FIELD SIZE: 40 Yards long x 20 yards wide

Playing Area - 20 Yds.

End End Zone Zone 10 Yds. 10 Yds.

1. Six players per team. You must have 4 to start. If a team is 5 minutes late they will be awarded 1 point. Ten minutes late is a forfeit. The game clock will start at game time. A coin flip will still determine who gets the ball first and second half. CO-REC RULE - An equal number of each sex plus one additional of either sex must play at the same time (no more than 6 players total at one time). Legal Combinations are: 2 & 2, 3 & 2 or 3 & 3.

2. A game begins after the coin toss. Winner of the toss can choose the tredball to start the 1st or 2nd half. The team beginning the game starts with a player throwing the tredball from their goal line. Other players may be anywhere else on the playing field except in the end zone. Two 10-minute halves with a 5-minute half time. A 3-minute overtime will be used. There are no time outs.

3. The end zone is the area from the net out 10 yards. Each completed pass into the end zone is worth one point no matter who scores nor where the pass is thrown from.

4. Advancement can only be made by throwing a complete pass to another player. A player may not advance forward, but you can run laterally or backward. A player that runs backwards may not run forward to their previous location.

5. If the tredball goes out of bounds or hits the ground, it is a turnover to the other team. They take possession at the spot where it hits the ground or at the nearest spot where it went out of bounds.

6. Offensive players in control of the tredball cannot take more than 10 seconds to throw the ball. (Defensive player begins a silent count until he/she reaches 5 seconds and says "stalling" and continues the count from 5 to 10 out loud.)

7. Players may not hand off. The ball must be thrown.

8. The pass may be in any direction. Receptions must be clean (not trapped on the ground) and caught with both feet inbounds. If your momentum carries you out of bounds, it is still a legal catch. A player’s momentum may not take them into the end zone for a score; they must go back to where they gained control.

9. DEFENSE: Defenders may knock down or intercept the pass. There is a turnover on an interception, and if a pass is knocked down by the defense, (e.g., defense knocks pass to ground) the defense goes to the grounded spot and gains possession. Pass interference by either team is illegal (offensive team gains possession at point of interference). This is a non-. Defensive pass interference in the end zone will result in a one-point award.

Defense is similar to basketball but you must give the offensive player an arm's length to throw the ball. The thrower should not hit at the defender but can measure space by using the other arm. Rough players may be ejected from the game by the supervisors.

10. This is a non-contact sport where players call their own fouls and violations. An official will be on the field to time the half and to keep score. The official will also check equipment out to the teams.