Just received;. Another hogshead of Tho jurors ill attendnnce upon the circnil Tho following olllcers of Phil. Mclvernilil Best Bargains jiiglmiir County DemoM court* wore all discharged last Suturday, No. a!!, G. A. R., woro regularly in• New Orleans Sugar at Vandercook's Bee In Sugars, Teas, Coffee and It Co.sts Yon Xotliing, Ihough the court is still in session. Nothing stalled last Friday evelling: Hive * I'nhllsliod every Thursday Tobaccos at of ally interest, liowevel', has come before (lonimarider—John G. yiiook. People should bear in mind that the I'y .S, V.O.—A,G. Adams. FORD'S BAZAAR, O, p. W HIT MORE, the court since our last report. J. V. C—11. Y.Taltiiian. wealher signal llilgs dispbiyod in fl'ont of Onr complete Pockot Atlas of Ihe Workl, niiaii,—R. O. lioyh'. ilIASON, UWHiaAN. Q, M,-lIairy 0, Ciill, Webb's .shoe store, al'e intended as an ilidi- a book ol' 192 pnges—colilailling full page Iilvitatiolls are out for the parly at the 0. n.-Chas, A. Perry. Best Bargains cation o( the weather in this district, thongli new arraory,_ Thursday ei'ciliiig, .Ian. 20lh, 0. G.—A. J. Walkor. maps of every state, territory alld country—II. 0, Frceland. we are so very close to tho lino we may In Tinware, Glassware and Riclllnolld's opel'a house orchestra of Lan. (J, M.S.-,S. 0. Parker. One Year, Jl,50 ; Six months, 75 cents; Tlireo itl tho world—togellicr with lliorc lllan a S. M.-l...r. Idricoln. have snow or rain when the fair weather Crockery, at sing, will fiiriiisli music. No eflbrt will be months, 40 cunls. (lag is displayed, or vice versa. Michigan is FORD'S BAiZAAE. hundred diagrams, tables, &c., besides a spared lo make tho occilsion alt ciiioyablo floll, Fl'ancis IJ. Slockbridge, tho man divided into two districts, Mason being in world of inforinaiioll, pertainllig to tlio''most one. who held the inorlg.ige on a majority of Onr advertisliiK rales are SHW |ior column' iier an• the ropliblicail members of llle Michigan the westorli and Leslie in tbo eastern, thus iinporlaiit fads in relation to each state James ITall, formerly of Ingham eollilty Best Bargains num. ftirslnesH iiodcos live cents (tor line lor each 'gislaluro, received the caucus iloniinatinn when rain or snow is predicted (or the east• insertion. I'idilorhil nolices 1(1 cents. and country—is iibsolutely given away, to hut llow a resident of Gratiot, has been auf- Jiusiness cards per line |wr year. last Thursday night on tho tenth ballot. ern dlstriot Leslie would display a slorln In Mittens and Socks, Un• Mariiat'ei hirlli and lUmth nolices inserted frert. ferilig with a frog fulon lilitil his right hand derwear, Hosiery, Fancy Ol'iliuiry connnrnls, restdulions, cards ef thanks, etc. every person who pays us in cash, ^l.iiO on iMr, Slockbridge was doubtless entitled (lag, and if (iiir weather was predicted for will lieri'aflor ho charKed for at tliu rale of llvn cents \i ill bad shape, tie came down last Sat• Goods and Notions at subscription—old or new ."lllbscrlbol's—on to tho nominatioil, though ll was not the westorli district Mason would display a ])er line. urday and Dr. Root amputated Ihe middle FORD'S BAZAAR. Correspondence contaliiini^Ilocal n(tws. Is Holicitod clililued thai he was the gl-eatest statesman lair weather (lag, yet in all probability Ihe from all parts of tlm county. or before ,Jaii. 2!). More than 50 distribut• linger. Anonvnions coninnniicalions] nol lnsorlivi;;undor ill Ihe race. That was of no iinporlanco. weather in Miison and Leslie would be any circuinstanccs. ed during the past week. Don't dolay tlio The First National liiink of Leslie, has It was a mere qiioslioll of dollars. pl'aelieally the ssllio. The indieatiolls are Best Bargains matter until alter ,fan. 25 e.Kpeoting Iboii surl'elidel'od its charter and organized under givcll fur the following 2-f liolil'S and are In Watches, Clocks, Silver• JOB PRINTING! the general banking laws of the slale, with Gooi-go and Daniel, sons of Calvin Haw- lo get a book, as wc have no doubt ollr liil'ge iiiluiided to indicate the average weather in ware and Jewelry at Ournniterial is new and of tlici lateststyliis and «'e a capital slock and siirplils of So8,o()0. M. kins of Vevay, wel'o arl-oslcd and taken (,'namnlee sallsfiiction, both in prices and stock of then) will be e,\liaiisled by that the district. FORD'S BAZAAR. ipialily of worii. Ii. Rumsey is president and W. \V. Pier.ion bolore iTustlee Halnllioild Monday moriiillg, Many fanners, even in Ingham eoulity| This jiajier can be rnniiil on lile at Geo. P. Rowcdl A time. Show your alias to your neighbor is cashier. arriiiiiged alid gave bail to appear for Co.'h Nc\vHiiaper v\dvi-'rlislnf; Bureau (in Spruce St.) Irial ne.xt Tuesday. The hoys attend school have (bra (ewyeiil's past been so completely Best Bargains where udvertislng contracts can he made foritin and aak hiln to subscribe for Ihe best local New Vork. Jjalo papel's from Ogdeii, Utah, inform in the Ilawloy dislricl, whel'e they are blinded by their iiolitieal projudices that In Groceries, Wall Paper liapor in the county alid gel llle alias Ireo. lis that our fnrlilor citizen, .Iildge E. P. charged with disorderly conduct—being a they insisted lllel'O was "no nloiioy in sheep" and Spectacles, at Circulating library al VanMorii's grocery. Olllciftl Diroclory. Ifoiiderson, "has tided over the old year terror to all decency. If they aro guilty— and have slaughtered or disposed of their FORD'S BAZAAR. SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS. See notico of pass book lost. and laiillched over the new like a duck." ns charged—a short term at the reforlii (locks, wllilo others have made money in Call and See Uii? ]toB|ieclfully, Prusideiit II. M. MusTisnrr/.N 'flie paper declares hini a solid limn and sheep husband IT. Our venerable friend A, Director Mas. Emma D.IAiok school wollld bo vel'y beneficial to ihem. Treasurer.,,. 0, \V. YaxSi.vki; The city of has discarded railroad wishes liiiu . F, Wood of Vevay, who breeds cotil'se R, E, SCOTT, at ford's Bazaar. J. E. Coy lime and again adopted God's liiile. Dr. .1. Powers, a graduate of Ihe regulal' Trustees.| 1. tj, tlA.sNo.v wools, liiul a flock a year ago of ivbout fi. .M, Ilii.s'Ti.smoN 1'lie Lallfling Jonriud came out lust (leparlnient of medicine and sul'itoly at Ilfoiicy to Ijoilii •lust received: Allollior lioirsllead of New 50. Since that time he has sold §70 worth week in the handsomest kind of a new suit Mieliigall Univcraily nnd a voteriilariaii of On real estate, at the Parmer's Bank, Ma- "~ OFFICERS. Orleans Sugar at Vandercook's Heo Iliye. of wool, .$82,50 worth of inullon, §162.50 and is issued daily by Messrs. Rowley k Mich, lylp Mayor I'Kiiity llrsiir.aso.v mllcli merit, ehiinced lo bo in the city over worth for breeding purposes, making a total Olerk (iKo. A. Eaiim; A daiiiihter was born lo Mr. and Mrs. Stilt. Tho paper is cortftillly a credit to Silliday, alld Satul-day eveliilig he exhibited City Biarslial I. P..Smith of .'J;-il(i, besides slanglllel-ing four for his Chauney Rolfe of Llgllnm, on iho 7lh inst. the capital city and we wish it the success Treasurer and Collector I. A. SiiKuivoon his lai'ge collection of skeleton specilnelis own table, alld has a llock to day o( nearly Mchoid lns]>eeii.r Oiuiu.r.s Whitman it will doubtless merit. Street(JoiiinUsBioiiiir I'nii.ii' Nii^k The Charlotte Leader launched olltilpon in llle parlors over Madden it Bolneiit's llle mlmher and of equal value of liis flock I loii.s A. BAitNi:s Of all kinds—at lowest living prices. salnple room, and gave an hour's instrllc a year ago. Mr, Wood believes it pays hiln I L, 11, Rick ils ISlid year last week. iMay il live on for Hon. .lohll Holbrook of Lansing, will S. A. Paddocic. Justices of the Peace 1 Wii. II. tli.Aaii over. di.scuss tile ciueslion of "Amoriclm Citizen• tlvo and very interesting talk to some 20 or to i-aiso sheep, iiotwitlistaiidiiig the harping .,S, W. I'oulHy. rouUi-y. HO adnlirel's of the hol'.se, who had beeli in• of tho repnblicall papers that the democrats,' ., , , , f OiiAK. M, Shavkk The revival illeelillgs being held at llle ship" at Solllh Eiist A''ovay tomorrow Aldunuen at Larue j ,\ v Pcrii We are in the market for Live Poultry, (Friday) evelling. Senlitor Ilolbl'ook is a vited in. because they refused to raise the tarilf ,, , , , , f S, 11. liiuxunii iM. Fj. church are cl'oatiilg coii.siderable from now iintll the season closes, and will el'.'iiil ellt, fol'cible speaker alld will enter- which tho republican party had reduced, Aldermen, IsL ward .j k, iiilorest. In volliino one. No. one, of the Mool'ofield pay the Highest Prices (or same in cash. ,, , , , f ....,(J. \V. Van.Si.vkc tail! the people in good siyle. Mnnilor, published at Mooreiield, Frontier had ruined the sheep industry ol tho United See us be(bl'o sellillg. Beeciieu Urcs. Aldermen, 2.1 ward { Ai.aKi.T Buti.ku The new toboggan slide al Lansing is Slates. Just such nonsellso in repnblicall Supervisor, 1st ward J. 11, Savkiiw coullty, Nebraska, Doe, 17, we notice a few Notico. doillgali iillniense business alld has all'oady Hood's llouseliold calendar ulmanlic for Supervisiir.LM ward A. W. MllllAN items of local intei'est, having reference lo papers cost the farmers right Ilel-o ill Ingham Hoi.T, December 28, ISSfi. COUNTY OFFICERS broken ono collar bnlio. 1S87 has beeli received. Il is ornamented county, lliousands of dollal's. Mr. Wood I hereby forbid any person or persons Shorifr Tuns. M^Ilv^•.nNA.^• I'oi'iner .Mason people. I. iM. Warner is the by the head and shouldel-s of a lovely child, buying a note of two hundred ($200) dol• IVeasurer Wiutnky .Ionks Proliibilloii will be the subject for discus• railroad agent at that place and is evidently did his owii Ihinking. Olork loii.N W. WiiAi.i.o.N and is l-eally-a neat work of art. Si.x ccillri lars given hy me Deo. 11, 1885, to 0, H. sion at tile lyeonnl at the Halvley school 0. 0. EiTcll doing Ilis share to boom the town, but tile Bnisiilgloii and due Jan. 1,1S87. The note JudKeof Pnjl.ale Q. A. Smith in.stamps will secul-e a copy by addl-essiiig A Patal Accident,. Pros.A ttornov - 1. lO.Nlcllol.s hollse, Vevay, Ihis ovenilig. most iilteresting itoln to "Irve" is doubtless was obtailled from me by fraudulent pre• C. J. Hood k Co., Lowell, Mass. 3ircuitoour,aoni^»{;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;^^i^^^^ tho following : "Ml's. I. M. Warner arrived Peter Cam, son-in-Iuw o( James Gol-ey, tenses and will not be paid. Howard & Son, grocers, have a change 62w2p E. W. Moo.ERs. surveyor Inir.s' Mum.btt R-ev. K. B. Sutton lectured on the "Busi• at this place Wodliesday of last week, and who settled in the township of fngllam in Coroners / llnKur l.'uKl:.MA.V of adverliseniont this week. They halnlle ness Side of the Tenlpnl'aiice Qlleslion" lo our l'ailroad agolit is happy." 18G-f, resided there until IS7S, sillce when For Sale. 1 Smith Tookeu only the choiceal goods and lots of them. a full hollse last Sllndily night at the M. ho has resided at Mr. Col'ey's, just west of The residence properly of D. J. Darrow. Hiisiiicss Directory. Mrs. Eliza li. Lyman, principal .and Enquire of Sayers & Phelps. 51w-l- Pork has brought as nilleli or more in E. church, and had it oontailicd less repoti- the city limits, met wilh an aoeideiit last manager of the Locust Lawn , Ply• ATT0RNEVS7 Mason for the past few weeks as in IJelroit. tioiis and beeli an hour shorlel', llle oisconrse Tuesday, which resulted in his death on Must Settle Up. mouth, .Midi., has arranged for a course of Gr.O,l\l. II UNTI.NOTO.V, II, P IlKNIIKIlSe.V. A large aiilolinl of il is being niarketed Ilel'o. would have boon very intel'esliilg. Thul'sday. He was visitillg his son, Arlhui', All accounts dlle me must bo settled lectures in this city. She will give her U.VTINGTDN ,t II ENDKll.SO.N, Atlortmiys and in Cheboygan county, and while helping to before ,Ian. 1, 1887. J. L, Fuller, Ooiinsolors al Law. UlUco over FirstNatlonnl ilfrs. L. .1. Snlitil of this city, is rulllc 'I'llo Free Press soilds ils compllnlenis of H opening lecture on Monday ne.xt at throe, piano tu Iteiit, Bank, aiason, Midi. iinforlunate this winter, having recently the season in llle shape of an artistically load cedar lies, slipped and fell, striking p. m. This lecture is to ladies only, and is Anyone desiring lo rent a piano by the lost a good cow and a valuable work horse. gotten up carrior',s address and calendar his chest acros.s a tie He felt that ho was PHYSICIANS. free. The subject is, "How to prevent hour, please enquire at Opdyke house, 50tf and although it caliie last, it is by no means considerably illjured but did not consider n. OUIjVKII, Jl. I)., riiyHlciiin nnd Surgeon, For the legislative news, including the Brain and Nervous Derangements," Tho Onii:iH)vor Mtiwani ttSoii'n Grocory, flliiH(in,I\I, Tlio Largest s. least. It is a liandssme sollvenir, highly the matter serious, but grow worse un• OOTOlt A. H.O,ViMPIJK(Ji,l*li>'Mciftii,SnrKuon messages of the out-going and in-coming subject is of especial value to teachers and And most Attractive Line of Handbags to prized by those favol'ed with a copy. til he died. He was a native of New York D Oflici)oror II U, \VilIt(Ufi'rttlriiK«ttjro,M(tmjn. governors, read our inside pages this iveek. young lady pupils, and will be illustrated to be found, at and was 55 years, 5 months and 25 days Marcus Gruoor's, Ii. 1)0 0013, M.D.,lIuniu3[)iitlilHt. Onicu in Uiir- Don't fail lo hear Mnj. Dane's journey by the dissection of a life-sized French J. row liliick, UitHiilonci' currmr A ami OiiU Su. Rev. .1. A. Barnes of this eityj lectures old. His remains were broliglit here Fri• "(Jp the Rlilno and over the Alps with a matlikili. Jlonoy, Money, A. LOCKE, M. 1)., Ilomoopathist, Oltlceover at llle Wilson school house tomorrow day evening, and the funeral occurl'cd Sun• All porsolls illdebtod to me are requested D t^'armers'Bniilc. Ulhce hours I'rom 10 to 12 a. Knapsack," at the opera house to-lnorrow 2 to 'I ami 7 to 11 ip. m. evening. Subject, "Ollr Boys nnd Girls." Ml-s. II. P. Henderson's mally friends ill day afternoon at the M. E. church, Rev. L. to call and pay up. I lnust have the lnoliey evenillg. Second enlertainlnent ol tile Mason will not be at all surprised to learn DcLamartar officiating. A long procession CJ.i'. Brow.x, UNDERTAKING. .lust received : Another hogshead of Ladies' course. Gelieriil admission 3uc; that she is rendering excellent assistalice New Orleans Sugar al Vandercook's Bee of friends and neighbors followed the re• Artinolul Teeth P. .STROUll, Unilcilakor, first door west of the balcony 25c. No extra charge for reserved For $7.00 at Moffett's Dental Rooms, Ma• , Di:MoeiiAT(dlice, Mason, Mich. ,11tf Hive. , * • as a pianist in her new Utah home. Tho mains to their last reslins place, with the S seats. opera of Queen Esther hits recently been dying of the day. son, Mich. 50tf DENTISTS. Attend the Agricultural Society's meotillg Animmoiiso I.lno Our first order of Pocket Atlases, which enacted at Ogden, and we notice by the •We receive subscriptions at this ofiice for R. IMOEl.'lJTT, DKNTIST. Ollico over,' Holmes at the court house ne.xt Thursday, and Of Silk and Embroidered Hankercliiefs .t Uo.^s store. Mason, fllicli. Teeth extracted we supposed would surely last us until Jan, papers received from that city that Mrs. II. any newspaper or niitgazino published. Dvlthoul pain by the use of Vitalized Air. Artificial assist in making anrrngcments for the just received at Marcus Gregor's. P. presided at the piano. And in oompli- leetli without plates. All work warranted. coining season. 25, is nearly exhausted. However, we Leave your subscription with us and avoid raeilting the performance the paper says; Ladies, P.VANDUSEN.nENTIST. Ofllcuin Darrow shall supply litem until that date, if we are all trouble and annoyance. *t! A .school e.xhibitioli, wilh ail exception• Use Cream of Roses for Chapped Hands, A hblock,Ma son,Mich. obliged to make a dozen orders. You will "VVe hope the company will hold together, ally interesting programme, is being pro at Star Drug store. regret it if you don't take advantage of our and especially that they will continue to SURVEYING. pared at the Swan school hollse, Ilighain, S7-Inch olTer to get one free. have such an excellont pianist." P. DRAKl!, ncpiily County Surveyor, Jtason, I'jts.s 15o(>k I,o«t. All Wool, Twilled Flannel only 25c per yard • j\licli. Drain work a specialty. for Saturday evelling iie.xt. A The Ingham County Gralige will hold its Solnewhero in the vicinity of Mason, on at Marcus Gkeoor's. Jno. C, Squires was taken sliddenly and Thiu'sday last, a small book mai'ked Stacy FINANCIAL. The Lansing Journal says, "Wc leal-ii ninth annual Partners' Institute Delhi Sniolco tlie Moxle, for a few mnineiits llpparently critically ill that C. 0. Cnsterlili, a well known Mason & Bement. 'The finder, will confer a favor M. DUKSSER, Insurance, Loan and Collection Grange Hall, Holt, coinmenoing to-morrow Best 5c Cigar in the world, at Star Drug at tho Di-;,M0t;nAT ollice last Monday morn by leaving same at this office. It contains . Agont, All business proniptiv attended to. Of- attorney," will remove to Lullsiiig in the Store. J (Friday) evening. Morning nnd afternoon flco in It'armers' Bank, Mason. ing, and has since been confined lo his nothing of value to anyone. 2wlp spring. Hope there is some mistake about Coal. Coal. sessions will continue on Saturday. Tho llome, though wc learn lie is some better. Annual Mootiliiff of tho IiiBliam County Onr price for Soranton or Lnoawanna INSURANCE. that. • AKrloultural Soclot-y. Ilis physician pronounced his dilficulty exercises will begin with the public illstal- coal is still six dollars per ton, delivered to ARMEliS MUTUAL IHItE INSORANOE COM- Tho Grand Ledge Independent is making The regular annual meeting of the Ing• panyof fiiKlinia county. Safest, cheapssl, best. coligesllon of the brain. lation of olficers of the grange and an ad- any part of the city. F ham County Agricultural Society will be For information writo to 0. F. Miller, secretary, new departures and improvements so rapid dross by J. D. Towar of North Lansing, 47tf VanOstranp & Blmeu. Mason. .SamuelSkiulan nrosident Dansvillo. held at the court house, Mason, T'hllrsday, we can hardly keep track of Ihoni. The On Frid.ay of last week Marshall Camp• The sessions on .Saturday will be occupied Jan. 20tli, at one o'clock, p. m., for Ihe pur• Gents, bell of Leslie, met with a very painful JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. latest is the cutting and pasting of the with addresses by R. L. Hewitt of Lansing, pose of electing oflioers, listening to reports Use -Compound Carbolized Coainoline for A. HAHNES, .liisticeof tbo Peace, Insurance and pages. • accident. '\Vhilo leading a colt which was Dr. W. J. Real of the Agricultural College, and transacting any other business that Chapped Hands, at Star Drug Store. .Collection Agent. Offico up stairs, over rariners' J not well halter-broke, the amillal slipped may properly come before the meeting. It Dank. 6(1 A. D. Bank of Lansing, and a musical and The Llirgcat aud MoMt Caini>loto As a descriptive lecturer, Maj. II. C. is very desil-able there be a good attendance. and falling upon Mr. Cntnpbell's right log, Line of Dry Goods at the Lowest Prices REAL ESTATE AGENT: Dane of Boston, is une.xoelled by any orator literary programme by various lady mem• 2w2 S. H. Beecher, See'y. caused a severe fracture at the ankle. The to be found, at Mauoos Greoor's. bers of the grange. OHN DUNSBAOIi, Keal Estate nnd Loan Agent now before tho American public. Go and Hair Dre.'iiiliig Kstiiljllsliiiiont. Main street, south of postolllce, Mason. injury will probably claim bis entiro atten• Grout RoducMoii.s J hear him to morrow night at tho Raynor Mrs. J. G, Barnes, hair drssser and man• tion for several months. New Year's evening about thirty neigh- In Woolen Hosiery, at opera house. ufacturer of hair jewelry, has opened a shop bora and relatives met by invitation at tho Marcps Gbeoor's. over Brown Bros,, shoe store, 2w4 An experienced exchange says: "The Ball & Sherman have an interesting an. home of Mr. and Mrs. J.Purdy, in greeting Notice. JIlsH Alice JI. loiigyear, nouncoinent of bargains in their advertising man who beats the printer out of a single to Mr, and Mrs. Murdo Mcintosh, nee Miss Mason, Mich., Deo. 1, ISSG. A graduate of the .Albion Conservatory of space this week. Don't fail to read what cent, will never reach that heavenly land Perscilla Purdy, of Gratiot county, An The Bbhomittii Oat and Cereal Company Music, will bo in the city for a few days, they say before you purchase a dollar's where good Elijah went. But when at last interesting feature of the company was their particularly request that all persons holding for the purpose of organizing,a elasa in bonds against said company, coming due worth of dry goods. his life IS past, this life of toil and woe, nativity, five nationalities being represented, music. Instructions given on piano and or• during the month of December, will call a he'll straightway stand in a fairy land, also several states. Excellent refri^hraents gan. For further particulars inquire of W. .lesse B. Cole of Wheatlield, appeared their office and have the same raised accord where they never shovel snow." prepared by the hostess wore served. 'With D. Longyear, county treasurer, llf ing to agreement. . before Justice Halumoad yesterday, wilh lively conversation! vocal and instrumental HoUs, Bo1j.s, Hubs. 'IGtf BonEiiiAy Oat akd Cereal Co. his face considerably battered, and swore When wanting anything in the line of music and games time'fleiv until the mid• Bob Sleighs cheap at Beech k Son's. Dentistry. The J^ia^ara Falls (koute. out a warrant for his neighbor, Simeon job printing, don't fail to call at this office night hour approached, when the guests Best Teeth, ^7,50 ; Pilling, 50 cents np ; , aouTinvAnn. Kent (or iissuivlt and battery. before placing your order. We have a Settle Up. Leave Ufason... 10:25 a m. D:32 p. ra. Extracting, 25 cents. Teeth extracted with• complete outfit, to which additions are con• bade their host and hostess good night,wish- Having sold an interest in my business, Arrive Jackson ll;2Ua .m. 10:3(1 p.m. out pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. A inoeting will oe held at the newarmo ing all the year might be as enjoyable as necessitating the opening of a new set of Arrive Kalania/.oo„„... 1:60 p ni., stantly being made. We do not pretend to A. P, VanDeusen,- ry iiall to.morrow (Friday) evening, for tile books, I am very anxious that every ao Niloa 11:22 |i in. , do work c7

ill thoir oll'orta to flit tlioir mlBSion, One t!;oi!- clOHuro to ho Insortc'il in sonio obacuro p.ipor ef (raotov has had a Ijmaiiwso' cxporieiico of a life while'thoy livo, Ibavo no doubt but fully ah SfOUX CITY'S SENSATION. ALGER'S PAREWELL. average of .100 votoriina will nood to bo aoconi- aand coploa ot tho procendiiiga of tbo oolohi'n- ainali circulation for twelve Bucceaaivo weoks, time, whUa the warden baa probably bad iieno. modlited, and when tboy have all jnissod away tioii havo been publiahod, and 1 am cortaln yoti and wlien the aalo lakoa idaco blniaoif bo- Of ceurao llio Detroit House of Cornictieu will bo and tho bullcling is no longer j-eipilred for will apjirovo the worlt accoinpllsbod when you comoH tbo pnrcliaser. in tho moaiitiiiio tlio quoted, but that hiiK grown truJn a aniall bogiu- tboir occupancy, it will l)e a mout o.Kcelloiit look it ovor. louder is not pi'oaaed for paymoiit, and wlioii niiig up throngji a ficoro ot years, anil ia ot Jffessage of Micliigan's Retiring at tho end of twelve niontha tliereaftor bo flinall account as coniparod with our Stato One of tlia Mon Inclictod for Parson Had• one for tho Ktato to iiao eitUor as an Tin-; PIVK-BTOOK KAXrCAHV COJdIlSStOS', liaa obtained tlio iieeossnry monoy and goes to aayliim or for other jiurpoaes. Other The J'jivo-Stoek Sanitary CoiiimiBsioii, alBo liriHouH anyhow. Governor to tlio State the lender to pay the dolil, boJoariis fortho (!r»t Byroailhig tlio ro])nrts of tho ililToront war- dock's Murdor Tells Wlmfc States lutvo followed tlie oxaiiiple of Jficlilgaii created hv act uf tiio last Boglsiattire, iiave time, whon it ia too late to redeuiii, that tho in caring for its voterans, and i aiiieoroly trust boon Indetatiuabio in tlieir oll'erta to oxohido dona ill tho dllforoiit .Statbs you will aoo thoy all legLslaturo. iiioiigage bna boon foroclosod. 'i'lie mortgago agree that the average jirodnot of a convict is He Saw, you will carofiilly look ovor the oaliiiiatoa ro- 'J'oxiui fovor and plotiro-piiounionia from tho lias passed into an absoliito dood, and ho lias quired to carry it along, ami givo it your iiboral Stato, thuB far with siiccoas. 'J'liey havo liad not lo oxceod from sixty to aixty-iivo per cent of aupport, A full report is stibmittod. 'i'liu tho active co-operation of'thoKxooi'ilivo, and it I Bold bis luoporty, pusBlhly all lie Jnia in the a rugiiiarnioolianlo. Homo placoH tho- jior cent, ia hoped that the procaiitions already taken world, for lltly coiita on tlio dollar of its vnliio, la aliovo, but more behiw', those ilgtires.. 'i'liorc*- Condition of the State's Educational amount roipiirod is large, but it is a largo debt lElloux City special,! wo owe to tlieao old veterans, and in our pros- will luauro Hafety to the live-Block of tho State 'i'lila ia no fancy picture, hut is simply what has foro a contractor pays noarlv as uiiieb for actiially occurred, not unco, but many timus, labor aa iloiis tho omjdoyor of honost mon. lie Paul Leatlor, ono of tho nine (Icfondantg Cliaritable, Eeforraatory, and Xiorlty lot us neither forsalco nor forgot tltoni. I by kooping tbeao drodded disoasua ontakle tho rocoMinioiid, however, that tho Hum be reduced borders, 'i'ho slatutu should ho so aiiioiided as to require also lakoa hia laborers in the main wllliiiiit any imlicfoil for iniirder inul ooiisinrnuy iu tbo ])ersoiial sorvico of aeojiyof the iiotico ou tbo Penal Institutions, to two huiidrod thousand dollara, holiuving that Couoeriiiiig tbo supposod fraudulently paid knowledge of tbo triulo thoy are to follow,, and Ha(.ltlo(3k caao, has inailo iv statomont of the ostiniatos can Ijoeut down by the uso of the liountiea to many sold iora of tbo Stato, I con• owiiur ot tlio property, when ltiiown, or sliuwii ot loaches theiii lo work upon hia goods, and' prob• his connection Tilh llio (ragoily. Loader roeord, and on the jierBoii in actiiid possossioit ably lusea tlioir aorvlcoa by oxjiirntioii ot soii- labor ot tlio iniiiatos at mucliloaa cost, althougli fess from rojiorta linil coinjilainls I have horoto- it) proprietor of (ho Milwaulcoo lIoiiso, iu they aro vory feoblo, as a rule, ami n groat niii- foro recoived in groat uniiibors, that tbo report ot the iiroiierly. It in iiatoiiisliing tliat tlie law tence just as lliuy aro hooomlng valuable to lliiti, A Vni-iety of llcconiiiiendatioiis Fired jorityot tHcni, aro unable to porfoiau any man• ot tlio Board ef Auditors aurpriaea me. It ia sliqiild havo boon siill'ercd to continuo in thia and Is forcod to coniiiioiieo 011 raw liaiiils again. coimoction with which,until roeontlyjhoraB ual labor. liriof, clear, and eoiiiprebeusivo, and ill orilor objoctioiiahle oumlitlon so long. Tbo next to consider ia the ]iioeo-)iri(:osyaleiii. a fiiUooii, wliich way cloBocl a few wooks at the Assoiiihled Liiw- 'J'lie CIcnoral Governmmit hiifi sont to tbo cap• lliat jt may not escape your attention I oiubody jMany bills woro inlrudiiced in tlio biflt LogiV This dilfor.s fnmi the contriict H.ystom uniy that ago by (ibateniont ordera. He is a CTomiiiu, it vorhatiiii in tbia iiiossiigo: latiire that hy their terms wero antagonistic to tho Slate fiiviiishes the h'.bor ami the cuiitriiclor flliikcrs. ital ot the Stato an cAperioiiced member ef tho but H|)onkH Kiigliali ihiontly, a iniiu of iiuo M'eatber SiKual Corps, and nmUirtitkoa to give OFI.'ieKDFTlli; BOAUDOI,' 1 llio railroads of the Statu. I am no lulvocato the inalerial. 'The conipotitioii in lliu uutsido lo lis the full bonebt uf that iiHofnl service so Kt.m'i-: Auditors, } of tho right ot a railroad against tlie right ef I wurlil is just tho same as in the coiitrnct ays- address m\A of coiisidernblo jn'oporly. Ho far Its it can do. 'i'liis syBtoni has boon of tho LANsixii, J)oo. ;i, iSSO. ) indivldiiala, but both Hbould stand on nn oipial b'lii, only Ihe State (akos all the risk in hrcii'ik- admits that ho was pro.iont at tlio scono of Gontlonjon of tlio LojjiBliittiro: footing. By an oxaiiiinaliuu of thu r.qiurt of agea and iiiipiM'feet goeils fiiriiialied. 'J'lio over- greatest value to coiiiiiioreo for years ]iaBt, and Hon, 11. A, -Alger, (lOveriiori tlia inurdor of ilJr, Iladdoclc, but doclinoci 'i'lio Troasiiroi-'H I'uuoit Hliowstlmt tho .Stai;o since it has 1)0011 oxtonded in ita uiieratioiis so ])i.;.m Sill—'I'ho Board of Stato Audlfora, ns the Comiiiiaaionor of iviiilrnaih, yen "Will aacor- aeera and iiislructera are just tbo aamo as 011 of MIchiKiiii owos S2.)J,I»0, wliicJi will niiititni in as to reacii tho agrioulturiil and otlioriniaiid in- nutborizod ami infllriicbid hv Act Kil nf tbo aes- lain that the averiigu lueal rate pi.-r tun ])or cuiitraut work, aa 1 remarkeil before. 'J'lio to inaltu II Btiitonioiit ovor his own signature. 1800, iinil I'lio Trcauiirur lias in liis jKissosshm diistrioa of Boiiio of the States, ila iisefuliieaB sion laws ot iSS,';, have uarofnlly exaiiiliicd and mile of frelKlit hauled in the Stale of Miciligaii former aro always ]iriaoii oiiiployos, tlio Ho Kitid ho was williiii,' to toll all ho Iiiiow TJiiitod tjtatos Govoniinoiit por ooiit, bdiulB lias been niiieli more markud. In erdorto make doluiininml aa to the rlcbta of cortaln ciniiiiaiits last year ia '.ri-IiiO ef I cent, ])ur Ion per mile; latter iiecuKsarlly iiioeiiaiiics, and it niakos Kiive only niciilioning names, as tliat would totho imioniit ot s;ail,noO, ivriloli Imlaiiccs t-lio to Stato bountioa, allugod to have boon )iaid l)y or, lu jiiit the case a little riiore piniiily, it ia tho no diil'erencu.wiiatsyateiii is adupled su faraa tbiB aerviuo of more practical and widosproad involve olhora. Loader's verbal filatoniont aoconiit. In ii word, liowovor, il onii ho siu'dtliaf. beiieht,IbeJiOglBhiture will lio asked to louder tile .Stato iipen forged or fraudulent vouchers. liaiiling of a ton uf freiglit, which woiiid iiiaku a the care ot thu pi'lsuners or prinhict uf lliu our f5tiite ia practically ont ot dolit; oouaorjiioiit- some very aliglit, but imporatively noeibid, as- Publicity waa given to (lie time and piitoe of guud wagon-load for a fai'iiiir's (eiiiii, lOii iiilios jirisuii is coiicoriieil. Ami a cliiiiige by or• is as follows: ly uotliinB iiooil Lo said of its credit, bocauuo it aistniice.'aiid I lecoiiiinund that tliia be ilone aa moetiiigs of the Board by advortiaeiiieiit in the for (I'i conta, or '.'il cenla to ta ko the saiiio load to dering lliu euiilriiolers lo tmir out their "1 was near the spot on Water street at tho- 1 floos not uKu it, nor is it jirobablo that it will early as possiblo in tlie session. daily ]iapors of the iirincipal citiea of market a distanco of 2.7 miles. We can tliorc- machinery anil tbo State pulling in new, iiftur tinio of the killing ot Or. Haddock (ho night of ' ovor iiitvo occaaioii lo do so iiHidii. As 11. guiieral ]iropoaIlioii, I abonld ho avorso tho Stato, and every" facility and onii- fore Hoo liow ebeapjy railroads are doing tho eiistunior is fuiinil and Uio biisiiir'sa or iirli- August .'I, J waa nut in tbo crowd ou llio corner Our Htiito iiistitiillona arc, in tho main, in to any more patcliiiig up ot our tax lawfl that voiiioiioe ali'ordcd to claiinaiitH for the jiroHenta- our businoaa. Added'to this, the railroads elos to 1)0 manutac'luroil aotlled iiiKin, iiiniei' ot Water and Kourth alrouts, just In front uf exoollont condition. 'J'lio Stato University, can lio a\'eided, but the facts are that there ia tloii ol tboir casea. All claims prosontod woro are obliged to incur the exiionses of the pioeo-pricu syatom, -will cost the State at where Uiu shooting uccurreil. A few iiiiniiles. ^grloiilturnl (Jolloi.'o, iiiiii Normal .Seliool iili ro- carofiilly iiiveatigatod ill detail, and aa much loading and unloading such merchandise, '.t'ho bOHl hiinilroils ot thoiiaaiids of dollars and then beturo llio shooting, myself and a friend, whoso sumo defect in tbo prosojit systoin that our tinio and liilior given as oacli required. Votich- quiro ajiproiirlntionB for i'0]iair8, iiiiprovomouta euurts seoiii to bo unalilo to rocoiicilo to their railroads of llio Statu aro paying for labor alone, 1)0 no hotter tlian tho contract system in iiiiy nCiiiu J ducUiiu lu give, entered ,)iiiiK'a aaloun. nud anniiitoimiico. ora and rccorda woro critically exaniiiiod, wit- ivbich doos not iiicbido salaried olHcora, ¥1(1,000,- respect, (uid mucli,wurao and more uxpenalvo Theru were a mimbor ot porBuiia uiaiilo whuni I own satisfaction or to tho Batiafactloii of tlio noaaos a^voru and quoHtioiied, and every jio.sai- i 'i'ho liotorui Kcliool for Boys, at Tjaiiniiif,', taxpayers. 'J'biii Tieiiisiature will bo an e.tcej)- 000 jier luinuin, and aro to-day onqiloying ovor in many. rocognizeii. .Among Ihem was II, L. Loavilt,, > tuidor tbo able iimuagoiiHiiit of .SuporintoiKiout bio method adopted to got at tho faet.i in oacb '.iO.OoO men. Add to this Inrgo tereo tho niiiu- To somo extent tbo i)lece-])rico ])]nii ia useil in Ibo variety showmiin, wlioae contoBBiun lias tioiial one it it <(oeH not iiavo hofore it a flood of oaao, A number of clalnianta, after soiling for Gowor, in doliiK a /jroiit work. 1, liowovor, iiieasiiroB tloaignod to anieiid and change tho ber of men engiiged in maniifactiiring cara, lies, both our jirisena, and I recumiiiuiid tliat thoy been piiblislioil, .linit iiiaide the door .lolui thoiiiBolvoB tlio rccorda and voucbnra, admitted fencea, lulegriqili polos and otlier niatoriala roconnnoud that tho iianio 1)0 oliauijod HO as to ])roaeiit tax laws. Ibit boforo any aticb work is that tliey had aigiied tbo vouchers or asaign- he alloweil lo roiiiain aa they arti, fir grow aa Ai'ensdert wiiu ntaiiiiiiig lalkingwlth Alderiiiim Btrikoout tliu word "ilofonii," for tbo roasou done I auggoatthatyoii carefully study the ad• nioiits, in many casea, lo Have coals to claliii- used by roads, and you will hud that at loiiHt soeiiia host to a limited extent upon Iiamt ^verk', Grady and Street Goniiiiiaaieimr Kcoliaid. Short• tijat'it iiulicfito.s jaiiilBliiiioiit for an olTonso. It visability of auliKtituting therefor what is coin- ants, tboir caaoa wore iiiveatigatod in thoir own l.'7(),000 jieojilo aro supiioi'tod hy them, wliicli, ef aa often fooble and nnomiileyed mon can be ao ly afterwanl a man eiilerod, ami Biiiil Hint Uio doos 11(1 good, and tlio nilos of tho iiiulitutlon nionly known as tlie "County .Systoni," Thoro localitioa, at tho exponae of the Stato, by an course, inchido tlioir faiiiiiioa, 'rbeae iieiqile used. buggy had come back. ('J'lie num. waa "Bi.a- can as woli bo enforced -witbont tlio uamo as are mon elected to this 1-iOgialaturo who aro agent of this lioaril. are fmi hy the products of your fiirnis, wliicli Jaiatly comoa the State account syatom,wliicli iiiiirck' and the biiugy coiitaiiinil Dr. liiuidook.) wltli it. peculiarly well oqui|ij)od to grapjilu this f|ueB- aro Iliua given a lioiiio market, I have brought meana always an iiiinionse loss, and aure to bo Leiivllt anil others wont out, and nUll oUiora . Tbo Iiirtiislrlal ScIkioI for Girls at Adrian tioii, and I asanro yon it ia Olio lliatbastobo 'J'be iioaid have nut found a aiiigio case wlioro tills iiiattor to your attoiilioii to aiiiiply ask you abandoned, in my opinion, liy ovory Stato, ulti• joined thu partv (,'uing np J''uiirth streot toward aocds aoino carotul attontloii and conshloriitiou. met and settled in the near future. It ia at tbny were not satiallod tliat tbo claiiniuitH had that no iegiala'tioii shall he liad that will (lis- mately, which adopts it. it liaa coal tlio Stato Water. 'I'lie liverv ntaiiie la on Water ntroet, 'i'lio same riilo will, iji a niuafiiiro, aj'iily to tliat least worthy carotul coiiaidoratioii, eitber received tho aiiioniits duo, or properly lurb the iiroaeiit proapority ot tbo Stale and tho of Now York millions ot dollara to try Uio ox- ono-half lilock neiilihot l'oui'th atrcul. My friend Bcliool, aljoiit placing,' girls in JionioH, thnt has 'J'boro aro frequent citllH on tho Stato for aasignod tho chiiiii to a third )iarty, Aitiiclied amieiiblo rolalions that exist liolwouii nil lierimi'jit, and tbo eml ia not yet, Siipposu you anil 1 followoil at aenio diHtiineo, walldng ipiito .juflt boon rccoiiiiuendod for tlio iieforni Kcliool. representation at great industrial oxpositiona, lioroteyoii will Iind a list of elaimaiita, with llio olassea ot its i)Ouplc, iict na liupe that tiie adopt the Ktiito acuount Bystem. ^'ou Jiiiiat loianreiy. i knew aomeliiiiig v;aa up and wallcort A very Kmat wrong conunclod wicli tliis iiiHlitu- whore the roBourcoa ot tlie Slate might bodia- (Ldjudicatieii and doteriiiiniition in eacli case. liroHont boginning ot another ora of ]iroapority provide a worldng catiiliil ot at least S7;70 to tho along lo sue, ljiil it uuvur eiitoruil my lioaii lliat tioii should bo riglitod at oiico. Wliilo tliuro aro lihiyed In a manner thatwould bo ot artvantago, All of wliicli is respectfully submitted. niav 1)0 long iiniiilarru})tod. man, which, fur an average sayot J,20J prison• Ilioru was lo lio a slioeting or even a aerioiia •very many Ixul girls in the flcliool, thoro aro (Signed by tlio following iloard of Slate Aud• 'i'iiu Hlato troops aro tlioroiiglily armed and ers, will make SI0O,lllll). Then, what will you alTra.v. We eaiiio iijion tliu crowd at tbo corner but during my toriii of odico I havo not foit tliat itors:) quite a Iii,rgo nuiiihor of aiiiall ones, and soinO it was right lo send roproHontativoa ot the ooin- equipped. Nearly all aro armed with llio now iiiamifacliiro'i' You havo tho mon and nion'ey, ot l-'oiirtli and Water streuts.'* larger ones, too, who aro Hoiit thoro siiiijily be- nioiiwoaltli lo confor with the managers of tho n. A, Cu:.'.\x"i', iiiHii'oveil Spriiiglluld rille, and tho 'whole force but 110 ostabiiabed business, no trade, no skilled "J)o yun know who were in llio crowd'*'" oauBo tboy liavo no frioml.H. 'i'hey aro cbargod propoaed uxhibitioiis imleaa tliero was meana at Secretary of Stato, ia well uiiifuniied, miicli uf it being now. 'Two niechanics, no purchasing agonta, no selling "Vos. We slopped long eiiiiiigb to 300 who •wltli "vagrancy," and with ljolny "wayward"— hand lo moot tho oxiionaes. Oilier Statos have K. ir. ]Um.i;ii, years ago tliu militai'y fund W'aa largely ovor- agents; all this yon can got except 1111 estab• woro Uioi'u, but 1 don't want bi givo iiaiiiofl." auytlilng to coino nndor Uio iotlor ot tlio law, arrangenioiita iiiado by which contingoiioieB can Slain Troaauror. di'iMvii and many delita left im as a legacy. Six lished buainosa, wliich only grows after .^'ellrs "How many were there in llio ci'owil'i"' to got rid of tbo earn of tliuin. No girl can go he met, and I auggest that it ]iia\' he well for JflNOU S. NCWl'ILl,, coiiipiiiiies liavo beon added te llio force, an jiro- and years ot toil, and always Iroiii a Hiiiall bo• "'Tliero woro at least lltteeii," Xo tliat .school witliont earrying away riioro or tliiB Statu to empower its Cliiof ilxecntivo, or Connnisaionor of State iiiiiiil Ofllco. viiled by the last i.ej.'islatnre, wliicli liavo been ginning. "Was .loliii Arensdorf there','" loss of a taint svlilcli allijcts lier cbaractor, and some otlierauthority, to moutaiioboiiiergeiiciofl, I'.y act ef CengreaH, approved Sept. 2H, iSoO, niiiBlurod, iirnieil and miil'ormeil; anil te-ilay it yoii close Oiit tlio cmiLraclora you can, per- (Willi eiiipliasis.) ",roIin Aronadorf wiia not t •will do fiollivough Iifu, as it ia puroly a rufornia- and proviilo for tbo exponaoa tlioroef np to a all the awiuiiji and overllowod lands witliin tlie this iluparlmeiil is oul of duht and a liiuidaome lia]is, purcliiLso their machinery, hut not their in that crowd.'' tovy, and tlio iiinocoiit cliian rofcrrod to abonld roasoiinblo amount. Statu woro griiiiteil to thu State. The grant was balance baa-boon turned ovor for the ensuing biisiiieHs. 'Their eiialoiiiora aro thoir own, iiiit "Did yun aoo T.sRvitt'.i" 1)0 taken away iinnioiiiatolj'. .Sovoral smallor 'J'lio Ilshdrios of iMIebigan aro worthy of and iiecoptod, and the phit.s and Hold notoa tit tbo yoai'. not yours, A'ou can liutl an army of men w-lio "lliiil. Jlo waa slaniiiug there with the roat- Cirla'liavo boon sent homo and rccruniiiittud to should receive your aiteiitioii and considuralion, (teveriiment surveys were aceepteil as the liasia This atate of ad'aira is largely due to the alihi will be Avilling to -work for a ridi Sddu, but ot llio crowd. My friend anil I were lliere only tUo Coldwator Kcliuoi witliiii tho past yoar, from and; witli proper legal rogiilation, maycoiiLiniio for the adjiiKtuioiil; of iho grant. Uiiiler liiia iir- and untiring energy of Jb'igadier Ooneral ,1. Jl. whore will tiio resiionsiliility lin'i' Tlieii wliu ia a few moiiieiita, and, si,tiiiiig that tliero woro so wliicli place Ihoy liavo boon sent tocomfortalilo to yield a valuii.ble biirvost year by yoar, nut raiif.'eiiienl 7,:i7:t,K(ll.72 neros woro repoi'lod by Kiild, iiiapoctor tleneral; Brigadiur (leuerai to manage tbia liiiBlnoRH if tliero is a cliiinge in many, and tliat tliero would liivelv iio treiiblo, Ijomoa. I rcciiiiiiiicnd tbo oiiactmoiit ot a law only witlioiit diiiiiiiiitiun, hut, iia (tio jireHunt tlio Scm-utiiry ef the Jiiterlur iis uonting v. ilhlii (iou. A. Jliirt, (Jnarlormaster Ooneral. and lo tliu aLliiiiiiistralion, and it thu la-w retains tliu wo started down Wnter stroot. \V« had walked abfloliitoly proiilbitiiig tlio Bonding of any girl aspect ut bah-onituro jironiisea, with mnlm'iiil the grant, hut of tliiis iimount only .'"i,i;:'ill,-2l7. PI Ibu Stato JMIIitiiry Board, eonaisting uf Culunol wnriien during good boliavior, wliu is le lie tliu just aheiit half a hluck and were looking iieroas to that inslitiition that lina not a bad cbaractor. increase. ^Vitil conllduiico in tliu intelligent acres liavu beon patented to 'the State, lleuryiM. Unllleld, inspector tieneral Kidd and judgu ot such buliaviiir',' Ami, if liu is iiicoiii- llio alreet iiiti) tho livery stable. Wii thought tho Ot tho Cohiwater ncliooi i cannot say too ajipreciatioii ot Iliis aiiljjoct by thu Statti l-'iali- leii.viiig a babiiico duo thu State ot 1,711,- (Juleiiel Cbas. li. Long." J';\'ery itoni of expendi• teiit, ordislioiioat, who in guing to tako his proaclior was still ill the Klahle. Sndilenly wo mucli in praise. In twelve .yoara it lias rocoivud ery ulheers, I comnuind Lu you the recuiimienil- ,'i.s7.*;,S. Tlirongh errors in the local otTicos, ture has been carefully considered ami all pos- placu'.' hoard a ruvolvei'-shot, and 1 whii'lod ahoiit and noarly J.aiUebildron, and jihtced in lioniOH ovor ations made hy thoiii in their suveiitli bieiiiiial or" by ileHlgii, the greater part of tbia silile economy coiisialuiit with tiie olliciuucy of i tell you, gontloiiiou, no man can (ill such a looked tuwaril tho corner wlieru we liail ]iiisaeil l,(IOi) of tliom. ItB inanagiiniont, in my jmlg- rejiort, looking te the hotter gin'eriiiiioiit uf the dellcioiicy lina boon disiiosed of by tlio govern• the trooji.^i lias beon jiracticoii. poailioii, ho he never ao lioiieat ami capalile ; tbo crowd. I saw two meu stamiiiig iu the mcnt, in as noiir jwrfoclion aa possililo. llHlioi'iUH of llio ^-ruat lakes and inloriur waters, niont. 'J'lie claim for the dollcioncy lias lioen Of tho troujiB ilcaii be trntlifully said that no III) man can Biiperiiitond a Iniaineas until ho street. Ono Htiiggortid forward ami fell, 'I'ho 'i'ho .State Priaoii at .lackann is an "old traji," and to the extoiiKion ef the State's operatiuiia in prepared hy tho S(:ato iiimd Departmeut and liner liuily of men are niirullod in any State, and leariia it from tiio root iqi. I'lveii were all this oilier turncil ami ran iiorlli on Water street. and ought to bo tlioroiighly ovorhaulod. arlilicial iirnpaKatioii ot feed llslios. Any presuiitud 111 tho Indorior I)e)iartmeiit. Itliaa tboir ilrili is as near ])orfeeLion as the nioatcrit- State aecoiinlaiiccosafiii, wliuru ia the cempoti- 'There was noltudy elan in tiio streot, eithor be• The Ionia llouuo of Correction is in e.\collont question hearing en tho supply of food in ohect been allowed, and tliu llrat inatiillmont IoIlI ariiiy^ ollicor could aak. 'i'bis is due If) tiio llon tu honest toil to ho ciianged'.' Gontlemen, fore or iiebiiiil tlioaii two 111111. 'They woro at condition. wliicli is in Bitch a marked degrou'dopomlunt of indemnity for tho land sold recoivoil iiml bibers ot Jb'i/;adior ficneral I. Cl. Sniilli, coiii- you aru Uiu guardiaiia nf the Statu ami itn loast twenty-live or thtily feel from tho corner Tlie State i'rinon of tho U|iiior Poniiinnla iijiuii the State's police, ait-l othor legal ]io\vors, cevored into tho troaaury. Some ]iortion of tlio iiiaiiding, ably secumlud hy the coiiiiiinndiug '1,'reasury, and aliould look at tliuBo celil ivliero llio crowd waa. 'I'ho iiiiiii who turned liiia lilod ita annual report, wliicli in anbniitlod. grows in importance aa tho jiopulatioii of tho claim wiilno doiiht lie rejoctod, but it can lio ollioera uf regiments and conipaiiii'S. facts as tliey are. ,lt is niicomtortahlo, i and ran was a liltie over medium lioiglit, not 1 rocoiiiiiiend tbo roqnost of the iloard that fiir- State iiicroaaoa. [I'lie remodial oxereiae of those reasonably oxpocted that thu Slate will rocoivu 'J'lio diacipline ot thu men in camp wlieii off know, hut a Stale iicciinnt aystom ia heavily 1)11 iit, ami aiicuit my size, iio woro iiglit- thor aid ho griiiiLcd. jiowura, to 1)0 just ami advantageous, imiat an- iiideiiinity for tho greater part of it. itiaroa- duty can, and I trust will, bo improvud. Tiie iiiipraeticalile, and ita adoption nioaiia an eolored troiniora and a Hat bat. It may liavo Tlie Hcliools fur tholllind and Doaf and Dumb tieipalo in timoly order the disasters they aro aonablo to hope tliat tlie State will rocolvo force is made up mostly of young niuii wlin look enormous iloht for the Sta(e, n, businoaa that boon a straw liat. Abiiont aa Hiion aa the shot, ftro doing a great work, and i recoiniiiciid intended to avert. Lilavs sboiikl bo enaclod te aevorai liiiiidrod tliousaiid dollara from tliis upon cain]) lito aoniewliat as a holiday soiison, W'oulil mill any private individual, and in niy waa lirod the crowd at the corner ran away, and thoni to your corilial Hiipporl. re;,'iilate tbo niotboda of nailing, ao that no jire- aourco, 'J'liia is tbo roBnlt ot viKuroiis work by anil while they aro always ready, promptly, tor opinion a reliirii to tho preaeiit iiinn, after it niy friend lUidJriui aoiitb toward the luniber 'nil'. l.VSANE. vuiitable AViiatu ho coiiiinitteil, and that the the l,and IJepartiiiont ot this Stale of late. duty when calleil, yet whan olf duty tliuy can gi'oat loaa and whon 3'oitr contractors liave all yu'rilH." 'i'li four Tiisaiio .•Vsyliiiiis iiavo jiiado o.\'- natural reproiluctioii be not interfered with, There havo boon, during my term of nllioo, not always forgot thoy woro once buya, nor ai- gone. I havo received many lottors ami niig- Loader resisted ovory oli'ort to draw from Imnstivo rcjiorts ot their conditions and doiiiga. Artineial siqiply abonld bo o.Ntoiidod, as it gives several strikes among tho laborers of tlio State. waya rt.'iiioiiibor tlioy are now soldiers, and arc gostiens that tho matter he setlloil by Heltiiig It will ho noticed that roqnoHts aro inado for proof uf praotiual oiicoosa. .S'oiiio of tho laws 'J'lio one involving tbo lai-gost nninhor occurred too apt to jiractico boyisliwaya; notliing, how- prisoners to work on pnbilc liighwaya or at him tho nanioB of tho persoiie at Iho comer, Improvenionta, for the pLirchaao of Iiiiid, and that are alroady enacted on tliia subject nood in tile Siitdiiaw S'alloy during the auninier ot over, Ufa vicioiiB eliaracter. None tho ieas thoy breaking atones. This ia brutal liotli to prisoner '.riio slatumcnt of .Lo.iiior is signilioaiit. Ho• lor tho hiiildiiig ot e'iiig the clerk out of their own priv^tto iiioaua. tom. It was then a si'vliineut, and ao little seri• crimiii.ala, pauiiors, ]iartially inaano, from tlio facta that tho board.^ siieiid tlt^iioiioy held, covering' tlireo days, no Iroopa woro mure 'i'liin liiiould not be. An o.xuiiiiiiation of tbo ously eonsiilered by iiiysolf that when, at the cri))i)le3, agod and iiilivm, are dnnipod ujion our lor purposea not authorized by any law, Tliii coiiaiiicuuiia for their gallaiilry nor aiistaiiiod prison records sliowa a vory groat and unjust closi'iig hours ut tho aessiun uf tlie Legislature, sliorea, having lieeii seat treni foroigii oonnlrios evil grows out of tbo aomowlint loose manner in beaviur Insaea tiiau tlio'io fri:uii l\ficiiigan. Ataiiy iiioquiility ot sontoiices i'or tlio aaino orimo liy such a bill waa iiassod, aftor mature hero liecauso it is niuoh cheaper to jnty atoorai;-:; ivliicli approiiriatioiiH aro iiiado." of tlie Stnton havo made ajiiiropriaticms marking tho jiidgoa of tho dil'I'oreiit courts of tho Stato. tbouglit I felt obligod to defeat the nioas- I'aru for tliein across the watora Idiaii to keej> tbo iicsilioua oceii|iied by tlieir dil'I'oreiit regi• In iiiiiny iiiataiicos the aeiitonce is three or tour uro and prevent it from lieunniiiig a them, and tlioy hrin;; np in our jiiil.i, prisons. It in sulmtanco charges tlio Boards witli niis- law. -i'liia was vory humiliating to ]iuor bouses, ami asylums, and are suiipurteil appropriation of moiioy, altliough iirobalily anch ments im tlio Held, which aro not only moiiu- tiiiioa aa long as in others for lUe same olfense, I menta to the valor of tbo rogiinonta, biit to the rocoiiimond tliat this Adviaory Board bo clmrged me tor tho reason Hint I liad to puhlhily coiifoss l)y the; taxpayers of our State, Wliilo I boliovo is not ita intention. The Boavils ot tlieso diller- tli'at my receiiiiiiendatioii that such a law be it ia for the beat intorosta uf tln'a coiinlry to in• ent bistitiitions are nmde up from tiie very heat States who fiiriiialiod tboiii, 'J'liis groat battlo- Willi tho duty of tboruiigbly evoi-lianling tliu neld being niinn Northern aoil is much more ao- prison records, and ot recomiuoiidiug to thu liasaed was not well considered, f was urged vito peiqilo, 110 Iiiattor iuiw largo the ninii- nion in our Statu—mon wlio give tlieir tinio and by jieuplo of all political parties, in great num- liera, to come liero from foreign lands, tbouglit to tiie care of tlio aanio without pay or cessiblo tliiui any other, and tliero ' are i'lxoculive sucii cominutatioiis as will in a miiiiy roasons why it has boon soloctod moasiiro equalize tlioso piiiiisiiiiiuuta, imleBB, burs, tu allow tlio moiisiu'o to becomu a law, but jirovidod tliey aro lionltbtiil in body tlianks, but simply from a iiiotivo to servo the could not do so under my ouuvictious that it and in mind, oiiiiablu of carniiii,' State and do wliiit gooil tliey can fur tho itntor- for the piirpoaoa mentioned. Kvory State of course, aa far as it is is found the puiiish- in the Union liad troops upon that ilelil, and [ moiit is too light for tbo oi'i'eiiae. This inofjiiali- .was iiiipracticalilo an well aa wrong, Sinco tliat a living, aud of making good eitizons during tunato iinnatea of tlieiii. 'i'iioy are in a largo tinio I liavo taken much luiiiis to get all tlio lime of peace, and wlio would bo willing in tluio liiirt tliorougb businoss men, and tboir jiulg- moat eariiustly rocomuioiui tliat an appro]iriii- ty of sontoiicos creates great disafrocllou among lioii of at least live tlionaaiid dollars bo mado jirisoiiora, and .jiiRtly so. it is a very Borious ligiifc poasible upon tlio subject, and tlie nioro I ot war, should tliat ovor come, to talio up arms meiit^ aa to any oinorgoncy wliicb arises, and ill vestigiito the iiiatter tho stronger aro my eoii- to dofond tliia cuiiiitry, yet I would forovor ex• wbicb cannot bo provided for by special legisla• for tbo jiuiqiogos lioroiubeforo namoil, and tliat question, and Blioidd bo, aa no doubt it will ho, acoiiiniission of tiiroo, mado upi from tbo in• carofiilly coiisidoroa. victiona tliat tbo contract system is tho bustand clude tlio claaa rotorred to, and would not allow tion because nntoreaoeu, aliould bo eithor ac- aafost and ought to atiuid, Thoro are but four a person to inimigrato to thia country wlio can• ooptod by tlie State or olso thoayatoni aliould bo fantry, cavalry luid artillery, bo appointed to co-oporatii with other Statos and carry ont tbo I ljoliovo, in view of tlio fact that so many coiiditioua possiblo to lulo-iit for convicts. Tlioso not preaent a oorlillcato aa to soundness ot body, abolialied or other mon apjioiuted to (ill their Tioopio aro imprfaoucd who aro not of tho crim• are, tlio contract syatoiii, the picce-tirico aya- mind anil character. As I said hofore, Uiis laiiil plaooa. For iiistanco, su]ipoaing in ono ot tlioso design fiuggcstod, ihopo it will not ho loft for the soldiers ot tliu State to fiiriiisb tliia monoy, inal class, it would Lo wise, .iiist, and iiuiiiano tom, tbo StiLto account syatoui, and idleness. of ours aliould not be a dumping ground tor institutions any diaaster should occur, aiicli as to pass a law oatablisliiiig a tioltet-ot-leavo sys• Tlio latter I am sure you will not considor for a tlioao paupors,iior should diaturboraoi thopoaco, abroakiigo of maoliinory, losa of iirojiorty liy as thoy diil tlieir part upon tbo held. Tliis auh- joct is brought to .vour attention at tho roqiiost toni, to be guarded, ot courao, with every poa- niomont, aa it iiioana solitary conliuemont, do- such as Nihilists and Aiiarchista from othor flro, or oven tbo doiitb ot a liorao tliat ia oasontial aiblu .rostidotion, to be operated niiicb the aiinie goncration, and dostructiun. Tliero is no con• countrioa, lio loloratud here. Tlioso are the dis to tbo work of tbo aamo? Under tboir plan ot the Loyal iiegion, mado at tlioir last moot• ing in CTi'iiiid Kapids, tbo ilOth ult. 1 siuooroly aa in tho State of Ohio, and whon it is thought dition ao dreiidod by in-iaonors aa being looked turbing eioiiieiita and an olomont that ia grow notliing could bo dono to supply tbo loss until a prisoner will reform it, given an opportunity. in tlieir colls in idlonosa. .It destroys tho mind ing iu atrongUi in our niidat, I commend tliat a tbo Logislaturo aliould moot and Jiialio an ap• trust you will give it your lavorablo considera• tion. Howovor, connoctod witli it abonld bo and body, and the pitoous appeals of prisonora jointrcaolntieii Ijo adeiiteil, iislring our Cnn- propriation ; tiiiloss, of course, ii anocial contiii- a law enacted tliiit by a niniplo process fbo so oonllned to bo taken out and aot to work, I groaaiiieu to urge that lawa be onaetod carrying Kont fund shall bo placed at tbo diajioaal of the I roconniiond to you that a law bo passed hr person can bo aiiiirebondod and r(.- am credibly informod, are terrible to vMtnoas. out tlieso views. Boards, in wbiob oaso tlio State could not bo tho creasing the number ot .Tudgoa ot the Sniironio turnod • to prison to ' serve out tli«) gainor, as thoy would liaVo as miioh discretion This, tiien, roduoos tbo mimlior to tbroo, I am Another matter should roooivo your attontion. son's first verses wero written upon tha> Court to hvo. 'i'ho absoluio nocossity of this ia balance ot his sontoiico it bo violated liis paiolo. fully itwaro that political iiai'tio.s of ovory pro• 'There is, you woU know, on tlio w'oatoru shores as now. Contiiigonoioa for tlio oxponditui-o ot shown by recent docisions concoriiing tbo coir An attoinpt waa made tho past year in ,hiclvao,n model of Thomson's''•.SonHons." Iii 182S monoy will continually ooiiio up, and wliou thoy fession declaim agaiust tho contract syatom, of Hiia great country a liordo ot Chineso Pagana. stitutionality of tho tax law. .In ono court on ill tbo ciiao of ono ]\Iooro, w^'iio waa' jiahtoned Havo tlioy considered it fiiliyi' Wo will take 'Thoy conio from a country whoro tho wliolo ho -wont to '.I'rinity Collego, Oambridgo» do must bo mot, and thoro is noway to moot the upper poninauhi tbo law was hold -to bo conditionally, and wlio violated the torma of Ills and in 182!) gniued a gold modal for a poom. tbom o.-ccopt Ijy giving to flio lloarda'iu obargo this aystoin up iirat, Ot conrso tbo main reason population of the United Statos in nunibera constitutional. An appoal waa Inid to tlio Su• liardou, to ro-imi)riaou him. CChe case was car• urged against it ia tliat it brings tiio product ot could bo taken from and scarcely mlasod. on' Timlniotoo. Ho published his lirst vol- discretionary powers to a groat extent. preme Court, and tbo deoiaion waa alllrmod by ried to t'ne Supreme Court, tlio act of ro-arrost- labor of convicts in competition with liouest Their immigriition to tins country should bo for• uuio of poetry about this time, aud iu 18;i2 , I think it would bo wise to enact a law ro- a tio vote. A Bimilar case was tried in a court on iiig.and imprisoning him doclnrod unooii(5titu- toil. It this is ooiToot, and wolwill sujiposo ovor stopped. 'Tlioy aro not lit subjects to becoiuo quiriag all boards of inktitutiona to make nu- tho lower peninsula. Tho tax law was bold to tioiial, aud be is to-day a froo man. Tills should it ia for the moniont, can it poaaibly bo citizops, thoy havo no intoroat in thia govom- his second volume waa published by Ed• mial Bottlenionts with tbo State, covering all bo unoonatitutional, and again afUrmod not 1)0, as tho parolo should bo thoroughly un- avoidod'i' h'irst, it in fair to auppoao that tho incnt, tboy send all tboir earnings back to tlioir ward Moxdu. 'I'lio story that "Locksley by a tio veto. Consoquoiitly in ono unused or accumulated balauooa into tlio Stato dorstood to moan what it says. convict boforo hia arrest and confinoinont native land, and when tlioy have accumulated Hall" wns based upon personal oxperienoo portion of tlio State tho law is hold I boliovo that very little is aooompliahod in Troaaury. 'I'bis would bo doing businoss in a waa producing Boraotliing. If he was not, tho iL small sum thoy return thoro, only lo solid out, is said to hiwonot the slightest foundation.. buainosa way. I bolievo tho Board ot Corroo- to 1)0 ooiiatitiitioiml and in aiiotlior portion to priaon'lnwayof rofoi-m of convicts. Prom tbo Stato ouglit to mako him do so, alid ovory to tako thoir places, hordes tif similar people. tioua and Charitios aro doing a most exoollont bo unoonatitutional, and thoro should bo a llfth vory nature ot tbo case tlioy, as a rulo, from honost, hard-working laborer should aay 'Tboy disgrace labor; thoy will work for wages Iu tho year Ih'uO ho was mnrried to. Miss work ill tlio State, but think tboy aro aooom- person to break tho tio. I also rooonmioud to tho day of tlioir inoarooratioh to tho time of "Amen" to it. If he was producing aoinotliing —and lay up tbo greater portion of tlioir oarn- Emily Selhvood, aud iu the same yoni suc- you that tho aaliirioa ot tho Suiiromo Judgos be plisbing tlioir grmitoBt good in oonneotion with tlioir discliargo, aro planning some moans of before conviction, thon Iiin product is not in• ings—that will not snjiport a white man. 'Thoy coodcd 'Wordsworth as pijet laureato, and. our county agonta, jaila and iioorbouacs, and I iiicroasod to sucti an amount aa will onablo oscapo, or nursing somo imagined ivrong, and creased, nor ia honost labor wronged by liiu aro a "upas troo" to the groivtb of tho countr.y. Ijroduoed on tho day of tho funeral of the liopo tlioir powers and duties itiay bo conflnod them to live and aavo soniothing for alter life. aro tiiorotore to a groat oxtont in a oouatnnt ohimgo of location. Taking, then, for granted I rocomiueiid tliat you urge upon our uiomborB of to the latter work, and that thoy may bo ro- Tbeao olllcoB aro tlio liigliest and most important stato of robollion, 'Phorofore, I boliovo the that thoso prisonora must work, wo liavo tliis Congress clio iioooasity of the onactnieiit of alaw Duke of •Wellington (Novombor, 18D2) his llovoii from loolcing after tlib Stato inatitutioiia. in tbo Stato, and tbo vory boat talont ol tlio tiokot-of-loiivo system, if oarofully guarded, stato of affairs that inuat bo mot. It thoy work, that shall forovor forbid another one of tliat immortal "Ode." I roooinmond tlio law to bo clniiiKod accordingly, Stato aliould bo induced to seek thorn. '.Pbo would, as,a roforin measure, work with Ijouo- aa they must, thoy miiiit produce somotliing, Jt race from landing in tlilB country. Wo liavo no 'i'ho board for tbo Soldiers' Homo alao aub- high standard of tho Stipromo Court ot Michi• floial rsBults except upon tho violoua and natur• produced, auoli articles aa are nianiifactiirod uso for thom, and tho aoonor stringont laws aro : aitB its i-oport. 'i'bis liorao wao croctod on n gan, which ia recognized in every Stato in'tbo ally criiniual oliias. must bo placed on somo markot, and if en somo piisaod proiiibiting thom from coming hero, tho Quite Sure Slie "ffus lliijht. beautiful aito noiu- tho oity of Grand Itapids, Union, should bo kept up. Tbo salaries ought inarltot thoy must bo sold at, above, or below It ia a groat.pity that K70 have no roally in- bolter it avIU ho for tho country. "•Who wns that tall gontlomnn yourdniigh- whiob was inirobasod by ita citizens at a oost to bo 87,000 a year at least, , tormodiato grade of prison whore convicts net tbo regular inarlcot prioo. It tho price bo at tbo 'Tlio Mormon question ouglit to bo aottlod at ol about 810,000, and iiroaontod to tbo Stato. In tbia coniiootioii I also wish to call your at• of the criminal class can bo kept aoparato from markot rates, thon, ot course, tho oonipotitioii once. Polygamy should bo straiiglod non-, and tor 'v\'as walking ^vith last" oyiiDiug, Mrs. Plans and spocifloatious woro ailvertisod for to tention to tho almost tliroadbaro subject ol this worst olomont. is a fair ono. It above, tho goods could I bopo you will urge our mombora of Cougroaa Wiggins?" construct a building that would aooomuiodato State ollioera' salaries. Much argumout has My report iii accordanoo with roquiromojits not 1)0 sold, and that -would bo to tako iinmediato stops .to consnmmato this "I don't know oxnclly, but he's n lilorary at loivstiOO potjjilo. Bids woro invited by ad- boon used, and many attompta have beon ni.ado ot tiio law ooiioernlng pardons and oouiinuta- iuipractlcablo, and if below, thon a'groat wrong niuoli deairod object. It is a blot upon our llag •vertiacmont, luio ranged from SliiS.SSl to it!)9,- from tinio to tinio to adopt a couatitationai tlons ia horewith aubuiittod. would ho dono to honest labor, and all ooni- and a disgrace to tho nation, mau .and lives iu Chicago. I know he must CG7.01, TJio latter was accepted, 'i'ho buibling amoiidmont increasing thorn, and it soonis to , Under tho stiitnto authorizing the foroolosuro potiiig works would bo obligod to either re• ItU.sSjJTjTj A. ALGIill. bo well oii', too, for ho knoM's suoh a lot Was Biibstanti(i,Uy coinplotod and dodioatod mo tho time has oomo whon this groat Stato, of real estate niortgagoa by advortiaomont, vory duce tho price of labor or cioao tiioir doora. I about nico horses," With appropriate ooroinouioa on tho SOtli ult. with all its wealth, should pay itsjoilifipra such groat iujuBtioe may be, and'I boliovo otton is, do not believe contractors are in tho habit ot Theue are littlo, s^weeb, pretty and "Are you sure he's a literary man?" .ffhe furniabing of tho same waa not taken into salaries as will aupport them during thoir dono. .All that ia now nooossary to offoct such cutting pricoa, and so far aa Ibitvo boon ablo to account, and it will roquiro tbo anm ot about oflicial tornis. I also rocommond that tbo mom- aforeclosnro is that tho mortgagoo shiUl pub• learn this is not tlio oaso. Tlio wliole quosticii Rreea oasos all the way througli the "Ohl yes, ho said he wns a bookmakei.". 420,000 to moot that account. "While tlib build- bora of tho Ijogialaturo bo paid a fixed salary of lish a iiotioo in somo newspaper of tho county rosolvos itsolf into thia alone—shall tho Stato desort of life, bu^ the fiifc man, who laga of tho- State institutions outaido of tho SliOO por torni, I bollovo it will be a saving to sell its prison labor, tlius .ridding itaolf ot all MissHdbbie (a fair Bostoninu)—Isup- whero tho proiiortylioB, or if uo papor ia pub• breaks a sii.spoudor on a hot day when •State prisona bavo avoriigod to cost not over tiio Stato, will shorten tho Logialativo term, lished thoro, in tho noaroat published papor, Jlnaacial rasponaibility and risk of less with, a pose you lonrnocl tho languiiga boforo you 'iSli(IOO for each person aooommodatod whon tboy certainty as to its iiicomo, or shall it go into, aud that inuob good will come of il;. Tho truth onoo oaoii wook for twelve suooossivo wooks, rurmiug to catch a train doesn't think cnme'to this oounlry? Now York diide—; ini'o fall, yotthia ono has coat, aa you will aoo is, I think our aoaaiona aro too long, and I think statiujj' tho 'name ot .tbo mortgagoo and niort- businoas on its own account with all ita rislt and by the within flgnroa, not to o.toood S300 for tho work will bo hotter and nioro thoroughly gageor, tho liniountduo, time and placojof pro• opnortunity of bad miinagomont? Tho in-oduot of this. _...J_„.._.__ , Bai JovB, don'tcherk'uow, why—or—what— each norsoii it will aocommodato, and ita cou- will bo tho same under oithor of the ayatomB, dono by a short sesaiou than by a protractod posed sale of property, etc. It is not roquirod In experiments in a Kussian military er nawslnmawlity d'ye fawncy I belong to— .Btruotlon and material will compavo favorably ono. , , , tliat • a copy of this notice shall be and the consequent competition to lionoafc la• er? Miss Hiibbio—It's diffiotilt. to sny. 'nvith any orootod by tho, Stato. bor necessarily tho same. Prison cnijiloyoa hospital., smokers roquirod seven hours Tlio Sonii-Contonnial Commission, apriointod served, on the owner ot the property or I've not yet boon to Europe, but Ithought ,Tho Homo, aluco it was ostabliahod, baa ac- by act ot tho Logislaturo, hjld ita colobration tbo person in possession of it,; nor that any will guiird tho men, and mochanios supor- to digest a mearoxactly similar hi kind comiaodatod a largo number of old soldiors, but at LauBing, Juno 15, IBSli, and was iii ovory way notice shall,'bo, given othor than tho oonstnio- intond tho work the same as now. 'i'hon wliat for a foreigner you immnged tho, most dif- could not take all who applied, although da- a auooosa. , Tho ooniiuission also Inia oom- tivo one by publication. Tliis aH'ords a goldou will be tho dilforenoo'J Nono, so far aa tho caro and (iuantity to that digested in six floult langtiagfl iu tho'wprld'wilh skill. •Borving, on account of lack ot funda appropvi- monood an historical work, appointing Hon. S, opportunity for tho groody raonoy lender to of the men and amount ot their product ia con- hours hy others. . .' ; Now York' 't'lude—Thanks,-' awful much! • ;atod forthoirmaintonanoo. Thoaoold votorans D. Bingham, of Lansing, as Historian, who has mako gain at tho coatol tho poor borrower. As oerncd, I am aware that moat wardoas regard I'm very mUch beholden to yoii;- •: . liavo, boon soattorod around omonR boarding aooonipllahod vory much during tbo past yoar.. a rulo Iho valuo ot tho property groatlv oxooods tho picco-2n-ico or State acc.iuit Bystoin with The poet of passion, Ella Wheoler. liouBoa ainoo tho law estahUshiiig it wont into favor,'but always think it is booanae Ihoy are I rooommond an apiiroprlatiou of J2,U0O per an• tho amount of the loan, 'i'ho borrower, tlirongh Nbtek oxpeot-a lawyer to niiiid his own ;OflflOt,and a visit to tbom will convince any num to carry on this worli. It is muoh lesa ox- adverao oironrastanooB,boiiiguniibl6,to moot the anxious to manage a largo businosa thomflelvos. AVilcox, says she is "slow to note the Jiorson that tho Stato did a juat and doaorving penaivo now than it will bo towrito up a history paymonts stipulated for,' tho right of f orooloauro Not tliat thoy aro diBhonoat,, or havo any oloud>that threatens storm." This js business. 'A lawj'or draws pay'foi' mind- ' not ill providing a homo for. them. Tboy aro of tho Stato at a latorporiod, will also matures.' Tho lender,' by not urging paymout, wrong mtont at all, but booanao thoy think thoy proot positive that Ella doasn't wear a mg the-buBiucBg'of other people./ luUoetl a holploBS lot, and tbo Gtato in its grati- havo tho. advantage of hoiug m\ioh nioro oor- lulls in tho debtor all suBpioioli of hostile ao- can mauago tho whole affair as well, as a 0011- tndo .Bbould airovlils Uborally for tlioir coio roat,. Tho oominlssionora have been untiring tiott,' 'whllo ho atiiotly 'OatiBQB a notice oj. lord- ti-ootor, and horo iB thoir itaiBtialso. :Tlio ca'i- asalskm sacqiue. Pans out (jU—Good milk. Jitgliaiir Counfn geniacrat lllffli Heliool Dcimrtnieiit. Seliodule of lllictorlcnls for 'ffiiitcr Toriii of 1SS<>-'S7.

THURSDAY. JANUARY 13, 1887. KKV TO ISXKRCISE3 i 1. lliicllation ; 2, Essay ; 3, Diitcnsdlon ; 1, Oration ; Enlouy ; 0, Pruplieoy | 7, Paper; 8, lliegnpliy ; 'J, AuUihioijrnpliy ; 1(1, lluvlew ; Jl, Pouni.

Wasliing'ton Letter. FlllS'r DlVlBlD.S, SreoNiJ OiviMieN. Tllllll) lllVlBIO.S. FlllBT IJlVlBION, Suco.sii invisios. iHt Time. Tinan Division I'roni our rogiiiir correspondent, lat Time. ist Time. When everybody eat.s Oysters. Come and see how we keep them. Wasihnoto.v, D. C, Jan, 8, LSS7, Always frcsii (iiicrfull cans, Wc always have Vale & Crane's Ainia AIiiioikI ... (jnulallon fr'ni Wlilt- Ella Bartletl .... (plotatlons fniln Milton Ihisii llearilslcy. Qniitatliins friiin IJiiele After having indtilged in its usnal Christ• Will liereher tiio' at mil call. IMIim Ilinvdish,., at I'oll i-ilII. Nina Bristol 'i'oin'sCaliin al roll call V Crackers and buy ihem in small lots, so you can have them fresh. Alvin Hush Oratiens, cusnys and Olive Unii 'lnloKV and hloKrapliy (mi liHduhl l.'ol Bio|,o-apliy ol II.B.ytowi! inas yacalioii, congress is at work again ; hh'/.io Oullar discnsHlni) on geii- Lniilla Ernll Mlllen. .leiiiile Daviilsoii IteTieu'tJlicle'l'iilii'sO'li'll the president is almost well of his rlieunm. Anna llewey enU topics. Ijeiira Drake , Iteeiialiens from Milton. Piiia ICInier. iHtl'l.siay: Slaveryiih 11 You can gent Good Maple Syrup of Us, to eat on your Pancakes. Blanche Every Dionniphy of Whil- Loltie Ev(My Itoviiiw iifl'anldlHe Lost Olive l''anson was. '.id: BiUtiii nellys- tisin; Mrs. Clevelaiul has heijun holding Leilin Eleld tier; ail dociania. Llljhin li'oler lH»ok 1. Lilllo Keler liilrj-'.Hi'ijiii'l liiIl.T triPn, Orrin I'reoland lions fr'ni Wlilltier Genovievo Oluasen,.. lllHcnsiiiens, essays and Jessie Hay llill Elleet lit U.T.Oaiiii soini.weoldy iiooiulay recoptioiia; tliero is an Cliinird Hill I'lvery o.>:(ircirte lo liu Jlaniiii nines..„,, orations on kimPI topics Neltlii nines . ., upon Anil Slavery iiiove- A Full Line of Caiiiieil i-riiits and Vegetables, Clieap. Arllinr ,lewiilt I'lvery e.xerclsi! lii ho Metlie Lyol ineiit. lliiliialniiih'i.xer- orsaiiized liriit iigaitist the confirinalion of Blanche Irish „., ready Jan. S, 1SS7. llalllo .Ihikley,... 'apoliimi'rf ivurs Bert Walker Nellie Wallers... Harvey Youiik 7th Essay: .lean of Olmrlle Worden lith: lloiiiu llnh'. Jlyrlie Wrinlit .. Enyiiy; .Nalllr'l Itesiiilrce^ The tariff question by no moans received Alines Tlnnnpnui Arc 2il Oration: OharHu Parltluirst... .nil EsHiiv: Ronnuts In t'liilik WarllMd.. ilionrapliy: \\'iisliIiii.'loii, ^^'illlanl Grow Napoleon at Sl.ilele Ilertiert llalsleail Brilain, llanilall Eal;{ns„ Prophecy: AiniTiea's l''il-, CHASE I SANBORN'S COFFEES, BEST IN THE WORLO! a quietus in tlie recent vote against Ben Tyhn- na. Review of "Tale frank WriKht Prophecy: En^jlanil's li'u- tniiniit^eiie ijliirk litre. iJiseiissien: (Jiies- of Twn Cities." May Ueyfitoii tUI'e, Bert Lonnyeiir... lion lo lie rhiisen, iiig reveinie bills, and a number of plans Schuyler Itiiyston ... Walter Lyon IteniainlnK itxor- Ada Shcrwocil Itenmln't; exercises gen• I\lVrlie Coy Exereises to lie ready A Good Pure Sugar Syrup at 40c a g-allon. are spoken of for gettiiif; it up in congress alvIn itarnaliy cistf.4 Konenil, to he eral, to III' ready Eeb .li.'i Jlim-li 11, 1SS7. rmidy Feb. 11, 18B7. 1 j'ot before the close of iho session. Wlion Do you Iiave trouble doing your washing this cold weather? If Hon, S. S. Co.K was asked what was now Piireiit.s are reipiesteil to reiiiler ail ]iossihlii a.s.Hlsliincein tlui execiillon of tliis iirograinnic liy iiryliiy upon their cliililreii the iieeeHsity nf enrly jii'eliiiiatioii. Paiiiina and I'rieniis of llie school are liivitiid to vleil lis al any tinio. A. V. WKIlsiTKIi.Siii.erhiteiHlenl, you {.lo, come to us and get 8 .Bars of Soap for 25c. the paramount qucslioii bolbro cou;,'rnss, he replied, ''The larilV uiiquustioimlily. VVc sliall not keep Cookies and Sweet Goods until warm weather Never since I have been in eoiif,'rea3 has Tim (Iraiui Unpiiln and railroad peculiar fact that almost if not quite llireo- IM-oljiitc Order. epnl at Ciriuid liniiiils wns lolally destroy, ibiirllki of all the eases nre iiersoiis of for• .Slalti of J^IioiiiKaii, eiiiinly of Iniclnmi, ss. Noliee again, but will close out wli;it we have at loc a pound. tlie tariff qaesiioii nssiiiniicd such jiropor- is liiireliy ulviiii Iliiit liy an oiiier nf the pioliiiie eunrt od liy (ire last week, also baggai;e, &c., eign birth. The expense of mainlititiing llieeuiinly of Iii|;liiiiil, inaile on the :t(llli day of lions." lie thinks a maiorily in the house makiiig a loss of aliont §8,000. the insane from this comity is boeoiiiiiig lleconilier, A. 11, ISSii, nioiitliH from lliiir liiiln wore Conic and buy your goods of us and wc will make you happy. of roprosetitalivos would vote lor a reduc• lipiivy. The last, quarterly hill paid was allowed tor croilitors to piesent their ciniiiis iiKiiiiist h'ril/, Kliilz, the Ii your old son ol a Ger- llio estalo of lUailali M, Opdyko, late iii' said coiiiily, §000, As this is a fair qiiarlei'ly average, tion of the tax on sugar. Tlic reason for innu I'nrinur living two miles east nf Lan- deceiised, and Iliat nil ciiKliliirs of said lieooiiseil are it will bo seen lliiit (he (ixpeiiso of l. cminty nf Iii^'lmiii, roiimiU.HiiHi- shot al Ollieer George Jewell al Connina ITH (111 lIlOOHlllIU of ICIiZlL I'liyilC, (llK;(i|lHt'(l, t(J Hdltln dor of tho session, and it is lliouijlit he in• lasl April, hiid his trial last week and being X f,\r-c v?'' c I'^'ood Elixir is tho only lUXl ItllJlIHL fill cIllilllK JlKllill.Ht't^llill (IrillUtt, (II) ItMI'l-liy f,'lvn imtici'Unit lIu'V will iMiw*t, fur tliiil ]HU'iuimi itl We have .just received a Mammoth Stock of Rubber Goods tends to take an aggressive part in trying convicted, was siiiilciiced to seven yenrs' tVV,>ts-Vj\ » Blood Koiiiody guaran• llin ollii.-c nf Smii'l W. HammniHl, Hm]., in llti> city i)f of all descriptions. Best Goods at Lowest Prices. to bring about a reduction of the revemie hard labor al lunia. teed. Il is a positive cure for Ulcers, Erup• Mjihdii, liiKlmiii CDiinty, on llinliUl iliiv ol'.liiiiiiii ry tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies tho iiiiii till'JMli liny lit'Jiiijc, Moxt,ut, ten oVIiu-U in iIil' this session. It l.s snid helms an idea fur The Rev. iV. M, h'iteli, an old ami wiilidy wliolo system, and bauisliosall Rheumatic ron'iniiin ot' Hiilil (Iiiys. Six nionlliH frniii nn; iliiy See Our Hli>i;niit $2, S2..0(), iiml Sli.oO PiiiQ Kid »nil I)nh;!ola known M. I'l. niiiiisler of this .slate, and al and Neuralgic pains. We guaraatoo it. of Di'cuniljur, A. 1).', ISSll, iri tins tiniu Minitud fur Uin bi'ineiiig about a comproniisc by which proHciriliition uf cIiuiuh. 5 JSalloii ,Sli(i(;s, l.''lexiljl(i .Sole.". J9!5>"'Jltea<.N illl Ollicr.w.-^H one tiino Indian iioent fur iMieliigaii, died OMoiigh votes can be had lo al least take Sold by II. -M, Williams and (3. W.Halstead GKO.V. DAY, at Albion, wliere ho lias resided for iniiny .lOIiN 11. [IWIN'iaJ,, «p the coiisideratioa of the tarid' ipiesliou. years, lasl Saturday, aged 72. SAMUIiJI, W. lIAiMMUNn, Wo ufii ulosing out il lariro Inl of SIiou.h iiL iioiirly l-'l OFF. Cull and ^'nt Bai-aains, Coiuiiioii Coiiiicil rroceediiig.s. lliitdd ntiCOMilior 17, l.SSfi. .MuM OoMimi.sHinncrrf, Wo iifu Sole i\i^cMn rnrt,hi!€«!llclu-;i(C4l J'liif?riil() Order, SJiHl ]»Ili,S.SCR' Cll.'iloiu Blildc .SIiooh, from a h'ino Cur Kid to the Finest h'roncdi biii'f;, Livingsloti county, committed suicide will soon introduce a resolulioii asking Maso.v, Mich., Deo, 27, lasfl. KSTATIJ OF .lAOOll S. COI-K. mOimVA). Kid, and all goods warrnnled. Our od'orls are '..) please all. congress to lake some stop thai will bring a few days iioo by taking piiris green, flo Council met and was called to order by Stiitc of I\licliigiin, county uf Infjimiii, na. I'robiitii court for Huiii ciiiuity. leaves a wife and a iiniiiber of siiiiiU chil• Hospectftiiiy, BROWN BEOTHEES. about the promised redtiotion o( the surplus, Mayor 1-lendorsoii. Krftiitd of .lacidj S. Colo, Into, of Aliiiuiloii, in fiiud dren in destitute oireuiiislaiices. PresonI—Aid. Beooher, Peek, Rolfe, onnnty, ilccf'KStil, It is undorslood that llie president is seri• Geori,'e L, Grimes, a gi'iiiluate ol ihe ag. Shal'er and A'anSlyke, Nolicn in luudliy glvnn thiit Sopliiii Aps^y {forniorly Colo], fUlitilniHt.rutor ofiiiild oHtalo, JniH IIIhiI her finiil ously urging the iiiaUer, and that what ricultnral college, has been bound over to Minutes of two lasl meetings read and ap iicciiuNt, nnd tliiit T liiivu iippDintcd (ho .'Mst (]uy of both Senator Vest and Representative Cox the eircuit, court lor trial for forgery coin- proved. Jjiiuutry, KSS7, ut ti'ii o'clnck in Llm Ibrcnooii, iit tho prulmto oIli(!ti ill Hiiid cinnityjiH tlui time uf hciiririf,' do, will be done al his siig{;estioii. The milted while he was a stuileiil. He vietiii- REI'IIUT op L'O.XLMITTHK. siiiii iicconnt (111(1 Iho [lotilion of miid iidniiiilHtnitrix ized Prol. Beal to the tune of 82,50, Tliefimiiifie committee reported ou the Tor il (liKlritnttiiiii of Hiiid it.stato niitl il liuul ili^cliargo, president has said that unless soniotliiiig followinc; claims,reconiinendiiig their allow• natoil MaHon, .January VMh, IH.ST. was done, ho would be compelled lo call an Grand Sentinel, the valuable stallion 2\v2 Q, A. S.M IT!!, JmlKO of I'roIjiiUv owned by Brown & Stockbridge of KaUi- ance as follows -. extra session of the liftieth congress shortly nulla I'erclia Uillihor {.Itg Co., In50(1 font linse i'robato Ordor, inii/,00, died last Sanirday. He was valued anil oiHlpliiifis .i*:t"i-i; 7li ICSTATK or ^VriJ.IAiM r.SIlVM, JlICOKASMn. Uuvo .Just Kecclvcd ii I'nli r,ln() of after the expiration of Ihis. The impres• at .'?2('J,000 anil was eariiinir hirge sums of Win. Soiiiorvillii, 111 pi niiilits on sireiit I'aviil Siiiitiiwiek, to M iiIkIiIh on sintet...... 1,-1 7.') •Statu 111" Miclii^nm, ooiinly of InKliani, hh. AtiiHOH- sion grows daily thai one may he called, money. He was bred al Lcxinitlon, Ky. l).l'. Wliiliiiore to prliilillf; cuiliieil prnceeil- hIom uf tlio pnil'uio conrl fur Hiiiil coiinly, li

r:j(iii; iAiiQ, u'c ^V4)iil