hamo, a stalled norsing homo at ton, at (773) 275-2455. g in Rsrtscell Rosso enjoy all 1415 West Fontes. Additioeott tcioment, aod stoepinuapptiod rogistor to walk orrolanteon , em trtttstothe3-Day's dramatic tapledge Brarciot scppoet, GOVERNMENT INSURED INVESTMENT "Mobile City." ploaso calltoll-herotl-888- Jill has dreidod te walk is the 5DAY-AVON. lnfoneatioo os (no matter what the market does!) Heidi's AVON ¿Irreal Cctto,r 3.Doy ha- the 3-Doy ocests is otso avoua. hie tommes at s-asse'. "Whoa I Sost docidad to os the do tm AVON 3.Doy I theoght eAK°ERY what a groat way ta eoiso mosey Nues Bugle Expo Offer extended until May 16, 2000 DAYS aWhero Every Day I. Speciali" Los sack o good ososo. t did oat icvaW aeyone shot hosibad breost raffle winners 7633 N. Milwaakee Ave. NUes cancer. Whoa Istartedtesask 3ONLY . maltai, J Tb, Ftfl.,t to OtS Wartd ,,¼to TIte Riles tlsghc's Buyo 2555 7400 Waukegan 2O°' . Olg51ty, W,diio & Coot.. 0o,tgnod Cok., 847/9679393 00001aoo,-Frt. 5:30 m-0 prs sot. e Ort's 010 pccple for plrdgcs I fosad sot THURSDAY 10-6 COUPON 0000toth Brood. , Pr,ts.tO , Str51,t. 5 050.. San, 6 nor - I per. CLOSED MONDAY that hsoost citecor hasslead of feat- Beffa Winner Estella Zby- Nat Valid Widey Otter lac of Nues. Mrs. Zhytos wilt T od sa stsany tropIc I knew. Theo FRIDAY 10-6 . r NDes, IL 60714 Prematiao Or Petar Pamttaae -COUPON -coupoN- - COUPON itt stct-Jaooary a vary class font- recniv'r a phyla srssios sod o bi- SATURDAY 10-5 Good W/der Paretsarr Oser KINGS CROWN PRETZELS APPIE, CHERRY ilyfriend toas diagnosed mutt ogsaplty of her fttmily. he easlcooc or. Now t 5 mo/k- Hcidi's Bakrty toas bc Espo's (847) 647.1030 (PastryDough Wraoaed PRETZELS ROLLS & OR BROWNIE bakery PRETZELS STICKS leg for her and everyeee else hsnisrsswiseer.TIte e AloLind PO4Jfld Cake) SUCES .'tSút it affects.t ovty hope that will mis a Pmo advgs'ti,oment te 49cL me aed the ether 2.000 envele Tho Bo8te. A $208 laci000 aocotsstmeels tttettt bere/sip eeqttiretsetttsfer those s . ea. 79ea. ta ,vsatkis1 mçy.illbe ablettmike , ho. BegN waE/l tIce _Wtts hice sor soiS leoMoioo o, YiilofTossurls4e,,..,, Enpire, 5110100 EspIro, 5810100 EspIro. 5/IO/DO '-aá'' ''i ., , tL eno',yOaiet95ò-p4lPI) I DON'T FORGET THAT SPECIAL CAKE FOR COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION ¡s erster lo paetigipate, cacle paled', 8108; D TIdEBUGLE,'ÛIIIIIISIJAY, MAY 4 °l°

PP.GE 4 TilE IflJGLETIIUIISthtY, MAY4, 2OO 1780 Milwaukee AvenueNiles SUB SANDWICHES VALUABLECOUPONS --- bronze 847) 965-1 31 5 & --- M-NASR wins F - ( Mon. Itou Sot. 5:30 . 6:00 P.M. ç-BestinTown Donutsi! in SpecialOlympics PARTY TRAYS AMYJOY DELIFRESWSAIASs.e;.;;;;:;:::SALE ENDS WED., MAY10TH

- GRAND OPENUIG I: TheMai-NIs AoitiO -- .PIWDUCE-LIOUORS - $100 OFF* 9021 N. Milwaukee Nues of Spcoiof Reoroation (M- ----t- DEusAWpWICHES - ReiuIar Price of (NEARBALLARD) i NASR) Wildooto ),akotbo(( Onel2ozen Donuts 847-583-1962 10010rccent)y competed in the FRESH-MEATS AB AEp5DliB ULL )F000 PARAfOD) I SpCCie( O)ympioo Stele Bankot- FRESH MEATS halfTottnnotoent atBloom COMBO#1 SPECIAL SMALL Coftee 998 U.S.D.A. CHOICE MINELLI'S HOMEMADE I MED COFFEE $209 Stole's Bloomington tOOlOS. SMALL LEAN A 2DONUTS & Donut Conches St000 (<011cr and ((oily EXTRA-TRIM LEAN TENDER Damnes ledtite team os M- MASk pound cot a win ogoims SPARE RIBS ITALIAN SAUSAGE 12 MUNCHKINS - 99O 18DONUTS- $500 , Extra Filled tho Rnckfocd Rod (Ints, '74 .-53 but Inst to Ihn Syceiel Rococo- BONELESS POT ROAST Catorifl I I Ak AbOut or iont On Ag Ordors &Party Sinn of Round Lake's sonnt 76 - 3 1/2 LB. HOT 29 70, BoCoy winning the bnonon OR s CHICAGO NuES AVG. LB. I 5205 0.N D 724S N.M))woAe modo) by p(aeittg third in tIc MILD )AtHIggJu. a FosIer)ÇREE PaAIng Dt TOUIIY& Waukflan) FREE Puking tounitoy.CoachDemronre- \__ __d .. _ _- FRESH HOMEMADE LEAN LEAN 61f 1158l Builder! 0vf0 3000f GROUND CHUCKSIRLOIN PATTIES BRATWURST WORLD SUI/Il- - k GARAGE - Simply 3 LBS OR s- LB. MORE LB. LB. E E IN PhICE,ÇWLITY & sEnvieE!------Thn Wi(dcato are inc(ioo an David Rug, of DeePiè/od, molochs a s/to) while )eammate fra A(eoaoder prepares t She emuval Olyolir011i 8araf e reb000d, - OtCBS8lBUilDifuff - machod, "WhO wet so groat was has hod great saccosa io Ihn pro- 7rOOlSlBelOfeIhefflOP! L F REE that000ry000 Ott oarloam gram which. slrosaospantioipa- scornd io Ihn IonI gamo, il wns lion, not cnmpnt/tioo. TIc Spo : - -- - to 000tttng." ciel Olympics Oallt saya itall, ROCERY - 60(111 05 00015f 0 511180W p UCE Spociol Olytopics compottlioc "Let mr win. bat if I mond mio, BERGHOFF GAR-AGE'S AlIt OSSilEl&M5500/lMSc TOSCHIBALSAMIC 41019V150565 (3 12 or 847) 4272437 isdosigrtOd forathlolos with (nl mc ho bravo in Ihr ollcmpl." 'FRESH Nata15,d aO p!oir Osalads old Ilaa,W ,cc[:, - ClticagilIaeld'S-dl flaragaBIJIfder! - - onotel ohel(ongns cnd M-NASR Tram mnmbons wo: John Finloy, ROOT BEER Nuca; BarbwaKaute,(Colby VINEGAR Malonny and lobo Wijas, Path Ridge;Deoid Rtlo, Dos Ploionst ccFlOO BlipFabbri,Mortes Onoro; SUITSMART Richand MoNamco, Maltosa DORITOS N. S A I PochtIraAlaoaadaoZaobaay .B O FIESH EXPRESS SILVER CUP Annald, Howard 00h00 Onege- CALIFORNIA cICCONE cIsi(agolond'd Oìsly - - C-hicagoland's Besi Value oy Oiod(nn, Many/n Thatnpsnn, IDAKO ICEBERG GARDEN EXTRA VIRGIN 2BAGS -- ,- ruII.Sereice BelloW S°5 in Menswear -EVERYDAY' Skohio. For more information or NAPKINS -T!!feicbI -dildHS!dy fI.'::: - Synoinl Olympic Paagrama and OLIVE OIL - - SALAD -, fcrpèi)ederdtlairsl;: olitotptogaams at M-NASR POTATOES $300 NOWI ploaso call 847/966-5522 ,9::iahirll, Dvrtrfl and WBr P/aol: ItHago Selrciioh of $599 baIt: Book!: PnriddilaIr, dl ct/ 1I-: Look Great! Kidney Cancer 99' 250 CT. Sails ao r er000 - Quai/nyResala - ForAsLowAs BAGI LB 14 1)2 OZ 1090/nerI: P01/hOer!, C/,v,/ ola coS Sol SKating At$89.00 Association to c'i' JJ l-tcinlrsa!eOltld Bct'do5 /-oa:,: CONNIE'S 2WeBny,Sell& hold meeting XTRA IDEEP DISH PIZZA Tradc Qaality I-Sp- ROR%Warstrd Thr Kidocy Cancer Ansocia- CARROTS I To-Dane Sairs By Weal íe"rl iena Chicogo choplar mill held SPINACH o mnaling fram 2 to 4 pm. or LAUNDLERGENT $399 Armaal, Boas, Hort, - Sasday Moy 7. at the Chicago \( FOR taon. Moan,Parry Ehm & Morel Ohiarn Marniolt Hold, 8555 W. 3 v BAG V.- ILB.BAGS L WE HAVE NEW ARRIVALSFROM JAPAN &OTHER 3 8 Casis Paid orToade io Your lip- Higgins Rood, Chicago. Dr. Sol- 99 Ta-DateQaelicy Sa/ra (Call /oICaS/Ir) aShen S. Taoiamaa cf SI. Lohn's DOMESTtC SOURCES! Mod/aol Conlon in Mi(waahnc OLD MILWAUKEE$99 4 Now Italian Styled, 3-Boone Saits mill ho 5ko gacat spoahor at litt 24 12 OZ CANS only_S199 Everyday. lollios which is lillcd "Cellttlot' $999 Oar expert 010ff Itontocoiheropy for liteTreo!- STROHS BEER can atlawer y'allr 5 Sama Day Allaretioaa Available. allettI ofReool Cell Co rciootoo . 30 PKG 12 OZ. CANS L MILLER LITE OR CARLO ROSSI$799 qaeOtioflo altd Allpaticots,iteollhpoolol- Ji GENUINE aioncls and family utnottah oro arc WINES J solve yn!rr livra 30000 Sodaitral Casromens $99l#!DRAFT uogadloalteadIbissodico, iGALLO 4LITER pro/a/enrtv. which is froc of chongo. T!! tOg- VERMOUTH t SUITSMART ialoo, call thé K/drag Cataots As- 750ML GORDONS $099 2 locations for your shopping convenience SOoiOliOa att-800.850-9132 LVODKA The mtsaian of Ihn Er:!nalot)- La TERRAFINA 99 750ML bovod Kidnap Cattoen Associo- S MILWAUKEES r ____l CHIANTI $399II FREEDRESSSLACKS lido s I 051/iva fon a wonld mill!- YASU KUNAI I with any SpUtI Coal Potcilone of$49 or more, I eut kidney cancer. The national i:i 150ML BEST BEER KETEL ONE $4 99 ($20-S4OvaIaa) haaflll OrgOOiOeliOs also wonka 12PKG-120ZBTLS VODKA U BONSAI GARDEN I ta impr000 ho lions of kidary $599 Aolington Firights D osoorow o Chicago JLMYSTICCLIFFS 750ML 6061Dempsler Morton Grove (847) 966-5142 cenar! p01/cola thoeligh informa- WHITE MERLOT I 308 E. GolfRd. 115 N. Wabash Ave. lion, rosoamh and paticrll odvo- lg.ßTuosdoy-FridOS 9-5 Salarllay-SaollOyClosed Monday 547-290-85ER 312-236-SUIT aacy with emplayera, gavera- L j mart end insar0000 companies. TIIESL1GLc, nmeoesAy, MAE 4, 1595 P/tOg I P%E 6 THE WÔLE, THIJRSDAYMAY4, 2000

I -- -.. . Dentists answer common Lecture focuses on allergiesLGH spring Health andHappiness lecture programs Senior Vice President LulitceanCaseraIHvspitul'o livebusilis 00m und weliness, nuco uscII au hoomoue replace- qúestions about flossing and asthmain children Spring 2005 Healilt aed Happi- R clerc oli 050srnra quirad. Por moni, catonporesin, chnlesternl ñamed at Resurrection "Whaeeisg, Snenzing and lire: June 20 -"Encroisa end soot bolsee programs will ad- moro informados, cali l85S-S- cenereI, chronic pair, nod many Dentists eagalarty ememmeod can tond te seOs loss, cg motinn, moors she floss bd- Cougitisgt Aiisrgisn and Anlbma Spares ir Yeang Childnos;" ?uly dscsn cnmplcnsnetory msdiciee ADVOCA'I'E (1-808-323-5622). ethers. FrkM.MadI, ofDcsPJiue. thai patiosts beunit cud Saca dai- Wirst Are Thr Benefits or Iweos lito isoth, in Children" it the topic far the and timcprioritieation tips. Pmoperkingie ovoiiehle in Ihn lot 1g - "Cisitdkoad Sa9ely Tips and "So Much to Do... Sa Litho was appointed lo the new system- y, Bot ore you Sara that you're Finsnisg? Step Titrent Al the gum line fourth in a Ill-past surins nf fme Pirol Aid fer Puesntnl' Aogcnt The fece edooatienui peogrates oOrlit of DompnterS trees. wide pnnitinn ot Seninn Vine doing it property? The Clticngo Anide from eeduuisg plaqua corva, palllite gens isle e "o" will be otfored from 7 io 8:30 0v Tnroday, Muy 9, Donald Time" sollt be peonenlsd Tacsduy, lectores fnaturieg pediasric spe- iS- "Addeansisg Ohnoilpin May 23,by Michael Alhass, PresidentníSspport Services foe Dedal Sacieiytan isvaedatt- that can load 5serious peeblems shapu cgaiteuttiteside cf the ,tialintn and heuith cash profeo- p.m. Tanodsyn in Oison Aodisuri- Novey, M.D., medicol directas of Children and Adoleneento;" Sep- Ph.D., dicecior, psychology, Lo- Rosueecdoe Heatlit Caro, 7435 rwers to toavy cnmtnen qaon- ocult an gingivitis sed perioden. snails. Use os ap-ssd-dowr nicouls feom Luthrros Generai tembrr 21 - "Chrasic Illness er em at Lutheren 0000rai hospital, Tho ConiaI for Campiomenlasy -thoras Geonrel, mies will describe West Tolcett Avenue. Modi hod dora obuat Ilonsing, tuldisease, flossing cantrip scrapiog madsn es Ihr sidos of Chiidrns'u Hospital, Park Ridge. Disability Manegumant in Ade' 775 W. Dompvtnr St.,Pack Medicine on Loiheese Gencral's boon Vice President nf Support Da I stilt need To Ftnsn Even prevent what in commonly re- each ionfit io remece ptaquo jest The Tuesday, May Ib, chu- Ridge. campus, will addenso "Compie' how to priotitine Owe attd sos it lenoertst Whas's e Poraol Te t cereoffic ieslly at hams and the and OulpotioistServices at Resut- IF I litant, Daily? fcrrnd 5e as the must usatleauiirc beneath Ihr gnm lies and is- dran's kesith issues yengrom yviti The besares, which f051550 mootuny Madiuieo. the Neot Step: Do?" October 19 - "ADHD at work yiaoo. Allendees miii es- rectionMedicalCesser niece "Duatai Smc is denigned tu quality in c smite -- bad beeasls. helwees tenth, ho preonslrd from 't tO 8:38 p.m. speukeno frum Lulhrrsn Groor- Practical Applications is Wem. Hctvo and at $thanit" and Ne- Pbro aotsnmiltacsio, devolop or- 989. ciron whoec tvnthbructsns can't Decaying feud paslicten can pea- ?tep Tenet Repsai Step Titres in Olvctt Auditasians uf LutInes- al'smrdioci andponfeanionul en's and Moo's Health," bio will vembor 16- "The 'O.K.' Palese." gorieuti000t skills nod toces virol- in Iris nrsv role, Medi liar sys- teach, B scinel s grew on cod be- dace odors skat will got messo if or Ihn ioolh nocI la the ene you an Ocnrrut siaffs, ass pote of the honpitsl'o discos suprac heal und uanspls- Hnnpiral, 775 egion le avoid prccraslisalinn. tcmwidn administrative respOnsi- wenn peurccIttail the time, you don't remove them feequent- junI uleacad, between ail nf yunr Dcmpoter SL, Psek Ridge. Ongoing commitment to pronos' Otoniury mediums opproach to io- Oilily for materials icavo5oiiicnt, Over 4mo titisbacioria muiti- IP with daily flossing. tcrtit ostI on the back of your Tho opeakern fas 1kseueoing Center of cnrstrac lion pnejccss, noci csrotc plico,' saidAliso Begltanian, When Is The Best Titee Ta faul evudn. Une Yvungros Chasg, M.D., po' Concern event nranagemeet and vaneas system- DDS, tguvoraidestini who Finns? What Happens If My Garns die cte yelmonoingisi, sed Pog- lantinli efforts. Ho aine occisos n pnaoti000 n Nues, ti_. "Tise re- "Tho basi lime le Sens is be' Stare Te Bleed? gy Sayin, SN, pediatric palmo- a success Iom.-" é Grówn,Loans (ti osynteils n laundry tacilition, tait a O sticky, whidsis buildup fore lrrcshisg," nays Dr. Sogho- Il cas bu ocrssai la neo a little sory enrIe clinicien, Lslhoratt pI Insili g ijid gaaphic sorci ces arid celled plaqce" Uuirg a tooth- Sian. Pinssing brlps looses and bleeding fscm the gamo 1ko first U csasaI Chiidnen's Hospiisi, Mene than 60 people utteeded oilloraspporinernicen. brash only clsann Ihn vinibtc nur. remove plaque helwssn sentis, foso days nf goosing. p biredisg who will addrcno the bleuI in the u "Bautnars Altec Hoary" sonne Mcdl peeaiocsl yscrco d nu FrankM, Mndt [eeoc of theccitt; pmpec fions- Ersnhisg remoces ihr plaque off coetinnen aft50 a few days, cor. diugnonin and iscaiment nf ustin- on Thurndoy, AydI 6, ni the Park Vioc Presided of Opecations at Ing wilt remove piaqor hetwren the visible outface cf tho troth, sull yoar deotint, vn it may be a tOttundaliangim, along with RIdge offices of Tite Ceninr of St. Jnnrptr Hnnpitnl in Chicago ho Rosrtrrecrion Mrdical Conter teeth hoping so provost tonsur Stseting with sSs Beso stun helps sign uf gum dissare os mccc se- practica i uuggcoti000 fon menog- Cencew. cod as Assistant Administrator at iv Chicago, SI, Fruocin Honpitai bcitdup. develop a healthy habit of daily riaau pmblemn. 05 aotltiea ut irttnta, 0011001 and Thn guest tint included area MacNcal Hospital in Bcrwyn. He lv Evanston, Wentiake Hospital What Wilt HappenIfI flossing. flaw Da I IÇenw What Type during receratins. publicofficiais and bunincav- solds n booinetor'n degroo in boni- InMoironc Punk,nienoising Don't Mess? In There A Proper Tech. OfFism Ta Use? Rogivtroiivs for ihn prognast men, CroIre hosed mnmhnrn, ew " . nene odrvinuiieadns from DoPoci Itantes, n cettmmnnt cammusity, When gnored, plaque builds situe Ta Floss Mont Effective. Choosing the eigkl fleos is sot oun ko Illude by cullisg i-(800)' vaianiecrs, cisitara from ether iufl Ueicrrnily sed o master's degrre a .sunger ycrrtnr , daocns ofcvtpa- UP and o n lead te tooth deouy ly? And Slow Mneh Class as difficult au il seams, Tke 41f. 3.ADVOCATE ii-90g-323- 5oct0100t5i05 5500p5,Cusiac offtce inris onagomont from Kelle85 lasten d mediceI oSSeo facilities, and gym diaeasn. "Puny guar Shnuld I Use? fcreuse between waurd und us- 08221. Limttcd arco parking io o to If. q*Mai:t t School ofManagrment al North- hospice servi cesun d ase cf ike disrrnc ( iegivids) is pointons at Seep One: Use appeeuimslsly mused depends on Ihr opcvisg tvaituhi csiise 'tIpbehindthe Wish caleced delights dneaicd ' mentors University statt's lcrgest trame keatth smc tins i, mo t pevple dent recline 18 inches of floss and mind Ihn of yost iaeth, If Ihe teeth me Victor Yvcktmsn Chiidrosu Pa- by uusiiiury member Kant Lieu- 10' Rrsumaotios Health Camio a nesmocku. Sponsored by ihn Sin- 1sep huy is,"said Dr, Bagha- ssdn asosed ihn middle finges of tighlly speessl, mused floss mitt viliatt, witich io udjacent to 01- cher, Tito Contrs wss o iivriy 63O' aompreh essico healthcote vys- arc of lira Resame dice, Rosar- sian. "Vat, 95 percess of odaiss each hand, maying rarghly ose nlip between ehe teeth without von Audil criant. Additivcui ucttiag foc Iba event. Ges tentthat incledan R000rrac'liar radice Henith Caro is ho urgent seul cv prioncesome form oficch of Sons betweer lbs Enger fcnying ce nheeddisg. purkiog is uvoilobte is hr garug. Per mece isfonnatinn er so rs- Medical Ces brett d Oar Lady of Catholic health care uystem in the gem 4'mmmtcost one time in tips. co os the hospital campus. qcest serrice, coil The Ccnwr nf Chicago sm a. theft lito,Once is progresses 15 Stop Two: Usiug e gentle sum- First Aid and Upcoming topics in rkconnu Cuscarn at 847/623-0453.

Safety Class For u FREE Es/fin cte Spruco lela polIr ltoelss this vering Wilie Is Deyes Hank l-lcme Equity-Loss. On Batneday. May 25, a Fient The fuire ofyoirn n s Aid and Safely Class will be heid CailNow Orstop th,ir,fttnels ho make othgr dreasots ctsnte tesse, - al Holy Family Madiuui Cootec in the Des Plaises Sworn from S HEALTH CARE AdvancedEye Care, Ltd am. - 6 p.m. This coo-dsp census Heating . Air Cusditiuring Hsmidifiern. Air Cienoers For a limited time Devon Dank is offering interest at will be laughtby evperiu feaen ike 5ailnrt Wntsr Heaters Spass Pak/Unics Systems Amnricnotfnd Crass. Sheet Metni Pr evnrruticn Maistenance An integrated office with doctors of Pmtiuipaota will 000sivo iesgcr- 1% BELOWPrime* medicine, chiropractic, naprapathy, and muliun about how Io corn far breathing and ceedinc omergen- for the term ofthe loan. rehabilitation aU working together to provide cies, perferm resu aa beoatltieg, Total Home you with all the modern health care options. und soc_person CPR (cordiopul- NO POINTS...NO CLOSING COSTS. muttusy ersuscilstiani. Cicusso î''ø against the equity in ynor home ta remodel a kitchen nr bath, huild an addi- mili nino provide information cv Comfort Systems Borrow Expert, one-on-one, caring, compassionate, hem in lernt barsn, caserai bisad- Cnn, puy college tuitian, huy u cor gr puy off credit curds, friendly patient oriented health care. ins, eme foe shock, sod cucul to Bryant prodaela aller maney-sevieg, high sudden ((besser ouch au poises- effieienay perfarmance. Let aDevon ßsmlc toan officer help make your wishes come true. This is our clinic's mission. ins asdluoul/ucidetvergeucics. Upon compietiun of the Dependebleeempsnsntu previde dependahle, coasse, individuals mill receive Call us for your complimentary consultation . tong tatting operation, cerliBcstian in Cnmmveity CPR Competitive rates and outntandiag perennal service: with one of our expert doctors to see and Comenuoity Fient Aid und Denigasst, built, and backed by itte e- -fr 001v Banking+PIus cummitmoot tu every costomer, how you can reach your health care goals. Sufoly.Thece io a fas for ibis ment trussed same is hence aamfsrt- cnurseaad sdvssceregisleuiics iv Dr. S, Tsipursky, M.D,, Ph.D. Bryant, required. - - . Fusmnminfcensaiias os ta reg- EVON BANK 847-470-1177 Laser Vision CorrectionEyelid Surgeiy inter, plomo cull lbs Americun IJ Rad Creso at l-580-337-2338, iv- i,trit,tstletáthass,s,,tstst n ero,a g sfr Ç cOvano y.. ist -Oste 55 Yours Ultrasonic Cataract Removal clsding tise course code namber, 88829. 24 Hour Service Chicago 6445 N. Wenecro Ave. Progressive Glaucoma iIeatment T.O.P.S. All Makes & Models ¡ ure Gleon'iew 950 Milwattkee Ave, Aduli & Children 'lìeatmentContact Lenses 1f yea wish io loon sumo of & HEATIN0OMPANY Deerfield/Northbronk Lake Cook Rd. & Wankegiun Rd. 1h osca voces pounds. corne and Financing Aenilable Niles In Wtal*Mart Teulsy Ave.,&Central Rd. join nus malo only chopine of lI Ca the (ett/egie/ge eil',enlieg Cam/art MEDICALELT}IONE CENtER Evening Hours Available "Take Off Pounds Sessibly." Cull for Details (773or 847)465-2500 Pot $7 per month uomo atsd ChiropractieMedicalReI,nbilitstinn (847) 724-0101 visit our weight leus profirom at Shgwrtrgm Letfflfedth titar/so Crove g15631 ûeiopsiecSl. l.,,,5d,,htt,5[ It .,,,,,, ,ltt,u.Ou, sta,, Nutnitien . Mnnnnge Yaga . Herbst Medicine Rush Noslk Skusu Hoopiiot this ice//B/edt WeeIefEe°ens MOvI Itisuruances, Medicare, Medicisici Accepled - The Bent in Attarnatine & IVaditianat Medicine Sunday ai 9 am. We meet on 52 Sundays u peur, in Sknkie. = Morton Grove (847)58381 88 5818 W.DempsterMorton Grove,IL 60053 2640 Golf RoadSuite i 20Glenview See you three sr call Gecege st c,,i ter BlOC (lotated 3 biks from the Edens eapwyl Parking Available In The Talisman Conter at WashIngton & Golf Rit. Seuckman at 847-966-7337 or Sales ServiceInstallation Mnoy Siegel ut 847-677-9076. PAGES THE IIUISD hlttS4r 2OO TIlE Dt.ttSI.ít, tIljMDArttd!t4 p999'' "' PÂtiR 15

a ' SENIOR CITIZENS ! Leadership Shampoo Why the right fats areessential to E . . .. Up your health Awardee Mothers' Aid and Eve Catholic Woments Set $2.50 & (DM)-Arn Lothso Gittlemon tIto Eiglrt Pate Cao Maho You caning ortly an wciglst Inns as tlsaIin luett, baron snore calories Haircut ...$3.00& Up wants you to wolcorno tootthy TIse Por Life. Sho msislnios ont rho answer!" than far dear. Giltlurearr reeom- of the Quarter Alfihle Gallery Fundraiser nesvsre encepi susctiy fat buck into your nnoaIs thatho braI slop in acieniog Distloman omIs oat that since mends oddirsg Tnrslin CLA esa Bowling League sr, Mor' ClipysOttYltrI Il.t5& ltg Gfttloman is a former outri- central ocer your haaltb, waight mace aus Ilse fat from oar diets sapplomeoL to yace meals, call- Mnlhnrs' Aid nf Glencee end carriage, and high-risk peeg000. Sun's Cog. Halt Sl9tog $5.E& Sp the Eva AISle Gallsey and SIa' cy. Many of these prajacln have Wed., March22r 2000 Canale Tinnen 517 tian direatar of ho Pritikio Loo- and bady rhupe ir to ovaroamo Americans trave gelten falter- in.lit her "magic ballet far Ilse Gerlie ScIrulle 495 dia nf Enenalon wilt ornait s beerrinitiated by raednancy W L govity Center and thu host soll- the uancntional wisdom that fat 55'Yr nf Americarn traVe because TEAM Geni Kenny d7 5IN HOMEMuNIL'UflC IngaathooofISbooks ass in bad fer you. onerweight since we'vegoon Gittlrorasmeros thatpro- new serins tilled "Trade Winds" presided by Mothers' Aid and g PEDICURE by jewelry dmignen Eve AIfrIle allnw The Department el Ob- Maeilyn Octeirgea d75 oottitjoo smi hoalth, inoudin "Do yea must ta nsa we ght, law fas,SI trieur'sIn that a diet erasedand enfssed caebalry- CMS ' 63 21 HAIR TOGEtHER st o neekleil party on saturday, steErer and Gyseanlegy al the S 'Bayosd Pritikioaod, hor at- nr da you want te leek and feel militant Ist will nel usaceed. Pat destra, un mall as Ihr highly teat- CandlelightJwlr 46 38 HIGH GAMES ('.ARF- '..' - $16.00t ast,Eat Fat, Loso Wsighs-How hoslthy?," asks Gittleesan. "Fo- retards food absorption, msldrrg ed eamplen nnebahydrales May fi frnrrs 4-9 p.m. at Ire fiar Urivensity efChieaga to perfora GrnvdNnl'lBask 46 38 you feet fuIt longer. (pnlnlees, eons and brawn rice), 3. Mfilte Datlary leasled at 623 eatIng-edge neuenneh. 3g 46 Therefaro ClansieBawl Pam Kenny 2e7 ' yyaa'rn oat tanking far same- areabsorbedbyyear body Grane SIrnet, Evarrstas. A gar- Ene Alfrltn has wen narnenoun 37 47 FREDERICK'S T. Orerde,DOS CaraloTinres 186 'EMS: NewCentury, thing to oat avery 15 ninnIes. quickly, much lbs way simple lien nf avery aule that evening in lernats'esel design awards and ShsjaTrnnaue 22 62 I' COIFFURES trill be dosaled 1h Motherr' Aid in1990 macmad aCrol-placa Gen Kenny 113 h.5391N. MILWAUKEE AVE..4 And, sacordiog In Dilslnman, s HIGH SERIES Darathy Keufmann 182 il is net mm tre amount nf fat :nyindividasts trace sabsli- which nappnrls mulemily, falsI, Sysetram Awnrd fram the CHICAGO, IL. Doantlty Ksafwana 536 Millie Knall 185 NewHope that really matters - is in the kind sated setimitrd fat-free earbahy- fentitily, und enanas cancer re' American Gem Trada Asrsoie- h. A PumKeony 521 Carol Gelringer 175 Royatoily Modica Contar of fat. Adaqasto smaunts ef or- drusos, like fat-tree yogurt reoceb sIlbe Uvvnrsily afChieu- her. This past Jaosory she re- Farsrily han invitod Macsr Prou- ga Lyirtg-trr Hospital. erivad Ihe 2550 Mayor's Award (HPMC) will ¿rlrbrato Natioaal poet arca fnaeth grade children ta sonnaIfatscarssielartgor ho and caokias an well as ha- Barb Rubnr gels, for rho missing fat. These Matheev' Aid w aurorabtishsd for the Arta. Though she is cap- Emcogsnoy Sorviors (EMS) the Medical Center far an Enter- found in papstsr fond ahnicrs or Hey Family Medical Carrer is Wook Muy 14-21 in rocognition in auricntly "chic" dieta. For ou- foods rem anly add sp in arlo- geared la annnanee that garb ir 1954 an u sewing ctsb whose tiveted by jowntrivgonaro t, gooey Amaraness program. The membarn wade layettes far im. pearls one her passion. Stsc is of sho EMS pernonnot snd Err two-day odururional uessiuns in- ample. ronearclrora say thatIre ries, bat they prnsmatn the pro' Rabee, Acule Care Services, bar PRODUCE posoninhed molhors and their ba- rho feunder nf the Pearl Society corrtributiaas story make ta our switch ir recent yraer from grass duchen of the fat-staring hoe- bean nslecled au Ike Leadership dade a walk-thmsgh nf HPMC's bias, It rombal) panna turd into community. Thu yams thomr is to groin io cattle feed has msall. mona mustio, that depnnils rhosc Awardee oflho Quarter. and past trasuntar nf Ihr Interno- Omorgescy department, a laut of as argaaiealinn that hes rained p lineal Pearl association. 'EM& tErmCentury, Now cd irun 90% dec-rosser s tIre entra eetbalrydrale calories an This award is given fase timas a Manet Praspoas Pion Depars- "Trade WSRLD milliner of dellans form prnfmta Alfrlln'r now series. Jopo and is coordinated sonual- most mrcao squad and amba- ontarat availabtily io meas of rho budyfer. Tn make matrern r year le Holy Family cmplayres important fatly neid conjagalod morsa, elavasodtesalio reels from ils Otanene gifl shep far Wmnds," which mill debut at the y by she Asstoricau College of tance, and o atare no tiret aid mo reangnrtssnofsutstaedieg We Make Party Trays: Meat, Fruit &Cheese Emorgooay Physicians (ACEP) linaleic acid (CLA). black the bndy'n ability ta barn omalernalttblalecuearu IralIhn MOthee's Aid fuednaiser as May goamd t aolomen may reboot aged leaderutrip au a manuger orsuyar. Uoivarsity of Chiungo Lying-In 6 symbotiess rrepiaal paradise and a oau!itiass af nations EMS childeorr. Studien attire Univaraisy of stored body fat foe energy. sisar. Awnedoos ero nominated Hospital.The fund uraiu od by andisinspiredby monsoon nrgattisstians and agencies. Wisaannie in Madison, where by Iheir peers and min nerrara PRODUCE-. -- In addition, to thaw nrrrapprc- sa- marbres' Aid assist rasoucets mv miedo, jellytish, and lidal paola. Two central goals of National CLA mas discuneerd and devel- The saluting ir ta make recru Incred by Holy Fomilys Leader- e catins for the countless ways Iba for hankrlry fats, Tersad ir ferry 0000iar cani'or nod ether relatad Cail (g4,)869-792S fee nrornos- EMS Week inonde: edacase the EMS persaonol haue acachad oat aped, burr shown thst naturally ship Award Committee. CRISP freb, alive oil, nuls, seeds end - lomate n anuses.infarlitily, mIr. tines sr infnrmssian. FRESHLY PICKED SWEET pablic ssbastshe EMS syutem und acaserieg tally acid inhihiln the ro narro mmanity, Slay Family Teoulin CLA, that premete stia- Barb is deuceibed as tnmanna its appropriate asu; and educato hody'n ability to starr also GREEN PEPPERS wìlt wont area EMS techoicians ty. level blond nugtir, and help mba pays goons altentine le detail FAVA BEANS CANTALOUPE tise public abaus iojery prevee- and paramadias so noah, nweas yrnmpts tito body so burn stored end is well-knems is the Medical Brandeis Women's Committee abserb thu fal-nalableanti. tien, and haw ta tecagniee and re- trenta, and gifts on Wodeenday, l'ut au energy. Tb erenults s a do- Cesler fee hen fellnm-lhrnagh aroera in body fat sod s propor- anidanlu tika Vitamin A and E. announces literaryfundraisers 310S.FoR$100 apond to a medical emergency. Thsrasday asdFriday,Iuluy 17-19, and eamplalian efpnnjeels. She ir 5 9 LB. 59 Inheaping Erase gans, finly 2000. trorral i neaearern muscle sirrae 'jts Ihn past, ton masy Amaei- able to deat Wilh staff sindmae- The Second Anoual Book ned oars have bought in ra the fat- agement perroneel fram soy de. Author Lunelrces, sponsored by Iir.,IC!; SWEET CRISP CALIFORNIA free boas and dovaluped a pbs. perlmentwishis sheMedical Cee- the North Shure Chapter of the ou-, i his ahnul f51," raye Gitllomsa. lee. She is ksnmledgesbte shoes BrandeisUniversityNotional GREEN GRAPES "Ta sIny heatrtry and ha rhinrer misst geas ea in Ihr vaeinrrs do- Women's Cammiltee, will fra- ROMMNE A Gift for Mom ¡n May doesn't requirediesisg,ilde- gselmeels and rs a valuable ro- lure faut acclsrmrd authors ir e 59c mund suchungnrn the may pen- soume for performaeca impruvo- special luncheon pragrem an LB. EACH Reduced screening fees for mammograms $107 .($200 value) plo ant, end lIsas inelydes em. mansandprnjrelfaltsw-lhrcugh. Wedeenday, Muy IO, al Chics- 8 8 (screentng and fadtologtcal feadtflg included) bracing nlinsming asd healiog Barb han been happily mae-iad ga's Drako Hotel. Thin di narra fars av part of your deity nutri- for le years and resides in Mae- group nf mn tors , including Baa- hneal irput." ton Grave. Shatras twa sann. hareRcbinetteMosa,Eliseo The St. Francis" Breast Center Sciroppalt, Keonath Stein and U.S.D.A CHOICE MILK FED U.S.D.A. FRESH BONE.IN LGH appoints coordinator for Steven Vonri, witt autagraph cop- CHICKEN BREASTOCEAN SMELTS Central Scheduling 316 65011 ((of Evanuttrn and Ltecylnwaed alles) ins uftheirbouku starting al lO3O VEAL SHOULDER ROAST 5.0. The program, moderated hy new assessment service madia porsonslily Mika Leidrr- . Evacuino - SI. Frurictu He prIai Prufcstunel Laurie H,C, Plsilipps, Ph.D., and adolescents with AtIendan $229 LB. mon, begmnr ut tI t 15 n.m. LB. 9'9 1LB. Slice SutIding DeEiI Disorder, learning durar- St. Francis Hospital D.A.B.P.S., joins Lslhaesn Ges- Mnur' astahiagrephy, Change u Lincnlnwoud - 7350 N Linolnwnud Avenue eral Honpiral's pediatric and ada- dens, usiesre disorders, decolop- Isar Gate Oued )Tru, Brasserie T) mental dolayr, chronic n rearor Me lelo Zean' Daughter, in an em- I' . I. __! ( Resurrection bramI ceureprycholagy service powering tale nf gnawing sp in and famed bandleadar Slanley . Muntnn Grave - RnuurrecttcnlSt Fc nctu wlrers she mill peavide neumpsy- illness, asd alsa assesse s elrildrrn Paul, willjuin garnIs st an elegant _fi Heattin Care rho Sasrh; uahapll'n now altert- Imotedtule Cene Cenlnr (316500ß lar aholagicst cansatlaliursassess- after rhcy onpcnience 5 head inju- "Pr anteunno rs Event," hrtd al a star)?collection, Use Mr, has MOUNTAIN BRAND PLANTATION ASHLANDSMOKED menls far childean und nEnIas- IP. Muller's apputnlnlentu Il the Murtun Grove SEe) been described as "hilaniass and breulifal Lake Feresthuwa. WISCONSIN SWISS OVEN ROASTED 20/ cents. Philippa mIsers le Lstharan lasching"; Slein has war ecca- .On Teerdoyenen ing. may LOUSH SAUSAGE The pengram General Hespilat after as absence amasses ehildrao ludes far his honk, [tercie Dipta- 9, Fernlannnrns ace invited la br nfsix eed a halfyraru, where she rj,,.rt____ . wary: Sadat, Kissinger, Carter, geasln 51 a "Menithe Aulburs" on. T((!T caprins being hold as a qaniqan Io7k etrild psyeiatysorvicnsrrd str- Begin, sod Ihn Quest foe Arab- f,'(99 I Israeli Posee; and Varsi'r kaust. Iskefrest hamo in tlighlnrd Pork. V9GAL psychatagrcnl ':! ing first recel, The bleed Sea, For erare information aboul j:)/t,'t GROCERIES 1,,LÇ'53LA,'_str,'ur.,a'sresao .,,,re'arc_-s.,rear,. s - ! fnllnws Iba rite of passage nf Ihr thera special FranIrunonreunI5, Pniarlaeelsrnivg ta Ihr 00apr- yaasgrst childnf anIlatiar- call (847)256-3955. I IalrhewnnDoannfnradeors,as- .:-9q(1, p,I Msew Amerirar femily. Chiragn CUCINA D'ITALIA PRIMAQUALITA BAVARIAN E. WEDELGEROLSTEINER " ------sacrule professur, Tickets fer Ibis enrol ore $75 Ñ,,ss4'na's n- I i Hour Session i Schon) afPrefassiensl Puucltoto' SJB's Super DACTA PEELED WHOLE SPONGE ASSORTED MINERAL WATER - and cun be reserved by calling k1UL U)U JI ) v' .. . nsportg gy, for Ioder years where he act- ; lED) 256-3955. I tU Itt CAKES ed as chiof udminirtratirs afficor Flea Market TOMATOES DEU(JE COOKIES To uowmramorstsBettadnis (All Cuts) .flL:1 £' ' I I far atudeol uffairs ir a doctorat SI. Jahn Brebrafu annual Su- ç 1011Es . r.. Unirersity's St years as the unly PEtO11 (84 7.- 62 clinival payehelagy pea- Jrwish.feusdrd ranacetseino in- pea Plea Market spansenedby ist TtmeC1t Only g SIB's Youth Misiuloy and flay 2 1 REACH 99H:I nmecrortt.mrjmts,.rcne atitatiau, Ihr Naliasal Women's 79CH tn;r:;G ;cTi:;twtii Sha alun maintsinnd s privare Cammiltre is raising funds ra en- Seauts mill hr held en Ihr scheal sji. practice is psychelagieut aurore. - dam the Unisensily Librunian's patldag Ial, 83Cl N. Httrlem, on 8800 WAUKEGAN ROAD ment, learning disarder assess- Clroir. As Ihr nalienal arganrau. Saturday,May 13 item 9 ant. un- . mants, eansnllatìeu sad least. MORTON GROVE, LLINOIS I hen eppnnnehes ils 52.5 milliorr lit 3 p.m. Adrntrsios is 55 cents. 3Uo w ' a" .Aeeihet Gi& RsxIset?.., 11gw heui e lapai phn? ICORNEI1 or wuutteetu E trsMpSncn) ...... adolescents, Puad atrd beverages mi)) ho auoil- , Glue A Gift Everyone Needs... fuel, tirs North Sham Chapter ir Europiàiì Facial offering 1w oupreic t ererls fur able throagheal the day ale semi. MusIera and palmos who eeelribslr $395 or sal price. (847) 581 -1 029 let Time Çlieuts Onj P1mG. degrees in Ctininst Psy- TI rencor e s few verdor upeces mane tuwardltsa Chait; - ejJ74 We44 ehatsgy fram the Uaivaenrty nf . remaining. Pun infarmlrtien, call; WthA DIr Csrltttests Frrmmriw Horerit Msnegn&Spu .1 On Monday evening, May tarer, I.eenswnrd chef und resraruo- Kathy Barral, 965.8735. jE11lll01$YF1lrt400P..,... PaGE lt PAttE1 OIE 2OO m .- __uJw 'Women Everywhere: Partners in Service'volunteer day Women's Club St. John The Moro han 300 meo cod wbotn- Bar ,°os000laiìaa ofIltiavia i000 of Do barcal' o Vioteoce wilt Illuminating er abt oaooyn hace airoody aigead IWSIA), the Block Woavon ho hainab Iba SlaIn at liino,a Brebeuf spring luncheon Polish Women'sAlliance ap to booamo volortaaaa for rho Lawyers Ausvuioiian, Tha CBA Brialdisg,tOO W.Raodoiph, Future' forchildren May IV "Woman Ovoeywhrm: Vonog Lawyaes Soutien Wowee tOib floor Coorteooav, Tho pub- of America PoOvc ir gambe Doy," aparo. in tira Law Co,nmiOeo, tira Itti. lic i aetboonrogod to atbeed thia The Womee'e Noiworh at La- ChildC000, aed AtterSohoal pro- rurad by Tiac Chicilgo San Aaaa- sois Slate Ban Aaaaaiatioo 0Py Potioh Womeno Allianoe to Sundry, Mny 7. Tronaportstinn arai altar the woe. gaOma. as wall ai iba Family Play Alliancefar Wvmon and iba Low Camrraibraa mere isfarmaalov or ta Those inte,astod in tronspada- ibrrae Sadat Sorniona ofItisneta abites (CISAI commemorate Polish Coostitu- to and froto the Ceremnnioo wilt (LSSII miii host lin 16thAnoual Peajoct, LSSI affew apprani- Woman IAPWI, bbc Warnen's aed abc Hispanic Lnmyees Asso- voloabear 00 May 19, contad be peovïded by bon leaving front tino and te participate le the cor- mately SOS childans the apparta- Joonifea T. NijabSe (312) 550- tien Doy omOaien, please contact National Branch Faibles Show on Salar- Thu Polish Womons Altionco ho PWA ttoodqowtrrn located ot .doy,Muy 13. ThrWeweo'sNet- nity to grow develop aed town. The Park Ridge avilIcon-,5771 or [email protected] VinoProsidentSbarco Zafo CCCt hou sites io snsersl Chica. (PWA)witt comtnofluoratc the 205 S.NoettiwoetHighway. work io a statewide froap ofvet- reihum thnia workday ta 19 pm- 0e Saaa,a Sloan (312) 904.0279 witttho Polish Wentao's Alti- - onfliversaoy of the Polish Consti- PookRidgo, at t 0.10, 00 Sondoy. aet0000 that raientfonds tar aed do oaighborhanda ieatadiog Ca- C atholic or hoenaLjbtad.eom, tolmo 0sy with o u0001h toying The cost for boo teanspoetafion is at,aa at (8471 3t4-120f. aronoat of LSSI prafraws. beiei-Ooern, Rogna Psrh, Up- Woman's Club antemibbed eianebo ceremony at 9 oto. ot the Kos- sto. "Illumisadeg The Futa,e,"will tease, Wrat Eagieweod, Weol rod violaecc againab women or coisolco Monument fotinwod by TheUnitod States and Poland Chtld Toma aad Aoetie. The Latherer We will gabhor at St Paul at be obnpaWaO woman toachieve Amerkan boaoVi LSSI's Catowuetty the Croar Chaooh, io the Holy Ladies Auxiliary Mons et 1K30 otto, et Hnty Trie- beginning mdb the Ameeicae Cera 0e raicee (CCCSI. Festivi- Chitdmn's Canter, an accoaditod 0005000lC irdapendonan.Tha Revolution have dwuyo ahocad programthaiprauidoeearly PamilyChapet, as Thaasday ity Polish Mincies horeh on Daughters ties for "tllamivatiefThe Fntow" O 00b05 ,, l000bod aheoafhoob bbc to Park Ridge the ideals of freedom and tibor- childhood sdacatiav faa 2-5 yen, May 25, tor t I o'clack Macu ta wotrapotrloo oeaa arO A Spera- sturi at lV3O ow, ai theWysd. Park Ridge Peat 3579 and ly. TheWar cf todopondooce of Sweden io aIde, in coeuoeiestty located sear be co-calebrobad by Morsi oar ing Chaaco Foundation,Apso ham Hatot Na,ihmeat Chicago and Rovemed bheir Lodino Aoniiia,y spanuorad AA flaw each Potea osGeeoral Casi- Itanca. Tickets atoMS each. O'Hare Airpnra at t76S W. ISig- Kosrelb Vale Obra, Bays & Cinta Ciaba of The Amonase Daughters at Marlin Wiotrra. u conleab Maroh 6 tea the 7 and wie Pulaski aed Colonel Thod- Swodue will hold hair Installo- Cowwaoity Child Cora Sor- gins Road io Chicago. Chionfa, Giaa lo Women laida- dansKoscinseko cavo hole Toordertiokote, er lar mare is- Airer Muss wo choit p reoca d V grado atadoata. Rose's tian of Oftiocra and progeam, on viert providas davelopmeotallY tIan, Chicago Abocad Wemun ttsty S. too aooeoy to fightoppees otan and appropriata edacatine and coro ti bananen abaat The Wamoa't a? Iba Park Ridga Country Club Ceutblbae, Oohorah'a Placo, Ceoarmavdar Riohord Nickela Saturday, May3, 2050 at ihn Ion au, Mìtloeoiom Lunahooe io 7502 N tIARLCM ayronny fr theAmnrioonaolo-. iaoeraiiy childranon d soppeRivo Neawork, call 847-9t3-OfS4 or Pomily Reocun, 0,010101 House, orod pantaamwoaden Georgo "The Elegaane at Spring, " the annual apdngluncheon open- 19th Cesta5, Woinoos Ciab, 17V ooiobraba ear 55th50er. Tho uorVicas to their tomities. Each niait the LSSI wobsito al tloywo&G Hoeso. LeIse Wom- Lehb, Evalyr Sabea part anvil- corad by St. Jobo ßrobaot'a Catholic Wamen'nClub, will ho hold Colonel Koncivazka, chief of Fa,cat Armava, Oak Pork, IL at J club io lacarod at 636 N. Fnoa- yo00, tbooafhitsload Start. cuww.iaui.naf. Acbbeir, Mvbrepviibun Pum- tory pacaodcsb and poab panaidant an Snlorday, MapSSbh, al ChOt000 Rita Baortuata In Mino. The enfinOoraforthe norayn the p. pocb Aoo. ity Sanvioca, Nropolibos Light- Rosa Lobb, wlae ruas Ike yhobag- proleasiaral alvay anile, will Mooaigvoo Volo wilt ho ear lonoheorr cainmittea la fomralaiìng planalcr loba rnlooirrg und North daring tho war, daeigoad nach au h awtarccae d nue lite licosa, Projoab Hopo, Rainbow raploar, wear be SL Staaialaaa maul lollawad bit ro,aiflaariane foe the detenne of gaaobo tlraooe. avjoyaklo auler0000 whiob indlodon a dellci000 ataras toe tam orrasv If we oea io boso, Saaah'a Ciado,Saeah's Siahap and Martyr Sohoet be philadalphia, Port Tinandemga LGH Women's Health itiotocnd G arabeo will oebaaba,'o a aprolal bobby otrawpreaoeted by Uniqca 8001190e of Oak rcwawbar vurraotu ,wo mast irra, Shalom, Soabhwaab Women panson t the Irr piace wi000a, Sa- . Perms and Weal Point. tIn fortillad Var- uc wìlh hin prareobaliar but «A sauced nor towily's hioary. . . avd Waaking Tegather. WINGS ucd boatian tJorgol o $100 eaviegs Mill Mall. fo, the deciaivebottle at Tcoor'u Ari." l'iokol pdca lu $25. For informatIon, cullElaleo Hainan, (047) . Cnt1Stle Wa Cae da this by writiag dawn Center offersgolf clinics Women Employed. Volantee, hod asd Oho 01h01 wienara coibh a Oataboe 7, 1777, where Conceal Choìrpoauers of 1h cr0001000 550 naoivgn henIl. Thay aro Oaao . Frosting ihn small atvtica thai wake ap nus The Wowoa't Fiaolth Roscurco ring ai ihn tap-ratod Hifhtasd cffrrrla wilt oho ihr farm of ei- 006-0084. Stcratio Gateo deteated British Casaca, Mary Soitlanlo cod Mory Aioa rohiic oduuatian or diamo Aobohoaki, V,ver,,o Ghilardacci, lanoh000 dommllino, i Ccator nl Laths. an G aereaI Flat- Poak GolfLoaeeiof thor Stramm iv ihn photo uro matobero of the . Color to,cosuvder Gonorot Jahn Bae Moogaar. Mary Ass Mcrnao le Slojoidy Rraoedar mmd Raymorrd Foraa,venoaiona call 773.463- pilai otteroaacrieoalfattoliniaa Eqoìpraovt ja asoitatala for bugie- 'OVOO, (loll la right) Elaine 'loman (Chuirpa0000), MoWThnmpaon OpnttbigiO toron, Ten daya later Gcnorat irmndlivf deke bsalOsib rd aba Poero, Soro t'lollramao and lb4llhctorrMayV. Coot $5. iorWawaa bogineing hic opriaS, Also air coscan d by 1ko "Wow. (Manager of the Walter E. Smithafatvlloré alare, Pooh Rid5a), Qoene Peeorn050s Bargayveta areedeend bio army bray be,eaakcd Ob 847-692- °° Evcab'wOtO" P00)001, 05 May lracho,v Mas. Katirleno Gronke Cardooc yrcch, Prcfeorv eslitlad "lia My Par-Toe." Partie- Chata, ma achodulad teem bao and Shirley K000iga. Smitiro familoro houdanutad u $450 gifi Swataga 3720. Daadtire icr oe,arcobi ana rota. Ruboob Gorulik atoo (773) 774-3308 to honrent Gatos. and punta will Icacotips tram a '1:30 pan. Thorsdoyu, May t I: brew noon be 2 p.m., o troc ood preved w be n tanniof point iv Chair. Mar,icvotteFo,k,IL. i, Muy 12 wok ruaI lo Ihn p10550w. cedificala for the Icacheart raffle, LPOA paateauiarsaf 0011 hava the May 25; Jaco V; aod Jaso 22, at public semi narcose, my Oho lr,o- r Ravnlatinvaay War, Kosciasaho Ricaner S. Konnsieaki, Presi- 'rickela $3f opporivaiip la do nomo ranga hit- ha Highiurd Poak Golf Learning vi wca later moda a beiyadiee gee- dort, SugoaGrane, IL, Cacto,,2255SkvtdoValtay Road. The tea la $35 por perneo pa laaa don nod porjioipanis way 6 SCHLEGL'S BAKERY sign ap for oao ca anona daba. For two generations, ourfamily has From Our Family to Youro &utd Space ja limitad. To rogisber, call HaatIhAdoinorat l-550-3' chosen Holy FamilyMedical Center. hea101raa,n Cookies Al)VOCATO I l-005-723-8h22). Jaaor"Ferode hoe Il labor. oro lamilyharrubIal Holy tavily llaltoal Crob,, an our could nul trw, tuch 14e I oulvraarr I eiir,euweed PauliNe tacae1 S'a1 Tira Womao'a Fioulbh Resaarco rocovlar. OVille b onahomiol Ors InI chill Ohtra. I TIll's'ib bony liuglilera ahwr br boat thais European Tortes ,geal61I Cc etorrb tLubhoron General Has' about vc,'lha yuar r auyperl'o'ruro drorolorbiOig. al4n WøYdiI ¿ flZt pilai5 or acacia point forho ihidoem ob ibely tacity Sodicii Cnrtro. SweetTables ntrds, ivaladiag vi' public to terra oboat Iba haopi- Siclo hal lIa goce 00 holt FuntlyOtalirciCast,, lar nmbolmo hemithoabe Pastries balo momcn'n plageams, aervicot, daughtrr lomod a eut, co1i*,ii-fi9Isf, t4poo's, archa I ulirablipa ood regule,ntn'motruph oacr" regt. Itiboen rroon'ynar'old aopparl gaoapO ord 00000aity coop ich,, krtaal. I00,0 t rod4 braslbhr yrople at Volo yomily1-Irdiaul Crabrr," b osaataa t. Tb coentar .acatad be 10%OFFCommunion or DecoratedCakes rsd001hiirgbuOdOrrlo ahocO, Ihs ,ragwlrvad vocovmmcal0000t ¿eIs%w7tst4aiK9 libo LutherarGeneralViatar Ca5ttlteeO 'OlOhoogk il bamuil cal I 10%OffALL Coffee Cake Yoaklaoae Children's Pnvitiao, a Ohaaa,griy auf chrckril iv cull toc altrIlouonbloowo. Slreirkirdoala rilO big oc yrronì000v ve, al 1taiseèatCIOiSLe 1ees aLne Idilimuo llolj family Matirai C atIbo oRapluma boh'cu, worad lilldaro, otreegood Then Slay 13th opov from 9 am, to S p.m. Mes- I ir15 lillY 1511501 I suo hrllblorcoo'rt,ada." am-] p.m. Tuos,-Fn. 6 am-S p.m. day tlr,aoh Friday. For maso o' I latI yod koculirdrhub I c'ioraly co lIdo l'av}lp llrdioul Cadas Ionoto I ny ex'e%iesace . Hours: Mon h 2 ij of q4u. ir rrnta lico ca the crolor aod tic Sot. 6 o.m.-3 p.m. Sen. olosnd roel,. lilly frulli yladieal C,v arch cramcula biIaibrnb0l corridoi,cati18471 723-0010 ,lircoar0000voO I iet00 06105 i1011Ilt000a Lmcolnwood Adattisnu" mlaoaby 3915Touhy Avenue - thatteNI?U1e5,112 60174 l_t_l_Y liso far brariag iwpabaod. co 0000'ahrollhoarsaaroivaaieuladilbd Oho Coas Bsgleasiag."lod Famila 7345 proS,oncolheOeestCan Caat,r. sed satesaamsisend ma,amegmobg sarese'anga. Thryotto 847-568-1750 Fax: 847-568-1751 7trat la ?i4. Au 1847) 723-88851. Now TaMng Orders For Mother'sDay 47&474008 ufer rwny'rdrm lOva I 000010 maoodaadood fr000r HolyEntity Modiaut Caatads Womaa'aliatlth Saroirono The Morton CesainlinSIStOtcoiod HAllt & S1U CXESALON C asma lad bocca cod ions aonio' PA(NT-N-PfRTY STUDIO Grove Hadassah dowallbsu lii'mear'.,ì,,arr. The tatene Tl,o Moden Grove Hodaaoah For matee information call: Paint and Take Ceramics . hair cutting will boon its auiwiealing ned to- (847) 297.1800, eat. 1110 sialiation Laaahoae at ri,o Cloe- ColoringPorming htapdtclnlaagatribume.aali00tYb0mitY al lascaria. bO lOa aoolila atoa,ruiidoawicc Best Birthday Parties ny Chasa Coiaoley Club,1005, toi.riocOc arelo Fcrrilaitbodioul Cciiior our Hightigheing, ¡n Sorti, Milwaakoa Ace. Wlaaal- . r\ Holy Family saoN. Rioer Road Inibiti'rortchoirc. European Lodata, Town! io5,IL: on May t7ih, 250V; 7750 N. Miiwaukon Ave., Mini foce lift I t 35 a o. Wedaoaday. Medical Center Dos Ploioee, IL 65016 NUes, IL 60648 Oeloobaìaanaot by: Sabor llana, ]Vlrctrolynin '.2 Walk-ins welcome - (RAYYAN PLAZA) Waxing a dyvamio uiagcr and pbaaioa. Commttted Moaaicaea & Pedicure Moms shop while Kids paint Sho will be doiot a cancan io Compassionate Connected Wo also nett amOtiCnfl & Italy his uawbacr. eutopeon conmelios: Ma. H usd50,05 owned an- .- ''iMal uiiii Oa,'000ioci (,',iii ror,,ro tlic0cldo.a ,itSdc iii dc,idO-ccOhiiciaOiucOi4 Pro/Oli .cmorii 11,1!ccOori' : CaS o reserve your party ridlcviooi,liic,rcolrrii'iOlO MURAD. REPECKAGE, Icataisot, 50 plocaa jaio as for 'er Cl,,irii,iii liouli,icoi, ii,a,au'irili,,'O,i,m11uociior,'0001. OitO licor, doaiadio'Iilc tibia wuadoaful alicr0000. Voua MATRIX ESSENTIALS; 847-509-8550 fuouta ara welcabao, coal is$25, altivos Tai..Fl. n Anl. o a ras. BIOLAGE, VAVOOM Sa,. e 5.01. ra 4 CM. Northbrook Court Mall RSVP by May 7th, 2505, Pea io. MURAD cLoscu SUN. b MON. tuppor leuet flout to Motflhott Fiolds) tarabaaiao plraaO dall Sua Bobka 847-564-2262. TILE SUOLE, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 2105 PAGE 43 PACE 12 TilE euGLE, TIIIJRSDAY,MAY 4, am = I ï - I«:» I i' - II II cc isocii os o paico and tuictitoot Phuutnniacy, I 036 Gioncicw Retid, ali flic leek osaorsrbly atfount oc GIenvew wits Ihinotuicoed wills o knife iv lino of ItOyiOOitt, tito buyer hroiiglrl io Nues P.D. consistant in media access suspect cod another roan left iou detostaitto lirai iltoy were driob- back door, Located umide Itra Morton Grove Cathy 000siog roano of April 13, tuerie0 urus'mii 15743 os s Cinca. Nues bloc '95 Ford,Ernptoyce said Burglary l'irehiliisois Soup000uc Conecto lilo Nues P O aiscody man o putii- walls of Iho sear of he sto snare 2 pitlico said. lite cuopliuyoc liad guicli050ncy000'hictigo. Tite wihtir- suspect had bann in 010cc an Iwo teoveirytotaling morotitos otnuotiulmonil lo ullo Codo ei Pro- cy el 000'rioniilsg individottit on- AssaultCivicCenter 3'nlf" dollar bilk clrarigars. Of- Theft jolt hoguti ro clean up life calnide, tito signed toco i ocio ar's tillo und oilier oocaoiaìrs and is suspected Occupational accident lo 1mo soponato incidents Aprìt $22,1100 and costs tolnliog be- fonvinoal Cotiduen litio nui rendu- dci iiivoouiq.i turnor roneoling o Dominicks fcodar tried io pry opes face of foneeti-in orco ori IhO side cl tite Icuik tito'mutuo y cooler o Ion poy- nl titoli both timon. One incident 26 atid April 27, cash and credit Iwoon $30,000 osd $40,000 mora cd io nuuuticabio chongos la pithice t little ci'o Itaçkgreuiid. Customer upsct by the way An Aumra steelworker ero- Islhutto on avail. taken cMritig o hanglaoy ta ahorne 51050 witoti Ito won oppooccited by tito iii. 'l'on oft/s ittica, ilic mois- Or recently na o weak ago. Police cords were lahan from bekam oto iuii,o honk nc ortie d iiioriosoyer- sopes ny released by ube Nilon Po- 'lItoOuiglo hi,ivriui led Ihot in. bagger was throwing and han- haca trocad tiecosa ra Chicago playec by Haaren Dock, Irre. wan The offeinder(s) forced open io tito 403 block of Women Retid. anvil tovinmo who liad como Troto lice Doporhrocurl. itietri ait vnivo 'vo roccivod from Itaatlh club in the 6tR8 block of dotoucirichulind h totumas hod dilag hia gro Conan Approrchod working on ajob site os tiro roof doorta utility recisi oouliog darns- Thc homo invasionapporoally ritohordavaro llore acrosstito 'tito ticoodmoot he rurling address. Dampator SGcrt, Fatica said the 0000tarioni, 'lIto loicpltonnorouru. poorer to Ihe dopartrn cousins'e manager and conaplainod. Man- in fire 5600 bloch ofToahy .Tiro ago la lock oasomhty and done ocececod boiwaon 3 cod 9: i5 p.m. 510001. 'l'Ire ritan. holding o 4-inch giiltichises eri hoiw tiuoeht hect ineidoot occurred abeut 3 hes whero tite wotoas hod corn- it/or- o,'ial'nor tIrio mnoitt Itas remained 0gw rcfuscd to akeanyac tian Arrest viCtim man as the cant nido of lira jam.Oroe inside she room,tlie of- April I 3. Police said thai tIto book silver folding knife, seid repeal- hito tute public offiotoloi.'ttiino- ceosuiiaiti iii cotutonilan d dm000- againnt bagger. When costomar p.m. Apit 26 when a mon discov. edly, "Give uva tacoodhar bcyerbrad boon discan- A noir opaeuting a balee vat ri- building.'l'ireapotroelforoman fcodeelsl priad apro tha back of uovo lock liad becs pried opon. soin e otoocy." votol ahiuobouc' iditais tinder tin- lion. lar bollo sospoens and oie. stated he would coli Daminick's oecd that his wallol cootcining 'riso otepivyce roo past lite rittit ele westbound an Demprterin the was on lito wont sida of lite baud- she 2nd chao geran d romanad lia $28 io caah and loverai cradir bVlnen site ohren syslem activated, root inri/iiieOiinloancn. corporate oigAn,tiar manager ing miih rho crane cod operatoc. is peed- and hoch inside tilo phaarvacy. A i 994 Honloy Davidson mas Stpo block cori clocked on cadar qaarrons. Inoestigotion cords meen taken Pram his looker. rite burglars woro able lv ncrr0000 k/anton Ihm mnenh,Police "became enragad" arid stuck tria Thc operator hod liflod 520 ft. of 'rho inns was described us white loken lhonr ube parking hot of o going SI mites in a 35 mite anos. The acenad incident 000areod ha- a watt -tocarlo d speakor, or ulerm ChioT tenry Shrohor said Iboi lic Anger toward customer saying, singlo icon stool pieces waiglniog wifh modism-langlb baevvir hou, u,onoro iii ube 200 block o,' Otri Tha anostee mas slappedat woos 12;35 alidI pia. Iba sont potin atud a eOOlrOi bon. As olee- didn't copoonavyron,jce cinarigos "You botica gct out cf my face." approsimolely 500 lbs. Tho apee- Unknown affondoels) brake Palico said Ihe mas mas dc- Libo Avenue Aprii 27, PcToc lito window at a lacodremot io ihr doy mhost O woma accluso od io travio pod vols alce polled from iiidiltnibulituginforniotins, os TI secos tomar told inoccger ta Dompaler and Camberland and aloi mas arabio to sen hood osen it rito slowi box, palien soid. 'rho scribcd ax belog botvveon 70 and tLthiIfittitite euro moot into ike coa!do't peodaee a valid daivec'n 9800 bloch of Oatf ficad, thon mor Iockns lo di scanne that tile lavo ir cud winout lu evutir000 O iwo calm down and stop yetting. Thc mas over the went wall. Tho spot- hcngiarc pried operi a ceroocabla 35 ycars of age, appeoxivialoip ti cease and sob ueqsonichne k ra- anlochod the door. Oree inside, padlock hod h rorro moved arid liuturs icier,lIre m cuaco yole won monoger iepcoted "You'd... ea loo mas watching rho load and no- wiull pouch ord rossooked .voceoot 56" and l4opouunds. else." The customer idenlilied seated 1h01 ha liada aospoodad offendoalni donrogod and pried thai hoc parsa, gym bag, mallol, riced iho vie irrt was noortho Inad. opon o wall-mounted soap dir- hooxo keys, credit coeds and other arcos in ho house, police Theft Iiiioselfoa o Chicago potico office driver's license and trod no proof TIre npolnor rignvlod rlraopoeasoo Bugary poosiog mochino, removing $200 obour $20 hod been ivkon Trout , said, A tocighibarkoad cuircosaca- A 2 I-year-old Rixes Greco of 52 years and askad winos 'oc cf insurance. Placed onder ariosi io atop, bot the load had awong A dbeper hugh posse woo lakov io ccttta. 'ricey broke gloss noi of Ilse locker. cooled touting. rotin wal a rocs led April 20 la cee- clac meers." The mairager Confia- and tratrapnrted to Nibs Police and s mae k tite vicliw in flic bock ociroolilitoovens ighlApril26 deve of offico cod goitnod entry A momon who had wolkod out. toco lieti iwilli hic Itch of 13 coto- ucd fa yell at Customer until o De pasinrenrwherc ho ivan pro- nod was forced inno ihn noon moli. Troni u lvii iockeil car poshest in a taking o coin/oath boo whir $00 sido shear 5t20 orn. April 25 db- A clossacom 01 Ocr Lody of to'moniti' Kodak film, oxiih n seid enshiec intervened. The Customer cosse d for botid. Poediiig coon t'Inc victim roffocod injuries lo lito 0ur,i "out tite 39115 klock of Mi- andsovorol keys. covesed thaI somenen was drin- Perporoal HelpSchool,i 123 cahot of $194,05, freto a drog wos refonded for greca rien. rince dato May 3 1 , 2000. elicIt cod maclb ama. l-ta war ox- chadi.00e. 'l'ho bog 000loivcd ing oflmilh hcn brolhoc's con. The Chuorcir Srocol, wet bookenivitu ounce, A vi,'e ortly unfilccr ibscovod he ne bagne woofed to de baci- ported to St. l'rane is Hospital fon Olfrednrls) domogod drywolt 0711, e coli phono atud utrivooltave- JuvenIle drinking cae, wltich mas parked os 1ko lomolitnto io rho 000es ight boors ib ebene cperladiy ptociog iloms ness muIr Domivieks The con- inoatmeni. Police otircar uliovipi- aonraurrdittg woll-rovontad corn ci Apcil 9. Polico said tirol u 0- itits ceo dii carols. Pillion noid the Five toccai I oswoccciiç'd for street io forint of a homo io the lotir hinjacbct pocket und st coves fo trine loti iba snore uvd will con- od lo 000noct OSHA, hoi tecnicod cochino and nvecioolly loosened icclu byt 2-inch glass wisdom bag oc,ioiuioo coton consolo iv iho erdinosce rickets and for posons. 7500 black of Lake Streall bcgcn 4 orino o visu lo Osco Drag, 2773 foCi Coeporarn. He afro waafu o norris passo. Police officer con- il rosora Wa that ancorad ir in cedar ivio brokcv to gaio ,'tocca n io a Otto, l'ue foiogL"i ovorhotid door sia itou d cananroptioc of alcohol moving mmlbocrd caLake Pliogslort Road. Scoacity stopyod followap invenfigarion andto taciod Si. Pravda Hospilot aod iodislodgeil.Miscoltasnous locked ecicnioccbossu ooio doer. hod been left open, police said. b yoeninoe April 24 cIter o colt Street bat Ihn wamaa could not tite toco aflerhr exiled Iho orase. sign coiriptaitifs fo cassa vif frem mus told victim mal is sioble eon- clothing hsogjosr ocitido the of- Once insule, the possen opencol A litter lift toen itikon i sosto wan placed cogardingrospi- seethe deivoc. A Gtnovicwwomae mho he offenderti iccatan ing hint. dillon. fico woo ciao taken. A lockod drsk drawers and closci doors of h osinosn. inho 7030 block of ci000 blue '89 Dod getan mot A goest at the Oreen Motel, bought oho hod soldlic'roar folios Drive. Tb trito dciii oc- metal looker confaising candi- ito oeloisriuo ma bot rot ilrmv ay' foaod iocracif left wiih IO ccvi- Retail Theft packed io nbc 7700 black 0f Nor- s000tu cud food temI was pried 91 tONorlb Waakngoo Road, carne d sciocuimo on Aprii 25. s Burglary yonsed io ho fnkctu. cric'tini Oie yordcio . Poluoc noud An employS or Sparfmaef indico, Whao police arrived they open and domaged. The offendor rook away loare tiraso good When rho boviecav crones canne lito 0' Ot000 bud parano d iovovot. the 72011block otDnmpsteauawo hod Ihejuvocil esosi'i ho Vue aed A loandramarinIhn 8600 Is) exited via the once dooc. The sight's rant oftochochecked io title rho boniding, h cocuyo d os April 22. A rouid who come lit Attempted Armed ai v000ipo pcioteo cii hrn ear Aynul timo in hit mid-iOn conceal I pr. foand in plain view a bottle ofgio block of Cold won robbod of owner told po licorital aoohlcoe Robbery overhead door liad beco opeon.d etnon the reom dise overo d ihcl o I 8. S'fuori oho and o percollo I boy- nieva Nika novvinfs horv tiroir and caps that offoedors raid worn 5300-$400 in q Octrors and o pou tovrdromoi in Mr. Peon poet woo Av employee of Rositockac's end ihn fono lifimioniog. -OFF loft the atoro without poytrig. The filled wish gis cod encoge laico. at work glooco No known hccgtariecd iv ho uomo macnec colot totoviaico, a laotp und hirco - ah ocsweeC valued of $74.99. Thn A peatablo benoth foal was asad to mnaas of corny as no force shown pillows, voiced ingrrhcr ai $50$, 61 00 W. Etempster abolit Iwo works cgo. mero missing from ihr 000m WAR SOUVENIRS Merlin's Morton Grove ANY OF THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: overa ighr Apsil 22. Po licear o ir- WANTED MUFPLENMB0E (847) 966-6350 veatigating. A huai nosairr theh$00 block of GERMAN. JAPANESE FULL SERVICE OIL CHANGE REG. $25.95 Dempsior Slecol roporlodthur Includes: 9495Lube Up To 5 Quarts Of Oil FREE thereplants,valuedclanon TRANSMISSION SERVICE-REG, $44,95 DIGITAL PHONE $2,000 ondos osrarogocaniraot, & New Filter -nIls lana i meen taboo aomolimo bolmeer FRONTSUSPENSION'. DIFFERENTIAL SERVICE-REG. $24.95 Aprii 19 ucd April 21. Fatico said Any 'I rho h olieron owoor disoovorod Front Suspension Work SEWER SERVICE the misuiiig plants but liad no idea I 2%OFF Plasm, 51900 I ANTI-FREEZE COOLANT SERVICE-REG. $4995 INCLUDES mho might have ekes thorn. LONG DISTANCE BRAkES - LICETIME WARRANTY SEWER & DRAIN CLEANING Burglary l°rieato Nibs colicelor will I NILES DES PLAINES Ifyou can't Flusft...were there ¡na Rush! A g000go door ioiho1100 pay up to $2,000 fer ana of 4Wheots $22 OFF il hind or a whala collection 2 Wheels Carsspiole 8430 DEMPSTER 1340 LEE STREET block of Oak Pork waa beckotu $44 OFFComplete i irlo sameiiinO kniwoen April IO o, Swerdo, Daggam, Modulo, 827-0500 296-7059 UNLIMITED and April 21. Police aaid thai o Uou(aovs Gens er Melmosa Regular Price On All NIGHTS & WEEKENDS i -877-872-3060 pry triai moo used to opes iba gar- fILL PICK Iplll ILL fAI CAlli. 10% OFF Exhaust Services CHICAGO ago doac. Sisee hilo owner of the L I ' FAST 24 I-lOUA EMERGENCY SERVICE garage was away On cacautos, it Ali noassociaoliO otIs anon dis050sm ou nula cecyono. fripions 0-2.O0 6116 MILWAUKEE AT ELSTON (773) 631-9691 mua ankoown ifanything woo ro- 847 .390 6883 GREAT mocad in thç brook-in. RATES 7 Days A Week No Hidden Charges Two cameras, noxorol audtit Serving Illinois & Wisconsin arid compact Ailes, a coorpatel FAST IBEX CO1VIPUTERS LOW-COST 150 300500 . and o ltandhetd retexioicowocs' toben is a oafborgtory is ihr 7055 PROFESSIONAL (847) 299 -5380 CUSTOM-BUILT HYDFtD JETTING block of Lunio Axonac, Ttuo cci 135 SEROVICE COMJ'U'f ERS 25 150 FREE PO/PtiER NODDING Completo woc ponkod vo rho cinool io lecci GOLF MILL SHOPPING CENTER (NEXT TO JC PENNEY) tn-Home .V1DEO INSPECTIONS Home Raddlat of u borne ovarutighil Apoll 23. Estimate 1f EAR tiAlinA f ITS There mas ro sign of Lanced oc- ley. SATURDAYS SAME DAY SERVICE 20% OFF NOTASSE I tERSO FREE ON SITE UPGRADING & REPAIR ESTIMATES CALL FOR ech. MiTteln Deceptive Practices DETAILS A 24-yoao-oid Nitos roaric000 r I orrested Aprii 2 I on o ehorgo of . NEW & USED SYSTEMS VAin Or On iba Wk @ macoAinnechCallclaninc.can Locally Owned & Operated dccnptive practicas. Poiicc moro UPGRADING SPEAKERS + Stars Haunt M-W-f 10-6, p-Tbo-p, 5w. 0-3 called ta o husmeos in tire 7900 20% OFF Senior Citizens Discount block of GalflOcad os a napoel oh REPAIRS MICROPHONE + Airtech Cellular Inc. os rmployro mriting hod chocks. r ON-SITE SERVICE Pica Cneceo levi locaninor Ta Omar Yac. Tho moo roportodly hod been ANY SERVICE Park Ridge MaMen Grove Wriling checks or av accituor liai NETWORKING OUSE=$9.95 Valid with coapon only, Limit one per enn000mog. pygwtgcgctand pudiflgcr, llflto6f 02120 ltlokmaaltd Metnaaftaar, lL63 Member of Better Business Bureau ho told pofico he know woo cl- fn0aren CaninO S C vats,Lct al lacions,, itroolin, C Gait Raall . liEB DESIGN/HOSTING Offer expiren $/31/00 Croflol 847-292-1003 WIsst 847-an-lili rrady closed, Hr indicated lo pa- Commercial- Residential tien that Ito coas willing to pay fon I. J Iba loas. Court dolo was sol fon Mop 2. Tile eauair'p,E,'reoarosoAv, M604, oara l'Sue on l'AGE14 111E BUGL,TIIUISDAY, MAY 4,2000 r:I . i u--*: i . u . Chicago 2000 Attic Playhouse presents'Play On!' Weiss Hospital to honor MCAts Vernissage'00 previews Art Cello and violin lilo Manoum ofConaemyortrry foosionolu and onitor arr louons. 'lito MCA IS nlfforiltp Ill'tropa. Art IMCAI, Ciricugo, atna000000 nod i scopoate d io be nirunod by aloI 'rlcrlminongo P,t Irtmn Icools P,t. memoryof Gene Siskel areno Iban 45,000 orninmnrs frtrw Irtla Fr crn,io o far 56(111 tnrtl Palmnnr . Vernioaage 'CO. the MCAc 19mb concertos wrap upseries tELI .11'..-'...... Weins Memorial Itrrupiial will rilar bita tien wrIlnahe piace anvaul oprnng heneinl ginlirnod May I 2-15. ft:r 54011. BolIm poakagos iniciada Iraner tIra memory oC movie cru- wnlhpnierninoledimgcrique Ittosmow of Ant Clrioogo 2001) 00 Vernissage, a Prorolr norm far VerrinantrgO hobels. Art Ciniango delnnohn, and ethers on Sunday, wnrrairmn5 261111 p05000 and va101Im/Ilimu. and Classical stytings orihe cello io Gene hobel tri Arlioglna lo- sparlI aad manie rnemerohilia, Mtry I I.Gar of Ihn wool eagonly ari o ponlafo . mccoy and violin will highlIght the fi- May 7 at 3 pOr. ir Iba Library'n iernolierlrt Raoccoorac nr Salar- rnioeaaniguicorti kcatesard aniiciyalcd onceno al tito ayring day" orni ouggeric nl leonor gy ard anion parking te weil rs ttdnIilnn:n,ii nala of ha I 8th Young Steinway Petty Audilerbom, day. Muy 2g. we isvilntiano in ha entallo on aalosdor, Veanissugo '00 nflensoncilelnn cr11nhaivamneondtiro honohln, Spnnrl.Lirmtic bolt lot Vor- Concert Saneo at Skokia Public Skekbe Pnbliu Library, local- "Grin is u geeai Way ta barer nito iulaoiniaa rhow ER. patrono an early aiomiog ei Ann oparing of Ibis onajorrdonceE, nbvra(rotnrc S A opoaial Vom- Library. Irene Lee, or eccom- cdei 5215 OakLen SIren, a ihr memory cf Gene Sishol,' M enienreion d will Pnnrnnoe aira Chiotnga 2ghtS, hic lnrgcnl mierra- wlniob allrnoto mero than 2.01/lt rirnoge gooey di,acollolian,ffered plislrednielinirt from Buffalo apeoretirepublic Monday said formar Chicago Baar and building et a atnOo.oi-llra-aat. ir- hobel espasitian of modoso and g000in las the tltroo Innur pronicaa. for g roapso I lii or I tnn:rolt 590 Grove, and Dane Johonser, a through Pnidey fram 9 n.m. to 9 latevimior Speer anahoa Johnny irmSiu000re anm and emeageney 000lemparary erl in iba Anton. Int aildilien la a praoiow afIlio Orn pot ponvnrn . Fao further :nlmtntoa- ralliaifrern Feirbnnkr, Ababa pto., Satcrdny frenr 9 ta S Marcio, cocol ue-oharimar. daparlmoni at Wainn. Thin rrinjer cou. Vomnianage '00 lakes pltnae el feir, Vernissage 00 balaren 00w. lioo aboai Veroinaae. mvalailing willpremanoseiretionnfrom p.m., and Scedeyfiore2 pto. 'Overthe years, Gear. wito war anpanli anwillassare Weiss' Iho hininric Navy Pier im PasticcI piim000ivay bonn and hmraa palma louai horofiia, ploaso cali Brahma,Shnetakeoich Meo- ra S p.m. on avid h anreracir if fan. ellen con tir000acrtt emitmert to do- Hall ai 605 [aal Grand Avenan. dImoaaaos. theMCAaliTi2l 597-3068. niteeded Ibis cornu in ouppoal nf volop ir0000boe troatwern, nnd Tho uni proviow will rar fran 7 Woinr I000pilal.' psrnur madem medioal brook- anAl 10p.m. wirhtnPalsae Rocoy- LE BREAffAST Johnny Murrio, Kery Momio throagho onClricaga'sNarlh litrs hogirloingnt4 p.m. offernag n TI'S FOaorS nataraor t earn-tan LEISRUNCFI arid J Irrte t Rcohmrrr will samas Sido. prianle. cony vm000iog and halter nasa, team . tren LELUNCH ovonrca.cloa irman, Io rIre upirii For lickonv or tnnlrlinional mmm- Semnimot Otice, bee Plomeo, old- iirrro Hollywood,tins mr, nun n Cooled t.irdít SaIrifimarr Vomninsage io orgariood by tiro Prak Rdne. Chkrgn of OtAThRlNrSt a OBRad Pimn tri 773.564-7272 Wotru Melma- Woiocn'n Ooard of ho MCA. &Moamnnt3000e /0:1ra OuvIrt nv/I icalots dtrn.'clrtr a CriapyThia Parao mitnlt-ltmspinalnu loaaiod at4h46 Voroinctigo '00 moon chtnio is tao. ahcrou,tridmocan yosiorv and a Piron la Theo Pan ChirkmaaRibe Ubernb Marine Gniao, Chmrtngnt. w 0510cc Ilcatibics. A e,ntio nol qonlyn J0000.LIpIco and aocntl a Doobic Itocnh a Soadmmhao oie oclratris Mioholle Sal/rimIal- SCPd%MBIE OVER EASY OR 999 land. bonb MCA 1/amone Board 8166Milwaukee Ave. Nues, IL GET HASTED SUNNYSIDE UI rnrennhora. V 0,0mm t150iv gclier. I COUPON r--r-1 COUPON r-'--i COUPON You 5a1 braalabonb lha mop:craearr, Bruna h rrloflah rar Uno caree theatre group 01300g dnapmr- Nues Concert Choir a pOnvorc-4 hy A Encobon jarreOrtar Pore & GetVou,SetOflr entrara Aoyttrirrs litai cae ge Wrung. . deco,in litio irilotiaun eawedp abad a Inns. ly so you bilme at Le Peep. Egga - Alnitnos and ElIltooe5ildanZonna. s Lanon I craal Or carrer carre Farjurr 924 OFF plaza $1500 $1300 preparad yea dozen wayn. titer 0a04 Mon404.SarerdaY cIta. arel> io pat err e piay. to perform Ann Clnicaoo 2000, prwlaand I 2000: Fridays and Salardeyo el S p.m.and Saodayro al 3 p.m. MEAL-DEAL MEAl. DEAL Paocakem, OJ, 155%Iorar Orad cntyrrrearaurmia (tried. Pe,farmaecea reo through May 20, byTI, orrov Blaaklnnann Aaltr- $4S0 Lumen I (tarir005 Onenert IrrOra. Special Saturday malio9eo 00 May 23& 20 at 3 p.m. aiatov. foanales a mid osa,io Itt al u OFF a Erras lança liMitS PSa r la5e STogies Roo Colombian collue.Cnbmpy lai Vette Wtrh 004 Other DUel. diacuanla are given ta Sedar Cmi,- 71ro Nibs Corcant Clroir will 1/471 2119.4464. a I PAfElitr,at3oda I purchaoe and $15 al doer. Special arnwoak ikul roogra fnnmr,ptnnn- alEfig flIrt el toda bacon and savory nausage.I MOnO0. non an ta 2:30pm TickEr are $14 advanced rollS "Twa proven iGabrielPaarer'En- litoNilonCorcorn Cinoir, 00 r P518 letiaora Military Peraanrae! arrd grnupa. $29Dinner packagee are available wor modonn monlara i 0101mo of S ebrea a FgEESeliYnry A great brealilast, at o lairI SalDan , I am ir 2:30pm vana, Studeoln with ID, quiem' ard 'Caelio1uo do Join0 I ramm led n 964 by rIna 6cv. OFF mosTe's I antararatrea Marta. remo lOdtlyS0106 challoogieg and m000Ta's price, named cosh a umile. Gayo Pram Italy Peeiacraet"located in the aume baildmny. Stivino its zrnnul npringceo. Sntnmmloy RadaU, wan begun in epaSfl,'s (Juat nantir e> Route 22/Hall aorlrouorsial undulo. The onpoon- Attic Playlraaoe in located at 490SlteddaO Read, Highroaod, Illirrain. sert May 7 nl SI. Jahn Srobooi tanpamnactr 1h ovenv ho noaniod s EVAÑSTON PARK RIDGE rionI 000lioarv Chioagir'v Iradiltoo , Highwaad train atauco). Canh,rlioCunorrin.0307 NorIh rico tr prrliimt 01111 tO nnpyarlo. too o, OVrItO . StOlmtt ntrepptng CIClI el Groen Say Road; aarann from the ROSATl5 s5-5855. - OtO COrroO aireo i.Emn oton uablo9 Day Read; ene black aunt -'nuanielontn alìcoal mooring ploao 0411 328-4000 loot) 310-1031 pl000n nell; (847) 433-2660. Ft.nnlonrrirrNibs. Tito conicart trnly IO hoar tIra fr001 ahomnl litar- FaO lrcketn or buyer informai,na will hogio rl 4:30 pro. The allot, tI Into litar woo rapidly dinayyran- far collooloru. cararOro, arI pro. nc codon tir,dircotnar of Scoli lOg.Irr 997,Falber Radcki Ankorrhrrg, a woll-known maui- na lira 4 annd Arkovbarg becaba LUNCH William Eddins sc5----q ci.orna nob coodualor io Cirlcage. ha orenma 4 nro arar. ir ASE Taue acleida noill ho fcurared: The Stiro C caler I Choir ia an g;SsT moNiti as guest I' JADE EAST* itidilo Farsi,mopnanonnal tnll-vntloatlaar ST.00iaeakoie. ji 00 Sunday, Muyl4ila.ihr Tobi Wand, hato. Moonboru catare fram 25 oammc- CHINESE RESTAURANT tlorrlrbtook Symphony Orehoa. Takeln aro SIS in adoa000 nition to the North anni Nanti- e1J1' Noot ra Saper Trakt ira will fretare ur frreri cerrdac. ortO S 2 al the dona. ChildrOnaeo.' mccl suburbs aridrom am fue Ristorante Ita!iano 741 Civic Cernee PlacaaWauekmgan Ed, & Oalctneo St, ter iSod ynunrr e lrcliiriqae of Irre ard groap ronco any ttoanta- alcoy ou Chicoga'u uoarh sob- OftWaokegaa Rd. lteiweem Oaklen & Steward St. Im Nilen William Eddios. Timprosraw, bIoPint nicken inlaronaatoo. call nnrbo and irViscaasir. OPEN MOTHER'S DAY 11:00AM. ,chrclr in billed am Americana & We Feature Broadway,will includo Sarikv Mongolian RE, Walnut SheimprJade Cost ClnlCkitflr Up rite ltarrd by Gorubwin, Sed ithe, ?½, A rar,. . Laver Mao, A rrrrara rlin PaccO Guisado, Skit Fried bish Fillet (Saleta roam ndarrr te Chano Paca).Ai Orange Beef, Seasame Chicken, First Sig/mt, some Bomrimmn un. Cha/1b%me' g?J,wzcA Traditional ChopSueys, Chow Meinor lechona from WenSide Story E S T A U RAN T Egg Fao Youag, Fried Rice,Lo Mein, etc, and OrttimeTororr uod finally k Eli- ($47) 966-1616Fax (847) 966-1930 romo hoijuar trumpet in an 704A OrrktOSt.. Nila PEB47-g67-00790 Olee-te, Coaly.Oaa, Drlicerp irr('iottPariaasyby eemporer - CallNowFor MothersDay Reservation Datte Ellingiao. The profoaro CELEBRATE Lox Bagets a Cream Cheese a FreshFruit ail> amo fcelare loza Trompai. 'aa,rjjakeHer Out For Mother's Day. . Marcio Sramrv, tvho in aaid "in aPoached SalmonShrimpaHand Carved Beef h ooaaa bebop emergen bar almo he,c:siJ45 mallory nor ea a bound.' She Deserves It! a ATd'oRVETS Cooked To Order OmeletsWaffles a Pasta Thy POSO continuas to present Enjoy a fine dining experience with usand ittvery popularPee-Cotmooat AItfour EtegoustOiestasg000011es openforBrerakfaat. Danishes, Salads, Brushetta, DircarriartSonco.Joe Cuotil Lunch und DiflfleV For your DmOogPlecesurel receive a complimentary rose ror tHorn trill bo çaaluoed May 14th au tiro A Variety of Desserts and More! yaaot loot acoran d Ea dircuarton Motlaera flay Breakfast Speemia!o (1 p.m. to 10 p.m.) ho0iva proropubyai 2:30 p.m. $495 Adults Children Under 12 Irrar ta tira oetrceri. Tire aorreart n-ill be held ai 1ko (rarrtriroehlramrrcsurrnl Slrooly Ceotoa for tire Pcafarm- Make Your Reservations Today 6881N. Milwaukee Aveaue, Nues 60714 e 847/647-8282 Mothero DayDiarerer Speriala Private Partira Up To 100 People itro Ans ai Glcobaoak North AIlMajor CreditCords Accepted HigirScltaal,2300Slmnnnmr LIVId ENTERTAINMENT larbinLobI troeaia, t'tgofoh ...... $11.00 5NIGHTS A WEEK Road. Nontltbonak. Tbacorteonr VraI rra,c4l .$11.01 hogirir at 4 ptO. The mingle lick- (Irr lt r,Irvraealo iriot, raav mjaïre, Cve,C Ori1,,,1, Sta Des Plaines Oreodayn - Jrrdy Roberta arad Creo ttmutrnlaer - u peer to 9 poca o, pria alare 527/524/S IS/SN cl,rkr rfvrnrra ml IcrIeroni - 1881 Oakton DinnerReservations'Start at 4:00pm 141,30 pm tbroaalayr, - Jank Carr, Piamtra-Siogor - 7 pro to almud oc ciadeell. There surrt- For Reuervretiunrr Coil (847)967-9790 , (Cornerof OuIel.on & Des Plaines: River Rood) Wedaendrya - Jerry Omioga, trianlutslagor7 pea to 10,30 pm pic laco parkiog arauod thu draa- 222Greenwood, Glenview mandrIe - tare Jemrjrtm Barry, CiraiS Owophot A Bue Stilla -Spola I arr lt'r:rlr dtirohoarierirIrrndi- COMPLIMENTARY WINE 4!j Sa terraPays - Loo DiGaogi. Sanioo Banal - 9 pm to12r30 am otippod accosuiblo, For All Mothers andGrandmothers (847) 2986500 For Reservations Call Friday, May u - Morir Segoram - Daoev - 9 pm to I am C Irotac I PL'ru ori - Mu. J.C. Wa- eitie tloartse Specials0011yl 847 967-1222 Fnldog, Moy 12 . tory SaIllIr Stemm - 9 im in P aera clrole - Phoor (847) 272-11755. Broilitd Filet Migaron orPrimeR$h firmer nm BUGI,E,THURSOAY, MAY 4, 2101 PAGE II PAGE 16 TItE IIUGLE, THIJREIMV, MAY4, OlO ic» si.w*a w ¡L'y' Is I Open Mother's Day i t. i u-'J j a*: i The Les Turner Bring a little beauty Scouting for Food2090 Special Brunch Buffet ALS Foundation drama at litai dsp, Some nl ihasa pevplo livo io Map 3,20110. 10:00 AM - 3:00 FM 'Othello' dance M estovar yellktrows into your day sonda ,onere qoirc,l Io dv a gond mIro Ciricago oroa. lt in cam Irnpo thot ooeryond sponsors Tag Days will (Ian ,rt' llidir i,00rtn and put Dinner Menu Available 'FuegoEspanol 2000' Pireo el t itid000n beasr, 'reking trtnOdoily. Wl,rvovorIrrteis le cit eIfert In provide fend irr After 3:00 I'M The Les Turner ALS Founds- Dnntinican Usivrrsity Cnvter ,moire 00 l tend lIre10 55OiitIin a Ihn noody nf ntrrcortroiuoity. bags tri fond nel rs their door. lion anno unces plans foc ils sixth The courons will take placa Ssofinwillprovo elAtptr000t tue tutto Worts olcvaicl und twist- Scoot lisps rn Mop I 3, 2090 Ionpick- Turnus y Los Profundos Spun- ulf ilions into a froctcned rainy saoating nrgesinntiOv rvittirig In Nnntlswost Sahaehan annual Tag Days u campaign no Friday, Muy12 el 8 p.m.; Strep Preduetitrtsa' twartl- (,sosponunred,nodo up. 71,1v wìiltraly he e aery allori- COMPLIMENTARY GLASS OF ish Dance Company ulm00050s i,ile is rok-it Alptiaflol Snap Pro' put fonth lilo churl to help schleu Cousait oocuring In Chvcago and a num- Snrorrluy, May 13 or 2 p.m. c,sd wtr!ringrtrtistcatatlapturian nl aguiO, e vpocioi fnvd, gnod him skIa oat en ynOn pomi. Grid will the world premiere of a now dacrions 40cv bort. Childnos wilt in tietulio ralo toe rariolirg. CHAMPAGNE FOR MOMS tren ofsurroundingsubarh I p.rO. and Sardny, Mny 14 al 2 Brrtrttinri tito ¡local, Sarundey Ftsr rarely slrowen ycirwit(rinany. wonk 'Atour y MumIe' based nyc ItIcolitig ltrc ctien;tolens 01101 Bern tlrnuglr trin mop he tIre rich. flojeescalledSeoaIie MAKE YOUR RESERVATION EARLY thOnagout the mends nf May lo p.50., followod by uguie beorlil rd Sund;ty, Msty 20 end 21, ot I i ii (raid rniiny h(evsingvIriryiier kind. on ShulcospnarnsOshètlo und tire porlo rnrenco ! A rinliglrtftrl. err coirniny is Ihn ,veild, Psod. This yo.'miran drree will ho ruino funds and awareness for al 4 Irre., al rhoHareld Wash- put. is sito Fitta Arts haitdtvg, lisio oro intoy clsornograpttod for Los Preferì- Iivc iy. k-vi noto porlontonnac that iii itongine thai in Mey, th d tt c st h opino Library Asdiluriam, 400 7900 W. Divisivo SlIcer. people living bore icho diitat Osplanation tugs will ho Ich or 'To lied ont monís oharet Scsmst- byS r id Spa iv not tir bc rrrivrrd, g (AL1) S. Stele Street io Ckiengo. Tick' Tisislrottpe nf cdull ucInen (rove osoirgti frrcd io coi, Sari year deor kmnhn onMop 6, 2095 ing Fer Foanl please aoniadt: Tickotsfon E oars ty'arrrltire Riggio's commonly known us Loa Glr- et prices ere $10, $15 fer uts- trill brirtg boil specie! hrcsd of rl Oonnrlry O'Neill aI'1h7-699b. Othello rsddjfrontuIhn Il tara t era $7. Tri parat reas rich' ihirik of lut cc,initosr ntnorher end pick op nl fond will he on rIgs d sarao o.Coinciding wHir Fuego 2000 feorunes neo- dorsO md anniors, and $55 for wOgic ted Orenlitvcsr te tite vIer al,itrinrr wbn g,,irsrigny oveny 7530 Oakton, Nues, IL 60714 ALS Awurenoss MoorS, rho oar- the gota bsneftl iseluding peefor' air ntnry of t sclSsit pniecc wits cta drIo rrvnre itilorOletiirn. clorrinat Sponish dance end Ira. rtrevr cciitIro Dominicos Un,- leus Chicagotand Tag Days wilt manco. (Call 54T.2W-flktS le nrustrr. rl, tito levs uf obnsrctiiul :.".'-o 847-698-3346 rtjtìooet flamenco. Gansr dunoer vcrviiy Conics Slogo bon ok-rae 7'' .'' 5e'rS....' be hold 00 rho wooknndu re Mey Orrnada hora Luis Monroro, n urdon; fus 841.256-5318; or o- triaitlen Sc brookbn vsi1 apoll MIKE'S HAPPY at 17051524-0042. O erring "distirgainhedye1. reniementoup0000rof nl! veil [email protected]). kcnps Irin,irappod rslin HAUL AWAY levy ALS ep000s end largo eel- ire ofSprninlr dairce. UNSEEN ludion Cons, Tag Deys volee- Foster care, aninvestment nero wilt preriolpere io (We ro -' threerourshifts ara aro- Chicago A Cappella 's - INSIGHT orvigoodinreeaectien, store or In the future restaurant. Donors wilt ercaive a FSVCHIC FAIK tee wish a pieleen of LoeGohrtg s Spring Benefit 2000 The oId neyirrg. "Our ckitdoos airildia-rira writ rveriir tiiccffr,rr. Iviunii o tiro rl ri,oOiiOgsahooi FL MAY 19TU 4-SO PM en one side and Feandarlos in- Ckioogo a cappollras Spring feucaso no escilieg raffle foe e iinert er fatcro!"isIran lnduy ti reca va, befcrc. As irremdril- tattar pirrOrriing avili bd hold ori SAT. MAY iON II-5 PM foonetios en rho hack. SeenOt 2000 will he a warns reipIn London vis Americro Thr following Tog Doy ee! dicoarcrnniecc 4 1mm rhein Wcdrrotduy, MtrO 17 ut l p.w. tI uTh:Ti ovonieg nf losghtof and music. Airlines, os well ou s fekalcus si- Criirotia CkOriiiev, (rS I W. Luko, Old SIales, Hauses, brIms, eoliosdrivesereschodaled nu the ersoomblo hesS on mli- lenlseodno. hen,cv, tir'ire nil Icr firvtcr pen- Psychic PAE&tV nom toil \Vcdrcaday, Mey and Oeragos Cleonell Oint, Chicago (NW/ParkRidge) - mote gothoring aL Ike boualiful Chicogo a.rappolla'o Spring i.'his:Ircaorric r and niere Chraogar is io er 7r.reat Corirolia Citen- SUNS MAY ZOSI :E:&-'ijsrn May 20; Des Ptsieos - TOD; Three Arts Cab el Chicago. The BoschI 2000 willlake ploco aritiitet.C;rthoticCheriticv re:, 1Dc1 ires WaatSashunbon 010cr. 1405 j Olooniow -Msy 2 90 13; gilled siagrrs of Ckìcege a rap- Thursday, Msy 11, 9;30 p.m., al uiOlnO Ieiititics end individticlv R BUY OLD V!ODEl CE BOXES PM 6 PM $SOOO reia Norrhhneek - Mey 20; Skekirlpella will preformrotos end Ilse Three ASs Club, 1305 N. cena nrncdcheat ckitdrcrt urd S, Auvtrn, Ciooro. P snvonto f oit Sigi up by May $5m £oassren - May 22 & 23. tiro Ito crcofoerse ritresoilies io rctigiiiao. reaiat tnd ethnic back' WE HAUL MOST 5110751M duels io an infeoyal cabaret sol- Dernborn Paokwuy in Chicago. The oroovdv une welvowo. For noci- arrnrnt3 w. nsU? 1I. 1'Ucm, ]T1I. For loure isfeerrsation abealring. 0000v wilt enjuy mien, Tickets aro $35 nach, or Iwo fer annaidar Invron peronting . 01 rATtrTtSltlillllnJ Tal 011oiclnrto 7507 MilwaskoeHiles 184'?) 647-1460 Tsg Deys er ru velasleee io to- .tnvnStt,r riir nl tisis, onongyard io0 roorrstr rn Onoriniireirtortiitt- sers duoaeveos, coffer and des. $60. For lickelu or mere infer- irr lives nl tresanecdy nur .cuti (3 t 2) 055-7200. (773) 645-3735 rWr-Vk-': n5)r)'V X°ev,c P1-rnnsrn.O8O8 ccl cuwmuoiriOscullrtso Los5051, while erlaoing in Ihn corn- laurino, call 17731 755.1621, oc loas ir Turner ALS Foandarton officefooshlo elogesce nf hic Clircu- l.000-SIOID-WOW (000174k- ut(047)679-3312,onvisirgo loodwuek. TIte cunning will 4969). www.lrsru000rals.ueg. Dancing The Hillels of Special Ballroom the# TJia JØ1/t Illinois Annual for Singles Ontrs'o Sunday, May 14,2000 Special Batlracw Dancing for Loasafton: Moflen Ai cosida n Logron Hall ui 6140 LONE TREE MANOR Benefit Stogies -' Susday E vveirt g, Mey Tkc Hillole of Illineiv Annual 13 oioputon , Morbo Orneo,IL. RESTAURANT r- 21, 2030. Banquets At TamI Nues Park District Rendir hes beers sckeds)od foe Tkn Sparru Scndoy Er'cving 00053. 7730 N. Milwko Ayo., NiIc, IIlnoi 60714 Toosdoy rvnsing.Jaoe 13, 2000, Tiers; 7170 to 15.30 p.nt. Mu- Pi on(847) 967.0966 Clublei\5rid osta 4,Di voncra L 6676 W. Howard St. orrIte Felmon Heuso Millos in and Sisgtc Adults rothenjoy ca tic by The Awhuvvudcsv. Ckicago. Proceeds will go ro- Mcmkerst 5k; llaosiv: $7. POLISH & AMERICAN SMORGASBORD - BANQUETS MONDAY SPECItLI Any Plzza1I2 Price After I pm DinIn On'y eveni 0g et Boltresor Dancing io .547.965- Nues, IL 60174 OnrSrnorgasbord ¡nc?,,4 esso,, eÍ/:iirgfor everyone? wends the sappnnr offlillot's pro- rho vmoetltirias a of ''The Am- CcrracrtHeilirrc PARTY ROOB AVAILABLE57 PACKAGE grerns fer Jewish students at usi- Irits,r'rlrirt ." Bnirg a Prided osd 073(1. versi tissue d collogos threagheul t vas r Ion cassius . tIto groator Chicugoluod area astri DoorF Open AtNoon-Buffet At 1:00 pm K(flte Illionia. Tkis year's Benoftl svili k000r Adoption information $13.95 Adults - $6.95Ages 3-8 IMushroom Soup wlFresh Polish Sausage Dennis W. Caelles, a ntosokne of I Tise H,Ilels oflllineis Gevernisg meetings Reservations Only (847)581-3120 Roast Turkey w/Stuffing androsidontof 3.00 OFF2OO OFF Cowmilsioo Ir lese stod ponrnnv. cr01151led Adeanced reservo tiros vvaold . Breaded Pork Chops, Beef, Chicken ONANY PIZZA . DINE-IN ONLY ON ANY PIZZA Insert tase stat Gtcocor. Me. Caeltes is o prefes- so leers nrore cheat rho srdoplios ho ap pnaaiuiç'd. Plnr,or sell Arito ,.cS/nw utaÇ' (,4is'frrro-t ser el rr000wìes ut the Universi- s BBQ Ribs, Ham & Sweet Potatoes (Es,5t stat Misinsnlss,rnn5r.Il® pro arraan dopti cvnava labIo to Droll ci (3 121 655.706k lcool,crnsLtrurrr E,ecnsrsr sollt tcassnenrrnuntansr.ssçAslilnli,tO5 y efCtsrcogo Ijecduuto Scttool of Ibero sr iofoemai tvOntiogs stpon' Not Your Typical . Beef Strogonoff & Mashed Potatoes Banianos estd esecutive vice peel' voted by (tre Curlrotia Clterrtiast iderrtcfLcuocon. Iso, Adopiicir Ocpaninrcni. Percent Auto Repair e Pork With Stuffed Plums Tire Bebbi DuniolI. Lnifnr el all rcligicac. racle! or cthnic MAIN AUÎOIIOThiE,INC. LWAY$OPEN Award for Frefessionul SacrI- backgsiiurd venasa cl anuro lo an- corn will be prearoto ri toMacla No Fine Print Smoked Roast Loin tend. 8356 SKOKIE BLvD. N[1KOS SPECIAL. . . Baker, direcror uf Ilse William e Cheesecake ' Kolacaki R9TAURANT Adeptrrrn lvfnnrnutran Mcci- No Surprises Jilt BUSINESS LUNCHEON end Mildred Levine Hillel Center tngv will beheld er ihr lritlow' SKoK, IL 60077 rlIke Univeesily of Illisois al s ChruscikiPacaki ing 4510v: No Preèsure *MELROSE SPINACH OMELETTES Chicage. Ms. Boker iv colekeut' Thuns,, Moo I I at lii ros., Sr, OPEN 7 DAYS ing 9 paons ofescorplesy service (847) 933-0108 Choose From 50 ltenìs , IcwcphFlrispìtol.Menirr Claw "As Bias A BaseballMitt us ,rt-ltltcl prefeslionat. INSPECTIONI LOCAL FREE Class Of%\'iIICW,'ithBtilIet Room, 2900 N. Lake Si rumDr., TT fTIAWTfTr & Popeyed with Enough Spinach Ctrainiog SeneSi '2000 ano Cliiattge;Sor.. Miry13 atIS INCLUDES: Daniel Pisct,cl cfkiigkland Park; w jW3J..TEd ' BRING THE FAMILY um.. l'oliati A rile nievoArr-irala- flEE ROTATION I TOWING . In "OUST A MIJSCLO" PAT BRUNO - Osa TImas Ctrrl Levine of Win,rerku; Ils J. lire, 3654 N Cicale. Cirrcagir; . FRESH FRUIT I.,.'tars ,irstrondialn past chair cf OIL CHANGE & FIVFER SOUPS: Matos BallChicken Bath Sweet 8 Sour Cabbage Thais . Slay 25 or 6315 p.rrr.. CHECKFLUIDS'&BRA1ES I BIG SWEET TABLE the G corroie g Cummission o! Coil lidia Ciitreities, CiSl W. Lake :h, . VIE SPECIALIZE IN PASTA i STIlI FRY DISHES Tka Hillels uf lllioeia end r resi- . ., , $2500 Fresh Fish Daily Stracl, CirraagO $ Op CJ8PEN!oE. deer efGlnerce; and De. Musc H. 72O N. Calciwell, Nues, IL 91511k0 sfHiglslend Park. 4/ Coavrrl fue Ihn Benefit is $250 ., .W/Rep! From Lone Tree Manor (847) 588-1500 pee person.. $125 por ponaon fer ' Most Reservations Requested For hear ardor 30. PIrase call (312) Groups Of 4 Or More! 32a3 N. Broadway, Chicago, Illinois 60657 l773 321-2060 444.2167 (er nesnrvotirrrls sad luchses isfunwalinn. .:i. TIlE BUGLE, TIII1IISIOAY, MAY 4, 5005 PAGE tO l'AGE 18 flio mtoLo, TIlitonInAY, MAY 4, tmo :I Alliance, FSB surpasses New exhibit to open at .-s-.i w ¡ - ___ I -1 $50 million asset mark Oakton's Koehnline Gallery Atlienee Fndnrai Savings ident if tisny hare n probtew or a GiattcittgBuck, network by tot paittinr and peittimukan, was p.m. nr Moodvyn, Tumdayu end Free business tax seminar Bunk bus nnnoanued litaitatal tpeeiui titnutien," said Citlam. Fridays, and from IO am. - 6 Illinois CPA Society to host "Giving firent cuntomee neeoiuo Citicagons John Piltnao Woher, horn itt 1942 to o Southern ftp- asneO unspotted $50 miilien as Citi hither, u white eetivist mho P.tit. net Wedtiondayn and murs- of March 3 t, 2050, Aiiianoe is n it lite bent way wo ens eotopele willhe exhibitedatOaktoo to help you getstarted iesglttagainntracial negroga- days, through May 20. Bogio. 2000 spring conferences fullseruiecbanklocatedin with the trig dewnlowt unti out- Cesnmeviiy Coliogo's William A.Keohnlioc Gallery feces lion, attd u Rastiun Jewisit matit- ring Titosday, Mey 35, tIto Gol- The 2000 E8t81e & Gift Thx Holiday Imt City Center in Citi. totes vl-ntnto bankt." noii CPA Saoicty at (312) 993- Yea'vofinally takott tito ond willinelodrivitice Nues. The Bnnb won organizod 0e wito was pessiotaic shoot la- rey it opon Manday - Tharodny, Confnrnnewillbnheldon As of March 31, 2000, Alli- 'l'acsday, Muy 9 thevagh Friday, COgO (31)0 EntI Gltio, (3121 787- 0393 (anitltin Illineiv), or fon to pinngc and decided to niurl yonr tacit at rocord koepitg, enlitna:. in 6999 und oporod for banisrsa bor and sociel juetico fritte IO act. - 7 Ieee, For moro Toendoy, May lei, at thRoto- atico, F05 Itod total aoneln of lisse16, Tito antint will uttrvd isesos. ylno) Thin oonfot-ootc willoit- (312) 993-9432. To ecgistvv or- own bunitteun, ne tve tcriunnly cdlenes,etttpinymeni tnOnn. in Jane of that ycor. ivfurmaeioo, contact Nutirutt mont Convention Conter in Ron- 15 I .9 mii tiott noti totol depositt tite Gpoieing Reception frem 5 - This buekgrennd nhaped We- dato CPAs+ CFOs, anditorn, fi- lIve log on te, ecnnidering doing no. \Vitiir you pensions cod hanineso nne of car "We're very pleated with tite Harpar, Gallery ctrnter, at 10471 tttOttt 1555 North River Rond, of 940.3 eiiltiart. Tho Bank itad 9 p.m. oe Mey 9 at tho Galtc, hoe's phiioreyhieul upptnaoh to naitotol pia nnern, consultants, at-, woy ho att enperi in poor lino of and humo, as welt as imporiCtol tenmeedeun gremsh maso nspo- 635-2633 or vinit (847) 692-2220). Thin oonfor- opened 2,900 depetit u000uris. loouted at Onkion'n Des Plaines hir art. Diunaiog Book, inspired orvoys, pennine ootuorics, platt work, itow tttauit do you koow informatico from the nIeto. rinneed since oponieg the Bank wmio.enktvo,odulnewv/exenin/ L'vCC wtil aducato CPAs, law- Alliance affurn clenching end campuS, 1605 tOast Golf Road, by Iba artist'snealysis nf old tdntinintratortottdhatnan re- Teasing about snot atid which fonno to TIto nest werkshop will hc ittJune 1999,"naid Edweed family phetn0wphn at he no- galicry. yeta, cttnvultantt and other fi- toxrcc o necatixon ,oiltite talent flic? told May 17 from 8:35 ao:. tu Menkat, ekainonn of lite Bank'n NOW aaeeuois, enetifieatot of The onhibis and the r000pdon cro froc and opon in the publie. toned middle ago, rcoealn an ioti- ttavcial profrsnionain who CttOttgot taking pInce inho in- and Bullying Tite good Ouwn itbol itolp is t :30 p.m. ut tite Sntoll Basitcus bnnrd nf diroeiorv. "We wem daponiin, homo sad coesnmer Glattrintg Buck is a sones of mttie lock into Wnbcr'n child- proctior or itovo att intoront in on- davtry and the nrwoa t plans be- on tite tsay. Tito t:ttorttoi Rovo- Administration'offlauat500 cottfldent that there wen a need loam nod safrty dopant benes. Woluoitto to yarottin, gtattdpar- new works, ercaled in the lost hood und family. tate pl,winiEr g, ostato and gift tan ing offcrod to titey may contivuc nne $oroico uttd tito Stttuii Sani- Wmt Mudinvn, Suite 12511iv in Niten fvr a commnnity based Fee more informatiatt, ovetnot ottts, to,ecitorn , fricods and noiit- iwo peoran nd dinptuycd for the The William A. Knohnlinc or bavittrnn valaation, on innova- to prvctdc valuable benefit pack- nest Adroinintration arc protect- Chicago. Snarnial insiiiaiior." Allinnec, FSB at(5471 966- boro.Picone joilt Esther Huent, 79m. Orts time. Woher, a manetirt, ea- Gulicry in opon from IS am, - 5 fao catato planning niratogion agoa. Award winnittg ìnotmctor ing workthops doniguod for tito Rcgintrativn in roqoirod.ti "Allisnec, PSB inihr only for tito yerman client typen they und too capeo, Al Groase, will guest npeokcr from Ariinglon in bend qstflor cd io Payoholugicai entail bstincrt asonar aod tho yos teed additiettal infortouiiu::, honk that nerve. 'ropian of dincaanion will tutu ttnv lIto intpoct of tite latent Sertliccafor a Nues," naid Lawronoe Chlatrt, toand able dinonsnion oo'ihc in- neif-cntplaynd. Tito cuureu witt cati Morgati Wise ai 13121 906 velado Itdaaiary intorno ton in- lcgivlativo dnoclopteentn. Otknr tac of tooting at tite niosnenlary ptovido you witit at eriontuliors 0705 or (3121 066-2250. prosidont of the Bank. "Thera yarniosuronco trttntt, financial oostiuoa will addronn global ben- bankingfacititian te ncltooi and coping Strategien tS of tite varions buninenn. atrae- ose il tnvtkots. enlato irinnoing for tité oUts, the netionat and leoni in- Hiles, bat Alliance itIho onty Icuolt our chuidren. cidorly, agy'ron sivo yttst vortritt altennorroandingtite office itoec." DopaG- Mark vaut enloodur foe Taos- ova witit itt mum entait tan itloontog and ooiatiova meut of Labor, recent Friends of the Altionee atirihales itt growth fat cliontn toitit andtion wenith. doy, Mulei, 2000 at 7 ut tite ,tcooan irgan d reporting dovol- Path Vtow Scituat., 6200 Luko ta persunolierd and frinndty can' The 2000 Eatoto attd Gift Tax aptncnts, fringo bonefitt and lite tom etnoes icc. "Our outremers s troc t, Morton Grove- Maltipar- Chicago River Cottforoncr will ran front 8:25 vow 5500. sao conto in and rath to the peco- am. utttit 4:45 pitt., with cooti- Tito 2000 flwplcyce Benofitn Thu friends of tito Cttioago -s Piwuoo coton to leant locro Ayo.). Free toed - masic - prima - nontal breakfast and chock-in Coolo ron000't itrutt front 6:25 liver wilt ho ro.tponnoring a gantes - fun and canne ritleo un Garden Club of about thin iteportant beginning at 7:30 nw. Tho rag- alo. anttl 4:45 tin., svittt wgis- otean up of the Chicago River in tito river. Poe more information CANDY &NUT ittr[ttion cost for the cooforonoc offreS ait of nnl Leers how wo Morton Grove ration beginning al 7:30 ant, Mortott Greve at tisa Beckwith cali Bub ni 847105 l-t014. ' it $259 for Soctaty tttc inbonn and Tho reginteution coot it $259 for onninto rootto ta help our vtniidren Brtdge on Satneday May 13, from Tho Garden Club nf Morton MANUFACTURER S29tl I otnon-ttta otboto. Portici- Socicty etuonboen nnd $299 for to Chop dnn'rbecome the vicdm io am. ihm iS noon. Pece T- Grove uuitl hold its asnaut Spvtng orihu bully. Your inynt in tended pantnwilltoca ive Itiflit IX) con- noo-soontbora. Patticipatttn wtll Sitirts wilt be gixon cat io tIte par- Luncheon at The Brittle Coser, tixci 0gprofcsniottatcdacntiot rccoive (8) 000linaing profot- lo tooko titis work is oar comotu- tictpunta. Ait aro welcome. Bock. 026 E. Rned Road, Meant Prot- voy! Sportored by the PTO. Ro- t- rotlitt for ottcvtting. nionnt education croditn for al- with Bcidgc isIhieck went vf pout. cit Tacs., Muy 16. 0er pttt. ircthtnooit will ho novood. 'titofinnin CPA Sociotyl inedia0. Austin Ave. botwoon Dowpsfor gram "t'ha Splendors ofSpring" Poondatiot willItontitt 2000 Pur atoro infortoatiox on atty attd GolfRd. A picttio will luliano Lt he given by Mr. Robert 5 I Evtployoo Brnofitn Conforonca 13 Gorgeous of lito ab ox000n fcr0000n, ut to Enitisindrvrtnpcsl Issorr ley io Ricer Punk, Chicago (Pastor tto Wndnodcy, May 24, at ho rogintor, yioa u000n tact the liii- tetton tisa.. argoteront, Axe.iblack cuvtof Kedzio Mr. Ftiono bus boon u runuwt rn4rnwwrnnwrn n dasigoot lcr Ovot 45 500es. His Gift Baskets croditstec tamorcut, ivcicdtog 7?moTuWrLOV[, R'S DAY gartt danig ncrattlto Natictnnt 1 BAKERY Symp otiunt of the Atoctican ta- . Wicker Trays With Welcome to Hartwell House stitulo offlorot dosi gnots. The Finest in Assisted Living for Older Adults Thorn teilt be u giant railla with Mom's Favorite Nuts. OUTLET hundeeds of prizes, loilasving iho MAY 14TH paogrum. Suoiulhuar t tam. artwehi House it an elegant asvisted living OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Lavohoer 12saar. DoratioO informotiot . Chocolate Cremes Of J-L-rcvidencc located at 5520 N. itaaliea, jant We Carry Brownberry & Thomas Producto SIS. Furtiohat pioate call 966-4264. Your Choice In Gift minutes from Luke SItare Drive on Chicago's north Washington Commons Shopping Conter side. Hurtvvcii t'lause oilers n fictuibie asninted living lts A Jungle program that recoarages privacy sod independence, Golf & Washington Morton Grove Box For Grandma while aise promating cumpanionvltip and new 847/967-9420 Out There Jceanvlatv Lsihcrn Soitool in- I cxpgrtcoect. uitcs the cammattity ta its asraat Great Ceramic Gift Ideas Al l-iartwoll i-lttosc one monthly fer covers your ptay nigitt 0? Peiday, May 12, ni 7 .: p choice ufprivale talios, uil ofwltigh have individuai ' svrm p.ttt. lite nchaat it located at For Your Loved One. iii Morton baths equipped with either a skawer or tub. Additinnoi amenities melado a resluuranl- Ne1:1N\1NNs 621 8 Capuliva Ace G terce .'l'bL'Ou'Oriso bogint toith slyte diuistg program, providing three meats per day, and u variety ofsociat, edneatinnal, hicKititlorgarteniltrougli0th unai caitural pragramn. . VALUABLE COUPON grade play, a ittasical entitled "lia Request To Include Your Personal Gift in Gift Baskets l'lartwell t'toste iv tponsaretl by United Methudint Homes & Services,a nonprofit A Jooglo Out 'rhoec."Tito 6th prtroidcr afhonsing and sopportivo services for elder adutln fer mare titan l0O'years. Por ii tritag li 8th geadero mitithen st I7 Peototit t mystery: "uts Bingnioy more information, or to schednie u tone oul'tartwelt l'tenne, please cali (773) 275-24110. licite." Refrashmoots wilt ho WITH YOUR PURCHASE NAME si.'tOO d iftue tito pity. Thc'rots oc o OF $25.00 OR MORE. adtnissiuit citatge. ADDRESS i F COUPON MUST BE BOLD OUT CoMEiflEfi. i With With Sun,, May 7 i s. ,. . I S i COUPON PER 9tStTQNLY, ThisCoupon This Coupon 20- & 30-Something Sin- 5OF PHONE V . . s All You Can Buy Up To You Can Buy Up To gins lo ENTENMANN'S ill ENTENMANNS Twontyflemalhing 06 TbirlySo' metflitrfl Singles Baeiuls - Ihe Visit OurRetail Store BAKED GOOD ITEMS MON-FRI 7-6 BAKED GOOD ITEMS ,lowinh Cnorreetinn, Mea, OF YOUR CHOICE Nanso: OF YOUR CHOICE Wnwnn, Mutis & Puy, ptay the SATURDAY9-3 7500 Linder Skokie I wnnrltl like Holiday and Speciafty Holiday ared Specialty Datieg Garne god tige np tan WE (Between Toohy & Howard on Linden) PERSONAL lye MngiS Memenr Dato Seek CHECKS more information Address: items cot ieciodnd ilama not included ai the Radiosas Hatol L:oeoio- SHIP ACCEPTED on linriwell Malo FloorConceit a,P,s. City: wood, 7)677-NUTS flOtte: Zip: (84 house. $1.i 9Each $1.i 9Each Stern, 4505 W. Teuhy Aoe., iaosfrtuiAcKu9Ep605tlsg5Ly Lioenlnwond, I mi eust al 94- 't'empi tette : I 0900 on nLgctI oes p000vcts OnLY varo 05Cc A? Emt Maceos 00610 SIlLY nf ON?E18eYn6S 4?Edens, Buodny. May 7, sacro solio 7:30-15:30 p.551. Agen 2? leSs Hariwnit hlons, 51120 N. mutina, Chiengo, IL 60640 590558 SORt? =2ol Ca05tYtirt4't?Oeon'lY (mue in 45), $5. Muiling usi _ L (8471 317-1 171, TIIC 105G1,E, TIIURSIMY, MAY 4, lOren PAGE 20 -I-lIE BUGLE,TIIIII000AY, MAY 4, 2000 SPECIAL NEWS RELEASE AARP to lawmakers: time is now FOR YOUR I00$tLTH Park Ridge looks . I NuesSenior Citizens VILLAGE 01° MILES SENIOR CENTER for circuit-breaker increase The Nibs SoniorCenbnr bon ntomy uobisinion, osomnln, und poem- into safer cell Dozens of members of the Il- _I onloliors rlsromrginoot tite worth, Ore of oor vreni imyorboiti ro' phone use mois Generai Assembly snot 588 8420-588 8000 spomsikilisios in so present moulut imfonrotion und honlik nen000- wills iop AARP lead oro onsise D; irgs for us, monthors. Flenlrn immok io onir woehly sewn embonos The Pork Ridge Cuy Cnsrvil Stase Capitol this monnnh io din- j NSLES SENIOR CENTER REGISTRATION for shone incallim rolalod items, Fbeaoo join ns for ono or sovre of and I'oiioe Dopurmmeol ore vor- zoss isnoon in sino 2000 legisle- "TOTAL CHOLESTEROL" TESTING the ovosss. For more iefommosion, or so reginier, please coli 585- Tino Oiles Senior Center - 999 Ciniz Censor Doive, kehird corood wink revomi safety cuyos 7lto Morions Grove Deporlmetnl of Fanoily & Sentier Sereines 8420. liVo !zsninn importassi io older Villn$e 01011. nerves Viliogo of Nibs residonis, oeo 62 ond oser roporss iinkivg orli pknno usnge Itas arrargod fsr Rescreocbiom tIompitol's Heinllls Monncgcns000l orsd ikeir younger spouses. To register for clamses, snips, pur- BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING wilit oiri nc500mo d nunshor uf au- - Loin Onnyned mid Fnograro to dr foil potrei olnolesierol 505hs11. Tisis isnvolvosr chase inehels, Oie., yon snonb ro ho o merrbrr of Ike Cenen. For Slood Prevssre S0000niog is Wednendey, Mop IS, frnm I pm. tomrrbiie aooidonts. Im resporsr AARP nupparss changos in the hlmod deaw feonv line orse ovd will lesi burl ettalesl000l, ODI,, odditirrol irfnmnronion . nr FR140 membership' pinoso call or la 3:35 pnv. No oppaintmori noodod. program tison would reine 1hz oir- LDL ard triglycerides. 'I'ostiog is ovoilobic froren 7 io IO oto. or viril ord he plocod err she nnniling unI. STROKE PREVENTION LECTURE la hmm Priiice Ckirf Sob Colon- kur begun mnrkimg snub call breaker iocrono eligihilily Smbnndoy,May óar bino PrnririeVicw Community Censor. The toot VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Strcke Presontiom Ledere im Tkunnduy, Moy IIml 2 p.m. oIo lisilfrotenlinoeanrotnl $16000 is $15 and eestnieied in Moment Creso rosidonto, Appoivsrnennis COMPUTER MId are nendod lo unnins ether Lyon Ulsoobnok ei Rosorreeliom Modieai Corteo will tolh oboui 55010 logislotors to inirnd000 u pon yaon no 2$gyy of lha fodoral nw rrzecbsory, Ploanocali Nancy Rnymotdo al470'5246. TIss 10ml minien nduils iii leorring te o s000ns ponoro, oppromimosoly 2 to 4 nigntu und symptoms 000 nitoho !I how lo prosernl ii. Rogisira- buinvinivk mould prohibit 1ko roquiron iacbirg fon I 2 Incoen prior so ihe appoinsmncrnl hmm. Wa- porerly oral, winicln is approxi bourn a week. Compusor ouporioneco required. Teaming Wilt kv lintrin noquirod. - uso ofeoll phones wkiie driving. stably $2 I 000 for an iodividaal ion in nllowenb. Reclino medicalinmn litai cnsn be inker wktnour praeidcd. Plooneconsoos Mniry Swoesov ni 568-8420. NUTRITIONAL NEEDS POS THE OLDER ADULT TIsisbili,if snrudn mie o low ord $28000 for oraplon. AARP food stnoald be baker. Avy qoossirms, coil Mmry Key Amdroeoi, MEALS ON IFHEELS DROVERS a rollo oded io detisvn wools Neirisiomol Needs fnr the Older Adsit is Feidnny, Mny 12 os 2 would offoon ko 00lire nioto of io nino oupponling ospansdinsg liso 11,0., Viilagc Nurse, a1663-0 08. lo Nibs koorckrund elderly, wookduyr besweem I I vm. to 12:30 p.m. A mnirisionui s000nnirg und Ioduro miii ko gloom by Rosar- corressi coverage nap aflSOO per Tine Ree crroc itonn Iloollir Mannagcmtovt Frogrcm will do o Pet. Pleonoenonuct Kelly on 580-8425. rection Mndicnl Ceolor. In he nmoueiimeilseFaek year, lowering fies sed olinninni- lrrnn'-op I velcro er issnerprciing eholesleeoi inni resells B 9:30 S RidgeCity Coeoeii is oommidee. nr gasrocesnn ny waiting poriods arre. oe Tyandry, Moy 16 in lito Villogo Hull. Results will ho dis- CENTER WEEK SENIOR ing rho impicmcelaiiun of a io- . before a qonlifird senior can ro- triboRd at Ike leclom. For boro maIrIe to ollrrd, msstio will ko ? MAY 14 . MAY 28 Purses thefts from Nues col ordinrnroo which mould pro- mat o crvo assist oocevvn tinpeanesip- Sonnirr Cerrror Work in a mpoeioi woek fer os oolneinaiimg wink tmrbst coil phono uso while Pictured (I- r» Pot Polea, AARP Logtntalts'e Vetoolot' g HEALTH SMART SEMINARS , nor dnag tillo. y verlor scat Colehrosior ofSonions wkoro sso menor hose soniorn shoppers continues driving im Punk Ridgo. Drivers Finally, line Rep. Louis Lao5 (D - Sbobie). Tisis following enries efnpeeiol "Hoolbh Smart Sesnsincrn' witt AARP groap I90 yonrrs und oser und norior vooples u'tso mnrniod io 1955. Ro- arc ndvisodlemeroIbleir ko prono oled el I 2:35p.m. or Mvmdoys atibo Prairiv Viom Cow- roll asked legislatore so pase o bill 290f, o'ltictr won inirodacod et feovleweels nmd daily rafgom veiSbekold? T wowone on who repartosl mitin movih. pinones off wlmilo drivimg. If it in i ooroas Ing rorsomrr prolooiioos eneoily Conter: "Gsteoporvnic," May 8; assd "Clrolensorol- The ' blinis pulsen stoics Oruns k'rOOOry tho reqoent of Comptroller Don A leephoto ir the cement law Io u nmmilor ircislern nboys e!sr- mmhnoirmroi yn000 smory toroe the ir the proseo4 funorat, Killon WilIniss," May 22, l'o roginler, call Ceihorine Dean al 1ko storm ai ilmo 7955 block mf Mii. burial Hyvos, also or Oanreo fund so ollonrs snyene -- ìvctsding con LOCAL SPELLING BEE TO BE HELD MAY 31 liv'r,mr nmmth ornvo mom told polico pinomn, doroom aro odoisod by aodroo totzrynnduairn os. NB Macleo Grove Posh Disiricl, 965-1250. All menions aro welcome noponbicipote io oueloeol mpellivg bee waukco os, April 19, ano usnoog help mitin ctoasop of ahoodorod Orsiots -- ro occesn O book oc- rimai os sko mus smbaodirg gro- timo POPS 5v peumiso r io u nufe BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING remodeled forWodveudoy, May 3 I ai IO n.m. Study list is csoiia- litortaml revomi vioiimn in a cerro iina pmmnkimg ial cml cOornt ifhey boso 1h canoras t 1ko area r mnmoo ko Ike'ir voll. ltotdcr's Pesiodie blood pross oro nnrosvremrnl in inrlpfol ist deleinnim- bIo an nnnoo ofnvgislrobnom. The wiuooe and In truerce up will rvp. nrnisg of niroilor bhofis sheaogh- 8255 bisch of Golf Road, a car bonrk number, 00000m l'aimmie mmii lic nmtovrmatirg she PHOTO IDENTIFICATION CARDS climberend ing ifkootsh is Ikrvotemnel by lsiln blood peonnaro lkypnrnovsios). roer! ib eon ecelorutusogievul oveus. 001 rho ViSugo of Nues. o mue k lior shoppir gcaoon d o SoeiolSecoeity moo of coli yhoros end their role Slate oftltioons "Pholo ldoetiflronioo Cords' will bo esood rcmbor. Sonno bhioves hove nsed Hypenesnior is a ceoiribstar leword strokes, bocen dineaseumd MAY TICKET SALES While sbnpping ato towol ymmuig mire 00001,04 055 fromri 1ko by no traNe acvidenim.11 kas be- he Snorotany of Stato on ho Finns Nnnionnal Bothof Morbo bark drafbn lo drain tltousnntdn of kidney foiloee. Urfonsunolely, bnypertemsion osvmilp boy mc Tkosi,'evo vi.snnomtunse to Wodrrosduy, May itrIo II snore- limed vnara uy tho morsnirmg of 1ko p:msseegrr'ssido, md grabbed nynopiams vo o perron eon frot genol nod non koow drop huso ri. 00m cuppnror i,hob eoklle nomn Gravo, 6201 Dempntzr Street, between 9:30am. and 2:30 p.m. dollars from umsonpeo ting eme- lt Inert Ctsack hrrliskot aooilabìlrty. !Snh, onowomon di.neososcd lion peesemre I of ihc curt. Fsos.'seroons mou one offored form 9 se 8vo Teesdoy, Muy 9 may ho pal nut by ko nufony pro- on Wednnendoy, May 24. Cards aro free nr eiti100n 65e andvr .sonner n, claimingslsoymooded J ir,rr Lino Lrnrrct bm d Alunie io lVedrneodnrv, J nIls' 7 nne 121100,1. liaimor purso, svhich conirinoni Cemvmn,ovder Darrnci Halley persons wilts disahitinizi. Ttro card is a000ptod an o solid Ivres of lito ,scoorsnnnsnn born no "verify" in Ike Moetov Graso Villogo Null Senior Corser, Today you eniil enjoy on li:nliur Svhmonino Sandwich and Chiyn 673 cmmnh cod Svocronimmeends I cimmrime Sites Polivo Doponm- caulios!boingrecommoedod, ndennificationnjsst titeot drivers license. 000attnentv required fon tttotlisoOCcoostholder hod COMMISSION ON AGING loltosced Iry Inn manic. Noinirrg F011i 1999, FG-I 31, nm oejoyeble mc sr said nirnnm frrmm sIne book mmi taking nimm.'mimo oniaosly ran noce issaa000 of the cord ser Sooisl Soosrisy Cand, pinstwo occopta. '000v 0 volooblo prize." TIto Morros Gsoso Commission mn Agiog will mold inn nesi rnrrtrlrutie conned ycraedn g lutiaRoboers and Higln Gromi. L;mtorrlmLsIrOic warning, a timc'rOprmnis ho iveirl rvmu000 tiLo- ibincomo,homo lamimos, nnd obb- monnnlrly moelimg ob I p.m. vo Tuesdoy, Mey 9 ir 1ko Merlos '15 bin forms op idnstiScaniov that provideEnareno, dono ofhintin, rovi- 0 InnIby nst sire Co,, ter-CorIno I) orreorvn',Ii Ca io Snrsndssn, Jnnsrr mccurd woirm,Emma.suvlrr'.rdnng by rolamod, cod mimor a policy se- from d.nrgorousaccidents denny nnd nignotaso. Croco Viltoge IdolI. Tke commission poosidos on oreoo for dis- t t, i J o,,a ba4p.en. Dun ofinroanrorer Il bogim wink u mcal'fcaiur. groes'nirvrv lab nemear' rl lcrry'n oomii,'rmi0v is io rk omner kv. mimmil u'cornooth. Civic Center cossnee und pi unsrE cg of services und psogncms io bnncfsl Mor- ing Rumi Park Loir vsinh Applo Dncvnimg, Vi osneso Fried FrurtMmmliv!, junn acrossilmo Ice Grcve'ssrn mr citizen populosion. All insorosled nesidensu Cleickor, Pamby Suinorad Pviaiaos, Groan 50000 Ammondino, vmeoom from ko Jewol. Tko wmrm. All styles of Easy Spirit shoes Sr Men Mies are welcome te nilend. Rails anni S rorsoios . IMoal sorno d 12 noon io ip.10.1 Then pot Im neid p mile o ihat mho heond ii CHINATOWN I PILSEN TOUR 0m roordoreins gslruona s Dlv Puoi unid Enlore spin all prIor fuvvr- 51000m und tarro d to nro a oeoo treat Morn Fo A Reduced to $5995 Limited Offer! Brunswick Bowl Chinatown has grown dsosnraiieally cod iakns ism rouis from inc sanen. Cost, SS. romoving lier mba rome from tito siso oniginul loeulinn io lOSS's on Clark und Von Buron 500015. Cltnnrtir Pro.rein, Coenrors Trip io Tsneedoy, Jnsnso 13, It evens. to hans sonrlmf bco dry.'l'ho sun- Bay of Beauty! Special sale on purses and handbags Wed., April S, 2000 P1mm, home of Polink ond Czook vomesnnilien in Ike tato 19th 5:30p.rrr. Wkrn Chantic goes orstogo on 5hz Donry Loro Theenro, Inc ucd neothor won u'cro soco oesnrroy is proven uy 95% Mevicon-Amesious. The Prairie View rl ronrod'r cuco innr for a roui iroar. Enjoy u lcnoh 01' cuInos Pniod i r ligimt.vnrinerod vehicle lloeimng FOrmil5l I-tarrCrrminrn Girc k CoeuiînculeSpccbol $2,00 Ol Musniccre TEAMSTANDINGS W L Trosot Club mill loco lisis orzo ov Wodoesdmy, May Ill. Fmseml- Shrinrry on Seof/Ckickuv Cosgbo poror io tise show. $47. od by Cltieogo Nei5tnborIsnod 10005, ihn snip imotodos a nsrroiod Er'vnrilr g 05 Itro Conn tor'"Soc/c Plop" io '/rnosday, Jrnnne 27, 5 'Iwo days rusher, o porno wus Come ¡n to enter to wina complete l.#l3Condtelighlsnnlr67 31 walk dnnsagk she bourn of Ckivatov'n undu hes tour of Pilsen. pin. nrr S:3Sp.rrr. I_ri's slurs wink a I sear ny neal feuloring102 sInk sopvrio A rnisnimif from n shop- FULL SERVICE SALON 2.#l6Cmiloro&Caslino ht37 The dey woobd noi tre eemplere withoos o visu of SBQ Elks. Fried Chiehco, Curo, Colo Sinss, Sokod Sonnmv prog east cl anobhon Jowol vn ho kitchen or bath remodeling! 3.#t9Pemny'sTossn io 1ko Mexicos NEW CLIENT SPECIALS 5k 42 Pire Arm CenserMosnom, 1ko salions largeor Mosican Mosearrn and Dcvnorlt l'hos orjoy rho fr001 music ofihr Fitnios an u-o boon 8705 block of Donspsloe, asd a CSeroinng Ynu For Over 70 Yearn 4.#l4SkojoToreaco#253 43 lynn vas, rapomoni u kur purse sino ACRYLIC ) 5.#l2Molec&samsPH 54 44 and a eragmilseoni Innols os 1ko Flsmosio Rent ourom s feobseirg dr- liar fieni coon "Sock Hop." Syoeinsi conionts ivcludivg u cesrome PERMS SILS.MPOO leetakic Cleirrosconirees. cr,nrcni cciii ko brold. SIC. ioni fieimm ln 'ro irt us 56v unload. COLOR NAils 6.#t5Skojc#1 53 45 ROlLER ,ljT p L . , A The bun will leuso Ike Prairie Viow Cowmaniiy Center at O GENERAL TICKET SALES od lice geccenic n in iho porkivg $500 s 7.6SSlolrPsrnnnWAS 5345 leiai Dvinm,mch's or 1ko 5905 $1000 8.#I7FDRP0sI923 am., ord notano obaus 3 p.m. The cons is $36 for nesidonis, and Picoso Coli ForTickol As'unlobiiiny $1000 5246 562 for ror-nosidnnln. For furnlrnr inrlmnrntanioo, coIl Catinorino buick ol Gracowood, ml 01nOvOt OFF OFF 9,#7CotomiclpH MonlnerNu br!re 'edel cennbnnro Trip, Prides0, Mcny /2, 9:15u.nnn. io Gyp FULL OfT $240 Dorrrn on 5ko MorIon Grove Pork Distnics, 965-205. Ir moo ap ro rho wrrnvus's vont 10.622 Cafeßravo 415 ia.rrn. Stun with o viril no ko SVuror Roviamanirtm Plann r' 3 I .5 46.5 eluding the Deep Tunnel Pnojron. Ther enjoy a troisreoninog and u pum.sorgorsomnoo A her (Mention Ad) ll.#iülohnnßeito 50 48 TAKE TOME FOR THURSDAY lunch os sino Flame Rontacrusn. Cheosc Suit Siouk, Orcos,rl iillO .Tini!in 5h en000n d shofi l2,#6MieolliBrvs. SS 48 7564 DEMPS1TER SrRELT 965-9000 "BUTTERFLY AND HUMMINGBIRD GARDEN" Chiekov vr Droogo Rvnnghy. Finit slop os tien Lisbto Sod Sclnrral trom 1korurking los reporlod 13.#4floabsnnasnorn 50 48 isis Morson Grace senior nnighbers ot tp.m. am Thursday, MORTON GROVE 14.#5Colaniol 40 50 Hacsr Roture Cesser. $20, (LONOR.E PL1lLt) Miny I I et she Prairie Viese Communiny Cenrer fon Iso syacnirl Srnrndnsy on rire Ceerlrr - Sprinngfrab in Srsnndoy, dlnrv St. t i 13.#2Alliamce 47.5 50.5 remiser, 'SntsrrSy und htumnniogkird Gardon." H,isnngas'mlsll Gabriel A. Ortiz 16,#IIREMAX 4053 in 4 p.rrr. Coichroto Sprirg ut Sprirsgfn'rr witir Soci Stroh'lrvrrtl. :.. .---.. __- - yard doese'I mean u hes000mnnon can't tieso n bulboefly and bunt- Bui rovo 4 Novdlos, Snoccoti, Solod sod D osnor t(Lervir ro nImio Aniimy l'on. Gabriel A. Orsìa Iran l7Al3Trosncor 435 oningirind garden. Plamlnvg n conlarnon gandnr cv a dock, pencIl, GARDENS 18.61 MannrchBglr 43 55 to I p.mmn.i Relu.susla ity Wnnvoak tubos nli 'sta ge. Si S. inrnivc d ai Fail S 'nono g, Colenni. palio. wiodou'r bon or kaleomy oar provide them wills asneck "HOOKED ON FISHING" bnrs, Ga,, irme corploic hanse mmli- 19.#18M.C.H. 38611 and give sIso hat noowvern o ottruvsivo sicns.Muni Goederon, -PI rrako dem, Finhirmf"ont nb/0010mmr7' b) rnrrmn'r T nearIns. SOnso 23, S LAWNS 20.621 Miner'n 38 60 tury mrcising. Increase Water Pressure Morion Tinilt wilt give vosmpleie insieuciions [or 1kO dolighifal Coking, yriocs lar mira Svk caeghr 21.#20J.F.Borhorshnp 860 unen. io 5 t tinjrry o day rn i) nrrnn f sIne bsisiniimg, the snildior I TREES summer prejncs. ikegisber ky caliissg Callsesino Doue ai sire Mor- snd clmmckos tooch. SS. Curpoirimog md Solmingociumi srm sr ,'in',rii:n. merlirocs'mvc im, troc iios im nlsili 22.#8NorlhShoreMolor 336S 15m Grove Pork Dislrici, 96-1211S. hie, Ragislrurion reniorred. Fnrs ivtornranrvo. cosine! Mary S. nodceronnonmies.rrap neadiog, No Chomiozin, No PipoRn- Poer shower pressure? BOOK DISCUSSION emeries,nuis,arycov biesrlid pincement, No mnns honnagn "HOI' SHOTS" DEAD SEA SCROLLS Sock Discossnon f rOOPniiO Ois mr Pnidny, M:ry 5 nr Iii nimm crmusrcslcm s, ylmyniomni iíisovs, OrsI 5051 POI noms $22S.00. br-Peor water flew at your 4J_fr //t/n Tncvol lo lIso Finid Ntuseum or Tliursdop, May 75 la soc rIto I anmd will disc'vn s Smmo ncinrrbmn5'rrn s ky Peto ktonnili, S I eomr ircionton mrd,nod Asrmey Imiviory and rodi- Condos Dtnoe Needler 602 creano GOarn000nd - kitchen sink? Apartments Business Dead Sen Scrolls, oro nf the world'st'rooron rancln000le'nui divcosnrvv ard rofeosimmeosn. Jome Zawionowskr SOI Srds. Moro thun 2SSSyeírrs old, ikeso scrolls include ihr aaslrnsi Bnre,ossen, Issppllsd Call us we can help CommercialHomes MAY FRIDAYS AI' THE MOVIES or nons nbc'noormf Dosis Toes' New Construction Sob Sebnank 572 curs!'sing copion efiho Old Tonbamoni ssnd oltror levis tisai toll an 525.50 Oisoourt with this Ad, Sirmgisng ins nino llrnirr i 19521 nviii ko nhvvco min Friday, S1:my 5 ai . pzntnmeiosofh000rnmn Linceo. Low PricesHigh Quality . Guaranteed Dnnn Barinicki 565 ukarni life in ovo 000irnt voilure. Please snoba nhnni lurtelrr! "on I I p.50. "Forhays rime gocetes mss!! vio nrmunical mmi all mmcc " Amman lIc aitoodod Mnnina Oasi l'ligln Reward Rimnmr 561 your 00m." 'riese in also u free srolley helw oenrnosoo ois lar lt'sSumIller, watgdng poor Free Estimates Hollywood ss is ehurgov trntrrr silons mveros su saiknov SVrmvmton Sclnoel, Funk Ridgo. BAIE A.ocIate,,Io,. No Hidden Charges Tom Foulon 555 ikevc wlnr, minis to onporionce Inn Aq sntrriono or Plrnnres onions b lnrd. foi songs rvibls Gosse Kelly, i)ehinic Roysrrbdv, mrd l)mmmrnnisl lawn and washing ynur gar w yrn. nolghborn. Dick Korns 551 nnissìon faon vvi inr,'iudod). Complete Weekly Maintenance O'Corrnrr. will be easier astd llore fon Mosgrnv Lonvis 542 l'tre Ines wsiI lennoo sire Prairie View Coorsounity Cemtor nl USE I ° Tstdd Dissona 542 MAYFI,OWER TOUR REVIEW witS good water pressuRe, 773-763-3670 11:30 0m., snod roloeo akoui 3p.m. l'ire cent rs S i 7 fnrr ooviderrnn, ½ Wodniovrtoy, May IS mmiIll a.,,! One-Time Service Lamy l°oediora 537 ktnyS rsin'c r 'Prior Precio!!' Cali us we can Eelp. und 528 for ontrn-residottto. Por bIlker infomnciior, colt Cunho- 'murs nirsccvnod rnelodc Aclamo io Now Engbannl, I)mrnmr Cnncrnsy THE s,ibto fleas us Ike Merino Gravo Pnrrk Dintrioi, 96.120S, 847-436-8195 Tise eissolls'ni t dc-ed is betlrrtlsnss AubcsrnrFrmlrmmjcnnmnd lvsOoontiiuvlrl 'rois, Rogisbrmrtmur rcnlannvd. BUGLE --,-.-.----.- Ia Ilse gs'rten1llnntios. PAGE Z2 Tilt BUG1,, TI1IDA' MA4 o I1iS;BiInSI,E, THURSDAY, 1bhP 4r2i500 PiSSE 23. * , h A . Maine Township Jewish OLPH Phoenix Reader responds to District 71 Out of funds? Support Group Dear Edlior ucd Dintdvl 71 Shocked - Sirarsu PIceno, tao- Congregation hosts successful brunch Miller and Besser tanpayerur Will District 71 need payer. Thn contrat nesssge of Isst und palos PIlIlo. Dent 5dilcr phones Octe are sod believe roc for being hit. ii asas unfair end it a referendum poned lo help se- monthtOLI'H PhoonixSupport Sepsuatod,Divorcod,Wid- I wonted la respond to Mr. THRY ARE sel vvaiehiog noI was daogeroun and i utilI torne up curo much needed fondu? Al the Deer Editor urd Board 5f Ed- Group is that rio, which isIisiog owod, sod thoir nupport circle, MulcancIter sounding cff so fu- fur yes no yes heiter be mulching carry limo I ge by Ihe csrour (sod rosons Stats of the Dinlricl, Sc- cession nf 71 : Our neighbor inH io o spirit of m oa000ss .is strut whs would like to sodcrstood and ncral prucouoionn sod now i want for them. see albern turning illrgally thora peeinteedeel Zulewuki iofonrord un Diitricl ?i in having finansicl holds us bach from loving again. hotter cawtusnicoto to Ist go of to add coronrents tu wIres Mr. If yea lirinkby ecliawing les) and i wairl iogotoaland tick- nmployoen Ihor the dislrisr in oui probiemo. Ham will thin uffovl Insur continuing jsuotnyto the spirit of me0500sr, oro on- Benoerhod to say no the suhjoct. vereclhieg yac 5w dciog gsed el suery sos of thom 1er al lessi of faodsl ! Disirict 7i bar slwuyn tire cducstioo cf the slsdenis? wholoonss wo wilt moot agaitt sr cuurcgod to atteod this lecture, While I ogreo with boils mon and loe monI Fr01501 peaple frein nercom ai ikemll cod yel life goss bccn ano of tito isp loo richoat We wauldrpyrculclsirecrieg Friday May S, 2000,as 73Op,m., which will br hold io McDonnell ubnui coolie15 and safety bring u anypelsirliuldanguru smurd reboot distdolo io iba slate cf Il- from ihn Dinlnlei 71 Board of whou Rovotond ftolwtl R. Roh- Hull, lscutrd n the bosrosoot uf pniwury csncorn sod I do cut llrcril, yac belIer bao sicoirol fer io;51 Educstios and hum they plan on nah will spook on rho topic of OceLudy ofPorprluul Help Cuth- have on soowor to he ovirty ir- everyone bossons there ars Ihors ihare ierI family sed friendo hen happonod lo all this roiuing the SbendaI peshlems. "Undorstandisg sod Bettor Com- ohs Chsrch, busIed as the cerner suus_ I strongly diougrur wills Ihr sube esel hardie it, cul poor per- galaro in roerolyoaru. Somelirnen money? Will our children ssffer Sireersiy, Staue and iCor msoicrtion." Rev. Rohrich is a of Grove and Chcrch Streets jo premiso litai we should aahitrsrily fuolon sal fer tirate sg uu willi Ihr stmnglh of oumbero arsuod because s! the look ef funds? Tuity. Viosondoo pniort, torapist, sudan Glroviow, IL. A dohalioc cf$4 in eliminato something else hut arrumo yns are killing wiih year you lu ihr soly comfari sucilahie cdocsto os Lito Chicsgo Atchdi- requested. ceuld pctooiially krieg drogor io recoin, slap criog woierired lsrvo al Ihe lime. I wsuid 1mbro uno 000ssn Matrimonial Tnibunol re- Far mom informutisocall drivera so buread, st 1h000ponsu Irtoweru, leaf blswern clv,, (sr lire that hansod hocaaso we can't lake gurdiog annulments. FIe is r frs- Bonnie al 847-677-fl2S. Tu sr- of ho ree! of ci. Whut happened cvoironl000 l's rake, and oh while iho time te renpccl euch ether an- NORMAL ROCKWELL qurot lecturor isvolvod in runge for trurssportotioo pleure io sur cultore when wo docjdcd Is you ere il, cur sul Ihone buffets Ill Ike very cod. CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY teaching triaran, aodpurish rom- call Turn Vrnoor al 312-SSS- 'protoci" everyone from foie, or fur liess of av wha sel ras much. Join lire Prairie View Tessei Club so Feiday, May IS vu hey I reslire thin will probably be nions, us wrIt as, conducts Fami- 1214. heir ewe ivuseotien or stupidily, Soarrdo absurd cod everhoard? lace Ihe avw Peggy Nelehsect Nature Munsum ard tirs Noaroao cnuops psiar pomi cf view end I lylMurniago Clirticsis Lomsst lad decided itacssfl't imperlavt Dead! You ese'l usos oserysos Rockwoli enhihit sr the Chicago Piintariesl Sucioly. Thu Peggy have ea denim lnyei ore to leodncppsrl Is lito ho- and i tisrevo elena to lry. Thiiigr In have bule mali NstebaeriMsnscm Chicago Acadomy ofSvisovesira000vlllog dirculcd ai me far enpsesring my resue d familiev on hair may is happen. hands un, rotoecci ive pisco le expIera ihe wend ef science sod Salad Bar Supper- Ihr funernl, er ihot sor Ioni heeor I errI truly sorry Ihal ramsoos opieiuo. Bui I did need is ger it esturo. Find oui why they mode ihn Chiasga River goss back- oui sod I far sos will be driving IllII erice canari. by ihn ihuw of wen fatally inursd during the fu- wards whimnopivring u 40' msdei of 0e arhsa river. Strait mare carefsliy lo uvsid geilieg - vapperl in he fcisily "slsyir5 10 nervi. Whal a Iragedy far u feroily thrssgh this glaot airiure alice milk rams 15 io 25 spacian el bru- A Touch of India hit by nievo who uro oui, arid ro getlirtiliraugit he oeruiena, the alrcedy griening und fer lbs paar lergier. Laneb mill brui rho Big Shouldorn hlevlssranr at Ihr Hin- TIse Prenbytoriau Warners! 6-8 pseplo. Rollo, donnert and car rips sod ho coleetcry geod- driver who prubsbly qaile moo- not cesso usylhieg royrelf. Thsl sued Socioly sod sfise lunch onjay a guided Iecrsflits Norrrrao World Sorviçr orgrnieotjso of beurrege will be provided. byes. enoily os'ver" usw il" verniog sad ia ail we vao easily da, And fer Mr. Millar, if I wane lu aiisnd Rockwell pictrirca for ihn Amosissn Peuple. Riles Csmmcnily Church, 7451 Erloslainwaalwill feature Wiry cent cue ratead, louk la bu hirn. You wander where did Thu her aeill leave Ihr Prairie Viow Ccrerosoiiy Cerror at educaliug paoyle egsiv, ro PAY life gei ne unfair forthsso pusyls. your fanerai, 1 would b onurs rs 86 perp!e gathered at Mai,e Toship Jewish Co,g;gationShaareEmet on March 5th for a W. Onksoo Slroot, Niles, s opon- Mro. Dee (Mcvi Peterson who 9:30 sal., cad return abusi 4 p.m. 'l'ha usai io $37 far ies'irloniu, nsriog the Aooaal Sclud Bar Sup- will presonl a program se lier ATFEHTION si cIl limeS Ot lire Bui I wan hit lent year by e car col fallow io a prscuaoisv au yac branch h&d o, behalfoftheJawfshUnited FudCampaig. The guestspeakor atashamor(s(Moshe wish. Everyone niissld get thai sod $44 far oso-residente. Fur farther infonrootico, vail Coihs. por, Tsoudoy, Muy 9 io Ihn Loo travels to India. Mro. Ferorson reali P Ye uelraa Id be driving de- Icroing illegally lati into mr cc I rineflono stttnsMoaiso Gravo Park Disinici, 965-120g. Waldoks, ca-editorofTha Big BookofJewish HLaor. Shovn at h event (from !ef) are Rabbi Edrn und Rubi Fellowship Hall on 6 o'olock will onhibil oat snip mtifacts lerorisly al all rieles. Iflhc lenor- Issu dnviog rkrsugh so Drmpnlsr osma ronpoorrolhair find wïnhst. Winier, Gaunt SpeakerMosha Waldoks andMartin LevyandMyma Buckman, Presidium, This suent freie India but, aira, sill display si prsccenico.tiro crubrilsoues, io 111v iNSiDE laos. i auucrssw aisnd$5,374 fsrtheJUF2000campaign Ihr palier, ele. srs-estar usrrd, tire ihm verniag until il Wan ice lais Sincorely, p.rouatjosis SS plus a salad far nariu, hoadwork, . ocurvea, plan F. Gardror womon's opporsI issludiog o bd- vlupid dnivern talking en abrir und I wan is os way reopanuibir Looking for a sense dal goss. Members cod friendo arr innI- rd Io eajoy an evening uf fellow' . br enrichment that skip pisa gain knawlodge of a TOØACCO OUTLET cesoIe)! tirai in vory pesrnioort in 4939 W.DEMPSTEIS chUrch affiliation loduy's aveeld. OKOICIEr IL 60077 Foe isfsrmntioo sali the 982.0981 .. hasnot provided? FAMILYOWNED AND OPERATED s FARt10471 ChswhOfhieeat 847-967-5921. - -- -.- wn THE SKAJA FAMILY HEATING&NACIINDFIIONING SINCE 1904 Holy Trinity It's time foryourAirConditioning 1047).932.0960 Episcopal Church 4 Buy 4 CIGARS GET i FREE . BUDSKAJA Inspection! SKAJA TERRACE Safetyand Efficiency OF EQEAL OR ienuen OALOe The warnen of Holy Triniiy 5580'I WHAT lUll CHAMPION - - - Siero Haars °orn - th',° 05% . - A properly perfcrivod ei reces!r Acore TEISitllCiANS° SItU, II . - raa,OA'a' 4A1 Epincapal Chsseh, 525$ N. Rse- Mnrr,.Pri.T-T a9r0 FUNERAL HOME MICKEYSKAJA iou Ave., Skekis, will hold their nublecad alf cisne yiuspeclieuio RIJ1?IIINXIE 9523 OlA cocIttIgNool uHITErT WOO Soi, u-nt San. 5-O 13 FIASE cuesco 7812N, MILWAUKEß AVENUE annusi RummageSslosaMay 5, erssrrsnu fe,rntiubieopnrallnn,RWaSI Ihn Cnadenser Cuti visiT DiJE WALK-IN HUMI500R PAR redsuos yaurcsolir ghillsord lOIN OUR SMOKERS CLUBAND SAVE MOBEtlit NUESILLINOIS 2555 leere f n.m. io3 p.m. Cloth. BClem lire Condensate Drain JACK SKAlA ieg, foeniioro, small spplia000n, oduers he ehmer utemolurrnpdre...SChechihn Aelsys, Cspaeiienn, CnnioclTrs - (14,7)966-7302 beaks and toys will he socle of atol PressUrS Bwliclias GPC NEWPORT Basic SCirrek The Frese and Oyeraiino Presnuree VICEROY ihn ilemn offered for rule. Tho -Tvlslsalr nuad utter Errrnsnlr,in EVE B flepalr any Laces Cennaclilen insidesoli church is located brlm000 Main Sthisnsl irr,ensnara. erisromsaan n $2329 Cambridge . nL . JIMSKAlA. and Gabby SIendo, sso block ipn Menear krsuglr arsIs,. PiiMOe Sinn SCheck ihe Comprastar Amparase $26.51 Sibil ri'cCfo7I SI(tJI b aro cee. Tranniil SerrallOnrsrrne, EChech ile Coodensar For and Moloc - SKAJA STANLEY west of Crowfsrd. Plnssr sail lbs $23.79+tu church e! 847-573- 1454 fur more crasos as Inaomenia i muleaier. SAdjsol lie Blower Teli lancine WINSTON 5:30-6:V SCheck FilirrE DORAL FUNERAL HOME BUDSKAJA JR. WE APSE COMMITTED - SCheckihe BenrirDe end LubricaSe SALEM MALIBUPyramid Enjoy sadat time -, ,r 3060 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE . TO BETTE'R. PRACTICES al needed Monarch st. Mark's lisersl SCheck lirermuetat Cniibrelloos CAMEL $22.29 provided - CHICAGO, ILLINOIS We wear shoe clasrinIs il prOIES ysiss Slainrmina II Share is a teed Tor additierai , - JOHN SKAlA EpiscopalChurch W We prcIice CnniemsrCimfte- il', alwayiyonr palie Se anoure este, reilaflie und $21.29 (773)342-3330 MARLBORO u Ian Social Center adj.cnt to dnctnianl economical nperaiior Maverick and heap you St. Mark's Episcopal Clrsmh. IA We uvlli answer yaar quesilors 58e u FufE Aonae, wo wthi checA year VIRGINIA SLIMS Gletwiew United 'Méthodist, hnmae Cae Connectors Io daiermlee ii They ERIC SKAJA 1559 Ridge Are., Baansisn, in- Irtlnrmsd ai ali lIncei Montc'airNatural Blend ChLlrch, 727 Harlem, Glei1viw r.itou Ike eomwaoily lajoin them W We wili provide worhmanshtp adasthai cdli are nidaTed and need rnplocemeni PARLIAMENT lcrrupecisl Rsssiso Vespern escred the price yes payl iiorth of Golf Road between' SKAJA BACHMANN W'li sii ass ,Iahliii,ssl cs's arr $22.51 Servies so Ssadoy, Map 7, 2001? iB li peace lei happy wtfr ser inobrlcian's $22.79 periermanco, we'llceme iraekafld do tire $26O1 6(50 Central and Gleiiview Roads FUNERAL HOME GORDON WOJDA cl S serviva will irrelado + tas 7715 ROUTE 14 lire Lilurfy aed Masis efihe Rsu' tuonA ayala ariifyoa'rn nalinied, sian Orrirodss church. Dr. Schert triilesiPark RIdge PREMIUM ONE $18 99TAX (847) 729-1015 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS MARK CIOLEK M, Pionier will direcihitoSi. EXT 55 A Save with our NEW Merkt Cusir. Please calithe . (815) 455-2233 Extra Privilege Ask for 847-647-9612 ALLITEMSAVAILAILE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. church ai 947-964-4856 foc reare Agreement! AcitmLSlcihWro iofamratiao. Details 800-261-8875 = dwue.EewdulAltari uniBUGLE, I1UIRBOAV, MAW 4 2009 PACE 25

PAGE 24 TIIEBUGLE,TflIJRSDAY,MAY4, 2000 - 5900W,Dempster Visit Yasukunai and thebonsais:. MendeIsoIsa Morton Grove by BarbaríA, Spring has coite to our yards, are sheltered in a ccatrolled 1cm- tite ac,lhelics ufahape, fatn asd T0T 847-663-1900 streets, and parks - and indoors, so peraLure, and hardy plcnls face style, like scalpling with a living nQiME Yosukwsai Bonsai Gardnn in skyward feool cpea starises, Both onrdiam. Il origisatnd is Chino Morton Grove, where thn buds tropical and hardy types ano used onrc2000ynara aga, but tha Sapa- T1W 1M are hr tissiat, is bonsai treatments, ors, adopted cad rellnrd it to lin, Yasskoaai providrs o spnciol- Bonsai pleoliags colar from ant fuan wnknow loday. TO TEIO1U OflIN ty gravier for bossai rnthusiasts. aarsrria,, soed, ce aven from a Bonsai's look and scalo is 5e- £\w 1Fr IE1LiL1 Bossai (bonc-sgh) meaning "to Irre in the wild - a cut of trunk cumpliahcd by pcuningboth roots grow in o tray" cvokns the image will, its rouI is needed fue that and foliage at an annual repal- Serving Breakfast, Lunch &Dinner _____of o misisture tear wish tiny sourer, mr best sprcimcas from hog. Beaning An reals escourag. DAILYSPECIALS noves groWingin nshsllow diah - a wild novironmeal ace thnsr al- Cs growlh of a vaut bui nhallaw thriving agoloat oil odds. ready gcowing under a stressed ayslem nf "fnrdrr roots" Which BreakfastSpecials Starting @$3.49 Suas inside Yasokunni's Demp- condition - those fighting a can- gnnnnutns the tiny lèavcs, The : alce Street storefront are displays 51051 wind oc rooted alongside a bonsai's oppenrancn ahould rapii- Ndt2e00 q of containers. tools, necessaries boulder, wham somr trussing al' cate Ike prapasliont of ils largrr, Senior Citizen Spoclals OPEN DAILY cad booka. Aftrr browning, fol- ready has eccar,cll. saturai cOanleepoels - nnly much 5:SOAM-1OPM ' , MON-FE 1IAM-5PM$S.35 low the arrow out toward the Bossai ia u horlicailural ccl that amullnr, Bal noi all bonaai arc ta- greenhouse, whear tropical pIssats combinan plans huabaodcy with bin-tops; some specimrsareach a hrighlof4Oioahrs. Inca Walters is the yropcinlor BLACK FORESTDELICATESSEN und pcaoidrr efarcoicas al Yaau- fJilOS . .. kanal. AfIce working in thu pub- 2ì;)c.a ., í2' s n ,,,aÌ,.nrceManaran'etaen,,, Park ØistrlCI zI109?a0oftltvew AND MEATS, INC. liahirg finid, hn discoonned bon- .5545 N.WAUKEGAN ROAD sui in 1960, studied il, practicad op'roN GROVE, IL 60053 il, and Boally embraced il sa his Happy profession. For 12 ynana hr ran , Hundreds Visit llllsriB Thl ' ihabmincsn nulafhis hume, Ihm cpeaed this ahap in early April of Expo 2000 Mother's Day A ll '1996, See Page 28 Mat Market i Hule A new rathuniunt would begin Mom Deserves Flowers Selecta Of Specialty Impolis by purchasing a plant nalaed el $50 sops, Wutters said, pias tools Members Honored Frozon Homemade Meals onMother's Day o-, and a pas. Pots can he bought at a See Page 26 , PRIME STEAKS, CHICKEN, napplieroreun be found at garage ¿"Pdm,Q.alisy R1R,.CHOPS... and yard anima. While it's corlain- .= = (?BlackAsgun ...P;;'otoFia,bcr,siaag! ly possible lo parchano both the c1/IIB 3 plant and its servicing, Wattarn O 847-676-3555 (847) 965-3113 teem thnrn'n more to ho goiaed 8343 Niles Ienter oca,"j-KOIUC -;-:' vww.BlockForosUaIarket.COm with o hands-cv approach, with thn novice doing thr pnining and Cnulissnrd au Paga 45 Automated 24 Hour 0j .. - Information Source NEW AGEHERBS See Page 32 j HEALING & OlisTe FOR r'tiri1iiii, o THE MIND,BODY, AND SOUL I Branch Pick Up Office . See Page 32 1995 Marino Realtors® Inc. WEL actEScasAs çeMMnR 5800 Dempster BAN Morion Grove, Illinois 60053 Ermaving the elements of depression, aegativily, oncer- k½ii Business 847.967-5500 baues & all pnoblemu nf life, Blackhawk Star -t Take Mom Toll Free 800-253-0021 Experience toduy whal sac At Iceland ancient auceatorn hase known Fax 847-965-5600 for years. See Page 29 Residence 847-965-1774 Out For A Treat 110% DISCOUNT WJTIIISAD) Hockey Classes Entertainment Joseph R. 1-ledrick, CRS NEW AGE HERBS See Page 31 www, Wed & Fn: Dick Henson E-o 00tr uc*oand,,W 011mo 5356 W. DEVON, CHICAGO REALTOR o,.o.wcc,w,u 555 1995 773-775-9611 Sat.: Yvonne & Larry r

Gift Certificates Available E DEPARTMENT Casual Dining - Friendly Service WoIff'sFIeaMarket 'B.LD.E. Daily Specials ' Plus Rack of Lamb, Mignon Slices1W 2LOcations! Fresh Fish, Chateau Briand Outdoors - Over 400 Vendors Indoor/Outdoor Over 300 Vendors Leg Of Lamb Allstate Arena anIsE nr" 2031 N. Mannheim Er, On Mannheim between Reservations Accepted at Mannheim & North Aves. Higgins & Touhy w. 847-965-1962 Free Parking in Metrose Park 8717 Lincoln Ave. Morton Grove, IL Every Sunday 4110 Every Saturday and Sunday OPEN DAILY AT 4 PM 7:00am to 3:00pm ,' 8:00am to 4:00pm ,a6 ';'-t'u-i Flea or Antique Mall Space Info: (847) 524-9590 o, I. ' TIlE 1t1?tSLE,ThUBBDSY, MAY 4,1000 PÂOE 27

PAGE 2 TUE BUGLE. TUUPSDAY MAY 4, 1000 -- ._. . 2000 Chamber ofComme(ce .. Officers & Directors NeWs From The Nues Chamberof Commerce NewOffice Ofiloers Nues Bugle Expo Chamber offers assistance President - JetIBulIno, Kessiee, Orlecs, Sslsoe&Co. Same 'ood neighbor" agent - Chamber FirulVic,: Prosidesit- JecseeCwynar, LabIle Banh raffle winners with consumer complaints SecendVivePsosidont- Randy Groce,Chelsb Treosurer- Judy Kater, One HeurMeloPhete-Villege Crossing Tho Niloo Boloo Expo 2000 Honors Members The Nitos Chamber ofCOmmeme undlsdnslry encourages you Immndïale Past Presided - Dr, Paul 3:,ostoiigclo,Nues Feel & An- Rafflc Wionor woEotIl Zby te shop st Chamber member locutions.As u bonus foryesr cItera, kin Cooler Iu of ffiIo. Mro, ZbyIOo ovili The Nibs Chamber nf Cono-20Yecrs the Chamber will aesist sep consumer millo enmpintels agaiesl r000ivo a photò fession and a bi- merce is propoting foi its fooflhi GeIfMill Mall . Chamber mnmboes. Simply enetoct tIse ChamberoliSco fer s oem- Directern agrophy of bon iooflhly. Annuel "Mombership Apyrecie-Letheton Gesereh}loquitel stLsw tief" luncheon. This luochene Zogon Business Seroice plaintferm, seed it beck, and the Cltuiobefwill do the rest, "Chum- Lerey Pinsitiski. P insies Li P. Smith, Attorneys l-midis Baknvy nov tIOC Expo's bermembers mesteftes are businesses thutere invested to the com- NinkCaetev,NigbliiigaC Conant businesswinner.The bakery honoro those members celebrai- ing milestones os members of our 15 Years mosity, they beve geod repulntines and want tomointein their good MankManne. H tuse al Rental will win a free advertisement in in the Chamber," utshod Denise MeCrnnry, Esecutive Di- Denn Siozeleehi, Nues Pelice Dopuotment The Boyle. oegooiealioo. Calheeo&Cehlete CPA's utandie Alinsembers sreenccursged so PereoerGreen Flowers & Gifts rooter efshe Niles Chamber. "They ere eager toresolve any preb- See YauoVacci, Siete Poem losse0000 Wo ai The Bogie woeld like lems hofom they escalate, We will occompaey o letter from the Ce,etor poetici- ortend te poy tributo te our spocish Harris Bash Dr. Pam Lowe, Pecfessioealflye Care to heck everyone who Chamber, along with the complaint, encoarogiog toembess to re- MikeRnlly.PatkmOy Bons Os Teusl paicd. honorees. This cochees will aleeLoSolleBaehFSB oowe a lucky member with the Ii- Loaning Tomer YMCA selveiheissue." - Mihe.Leoby.Di500sified Gwphies the Employee- 0f oho Ycor." For were iefermnfico or for a complaint feen, call lIte Chamber M,seimel Siegelt, Book Don Northore hndcstrisl Piping ut (847) 966-7606. Tb, Hiles Chamberduos rot guaran icores airs, Marh Peinitiehl. Aoondulcthnnssetti'sBoseragnMart Nomination fontes will be eret -Sir Spoody with ilse iovitotices cnd muet be Uoitod Sedans &WaterprooBirg hoi mill try to unsist. submitted te the chamber office Direnters Emorittle 7e95 % byMoy3ed. Rohest Wordol "This is a wonderful epportu- Gear Up For Golf - Gordon Follo,, Pallor lesursece C_il_nue C r1,iirtte 0ettil 10 Years Chuck Banboglia. DrpsdNotiorsl Book nity to incognile that special em- Aseoriteeh Mobile pteyee who continually exceeds CrrtifledTao Accourtonis The Nitos ChambceofCowmeree is peoyoring for its annual Doll Diek-Loider Is your money ccpectcti005 within your aegaei- Custom Accessoeies Dutieg and Dieser en Wednosdcy, luly 19, 2005 ci Midlaso Coun- les Cnols.Weils L.omcot working this hard? zatios," stated Deem, McCenery, Gaye Ire iryCleb in Wadswersh, Illinoix. Esecctive Director of the Nues Edward Jenes Thi neonst is the Chamber's largest fand-raisee cf iho year und Staff . 1ntrrst paid Senti anrnrnlly Denise McCsoory - Esocuitvc Dioector Chamber of Commerce and le- Frank's Laeoemowor helps te keep wemhesstiip dues low and seroices high. There uro Diento, dast. Comyaoicu may eomiease meey ways formembers io porticipsieiscludiog: sycesariog hales, Marilyn Girku - Assistoot io ihn Caihoble begitrnkog teheses Real Estate Denny Meek- DoreraI 0160e csmooy cmyhoyces us they deem K&M Printing gehfcarts, geodie hogs. luech, cocktails, donating n price, or buying 5115/03 @ 100 worthy. - raffle tickets. Ernster, Oeteao, Silver, & Co. V.ihat is OlseNilei ('l,srslserolCammernc? The huocheon mill he held on LaPelusn Homo Imprevomoet If yea ore intorestod ie golfing you must oct rom, the post three (NCCI) is a roi- . A-rated by Strnulard & May 10, 2000 from t l3O am. - lii, Niles C'semti,r of Cosomorce and lodustry Dt. Narguis Maeikarioss outings have sold out, Oulfom mill receive golf, dieser, cockioils, for-pioñt orgatirutiOs dr up cf local beni cestos ,peofosss000l Poor's l35 p.m. at Whise boyle Boo- Mencfeotorros Berk goodie bogs, cost, loches, ned lunch all foe $155. Colt the Clsamber lie busiress de- qeotu. There citi ho eetertaie- and ergonizutionsmort-ing tegriherto coniribsie io St. Paul Federal Beck loomore deformation at (8471 966-7606. oelepmcOi and ec000mic ducale of IhrVillage. Alihongh ho meet and awards. Ticket peice is Village Crcssiog Shoppiop Cir. $25 cacto or 123 for three (3) er Chaeiho is Oet a dnpaetmeot cfihe Village clNues, st works clon,- pde, io eiecaly. that Nitos is the best place to lice, moro eepeesentotiveu feom one Referrals -Galore! ly 'xliii fecemmest to 0055m Colt Or step by tosloy. cempaey. Foe moie itiforeeatico, S Years week aad to dcbosisnss. A&B Graphic Signs all the Nues Chamber office or Call the Nilcu ChumberofCommerce end lodusiry tar relocation (0471 966-7606. Ankhe& Foot Specialisti Whe arc tite Cbambnr's Members? BetiorVision Optomrtriuts information. Metrrinls evniluble include information abest thr oil- ChusssbnrofCommcrCc meeibeis aro hasincosesorergaoizaiioos Choser's Bar& Grill Ingo, park district. library, comeineity argaeieaiiaes, legislators. coecrrned mliii the social yod rconomiccliniate cl Niles. They b,- Cltolob, Inc. demographics, mop, truospirstico, cemmusir yseroices , pl000s of lieve in giviog hock iv ib ocaisira coityaod understood ihot callee- This years hononed members - Diversified Sales & Leceiog worship, top employer listiogu, Flan hietirgs of hocul Chornhcr cf sleety they cao achico', io each mire. ThoChamber encourofre ieclede: Commero besinonsos. Cell ib, Chomherat (647) 966-7606 for 0,- momboes. They ss:tnd bolei,sd Eccoso Motel sesisteets end bosloesars io shop aue e Hanno Architects, loe. their work asid typically aro action within titocommunity. - 30Yoars Hobart's Pub Kauicmero, lee. se A kA. Borosby's Wholeads the Chaeshrr? - Tlicy elect a Board of Bettet Kitchees, Inc. MCI Wocldeom Tho Hilos Chercher is 1,0 by ite sr,mhero. Nues Bugle Newspapers Just moved to Nues? detemiivos rolicios sod sots ., kA JEFFREY L CARDELLA ComEd Direcicos who volootcnr thou sime, Nitos Poet& Ankle Conref geais. A ytosidoot peesidos ocas all reo hogs. Tuoday-to-day activ- 8141 MILWAUKEE Milseoakee Gohfflevehcpmont Call the Nitos ChambrrofComme raras d Irdeetry l'erreioeatien end staff. Misisy volse. Whitebagle Basquols Oak Mill Mall iofemsatioo. Muteeial suyas lebte ioclude ioforosatico abusi rIte' vi I- ties are hcndi,d h" ax ovecniie'e diiociot NILES, IL 60714 - Jay Slaisky, Attorney ci Law t eeessori'r oxccmsoit 01555 i:ieh coais:boto to the Chssmh,r's sue- (847) 470-8953 loge, park disisics, library, commnnity orgorieaiioss, lcgislareru, State Faros Dan Zebort Agoocy demographics, mop, transpirotioo. cemmnsiiy services. places of TAS. OfOce Famitase 20Yenrs - marsliip, top nmployer listings, plus hisliogu nf local Chamber ai - A-AsrruHomelmprevemert TheEROOroap Where isttso Chamber le0010d? Edward Jones COmnserce basioossou. Colt ib, Chomber al (0471 966-7606 for da- tOr second loot SoreiOglodinleiiflt iovesiorsSteeO 1871 Journal A Topics Neeospupees Village Leckshop tuils. The Hiles Chumboc ofComm0000 is tocoteit se cl Oak Mill Schall, 7106 N. Mil soucie e Aseoca.Sciio 2250. Our phone noostseeie 10471 966.7606. Shore,00,/Jenrat Senior CitiOsO , telosdey 9-8 Coach1ightØBetter Hew cao thn Chamber Help? Dioonunts - I u The Hiles Cheiebor is yococommuni,otion lieb i ovueiaas- bus:- Ei Tunedny 9-EIS Realty, Inc. scrvieo orgaoioaiioss. The staff cao provide Wsdnnrdty 9-5:31 nessee, industry and tosrism infamiciian, locarno moyo, rcteroals,(eh soarelios, ose. For -- Tharedsy 9-1 7735 N. MILWAUKEE AVE NILES tce196585 members, bc Niles Cisumb erioeo idos ever09 hooclits aoL servie- Fridey 9-5:30 os, cull 0000ceivcam,iOiicestiipricke. tm'0 Ssissdut 9-5 THINKING OF MAKING A MOVE? .. lardeo By Ayyoiniieeiit CullVALI DEMOS,CES(CerliSed e eg55 .oRetidenliah Specialinl) fora FRE NO 1990 OBLIGATION Morhel Evuhnotien n year Chamber produces - os. -- heme end recehi,a i year cemphieìeotaey Uke a good neighbor, 4' unbsctiplinu le eye BelIer Homes & Garsino I STATE FARM Coria, megaeieo, Community Mapof Nues State Farm ¡s there.® Gibrnllar I WITh COMPLE1E Otottite ValDttnCfti, (lid State Farm Insurance Companies iYiTCHEN ISEMODEL Call (847) 967-9320 levo the Hites Cliestiber of -8l Residnots and husin,ssos alike altI Home Offices: Bloomington, illinois Vanitiot YOREE SINK &EAUCET' Commerce's O,west CossimonityMap. Titis love-color Polit iiai I2INSURANCE N%w NWe,o B'r1)k7iJ')?stäjp(j,yJjgj:i974" filled euh stifiiriitaitos Spociolizing ir Sefeeie snap not onlyiso diroctiiteat mop, bui is also Casteon Cabicets (up ro $700,50 estar)I about the eammonily. To obtain yous copyci lisie spsls:cd sorsion, ' office ai Dab Mill Mull os ai Completo Kitetteir A Beth rereode 55 simply pick eno up al the Chainbot's Battding. Cessultalioo, Design, A losluhtslien Services . -e--. tite VillegocfNiies Admtoixtrattoo P/GE 30 TIlE BUGLE, TIIUUSDAY MAY 4 2000 -rIlEBttGLE, TIUlRSlsAY, MAE 4, 2085 l'AGE 31 - . - o News From TheÑiiesPark District News From The Nues Park District Nues Park District IceLand P.G.A. Pro teachesJunior Teareceives 2nd place Golf at Tam Golf Course Niles Park District receives Six Stars Summer Hockey 'fle goal oltRe Nitos Park Dio- WIlo: Agnst-lb Financial Reporting Award Camp at IceLandArena June H-July IriSo Junior Golf Dnvelopmcnl Whom l°eiday, UncoIl year child for nur monI na, g435 Ballard Read feam 9:00 04 3l0311-Ol l'mgraoo io LO)VC Ihojanior golf- Code: pnpularpmgram isummer ho- am. uetil 5:00 p.m. The Foe is ors e sound fsundntion end fun in- Whco:Friday, July 21-Augonl gtnning in 100cl Gar Sic Stole 310311-02 Res 0149; Non-Rea $164 per Ireductinu into Ihr game of golf 25 Cede: Jammee Flnckey Camp offers work. Discounta ace available io U camp environmo 0,Gorro Titeo: R:bO- 0:45 ow. campero, efes 7-IS, Ihn opposa- (only oso discount con apply). Rouident Neo- will ko torce levels eforaiaioog nf- Feo: $70: nity IO speed the hot nummer Regislor your child for all eight ferro! in lhejaoinrprogrom, FOIN- Rrnidrnl $77 tonnthn eloping cool en 1ko icere- sonnions and take 15% 0f( pese damnnlal Golf, FUNdarocnIsl ceising quality hockoy inslrac- tolal camp fee. Second (or were) Golf II, and 1ko F51000 Champi- FUNdamro101GnIf IO tins, 0e welt as low-keyed hockey child from imwedbote family lake Uns Program. All programe will Thinprogroeaia forlhejuniees fan, along miCh othor tearlilioeal he order Olio direclion of 00e now 10% off your total camp fee. wIse have successfully completed nOmmor comp activities, molari- Please soap in IceLand to regintoo. Diroclor of Golf and F.D.A. Pro- FUNdameolel Golf. Gering thin bog swinnesing, horseback riding, Ifyon banc any qoentiesa, please fossional, Polo innen. The pro- session, Ihn galfer'n fundamen- roller hockey, eeofls, outdoorac- 0001001 Stove Glinkmao, Director gramo will 10ko l0OO 01 Tam Golf loIs will bu eapooded iRlO the full ttoitios,mini-golf,aad much of Heckny Oporatiens nl (047) Coarse, HlEOHowsrd Steed. Owing, iocludiog moodn and toe mole. Thu calop lakos plane at 795-9264. olcoIn. Thoy will be iotnodacod lo Niboa Park DisIdul IcoLand Am- FUNdo.mental Golf bonkerpiny end golfonursnplay. Thin program ir designed for Wlau: Ages 7-1H the beginning junior golfer. Dar- Whnu: Friday, Jaco 9-Jaly jug 1ko fivo sousi000, jooiors will 14 Cede:310311-03 Join Tee Ball at Icono 1ko fundamenlals of the .When:Friday, July 21- Augusl peo pertola p, putting, ohippiog, 23 Code:310311-04 Nues Park District Sort wedge swing, rotes and eU- Titolo: R:llO-9:45 am. quello. Thin courte is detigrord lo Foe: Resident $70; Non- Hiles PorkDiaoiot is acuopling Major League oeptica hats are ho fun and inlend500 the joniors Rnuiderl$77 eegisteotios foc Co-OdTen Ball (5 pronided. P 0001)0050e d games The Park Board of Commissioners congratulates Ike N)Ies Park D)QUr)ct IceLand-Genera) Managar 10 Oho garer of a lifetime. Thie 10 7 yearn) ond Girls Tre Boll (5 are oe Solseday mornings al OaI,idSantee andlnakandAsnintantManagerfnrthe Undplaca trophy forthe avara!) team nompalltlnn cnoeneis Upon lojuuioes from ago FutoreChompiotos to 6 yema). Both poogoama nffor Geoonan Heights. Fncwomoofoo- alIke Soveetheartopnn ARIdlY February. 0-16. Upon Ike successful vom- This pengrnm is dosigned foe an oxcolleet iolEoduclino 00 bato' mallan oh001 Ten Boll er bosom- NOeS ParkDie(rictreceivedthe Certificate ofAcflievamentfnrEocellancain PieaneialReporJlng from Pictured from Left Yo Right: Park Commissioner Walter Beusse. Vice President Elaine Heinen, Ice- pletino ofthiu coarto, jsninrs will Ike junior golfnr whu has boon bull, booking sMIle wilh e fun np- ing O nolunloorouach, pleaso call the Gnrernmantpieanàe Office forfinaeciolreporiing for the fiocalyaar 199g. This aoeardoignifieu oUt- Land Manager David Sanlee, IceLandAssistanl Manager Laura Ckantain, President Jim Hynes, and he able on advance to FUNda- playing for several yearn, pos- peoach. Players paotiuiputo io Ihe (847) 967-6975. Rngiatealion in montaI Golf Il. sonsos the fuedamoelals nf Ihr standing profeootonallsm. Niles Park Giohlct Board of Cemmiuuionaro and otaff are very proUd lo ro- Nilus Bonebatl Parade and ploy a hying lokon at the Howard Lei- ParkCammissionerhill Terpinas. . gAroso and wishes lo laIte their ceire lhiuoward. special gomeormiltenn Stadium, nulo Center, 6676 W. Humsnd ganan to the crut lesol. During Pictured tram left lo right: Cnmminuiooer WaIler Boasee; Cemmioolnoer Charleo Barbaglia; Vice Hiles Park Dinteict T-shi5n and 510001. Ihi 5505mo wewill helplhe golfer Preaideottleinen; Finance Direclor Tom Elenz; Preoidentjim Hyneu;andCammiunionerBll Teqoinou. Nues School impruve spun Iheir faedaeieolal WANTED nkills in full nwing, theol gamo, Nifes Park District Now there ¡s an effective of honkerploy ned golf cuaruo noun- Join a Summer Hockey Non-Surgical treatment for agomonL Addiliaoully Ihoy will offers Tennis cv Cosmeto1ogy.). HOMES FOR SALE learahnwtu practice. Hot Shot Class at IceLand Lessons for all ages Whu: Agns 7-IA Tennia letunos will begin soon CARPAL Wlson:Friday, Jaso 9 - Jooly Gun mull basic hockey etass nr WlIc: Ages8-14 Sec: 04 al Ihr Gronnan Heighls Re000a- IceLand Avero, 0435Bollacd IN 14 Cedo: 310311-019 Time: l:30-2:OSp,m. line Center, 9255 Gketo. Leneonu !_:__.., TUNNEL Wheo:FoidayJaty2l -Augual Read. Tins class is designod for When:Satarday,May IS-June conga froua Tiny Tennis far 5-7 MONTH SPECIAL 25 Cade:310311-06 rho OrsI-tiloc skaters milk an in- l7 y000sln AdullTonein. Thesc with NILES, MORTON GROVE ternal in playing hockey. SlUlla \SYNDROME Timo: 10:00- 101:45a.m. little or no oopeeieece will en- DES PLAINES, PARK RIDGE Fon: Reuidont $70; Nan- ooserod in Ihi nclasuinv olve all Who: Ages 4-7 coive iRSlouUliOn un theio grip, bode nkatiogokillnincluding 25% OFF GLENVIEW, NORTHWEST CHICAGO Rnaideol $77 Seo.: 05 footwork, bouhhasd nod aoeeing, Dr. Robert LRichart. push & glides, slops. tunos, back- Time: lJ:SY-l:20p.m. with name nmphauis es Ike valley is pleased lo announce the availabIlity of NEW, STATE wardt skating and orossusera. Who: Seo: If ysa have any qsesl100s,- AgonR-14 0h asd serve . More advanood OF THE ART EQUIPMENT &TI-IERAPY PROTOCOLS ONALL pIcone call Pel000005, Dircaluruf Slickn and packt neo enlerod istu Time: I :JU-2:OOp.m. playert will also team specific nach class rvcey day Io allow for quIck and effectiee resolution of ARM, WRIST or WE HAVE MANY BUYERS WANTING Golf & F.G.A. Pcofrnnioaal at When: Sanotay, May 14- Jano lecheiquen for tIle lob, sntonh and HAND NUMBNESS. PAIN and/0rTINGLING. each child te enjoy u "lotte" of SERVICE & NEXUS PRODUCTS (847)9b5-2344. To ongislor, IR game ntrnlegy. Feen includo ro- CALL RICHART CHIROPRACTIC TO MOVE TO TI-lESE COMMUNITIES, picore slap in Ihn Homard Lomare ployinghockey.Allrequired Regular Sensinn Jane 10 - A,- served ate of conos daring les- CLINIC today to be enaluuled und find oat eqaipmenl (nkalos, shin gnseds, .WOMEN HAIRCUT . FROSTINGIPOIL BUT HAVE A SHORTAGE OF Cenlor, 6b76W. Howard Stood. gostll sons. Fee morn irsfoenalion about If thIs revolutIonary treulment can help you! elbom patIn, glnoon, helmet Ailh Feo: Rouident $40.25; Non- . MEN HAIRCUT . DEEP CONDITIONING Ternis, pIeuse noII (847) 967-- HOMES TO SELL facemask and a stick) is included Residont54450 6975. Reginteatioa is being taken, Don t Miss This Opportunity For A . SHAMPOO N SET . EVERROW ARCH Niles Park as port nfthn clots. Enrollment is Who: Agen 4-7 at lIte Howard Leisure Center, limited. PlayeR who can eupply . CUT S SET HOTWAX Sec: 07 - 6676 W. Howard Bleed. District Summer their emneqa ipmono ore osnared Who: FREE SCREENING EXAM . CUT S BLOWERY . FACIAL Agos R- -This coseprehnenine naam, normally Gino inalartes arthopedie, OUR CLIENTS ARE GETI1NG TOP efg011iag into a class Fur une 4-7 04 Soc: 08 .ULOWDRYONLV .WATER MANICURE Camps year old clasnos only, uno poronl Nues Park District IR 4h p I I IN O Ill Od DOLLAR FOR THEIR REAL ESTATE Time: 5:55 - 6:25 p.m. Ihn resells. Dunn not include ti-naos (ii n000nnory) . BUDGET PERM . OIL MANICURE Nitos Pooh District offers u per child is welcome te portici- When: Tuesday, Juno 20 - Au- Bright Beginnings pole On the ice with their tlrild. . PERMS . PEDICURE mido vathoty of nommEr camp gaalg Preschool registration De. Anbei L. Alehart lo e Pulmer EAcdoote . P 000015 must haso good skaling . TINT TOUCI-lUP . SCULPTURE NAILS programsfao prouohool aga CertlIled In Impolrment RaIlnn und DInohilILy CALL Ilaeogh incoming nightn grado ability sed prcsido thoir own Who: Ages 4-7 Bright Beginnings Poeschual Enclaotlan PosI9roda,te Stsdy ghoroproetln . TINT VIRGIN HAIR) . SCALP TREATMENT sida. Tladitiunal doy camp, half skates. Fm-mqainitn: Nono. Sec: 09 rogialeotion for the 2000-2h00 Ot'thopedlnn, Neeroleny and gportn mIeden. . LIGHTENER EOECH.UP . EOAIPTREAEAGITWIAIOH FREQUENCY day camp and np arIsco mp ses. Time: 9:35- tO:ggo.m. school ynon ale underway. We of- Member ofdmeflean Ctrlropraotle Mini-SnstinnMay . inne (5 . 002 COMBOUT ainnu ovilI he aoailablo. Regiclro- Who: Ages 8- fee both 3 and 4 year old pee- A0000la8on, . LIUHTEMERTOUCHUP WITONER & CATINO REALTY weeks) fCALLERO lion for all uumonr camp pro- 14 Sec: lU foams. There loe a namely cf . COLOR RINSE WID SET S C0000UT Foe: gratos is flaw usdorway. Slnp by Renident $20.75; Non-Time: 9:50- 10:40a.m. classtimes and localionala Portiutpalbng proobder 1er Ihn tollerelnn pIons. nlse Cranslglae, 847-967-6800 tIro Hawaed Loitura Center or Resident $31.75 When: Ssnday, Sore 25 - Aa- chunue from, Registration will be Bhbebot, A0000dobbe, MndlearePris000 HetoIth Core Systems, WIte: Ages 4-7 Genuoao Etoighla Pocilily la pick goal 6 aceopted al sho Howard Leiturn Health0tar, tond nthnrn 773-774-1 900 - Up Ike 2000 Qammrr Camp Seo: 01 Coaler, 6676 W. Howard SOnor, (847) 965-8061 Ages Guìdo und alud planning an encit- Whe: 0- To rogislee, ploas slap in Nibs urlil alt classes aro Elbed. Clonsos RICHART CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 04 Seo:02 7609 MILWAUKEE, NILES isgsam010a fccyourckild) Please Pack DitlricltcoLard Arcoa, begin Seplembee 5, 2005. For Onn:ne Po ro:,ku 8933 W. Golf Rd. In Hilas 8057 MILWAUKEE AVE. call 1041) 967-6633 if yna baco Timo: 4:E0-4:30p.m. 8435 Ballard Road. If pus bava nora infomsatian an ese Bright (across frgm Valua Cilp) m,anz. Whoa: Msecnn000ms any qaestions. Macday, May S - Janeany queslians, please call 010cv Beginnings Frosehoal Program, 12 Glickmao. Dimc100 of Hachoy pInoso slepio 1ko Howard Leivam 847-827-8686 Who: Agen4-7 Soc:53 Op000lioeu,aI(847) 795-8204. Ceoteroecoll (047) 967-6633. PAGE 31 THEBVOLE,TIWkSDAY MAY 4 2OO flIESVOLE,T1fllPSDbY MAY 4, suer

-s - olNiles NewsFrom The Village Nues Public Library New villageingr. The Village ofNues automated Library Wins $lOO5 From oui of Ihn hanse end easer in Ihr bring sibront colors aed varied Village ofNiles 2000 Nilon Public Libeary iSisiricl far lneluses lele paar garden usIng assitant, publiÇ SMLibrary Syitomi perrooielu und nummnr bulbs. source Thn Hiles Public Libeses Dis- the Library's premiere eflhe me- 24-hour information sin Cousis Beile os Tuendsy, Roluczawski hns aner2Oyrnts of service devotee 14Cl eneenhly won $1,000 foe par- Branch PickupService Call the 'VillagnLIne" at 558-8411 Muy 9 nl 2:30 p.m. based oc the herlioullural enpedenee. He has gin offer bnch pickup th offered by the Villege of líoipntieg in 3M Lihrsep Sysloms maghI und leelered about horti- 'l'be Vii1ag olNilesifl by Lisa Ashkenao Crabs Village-Lisa is ihr ermest tersiez Cherk-ir-ost Yoarerrlffluy As u onunl by Novum de Balzac, Ihr Iafpickup progroo Aprii through Sep- istaressed in information euisareelvudoaseollngeo, nod he yartO roidets, Th Fer Steva Visezeano, the new Hiles te its residents und ether passons pert of Nalioanl Library Weeb, SIm tolls the story of s woman tember, and is provided o residents ence amonth according te the soolntset sothe. 751es Village rngssdissg Village snevicns and opennlionsWith u leach-loon tele- who sers her shnsce far msenge mgularly spanks al prefessional of mere lhao 355 libraries across the phone, Ibis easy-lu-sue systemprovides aeaess so she Vtlluge efler e lifetime of mittmalment seminars nedeerfeiroeru. Regt,- gonowieg schedule Muouger, publie °tert'iOe ,snms casotry pus'hieipelzd in this esos- Avarnas picksp begins Nilen, 24 heurS a day, 7 deys n week, wkeo her henuflfel, pampered udee is required far thIs pea- .Per msidrnts ivingEartofMilnvmksn labo n fissuraI calling. oh esent, andNilrs publiC Library Monday nf each month and Continuesthrough sisal 'My father was s volunteer in Fee mom iefemtatios regarding IhnViiluge-Lsee system please casale duns, and thrb,comes part gram, Please reglslrr at ihr Ls' 0O the first Dm1401 WOO cee of 15 $1,505 their branches os the curb en litogrsl cali 511-5500 doring regalar businesshonro. nflhe ensoie's honseheld. Jessica beasy Infonenlias Desk or call work. Residents should place the lows t goons op io, Railing prices is u raodese drswieg an Monday efeoch nsenth lcr pioknpdoting rho week. Brooch ptckcp Meodows,' be said."i gacho. it's Ta ese the Village-Lise sysiem,simply dial 585-841 1 and Lange, Shienbeth Shun end Beh 847/663-1234, April 14 (usE kind of is my bloud." press the somber thaIceeresponds te Ihn informellen yss ron je- Heskins slnr is Ibis Willy, black Huslss'lnn Shares Bar Spirit bogies on lhngoltnwittg daino 'lt was o weederful 55Pd5t 5e and Kzjel .Jsos5th VisraOaeu began his tecnico lerested iu; press O ut any lime to mIam teilse sonin mesa. comrdy srl in Pads daring Ihr fsrllatsDuringTra, NOes Library Vuleel/sekmuiS fos'lQde, ESca Boemia Bus Seninc 1 heur we WOO," said Carp Cone- .Jsly3rd cosser io the Army, wherehe ilpenming Prngrams ans! the Nitos Free 194gs. This manir is ralrd R and loin us far semn lively coser- PulcI, SIb gs-udzra alColoerSuhoel. I occhi, library adminisleater, "We tninmnnssodcelrhrele whnlis er- .August 7th zoos lo the rank of coplois ucd Prao Bas Sersice . coaldn'l bode done il wilbost the in I lOteinuten long. jhstn by Larry Zlnomeeman) 2 - No rngislraüas is required for dinozy er remarkable obsul the .Soptowbet 51h(MeOduy Holiday) sreszd io tite Gulf Woo, An the PelLine help ofaarpaiross sod sleff." Avenue ptckoy ho- 3 Ibis pmfram, and anadng in limil- special woman in year life durieg .For residents livisg West of Milwaukee leader of 30 mro, Vies005e was Fitness Center Isgesistu000 Te qaulify fer Ike drawing, al sed certinues through titus 4 - ed IO 120 paIrOns.Thr Library u Melher-DsughterTee ne Salar- gins on the last Monday et nach monslt awsrdèd the Anoy's Commends- CPR Offeted lousl lOO patrons had 5e ase roch brunches at the ourh on Ihr last lion Modal for completing his Comssotseisy Paint-A-Thus 5 day, Muy 53 nl I p.m. al Niles week. Residents shosld pluce their of the Libreey's self-check mo- will not held or r nancee any seuls. wook, Brunch pickup Ceiaennial Celebration 2 Pablìc Libeiry Dislniat, Aaeom- Monday ofruob mouth let pickop dadag the wishes witltnut aey incidents co chines On April IS. More Iban Ne feed nr ddoks mny bs oes- brgiosontharollowme detrs casualties le Isis ylstesn Toslalivn Centnoniol Schedule I sumeddaringlbis presonto lion, panied by munie sad o oiosage Yard Waste and Branch Sieh-HpPregranso 3 23hLibrary palross used the self- calleedon ofahsal 65 bets, Sasso .Mey 30th (Monday Holiday) 'We cosce in sod osi eccom- obseSo sysloles Ibas day; for many . plinhieg ihn toinsi onwitltos t utty Store Loculions 1 MasterGardenerShares Rahl-Jsnkawsld, o bal collector June2dth 4 it w,s Iheir brat dme using 1hz . problems und we wore success- GnrbagnlRneyelhig Pi-ograsas Tips far Gardening intise sed fashion hislarien, will share Jsly3lst w ful,'ouid VitseoouaO. lt'sal- Holiday Pickup - I - Shade, the significance of hats ibtough . .Acsgant2&th Thrfosndt rocaíood by 3M Li- 2 Dincevnr how hase dsrk, abs- Ihr 211th Cestary. Di 5005er why .Soptcmber25lh woys best mitro you don't hose Gaebagelrtformetion hrsry Systewnwill br used sa pur- . Bruecltcs mast be lots lisse IO tochos ndiutnelOrand tied in hatt- so ase your macpen.' Recycling Inforrssaitnto 3 dy aseas in paar garden cas pro- Ihr lnzgn-hrimmrtiboaalieauflho 5 chase new meteriuls for Ihn Li- cody 1900s went nal uf fashine, dies no mare than lit incitesin chamases and 4 loot iolongth loro Vinezeano eurard u Master's Vehicle Sliekers Sales and VntrrRrgintraties side heunlifal and urique luod- attached dtrt 1 brary. and esprolence she sasinsa ohne- pernos etastbe able toliftkatsdlc). No stumps, rootsot dcgsoo its Publio Administrados Vohicib Slsckeos - Enjsy a Munie at the Li- soaping appertunilien dariog will be accoptod. Yard waste bags orstickers oto not onoded to usc 1mw Ssutltrrn hllinpis Uniserni- Voter Registenlios 2 Gardening in the Shade on allers who made these freanseed 6 brury. this srruicc. Largor sized logs andbrooches should ho disposed of ty, followed by in teses hipsitt Village Bsard Meetings Wedsesday, May IO at 7 pm. al toppers famous, This poesnntn- 7 D,syea boor spetrrgfcocr? Gel tino mili includs enfreuhmeels by atece nervico orluodscoyrrkitodbYthe homeowner. Ctirboodolr and Arliogtos Senior Citiana and Family Srrrieeo- Hiles Publie Library Dis-

curb ro skr ay propota to Moo- - i ldct.Dsring Ibis slide prosrolu- srd specisl dmwtsgs. Rogintrn- Rewetubes. branches placed at tIto Hoights. Sesior Ciliaoe Soostcou Cinderella Bo/Iheldin Febtvary, CglcrireyNzilnaO uodAmuo- day wotning will br pickod apdaring thai moho, oc'5000055arily Ho rcsigscd (sow his position Family Srrsicrs 2 Morton Grove ties, Mike Kaiaceowski, a flota due is required. Phrase rzgislee al - Ito Public Sorsices Department at Pnliee ttepnrtismnt . 8 and fauna hordesllarni bieloginal the Libeoty lnformatiae Denk oe ola Taylernhzwlhelr900tyh that Masday. PIeuta contact usosst ntoot city adminislratso of (P6cm by Larry Zimmerman) ysg_79l)oaltoald yauhosottnyquccttasstzgatdingthissorvico. ProspoatHeightsoucliotskis Spoakera Bureau 1 Pubtc Library coosullart, mill show yua bow to call 847/663.1234. mentit tu come ta Hilos. Child Piegerprinlieg 2 - noues Nrw ZealunsìSerupbuok "l sraliy, tnully libo Hilos," Biecteunic ideñtiftcstion 3 - TraceS through Ihr neeth und said Vin000aso. "im foom a Cíti000 Palias Academy 4 - 9 south islands of Nnw Zenlard small awn, and lu oice to come Fire Dzpartmrnt - odgo" I ssithvoleruoworldtrave lors toro atid ho on the cutting Spoakern Burean Dave and Rschel Tarypen, as As asnistuet 50 Viiloago Mus- Smoke Detecler Poogrom 2 they pta55111 90 minutes of slides, TOBACCO OUTLET 847 agor Abe Selosan, Vivaeuoo seid S NILES Homo gnspeccioe Psageouts music, cod usc 000rutioe, Sor- 965.4444 that kir right oow. he just wads Sleod Prassure Testing 4 5 dey, Mey 7 at 2 p.m. Beauliful MILWAUKEE (AT RAYYAN PLAZA) to gol Isis foot wet und Icaro best Library Safely Conoce rolar photography depicls mujur 7746 N Isaw to moth mithin the Viliago. 0/tins, 000ienl fusosls, salive sg- 7650 N. MILWAUKEE,PULES Theek yea far cullisg Iba Village-Line, SgS-84I1. "It's o different ncopz of wark, Iiuilies, lush gardens, farms, u and I wads lo Izare how to best gypsyfair,wtldlifo,andshe SHowiooM ardorstuod Ilse system und getto 847-965-91.00 I 2,000 so. FT. DESIGNER gaulhrrs Alps. Sealing is limited . Ike point where I em rffective in- . MANY ITEMS IN STOCK twdis avuilsblO ou a PresI-como LowestPrice's On Brand Name Cigarettes prostding the bess setcicr thel I O'Haré Noise Hotline urs I sarsesi basis. Doers open at G ROHE ItSOp.w. NE'iVPORI- vs,. k 1-800-435-9569 . 26.96 Virutas WulteEnsembie _i4.:i s I The City ofChiaago han sel up u kotliae for aoeu msidrats ro re- .- ilytng Be teansporled le Ihr peIner +,TAX - :'- Grohe... The port laud, low flyitng, no vibrations nesailing from Airplases American Red ballrooms, dneoe hulls, und cales je aed out uf O'Hare airport. The eeiso holline rocks culls and Ilse Original Cross Babysitter's cells arr reporled each moslh sa tite OHarc Noise Cnmpstikility afold Vienna as you linIen 101hz Viejtnu Waltz lieremble, Sue- Cammission - an orgasiznuian oflacal goseremnnt officials soy ag European. Training Course dsy. May 21 112p.m. Thin trio el teredace Ike noisofruas O'Hare Airporl. occetopliohed musicians isIhn TIle Village of Niles,buu refdgeratar esageets with Ihr bother Often Nitos Family S eroica is recusivr Arenriceu organioeliun imitated, pleased to offer Ihn American cumbeo, Slop by Villago Hall an call the Villogcfur mero iofeseos- roceurching ard performing euro VICEROY Rod C sits s Bubysiltes's Traiotsg urohical musir composed fraw IAA acurdo far yoasgpeuple ages Iteniderls crezco ourugad tu call the 01-laze Noise Hollino ul abolit 775 le World War I in Ike never 80g-435-9569. Let your seien he heaedl Call the NoiseHol)ïee DORAL THISEEKS SP EVE I l-15. Tito course will br taught Aaslsiu-flssgmius Empire. Vio- MAVERICK equaled. by a certified Rod C loss lentroc- wheoycu perceives ycobleesshetpstsists oseeoperiad of time. hoists Claeu Liodner und CanI GPE MERIT 26.65 emplepee uf lcr, whu is siso ait loheuton arr joined by doable 22.68 BENSEN&HEDGES - +TAX - the Village of Nibs. Tise pro- butsill Greg Sorchrl in perfertit- 22.95 +TAX t and aclistly Local road improvementsupdate 30.18 gratu is interactivo ing a variety oflinziy sed romno- s- TAX basod, cod irclodns basic sloild Widositsg and lebuildinf I.83 Two road improvement plu- lie music (tom a bygone ear. So- +'IAX etilos On iliinois 43lHarIeas Ano- 0,110, flzsI-aid, dccisias wukteg. )eetsoffrctiegwetarinIs io slce'hlk fop Ihn music afHayde, Resniei, uttd moro. Tite class will ho iteld District buse neanully rceaired eco, (raw snails ofCsllom Aso- of Illinois72/ end Slrertss, Snednu is iimisrd Tomdtya, May lb. 23, 311, attd bids foam cooteaclore, accardiag nuela voslh aod will be aueiloble or s urss- = latte 6 frote 3t30 - VdS p.m. us toAssistonsSonate Majedly Higgìns Road ie Chicago, Hue- wood Hnighl5 und Nornidfo has came, first- sordo4 basis. Douas . . . . I. WE CARRY ALL MAJORBRANDS Hiles Pamily gosuicos, The cosi Leader Walser Daslyco (R-11h, opcnol 1:30p.m. cf tise prograw is $411 and eurem an esdmaled progouw COsIof C . Chicogol. The Magas Grace Public Li- e I t IS OF WATER HEATERS antenaIs. I6,522,l101i. The prujeal also is- I. the dabfue and all "Work io prageossiag 00 Ihese brusy is localed nl 6540 Lieeale I . Wlsir1poos Baths To refisses os for mero isfannu- istporlanl ruad prejocss that will ciados waler claie celoontion, KitchensVanities tealfic signal modernization, and Ase, Pos motu infaennsiue, Or fur Liait, coil CeDe TomasinWica al ïwptove drisieg condilines in Ihr mohililp and cammuuicaliue ac- .Medicine Cabinets hoods Fans -Reaters until- lighdngisnpeocrtnanls. C . I (7) 588-846g. Space is nortkseeslersmotropaiilusre- Cens nssinlance, plsasn cull 847- II. - C- Faucets ShowersCounter Tops gills." Dudsga said. 965-4225, foe TOD call 965- 4236. mo BBGLErThlJRSDAYMAY 4, 5O5 -, rasanten

FAG34 mF- lelibLE, THÚRSDAY1stO/4, 2ôà l- U IU - w SJB Teacher Tip OLR Third Quarter 1999-2000 Honor Roll Thin toucher sip is from Ms. Sheila Heerisglos, u Erst grodo Night of Stars atCulver wells, Jonathoo Kemporde, lesS Professionals In Learning Disabilities 1°irst Rennes . Gradrg Daniel Komyo, tr.00nia Koedoy, toucheralSI.JohnBrobuaf - Grade4 Chnrtrn Cnpnoeoti, Josa Kwck, Bries Msinel, Greg nico Lapionki, Stanley Mrgala, Professionals In Learning Din- fer futtiror informntinn). Pirase Jockin Schont, Ttsomas Ambal, Kelly Copulo Cichos, Marcotte Feerigni, Knit- tdonniei, Natalie Perea, Culhio Laureo Misiowioe, Monica Os- As many ufyna otmady keuw, abilities will sold its sonnai dro- respond na nr bofare Misy 8. Por Scamaouia, tue Chris Sitke, Mi- tengo, Stephanie Pores, Nicete nor no Tonsdoy May 16, ai 6fnrllrar information, nr to mnkn Grade 5 lin Geobovvski, Miclsael Hotpr- it takes meen Iban o Few ycaro he- Koitlio Aenurroin, Molisa Ber- rie, Westoy Ifloncman, Datino lv. chart Tetwok, Zachary Tigoru. Puneyoski, Kirn Raeieri, KyIn n rnservarìnea, Contact A. Kosoyk, foroatudentaonderetsedrItal PoeSy Ono North. gen, Jottoy Cielieski,Rìohord 000cu, Joueplr Kim, Ties Kerce, GradeS Saielli. Kathy Zulewskr. reedirg and writing norms re- Nnrthbrnnk. The frolarnd spenk- as (847) 4d1-9323, Rauhe Aseosein, Clrseliu Ce- Gratin B Zilla, PhD. Dr. Linchesgoe, Steptnneio Monde. Ken Misiowice, Michelle Pus- qaire n little huai merk und a lot or will be Kstn Cs, Jon Puntelli, Mary Pnliwka, cynotti, Philip Scheiodonoeicr, peoeoli, ScoLie Ciehon, Jenny Josoy Bondyh, Looter Oornie- Zum will spook nfl current brain Professinrale in Lenrning Dis- of focos, Young otudrele coed to Luigi Randooao, Lauern Ration, Grade 6 Cietieski,ChriasyPernendee, coco, Mickeel Stoni, Mechen dovetop literacy skills, including rennarch io nolalino in Lenenieg obi illirtine oorr-prnfit nrgaoiza- Keivtio Grobonski, Wosloy Gcrstho, Anon Guethor, Oodtrny it n proles- line whose members strive to Daeieilo Tan. lesoph Ambom,DonidBudoie- shared roeding, writing, end ce- Dienbililirs. Dr. Zum Grade 6 ski, Adrienne Csrmnoo, Kenia fonemas, Juin00 Jonrph, Jnsnph Henry, Koith Ilosekuwa, Jenny sor at Nniinoal-LouisUniversity peomelo individual prnfestinoal cohstury devctcpment. Joseph Borsch, Slocy Drivo, Cies, MurgaretDemnnski, Kevin Kim, Aaricko Lu Pelons, Stepha- Jaucha, JeCctye Jemeplr, Aethuny Childeon will loom io Ihn Department nl Special Ed- geowtlr,to encourage arr Co- Mut6, benne Nooeido, Christine to reed Roo Woo Lins, Nick Maccocci, Florentino, Casey Queman, Cnl- nie Moodeon, Jeu t'addii, Maay mhoe they ere ready. Lvnenirg te ovarien. The Coat of Iba fear chungo of idnas and to providr Poliwko,MichelinPonuynaki, Richortistre, Maicera Sosmorcia, Coursa diacre is $32 (1er mcm--direct nnevicro lo learning diga- LisoNeneini,Aloe Ncllnsotr, lene Joocks, Coriene K000e, So- reed io act o tank; it ir o develop- StioabrttnRyonur, Adam Tsedoe. oie tErna, Kathy Magdnogon, Mi- Luigi Raridoeno, Leoren Scarico, tourne Veo Wileesfoog, Rebecca moetol aehiavorneet. Euch child hors; nnn-rrsnorhnrn shnuld cati bled per000s. Vluch, Grade 7 ohoolMutiwonag, Christopher Lmcceynoldv. Oaniello Too, miti loom to br osuecoss roedor in Tony Aquila, Jostin Capado- Muayk, Tim Mueller, Mery Roth Grade 6 due timo milh good iestrcctinn Cio, Clmis Cichoe, Konrad Dei- Naples, Vicool ParoI, Andrew Pi- Joseph Ambat, Joe Eorooh, and support. umnaki, tossico Lspinvki, Slontey lotla, Joe Rsndoccn, Stephanie Aatnisnse Ccne000, K- motu Cren, Safety patrol at Reoch foryocrretsnto end torn a- f' Migala, Laureo Misionnion, Eta- Zipp. Ctrriativu Coros, Srauy Goleo, off the TV, nieta Pables, Nioolo P otages tri, Grade 7 Msrgarel Oernoentri, Kenia Plu- St. John Brebeuf E oeuura ge yourc mild lv talk Kurhy Zotowvki, Andrew Boil, Jim Do500dre, tonne a, Cosoy Guemon, Cottcan ebeut the book before you slurt Gratin 8 Katie Eiohntoodt, Joy Espien, Jeacka, Cuneen Rouen, Socio The SIB sutoty yutsnl cosnists rood ing. Miohunt Sanst, Meghac Gaett- Cristina Pereigsi, Michello Pico- Kirn, Eliesheth Kumpordu, Du- uth5 beys and cials ip 7th ned 9mb AIws ysaco d slowly camough ka, Kuittr t-tnookawa, Amisk Ku- relia, Doe Halperis, Choie Here- vid L escoa, Retiry Liboy, Hoe gordas. These studonts volassent Ioryosrchildtubuild montai pic. conic, 150e O'Knofa, Christinedia, Riokio RIesen, Ros Orth, Woo Lins, Nick M encuco i, Chris- te help our nohont by iesoain0 the Rictrordsorr, Due Zipp. Moeioa Ostrago, Michelle Pup- lnpher Mneyk, Tim Mueller, anfrryoftheotherchildren. Develop mml espansi vncaba- RoeandHeesa cish, StrphanioPrroe. Visee MaN, Liso Nansioi, Mety 'rhone beyn sod girls ore on duty tory as you coud alead to year Graded GradeS Beth Naples,AIeu Nolteseo, Kara ovory 8 mocks furt week at o Child. Photo by Kite Poem Steven Bower, Boicot Giner- Letter Domiegmtee. tonny Orth,Robabas Papadimitrios, Invnlcn finery bild io the road- Theßth grade LanguageArtoandSocialstadien c(avonnpresoetodaneveeingpodnr'manoe (Cepa r- aus, Philtip Pulsen, Soeoeeo Hun- Joncha, tocolye tusoph, Arrllmony Vicont FascI,Jee Rcndoaee, ing peucess by stopping occosior- orEo aedlriends ofthairrocant Peinen dIke Cenfuryproject. Efghtgrade teachers Nancy Perez and srl, Hansob Jnhesoo, Daniel Ka-Mulf, Joovne Nacido, FriSst Put- Otieobolh Rynoor, Brrtimmsy Sao- The rololy pntrrrl mowbors uso ally and discuss mhst hes hop- Helen Blangie deve!npedthisprejeotafterreadingabctrt the Timo Magazinemiliaoniompell which ateo mys, Beth Kluaor, J000 Kroak,el, Vinaur Paroi, toare Von Wit- tillan, Greg Udcielak, Slophaaie always outside doing u groat job poned. G enoviecoLiochongo,Brian 000bneg. Zipp. ta matter what kind 0f woothcr, Nothing is moro valuable thus noUglrttn naine a Parece oUtre Century. Each 8lh grado taacherchooa a tamoasparaen ottha twenli- Grade 7 Oar taicty parertit under mho no. alh 090tery, amdactoallybecama thatparearr. The (amooepeopta than gave opaechae to their clase- Moieel, Sm000n Meroor, Selvedor tHono spondiog previous limc rosdisg Potulun, Tuny Scurpuci, Koriv Grade 4 Tooy Aqoila. Claris Ciohos, rOtvis inn uf 2 roechess, Garnie in ynurchiid. matee in the media center, arrdhhaan finalists were chosen from the haldofoixty through a voting pro- Sosko, Mioheel Tetwok, Robert Ttaomas Amribel, Aliuie Sorcio, Konrad Oeiumski, Katie Sich- Luke and LieWillort. Kocp op the Go visir yoce library asd chsok cene. All the famous people wore presentad tothe audience at the evening per?orma000, and than Ziolioski. Ketty Capelo, Soeanre Hansel, nlands, Joy Espine. Michelle Pic- good workt out tomo hocke. fifteen hnallotn ware announced. Culver Honor Roll 1999-2000 2nd Quarter Covgmtatoliona te rho follow- ran. GIVE MMRELIEF reg Cul vorSto derrts who huno Wlrito Honor Roll: Alber Ah- qurslrhod for the 2nd quartor hoe- mud, Circa Castra, Joke SeIm, URHAUSEN or roll. Te qualify for Red Hen--Zubair Ali,SmovonKbieckia, GREENHOUSE WHERE SHE NEEDSIT MOST. ors, u smadeomnvasm h aveonaver - Tmnmrrhy Ownon, KajalParet, Established in 1925 aun of 350 er highor. To qoatify Chrimroplror Rmrdkn, Sraooy Gore- lt's a simple fact: The morecomfortable for White Honors, a student msst dcrcer, t3ooa Kamrrmoe, Dallas your teat are, the better youperform. rave on osnroge nf3.00 orhighnr. Munroal-tteroer,Jete Qomse, - 6973 N.E. Prairie Rd., Lincoinwood Red Honor Roll: Joavir Bio- Richard Kroeger, Jennifer So, Il BLOCK EAST OF CRAWPORDA VENUE) lobraowoki, Sandy Goorgioveki, Heather Horesoton, ,rshbigato Pa- (847) 675-1573 Corolinc Kesibo, Joanne Lapo, oik, Atohor Homo, Lev Kolmens. Mnsn,-Fri, g AM. - S P.M.; Sal. & Esos. R AM. -S P.M. Anonimo Duvitowoki,Colloen Palnick Kyoo,Aakrati Sheth, OPEN DAILY Happy Koamsv, Gormt000 Rodoeaeovio, Shohraktr Ali. Amo Gnorgievski, AT 11AM Sulsnir Dajasi, Slogan 3000k, Sarah Skemry, Jason Bomaung, ALL PLANTS GROWN IN OUR L)NCOLNW000GREENHOUSE Cosecho Hirn, . Rootroei Shntlr, Noachnee Ahmod, Muttkosv Ashloy Zopsda, Anse Borkow- Shiososovaky, Jrnsifnr Zogorski, Mother's ski, Zeeshon Dhesuei, Kenneth Thomas torace, Shasoe Mac- (BusseHwy. betweenOakton andPotter) . ANNUALS - ALL COLORS - INFLATS - Schobnw', Zeohanp Zockeeroan, cus,ErikPapocol.Matthew Pots & Hanging Baskets Jennifer Eramia, Botjan Kova- Peyor, Eisa Tibori, Crica Jarre, 1056 Busse Highway cocK, Choistephot Toy, Hollis Miokolte Kough, Payai Pnrrdyo, From The Popular Bcgoeias, Imputiess, Etc, Day! Andersen, Viotorio Chan, Germ- Mitica Zivkovic, Jessica Plato, Park Ridge, IL847-698-3121 - "fo The Obscure. Nicrcmbergia, do Moenne, Sammy Sohwarla, Paul $iatkownki, Martin Niod- Bruchyconube, Gypsophilis, etc," PtnnisdaNiiti, JoaosaZajao, Lisa zielski, MtadeoZivkovic, Natutie . GERANIUMS - Non Stop Begonias, Dneriokson, Nickelas Leeestho- Jecohacci, Ashley Kossody, nu, Monica Stoeioinmioe, Zahl Young Min Atte, Jumos Aeg, Paul BANANA SPLIT New Guinea Impatiens Ali, Erik Grontuod, Enea Qaeeo- Biulohrwownki,JarraidKhoe, MATURE PERENNIALS achieve new batonce ahi, Adam Chamkots, Kelty Gib- Riawan Abmed, aed Beenden $1.69 Container Grovfl - bora, Ans Loo, Dusirot Omens, Saine. LIMIT 4 PER COUPON COME IN TODAY AND SEE OUR WIDE VARIETY Drachnebesg,Notulin Over 150 Varieties J nssioo n/enspen at Ihn Dairy F,eeaa, tOS6 Sanee Hwy., ParkSrdga OF NEW BALANCE PRODUCTS . POTTED ROSES In Bud Roosevelt Reunion . HERBS & VEGETABLE 1;ìLLrwL.1I s s Y ;WL1& ca, Joffeoy Spriegor, Nuostrees Roouovott Hick Sohoot, 3436 DAIRY FREEZE PLANTS Ali, Kovirr Brows, HratheeGorni- West Wilson, Ckioao. Clan of CONSUMER Cscpon only gsod st the Dairy Fsaaee 1056 ty,NikolotoTnamptis,Jatic 975 25th Reaniosm Sotuedoy, item(s) and A e Banne Highway. 000eom this secysn enly tes the reare9 tloahoa, SborioKoloppueoyit, July 22nd, 2055. sizain) lndivatad. Cespeno ara nalid il reprndusad. TarponPatct,AsimaAti.Grngury For moro iofurmatrue o-mail ._ - e- STORE: LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PUECHASE mast Itoguco, Luis Kmos, Joct Potol, ci [email protected] or weisc te cam . It a CarolynClrormrt,Jacquctinc nhsth7S 2Slh Sousion, PG. Bon Soymoc.ruk, Mictsonl Budoik, 2133, Norllabrovk, IL kOchS- SAVE SAVE : i.. Valerio Krynski, Rumana Por- 2133 orcall f847) $59-8609. I - - .IIIt I II I seen, Ateo Tejoda, Monika Balm, PS, ssotrill recd your holp Yoo Nu Park, and Alejandra Ro- looking foe clssvmotns. PAGE 36 ThE BUGLE TII1JRSDAV, MAY 4 2000 orSi: ,t. '(alt ,o' tEr.' io rnrtt,o;ro ro, The SEIGLE 101NI115DihY, Mt? 4, aeon l'AGE .57 o Doesyour home have the 'Right Stuff' Dudzinski named Sa1ësperson of the for voice, video and data transmission? Canyourhome wiring You say tonee oli tise equip- k000ws 15 Col 5E (for nrrtrueacd), coo seeoen iwiring chucas be- Villager Month' at ERA Callero otert io tubes to I moco toocterl in tod Cet b u just O roso, d rho cor- iweesr goors siako it certo uasiar, handle the load? ttttiity,strofortroatiosAge. Dut 'rina paint of alltitis isireo lodepnndonbly Owged Toni Dudzinski was recog- He is very ex perience d in real es- Ibonse builders arod eleatnerric EISA Caliese & Colins, he na- Rama tireataes, hatee offices, edition of the Odotienal Electrical y roc ol teiopi000e oed cubic 'l'y slnucrenadusino0Is loe sexy and Operated riced as tire "Salesperson of tise rote sales and has a large follow- peers 50 sell betwees 8 end IO wirirtpoal Labs, nideo games, en- Code. gas even this meders wtoiol; or juor trot ay to tite taob ontuipt sorer, ostttilers ara alreaoty bremer will be uuired is she fo. Moslh, for Marcir, el SRA Cjsl- ing among Clriragolands Polish nUsrtroog tirio typa of wirtrog ir,- million tisis yens. ehaegcoble tools, appliaoues and "steodoed" may foil far sheet ef er Ironolhiog tire demand er osent- tore,sird unlike other"riorono'' Toni Brens Iena & Canoa Realty. Jo earning eosomuoity. taro Itas areal estate SR_A Caliera A Catino Realty isg nito poteotiol of oli tiro Voice; saw io orreesa ioni rewodeliirg pro- ssirisg sultesocs, is can he sri- . hrn haner, Tom perseoolly saId persenal computera .' lino land- odeqanre for mony families -- flaws asd informatico colawn io is costieniog to brook real estalasenpe of oar loas has changed 00w, and ioho net.teo.dictaot etdeo aood data ce,otmooicaoiorr jacos. Now York huiioier Al Nor' versahly applied te toil reines. Is's Broker asca $1,005,500 seresidential sire Polish newspaper, and is a roles records. Quality agents libodramaticallyiothe few future. "If yos're n smart homo. reruitces yrnt souy osant te ore, H oorasdeau racootby issnohied Cat O a gao,h ideo wioeihoe yos'oo plan. Conliliod Ronidgnliai Spociolinl real astate during she ore month. regular gaenr 0e a Polish eadia pnsr ,uvus,Toota005noom Taor Dodoioki, plus tIre campa- ysars, eonhaped by new aed eses oWOee, you Wust te ge well yOa hose u torne office, ynu'ee is o tocase witlt u boson office. eiou rs build, add-os er simply E'ontl I Bi.Liogaal; En0ibnh/Palioh I-lo led the sales team at the Miles statiae whore he oeswaes quos- ny'sInondareroarkedngpro' more sophistiasted above Olin reisiotsuma. You wass probablyesder-eqoipped anni "Ir, ti toua usc, osy custe000r asknd resoodel. Aed it cast bnatp lout based reel estate company ta ne electrical le years oeporienco hoot ubacs real estese. lo she post, grasos see aseen ssfutly helpingpradsetu. Out Our ocod far io- to add more cieuurts end wore Oat fully reunby 00 do business es fer it,"loa ospluirad. "Boo is's add lo hoe wsobo valua of poor BISt- i oereaso in solee compared Tom has aseraged cheat 7 mil- stono borste sellers asd hoyers to creased pawar te apeeote tlrose capuuisy," advises Dusid Seerod- tue Web. Yo uoeuno 'r he ohio to roeretiriog scali bo asioqi in ali manota. You don't boao'eto wont Call for a free market evaluation with Macdr eflatt year. lier dollars a year in real estate salse sirair eau) estate problems, octress irtcm;tuioogiy sephisticoted et sur i eroe s, eeetrlaaily," untili rance tprojaco Toss jaioed SRA Cullato & dances Iras, in many eases, Out- ce of sire Coppee Deealopmsss cam os. sales. Wish she improsed macker- Thoirphose is 847-967-685g. btu'tonotttoti uribia 'rv oursices-- Ctrrotyarcd to the cosi uf in- along ..artyin000yroacirrust os his past December. puc'od oar Iroroes' ability ra sorse Asroeiotios, A member of one- direct: (847) 9654286 Cerino just ing synrems and adoertising et osloop bac000e evoiloble. Decor soaiiirog.seporioro rolepirono retI aed peotret us. al she NEC's Codn.making adei. the woy ponte ii000a io wired stove mV/pagnr:(847)817-4265 office: (847)657.9100 etat. 47 lt's hoed to helieso thus, net sony pones, grender, along with loo aserago iootoo wttln oeetagu cubic ruoa,toc "upcbotrrge" fur e would be heOOer Oir.5000er u, ail. annh arrien independents 000ed end oerrutnd INTERESTED IN BUYING OR SELLING long ago, the standard oleasnieal olhet industry expects, helps te coeds, like and'ototre y aubin uidco str edere Aoeirio packageir s Ors, ce installed io moss homes review cod prepose ehrnges thus ond multiplo ptneees,issadly rniroiwal. Most i000poe0000, srrac. A HOME woo only HO amps (foe compari. keep Oho olcetrieul code ap to rinser of the "right stell" ruhen it tarad wiring rot coi ysere es to- 500, consider skat crony cenital dare with omprosasroeotr ito teak' c000es to iosralled e'tieiorg. day's ,00edo, wlricir oiles iociade CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE uir-coodisiooiog systems alose selogy mod chooging lifestyles. Tire rigiot stuff iv,oroftocn, a eetwoeked colop000eu, heroic se cus draw sp to 40 ampo, ood Brander is quiebro point oui ceettrr asicoti000s cablecalled curio yrysrereseto A foster loteo- ei eCtrtC raoger often seed 5g hat,tibeallaoororausien and CoOegury 5, or Cor 5. With fear ne incoe, co, hot it risu propeoes o se1oarote tesis ted poire of high- honoc Ese s0000reew's ieteooatis'a RLMIE corps). Sat AA-am puoevrcc was uofoty aodon, loo NEC rois base- ttcztiity copper wices erocl000d io suiovtsices aod trama ausomatice BUSINESS PHONE osco cooridored saillaient paw- lione utuedardu any. 1-tomeowe- FENCE CORP. 847-692-5522 er for ail ti,e plug-in opplianees ars cao, nod often shuald, ro. e slim plastic jacket, Cul 5 ear systams. beadle mettipto phesa lises nod oid permaseonly wired fixtures aced the Code eoc000mendotions support Ioiglr.npeed digital cow. For nemodnlnrs, Cur 5 offers PAGER r)typical 150mo possessed. Of whoa they build, repaie oe cero- 841-210-3524 Causse, those wore ulso tire deys putercont mssicetiOnOs, ioclsdirg oimiiorboeofite.Asdretrofit wodeor end fas tears missions. winis,,"russerc riot au difficult to HIGHEST QUALITY befare devisions io carry brd- Fron esoropie, oryose nupood- Semelimosoared orweupprd iosoail as they sriglot snow, esce roost, toaltiyleeomputee house- togthe aapaeisy olocteicat s ir oidor romas, drre to Oho douai- tolde, undIrr proliferation of traie toewo esould be tuise to with 00w, iwpnocod RCA coos- ial cubic fur eideo nigeals, this opmeOt uf oaw ocio and tech- FENCING PRODUCTS AVAILABLE electric Ipp li2,oeos for t0000gers cossidar ro,vtaiiio, ga Irighor- "rorucoured 000rieg" package is u oiqunc fat tormo liess. "Fhooro RealtorsA tu ato os ti roto rain. eapocity panel--ISO or 200 Elm feti.'rOOeOnrlOtfortollof your ron"ie stuiiatioee .. wheroact,'it Tudrry Otre required minimum 000po -.if hoy torce u gnawing loewe' sulorOr000 eerado, sow sailer's wiring bundle rsns te o ROBERT J. SNELLING t orse 5 homes is00-amp ser. family, orespev-t farther homo MANY STYLES TO 741 Devon Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 oed well into he fonounea hie bu- a000ro ihair,isstead 01 boiog t'lo r,aceordie tehcuernost axpaosioo s is the years alocad. Ocre. Os the maekot tadoy, as wiredtore cies --osa osuertici Anetiren eorats onoo'e is ta aso osly o oroall addiriesal cori,is lounalba tiostsia bulikeasreg CHOOSE FROM ° 12-AOVO cop pee wioisg usa 6 aseo cable lorge.doowoOee plasma pipaErro COME HELP US , minimumsire fer all new olee- b000er-perfoemisA . Custom Cedar Si0 CELEBRATE i ' reical i050etlotions,rues foe Energy Efficient Maintenance Free a Stockade the nocirusiru peoteetad byIS- :ç1 - VISITOURNEW 000g breakers. Although shieorr Custom Viny! Replacement Windovis a Ornamental Iron o 14-A'IVG w omiso hewed for SHOWROOM AT most eesideeoial applicooiors, the -All Vinyl Custom Mude Ge:S . Chainlink 3 Wnodgrahns Avatbubte OUR NEW LOCATION heuvior 12'AWC wiee rotos uooi- Lowest AIr tntlltratton Rating SQ e Vinyl Chainlink LARGEST SELECTION OF PLUMBING er usA s moruenu'ry'etfixieot. -t.4334 N. CENTRAL AVE. ' You'll also bereSt tight away for Highest Energy EfficIency e Guardrail REPLACEMENT PARIS ON THE NORTH SHORE Transferabte Warranty t from Oho Anice margie of safety lOPING SAMPt.eSl - FusIon Welded Corners a Garbage it presides, osdyou wool hase Casements c t Oeaooeww irisog to uecosd tote Bays Enclosures CARPET SALE! iftinacircuit oueds to eanry o KI10EM CABIMEIS, Bowu 't4-''cø Complete Linesof Featuring 0005e cuereen in tire forare. iYoa Doable Hang 00e simply change-ear the GLASS Sliders wiih any window .,_____ Bath & Kitchen MfflIAK CÛN1ERTOPS VANITYS breaker frumis ompu ta 50 omps.) Fixinres, Faucets CARPET MILLS trö' -iiiiuii.iflu, E ISTALL( DAY DELI VERT) Acuarding so IRrender, aeon :IuIu.II,,,iI,u & Accessories 65Day prefossiooals wust be eoaonn. MAXIMUM SECURITY .I. CERAMIC TILE ogod te tioionk ahead wher coiled St)itfaciion Aullsarbed Dedal - 18 Gauge Sleel Framo Guaranlsed in 50 penlorort roatise oleeneicol Featured Products Tranned Since 1128 IN STOCK4,114 . 12x12 4l/4 meek. The Code presently oh- Better Security . st. Thomas . WE WILL BEAT ANY PRICE! S139 go 110am lows electricians to eslaulate a ''arno OFF I - MagnetIc S Compressbo Creations home's power seeds (iototal ..,wEEK ONLY Weaiherstrip ip warts) by multiplying ha hieing .9 Woodgrains Available . Barclay NO WAX LINOLEUM space, at square-feet orau, by o UìBI 5e'°R!iSO UP TO 10 X 12 K iTC HEN .16 Patnt,Coiors ii:! PERGO foetor of toree.loBrander's . Blanco ALL PISTHLLHOOH DUNE 0) OUR X 9H sEw, increasing thtot factor by ut . Gerher EXPERiENCED INEIALLXI0 TRAFFIC ZONE or MOHAWK INSIGNIA L lean 50 p ercen t peseides u mero 4RANNIHUTON . .... Glassblock Windows . Crane LAMINATE reahinrie mangia for aeticipated 'CONGOLXUMTIOKUTT $ : Ill!I ¡iii;:ii:iiiii; iMEliDN1S METh%.,S 9 Every 5th Window . Brondwny FLOORING energy use io the years abrad. A BITO The fient Nanee In Fence ARMSTRXIR3 :: '1 rocamwendatioe sa weib \_ P904 . this ir- . Celleelinn creuse isto the elnctrieai codo hou beco proposed, bnrt is probo. and more... inniani Cred il COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL ,JjIqSlRJ.LERS bly yeaes away Dram adoption. ii Tots As Sees No Inlenl on Paynnentn 1er 12 conAn )REDMEXUEROIIEE PECOCERIIRIED COiNSOR Elomeuweera oshu wust ta up' os "Opeah Winfrey" THE CLOPAY grade ocw dour baso Io wait INSULATED STEEL GARAGE DOORS FREE ESTIMATES VISIT OUR lShowraam display) 'OUR LOW PRICES WILL FLOOR YOU" Isar bog. _,ffH LIÇETIME WARRANTY SHOWROOPSI INSURED 'VE CAN HAVE ANY STEM DUPUCATED REGARDLESS OF AGE! FAMILY OWNED S OPERATED SINCE 1975 -- - USE - - SeEN MON'FOl TEA M. s t PM. . SAlSAS. to a PSI. . SUri t I A M. to 2 PM. Value (773) 286-5080 e. (847) 470-0306 4334 N. Central Ave., Chicago, IL 60634 5832 W.DEMPSTER MORTON GROVE FLOOR THE I,, : 5h2S I)SMPSTFiR S'E 4' MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 , . (toss Weuecru, 14,,,,) COVER!NG . - BUGLE MEMBERAFA (847) 583-1770 TIlE 00tt3l.OI,T1Uti0SOtS. MAY 4,1500 PAGE 30 PAGE 30 THE 006LE.ThURSDAT, MAY 4 2000 p$4ÇAHStars .t:VnI = Carol Ficarra CRO ABR - e Iu « m - & Richard Hnrcznk Award Winning OWflO!S' FCC protects consumers with new Computer Corner n't', onrong ohren. 0mal . BuyingOrSelling One Call Does It All! . Avoisliag ThePilOollsOf Virus so(twnrr, asrd upccial dis- rumor nubier. PcoptrPC offors colon any wornirs obnitt Isoving a s standard for telephone wiring lirsying A New Competer Arsd counts and doots tirnoaglr s wide 24-tsnsn-a-doy phone tools sop- computar that's obsoleto. And, royo PcnpIoPC will ho edding 0-Ivres really good news far meet now standards. The raie, omble corsinlu of foor twisted Gn(tiegOoThe Isstorosns, ranfo nf wett-bsnwn animo and port. Por hardware prabtsms 11ml oCCordtog Io Great, PoopicPC wany were noch deals ond din- FREE Costntn ourdIra rovI yrom. which applies to raw and aetrofil pains of irnalated coppor wine (NAPSI - Now, osare tItar rrsdisional brands, seoir an can't br Oued ovon ihrrinonc, viii dertvmo the old vontporrrn to ì everyAllA who loas Internet srr- , same, more Ilion ovo telopltone-wirr instollaiions sud offors service hrreOls arar osra, sisnppittgfon a persosol tinTvtdo rod l-800-Ftnwrrn. At Iltoy sotnd a rapport trcit In yunto charity. "Tirio woons year Peoimtol'C MARKET vies At onrmiresship cviii h000tno Ovon homo compulorono orfloro made after JatyA,2000,is rtld-ntyle teirphoro cable, typi- covsputrr and trying to get on ho $24 95 o 000th, PropioPC's toton momo. A nosiuw of asonotntoflnr- 'Oivirrg hock lo tIno contintuoi- EVMLUMIIIJ my alero oebaoblo ovcr lime," hr - -- -...iN hbsoo tolepls000 linos axIl o fox aimed at assuring tltat all inside vally made ap of two uotwtuted tnt rnnrtoass ho o daaosivg chol- PC ptckagr is only r few datlors inngs dioroont PC tuckers y is os imponinar pnriofnarensn- odds. Ask For muolsiflo- and for anyonewho wiring car mees the demands of pairs, donigsrd fun finning unica len goovo st fnr tiro sectrno-sansy. Itero tItan roots propio ano sow sinotced PcoptnPC to ha tito only pontyphilosophy," Gnocfnoys. OILES OPEÌ1SII1& 1.4 750100000E NEWPSC Ftrrnora informotion ne to SordoS 2 fit 2 iII 0x0 oxp000s to hook sp ory cocAbA- voice, video and data taonsmis- service. The additional pates nf Tito tambor of now wedels, now' paying joot for ritcir ttrtonOrt ser- cotvpuoy nsffoeintg irr-laosoc sor- Tino PonpioP.0 dual Ccnnporrn OS4000ILEFOOIN Carol or Aine sr surto n Cewpelilivr privo. favorrbly with the weotinly pay- oiga sp for a PropboPC, lof unto SI, 25E SIN rOl ndlst nr 50004 AlO lix 000040 00403 (ion of these daviers someday siens now and for the foresees- wirerivoategery-typacable drolv tvd now options Iran co- Rich 0100 Fol ISOlI COOlS Al 20 40r. I PcnptoFC, Otoof says, nisnald tsdurlsy ospurls soy o look of ros- want piass nffcred by clinCosni coron' .poopiepr.centmrorCotlI l_ Nvv O rAr RA lnvovtrse o. HOSA ROSOlI soon: Tire Federal Cotnmooica- hie (atare. msakn it ewsior ta honk ap multi- ptndod tIsis paar, ny PC nrskrns I 800-PoopbcPC. AO, Coupon 5141x000 9640504 liars Colslmbssian recentlyis- !iostallots boudons, itpmo re- pin plroon lines sod networh vio for attcnttcn inossinon005ivf- ttppotrl s orcen yoyo wlro'u fnsstrot- viun ood napport ore Iwo rl tiro PC makons. Gftcn socIo pasoirooc Antlerloi 0i5.24 sued a vow alo roqubring that all modolorn and cansamers should homo ovtoputern, ovd tite precise ly crowded nsarkot. Then, whonod by tito wAre-gobbledygook factors cited most oflon by ccnsu- ylorn mean Ihr cowp010r in nut- 293.OLD pos Brolly ssrohv oohnioc ond gos ,.tnsoc oled wttlr baying o PC or moro frustrated witit thom poruon- doted by Ihr lime it's paid for sod (8h47) 965.26B4oR 7653) trlrph000 wirbrg assaIled inside 5000e that the new FCC tale spac- twisting of thnwires speeds Ñ lipnios and other buildings must (tot Category 3 wiring er bet- oommouioatiofls whiln rrduoisg hr now machire borne. puttitsg il nctriog op ors tntrrnet account, oc ot cnwpnrrns. No sorprinn to any- mustbnspgradod ornoptuond. lot,"nays William T. Black, static,tigoaldogradatinovoti oil sogother und getring na the to- rnyovc who sittrpty wants a good ono wino irss over Wird tn Esos a Prnhnpt one ofthebiggost ben- vbco-prenidest for wire and cable cross-talk between separula tises telnet COO 5mm libe o job thor dnal oc o vow cnmparrr for them- compstnr parbtann or odd s pninr- oints of bciog a PonplrPC worm- ban in accost io spccial doals and I. You've seen our truks.1. now 11SEE" what we can do for YOU! withthe Capper Dovolopment handled togather. would gicoßmcatoir a irradaaho. micen or tiro kids. "LAS" - Astociution Soc. "The emphasis Impetus for tito new leiephcoo Ast o now Surs Pranoiuco rom- "Urstess yno've got paso very "Moul sf00 hove ra dependan din005nmn sor widniy usoilobir tn should ho on beltnr,' Black is- wiring utordard caine when o Isatry, ProploPC, io panmining soown Bill Gatos io tito tossa, it's a a erlotico er noìgtrbor to ligare non-osrsnhnrn. ProplrPC boor- BRICK\VORK Oar why Ihr compelan mrd driva agot the haying power of went- SINCE GLEN VIEW sists, recemmrnding moro pow. sot-fvr-prsftt profostinosl osso- sick cisauslortoosjoy alt Ilse bon- noci ctscttongo 5v pot togotlroe 0 . -.t967 enfuI cop ponwiain g bsstood of riatinn 5f donignnrs aud iostati- cOts Dl O portvnol cumpc000 and cornptitor, honk it op to the pirono crashnd, nr how to norruir Ihr In- bonu te rrgntiatr dinroostn and REPAJRS P,e-Season thu oiuimam. io losnar,v ithoat' cli of ttsc Iscod- lioo, ottd Ir guncou t how to gor ne t0000i,''Droaf sonys.'At Peo- doonis individoat mncmnrbors (847) 729-7840 ers of teteoomnsanicationr syS- Air Cond. 'Today Cotogory 5 and Cate- toms cullcd BICSI petitioned thr toltO,. How do they plus to do t? siso tolrroat,' Groof boys. "Ovtton ptnimC, w rnvautoon womhers sr cooldn't garon rhonrowrn. NEW&OLD gory 5E cOppor commusications FCC is1995 after naoeisisg By olferisg contamrnn u rom-you bcooror o wrwhor of Pro- ihink of en on mho onpert they can "it's mime some principio beiriod 0000v, s any time. Ouf normbcro suporsl000n like Sam's CIoh ord SAL wiring aro tite recogeieed stau- many enasomna oumpluints pbro rockoge at o very competi- ptcPC, wo make it rosy for yos to 0 FLOWEI BOXES cdl for est. deedfor broodbsnd scrvices," ahout inforiur phoun wiring. Ro- tivo prior, nays PosptePC fnuvdoa get notino right away Con eau sr 0v drrre o'clock in Ihr Frico Conica," says Groaf. "Our onploiosBlock,"withseveral notti Provost, BICSO's govern- nndCEONiokCroof. Unlike many of Ihn "fron" and monniug witlssnrycoetpurrrqeot- god is nos only lo.mako it cosior tian. lfwr Can't unico the probicor for people to gnt maous to the ta- n STONEWORK (047) 698-3550 btocs gma tarrapas ity and spend montai relations repecuentatire Thu PcoplrPC offer is simple. discosot PC offonings, PonploPC tIran carded for todoy's high- For $24.95 s suastlr. PouptnPC docss't bnmhrnd yon with adven- osca tIme phone, wn'll coren ro lnrno t, bot also, throkgh oar toi- and choimsan of thn FCC Ad power, hnlp run FREEESTIMATES speed lotornet services, such as Hoc Adwiristrotivo Cemmìrrco toombern gos o brond-nooso Cam- using nr comr with iuta of cow- ynarh0050 und fis ir." bohne boyin members bay lrigh-qauiity wrr- linke A Spore Puk DOL ovd oapoble modnmn, Cote- that wrote tise now stundoed, m- PULCI ICoospoy or Toshibo) cow- ptiCatad conditions. Avd, with Titaro is one cutch. You nord io We Specialize In sigo ap wwith ProplrPC for thron chandisoatdiscountpricos." Cooling Systeos gory 5 sod 5E have nix timos the cull cr0000 ving reports of lamp pioloeocenototirotttt osee r, PooplrPC, you gos o PC ftvtv o CALL Air Condkioning For WILMETIE irfonnatioo-oanying capocity of cord and halt wino bcivg nscd round.ihc-otock uorricc, is-home monofoctororyos'vc octootty yours. Bar if yea rocote year Csrrcstiy, PaoptrPC mewbrrs ore eligible fer disocunts from As Feahsrod On Category 3, providing n comfort- for Isasee telrphono hookups. ssppttrt, tdicrvsofi word procoss- hourd of. membership at ihr end of rho Hot Water Heated Homes! loading Irmococi setoilo sosahas 773-55Ò-3127 (847) 251-0230 ohio cuslsiar tor rho futuro at lit- "Now that me' vcsacvon dod in ing ovd sprnadshrer software, Ii- Bot porhaps Ihn wovt iutci- thror-ycer iol'ro, PeoplePC fives "This Old Housex E°Tevdr, I-BOO-Flowers and tie additional ovnI.' settingtite nOW mivimors re- tìztttCial wcflagemost and orsi- gatvg port of the dosi is the con. y 00000Wv'ompsmor. 'tiret climi- Category-type tolcphoee qaivnmovt," usys Fnovovt, 'we'vo gos to grt the word ost." Larrntrnepes - Niglsxsuaptx0 "l'bis oawstuo dard will bene- flAck t'usine S nAcras I fit conuumors On unifiers deploy Deep Inside hroodbandsoasisus thatoar more demanding titos tnaditirnut voice telrcommusicntiotsu," Your Heart... commrntv CDA's Black. "Peo- Tommy Pollina MARBLE GRANITE TILE HARDWOOD pio shouldn't hnsitulo to iosaoll 02 phone jacks 00w whorover they Landscape Co. Custom Made Indoor Weathesree SAulo I_trn tJ-- thick they might nord them in Cari imfinruis ihr future -- wherever thoy or 847-698-6868 "CONTRACTO«OTOiE YEAR" 399 hr nest fomily that owns their li VALUESIG $499 homo miglst maris tn plog in o ptPpr othrr communications ' ALL COLOflS - ALL STYLES - ALL MILLS Tise Carrier ,. The Carrier OVo testrtrn Weathermaker Wessthermaker ', :!2' t4:7'%. t 11 Advuoced toirphone cable is S000TSgastournure uvoitoblo at uniwc( asir- conditioner . __ eloutrical-sapply l'AV1NI2 Sl'O'dl S provides twa-speed cutlets and olnotromicsstores. offers u torn-year . ., teudmology to Mfld - TSo, - Mohawk - CrnhE - Milliken Tho cabio aitassising shoold ho comprensor . CustomWeave - WundaWeave - Avalan - PatetaS clearly rtarkrd with the category warranty and it ' improve indoor air Expressive Designs - Queens - Helios - World dosignotion. Unlike old-style tot- Design-Installation-Maintenance ; - circulation and was rated a -.", .. - Shaw - dieddin - Geixey - eed all other oejormillsl!l cphane wirieg, mitis which isdi- overall comfort visisutjacksware sypicoily Consumers -- , . Over 200,000 gds IWAYSIe stóck end Os-SALE Dignrstttr Best while redodng wiredinnecios,catngory-type -' NEXT DAY lnntxllet(eo et NO EXTRA CHARGE cabio reqoiros a huron oso" ccc- s, tOny. operational noise. (sgtorotion -- roch ouslot is wired - Orrore yos Carry tOssa brauy. osisy. roil einst wnnntou ais SPECIAL urparately to o crntral distriba- cordon, catogan icup000asnwmLa orco mn ...... Calltoday to schedoole a free estimate. aaan deane uggtt PERGO tian dnvice or hub. ,ddd c-HO' ua areA na oeeccsCee Cu LAMINAtE FLOORING Far mono informatisn on teto- s '1st,. commsniostiros wining, visit Ihr . s se a& /464 ejá, Coppnn Drvotopmrnt Associa- $2.49 tien Weh site at hsrp,// 6310 W. Lincoln Ave.,mMorton Grove . Wo incoe a high efficient CENTRALA/CSYSTEM (847) 9672200 fnryccr hrrme al an affordable prior! s35006F! yoa long for pouce rood lsormooy. Nalbing lud yaa hare a HOT SPATEN ¡CEdrINO SYSTEM, EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE JO cames cluser to thai feeling Iban Axer Arcn. it d era,n 'asneas yarn oral hace CrutralsiirCerriasarssro NO OBLIGATION FREE ESTIMATES FINANCING AVAILABLE ria TRICKS - NO GAMES - NO SURPRISES Like io sen mure? macailed in poas harur . Visit nat nuwip remodeled showroom % I Sl1_( I hi i'/.i' CARPET MILL OUTLET, INC ... Family Owned and Operated . . Cruwford Supply Company A'! 'S IC S'i ir I FihiSyli Si.\Ii. f S'iS'l'L?tiS BhIrrInglon 1110PM HOSt Morton Grove . 8150 t-l. Lehigh AoenaeMurtos Green, li I3ZON.HkIIRhI4 JOrbI,. Clignio' : Cattsoiaduyfan'a a-S, SERVING CHICAGOLAND FOR OVER 30 YEARS .0 !! inGenIo . n ! J: : ' Phone 847-967-0550 OOiOOil VISIT OUR ENERGY CONSERVATION SHOWROOM . 11147) Jolbill Iii.I,Isonnon Mar, Thars 9AM - B PM; Tans, Wad, fridop F AM - 5 PM Ian,.d. %01 e.a.ara,sr ,9,6 Ja ...o .. Please roll lar eppainlmenl TItE ntJGLE, T2010550AY0 MAY 4 2005 rutiE 40 PAGE 40 Tile BUGLE,TmJMSDA'i MAV 4, WOO

r Cnrnuììfty

Wolf, Weis & Horowitz, LLC OF NILES AND Stop Stress THIS SPACE MORTON GROVE Certified Public Accountants and C nnnulta als 1 E1 Tax Preparation Individual, Gain Relaxation AVAILABLE! Corporation Partnership & Fiduciary Feel Great! C Call The Bugle Homnit OeIl» Unces CEB Rocntl1100011S0001Ip Eslale?lunsiag AudIo, Compilados asd Raviews LdgalionSuppoil Non-l'sofit OîanizaliOn Walter É Sala, CH. Display Advertising Dept. Hypeotist/HypnotherOpist, Cerf ifled This special section produced radedited by The Idugle Newspapers, Nues, tLThursday, May 4, 2400 R300 North Rivcr Rd. Si[c 602, Rosornont, IL OOIS National Guild of Hypnotists Ask For Dan 1847) 692-9800 (8471 692-2369 van Accredited Instructor t Practitioner (847) 588-1900 [email protected] 847-966-8063 5* [email protected] HR director organizesmonthly charity drives VIDEO SECURITY gd1Ir by R oonelon y Tirio VideoNet Video Systems, Inc. Noi all of Suono Resources is vhclicn for hutletad (volteo codtito htlys Tatiro-tnowv vrgunio.o Before you fñvést (L. concerned will, Sling fonms and tlroìn childncn. "Ita o shelL or in av "stair' aId gels ireOPlo uaeited, Make sure you Inspect it! keeping abreast of Ihn nntulliludn octualI tonta," Tativa-Orownoa- Totisa-Boewo raid. of oven.c>oanging lacro governingplaired. "They pat tl000i baltenod Arctlter causo hrcoghl to light ES. 041)024.105 Parry Faa MO> 02*50*0 010ployoe nighLs and donoSos. woltice] togclltun and huvascn- by oroployce Biondo ' Themas .1. Jankowskl VIDEO Rooi,io Taimo-Brown, Ruinanoieex ard coursolirnano!ltihle helped mino ow monesco ttito Lv Hei,ccçl Attinral Ha noon Socio- Niles 847/470-1950 Y.:'01 Res nonnI. Coondinator for Duo,- 1er (hem. Tlte' stay loo eight Il.Abutod 1 tonnO S lYon, Ihone lRs1uN bOSrECTION lac. polit Medical AsnocioleS in Loko woohu, und (han Iltay net hum up "CoFdntH: an Spas EdoS Bluff, dunces agreut leal ofoxinain houoiog. ge! Iheto er tlteir arc u toi old Ortes asd ottunod oni- Satisfaction Guaranteedt uotisfuclino fno,o xpooioriog foot. "'I' otiru-Bnown noid. 'They otuin in Lake County, libro lItan r-, '. . 'ii !s.s4t monthly charity events among boxa oothiog." alta said cl Ike bai- youd lltinh," Tetina-tremo said), '$25.0O off with this edi 10515g In good hanS I the osip pino. ta bsJ hon 200 e,workari ut thoir9 mod- cred vidimo. 'Thoy're io iiluu- goura ard cneo pot-bellied ligo CALL BEFOREYOU BUYI cal officesthnoughostLaketiotiswltera tlley'nc fearing for uro owoog Ihe e lionis, of Hooves .2wndOO*o. Count ycv lieto 32 ph ysietuns und lAumaru Sccioty, cvhich rann e s SOCIAL SERVICES alites health pnuieisioeulS plu?- LotI month. Tati,rn-Browr di- hvgo 30-tO 40-acre iamtl'n reeLed her comerkenu' ooull000 to SVoodstock. "A iotjif celebrilteu Theemplopeon at Doenpulli felt gaina four-footed Onsintunuoro- atid otunie tiar! hotp raise moray DONATE YOUR CAR ' TRUCK they wonted tu develop a charity uiplcOtS ut the Sono-a-Eco no-hill for hum," Taiino-Biowii soid. I PAKCOMPUTER SERVICES MOTORCYCLE ' BOAT dnioe 00 4 manthly busti. Eton, animal sholter in Orayslako. "We Mi.santuondia , a noviderliol AMERICAN FAMilY (ANY CONDITION) that inpot, Taiioa.Snotvn dannI- colloetod euer $2011 along with scitocl for ducalopomortalty dis- Nata help with computer setup? epad aauett on plan. deg food, cat lead, Icaohot, oui- shIed child nanua j odiumio Chi- PC need using? Watt hasic AU0000M0811000ISSOMLWLJFE E,nployees who contributo to Ions and othor stuff for aaimals." cago, is 000lbor fovorite chanily computer knowiedte? THEÁRK4- donignaled ebnooti vunnupeoo te to 'Fetiva-Brown toid. ofSatuo M0000, eno of the Doer- MARINA STANOJEVIC YoIit IRS Tao OeduItlbIa Canlribution ot your used Lent December. it wanToyo fon 1400 NOtTH WAUKGEAN tOAD, wonko n iltutchonity doy and wear rath employoos.Doerpatlt oto- vehicle will kelp The Ark help the triousanda (lint Oui the moat out atOl1r 2ND FL000 SOOTh, suivo 3 et needy tamISes who depend on us. joaaa.Evetyolia rouaives a tog Tait.Totiae-Btomrgoid ploycer collected arcuod 0245 800mm rutIna-Brown (AghI) BnehyAodot'OOO (left) tOILES, ILLINOtS 60704 uhua sha Sm! trotted bec b000no- for Mioorieordiu aloog wilh lola computer douiitoiiog the monthly uhvriiy, und tIte d crises u greal deal of03,055 ard $4,003 ternouerai hr PHONES OFF. 847-580-264.1 speakonOrae LanguEgn Call (773) 9731000, ext. 270 today! eat ettdeovonv, cha tad Irouer HR ai loyt, which they gave la Iba Tatioc-Browo said aba lirvi personal auuisfaotiitn Ires bon of- cal and naiícnol, humor arch ant- FAX. 847080-2046 SIrOtaI.O01141>0 0 2Ft. 2h phn,iolaoW*bO,r*gI*nothdruto000 cuonkod oil>, United Wa y ut 0v- tanpoonihililiat in laanryalnititi obildreo. Menflsn this ad and (847) 291-0940 Digo? 0020000 >001 I> Ourlai InsIl204a Gsa Ony anO Il* OUDt!t!0ll. . roel uhonilica Ta dato, Tulilro' 50100I)Ihal.fhuITmotuIThlIIA oilier uOmpuny and becamE fa. Mono than crytltilig, shc wanted Mioonieorditi tuill probably be laSSAI 10% Off Lnbar Homo Oli cn.MldrOO* . 600. lOfUO 0) V/loOn,aal200.!!! "h'sgood fooling lo gice to ognomo und list uclleegocuhtieo lPillS ORtI? RECOPIlE O> 1111 OPtO> FIOIMDII 01 1>11001 tir uiae I breda ontiern' ewarenes OOOliO miliar with what chueituble cul- vperoceodagainIbis gued cause and moho o diflor-donoicd to Ib dilforari charitable Marcil, follewad by Iba March at once,'' Tatina-D rcsuvs aid. - Dimas in April. Urcompontoted,sshrneldod, ïappca qaiiauuOrii 'ly lof Laut yoan. 25 employees who and ovan avd above hL'reoluttoivo cirutilieol.'Talinu-Botwitnttid. 'AL pcnticipciedivIhn Manch of DittiesWalk Amonicu,ralved S2.500 by wulkirg hta uOnlriho- DENTIST, HOME SER VICES lcvt i>oaugltoat LoLo coil Ceok

Onion Nouns ey Appolutwant MISOtCAL .tatthoaylt (Ita yacitlu liman oo- Roonings and Satandoys Adollabla Absolute Care, Inc. S I M. PO LEOUIPMENFOIJPPI.IES peal iba nomo charity they spelt- s) BONDED Sc LICENSED gored lotI year in upurticclíir . OXYSEN otonth, they also add vow anos. VERNOYSKY, D,D,S. Sl3ecdnllntg In a Nutritional . a PRQCIlAM 'Wate traity Seniblo ahccl uhal S? EDUARD ELDERLY CARE Supplements charities wo ruppant," Tuluna- n ElectrIcal eCPFfl$tJf FAMILY DENTAL CENTEI O BABYSIYFING Drawn said, Lift ChaIrs dPNEA(SHOFJNG) Anclhar liltic-knowr causa is Cnnvnniandy 6526-Q W. Golf Rd. a HOUSE CLEANING WE HELPYOU UVE LIFET010E FSLL0?. tite Illirois Fire Alliance, ,nhich Lonatod al ha Niles, IL 60714 und more is anseciolad with Caiop Duncan Corner nl Golf 9242 WAt!KE0AN, MORTON ORO'.'ei, ft 773-6258424 847-226-8706 ovwa Sano, ou... 0th cro.! io Pos Labo. 'Drop ruo a burn and Miloaukaa (647) 583-8181 (847) 96767b7 leiiin did lar Lake Ce001y about dIa vartaus charities. "rhol cusp fer ehildroncaub suotmor. was my010111 geol," dic sttd, Thu young nichIng aro Iskan tier Rowena,, aluno then collectiog "and it mus a vt al work." for a week il ha with other etuI- I MEDICAL iNSURANCE J (111)1 tit)( loo cirurit ycausa s.Ta- Now vhe and honecwerk ots aro dtaa with nintilar trogicasport- . racIly mIti Iba el tori Op tiling. Suo t_lltilli nucos aid sImwaolcd tu 000es. "Just seeingbuio wlrvno ._fee coceo rage marc-tUrn et,'hoods- htts ou! c ncltutl lured ottet nace ai lila yeunnO ally lot bane--it won so HEALTH INSURANCE nusinlo occorarn lt lanco whc-ttnlic D (iv" ioc'olc'ctvavt willi (lia churl- lic?,"'ru tt5O -Drawn ïutd.'ttte «4 Corporate Style Benefits a Including $15 êd Of Pai dut dcclx Itatchueitalolo aerivllien, cltihliov token to lIto camp ntlr5? General DenhIsfry co.payst Great R.X Cards possible nt you to try out new Shostarted hen ceanade by coil- M outofliencawot huts arc nary io 0H fruor 3 to I S Dro gui tvas dotting O celleetti,n for boattsl ocuaptiuc and cothoniastic uhuct Ex lnrtinhiot e Maccow and alt her ;; nappontiog Iltu chotee couse oac>t .5i 4244West Denipster Avenue pro-existing conditions e&lrL e n bachit Octoberof1990. crpcnscl wore ,otd hte by the Al- - Skokie, IL60076 She saio! (ho loica to galfood- irtonih.ratintt-Bromii said. liaoca,Talina.SrOWn naid. tospcttnlhililiuscl so1retvisirg l3euuoìa al'I'alira'Drowv's ottihr- ?tOW LOW RATES! /u NQtUI0I Poin RellenG buck frate tite etvployecn io find Tattoa-Br tIan had especially Par 'ratiaat-Srown her charityolnpoyau- bcrlel'tts, citoducliog tri- tiuli ard gcrL-rasi y. you caobe t Fortune 500 Insurance Company you to tsy oui taccOjOt and b1. oui whul ultatilicn hoop uneolor- digit p50kw for atedluol unuistan work pats the 'hunlua" lola ha- IL nul ows, making refonorea 0010 lItai whencntployncn at lita (847) 675-3662 which Becky Anderson.. "SItas ¡ny riratr, Doorputit Madical As'noceates say Award Winning Service - Call ltge thooSondu of busSed reet, unicA in htferc Iccidiug ' rna 05051 i anuos'.ilhc tnse ry grttd'sllacks, utisoncling and recruit- (312j 418-700$ calina Oc s 100(010ev1. nietieclal ie tIle 1_aho Bluff of ing. roliru-trown lusi yaut cOo-they "guao (iilito trISco," they No o s. .MIIade yod by hor collaugaan wanm ro' 'rbi, tilerlli. Tciinu-litown in 11cc." sho s.'i'd. "Icall hen mi', rosIly did. ToII.F4IB.4O0. -733O.> - eopticil call uclixa partlaipalleo dacied drioca ibtil lulled batw000 ,, cltcurluadoe far ullurily," Aojan é*im.*. tampar1d o.u, ciillccliitglitt A Sate Pluec, a DItl 000ko TIIUR500Yr bIAS 4,2000 root? 43 PACE 42 TUE DUGLE,TIIURSOY, MAV 4, 2000 -w at- ta ut i t'%« btI -*-a .wi i-- U.. i -I:'V' .- -I -m- 1 a ta Meeting Improving Relationships Ten most important management traits CEB Planning Financial planning for you will needin the next millennium in The Workplace Se mocIl Inns changed in by Sehe Gosdmelim jost 2. Levm tIm leash by lisletsitmg.sirsgla slylo, tslnwever aliillce vaf- the job hopper tIte tasI lwcnlyyenxs - mId is io lire'lIte Ideal lrtnonger im. tIre rionitine. 'Ihr nnirniagervif vsloinrrinw lo uieloahly entry rewspapemDiasretire: TiteMcdvi's.Sciemnee pmecess rrffomltrer cltmmgr -il mnitleoeiinrmr will teed lo he il kimrd will riced Ihre sliriliry Irr step (mum Once upon a time, the hallmark Matuy largeemployersmoer ternelil Re,seaoils InsIlIate, 130- or toofreine tedsmy, yna orn fredofAlestai Heo!tlt, "Broad un- ntmeold cimice au ne esrpeisr Ural «nf sortes, dmamwinrg la lIon sir lier- 551mo wsry lttiurgs tsr somunitn- ofogond employee was the loyalSwitettitig tu csnll-halsmce pali-sidos losimtg nul on femare hIs-a conStad airoom uf malus ne «herslneogenbhrmies worethrast lIte rcqaimelaenuls nf a grind limon- self oil lIne ssol mesinorecs tImid iln-er,hrluccsunleslotlefisi,hisenn worker who alayed with the saine siuti pIous, which neither fuvursdeferred gnswtlt, thalloutney muyaabjret of how o man and mom-(Ilse prubleisns in an effert to re- 000e oem also sltilliisg, "lt was tuoI fnrruonhisnn nsnilntrle, Insduiurg ove tmnerstusr, hliemi lessulce. CO20O0for 20 io 30 years. To-lnitg-teno employees nor short-ftree jocotee tanes and a len-sto slsooldisilorael-- or ratlmersolve hew aed pot ruoli new so aug agis that dl ose needed iotif wlmni lue nr vIreneutriIrurius 6. Mcditrre iafurntmrrsimrnm,'l'nr- day, the overripe worker changeschangea stlorler-lerso employees.pceectit penalty (if yea'm y000g-lioso iltey nhoolds't internet -- atmalo lammlsor drove reason anide be a geod mwuagcr, Il seemed, ahisve, bc'lovo trud 000nn usolsille laurreurso's insunmagems will 11:15e ist employers every tine yearn. amiMany ether employers otter de-er duet. 59 1/2). Sut directly enano- she workplace. nu lind mero raIes were needed." was alt 'iren Ost' and Ute doive ta llnei.mredismtc syincresrfhntirress.Itreir hurgcrlipv a gmnuwiulg colee- iiilodaysiglitlabor marhulroled-etmnlmihaliuum pInes, tarit asferyoarin.rliey (tusslulrida 20 per- lt woald seem thaI he sonIc get Iluingl dusoc ro urattee whsIt_" 3,Cnlliv'sstocuminstisirtud hull- vtsir 55f krrrswletige smrsul uilrnslsisl- To find a erare offoctive way mununolnidullmle wimp workers drink nothing of tIme 401(k).Althoughcsolt-CcItt tua) mIss tIne itew ewplaye?s pabhie(Iy generated un situnab- saidMiclmneleiieGeorge, Ac-alnee. Stress isall rinrtn, 'l'Iiey soul rIcciil he tibIe st changing every two ssrlimebalance end defmed-ceoirihuiiueratiretneot plush, if gnat'. altewed,jeet, Ike momo motos and regala-IO deuil with houe rolotiusstdy iv- coant Execadse, srl Drsuke Beton focI mf life fer dl Infos, l,liisler «Ile rohs'ieoo, Ormulelsiullilllind ivyack- years. Some Cvmpíaiies earnplums don't remord luag-troo lily-er enlister it inloslll IRA, tioss aro eroetod ha heedle thesors, Hahhrrd seggelsn me, "At- Morion Doertïeld offlee. "Sot w ptessorc nund ciirlltietv ilnevilsnlrleage liria'iuifsmemrr'Iminrus sivifhly, lind (rewe os applicarla who dais'SalLy, (tiny also ment beontil inh Wseeh peor health hensefsls. yruhlew. lack anmoosso, uns the leoiely er we lunhle hesrdlermg isito tite nest iii 1(1005 tsfelr:mmife - arId ils.'emir n -imltslicil tIer ihmuit 55h15lic gisrit have a esnome showing jobhoppers. That's beeaase employ-Job hoppers al least me f'aíOiOt- Quilo eftun une sativg inn orn1holear." mihleemliam, Use skills leqeired ofilig years will he lIces mf great vhosmmisrmn. changes.However, alflsooghces who tense hefem they arc ful- leedltlsnl pme-esistitngtrenith yrsnb- cuorI srrinr Ir contradict aruth- a gtsod olmmimger sollt Ire all llrrclrtonge - mimngcms svitI need IiI 7.leggle meslnamces, Nus urrse hum changing employers car boosl re ruling teem enni(rer murI. Tiloteetiniqarloallisedin emlrmcemplers nnnd diverse." sipprinnclt saCs ellausges 555 çhsnl-urtirruey un Inuneli, l'iglil Imsldgels ale ly sesteO io Ute pItia -ofless atIcons won't preVelnl them frIsos l'lnshharrl's book, mimieh tot neid wages andbriog excising new op-lw-OS five years - loseoat no senne jsilmriligtheir resoe.eyhrryrr's'hic net retail ia mere eoslatior An pua stdoamsce inn pIrar essecee, Iettgeo, sspporheiiilicr t'Ire lesmnilrgus Iicce.cslmy,muid 1sep will sasely niere 111mlt R million rapins in- pertonilies, lieue colon al a wsst -er alt ofvoy employer's essoteibo- Iseattlt plans _ if their rnnptsnyer lit- and orraurteinty. tIrep55mm rouarurgelns'smtsshihih'tes alrd evens sltrerilrg nrmue's nmninuil.vel,sernílisn vus. Mutllst0'sirs iii Ilse scsI ioteuruiooally, Iraeo helyrd wusy Ol'aieslerwiug meeting, hovledby Mary Arena,Barth of Lie' a cost dint cae affect yam lung-tissus. fluaIs why it's iioyuritost tetels Inste, Iluwevee, jilts lssnppevs trligrunsi willI vvinal wilt ho unces- A relise of peesunmnsd equilibria isuirr iticninniiiinn wilt llave tus sinifl mIrth WOsrI is puirplocarmi hew lu handle an- [ems financial health. may tisive tu wait ap tu a yeso be- upployrisilo to sop? sary in Stec'mn ratIng .nihlctrriiatmn? will lee ossellminh. Timo lourinurger iiIjluggte re.usnome es WillI 050e. 'Ihm ce?uwood; TOOyaTaylor. Advocale Modhcal Groap,' Suo Barro' try tu ws,rk fer an employer al \Vhat dues mmv wear so os eut lereuses osnd reslore Isantnl Id Iseo- Ifjob Stopping is i year fuSain,leastlengeeaegtt to smI. forullneyesiojsdss. Accoedituglo Drake Beoni fie erst nsilhonmnmann will leed musaytrtiev h nitrico Iliumis jitvt nsamioy; nI,Harris Sank. eppeor pruvaeurise? W(rvl ron-rely is mho wemkptrce. here me slime cautious rand suona Coser Ilse gaps. Another reLire- Tey tin csrnnhioac mIcron coo- Mrmri.t, One world's lesldisng crecer be able ho loi cerlulilt tlmimrgs sirni-e irvlrilni es vunhivfmc huir ,emmuplsmyce ttisviessenaa t Isassassemust? lrntlsirinrnl mid ootpincosuteuul cunsu' ply"rsrhl ulf," hosco die Iregeryic- mnrirrsnlrmmmii cunnupuuinyi itnhs ¿e soul fluismeisul planning sleategies thaImeet csmnlsesllieeer terjub- rage sill yrnoe ums!; otherwise, u AlIar eyyiyisg 1h eosrlemieI is Should nodes el hvhuneioc be dii. sailing tiria, die firilirneirtg ire hue 10m, thegrcatemvisilrmu, amud lnmnt lotbaciare pulsI sind puocel vsihhr "hirt- coo make tine ¡noves insure [litait-huppers is OssI theytttay sot Ire el- serilmus illness cssetdilevsrshnne 0heure rin-e, commun's Lur Parodi (eremIfon gosuvsmert officials chilly sueno. igible lu julus a plmt until they've year persunsal linsiuices, Y«stuc'«y said, "this hIs beer «ho wont mi- eli uauivt isisporiamml ukitis pills avis Uie msrlsleurm:smy smunemni stsld sCese Irin liste'' etilicomlrr. Think abual relirezoeto, Olten lis compared ra Ihr rmdieury per- enmanaget wilt need la culnicuite tsr nmf cOnsign gel flue holier lsftlilO Irr il,St,'llOis(uitr Icy.Visiimu wsmrked fuse tIte einplssyee et loaste be ahle Sss Islny u sliurl-Ients inciti- loe.? The qaesriuns abusod asdrai ulliosItrave oser done. It Ihn higgesl itayacloflrcqonnljoh few booths smeevelt a year. TIsaIs cal psnlicy use peelsllps entlitinrue lIte huit mudo Irise heahih ond happi- titrïs'eiO yuoecsoeee: lier. moi,'usruv mnurt irsty susmoonlrimig Immure chuatges ¡sultan ilcan sctiaasly as- rire sIne last gels rniaddirr. I . Msskc Ilse clint lii tceltnnimllr. 4, Muuruigu tIlereist urli .utiiyv, Ilnual ut ulriu00cu'ly rmhjcelivc'lic per- 15551 IllOuley that intuId llave Imeat grsnnp csnvnrsige psis Iraitalustre 5055 pussilsto and Iren given mr esisnugers devmmnseeffons tu saur far ocian-euinpuu issus g overtime Str haild s. ysittr snld esnptsryer thrunagh ti fed- k'?. Irr the rest eemutrrep Itiml Ilmo cioytnryees. 'Ilse dumys tri s imni' itdiv, hua hsmrns neliirlf smIller, Pumioseirhy, ihic .snore u of IhrItar undersrnvdieg nf kumvni re- lumsiy Stid Uremselves cirnlnnuarrl- (unable rclireteeel. 'Iltis is raye-higgremiral egg. lfyea Csol'tjssin aeral law csstted COBRA. Yea lsur(onmslmìps. WIsal cesid br meere needy vcyomeisiltg sae wausilng.Itoitug1h10 hIn see, riurtlilu y 111e ynohiem has houe itulviud. L. csltiog tegnisoty rvils nsmrplsuyecv cially trac forwuikers caverrd bypita. for awhile, at tenni ase Ihn. lustre usi pay Ire peeinisulOs, bal nl fIlin liubhneut w cauris his bunk 'l'inc regrlturr tuine-tnr.tive elmmyhmny-fureesm firm the liver, bah heyllnsmt Itrey, ill flint, rtoely lay eyes oli. i lli( 1511mm'Ip. Ins 111e defeied-hctielit e.utisiosplans. libe tueumslseihote msssey titani in- least ylia'mcsrramd. ce iv bec liIttIl ng 55e (rirent, being srhlc tim crrvivimsru Mnnungcrv will mincit mir kesnw luisno ottifihrug rca mml'null- mrd plat- Typically. [liese plans gnsnanitteedisisivud senile-meet smeesnael Pay oils'ululI itir triiige heure- ntmnnrpuuoy e il criait ten, amid a benefit based an the wcsrke?s(IRA), sur pat Ineney usisle su t'.Ls. Durit smverturok frhtgr torre- Ihr take aslotoitunge ut the latest inn hInters,',tel,'e lu asco ev,lcisuyvamid lnssw yea cuos cori ambule tu tine ctrmn hiimaiiictihisttis lechillotguly. Sul l?cs-Iulrrç'svio kera,Il rorulimul gee lcngthufservice end highest sala-mhé.m yssa become eligible pua I'its - riduce wIehl n pirletrhint treno HR First Quarter Results eciiieocnoolurmf itssri vishnu, mhtl ulme mnecrvsiiiev rif cutos- ry. Coosnqaettlly. leug-tevia vto-esos snussaoioeyoareeoleihaliutus. elttlslssyer ritters ire mIsal yire untay hryrmnnsl uf rmiuoisrrsivu will oecd rim "reumlt p -uumr c'ce vvimy Ilse Oie clsrnnilrg wit- - -- Witts Ihr first qnarter et this year ulroady g enuwu hear from l000ieuitilill, lhirrrmr isn't a sinsgle hchlvuremt mlle hmm s" smf lieve vumrp- pluyees typically envi duc biggestAlsum, iflie Oem jsth melados ahe giviag up mili pisar curreol leruitislo, choisIs rltheirpeitsksnn heitetils in our CES members, that f«edirg tre riglimcundida beaus till be n aresmumfhoeimunsv Ilnusi chott mlssninr irr1 getninys, nnndm,'est' nid Une nvesik- g Calticsmhe ethicsd ptusemiccv. pssy rudne, tryss put aulne ui Ihreurupleyee, Flexible speniding ne- challenge. Hnwre Resaarer direelors lock to ve many red asaila- tIle litai yeutrstm Osejuh. A svorkcr tslise husvsad retire isle st,c011er ilvmasue 51m tIre nlhc'unlcciiteiiiv sit liesses asid o lilhe e Ose vOcumgflmv71e wrmuld esso oIr lirnlger hlstcrslle cirensls' dial Itrtp you pay fee ctsitd bi uresu urees, like tIne lolereot, peofomsieorl runmimment consul- wlat changes detitird-benelti eilt- ttsrsuagt.lite retisesnesut pinti Incesile er trentOn cow with pee-tax teclrnrnrlmrgl'. Yura iouly u vsmmr cod [nr initmeecnih um nuicin k'riml 5, Ilse "slsets nod bojo" punlicics uf tantI, aruwerking, und efeuurse publicatiusa. Tho Ongle ken keen he unI s oycrhmmm' nIl ficela tif ccii' Adurys. Gris's', opsnun sr mIlle , ployers every ten yenes iay rtid thneeagt. ye issuEr,it illvealsoelsls, dollars, life insaranee, child care s, luogo clrrymuruihinnesmf y'csicedlmy, able IO assisti onIony ivvlasees hut nohy oar corporate CEO elmlmsfy_ bat yrma mciii rim.'e it Iii vmumy spuintusgema oyere br illvs' iitord sic ap with less tuait lualfiut he bouc- fluet esishs smI. Ye 155155, User se-ycsngrnmn, reclInes. progrians - sand Isrtolmrrrrw's eispttryeua whIt wouldluise esnoed members, bui uam urhrr elassiflrd customers as well. Teday's pie- ''ilntimoI niimjs'' nilIL'Chiimlillmgy'v k nImm cOged hit die atusi oeste sshe ecelr icvs likely Inlet tiny are Illsthey elijase surine sluelce efisA hleypisig dIese henelits eno be sjaite valua- Scaarn Ank Johuvom st Gaio,' Lyon Foetou, OdhbrouhSack,' wurkieg fur tIsa 5íU5lO employer fossional reCroiter is ellen faced wish seomnmieg tom heir cirent, a pringless. nifihiehr style. Bah lull lllnlger wilt um stuulire11 dloo ssmchtiicud lrcltusv- is fiumI wssrtsnes teed tim east. onthie. candidato Ihut ix highly skilled te many secas. Oar CES member their enti re cuore. itimniri Orejnmh, Smiimrrd miltricud ynuc- RoeikaGilborh,Sony Ebectroe(co. mtstsl they liase accuinatusted in Check «ivI einst Infliviog. Mev- hites oro renions te vro what hr vont qoarler heiugn net only in e . Ile sure I lIves,t. 01 esterne, tra-tlseir ymubmas employees retire-inlg toise area withnkigher costef o d I leht d ditit,ntd peesiun PISCIS stive suait regard me the growlh of thrir economy, but also In dne prospect of Communication tnettt plat. - sis slut ut every telshonIg cnnuld wipe trot the value of Inirieg Ike riglnt employees lo help eonlinae the growth of their utsthe ussrns'iltrr colliyears. Attlues, tseeurdiog lu 511e Emplury-a higher songes yisa inigla iso gleunler solIvo hf uieltmcvememmm is Step by Step: How to Launch a rnaluirlg in. lt newjob, Thne-up... tnt'Icmn lito resulhl, 'tirs ttiulii Igels 11f Dynamic Recruiting Program tIle sneslruIle nnrr(uiur tsviti he tire Our CEO membership drive mus succoesful, wo welcome nor C relieur st frost l'age 40 wetlspriug imlltsis listos 55ml chues, Thnu imrti rmsnir mg aso slops turc mania poor m'ne Dye,'millie Keuroiriog HR in the Twilight Zone: TheIt's Time for a newest member.: imane so io irrpee sural mkills and in,'mIn 's mdauns seed to b unuehsru it, IS, Wcicimmnuo diversity, DIcer- pemrgrael, Vos asia insrytcrnnrii u nnvahl pilnsn yrlijeul ill a pill of ymmur 41dj0n« your aiturade andviny Isuessls diffcmsuco: dil'fcealnl Communication Drempath Mestieri Asseciales, llannie Tahiaa Brawn ialcv of no.a'orkces who o-sinumil urglrieatiOe mhutm'v mcceyuiec rim ouw ideas sind in rood 0f sit nine ro' Weird, The Wild, The Wacky nIne wurys'rif mlpprnnuuctsimrglitosard lic puroon hehe cubicle surinr imourge 't°uimonl Amos, cmiiing ussisiuloce li Oils fOCi. baviliesi, dìffcsvnil ni'flys mf brink- CimocmrlruuChip Cerkro snos, h . rl Tune-up! Ed Garsoy di Cempaay, Michele Plunuhur ti icemrulisc r ihus liase a foco Inn Target Ike kirds sums ilinsu piratI scud rie kit esing pumae No dusibI yun'ur saisi tu yonvsolf, "Nom t' sesees il alt." team Iace e armaras' ion, I've coacirod urne suuìd, "I'd rurther hose susse-irlfilltIlewurrld,Tusimrississe's smiting mersis fhrncanl.. by Cyudi Maxey unIty sneceed hose yna? in oddihius tothu iseidools inetaded in "A Day in Ihr Lila vp's mua lank b',ssicrrncn asking luiretvilliI b'era raltihode eed msmululuu gems with olmi 2. Lanmecls he pmnrjeol ssIIhi sus uvdit kluk'urfinrndrhisf, WithhIlenowsniillenoinnu, GllFGeaplmien, Judy Archer huh llsrive ini lue nudsl,vl mf Iris di- of Kathy Dsssinu lo 'Rent fIR,' Anything Car Happen," hero ore :ihihimios hikr sruuiuirg awaIt 101k. I irrisiwol skills." Gol buy-is by csplusieisg the u.'inmru opt isfsysnemussie ndlWmmrk. errrplupees are laaisg tImo chal- sceliiy. 'l?ncy with hcutns und camIlo more examples to sappun stur contins hat anylhing can Imappen in I mumcc inc:isd s tmmmmuu of crepluyoos 5Ayps.-e more ihn imporruinee ing fur prespocts tbrunaot sens phayces' eatsidcc'Immihuso rs, longe nf chosge, trehsotegy und hierimage Wine Cellars, Ltd., JR. Gonaalos nurip seen iulle Sue easlimirisnnmnd bru- HR. scccmu'ing manful e-istmi frein ihc al 1mell plu. ' Preiss'baus erkuro r Disuass il ncusrfentra unite usadil in dcuuih, including tow ml osons hrinsrng, cors oemmsuicn- lids in Une poinyle hey mimIk wtIlI identifies likely panrusyaumv us tIna isiornai erlWurlk, unbar s'inmuIocI lier choice., Voice mull, e-mail, Holiday Inn Noalr Shore, Cecilia Walker L':mrrr1ruu ny rarsi'dcoI. iard dun kaviusoss saldi dt inner Sic I. Welsired a eussatmanl who tnlurhswedoattobe aeaht tender. Ii's clear mlrau il's eses meso h. rsmrm k'wall Willi ralkomlhy. lirup liane thnm cuse caerrihame Its mIme recruirmeg effcrrt. who ulmnmrog rind ter ernehsmr ore skyruelnes- wmrlld. 'l'ue wtrrkptuuco is, alIce all, 2. Sanunrer 1998: Relocated an enhiru dopanmont tu needier Hudson Geonral, Rosee Walker isssyoehiimli mo finte tIsrecuwseani. Yimu Inane um yimurOstiel life. ihrem is moat likely no provide the mflmrlmsalium s sind lIne best Ismeshurds siate, Winier 1999: Reluenied tIte enliradepaetmeuh sack. ing. Vidroeenfrreoeieg, vicinal saillIr ioulay. V cans-er k 7. Sack feonlhacls. ' 'true ccrrn- usyuOhlnlThllc Glumbud VhlIhmge. iilusrronr rnsic asrog writi Ihiamil. Inlurlings, and relecuofererreing skills An ewphuyeo 5505 hiding is Ihr ceiling, spying on eomerk' LaSulle Bark, Andrea Baud rum y ilarmI masslos smrd lauray mrrurmonhiost i sumirs'mi -muts sumad. Dtudue Settrlt M ricin Iiv'smuslmrlil- 5 Cnredact iedss'idaul iin-dcphlrnus-muro Wv'15 ilh pnrieoliuul sel- . uincbocorrnisgmoro enormen. rs. Cmmmni inrlunild ote reitlmyimnr aimA rsrernrbcrm lin orcnmvo r urnrpllnyoes' rd mrcumrk'I5fO pills'oil'cl (e f place, white peinan ro prison ir- vInai ahi. Bot wlmee dim yosunri' ti. wide chiller ii5 p cInc islimig slusne.rmf- An onsyhnyee kil tummelt ishe head wiltss slaylur (arid lIli 111115e urntum misil',urimmsskills'! cvsumrnrtcss .'l'hiry'suIlls-rea olin Itie-uol Isalosusm resunarue sereiccs imiguini/alirrs.11 usffmhìat'snrtnc Isod proV'reo d esa host lrftmmmnnniunioun- IL-musc tills celnmi500s te dinisilnishs. Target, Michatle Bain L Issue ked hiioselfeurt) Io fake aruthber1'. El eso ois'ehabiuurcamtooscss you're ulnemc. Curry l'I usumv' 01, basi- aId clmtissltlirlgI lIsse nieve Isutsi- ulm. Yira dllO'r oued ru, mapa Il Ilma s'inh hImpad' tltuasurodsmi A e.ssnager made his snalf pay ter as ostra olio rosso se oven Yen, drool.'rl Gallop snreey cf "Clin Inrms mees iaclv,jnsi Ihr bimmil.i nil'm'rmrilstr-ra. 5. I l,is helllic ynmir d ntisliuirits Orso fnivsish, sunys, liess lesulus uuutd culueer smIcuess. nl mesis andt at enrllsiuyees shewa Uplow's Nsilismnal Bunk, Circsyl Cmli . si, tlrsit Ire woalda'tevrrl save tilts'inst in tine Io heab his Ismost. '('(ils rrlc:umms limrerioo iii i 1mmycu urhn'us('v gor ur'inuilhey lehill;hoy' 'lIte cilnlryustiy huso umile ItIulii tOO 6.Afice s'umrlllr burg ilic'lrnncrvmc ws, mIriamo lis'tra Iscume lu's rmretus. Ihuit Ilney slill.salae iemrrpersunel 1101 yaro. tircy mrtit si lue hricfasiiii k. t eesmdasstrd all esìt interview willi aparrot silting er tIte crin- unIs' utlfu'ctiiif omlrcmv t isnrculss lia' rIs-rina Ily hund il." Ycu Wuriui mml mitûeos mr imser35cunulrmriev hcev 1mm jams. li iltoy 0g 100 iiI m'nuOti lac In sss bring srypreeiuss- Dolores Nutoglil pteyee'a musid. n irrumkc sure mire?' hind ml winhi ylnor iou russ stliesnsruld.i)ms.lue Boulin oliai mrmt,urnrl,'stili O i.urre cdcd_ nvlr,nt Ills'mIma y ilmnl sil rntilic ,srs'm ht ho _'mimil od, belog purrh viI.e eossyanip's COB D'«renio r The Secret Sareice calor lesrking forati etmtployec. Nc IlIums k nimsiimiy. l'cumhrhu' Mnmcint is un sahsidiuoy uf Iluoctrurl Imirre ulroy''lI fulfill lino nuupnresnbllmlis'sic I_used nui 1ro ructo'irrk. suivsilrrr,asid feetisg 111511 llnair I sad lo utteod (ruco scalars in une niglo for the tiinmily usure- v,c lireus'usuec s mil cur plc may E lacy .summmiuc r, resiuw Ilse (ial 7, Devolir1s a'IttIl mn,'Ilium rol reingrusnur,nro ladinmg aIoodlr,lck jrilrs lInt sursieingfat. We welcenie your cenomerls und anides, ylesrse send theme to (lenecll, su S'I huittilmun pulmlislrinmg, bers ist cropluyees. k mrumlu ,1mb'casi I iruss Gen icluurlsh urb urne 1mm nl gic y 5105e If ,t pur- nlud speciudiy tel'tilimmg mssaclma'mmdl r, faryuun risttc mrrusl inctwummk. Ooitr Cuti hoe, li_v u'nsuilmr keep As r corsosoniernios crnsscl., I mlny mtmcnlhiea: uduc'un huh I D. t(rip(apees held a hryeIe rase in Ihn tsbhs. ilirIo rl ,mumsii'_i nlnuuts 5,'is a loschI .ommila' tL'hIlt II raille u smmlnrusk Ills husa Li:1111n:uiny. Visitl)ruikeBcuaer ilItn1uClm,Wilii mil surIuarvs nr ihay'li hrn w symmuisuvosu h mcoysr ce sr,rtgmrg restsfreetneotIniciIrsinr DolamosNaroghi,CEODitactsrr,The Boule N nes1re1sc rs,7400 Is). As enipluyee rufuaud timm h osen r b cenavo he said tuis rouir- 't' mumm Wc insu y smarsolf, ynas Ituc intleclict sIt , , , ' (eine stoeica sit sstrç-reiisrrs rslmn Om'arrkrgce Rouis, Bites, IL 60? 14 Ills. Ist ummiutsu t Innate mo. a cannibal and tue feared tiran lie muntd he raten. 3liii cumanutg o cscuirmmitry. 't'imur ummf,nOlr lmmms , uioul tIre fiumurel .hlpSTG --stil Cnuilnard anl'agr 43 IlOE ØEIGLE,TEIVIRSDAY, MAY 4,2000 PAGE 45 l'ARE 44 111F. EDIGLE,III1TRSDÌcYtM/c? 4, DORS Sc. - - I I - a E .-, s- !,T' I R-,- - R. ¿b 11

e'_a__.-r j : = s.:i*: i a u ITA/ W b uU ITAI U U -' u - u *] YAh!.A1


N & S ROOFING EVEROHOY COMPLETE RICK'S WATERPflOOFING Chadhee Pah, .. GARDENS INTERIORIEXTERIOR Oc CONSTRUCTION MERIT DECORATING POWERWASHING RECLAIM YOUR BASEMENT A&D CONCRETE INC. & Hewdymma LAWNS TAeitpOiOtiflg 'WA/RI . sarte Rofrigrtin SERVICE PAINTING Deds, WaS SIding POncHO . Fascie-au tore PaRS. FREE INSPECTION FREE WRITTEN ESTIMATES TREES . Kitebeeo/Bctho/BomtO AlndswsWadIed, ittDka 'Carmteta FIaSE ESTIMATE FREE ESTIMATES . Wirdoos . D croare Refrigerators s Freezers . Slap, .pMI.Welk,.Srla55 ALL HEME IMPROVEMENTS 4sz4c a D.ynoU/WeI1pCper Concrete..Outtors Ceaned SENIOR DISCOUNT . Cacao/I RamodlIlmIg . Tonaste ESChAS S HezIlrg HIGh a IMtreIot/Est Pslotli4 FULLY INSURED . DobeolEarelce .5ta, LOW I BOO.433-879G Fer Spring A/C Special Asare Hea. flepÍCn g KITCHEN A BATHROOMS SoalIly CALIz EDlE Insured...DBPeTldaOIe (7130 622-7359 Call LioafleedFOliy neared Felce. CALL GEORGE float 70.000 SMIR500 Fon Fr. Eatlasta aeti: 847-965-8910 Call RIck 775-7756646 (708) 483-1605 Cesto mers (773) 283.5077 800 328-1456 FIlES ESTIMATES 841-825-9098 Pager 312-232-9678 Fo/a NaRRaI.. 847-992-9927 (847) 593.9979 WñIIeO 001Ro/col -. 847-436-8195

, POWSNWAdHTN LANDSCAPiNG FAulTiNG A DIECOVATIFSO . SRICKWOVI< CONCRETE WO5 K. WESLEY A..J. Constn.ctIor STOP PAINTINGI ¿R. HANDYMAN SERVICE DIAMOND DETAILING REMODELING .. STUARTSLAWNCARE BRANCATO 8478034962 Eapwrt Hondymon Caver Votar REveo with RICE MASONRY . PairfirO. flaarin g.Plamblfl g POWER WASHING MIKE NITTI & TREE REMOVAL LANDSCAPING, INC. In Riechen, Botte Flaar .0! AplacO 000EF.lSIa VINYL Cercote WOrC carpentry . pr 108-861-2112 CONSTRUCTION 55MAl« CONTRACTOR We clean: Tiling, ElooteIcat, Steymiflhllmincm 510Ev Oltotot. O Balhraams .0 actricei . 'Lieti Etaintaeerw .YiEmt Wl0000a REPLACEMENT C Tcelpairlbig . Patto Docks wEnn tTALL..NO JOO roo LandgOepad Docte a Wood Decks/Sealing Plumnblag, CanpOnII'Y, . Storm WinAaon a Door. . PAULII FAINTING CO. ldIkaO4N,waoNebtciilClriwraye e DrIveways SMALL OR TOO BIO ttetgllatlan S cad PaIne/no- Replsoemont RiumieAm Accinge WINDOWS e PatIo-GaragE Floors WIndawRISldInS. geS Fiolpiacos e SIdewnIks Co,aAerciiat . PaNal RelimO NEW CONSTSIICIION . vuoi/IO WOk (847) 966-1869 LIcensed A Bonded Cali morro/a enlmrete . Blase Block Feeds FREE ESTIMATES . symine I Feiitleam Sp CONI1mIESCIALA RESIDENTIAL a CommercIal Prsperty (312) 771-2417 . CleanIng A WaIerp,aoIiflS Dorier Disco/mt Cwll Acndy 17731 401-4440 1.000403-56GB Licensed EmiokWnmk WIILPkDV,OING FREE ESTIMATES Jook 177314014440 AseabaN LImfl.od.eOfldOdb0Jood Fred EstlmotrsInsured reto EOTACTES its/tED&/tNDID Fully neared con woos is GUARANTEED lolaIgt.,eac.tgOIlOalpaaFald. BORIE ENTERIOnS Menan GrOAR IL lo REAtIStNTIIE AREA 773-631-0269 (047) 985.6606 1847I 674-0371 . (847) 824-2223 (773) 792-OSSO Call 773-792-0433 (773) 631-7847 Concern LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING Center of BRICKWORK. 'QOHTRACTOR I-IANOYMAN Silver Images FilmFestival New web site for Circuit Court Calendarof Events showings at LGH The Cenler of C aucen y has Io.Honla Houllh Cone, Escort European BUSHWHACKER'S Teosnp0000tion, lnfoonoiion ond - announced LEOrS HANDYMAN ACORN LANDSCAPING F/callSCoco and gOO.323-R622l. Soaling Is liwit- announced the following calen- II I KWAY Contractop Resldeotial A CommercIal PraftOisieflai TAmmers Advyc/le ReferonS, Tolnphono Rounno. .TAalpoirtirl. Briokonil IRomo Ropair Service GIoivI Advocate OIRsponsvning ed and ocEotV olinnS ornoeqaired. dur feo the month of Moy: CSRPI.ETEIMIDSCSPE SERVICE Chief Jodge nOoco, Medicopo Coaoaeiing, on .8aaamCDmOrIie SHRUBS! A dio caSsionsv ill tako piace ai- Cook Coas/y Mon. -Fri., Moy 5- Fond Wo SpeciIIo In - Lino uaI, /ily 2/AO ChicagR Sur/yo lmogoo P. O'Conoelltoday lnberE000lOt:000l program, Mcd- CDImltoyI RlpeItr 00 nW/ill HEDGES! Film Festival. which foulures an icr Iba films. DonAld Doioe, 9 0m. - 4 p.ns. The Coo- parOtide5 O Read Centmi EVERGREENS bunched Ihu Cincoil CosES of W. NW icone Coonouling, on lolorgoner- RisOs EiaokirIlaIiaOol All Homo Repls 000.05 500mb Flott/as nO/hog loolu al liEn und ugimlg 'Ihn n/connivEs inc/udnsnsem- Ion of Concern, 1580 ALL DEBRIS nEMOt/ta Cook County's new web Aile al Hwy. Perk Ridgc. stionol ptOgtOtn, lego) Ccansnl. iRrten Ca/INRI' col/AIrO CiramIrn Senior Citigoos Dlecotant Eaddirs E SsedVt1 IR Rims. 'al 4101E, ocaS from 5 151 90 iRin- ReaIAaYIIaICOmOO rOb I'It/lE liai www.00ekc000iyCuunt.or/. Sus., Mey b A 20 -Lcgal ins, Fi nonos'nl Ccanscl:sg, ood FREE ESTIMATES Earallm O Paw., R.kir CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES OngonizedbyTorto1/sso Ails in lungbb. Maniesscheduled Dali WEb Oonar & Saul Free Estimates! nappori grcOyn. .RUl5 lee/ta O.Ftal EdlinlIlIl OprImo Pali Osar Ope Do YEARS EXPERIENCE Films. One.. Ihn inne feslivolio. nn Mey A we: The enliro nounS guide lias C Ruent.'hog by oppolotmoel. REnI 803-2414 . 11121 Itt-ORlO Fm.. E,AerM,e SAIO Iaad in- bRen developed by the 01000of Mon., May R, IS, 22 - Weighi Oar monibly Wilts pnogeam lu PsIer: 17001 561.0250 (847) 966.7623 cisdos o solcctisr RE the bosS PIo ,b:RTR fan C/Ian/v (Chonlil, (847) 965-2146 sotAr o500/ei (847) 698-3738 847 - .1-O the Chief Judge to make coalS Loua Sopport Group, li) alO. held Wilh file 000pOtOiiOY If ihe I/Itt/RiOni! und ArneriCOn films o mon in hisccncOIiln boands ¿n and vidsnS by and aboRtolder infomrolinn rosily zocos tibio le Moo., Moy 5.IS, 22 - Em- Chicago Sor Asso, on ihe finsi bus and eegogen die ridees with ap- These onteno/rìoing and buih the poblic und tIbelegol pleyment Coonnaliegby Thuesday of each month. All el LANDSCAPING /doli? hin warmth. This ficti000l nidno ibero nennicei ace nnoiloble by o CARPETCLEAN1NG DECORATING HANDYMAN ate designed lo profenaier. polotmont. -. allislinI/loon bauds 10 O AarpflniOg diman of Thcrs,, Mey I i . Wilts Coon- colt lo The C entuno f C000ero, cholinOgn cnosmvfl misCnRcRIE Chief Judge O'Coonull said, liorna nCsRtsecil'on). soling by oppvintb000l. 547)523-0403. biRrA ofoldnm odd/hoodand will 1995 "Tiro luoeuhing of ibonasrt's TIlTPcu'oalbolo (The Tl:aro., Mop I I-Alol:oimrrs MOVING? providE niewaeo wi/It awhole wobsile monkn yol analiboraxotl. BERNHARDT DESIGN ROY THE HANDYMAN MULCH 8 TOP SOIL Academy Awardwinnorfor SuppoceGroop Il R.m. Skokie Valley flusiness StwmddtdHWdWDOd tttCuYd Eel/mIs ryw pIes/routine 00aging. ing chapler in our nngoiog quont CARPEtS E APIIDLITERY SRSXICE "you NAME uWE Doti: CALL EnelShortDocumaotaly.tile moro., May Il, IS, 25 - Griof DECORATING ShroCtodDUnd OrderSSStcYd OnnerolHospb/ai. io muku tIbe Ciecuib Court muro and Professional Pa intln o-Ints rt or/tote rIot Utr:mActSACuYt 16301 668-4110 LuShclOR film O/RismA a gre/p of o crions & Loun Sopporl f/loop, 2 p.m. . QUALITY PAINTING RmdCedarltfluVd 775 W. ITempslnnSt.. Pork accussibla to the poblie. An pou- Wetipepotlng Corpontry who disacuntheirlisosund Wed., Mop 17-Isledicone Wonoens Club . EXPERT PAPER HANGING Dl eattlast. PiombInO CadcrCFl 04Cc YA ctTmuck/otd Ridgo. wilt pnosool SilvErImOC' pIe all Oser ihn wend turn to Tha Skakir Volloy Buoioess O/O yet rutty HO/Ca YA Alit Ionen, 01 ihoy perform os stage Counseling by oppObolmuol. WOSO IAN/SR/NO DrySaltRepairs osOlcp&:ißadmnr4Cocehrwm CO Filmo at 7-9 p.m.Thursdoy, loogh. heir cempatoes to obloin infer- tam und off willI enyrgy und Sat.. Mop 27 - Blocd Poennoen und Pnofnssiosul Wemen's Club . PLASTERING Flora N Wall TIIlo Co tOad,SaTAYoami3O04. Muy 4, and ab S-3 p.m.Toncday, malien Rn nirtoully ony topic, $1450 SOAOEU/tyyCRiDirCAlDO Oil KEN crv/iioper: Testing RE Blood Sugor Sce000- will titeo I on Mondoy May /5 ut ul ¿CcOo Xyolsrnlbortsotb Rerrradotlng s Moy 9 at Oloon Audilorbnm. thoy now eon Ing onlo Iba Cir- SURE-GREEN The Worm/en (Vecen jog, 10 am. - duo, Don's Fiuholuobet,IO Ihe Bu- 847) 255-5603 FREE ESTIMATES TR ablOnd ihn Ccoosumen/vga Coi/ CsurO 0E Cook CnAsly, Ihn ¿8471 547-8W-9999 ILL C C 30167 MC women of varied runesund cul- lion., Moy 29 - OfEoc Closed word Jnhnnon Hotel, 9333 5ko- Satt X.. (847) 96SG41 5 000-303-5150 coil il8OR)3ADV0CATh li- te lorgeul Obi coarl system IOhe 520.8320 olIemend. Fr.. Certo/all. loras relaie wlsub agiog weons for Memoniol Doy. hie Bind., Skobie. S/rem. Thin uward-wiroiogElm world.' Toes,, Moy 35 - Mndicum Notwortciog and oncial hour VisitYasukunai cRulleRgenItore otypen about The coAna web cito includes Coonsoling by oppolotmeri. hegbos cl O/3D p.m. ord dim or ts' LNDSCAPING PAINTING nl 6:30 p.m. CO/ICH BAnnIS t SWEES HANDYMAN HARDWOOD FLOORING Cooeooed Oem Pane 7,0 tildo women). O dieeotory ut jndgEs und cuAn All of the abeur oro bnid at sensod pnnetprly Shall We Dance (Thic 5-tissA leaulivon,on wallus Cincoit 158gN. Norlhwonl blbghwayl Tho dinner feo is $20 for mono- shaping. He trockenISselesris of duaumentooy fellowa u geoupof CooES ralos, general erAres, od- Sulle 3 10, Park Ridgeunions hors end goestu. Picone coil Dt. 00/5 IOURliOUSTOEi/O/ lOO/O//Rl cluecos et his Anop fromAptil to elderly woolen Xv they olIvad re- mioiotraline E/les aed admiten- Ye00000 Lìp,ch011l 01 (847) RICH nihnowioe toted. Personal Coon- EUROPEAN JOIST CALL November. I cors als for o famousballnt heu- ooiivn emden. A npociol nec/ion neben oro unoilnhlo cook Thats- 571-9/IO by soon Poidcy MAy JOHN'S IOHNtS cAchos on lite THE HANDYMAN DESIGN FLOORING "PAINT PROS" Yasakunoi 000101 Ganden is leo. milrn/via deselod lo jarRe information in doy sod other limen by appobttt- 12 for tOsOOV/tllOnï. SEWER ooc Jab Tan Sopii LANDSCAPING dcc poralpec 15 of wemeo'ntoaS Pebntieg.lnteeioriEatarbor a FloorBotnIlbInS A RopalD i/C'ERIGO loan/ed ut6SAl lSoebpslDt inMon- also uvailoble. meet. To make o trurrcaliOo fur Tltomo will be ihe installciion e Lawn Core SenilIty CElEO/vR SERVICE . Cotpantry . IonIolIaliDD This is ¿t globi loculo bed ihejoys ofsctf.esplcsnionl. thesevervicuswhicltrow/no of ofkacts fon iba 2000-25-1 t:ATCtIi/OOX ton Gr000. soil)- Chiol lodge OCosoeli noid . Mi:/am CinotticaOPiAmbleM aSaldIll a Spring A Fall Clean-Up 1110/li ESTIMATES oud feaier bonsai On Mop 9, lIto selnulbeos 00E, pIcole tatil 547/823-0453. y Oakton A Miiwaukea io noc0000go JOe Per. tb/I iho silo'O lefet'btba/iOewill he PIllos Weal Rapate p CRISI1ICNT MaSlo - Wand Control CALL 24 1105ES hovoeso of 1heneneara osof the ho PS Rl/PTO for Ch/TSE: The Center nf Coocero'uuoO- 'Ail workin gwcbbiv'r, regomd- Ti:eIV0111111; updeted fmqaeslly so bbc in/cr- e Guttore-Eayolr 6 ClIaRId . fleddamilal &CsSbiiotclll 773-774-2874 Citicago BotOOic Gardco,Wol- cur/lip In; IV/d,per: vines ond poogtnanu ocIAdo: Pet- i/sv i:) obere they lisc on wstk (847) 696-0889 773-889-1 742 la wldOnV ms/ic nnnbno inn corneo?. ibis wcoiing 000k - FInDe Repa/r "ELSCK 1cm nupO, addinglIai here's o hite ond Yobblbg al Ficen sooal Ceannoliog, Senior Corn- ¿lIc iilVl ic/I lo obicnd 965555115 MIllING OifIiibOn "We will conlilIbbo to denolap To/br NOI9llbSrhaod 154e Aleo Do Brick Faving) Ii/JO? AOICSIAIOIOOL/ IR/CES bonsai collection endboplay Ir ood widower iolIbele It panions, Peiendly Visiting, and i/O muleta ah/lob BPW, 1ko SnoRt Man (847> 065-8114 1.847.272-8010 IlItNOED Al/ii ISOlAIT ond morey. and eo:plap elecboonlo oceans oklosl ond lomgost Unoa/o IS tho thoOwdDnSEOstC00'Wted mool, line logotl/cr Il leollarls ystorn to b cvi scese Ohosod livening, Employwoot fley reollirntI/at, 1er dio epen lyon14 dedicolcd 10 thy 0/5cOCOS- For meroinfotetnolien abool lhnobtic,'seid Chief Jtbdgn Oppeosoilins, Ho/so Cleaning, i.--». 'ap Tc.'c sao 155560. SOar/nit, I ovucu ib C'blñl Money Management pnngram, of 5504451 g WebibOn. eoi'sod. ano,. PAGE 46 TttU nuotmtjits»Av, MAN 4, 2000 DELIVERED TO ALL 6ùßo HOMES IN NILES DELIVERED TO ALL 16,000 lOMES IN NILES 'YatE 5LOGLE,ThUR5DAY, Y 4, 2000 PAGE 41 AND MCR1ONGROVE EVERY WEEK OF EHE VEAW ANO MORTON 000VEEVERY WEEK OF TUO YEOR - OFLIVERED 13 ALL 16,000 HOMES IN OILES - DELIVERED bALL 16000 HOMES IN NUtEN , - ANO MORTON OFIOVE EVEOV WEEK OF EHE F1501 AND MOUTON ORO F EIIERH WEEK OF TIlE YEAR FIJLLJPART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TÎME FULIJPART T1ME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME

: CLERICAL/OFFICE CLERICAL/OFFICE BANKING CLERICAL I OFFICE OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE MEDICAL/HEALTHCARE RECEPTIONIST GENERAL OFFICE/CASHIER GENERAL OFFICE Full or Fart-lime Hoslth Caro BANKING OPPORTUNITIIS Full Ttrtre Position in Suburban Auto Dealer Seeking RN NURSING . PartTime - 3 Days Qualified Individual with Cashiering Experience and Phone AR, AP, Data Entry Medical Receptionist Full Time With Altarnating Saturdays Experience A Plus! STAFF TRAINER Leokieg fera enmono co4ng tre Ire elderly then upybut Norsecod Park Hone. Full-Time Good Communication Skills. Typing and PC Experience RN ' FT NIGHT SUPERVISOR 24-27 Hours/Week preferred. Excellent Pay and Benefits. (847)297-ft200Ext.305 Fell timo RN totrain direct pfyp,' in Deetflejd is cuorenlly seelcMg a MedKaI UNIVERSAL Fast pared potiest earn stries Call Marionnel or Claudine : seippert staff to assist adulte RNs & LPNs - FT & PT all shifts ieceptionist ReSPOnSthiIIIieS sdude odsedulkog appoinhnenls, looking for n,atoro iedividoal. COUNTRY CLUB wethdenelnpmeefo( CNAs FT a. PT - all shifts registering patients, cashieting, answering phones, and TELLER Typing end OcEa Entry skiII (847) 965-3460 diaabthfre:fotokoreeds, Roceteor boceEn Feti Ems - heslth, dankd, to,inn, mocHen, .nrsr5.00y iflfVflflaliOtl. Seeldfl9 candidates with past needed. Most be with Fergus Nis5an, Inc. dYottico arrt 401k. Apply Mondeytnidoy 9:00 oie-4 por. health aire or customer service experience. We have a position peaplo end es the toisphono. 5240 Golf Road - Skokie assessment und ether DHS Se/Fx resumes to: available in our taller boettons: Sknlsin & Nsrridgn. required. Two years recent NORWOOD PARK HOME Hospitality clinical experience required; 6016 N. Nino Avance, Chicuge, (L 60631 Deerpath Medical Association operation areaS The Call: Clerical (630) 833-8382 Private Country Club experience n loner Northwest Highway & Hadern) 71 Waukegan Road, Suife 900 position requires RECEPTIONIST d:snb;lity f1nld preferred. Lake Bluff, IL 60044 Or Fax Resume To: Scabsg n O'dSuppcst Tel: 773-631 -4856 Fax: 773-631 -2253 excellent communication Here We Grow AgainI Rep in cur lpgalf,Sobrcgalioe Dept. If .Wait Staff ROE Fax: 18471 295-1547 or call (847) 535-8081 tOt and customer service (630) 833-8158 you seek a pbwah otacey ore retablo . SnackShop oxcelleetbenefits. Full-Time/Part4ime Mail/Pox recome and skills. Cash handling and cemeunicatian skills con type Attendants s ACTIVITY AIDE talory requirements to: FOOD SERVICE . Available Now In Nifes Wlonl45wpmordhawItuefe0tge : Fail Tone, Sosdorlhorsduy. Work w,th demente onO resrdents. preferred, but will train SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST1{ Bartendera PIN Excellent Benefits olMSWcrd,we'dirka tuheer troco Mart ko able te load groop poocoas LIce aicg-a-lcngs, Responsibilities inclodn r - qualified candidata. Feo. Legal Or insUturcn eoperience FuII/Partlime VILLAGE conmino, games und ueed wdling shills. switchboard, filing, office Flexible Hours npfoe,bulnnteequitnd.Toboild en r ORCHARD supplies, mailings, general your cole success undhe port of Oetstanthng Benefits 7670 Mormora Manar Apply in perceR BENEFITS INCLUDE: Career Opportunities cors,ceird/fax/emaui resumo Skekte. tL 60077 Mcnduy.Friday 9 cm. - 4 p.m. No appointment eoodsd aK dohes. Knowindge al : Will Train Top Candidates MISAL1 WordPerfect & QuatrePro. with SALARY reqoiromenlto: Fax 847-6793909 Medical Insurance FOR EYES OPTICAL Worrier ireurorrce Group, Ato: Y. Students Welcome NILES NORW000 PARK HOME $27,000 + Benefits. 6016 N. Nina Avenue, Chicege, Il. 60631 a Dental Insurance f'lodssrrS. Washioglen Ave. Apply In Person At: FRESH MEAT, BAKERY, DEU& FOOD SERVICE DEPTS. Tuesday-Saturday 8-S. lnor Northwest Highway & Norlemi . Life and Long Term (630) 530-2191 PanIc Rial e, IL 60068, Feo: 1844 DEPT. MAOIAGtC JDURNEYI&ONMEAT CU115R5 MEATWRAPPEtS Fax resume te: 692-I3I& North Shore riEALi raCARE .,RMts CAKORI wooppsus FOOD soevict AssIs. Tel: 773-63 1 -4856 Fax: 773-631-2253 Disobilily Insurance 847-291-9236 qocItrod tot Or mail te: s GENERAL OFFICE Country Club r . u Profit Sharing FRONT DESK! Schaumburg Farm wo OFFER: Green Acres Country Club CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANT Arme anc.orrdn Md Oder 1340 Gienview Road Seeking Experienced fxrn$l0/,honroCtitFalefctoeetor4 Mcdkdtonofts uemlth,e ' Attn. Anita Harmon Sonkino o profecciwni, poctiico end isbn, Mot lypeAuucrctch'WcrJ Prccr:isg Applkalians are accepted ecco frAodiy loon pisyon with gnon:si 916 Dundee Rd. tofTeOto .lic,dnocodlooaion. Glenview 1: Medical Biller/Claims DIALYSIS TECHNICIANS Monday - Friday from ottico, Oonpctcr cndtntcrpercsnsi E tnstitute ] .Fhdbb&hOdclO: Ec:tetFact'Poc.dliMte.rrcmeavt Dtalysis Clinic Opeeing in Nibs. is euekioci Northbroak, IL 60062 chu:. Preu nusso poriense prelerred Processor. Experience (847f 329-1650 Please apply in peronePAM. . 6 P.M. Daily Foil-lime Dkalysis Teaho. Pocitien reqcairec a minirnons of 1 9:00 am to i 2:00 pm be octroi, ed. 30.35 Ircor work In Medicare, Home revde a2weekfroini week. Ocnelitc Avelioble. Pien:: lo, Health, Infusion Costco Wholesale '° rnence11W your 000,0e to: pe . General Office CUSTOMER SERVICE Therapy, IDX And SMS gill Ingram a 73 J 1Melvina Ave. Miles : candidates soold contact BANK OF O'Hare Aren MedicalGraop (847) 821-8681 Or Apply In Person At: APIus.WeOffer OrFax(847)588-2178 ; Fresenius Medical Care/ B osiness Ottino Seeking Inditodosl Eqeol Oppsrhun:IyEnpioyor LINCOLNWOOD Richart Chiropracttc Cltntc Competitive 5aIary : Neomedica, Inc. To Prosess Medical Ciaies Duties Human Resources Dept./31 2-654-2790 4433 W. Toulsy Avenue 8933 W. GolfROOdc Hiles Bonus And Benefits. , Include:Data Entry, Costamer TALK WITH THE WORLDI JOB FAIR MARKETRESEARCH Adrughmwnrk.Ie : e/RO . l.incolnwood, IL 60646 Ssrvi,e, Filing Md Csnplelien Of ContactMattSide M/E/V/D tOE/AA nnpc Oo:tut ln,toecy MonthlyRepsots.Cneopotitios 1 -800-790-4222 X140 M,At010000CE tonkin8Fsr BetoilOriented 16 ssisry 9thA t - . tnthos,octic Pers n For Retail Cantact Lee Burstein: Soles And Gsnerol Ottico Solios. : CAMP d%arrloItO NAtS/HAßIUTATION AIDES (847) 671-2250 ExC 13 Toloptrono Skilis Roiroct. Sccl.ry e0ea: CoemencoratoWithAblii tR:':Y Regional Worldwide J(St.B FAI R North euborber Feil lime - All Shafts Applicotions a Racuocec e the taCet amount at dollars. Market Research Ne Attention 01: m,:rocdisrrwpeourny oeo Ruth Sheinort Reservation Sales Aqents Wecov:rthe nearnorthern Company Needs CAMP DATA ENTRY New hidng individuals who are dedionteci, reIilcle sed ceurleeos. NORTH SUBURBIA COUNCiL ON Foil lt-ne date sntry pssitians JR Dessert Bakery so roieing,h':idr.n end cActo with 2841 W. Howord St. Meet beva excellent communication skills. Six months teets coslomer EMPLOYMENT FOR PERSONS MALES & FEMALES nutoccd;en mendcs'/ JOBS needed for clinical leborator on of Chicago with 2 InsertIons ,cl,brnncc rteperinrenl. dooeicpmrntnl dSnbiifiec. We service preleirod. Fumiliarienlion with computer keyboard. WITH DISAtIIITiES of all ages snob sido of Chicago. 24our per week. See how your 4°e'os end mnnsrd,og For b osinoss A currently eli shifts aro To Participate in rooKie inducts the eeiibeotinn of CLERICAL * Fl/PT AM/PM Shifts mooey cae Work tor you by May 4, 2000 9am te Noon '°° College & NS. Students, opon. Apply in porson on coIl: copi A empI Full liceo putting your ads In both TRII WI if dlbiri TASTE TEST bUche Od E near tusco & Oolcto,, * Paid Training ,onccOerocoeoiled cr/o Teachers and others 847-673-3740 Indruiduototho O.PR:n;uitY1to rOost co en oe Ic noedod boule. LiteScan Laboratory tik Grcoe Mnircnicci CenEwlor cedo Competitive wages/incentive bonuses editions of The Bugie. pided esrocirenrencto: pn:itie iedin dcci teworkr olectpscrd CALL: IC high school d,piomo or Mid June- Mid August 5360 Fargo Ave. with pay increase at 90 days 1001:100 for ornptnyoen Irr So0n, eqoiprnenr, docorcsnt Skekie, IL 60077 sn,iorsenE 2 own eopnisncn re1Ared. Notice We?00 o corp PC kil cn,ccnti ui. Mc,t irnos pirocect MORcgsrrsnt, OsHnol, Sorotlo, PERYAM & KROLL preperarino, eccocionel * TOP PAY * y:r Hotel Discounts Bugir tlewcpo p008rese Fursirr snmpshbwe siernro celery o.,th teirpir oceocncorhm oto riet Ma,nl onu000a rd miniM sr080. irnomsbcn,cc rnpem eppoc:ccw We cIter, conpetAce ,oiery. * Various benefits and travel perks righe ne erro rime is cicsslty cil 6323 N. Avondale .. cnmpr.n: tenors upp i y n Group Leaalers & Fnnciiy Owned tod Shep Seokc DO1ObO5O rroíntensnce end spere Tuo 847 4211075 Career growth opportunities sitoorKusm unIsco d io releo: neU Fm. Adwisnics toc Ihn dinobtod loam Hoot, . 735 Westi person er con meows n. Lifeguards .ADMINtS TIVE parts neentcry enKel ors ASSISTANT ocerr: t41427ioløhrmoe blernatiso Accessible by public fransportahon a duertiute a deemed oblootlen. . skie. W roano st te re,pOnalbIs Chaluae Rtlz (713) 174.3 1 55 ndditiorni ospeos otihi, postilen. MISERICORDIA HOME NORTH Aise Instructsrs For: CUSTOMER New classes farming flaw Sv,iss, Don,o, Art, Omma, SERVICE V oorore dic s geod with un, Milocckes Hun. tiles Ask Fer task w Devon selthorurpcliciaa.AtlHeip WsrrIOd inteoa ecodidetoc chooid CeEneks, Tannis, Gysnosstios, Ho,oHon / Oconlils-Utec tocolion We encepo Nico cod Mouler Cnotact cd. m u,cspen ny ch nosier. ca che For vIO, Caii: noiI/lea thom credentici Chi,as, il 60659 and Pro-Sohosters. Sono tondo,, 1847f 647-9522 Coral Coli: oAi.000-lnoO Human Resources work omron. cools s sospspens DOROA Or BarbAra at: inelodiromionykiciory is: Fax: 773-973-4292 e Mnmtnnsn,o js!,s c itp 847/297 2510 X229 All Classified tie1p Wanted MGP ATTN HR/RK N Soc teg F olty 31 50 River Rd., Suite 200 nrt TAMARAK ti t a rqceleppoeroniiyerrployeom/t DAY CAMP BUGLE CLASSIFIED ADS Des Plaines, II. 60018 way ulOIOces the Cowan eights TOD: 847/257-1336 Ads Can Now Be Feaed 6451 W. Maie St. 847-375-3481 or yiot.Forfunkerinioimetloo ti Morton Gnose, li 60053 (847) 634-3168 thD p ri O 1hIt GET RESULTS 847-375-3483 DON T GET STUCK! Fax 847 967 22 1 1 nich tot M/t/Y/O naht : Chi rn::be orn COlosso. ii.SOD.lsa.64U0. GET HELP . . . t_00K : roc M/t/OW We orid rosa soci Mosler N THE CLASSIFIEDSI THE ØUGGE,IIIVPSDAY,SSNY 4,2RO PAGE: 49


RETAIL-GROCERY SALES SOCIAL SERVICES TRADES MEDICAL I HEALTIICARE PROGRAM COORDINATOR RETAIL START YOUR neME OWN BUSINESSI Direct Support INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGMAINTENANCE 0.55000 own .uhndoh. Cnotonl PROGRAM COORDINATOR ART FRAME yam awn renio.. 5tinco here, lndostnial Bnilding Maintenance person is needed en ocr first I you hayo a genuine iniwest in caring For the elderly and otnsn5,ñ Professionals sYanl to join an ucconatable staff of dedicated professionals, PARTTIME The Great Frame Up on as Acm, topamactation. sloPe 7 Aid to 3:30 PM. Golf Rood near Harlem SUflSEI Cali (888) 561-2R66 Full time and part time st. Matthew Lutheran Home The Village of Hilos is seeking nu part time Program FOODS The right indwidoel will hann five5) yearn of verifiable Coordinator (20 hours/week) far the Senior Conter, Avenue has immediato Foil positions available in la program of Luilseron Social Serviras of Illinois) experience In general betiding meiete0000e craftsincluding has immediate openings for quolIied personnel for posilions: Responsibilities includo assisting other stall with lime/Pert Tizne positions in SECURITY Skokie area to soppari ongoing programs developing and implementing now soles, materiol preparation plumbing, H/AC, and machine instoliotion. CNAs @ $ i 0.00/hr° CENTRAL adults with developmental programs,coordinatingweekend andevening endproductonsembly. Ail applicants must hove the nomo, address,end phone : LPNs @ $15.5O/hr° activities, writing press releases and other forms of SECURITY disabilities. Muai have Musi hove greoi oUtSide, BAKERY numbers of their last three employers er the ernployers RNs @ S i 9.00/hr publicity,organizingresourcefiles,serving as OFFICERS High School diploma and deteil-orineted end willieg Fut One nod Furt fluo puritAns is Doc covoriog the lastfive(5)years pIns e picturet.D. with oxoellenI beneflls including: medical, denMi, poid vocolion and community liaison to local chnrchns, businesses, and (lelorthbrook) te leere new skills. Flexikie ticino, Chta5o 9ludti RAI, Elk Groin valid drivers license. No application will be considered without tInts information. uion ossislance. For consideration, apply in person, phone, fox or orgonizahons. 500get Ab. - schwiele, paid frainieg far NOW HIRING Excellent benefits and emoil resumes Io: The position reports to the Senior Center Director and Ronvir,monte Apply io person ketwece 9 AM and 2 FM from Wedeenday hours and duties. Salary qualified applicants. FULL & PART TIME Moctin M LamE li Tours Old training provided. - requiresflexibilityin April 26, tfnroogh Weolenoelsoy May 3, 2000. Melicissia Bonn, Human Resource Facilitator commensurate with experience.Qualifications include Sandy or Paul Higl, Sshuot O/ono/GES PnscAPereoplerrasI $7.72-8.33/hoor. - experience in senior activities and/or a gerontology 847-966-8400 BAKERS Dico Meno C Cnninol lAstoryCirock Contour Saws, Inc. degree. 'Pussess DeprrdubbTruosportn6on C Call Peter at: st. Matthew Lutheran Home VoldDdoe'olison'n (847) 768-7505 Interested parties should send resume and salary s BAKER 1601 N. Western Avenue NATIONAL Wo OPen Orchard Village 890 Groceland Ave. (Mannheim Rd.) Q history by May 5, 2000 to: FINE JEWELRY ASSISTANT Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 COMPANY LgM. 847-679-3501 Ext. 15 Corner of Gracelond & Thacker St. Phono (847) 825-5531Fox: (874) 318.6659 Personnel Office Is now neropling npplientions .Poid IteidetoG Vesultoos Deu Plaines, IL 60016 6moiI [email protected] for monugornent end nort-timo . BAKERY Heolttr &Lifn rossore 10E Village of NUes poiitiooa for GottMill end PRODUCTION .401W Rondhorst Moli lAmpluynonefenol Frugmn Community Resident SPRING & SUMMER 1000 Civic Center Drive, Nues, IL 60714 Hudson General STAFF Miitcrvuod cAsons wokoned. Advocate REUSE TECHNICIAN E-mail: [email protected] PIERCING BUS SUPERVISOR WORK AVAILABLE PAGODA Ap/y in personldundey throsgk Fddoy Foil time position to assist 21 people needed ta clean FULL TIME Fax: 847/588-8051 PICKER-PACKER 9s.n.le3p.n.uRloouotnx.7667W. Dialysis dinie, locoledn Nifesis seeking o Reuse Tochnkion. With usw 970 loenliunn 8. 27 95th 51., sosto or, Hkk6r Nilo, IL nod support people with Hudson General an carpets in your oreo. yenrseuperienen,provides Airline/Airport Services Responsibilities OCIAdO the cleaning, preporo6oe nod mninE000flre of ROE, M/F EXCELLENT BENEFITS developmental disabilities encollenttminin9,benefits, SECURATEX Cempøey boo ea opening Opportonity to earn diolyzers using computerized equipment end Ehe ordnung and bunus progrems. For infurmoflnis 708-598-3475 in their hornee Highland for an oxperionced Bao $100-$200 per day. stocking of supplies. Previous employment io o medical environment RESTAURANTS! RESTAURANTS/ und applisntiun sull: suo oft/d/n Patio, Gtnnvinw, other SaperVIOOr in its O'Hare preferred. Intorostod eundidutes should coil: FOOD SERVICE For Interviews Call: Immediate beneliN FOOD SERVICE international Airport ohotttn 800-442-2933 - R)ct. 8949 Sue Cortesi at: naolli salsurbs.) Moot have bon operation. Cempetitine - available. Car helpful. Neomedica, Ir,c./HR Dept. Or Rex Recame to: SEASONAL compelnoation package, 847-714-0140 High School Diploma, Immediate operlings. °WAITERS including tranci benelits. 312-654-2790 POPEYE'S 630-844-1314 personal vehicle pins 2 CDL reqnimd. Most pass iO Eon MIR FRIED CHICKEN eWAITRESSES Call1-800-780-4299 years relatedexperience. year verifiable background. la Now Hiring With Experience LOOKING FOR RETAIL/SALES GREAT SUMMER JOB noi Day/Night Shifts Lifogeord/pool ovondant Shore on-call - RN'S-FuII-Tme/Part-Time ASSISTANT MANAGERS PLEASANT Apply oC AND CREW MEMBERS °CASHIER Top pay No eopeoionve nenosuary. responsibilities with pager. Friendly Nephrology officen Des Pleines isseeking a Will trum and sertify. HUDSON GINERAL, LLC PORTER For AM oed PM Shifts Part-lime / 6 AM-2 PM ATMOSPHERE? RETAIL Salary $9.84/hour pies Re9istered Nurse Ea work a temporary summer povitlue. In Morton Grove Call 630-850-7777 10600 W. Itiggins Rtl., Sto. 610 Far Auto Dealer Responsibilities include: takieg blond pressures, ndministerin9 (847) 676-4466 CASHIER/SALESPERSON SALES excellent benefits, - Rosemont, IL 60018 Foil iTose For Competitive Weges Or coli: 847-298-6140 Epoges, triage phone calls, assisting with office procedures, Training Program Ask Fer Mike Or See Inhotel gift shop. near Part-Time Mail/fox resame to: ton Mir/aN Park Ridge Auto Dealer and benny patient contad. Daytime hours. No weekends. Benefits & 401K Darnum & Bagel Restaurant northsuburbs. 2 or 3 Reliable Person To Work SOCIAL SERVICES HR Dept/B Mast Be 19 Or Older Interested candidates should call: Apply Monday-Friday 4700 W. Dempufer-Skokie evenings per week, till With Clean Dnning Record 10:30. WE Train. Ideal for 2-3 Days Per Week Orchard Village Sian somoeay is Nuns 312-654-2790 10 AM - 10PM MonrIayThursdr - i PM9 PM 6939 Golf Rd-Motten Grove active senior citizen. - Must Apply In Person At: Q.M.R.P. 7670 Mormora Luokirg ton Or Fax 312-654-0599 WAITERS Rneidentiel facility providing Skekie, IL 60077 Sign Maker And Saturday - 9 Atst-5 PM Moka sere En apeuify the pooifioo ond inentiov. Or Call (847) 470-0990 .II (847) 966-6620 WAITRESSES iF, Morrow à5 Sons, Inc. services for oduli women with Fass: 847-6793909 Wut cp/kntiso, Eoso sakere4idso, Coil Sam Anderson osdin0uoi6gnphissutrnoro Part-Time/FullTime hos. Levy Circolgtirig, A 6015 N Milwaukee A oleveiupmentol disobilitiocis (847) 698-1234 CNA'S HEALTH CARE/HOME a CASHIERS su0000ity sookieg on oupedenced Outdoor sign mobiler o HOSTESSES Coli Vince AC Magazine Distrihuter, 5oeku COMPANIONS s Signing On Bonus S Reliable Workero Te inclirideot te nerve es n Full1imo - Nights (708) 867-7770 TELEMARKETING tsdnkefsmsnucbev roidnsnse LINE SERVER HOMEMAKERS CNA'S and Companions Merchandise Magazines At SALES Wo 0m lacking Io, on indioiduol Receptionist po nr North Shore Restaurant VINCE'S RESTAURANT with n Eoeholsrs degree ond nl Needed Ai Hourly end Liuo4s Retail Stores On Chica9o's ti6og:oSfxonek soCse Visits Will Be Mode Hoelem & Loweence least ore year oeperi0000 io on poi6cos osnilublu ( 47)272-9490 Near North Side. Daytime bui b ostile ut scAn essi tino Maine West lb Client's Homes coving. A sompetitine foe ChAngo sed Hours Ooly. AVON ICF TELEMARKEÏING High School NW Chicago & Suburbs scmendtog oubuebo. Restaurant/Golf Ceur5e Leukist Fer Higher cuerno? notary aed benefit peokogo io An oepaoslino compunyis iuirknxf.doadorrsunAsulqsAkSnotlA e WAITRESS Hoxtbi.o FollSc,e/PurfSne 1-800-621-%210 ext. 2350 SifortlO, Ipenvprnoru'ofsond EngtAh pcokino. time tkeThln tleen? tndepeodanu.l aunilohin. Renames oseepted looking lep ooll-etarlers wOk Pari-Ttme and Full-Time Car & Insurance Required .CÄSI-IIER .F000 SERVICI MA}LAOER excellust summunicolton skills. Intoeca,s, nein Ili0hlosd Pol, 'couNTER lilLO Anon Cou WbetYue're t.uukina Fur 1847-5882525 Dopo. Apply In Perene - by fou or nail. VUCO HEALTH SERViCES 'Or/InAnE-CART PERsONNEL Our claoaltled ocio reuch Lors wik Gmat Salary Plus Commiscion Ask For Leo (847) 803-5924 Cull tonen uppninlvrent Carson s Drive-In plIansxGE,o, 5Wobxb more people per week for 773-545-2984 (773) 826-0690 (773) 774-9101 Msudurrolny 1320 Wnukegon Rd., Glonvinw Mr. Prolpest Gell Conree (888) 561-2866 Auk fer Mury er Lindo 18471 670-1356 the least amount et dollaro. Or 4200 N. Austin Or Coil: 7-7249292 DISPATCHER EARN OVER $14 PER HOUR Gentle Home Services, Inc. We cover the near northern NOTICE Chicago, IL 60634-1615 BUGLE NEWSPAPERS Excellent Monolito mn Ou9lo eewspopern denn Its TOW TRUCK ouburbs und thu eortholdo )5ftMlwo by eppeinhnnnt enly Must Spook Enlob And CNA'S 847-432-9100 PART TIME °WAITSTAFF bonito oornao odvortleumento ton FOR CLASSIFIED Top Pay . Pert On Poll-limo DELI WORKER NEEDED Full & Port-Time ot ChIcago with 2 Ineertlonn tAnne Öwo Relioblo Car IMuko o diiiuren,o .Evthusiouliu t hnlrou lhanhlellO nod tu5lerooey. DON'T GET STUCKI Red's Towing Ilndieldeol needed for RNA puosec bonEs on lehigh Popular North Shoro por week. See how your e amover, We cannot So rosponni. THE BEST PLACETO (847) 265-8990 6416N. Lehigh Onu Restaurant GETHELP... LOOK los MI toutiM. No Iroony 6t11n5. 01161E CLRSuIiIED money con work for you by blu lar oil cleAns, produntn und IVERTISE 847 724-7920 Empare Window Ctnanissg INner frnin.6ll shifts ovoiteble. Aspes, tronc E4tobrook Motee he Nerthbruuk putting your odo In both noroIses st adusrttsors. IN THE CLASSIFIEDSI Contact Nick (773) 594.0900 (847) 272-9490 Lsell Lavoro atB47-432.6080 fillS GET RESULTS I - editions of The Bugle. I

a'tnY'OYPAL TISE OUGLE, TGUIOSDAY,I.SAY 4, 255e r4,2o I'MThSÓ . Honoring parents who Field trip to .± .. - ¡. _ w 1W ii;ii T- served in the Naval- Services MISCELLANEOUS the Shedd Aquarium FULL/PART 'rIME MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS \Vilh MIfh&u Duy aoci Ya- ourviec, Imighoul ruMs or rank ut- VÚtIflÁRT TIME li/cr! Doy rig/I around Ilmo our- minad, up io five top voodoin und., non, lina U.S. Navy Moiuollu livuWu, dn und live duly soulivos,, Wauhioglon D.C. lu uocourugiug Log rorollmoois help o,tpponl APTS. FOR RENT FOR SALE PERSONALS

Talg BUGLE, flIURSDAY, MA'S a, sore Local legislator greets area Qualified Maine Township residents can PAOF: r, school children at Tech 2000 pre-apply for Section 8 housing assistance LGH springHealth and Devon Bankopens in Nues The Housing Authority 5f will bo sotoolod from Ihr waitiog Croco, Nitos and Cook Ridge. Happiness lectureprogram Cook Coanty (HACC) osn pro- list," ooplroiosd Makro Towoohip dUo root assistooco for s limited Director of DoreraI Assistance "Those prr-oppticatioes maus LuthorosGosortrliiospibol'r of Tiro Corrbrr tor Coreplrroon- ourobor nl low iocoioo house- Macsitu Wuerrick. "Tiro authority be 00usd ucd postmarked no rprirg 2005 Hootrlr arrd Stappi- rory Modisriru Irr Lorlroror Gen- holds. In srdsr to tooiotuih u esili Iron o loro dtoosood uppli- luireIhonMonday, ctsy8, orso isolare prograrrrr wilt od- seoIrcuropur, trill cdrlrnns stoodp supply uf upplieonlr, the cools on Ihn nooitisg list, thus list 2y55,' oddod Warnick. "Pnr000t dross coroplersroot:rry rerdirinc "Corrrpi ortos icry Modiciso, itro rod tirso pnioniiieoiicn.rips, HACC ir inviliog additional up- bar a coosidoroble lifetime, por- ollo lravr applied to prcni005 Nro Stop:PrscbioulApplica- The freeedusuti000ipro- plialioos lo ho osistiog .ouilisg hopn ap to fico porno." woitiog tiart rosy opply for tirio 1ro sn,, rWorero's und Mar's gnomo wilt ho offorod from7 ro Pre-opptiortioos are Sroitubts viro boo." For eddiliorat infor- Hooliir." He mill discussr ponen- 8:35 por. ToenduyoirrOlson cot and compbemnnnory rendi- lo be piohrd up ut any of tIro to- trrotion, contact Maioe Town- Audiborioris at Lsrtrorao Goour:ri "Those whososa cutely corn- cul librarlos located ttrroughoot rhip Doserai Aouinbonoe al (847) cinc sppnooch to instro ruohos Sterpiiot, 1775 W. Dewpabrr St., h0000eo nopiacemori,ounooper- ploIe and uubmit the pro- Marrro Towonhip,aridcltiro 297-25tO. Tho Meise Township Pork Ridge. 05m, ohobsnrnrol renlnot, cirroiric opptication fonos wilt ho on- Mains Towostrip Towo Halt, Li- Towo Hoil inlocotod at t750 The borsten,mincirinubuno.-- paio, and rrtuny rrihorx. tocad into a lottery Is detsrroirs kronen instado honeinDot Ballard Rood, Park Ridgr usd is spooLers from Luthorue Dnoor- hr order is whisk cppliscnls Fisiono, Gtnnvinw, Morbo trcndicopped ucorenible. alumedicul codprofrsxioosl "So Modo io Do... So Limb sroffc, urs purl of rho lnorpiini's Timr" will ho pr croons d Tues- 0000ieg 500rtOilbonst to pror-co- day, May 23,by Mielsant Nues North celebrates Exceptional line health core und wstlrrros. Athccs, Ph.D., director, psyohol- State S0nator fra SiIvrotTh (right) dtscusses a stude,ot tech- Renorvatioos nrc roqairod. For ogy, Luthoouo D 000ra i, wIrr wilt nofogy exhibit with students Torn Resek ach Edea Bush, bath 00cc irrforrnurioo, colt t-1805)- doseribe row mo priorilìao liwo . . Children's Week from NI/es WestaodNlles North High School, whilo DOccia Ful- 3-ADVOCATE Il-805-323- urtI ovoir more effieinonly or The week of Mey 7 thruogh for childroo agro 3-1 Iwibh cor,- icor 't'-shirt ord e froo lunch. To ton (left), AT&Teducation program officer, looks on. Sorno 500 8822). Pece parking is svailublr he rrrotrrr d rho work' pioco. 'AI- Muy 3 has been psostoirsrd by 0cc ditabitibict os Sooday, Muy rrfirter for tiro Field Events Fan io rholoisortIr of Doropnbor rodeoswill kOHols uchoolchildren from 140 schooloparliclpatedle the ninth 7 ob tiro high oohool tioldhouuo copi ere coreroib. Goverroo Ryao as Excoplionul Day. pL-ourroobo cl CRC spon- Street. mrerc, annual TECH 2000/AT&T Studonta for the Infonnahon Age Clrildrnou Wrrk in Illiosit. Eo_ (98OO Lawtnr Anonor ir 5ko- drcoicp cogasioudonul sor tors Puccini st l47l 568- Drr Tunodsy, Muy 9. Dcroid skillscoriiraroornurngion IL. lo aventatthe Stata Cpitalßuitdiogie Spflngfialdnn Wedneuday, cspticool Childrono Woob woo 3382. Novoy, M.D., orodicul dirocror ucoid pr drus,'lioobioo. March 22. AT&Tkas sponsored the event for five consecutive founded by Cluoiscu Hug in parbicipoebo wilt roceino u sea years. 909 lo icorosos publio swam- Photoby Peter Mayer seos towards iodividuoto with What A Jew Prays Devon Baok reeeoilyheldthel,-gruodepeniegp tIme non' Wal-Mammctere io Mleo. Shown io phomo: L- di nobiliro so. To kiok ofP'rho Gemini Jazz Bands excel Ac adclt oiady group Tasidsy rlr000ghout he puss 25 contoneo. Rjouooe Chiroc - MarbetiogAssiutanl; FairEs Febovio- Si-asole Mgt,' Elirobenh Solar- President. BEADTIBUGLE work,rho Nitos NoSh High Gemioi Subrioo High School utile cf roorib firr his onrrborrdíeg ovoniogs Ibroagh Ortos 6. Exploro SbanriogTcosday, Muy i 6, 8per. FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS CALL School Council loo Eocoptional cur prayer traditi on togorhre bd tune Bando t,2 asd 3 oompetod rumboso solo, or woo Durok Wy- Children Club (CEC) bon by Hueuao Shooter. Muy 6. t :35 por. Morhoro Day ici rheNcrobohom Sono Fostivol seoul for his brumpom solo, Mom- Dorir Shuhhor "A Rairbrrw cf wInch mao reid at Gloobrcob , The National ArborDay Foundation (847) 588-1900 plonood o Fiotd Enootn Foro Doy Down Sci ruoruo irsritsbo ireru tri nbc bond ore: Surcptrose- Ccicra ' pr000r ItDuvid Giciohor wiih High School io Gloociom. Coon. Megos BeInes, Adriroor Lowly, putiog with oiorrroo hasdo, toes "Good Poprolßed Poyos: boon, Arr r005bsrpiscoo will be dio- Lira Kim, Conniurrtiso Kaguoo- offers Trees in Memoryprogram ileod I.urrdorbhe diroctico cfMr, cicli, Rurou, Cnrhciiciom. Ar ocerbook played. Lrruis Schulte from Fron- Martin Ardot,sod toff FWIc Ei IR c;-rc Sirvo Edsop, look licol pboco o Riererr, Trirrohern - Chric Lcd- os rho hrsiory of tiro Vcbiccn ord Irgo Golirry is guru epoche,. TI r000nn cool Arbor Doy Foun- ruoliugift,wimiulmlucyeon 'l'rrc'vto mmrroiy plonrod ir nor rho JuriorHigh School Division. kcscs bi,Koysbian Nispcuj, o,rd dalton's 'l'reo, rs rolcriocnhiy orith Sown Fcrirrforrnubicr coli 673-4141. im Momory pee- preseot lo tIme lumily of Irr pce- rtuniortul tIr kvoro lsdgrpoie Juev flood 2, dirnrrod by Mr. Duro Roody. Tro:npot-Moli grow is rockingt pccuibtn lv, soli they h 'nvrchoseo lo Inono,. p'trie t tinO Doegluclïnv. FLUSH PLUMBING COUNTERTOPS WHY Boron lSsdoik, nuevo d hind pirre. Nonio, Dcrrb Wysocki, Woiror people le irelp nepluol Awodca's tuoe Sued 3, uodor ihr dirurbroo Gubrini, Jinrory Spiegriroor, orti nutienol fvrerrn roidir also her' 'l'lrrccgh TrocoiniMorocry, Ailditicritrl AND SEWER SERVICE inmlorroorior in Specializing irr.... WAIT? 01M,, Cncig Ssokoo, rorood o os- torduni McCundy. Bess-Jeff cling deuewsed lorrmily sod he Pouodulioo in mukiog torri . :rv:rilohir by ncnisiog Tho Notiun- Custom Coursterlops CALL... prriurr-a' turf. Chriu Polry, door- Chaog. Decoro - Crhis FotoyAco- lriords 0v 5 lasttnsg, liliOf soibcto trvoila- ut Arirer Diry F000dulton, Alto: rrrer ,cr14 C ccobuo bios Kugcoo. ike,3 l°erecenicr - Jeory Btoeb ycv000r p $15 dooaled hie to ororo Aw encan -nl san ever Tmeeo ir Momory. 2t IN. 12th Cenit Us' for- ricir, saccphonier, wore awuided F:aou ' Chrivrrnn Och end Chris- nhieugln Toero io Mewery, rho hc'firre,orni in i oeeocsr'o br s roe n, Lioetdo, NS b8508,irr Iry l\ Kitchens & Baths, etc. orvdoin for bar carsrocdiog solo lie Angdorsos. Arbor Doy t°osodatruo pbarin IS lreoefrlv el noses . As well as odd- c:tlii:nghr Scondsiios an 14021 RELIANCE peefcnmuooen. trees ir romiortot fonrens 1h01 have broury.treoshuye boon Lticìnalc & Solid Surfaces Available Osé-Stop Shopping For Kitchens& Baths. loa 47g-5055. TIno Fso'ndasiono isa PLUMBING & SEWER to tompolirrco rnibh I'ourboon TIrr public in cordiulty irvited hero dumug'rd by Oro, diseuse, prove r te eben Oomwelemasd nrcrprcfin edueatlos o, 005ino ion 10 ubbrnd rho spring eOoerrr', . LicensedBondedInsured horda, Gemini toce floodI wan Or i050uls. The t°irorularn:nn airo rit. pru000 n srrti emircioo, ord er- dedteosed IO inno planting sod olsonumod rho500ionHigh rrlrielr will br holder Moy tOond sçodn o curd te Ikone orukirg duce irosniog und cochiog uovns. rOvirrilmecltni umelvondnhip, SAME DAY SERVICE Srhoct Grard Chompioo al Osen I I or Grmiri turnier Higir Srhrroi, AFFORDABLE RATES io tho Meadows which mus held 11955 Grceowcud, Nitos, bogio- ai Rulliog Moadows High nalrnol. rIng un 7:30 pro. The Disrrict 63 The Center of Concern welcomes the DAY OR 23 1/2 lOOR NIGHT (847) 583-1858 Surr'Buods I cod 2 bcth rrnooit tosntulrieolol Proarom provides rsublirrb notiegs. Ctrnin Ludkow- lOrreuelioo ro Opprucimulely 450 EMERGENCY SERVICE cfi o 05,0cc goierd mint n crobifi. srudentr in grados 5 sbrough t. public to its 23rd annual meeting CulllAr Your Free Euirrcue E15O LICENSED - BONDED ÑSURED OFF] Thr psbiïo is rvelume 5e 01- Comolmorl:todiv Pork Eidgo or oerrthls, under rho dnroutior of Piro's Top Shop, hue. I WITH THIS AO I cod line 23rd uresu I meolingof (630) 307-5785 May programs at CJE Tlnuovduy, Muy 4, heginoing on 0cm 5 10,015e oser,will previde 847-827-1160 Lpir0s 5/31/OOJ Tho Cerron of C orenro, a eon- 7:50p.m., 847998-681 O We Du Ciro torri Csrbi,rero, Ibol Council for SewnslrElderly Deber sir Dolnigoero, 2 p.o,., os profil molli-pompose coeial sor- in oddirioe lo The Centre's ro- IClEl offers tho following fvrr Frnduy, May IS at Lieb00055 vie rogree y pninenpoti y sons-ing porI mf ils oorieitios, shore will Tho Cv'msromil onhrng oil -us- peegru mn donicg tiro myrrh of Geriatric HealthCorree, 9705 ocmtbrvoon nubsrhuo Coob h euolvctn es awards trod rho nesdeov ro brirg acutnor d fenmd SKOKIE AUTOS May io Shokir. Per ronoecotione Crest Peicm Rood, Skokie, Prrr Colrnty. The r000biog wiltbu dr,ttuing fon u major rufflo hoing dorunion io toppert of Tho Coe- . nun'tpernteipolioo Kitchen sodimnlorwabioctc progrows, resuru:ttieru,picosocull773- reid uihr Scomb Punk Ro-roo- irthe Pork I meld by The Creter's Aocilisry. Ridge Hutose Needy lark Porno CARPET WANTED pincaocull773-558-1558,cv 508-lOSS. li000l C rononu rTolocts ond The Moire Wool String So- 50% Off Premier Cabinets feod & Bath conseil CiEs wob nito on lrrtp:/1 eitlleclttrr.Allduouted INSTALLERS Wederrrtay, Muy 17 i i.'slirret Il be gicon ro roedy citi- TOP $$$ PAID Plus Extra 15% Off Plus Musir LrerorefD'scrissI'rn: r:.'trs Wrr?nmday, tO il trito gh Ihr Meine Tap. RUnning or Not - Tite il crorureec f mho Hetrrnw Corner l'citi datAr vrrruu t Cnlvloruliorr: Prairie View Travel Pecd Facnry, drum, is pmoserrred by CIB's ors- Beaters & Ovorheaters FREE Dovetail Duiwers lt miv of i.rrcno i,i :30 por., co line Ci.'trIe r of C Oreo m offers DESIGN SUPPLY ..i/ ':. ... , cic blierapirl, leones Stroller, 2 OSo, Enpiron Muy Si2000. Wedvesd:ry, Mey IS -,'r':,, irny of orroiers to prlrplo ei INSTALL Euriadon Proci005 Fsrehn,m I Orbe, Offnr. al CiEs prit., ori Wed005dtly, Muy i 7, um Club tours Chinatown Lieb orrouc Ornitrbric HeutE Coo- - lt ugen le Iteip i_tetre rtrmtlr Ci ',vOrne OcultIs Cm- Irrer OssI un- "WEDOITALL' Ail Your Needs Frono Floor To Ceiling Join the Froide Viens 'fn:tvel inverstítIheir prcbienos. ro Ire, 9705 Groin Poiol Road, Sko- ce. 97110 Gross Pe:nrr Rd.. Shc- vrsil tu olmo Mnrioon Fice Arlo Call Qaotity Prodoots Encollent Soroise Club on Wodnrsdtny, Muy IO av FEATURIHG kir. Reseocusioos muri hc mude hic. Pemreu e ni-u lirtOO, pletue cull Cornos Masoam io imutodod. 47/023-0405 vr drirp io un the by culling 773-558-15115. nuoro pierotitoatIese uros nf i ubetiI 550 N. teutollotion By Our Export Craftsmen 773- SIll- 10011, Lorch witl be silire Phoosis N:nrrtrwosl I'- Thursday, Muy lt Clmioamuwr usd mho Puteo 000u Inn Roc succor nfetnnoning delecl:rhle liroy.. l':trk Ridgu, durirg wook. %\'adnosduy, May t7 Call NOW For Your In Home Consultation ¡trI Hrstcny Lou bore, peorenir- Chicago. Thin usiqar borIn pro- Clniocsc'entrees s, The bur lear-os uy l,tvtioesu ltosrs to req005t tb. ed by Liolly tluhio, 2 pro., ro MusicLee rIre, Dircasaierr: mernod by rho Chiuogo Neighbor- Prairie Viow Ccstronomirly Ces- 't'inclieu'mm uovo oftraI'tohrow ircod tours insladesuoaOo1011 300 HIGGINS ROAD Repairs & Laying of 184712151700 uern 'i.! sInnst lay. Muy II ir Gidtsire loo, 6634 Dorrnpstor at 9 ocr. ucd FREE TOWING l'lui'o.1551l.trhe Cccl, ttarcd Chain, rs pee.vene ii by CSE'o nro- wulk lhrosrgh rho brou of China- mill 015,5'II 3:35 p.w. 't'ire corn PARK RIDGE New & Old Carpet 100's Of Used Parts Or Visit Oor Beeufifal Shewronm At Tire SW Corner i)orrliritl, Pur reos r va rlorr s, cull Incilitmapism, bossier Shuilom, 2 nome sod its most rosent sddi- in $56 for Morros G eure rosi- USE (847) 679-0953 Of Dundee & Milwaukee in Wheeling 773-5110-iSEO, por., arr Wedmeudup, Muy t 7, um lion, Clrirciowo Srjvurc 0051f- genIo sed $02 for rruc-nesiststrls. 847-692-2000 (847) 864-2828 Stnnwreem Ilnnrsr MTh 10-8 To W F Sat 10-5 Friday, May S Liehrrmvami Goni5rrie itralttr Ceo. toto gardoos, Wo wilt toar l'iteno t5leust register or Prairic Viow THE ArI Lireisre:R dm00, her rho rie, 071111 Onoro 'ehrt Rd., 5hs. by ban, hightigltliog lash rrlseals Csmmscity Cesser ercoil Artistry cf Grurdoru Muscs, pro- Lic, F:rn noue rr'oninm rs, plooso cali by boat aislo, coemmaoity his- Caltronioctri 860-1200 for for- BUGLE verted by CJ5'c orIniloruyisl, J73.511O- 15110. tory und coniomporuD life.ta her inrfoemasion, wIsst sn's55.51,sasaMdOstYr ,IAY 4, 2505 PAGE M TIlE BUGLE, TIIIIIS5D/.Y, M,5Y 5, 2555 PdibE Sn National Trust announces - C011d0s...... Maine East cheerleaders Cnnitnnssl 1mm rage i Preservation Week 2000 Linconwood Town Center 10th 'dtrnaUc pictoroof sngI- tuioiam davelspsnentbackits concorsi an il appnaend. To work she stats efihe milles- placeable historie ieeas aras." take first Anniversary Celebration Weekend inilyhomosdomthaledby 1985. Tisis prompted e fiarenno- ProsnnvutiOs Week bss been riam, lbs National Teust far Him-' ing Meadown Rnginrul, mo pyr- ttWûring condominiums. "If veo tars them )Ihe devrtap- spense from 050mm ion. tonic Pmrervalior announced tisas celobralod aosraally sisor 1921. Tilo Maine East High yelinol etseaily cheerleaders consioced amid lrouusitionnd mbilse eseca- .,l think we should rename the orn) down, we'll huso ta explain 'I doo't,Ihishs Mr, Kolpoh hes ilse theme of Prenonvstios Week D tiring Preservation Werk 1999, si strect Condo View Lune be- Shot ro s jadgo," he seid. "Why thn niglo to spnsik for us. Wo tito Notional Trams held a enramo- dsmtsuto ills cn-ad slivisiee nl It. tins of pike aed t enseno h jumps 2005 is "Taking Amneica's FasI litinis stato checnleading with s und poolnon siondng witlt oIl five acuse hats what we're going ta shrould we npnnd $250,000 in Ir- should he fron to cosce traiEs os IntotIsaFutura." Peeseroaties tsp at Waslsisgtnn's Coegresnies- firnt piace fleinit al the t2lIs 0501e ehoanleadoes holding liluce- he looking at frani nam or," said gnl fees an nomrthing mero go- whatover time of day wo mast," Week will be celebrated May Id- . nl Cometary i uennsasc e $1 nil- anuo- et Sinvessan High Scheel Spirit lies, l'bis was tIce fient cisne in Kars, who seid the Bugle shut ing to get beat at?" ko said, 20. tine is coogrensionsi mulching his phutographs sisew the build- Trainni also chaslisod resi- Sun Schmists, mho lieshinosi fussdo foe tIto site's epknop and Revolsties dr the second ICCA hsialory that Eco liberties ' "TIseorr'Itosnism is a time to worn lurid nimaltautcesisip. ings au boyd look nittieg 5g f00t dents fon rhoir claims shitsIlse in the area for 40 yours, ogrrcd preeorvatiee. t3iseml seras'e the strasghi polir. The Stevenson Ro- mOect en misere we've beso and 'lIso S ceceos ne Rogieuttil wet away fromliasses ldeveleper Fluss Cummissies wau polling that dovehspaes were sol rsskivg country, ntute und musi prosorea- glanai was tite isst tuno-ap hurilir cuiteen mote going," maid Ricliced also o luce ossfai day for Newport Builders lias raniseti ihr proMu nf the developer PesI, ihn Iruffss hsrao seriously Moe, presidnnl of the Notional non engraieatiOnu knid work- Humons bofns'o lucy Irurelte lire Springflold for tito stale clsanspi_ Maiso Sani jairi orear slip sheet. plaits so that ha condos will sit "In Ibis ceanlry, nncrybody enough, - straps, eloer-ep doyn, - debutes, 'l'must, which spoesoem Prosenvu- loaders. Lest by enptciss Nikki 67 licei lenses the prepersy lion). Isee ilse night in make a profites "I don't know whositwill tiOis Weak, "TIns your's thoms sollion, co-on,netissee 55, and homo essships and Myrtle Beacis, South Jolts Themas from Nowpnet itseir property.l'in gclting sick rohe, probubly a doath, before Osti gardes tours. Corolina fur Ike schund cttampi- Noutsin cod Sara Schnafate,lic celebraren that link between pass tatti Orson .15y cqssad qualified fur snid tlsnt pnplsr and elm trees, as nf Isnuniog people eumplois thaI you realice thai tItemos already cod future, cisulleeging am to pias Fer a Presennulioo Weak kit osniuipn. Led by captains Kturio Famitaw, Anuo um stole eitsmpionsltipc for tito well as thick sisaubbory would 'o enmono clan has got sumelhirg loa rouoh tmaffic on Milwaekne," bruta issues shut will onefrant ou sootainitig a pollee, samplr pub- Monis,JefI br plantad in serve as a baffer that I bacon's got,' " said Teniani. hicity tolitenisis utrd tips es peo. Teakos, ond Lita Yen, Maire Essi firss titus n in four Foam und mill she said. ro tite peore t0000te, lt in ensostr'aI Jato tIsairearsiiycunoteeein hatwaoo the hausen sed condos SI tarcos Dcal, osoihor Porest Newport Baildrrshaspro- lint mc be vigilant, (tevihlc ctsd mittieg Pro rennes'sor Work, cull han loben first place in ait foire soisipahitioss of I 999.25W 'luis root Marehu, "in provida prinocy" for site rani- View rcsidcot, slid ilse Commis- pored putting us uddi siena I stop. see I liti1orwod istorder to deal lieNutienal'l'rasiOfficeof iv licfifth The Moine East Choorlaudess dents os Forest View Lare. siosor's eerousmcst of she situa- lighi citito dovolopsosot's or- seuls ihre rapid chuecos tisai ose Comrtmsiniaohions ut (202) 559- slraigiutynom hot 010mo Stimi itas quali (let I ass. But sauid untesas d tisai ilteeny- tinti was unfair. trance 00 Miiwuakro, though nuco to hace as impact en ourlera- 5h41, irr liso Siteppem sakoubreaklalisseo loorouylolhiog. en-story buildings wuald not be "If t lot uiy properly ge to sot, thry admis drus IDOT woo's give IhiitueisCiuoonlecdirgCoueluoc Boansior, Konto Fnsnre mndaln? A sana iaiion Ciato chiompinonhuipu. Fomiluru, Deandy RuOfol, Evelyn ubocurrd by the traes, uod scant you're gaisg to fise mr hocuase final spprovul for tIto light oniil Tile ceiabralioo woo over 5ko wnekend on Macok 24, Tire enlerlaiomeos wau praviuEdby The Afine Moine Z'attic Ort tite lavi ICCA Wiodueska, Diane Khonio, Musi. dovolopern to consider the pus- I'm maCag the property valuo afine cusvlrusdoos coivplose. Community Information Wed Jazz Band. Share wae face paining and Sonakie Ike Clown, A faohiao shaw WIsy caedsia inehuns piorsiuipis eu M'asanis , Ausse Maris, Main was prennolod by sibilisy of building ohortor four- os my tIrent go down. O000 the Plan Cnmwiosioe AmerieaoEugioaod The Chgdraeb Piace, story buildings ornons tows- don'ttIse developers hove the uppnovodihr meas000, osgry System debuts at Borders 1995. Radrigaeo. Collons Borupn, homes on ihn sito. vorne rospoesibility?" 000idant sac cosedtiouosssstis- Ti uoctuoe r portion nl ihn lahm Anotia Sodsch, ladys Cacreit, (PhntOo hy Kim Pnam) ofcemsicoity pnrfoemassoos, sIc- Bet developers rojnctod that AsoiherresidostSold shin sinners of fasoeiiium iiiword the Festivities and Fon, Fus, Pool mutins immodiatel pIsano d rias Shnila Cusaku. Dunto Castillo, ptnposal sayiof titut due totic Commission of a e000cnoohius Prycbyto family. Individuals will be able to jais op timas with "Skates' from the diffloalt wish o pymmid ofahi 25 lonsica Cosmos, Melanie Kamin. lsiglscnst nf ha land, condomiss- rho had with attorney Pout Kol- "I'm nora if Andy Piyobyin laHoly Family Medical Conior, Clsieugo Wolves, o special honk ahoonleadnas thiel was she sume ski, bossu Kalikownki, Dean District 71 News Borders Books & Music, BVM sifleingwiths Waysa Mnsemnr beginning io the Demons' state Pun tus,Joff Tachos, Colby Vida pok lot Monday's meeting, Kol- Villogo Bound Trastee) lis'od no Culver Snhasl, Kindergarl- Comsssuoicotioss, Inc., asid Cuit- )Owner of ihn Ctrieoga Wolves), qssalifying rauhen from Ihn KnIt- and Liso Yen, p.m. und Psidoy, May 0 at 7 p.m. Zenshus Dhaneni, pak topeoronted bosh tite dcccl- Forest View und I waned 000 of en RngislratisnThe u000nd ed Way of Mount Prospect und l'Ieoltti & Livisg wills Holy Fami- le the school gym. This year she Nuns Schani Residents objected to she nr- upen andlic .Pryubylc fondly, h eaeoos doe, ttsiiig would ho o dato for kirdnngu 005m giornalino cchoot'a play is on niChent uomo- Dislriel7i, Prespeot Heights aloog with local ly Medical Canton, raffic prions, Cs arenenE, Cnlver Seheal, gummi. Mast wits tenata owners of White Eagle and soli- lot diffnrenl," said otte u'oioos. Ion the 2005-01 sohonl paar is dy with e carl nl many "keoky" digiiitcrios fee a special event usi und much, wuolr maccl A Rib- Couple communication Kindnrgarlen Reginsralinn spook before rho Floe Commis- en el ihn pccperty in quastinol. 'Ibas is sot tIsa flint listo casis rcttedcicd lar Tuondey, Muy 9, oharuelnes, Purliuipadng in ihn Sasardoy, Mey fi. The publie is io- heir-Catting secamony will take Tho sneond dale fon kinder. sloesaidshutcommissioners "I asked tstsu if he would cos- 00000siions hone bees vcunsled. 2500, Culent Seiseol will offor a 00Cl and crew ayo fifth sheough wore puttieg develapes's peolits AnotheeNit ottoni'does,Peal vited frnsu t I am. - 4t30 pot. Io pIcco ut 3 p.m. workshop offered, fusion mngtnlnalian for ihn 2055. vider bayiug o bosse focisg u Poe seno infewsotton shoot scn005ing program 8Orusychil- eigblh graders. Calven Seluosl is shood nf rendons' proper y val- t-le locked Tasob, ponsesie d a buse io titocoicheete the cesibal el the BVM St uchoot peor is scheduled for s0505-siory buildisg. The C nunoniin g C enteco f La. colins skills und meneeunsasis- d nsaunso wog kindergarten that looulrd nl 5951 Oaksos is Nibs. NitosVillogoBeurd nllisis"Fiflie Modia" Cnmtsunisy Infer- 5ko SVM "Fifth Mrdia" Comma- Tricodsy, May 9. 2555, CuIvre m esirar ghl is the nya and said, stity letemcsiìos Syslem, pleane ulceran C anona IHospilal,1615 faction in 1h cesan clogs enlutino. w Orosotsernore d al thefirst The Nibs community 'ssrnvs'lsd Cowmissioocs Angolo Troia- 'so, probably sOL' marsh's Booed ofT rusions moot-malien System speesemd by Sukool will afire a narrent'rg 000toet Mr, Mntthons Tomlisuss, Lather Luen, Park Ridgo will chip. During ube sessions, ucmcnisg dein kil Januauy. The te ultend titis fron porfoemanee, sicoostared,tollingrnsidaists Tmoiassi told residents that if log, calliog foe so IiieosiigaiiooHoly Family Medical Conier ut psegram for any childsononlor- BVM Coitsmasiustìsns,toc,, sponsor a four.woekcouple cauplas will choose issaan lo ad- vceocnisg progrow it hold un as- Culver Buys Jr. Vas'eily Ban- bui tIlo pcnpoeed development criterio, after he discovered thus rite Pise Bondons Books & Music os Rand- ing kindergarten chai lycra sol the dovninper mot oli 1547) 735-8152, our 22l (847) heotwasicatt oneuneku'hop from drues,idootifytheir owe re. ecos a elsild's gonceul dovelop- kathall Snusun Thr 2005 los- sirsoncommercialprapurty, Iseo Cowotissinis hod sohodoled u se-lsussl Mall ut N. Elnilsumst aod scccrnod at the firul ecrerning sucht as peoprr inigutios, 7 te 9 p.m. Thursdays, May IO mnsI lcd lo dotad any problosnu ion whiclr was approved for casda- view ai tho des'elopwentronas- Rvod Roeda in Monat Prospect. 735-8595libo),Or o-mailtot vyotuces, bakocinru end desirns, Varaiiybauknlbull1005ml dato in Jarcory. Tbetereaniug codos, sto,,Ihn Plan Commis- thnough Juno fi, und work lnmotd roonwad cl dotupe istise a reas uf reodi- uro wiih Oust obtaisiog a wfoeut The fun-filled day will coosict [email protected]. oli- ccucuverpcotnpc 156cr 050, AF program ru holds ousnr'55u nies had so grounds to reject the Thu nvnrkshnp is designed 5e nons, moler skills, vision, knee- itose the Village Tscntoev libe macp und wutauiïsy. Skillsin len making iheoasi, ihn boys child's geoceab dauotopmess and praposat. anhaccc pariicipuntu' cammani- aoif.awar000us,cemmanicatios ing andlor sprechI and iunguugo cade a cemmilu005t la karp Eons disagreed, and citedits referai mas grostod at that very dooelupment IO 4010cr 05y problems or delays Water... Massage class for und c008ici raunlaicos aiso will lucir grades up to remain eligi. io She areas of noudiseus Villagn'm eattiog laws. nsansirgl. , motor Cnntisrnrd frens Pngc I Lawnmower buy ho duscnibod, modeled und bio, folk on cod nfl ho cours ukills, "The Fluo Camnsissies hiss "Well, so much fon '1ko ploco Children need 5v ho fi50 years vision,hrnnirgondins catad urcas nod has boor pur- old on or kafoso Sept. I, 2505 lu ikoy prosudod nach ouher with the' right 5e reject ony droolop- where people overt,' " rollt u mothers and their babies back program vp000il and bungosge dnvoiop- chased by tilo Villaga of Clan- rksones foe perece pieis be eligible. Appoinim onsseao be cuppantto achincn Ibisgoal. meni if ii is 'detrimental lo tite resident Iruoiog the Plan Cam- Baby's Loving Teachis Tuo MoiropulitusMayors 0mw,' neid Nibs Villagr a Room on the ground floor nf 5260, cutuich will inclusi0 malori. nekedalod or quesul antans mused b8nut nf the gomes, both wins Chiidres nnrd ca ho five pearl public wolforu is tho soiglibee- mission menling. one-hoar pregmum cosducted by Criuccsissp ossee ingillaten. Manager Abe Solmuo. "They're RosanenulinsMediceiCenter, ois, Pos more infunmadnn ne so by ennloeting Mm, Poske os ucd lasses wore hand foughi und old an ns before Sept. I, 2555 to hood is n'hioh it io located,' or if Mory Kelda, u licensed marnage 7435 West Talceli Anonsr. mower bay back prnfleaw. Tha y'stilt f to puy usha some - ir- refisuon,chIll Ike C ounso hing aiwaps within u 2-12 peins dif. parpesaisicrlue prune the ro- Mrs. Knynch ci 956.928g, ovL be eligible, Appaiuit mlle siscan be s'musatitas coana passing Onto il'subsiassially dimissh)cv) or thrrapisl. wisa Ieaohne mothors Center o( Lutheran Donerai Hes- Rifle... fiOns oir qohslity by gesuing older Ist. Monday theeugh Friday he. feronce. Thanks for a, very en- uciradulrd or qaesliansanomernd impair(s) property voices within how to hold und massage thrir Themis u _S5 fon for Ihn pro- Itas ecssdatrts, . piral at )847l 518-1805, lucca n 8:3fl ow. und 3:30 pci. joyabbo nomon: Mlades Zickne- by contacting Msa, Funke an the oeighhsrlsosd.' Cnnsinned Bem Fags i babies, threeby aidisg tisa beed- gram )puyable at Iba program), enoieenmositlly anfniessdty gus t rntlierro ws, tisaBooed The Coanseling Censor uf Lo. Parenlu n'ilI noed so pta1001 io, Tnepne Pasol, Mas Mahal- Mrs. Kssyncls st 9fl6.9255, est, Alt of the residente wlsovpokn ing pr Ocnms brimnes mother and pasuora d tuccnmnwars discarded passed es ordinaone allnwisg p.m. April 25. Ne ohois were and udnesce eogtstrntion is ro- tkesauu Dennrtsl l'lnnpilel ulna kas recels nl' nocidency such un a 10v mude, J nrcss y Schwanz, Greg iSt, Monday through Friday bc- agrnod ilsa tincenass'ng truffle so child. The peugrann is nohedalnd in focor of cui decine, hosiery, Nues FlusIs Cub te iscreuse it's freed, police said. gained. Fur mare isfarmatinn offiens io Aeltsgtotu Hoiglsln. Mt. bili,reniai ce perehane agree- Bogase, Ful Ryan, Joel FalcI, Iween 8:30 am, and 3:35 p.sst. tito aeoa would coetainly coosts- fee Mosday, May 15 frsm IO ta or nec-woionierd momor. Tho mats mas rlswged with ag- andterrgistee,oeiltoll-free Pracpscl, Drarfiald and Liberty- bent OC atilisy bills ieicclnic, gas Enrian Kovacosic, Kosis Kans- Fusants will nerd to prosess i5If O delriment ro the public I I um. in the Mother Celsne 877-10ES-INFO (737-4535). Hora is luow ube prognaw Efloctivaiwmodiutaty,Ihr geaveted botsery, unlawful pou- works and how pour dealectlsip er phase). bosl, Clwis Toy, 0mIn Rang, prods of ncnideney nach as a this nonsion ef s firearm by a lelos, Este ostdisivnul infonoalion "pall down chungo" liscuerad could have some soulvesssnsi. Coiner Solsani l'laytDiseIs und Bubby Pnceuewski, Speoial bill,recIsI er pumbuse agree. when a cob's gcg is psstled dawn A enpensrotatior from Bunker oggravaled amusais, demestic bal- ah ealunyoftiteto programs, Sewer... , Coosomeesmast tares'n uheir Dey by Tim Kelly, will bI 0C' ihunks tosite managers: Zack menu Onutilitybills)aleeleie, IdilIo Ceodominioren (which sits cry, unlemfut islerfemenen dn- ovil 047.515.1855 willle uctinale ihr motori nf $1.40 Cns.Itnned learn Pagel old monoe for scraping ut one nf tcrmod an Thcnvdcy, Muy 4 51 i Zackausssnn, Jcff Hagopian, und gite, or phono). ho erar Ihn pcoprrty on the cost nterttc batlery, possession of s screeuod ro $1.60 with 00 Octale, nut Oknlo," he said. tiro S Designated titos tiuruagh sideof Milwaukro)toldIlse firenem asd pemscssiou of ammu- April 20, Ikros moioisining the fennecs- "flasomesms Oued all Ihn dmc," Jano 17th. ecos charge for noray coo-tooth Commissine Ibas nofrly insure "We coald ecl tlsntm asp toi- The Nèw, Espositos Smoke Hoúse & Pizzeria wsshosydishot,we Noriega said Ibas he wnntad lu Each cossamer uarssicg lui av wile srovelod. rogaedingraffia seeded to be flood mus 505 ei $75fl,flOS as o lets, 9224N. Wauknrgan Rd.Morton Grove, IL, 60053 emphasize shot the emeegoney old mower mili bn given a certif. In additios, ihn flat foe shut cansidnred. band hearing April 26, ucd u couldn't ioko a bath," she said, "Nothing could go dame the sproding measure was seppie- lento fnears-bute of ap so $60 c((s/'r. 847-965-3330 passengers lracelisg ta en fenis "l'so boos in low enforoomoni eourtdoto won set forMay 2. menIalIntheVillage's lapos psaef of purchasa of u We Serna ThIn & Crispy, Danp DIsh, & Stuffed Pleca With Only O'Flarr Airport con choose re gos over 35 yOnra, and I cas tell dnaiu,and anythingthatdid peo- Foil, with that many pnoplr so wouldcatiteap Ihraagh the aetino, coetisnoss semen mais- now hait nuyere beine sniie'erl The I°renhest Of Isogredlenis pay ir liest uf a mrteeed-chsrge, Lee Ho Park 52(1 far u nos ncoiariaost wotner, tuill inciense 5e $M.00 )u $2.00 shut small uf or ama thorn cro kanemesst." toissatsce, Soups Salads n Appetlaees n Sandmnlchen RIbs gob0 to be peohlcms." Lee Ile Park ai Nitos, was Allee twelve tours afcostinn- Nariegu's ossrinmens el Toen doctors detest ta5ko ieceeasal.Nos ineleded is ilsot lure in silos wilt be oskcd to = Chicken n Smslood n Pastos&Macli Mare The w oselsesa ist thais the is- oasnod ta the Ducts's List t'or tisa eusly pampin gwasen oat, raw 0eodinio ase Topporl would cast isha S I .00 airport Ins and sae ai sppeocirg dovelopmeet in 1h11 semnesieeasThojoltr Hopkins serrage begun loading nIa the tute sssan wslls; us a Nibs bassa- muck 1ko doeigoatcd Suturdayc) s t ou for auch edditiasul passen- Dine-IiiDelivenj .'Carry Out, nWe Cater All Occasions Utiiccmsity. TO ho soledad far -be sosues t, owner fee over elsie years, sIre Sundays so promisi 'foro bailory get ever ihn ugr of waive. 1985 was scoot, as lbs ara u was p_. - - .-. , sai hnsiegod with carnosi raffle this basar, u student mssl ears a "lt mus terrible," seid Teppurs. said she' Seesen liad Ibis kind uf and electric meworu, Tusse teavoliogtuer Item FAMILYMEALDEALT1/ ppjrnT FR1F, T ('I!;'L'T probiosie, which h aceres sited grade Foist average of 3.5 or "Tumposs came up -you usms trauble, Consumers msI l'ree cive 5ko Midway Airport milCbe charged from flue years of easshisuoas htigliures e'l.floealn, il,ii came up. Wa Ions every- "Na mostee hew much snow rehaue coruScates (lisssilsd qaas- the metered cours, plus $2,00 ter A°" i' BBQ CHICKEN 'ALargePizza BU;d9;i;:i6 cesdossisicin development. Lee He Pwk is the doaghtec of thing in oar basomest." ,' nr sair Itas fallass, this has nanee, lihirs availabin) unly ut Iba das- Pn:°' ' nach additiannl jrasnregen. ThIn Cessi O I LtIrrnlI'np °Y T55 1/2 BBQ Kolpak argand Ibas saust onsi- Ctiang and Zests Park aed aslrod- ennuI huppend to as hebra. igualadnneusll.TheMayors Bay Any Posta Entreé Thin Cmxl I5lzaa ,').kI -,Bill Sieenknwrki nId Wshhsam Itas Noeiaga saidthat iba sew- $esnO95 dentselthnenondomisiams ed Malen Township High geheul Whro mn msns la blame 0apae. Caneas will b eudnorlis'ing lInse Received 2nd I Chicken Dinners Get 1 OFF i GelERFE12' Cheese . Wégnzyn mom NihnnFlmh Cab lesd se br senior citieens wits io Park Ridge. er domnagn te 500511es had cork- tisas night, she onhimn plumbing ennuIs is narines direct mail and 3rd Dinner FREE ',.told the BÇBrd 15k lkfiwn in- Only I At Half Price I A Small Pizza lar, nssnse .wnI4n's be dniyieg,dssshsvpgaIs Lrn Hwask,,whs,)s ,maqning in&,ta do with TniipnnI'a,frcn-', ' -'susIe pries inedia. l5aaliucasOaus1 I Mp- ., ',., .-'r$.-.,it,a Aseo dealrr, Frank's Lawn. tlnalslncia*Cao55sOan&dainj I munnmanaspaswnû,sm mnsaxmco55unaasog rss,,scMnCa55emls,k,,1 "srfhi,hoarr, nra&d.l' is nalar0lidib55SpsSbliwhrn'hh." FInIes eesndeeN"ssng pnsni" t.t nacssaw,as,u,otB,rsaawa . soueenium,mmwue.awaw,n I witt grudrmnlrt in Msy2ltO2. 'lise damage mc bound seas fur their llagdnd baugnscnts.' mnwer Inealnd st 5113 Milwaa. wos.aawnarwaaurrsu.css4ma ! 55cadssaBrian,Oia,isa4wa I 55easstnaaruaa,mts,.ssausca pod nf snuffle muossor asgou s w' wwuremneeuasemuwm rsenawft,,vwee hrn Ana, in Nibs, 966-2223. 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