THUG'JEW' A retan. I NILES and MORTON GROVE NILES AND vs rB,5Ó5 humes DELIVERED TO ALL 16,000 HOMES IN - activer ed rseqkry r MORTON GROVE EVERY WEEK OFTHE YEAR! .1 Salk l6ate u_S. Postage ,, Ifs Oh III) N o) PAIO 8lLEs PUlLI) LltRARY Bagio f-lows 50 CENTS 69go O6fTON SI, flL Uli PER COPY NILS) IL 6)7)4 741)0 \VAUKEGN ED, NILES, ti 60714 THURSUA0, Mis s n, asno VOL, 43, NO.45 Four percent rate increase by Chicago passed along to regidents; Zoning Board approves Additional costs in pumping water also cited Pryzbylo Condos I,y Lisa Ashkenaz Croke Cvc Cc'tiler Hall woe filet Iriiiiitluced in March. voicing io capacity Monday night, as cuneen is ihoui Clic inipaciiI in. Nues residents topay rosidanli, deoclopars, and mom -crc iced11th fleuriMilwaukee hers aï ho Village of Nibs Plan triti the decreasing properly val Corninisrion and Zoning Board ri 'u ftheir humen shouldhe of Appetilu heatedly debated the s ve n-s toryc ejidoshe built condominiumdevnlopinent pta. r1oiiylie proper y line of rari- 3.86%morefor water tu ed lier 1,759-6777 Milwaukee ilaolial koro si View Luoe. Ate000, adlac rl lo While Eagle A pbiiliigruphsi novo intite by l,ia Asisbense CroOn lIt irqite is iii Restaurant. Pl1is C iitiiiniis ion heat illustrates l'ho Pilos Vihitrge Betted viii- the Vitttrge. 101os rosurvoir Aller we heurs of prelasls, he problem. Nilerreoidesi. edti huesday's meetIng io ruso I Itoioctoeseusillelseho 'Tiro eesiroet wo bono with politise presurlo riens. and osen Mike Ksns. hticl u friend photo- lire svaser-tate by 3.86 Porco si, pissed troteurie orporoird trees tite utility, cornices the anicoipa- a fr.'rs yelling oratehos. he Cant- yraplrliclroauns along Forest i OCOOStI ing inciterr0000005 by ttstui reestoe rhloir water from the Canliourd ors Pagr 54 misnionintroinrously vnrrd re Viese laoe, then superimposed o $200,000. - sand Ike oes tresors. ial mr Oruro plierstif Ose-storyeoodomio- Elfeetise June 1, wtsi erasers Man with rifle threatens mom, ii the Nibs Villtsgo Board. latirbuildings lainrilurloihn mill pay $2.96 per h .050 gallons Residools buse beer mooring sitter proponed by rlovrlopers) iii waier. antre -sont ioureaso. rsithdtwe le persa od cumrnir- hehindlie lrosnes. The rnsult is l'reitre Seri Murplry said the surrenders peacefully vlint ors since thet rreasurowus, C notions st ou Page 54 rs'as Ottliii iba rate htiku s we- try LsssseieMssiliss h ir Id A oeerly iliree-heur tureidontS ire at roquesting puliva arsis- Ore. we ,-trocee oivisg ar is- rouIr police at u bi om000str Lobetuile u fur un eokntruso reasuo. Nues approves $35,000 for ero tee sers our sopphtor lIlie Stocei end Harlem Aoesao ended Once es 1h nsee no, puhien Varead City of Citivagoh iiiIre' amrrarit peace-fully j autafter midnight that Iho moo hod trllogodhy ohruuk emergency sewer fix - iii four percent.Plus. we baso April 26 wb toreo'9-year-old tua toothIer roba livra in Ore honro Mussloo Gr es'enraowas- tokenturd 1h rehiere d horwith aculo. by Lists Mtskotttstt Croke urrcurrad i sereauc-d sonic irr dis- urihiurin gtsuierio auj residesis. mili custody and charged wiihi Mortes G roce Police, with the At rho request of the Publie vrthroergod toto ho rower nyu- its-n frIteries und fi nodosa A mis-hut1, sf the Norihetn Illinois Po- feutid dartlttgs io tire hoe- Mosphi yente d thai the \Vtster Worku Doportmont, the Village teilt dv-rite anurtr. lice Alunit Sysrem, surraondrd turno0 hotsuovo 11022 anti 8044 Estid us ahreak-eseofund. of Nibs ttpptonsd $35060 of whit-hcliii. untl ige renato corra p uilice oesletiel hod ro a cull rlt t1iclettre beginoiir&'atoan d 9:25 roo-hudget fendi lot omorg000y Oriole Avoilas. Csniirsuod mt Page 54 urli) reysitoutplay reoosueflIt erriet n tire 7201f block of Luke sewer ropoirs. fratase of rho oroergnney Treutoo Losotlo Pronrttn told ntsture of this repair. the Publie ihn Beard tItos vidrir rquipmcnt Works Departrount would like in ge out ositlj propotals aod award Super Flea Marketto be held a 000rrsei la titeI erses tlbid- tiinglrotponiibte000rrueinr at St. John Brebeuf INStO.,E:. sud Precien. e),mitn Publie Works DiroctorJuti NILES Nonisgtssaidthor he sidne als amautas-kv io the uorwer linos und riles. Moro irnponranrly, romo pipe linos boso bogus to collapro. Watar is sull ruonir g )tlrrougli the sew-er syutoot) and we'd libo io stoke soto thor uso take soro of it before ir ortitoly vallttpuoi.' ha said. bui Ihn omurgeosy mousure nay rel snlsr thu problnnts al at Nues Community least ose drIes tosideol mho lrod Directory to cantoni with tow vswugo that Pages 25-32 gooded her hasemrnt ihn Thrsrs- day bahiro Ouster wookrod. Health Ceeoiia Tnppurs, mIto lives on Pages 6-8 ho 0200 block of Obole,oid rIte Ongle tirai oftrt o rainuietttr Home Section tisit wuchs ago, sItu shiseeserod Pages 36-39 finir tir list'ire OS irf waler cow- trig up rhrougltIrr drttirtirr hier Sl Jahn ßosbeufuanncol$eperp!ea Maeigetoponsr,redbySJB'a Yoaih MiniaisyandßoyScoulu will Cla5sifiecl barotneith gear. ho heldoe Ihn sthegalpth'kier9lot. 8307N. Harlem, eri Salou'day, bIoy 151mm 5am, uoidsp.m. Admis- Pages 46-50 hopp titis aid utah sIto titane lite u/anis 500. FggdastdbeVerages willbeavgbbablo titmugbeullhn dayala nominal prias. tiireooary ai O p.m. or Thutuday, TOnteaste o (ow eendoropscooremainintg. Porinfostoatioo, call: Kalhyßamal, 985.8730, Costistssrst 00 Pago 54 TOE BUGLE, TIIIJOBDAYSMAY4,2555 PAGES PAGE2 nIE lflGLE T1mI1SDAY MAY 4, 2OO fist. 63 last day Maine Township Entemann's offérs bargainsfor customers Premier FenceopensMorton Grove showroom Bongsios, bnrgaien setE tosse lillod misti broods, coffee cokes tlrete dcvicdons might matilde of school June 9 Spriogtis oeofton m000n fixiog annual town meeting busgaivu ana is stono for shop -a id siontos, roost at trEcts hava toc msch or tea littlefeoshieg, Fors at the Enlcmosrt'v Boker9 psadoct woight prolrioms cn eth- Facing the fact that most sta- ay from titotolls of wiotcr. tite Eetrsrt000's ond other readily Octiot is Hilos. rrcvgoioed hraod romea. dents would choose not to attend Sometimos that nay also inclodo tha lati doy of school if score soaiowiogyooeyropsrtyn steeds. locatedirlisoWasiriogtov The oettiat, whiclt is nmned by Hatsitrurgee atrd Itoh dog bees Commons nitoppiog cenar es Ihr sold on o Mosdey and only last- . If those seeds irclode o now Baal Foods, also ynodacos food oto ho biggest etc-spring) conccv of Golf Rood and Wash- ptttdacts mode by Orowvbcnry, od oshoar,ha East Moine frscr, Permien Penco io Monteo tr vamtor,itotssos ihe sresatt's ington Street, Entewoen's Bah- Sclsool District t53 Doord votad Geocomoy havottts nnsmor. Titamates alt d Deboli.Broods gniiiittg ocasos bogies, she said. DelictItasbecsaffeniog to chongo ho Isst doy of school Prcorirr Foocarocootly oponed rey esd lctgcic, iscladiog Beoweher- 'tito sotirt atto soIls discootst. lorfs discnsots fon its costomers ny linead csd Tharomos English from Mottday, Jaro2 to Fn- a row sltoweootn at 5832 Wost cd jcllies, spices nod cnockcnn. doy, J000 9. DrrtspotorStreet. Owoor Bob siscc openief those years ago. ttraffiss oro marked at SB% ho- Ptosis deliveries am toado ove- 'Yva rctthly coo save a loi of tattoIt,mitt also ho a fall Sci rosa lo Itas born io the foocing tow store pdccs asd cake,save eh dcy bitt Monday sed Thsnn- scltool doy. boniness fo ntsroe o thon 12 years. 00sep lire0," void Dosno Koep- toarkcd at 20-35% off retail prie- day, auJ Satardoys asd Woilnes- whieh Dcspito tito early soltase for The compocy io a meothor of or, load clank st the ootivt slops Oro tito bosirsi sloys st the is 000r Iba Hvttcy Bokad Hots stsdonts, trac liars coo look for- tic A escdc on Froro Asacciotion Tho prvdttats, oli 0f whiob are storr, Koeper said. ord an Otithoniord matchs ststsiot- tod Sloakbosten Video stores. ward ta o fol! work day on tono storkod woli wiiltitt ovpirotion Tb ostnrois opre mom I a_is. al dealer, spocialioing io wood 'AttA yea con stop hone oben datcs. ana ofteere toros frcm gro- 12. to y p.m. Mavday thnoegit Pri- arti meiet0000vr fear fencing,os 0ottingo vidsa vr bayitif o cosy storas deto to ovrnstorkn an Massy acoplo do los rast their welt asatroislisk,oroot005tal dcvivtioss from strodard peod- doy, 8 oso, to 6 pm. Satsrday tread ujsoss Ihr scater orstil il is troll aod porosasoatcd freeing. 'l'ha brigittly-litoivio sosa tata. Ksrporon ploinod.thai and 9 am, to 5 ste. Sooday. Costottrdss salta sioit the sew MeiseTervoahip heldito aneaS Town Mooliog lE/o yeat'in tice si soevt 00m will fird o wide assay gytnsoariom al Earth Ss/roel so Raod Road hr Dee PlaiOeo es of lancing optioss at molI at pho- April I 1. tt'ooicaSy, deoct'iklng ¿ho 000peratir'e attitude o/the on- tos of foocet tttry have complot- fINALLY ad. Aesastsg them,he Skokie L-R Bob Smalo; Looter Broaontntit;Larry ArE, Vlllago Admfnis1ralosJoo Molt; DOOrS Schneidet'. tire 0000liag, a school nips iotooded for otodento naid Il ali over Park District bortiegcagosaod Sobo Mga, Tooy Liotors. the heado of elected allicialo as they reed reporto and picnvod Add Stability To Your Portfolio AFFORDABOE for Ehe coming year. Over 200 attended the meetiog end olvo ,Oiaiotarr golfarea. wits hay wilt 000d, at well as o Tttry service botte ernidortial After tho work io completed,o tIte work, an entire pnojcat coo br recognized the 150th Anoiveroary ofTowoohip governmeol wilh copy cithein plat ofsoecry. service top e000ntoa ro will cae- aod000etaoecial clients, covering oompiotrdio 000 to two weeks. HEALTh bVlsrn oli the materials one is,a coffee aed cabe. From loll; Teaornhip Scpervioot' Merh Thornp- tito North Share osd nosnoondiog tact ihn rorsower to rosare that thnoo-pernrn crow it tent outto 115v work tvas complotad te Costemnes rae call 847,583- 000, ToWnohty Clerk Gary K.
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