Necrology. Miscellany
Russia ; Volhynia, July 21 to August 3, 688 cases, 238 each litre of soapy water. The cleansing is said to be more deaths. easily effected, and the linen is less spoiled and becomes : 1 death. Turkey Constantinople, August 8,1 case, while the expense is to a saving in soap. in Asia: 28 to 12, 264 cases, whiter, less, owing Turkey Aleppo, July August in German hos¬ 93 deaths; Konia, (vilayet) July 21 to August 12, 32 cases, The method is to be tried other military 16 deaths; Adana, (vilayet) July 23 to August 10,105 cases, pitals. 49 deaths 24 to 12, 98 cases, ; Aleppo, (vilayet) July August A Case to go to the Jury.—The general term of the Su¬ 57 deaths; Diabekir, August 5 to 12,83 cases, 66 deaths; June in the case Hisnei-Mansur, July 28 to August 10, 87 cases, 69 deaths ; preme Court of New York decided 21,1895, Homs, August 9, 1 case, 1 death; Hudavendkjar, (vilayet) of Comstock v. Green, that there was evidence to go to the July 29 to August 12, 24 cases, 22 deaths. jury. This was an action brought to recover for the profes¬ YELLOW FEVER—FOREIGN. sional services of the plaintiff, as a physician, rendered to Brazil : Rio de Janeiro, August 10 to 17, 8 deaths. the wife of the defendant, which were necessary for her 22 to 2 deaths. Mexico: Vera Cruz, August September 5, health and comfort. The evidence in tended to Puerto Rico: San 24 to 31, 1 case, 2 deaths. question Juan, August treatment Cuba: Cienfuegos, September 1 to 8, 4 cases, 2 deaths; prove: 1, that the defendant's negligence and ill Havana, August 29 to September 5, 80 cases, 26 deaths.
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