Natal Stores Trict and JOURNAL of TRADE
Natal Stores trict AND JOURNAL OF TRADE A WEEKLY PAPER FOR NAVAL STORES PRODUCERS, FACTORS, EXPORTERS AND DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS OF SOAPS, VARNISHES, PAPER, PRINTING INKS, ETC. Vor. XXXVI, No. 3 SAVANNAH, GA., SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1926 Price $5.00 Per ANNUM J. A. G. CARSON, President H. L. KAYTON, Vice-President J. A. G. CARSON, Jr., Vice-President W. H. BARBER CO. C. H. CARSON, Vice-President at Jacksonville 3650 SOUTH HOMAN AVENUE Carson CHICAGO, ILL. Rosin, Turpentine ‘Naval Stores Company Pine Oil, Etc. Organized in 1879. Oldest House in the Business. FACTORS DIRECT SHIPMENTS FROM THE SOUTH, OR FROM OUR CHICAGO STOCK. "AND w WHOLESALE GROCERS PRINCIPAL OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE SAVANNAH, GEORGIA |_| JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA SALES DEPARTMENT National Bank Building Graham Building Gillican- Chipley With an organization unsurpassed and ample means at our command, our facilities for handling your business are second to none + Company = WE INVITE YOUR CORRESPONDENCE NEW ORLEANS, LA. «A Thought The dependability of the firmifrom whom GILLCAN-CHTBLEY COMPANY vc. you buy your supplies is just as impor- NEW ORLEANS, LA_US.A. (CELT TSE REET CEL TO tant as the financial rating and moral - TT standing of the firm to whom you sell. PRODUCERS, DEALERS sr AND Columbia Naval Stores Co. EXPORTERS rere Pores 5 Savannah, Georgia Rosin—T urpentine SAVANNAH WEEKLY NAVAL STORES REVIEW AND JOURNAL OF TRADE" “D. M. FLYNN WALTER RAY H. L. RICHMOND A. L. 'BROGDEN JOHN M. BLAIN PRIOR J. ROONEY Chmn. of Board President Vice-President Vice-President Secy-Treas. Asst. Secy-Treas. FE lynn-Harris-Bullard Co JACKSONVILLE, FLA.
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