DOCUMENT RESUME ED 071 911 SE 015 548 TITLE Project Physics
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 071 911 SE 015 548 TITLE Project Physics Teacher Guide 6, The Nucleus. INSTITUTION Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Harvard Project Physics. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHEW) Washington, D.C. Bureau of Research. BUREAU NO BR-5-1038 PUB DATE 68 CONTRACT OEC-5-10-058 NOTE 235p.; Authorized Interim Version EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-S9.87 DESCRIPTORS Instructional Materials; *Multimedia Instruction; *Nuclear Physics; Physics; *Radiation; Science Activities; Secondary Grades; *Secondary School Science; *Teaching Glides; Teaching Procedures IDENTIFIERS Harvard Project Physics ABSTRACT Teaching procedures of Project Physics Unit 6are presented to help teachers make effectiveuse of learning materials. Unit contents are discussed in connection withteaching aid lists, multi-media schedules, schedule blocks, andresource charts. Brief summaries are made for transparencies, 16mm films, and reader articles. Included is information about the backgroundand development of each unit chapter, procedures in demonstrations, apparatus operations, notes on the student handbook, andan explanation of film loops. Additional articlesare concerned with objects dated by radiocarbon, radiation safety, propertiesof radiations, radioactive sources, radioactivity determinationby electroscopes, and radiation detecting devices.Scalers, counters, Geiger tubes, and cadmium selenide photocellsare analyzed; and a bibliography of references is given, Solutionsto the study guide are provided in detail, and answers to test itemsare suggested. The sixth unit of the text, with marginal commentson each section, is also compiled in the manual. The work of Harvard ProjectPhysics has . been financially supported by: the Carnegie Corporation ofNew York, the Ford Foundation, the National Science Foundation,the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the United States office of Education,and Harvard University.
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