+ Love Together Brasil is a civil non-profit organization based in Piancó, Paraíba, . Founded in 2014 by the Brazilian Geralda Sarraf, currently rooted in the United States, and the American KristenCampagna. The numerous projects of Lave Together Brasil rely on the help of volunteers and supporters who are mobilizing to create partnerships with companies and institutions that share the sarne concerns and believe in a better world for those children and teenagers. The goal is to provide a future of opportunities to children and teenagers from the northeastern backlands of Brazil - Sertão Nordestino -, helping communities to take care of health and educational issues. A lot of people embraced the cause, specially great personalities of Fashion World, like Ana Isabel de Carvalho, Amir Slama, Paulo Borges, Patrícia Beck, , lsabelli Fontana, , Cintia Dicker, Carol Ribeiro, Daiane Conterato, Camila Mingori, Flavia Lucine, Leandro Lima and Amadeo Leandro.

Ana Isabel de Carvalho

Isabeli Fontana Amir Slama

Carol Ribeiro

Cíntia Dicker The project will have support in diverse areas for the children of the community.

Dentist Nurseries

Construction of artesian wells

Playground Libraries WATER IS LIFE! ▪ Clean water for children:

With the support of the personalities of the fashion world, the Project managed to make possible the opening of 14 artesian wells, providing clean water to end the thirst for many children in the Sertão Nordestino. Previous editions March 2016 Giovanni Frasson's Dinner Previous editions April 2016 São Paulo Dinner at Osaka Restaurant Previous editions November 2016 São Paulo Dinner at Rodeio Restaurant Previous editions February 2017 Dinner in New York Previous editions March 2017 Daniela Falcão’s Dinner At Tre Bicchieri Restaurant Previous dinners honored Godmothers & Godfather Paulo Borges Costanza Pascolato Di Ferrero Emanuela de Paula lsabeli Fontana Daniela Falcão Emanuela de Paula Fernanda Tavares Ambassador & Spokesperson Cintia Dicker Patrícia Beck


Amir Slama Bruna Tenório Carol Ribeiro Ana Isabel Carvalho Flavia Lucini Laurence Sarah Bigio Charity event for for

May, 22nd – 8PM

SUR Restaurant and Lounge

606 N Robertson Blvd,West Hollywood,

Los Angeles - CA Charity event for for

May, 22nd – 8PM

SUR Restaurant and Lounge

606 N Robertson Blvd,West Hollywood,

Los Angeles - CA All event income will be reverted to “Love Together Brasil”

