1st Regional Consultative Meeting National Strategy of the Republic of for Disaster Risk Reduction in Central Asia for Disaster Reduction Dushanbe, 14-16 November 2007. I. Monitoring, natural hazards, vulnerability and disaster risk assessment II. Early-Warning and Communication Systems National Strategy III. Engineering – technical and other mitigation of the Republic of Tajikistan activities Support to capacity building of the for Disaster Reduction governmental agencies and bodies IV. Education, training, simulation exercises V. Strategic planning VI. Coordination

Committee on ES and CD VII. DRR legislation under the Government of Tajikistan

I.Monitoring, natural hazards, I.Monitoring, natural hazards, vulnerability and disaster risk assessment vulnerability and disaster risk assessment.

а) Monitoring of the threatening processes b) Hazard, vulnerability and disaster risk assessment ¾ Revival of hazardous processes monitoring service under the Activities on: Main Geological Department; ¾detailed revisory assessment of the most hazardous areas of ¾ Restoration and equipping of main hydrometeorological points the threatening processes, including preliminary assessment of the Hydrometeorology Agency (especially along the main at community level; rivers of Tajikistan; ¾hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment of the natural ¾ Streamline activities of the Republican Service of Supervision and technogenic processes, threatening the territory of and Laboratory Control under the Ministry of Agriculture and Tajikistan, their mapping using latest GIS techniques and Nature Protection; remote sensing (also at the community level);

¾ Streamline activities of the Republican Centre of Sanitarian ¾hazard assessment of the radioactive, biological, chemical Epidemiologic Supervision of the Ministry of Health and its and other dangerous waste disposal areas. regional branches.

II. Early-Warning and Communication II. Early-Warning and Communication Systems Systems (continuation) а) Communication Systems b) Early Warning System (continuation) ¾ Involvement of different organizations and institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan into electronic message system; ¾Development of radio communication and involvement of the ¾ Need to develop phone, electronic and radio communication cellular communication into the early warning system; and Internet in all ; ¾ Integration of the modern communication means to ensure ¾Revival of the local radio centres in the settlements, which used permanent communication between the regions (especially to successfully exist during the soviet time. between most vulnerable ones). ¾Application of the central radio communication network in b) Early Warning System population alert system in case of natural disasters’ threat ¾ Establishment of the early warning system in the most vulnerable regions; ¾Provision of the required equipment and usage of the regional ¾ Continuation of early warning system establishment along the communication network if the ministries and institutions to rivers and Amudarya to ensure awareness of the ensure communication and early warning in case of disasters population of Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan;

1 III. Engineering – technical and other III. Engineering – technical and other mitigation activities mitigation activities (continuation)

а) Implementation of the mitigation projects and micro-projects on: а) Implementation of the mitigation projects and micro-projects on (continuation): ¾ Identification of the mitigation needs and their prioritisation in Tajikistan (considering limited funding); ¾ Prophylactic measures to prevent infectious diseases of humans,

¾ Construction of dams, spurs, bank reinforcement, mudflow animals and agricultural plants; flumes, mudflow redirection structures, mudflow sedimentation etc, cleaning and widening of mudflow channels (paths); ¾ Protective measures in areas of the radioactive, biological, chemical and other dangerous waste disposal; ¾ Forestation, trees and bushes planting on mountainous slopes etc.

¾ Cleaning of collectors and drainage networks and restoration of ¾ Construction and reconstruction of the houses, buildings and pump stations in the regions vulnerable to underground water structures, destroyed by disasters, according to disaster increase; resistance norms;

III. Engineering – technical and other IV. Support to capacity building of the mitigation activities (continuation) governmental agencies and bodies

b) Monitoring of the achieved results/ Impact assessment ¾ Establishment and equipping of the information management (collection, analysis, storing and exchange of information) and processing centres;

¾ Results indicators’ standardisation for the implemented projects and their specification to disaster risk reduction; ¾ Establishment and equipping of the Crisis Management Centre in the Committee of ES and CD;

¾ Development of the standardized methodology for the Impact ¾ Establishment of emergency response funds and reserves; Assessment.

¾ Establishment of the groups and units for emergency recovery and rescue and provision them with the special equipment and communication;

¾ Support to material and technical base of the respective departments of the Committee of ES and CD and other state agencies, active in disaster preparedness and disaster risk mitigation;

IV. Support to capacity building of the governmental agencies and bodies (cont-n) V. Education, training, simulation exercises

¾ Establishment of the secondary special and higher education а) Disaster management: institutions to prepare personnel for disaster management and civil defence, or establishment of the respective cathedrals and departments in the existing educational institutions; ¾ Development and review of Emergency Preparedness, Response and Liquidation training programs for the senior staff, workers and officers of organizations and enterprises, secondary schools, ¾ Provision of special machinery, equipment and transport to the technical and high education institutions, other population; departments of the Committee of ES and CD to ensure timely disaster response; ¾ Training of trainers on disaster management and preparedness;

¾ Inventory and passportization of buildings and structures in the main cities of the Republic of Tajikistan to assess their condition. ¾ Training of the rescue teams, non militarized formations in rural areas with further introduction into the system of CoES and provision of better sustainability.

2 V. Education, training, simulation exercises V. Education, training, simulation exercises (continuation) (continuation) b) Skills development: c) Awareness building: ¾ Constant update of knowledge on population awareness;

¾ Preparedness to various disasters: earthquakes, mud flows, ¾ Organization of special TV and radio programs, mobile screening of floods etc. (on various levels and different population groups); the movies and clips etc. ¾ Publishing of books, regulations, brochures;

¾ Construction of seismic resistant buildings; ¾ Support to CoES official media organ ¾ Installation of information billboards, flyers etc.

¾ Behavior before, after and during the emergency situations; ¾ Support to CoES web-site (www.khf.tj)

¾ Conduction of emergency recovery and rescue operations. d) Non structural mitigation ¾ Training of the staff of the organizations and institutions, and local population on the methods of non structural mitigation work.

V. Education, training, simulation exercises VI. Strategic planning (continuation) e) Training, simulation exercises a) General planning

Disaster management simulation exercises and training on ¾ Development of National Disaster Risk Management Strategy developed scenarios with participation of: of Tajikistan 2008 – 2015; • CoES divisions; ¾ Development of the National Disaster Preparedness and • local authorities; Response Plan 2008-2010 (implementing tool for the Strategy); • CD services; • non-militarized formations; ¾ Establishment pf the Working Groups on national and regional • teachers, schoolchildren of secondary and primary schools; levels through the REACT groups for elaboration of strategic • local population directions and priorities; ¾ Application/use of the recommendations and suggestions of the national and regional meetings, conferences and workshops in development of the DRR strategic documents.

VI. Strategic planning (continuation) VII. Coordination b) Disaster preparedness а) Improvement of REACT group activities on the national and regional (local) levels: ¾ Development of National Disaster Preparedness Plan in main sectors: public health, education, water supply and hygiene, ¾ Creation of the Rapid Response Team out of potentially trained food, non-food items, logistical items, protection of public order members of REACT group; etc; ¾ Development of new ToRs of REACT and its approval by the Government; ¾ Highlight the main shortages and gaps in the preparedness plans; ¾ Development of standardized Damage and Needs assessment forms in all sectors; ¾ Elaboration of inter agency disaster preparedness plans for each regional REACT group. ¾ Cooperation between REACT and non-military formations at all levels;

¾ Elaboration and signature of the memorandum of cooperation between CoES and international organisations (One general and specific for each project).

3 VIII. Legislation in Disaster Risk Reduction National Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan sector for Disaster Reduction а) Review and addition of some provisions of the Tajik legislation on ES and CD in the following aspects:

¾ Increase/strengthen of the legal status of CoES (coordination with CoES of urban development, construction of fuel stations and other important and hazardous objects, building in dangerous locations/sites etc.);

¾ Contribution of 0.5% from any entity budget (for any forms of Thank you! ownership) for the needs of emergency prevention and consequences liquidation;

¾ Establishment of the State Reserve for emergency consequences liquidation at all levels;

¾ Integrate the community groups trained on DRM (rescue brigades, village groups) into the CoES structure for more sustainability.

4 AKDN/FOCUS – Risk Management Strategic Approach Focus Humanitarian Assistance Interagency Geological Assessment Cross Cutting An Affiliate of the Aga Khan Development Network Hazard Assessment Risk Model Principles Historical Profile Development & •Operating in: Afghanistan, Canada, Europe, India, Pakistan, Vulnerability Assessment Measurement Tajikistan and the U.S. Knowledge Risk Identification Sharing • Operating in Tajikistan since 1997 Conduct DetailedReplicability •4 DIPECHO Projects in Tajikistan to Date: DeliverRisk Assessments SolutionsGender Risk Management Strategies • Titled Fostering Disaster Resilient Communities in Mainstreaming Isolated Mountain Environments Area Prioritization Risk Mapping Sustainability Measures • Since 2003 through Present Partnerships Risk Knowledge Generation Achieving Our • Project Coverage Areas: Gorno-Badakhshan and Objectives Community Dushanbe Perform Risk ModelingOwnership Incorporation of Capacity Building Effective AssessingEffective Our Work And GIS MappingRebuilding •Project Partners Include: Risk Management into (Community / Risk Mitigation Response Interventions Development Interventions Institutions) Interventions InterventionsTo Design Solutions CoES, TajikGlavGeology, Institute of Geology, TojikKoinot, HydroMet, Oxfam, Mission East, Avalanche Station, ADPC, Russian Academy of Sciences, UCA and CAIAG, Institute of Seismology, Tajik Southern Hydro-geological Expedition and Tajik GIINDIZ Disaster Resilient Communities

Risk Knowledge Dissemination

DIPECHO Project Coverage Area Summary of Project(s) Results

• Hazard/Vulnerability Risk DIPECHO 1 – 132 villages Assessments, Mappings and DIPECHO 2 – 61 villages DIPECHO 3 – 40 villages Trainings for 273 villages DIPECHO 4 – 40 villages communities • Installation of 48 CODAN Radios • 95 Small-Scale Structural Mitigation Projects • Capacity building of Governmental, Non-Governmental and Community Partners • Cross-border pilot work in Afghanistan Badakhshan • Summer Youth Camp and School Trainings

CARE International in Tajikistan ICDR Activities Description/Approach • General Info: •ICDR DESCRIPTION • RRS, Khatlon, Sughd ,and Community-based organizations (CBOs) and schools located in the Dushanbe City most vulnerable communities in the vicinity of two protected areas and in four districts better protect themselves from disasters with • 13 Years in Central Asia appropriate and sustained disaster preparedness activities and sustainable natural resource management (NRM) that effectively • currently CARE has 109 staff (2 reduce disaster risks. of them are International staff) •ICDR ACTIVITIES Disaster preparedness and mitigation, Advocacy and public •DIPECHO Info: awareness raising, Small-scale mitigation works, Mapping and data computerization, Education, Research and dissemination, •Integrated Community Disaster Facilitation of co-ordination, Institutional strengthening, Local Reduction Project (ICDR) capacity building/training.

• February’2007 – April’ 2008 •ICDR APPROACH Three projects in Tajikistan have been completed under three previous DIPECHO Actions Plans for • Partners (Hukumats, CBOs, Central Asia: DipacT, DipacT-2 and DipacT-3. DipacT brought benefits to 13,221 community members. schools, CoES and its district DipacT-2 was an expansion/replication of DipacT and aimed at integrating lessons learnt from DipacT. level committees DipacT-3 incorporated all the lessons learnt during project implementation of DipacT and DipacT 2. While replicating best practices and applying lessons learnt from the three previous projects, puts emphasis on linking sustainable natural resource management with disaster risk reduction.

1 Summary of Project Results ICDR Project Activities in the field •Trainings Community Risk Assessment, Disaster Management, First Aid trainings were conducted to 55 CBOs in operational areas of the project. As well REA training was conducted for INGOs. First Aid training with CBO Fire fighting training in CBO members in district • Assessments of Vahdat district Base line research was conducted, Internal participatory mid-term review of 55 CBOs is planed to conduct. •Partnerships CARE Tajikistan is negotiating with UN ISDR to include CARE Tajikistan to the workgroup on integration of DRR to school curriculum. Visit of donor agencies to the project sites •Planed Activities Conduct trainings( Fire Fighting, Project Cycle Management, Rapid Environmental Assessment in Disaster in two piloted Jamoats, Training of Trainers for Teachers on DRR); Printing NRM and Disaster preparedness IEC materials; conduct CBO and School earthquake drills; school competitions and district DP festivals; Establishing 2 nurseries; Tree planting in 10 hectares of landslide- and erosion- prone slopes.

Caritas Luxembourg: NDRM Phase I DIPECHO Activities Description/Approach

From technical cooperation to General Info community based disaster management • Muminabad district; scaling up to , Khovaling Shurabad Villagers propose DR projects to the development fund of the district managed by • Caritas activities since 2000 with Local the government and civil society (10 Development Muminabad projects selected) • NDRM follows Riverbank Protection Project Muminabad Integration of preparedness, prevention, (2004/2005) mitigation and response through the • 3 permanent staff and 1 local NGO creation of: DIPECHO Info Kulyab • Capacity building of CoES, NGO Yoron and local gvmt. for maintenance of • Natural Disaster Risk Management NDRM – Shurabad structures through training and Phase I, April 07–March 08 workshops • Implementing partners: NGO Yoron, LDC; • Watershed mgmt. pilot projects Partners: Hukumat and Jamoat gvmts., CoES; NGOs Mission East, Oxfam; REACT • 10 small scale mitigation projects • Co-Donor: SDC • Emergency respond fund

Summary of Project Results Summary of Project Results (Cont.)

• Integration of DR sector in the overall development agenda of the district (DDP, LDC) • Awareness raised through 13 PRA and 4 • Mainstreaming DR in all project proposals ALS workshops; ecology workshop going through LDC (requires risk conducted in 3 schools assessment for all projects) • Preparedness increased through disaster • Local NGO (Yoron) set up, capable to scenario workshops held in 5 villages; design, build and maintain structural integration of district CoES at zonal REACT measures, as well as raise awareness • Prevention increased by creation of 2 • Sustainable mechanism for the channel settlement plans based on hazard maps cleaning involving state and private sector • Safety improved by 5 mitigation measures actors i.e. river bank protection, dams, • Scaling up of best practices to Shurabad rehabilitation of bridges and Khovaling by providing 4 ALS • Risk Assessment Tool developed with workshops CoES, ME, Oxfam applied in 4 villages • Pilot activities in Watersheds

2 Deutsche Welthungerhilfe / German Agro Action DIPECHO Activities Description/Approach

General Info: GAA DIPECHO project area • Project locations: Rasht valley (Central Tajikistan), Baljuvan (Southern Tajikistan), Zeravshan & Fergana valley Main tasks of DIPECHO (Northern Taj.), Osh & Batken project: (Kyrgyzstan) • Support and strengthen REACT • Years in Central Asia: Since 1994 Rasht in coordination of disaster risk management (DRM) activities DIPECHO Info: ● Increase awareness of local com- • Project title: Community Based munities in disaster prevention Disaster Risk Management Project in the Rasht valley • Establish early warning system (EWS) • Years of DIPECHO project: Since 2003 • Small-scale mitigation projects • Partners: Committee of Emergency Situations (CoES), state institutes and local communities

Summary of the Project Results Summary of the Project Results

Achievements: Achievements: • 9 HF radio stations «CODAN» are • REACT Rasht is supported and installed in 6 districts of the Rasht coordination meetings are being valley regularly conducted • One VHF repeater is installed and 14 hand-held radios are handed over to CoES units in the • The established Regional Rasht valley Disaster Preparedness Training Center (RDPTC) in Rasht is fully • 12 landslide monitoring stations functioning. protect more than 23,000 local inhabitants from landslide threats • 51 implemented small-scale mitigation projects protect more than 77,500 community members

Hilfswerk Austria DIPECHO Activities

• General Info: • Establishing Community Disaster Planning Teams • HQ in Vienna, in Tajikistan: Dushanbe, Gissar, Tursunzade, • Hazards Analysis and Disaster Shakhrinav, Rudaki Exercise Plan • 5 years in Central Asia • Recruiting and training of •DIPECHO Info: Community Disaster Response • Titled: A participatory Teams approach for the formation of disaster-resistant communities • Train school children in first aid in Tajikistan and disaster awareness

•4 years of DIPECHO projects • Implement mitigation projects • Local partners: RCST, CoES • Institutional capacity-building for local and central administration

3 Summary of main Projects’ Results

• 33 Community Disaster Rescue Teams and 33 Community Planning Teams established, trained and equipped • 1250 teachers trained on First Aid in 380 schools • Over 1360 First Aid Kits and 11400 First Aid Manuals distributed • Early-warning systems installed in 4 districts • Over 70000 disaster-preparedness booklets distributed • 12 small-scale mitigation projects implemented • 4 large-scale Public Simulation Exercises organised

DRM Unit DIPECHO Activities Penjikent Aini •Local Communities Capacity Building General Information: 9Establishment of Community Based DRM Organization CBDRM Training and equipment • Mission East is active in Hissor 9 Dushanbe 8 districts, 3 Oblasts •Institutional Capacity Building Kurgan • 10 years in Tajikistan Teppe 9CoES Institutional training (Disaster Risk Management) Kulyab 1997-2007 9Equipment of district and zonal CoES Vose • 49 staff 9Support to Rapid Rescue Team (training and equipment) •Preparedness and Mitigation Two DIPECHO Projects: 9Installation of EWS on Yokhsu River 9Establishment of evacuation routes and shelters • Reduction of Flood Impact on Vulnerable Groups in the Yokhsu River Valley, Eastern Khatlon – Second Phase 9Mason training and NSM information to households • Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Earthquake Safer Construction 9Soil testing by Institute of Seismology for brick making Practices – Fourth phase 9Public Awareness • Partners with CoES, Institute of Seismology, 3 INGOs and 6 local NGOs 9Awareness of population (shake table demo) 9Simulation of evacuation

Summary of Projects Results Future Directions • 110 CB-DRMO established in 8 districts • More than 1300 training sessions to CBDRMO on disaster risk To be completed under DIP IV • Equipment and renovation of 61 CBDRMO offices • Mapping of Yokhsu using GIS technology • Establishment of Rapid Rescue Group in Kulyab District • More than 110 small scale mitigation projects for • 16 new CBDRMO equipped with functional offices flood/mudflow and earthquake response • Extension of EWS with 24 villages coverage and 15 safe haven and • 30 SM and 148 NSM shake table demos evacuation road rehabilitation • Zonal Kulyab CoES training center rehabilitated (4 rooms) and equipped (3 PC, printers, furniture) Prospects and Challenges for 2008 - 2009 • EWS along Yokshu river with 8 VHS and 2 Codan • Alliance with other organizations to use standardized methodology plus equipment for Karbostanak hydro-meteo • Full area coverage with risk assessment tools developed by OXFAM / station CARITAS / Mission East • One Risk Assessment tool developed in • Advocacy on land use management and policy in hazardous areas partnership with OXFAM, CARITAS and Kulyab CoES • Mainstreaming of gender and disability concerns in DRM • 2 brochures for masons on seismic resistant • Introduction of Cost / Benefit analysis for mitigation work houses • Rammed earth brick development

4 Netherlands Red Cross and Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan Projects’ Activities and Summary of Project Results General Info: 1. Advocacy and public awareness • Red Crescent established in 1927 in 2004 – 2005: 32 jamoats • Printing of information materials Tajikistan and has 69 branches through the 2005 – 2006: 38 jamoats, 86 schools (more than 56.000 pcs) and country 2007 – 2008: 46 jamoats, 118 schools dissemination throughout • Over 340 staff and approximately 10,000 communities and schools volunteers DP/DR Brochures, DP Family Plan, • Netherlands Red Cross and RCST DP awareness Poster, FA Guidelines, partnership established in 1992 DP/FA Albums, DP Color Books, FA Booklets and Bookmarks DIPECHO Info: • DP/FA competitions between • 2004 – 2005 in Rasht Valley schoolchildren in 8 districts and • 2005 though Present in Khujand city • Title: Community and school based disaster • Drawing, essay competitions preparedness program in North Tajikistan between schoolchildren of 118 (Soghd oblast) schools • Locations: 8 rayons (Penjikent, Ainy, Gorny • Collaboration with Local Mass Media Maschoh, , J.Rasulov, Asht, , Gonchi) and Khujand city

Projects’ Activities and Summary of Project Results Projects’ Activities and Summary of Project Results

2. Small scale mitigation projects 3. Education • 236 teachers in 118 schools received (totally 6 projects) ToT training on DP/FA • Tree planting in jamoat of • 43.537 schoolchildren in 118 schools Ainy district and Ovchi jamoat of are trained on rules of behavior Gonchi district (2 projects) during emergency situations • 580 evacuation exercises in total • Ditch Cleaning and riverbank were organized in the schools reinforcement in jamoat Ovchi of Gonchi district, Ainy jamoat of Ainy 4. Local capacity district and Khurmi jamoat of building/trainings Penjikent district (totally 3 projects) • 46 LDCs are established in 8 rayons • Cleaning and reinforcement of of Sughd obalst • 920 LDC members were trained in drainage system in settlement DP/FA Proletarsk of J.Rasulov district (1 • Providing of FA kits and essential DP project) materials for communities and schools • Exchange visits for RCST staff, volunteers and LDC members are being organized

Oxfam GB DIPECHO Activities Description/Approach

• General Info: • DRR Activities • Eastern Khatlon • Advocacy and Public awareness- • 6 years in Central Asia raising • 4 districts, 23 villages, 25 schools • 43 staff Map/ • Local Capacity building / Training • Wat/San prog, Livelihood prog, Disaster Mgmt prog. Picture/ • Simulation of evacuation in the Photo/ villages, schools, 4 rescue brigade, • DIPECHO Info: safety at home Chart/ • Strengthening participatory multi- Graph • Mapping and data computerisation hazard disaster preparedness – East • Risk mapping in the communities, Khatlon – Tajikistan development of a risk assessment tool (Optional) •2nd year of the DIPECHO project • Early-warning systems and communications • Partners: National CoES, Kulyab Zonal CoES, React Partners, Mission • Snow, river, bank erosion markers, East, Caritas, FOCUS, UNDRMP, radio system along the river UNISDR, CAMP • Facilitation of co-ordination Oxfam DiPECHO 4 • React Kulyab, standardization of information, exchange of experience through REACT

5 Tajikistan Georgia Afghanistan Summary of Projects Results Mexico, Guatemal Haiti • 4 Rescue brigades, 23 village emergency a, Pakistan groups, 10 women groups, 25 school rescue clubs Cambodgia • 12 Public events: Risk Reduction day, Children defense day, day of earth, HIV/AIDS day, International Rescuer day • Simulation of evacuation in the villages Vietnam • 12 Radio Operator along the Khizilsu river Niger to activate early warning systems Brazil • Risk assessment tool Developed for Kulyab Kenya region • Strengthening REACT Kulyab Peru • Support the development of the Strategic Nepal plan for CoES Kulyab Somalia Indonesia • 23 communities developed their Village Risk reduction plans Bangladesh Bolivia India

Examples of Oxfam GB DRR Activities Around the World

UNDP Tajikistan Multi-disciplinary Disaster Risk Management Disaster Risk Management Programme Project Title: “Strengthened Disaster Risk Result-oriented approach: Management in Tajikistan” Through a complex disaster risk Duration: management approach national May 2007 – July 2008 (15 months) planning mechanisms supported, interagency coordination Geographic Location: strengthened and modern Republic of Tajikistan technologies integrated into the national Disaster Risk Management Partners: initiatives: Government of Tajikistan; Committee of Emergency Situations • National strategic priorities and solutions in DRM identified; and Civil Defense • Government effectively coordinates DRM initiatives in Tajikistan; Dushanbe Mayor’s Office • Modern technologies applied in DRM in a harmonized manner; REACT partners • Risk of major earthquake in Dushanbe analysed and reduced.

Project Objectives UNDP DRMP supports:

Disaster Assessment 1. Support to development of the “National Disaster Risk Management Strategy 2008 - 2015” process 2. Support to development of the “National Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan 2008-2010” process Coordination 3. Disaster Risk Management partnership “REACT” strengthened at all levels Prevention and preparedness 4. Standardization of GIS application in Response Disaster Risk Management REACT Coordination Meeting 5. Seismic vulnerability reduction in the

city of Dushanbe (implemented jointly Information exchange with “PMP Int.”)


6 United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Multi-Stakeholder Approach

General information: • DRR Activities • Mandate of UN/ISDR in Description/Approach Central Asia • Promote Hyogo • Acting since 2004 Framework for Action • 14 staff members and 4 focal among all sectors of points society DIPECHO information: • Enhance knowledge, • Multi-stakeholder approach innovation and education to build a • DIPECHO III and DIPECHO IV culture of safety and • Partners: National resilience Governments, UN agencies, International and local NGOs, • Increase seismic research and expert institutions safety

Summary of Projects/Results Global Campaigns

•Trainings & Workshops – 5 trainings in CA, 3 TOTs, 8 national workshops in universities on safer building strategy • 2006-2007 Disaster •Conferences – 2 regional conferences risk reduction begins at on “Earthquake safety in urban Areas” school and “Construction of residential dwellings from local materials in CA” • 2008-2009 Safe •Materials - ISDR and HFA related hospitals and health materials made available for public, care facilities education materials for secondary schools, training materials for higher education (universities), booklets, CDs, • Celebration of annual publications, board games International day for •Plans - National and regional platforms, disaster reduction public awareness, global campaigns, knowledge network, seismic safety

World Health Organization (WHO) DRR Activities

Project title: Strengthening disaster • Strengthening preparedness, prevention and response activities at all levels of the health system in Tajikistan (1 organizational and policy March 2007–31 May 2008) framework and National Geographic Locations: Maps/ Health Crisis Management •Khatlon Oblast: districts of and Kumsangir; Pictures/ Plan (NHCMP), • Rasht Valley (Regions of the Republican Photos/ Subordination): districts of Garm, Rogun (Obi- Charts/ • Strengthening coordination Garm area) and Tavildara Graphs and management capacities • Implemented in partnership with the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan and resources at oblast and (Optional) district level and community • Duration of the project: 15 months mobilization to better prepare for and manage disaster situations

7 Project Activities/Results Achieved Results

• Establishment of a core expert committee and • Expert committee and working three working groups for improving of National groups established (Prikaz of MoH No. 398 of 03.08.2007) Health Crisis Management Plan • Risk assessment of the health sector and its • Risk and capacity assessment completed in 102 hospitals capacity in the event of crises • Training on disaster management • 30 key health professionals trained in disaster management • Technical support to Emergency Department of at national and oblast level MoH on installation and training of specialists in GIS • GIS software and equipment • Seismic vulnerability assessment of 1-2 major installed in MoH and specialists are trained referral hospitals • Community empowerment on disaster • Activities on community empowerment are ongoing preparedness and response


y The law « On protection of population and territories from natural and man- caused disaster»

y The law «On civilian protection»

Forecast and prevention of natural y Single national system for prevention and elimination of disaster emergency situations (NSES) y National program for prevention of natural and man- caused disaster

Fakhriddin Gulomov


In process : Required: In process: Required: •Observation of run-off and regime of • Regular observation at high •Observations and data collection on • Strengthen protection of the rivers and water reservoirs mountainous lakes and glaciers snow avalanches population from snow avalanche •Flood protection commission work • Develop network on forecast of •Forest amelioration activities in mudflow mudflow and flood danger •Prevention of snow avalanches, snow • Introduce satellite observation sites • Introduce satellite observation avalanches protection construction • Introduce GIS on snow avalanches •Survey in flood and mudflow areas • Introduce GIS on mudflows and •Inventory of the sites under snow •Engineering work on population floods • Update online and regime observation protection from floods and mudflows avalanche threat of snow avalanches •Hydro technical construction •Aero visual and land observation of • Update early warning system snow cover in mountainous areas

ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT Landslides Medical-biological threats In process: Required: In process: Required: • Monitoring of technical sites •Updating of information analytical system (GIS, Satellite remote sensing) • Monitoring of infectious disease • Improvement of monitoring of live • Survey and regime observation prevalence among population stock infectious disease prevalence • Updating of insurance system • Observation of hazardous geological • Improvement of monitoring of plants processes through satellite system • Maps specifying areas prone to and agricultural crops infectious disease dangerous geological processes prevalence • Observation of underground water line containing recommendation on risk reduction • Temporary resettlement of people from hazardous areas •Danger warning and prevention RISK REDUCTION OF NATURAL EARLY WARNING SYSTEM DISASTER Territorial and local systems Planned actions In process: Required: •Identification of criteria to warn the population • Territorial communication and • Replace analogue technical warning • Equipment with devices for observation system and data warning systems operate devices with digital transfer •Local warning systems operate at some • Continue with local warning systems in makhallas •Mapping of hazards and risks water reservoirs and industrial enterprises • Single automatic system for collection • Development of computer models for assessment of • Reconstruction of the national and processing of data on threats and natural disaster warning system warning

POPULATION TRAINING FOR EMERGENCY RESCUE SERVICE PREPAREDENESS TO EMERGENCY NATURAL DISASTER Rescue team training y Training of the faculty at 15 Institutes for teacher professional skill development In process: Required: y Training of the children to the fundamentals of vital activity •Hardware for the rescue team training • Mobile emergency rescue teams security at 6565 kindergartens, 9748 schools, 28 children’s capable to respond to emergency обучения homes situations •Modern training techniques for the rescue team y Training of the students to the fundamentals of vital activity •Modern emergency rescue equipment security at 1000 colleges and lyceums, 64 higher and gear educational establishments y Training of the heads and employees of the ministries, departments and organizations y Training of the nonworking population

Thank you for your attention MAP OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC



I Regional consultative meeting on disaster reduction in Issyk-Kul Central Asia State system for disaster prevention and risk 7439 KYRGYZSTAN m

reduction in Kyrgyz Republic UZBEKISTAN CHINA

401m OSH .

Total area of 198,8 thousand square km. Bishkek 2007. TADJIKISTAN 94,6 % of area - mountains Difference of terrain altitude is 7038 m.

POPULATION Emergency situations management priorities

In carrying out effectively state policy in area of prevention and elimination of emergency Bishkek situations, damages reduction and rational use of budget means, state’s main priority is Chui oblast Talas oblast

Issyk-Kul oblast Jalalabad oblast

all bodies of local government executive power administrations Osh Naryn oblast

concerted Batken oblast Osh oblast activities

Area of constant residence

Area of temporary or seasonal residence local government NGO and private bodies sectors Population of the republic is 5,1 million people

The structure of the state executive power and territorial Ministry of Emergency Situations administrative separation of the Kyrgyz Republic of the Kyrgyz Republic

Government of the Kyrgyz Republic Ministry of emergency situations is responsible for prevention and elimination of emergency situations. Oblast government administrations oblast ( 7 ) Leads his activity science 1991 Region government administrations and city Region ( 40 ) administrations Cities (8) 13 basic departments Village administrations Local government bodies (437)

1 Ministry of emergency situations Ministry’s main objectives

Department of Inter regional department and • -Development and realization unified state policy Emergency monitoring, prognosis and territorial institutes of MES Tailing sites management for population and territory protection from

Main Department of the State State Hydro meteorological service natural and man-made emergencies, civil defense, Fire Service hydrometeorology, fire supervision and

State inspection on industry safety and mining extinguishing; Civil defense forces Supervision( GOSGORTECHNADZOR) • Prevention of emergencies, industrial injures on

Aviation Department Mudflow and floods Protection department dangerous production facilities

North department on prevention and removal Rescue Service of emergency consequences

South department on prevention and removal Central Training Courses of emergency situation

Inter regional department of Ministry of emergency situations MES KR • - coordinates activities of all regional agencies. Northern inter regional Eastern inter regional Southern inter regional Department Department Department • - determines the civil defense force structure and forms constant readiness forces of ministry, emergency rescue services and organized their ready activity in emergency Territorial ( oblast, region, urban) Department of MES situation.

The structure of the Inter department commission Inter department commission for prevention and elimination of emergency situations for prevention and elimination of emergency situations (IDC) Established by the Decree of the Kyrgyz Prime minister of the KR Chairman of IDC Republic #156 March 13, 2006. Chairman of evacuation First vice minister of the KR commission of IDS Goals and Objectives Minister of ES KR Vice chairman of IDS

Organization the effective use Organization the adoption of of budget means for prevention Organization the unified state effective measures on population and elimination of emergency Ministries and departments system on prevention and and territory protection from situations elimination of emergency emergency situations situations

Governors of oblasts, Mayors of Bishkek and Osh c.

2 • Ministry is responsible for carrying out state policy for cooperation with foreign states and international organizations, implementation of intergovernmental and interstate agreements, treaties, conventions The priorities of Hyogo Framework for Action are important component for regarding population protection from natural sustainable population development and for and man – made emergencies according to providing more secure world due to the recent the state legislative system disaster stirring up processes throughout • Presents to the government proposals on the world and in the region investments and grants attraction from international organizations for disaster prevention and risk reduction

According to the Strategy and action plan includes all Kyrgyz Republic’s obligations on implementation of priorities of Hyogo Framework for Action Hyogo Declaration and Hyogo Framework for Action • Development of national in Kyrgyz Republic worked out institutional base on emergency reduction «Risk reduction strategy and • Improvement of early warning National action plan on disaster resistance system capacity creation in regional and state level • Strengthening the education capacity for creation safety in order to implement the Hyogo Framework for Action conditions for emergency response 2005 -2015 » • Warning the risk resources • Strengthening the capacity for emergency response and self – defense in case of disasters

Recently this strategy and action plan are submitted for Kyrgyz Republic’s Government consideration

Kyrgyz Republic Government

Asian Disaster Reduction Center As enclosure to the Strategy Disaster reduction priorities make ups the important part of and Action plan with the medium –term “State development strategy” support of Asian Disaster Ministry of Emergency Situations of the (SDS) for 2007 – 2010 Kyrgyz Republic Reduction Center worked out priority “Action which confirmed by the Decree of the Kyrgyz Republic Action Program for emergency preparedness and disaster programs…” which includes response №84 23.03.2007 ( earthquakes, landslides, ground water logging, breakthrough pilot projects with concrete of mountains lakes ) and radion ecological safety of Kyrgyz actions and where is given Republic and transbounder republics of Central Asia preliminary assessments of first finance, technical resources demands intended for potential In this strategy the disaster reduction donors and international priorities pointed out separately as organizations, assisting different countries in “Providing the complex population КАЗАХСТАН disaster reduction. and territory security of emergencies БИШКЕК and disasters” к ы р г ы з с т а н



ТАДЖИКИСТАН The SDS defines main directions of development and activities of the Kyrgyz Republic till 2010

Бишкек 2006

3 In the context of State Development Strategy implementation the SDS includes following tasks Ministry, with the agreement of international organizations in emergencies security providing : worked out the “Action plan and perspective development of MES KR for 2007-2010” which was approved by Prime minister of the KR • Reclamation and rehabilitation radioactive uranium tailing sites and mining dumps • The main tasks are: • Protection from mountain lakes breakthrough • Improvement the population and territory civil defense system of the KR • Surveying the natural dangerous processes targeting to forecast them • Development of firefighting and rescue service of MES KR • Providing the population and infrastructure seismic security • Improvement of specialist training system • Creation the natural dangerous process remote • Development the international activity of MES KR monitoring system The action plan is considering as a ministry’s main • Creation the social aligned system of population document in project proposal preparing and foreign protection investment attraction

Emergency response center Vivid example of SDS and ministry’s action plan implementation for 2007 is: • 12-15 April was held Scientific conference with the participation of ERC international scientists and scientific experts aimed to make scientific and technical assessment of Minkush area radioactive is labor Body waste tailings problem by the visiting the place. • В Within the framework of scientific conference was adopted the of Inter Department Commission for prevention and resulting document and was created International Coordination Group (further ICG) for implementation a strict coordination of MES elimination of emergency situations. KR, international organization and donor – state’s all efforts and activities to solve the Minkush problems • ICG was approved by the Decree of the Kyrgyz Republic of October 5, 2007. It is planned to hold the second meeting of ICG 28- 29 November. ERC provides the activity of unified state system on prevention and elimination of emergency situations

Emergency response center Emergency response center

4 The perspectives of cooperation development and DIPECHO activity in Kyrgyz Republic coordination effective emergency response • Supported all programs and projects financed by international organizations where all disaster reduction problems surveying in detail on the local level; • Программа ДИПЕКО является приоритетным т.к. она направлена на повышения потенциала местных сообществ DIPECHO program is priority • Within the framework of program directed to strengthen the local communities capacity - implementing from 2003 and included 200 villages ; Interdepartmental Commission on disaster • From the beginning of DIPECHO – 4 implementation organized close prevention and consequences liquidation cooperation with partners (Resulting document of the seminar); • MES KR is offering to improve the DIPECHO programs into higher level: of the Kyrgyz Republic was created - Strengthening the interregional platform; - Development the cooperation with partners only on the basis of mutual Emergency Response Coordination Group understanding memorandum ; (ERCG) in Kyrgyz Republic which includes - The program was long – term for integration into states national plans; - Joint planning of all activities in order to avoid the redoubling ; the UN, SCDA, Red Cross and Red Crescent - Gradual dissemination of the program in the Kyrgyz Republic territory including territorial levels and towns ;

Thank you for attention

5 DIPECHO Partners in Kyrgyzstan: DIPECHO Partners in Kyrgyzstan:

• Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development General Information: • All 7 Oblasts of Kyrgyzstan are covered by DIPECHO activities (ACTED), joined to DIPECHO programme in 2007 • DIPECHO has been operating in Kyrgyzstan since 2003 (?) , NRLC was the first • ACT Central Asia, through NGOs “Mehr-Shavkat” and institution • The total number of permanent (hired for one year period and more) staff “Shoola”, joined to DIPECHO programme in 2006 involved is about 84 (?) by 2007 • International Organization for Migration (IOM), joined to DIPECHO Projects titles: DIPECHO programme in 2005 • Integrated Community-Based Disaster Preparedness in Southern Kyrgyzstan (ACTED) • Community Mobilization for Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation (ACT in Central Asia) • The Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC) through National Red •Preparing assistance to vulnerable population in the areas of Kyrgyzstan affected by natural disasters (IOM) •Communities and Schools Disaster Preparedness in South West of Kyrgyzstan (NLRC) Crescent Society of Kyrgyz Republic, joined to DIPECHO •Increasing Capacity in Natural Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation of Local Governments and Communities Most Vulnerable to Earthquakes, Mudflows, Flash floods, Landslides and Avalanches (UNDP Kyrgyzstan) programme in 2003 (?) Partners: • United Nation Development Programme in Kyrgyzstan, •Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyz Republic (MoES) •Academy of Management under the President Administration of Kyrgyz Republic joined to DIPECHO programme in 2007 (?) •Local authorities •National Red Crescent Society of Kyrgyzstan (RCSK) •Public Foundation “Mehr-Shavkat” •NGO “Shoola” •NGO “Alternativa” •Swiss supported Central Asia Mountainous Partnership Programme (NGO “CAMP-Alatoo”)


Locations DIPECHO Partners Projects: DIPECHO Activities Description/Approach


ACT Central Asia 1. Creation and empowerment of community-based structures for disaster preparedness

IOM • 214 villages are covered by different type of activities (setting up, training equipping of Disaster Preparedness Committees, Rural Rescue Teams, School NLRC Emergency Response Teams, design and development of Emergency Response plans, Village Contingency Disaster Plans UNDP 2. Advocacy and Disaster Awareness Raising • Development of Visual Information Materials (education movie, maps, posters, calendars, leaflets and booklets • Awareness campaign (targeted communities and national wide campaign, including press-conferences and broadcasting on national TV • Organizing events such as competitions and theatre shows, exhibitions on wheels • Development of school curricula on Disaster Preparedness, manual for conducting open air lessons

3. First Aid training and rescuers training • Development of First Aid training module with RCSK. • Training of villagers on first aid techniques • 29 leaders of Rural Rescue teams were certified by MES authorities


DIPECHO Activities Description/Approach DIPECHO Activities Description/Approach

4. Small scale mitigation works • 73 mitigations projects were implemented or being implemented (protective constructions, reforestation, evacuation routes, cleaning of bed load and etc.)

5. Support to MoES Coordination capacities • Elaboration of TOR of the REACT group • Organisation of coordination DIPECHO partners meetings on oblast and national level • Participation to REACT meetings in Tajikistan

7. Capacity building of Local Self Governance Bodies • Development of disaster management manual for municipality staff • Study tours and site visits to the places of implementation of mitigation projects • Two 3-days training for municipality staff in Academy of Management • Conduction of 5-days training based on adapted ASL module for municipality staff, rescue team staff, non-formal leaders • Elaboration of Disaster Preparedness Plans on Aiyl Okmetu level, based on the concept of a safety passport and spatial reference of activities 7. GIS\RS mapping • Ayil Okmet and village risk mapping, vulnerability and capacity assessment using PRA tools , GIS\RS technology


1 DIPECHO Activities Description/Approach UNDP intervention scheme Some figures

• Total number of direct and indirect beneficiaries: about 100 000 including: • Population from the most vulnerable villages, schoolchildren, representatives of local authorities, rural rescue team/DP committees members. • 73 small-scale mitigation projects are realized, more than 150 RRT’s were created, Disaster Response plans of separate villages and Aiyl Okmotu are developed


2 Введение

Сокращение рисков стихийных „ Территория Туркменистана: 491,2 тыс. кв. бедствий государственными км. „ с запада на восток – 1110 км структурами Туркменистана „ с севера на юг – 650 км „ население: 6 млн. 970 тыс. человек. „ пять велаятов: Ахалский, Балканский, Дашогузский, Лебапский, Марыйский Министерство обороны Туркменистана 2007 г.

Географическое положение Геофизические характеристики

Граничит: Северная и центральная части: „ на севере с Казахстаном „ пустыня Гарагум, до 80% территории „ на юге с Ираном и Афганистаном „ южная граница: хребты горного массива „ на востоке с Узбекистаном Копетдаг „ на западе омывается Каспийским „ на севере г. Балканабат: хребет морем, протяженность морского Большой Балкан побережья – 600 км. „ высота гор: не превышает 3 тыс. м.

Промышленность и сельское Промышленность и сельское хозяйство хозяйство

Пожаро взрывоопасные предприятия „ 40 химически опасных объектов Пожаро-взрывоопасные предприятия 107: более опасными являются: „ Туркменбашинский комплекс нефтеперерабатывающих заводов „ Марыйский завод азотных удобрений (г. нефтеперерабатывающих заводов; Мары), аммиак – 4200 т. „ Сейдинский нефтеперерабатывающий завод; „ Туркменабатское арендно-химическое „ Хлопчатобумажный комбинат города предприятие (г. Туркменабат), аммиак – 1200 т. Ашгабата; „ Хазарский йодобромный завод, хлор – 100 , – 100 „ Комбинаты хлебопродуктов, тонн . хлопкоочистительные заводы и нефтебазы

1 Промышленность и сельское Промышленность и сельское хозяйство хозяйство

„ ГРЭС города Мары – мощность 1685 Мгвт; Химическая промышленность: „ ГРЭС им. С.А. Ниязова города Абадан – 125 „ разработке богатых полезных ископаемых Мгвт; (соли залива Гарабогазгола, уникальные „ ТЭЦ города Туркменбаши – 90 Мгвт; йодо-бромные воды, калийные соли, сера и т.д. „ ГРЭС города Балканабат – 36 тыс. Квт; Основу сельскохозяйственного производства: „ ТЭЦ города Сейди – 100 тыс. КВТ. „ дайханские объединения, их насчитывается 200 единиц.

Транспорт Трапспорт

Железнодорожные пути: Воздушный транспорт: „ составляет свыше 2 тыс. км. „ в аэропортах городов входящих в „ 47 железнодорожных станций состав государственной национальной службы «Туркменховаёллары» „ мосты на реке Амударья (г.Туркменабат), Мургаб в Марыйском велаяте, реки „ всех аэродромов – 7 с искусственным Теджен и Гарагум в Ахалском велаяте. покрытием (бетон) и 18 с грунтовыми взлетными полосами в малых городах

Характеристика наиболее опасных Транспорт стихийных бедствий

„ Морской транспорт: Землетрясение основные порты и портопункты: „ один из наиболее сейсмически активных „ Туркменбаши, Бекдаш, Аладжа, Киянлы, регионов альпийско-гималайского пояса Окарем Евразия В морсое пароходство входят: Разрушительные: „ морское пароходство города Туркменбаши, „ Гермабское – 1929 г., управление «Туркменнефтефлот» и „ Казанджикское (ныне Берекетское) – 1946 г., производственное объединение „ Ашгабадское – 1948 г., «Туркменрыбпром» „ Копетдагское – 1983 г.

2 Характеристика наиболее опасных Характеристика наиболее опасных стихийных бедствий стихийных бедствий

площадь сейсмически опасной зоны: 7-ми бальная зона: „ 277 тыс. кв. км, 56% от всей площади „ 55 тыс. кв. км. - 1,8 млн. чел. (Марыйский зона 9 и более баллов: велаят, северная часть дашогузского „ 35 тыс. кв. км., Ашхабад, Балканабат, велаята). Туркменбаши, Хазар (более 1,5 млн. чел.) самое разрушительное: 8-ми бальная зона: „ Ашгабадское землетрясение 1948 г. – 10 „ 32 тыс. кв. км – около 1,2 млн. человек баллов в км юго востока города (Сердарабадский, Берекетский, Какинский баллов, в 25 км. юго-востока города этрапы). Ашгабада

Характеристика наиболее опасных Характеристика наиболее опасных стихийных бедствий стихийных бедствий

Наводнения и селевые потоки „ около 180 действующих селевых русел в „ река Амударья ледниково-снегового предгорьях Копетдага и Кугитанга питания „ климатические условия: резкая „ характерно длительное весене-летнее континентальность климата, отсутствие или половодье и устойчивая осеннее-зимняя изреженность растительного покрова, межень распространенность осадочных, легко размываемых пород и т.д., приводит к „ весной отдельные паводки от выпадения образованию селевых потоков со скоростью дождей – резкий подъем уровня воды, что до метров в секунду приводит к затоплению до 7 метров в секунду.

Характеристика наиболее опасных Характеристика наиболее опасных стихийных бедствий стихийных бедствий

Водохранилища и озера Затопление прибрежной зоны Каспийского моря „ 17 русловых и наливных водохранилищ „ подъем уровня до 4 м. Наиболее крупными являются: „ в 1997 году –огромный материальный ущерб Балканскому велаяту „ Сарыязинское – 660 млн. куб. м „ площадь поверхности около 400000 кв. км., „ Хаузханское – 875 млн. куб. м 400000 . ., объем воды приближается к 800 тыс. куб. км. „ Копетдагское – 550 млн. куб. м „ береговая линия более 7 тыс. км. „ Куртлинское – 96 млн. куб. м „ Тедженское – 180 млн. куб. м

3 Характеристика наиболее опасных Характеристика наиболее опасных стихийных бедствий стихийных бедствий

Сильные ветры (ураганы, шквалы) Смерчи „ в долине Амударьи – в 1963, 1965, 1967, 1987, 2003 „ на всей территории Туркменистана, в любое гг. время года время года. „ Скорость ветра в р-не Бирата в 1967 году – 60 „ скорость составляет 40м/сек, в долинах м/сек., а в районе Дейнау в 1987 г. – 70 м/сек. Теджена (район Полихатума) – 50м/сек. Пылевые северо-аравийские циклоны „ скорость ветра в Ашгабаде его окрестностях „ отмечались в бассейне Мургаба (Тагтабазар) скорость ветра в Ашгабаде, его окрестностях – 40 м/сек, при практически нулевой видимости при буйстве мургабского циклона „ наиболее сильные ураганы в 1953, 1968, 1975, 1985, 1997 годы

Характеристика наиболее опасных Характеристика наиболее опасных стихийных бедствий стихийных бедствий

Проблема Сарезского озера Эпидемические заболевания людей „ В случае прорыва вод Сарезского озера, „ очаги опасных инфекций: холера, чума, приход волны будет через 40-45 часов, до сибирская язва, бешенство города Туркменабат через 60-65 часов, до „ большие масштабы маловероятны города Дашогуза через 100 часов „ специализированные противочумные станции „ санитарно – эпидемиологические станции „ Лебапский велаят глубина затопления - 5-6 „ ветлаборатории входящие в систему метров, ширина затопления 19 км. наблюдения и лабораторного контроля (СНЛК)

Характеристика наиболее опасных Структура и состав управления ГО стихийных бедствий

Лесные и степные пожары „ Основным, постоянно действующим органом „ различные причины: нарушение мер по предупреждении и ликвидации ЧС пожарной безопасности при обращении с является Государственная комиссия огнем или использованием техники Туркменистана по чрезвычайным ситуациям (ГК ЧС). „ тушение пожаров в горной местности осложняется невозможностью „ создана в декабре 1994 года и осуществляет использования инженерной техники руководство в соответствии с законами Туркменистана «О предупреждении и „ пожары в основном тушатся с помощью ликвидации чрезвычайных ситуаций», личного состава воинских частей, и », (сентябрь 1998 г.) и «О гражданской обороне» местного населения. ( 1998 .) « » (ноябрь 2003 г.).

4 Структура и состав управления ГО Структура и состав управления ГО Структура и состав управления ГО

Комиссия „ Организует и контролирует деятельность „ Организует работы по прогнозированию министерств, ведомств, предприятий в части научно- последствий чрезвычайных ситуаций и методического обеспечения в решении проблем районированию территории по наличию безопасности населения, повышения надежности и потенциально опасных производств и угрозы устойчивости функционирования объектов возникновения стихийного бедствия; промышленности, транспорта, энергетики и связи; „ Рассматривает и координирует вопросы, связанные „ Осуществляет контроль за деятельностью по разработке и реализации мероприятий по с подготовкой законодательной базы, вопросы предупреждению, профилактике или международного сотрудничества в области предотвращению аварий, катастроф и стихийных гражданской защиты (обороны), предупреждения и бедствий, а так же снижению объемов ущерба и ликвидации ЧС; потерь при их возникновении

Структура и состав управления ГО Структура и состав управления ГО

Комиссия „ Руководит созданием и функционированием государственной системы информационного „ формирует и представляет на утверждение обеспечения и правительственной связи по Президенту специальный резерв по финансовым, материально-техническим и другим ресурсам на вопросам ЧС, осуществляет ее взаимодействие с проведение новых или непредвиденных работ по аналогичными системами соседних государств и предупреждению и ликвидации последствий ЧС; государств СНГ; „ В 1991 году штаб ГО был введен в состав „ Осуществляет сбор, анализ и обобщение Министерства Обороны в сокращенном варианте, информации при возникновении ЧС; как управление ГО и ЧС; „ Разрабатывает, уточняет и корректирует критерии „ В июле 2007 г., создано Главное управление ГО и ЧС и стихийных бедствий спасательных работ Министерства Обороны; „ управление ГО и ЧС было упразднено

Структура и состав управления ГО Структура и состав управления ГО

Управление ГО и спасательных работ: В своей деятельности органы гражданской обороны руководствуются: „ Военной доктриной Президента Туркменистана; „ 6 управлений ГО и спасательных работ велаятов и города Ашгабада „ Постановлением Президента Туркменистана «О Гос. велаятов и города Ашгабада; Комиссии Туркменистана по чрезвычайным ситуациям» „ 20 спасательных отрядов; (19 декабря 1994 г.); „ Один механизированный спасательный полк; „ Законом Туркменистана «О предупреждении и ликвидации чрезвычайных ситуаций» (15 сентября 1998 „ 3 механизированных спасательных г.) батальона батальона; „ Законом Туркменистана «О гражданской обороне» (29 „ Центральная химико-радиометрическая ноября 2003 г.); лаборатория; „ Международными договорами Туркменистана; „ Учебный центр для подготовки специалистов „ Решениями Госкомиссии по чрезвычайным ситуациям. спасателей.

5 Деятельность по смягчению Организация системы мероприятий по последствий стихийных бедствий реагированию на ЧС

„ Научное изучение явлений стихийных „ Спасательные и другие неотложные бедствий работы под руководством главного „ Подготовка населения к действиям в управления ГО и спасательных работ условиях стихийных бедствий, Мин. обороны Туркменистана подготовка спасательных сил, „ Спасательные работы на всей подготовка руководителей для Спасательные работы на всей эффективных решений в условиях ЧС территории страны, подвергшейся ЧС. „ готовность государственных служб, ответственных за подготовку и ликвидацию ЧС.

Организация системы мероприятий по Обучение действиям при ЧС реагированию на ЧС

Первоочередные работы проводятся: „ обеспечивается органами управления, „ по спасению и эвакуации людей из входящими в единую государственную зараженных зон, горящих и разрушенных систему предупреждения чрезвычайных зданий и сооружений; ситуаций „ по расчистке завалов и локализации пожаров на маршрутах к объектам спасательных „ подготовка населения к действиям при угрозе работ; и возникновении ЧС на предприятиях, в „ по обеспечению формирований, работающих организациях и учреждениях, а также в в очагах поражения, а также пострадавшего образовательных учреждениях и через населения водой, электроэнергией, теплом, питанием. средства массовой информации.

Международное сотрудничество по Инженерная сейсмологическая защита вопросам гражданской защиты

„ созданы карты зон вероятного возникновения землетрясений и сейсмического районирования Пример сотрудничества: территории Туркменистана „ Проект DIPECHO по подготовке „ сейсмостойкое строительство, основанное на применении современных технологий населения к стихийным бедствиям „ принят Закон «О государственной сейсмологической осуществляется МОМ совместно с МО экспертизе» (июль 2002 г.) „ определяет правовые и организационные основы Туркменистана государственной сейсмологической экспертизы и направлен на предотвращение негативного „ Благодарность донорам, Гуманитарному воздействия возможных проявлений опасных Департаменту Европейской Комиссии за природных, геологических и природно-техногенных Департаменту Европейской Комиссии за процессов на жизнь и здоровье населения и финансирование этого важного и окружающую природную среду. своевременного проекта.

6 Спасибо за внимание!

7 U1 International Organization for Migration DIPECHO Activities Description/Approach

ƒ Ashgabat, Turkmenistan DRR Activities Description/Approach ƒ Since 1997 in Central Asia ƒ Activity 1: Advocacy and ƒ 3 staff members public awareness raising ƒ 2 main programs ƒ Activity 2: Education DIPECHO Info: ƒ Activity 3: Facilitation of ƒ Preparing assistance to vulnerable population in the areas of Kyrgyzstan and coordination Turkmenistan affected by natural disasters ƒ Activity 4: Local ƒ 2007-2008 capacities building/training ƒ Ministry of Defense of Turkmenistan, for local authorities National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan, NGO “Tebigi Kuwat”, Local authorities

Logo of Logo of Partner Partner

Summary of Project(s) Results Summary of Project(s) Results

ƒ Trainings: Train-the-Trainers training in ƒ Cooperation between the Lebap province ƒ Assessment and monitoring mission partners IOM, MoD, NRCS ƒ Workshop on “Preparing assistance to and Municipal bodies vulnerable population in the areas of (Khakimliks) of the Lebap Turkmenistan affected by natural province disasters: Roles and Responsibilities of partners” ƒ 21 DP plans developed and ƒ Publication materials approved

Logo of Logo of Partner Partner

Netherlands Red Cross and National Project Activities and Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan Summary of Project Results General Info: • Red Crescent was established in 1926 in Turkmenistan and has 63 branches 1. Advocacy and public awareness throughout the country • 48 information campaigns aimed to • Over 142 staff, over 100,000 members and Map/ motivate local communities approximately 1,000 volunteers Picture/ • Netherlands Red Cross and NRCST Photo/ • Printing of information and training partnership was established in 1996 Chart/ materials (more than 13200 pcs) DIPECHO Info: Graph DP/FA posters and brochures, • Implementation: since February 2007 DP/FA modules, bulletins •Title: Community and school based disaster (Optional) preparedness program for Turkmenistan • 6 DIPECHO information stands • Locations: 5 oblasts (Balkan, Mary, Lebap, Dashoguz, Akhal) • Collaboration with Local Mass Media

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National Red Crescent Partner National Red Crescent Partner Society of Turkmenistan Society of Turkmenistan

1 Project Activities and Project Activities and Summary of Project Results Summary of Project Results 2. Local capacity building/ trainings 3. Institutional strengthening • Establishment of 48 LDCs and 48 FA school teams • Series of programme management training workshops for all echelons • FA trainings and FA refresh of the NRCST trainings for 960 people (LDCs & schools) • International/Regional workshops/trainings and exchange • Provision of FA kits and uniforms visits and meetings with other for LDCs and schools DIPECHO partners and/or Red Crescent Societies • FA competitions and emergency simulations in 5 oblasts and at the • Close cooperation with relevant national level Ministries, NGOs and other interested parties • 18 joint competitions (simulation exercises) with Fire brigades, Civil Defense and Road Police

Logo of Logo of

National Red Crescent Partner National Red Crescent Partner Society of Turkmenistan Society of Turkmenistan

2 UN / ISDR in Central Asia Republic of Kazakhstan

Overview of activities in the ¾Supported the HFA in 2005 sphere of education in ¾Submitted National Report on Republic of Kazakhstan implementation of HFA priorities to the First Session of Global Platform in 2007

Republic of Kazakhstan Republic of Kazakhstan

HFA Priority 1 HFA Priority 3 ¾ Introduction of DRR in education (basic, secondary, ¾ National Platform ‐ functional university) ¾ Government: demonstrated commitment, ¾ Strong cooperation with academic institutions leadership, allocates resources ¾ Legislative base in place ¾ MES RK: leading and coordinating DRR activities

Partnership and Republic of Kazakhstan programs

Regional Platform Higher / University Education ¾Working relations in CA ¾Agreements on cooperation KAZGASA ¾Initiative on establishment of a regional (Kazakh Head Academy of Construction disaster response and DRR center for Central and Architecture) Asia Development of new DRR course Partnership and DRR in University Education ‐ KAZGASA

programs GOAL: OBJECTIVE: Secondary Education • Integrate Disaster Risk • Develop and adopt a Reduction Concepts DRR course for the UNDP Kazakhstan into University Curricula students of technical “Local Risk Management in and promote DRR Universities and among university Institutions of Higher Earthquake Zones of Kazakhstan” students and teachers. Education of Almaty with further replication across the country and the region.

DRR in University Education ‐ DRR in University Education KAZGASA ACTIVITIES: EXPECTED RESULTS: Prints and materials: • Working Group • Five members with • The new DRR course • DRR Course established at Kazgasa relevant educational will be adopted by • Teachers Guidebook and professional KAZGASA and respective technical • Brochures and background ‐ 3 from Educational Materials technical universities universities as a of Almaty and 2 from separate training program KAZGASA

DRR in Secondary Education DRR in Secondary Education

STAKEHOLDERS: `UNDP Kazakhstan `Ministry of Emergency Situations Republic of Kazakhstan `UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, Disaster Reduction Unit (UNDP/BCPR/DRU) `Red Crescent Society Republic of Kazakhstan “Local Risk Management in PROJECT GOAL: Earthquake Zones of Kazakhstan” • Disaster Risk Mitigation on Community and Secondary Education (Schools) Level


• Shaping and developing • Awareness raising of • Posters on non- • Written rules and children’s knowledge school children, local structural seismic instructions on and skills necessary for communities, and measures how to behave in effective reduction of general public of how to an emergency natural disaster impact. act in emergency situation for situations • Strengthening of local school children community capacities to disaster preparedness

Future Cooperation

y Continue y Continue strengthening the implementation of joint knowledge network across programs on DRR in the Central Asia Education System y Replicate success on regional level together with National y Share knowledge and and International information Stakeholders in y Promote collaboration Kazakhstan among all actors y Support the establishment of the regional coordination center for DRR The EU as a humanitarian actor

ƒ EU largest donor of humanitarian aid in the world ƒ Member States + Commission provide “European solidarity with the victims of conflicts over half of official global humanitarian and natural disasters” aid European Commission Humanitarian Aid ƒ In 2007, Commission (ECHO) spent over € 768 million, helping 20 million Thierry Bertouille Echo Desk Central Asia victims in over 60 countries November 2007

1 2

Solidarity with victims of natural …and of man-made crises disasters…

5 5

The Commission’s Humanitarian Objectives Assistance ƒ Help victims of crises outside EU ƒ Legal base: Council Regulation 1257/96 ƒ Save and preserve life during emergencies and their immediate aftermath ƒ Mandate to help the most vulnerable ƒ Provide relief to people affected by longer- ƒ Needs-based approach lasting crises (no “pre-conditions”, non-discriminatory) ƒ Protect victims of fighting ƒ Focus on ‘forgotten crises’ ƒ Assist refugees and displaced people ƒ Grants (aid not to be paid back) ƒ Short-term rehabilitation + reconstruction work ƒ Preparedness for natural disaster

1 Humanitarian Aid decisions The 4 principles of humanitarian aid DG ECHO annual strategy = ƒ 1°) Humanity: Humankind shall be treated humanely in all circunstances by saving lives framework for interventions for year ahead ƒ 2°) Impartiality:Provision of humanitarian assistance must be impartial and not based on Commission Decision = legal instrument nationality, race, religion or political view Three types: ƒ 3°) Independance: Humanitarian agencies must formulate and implement their own policies ƒ Global plan independently ƒ Individual decision ƒ 4°) Neutrality: No taking sides in hostilities or engaging at any time in controversies of a political, ƒ Primary emergency decision racial, religious or ideological nature


Shelter Examples of Humanitarian Interventions Food and nutritional support

Examples: •basic food supplies, Examples: •supplementary feeding schemes for infants, • tents •special rations for malnourished people, • plastic sheeting 6 •seeds for farmers 6 • building material

Medical assistance Water and sanitation


• new wells and boreholes • water piping •latrines • sewage treatment • hygiene education

Examples: • vaccination campaigns • essential drugs • hospital equipments 6 • primary health clinics 6

2 Implementation In the field

Commission = active donor with a needs based approach

ƒ 200 HQ staff (3 operational units) Decision system regarding field info Final decision from the Commissioner

ƒ Monitoring of project with specialised experts, in coordination with humanitarian actors (NGOs, UN agencies, Red Cross movement)

100 experts in the field : located in 6 regional offices: Amman, Bangkok, Managua, Dakar, Nairobi and New Delhi.

Experts in specific fields: medical assistance, shelters, food, wat/san, etc.

Experts with a humanitarian background: familiar with UN, NGOs, Red Cross ; used to dealing with emergencies situations.

3 3

Commision/ECHO’s strengths

ƒ Operational efficiency and rapidity: • Key partner for many relief agencies and has helped save millions of lives • Technical expertise + strong field presence = quality control on the spot ƒ Rapid deployment of relief funds ƒ Needs-based intervention – no pre- conditions ƒ Commitment to “forgotten crises” http://ec.europa.eu/echo/ 3

3 Introduction Impact of Natural Disasters

ƒ Growing Focus on Natural Disaster Risk

ƒ Increased Economic cost of Natural Disasters

ƒ Break on Economic and Social Development

Source: ECLA/IDB, presentation at IDB annual meeting, March 2000, New Orleans

Adam Yao Adam Yao 1

Types of Disaster in Central Asia Why the Regional Conference on Disaster Risk case of Tajikistan Reduction?

ƒ Bring all key actors in disaster risk reduction in the region together to share experiences and knowledge in order to further improve regional cooperation.

ƒ Better streamline Disaster Risk Reduction programming across the region

Adam Yao Adam Yao Adam Yao

Structure of the conference and main steps Participants of Conference of the conference ƒ Government representatives

ƒ Donors Community ƒ Presentation of DIPECHO projects in Central ƒ NGOs Asia by partner organisations

ƒ Red cross and Red crescent societies ƒ Update on Hyogo Framework of Action and National Platforms (ISDR) ƒ UN agencies

ƒ Community Members

Adam Yao Adam Yao

1 Presentation of national plans of Disaster Risk Key sectors of intervention Reduction by Countries

ƒ National and Regional Platforms ƒ Inclusion of Disaster Risk Reduction in Government Development plans ƒ Scientific Knowledge applied in Disaster Risk Reduction ƒ How Government and other stakeholders could build on what has been achieved under DIPECHO programming ƒ Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate change

ƒ Public-Private partnership

ƒ Education and training

ƒ Cross cutting topics (gender, children, vulnerable groups etc..) Adam Yao Adam Yao

Overall Conclusions

ƒ Formulation of Recommendations in order to improve Disaster Risk Reduction Actions in Central Asia


Adam Yao Adam Yao

2 HFAHFA Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: ImplementationImplementation inin CentralCentral AsiaAsia Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters Support implementation of HFA in Central Asia through partnerships, long term strategies and enhancing knowledge and adopted by 168 states implementation abilities of disaster risk reduction measures at the World Conference on Disaster Reduction in January 2005 in Kobe, Japan

1.1. EnsureEnsure that that disaster disaster risk risk reduction reduction is is a a 2.2. Identify,Identify, assessassess and and monitor monitor disaster disaster risks risks nationalnational andand a a locallocal priority priority with with a a strongstrong andand enhance enhance early early warning warning institutionalinstitutional basis basis for for implementation implementation • National and local risk assessments and • Promotion of National Platform for Disaster Risk communications as a central concern for Reduction in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, governments Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan • Development of legal, institutional and policy • Linking the main actors required for enhancing framework for DRR and developing early warning systems • Mobilization of resources for implementation of DRR

1 3.3. UseUse knowledge, knowledge, innovationinnovation and and 4. Reduce the underlying risk factors educationeducation to to build build a a cultureculture of of safety safety and and 4. Reduce the underlying risk factors resilienceresilience at at all all levels. levels.

• Mainstreaming DRR in development policies, • Inclusion of DRR in formal and informal planning and implementation education • Training of decision makers and communities • Integration of DRR with climate change • Information sharing and knowledge exchange as adaptation means for capacity building • Integration of DRR in poverty reduction strategies and programmes

5.5. StrengthenStrengthen disaster disaster preparedness preparedness for for effectiveeffective response response at at all all levels levels

• Development and regular testing of contingency plans at the community and national levels

• Integration of DRR concepts into disaster response and recovery activities and programmes

• Development of coordinated regional approaches for effective disaster response

2 1st Regional Consultative meeting for Disaster Risk Reduction in Central Asia Dushanbe, November 14 and 15, 2007 DG ECHO’s humanitarian mandate

Intervention in the Disaster Risk Reduction EU Council regulation concerning Humanitarian Aid (1996) Article 1: The Community's humanitarian aid shall comprise assistance, relief and protection operations…. help people in third countries, particularly the most vulnerable among them, and as a priority those in developing countries, victims of natural disasters…. Such aid shall also comprise operations to prepare for risks or prevent disasters or comparable exceptional circumstances.

The 23 Principles and Good Practice of Humanitarian Donorship (2003) Principle 1: The objectives of humanitarian action are to save lives, alleviate suffering… as well as to prevent and strengthen preparedness for the occurrence of such situations. Principle 8: Strengthen the capacity …… to prevent, prepare for, mitigate and Perspective of the European Commission respond to humanitarian crises... Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid - DG ECHO

Factors of disaster risk Definition of Disaster Risk Reduction

Natural hazard + Vulnerability = Disaster Risk Disaster Risk Reduction •Earthquake • Socioeconomic situation The systematic development and application of policies, •Flood • Infrastructure quality strategies and practices to minimise vulnerabilities, •Mudflow hazards and the unfolding of disaster impacts throughout • Housing a society, in the broad context of sustainable •Mudslides • Environmental development. •Hurricanes degradation United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) • Climate • Level of organisation …. change •Etc.

DRR is a major development challenge as Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015

• Absolute levels of disaster risk are Five priorities for action 2005-2015: increasing due to various pressures, 1. Governance: ensure that disaster risk reduction is a including climate change national and local priority with strong institutional basis for implementation • Disasters affect poor countries and poor 2. Risk identification: identify, assess and monitor disaster risks and enhance early warning people the most 3. Knowledge: use knowledge , innovation and education to build a culture of safety and resilience at all • Disasters pose a significant and growing levels threat to development 4. Reducing the underlying risk factors 5. Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective response

1 The EC Risk Reduction building up Preparedness actions

Reinforcement of capacity to respond by IN ECHO : the local actors before the external aid arrives. • Disaster preparedness •Training : search and rescue teams, PREP programme - DIPECHO provision of material and equipment, ARED ECHO NESS • Integration of disaster organisation of simulation exercises, … preparedness elements in •Awareness campaigns with the MITIGAT ECHO´s emergency activities population (i.e: at schools) to recognise ION disaster risks & necessary measures. • Advocacy to other EC services and other donors that can •Early warning systems (collection of DEV / hydrometric data, communication systems, RELEX include partnerships (not PREVENTION financial once) with awareness signs, etc…), organizations like WB, ISDR, UNDP or other UN agencies •Technical surveys (mapping of villages/risks/existing structures,…).

•Institutional building : reinforce regional information sharing and coordination between different actors

Mitigation actions Prevention actions

To limit/minimise the averse impact of natural, environmental, technological Improvement of decision making hazards by reducing the physical and reduction of vulnerabilities at vulnerability of the existing sites / a more global level: Includes: infrastructures. : •Small scale pilot projects and • planning (i.e site planning) easy to replicate models: construction of protection walls along water streams, building of elevated platforms for key • legal measures (i.e : construction village assets to face flooding, codes) reinforcement of bridges to allow quick evacuation of people, … •infrastructure works (i.e: dams, retrofitting,…), etc. •Support to creation of infrastructures for emergency intervention: community shelters, water reservoirs, …

Echo role in Disaster Preparedness A°) Dipecho programme

DIPECHO programme (Bi-annual program by region): • Objective: to address DP in a regional framework, targeting the Three pillars: main natural disaster-prone areas in the world - DIPECHO 1°) Disaster preparedness programme - covers 6 regions, DIPECHO • Main focus on „preparation“ rather than „mitigation“ 2°) Integration of disaster preparedness • Bottom-up/Community Based approach targeting most elements in ECHO´s main activities Î vulnerable and poorest communities mainstreaming DP component in relief • „Preparation“ activities financed: • training, strengthening of institutions and management, operations awareness campaigns, early warning systems, relief 3°) Advocacy towards other Commission mechanisms, hazard mapping • „Mitigation“ activities financed: services and outside • small-scale mitigation demonstrative projects, small-scale infrastructure projects

2 B°) Mainstreaming Disaster preparedness C°) Advocacy

Step-by step, specific disaster preparedness measures will become For a long time ECHO has been the only Commission integral part of programmes for countries which have been identified as specifically disaster-prone. In addition, Echo will service dealing with DRR.DRR has not been a priority check that all disaster relief and rehabilitation strategies, for key development players programmes and projects:

– Do not contribute to creating exacerbating future Therefore, ECHO has continuously advocated the key risks/vulnerability. development players in the Commission to take DRR more into account in their own programming and – Contribute to an improved awareness of risks/vulnerability by the operations. beneficiary population and (local ) governance structures Sustainable development is the best disaster – are designed with consideration for potential disaster risk and to resist hazard impact preparedness policy

The six DIPECHO regions DIPECHO in Central Asia

• Total DIPECHO investment 2003-2006: EUR 15.05 mill.

• The 4th DIPECHO Action Plan (Dec 2006- June 2007): EUR 6.05 mill. - 20 projects implemented in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and border areas of Afghan Badakhsan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

• 2006 evaluation came out with very positive results.

• the Present Regional Consultative Meeting which is organised bringing together all relevant stakeholders to discuss the main achievements and future challenges and how DIPECHO best feeds into this process.

•The 5th Dipecho Action Plan (July 2008- December 2009): Eur 7.325 mill. With projects in the 5 Central Asia countries and at the regional level

Main Dipecho activies in Central Asia

Br eakdown of 01.08 by budget l ine

Ot her DI PECHO I n f r ast r uct ur e suppor t 2% 4%

Local capacit y buildin g

25% A dvocacy an d public awar en ess r aisin g 12 %

Mitigation works 19 %

I n s t it u t io n a l s t r e n g t h e n in g 7%

Fa c ilit a t io n o f c o - o r d in a t io n M appin g an d dat a comput er izat ion 9% 6% Reasear ch an d dissemin at ion 4% Education EWS 9% 3%

3 The Committee of EUROPEAN COMMISSION Emergency Situations and Directorate-General for Civil Defense under the Humanitarian Aid – ECHO Government of the Republic of Tajikistan DIPECHO Central Asia ECHO Office, Dushanbe

Национальная платформа – это

не структура, не комиссия, не организация но концепция, отражающая устойчивость страны к воздействию бедствий посредством: 9 Активного участия всех заинтересованных сторон 9 Обеспечения не только реагирования на ЧС, но и принятия мер по снижению риска бедствий

The Committee of EUROPEAN COMMISSION Emergency Situations and Directorate-General for Civil Defense under the Humanitarian Aid – ECHO Government of the Republic of Tajikistan DIPECHO Central Asia ECHO Office, Dushanbe

1. Во всех странах ЦА имеется концепция (база) Национальной Платформы в соответствии со спецификой национальных особенностей каждой страны 2. Страны ЦА выразили желание и готовность расширить сотрудничество в области сокращения СБ 3. Участники поддержали идею о создании Регионального Координационного Центра по сокращению стихийных бедствий (Протокол, Дели, 7 ноября 2007 г.)

1 The Committee of EUROPEAN COMMISSION SECTOR TOPIC Emergency Situations and Directorate-General for Civil Defense under the Humanitarian Aid – ECHO Government of the Republic Scientific Knowledge and Tools of Tajikistan DIPECHO Central Asia ECHO Office, Dushanbe 4 or 5 facts that define your topic: • Define hazards and common terminology Session II. Topical Discussions • Origin (Genesis) of natural hazards – Rapid Assesment, Key Findings, Understand root cause Needs and Recommendations • Ability to monitor hazards • Ability to gather and analyze data for zoning and forecasting • Create quantitative and systematic solutions that can be replicable • Increase accuracy and efficiency…

Rapid Assessment of the status of Key Findings/Conclusions about Scientific knowledge and tools Scientific Knowledge and Tools • Compiled list of hazards and created zoning (Large, med • Initial stages of applying Scientific knowledge and small impact) for planning and construction etc • Introduction of GIS system for database and activity and tools for DRR planning for Disaster response and risk modeling • Lack of technical and Intellectual resources for • Working on material technical base (establishing departments of ES) currently in the initial stages its usage (e.g. GIS available but how to..?) • Proposing developing manuals and guides, and • Lack of expertise at all levels (NGO, Govt etc) exchange ideas with neighbours • Work done by MoES with support from Academic • Lack of Scientific partnership institutions • Progress in involving many more actors resulting • Creating mathematical models vs empirical models in more than just response in a multi-sector • Utilization of GIS and risk modeling and create targeted/specific trainings approach • Each country at different capacity of knowledge and usage

Recommendations/Conclusions regarding Defining Needs Scientific Knowledge and Tools • Resources (material, financial, intellectual) – New state of the art technology for early warning, monitoring, zoning, • Scientific knowledge must be basis for our operations (eg. training, assessment, forecasting Assessment, monitoring, standard tools etc) and consistency • Collateral/guarantees (MoUs, political will) • Investment in updated mitigation technology and human resource – Exchange of knowledge of Disaster management tools and capacity methodologies etc • Essential to have as many actors and partners from international – Create networking opportunities for all partners and local community to come together… – Create policies that promote collaboration and use of knowledge • Support the formation community based groups and specialized • Developmental (training, courses, technical references, associations to ensure sustainability technologies) • Increase investment in knowledge exchange/transfer tools for – Training more important (More women and children training sustainability emphasized) on grassroots level versus only in institutions • Develop and strengthen cooperation between partners – Academia, – Upgrade training materials and building on existing knowledge Govt, NGO, Community organization within the country and – Adopt and enforce trainings and programs regionally – Training and creating human resource capacity • Investment in capacity building and skills enhancement • Structural • Support alliances (eg. development of new tools etc) among organizations (Govt, Academic, NGO etc)

1 The Committee of EUROPEAN COMMISSION Emergency Situations and Directorate-General for Civil Defense under the Humanitarian Aid – ECHO Быстрая оценка Government of the Republic of Tajikistan DIPECHO Central Asia ECHO Office, Dushanbe • Разные подходы Центрально-Азиатских стран к проблеме климатических изменений (индикатор отношение к Киотскому протоколу) • Разные последствия климатических для равнинных и Окружающая среда и горных ЦА-хстран • Недосточная информированность публики и изменение климата недостаток спец-хитех-х знаний среди спец-вилиц принимающих решения • Существующая система мониторинга не позволяет Environment and определить даже рамки возможных последствий, в частности на состояние радиационных и химических climate change захоронений • Нехватка координации для решения региональных проблем

Быстрая оценка состояния Определение потребностей темы, проблемы

Ресурсы (матеральные, финансовые, • Киотский протокол технологии) • Инвентаризация парниковых газов не произведена даже в странах, Сопутствующие/обеспечивающие подписавших Киотский протокол меры (меморандумы, политические решения, • Отсутсвие общего подхода к важности воля) существования государственных специализированных служб Развивающие (обучение, курсы, спеицальные наблюдений за климатом справочники, руководства, технологии, интеллектуальные)

Рекомендации касающиеся темы

• Внедрение альтернативных и возобновляемых источников энергии • Устойчивое землепользование и водопользование • Создание регионального координационного механизма по контролю и мониторингу трансграничных биологических угроз (саранча, болезни жив-х и растений) • Создание регионального координационного механизма по контролю и мониторингу за трансграничными захоронениями химических и радиационных отходов, чьё состояние может ухудшиться за счёт изменений климата • Усилить технический потенциал специализированных агенств • Внедрение комлексного (бассейнового) подхода к деятельности • Лоббирование осуществления межгосударственных договоренностей и стандартов в странах ЦА • Мэйнстриминг деятельности по снижению риска стихийных бедствий в программы по развитию

1 Central Asian Assessment

• Private Sector is Young but Emerging particularly telecommunications, energy and Public Private Community banking sectors • Overall the last 15 years, governments have Partnerships become stronger but still require some support in planning and implementation • Strong community-based organizations existing • Some national platforms for PPCP exist in Uzbekistan for social services but not in DRR • One true PPP exists in Tajikistan - PamirEnergy

Central Asian Assessment PPCP Vision

• Few legislative examples exist providing A mature/functioning PPCP environment includes: incentives for private sector involvement in DRR • Legal Framework and Operation Plans supporting PPCP in DRR • No mechanism/platform exist to drive/enable • DRR all stakeholders recognize PPCP as PPC stakeholders to come together necessary for sustained success (implicit • Private sector has low awareness of DRR knowledge) • No regional disaster response plan exists • A mechanism/platform exists a regional, national and local levels fostering PPCP in DRR developed in consultation with PPC stakeholders • Many examples of success stories of PPCP in DRR exist in the country and are widely known and used as models for replication


• Review/update legislation and operational plans to include private sector incentives for participating in DRR and Disaster Response • Advocate/raise awareness to PPC stakeholders on the value and importance of PPCP in DRR • Advocate/educate private sector stakeholders on the importance and value Public Private Community of disaster preparedness and opportunities of involvement (including corporate emergency planning and usage of scientific tools) • Develop regional/national/local disaster preparedness/response plans Partnerships through PPC collaboration • Identify platforms through which PPCP is fostered and supported (i.e. UZ – State PPCP programs, TJ – REACT) • Support realization of PPCP DRR success stories through partners that already are set up to implement them whereby these success stories can be used to replicate to other areas • Share these recommendations with other public, private and community stakeholders

1 The Committee of EUROPEAN COMMISSION Key Findings/Conclusions about Emergency Situations and Directorate-General for Civil Defense under the Humanitarian Aid – ECHO Government of the Republic of Tajikistan DIPECHO Central Asia the status of Ed/Trng for DRR ECHO Office, Dushanbe • There exists a gap between knowledge and practice among target groups that have been “trained” in DRR. (behavior issue) Session IV. Topical Discussions • There is no one overall coordination mechanism that is driving the development of education and training Education and Training programs for DRR.(policy issue) • Education and training approaches currently are very diversified in their key messages, methodologies and expectations.(program issue) • Institutions (schools, medical facilities, etc.) provide a channel for systematizing and streamlining educational and training programs.(procedure issue)

Recommendations regarding Ed/Trng for DRR • At a country level, an overarching strategy • For more effective education and training programs, more care should be taken to on E/T should be formulated that includes understand the demographic, cultural and – authoritative standardized key physical characteristics of the target group educational messages and practices involved. • Coordination should be established between key • - that can be transmitted through adapted government stakeholders (CoESCD,MoH, MoE training approaches, and others); • Standardized training package approved by the • - depending on the target group profile. top governmental authorities; • Training covering all population, making sure that vulnarable groups have access.

1 Facts Session: Topical Discussion Rapid Assessment, women, children, elderly people, disabled and other Key Finding, Need and Recommendations vulnerable groups ƒ Central Asia has numerous institutions gathering vulnerable groups ƒ Increased women headed households due to Cross Cutting Topics migrations and civil war women, children, elderly ƒ More dependent, affected, susceptible people, disabled and other ƒ The voice is not heard, not involved into decision vulnerable groups making ƒ Less access to support

Assessment of the status Key Findings / Conclusions ƒ Donors Donors are driving force for the inclusion of cross cutting issues about Cross cutting topics

ƒ INGO / NGO ƒ INGO and NGO No inclusion of special needs in trainings, maps, rescue teams No inclusion of special needs in trainings, maps, rescue teams Lack of mainstreamimainstreamingng in the DR sector ƒ National level Lack of segregated data collection at base line National Disaster Plans of MES do not consider special needs of women, children, disabled, elderly, etc. stage and further in the PCM Lack of expertise and tools ƒ District/Jamoats level Registration System is based on head of households ƒ Governmental institutions Lack of guidelines and protection mechanism ƒ Community Level Stigmatization of some vulnerable groups Lack of decentralized decision making in order to Knowledge about location and number of vulnerable people improve access to support

Needs Recommendations ƒ Integration of cross-cutting issues into the National Strategies of DR ƒ Raise awareness about the IHL ƒ Cross cutting issues have to be an integral part International humanitarian law ƒ Cross cutting issues have to be an integral part of the logframe with special indicators ƒ Collection of segregated data in order to ƒ Mainstreaming of special needs of vulnerable measure project results with regard to groups vulnerable groups ƒ Ensure inclusion of vulnerable groups at ƒ Access to expertise and resources community level planning and implementation ƒ Empower vulnerable groups – personal safety plans, raising awareness their rights and duties