T' • LIBRARY OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CLEVELANO jittantial tirtintrie INCLUDING Bank & Quotation Section Railway & Industrial Section Electric Railway Section Railway Earnings Section Bankers' Convention Section State lnd City Section A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Representing the Industrial Interests of the United States, APRIL TO JUNE, 1918, INCLUSIVE VOLUME 106—PART 2 WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISHERS FRONT, PINE & DEPEYSTER STS., NEW YORK. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Copyrighted in 1918, according to Act of Congress, by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY in office of Librarian of Congress,'Washington, D. C. 305 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APRIL-JUNE, 1918.] INDEX INDEX TO VOLUME 106 PART 2. APRIL 1 TO JUNE 30 1918. EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED ARTICLES. Page. Page. Page. ircraft Investigation-The Proper Atti- Commercial Vehicle, Motor Truck as 1508 Germany-Concluded. A tude 2162 Congress, Hostility in, Towards the Press_2691 Reichstag President Declares Great Part Aircraft Mail Delivery Inaugurated 2059 Congressional Elections, Coming-The Air Warfare District Increase in 2152 of French Army Beaten 2479 Paramount Consideration 2159 Russian Industrial and Financial Allies and Russia 2485 Congressional Institu- Functions, Abdication of in tions Under Control of 2154 America, England and the War 1503 Overman Bill 2055 Submarines America-Our First Army of a Million Men_ 2687 in the West Atlantic __2368, 2374 Conquest, the Right of, a Fundamental Submarine Peril Measurably Reduced 2258 American Troops in France 2258 Fallacy 1723 Textile Americanization 1505 Industry Practically Idle 2050 Costa Rica Declares War on the Central United States East Coast to be Declared Anthracite Coal Shipments_ _ _ _1655, 2094, 2623 Powers • 2258 Austria-Hungary and Germany, Permanent Danger Zone 2478 Cotton, Chronicle Acreage and Condition War Loan, New, Long Term 150;.; Economic and Military Union Proposed 2480 Report 2583, 2598 Gold Austria-Czernin Charge that France In- Production in the Transvaal_ _1805, Condition of 2367 2047 2477 vited Peace Proposals Refuted 1498 Cotton, Fall River Mill Dividends 2257 Gold and Silver Austria, Fooci Situation in, Becoming Un- Markets, English_ _1547, Cotton, Germany's Supply and Finding of -.1655, 1766, 1870,1981, 2094, 2199, 2313, bearable 2152 Substitutes 1606 Austria-Hungary, Emperor Charles' Letter 2419, 2530, 2728 Cotton, Receipts at Southern Ports_ 1511, Government, U. S. Loaning to 1725 Suggesting Peace Negotiations with 1951. 2597 Grain France Crops, Condition of.. _1496, 1937, 2366 1607 Criticism, Constructive 1613 Government Work and Fire Prevention_ _2380 Austria-Hungary-German Treaty Provisions2257 Crops, Condition of '1496, 1937, 2366 Great Britain- Austrian Offensive 2591 Court Decisions- Balfour's Speech on Peace Aviation Program, the Country's Back- Possibilities. Court Martial Bill and the President_ __.A833 2048, 2594 wardness in 1506 U. S. Shoe Machinery Case Decision.. _ _2163 Credit of $500,000,000 Aviation, Steps in the Way to Accomplish- Asked_ _2585, 2586 Home Rule Bill (Irish) Prospects 1606 ment 1727 Deposits, Bill to Guarantee 1915 Irish Conscription and Man Power Bills Passed by House Clearings at Leading of Commons _1606 Bank Cities-._1433, Lloyd George Government Upheld in 1872, 2418 astern Europe, the Partition of 2054 House Bank Clearings, Monthly of Commons 1938 Features of_1386, Education in New York City 1946 Lloyd George and the Man Power Bill 1498 1824, 2367 Electric Railway Earnings in 1917, Cause of.1730 Lloyd Bank Clearings George's -Warning Against Peace by Telegraph_ 1432, 1872, 2418 Emigration and Immigration in 1917 1399 Withont Preparation _2688 Bank Deposit Guarantee 2476 England, America and the War 1503 War Material Losses Bank Notes, in Fran^e Made Changes in Totals of, &c., England, Chemical and Dye Trades Expan- Good 1718 1433, 2419, 2548 sion 1389 Bank Stock Sales 1429, 1543, 1653, 1765, English and French on the Western Front 1612 earst Newspapers, The Attempt to Sup- 1869, 1980, 2092, 2198, 2312, 2414, 2528, English Gold and Silver Markets...1547, H press-Court Ir.tervention 2379 2022, 2727 1655, 1766, 1870,1981,2094, 2199, 2313, Holland, Crisis With Germany Lessened _ _1826 Breadstuffs Receipts at Western Points, 2419, 2530,2728 Holland Under Pressure from Germany...1717 1511, 1951, 2597 Europe, Eastern, the Partition of 2054 Holland's Protest Against American Seizure Bribery, Trade or Commercial, Call for European War. See War in Europe. of Ships 2151 Move Against 2366 Excess Profit Tax, How it Discriminates Hygiene, Mental 1396 British- Between Individuals 1494 Admiralty Report on Vessels Sunk by mmigration and Emigration in 1917_ _ _ _1399 Submarines_ _1387_, 1497, 1606, 1710, Fallures, Monthly Features of _1496, 1937, 2477 Imports and Exports, Monthly 2416 2049, 2151 ederal Moratorium Law 2269 Income Tax, How Excess Profit Tax Dis- Army and Lloyd George 1944 Federal Trade Commission and Unfair criminates Between Individuals 1494 Bank Amalgamations, Treasury Com- Methods of Competition 2878 Income Taxes, Retroactive-McKetchin mittee Report on 2153 Fire Prevention and Government Work 2380 Discovers a Mare's Nest 2265 Board of Trade Returns 1608, 2587 Foreign Trade After the War 1728 Ireland and the British Government- Budget Proposals Below Expectations_ _ _1718 Foreign Trade of U. S., Monthly Features. Irish Conscription Bill Passed by House of Government Assumes Control of Trans- 1715, 2151, 2583 Commons,Home Rule to be Pushed....1606 fer of Securities of British Companies_ _2586 France- Irish Home Rule and Conscription for Government and Ireland 2157 "Bonnet Rouge" Director Condemned Ireland Delayed 2585 Ostend and Zeebrugge Submarine Bases to Death 2049 Iron Ore Shipments, Lake Superior 2530 Raided 1716, 1940 Emperor Charles' Letter Suggesting Italy-Austrian Drive in Abortive_ _2585, 2681 Revenue and Expenditure for Fiscal Year.1389 Peace Negotiations With 1607 Revenue Returns 2480, 2682 Export Prohibition 1608 apan, the Problem of High Prices in- Treasury Returns 2153, 2370,2586 Paris Bourse increasing Activity 1341 J American Trade Restrictions 2490 War Board Sales_ _1499, 1608, 1719, 1827, Paris Bourse Quiet 2050 Japanese Perplexities in Dealing With Siberia1832 1940, 2050, 2586,2682 Trade Relation.; With Other Countries Building Operations, First Quarter of 1918.._ 1729 on New Basis a Year Hence 1827 aiser's Thirtieth Anniversary of Acces- Building Operations, Monthly Features of, Treason Charges in High Quarters 1938 K sion to Throne 2584 2047, 2678 War Scandal and Bolo Pasha 1500 Business Is Business, Even in War Time _ _2582 French and English on the We-tern Front.1612 abor- Business, Modern, A Shrewd Lesson In........1615 A-nnerican Federation and American Al- nerman Cities Bombed in Retaliation for liance Conventions 2476 anada- N..." Attacks on London and Paris .2369 Child, Law Declared Unconstitutional_ _2378 C Americans Residing in Must Pay In- German Foreign Minister on War and Democracy, New, in the Standard Oil 1507 come Tax in Both Countries 2164 Peace Questions 2679, 2680, 2686 Idefensible Attitude and Profiteering.. _ _2582 Building Operations, First Quarter of German Language, Concerning the Boycot- Legislative Consiueration for Organized 1918 1729 ting of 2690 Sabotage Bill 1616 Confiscation of Privately Owned Public German Submarines on Our Coast.. 2368, 2374 War Conference, On Recommendation of 1395 Utlities Not Approved 1835 Germans, The Repulse of 1831 Lake Superior Iron Ore Shipments 2530 Contribution to the War 1510 Germany- Liberty Loan, Third, President's Speech French Treaties Abrogation 2164 Air Raids on by British and French_ 2479 Opening Campaign at Baltimore 1497 Government Competition With Lending Amiens Object of New Drive 1717 Liberty Loan, Third, Privilege of Contribu- Companies in 1510 Austria-litmgarv in Permanent Economic tiog to Its Success 1505 Import Restriction Determined Upon_. 1398 and Military 1Jnion With 2480 Lloyd George. See also under "British" New Fiscal Legislation 1836 Austria-Hungary Treaty Provisions_ __2257 and "Great Britain." Reconciling the East and West in 2693 Costa Rica Declares War on 2258 Lloyd George and the Army 1944 Wooden Ship Construction to be Dis- Cotton Supply and Finding of Substi- London Financial Markets Inactive_ _1389, continued 2164 tutes 1606 1499, 1607, 2682 Canada's Wonderful Achievement 2595 Crisis With Holland Lessened 1826 London Market Tone Firm and Cheerful_ _2370 Canadian- Drive Toward Paris 2258, 2478 London Security Markets, Confidence Ap- Bank Clearings, Features of 1387, 1824 Foreign Trade Scheme to Be Worked Out.1827 parent 1940 Bank Clearings, Monthly 1432,1871 Hindenburg Drive and Indemnity De- London Security Markets Fair Undertone. 2253 Bank Clearings, Weekly-1432, 1548, mands,.1389 London Stock Exchange May Day Holiday.1826 1656, 1767, 1871, 1983, 2094, 2200, Holland Under Pressure From _1717 Luxuries in Taxation, the Place of_2437 2314, 2531, 2623, 2720 Kaiser's Thirtieth Anriversary of Acces- Banking Hours, Change in, Because of sion to Throne 2584 Mail. See Postal. Shortage of Man Power . 2271 Muhlon Assets War Due to Kaiser's Per- avaental Hygiene 1306 Banks, How Affected by the Military sonal Military Policy 2369 Moratorium Law, Federal 2269 Draft 1398 New Offensive in the 'West 2263, 2680 Motor Truck as a Commercial Vehicle__ _1508 Failures, Monthly Features of 1497 New Taxation Feature,s 2051 Municipal Bond Sales, Monthly ___ _1486, Foreign
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