Agricultural and Food Science, Vol. 20 (2011): 117 S
AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD A gricultural A N D F O O D S ci ence Vol. 20, No. 1, 2011 Contents Hyvönen, T. 1 Preface Agricultural anD food science Hakala, K., Hannukkala, A., Huusela-Veistola, E., Jalli, M. and Peltonen-Sainio, P. 3 Pests and diseases in a changing climate: a major challenge for Finnish crop production Heikkilä, J. 15 A review of risk prioritisation schemes of pathogens, pests and weeds: principles and practices Lemmetty, A., Laamanen J., Soukainen, M. and Tegel, J. 29 SC Emerging virus and viroid pathogen species identified for the first time in horticultural plants in Finland in IENCE 1997–2010 V o l . 2 0 , N o . 1 , 2 0 1 1 Hannukkala, A.O. 42 Examples of alien pathogens in Finnish potato production – their introduction, establishment and conse- quences Special Issue Jalli, M., Laitinen, P. and Latvala, S. 62 The emergence of cereal fungal diseases and the incidence of leaf spot diseases in Finland Alien pest species in agriculture and Lilja, A., Rytkönen, A., Hantula, J., Müller, M., Parikka, P. and Kurkela, T. 74 horticulture in Finland Introduced pathogens found on ornamentals, strawberry and trees in Finland over the past 20 years Hyvönen, T. and Jalli, H. 86 Alien species in the Finnish weed flora Vänninen, I., Worner, S., Huusela-Veistola, E., Tuovinen, T., Nissinen, A. and Saikkonen, K. 96 Recorded and potential alien invertebrate pests in Finnish agriculture and horticulture Saxe, A. 115 Letter to Editor. Third sector organizations in rural development: – A Comment. Valentinov, V. 117 Letter to Editor. Third sector organizations in rural development: – Reply.
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