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pages 5, 6 and 7 ii? Page 2, Hawaii Marine, May 16, 1975 COMMANDAN F OF THE WC RICHARD SNODGRASS SGT. SAMMY EZEIN FOX 2/3 G-1 MARINE CORPS I think the h T h e is greatly enriched by the liberty uniform uniform rep, as This history of our Country served a regulations. they are today, accomplishments of the men and women who have are very should be much it in uniform, 1 changed. There together in my back with pride on the eve of our first 200 should be fewer opinion. I've As we look see that no group of Americans a restrictions heard some talk years as a Nation, we can while on liberty. of possibly have contributed more to their Country than those patriots is introducing a Once a Marine who have defended it in times of crisis, All Americans have I on liberty in t e c v an beret to be worn with the I freedom, but you have stood ready to fight for it - a community he should be able to uniform in place of the barracks a enjoyed ; wear garments comparable to cover and garrison cap. I don't you have protected it, It is because of your devotion, your think it would look too good. V V what civilians wear. courage, and your sacrifices that we can enjoy the blessings I I of our free Nation, 1 1 As we pause on this Armed Forces Day, let each of us 1 1 rededicate ourselves as American fighting men and women In my opinion to our Country and to its people so that we may continue to carry forward the traditions of our predecessors in the defense of the freedom we cherish, All Americans are thankful for your service and I join them I What uniform regulation I in saluting you on this Armed Forces Day, I I changes would you make? R. E. CUSHMAN. JR. 0 1 General. U.S. Marine Corps 1 1 CPL JUDY ETON CPL. NICHOLAS BIDDING Commandant FORCE ADJUTANT HQTS CO, 3d MARINES

If I could T h a I ! chaplaIn's column A change any of off-base liberty V the uniform regulations are i I regulations, it definitely too I perhaps she gives the most would be the strict, 1 don't I ; hair length for think a Marine By Father Michael Murphy have ceaseless questions. Difficult questions to field, she is expected V, male Marines, should have to I Some year ago while take stride, such as "When 1 within reason of got dressed in deployed aboard a earlier in the to in will Daddy be homer a comae. 1 would the uniform of , I wrote thh Just to 4 our Ship's She is the tender loving , ' ids° like to change the length of the day following article Ibr the skirts lbr the WM. because the mess hall. Paper. Since deployment and mother who is required to have I this is 1975 ... not 1795. I separation are an integral part of endless patience and never tire of Our Marine Corps existence also, by living in a world whore adult I I substituting "Marine wife" for conversation has vanished with our I CPL. KENNETH BRYANT I "Navy wife" it describes most deployment. Sheds supposed to sit I H&S 2/3 I' adequately the silent and heroic down to dinner at night and start at in your life. a vacant chair and miss us and feel I think the role of that woman I . I as sailors on sorry our days sea, uniform for the Our nomadic life for difficult at m SVE SCALaTENAN I the Navy's watery beat forces while silently absorbing the I mess hall should H&HS MILITARY POLICE today play emptiness real loneliness be the same I countless women of to of and an role in the home. As a carrying on alone in her daily life. I wouldn't thing you would arduous result, the phrase "the Navy wife" She is the talented woman a like to see any wear other has become part and parcel of the who is expected to compose a changes, only places if it is lexicon employed by Navy people manuscript in our absence - a V more enforce- presentable. I more and more. Now what masterpiece made up of daily I mont of current also think they specifically is a Navy wife? letters sent to us to cheer and a regulations. It's should let you wear cut-o if I She is that unique creature encourage us, and to assure us that the Company they are neatly cut. Overall I a the most powerful Navy In man's everything is under control, from Commanders' believe regulations are a little too ! history has come to depend on Tommy's slashed hand to the responsibility to strict, especially for the enlisted more than most of us realize. She insurance payment on the car. She I enforce regulations. men. keeps the home fires burning when is the tolerant soul who is supposed wd are away and thus, insures that to reap vicarious satisfaction from the primary reason for our far-flung our trips to such exotic spots as operations is more than Justified. Hang Kong, Singapore or Sydney, She is the woman who stands Australia. She is that vivacious HAWAII MARINE there with tear stained eyes and creature who greets us ecstatically Commander Marine Corps Base Pacific MalCien. Thomas H. Miller Jr. Officer in Charbil Capt. E. Neal grief stricken expression as the ship upon our arrival home and pampers Editor not. Gomm Spear 11574141 slips away Assistant !Mot Sgt. David Treadway 1574141 from its moorings and us with the notion that we deserve Contributing Editor GOO. Dais Dye 55744$1 turns to sea with her husband on to be spoiled after such a long tour Staff Writer . Sgt. Terry Kearns 1157.4145 Sports Editor SM. Gordy Coe 115741411 board; the woman who goes home, away. Camp Smith Correspondent Sgt, Sob Tailing 4774131 Camp Smith Correspondent Cpl. Sill Woodin 4774535 once that ship has receded in the And, as men, we selfishly lap Illustrator LCpI. Scott Moors waters, to a house that now falls it up and forget the real truth; that The NOVIIII Marine Is published weekly on Friday for Marines, Navy personnel, dependents heavily on her shoulders. Plumbing, she gave far more than we ever and 'Motown at Marine Corps comments on Oahu. It is printed with appropriated AMMI Cornroginity Publications, Inc., Kaneohe, Hawaii, under Me supervision of the lawn mowing, car fixing, bill could on this deployment. The MM ANON Office, KMCAS, FPO, San Francisco, 55515 in compliance with paying, painting, sand an assortment Navy wife is CIN11117131k of the Navy and Marine Corps publications and Printing Regulations. The our better half, our WWI* Mf11111 is a Member of the Armed recess News Bureau. Views and opinions of jobs that fall within the province partner in every voyage, and our er1 I not nolosoolly those of the Marine Corps. TM Hawaii Marine is published for In bp* end should not be interpreted in directive in nature. Mention of of the man of the house now strength in life. Salute her today; M0111100 *O not constitute 0000mont by this newspaper or cascade around her as she walks in but accept, admire, and think more ri" All submitted for publeetlen must reach the editorial office In WW1 NIo. OP 4 wok paw lo lirlday's publloolloo dot. Woo otherwise approved by the door. She W the omniscient of her than you do of yourself Om 'OW* NSA Of WM MOON 14110001. All ,spy will be screened and edited In accordance WIN ollIfolol PONOV. female who is expected to halm all always. This means love her in the the answers for the little minds who finest sense. May 16, 1975, Hawaii Marine, Page 3 upon leaving .

1 leave this command with deep respect for the professionalism of the Marines and Navy men who serve inour Pacific forces. During the past three years, you have been charged with many and difficult varied tasks, All have been accomplished with exceptional competence and proficiency. The highly successful completion of Operations and Frequent Eagle Pull Wind epitomized the superb readiness and high degree of efficiency that is our Corps' trademark. All in Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, and Marine Corps Bases, Pacific, have my deepest thanks and sincere gratitude for a job "well done." I wish you continued success, Lt.Gen. Louis Wilson

LTGEN. LOUIS WILSON Okinawa scene of 1/3's birthday The 1st Battalion, Third receiving its present designation on The battalion Marine Regiment, 1st became the During the U.S. withdrawal in Marine Juno 17, 1942, the battalion saw second American Brigade celebrated its 33rd birthday infantry unit to 1969, 1/3 became one of the first action in the "island hopping" enter Vietnam May I at Camp Schwab, Okinawa. on March 12, 1965, Marine units to stand down and, by in the coming years it participated The battalion, commanded by campaigns of World War 11 on Bougainville and Nov. 18, had been reduced to zero Lieutenant Colonel John W. , in operations Mallard, Hastings, Hemingway, strength at Camp Pendleton. and home based in After deactivation in Prairie, Hickory, Kentucky and Hawaii, has been deployed there February, 1946, and reactivation in Osceola. The Tet offensive in 1968 Nine days later, 1/3 was since April 23, to train with the 9th July, 1951, the unit was assigned found the battalion heavily engaged reestablished and became part of Marines, to Japan and Okinawa and conducted in North Vietnamese the First Marine Brigade in Hawaii, Activated as the 1st Training Army units at training exercises in the the village of Dai Do near the Cue Battalion on May 1, 1942, where it, continually trains for and and Korea. Viet river. ,future combat deployments. Ammemillor K-Bay's gate opens wi seammelsear oboes it-shy - The Aix Ineetiou for Armed Force ommisserY will be closed The gates of the Kaneohe Bay vehicle and other inhintry support PMO locks doors Marine Corps Air Station will open weapons. K-BAY . The Provost number sorltckis tomorrow to display the military The 1 at Marine Brigade's will also be on Marshal's Office will be closed might of Hawaii's own 1st Merino Aviation punch K-Bay will be invited from noon to 4:30 p.m., 29-30 IC-BAY - The Brigade at a gala Armed Forces Day display and visitors will made some to inspect Phantom jets, May for inventory. Affected 'Dispensary has open house. division where telephone number changes. The for visitors to see obseriation aircraft and many of be the Admire On hand registration and ID card information number for the house hours from,,10 the Corps' helicopters. vehicle during open matters are handled. facility is 257-2144/45. A 2 p.m. will be a variety of Ample parking will be a.m. to to the complete ilist of phone numbers Marine Corps weapons including available and directions from be artillery pieces and .lire direction display area can be obtained what to wear for each department will Kaneohe The new computers; the Corps' new military policemen at the K-BAY Those Marines published next week. main gate, - at I ism, amphibian tractor, and 'command Marine Corp, Mr Station who are leaving the island either numbers go into effect on leave or PCS and are today. men interested in finding out the un dersten gt units need seasonal uniform at other bases special luncheon which Is should pay attention. Following The understrength 1st Marine assignment to the dlilsion, in each of its is a list of bases and the uniforms Division will be up to its normal abort a battalion CAMP SMITH - The infantry regiments, as well as four of each: peacetime level by the end of Fiscal 1 May 1975 Kiwanis. Clubs of Honolulu are batteries in its HQMC Year 1916, HQMC manpower 105-mm Howitzer EMPLANT (HQ) 24 Apr111975 sponsoring an Armed Forces Day 155-mm Ammer Unice officials say. artillery regiment. Two INPPAC (HQ) luncheon Tuesday beginning at batteries are year around (towed) howitzer 7 April 1975 noon in the Hibiscus Ballroom of means hundreds of along With six MCDEC, (Mande° That presently unmanned, MCS, Camp Leleune 14 Apeil 197S the Ala Moans Hotel, additional Marines with combat combat support companies, such as.. MCB, Camp Pendleton 7 April 197$ 7 Apd11973 arms or combat support specialties trucks, shore party, engineers, etc. MCRDep, San Diego The luncheon, open to all to the Camp MCRDsp, Parris bland 1 Much 1975 can expect orders Flexible schedules do not MARCOISUPCEN, military personnel who desire to 1 during 1975 Pendleton based command prescribe firm times for each unit's Album/ 30 March attend, will feature Admiral Noel They will be MAICOSERIPACT, the coming months. reorganization. However, planners May 1975 Gayler, Commander in Chief, units that were Philadelphia 5 funneled into FMF here say that as an infantry MARCORSINCEN, Pacific, as the guest speaker. cadred to zero strength following is formed, an artillery Barstow 14 Apri11973 battalion Apri11975 Corps' FY 74 manpower will be manned to maintain Twentynine Palms 21 the battery MCS, Camp Butter .Summer Service Personnel planning to shortfall of 6,000 men. the division's balance of striking you around should contact the Force 1973 attend the forces. Manning of combat support MCAS, Cherry Poke 7 April Affairs Office at Camp Prime factors influencing or *aro Apra 1975 Public units will be worked into the MCAS, El Toro 7 to reconstitute the units MCAS, lwakuni 6 April 1975 Smith (477.5052/5053) by 10 decision on a flexible basis, too. are the current high' input of schedule MASSE!), PlAvaTA. a.m. Monday for reservations. How quickly the overall task Treasure Island I April 1975 recruits and the impressive Summer Service quality will depend on MCAS. Yarns will be rate. is accomplished year round Tickets for the luncheon career retention availability number of those training requirements, MAIMS, Yokosuka S May 1973 $4 each, to be purchased at the A significant units Service necessary skills of equipment to outfit the MASSES. Adak Winter door. Marines with the money to year round who jOst completed and the availability of and recruits troops to the West Coast. recruit training can expect move Page 4, Hawaii Marine, May I6, 1975

pistol packing lady is a Marine

"1 just couldn't imagine she continued. "I enjoyed the By Sgt. Bob Teeling myself ueing a Marine MP,' claims training although I don't feel it was woman Marine Private First Class as comprehensive as it could have June King, the most recent addition been." King feels most of her to the Camp Smith Provost training will come from experiences Marshal's Office Military Police on the job. Force. Camp Smith is Judging from some of the the young Marine's first duty surprised expressions on the faces station. She covers all aspects of MP of many military personnel from all duty here except Mamma Housing Area night branches of service at the camp's patrols. main gate, she wasn't the only one. The Modesto, Calif., native is "They (her male one of many woman Marines being counterparts) were teasing me at assigned to billets which were first about carrying a weapon," she previously open to men only. said. "But, they've gotten used to "Six of us got the MP MOS at me now." However, she said, so far the completion of boot camp," she there are no complaints about her said. "I think there's one who went doing her job. to El Toro, two to San Diego, one King confesses she is strongly to Quantico and the other is at behind equal rights. "I think a Barstow." woman who is able to do anything The young woman Marine MP a man can should get paid the had her schooling at Ft. Gordon, same," she says. "But, I also feel a Ga., covering a period of two lady should act like a lady if she months alongside her male expects to be treated like one." counterparts. "They taught us how Most woman Marines to shoot both the .38 and .45 stationed here strongly favor having

. caliber pistols," she added. She is WM MPs. Most feel it's long qualified with the .38 by Army overdue. "So long as we can standards, firing a 325x400. She perform, why not," says Corporal says she hasn't fired the pistol by Barbara McGuire. Marine Corps standards yet. King signed for three years Photo by Sgt. Darwin Paola While at the school, King when she enlisted. "I want to take REPORTING POST - Private First Class June King, a Woman Marine MP learned basic Judo with 17 hours of some classes, and hope to be 4 assigned to the Camp Smith Provost Marshal's Office, reports her post to the intense instruction. probation officer when my time is Corporal of the Guard, Corporx1 Eddie Kalai. King is one of a few Woman "I had a good time there," up," she says. Marines who have been assigned to MOS's previously held only by men. May 16,1975, Hawaii %fiat, S

veins se se. ea. ammo% HEAVY HAULER HOMECOMING - Mammoth CH-33 Sea Stallion succetaul completion of INN**, evacuation operation* in Cambodia and the helicopters line the at K-Bay Wednesday as Marine Heavy Republica Vietnam. Helicopter Squadron-463 returns to itak boas* balm at Keneabe Hay after startling eta s sgfr Here are some approximate figures for their missions: Hours flown on Frequent Wind: 20 continuous In less than 24 hours

Loads* Approx. 70 evacuees per helicopter per flight

Total evacuees 3,000 men, women and children at the end of 20 hours

Carriers operated aboard USS HANCOCK; USS ENTERPRISE '463 makes impressive record The HMH-463 "Pineapple Flights" constituted about one-third of "Lieutenant Colonel Fix and the officers and men of HMH463 the entire helicopter lift support for "Eagle Pull" and "Frequent Wind," displayed great elan and a tireless devotion to duty while embarked The squadron's 16 big CH-53 Sea Stallions roared back and forth from Hancock. The herculean effort of the squadron pilots and aircrewmen carrier flight decks to locations ashore during the evacuations and their during the Vietnam evacuation is a hallmark of true professionalism. Their is impressive. record outstanding performance is certainly the fabric of which history is made. When the dust from "Frequent Wind" had cleared, the commanding My personal 'well done' is most deservedly extended. Hancock is proud to officer of the USS which served as HMH-463's home base have had them as shipmates and to have had them fly from her deck. during the operations had this to may to the unit: Capt. Feliowes sends." Hi) "c" oming and reflections. Flight crows from Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron-463 returned Wednesday from what is probably the heaviest haul of their distinguished aviation service, Heavy Hauler crews and their sturdy CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters formed part of the two massive evacuation operations in Cambodia and titled "Eagle Pull" and "Frequent Wind," Much has been said in all news media about these - two humanitarian operations and undoubtedly much more will be said as the nation reflects on the end of an era, but ABC ARC commentator Harry Reasoner's reflections on the actions of the leave

Marines are , especially heartening; framge4 I r hat I f "The sight of United States i he Marines in combat situations in anti-mill Phnom Penh and Saigon recently It was to some people strangely vas a dI comforting, particularly so since no firemen 1 real developed, fighting city 10 course It Out it made me think of a moved it concern I felt about the U.S. eti military in the '60s, concern lest situation the divisiveness and frustrations of' responsn the Vietnam involvement should available

Photo by lot. Melt Saylor* HAWAIIAN HOMECOMING - With the colors they carried in Southeast Asia flying, the men of Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron-463 received a warm welcome home Wednesday including Hawaiian leis from students of the Kaneohe Air Sta'lon's Mokapu Elementary School. A GRACIOUS GREETING - Mokapu Elementary Heavy Helicopter Squadron-463's Commander, Lieu placing a lei around his neck. May 16, 1975, Hawaii Marine, Page 7

The point, I said, is that a society must have the means to etforce order and protect its citizens, In a good society, the soldiers are the agents and the servants of the citizenry; they are the good guys, the white hats, The greatest danger of the Vietnam era was that this perception of them by the country and by themselves would change, In a democracy, an army that feels itself apart from and antagonistic to the population cannot be effective, And while a world without armies is a lovely dream, it's not here yet, We badly need a military that Photo courtaiy KITV 1'441**th:tit we can be proud of and that is Harry Reasoner ABC Newsman proud of itself, It seems to me the leave us with a crippled and services have made substantial fiumgented fighting force, progress since 1972 toward gaining I remember trying to explain that pride, We can hope that lust as the memory our Minre in what 1 felt to a young man who, at of Photo by Sit. Rick Slayton Indochina reached a new maturity the time, was violently Dan Farrier is greeted by his wife, in the nation, rather than to a DADDY'S HOME - First Lieutenant Marsha, and daughter, Shelly, after returning from HMH-463 participation It was at the time when there continuing bitterness, the record of in operations "Eagle Pull" and "Frequent Wind." was a disastrous strike of police and frustration that the services have to firemen in Montreal, leaving the live with will make them wiser and city naked, What happened of stronger, course was that the Canadian Army In the meantime, on this moved in, mission of rescue and help, didn't Can you imagine, I asked, a those Marines look good?" situation like that without a responsible and disciplined army Yes, Mr. Reasoner, we can't available, help admitting they did,

Photo by Sat Rick Saylor as CONTROL Air Station military policemen stood by to protect Photo by /1K. Rick Sayler. CROWD - an excited crowd of wives and hmillea from HMH-463's whirling rotor Jean McKennon, welcomes home Marine Elementary School second grader, blades. But even the on-duty MPs couldn't hOlp casting a glance at the ander, Herbert Fix, in the traditional Hawaiian manner, Lieutenant Colonel returning warriors. Page 8, Hawaii Marine, May lb, I q75 Marine breaks world record Capt, Wayne F. Rollings and the 49 persons observing him believe that he has wt a world sit-up record, On April-lools-Day the Elloree, S.C Marine sat down in 111Noto by Sgt. KaI JohmoiN the United Nations Tiberias Control OMIN' HOME - P.J. Smith of 1/12 slides home the ball. The cannoncockers beat the radarmen, Center, Israel. When he got up 13 safely as MACS-2 catcher Bill Carlin makes his move for 2-0, in Tuesday afternoon action, hours, 32 minutes later, the two recorders and two superviSors had on Leonard's three hitter continuous-motion,counted 35,000 non -stop h a n ds-behind-t he --h e d straight-legged, elbow touch opposite knee sit-ups, Arty blanks Deuce Guinness' Book of World Records says the record holder is By S81. GunlY (tle a long triple in the gap between Leonard, on the other hand, FBI Special Agent John R. First Battalion, Twelfth right and center, Clyde Roberson had other ideas and his only Greenshields, who did 15,011 Marines l I / I 2) extended their then hit a fly ball just past the bag thoughts were to shut out his sit-ups in 6 hours while at the FBI winning string to 14 Tuesday at third. As the ball was caught, opposition, He was never In any Academy, MCB, Quantico, in 1966, afternoon at Pollock Viuld as they Smith did the unexpected, tie real trouble until the sixth inning, An observer with the U.N. defeated a good Marine Air Control tagged up and sped home and was when Tom Geo* unloaded a triple with one Wormy Truce organization in the Mideast, - safe as the throw from left field was auk. naitay drove to , Squadron (MM'S-2) ball club, 2-0, tirorg1 Rotuma atastottivettunartn mutant', on a three hitter by lid Leonard. wide at home plate. Leonard fastball to left and by doing 1,000 sit-ups, sob In the first inning after As it turned out, Smith's mad had ideas of tagging at third and pushups and running at least six Leonard put Deuce down in order; dash for home wasn't a deciding scampering home, but left fielder miles daily. The next month he the Cannoneers jumped out to a 1-0 factor in the game, but since it came Amos threw a perfect strike to the upped his output to 2-3,000 sit-ups, lead on a ground rule double by early in the game, who knew what plate to discourage Georgi. Gary 750 pushups, 300 pull-ups and Henry Amos and a single to left by was going to follow. It did present Bastina then popped up to third to eight miles a day. In March he was Cal Reeves. plenty of excitement for the fans. end the inning and demolish doing 4,000 sit-ups, 1,000 In the second inning, Leonard MACS-2 pitcher, Sid Hastings,. Deuce's hopes. pushups, 300 pull-ups and running put Deuce down in order again, but decided that would be all the runs In the final inning, Leonard 10-16 miles per day, he added a little extra on some of scored for 1/12 as he put down hit walked Bobby Severance but got - The .35-year-old captain the next pop out to third his pitches and struck out the last opponents in order through the batter to ended his training program by and then fanned the final batters two batters in the frame. 1/12 next three innings and seemed to running 10 miles, resting 10 for the victory. picked up their second and final get stronger on every man he faced. minutes, and then maxing the The loss for MACS-2 drops run in their half of the inning when, Although time was running out, he Marine PFT. with one and no one on base, was confident his teammates could them into fourth place in league out Rollins rested 10 days before in and smashed break through. play with a 7-3 record. P.J. Smith stepped making his bid for the sit-up record. Pacers down Cutthroats, remain on top By Cpl. Bill Woodin seventh innings, respectively. The Rockets got it all together and the fourth with a double and scored winning pitcher was Leon Perkins. downed Maintenance, 8.2, In the as Jack Michalski followed with The RPG Rockets dropped a In the second game, the second game, what could be termed another two bagger. But the Pacers game to the CommCenter, 15-9, Cutthroats maintained a strong the game of the week, the Pacers held on, putting the Cutthroats while the Cutthroats continued defense, holding Maintenance to 12 defeated the Cutthroats, 14-4, They back to the field after only one their winning streak, defeating hits. Winning pitcher was Rick were both undefeated going into more run. The only run scored by Maintenance, 19-9, in Camp Smith Holzbauer, while Hildred Marshall the game. the Pacers in the fifth was a intramural softball Friday. suffered the loss. Action started out in favor of home run by the pitcher. The CommCenter regrouped Monday found the the Pacers as Bill Stratton walked CommCenter and retaliated to take a and EM Club battling Roger Madison and Bob Queen. Cutthroats did the same on a double-header from the EM Club a close decision. A 12-error ball Power-hitter Dave Tomsky did his double by Wayne Schneibel, The game Monday, 14-13, 20-18. cost the EM Club in the first usual by slamming a home run, Pacers scored throe runs in the final In Friday's games the game, while 11 errors cost them the making the score 3-0 early in the inning on slugging efforts by CommCenter combined slugging win in the second. The first. The Pacers batted around in Queen, Art Mendez and a home run efforts by Jim Ratcliff, Greg Ilk CommCenter came on strong with the first inning, leaving the score at by Tom Drudge. Darwin Kessler got slugging of and Dave Seitz to score three runs Bob McNair, George 7-0. a double for the Cutthroats and was in the first, nine in the second, two Hasick, Bob Hirshburg and Will The Cutthroats then driven home by Jim Smith, who Moreno. in the third and one in the fifth Winning pitcher was Ray threatened the Pacers, but never also doubled, This left the final Dalton and inning. The Rockets could not the loser was Sam scored. score at 14-4, with the Pacers the Logan. sustain an attack scoring five, two Spirits were boosted for the only undefeated team in the and two in the third, fifth and In action Tuesday, the RPG. Cutthroats when Dave Lucas led off league thus far. May 16, 1975, Hawaii Marine, t nfantry tops station, wins fifth in a row

Ity Set, Gordy Coe looked as - though Station had gotten things together after In Intramural V01641)411 erllshiag defeat in the first game, A t'aptt, action Monday night at the dink by li111 Callahan got them on otion Gym, hard hitting *wild the scoreboard 11rst, but 2/3 eblle nation, Third Marines t2/3) Wet: to lie it up on a *mkt, WV by ellocket1 Headquarters and Junior, radquarters Squadron (116.11S) Station eitoteed back to take ith identical scores of 1$4, 1$4, a 3-I lead on another dink by Station took an early 34) lead Callohon and a service bee fist)111 the first game on a dink by Mike ItrOWD, Kilter and Sam Brown's two 2/3 then came on strong and aves, The lead, however, took total control of the game, n't last long, as 213 came back racking up nine eonseettlive tallies, tie it up. led by Bill !loftier's six service 2/3's Jerry Fold knocked the aces and three sharp spikes from out of bounds and enabled Dan Ilaynes, on to take the lead again, but HMIS took control of the for long, ball with the score standing at 10-3, Pnc15W S111, 141 4v,hiVoN With hard hitting spikes and but things didn't look too TRUCKIN' - Master Sergeant Carlos Mora twitter) of the Air Station Crash ee aces from Tino Junior (two promising for them. They managed Crew finishes his 10,000th mile May 8, as 1st Sergeant Samuel Kideleiki , three service aces) combined to score one more point before 2/3 (left) and Sergeant Major Dominic Irrera helped set the pave, Top Mora good team efforts, 2/3 was ran off a string of five to clinch the began his running trek in July of 1972, to rip oft' 12 straight points to game and the match, the game hands down. 2/3's win, their fifth in a row, After a short rest period, both now puts them in third place in went at it again and at first it league standings with a 5.2 record, Gordy's sportline

% 257-2141 FOR WATER LOVERS - SPECIAL OLYMPICS - Any Navy personnel interested in The Special Olyrapies for eonneting in the 197S Mentally Retarded Children, Fourteenth Naval Ditariet sponsored by the. Swint ming and Dieing Noncommissioned Officers championship*, to he held May Association and the Kennedy be held at the 31 through June 1 at the Pearl Foundation, will Harbor Officers' swimming pool, University of Hawaii's Cooke should sign up at the District Field May 23 and 24 Anom 6 to 9 Athletic Office or call 474-289, p.m, No admission will be charged. FOR NAVY RELIEF - softball Two Interservice ALLEY OOPS! - The matches will be held tomorrow Station Bowling Alley will be Midas at Pollock Field, Muffler chised all day Sunday and 3 4:30 will play Army at and Monday until 4 p,m, p,m and Air Force will play Navy at 6 and 7:30 p,m, BASKETBALL There Photo by SO, Ken Johnson Admission is five but all seems to be an interest shown in SMASHING DRIVE Tino Junior (rig4) of 2/3 goes up and over a - for donations will go to Navy Relief, successful spike during Monday evenings' intramural volleyball contest having a summer basketball GYM OPEN The league at Camp Smith, All those against H&HS, The ground pounders took Station in a best-of-three - Mini contest, 15-4, 15-4, Gym has reopened and will be persons interested in mustering a open from 9 a.m, to $ p.m, on team and a schedule contact 11Q111)E A Saturdays, Special Services at 477.6467/68, Intramural MANS 4 MARS -34 3 commstan 1 3 tsr RADIO 3 3 MACS3 1 4 deployed Marines victorious standings 1/13 4 NAVY 1 4 (Standing* as uf Monday) Battalion Landing Team credited with a home run to tie the K.IAY (BIT) 1st Hattalion,Third Marines, score, 2-.1, INTRAMURAL SOFTBALL STANDINGS It-BAY INTRAMURAL inning the K-Bay GOLP STANDINGS from Hawaii, while deployed at In the sixth TEAM WON LOST ('amp Schwab, Okinawa, for Marines rallied on hits by left 1/13 13 0 TEAM WON LOST TIE training exercises, bombed A fielder Douglas Reid and third MACS-2 7 3 1ST RADIO 14 3 Company, Headquarters and baseman Barry Toher and began VMFA233 12 S SUMS Nu, 3 13 3 in the opposing 11.111S 9 4 SUMS No, 1 12 3 Service Battalion, Marine Corm picking holes PS11 10 6 IIAMS34 12 3 1 Base, 10.2, in an exhibition softball team's infield to put the team 10 S NAVY 6 NAVY game there, May 4, ahead, 42, DAMS-24 7 H 1/3 It S 1 Center fielder Leon Williams, 1ST RADIO 6 9 HAILS No, 1 II 6 The Hawaii-based Marines COMMSUPT 3 12 HORDE Nu, 1 8 6 3 Company A, was the defensive star 7 6 took an early lead in the first inning HORDE 3 12 1/13 as he covered the maiority of the VMFA-212 3 13 DAMS No, 2 $ 7 with a hit by Rogue Santos that snagging flys throughout (SWAIN. as of Monday) VMFA-212 $ 7 outfield, knocked in a run, , The MACS-3 6 5 the game, OkinaWa-based team bounced right K-RAY INTRAMURAL MARS-34 6 6 In the seventh, BIT 1/3 put VOLLEYBALL STANDINGS IIMM-262 6 7 3 back, recapturing the lead, 2.1, and S 11 the game away as Company A VMFA-235 held it until the fourth inning, TEAM WON LOST IIQBDE Nu, 2 3 12 committed numerous errors, a 2/3 3 I3 Ed Niece, a corpsman allowing the battalion to score six 1F1)1,,MPLOYEES S (1 NAVY Nu( 2 10 as 7) 2/3 3 (Standings of May attached to the battalion, was more runs, 10 Hawaii '1973 s t W0011 se Slet, JiraVi na while attending classes at Palomar, and the Proving that SWX414$* ice lust San Diego State University step away, lzirst Lieutenant Rob University of (Vittoria at La Jolla, Marine sets high He graduated with honors *id Jenkins, brigade fiscal officer hen, has earned his third coat,. (halm hum Palomar College in June 1972, since entering the Marine Corps as and received an associate of arts ninth grade dropout, degree with a certificate of masters degree Calling his climb to the achievement in accounting. And, he earns commissioned a hallmarks of academic Slieet)SS was subsequently " ,the SW:OS*1V betterment of second lieutenant in the Marine personal goals for self Carpi improvement ," Jenkins closed Completing his first degree in yet another chapter in educational Just two years of study, Jenkins bad advancement Sunday, when he earned a 3,4 grade point average received his master of arts degree. and had also come within one year "Setting your goals to the of completing the requirements for next highest level of advancement his bachelor of arts demo, and making the most of what is Reporting to the 1st Marine oftVivd is the key to success," he Brigade here in August, 1972, commented,. "Things have been Jenkins continued his educational strictly on an uphill swing, .since advancement and within seven wining the Marine Corps in 1954 at months earned his bachelor of arts the age of IS," continued the degree in Business Administration Alma, Ark native, from Chaminade College of "1 was all set to loin the Navy Honolulu, at the ago of 12; then I chickened NOT SATISFIED 'out and ran back to school," he The lieutenant, however, was explained, "But, When I turned 15, not completely satisfied with the .1 WA my goals to becoming *carver baccalaureate degree and enrolled minded Marine, "Being a good in a master of arta program at the Marine has always been first and Pepperdine University while still foremost and the other things have attending classes at Chaminade Just fallen into place," remarked College, Jenkins, After receiving his third "We are living In a college college degree, the master of arts, orientated society and the world during commencement ceremonies has been led to believe that unless of Poppordine University at one possesses a college degree he Schofield Barracks Officers Club, cannot succeed, In order to (Col Jenkins commented, "I have had secure, I decided to go for three more than an equal opportunity to college *rpm," he explained, Starting on his utilise. career got an education and assume in February, 1A7Q, as positions of suceralvely Increasing a gunnery responsibility sergeant, Joakina was, at that time, $1110, .101111110 the one of 2a men allowed to complete Marine Carps 21 years ono, a degree under the Marine Come "Now, after Anacleto reaching my goal Degroo Completion of three confine degrees, Program, I plan to THIRD DEGREE First Lieutenant retire next month and wept an - Rob Jenkins, Brio* fiscal officer, is During his all smiles after revolving his third final semester at appointment to the administrative college demo, a Master of Arts in Palomar Cones,, Education from Pepperdine University, San Marcos. We, ataff of a Junior college in San May 4, he was the first Marine allowed to Die 4" announced La. JOWL PS No I think the Marine Corps, what made him stay after all his like the French FAT011111 Le*on, mon had been wounded or killed, which declares a regimental holiday Ho indicated retreat would have checkpoint and amnesty on the anniversary of been personally embarrassing to its *nettle' matron in Mexico, will him and his Marines, The reason view service in Vietnam as another they stayed, in his words, was delta streamer on its battle Wore and because of an esprit de carps which continue the march with heads hold was "hammered into our skull Mak from the first time we mot our drill Though all 200 Legionnaires who instructor . . 2574431 held an outpost at C11111010110 until we pick up our . during the French incursion into retirement papers 20 years later," Mexico died at their posts rather I think that's just what we liy fly Sgi, Dale Dye than surrender to a fano of some Marines will do In the face of the 1,400 soldiers, the Legion does not situation throughout the own* view the action as a (haat, Rather, whore we fbught so hard. AU of us Well it's over, Here we sit, for its demise, We are sworn simply it is viewed as the greatest example who were lucky enough to come those of us who fought there, with to carry out the back from military policies of of Legion courage and Vietnam have memories a bunch of campaign ribbons on Our esprit do government at home or corps, of the experience which are always our chests wondering just what overseas and, once we have voted to changing in our minds but never Vietnam was all about, U.S. Marines are known for their ability to forgotten. Quite ftankly, I 'don't know select the government we want perform with Similar courage under staggering I think that is the strange and exactly what it was all about now Jawing a, the orders, situations. we are mysterious grip of war on men, that Its over any more than did offingivoly out and I think that's how today's We I of the political never wish to relive the frightening when it started, but for professional picture. Marine veterans will perform even experiences but we can never fbrget fIghtina men, reasons are rarely though the time for physical So them and cherish the comae they here nor there, What contains us what do we do now? Lick courage in combat is over, I think the inspired in us. I think all of us are the more mundane wounds, forget the suffrring they will exhibit moral courage in will and admit live with our memories realizing considerations: the wounds we we took a licking? Those the face of emotional heartbreak that no one who has not known suffered, the Mends we lost ate all possibilities, but given the over Vietnam and continue the and the what we have known in combat adventures we experienced. march. will amount of pride ever really understand. and self-esteem A World War U Marine NCO Those It's not tor us to write a that's built most experiences will form a into Marines, I whose squad held a piece common political; epitaph for South Vietnam don't of ground bond between think any of them are likely on against overwhelming us and shore up our or even to speculate on the reasons courses remit because of postVietnam action. odds was asked that is the nature of after the battle our beast, May 16, 1975, Hawaii Marine, Page 11 local locomotion

CAMP SMITH attache otise.11110 clam costs $211 and monads tabs ENLISTED CLUS Leadiertraft Classes about $12. Sipe up now at the K4tay Hubby Shop SW 306. For further intoinunion cal , K4lAY TONIGHT - Liman to Ow sounds of The teathormati claws bogie June 6 at 6:30 2374541. O'CLUit Hawaiian Five from 9 p.m. to midoight, pin. in buddies IOC Doting the first four TOMORROW - the mixed soma* of woks ono loons the basic tarlatan- and rho Competitive switemiag TONIGHT - WOK Hem will be beftf The Eaatiotio Sematiori from it p,m, to mystery bolt, making kmastors, key 441/16$, coin teem 4 to 6:30 Nit with volvtiititthirat midnight puma and a wallet. One is tam the lest four The Waikiki Swim Club is open to powided by ViaAy Urban, SUNDAY - The Hawaiian tiro roma weeks completing a niejor project of Moho; membership. If you)* interested in competitive Stook-oat will to held hum 6;30 to 9 hum 6 to 10 pm. Pm*, handbag, bowling beg, quiver, cluck, Mambo, ocean or just social awitnntiap, p.m, on the 40VN 14114i. I4maiv will be ber-bro soak notebook cover, book tom( or coated Wok P.A. Love at 257.2349. provided by Om V* Motown hum a pot to oiltialoht SATURDAY - l>oadleliaht Moing lima 6 Fatallg Senates Sammer Fu Med* to 9 No, SUNDAY - "Soild your own bum*" With Wows. just atuttatt the von" in the 11C auditorium, Rldg, 455, The program will ho mood from 9:30 cos, to I pm, Kiog Emily Services has planned en exciting begins with the lirst 'session on Monday, Juno be p.m, Summer Fun Program tot your child. All Orati loge A beef will awed tram 6 to 9 16, and rum *umiak July 11. The second with mu* by Cm* llitout Activities will ba uttered by rogisteriag on a MONDAY -Club it Mood, separate WO to give each child the heedom of session begins July 31 and rum through Aug, TUESDAY -*Amodio Seatocuo Oruro 6 If a mainland visit is past of yoitt summer Atoka. Rogishation will to held May 31 from 9 13, Uui more iafurmrtian, call 257-31611 or to 1E30 pm, with the Solent brothers' pia, chovk the Armed Forces Travel Schedule A.m. to I pm, Iteoimnition the will be collected 3574606. UeweUun eatortainment for flights to (Wino, Military dependents own REGISTRATION: 7 June 1975 hom 9;00 to 1;00 pm. (let Simian) WEDNESDAY - English style 0* & travel skim or with the military sponsor, FSC Aud chips or *nod chicken team 6 to 9 pm, Round 001 Willits Sam %imp mo also 12 July 197$ from 9100 to 1100 p.m. (Ind Union) THURSDAY - Spegheiti plte Won 6 to voila* for dependents and parents visits to 9 No, Hawaii, A round hip to Cleveland vie All' to let Session -Juno 16 to July 11 Chiemo end then it scheduled air lino to Tod Session Tidy 21 to Aug 13 Cleveland is $393,00. a savings $100.00 over *SAY of ACROBATICS trip via scheduled air lines, WAR STAFF NCO CLUB the OM Place; Auditorium, FSC savings am available to most maim cities in the Apes: to 6 years Mon/Wed 9:0010 10:00 a.m, IllitiNlitattl end °astern United %otos, The next 4 TONIGHT -Whoa to Ihe soul sounds of Price; $5.00 Mix 1 AFT are May 31, Juno 4, and June 19, tovatioo hum 9 p.m, to a,m, MOO ARTS AND CRAFTS TOMORROW The AFT office is located in Ow 741ay Store -Ruddy Yugo* mid the Hum GUI Smut Room, FW Complex Shop. FOIL additional Golden 11014048100 Soya will provide the nook) next to the Malt Apes: 6 to 9 yaw Thurs 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. intOrmatiori, phone 3344815, horn 9stpittr 1 a,m, 10 to 12 years Thins 10:30 to 12;00 p.. SUNDAY - Brum* will be 'Rood every MCC $8,00 SondeY from 9 a.m, to 1 pm, SOIVLING noes AY MunenOen wild be Cola Gab Ham; KMCAS Rowting Alloy stood on Om Lanai kola 3;30 to * pm. with Apes: 11 and up Thurs 11;00 to 9:00 a.m. entorlaiament by Ruddy A So hon. 6 to 10 Tho Utica Koio Klub Wit,* one and ell it to 10 years Thurs 9;00 to 10;00 a.m. i. Pa% to *Mr second Annual Coin Show tomorrow at 11 and up tom 10;00 to 11100 Atm. THURSDAY -A taw of The Chown Few the 19th Puke Non 9 am, to 3;30 pm. 8 to 10 vow Thula 11;00 to 12:00 pm. will piny dot your listen** pleasure hMn 7 to Featured will be many outstanding exhibits in Price: $6,00 11 p,m four oat: US Coins, Hawaiian Coins, CHEERLSADING Foreign C91114 and a special category for all Ham; Family Services Center (rase 1141AT compotition is other items, Interest aid A*114' 6 to a years Toes/Thu 9:00 to 10:00 a,m. SNLISTED CMS mums* runt** high, Trophies will be given Sto13yean Tugs/Thum 11;00 to 12100 p.m, for first and mound place in each category and Primo $3.00 ,TONIGHT - *my Your* Show will Rest of Show Trophy will be awarded to the GOLF provklo the mold* hoot 6 ism, to midoight, most outateoftig mikiliime. DUOS& tebIss will Heron MAW Cia17 Wrong Soot grvrizia, bw, wilt priory° also hi eat up *IMO one may buy, or Wade ,lei... 401114seilegim. ,rospos maps, iptemaillys moI willionaksoel 9;00 to 10:00 a.m. - 4111"6:i'Misrothas 740814* lm presemod at the *ow end 106,m, to 1 pm. rettookomota will be avallable, Mot dollars war GUITAR , MONDAY - Ruddy Vesnoll A Golden be aim away howdy as door prism in addition Hap; Youth Room, FSC will from 7 to 11 Hormsho Soya Wale* to hahourly prim donated by lite dealers Art 6 sad up Tun 10 :00 to 11:00 pm. went The clIentele present will spasm* a Tam 11:00 to 12;00 p.m. TUMMY -The C4(41Y Ufa* Show wealth of information on numismatics and are Thur. 10;00 to 11;00 a.m. provide 1M sounds from 6 to 10 p.m. more than willioo to answer are questions on Moe; $3ASTICS.00 ' THURSDAY - Liston to the sound* of the %Moot. GYMN the Soul improvements from 7 to 11 pm. Place; Auditorium, FSC APE 7 to 10 years Tuesfihurs 9:00 to 10;30 a.m. CAMP SMITH Sailing CM Mon/Wed 10 :30 to 12:00 p.m. fINCOCLUS Price; $5,00 Check out the Hawaii Sailing Club, now HAWAIIAN NATURE STUDIES open to membership, Enjoy the promotes of Place: Girl Scout Room, FSC TONIGHT - Happy Hour goes from 3 to sailins without the worries of maintenance, Ages; 11 to 15 years Tue. COO to 10:00 a.m. 7 pm, Prime rib MO be featured fur dinner' insurance and in between trip conoerns, A Thurs/Vri 8;00 to 12;00 hom 6 to 9 p.m, membership fee of $250 Whim two himilY Man $12.00 (Field Trip) TOMORROW -A shrimp platter will be members to free sailing lessons which would HULA *Mond for *nom lima 6 to 9 pan, Listen to e qualify them to chatter a boat at low club vett% Place; Youth Room, FSC WItietY Of sounds by Omer City ftum 9 pm. to Many other benefits go along with club Agog; 6 to 8 year Mon 9;00 to 10:00 a.m. 1 cm, membership also. For further information 9 to 12 years Mon 10;00 to 11:00a.m. SUNDAY - Today's dinner will feature contact Tricia Program Office at 3244600, uxt, Mom $3,00 Thone slush from 3 to 8 pm. 304, JUDO MONDAY - Luncheon special will Place; Roy Scout Room, FSC Tues/Thora 9;00 to 10:00 cm. Noire hied *WW1 from 11;311 a,m, to 1 making Apo 6 and up Tom/Thula 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. p.m, Saddle Price; $3.00 TUESDAY - Chili ',imolai tailored for KEIK1 CAMP lunch from 11;30 am, to 1 pm, Ever wonder whet a saddle looked like Place; KMCAS he4chool WEDNESDAY - Luntheou steak on under ell that batboy? Openings aril stilt Ages; 3 to 3 years Mon to Fri 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. special for lunch. availablo in "How to mako a Saddle." You Activities; Swimming, Arts & Crafts, THURSDAY - Beer club special for don't need a saddle to attend-saddle and Music, Play. Excursions lunch from 11:30 a,m, to 1 pm. Hod chicken materials are provided, Classes start June Sat 7 Cost: $23.00 (1;00 to 9;00 am., $5.00 featured fur ignitor ham 6 to 9 pm, p.m. Cost is $30. extra) KITE BUILDING AND FLYING Place: Girl Scout Room, FSC Ages; 6 years and up Wed 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. when a Marine, in company with Price: $3.50 9;00 to 1Q:00 a.m. PMO says . . . another, observes him smoking STORY TELLING/FUMSTS Placer Girl Scout Room, FSC even marijuana, ignores or Agar 6 and up Mon/Fri 9;00 to 10;00 a.m. Under provisions of the non-participatingly agrees with Prim; $3,00 UCMJ a serviceman who has the situation and fails to report SWIMMING knowledge of the actual Ham; KMCAS Pool the offense to the proper Apes; 6 and up commission of a felony' by Price; $10,00 (first child, $5.00 for each another and who conceals and authority. In thIs instance the additional child in family) does not as soon as possible observer is guilty of misprision of TENNIS Place: KMCAS Tennis Courts (near Bank) a iblony and would be subject to make known the commission of Apes: 6 to 8 years Thurs 9;00 to 10;00 cm. this Many to the proper prosecution under the code. This 9 to 12 year. Thur 10:00 to 11:00a.m. authorities is guilty of misprision law is peculiar to the military Price: $3.00 UKULELE of a felony. A common example and applies only to persons Place: Boy Scout Room. FSC of this aboard the Air Station is subject to the UCMJ. Ages: 6 and up Wed 9;00 to 10:00 a.m. Moe; $3,00 Page 12, Hawaii Marine, May 16, 1975' classified ads

1974 FIAT X1/d, radio; rustersinotk NATIONAL (CONCORD) portable stereo tape 5,000 miles. excellent available June 30. house for sale deck-works. Includes two speakers, $50i men's wanted $4,1100. Call Capt. Monroe 8574501 OWN. she 10 Cleveland precision skates, excellent 814-1519 anytime, AIKAHI PARK *Marc home on quiet condition with case. Call 2544741 AWN. TOYS FOR TOTS, Trolley Car KMCAS 7DaY cut-deem, Large family room opens Into Storm Little Red Caleme, Maki Gate c may also 1969 AUSTIN MEALY 'SPRITE,' runs real completely fenced yard with room for pool, RCA 19" B/W TV with stand, good condition, be left at 11693A Elrod Or., KMCAS. Call good, 31 mpg, *meon* rust, needs new paint. tennis court and guest house. $11,900, 107 $75. Call 1844091 anytime. 854-2146. must sell to beet offer. Call Sgt, Fouts ^Mika Place. All offers considered. Open 1574357 OWN, 257.8700 AWN, Sunday 2-5 p.m. Call 254-1456 anytime. COLDSPOT trailer, 15 oar. ft., upright, five CRAMER Magi Dodge years old, recently recharged and serviced. Call SHALLOW to flt 1074 1947 CHEVIELLS MALISU, auto. trans., P/S. 6414165 AWN. Dart, will also consider deep Crafter. Call SOL 157-1125 Treadway at 074141 OWI4 or 8354087 MI A/C, $400. Call Mal. Scarbrough OLOMANA, Kallua 3bdrm.. 3-bath, family 041. room, a- patios, excellent condition in/out. 51 CANON F-1 35mm camera with SOmm, 28mm, Met. yr. twee, wall to wall carpeting, large and 1811mm lens. Also gadget bag, tripod, 1974 TOYOTA PICKUP, radio, heater, and refrigerator with ice maker, built -In dishwasher, electronic flash and other accessories. ousel% stereo, Cepil., new safety shelter. good garbage disposal, all curtains remain, property $510/Met offer. Call 023-3392 after 5130 p.m. services offered condition, $1.1100. Call Sgt. Johnson tax $31.91 per me, lease $33.33 per mo. linty *574782/2141 DWri. from owner, $47,000. Call Mal. Maines DINING room set In pecan, round table . OPEN AA MilET1NO every Wedimedelf at 4 2574293 OWN, 861-8979 anytime. extends to oval with two leafs, four spindle p.m, Kansas Tower. 1972 DATSUN 2403, mall wheele,_ Pirelli back chain, good condition. $200. Call whitewall radials. A/C, vinyl top. Call 19144011 2544444 AWN, WILL Mean quarter for transfer. Call 1644046 AWN. anytime. cycles for sale AQUARIUM, 55 gal. (fresh or salt water) 1573 FIAT MN sport mum, malts, rade* w/stand, two outside filters, under gravel filter, WILL SAIIY-SIT In my hone very Med wiwith A/C, cherry red. Call 163411011 AWN. air pump, polo light, Morelos* background, kids.Call all Diem 139-7743 anytime 1974 YAMAHA ELECTRIC "750" Fairing artificial plants, gravel and fie, worth $350 - 1973 HONDA CIVIC, white w/custom trim. sadde Wee sissy bar and rack new muffler and sell for 0825. Call 456-1159 an time. AM/FM radio' 3043 mph great shape; no rust;' tires. $1,500. Call 2014301 AWN. free $1,1100. Call Tim Heath 8174113$ OWN, NIKON F2 35mm camera with F1.4 lens and 114-173S anytime. 1970 HARLEY DAVIDSON 310 Sprint, low case, $450; Nikon 24mm fLS wide -angle KITTENS need good hones. Call 8144118 mileage. used three years, $400, Call 254-1760 $111111 Sallow 90430mm telephoto-loom. $65; anytime. 1973 CHEVY IMPALA 2-dr, sperts coupe. anytime. Honeywell auto electronic flash, $301 all Items vinyl top, auto, trans., A/C, AM/FM four In mint condition. Call GySgt. Goodman FIVE KITTENS, seven weeks old. Call speaker stereo radio, P/S. P/W, power windows, 340 excellent 2573405/8647 OWN, 2544102 anytime. heavy duty Waller hitch, "Tuff-Sots," 12,000 1972 YAMAHA ENOURO 254.3473. miles, $3,1100/or street or dirt machine. 50 mpg., extra parts and nearest offer. Call 254.3724. time, a steal at $550. Call PFC Groover COMPONENT stereo system, AM/FM, built In 257-3722 OWN. 6-track, and record changer, 41251 oil filled 1972 GREMLIN X. lac. A/C, PM, evil Interior. depth gauge, $201 White Stag wet suits, man autos for sale Ill saltine tuff coated, must sell, leaving. woman, each. Call 2544592 anytime. $2,400. Call 254-3793. and $10 1967 FORD FAIRLANE, runs good, available now, $350 or best offer. Call Cpl. Entleibert 1171 SUPER NESTLE, AM/FM radio with rear houses for rent FIVE place maple bdrin suite two ghosts, 287.8841 OWN. Craig speakers, Hurst shifter, excellent one dresser with mirror and two twin beds condition, $1,500 or best offer. Call Marcia w/Saars best mattresses and box springs must OLDS DELTA MI all power. Leaving, 257.3515 OWN, 261.9077 AWH. KAHALUU COLONY VILLAGE three see 1908 bedrooms, 2W bath town house. Available now to appreciate $450 hem. Call 4504055 must sell, $600, Call.2614290 after 6 p.m. " anytime. - 15 min. to MCAT, appltarmes, drapes and well Wall Call 247-3815 anytinle. 1973 TOYOTA CORONA, 4.dr., radio, A/C. to carpeting, $350. DRAFTING EQUIPMENT. one set of Compass trans., $1,015 or best offer. Avail. Juno scale, auto. lost SINGLES - near Kallua leach Park, sleeping and pans, one architect's 45 degree angle 10. Call 8544071 AWN. room with private entrance and laundry large and small, 60 degree' angle large and small, at one circle template, one protractor, one 1983 DODGE DART, good condition, no rust, LOST ladles watch (Longines Wlttnauer) facilities. If Interested all 262-7143. (Rotuma* one slide rule, one geometry anytime. Kaneohe MCAS ball Sold behind MMIMI $350. Call 4114147 School on Sat., May 3. Call Cdr. Stoll at AREA HEIGHTS three bedroom, 2-bath instrument, one French curve, one house plan 25741120 OWN, 314-1156 AWN. REWARD. house, 10 min, to Camp Smith. Call 254-27111 template, one mechanical pencil and leads, one 1967 DODGE CORONET, 316 engine. to41. anytime. portable drawing board, one Tequare, best a417 callable, food aniline very Mod condition, offer. Call LCpl. Netheriy 257-2014/3531 $400. Avallatie June a. Call 11134401111anytime. HAWAII KAI town house, waterhouse boating OWH. garage sales bdrm., 1Vs bath, wall to wall carpet 196$ AUSTIN AMERICA, good enelne, needs throughout, drapes, two meters plus Ice maker SEARS air conditioner, 10,000 STU, 230V, 10 traminalielon work $300 firm. Call Cpl. all mos, old, excellent, 030, Call Mal, Larkin Selangor 4774393 OWN. and other appliances, two carpeted lanais, DWH, 256-4137 AWH. TODAY AND TOMORROW 10 a.m. to Si30 one w/wat bar, two car covered carport, large 257-3417 Harris Ave., KMCAS. laundry/workshop area under root. Year 19119 DODOS 4r. min., PM, A/C, radio, five p.m. 14260 RUG, new braided reversible Valp's Call Neighborhood collection Melva*, curtains; lease/no pets or smell children. Maintenance lord. new UM. very good condition, $595. owner. $411110/mo., negotiable Wont $35. Call Capt. illichlay 117. 11 OWN. 1111-19011 anytime. bedspread; wig wham twin bail wig (no tassel Paid by to 3111.49811 AWN. Mara *weevil% (Iik* new)1411Ndrene mimes and Party. Call 3174111117 1965 'MICK, P/8 PM, $100. Call LCpl. pusaest jewelry; many mei. Items. PM. Amt. PLAYBOY, all issues, 1149 thru .1974, all Messmer 4774268113, 477.1111 Tepee. TOMORROW AND SUNDAY 9 enc. complete, good condition, so p.m. Sauer Or. KMCAS. also extra copies eer DATSUN two akow. hew Wakes and time ease Sewing Wu for sale Aug., Sept" and Dec 1968. Jan. 1072 and merge set eneine.eneellem mown, gond. monism with chair, best often Metric baby spectate Any or all, Capt. Graeae feeding men, all *MOM 207-2421 11 came Mtn or KMCAS, egglitotfor. Call meeellanedue military OWN, 395-4936 AWN. Matthews 4774149 OWN. clothing; misc, clothing' other items, bowling , GET NOOKS CHEAP for next school ball 10 lbs., $10; red drapes, $20. (Chaminacie) term. World Communism. 4 'CUOA BRUNSWICK Air Hockey table, $1501 3972 340. now Ores. ma Madera, 4100 paperbacks required, original cast $4.90, selling Panasonic AM/FM Thurmo -Quad., auto., P/S. *MOO. Call TOMORROW AND SUNDAY 10 cm. to 4 for $2.50; Advertising, textbook end paperback phonoAC or battery 354-3909 anytime. p.m. 2483A operated, $10; stereo stand, $151 Polaroid Cochran St.. KMCAS. required, original cost $14.90, selling for camera wifiash and carry wee, $65; Leaving-must sell everything-all household 810.501 Psychology, the Hybrid Science, woman's 1962 CHEVY NOVA, Cdr. 'hardtop, good Items bike, $251 girl's bike, $20 or both for $40; two running, and baby pal clothing' some misc. Items. original cost $0.25. selling for $4.00. Call Mgt. lamps, single mattresses new UM, needs paint. $300 or best Prefer pick-up data of household items to be Chaves 257-2141 or QySgt. Dye 257-33511 largo $201 w /box offer. CM MS-2MM! anytime, day before springs and frame, Sears foam latex, $75; departure. Call Linda 521-3163 AWN 261-4912. Coidspot air conditioner, 16,000 STU, 220V, 1907 CAMARO 1111, high performance engine. OWN, 2544017 after 6 p.m. $40. Call 254-3793 AWN. 4'spd., now paint Mb, poll rear end, no rust, YASCHICA ELECTRO 35 and case, *3511974 asking $3,500. Must see to appreciate. Call Skip TOMORROW AND SUNDAY 9 cm. to 4 Honda MT 250 Elsinore motorcycle, 3,000 FRIGIDAIRE, 342-4190 p.m. - frost free, double door, two AWN. 1736 Lawrence Rd., KMCAS. Mee $750, Call 254.1050 anytime. temp, control; can use top or bottom separately or both' 1104 'MICK TOMORROW AND SUNDAY one year old; paid 11400-will accept 14e. Spt. Cpe., auto., P/S, PM, 9 cm. to $ DINETTE set, yellow and white, table and one $275. See to appreciate, excellent condition. A/C. radio, buslet Mate White. nee* e few p.m. 11021A grown Or., KMCAS. Goat motor. leaf, four swivel barrel type chairs' very good CALL 2544072 anytime. repairs, motor In good condition. inking *1St aquariums (ebb. MO), golf beg -almost new. condition, $1211. Call 114.1441 AWN. Call 5314108 anytime. fan, clothes-mostly ladles, and lots of books. , BOSTON rocker, NEW 020; drapes, gold, 4-panels BRAND kitchen table and chair set, Mad. 114"x125" ea.' air conditionerrusted but runs style seats six, $375 offer. Call Sgt. Premeaux good, child's 2273077 OWN. matching bedspread and drapes. blue/ern, $10; coffee table, IS; end table. $2; 4-place set dense, $4; wonder horse, RCA 19" color TV, excellent condition with child's punching $10, stand, $100. Call bag, $2; child's corn popper, 2544521 or 257-2817 $2. Call 254-1284 AWN. , C. DEADLINE, 1 p.m. Friday prior to publication. I. All ads resolved after the deadline will be run the following week. AY housing ads (both rental and for sale) must be cleared through the Hatpin* Office. Referral Ads are printed on a space available basis. All ads must be signed. None will be accepted OW the telephone. Ads received via the U.S. mall will be verified sponsor's rotation as to authenticity of the to the military prior to publication. The mailing address for submiulon im Joint Public AMU, Office, KMCAS/lst Marine Brigade. FPO San Francisco, Calif. 96615. All persons must be active duty or retired members of the Armed Forces, a dependent of same, or a civIllan employe of a Department of Defense oroanisation. Dependents their sponsor's name and rank. will indicate

NousIno Office allProval (Signature of Housing Official)


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