NO. 2 \^0L. XIL MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1887. Just received;. Another hogshead of Tho jurors ill attendnnce upon the circnil Tho following olllcers of Phil. Mclvernilil Best Bargains jiiglmiir County DemoM court* wore all discharged last Suturday, Po.st No. a!!, G. A. R., woro regularly in• New Orleans Sugar at Vandercook's Bee In Sugars, Teas, Coffee and It Co.sts Yon Xotliing, Ihough the court is still in session. Nothing stalled last Friday evelling: Hive * I'nhllsliod every Thursday Tobaccos at of ally interest, liowevel', has come before (lonimarider—John G. yiiook. People should bear in mind that the I'y .S, V.O.—A,G. Adams. FORD'S BAZAAR, O, p. W HIT MORE, the court since our last report. J. V. C—11. Y.Taltiiian. wealher signal llilgs dispbiyod in fl'ont of Onr complete Pockot Atlas of Ihe Workl, niiaii,—R. O. lioyh'. ilIASON, UWHiaAN. Q, M,-lIairy 0, Ciill, Webb's .shoe store, al'e intended as an ilidi- a book ol' 192 pnges—colilailling full page Iilvitatiolls are out for the parly at the 0. n.-Chas, A. Perry. Best Bargains cation o( the weather in this district, thongli new arraory,_ Thursday ei'ciliiig, .Ian. 20lh, 0. G.—A. J. Walkor. maps of every state, territory alld country Ad.it—II. 0, Frceland. we are so very close to tho lino we may In Tinware, Glassware and Riclllnolld's opel'a house orchestra of Lan. (J, M.S.-,S. 0. Parker. One Year, Jl,50 ; Six months, 75 cents; Tlireo itl tho world—togellicr with lliorc lllan a S. M.-l...r. Idricoln. have snow or rain when the fair weather Crockery, at sing, will fiiriiisli music. No eflbrt will be months, 40 cunls. (lag is displayed, or vice versa. Michigan is FORD'S BAiZAAE. hundred diagrams, tables, &c., besides a spared lo make tho occilsion alt ciiioyablo floll, Fl'ancis IJ. Slockbridge, tho man divided into two districts, Mason being in world of inforinaiioll, pertainllig to tlio''most one. who held the inorlg.ige on a majority of Onr advertisliiK rales are SHW |ior column' iier an• the ropliblicail members of llle Michigan the westorli and Leslie in tbo eastern, thus iinporlaiit fads in relation to each state James ITall, formerly of Ingham eollilty Best Bargains num. ftirslnesH iiodcos live cents (tor line lor each 'gislaluro, received the caucus iloniinatinn when rain or snow is predicted (or the east• insertion. I'idilorhil nolices 1(1 cents. and country—is iibsolutely given away, to hut llow a resident of Gratiot, has been auf- Jiusiness cards per line |wr year. last Thursday night on tho tenth ballot. ern dlstriot Leslie would display a slorln In Mittens and Socks, Un• Mariiat'ei hirlli and lUmth nolices inserted frert. ferilig with a frog fulon lilitil his right hand derwear, Hosiery, Fancy Ol'iliuiry connnrnls, restdulions, cards ef thanks, etc. every person who pays us in cash, ^l.iiO on iMr, Slockbridge was doubtless entitled (lag, and if (iiir weather was predicted for will lieri'aflor ho charKed for at tliu rale of llvn cents \i ill bad shape, tie came down last Sat• Goods and Notions at subscription—old or new ."lllbscrlbol's—on to tho nominatioil, though ll was not the westorli district Mason would display a ])er line. urday and Dr. Root amputated Ihe middle FORD'S BAZAAR. Correspondence contaliiini^Ilocal n(tws. Is Holicitod clililued thai he was the gl-eatest statesman lair weather (lag, yet in all probability Ihe from all parts of tlm county. or before ,Jaii. 2!). More than 50 distribut• linger. Anonvnions coninnniicalions] nol lnsorlivi;;undor ill Ihe race. That was of no iinporlanco. weather in Miison and Leslie would be any circuinstanccs. ed during the past week. Don't dolay tlio The First National liiink of Leslie, has It was a mere qiioslioll of dollars. pl'aelieally the ssllio. The indieatiolls are Best Bargains matter until alter ,fan. 25 e.Kpeoting Iboii surl'elidel'od its charter and organized under givcll fur the following 2-f liolil'S and are In Watches, Clocks, Silver• JOB PRINTING! the general banking laws of the slale, with Gooi-go and Daniel, sons of Calvin Haw- lo get a book, as wc have no doubt ollr liil'ge iiiluiided to indicate the average weather in ware and Jewelry at Ournniterial is new and of tlici lateststyliis and «'e a capital slock and siirplils of So8,o()0. M. kins of Vevay, wel'o arl-oslcd and taken (,'namnlee sallsfiiction, both in prices and stock of then) will be e,\liaiisled by that the district. FORD'S BAZAAR. ipialily of worii. Ii. Rumsey is president and W. \V. Pier.ion bolore iTustlee Halnllioild Monday moriiillg, Many fanners, even in Ingham eoulity| This jiajier can be rnniiil on lile at Geo. P. Rowcdl A time. Show your alias to your neighbor is cashier. arriiiiiged alid gave bail to appear for Co.'h Nc\vHiiaper v\dvi-'rlislnf; Bureau (in Spruce St.) Irial ne.xt Tuesday. The hoys attend school have (bra (ewyeiil's past been so completely Best Bargains where udvertislng contracts can he made foritin and aak hiln to subscribe for Ihe best local New Vork. Jjalo papel's from Ogdeii, Utah, inform in the Ilawloy dislricl, whel'e they are blinded by their iiolitieal projudices that In Groceries, Wall Paper liapor in the county alid gel llle alias Ireo. lis that our fnrlilor citizen, .Iildge E. P. charged with disorderly conduct—being a they insisted lllel'O was "no nloiioy in sheep" and Spectacles, at Circulating library al VanMorii's grocery. Olllciftl Diroclory. Ifoiiderson, "has tided over the old year terror to all decency. If they aro guilty— and have slaughtered or disposed of their FORD'S BAZAAR. SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS. See notico of pass book lost. and laiillched over the new like a duck." ns charged—a short term at the reforlii (locks, wllilo others have made money in Call and See Uii? ]toB|ieclfully, Prusideiit II. M. MusTisnrr/.N 'flie paper declares hini a solid limn and sheep husband IT. Our venerable friend A, Director Mas. Emma D.IAiok school wollld bo vel'y beneficial to ihem. Treasurer.,,. 0, \V. YaxSi.vki; The city of Detroit has discarded railroad wishes liiiu success. F, Wood of Vevay, who breeds cotil'se R, E, SCOTT, at ford's Bazaar. J. E. Coy lime and again adopted God's liiile. Dr. .1. Powers, a graduate of Ihe regulal' Trustees.| 1. tj, tlA.sNo.v wools, liiul a flock a year ago of ivbout fi. .M, Ilii.s'Ti.smoN 1'lie Lallfling Jonriud came out lust (leparlnient of medicine and sul'itoly at Ilfoiicy to Ijoilii •lust received: Allollior lioirsllead of New 50. Since that time he has sold §70 worth week in the handsomest kind of a new suit Mieliigall Univcraily nnd a voteriilariaii of On real estate, at the Parmer's Bank, Ma- "~ OFFICERS. Orleans Sugar at Vandercook's Heo Iliye. of wool, .$82,50 worth of inullon, §162.50 and is issued daily by Messrs. Rowley k Mich, lylp Mayor I'Kiiity llrsiir.aso.v mllcli merit, ehiinced lo bo in the city over worth for breeding purposes, making a total Olerk (iKo. A. Eaiim; A daiiiihter was born lo Mr. and Mrs. Stilt. Tho paper is cortftillly a credit to Silliday, alld Satul-day eveliilig he exhibited City Biarslial I. P..Smith of .'J;-il(i, besides slanglllel-ing four for his Chauney Rolfe of Llgllnm, on iho 7lh inst. the capital city and we wish it the success Treasurer and Collector I. A. SiiKuivoon his lai'ge collection of skeleton specilnelis own table, alld has a llock to day o( nearly Mchoid lns]>eeii.r Oiuiu.r.s Whitman it will doubtless merit. Street(JoiiinUsBioiiiir I'nii.ii' Nii^k The Charlotte Leader launched olltilpon in llle parlors over Madden it Bolneiit's llle mlmher and of equal value of liis flock I loii.s A. BAitNi:s Of all kinds—at lowest living prices. salnple room, and gave an hour's instrllc a year ago. Mr, Wood believes it pays hiln I L, 11, Rick ils ISlid year last week. iMay il live on for Hon. .lohll Holbrook of Lansing, will S. A. Paddocic. Justices of the Peace 1 Wii. II. tli.Aaii over. di.scuss tile ciueslion of "Amoriclm Citizen• tlvo and very interesting talk to some 20 or to i-aiso sheep, iiotwitlistaiidiiig the harping .,S, W. llAMMo.vn I'oulHy. rouUi-y. HO adnlirel's of the hol'.se, who had beeli in• of tho repnblicall papers that the democrats,' ., , , , f OiiAK. M, Shavkk The revival illeelillgs being held at llle ship" at Solllh Eiist A''ovay tomorrow Aldunuen at Larue j ,\ v Pcrii We are in the market for Live Poultry, (Friday) evelling. Senlitor Ilolbl'ook is a vited in. because they refused to raise the tarilf ,, , , , , f S, 11. liiuxunii iM. Fj. church are cl'oatiilg coii.siderable from now iintll the season closes, and will el'.'iiil ellt, fol'cible speaker alld will enter- which tho republican party had reduced, Aldermen, IsL ward .j k, iiilorest. In volliino one. No. one, of the Mool'ofield pay the Highest Prices (or same in cash. ,, , , , f ....,(J. \V. Van.Si.vkc tail! the people in good siyle. Mnnilor, published at Mooreiield, Frontier had ruined the sheep industry ol tho United See us be(bl'o sellillg. Beeciieu Urcs. Aldermen, 2.1 ward { Ai.aKi.T Buti.ku The new toboggan slide al Lansing is Slates.
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